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C-Aptitude -11(DBZ)

1. Is this valid? struct a { struct b *next;}; struct b { struct a *next;}; a)yes b)error b'coz structure b is used before declaration c)error bcoz both struct a b use a !ointer "ith the sa#e na#e d)both b c $. for"ard references are 1) not allo"ed in structure%union%enu#eration ta& na#es $) allo"ed in structure%union%enu#eration ta& na#es ') allo"ed in function calls( "here the na#e of the function is undeclared )) allo"ed in labels after &oto state#ents "here that label is declared later a)1 only b)1( ' ) c)$( ' ) d)) only '."hat is the out!ut? *include+stdio.h, #ain-) { struct x { char a . 1; }x1; int x; x1.a/0; !rintf-12d3(x1.a); } ). 4rror is due to line 1 int a / 10; $ int b / b 5 a; ' int #ain-) ) {int local / &lobal;} 6 int &lobal / 10; 7 void fun-) 8 {int local / &lobal;} a)$ b)) c)no error d)6 6. "hat is the out!ut? int #ain-) {

int* i(9; int a/6(b/7; i/ a; 9/ b; *i55; *955; !rintf-:2d..2d:(*i(*9); } a)&arba&e values b)7..8 c)error d)co#!iler de!endent 7. "hich of the declarations are%is correct? 1)const volatile int unsi&ned static a; $)int const static volatile unsi&ned a; ')unsi&ned const static volatile int a; ))volatile const int unsi&ned static a; a)1 only b)$ only c)' only d)) only e)all the ) 8. "hat is the out!ut? int foo-); int #ain-) { int i/foo-); } int foo-) { int * i;tr; { int i / 10; i;tr / i; } { int < / $0; } !rintf-:2d:( *i;tr); } a)10 b)$0 c)10 or $0 d)error =. "hat is the out!ut? *include+stdio.h, *include+conio.h, int foo-int); int #ain-) { struct na#e {int na#e ;} na#e; int du##y/10; int na#; na#e . na#/foo-du##y);

} int foo-int foo) { foo. !rintf-:2d:(foo); } a)&arba&e value b)error c)10 d)co#!iler de!endent >. 4rror is due to line 1 int #ain-) ${ ' extern static int I; ) ty!edef static int b; 6} a)no error b)' ) c)' only d)) only 10. "hat is the out!ut? struct te#!{ int i; const int 9; }; int #ain-) { struct te#! te#!1; te#!1.i/10; te#!1.9/$0; !rintf-:2d..2d:(te#!1.i(te#!1.9); } a)10..$0 b)?value re@uired c)const cannot be #odified d)co#!iler de!endent 11. "hat is the out!ut? int #ain-) { int i(9; i/sizeof-'$878); 9/sizeof-'$87=); </sizeof--int)'$87=); !rintf-:2d..2d..2d:(i(9(<); } a)$..$..$ b)$..)..$ c))..$..$ d) error. can't store lon& in int 1$. "hat is the out!ut? int #ain-) {

int i / 0; i / A B C sizeof-i) ; !rintf-:2d:( i); } a)$ b)error c)C1 d)0 1'. "hat is the out!ut? #ain-) { int *!(*@; !/#alloc-$); *!/66; free-!); @/#alloc-$); !rintf-:2dD:(*!); !rintf-:2d:(*@); &etch-); } 1). "hat is the out!ut? *define EIF4 6 void s"a!-int *i( int *9) { *i / *i 5 *9;*9 / *i C *9;*i / *i C *9; } int #ain-) { int i; int arrGEIF4H / { 1($('()(6}; for-i/0; i+EIF4; i55) s"a!- arrGiH( arrGEIF4CiC1H); for-i/0; i+EIF4; i55) !rintf-:2d :(arrGiH); } a)6 ) ' $ 1 b)1 $ ' ) 6 c)1 $ 0 ) 6 d)6 ) 0 $1 16. "hat is the out!ut? #ain-) { char *s/-char*)#alloc-6); s/3Iello Jorld3; !rintf-s); } 17. "hat is the out!ut? int #ain-) {int b/-10($0); int a/-'0(60); a/a++)5b; !rintf-:2d..2d:(a(b);}

a)error b)=$0..$0 c)0..$0 d)=0..$0 18. "hat is the out!ut? *include+stdio.h, *define ;?KE 5 int #ain-) { int i / 10; ;?KE5i; !rintf-:2d:( ;?KE5i); &etch-); } 1=. "hat is the out!ut? int #ain-) { si&ned char ch/6; "hile-ch/chCC) !rintf-:2d:(ch); } a)6 ) ' $ 1 b)) ' $ 1 0 c)error d)infinite loo! 1>. "hat is the out!ut? int #ain-) { enu# bool{true( false} boolLar( *bool;tr; bool;tr/ boolLar; *bool;tr/true; !rintf-:2d:(*bool;tr); } a)1 b)0 c)error d)&arba&e value $0. "hat is the out!ut? int #ain-) { union u { int a; char b; }u1; u1.a/$00; !rintf-12d3(u1.a); } $1. Mase class has so#e virtual #ethod and derived class has a #ethod "ith the sa#e na#e. If "e initialize the base class !ointer "ith derived
object,. calling of that virtual method

will result in which method being called? a. Base method b. Derived method.. 22. char *foo() { char result !""#)$ strc%&(result,'an&thing is good')$ return(result)$ ( void main() { char *j$ j)foo() %rintf('*s',j)$ ( 2+.,ind the out%ut for the following - %rogram main() { int .)/$ %rintf('*d *d *d0n',.,.112,.222)$ ( 23. ,456 *f%!,*f%2$ f%!)fo%en('one','w') f%2)fo%en('one','w') f%utc(787,f%!) f%utc(7B7,f%2) fclose(f%!) fclose(f%2) ( ,ind the 6rror, 4f 8n&? 2/. void main() { char *s #){ 'dharma','hewlett9 %ac:ard','siemens','ibm'($ char **%$ %)s$ %rintf('*s',;;*%)$ %rintf('*s',*%;;)$ %rintf('*s',;;*%)$ (

QUANTITATIVE AND LOGICAL REASONING (Aptitude -9) 1. In a t"oCdi#ensional array( N ->( 8)( "ith each ele#ent occu!yin& ) bytes of #e#ory( "ith the address of the first ele#ent N -1( 1) is '000; find the address of N -=( 6). $. In the "ord OPQRSIERTIOSR?( if the first and second( third and forth( forth and fifth( fifth and sixth "ords are interchan&ed u! to the last letter( "hat "ould be the tenth letter fro# ri&ht? '. Jhat is the lar&est !ri#e nu#ber that can be stored in an =Cbit #e#ory? ). Eelect the odd one outD..a. Uava b. ?is! c. E#alltal< d. Eiffel. 6. Eelect the odd one out a. EVT; b. JR; c. SAP d. ARP 7. Eelect the odd one out a. Oracle b.
Linux c. Ingress d. DB2

days and in ho" #any days child can do the sa#e "or<? 1$.In "hich of the syste#( deci#al nu#ber 1=) is e@ual to 1$')? 1'. R !o"er unit is there by the ban< of the river of 860 #eters "idth. R cable is #ade fro# !o"er unit to !o"er !lant o!!osite to that of the river and 1600#ts a"ay fro# the !o"er unit.The cost of the cable belo" "ater is Ps.16%C !er #eter and cost of cable on the ban< is Ps.1$%C!er #eter. Zind the total of layin& the cable. 1). Zind the value of the 78= to the baseC 8. 16. Su#ber of faces( vertices and ed&es of a cube 17. [o#!lete the series $( 8( $)( 88(\\ 18. Zind the value of ]]5$6C55]17( "here ] denotes :s@uare: and 5 denotes :s@uare root:. 1=. Zind the result of the follo"in& ex!ression if( V denotes #odulus o!eration( P denotes roundCoff( T denotes truncation. V-'8'(6)5P-'.))5T-8.8)5P-6.=) 1>. If TRZUII is coded as PM4^QI then PMXU^ can be coded as? $0. Q-0)/ C1( Q-1)/1( Q-S)/Q-SC1) C Q-SC$)( Q-6)/ ? $1. Jhat is the #ax !ossible ' di&it !ri#e nu#ber? $$. In Vadras( te#!erature at noon varies accordin& to Ct_$%$ 5 =t 5 '(

8. Eelect the odd one out a. JR; b. ITT; c. BAAN d. ARP =. Eelect the odd one out a. ?ISKN b. KSIN c. EO?RPIE d. SQL SEVER >. Eelect the odd one out a. EW? b. XM$ c. EYMRE4 d. HTTP 10. The size of a !ro&ra# is S. Rnd the #e#ory occu!ied by the !ro&ra# is &iven by V / s@uare root of 100S. If the size of the !ro&ra# is increased by 12 then ho" #uch #e#ory no" occu!ied? 11. R #an( a "o#an( and a child can do a !iece of "or< in 7 days. Van only can do it in $) days. Jo#an can do it in 17

"here t is ela!sed ti#e. Zind ho" #uch te#!erature #ore or less in )!# to >!#.

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