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Dr. W.H. Scheussler's Biochemic Theory is the foundation of the Hyland's Cell Salts of Life According to this great pioneering doctor who identified the 12 different "salts" that are present in every cell in the h man !ody" when cells !ecome deficient in one or more "salts#" certain symptoms appear. $hen that "salt" is replaced# the symptoms a!ate. %he !iochemic system of &r. Sch essler has stood the test of time !eca se it wor's. (ne does not need to !e a professionally trained individ al to reap the !enefits of this great man)s research# * st a 'een o!server of symptoms. Availing oneself of the cell salt remedies# in all their diversity# is a s re step to ta'e towards self+healing. Background on Biochemic Tissue Salts ,-(%.: %he Biochemic system owes its origins to &/ $ilhelm 0einrich Sch essler# a 1erman doctor of medicine who was also a !iochemist# physicist and homeopath. Between 1232 and 1242# he discovered that inorganic matter essential to health comprised 12 mineral tiss e salts: 5alc Fl or# 5alc 6hos# 5alc S lph# Ferr 6hos# 7ali 8 r# 7ali 6hos# 7ali S lph# 8ag 6hos# 9at 8 r# 9at 6hos# 9at S lph and Silica. A deficiency in any of these led to wea'ened cell str ct re and ill health. $hen the deficiency was corrected# the cells again f nctioned normally and health was restored. Biochemic tiss e salts:also called cell salts:are minerals in an energy form. %he first signs of tiss e salt deficiencies are visi!le in the face# m ch !efore physical symptoms occ r. By reading the face signs and s pplementing with the appropriate tiss e salts# one can achieve a !alanced correction at the cell lar level# which ena!les the !ody to heal itself. %han's to &/ Sch essler)s findings# tiss e salts are today sed to treat ac te and chronic conditions of viral# !acterial or f ngal origin as they !oost the !ody)s own defence mechanism to co nteract an infection and heal itself. .;cept for very rare cases of lactose intolerance# these salts are safe and gentle remedies that have no to;ic or side effects. %hey can !e safely sed to treat yo ng and old ali'e# incl ding pets and plants. &/ Sch essler)s therapy finds confirmation thro gh the statement of 9o!le 6ri<e winner &/ =in s 6a ling: ))>o can trace every sic'ness# every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.)) ++From a fine we! page from an Indian 0omeopath:

Introduction To The 1 Homeo!atic Bio"Chemic Salts#

C$S%$L$&IC'L D'T' Chart

From %he ?odiac and the Salts of Salvation !y &r. 1eorge $ashington 5arey and Ine< . dora 6erry 14@2

5.== SA=%S %( %A7. F(/ >(-/ SUN SIGN A8(9%0 B(/9B ASC., A/ising Sign 1st 0o seB C DEC., A(pposite /ising Sign# 3th 0o seB MC., A8id+0eaven Angle# 1Dth 0o seB C IC., A(pposite 8id+0eaven Angle# Eh 0o seB 6l s Moon & %oon's (ode C Saturn. Introduction# The 1 Bio"Chemic Salts and ho) to use them today# Introduction# The 1 Bio"Chemic Salts # -se this 50A/% to p t the Astrological names# triplicities and F ads. on the 12 !ottles of 0>=A9&S)s Bio Salts :
9(%.: A 1@th !ottle G Bio 6lasmaG all 12 in one++not eF ally B. -se the color chart a!ove and info !elow for ed cation.... =earn how and $0> to ta'e the 12 individ ally according to &r. 5arey and Ine< 6erry)s %eachings C 6ractice. .ach %erm ; @ C ;E has a type of !ody f nction. .ach of 12 signs a definite f nction





C'+DI('L A/.9.$A= Sys.B $ut&oing C+,'T, /eB ilding C+$SS -'LI .H$S


5A6/I5(/9 =IB/A H1D 5A95./ H1 $ut&oing H2 +ece!ti/e +ece!ti/e

C'LC .H$S %'&(,TIC *$+C, ('T .H$S %'&(,TIC *$+C, C'LC *L0+ %'&(,TIC *$+C,

%'&(,TIC %'&(,TIC *$+C, *$+C,

*I1,D A.9./1> Sys.B 2IT'L *$+C, $ut&oing C+$SS

=.( H2
%'& .H$S 2IT'L *orce

%A-/-S H11

2IT'L *$+C,

('T S0L.H 2IT'L *orce

A,-A/I-S S5(/6I( H@ H4 +ece!ti/e


C'LC ('T %0+ S0L.H 2IT'L *orce 2IT'L *orce

%0T'BL, A5=.A9I91 Sys.B +ece!ti/e 3 .0+I*IC'TI$( $ut&oing 3 (,0T+'L (,0T+'L C+$SS -'LI S0L.H

SA1I%%A/I-S JI/1( H3 H12

,L,CT+IC *$+C,

HE 1.8I9I HK 6IS5.S +ece!ti/e 3

$ut&oing 3 (,0T+'L (,0T+'L

,L,CT+IC SILIC,' *$+C, ,L,CT+IC *$+C,

-'LI %0+ ,L,CT+IC *$+C,

*,++0% .H$S ,L,CT+IC *$+C,

%hese @ Forces A!ove 4 %'&(,TIC *$+C, 4 2IT'L *$+C, 4 ,L,CT+IC *$+C, 4 Are 8a*or %erms In: &r. Ben*amin / sh %eaching %hro gh 5ora =. J. /ichmond 6rivate Instr ction For Spirit al 0ealers++ See 5ora)s Boo' For Sale: 6S>506A%0>+Spirit 0ealing clic''o t.html

See Cora L.2. +ichmond Book "" PSYCHPATHY-Spirit Healing: B.S% %( 0AJ. A BA=A95. (F A== @ F(/5.S when co nting the 9atal Astrol 5hart Jal es 0aving one m ch higher than the other 2 co ld !e im!alance of either: health# mental or psychic factors.

Buy Dr. W.H. Schussler5s 1 6iochemical Salts .lus Bio!lasma AAll 12 in (neB
Dr. W.H. Scheussler's Biochemic Theory is the foundation of the Hyland's Cell Salts of Life According to this great pioneering doctor who identified the 12 different "salts" that are present in every cell in the h man !ody" when cells !ecome deficient in one or more "salts#" certain symptoms appear. $hen that "salt" is replaced# the symptoms a!ate. %he !iochemic system of &r. Sch essler has stood the test of time !eca se it wor's. $ne does not need to 6e a !rofessionally trained indi/idual to rea! the 6enefits of this great man's research7 8ust a keen o6ser/er of sym!toms. Availing oneself of the cell salt remedies# in all their diversity# is a s re step to ta'e towards self+healing. 0sing the Homeo!athic Cell Salts Cell salts are ta'en in m ch the same way as other homeo!athic remedies. %hey are placed directly nder the tong e and allowed to slowly dissolve. Strong smelling s !stances Ato!acco# mints# mentholated co gh dropsB need to !e avoided d ring treatment. Also# coffee# to!acco# and camphor prod cts sho ld !e eschewed as well. 7eep the salts tightly capped and away from strong smelling s !stances. 1enerally# the more ac te the condition# the more freF ently the cell salts can !e ta'en. For !est res lts# however# simply follow the directions on the la!el or see yo r nat ral healthcare professional# 5ell salts are often com!ined with each other to prod ce a more complete healing of a condition tho gh# of co rse# a single cell salt may !e all that one needs. Beca se cell salts are so safe to se# there is little danger of overdosing# or of a reaction. 5ell salts are eminently economical: instead of p rchasing entire sets of individ al homeopathic remedies# one * st needs to ! y 12 remedies and 'eep them on hand for a wide range of pro!lems. (ote# Homeo!athic Cell Salts are ($T Homeo!athic +,%,DI,S. 6lease nderstand the difference" the first is vital elements nat rally ma'ing p the nat ral !odily system of which some may !e fo nd to !e deficient in the !ody. 5ell Salts are harmless and therefore sho ld !e tried first !efore any 0omeopathic remedy is attempted as the symptoms can F ic'ly disappear or change after ta'ing cell salts. 0(8.6A%0I5 /.8.&I.S on the other hand may consist in part of min te triations of some missing elements# ! t may contain min te triations of poisons. W'+(I(&# If yo have a health pro!lem# first see a licensed doctor. -sing 5ell Salts can ca se no harm if ta'en incorrectly# ! t never treat yo rself with /emedies# diagnosing is a very fine art and a good 5ertified 0omeopathic &octor sho ld !e a!le to s ggest the correct remedy for each symptom right away. If yo reF ire 0omeopathic )remedies) for 6ain /elief C diagnosed complaints# we s ggest yo see' a 0omeopathic doctor for a correct remedy. $rder BI$.L'S%' !lus all 1 Cells Salts indi/idually as sho)n a6o/e for a com!letely safe self administration system to correct im6alances. 8any 6eople first !egin with the BI(6=AS8A# a form la of all 12 to find o t what symtoms remain if any. (/&./ All 12 Salts made !y H9L'(D'S at same time with BI(6=AS8A# $n"line or 6y .hone# *rom AF lly =ic. 6harmacy C =a!B # 1 :;; <= ::>? 'sk for Catalogue H$%,$.'THIC L'BS.7 :< ,ast Lancaster '/e. .aoli7 .' 1?<;1 We6 Site# http://www.homeopathicla! %o order on+line: BI(6=AS8A 1DDD or EDDD Aall 12 5ell Salts in each ta!let# ta'e I each timeB Hs 1 + 12 Individ al 5ell Salts: %a'e E ta!lets each time 12 ; L1I.44 For 1DDD %a!s. each. All 12 same price in I; or @D;. 5ost more per ta!. to order only KDD F antity.

6l s 1DDD BI$.L'S%' Form la of all 12 Salts: L1I.44 AEDDD si<e also availa!leB ST+,(&TH @A AFirst time/ n!alanced !odiesB or# <;A A%owards Finer healtier !odiesB

Books# Cora's Book

For Sale: PSYCHPATHY click http://www.healthresearch!oo'!iochemistry.htm 5all and as' to spea' to 9i''i and tell her I sent yo ++she is the owner of 0ealth /esearch Boo's. Toll *ree ::: :== <:@ 9ou'll (eed# (rder:

H1 "%0. BI(50.8I5 S>S%.8 (F 8.&I5I9. By 1eorge $. 5arey 8& H2 "=.%%./S B> I9.? 6.//> (9 -SI91 %0. 5.== SA=%S A%o nderstand the Astrological r lerships in 5ell+salts and how to se them.B
%hese people were the !est in their field in their time and they wor'ed and p !lished for each+++very spirit ally ast te+++ 9ote: All three !oo's mentioned in this section are the !oo's that s ffered !oo' destr ction !eca se of their real ed cational health val e. 0ealth /esearch Boo's and only p !lish and sell !oo's that have !een lost thro gh deli!erate !oo' removal !eca se of their gentle tr th.

Beca se yo now reali<e yo m st !e discerning when choosing a physician from either the reg lar health field or the alternative fields# e;cept may!e .mergency 5are..... >o need to ta'e over the healing of yo r !ody# mind and spirit al mind !ac' into yo r own hands and first find o t what was ta'en from America when the dr g 5artels moved inMMM St dy and get these rare !oo's. -nless 9at ral 0ealth &octors are in loving+'indness# sing 0omeopathy or &octors of 0omeopathy# ta'e care of yo r family witho t reg larly doctors periodM .ven reg lar 5hiropractors are negligent in this fo ndation of the %$.=J. Bio+SA=%S that are fo nd in A== =IF. and we m st have all of these in correct !alance for o r !odies and minds to !e healthy. (r# the alternative is s ally dr gs. 0ere is what yo r emergency s pply sho ld hold and the 'nowledge yo can easily learn with patience and self testing: &et the H$%,$.'9TH9 +,%,D9 B'rnicaB for .ain. .re 3 after o!eration CBruising 3 Bone BruisingD See also the Doctor's '+TICL, !age 6elo). 0se any others only )ith ad/ice from an Home!athic Doctor. Homeo!athic Cell Salts" Treatment $!tions http://www.homeopathicla! Do ask for the free C6igD Catalog 1 :;; <= ::>? We6 Site# http://www.homeopathicla! (rder Bio Salts and other 0omeopathy From %heir 8ain Agent for 0>=A9&)S: 0(8.(6A%0I5 =ABS. 6A. Study These Charts I .ut Together *or 9ou""Hel! -ee! 9ou 3 9our *amily Well. >o need to 'now yo r !irth times and have yo r Birth 5harts++++S n# 8oon and So th 9ode Aopposite 9orth 9odeB .specially C AS5. Ine< e;plains why these and goes into to e;treme e;planation of with the

tr th !ehind the tr th !ehind the tr th !ehind......if yo catch what I am saying..........%he info came thro gh higher so rces.....the 8& followed it. If you don't ha/e your Birth Charts"""make them u! instantly for free at this 'strologer's site click http://ala! Eust enter your data# Time of Birth, ate: /!!/"", Town, State & Countr#,and !rint out#

'($TH,+ Introduction# The 1 Bio"Chemic Salts # 1. 5alcarea Flo rica A 5alc Flo rB /ising or S n Sign: 5ardinal 8A19.%I5 F(/5. 5ancer F 2. 5alcarea 6hosphorica A 5alc 6hosB /ising or S n Sign: 5ardinal 8A19.%I5 F(/5. 5apricorn 8 /estriction / %ype A


8oon / lership



Sat rn / lership

@. 5alcarea S lfh rica A 5alc S lphB /ising or S n Sign: FIN.& JI%A= Force Scorpio F 5oldest 6l to / lership 5aref l# 9egative# Slight# Sensitive 8ale E: O piter S n Jen s 8ars Female: E 8oon Jen s Sat rn 6l to 9e tral E A8ind / Spirit al Signs 8erc ry 9ept ne -ran s B E. Ferr m 6hosphoric m A Ferr. 6hos B /ising or S n Sign: 8 ta!le .=.5%/I5 F(/5. 6isces K .7ali m 8 riatic m A 7ali 8 r.B /ising or S n Sign: 8 ta!le .=.5%/I5 F(/5. 1emini I. 7ali 6hosphoric m A 7ali 6hos B /ising or S n Sign: 5ardinal 8A19.%I5 F(/5. Aries 0ead strong 3. 7ali m S lph ric m A 7ali S lphB /ising or S n Sign: 8 ta!le .=.5%/I5 F(/5. Jirgo 8ental/Service 1iving 2. 8angnesi m 6hosphoric m A 8ang. 6hos B /ising or S n Sign: FIN.& JI%A= Force =eo system / Strong


9ept ne / lership



8erc ry / lership



8ars / lership


9 5old

8ec ry+5hiron / lerhip


S n / lership

=a<y Sl ggish

4. 9atr m 8 riatic m A 9at. 8 r B /ising or S n Sign: FIN.& JI%A= Force AF ari s 9 1D. 9atr m 6hosphoric m A 9at. 6hosB /ising or S n Sign: 5ardinal 8A19.%I5 F(/5. =i!ra /Feeling/ 8ind floats 11 .9atr m S lph ric m A nat. S lphB /ising or S n Sign: FIN.& JI%A= Force %a r s Sensations/6igs ( t

8edi m -ran s / lership

1ifted Sensitive

8edi m Jen s / lership

Sl ggish

8edi m Jen s / lership

Sl ggish /Feeling/

12.Silicea A SilB /ising or S n Sign: 8 ta!le .=.5%/I5 F(/5. Saggitari s 8 0ot Big/ (ver doing

O piter / lership


%his !it !elow needs to !e finished:

/ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S /ising or S n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: n Sign: 5ancer B/.AS% S%(8A57 C .8(%IA=S# &I1.S%I(9 -66./ 5apricorn 79..S 6isces F..% 1emini =-91S# 0A9&S# S0(-=&./S# A/8S Aries 0.A& C $I== 6($./ Jirgo &I1.S%I(9 intestinal =ower Stomac' area =eo 0.A/% AF ari s A97=.S =i!ra =iver 7I&9.>S %a r s 9.57 .ars %hroat 9ose Saggitari s %0I10S Scorpio S.N (/1A9S

.;ample 7ali m r. 1.8I9I is sed to clear the resid al effects of colds and fl s ch as fl id in the ear or e;cessive m c s in nose and throat. 5alc fl or. 5A95./ is sef l for people prone to varicose veins++helping the veins regain their elasticity. Ferr m phos. 6IS5.S is a nat ral so rce of iron for anemia. 0nder tremendous emotional stress7 !eo!le use more of the cell salt associated )ith their %oon

sign. F'(D S$0TH ($D, of the %$$(G

$hen the !ody !ecomes depleted in this salt# people e;perience symptoms s ch as an;iety# panic attac's# depression and fearf lness a!o t even simple daily circ mstances. -se of the cell salt related to the 8oon sign will restore their sense of safety and emotional resilience. In the first seven years of life# when the 8oon is the most infl ential planet# l nar cell salts are the most appropriate choice as a tonic. For specific health pro!lems# ta'e !oth the salt of the 8oon and the salt that pertains to the specific condition. &itto Ascendant as the first ho se represents the physical and especially if a rising planet which means r lership of the whole chart

TH, 1


(o.@ '+I,S A8arch 21+April 2DB: -'LI .H$S. A6otassi m phosphateB is the Aries cell salt. It is a nerve n trient with a significant effect on the nerve cells# especially the !rain cells. It is sed for all forms of mental fatig e# as well as for depression# insomnia# irrita!ility# hysteria and headaches. 9ervo s disorders and fatig e from long ho rs of concentration and overwor' are partic larly responsive to 7ali phos. (o.11 T'0+0S AApril 21+8ay2DB: ('T S0L.H. ASodi m s lfateB is the %a r s cell salt and the first to se when a person !orn nder %a r s !ecomes ill. Its main f nction is to remove e;cess fl ids from the !ody. It is one of the most important salts affecting the digestive organs. %he !ile of the liver# pancreatic * ices and secretions of the 'idneys are all reg lated !y 9at s lph. A deficiency of 9at s lph. is shown !y symptoms s ch as tiredness and sl ggishness pon wa'ing# gall stones# constipation and *a ndice. 5omplaints ca sed or aggravated !y living in damp conditions# s ch as rhe matism or asthma# !enefit from se of this cell salt. %a r s r les the throat# tonsils# thyroid# lower *aw and meta!olic system. 5olds and sore throats occ r with increased freF ency when the digestive organs are not f nctioning harmonio sly. %heir tendency to rec r with every minor stress can !e eliminated with 9at s lph. (o.H &,%I(I A8ay 21+O ne 2DB: -'LI %0+. A6otassi m chlorideB is the cell salt for 1emini. 1emini

r les the l ngs# !ronchial tree# sho lders# arms and hands# the t !es of the !ody and the central nervo s system. 7ali m r. is the cell salt essential to the formation of most cells in the !ody e;cept the !one cells and helps cells retain their shape. Symptoms of a deficiency of 7ali m r. are congestion of the !ronchial t !es# e;cessive m c s in the nose and sin ses# or swollen glands# incl ding m mps and tonsillitis. 5hronic inflammation of the m c s mem!ranes can occ r when the !ody is na!le to !rea' down n trients and they are !eing r n off in the form of m c s. 7ali m r. !rea's down m c s and allows the !ody to effectively create new tiss e from dietary inta'e. (o.1 C'(C,+ AO ne 21+O ly 2DB: C'LC *L0$+. A5alci m fl orideB is the 5ancer cell salt. It is an important constit ent of the hard tiss e of the !ody# teeth# !ones# fingernails# the lens of the eye and elastic fi!ers in m scle tiss e. In deficiency# it ca ses loss of elasticity in tiss e and maln trition of the !ones. 5ancer r les the stomach# !reasts# !ody fl ids and m c s mem!ranes. 5alc fl or. provides no rishment to the str ct res that contain and s pport the !ody. It also provide the fle;i!ility needed for optim m f nction of the 5ancer+r led organs. It 'eeps a!dominal and !reast tiss e s pple and restores resilience to !oggy or fiss red m c s mem!ranes. (n an emotional level# it prevents the armoring 5ancerians are prone to in their desire to protect their nat ral sensitivity. (o.: L,$ AO ly 21+A g st 22B: %'& .H$S A8agnesi m phosphateB is the cell salt for =eo. 6hysiologically# =eo r les the heart# pper !ac'# diaphragm and cardiac system. 8agnesi m has recently !een identified in allopathic medicine as a critical mineral for the prevention of heart attac's. In nat ropathic medicine# the cell salt 8ag phos. has a long+standing tradition of se in sit ations involving cramp# conv lsions# spasms or paralysis. 8ag phos. is the great anti+pain salt# a nat ral aspirin witho t side effects# and is indicated in all conditions of cramp and spasm++headaches# angina# ne ralgia)s# menstr al cramps# even the !ronchial spasms of an ac te asthma attac'. (o.> 2I+&$ AA g st 2@+Septem!er 22B: -'LI S0L.H. A6otassi m s lfateB is the salt attri! ted to those !orn nder the sign of Jirgo. Jirgo r les the small intestine# spleen and lower alimentary system. 7ali s lph. improves the !ody)s a!ility to ta'e p n trition efficiently# and partic larly to ma'e and distri! te oils thro gho t the system. As we age# o r decreasing a!ility to effectively se what we eat shows p in dryness of the s'in and hair. 7ali s lph. assists Awith another cell salt# Ferr m phos.B in the o;ygenation of s'in cells# and is the l !ricant that 'eeps the !ody machinery f nctioning. A deficiency of 7ali s lph. can ca se ec<ema# dandr ff# psoriasis# or any diseases where there has !een a rash or scaling of the s'in. (o.1; LIB+' ASeptem!er 2@+(cto!er 22B: ('T .H$S. ASodi m phosphateB is the =i!ra cell salt. =i!ra r les the 'idneys and lower !ac'# and the acid/al'aline !alance of the !ody. 9at phos. prevents e;cess acidity or al'alinity# especially in the !loodstream. It assists the 'idneys in their f nction and is sed to treat go t# 'idney stones# lcers and stomach acidity. .motionally 9at phos. is helpf l in restoring emotional eF ili!ri m# especially after mental e;ertion# or e;pos re to e;tremely stressf l or tense environments. (o.< SC$+.I$ A(cto!er 2@+9ovem!er 21B:C'LC the Scorpio cell salt. 5alci m s lfate is an important constit ent of all connective tiss e and is essential to the healing process as a p rifying agent. Scorpio r les the colon# se; al organs# large intestine# eliminative channels and o tlets and the prostate gland. 5alc s lph. provides a protective coating to these organs. $hen it is lac'ing we get !oils# s'in er ptions# fist las or chronic constipation or diarrhea. Another manifestation is !arrenness or impotence# as the !ody is incapa!le of providing a competent protective coating for egg and sperm. (o.1 S'&ITT'+I0S A9ovem!er 2@+&ecem!er 22B: SILIC' is the cell salt for those !orn nder the sign of Sagittari s. It is of se whenever there is p s to !e discharged# s ch as in !oils# a!scesses or splinters. %a'ing silica after s rgery helps minimi<e scar formation# and can assist the !ody to e;pel foreign o!*ects

s ch as splinters. Sagittari s r les the liver# hips# thighs# sciatic nerve and a tonomic nervo s system. Sagittarians nder stress se p their Silica# leaving themselves prone to chronic pro!lems involving liver f nction or hip degeneration later on in life. Silica is an important constit ent of the cells of the connective tiss e and the epidermis# of the !ones# teeth# even the lens of the eye. InadeF ate silica can ma'e the teeth s scepti!le to decay# the hair d ll and the nails !rittle. (o. C'.+IC$+( A&ecem!er 21+Oan ary 2DB: C'LC .H$S. 5alci m phosphate is the cell salt of 5apricorn. It is an important constit ent of the !ones. 5apricorn r les the s'eletal system# especially the teeth# the 'nees and the *oints# the gall !ladder and the s'in. %he !ody reF ires larger amo nts of 5alc phos. than any other# especially d ring childhood and growth sp rts# or when recovering from !ro'en !ones. S'eletal pro!lems s ch as ric'ets# c rvat re of the spine and tooth decay respond well to this cell salt. .lderly people are partic larly responsive to 5alc phos. !eca se it not only adds calci m to the system ! t improves gastric digestive f nction so all vitamins and minerals are !etter assimilated. 6regnant women find this form of calci m gentle and well received !y the !ody# as do children# who can develop overly strong !ones too early if given s pplemental calci m in other forms. (o. ? 'I0'+I0S AOan ary 21+Fe!r ary 14B: ('T %0+. A9atr m m riatic mB is the cell salt of AF ari s. 9at m r. has the effect of attracting or drawing away water from affected parts of the !ody# to redistri! te it wherever it is needed. Symptoms of ins fficient 9at m r. are watery colds# dryness or e;cessive salivation of the mo th# constipation# malaria# even herpes or any watery !listers on the s'in or m c s mem!ranes. AF ari s r les the !lood and circ lation# the an'les# the spinal cord# and the electrical force of the nerves. 9at m r. s pports the smooth and even flow of electricity thro gh and across the nerves. =ac' of 9at m r. can ca se sleeplessness and prevent proper nerve synapse firing++with conseF ent learning and spea'ing diffic lties and intermittent nerve pains. (o.= .ISC,S AFe!r ary 2D+8arch 2DB: *,++0% .H$S. AIron phosphateB is the cell salt for 6isces. It is the only common metal salt among the twelve cell salts# and is critically important in its f nction of ma'ing all of the other cell salts more effective. It is reF ired for healthy red !lood cells" lac' of it can ca se anemia. 6isces r les the lymphatic system and the feet. Ferr m phos. distri! tes o;ygen to all !ody organs and tiss es# and is indicated in all cases of inflammation and fever. It ena!les the !lood and the lymph to carry waste and poisons away from affected tiss e. It is especially indicated for people who are nervo s and sensitive# who come down with every transient cold or fl .

Hel! to Diagnose yourself 6y further reading your sym!toms#

Homeo!athic Li6rary http://www.internethealthli!!rary/calc+phos.htm 6 t in the name of each cell salt for f rther 'nowledge of 'nowing symptoms '(D http://homeopathy+homeopathics+remedies.nat '(D http://www.!asicso cts/12.html '(D '66re/iated List of Sym!toms#

$rdering (ame# %hey Arrive. 5ells Salts seQ

*ull (ame

Sign +ulershi!s PAdd %hese %o >o r Bottles $hen

%his way I can help yo have a deeper nderstanding of the

Calc *luor. 1D Calcium *luoride "" C'(C,+ it is recommended in the alterations of fle;i!le fi!res:varicoses# hemorrhoids# phle!itis. .tc. 5alci m Fl oride Aa!!rev. 5alc. Fl or.B %his salt has an affinity for the !ones# teeth# s'in# connective tiss es# and the elastic fi!ers of the veins and glands. &eficiencies in this mineral# therefore# show p as !one or tooth diffic lties# or loss of elasticity res lting in hardness. 5alc. Fl or. is therefore good for loose teeth# hemorrhoids# s'in diseases Aespecially when there is crac'ingB# hardened glands# poor circ lation# and ailments of the tendons and ligaments. 6erhaps the most significant se of this cell salt is its se in patients with emphysema. In this condition# the air sacs in a person)s l ngs cannot stretch or compress eno gh to !reathe correctly. (ver time# 5alc. Fl or. can greatly help to correct this malf nction Ain con* nction with other nat ral therapiesB. Calc .hos. D Calcium .hos!hate "" C'.+IC$+( it is recommended in the dist r!ances of meta!olism of calci m# as rachitis# stones in the 'idneys and in the fast re+esta!lishment of a fract re. .tc. 5alci m 6hosphate Aa!!rev. 5alc. 6hos.B 5alc. 6hos. has an affinity for the !ones# teeth# glands# nerves# !lood# gastric * ices# and connective tiss es. It is an e;cellent restorative remedy for the convalescent. 5hildren who are not growing well will !enefit from this cell salt. Since it is the main component of !one# it is indicated in all !one diseases# s ch as rhe matism and ric'ets. It is also good for teething pro!lems. Since it often intensifies the actions of other cell salts# it is a good companion remedy. A stralian nat ropath O dy Oac'a attests to its val e in 'idney and ovarian complaints. American nat ropath S'ye $eintra ! recommends this salt for anemia. Calc Sul!h. <D Calcium Sul!hate "" SC$+.I$ it is recommended in the long+lasting poll tions. .tc. 5alci m S lphate Aa!!rev. 5alc. S lph.B %his salt is mostly fo nd in the tiss es of the s'in# !lood# and m co s mem!ranes. Along with the cell salt Silica# this is the salt most often sed for wo nds. S'in complaints of all types indicate 5alc. S lph. A!scesses# ! ms# !oils# styes# and s'in lcers all indicate a deficiency of this salt. 5alc. S lph. is also 'nown as a strong alternative# or !lood p rifier# with a potent deto;ifying effect on the liver. %his salt# therefore# is e;cellent in preventing general ill health and infections of all types. *errum .hos. =D *errum .hos!hate "" .ISC,S it is recommended in all the inflamations PcleansingQ that are fo nd in initial stage and in any organ# in the initial forms of inflamation with fever and congestion# in certain anaemias# in children with anore;ia and loss of weight. .tc. Iron 6hosphate Aa!!rev. Ferr. 6hos.B %his widely sed salt is mostly fo nd in the !lood# veins# arteries# l ngs# ears# and nose. It is %0. principal first+aid remedy d e to its antiinflammatory action. All fevers indicate iron phosphate. Since it is a part of hemoglo!in# Ferr. 6hos. helps to carry o;ygen more efficiently thro gho t the !ody# helping it to fight all infections. It is indicated for anemia# as well as internal hemorrhaging. .;ternal !leeding can often !e stopped !y sprin'ling the powdered salt on the wo nd. Fer. 6hos. is mostly sed at the !eginning stages of all ac te illnesses. -ali %ur. HD -alium %uriaticum A6otassi m 5hlorideB "" &,%I(I it is recommended in the cases that we have m c se# infections. 5irc lation .nlarged =ymph 9odes. 6haryngitis A"Strep %hroat"B and Allergy# .nvironment / %o;icity. .tc. 6otassi m 5hloride Aa!!rev. 7ali 8 r.B 6otassi m chloride is an essential component of m scles# nerve cells# !lood# m co s mem!ranes# and !rain cells. In the !lood# this mineral helps to form fi!rin. $hen there is not eno gh fi!rin in the !lood# a thic'# white discharge res lts. Along with 5alc. 6hos.# this salt is good for the convalescent. All ear and throat ailments# especially

tonsillitis# respond well to potassi m chloride. 7ali 8 r is often sed in con* nction with Ferr. 6hos. for treating fevers# headaches# a!scesses# !leeding# co ghs# and styes. -ali .hos. @D -alium .hos!hate "" A6otassi m 6hosphateB'+I,S it is recommended in oversensitive individ als# nervo sly and with decreased liveliness. .tc. 6otassi m 6hosphate Aa!!rev. 7ali 6hos.B %his salt is mostly fo nd as a component of the !rain# nerve cells# spinal cord# and !lood. Since it is fo nd so m ch in the nervo s system# 7ali 6hos. is indicated for all emotional pro!lems s ch as depression# sadness# apathy# stress# irrita!ility# poor memory# and irrational fears. Along with Ferr. 6hos.# 7ali 6hos. helps to carry o;ygen in the !ody. It is therefore good for all infective or septic conditions. Some of the old homeopathic repertories recommend this cell salt when cancero s t mors are present. Along with 8ag 6hos.# this salt helps to restore the nervo s system to rightf l f nctioning. /emem!er it for cases of shingles and ne ralgiaM -ali Sul!h. >D -alium Sul!hate "" A6otassi m S lphateB2I+&$ it is recommended in dermal pro!lems Apsoriasis# ec<ema# polypod#alopeciaB and for pro!lems in the epithelial cells. 6otassi m S lphate Aa!!rev. 7ali S lph.B. 8ostly sed for s'in ailments# this salt# fo nd mostly in the tiss es of the s'in# m co s mem!ranes# throat# and l ngs# has many ses. -sef l for all !ronchial and sin s complaints# as well as oily s'in# athlete)s foot# moving pains# e;cess sweat# this salt is also indicated in the late stages of all inflammations. %ag .hos. :D %agnesium .hos!hate "" L,$ it is recommended in the conv lsions# in cramps and in epileptic crises. .tc. 8agnesi m 6hosphate Aa!!rev. 8ag 6hos.B. %his remar'a!le cell salt has an affinity for the nerves# m scles# and heart. It is e;cellent for cramps of all types# shooting pains# spasms# ne ralgia# angina# colic# conv lsions# and general pain. 5 rio sly# flat lence can indicate a deficiency of 8ag 6hos. Along with 7ali 6hos.# this is the principal nerve remedy. $omen sho ld always have a !ottle near!y in case of painf l menstr al cramps. (at %ur. ?D (atrium %uriaticum ASodi m 5hlorideB "" 'I0'+I0S it is mainly recommended in the nervo s dist r!ances# respiratory# peptic# and in depressing and hypocondriac. .tc. Sodi m 5hloride Aa!!rev. 9at 8 rB Sodi m chloride# salt# is the water distri! tor of the !ody. It is part of every fl id and solid in the !ody. 5onseF ently# any condition involving too m ch dryness or too m ch moist re indicates 9at 8 r. .dema s ally responds well to 9at 8 r# as do headaches# chronic diarrhea# hay fever# watery eyes# and dry# fla'y s'in. (at .hos.1;D (atrium .hos!hate ""ASodi m 6hosphateB LIB+' it is advised in diseases that are characteri<ed from hypervir lence of the e;cretions# the rine# intestinal e;cretions # the vomiting and the sweat. .tc. Sodi m 6hosphate Aa!!rev. 9at 6hos.B. %his is the !iochemic acid !alancer. All conditions of acidosis respond well to this salt. 9eedless to say# heart ! m# dyspepsia# and other digestive psets indicate 9at 6hos. 9at 6hos. is also the remedy of choice for intestinal worms and other parasites. .;cess acid in the !ody is a prime indicator of disease. If yo detect an overly acid p0 in either yo r saliva or rine AI.E is the ideal. -se p0 paper# availa!le at dr g stores# to test for saliva or rine p0.B# 9at 6hos.# along with more fresh fr its and vegeta!les# can help correct this. (at Sul!h. 11D (atrium Sul!hate "" ASodi m S lphateBT'0+0S it is recommended in the easy e;p lsion of liF ids. Its action is recommended also for the vessels# the liver# the 'idneys# the s'in and the pancreas. .tc. Sodi m S lphate Aa!!rev. 9at S lph.B. 9at S lph. has an affinity for the intercell lar fl ids# liver# pancreas# !ile# intestines# and descending colon. Important for proper digestion and liver f nction# 9at S lph. is sed for yellow# watery secretions# light sensitivity# gas# !ilio sness# migraines# asthma# and green vomit. Along

with 5alc. S lph.# it has a profo nd action on the liver. Along with 9at 8 r.# this salt is e;cellent for edema or any type of watery swelling in the !ody. Silica 1 D Silica "" S'&ITT'+I0S it is recommended in the inflamations PcleansingQ# in rachitis# in headaches# !arleys+shaped pasta# in !ronchitis# in !ronchial asthma. .tc. Silicon &io;ide Aa!!rev. SilicaB. 5alled the homeopathic s rgeon for its a!ility to help the !ody throw off nonf nctional organic matter# Silica is a !asic n trient to the hair# s'in# and nails. %his remedy cleanses and eliminates waste# with a slow ! t deep and long+lasting effect in the !ody. It is indicated for all in* ries and slow+healing wo nds. It is helpf l for all septic conditions in the !ody. By 'lso 1<th Bottle of Ta6s BI$.L'S%' %iAture of 'll 1 $nly. 0se When you are healthy and not talking the 1 Indi/idually. $r7 )hen you ha/e to ski! treatment sets of the a6o/e 1

1enerally# Sch sslerRs !iochemical salts are sed in si;th decadia enforcement AI&0 or INB in powder and pills and are granted nder the !lade. Always !egin with I;. =ater when !ody reponds well and is in a finer state ++@D; can !e sed %he pills are generally ta'en from @ p to I days# in @+E sets. %a'e E ta!s each time of each cell salt. .ach cell salt sho ld !e ta'en min. @D mins apart+++1 ho r is !etter. B t in serio s sit ations# a cell salt can !e ta'en each @D min tes. If powder can !e dissolved straight in the mo th or in half glass of water and !e granted at the d ration of day# sips+sip# at least1K min tes far from the dinners. 8ag 6hos. 2B 8agnesi m 6hosphate ++ L,$ Best Taken In J )ith Hot Water

*0+TH,+ S9%.T$% *I(DI(& ($T,S J H,L. B,L$W Calc *luor. 1D Calcium *luoride "" C'(C,+ it is recommended in the alterations of fle;i!le fi!res:varicoses# hemorrhoids# phle!itis. .tc. 5alci m Fl oride Aa!!rev. 5alc. Fl or.B %his salt has an affinity for the !ones# teeth# s'in# connective tiss es# and the elastic fi!ers of the veins and glands. &eficiencies in this mineral# therefore# show p as !one or tooth diffic lties# or loss of elasticity res lting in hardness. 5alc. Fl or. is therefore good for loose teeth# hemorrhoids# s'in diseases Aespecially when there is crac'ingB# hardened glands# poor circ lation# and ailments of the tendons and ligaments. 6erhaps the most significant se of this cell salt is its se in patients with emphysema. In this condition# the air sacs in a person)s l ngs cannot stretch or compress eno gh to !reathe correctly. (ver time# 5alc. Fl or. can greatly help to correct this malf nction Ain con* nction with other nat ral therapiesB. 5alcarea Fl orica# 5alc fl or# 5alci m Fl oride is fo nd mainly in the !ones and teeth. 5alcarea Fl orica# 5alc fl or# 5alci m Fl oride is also fo nd in the m scles and nerves of the !ody. 5alcarea Fl orica# 5alc fl or# 5alci m Fl oride is in the !lood vessels and in connective tiss es. In the h man !ody# 5alcarea Fl orica# 5alc. fl or.# or 5alci m Fl oride# is fo nd in the s rface of the !ones and in the enamel of the teeth. It is also a constit ent of the elastic fi!ers of epidermal tiss es s ch as: Skin7 Connect 5alci m fl oride is especially needed in a potent form on the !rain" the heart" the l ngs" and the 'idneys" and the eyelid" !one cover" the m scles and the ligaments. 5onsidering these !ody parts# we can see that calci m fl oride is especially necessary where ample elasticity of the tiss e is reF ired. Its most important *o! is to impact elasticity to tiss e fi!ers and to maintain it. It ena!les the fi!ers to stretch and to ret rn to their original form. %his mineral salt is an important component of !one cover and enamel# which means it has an effect on the s'eletal growth of children and on dental development. For this reason# calci m fl oride sho ld !e ta'en

!efore any signs of damage appear. Also# each mother sho ld ta'e calci m fl oride Aand calci m phosphateB d ring pregnancy and while n rsing. %his tiss e salt !ecomes more necessary when the phlegm is light yellow+colored# li'e millet seeds. 5alci m fl oride is sed with: varicose veins: hardening of the arteries" anal tears" wea'ness in the ligaments" tooth decay" !rittle !ones" gland lar hardening" ptosis Aprolapse of an organ or partB" hemorrhoids" sensitive !one s'in" inflammation of the con* nctiva" and go t. In cases of s pp ration# it has an effect similar to that of silica. Tissue 3 2essel Walls. Calc *luor Cell Salt (eed Symptoms + S'eletal =oose ligaments/*oints 5onditions that s ggest 5alc Fl or 5ell Salt 9eed: 5irc lation Jaricose Jeins &igestion 0emorrhoids +isk factors for Calc *luor Cell Salt (eed# Symptoms + 1as+Int + 5onditions 0istory of hemorrhoids A dist r!ance in the !alance of 5alc. fl or. or 5alci m Fl oride in any of the !ody tiss es# can ca se a chronically rela;ed condition of any of the associated tiss es. If the elastic fi!ers of of any portion of the vessels of the connective tiss es or lymphatic system have arrived at s ch a state of rela;ation# it is tho ght that the osmotic transfer of !ody fl id can !e interr pted and that fl ids will acc m late in these cell lar tiss es. It is also 'nown that when the elastic fi!ers of the !lood vessels are dist r!ed !y an im!alance of the molec les of 5alc. fl or. or 5alci m Fl oride# enlargements of !lood vessels can ta'e place s ch as: 6iles# hemorrhoids Jaricose or .nlarged Jeins 0ardened 1lands (rgan &isplacements $ea'ened A!dominal $alls 0emorrhages of (rgans or %iss es

Calc .hos. D Calcium .hos!hate "" C'.+IC$+( it is recommended in the dist r!ances of meta!olism of calci m# as rachitis# stones in the 'idneys and in the fast re+esta!lishment of a fract re. .tc. 5alcarea 6hosphorica# 5alc phos# 5alci m 6hosphate is a!sol tely essential to the proper growth and n trition of the !ody. %his salt is fo nd in the !lood+plasma and corp scles# saliva# gastric * ice# !ones# connective tiss e# teeth# mil'# etc. 5alci m 6hosphate Aa!!rev. 5alc. 6hos.B 5alc. 6hos. has an affinity for the !ones# teeth# glands# nerves# !lood# gastric * ices# and connective tiss es. It is an e;cellent restorative remedy for the convalescent. 5hildren who are not growing well will !enefit from this cell salt. Since it is the main component of !one# it is indicated in all !one diseases# s ch as rhe matism and ric'ets. It is also good for teething pro!lems. Since it often intensifies the actions of other cell salts# it is a good companion remedy. A stralian nat ropath O dy Oac'a attests to its val e in 'idney and ovarian complaints. American nat ropath S'ye $eintra ! recommends this salt for anemia. Calc. .hos is of vital importance to growth and maintenance of healthy cells and is needed in the !ones# the !lood# ova and semen cells# the liver# the salivary glands and# in a greater concentration in the thyroid gland. 5alci m phosphate has five main f nctions# and especially deserves to !e called a "life+s staining mineral." It is the main component of !ones and is necessary for their development# giving them solidity and the capacity to !ear weight. It has a role in dental formation# and is a !onding agent in the organic constr ction of protein. As a !lood+! ilding tiss e salt it f lfills another important tas': red and white !lood corp scles# the main component of which is calci m phosphate# are formed in the !ones. 8oreover# this salt is also

necessary for !onding of !lood proteins# and it is an important !lood+clotting factor. If calci m ions are missing# then clotting is slowed or serio sly dist r!ed. %his mineral salt is the main remedy for cramps# since calci m phosphate has a calming and rela;ing effect on m scle f nctions and on the entire organisms. For this reason it can !e sed with sleeping disorders# especially if sleep is reg larly interr pted !etween one and two oRcloc'. %his application also ma'es if effective as a sedative for the heart# especially when the p lse is rapid in relation to the !odyRs activity or temperat re ApalpitationB. 5alci m phosphate is the salt that warms. It sho ld# therefore# !e considered when symptoms are e;acer!ated !y cold and improve with warmth. It is indicated for: cramps" ric'ets" wea' !ones" rhe matic pains that are e;acer!ated !y cold and wind" nose!leeds" dental pro!lems" morning sic'ness" palpitations" heart fl tters" stiffness on rising in the morning" sensitive iliosacral *oints" sensitive !ones" and in convalescence. It is A good remedy for children who develop slowly and people who catch colds easily. %he principle mineral salt of !ones and teeth. In the h man !ody# 5alcarea Fl orica# 5alc. fl or.# or 5alci m Fl oride# is fo nd in the s rface of the !ones and in the enamel of the teeth. It is also a constit ent of the elastic fi!ers of epidermal tiss es %his 6age is 9ot >et 5ompleted++9ew Information $ill Be Added From %ime %o %ime For %he San Francisco Bay Area S ppliers# &istri! tion# 5lasses: 1ro p or Individ al# =ect res etc. *or Information Contact# 1 H1; <<? >; 1

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