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Present Continuous: future meaning 1. Complete the questions to the following answers. Ex.

: What are you doing after school? Im going home after school. 1. Are_________________________________________________________________ No, e arent going out tonight. !. When_______________________________________________________________ "i# is ha$ing dinner ith %ar& tomorro e$ening. '. ___________________________________________________________ next ee&? No, Im not meeting (ill next ee&. ). What________________________________________________________________ *hey are +laying tennis on ,aturday. -. What time ___________________________________________________________ Im lea$ing at . ocloc&. 2. Are the following sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong ones. Ex.: %y family and I arent $isiting my grandma next ,unday. right I +lay /as&et/all ith my friends this afternoon. rong I am +laying /as&et/all ith my friends this afternoon. a. I stay at home tonight. /. "isa isnt coming to the +arty on ,aturday. c. 0oes your sister go to the theatre tomorro ? d. Is 1ete studying English this afternoon? e. %y friends and I dont ha$e lunch at school e$ery day. f. %y +arents tra$el to 2rance next ee&.

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Future: be going to
1. Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs in brackets: Ex.: We are going to coo& 3coo&4 dinner this e$ening. a. Next summer, I 3tra$el4 to England. /. %y sister %ar5a 3li$e4 in %adrid. c. *hey 3+lay4 tennis this afternoon. d. %y father 3/uy4 a ne car. e. ,usan and 0a$id 3see4 the film tonight. f. I 3$isit4 the dentist tomorro .

2. ake questions with be going to using these words and answer them in the negative form: Ex.: *ony 6 read 6 this 6 /oo&. Is *ony going to read this /oo&? No, *ony isnt going to read this /oo&. a. 7our friends 6 listen to music. ? 8 No, /. 1eter 6 ash 6 his car. ? 8 No, c. ,he 6 rite a letter. ? 8 No, d. 1hili+ and 2ran& 6 ha$e a /irthday +arty. ? 8 No, e. 9e 6 re+air my /icycle. ? 8 No, f. 7our grand+arents 6 $isit you 6 next ee&end. ? 8 No,

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!. "rite the following words in the right order to form sentences with be going to in affirmative# negative or interrogative: $%.: is & to & a & Fred & doctor & going & be. Fred is going to be a doctor. a. to 6 am 6 dentist 6 the 6 I 6 this 6 going 6 $isit 6 afternoon. /. s im 6 arent 6 *hey 6 to 6 going 6 tomorro . c. her 6 +aint 6 isnt 6 to 6 room 6 going 6 ,he.

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