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Works Cited

WebMD. "Postpartum Depression (PPD) Center: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Medications, and Tests." WebMD - etter in!ormation. etter "ea#t".. $.p., n.d. Web. %& 'ct. &(%). *"ttp:++,,,.,!au#t."tm-. T"ese artic#es discuss t"e di!!erence bet,een baby b#ues and postpartum depression and postpartum psyc"osis. T"ese artic#es describe ,ays to pre.ent PPD. Treatment options and risk !actors are described. T"ese artic#e ,i## be used to /i.e my audience t"e /enera# back/round associated ,it" t"is disease. 0brams, 1. S., 2 Curran, 1. (&((3). 40$D 5'6789 T911:$; M9 $'T T' ST89SS<= 0 ;8'6$D9D T>9'85 ST6D5 '? P'STP08T6M D9P89SS:'$

S5MPT'MS 0M'$; 1'W-:$C'M9 M'T>98S. Psyc"o#o/y '! Women @uarter#y, ))()), )A%-)B&. doi:%(.%%%%+C.%DE%-BD(&.&((3.(%A(B.F T"is artic#e discusses t"e resu#ts o! a study on %3 ,omen in po.erty su!!erin/ !rom postpartum depression. :t e.a#uates t"e main reasons ,omen, suc" as #itt#e education, no socia#

be"ind PPD in #o,-income support,

absent !at"er, and stru//#in/ !inancia##y. T"e artic#e compares upper-c#ass ,omen and #o,t"e audience ,"o is

t"e ,ay PPD is eFperienced by midd#e- and

income ,omen. T"is artic#e ,i## be used to in!orm

most at risk !or PPD and Guotes ,i## be used !rom t"e

speci!ic,s ,it"in t"e artic#e to con.ey t"e se.erity o! t"e disease. Wan/, 1., Wu, T., 0nderson, H. 1., 2 ?#orence, H. 9. (&(%%). Pre.a#ence and 8isk ?actors o! Materna# Depression Durin/ t"e ?irst T"ree 5ears o! C"i#d Women7s >ea#t" (%AD(333B), &((A), E%%-E%I.

8earin/. Hourna# '!

doi:%(.%(I3+C,".&(%(.&&)& T"is artic#e discusses t"e risk !actors !or postpartum depression, suc" as in po.erty, education o! t"e mot"er, race, a/e, etc. T"e artic#e eFpresses t"e importance o! socia# support. :t a#so eFpresses t"e se.erity imp#ications on c"i#d"ood de.e#opment. T"is artic#e audience t"at PPD can "appen e.en mont"s it can #ast !or years ,it"out t"e

o! t"is disease and its

,i## be used to s"o, my

a!ter a mot"er "as "er c"i#d and t"at proper treatment.

Smit", Me#inda, and Heanne Se/a#. "Postpartum Depression and t"e #ues:


Symptoms, Treatment, and Support." >e#p/uide "e#ps you "e#p ot"ers. $.p., n.d. Web. %& 'ct.

yourse#! and

&(%).*"ttp:++,,,."e#p/uide.or/+menta#+ postpartumJdepression."tm-. T"is artic#e discusses t"e risk !actors o! postpartum depression. 0ut"ors describe possib#e se#!-"e#p and medica# treatment options. Psyc"o#o/ica# and p"ysica# e!!ects on c"i#dren raised by a mot"er ,it" ,it"in t"e artic#e. T"e artic#e ,i## be possib#e so#utions, t"rou/"

postpartum depression are discussed used as a point o! re!erence to describe treatment, to aid in t"e cure o! PPD.

Postpartum :nternationa#. ";et t"e ?acts." Postpartum Support :nternationa#. $.p., n.d. Web. %& 'ct. &(%). *"ttp:++,,, T"is ,ebsite / out support resources !or ,omen su!!erin/ ,it" postpartum depression. T"e artic#es ,it"in discuss ,ays !ami#y and !riends can aid ne, mot"ers. PPD is eFp#ained in simp#e terms. T"is ,ebpa/e ,i## be used to /i.e a non-medica#, but rat"er socia#, so#ution to PPD. Scottaline, K. (n.d.). Postpartum Depression: My Shameful Secret | Kaylee Scottaline. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Retrieved October 18, 2013, from This article is personal narrative of a woman who experienced postpartum depression 1st hand. It discusses the "shame" mothers feel when they are depressed. The article also expresses the challenge new parents must face. This article will be used to give support to my argument the PPD is a serious disease, and more importantly is common and can happen to anyone. Postpartum Depression . (n.d.). KidsHealth - the Web's most visited site about children's health. Retrieved October 18, 2013, from Causes, symptoms and resources are discussed within the webpage article. The effects on family members are also discussed. This article will be used to back up my research with facts and figures.

K#eiman, Karen 8., and 0my WenLe#. Droppin/ t"e baby and ot"er scary t"ou/"ts: breakin/ t"e cyc#e o! un,anted t"ou/"ts in mot"er"ood. $e, 5ork: 8out#ed/e, &(%%. Print. 0ut"ors ta#k about t"e di!!erence bet,een natura# !ears o! mot"er"ood .ersus t"ose t"at are associated ,it" postpartum depression. Pro!essiona# treatment p#ans are discussed. 0 c"apter is de.oted to "e#p determine ,"o needs "e#p !or t"is psyc"o#o/ica# disease. T"is book ,i## be used to distin/uis" bet,een PPD and baby b#ues and ,"en "e#p is needed.

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