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2005 Questions (July) 1] Culture with Y or H shaped filament organism would be?

2] Baby born to which type parental blood would have the greates chance of developing erythobtalis fetalis? Rh ve mother!Rh"ve father Rh ve #other and $ather Rh "ve mother and father Rh "ve mother and Rh ve father %ANS) &] 'hat premoar have three roots "#()* 2nd can sometimes have & roots++++ (ns, ma-illary 1st premolar or none. molar has & root//+ 0] 1he respiratory 2uotient for a person ta3ing pure glucose as food source is how much? (ns, 1 *ecreased C42 concentration and 5ncreased R6 7] #anifestation of neurofibroma 5 ? 8] 'here the ulnar nerve is easily in9ured? ():, wrist fracture ;] 'hat<s posterior to a=ygos vein? ans, vegus nerve >] )erve supply to facial mucosa of lower ant/ teeth ans, mental nerve ?] )erve supply to facial mucosa of mandibular posterior teeth ans, trigeminal @& mandibular nerve .// bucaal nerve 1A] 'hich artery of BC( you can<t find in carotid triangle? ans, superficial temporal aretery 11] Histology related to articular cartilage 1YCB 1 C4DD(EB) 5) $5BR4F:B C(R15D(EB 1YCB 2 C4DD(EB) 5) (D#4:1 HYD(5) C(R15D(EB 12] :econdary bone formation
Bone is specialized connective tissue with a calcified extracellular matrix (bone matrix) and 3 major cell types: the osteoblast, osteocyte, and osteoclast. he first type of bone formed developmentally is primary or woven bone (immature). his immature bone is later replaced by secondary or lamellar bone (mature). !econdary bone is further classified as two types:

trabecular bone (also called cancellous or spon"y bone) and compact bone (also called dense or cortical bone).

13] Which is normal flora of ging. sulcus.. s.actino, (ANS) s.myco, s. bacteriode , s. mutan 14] uscle !ill be damaged if tongue de"iates to left on #rotrusion

1$] lots of %&s on #remolars and lots of numbered teeth %&s.. 1'] ()3&s eru#tion 1*] +ncubation #eriod of ' months , he# 1.] -ranches of internal thoracic 1/] 0n1yme for rate limiting ste# of cholesterol synthesis )2] Sy#hilis effect on !hich tooth in addition to 1st molar )1] When a tooth has a scre!dri"er form ))] About re"erse transcri#tase )3] 3luorodeo4yuridine inhibits ANS5 6he thymidylate synthase inhibitor An antineoplastic antimetabolite that is metabolized to fluorouracil when administered by rapid injection; when administered by slow, continuous, intraarterial infusion, it is converted to floxuridine monophosphate. It has been used to treat hepatic metastases of gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas and for palliation in malignant neoplasms of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

20] Cain in tm9 is manifested through branches of which nerve? ():, mandibular nerve branch of trigeminal nerve 27] 4n closing the mouth!which muscle is the most important? Ans:masseter 28] $unction of inferior head of lateral pterygoid protruding and side to side movement 2;] How does pGo ratio alter in mitochondria!when an uncoupler is added? 2>] *ifference between t helper 1 and 2 cells 2?] 5n protrusive movt of mandible///direction of movt of head on condyle///thst is does it come to lie against the slope of eminence!medialGlateral walls of fossa etc &A] H7 would replace what decidous tooth? primary ma-illary 1st molar &1] 5n Crotrusive movement right ma- central incior would come in contact with? lower cenral and lateral &2] (R*: could be caused by herione over dose!shoc3/////// e-cept?? Other cause pneumonia Sepsis &&] Catient comes with fractured femur dies with in couple of hours due to which emboli? pulmonary emboli &0] Catient allergic to pencillin ???? what would be ur choice? erythromycin &7] Hairy leukoplakia is caused by?? Immuno e!iciency mostly in "I# pt &8] Catient with leu3mia has sudden bleeding from gums reason would be??? &;] #ost poweful muscle of mastication?? lateral ptery$oi mus &>] Catient get a full denture and come bac3 after few days with burning over the anterior region 'hat is the resaon for the burning? in!lammation &?] 5f mandibular canine on right side is lost!how does it affect protrusive contacts on the left canine? anterior $ui ance !ailure

0A] 1he mesial cervical line on H21 resembles the cervical line on which tooth%5 chose the only other mandibular premolar mentioned compared to the other ma- teethI? 2% means: man i&ular %st premolar 'esial cervical curvature o! 2% is same as istal cervical curvature o! 2)or istal curvature o! 20((man i&ular canine) 01] ( patient wal3s in to the clinic and collapses/////on lab e-amination gram neg bacteria are found/////what is the possible cause of collapse, ans:$ram ne$ en oto)in 02] :pread of infection from facial vein to cavernous sinus through///? 0&] 5nfection from saggital sinus drains into///? ca"ernous sinus 00] $alciform ligament arises from ligamentum teres///which in turn arises from? 07] 5n dental anatomy! what would you have said to the parents of the 3id with his central incisors drifting apart/ iastema 08] 4rganism tested routinely by sanitation inspecitions for purity levels/ in water * coli 0;] 'hat type of bone is epiphysis? *n ochon ral ossi!ication 0>] :o what about the 1H1 and 1H2 mar3ers in lymphocytes?
TH1 markers: characterized by the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IFN-, I -!, and TNF-"# Th1 cells are in$ol$ed in cellmediated immunity# TH! markers: characterized by the production of I -%, I -&, I -', and I -1(# Th! cells are thou)ht to play a role in aller)y responses

0?] 'hat structure causes the buccal vestibule to decrease in si=e when the 9aw is opened wide, Condyle! coronoidGhamularG styloid process?? 7A]:ymptoms of disease multiple myeloma , old guy ;A yr old! showes multiple osteolytic lesions ! inv/ flat bones/ 71] Eram "ve shoc3 72] Hyperparathyroidism 7&] 4steocytic osteolysis 70] 'hats the use of statistics of mortality of dis/ cancer more than aids in usa? 77] Catient having normal glucose metabolism/ whats the vC42J v 42?

78] C(/ 4$ BRB(:1 7;] #ost numerous papilla on tongue and which doesnt have taste buds/ 7>] which artery is not present in carotid tr/ among branches of eca/ spt and ma? 7?] 4rign and insertion of spenomandibular ligament/ 8A] #ost common type of heart disease in F: 81] Bdema is caused by? 82] B-ample of primary active transport is? 8&] (trial depolari=ation is represented as what on BKE? 80] @entrical repolari=ation is represented by what on BKE? 87] Bacteria that causes green pus? 88] 4ncofetal antigens? 8;] Calculation of H concentration from given pH 8>] 1he mandiublar condyle is covered with //// a/ Blastic tissue b/ Hyanline c/ Ceriostium d/ Collagenous tissue 8?] 'hat syndrome is characteri=ed by! increased succeptibility to infection! retinal something? (/ Eardner sydrome B/ Hypothyrodism C/ Hypopitutaryism */ Hyperthyrodism//// ;A] 'hat characteri=es (lbers"Leheurs syndrome? ;1] Crimate space in lower is between? ;2] *erivatives of phrayngeal arch concerned to tongue

;&] #esiobuccal cusp of ma- molar occludes where? ;0] 5f post crossbite which cusps would contact in mediotusive movement/?

;7] )erve :upply $or Circumbvallate Capilla" Elossopharyngeal )erve ;8] Histological :tructure 4f 1hyroid Eland ;;] Codocytes ;>] /muscle Cresent 5n &rd Cart 4f 4esophagus ;?] muscle 'ith Deast Regenerating Capacity >A] location 4f 1rigeminal Eanglion >1] coronal :uture Connects" $rontal )d Carietal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

11&] )BR@B #4:1 B$$BC1B* 5) $R(C1FRB 4$ HF#BRF: 110] genomic library *ecember 2AA0
1/ 'hat happens when you puncture your left lung? "left lung collapses "right lung collapses "both lungs collapse 2/ *uring endochondral ossification! you see parallel rows of enlarged chondrocytes/ 'hat is occurring there? "hypertrophy and calcification "proliferation &/ =ygmaticotemporal and =ygomaticofacial are branches of what? "v1 "v2 "v& "facial 0/ (s a tooth undergoes attrition! it maintains contact with the opposing dentition/ 1his is a result of "secondary dentin "apical cementum "alveolar bone "coronal enamel "bundle bone 7/ Know that calcitonin is made by parafollicular cells of thyroid 8/ 'hich of the following can be used to differentiate between arch of aorta and brachial artery? "1unica media "tunica adventitia "epithelium ;/ 1ap masseter? "initiate stretch refle?/ 1he thenar muscles are innervated by the "radial "median "ulnar "a-illary 1A/ 5f you damage the coracoid process! which muscles are damaged?

"pec minor and biceps brachii

11/ #ost inferior branch of e-ternal carotid

"superior thyroid 12/ 1he inability to move the diaphragm because of a complete spinal section at "C2 "C8 "C; "C> 1&/ :pinal cord lesion at 12 "same side below 12 is affected 10/ 'hat is an enamel spindle "elongated odontoblastic process 17/ 'hich muscles close the nasopharyn-? "tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini 18/ 'hich of the following bones is )41 part of the calavaria? "=ygoma "frontal "occipital "temporal "parietal 1*. +f there is a deficiency of sensation on the left sife of the face !here is the deficit in the brain7 ,right #arietal 1>/ 'hich pair of muscles are innervated by @? "#edial and lateral pterygoid 1?/ 'here is the cell body of a somatic afferent located? "dorsal root ganglia 2A/ 'hat type of muscle has intercalated discs? "cardiac 21/ 5f you touch a person<s right chee3! which lobe gets stimulated? "left parietal %remember! sensory crosses over" motor does not++++++++I 22/ 'hich vein connecting the cavernous sinus with facial vein? "*eep facial vein? Clease chec3 your answer 2&/ 5ncreased sympathetic stimulation would cause all of the following BNCBC1, (/ 5ncreased blood flow to the s3in 8ental Anatomy , 9cclusion 1/ 'hat tooth has a wider $"D dimension than #"* dimension?

"mandibular 1st premolar "mandibular 2nd premolar "ma-illary 2nd premolar 2/ 'hat muscle has fibers that are in the lingual frenum? "genioglossus "hyoglossus "mylohyoid &/ 4n tooth 21! if there is a second canal! where is it? "facial "lingual "mesial "distal 0/ 'hat is last primary tooth to erupt? "ma-illary 2nd molar 7/ #ost common anomaly of ma-illary canine? "lingual tubercle "second canal 8/ #oving the mandible from ma-imum 5CC to retruded contact position! the following will result, "increase vertical occlusal dimension "decrease vertical occlusal dimension "decrease hori=ontal overlap "increase vertical overlap

1. +f the res#iratory %uotient is 2.*, the #rimary energy source is5 fat, :etone bodies, glucose, etc.
2/ &/ 0/ 7/ 'hat increases the affinity of Hgb for o-ygen? 5ncreased pH! temp! etc lingual aOs relation to hyoglossus ms/ :uperficial to vs/ deep which ms depresses lat borders of tongue? Eenioglossus! hyoglossus! etc which nerve fibers travel throughout the course of the ling n to receive sensory input from ant 2G& of tongue? 8/ the substrate for glucosyltransferase is, sucrose! glucose! fructose! etc ;/ which vessel is outside the portal triangle? Cortal v! central v! hepatic a! bile duct >/ secretory 5g( protects the mouth from :/mutans by, preventing invasion of mucous memb ?/ which factor prevents a large mass of pla2ue accumulation? :alivary flow 12. the #arotid duct #ierces !hich ms7 -uccinator 11/ multidrug resistance is enabled by, plasmids 12/ verify sterili=ation efficacy of autoclaving by testing, bacterial spores 1&/ bact spores used to test sterility, Bacillus anthracis 10/ 2P glutaraldehyde soln is used as, disinfectant! immersion soln! hand"washing 17/ which detergent eliminates lipophilic and nonlipophilic bugs? Ben=al3onium chloride! iodophor! isopropyl alcohol 1'. in cystic fibrosis, !hat is unusual about the s!eat7 +ncreased Na and ;l 1;/ case 6 re, *# pt who too3 5 in (#! went 9ogging! came to dent office wG :- of an-iety! not usual self/ (ns, hypoglycemia 1.. !hen al"eoli colla#se5 atelectasis 1?/ drawing of ma- D canine/ 5dentify

2A/ when restoring incial edge of ant tooth! which mand movt is impt to chec3? Crotrusion 21/ if something enters lymph in E5 area! where will it first reach bloodstream? -rachioce#halic " 22/ where are submucosal glands located? *uodenum! stomach 2&/ which H induces bicarbonate secretion into duodenum? :ecretin 20/ whatOs the f-n of gastroesophageal sphincter? Crevents reflu- of stomach contents 27/ which is the most li3ely cause of E5 cancer? @illous adenoma! duodenal ulcers 28/ which virus is most assoc wGcancer in genital region? HC@ 2;/ chronic gastritis is not caused by? Cigarette smo3ing 2>/ asbestos in lung will cause? #esothelioma 2?/ hairy leu3opla3ia in mouth is most assoc wG which virus? H:@1! H:@2! BB@! C#@ 1I 'hich of the following describes the proper a-ial inclination of the palatal root of a ma-illary 2 molar? (/ @ertical B/ #esial and Dingual C/ #esial and $acial */ *istal and $acial B/ *istal and Dingual 2I 1he superior 9oint cavity of the 1#L 9oint is bordered by, (I Elenoid fossa ans the condyle/ BI #andibular fossa and the superior surface of the disc/ CI #andibluar fossa and the superior surface of the condyle/ *I 5nferior surface of the disc and the superior of the condyle/ BI :uperior surface of the disc and the superior surface of the condyle/ &I 'hich of the following statements best describes the Qcompensating occlusal curvature?Q CFR@B 4$ :CBB (I 1he line beginning at the tip of the canines and following the facial cusps of posterior teeth! as viewed from the facial aspect/ BI 1he inclination of teeth in relation to the vertical long a-is of the body/ CI (ny prominent ridge of enamel immediately above the cervical line of the crown of tooth/ *I ( notably pointed or rounded eminence on or near the masticating surface of tooth/ BI 1he spherical composite arrangement fo the occlusal surfaces and incisal edges of the teeth in both dental arches/

0I 1he #4:1 conve- incisal angle on anterior teeth is found on which angel of which incisior? (I *istoincisal "" #a-illary lateral BI *istoincisal "" #andibular lateral CI *istoincisal "" #andibular central *I #esioncisal "" #a-illary lateral BI #esioncisal "" #a-illary central

7I Bach of the following is conditio usually found in a mutually protected occlusion! in the normal upright position! B-cept one/ 'hich one is this e-ception? (I )one of the posterior teeth contact on the non"wor3ing side when the mandible move laterally/ BI (nterior teeth disclude all posterior teeth in protrusive movement/ CI Condyles are in their most supero anterior position in closure/ *I (nterior teeth contact more heavily than the posterior teeth/ BI (-ial loading of occlusal forces occurs in closure/ 8I 'hich of the following structures contains both ascending and descending fibers toGfrm cerebral corte-? (/ ventral pons B/ pyramidal tracts C/ medial lemniscus * internal capsule B medial forebrain bundle ;I 'hich of the following represents primary function of lysosome in steroid producing cell? (/ digest cellular debris B/ hydroly=e spent cellular organelles C/ remove e-cess steroids from the cell */ remove steroid precursors from the cell B/ cleave the ester from cholesterol ester to produce free cholesterol >I Colymerisation of molecules into collagen fibrils occurs in the (/ribosomes B/lysosomes C/ e-tracellular space

*/ rough endo plasmic reticulum B/ smooth endoplasmic reticulum 3 ?I 5n9ury of spinal accessory ! while in posterior triangle! will cause paralysis of the (/ platysma B/ trape=ius C/splenius capitus */ sternocleidomastoid B/ inferior belly of omohyoid (natomy 1AI 'hich of the following represents a well"vasculari=ed structure in the temporomandibular 9oint? (/ Retrodiscal tissues B/ $ibrous covering of the condyle C/ Central portion of the articular disc */ $ibrous covering of the articular eminence B/ $ibrous covering of the condylar surface 11I 5n hydrocephalus! e-cess cerebral spinal fluid is found within which of the following? (/ @entricle B/ :ubdural space C/ Cisterna magna */ :ubarachnoid space B/ :uperior sagittal sinus 12I 5f a tooth is out of occlusion for an e-tended period of time! then the (/ C*D width decreases %due to deposite of cementumI B/ Bone lining the alveolus thic3ens C/ 1ooth always an3yloses to the alveolus */ C*D fiber bundles reverse their orientation B/ 1ooth hypererupts as a result of increased dentin production 1&I 'hich of the following is located e-tracellularly? (/ Dysosomes B/ #icrotubules C/ 1onofibril */ ElycocalyB/ Keratohyalin granules

<lycocaly4 is a general term referring to e-tracellular polymeric material %glycoproteinI R1] produced by some bacteria! epithelia and other cells/ 1he slime on the outside of a fish is considered a glycocaly-/ 1he term was initially applied to the polysaccharide matrie-creted by epithelial cells forming a coating on the surface of epithelial tissue/

10I 5n erythropoiesis! which of the following increases from the proerythroblast to the mature erythrocyte? (/ Cell si=e B/ Chagocytic ability C/ Cytoplasmic acidophilia */ Cytoplasmic basophilia

*ental (natomy 17I 'hich of the following anatomic factors will restrict the amount of lateral shift that can occur on a wor3ing condyle? (/ #edial wall of the articular fossa on the wor3ing side B/ :uperior wall of the articular fossa on the non"wor3ing side C/ Capsular ligaments */ :tylohyoid ligament B/ :tylomandibular ligament 18I ( patient has an e-tremely wide! notched tooth in the mandibular left central incisor position/ Clinical and radiographic e-aminations reveal 2> teeth have erupted! but four third molars have not erupted/ 'hich of the following conditions e-ists? (/ $usion B/ *ens in dente C/ Concrescence */ *ilaceration B/ Eemination #icro S Cath 1;I 'hich of the following statements describes an e-ample of innate immunity?

(/ (n allergic reaction to insect venom B/ 1he classical pathway of complement C/ 1he destruction of virus"infected cells by 1"3iller cells */ 1he production of 5gE in response to insect venom B/ 1he alternative pathway of complement 1>I 1he epidemic of H5@"related disease bears ma9or responsibility for the resurgence of which respiratory pathogen? (/ :treptococcus pneumoniae B/ Hemophilus infuen=ae C/ :treptococcus pyogenes */ #ycobacterium tuberculosis B/ #ycoplasma pneumoniae

1?I 'hich of the folliwng represents a ris3 factor for the development of endometrial carcinoma? (/ HC@ infection B/ Bndometriosis C/ #ultiple leiomyomas */ #ultiple pregnancies B/ Hyperestrogenism 2AI 'hich of the following types of bronchogenic carcinoma is #4:1 commonly associated with paraneoplastic syndrome? (/ :mall cell B/ Darge cell C/ #esothelioma */ :2uamous cell B/ (denocarcinoma 21I Bach of the following statements about lymphocyte activation is correct BNCBC1 one/ 'hich one is this BNCBC154)? (/ 5nterelu3in 7 is a B cell growth and differentiation factor/ B/ 5nterleu3in 2 stimulates proliferation of 1 and B lymphocytes/ C/ B lymphocytes recogni=e antigen on the surface of antigen presenting cells in the conte-t of HD("* molecules

*/ 1 lymphocytes recogni=e antigen on the surface of antigen presenting cells in the conte-t of HD("B molecules/ 22I 5n essential hypertension! which of the following represents the classic autopsy finding in the 3indney? (/ Cyelonephritis B/ Elomerulonephritis C/ Benign nephrosclerosis */ Renal artery stenosis B/ Renal infraction 2&I (spiration of food can result in each of the following conditions BNCBC1 one/ 'hich one is this BNCBC154)? (/ Cneumonia B/ CneumothoraC/ Dung abscess */ (telectasis B/ (sphy-iation 20I Bach of the following is a type of inflammatory e-udates BNCBC1 one/ 'hich one is the BNCBC154)? (/ :erous B/ $ibrous C/ Curulent */ $ibrinous B/ Cseudomembranous Biochem 27I 1he main route of calcium e-cretion from a normal human adult is (/ urine/ B/ :weat C/ :aliva */ $eces B/ 1ears 28I (tropine prevents the secration of saliva resulting from stimulation of the chorda tympani because it (/ denatures the salivary gland proteins/ B/ Crevents the action of acetylcholine on the secreting cells

C/ Crevents release of acetylcholine by parasympathetic postganglionic fibers */ Crevents release of acetylcholine by sympathetic postganglionic fibers B/ Crevents release of acetylchonie in autonomic ganglia 2;I (n analysis of an BKE shows C"waves occurring in the :"1 segment/ 1his would indicate ectopic beats originating in the (/ atria B/ ("@ node C/ Dower portion of the bundle of His */ Fpper portion of the bundle of His 2>I 'hich of the following en=ymes synthesi=es polynucleotide chains from nucleotides and does )41 re2uired a primer chain? (/ Digase B/ B-onuclease C/ Bndonuclease */ *)( polymerase B/ R)( polymerase 2?I 'hich of the following types of blotting can be used to identify *)( restriction fragments? (/ Bastern B/ :outhern C/ )orthern */ 'estern &AI 'hich of the following is a nucleotide? (/ Frate B/ Fracil C/ Ribose */ (denosine B/ 1hymidylate &1I 'hich of the following en=ymes seals nic3s in *)(? (/ Digase B/ B-onuclease C/ Bndonuclease */ *)( polymerase B/ R)( polymerase

&2I Bach of the following coen=ymes is a component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase comple- BNCBC1 one/ 'hich one is this BNCBC154)? (/ )(* B/ Biotin C/ Coen=yme ( */ Dipoic acid B/ 1hiamine pyrophosphate &&I 1he cell membrane is DB(:1 permeable to which of the following substances? (/ 42 B/ C42 C/ H24 */ :odium B/ Bthanol

&0I How many nucleotides are needed to code for protein with 17A amino acids? 1 amino acidT & nucleotides 17A U &T07A (/ 7A B/ 17A C/ &AA */ 07A B/ 8AA &7I 'hich nerve is most affected in the fracture of the humerus? "the radial nerve &8I 1he coronal suture connects what bones? "the frontal and parietal+ &;I 'hat are & hormone dependent neoplasms? "ovarian "prostate "breast &>I 'hat is the superior most branch of the e-ternal carotid artery?

"the superficial temporal artery/ &?I 'hat is the test for staphylococcus aureus? "the coagulase test 0AI 'ho is thyroid cancer common in? 'hat are the types? "common in women %not genetically transferred thoughI "papillary and reticular types/ 01I 'hat cells produce epinephrine? "chromafin cells of the adrenal medulla/ 02I 'hat is Dancefield classification? " 5t is based on cell wall #olysaccharide ;! or li#oteichoic acid moiety " Based on a group specific carbohydrate or lipoteichoic acid antigen in the cell wall

0&I 'hat is posterior to the a=gous vein? "1he right vagus nerve/ 00I 'hat is the nerve supply to the facial mucosa of the lower anterior teeth? "mental nerve 07I 'hat is the nerve supply to the facial mucosa of mand posterior teeth? " buccal nerve

08I &&/C(C5DD4#( @5RF: 1&/18" *5:B(:B 1HBY C(F:B oral +arts, oral papilloma, con yloma accuminatum, cervical cancer

1/ )erve :upply $or Circumbvallate Capilla" Elossopharyngeal )erve 2/ Histological :tructure 4f 1hyroid Eland $ollicles

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