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Diego Valverde AP Psychology AP Psychology Outline Chapter 6: Learning - Definition Blue - I portant Points !

reen - I portant People " Contri#utions -$itle Learning % Any relatively dura#le Change in Behavior or &no'ledge that is due to ()perience* Conditioning % Learning Associations #et'een events that occur in an Organis s (nviron ent* Classical Conditioning Pho#ias % Irrational +ears of specific O#,ects or -ituations* Classical Conditioning % $ype of Learning in 'hich a -ti ulus ac.uires the Capacity to (vo/e a 0esponse that 'as originally evo/ed #y another -ti ulus* Ivan Pavlov Pavlovian Conditioning Pavlov1s Dogs % Prior to Dogs #eing +ed 2eat3 a Clic/ing 4oise Occurred* 5* Dogs started -alivating After a'hile 'hen the Clic/ Occurred3 prior to the 2eat #eing given* 6* Dogs salivated 'henever Clic/ happened3 even if there 'as no 2eat* 7* -alivating #eca e a Conditioned Association* Terminology & Procedures 8nconditioned -ti ulus 98C-: % A -ti ulus that evo/es an 8nconditional response 'ithout previous Conditioning* 8nconditioned 0esponse 98C0: % An 8nlearned 0eaction to an 8nconditioned -ti ulus that occurs 'ithout previous Conditioning* Conditioned -ti ulus 9C-: % A Previously 4eutral -ti ulus that through Conditioning3 can (vo/e a Conditioned 0esponse* Conditioned 0esponse 9C0: % A Learned 0eaction to a Conditioned -ti ulus that occurs #ecause of Previous Conditioning* -o eti es3 $he 8C0 and the C0 can #e the sa e thing* Conditioned 0efle) % Conditioned 0esponse is relatively Auto atic or Involuntary* ;appens !radually* $rial % Any Presentation of -ti ulus or a pair of -ti uli* Classical Conditioning in Everyday Life Conditioned +ears 9-uch as +ear of Bridges: ( otional 0esponses 9-uch as a - ell re inding you of -o eone: Physiological 0esponses 9-uch as -e)ual Arousal3 Drug $olerance3 etc*:

Basic Processes Ac.uisition % Initial -tage of Learning -o ething* -ti ulus Contiguity % Ac.uisition depends on a -ti ulus <al'ays= #eing there* ()tinction % $he !radual >ea/ening and Disappearance of a Conditioned 0esponse $endency* As the C- is heard repeatedly 'ithout the 8C-3 C- 'ill ()tinguish* 0apid3 2assed e)posures to a +ear-Inducing C- facilitates the Process of ()tinction* -pontaneous 0ecovery % 0eappearance of an ()tinguished 0esponse after a period of 4o ()posure to the Conditioned -ti ulus* 4e' 0esponse is usually 'ea/er than #efore* -ti ulus !enerali?ation % Occurs 'hen an Organis that has learned a 0esponse to a -pecific -ti ulus 0esponds in the sa e 'ay to ne' -ti ulus that are si ilar to the Original -ti ulus* Is Adaptive3 !iven you rarely see the sa e -ti ulus ore than once* @ohn B >atson Little Al#ert ()peri ent* $he 2ore -i ilar ne' -ti uli are to the Original C-3 the !reater the !enerali?ation* -ti ulus Discri ination % Occurs 'hen an Organis that has learned a 0esponse to a -pecific -ti ulus does 4ot 0espond in the sa e 'ay to a ne' -ti uli that are -i ilar to the Original -ti ulus* $he Less -i ilar ne' -ti uli are to the Original C-3 the greater the Li/elihood of Discri ination* ;igher-Order Conditioning % A Conditioned -ti ulus functions as if it 'ere an 8nconditioned -ti ulus* Operant Conditioning B* +* -/inner Operant Conditioning % A +or of Learning in 'hich 0esponses co e to #e Controlled #y their Conse.uences* Classical Conditioning A 0efle)ive3 Involuntary 0esponses* Operant Conditioning A Voluntary 0esponses* (d'ard $horndi/e Instru ental Learning La' of (ffect % If a 0esponse in the presence of a -ti ulus leads to Positive (ffects3 the Associations #et'een the -ti ulus and 0esponse is -trengthened* 5* Learning is !radually <-ta ped In= to the 2ind* B*+* -/inner 0einforce ent % Occurs 'hen an event follo'ing a 0esponse increases the Organis s tendency to a/e that 0esponse* A 0esponse is -trengthened #ecause it Leads to 0e'arding 0esults* $er inology " Procedure

Operant Cha #er B -/inner Bo) % - all (nclosure 'here an Ani al can a/e a specific 0esponse that is recorded3 'hile the conse.uences are controlled* 0einforce ent Contingencies % Circu stances or 0ules that deter ine 'hether 0esponses lead to the Presentation of 0einforcers* Cu ulative 0ecorder % Creates 0ecord of a 0esponding and 0einforce ent in a -/inner Bo) as a function of $i e* Basic Processes in Operant Conditioning* Ac.uisition3 $hen -haping* -haping % $he 0einforce ent of closer and closer Appro)i ations of a Desired 0esponse* &ey to training for ()traordinary $hings* 9(*g* Ani al $ric/s*: 0esistance to ()tinction % Occurs 'hen an Organis continues to a/e a 0esponse after Delivery of the 0einforcer has #een $er inated* Stimulus Control: Generalization & iscrimination Discri inative -ti ulus % Cues that influence Operant Behavior #y indicating the Pro#a#le Conse.uences of a 0esponse* 0einforce ent % A +avora#le Outco e* 4on-0einforce ent % A 4egative Outco e* !einforcement: Conse"uences t#at Strengt#en !esponse Pri ary 0einforcers % (vents that are Inherently 0einforcing #ecause they -atisfy Biological 4eeds* -econdaryBConditioned 0einforcers % (vents that ac.uire 0einforcing Cualities #y #eing Associated 'ith Pri ary (nforcers*9()* 2oney3 !ood !rades3 Attention3 +lattery3 Praise3 etc*: Sc#edules of !einforcement -chedule of 0einforce ent % Deter ines 'hich Occurrences of a -pecific 0esponse result in the Presentation of a 0einforcer* Continuous 0einforce ent % >hen (very Instance of a Designated 0esponse is 0einforced* Inter ittentBPartial 0einforce ent % >hen a Designated 0esponse is 0einforced Only -o e of the $i e* Partial 0einforce ent a/es a 0esponse ore 0esistant to ()tinction than Continuous 0einforce ent does* +i)ed 0atio 9+0: -chedule % $he 0einforcer is given after a +i)ed 4u #er of 4on-0einforced 0esponses* Varia#le 0atio 9V0: -chedule % $he 0einforcer is !iven after a Varia#le 4u #er of 4on-0einforced 0esponses* +i)ed-Interval 9+I: -chedule % $he 0einforcer is !iven for the +irst 0esponse that Occurs after a +i)ed $i e Interval has (lapsed* Varia#le-Interval 9VI: -chedule % $he 0einforcer is !iven for the +irst 0esponse after a Varia#le $i e Interval has (lapsed* Varia#le -chedules Dield -teadier 0esponding and !reater 0esistance to ()tinction* 0atio -chedules Dield +aster 0ate of 0esponding*

Positive !einforcement vs$ %egative !einforcement$ Positive 0einforce ent % >hen a 0esponse is -trengthened #ecause it is follo'ed #y the Presentation of a 0e'arding -ti ulus* 4egative 0einforce ent % >hen a 0esponse is -trengthened #ecause it is follo'ed #y the 0e oval of an 8npleasant -ti ulus* (scape Learning % An Organis Ac.uires a 0esponse that Decreases or (nds so e Aversive 98npleasant: -ti uli* Avoidance Learning % An Organis Ac.uires a 0esponse that Prevents so e Aversive 98npleasant: -ti ulation fro Occurring* Classic Conditioning and Operant Conditioning can >or/ $ogether* Punis#ment: Conse"uences t#at &ea'en !esponses Punish ent % >hen an (vent follo'ing a 0esponse >ea/ens the $endency to a/e that 0esponse* Adding an Aversive -ti ulant* (a'e Punis#ment (ore Effective 5* Apply Punish ent -'iftly % Delaying Punish ent 8nder ines its I pact* 6* 8se Punish ent @ust -evere (nough to #e (ffective % -ever Punish ents is ore effective in 'ea/ening 8n'anted 0esponses3 #ut has side-effects* 7* 2a/e Punish ent Consistent % If you 'ant to (li inate a 0esponse3 Punish the 0esponse (very ti e it Occurs* E* ()plain the Punish ent % $he 2ore 8nderstanding of 'hy #eing Punished3 the 2ore effective the Punish ent* F* 8se 4on-Corporal Punish ents3 such as >ithdra'al of Privileges % It lasts longer then pain* C#anging irections in Conditioning Instinctive Drift % >hen an Ani al1s Innate 0esponse tendencies interfere 'ith Conditioning Processes* @ohn !arcia % $aste Aversions - Discovered Lin/ #et'een $asteB- ell and 4ausea over a long period of ti e3 #ut not other -enses* 9$aste Aversions: $he Learning Process is -i ilar Across -pecies3 #ut shaped differently #y (volution* (d'ard $ol an % Latent Learning % Learning that is not apparent fro Behavior 'hen it +irst Occurs* 0o#ert 0escorla % -ignal 0elations % $he Predictive Value of a C- is an Influential +actor !overning Classical Conditioning* Organis s Actively try to +igure out 'hat leads to 'hat in the >orld around the * O)servational Learning O#servational Learning % >hen an Organis 1s 0esponding is Influenced #y the O#servation of others3 'ho are called 2odels* O#server stores a 0epresentation of 2odel1s Behavior3 and its Conse.uences* If the Conse.uences are +avora#le3 the O#server1s tendency to e it the 2odeled 0esponse 'ill #e -trengthened* *l)ert Bandura

E &ey Processes in O#servational Learning 5* Attention % $o Learn through O#servation3 you ust pay close Attention to another Person1s Behavior and its Conse.uences* 6* 0etention % Dou ust -tore a 2ental 0epresentation of >hat you have >itnessed in your e ory* 7* 0eproduction % (nacting a 2odeled 0esponse depends on your A#ility to 0eproduce the 0esponse #y Converting your -tored 2ental I ages into Overt Behavior* E* 2otivation % Dou 'ill not 0eproduce an O#served 0esponse unless you are 2otivated to Do so* Dour 2otivation depends on 'hether you thin/ the 0esponse 'ill Pay Off in the -ituation you are in*

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