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Learn To Play The Greatest Great Life Game On Planet Earth - Awakening Your Very Own Self - To Your Max
The Law of Attraction Plus, Plus, Plus - Count them 9 other Secret Related Awareness Enhancing Protocols - By Dr. Lynn & son David Sereda Legal note every idea contained in these pages has been both copyrighted & trademarked,plus ccd to our legal team.

Thanks very much to the advent of modern computer generated imagery - We now have the virtual possibility to show people how to fully operate the whole of their quantum level empowered - Truly wonderful wizard like - Positively brilliant processor within - Like never before in our human history In addition to our now available 2 Vol E-book We already are towards this end in the process of designing our new wave Totally Inwardly oriented Quantum You Hugely inspiring instructional computer game - To help even our children learn just how to fully optimize - All aspects of their own manifestation enabled Inner genius Well beyond their wildest dreams. In this respect you will find our 9 level game Totally grounded in a 3 part whole nervous system model - With each level having been chosen from the great wisdom teachings of the ages And then most exquisitely put together in such a way - As to help each and every one of us bring to fruition the truly great ful-filled lifes - We all deserve Indeed - Actually have been created / evolved to be able to experience - Not just in terms of our own ends alone - But in relation to all those we may be blessed to come into - Real heart to heart contact with!
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What Follows Is A Somewhat Fuller Outline Summary of Our 9 Pure Awareness Enhancing Protocols Designed To Help You Learn to Play Your Most Integral Self Way Out Here To Your Max - By Way of Investigating Your Possibility To Grow The Light of Your Unlimited Awareness Toward Your Possibility to Ever More Completely Realize Your Very Own Now Quantum Attuned & Therefore Most One-Der-Ful Total Ful-FillMent Enabled Wizard Within
To begin - This is what it seems to take to totally clear the emotional level of our being - from all self devisive and therefore constantly taking ourselves down energy losing states of self conflictual and therefore self sabotaging emotional turmoil. Level # 1 Really Getting-It
The first thing we do is show you how to bring your awareness more present inside of your body. In such a way that helps you discover that your awareness principle - is like an inner light! Make thine I single, or, develop your sense of being unified whole. And thy body shall be filled with light. Likewise, Become as a light unto your self - and the king-dome of heaven will become far more open to you.

Level # 2 Growing Vital Energetic Radiance

Next we reveal just how you can turn that inner light into a focused laser beam. In order that by means of the light of your more focused awareness yes you can enable your self to enter right inside the very pure energy core - of all of your emotions. To thus by way of totally learning to face totally into, in marked contrast to our usual evasive patterns of way too much feeling and emotional resistance, and often outright denial. Much rather help our selves actually discover just how to completely vaporize expand into pure radiance, whatever negative emotions we may still find our self holding. Much like in modern computer games wherein we have learned to vaporize into holy smoke whatever negative demons we may find appearing on a particular game screen. This in turn begins to make much more evident, just how it is we can learn to shift from various levels of continual emotional contraction and thus our old tendencies toward flare button based, energy losing fight or flight over-reaction. Into a much healthier, way more grown up state of vital energetic radiance, or emotional expansion. In other words discover for ourselves just how to shift from our sympathetic (fear based) contractive way of emoting, into our now more para or above sympathy needing much more expansive way of being with what amount to - our own emotion based

various pure vital energies. In such a way that we far more simply and directly than we ever may have imagined - transition ourselves to this more grown up way of feeling and emoting. With the net result of a huge energy gain with respect to the very energy we require to help us much more fully power up our wonderful wizard within. Until such time as you your self actually come to realize that you were meant within this more adult way of being - to actually shine and radiate much like a glowing super star - every moment of your existence do you now heare?

Level # 3 Now For - Total House Clearing

Finally once you get how to clear all those old held fear patterns likely to compel you into emotional contraction, and thus inevitable either hyper fighter macho tough, or fleer avoider wimp depressive - over reactive energy loss. We invite you to go in and clear out every ounce, every last byte of self sabotaging - self doubt & self loathing - you will have in varying degrees taken on over the course of your life. Especially in relation to whatever dreamed for positively great life intended results - you may choose to set in front of your self. Simply because we have come to realize, insofar as we keep holding any self doubt within us. Our law of attraction will tend to keep us bringing more of the same old, same old, negative experiences into our life - over and over again. In ways that will keep conflictually interfering with and thus cancelling out our ability to move more positively forward. In relation to whatever best intentions we may keep setting in front of ourselves. Until such time as we finally choose to totally liberate our emotional nature itself - from any such inner held self contradictory, self doubt conflict. Of course the positively great news is the moment you your self find your self nolonger holding any given self doubt / self loathing emotional issue inside of your anymore. Like I-Cant, I Dont Know How, Im Simply Not Good Enough, I Dont Deserve To Be On Top. By way of agreeing to laser vaporize all such old constant negativity attracting feelings completely expansive always out of you. You will now automatically find your self being empowered with very opposite feelings, like for example Yes I-Can, I Now Know How, I-Am Actually Good Enough, I-Am Truly Loveable Enough, I-Am Brilliantly Intelligent Enough. Indeed, I Clearly Do Deserve A Positively Great Life etc, etc! Without you having to make so much positive thinking mental effort to keep constantly trying to always hold any such self confidence oriented feelings in front of your self. In other words, once cleared of any given self doubt / self loathing - the whole of your being will now automatically feel whatever positivity you long for. Beyond anymore felt need to keep making this or that kind of mental effort to try and overcome all those various formerly held emotional self doubt / self loathing issues you once used to hold inside of you. Yes, Yes, wouldnt this be lovely - to have such way more positive energy?

Next - Here then is what it seems to take to totally jump the rational / logical level of our being. From mere linear sequential rational logical ways - of always trying to force think up impose whatever solutions we may be looking for - alone. Into being far more able to constantly fire up

our whole mind field. In the direction of finding ourselves being much more quantum light speed, way more supra logically, or super consciously, totally full matrix whole brain at the same time, everywhere all at once lit up. Wherein this more big mind open state, we would always find ourselves far more able to gestalt or big picture insight see and thus clearly vision - our best possible ways to keep ever inventing forward - a positively great whole life for ourselves. Level # 4 Transcending Beyond All Old Limits - By Expanding Our Sense of Being Present - From Here To Infinity & Beyond
Now that you more fully get that your much more clear radiant, totally present embodied pure beingness. Is like a light field which can be experienced to extend well beyond your mere body. Its time to support your most pure energy radiant self - to discover just how to penetrate non-separatively - right into the very insides of the many objects of differentiated perception - that keep coming into your daily experience. As in I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree! Or, as in those moments when you have found your self loving your favorite pet - so totally! You were able to experience your awareness of so called external reality - within a state of complete inside to inside intimate connection with that pet. Much like you experienced with your mother and hopefully your father, whenever you entered into a complete heart to heart no-difference bond state with them - whenever they totally loved you - as a mere infant. Or like you may have felt with your mate in those moments of peak making love experience. When you were so open that for a time you may have experienced only one heart beating. In other words, the point of this to Infinity & Beyond process of now growing your awareness into an ever more fantastic level of being, is to begin encouraging your awareness to penetrate right inside whatever you may be experiencing. To such a degree, that you finally become more and more comfortable with experiencing non-separateness with everything and everyone who comes into your life. To the point where you help yourself fully get it, that every time you allow your being to thus penetrate right within so called things in the world around you. You begin to enlist the energy of all these non-separatively experienced things which you have now allowed to become an intimate part of you. To both motivate and inspire you into new much more transcendental levels - of no-longer dualistic much rather now holographic - understanding! And thus toward a far more totally effective in the moment solution generative capability no matter how challenging the circumstances - you may find your self facing.

Level # 5 Re-claiming Your Very Own State of - Innocent One-Der

So now let us help you take this state of non-dualistic awareness another step further. By asking you to start to see all so called objects within your field of external reality - as no-thing but pure quantum level infinitely inter-connected energy. Inasmuch as every single thing we ever abstract differentiate seems to be constituted out the very same singular oceanic like - field of pure energy. Which

via the prior To Infinity & Beyond more expanded awareness process, you are now beginning to more whole being - totally grok. Is what makes up that One Singular Most Source out of which every single thing we ever experience - arises. Wow you mean to say that every object we ever define is completely interconnected within a quantum level totally unified field. And that the only true reality is that of One-Ness itself! Yes exactly! This is exactly why what we now ask - is for you to begin to help your self actually more and more see reality in terms of this singular most level of pure energy. Rather than so much in terms of you only being willing to see reality in terms of objects per se. Along the same lines that Eckhardt Tolle suggests in his seeing without naming exercise or agreement to look at reality from a place that is de-tached or no-longer identified with your preconceived ideas about reality. Much in the way many of our many great mystics have suggested with respect to what they came to refer to as the Oceanic Feeling. Or, with respect to that very same state of pure not yet differentiated - Innocent One-Der such as we all once experienced when we first came in here. Simply because encouraging this state within us, is the best means we have to re-open our accumulated field of already established information - totally beyond anymore self limiting box. Into our now completely free and liberated, most powerful ever ongoing how to invent a totally great life for ourselves, positively brilliant new great solution generative enabled wonderful wizard within.
Modified quote from the work of more quantum attuned physician Dr. Richard Bartlett go to from Oct 18 interview on Coast to Coast Radio Quantum physics offers a possible explanation as to how our healing abilities occur. We're beings of light, but the problem is most people see themselves as matter, due to their (accumulated history of) perceptual biases, Dr. Bartlett said. Seeing oneself as matter creates a closed system that doesn't allow for miracles, he added. "I think that miracles come from a hyperdimensional reality structure...when we set adequate morphic field or quantum potential that can now much more freely bleed over into our physical reality wherein once our energy has more space to flow again, we can see things like cancers disappearing." As well as in terms of what I (Dr. Sereda) might in add relation to this above outlined re-claiming innocent one-der exercise, suddenly afford our selves infinite possibilities to see solutions to old problems - beyond our wildest dreams. Modified definition of to Grok from Robert Heinleins well known Stranger In A Strange Land. (search grok on It means to understand so (whole being) thoroughly, that we the observer become a (non-separate no-longer dualistic) part of the observed. In brackets additions mine (In other words it involves a kind of way intimately penetrative mind meld with any object in our field of perception.)

Level # 6 In-Stilling Ones Now Soaring Essence Within Into A Place of Most Peace-Fully-Inspired Guidance
To the extent you are beginning to comprehend where we are headed. The next level of our quantum you non-dualistic oriented attunement process. Involves finding some way to support your self to finally so totally relax the very essence of your being completely into the true underlying ultimate totally harmonic nature - of the larger at-one-ment field - itself. In the much greater sense that this is exactly

what based on modern scientific inquiry, we find seems to exist whenever we are most in touch with the very core essence of the quantum field itself. Then the moment you truly get this experience of complete relaxed present nonseparateness from the Quantum Field - inside of you! The more you will enable your self to In-Still an experience of Perfectly Brilliant, clear present clarity within you on a regular ongoing moment to moment daily basis! With the positively great news being, the more you keep agreeing to enter into the place of non-separation based - way more peace-ful no-difference. within your most aware expanded sense of self. The more you are going to find what amounts to the very place from within which your most brilliant forward moving creative process based solutions - seem to emerge. In other words the moment we learn to quieten our so called normal, always trying to force our mere fear based linear sequential thinking minds from going down the same old 10% or less pathways within what amounts to our huge quantum byte based informational field. This is the moment we seem to open our whole much bigger mind space into being able to fire up core contextually, instantaneously simultaneously. Into the full in all directions, complete matrix of stored information that we will have based on our past experiences, accrued within our huge mind field. To help us generate the way more brilliant whole field embedded solutions to our intentions than we have ever before dared dream possible. Much in the same way the world wide web, along with search engines like google have become full matrices of information available now at our finger tips. Provided we just ask our intentional search engine within us some solution oriented question? In other words, the accumulated wise-dome of the ages clearly reveals that this shift into full matrix embedded quantum light speed ways of insighting or much more supra-logically whole field seeing inward. By way of our learning To In-Still Peaceful Inspiration, as opposed to keeping ourselves stuck in mere linear sequential one byte at a time thinking alone. Is exactly how we start to jump our solution generative capability into far more holographic integral, potentially peaceful solution brilliance, than we ever before even dared dream possible. With respect to every so called problem we may ever encounter.

Finally How about you learn to open yourself into that effortless flow zone. Of your very best intention oriented, optimal solution generative performance empowerment - all the time. Inasmuch as more and more leading edge psycho-physiologists are beginning to understand, that it is our hearts not our heads that appear to be the most integral center designed / evolved to help us realize - what amounts to our most optimal quantum attuned intelligence - within us. In the much greater sense that we are finding this organ seems uniquely best suited - to start to resonate us into the very sort of state of greater awareness attunement state - which becomes one of optimal harmonic flow zone - guidance. Within what amounts to the underlying hugely intelligent nature - of the quantum field itself.

Level # 7 Now Is The Time For You To More Fully Whole Being Grok The Full Significance of Enlisting Ones Full-On Heart-Awakened State of Totally Greate-Ful Experienced Appreciation
O.K.! So assuming you are beginning to get it, that you have been designed evolved to be positively solution capable brilliant - well beyond your wildest dreams! And that the infinite source of all manifestation has already given you all the equipment that you require - to help you have a positively great whole life! Well then the time has come for you to now much whole being under-stand. The very best place from within which to start any given day, in relation to your greater potential ability to actually ful-fill all of your intended dreams. Is to start by opening your heart as wide open as possible into a place within you - which is one of total great-ful-ness for all that you have already been given. Including the huge gift of your most whole being empowering intelligence. As opposed to starting from a needy place of wanting even more, devoid of real reverent respect. In such a way that you sense just how to heart sing or whole being hum along in completely joyous total love of life harmonic resonance - with the underlying nature of the quantum field itself. As the best means you have help your self set the very sort inner tone within you such as can best enable you to keep humming totally along in love with whatever you may be choosing to engage in, for the rest of your day. From within a place which now thanks to your much more open heart. All those inner streams of little munchkin like inner intention oriented guidance, are going to have the possibility to keep arising within the very heart awakened core of you. To thus constantly help point your next steps forward, toward your realization of that most One-Der-Ful, total solution capable Wizard Processor Within. In other words, lead you into the discovery of that huge quantum level attuned whole being within you who is going to be the most fully empowered enabled to bring all of your best intentions into manifest form. For is it not so, that it is whenever you are the most totally in love with your life, including most in touch who you in such expanded aware moments truly are. That this is exactly when your very best manifest enabled magic actually starts to most exquisitely happen for you. At least for whatever duration you experience your self able to maintain - such a more totally open - completely here and now present level of greater than normal sensitive - attunement.

Level # 8 Mobilizing Your Very Own Most Precious Beyond Self Connected - Giant Inner Yes I-Now Know Exactly How I-Can Actually Fulfill All of My Dreams
Hopefully you are now much better understanding, that just what our Quantum You process is all about. Has everything to be with helping you your self to discover just how yes you-can best empower your self. Toward a total Yes I Now Know Exactly How I-Can without a shred of self doubt anymore left within you. In the direction of actually enabling your self - to now be fully empowered to fulfill absolutely all of your dreams. In such a new way, that you are now going to be totally harmonically whole quantum field attuned with positively everything and

everybody that you keep finding all around you. Inasmuch as what we are all of us who agree to be more here, are beginning to much more fully comprehend. Is that everything we ever experience is actually a part and parcel of this magnificent quantum mystery field - itself. Wow you mean our small planet is about to make a quantum shift up into light speed! In order to enable us all to discover our far more brilliant quantum attuned solution generative capability. By way of supporting ourselves to attune to the very underlying qualities by means of which the quantum field itself is able to manifest everything we ever experience into form all around us. Yes, Yes, this is exactly it. More and more of us are actually waking up to discover that not only are we an intimate part of what we heretofore have been referring to as God. But insofar as more and more of us wake ourselves up to realize this. Including our actual ability to discover the place of full-on heart open quantum attunement with the underlying love hum resonant nature of the quantum field - itself. We are finding ourselves wanting to play at creating solutions in entirely new - far more quantum attuned - harmonically resonant ways.
To find out more about what these most essential qualities of the quantum field are go to youtube and search for our 3 videos under quantum attunement. Simply because once you your self fully get what Quantum You is all about! More and more of us are going to want to begin your very own process of quantum attunement right now.

Level # 9 Manifesting So Right From Within Our One & Only Truly Great Mystery Source Connected Super Light Attuned & Thus Totally Most Effortless Always In Our Flow Zone - Vortex of Empowerment
Finally heare ye is where you, and all of us are being guided. The only true reality appears to be that of the ultimate One-Ness of the most mysterious and at the same time truly magnificent super intelligently manifesting - unified field. Everything else is a mere figment of our abstractive ability to differentiate, what we merely think are so called separate objective things - into form. Which means that insofar as we agree to wake up the light of our own beings into a place of nonseparateness from the underlying love hum resonance of what amounts to most truly magnificent singularity based field. We begin to not only see reality in an entirely new light. But we also begin to want to co-create in far more hum harmonic attuned ways than we have before dreamed possible. Quite simply because we begin to understand that we become the most empowered to realize our most positively brilliant possible levels - of whole being ful-fill-ing manifestation. Insofar as we discover how to non-separatively and thus nondualistically link ourselves up with the very qualities - of quantum level manifestation itself. By way of learning to listen to, or truly heare, the ongoing guidance of our hearts that very core most internal processing unit - of our most empowering now whole being quantum level attuned - processor within. Such as has been most exquisitely designed / evolved to help us manifest positively all our dreams. From within our most effortless in our flow zone attuned way of being. That very place which we have all been blessed to experience on occasion, from within which we experience the ultimate magic of being in the perfect place at the perfect time, attracting exactly the right people

most likely to help us be able bring our intended projects to fruition, as well as find the very resources that are going to make our dreams come true. Insofar as we will finally just agree to bring whole core of our focus to the very front and core center, of whomsoever we may most choose to be. Imagine then your possibility to discover how to be in such a place all the time. Which is exactly why we have put together Quantum You in the first place. To help you realize the place of total empowerment within you with respect to your ability to realize of all of your best intentions. Not just in the sense of being rich of and by itself: but actually in the much greater sense of having both a positively great totally fui-flling love life; in conjunction with a complete family life; a powerful ability to collectively communicate and thus co-operate with like open hearted people; in relation to an ability to keep vision seeing your way endlessly brilliant solution forward with respect to all of your greatest intentions; all coupled with a total love of life; and thus a total truly reverent respect for all the gifts that this Quantum Level Source keeps providing for all of us - all the time. Inasmuch as the only true place which can lead to total true found here and now joyful happiness. Involves that place from within which you discover how to love absolutely everything about the living out of your life. In relation to absolutely everything and everybody you find coming into your life every moment of your most peace-ful possible great solution oriented - time within what always amounts to a field of non-separation. Halleluyah, Om Shanti Om, Lehiam, Buddam Saranam Gacchami, Dhamman Sarnam Gacchami, Sangam Saranam Gacchami, Allah Akbar, Ho! May you come to find your very own no-longer divided and thus non-separate from anything - state of true found grace. The very state of grace which will carry you into the Ultimate Core Peace-Ful-Ness of that wholeness out of which positively everything we ever come to know - Manifests!

See the lilies of the field and how they bloom! Though they neither toil (as we do by way of constantly keeping ourselves trying to force solutions - based on our limited mere thinking minds alone), nor spin (stay as if lost to the greater light of our huge potential to be way more whole person fully manifest enabled - very much as a consequence of our spinning in endless emotional turmoil)! Yet Solomon in all his glory, was never arrayed as any of these! And so too shall it come to pass in relation to the full blooming of your very own Quantum You, that Insofar as you agree to discover just how yes you can attune into the very heart and soul of your most effortlessly empowered you. To that which is the ultimate Source of all Manifestation! You too shall finally find your self able to bloom even far more gloriously than the lilies of the field into your very own most whole person radiant, effortlessly well beyond ordinary ful-fill-ment empowered, vortex of super-light! With the utmost respect to who you were actually designed / evolved - to be.

Incidentally, now that you get what our quantum you empowering process is all about. We want you to know how much we do appreciate any support you may choose to give us. Inasmuch as our next intention to offer weekly q & a helpful guidance sessions on our web site. As well as to create a 9 level internally oriented, holographic cartoon character image based, computer game. Along with a movie showing what happens to people when they make an agreement to grow fully up into their most effortlessly empowered votices of light. In order that we may thus finally show all of our children just how they can learn to power up their internal processors within. Into an actual quantum level empowered ability to manifest every one of their most complete, whole being ful-fill-ment oriented dreams.

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