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Swelling of legs and feet is medically known as edema.

Edema refers to the buildup of fluids in the body parts which leads to swelling of the hands, legs and feet without inflammation of any sort. Edema is not a problem by itself but caused by other underlying factors ranging from heart failure, anemia, kidney and liver disease, thyroid disease to insufficiency of the veins to pump blood back to the heart, injuries caused to the limbs, nutritional deficiencies and hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy. People suffering from high blood pressure also suffer from swelling of the legs and feet. Blood clots, varicose veins, insect bites or stings can also cause swelling of the legs and feet. Swollen legs and feet is also a common problem faced by the elderly. ertain medications, antidepressants, birth control pills and hormones are also responsible for edema. Swelling of the legs and feet can also occur due to obesity, long automobile rides and flights when the leg does not get any e!ercise and has been hanging for a long period and even if you have been standing for a very long period. Edema can create other problems by slowing down the healing process and treatment of other medical conditions and thus it should not be ignored. "n order to reduce the swelling of the legs and feet you should keep your feet elevated by placing a stool under your feet while sitting or raising your feet by placing a pillow under them while you are lying down. #ou should e!ercise your legs regularly. $uring long car rides and flights you should rotate your feet clockwise and anti-clockwise after every half an hour and take fre%uent breaks to stretch your legs. #ou should also gently massage them to increase the circulation of blood in your feet and legs. &his will also reduce the fluid retention and conse%uently reduce the swelling in your legs and feet. 'assage your legs with some warm mustard oil to reduce the swelling. (lternately you can apply water in which a few mustard seeds have been soaked. (pplication of this water will also reduce the swelling. (pple cider vinegar can be consumed to drain the e!cess water and fluid retained in the body. #ou should also monitor your diet and stick to a low salt diet since salt leads to water retention. #ou should also decrease your intake of sodium since it will interfere with any medication you have been taking for edema. arbohydrates have high water content and thus you should reduce your intake of carbohydrates. "f the problem persists and these remedies do not work you should consult a doctor for ade%uate treatment.

" had terrible swollen feet and ankles when " was pregnant. "t was awful) " think part of it was due to hormonal changes, but the leg swelling during pregnancy is probably also because you suddenly gain a lot of weight and it puts a lot of stress on your feet and ankles. So it*s possible that your leg swelling is due to standing for too long. But when " was pregnant, " was also told not to sit too long either. " think it*s about getting the proper balance of sitting and standing + and getting plenty of e!ercise too, so go walking) E!ercise increases blood flow, whereas standing still does not. Be sure to wear good, supportive shoes when you do it. ,hen " had swollen feet, " made sure to elevate them every night on an ottoman. &hat allows better circulation to the legs and feet. (lso, drinking plenty of water and cutting e!cess salt from your diet can help with swollen feet because it can cut down on e!cess water retention. &here are certain support hose and socks

that are made to help increase circulation to the feet as well that you can try. " liked using Burt*s Bees 'ama Bee -eg and .oot ream. "t has peppermint e!tract in it, so it really invigorates the feet and legs. "f your leg swelling isn*t due to pregnancy or standing too long, it might keep coming back and even become more severe. "n this case, you should probably see a doctor about your swollen feet. "t could be the sign of a larger medical problem, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, or heart problems. So monitor your leg swelling closely to be sure that it*s controllable and not chronic.

/et you some yellow root and boil it and drink..."t works)) " hope you take the advice)))

Foot, leg, and ankle swelling 0span1&o use the sharing features on this page, please enable 2avaScript.03span1 Share on facebookShare on twitter Painless swelling of the feet and ankles is a common problem, especially among older people. (bnormal buildup of fluid in the ankles, feet, and legs is called edema. Considerations Painless swelling may affect both legs and may include the calves or even the thighs. Because of the effect of gravity, swelling is particularly noticeable in the lower part of the body. Causes .oot, leg, and ankle swelling is common with the following situations4

Being overweight Blood clot in the leg "ncreased age -eg infection 5eins in the legs that cannot properly pump blood back to the heart

"njury or surgery involving the leg, ankle, or foot can cause swelling. Swelling may also occur after pelvic surgery, especially for cancer. -ong airplane flights or car rides, as well as standing for long periods of time, often lead to some swelling in the feet and ankles. Swelling may occur in women who take estrogen or during parts of the menstrual cycle. 'ost women have some swelling during pregnancy. 'ore severe swelling during pregnancy may be a sign of preeclampsia 6also called to!emia7, a serious condition that includes high blood pressure and swelling. Swollen legs may be a sign of heart failure, kidney failure, or liver failure. "n these conditions, there is too much fluid in the body. ertain medications may also cause your legs to swell4

(ntidepressants, including '(8 inhibitors 6such as phenel9ine and tranylcypromine7 and tricyclics 6such as nortriptyline, desipramine, and amitriptyline7 Blood pressure medicines called calcium channel blockers 6such as nifedipine, amlodipine, diltia9em, felodipine, and verapamil7 :ormones like estrogen 6in birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy7 and testosterone Steroids

Home Care Some tips that may help4

;aise your legs above your heart while lying down. E!ercise your legs. &his helps pump fluid from your legs back to your heart. .ollow a low-salt diet, which may reduce fluid buildup and swelling. ,ear support stockings 6sold at most drug and medical supply stores7. ,hen traveling, take breaks often to stand up and move around. (void wearing tight clothing or garters around your thighs. -ose weight if you need to.

<ever stop taking any medicines you think may be causing swelling without first talking to your doctor. When to Contact a Medical Professional all =>> if4

#ou feel short of breath.

#ou have chest pain, especially if it feels like pressure or tightness.

all your doctor right away if4

#ou have heart disease or kidney disease and the swelling gets worse. #ou have a history of liver disease and now have swelling in your legs or abdomen. #our swollen foot or leg is red or warm to the touch. #ou have a fever. #ou are pregnant and have more than just mild swelling or have a sudden increase in swelling.

(lso call your doctor if self-care measures do not help or swelling gets worse. What to Expect at Your Office isit

#our doctor will take a medical history and do a thorough physical e!amination, paying special attention to your heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, legs, and feet. #our doctor will ask %uestions like the following4

,hat body parts swell? #our ankles, feet, legs? (bove the knee or below? $o you have swelling at all times or is it worse in the morning or evening? ,hat makes your swelling better? ,hat makes your swelling worse? $oes the swelling get better when you raise your legs? ,hat other symptoms do you have?

$iagnostic tests that may be done include the following4

Blood tests such as a B or blood chemistry hest !-ray or e!tremity !-ray E / @rinalysis

&he treatment will be aimed at the cause of the swelling. $iuretics may be prescribed to reduce the swelling, but they can have side effects. :ome treatment for benign causes of leg swelling should be tried before drug therapy. !lternati"e #ames Swelling of the ankles - feet - legsA (nkle swellingA .oot swellingA -eg swellingA Edema - peripheralA Peripheral edema

$welling of the Feet and %egs By P(-S $iane :uberty, <;<

6reprinted by permission7 Swollen feet and legs are a common problem for neuromuscular patients. (lthough it is probably impossible to prevent swelling entirely because it is due to the lack of muscle action in our legs, it is very important to do what we can to minimi9e it from the first. -eft unaddressed, it %uickly becomes a vicious cycle of swelling leading to damage leading to increased swelling. (s a nurse, " knew that, but still had to learn it the hard way) 'y legs are ghastly. &hey look fine when " am lying down, but the minute " sit up they turn hideous shades of red and purple and blue and grey. "f " am not careful to prevent as much swelling as " can, they are swollen like sausages by noon, miserably uncomfortable and absolutely painful by evening. "t is worse in hot weather and in cold weather they are impossible to warm up if they get cold.

"n order to understand how to minimi9e it, it is important to understand why the swelling occurs, so letBs begin there. 6<o %ui9, " promise)7

&he Cause of the $welling

&he heart pumps blood through the arteries under high pressure. (s the arteries branch out into smaller arteries and then into tiny capillaries, pressure decreases. 8!ygen is removed from the blood in the capillaries and then the CusedC blood flows into veins for the trip back to the lungs for another load of o!ygen. @nfortunately, the pressure generated by the heartbeat has been lost by then and the blood relies on simple back pressure to move back up to the heart. &his is aided by muscle activity - ordinary muscle movement Cs%uee9esC the veins and pushes the blood along. &he veins have little one-way valves all along the way that keep blood from draining backward as it is pushed upwards.

,hen muscle movement is lost, it becomes much harder to get the blood back up from the legs. "t pools in the veins and causes them to get distended. ,ater seeps from distended veins out into the surrounding tissue and your legs and feet swell 6edema7. ,ith repeated episodes of swelling, the little veins become damaged leaky - and water seeps into the tissues even more easily. (t the same time, the valves are collapsing under the heavy weight of all that blood that is pooled on top

of them. &hat damage to the valves is permanent. ,ithout the valves, the blood pools in the feet even worse than before and remaining valves are under even more pressure and more likely to fail.


(s miserable as swollen legs are, things can get worse. . .

&he most common complication of swollen feet is a burning discomfort that can be downright painful. " havenBt read a full te!tbook e!planation for this but my interpretation is that the e!cess fluid that comes between the capillaries and cells deprives the tissues of an ade%uate blood supply. &he burning sensation is sort of the Cneedles and pinsC feeling we get from cutting off blood supply to an arm or leg -- but on a micro-level because it is primarily the skin layers that are affected, not the deeper muscle tissue as when arteries are compressed. &his doesnBt happen ordinarily -- people with good circulation in their legs can handle the temperature changes much better because the microcirculation is not damaged and functions properly to regulate temperature.

&he lousy circulation allows the blood to pool and, when not in motion, blood tends to start to clot. ( blood clot 6thrombus7 can form and not only further impede circulation, but break loose and travel to the brain 6( stroke - just what we need - more paralysis and speech problems)7 or to the lungs 6( pulmonary embolus. Painful, and can land you in intensive care on a ventilator if it doesnBt kill you outright7. -uckily, that doesnBt seem to happen to us as often as it seems like it should, but we need to let our doctor know immediately if one leg suddenly seems more swollen or if the swelling doesnBt go down overnight as it usually does, and especially if the leg becomes painful. "f you even suspect that you may have a clot in one leg, $8 <8& '(SS(/E &:E (;E() Elevate it and call your doctor. &o reduce the risk of blood clots, we also need to be sure we drink enough to stay well hydrated. -ong term, the lousy circulation begins to affect the skin of the legs and feet. "t becomes fragile and heals very slowly when injured. "f the problem continues over many years, the skin becomes yellow-brown in color. Even without injury open wounds called Cstasis ulcersC can appear. &hey are e!tremely hard to heal because the blood flow to the skin is so poor.

&reatments $octors arenBt very good about helping with swelling. &he first thing they will say is to put your legs up to minimi9e the swelling but they donBt tell you how to do that effectively. &hey will offer prescriptions for &E$ 6elastic or compression7 hose 6somewhat helpful7 and Cwater pills 6which should be used as a last resort only7. &he first thing to look at is the chairs you sit in. ( recliner may seem like the ideal way to keep your feet up and swelling down but it is <8&) &here are two big problems with most recliners. .irst, the footrest section is made in such a way that all the weight of your legs rests on the calves. &hat is really bad for circulation. Second, putting your feet up - even way, way up - without CunfoldingC at the hips is very minimally helpful, possibly even detrimental as that bend interferes with the already difficult job of moving blood upward to your heart. -ift chairs are wonderful and most of them are recliners, but if you spend most of your time in a recliner, " strongly recommend that you bring the footrest up only when you lower the backrest.

,hether you sit in a regular chair, recliner, or a wheel chair, it must be properly fitted to you. #ou need to make sure that your leg to floor3footrest distance is short enough that there is minimal pressure at the back of the lower thigh and knee. :aving your legs CdangleC is a sure-fire way to cause swelling) Put a bo!3platform under your feet 6an old hard side suitcase worked great for me lightweight and had a handle7 or raise your footrest an inch or so. &he objective is to make certain there is minimal pressure on the back of your knees3thighs. "f you have add a ;8:8 or other cushion you need to adjust your platform3footrest upward to make up for the height of the cushion.

&he best treatment for leg swelling that " have found is something that " discovered entirely by accident4 More time in bed. ,hen my husband was working, " spent about seven hours in bed at night and then would lie back in my recliner for another two or three hours in the afternoon. Even with that, my legs were swollen by noon, miserably uncomfortable by evening and absolutely painful by bedtime. -ast year when my husband retired, " was able to go to bed at the usual time, listen to books on tape for an hour or two, and then sleep late in the morning. "nstead of spending >D hours lying with my feet up in two separate sessions, " began spending >D hours or more in bed all at one stretch. ,ithin a matter of days after starting this routine, " noticed that the swelling was minimal. <ow " donBt even have to lie down in the afternoon in order to be comfortable in the evening. " donBt know if this is due to spending more time lying down at one stretch, spending all my lying down time in a bed rather than a recliner, getting more sleep, or some combination of the three. (ll " know is that in this has made

an incredible difference for me. <ot only has it made my problems with swelling minimal, " feel better in general. <ow " simply stay in bed until " really feel like " am ready to get up rather than trying to catch up with naps. " seem to need about >D hours of sleep these days. Even though my sleeping in is inconvenient at times, it is much easier for my caregivers if " spend a longer stretch in bed rather than going back and forth, " prefer not having to take time out to lie down in the middle of the afternoon, " am not too tired and miserable to do anything in the evening, " sleep much better at night since " donBt nap during the day, and " have more energy and stamina. (nother thing that helps is muscle activity. /rannyBs old rocking chair served a real purpose beside putting babies to sleep) " find that on days when " am most active 6"nterpret that as days when " am fre%uently hauled in and out of my chair and forced to stagger a few steps, whining all the way)7 the swelling is minimi9ed. " guess " have some muscle left in my legs, even though " sure canBt feel Bem) Even passive range of motion e!ercises help. Eeep cool. ( few minutes of sitting in the summer sun is all it takes to turn my feet into balloons. 6Blood vessels dilate when we are warm.7 Simply keeping my legs in the shade makes a difference, but " have also been known to pour cold water over my feet on really hot days when " need to be outside. ,et socks and tennis shoes are still more comfortable than that miserable burning sensation of swollen feet) Sometimes " also have problems with a burning sensation in my feet in bed at night. "t doesnBt start until my feet began to warm up. &his is very consistent with what happens during the day if my feet get too warm 6sitting near a heater or, in the summertime, sitting with my legs and feet in the sun7. "t can get really bad in the middle of the night if " have the electric blanket on and my feet get really warm. &hat is a real nuisance because the rest of my body gets really chilled and " canBt move at all if " pile on e!tra blankets. So, in cold weather " and up sleeping with the electric blanket on, but my feet sticking out) .or some people, this burning pain becomes severe and doesnBt seem to be relieved by getting the swelling down. &his might be the end result of long term or severe swelling. Some people find that aspirin 6not tylenol7 helps. $o not take aspirin if you are on anticoagulants 6medications to thin the blood7. "f burning pain is felt when swelling has not been a problem, discuss it with your neurologist. -imiting salt intake used to be high on the list of things to do to minimi9e swelling, and your doctor may suggest it, but the need for that is %uestioned these days. " guess it is enough to say donBt over-indulge with salty foods. :ospitals often use devices to improve blood flow to the feet of patients who are going to be stuck in bed for a while in order to reduce the risk of blood clots. &E$ 6elastic or compression7 stockings are by far the most common. By simply s%uee9ing the legs and feet a little, they help keep the veins from getting

distended. #ou can ask your doctor for a prescription for these stockings, but unless you have strong hands and arms, you will need help getting them on.

:ospitals also use types of CbootsC that inflate and deflate to help pump the blood along. 8ne study apparently showed that simple alternating pressure on the soles of the feet greatly improves flow, so some brands of boots simply apply waves of pressure to the bottom of the foot. ,ith help from your doctor you may be able to get your insurance to cover the cost of this e%uipment. "t is not complicated to use, but you must be very careful to make sure that it is not rubbing anywhere and causing breakdown of the skin. "f you complain about swollen ankles and feet to your doctor, odds are he will whip out the old prescription pad and put you on diuretics. " have real reservations about this because many of us are borderline dehydrated half the time anyway. 6(nother contributing factor for the development of blood clots.7 "t gets hard to reach a drink, or hard to swallow, or it is simply too hard to get to the bathroom 6you men have it made)7 so we donBt drink as much as we should. $iuretics cause your kidneys to remove more water from your blood stream. &he CthickerC blood is then able to Csponge upC more water on its travels through the body so it does reduce the edema. "t does nothing about the cause of the edema -- poor blood flow F however. @sing diuretics for swollen legs is kind of like taking a diuretic to lose weight - sure it CworksC, but it doesnBt really solve the problem.

" certainly wonBt say diuretics should never be used -- if nothing else works well enough to keep the swelling under control, they need to be used because the swelling further damages the veins and valves and the situation just gets worse. But all the things described above should be implemented first before diuretics are even considered.

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