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Technical to Improve the Education with Recourses Technologies.

Ingles Aplicado a la Computacin 02/12/2013 Universidad Gerardo Barrios Clemencia Isabel Rivas Funes

Technicals to Improve the Education with Recourses Technologies 1- In A Chart, Describe The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Technology In Your Professional Development Taking Into Account Blended Learning, Education 2.0, Web 2.0 And It. Type of Technology for Educational Purpose Blended Learning

Advantages Distances Education This can allow the interaction online. Technology It is interactive and improves in the environment of learning. Social Network Increase the opportunities to interact with more people. Information Allow to the education systems complete their transformation. New Forms Allow the collaboration to coordinate activities. Services The technology create discuss to improve the learning.

Disadvantages Full Access Not all people maintain interactions online. Places In the classroom it is short time to practice. Ways Because isnt almost always the interaction its educational. Distractions Because are vehicle that move the personality.


Web 2.0

Sophistication The tools of internet should not cancel the significant. Demands Because have fluency to understand new expectative.


Databases This help to the

Conditions The conditions can be

student to maintain organize the information. Intervention Because these assist in the transition, it can say the informe of all the process of learning.

different at the moment of express ideas. Relations This can change agree to the interactions that show in the interest particulate.

2- Explain How Are You Are You Going To Design A Lesson Plan Online By Using Web Quest And What Are Real Propose Using This Kind Of Technology In Your Professional Development. The use of the Webquest it is very important to select lessons or activities with the teachers and students, this can be a question. Why would a teacher want to use a WebQuest? According with Cindy Graves; because allow increase student motivation When students are motivated, they are likely to put in more effort, and their minds are more alert and ready to make connections. (Graves, 2008). Also this allows knowing that all have different features, to increase the knowledge; because when people create a Webquest they are showing their creativities that can learn using the Web Quest. According to Frances Moore Webquests can be used in many ways to cater for the needs of all students. Individuals, small groups and whole classes can participate in the learning process. (Moore, 2003) This can be so much relations with other practices the important it is maintain the tools to the hand and have always the principal it is can say a computer, library, staff and wider community for example, some of the features could be, Class Teams: this is referent when Classes could be divided into teams working on the same topic, but different Webquests; because this help in all the capacities that have everybody students. Web Quest as a Means to Engage Student it is a book that explain about impacts in the middle school, have strategies effectives in quality to identify and le with experts educational this a good recourses (H.Koslowsky, 2006) The Webquest have differents kind of use for example, Webquest maintain a productive interaction; Webquest are motivate for students to learn and some students were not comfortable with several aspects of Webquest that is to say the Webquest is not complicate, but if have different ways to the use correctly, this it is important to

recognize; because the students and the teacher use this technology, so can change the strategies of learning. The Webquest also explain as a teacher must realize their activities there same find a point call evaluation, this window allow to the teacher that are using the Webquest create their own rubric there are the titles, also can use other websites call Rubistar where can create the same rubrics, the difference that exist between these recourses that Rubistar it is easier to use and the rubrics that appear in the Webquest is not professional well also the student, can use this same recourse, because are increase the use that have about of the technology .The real propose is teaching to the students can create new strategies to increase their learning in the educational environment and as Professional I allow them that open their ideas and show their own expectative. 3- Explain How You Are Going To Deal If You Want To Use Technology In A School Or Place Of Work But There Is Not Teach In The Classroom. What Are You Going To Do? How Are You Going To Solve The Problems? Provide Recourses That You Will Use And The Procedure. In this case, I must create my own strategy to increase the learning environment of the students; because the recourses are very important, and very necessary; because nowadays the class must be interactive and very technological so the students will improve the interest in the student also I could use tools to create a creative environment for example I can use the HDMI port as recourse carrying my computer and have access to Internet. But if I do not can use this recourse in the classroom; because I have not access to Internet, I must choose other strategy to improve my recourse and motivate the environment of my students; I can use a market and write in the blackboard using this as a strategy of increase the recourse. Firstly, I must look the correct ways to show this recourse and teach step by step to that my students, so they can understand me and not create confusion to the moment of give my class this is very important not create confusion. Other point very important it is allowing the opinion inside and out classroom, this help to improve the technical. I could solve this problems using differents methods to that my students can learn to use differents tools to increase their knowledge, the technology it is good, it is necessary and it is very important, so also the technology is not anybody the recourses to using the technical practices maintain a good recourse to use and can

procedure to that learning will be better, there are technical, strategies and methodologies to use simply looking and expand to the learning. 4- Choose Digital Recourse You Will Include And Describe How Those Digital Recourse You Are Going To Improve You PLE And PLN. Well I can choose much recourse to learn English and improve my vocabulary I can mention about Duolingo that is recourse very good to learn to improve the Language, and helps to increase the capacity in the PLE and the PLN; because Duolingo maintain the connection at the moment realize a visit to this website, it is very interesting and very funny this use that is a new way of learn English and so can improve the interaction in the Social Networks that are included in the PLE and PLN. Other website that it is very important to increase the knowledge in the learning environment it is calls Experiencing Personal Learning Environments and Networks this websites have the facilities to maintain the relations to a same communication, l this website it is a Dictionary. To have threes authors with a big capacity to teach new ways of learn (Di Cerbo Francesco, Di Cerbo Grabiella, Papaleo Laura, 2008) This can be explain to improve the ways of memorized some word and have a better compression about are speaks and the way to express. This help to maintain to learn to have a good interaction when are using the Social Networks it is can say PLE; because there is Facebook, Twitter, Hi5, My Space, anyway with this services can maintain the comunation face to face to have more confiance and allow an agree environment. The last website that can use to improve the PLE and PLN are own recourse where you show some law of life it is can say to allow create ideas to have experience and can modify some elements that cannot helps, in this case are to show; because this laws to can maintain a better interaction and not have many mistakes. (Wintersteiger Lisa,Harris Theresa, 2005). In this website people can find much information and create their own definitions, the websites are very interesting when need apply to change some ways of learning. PLE it is a document that you create with your own information where you explain the different way that have to learn, it is environment; because are the Social Networks where the interaction it is with different people. This recourse calls PLN have the possibility of change of way more effectives learning a new Language it is can say is more complicate that use the PLE both are very different and have not the same features, the first it is environment as people maintain interaction and the second it is the practice of how use the Social Networks to maintain a good interaction with your circle friends.

In conclusion this technical serve to improve the learning in the student and can increase their knowledge with the recourses necessary to have a better access in the education, so maintain clearly the ideas and improve the capacities of teaching to the student, it is can say, in the classroom all learn: teacher and the student everybody have their different methods s to learn and show their capacities this is very important; because maintain the interaction and not leave of side the educational process that serve of experience to create new expectative of relations interpersonal , the technology can change the way of live of all the people.

Di Cerbo Francesco, Di Cerbo Grabiella, Papaleo Laura. (26 de October de 2008). Personal Learning Enviroment and Netwoks. Recuperado el 01 de December de 2013, de Personal Learning Enviroment and Netwoks: 5.pdf Graves, C. (Monday de January de 2008). The Webquest Place. Recuperado el Saturday de September de 2013, de The Webquest Place: H.Koslowsky, K. (2006). Web Quest as a Means to Engage Students. Canada: Royal Roads University. Moore, F. (24 de April de 2003). How to Use WebQuests in the Classroom. Recuperado el Friday de October de 2013, de How to Use WebQuests in the Classroom: Wintersteiger Lisa,Harris Theresa. (17 de January de 2005). Law for Life. Recuperado el 17 de December de 2013, de Law for Life:

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