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The best global leaders are those that have technical business skills and acumen. A) B) True

B) C) the elements of the Pyramid Model. added challenges of geography, foreign languages, and virtuality. D) 7 CORRECT Project GLOBE found that: A) leadership traits have no commonality across cultures. B) C) D) the definition of leadership is consistent across cultures. 8 INCORRECT some leadership traits overlap across cultures. all leadership traits are the same across cultures.

a more complex internal environment.

False 2 CORRECT Most global leaders are bicultural and have enjoyed parts of their childhoods in foreign countries. A) B) 3 CORRECT A global mindset combines an openness to and awareness of diversity across cultures and markets with a propensity and ability to synthesize across this diversity. A) B) 4 INCORRECT Global leadership combines the skills of domestic leadership with foreign language skills. A) B) . 5 CORRECT Leadership involves administration and maintenance. A) B) 6 INCORRECT False C) D) 10 True B) A) False 9 INCORRECT True False A) B) C) D) True False True

Global leadership competencies include the abilities to: read maps and speak several foreign languages. adapt across cultures and build global teams. simultaneously be directive and supportive. manage personnel and have business acumen.

Among Dalton's four global leader competencies is: stoicism. patience. curiosity. moral reasoning skills.

Global leadership differs from domestic leadership in that it also involves: A) added ambiguity, multiplicity, interdependence, and dynamism.


Brake's Global Leadership Triad includes: A) B) C) D) foreign experience, internships, and foreign language skills. the elements of the Pyramid Model. business acumen, relationship management, and personal effectiveness skills. a more complex internal and external environment. impossible until company results are available. D) Feedback: Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 11-03 Topic: Global Leadership Competencies Blooms: Understand AACSB: Reflective Thinking Page: 283 This is directly from the text. 14 INCORRECT


The Pyramid Model of global leadership includes: A) B) C) D) added challenges of geography, foreign languages, and virtuality. the internal and external context. threshold traits. business acumen.

What we know about the development of global leadership skills is that: A) B) C) it is a clearly focused, well-organized, and delineated process. D) Feedback: Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 11-04 Topic: Developing Global Leadership Skills Blooms: Understand AACSB: Reflective Thinking Page: 285 This is directly from the text. it is a nonlinear process. it is a process that must be begun in an individual's early years. it is a process best started as an undergraduate or before.


As global leaders, women: A) B) C) D) can be successful, but usually are not. violate cultural values of specific countries. 15 INCORRECT offer a leadership style that is more participative. add complexity to an already complex situation.

Leading global teams require: A) regular team leadership skills plus additional skills to address the complexity introduced by globalization. global team members willing to collaborate with a leader.


Assessing global leadership competencies is: A) possible with the use of various instruments. B) C) dependent on the elements of the Pyramid Model. D) a homogeneous team membership. C) cultural awareness. possible only in a global leadership situation. B)

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