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El Camino HS

Teacher Candidate: Anthony Eastman

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Date: September 16, 2013 Course for which the Lesson is developed: Physical Education Classroom Teacher: Time allotted: 50 minutes

Subject: Physical Education Central Focus: Stress and the Physiological Effect on the Body Grade Level(s): Tenth Grade

Theoretical Principles and/or ResearchBased Best Practices in this Lesson Why are the learning tasks for this lesson appropriate for your students? Cite references

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Common Errors, Developmental Approximations, Misconceptions, Partial Understandings, or Misunderstandings for this Lesson What are common errors or misunderstandings of students related to the central focus of this lesson? How will you address them for this group of students? Many students may believe that all stress is bad. This lesson teaches that we all experience stress every day, how to recognize it, and that learning coping techniques is a healthy part of dealing with daily stress. Students will hear the information twice, once from a teen commentator on a reputable website, and once from me. I am hoping that hearing the information in several formats, and hearing it from a teen as well as an adult, will make the information more relatable. Students developmentally will be able to understand this lesson because they are old enough to analyze their own bodies as it is a period of great physical change, and because they are experiencing an increasing amount of stress at home, in school, through peer pressure, etc. I will address this by stopping at several points to make sure that learning objectives are being met, and that these common misconceptions are not an issue.

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El Camino HS

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Standard(s)/Benchmark(s) to be met in the Lesson: (ILS, Common Core, or Professional Learning Standards) Each standard should correspond to one or more objective.

Learning Objective(s): Assessment Tool(s) and Procedures: What are the students expected to know and/ What will provide evidence that students or do in the lesson? meet objectives? Write out each specific objective to be met Every objective must be assessed. by students in the lesson. 1. Students will give a basic definition of 1. What is a definition of stress? stress. 2. How often do we experience stress? 2. Students will list 3 possible situations that could product stress. 3. What are some possible physiological 3. Students will list 5 physiological effects that effects of stress on your body? stress might have on their body. 4. Name several healthy ways to deal with 4. Students will list 5 healthy ways to deal daily stress as if affects you. with daily stress.

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El Camino HS

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Procedures: List in sequence the actions taken by teacher and students throughout the lesson. A. Engage Students: (Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment may be included here.) I will use a group brainstorming activity as well as a partner activity to engage students and to find out what prior knowledge and opinions that have on the subject of stress. B. Communicate the Purpose of the Lesson to Students (Objectives and Assessment): I will say to the students, Today we will be learning about daily stress, what it does to our bodies, and some healthy strategies for dealing with stress. C. Instructional Sequence: 1. Engage students in a group brainstorming activity using the following questions: What do you think about the word stress? How often do you experience stress? What are some things that make you feel stress? How does stress make your body feel? and How do you typically handle stress? 2. Students will log onto as a group if we have enough IPADS or computers, or if not as a homework assignment. This website is free, and walks students through an activity called All Stressed Out, which includes a teen commentator giving an overview of stress, and how it affects the body in a general way. Students will work with a partner to recap what they have learned. I will present a short Powerpoint presentation on ! The definition of stress (in terms of healthy and unhealthy stress) as encountered as a normal part of life ! The effect of stress on physiology including the adrenal glands, autonomic nervous system (heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion), and cortisol levels (affecting the metabolism of fat, protein, and glucose) Students will then revisit the group brainstorming list How do you typically handle stress? . As a group, we will discuss each idea and discuss whether this is in fact a healthy way to deal with stress. I will assess how will I met my objectives by asking each student to identify the definition of stress in a multiple choice question, and then ask them to list 3 situation which might be stressors, 5 possible physiological responses, and 5 healthy ways to deal with stress.


4. 5.

D. Monitoring Student Engagement and Learning: (What will the teacher do to ensure student engagement?) I will use visuals, engage the group in a brainstorming activity, a partner share activity, make eye contact with students, and call on students by name who may not be participating. I will also share my own experiences with stress to make students more comfortable in sharing. I will also utilize a website with a video type presentation. E. Student Interactions: (How will you structure opportunities for students to work with partners or in groups? What criteria will you use when forming groups?) This lesson includes a group brainstorming session at the beginning of the lesson and a partner activity at the end of the lesson. I will do a whole group brainstorming with all students facing the board we are recording on at the beginning of the lesson. I will ask rows of students to face one another and pair up as partners for the partner activity. F. Closure: Purpose of the Lesson is clearly restated by students and/or teacher (Objectives and Assessment) I will ask the students to take a short quiz at the end of the lesson. I will recap to students that today we have learned about stress, its definition and effects, and healthy ways to handle stress. I will use the quiz results to plan for future lessons.

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El Camino HS

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Lesson Plan Details Instructional Materials: White board (preferably a Smartboard so we can print a poster of our group comments for use in future lessons), various colors of white board pens for attractiveness, computers for all participants, quiz for assessment at the end of the lesson Use of Technology: Smartboard for recording group comments, one computer per student with internet access to log onto Safety in the Physical Environment: This lesson does not present any safety hazards for students. Care should be taken with computers to keep food and drink outside the classroom. Academic Language List the Academic Language used in the Lesson. Include Tier 1, 2, and 3 language. 1. Physiological 2. Mental health 3. Factors Academic Language plays a key part in any lesson Describe the Evidence that Students know and use plan for students. Academic language is important Academic Language appropriately: because if they student can understand the academic terms of what is being taught in the Evidence that students would know and use lesson, the more likely the student will academic language would primarily be shown in comprehend new information coming in. their work. Examples of that specific word stating definitions or examples of exactly what that specific word was.

Assessment (Identify the type(s) of assessment used in this lesson. Explain how it provides evidence that students will meet the objective(s). At least one type of assessment is required in a lesson plan.) Diagnostic (Pre-): (Formal or Informal) Formative: (Formal or Informal) Reflective: (Formal or Informal) Summative: (Formal or Informal) Quiz at the end will show a formal assessment by each student of the 4 main learning objectives. Differentiating Instruction
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El Camino HS

Lesson Plan Design 2013

Describe the Evidence that Students know and use Academic Language appropriately: Identify the Student Characteristic that you will use to Differentiate: Student Readiness Student Interest Student Learning Profile Explain how it is used to Differentiate for the whole class, groups of students with similar needs, individual students OR students with IEPs or 504 plans. During whole class discussions, I would consult IEPs for children with language difficulties and make adjustments as needed.

Analyzing Teaching (Reflection): To be completed after the lesson is taught

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Students will list 3 I*1;#&*(2$".%;#)("&#( possible situations )%*1+4"&(*,+*(0"18;( that could produce 2$";10#()*$#))6 stress. Students will list 5 physiological effects that stress might have on their body.

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physiological effects that stress might have on their body.

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physiological effects that stress might have on their body.

physiological effects that stress might have on their body.

Students will list 5 Student lists 2 healthy ways Student lists 3 healthy ways Student lists 5 healthy ways healthy ways to to deal with daily stress. to deal with daily stress. to deal with daily stress. deal with daily stress.

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El Camino HS

Lesson Plan Design 2013

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