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Protected species in Namibia - considered vulnerable. Endangered under the United States Endangered Species Act.

List on CITES Appendi I. !irst listed on " #ul$ "%&'. The cheetah has a slender( long-legged bod$ )ith blunt semi-retractile cla)s. Its coat is tan )ith small( round( blac* spots( and the +ur is coarse and short. The cheetah has a small head )ith high-set e$es. ,lac* -tear mar*s(- )hich run +rom the inside corner o+ its e$es do)n the sides o+ the nose to the outside o+ its mouth( *eep the sun out o+ its e$es( and aid in hunting. Adult bod$ length ".'-"'/ cm0 tail length '"-1& cm0 shoulder height 2/-12 cm0 )eight 3"-24*g. The male is slightl$ larger than the +emale. The cheetah5s +le ible spine( oversi6ed liver( enlarged heart( )ide nostrils( increased lung capacit$( and thin muscular bod$ ma*e this cat the s)i+test hunter in A+rica. Covering &-1 meters in a stride( )ith onl$ one +oot touching the ground at a time( the cheetah can reach a speed o+ "". *m7h in seconds. At t)o points in the stride( no +eet touch the ground. Cheetahs thrive in areas )ith vast e panses o+ land )here pre$ is abundant. In Namibia cheetahs have been +ound in a variet$ o+ habitats( including grasslands( savannahs( dense vegetation( and mountainous terrain. Ninet$-+ive percent o+ the Namibian population lives on commercial +arms. 8nce +ound throughout Asia and A+rica( the species is no) onl$ scattered in Iran and various countries in sub-Saharan A+rica. 9ome ranges +or males in Namibia are /(/34 s:uare *m and 3(1.% s:uare *m on average +or +emales. Cheetahs have a uni:ue( )ell-structured social order. !emales live alone e cept )hen the$ are raising cubs. The +emales raise the cubs on their o)n. The +irst "1 months o+ a cub5s li+e are important - cubs learn man$ lessons because survival depends on *no)ing ho) to hunt )ild pre$ species and avoid other predators such as leopards( lions( h$enas( and baboons. At "1 months( the mother leaves the cubs( )ho then +orm a sibling group( that )ill sta$ together +or another 2 months. At about / $ears( the +emale siblings leave the group( and the $oung males remain together +or li+e. ;ales live alone or in coalitions made up o+ brothers +rom the same litter. Some coalitions maintain territories in order to +ind +emales )ith )hich the$ )ill mate. Territories are o+ten located in areas )here there is a rich suppl$ o+ )ild game and7or )ater. !ierce +ights bet)een male coalitions( resulting in serious in<ur$ or death( can occur )hen de+ending territories. Cheetahs hunt in the late morning and earl$ evening. The$ capture their pre$ b$ stal*ing - until the$ pre$ is )ithin ".-3. meters - be+ore chasing. The pre$ is su++ocated )hen a cheetahs bites the underside o+ the throat. Chases last about /. seconds( and rarel$ longer then " minute. About hal+ o+ the chases are success+ul. In Namibia( cheetahs use pla$trees =trees )ith sloping trun*s and large hori6ontal limbs( usuall$ camelthorns> to observe their surroundings and mar* the area. Cheetahs ma*e chirping sounds( and hiss or spit )hen angered or threatened. The$ purr ver$ loudl$ )hen content. Se ual maturit$ occurs at /.-/3 months. The gestation period is about %' da$s( and the average litter si6e is 4-' cubs. Cubs are smo*$-gre$ in color )ith long hair( called a mantle( running along their bac*s0 the$ are up to 3. cm long and )eigh /'.-3.. grams at birth. The mantle has several purposes? it is thought to camou+lage the cub in dead grass( hiding it +rom predators( and to )or* as a mimicr$ de+ense( causing the cub to resemble a hone$ badger =ratel>. About "/(...-"'(... cheetahs are estimated to remain in /4 to /2 A+rican countries and less than ".. animals in Iran . Namibia has the )orld5s largest number o+ +ree-ranging cheetahs )ith about 3(... animals. Cheetahs have been *ept in captivit$ +or some '(... $ears. 9o)ever( the$ breed poorl$( and the captive population has been maintained through )ild collection. Cheetahs su++er +rom a lac* o+ genetic diversit$ ma*ing them more susceptible to disease and decreasing reproduction. The man$ par*s and reserves o+ A+rica o++er protection +or onl$ a small amount o+ cheetahs. In these par*s( lion and h$ena numbers

increase( and the cheetahs cannot compete )ith these large predators )hich *ill cheetah cubs and steal their pre$. Evolution has +avored speed( and not strength +or this species. @ecline in pre$( loss o+ habitat( and indiscriminate trapping and shooting as a livestoc* predator threaten the survival o+ the cheetah throughout its range. The cheetah is a protected species in Namibia( but people are allo)ed to remove cheetahs i+ the$ pose a threat to livestoc* or human li+e. Un+ortunatel$( some +armers )ill capture cheetahs indiscriminatel$ =the -con+lict- animals ma$ not be singled out>( o+ten removing or *illing those that have not ta*en an$ livestoc*. Limited international trade in live animals and s*ins is permitted +rom Namibia( Aimbab)e( and ,ots)ana. Illegal trade in other parts o+ A+rica and indiscriminate capture and removal in southern A+rica continue to threaten the survival o+ this species. To help this slee* hunter o+ the A+rican )ild )in its race against e tinction( )e must? ". 9elp protect its habitat and ensure a place +or it on Namibian +armlands /. Aid in the conservation o+ the )ild pre$ base 3. 9alt the indiscriminate capture and removal o+ the cheetah 4. Improve livestoc* management '. Educate ever$one about the need to conserve biological diversit$( and the predators5 uni:ue role in a health$ ecos$stem.
6. Ensure that cheetahs can provide economic benefits to the farmers on whose land they live.

C9EETA9S ABE CIL@ ANI;ALS. Capture o+ )ild cheetahs threatens the survival o+ the species in t)o )a$s. !irst( the removal o+ individuals reduce the species5 genetic diversit$ in the )ild. And secondl$( cheetahs do not breed )ell in captivit$. The Asian cheetah is nearl$ e tinct because o+ its capture +or private use. Special dietar$ re:uirements( uni:ue needs( and unpredictable behavior ma*e this a poor pet. Cild instincts remain intact even )ith tamed and captive-raised animals.

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