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Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Bucovat/Structura Bucovat Prof.

Prvulescu Miruna LESSON PLAN

Date: ourse: English 2000 !eac"er of En#lis": Prvulescu Miruna-Dana Level: Primary, 2 hours/week lass: 5 Nu$%er of stu&ents: 'nit of learnin#: My family and my e!s !o(ic: Domes!ic and wild animals Main focus: " eaking skills Instruction ti$e: 50 minu!es Ai$s: - !o give "" rac!ice in s eaking - !o in!roduce voca#ulary concerning animals - !o rac!ise !he Presen! $ense "im le and demons!ra!ive ronouns and ad%ec!ives $he ur ose of !his lesson is !o in!roduce s!uden!s !wo differen! !y es of animals& domes!ica!ed and non-domes!ica!ed, and !o give !hem rac!ice in s eaking' $his !o ic is relevan! !o s!uden!s #ecause many s!uden!s may choose !o own a e!' Lan#ua#e functions: - asking !hings - giving informa!ion - iden!ifying and descri#ing animals Assu$e& )no*le&#e: SS have already learn! !he Presen! $ense "im le Antici(ate& (ro%le$s: - (f "" do no! unders!and !he oral commands or !he !asks, !hese will #e !ransla!ed in!o )omanian' Assess$ent activit+: $he s!uden!s will #e assessed on class ar!ici a!ion' ,esources an& $aterials: Pic!ures or drawings of animals, !e*!#ook, #lack#oard

Activit+ -: .A,ME, +ims& - !o warm "" u - !o have "" !alk a#ou! !heir lives and !hemselves, $iming& 5 minu!es (n!erac!ion& $-" Procedure& $o warm u !he s!uden!s for !he lesson, (-ll ask !hem .ues!ions a#ou! !heir lives' /0ha! day is !oday1--, /0ha! do you do on 2ridays1--, 3Do you like swee!s1-Activit+ /: LEAD-IN +ims& - !o ge! "" in!o !he new !o ic $iming& 2 minu!es (n!erac!ion& $-" Procedure& $ asks a s!uden! if he/she likes animals and if he/she has go! a e!' 3Do you like animals1/, 30ha! animals do you like 1/ Activit+ 0: IN!,OD' IN1 NE. .O,DS/NO!IONS +ims& - !o in!roduce voca#ulary concerning animals and !heir ha#i!a! - !o im rove ronuncia!ion $iming& 5 minu!es (n!erac!ion& $-" Procedure& $ asks "" if !hey know wha! words like 3domes!ic/ and 3wild/ mean' $hen $ asks "" where domes!ic animals, res ec!ively wild animals live' "" are also asked !o name some domes!ic and wild animals' $ e* lains wha! a e! is' Activit+ 2: .3A! IS !3IS4 +ims& - !o have "" !alk a#ou! !he animals !hey see in !he ic!ures $iming& 5 minu!es (n!erac!ion& $-" Procedure& "" are shown some ic!ures and are asked !o name !he animals !hey see' $hey are also asked !o descri#e !hem& 30ha!-s !his1/, 3(s i! a domes!ic or a wild animal1/, 30here does i! live1/ Activit+ 5: .3A! DO !3E6 SA64 +ims& - !o rela* s!uden!s and review !his is/!ha! is, demons!ra!ive ad%ec!ives and ronouns $iming& 4 minu!es (n!erac!ion& $-", "-" Procedure& "" are asked if !hey know wha! a dog 3says/' $ imi!a!es some animals and asks s!uden!s if !hey can do !he same' Activit+ 7: .3A! DO !3E6 EA!4 +ims& - !o recycle voca#ulary and rac!ise !he Presen! $ense "im le $ime& 50 minu!es

(n!erac!ion& Pair-work, $-" Procedure& "" are given workshee!s and are asked !o work in airs' $hey have !o answer some .ues!ions a#ou! wha! cer!ain domes!ic and wild animals ea!' $ checks !heir answers and/or s!uden!s go !o !he #lack#oard and wri!e !he correc! answers' Activit+ 8: A,E DOMES!I ANIMALS 'SE9'L4 +ims&- !o in!roduce/recycle voca#ulary and give "" !he chance !o #e crea!ive $ime& 50 minu!es (n!erac!ion& "-$ Procedure& $ asks s!uden!s if !hey know wha! cer!ain domes!ic animals give' 30ha! do igs give1/ 3$hey give mea!'/ 30ha! do cows give1/ 3$hey give milk'/ e!c Activit+ :: A 1AME: 1'ESS !3E ANIMAL; +ims& - !o rela* s!uden!s $ime& 5 minu!es (n!erac!ion& $-", "-" Procedure& $ !ells "" some charac!eris!ics of an animal and "" are asked !o guess i!' 3( like honey, #u! ( do no! like #ees'/ 3"o, you are a #ear'/ 3( ea! carro!s and ca##age'/ 3"o, you are a ra##i!'/ 6r some s!uden!s are asked !o ac! ou! an ac!ion or imi!a!e an animal and !he o!hers guess !he animals' Note: "ome of !he revious ac!ivi!ies are o !ional, de ending on !he !ime lef!' Activit+ <: EVAL'A!ION/ 3OME.O,= ASSI1NMEN! +ims& - !o evalua!e ""- work - !o assign ""- homework $iming& 5 minu!es (n!erac!ion& $-" Procedure& $ grades some ""' "" are assigned !o draw a e! and give de!ails a#ou! i!' Activit+ 7 .3A! DO !3E6 EA!4 Model: What do cows eat? They eat grass.

-> 0ha! do 7e#ras8''81 $hey ea!88888'

/> 0ha!8'8'8'#ears ea!1 $hey8'8''8''honey' 0> 0ha! do ca!s8881 $hey ea!88888 2> 0ha!88''''monkeys ea!1 $hey8888#ananas' 5> 0ha! do ra##i!s8881 $hey ea!8'888' 7> 0ha! 8''8horses ea!1 $hey ea!8'8'8' 8> 0ha! do wolves881 $hey ea!88888'

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