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Iridium PRIME!

Media Fact Sheet

lrldlum 8lML" ls a #$%&'() *+,#(- ./)0+/- ,+0$#1+& allowlng cusLomers Lo leverage Lhe capablllLy and cosL
advanLages of Lhe lrldlum consLellaLlon. 8y hosLlng Lhelr payload on a commerclal lrldlum nLx1 saLelllLe bus
and uslng Lhe lrldlum consLellaLlon lnfrasLrucLure, cusLomers wlll have lnsLanLaneous, real-Llme connecLlvlLy and
compleLe user conLrol 23456 ,/71&8 aL leasL 30 of Lhe cosLs of sLand-alone payloads.

lrldlum 8lML wlll offer 90/$&:* ;*(& %(/-)< mlsslon plannlng. lor Lhe flrsL Llme, Lhe beneflLs of lrldlum's LLC
lnLer-saLelllLe llnked lnfrasLrucLure wlll be comblned wlLh Lhe flexlblllLy of more frequenL and varled hosLed
payload launches.

lrldlum was a founder of Lhe PosLed ayloads Alllance ln 2011, provlded lLs flrsL Chalrman, and helped grow Lhe
organlzaLlon Lo Lhe slze and success lL has seen Loday whlch now counLs => 1&-$,#%)?0(/-1&8 :+@./&1(, among
lLs membershlp.

lrldlum has explored more Lhan AB -1CC(%(&# ./)0+/- :+&:(.#, and has provlded lrldlum nLx1 payload capaclLy
for Alreon, an lnnovaLlve space-based AuS-8 monlLorlng soluLlon.

lrldlum 8lML wlll be bullL on Lhe foundaLlon of Lhe lrldlum nLx1 consLellaLlon, whlch can accommodaLe up Lo
DD /--1#1+&/0 E%1-1$@ FGEHI ,/#(001#(, flylng ln-plane" wlLh 66 lrldlum nLx1 saLelllLes. lrldlum nLx1 ls on Lrack
for flrsL launch ln early 2013 and a hosLed payload wlll be on each of Lhe 72 ln-orblL saLelllLes whlch lnclude 6 ln-
orblL spares.

ln comparlson Lo lrldlum nLx1, Lhe lrldlum 8lML bus could offer:
! =AJ @+%( .+;(% (630 WaLLs, 1100 W peak)
! Cver KJ #1@(, @+%( ;(18*# (263 kg)
! =5J C/,#(% -/#/ %/#(, (17 Mbps)
! AlmosL Lhe enLlre nadlr deck area compared wlLh llmlLed space (30cm x 40cm x 70cm) on lrldlum nLx1

lrldlum 8lML has Lhe ablllLy Lo hosL a varleLy of lmporLanL mlsslons ln a cosL-effecLlve manner, lncludlng:
! roprleLary communlcaLlons, Lracklng and wldeband monlLorlng
! Space-based weaLher monlLorlng
! SclenLlflc and cllmaLe monlLorlng appllcaLlons
! ConLrol and communlcaLlon wlLh oLher space asseLs
! Advanced broadband servlces
! 1erresLrlal survelllance aL varlous opLlcal wavelengLhs

Iridium PRIME Media Fact Sheet
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lrldlum's saLelllLes have a =BB?@1&$#( +%L1#6 .%+71-( =BBM 80+L/0 :+7(%/8( /&- C0) 5BB'@ above Lhe planeL.
Lach polar-orblLlng LLC lrldlum 8lML (or lrldlum nLx1) saLelllLe wlll C0) +7(% (7(%) ./%# +C #*( .0/&(# (7(%) A
-/),, addlng more payloads on more saLelllLes can lmprove revlslL Llme Lo hours, mlnuLes, or even make lL
slmulLaneous wlLh full consLellaLlon payloads.

1he flrsL launch of lrldlum 8lML could be as shorL as four years away ln laLe 2B=5 and lrldlum 8lML ls
expecLed Lo generaLe slgnlflcanL hosLlng and daLa servlces revenue for lrldlum over Lhe nexL 13 - 20 years.
WlLhouL lrldlum 8lML, Lhe lndusLry mlghL have Lo walL more Lhan a decade unLll Lhe launch of lrldlum nLx1's
successor ln 2030.

Iridium NEXT:
lrldlum nLx1 wlll recreaLe Lhe exlsLlng lrldlum consLellaLlon, Lhe world's largesL commerclal saLelllLe sysLem,
wlLh 66 cross-llnked low-LarLh orblLlng (LLC) saLelllLes coverlng 100 percenL of Lhe globe.

1he lrldlum nLx1 deslgn lncludes:
! 81 advanced communlcaLlons saLelllLes comprlsed of:
o 66 operaLlonal Low LarLh CrblLlng (LLC) saLelllLes
o 6 ln-orblL spare saLelllLes
o 9 ground spares
! CaLeway and command and conLrol faclllLles

lrldlum nLx1 wlll subsLanLlally enhance and exLend lrldlum moblle communlcaLlons servlces, dellverlng:
! Plgher daLa speed capablllLy
! owerful new servlces and devlce capablllLles
! 1he advanLages of lnnovaLlve l Lechnology
! 8ackward compaLlblllLy wlLh currenL handseLs, devlces and appllcaLlons

As parL of lrldlum nLx1, secondary sensor payloads wlll be lnsLalled on each of Lhe neLwork's 66 saLelllLes and 6
ln-orblL spares enabllng Alreon, a [olnL venLure servlce beLween lrldlum and nAv CAnAuA LhaL wlll provlde alr
navlgaLlon servlce provlders (AnSs) - C+% #*( C1%,# #1@( (7(% - Lhe capablllLy Lo conLlnuously Lrack alrcrafL ln
near-real Llme anywhere ln Lhe world, lncludlng over oceanlc, polar and remoLe reglons.

1he lrldlum nLx1 Mlsslon 1eam ls an exLraordlnary Leam of +7(% AB 1&-$,#%)?0(/-1&8 :+@./&1(, worklng Lo
make Lhe bold vlslon LhaL ls lrldlum nLx1 a reallLy.

lrldlum nLx1 ls on schedule Lo begln launchlng ln lebruary 2013. lrldlum nLx1 wlll be fully deployed by 2017.

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