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Ash Fusibility Furnace

Arbi Riantono1, Emir Perdana2, Fachrina Puspitasari3, Gendipatih4, Harist Qashtari , !" #uth$i %etyana& and Ryan 'harmasaputro(

11)&13*++&, 2,,,,,,,,,,, 31))&& +* , 41))&((1 *&, 1))&&(4&(3, &11)&13+ )&, (1))&(31++2 'epartment o$ !echanical En-ineerin-, Faculty o$ 0ndonesia sometimes su$$icient enou-h to melt its ash 6hich 6hen cooled 6ill $orm clin;er" At lar-e amount, it 6ill cause disposal problem" 2his is there$ore ash $usibility needs to be measured Ash Content Ash basically contains o$ mineral matter, inherent ash, and e9traneous ash" !ineral matter is elements that bounded in carbon chain as replacement o$ hydro-en cations" 0nherent ash has been trapped inside the coal since the be-inner o$ the $ormation 6hile e9traneous ash comes $rom other dilution" 0nherent ash is bounded to-ether 6ith the carbon chain o$ coal 6hile the e9traneous ash only present 6ithout boundin-" 00" A%H F.%080#02< F.R1A4E A. Description Ash $usibility $urnace is a /acuum $urnace used to burn the coal at hi-h temperature" 2he $urnace is made $rom re$ractory material, such as titanium to o/ercome the hi-h burnintemperature 6hich can be as hi-h as 1&)))4 to ma;e a condition o$ coal $usion become possible" 2he product o$ this $usion is called co;e" 4o;e is made due to $usion and de/olatili:ation o$ coal at hi-h temperature that 6ill lea/e co;e 6ith a hi-h content o$ carbon, e/en thou-h the co;e is reduced in mass and /olume"

Abstract- Deposition of ash inside boiler has been a major problem in industries that utilize coal as its energy source. This occurrence happens because of the fusibility temperature of the ash as the product of coal combustion that didnt match with the operating temperature of the system. Therefore, this fusibility needs to be tested and analyzed using a method of combustion simulation. The purpose of the test is to determine the fusibility point of the ash. Test is done in Coal and Coke Ash usibility urnace, free of o!ygen, where specimens of coal in cone shape are burned in high temperature up to "#$$$C. our point of temperature% early stage of deformation, near to softening temperature, softening temperature, and melting temperature is recorded throughout the burning process. The result is presented in digital imaging map. Keywords& Coal and Coke Ash usibility urnace% De'olatilization% Temperature% Coal and Coke% Deposition% (tandard.

0" 012R3'.42031 4oal has been classi$ied as solid un5rene6able $uel" 4oal 6as $ormed by sedimentation o$ s6amp to $orm peat, peat to li-nite, and li-nite to coal" All the process o$ $ormation happens in the soil layer" 2he older and deeper a soil layer, the better the coal that 6ill be -otten" From li-htest to hea/iest, coal has been classi$ied into li-nite, sub5bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite" 2he hea/ier the coal is, the hi-her the heatin- /alue and the better the appearance" 4oal primarily contains o$ 3 ma7or substances, pure coal, mineral, and moisture" Pure coal contains carbon and /olatile matter such as or-anic matter and mineral matter 6hich hold the main role in combustion ener-y 6hile mineral substance contains o$ ash and se/eral /olatile matter" !oisture content in coal di/ided into 2 classi$ication, inherent moisture and sur$ace moisture" 8asically, coal is non5$lammable $uel" 2he hea/ier the coal is, the harder $or them to -et burned" 2here are se/eral $actors that play the role o$ coal combustion and ener-y e9traction" 2hese $actors relate to the coal content itsel$" Ash content is an important criterion in selectin- the type o$ coal to be burned" !ass $raction o$ ash in a coal is related to ho6 e$$ecti/e the combustion o$ the coal is" 2he more ash produced $rom combustion, the smaller mass $raction o$ carbon is, and there 6ill be less ener-y produced" 2his is 6hy ash content is an important consideration in coal combustion" Another important matter 6hy ash content should be analy:ed is its application in industry" At hi-h temperature, in coal combustion process, the heat $rom burnin- coal is

Fi-" 1" 4o;e"

2he purpose o$ the test is to determine the $usibility rate o$ ash o$ coal and co;e 6hen it=s burned at hi-h temperature"

2he bac;-round o$ the test is because o$ ash deposition in the burner 6all in the industry" Furnace is e>uipped by thermocouple as temperature sensor so that the burnin- temperature can be controlled" 2he specimen o$ coal is $ormed in a cone shape so that the de$ormation can be monitored easily" 8urnin- process that happens inside the $urnace can be illustrated as the $i-ure belo6" 4oal in cone shape is $irst burned in hi-h temperature until it=s melted" 2here are 4 important temperature points bein- obser/ed, early sta-e de$ormation, near to so$tenin- temperature, so$tenintemperature, and meltin- temperature"

Fi-" 2" 8urnin- process inside the $urnace? @1A early de$ormation, @2,3A so$tenin-, @4A near to so$tenin-, @ A meltin-"

A more modern $urnace is e>uipped 6ith -as control system to pre/ent lea; o$ -as 6hen 6or;in- 6ith -as, slidin- rotatindoor to sa$ely loc; the 6or; tube, recordin- system to record the burnin- process, e/en di-ital processin- result is present as a print out o$ the test" 3ne e9ample o$ modern ash $usibility $urnace is 4arbolite ash $urnace 6ith the speci$ication as stated in 2able 0"

2A8#E 0 %PE40F04A2031 3F 4AR83#02E A%H F.R1A4E Furnace cabinet dimensions @mmA C @h 9 6 9 case depth 9 o/erall ()) 9 ) 9 & ) 9 +() depthDincludin- depth o$ doorA Eor; tube @internal diameter mmA (+ 2ube material !ullite !a9imum no o$ samples 12 !a9imum temperature F4 @FFA 1&)) @2+12 A !a9imum recommended heat up rate * @1 A F4Dminute @FFDminuteA Heatin- elements %ilicon carbide 'i-ital P0' 6ith multi o$$set 2emperature control parameters 2emperature sensor Pt G PtD13HRh thermocouple 'i-ital 6ith sin-le hi-h alarm 3/er5temperature protection relay Po6er s6itchin%olid state relays 3*)D41 I, )D&)H:, t6o phase, 2 ADphase or Po6er supply 22) G 24)I, )D&)H:, sin-le phase, )A 3ther /olta-es a/ailable on re>uest !a9imum po6er consumption @;EA ( 26o options are a/ailable Reducin- -as &)H @IDIA 43 K 4)H @IDIA 432 $or uses 39idi:in- -as Air 6ith the Pur-e -as 12 $ollo6inGasesJ 3r -ases Reducin- -as )H @IDIA H2 K )H @IDIA 432 Gas 39idi:in- -as 432 option to Pur-e -as 432 @$or use 6ith H2A be speci$ied 6ith orderJ


Fi-" 3" 4arboliteB ash $urnace

Referred Standard 2here are se/eral standards that can be re$erred in doin- ash $usibility testin-" 1" 0%3 4)J 1++ %olid mineral $uels 5 'etermination o$ Fusibility o$ Ash 5 Hi-h 2emperature 2ube !ethod 2" 8% 1)1& J Part 113 J 1++ !ethods $or Analysis and 2estin- o$ 4oal and 4o;e" Part 113" 'etermination o$ Ash Fusibility" 3" A%2! ' 1* (5*( %tandard 2est !ethod $or Fusibility o$ 4oal and 4o;e Ash 4" '01 1(3) 2estin- o$ %olid Fuels? 'etermination o$ Fusibility o$ Fuel Ash" All o$ the standards stated abo/e are mainly tal;in- about the same thin-s, 6hich are temperature measurement, the shape o$ specimen, test method, and sa$ety is bein- e9cluded" An e9ample o$ the test standard is stated belo6" 1" 2his test method co/ers the obser/ation o$ the temperature at 6hich trian-ular pyramids @conesA prepared $rom coal and co;e ash attain and pass throu-h certain de$ined sta-e o$ $usin- and $lo6 6hen heated at a speci$ied rate controlled, mildly reducin-, and 6here desired o9idi:in- atmosphere"


2he test method is empirical, and strict obser/ance o$ the re>uirement and conditions is necessary to obtain reproducible to obtain concordant result" 2he /alues stated in either %0 units or inch pound units are to be re-arded separately as standard" 2he /alues stated each system may not be e9act e>ui/alent? there$ore, each system shall be used independently o$ the other" 4ombinin- /alues $rom the t6o systems may result in non5con$ormance 6ith the standard" 2his standard does not purport to address all o$ the sa$ety concern" 0$ any, associated 6ith its use" 0t is the responsibility o$ the user o$ this standard to establish appropriate sa$ety and health practices and determine the applicability o$ re-ulatory limitation prior to use"



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