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BOOKS Alanen, Lilli. Descartes's Concept of Mind. Boston: Harvar !niversit" Press, #$$%. Al&o', (ose)*. What Am I? Descartes and the Mind-Body Problem. O+,or : O+,or !niversit" Press. #$$-. Arie., Ro/ert an 0ar1orie Grene, e . Descartes and His Contemporaries: Meditations !b"ections and #eplies. C*i2a'o: !niversit" o, C*i2a'o Press. 344-. Ba5er, Gor on an Kat*erine (. 0orris. Descartes' D$alism. Lon on: Ro6tle 'e. 3447. Bro6'*ton, (anet. Descartes' Method of Do$bt. Prin2eton: Prin2eton !niversit" Press. #$$%. C*a))ell, 8ere, e . Descartes's Meditations: Critical %ssays. Lan*a&, 0D: Ro.&an 9 Little,iel . 344:. Clar5e, Des&on 0. Descartes: A Bio&raphy. Ca&/ri 'e: Ca&/ri 'e !niversit" Press. #$$7. Cottin'*a&, (o*n, e . 'he Cambrid&e Companion to Descartes. Ca&/ri 'e: Ca&/ri 'e !niversit" Press. 344#. Cottin'*a&, (o*n, e . #eason Will and (ensation: (t$dies in Descartes's Metaphysics. O+,or : O+,or !niversit" Press. 344;. Davies, Ri2*ar . Descartes: Belief ()epticism and *irt$e. Lon on: Ro6tle 'e. #$$3. Gra"lin', A.C. Descartes: 'he +ife of #ene Descartes and Its Place in His 'imes. Ne. Yor5 Cit": <ree Press. #$$-. Grene, 0ar1orie. Descartes, In iana)olis: Ha25ett P6/lis*in'. 344=. Ro is>, Genevi?ve. Translate /" (ane 0arie To . Descartes: His +ife and 'ho$&ht. It*a2a: Cornell !niversit" Press. 3444.

Rort", A&@lie O5sen/er' Rort". e . %ssays on Descartes' Meditations. Ber5ele": !niversit" o, Cali,ornia Press. 34=7. RoAe&on , 0arleen. Descartes' D$alism. Boston: Harvar !niversit" Press. 344=. Sar5ar, H6sain. Descartes' Co&ito: (a-ed from the .reat (hip/rec), Ca&/ri 'e: Ca&/ri 'e !niversit" Press. #$$%. S&it*, Nat*an D. an (ason P. Ta"lor, e . Descartes and Cartesianism. Ca&/ri 'e: Ca&/ri 'e S2*olars Press. #$$-. Sorell, To&. Descartes. <arn*a&: As*'ate P6/lis*in'. 3444. Sorell, To&. Descartes #ein-ented. Ca&/ri 'e: Ca&/ri 'e !niversit" Press. #$$-. Batson, Ri2*ar . Co&ito %r&o ($m: 'he +ife of #en0 Descartes. Boston: Davi R. Go ine P6/lis*er. #$$#. Bilson, Cat*erine. Descartes1 Meditations: An Introd$ction. Ca&/ri 'e: Ca&/ri 'e !niversit" Press. #$$%.

SCHOLARLY (O!RNAL ARTICLES Gra,ton, Ant*on". CDes2artes t*e Drea&er.D 'he Wilson 2$arterly #$, ; EA6t6&n, 3447F: %7>;7. Bo"le, De/ora*. CDes2artesG Nat6ral Li'*t Re2onsi ere .D 3o$rnal of the History of Philosophy, %:, ; EO2to/er 3444F: 7$3>73#. Broa ie, Sara*. CSo6l an Bo " in Plato an Des2artes.D Proceedin&s of the Aristotelian (ociety Ne. Series, 3$3 E#$$3F: #4->%$=. C*risto,i o6, An rea. CDes2artesG D6alis&: Corre2tin' So&e 0is2on2e)tions.D 3o$rnal of the History of Philosophy %4, # EA)ril #$$3F: #3->#%=. Lennon, T*o&as 0. CT*e Eleati2 Des2artes.D 3o$rnal of the History of Philosophy, ;-, 3 E(an6ar" #$$:F: #4>;-. RoAe&on, 0arleen. CDes2artesGs Case ,or D6alis&.D 3o$rnal of the History of Philosophy, %%, 3 E(an6ar" 344-F: #4>7%.

Ba'ner, Ste)*en I. CDes2artesG Ba+: Dis2overin' t*e Nat6re o, 0in .D History of Philosophy 2$arterly 3#, #, St6 ies on Des2artes EA)ril, 344-F: 37->3=%.

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