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"...his name shall be called

(which means, God with us)._l'
(Matt. 1:23b)

"If I take the wings of the morning and dwell In the utterinost parts of the sea, even there thy hand shall lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me,"

(Psa, 139:9,10) The year now ending (1976) hfls beea one of the happiest -- if not THE happiest -in my missionary career. What has made it so? It has not been made so because

of any large host of souls being won to Christ via my teaching of the gosoel.

(Though I wish this were true, the fact is no one from among my present students became a Christian this year.) Nor has it been because of any outstanding happening that could be termed a 'miracle* or a 'wonder*, This year, actually
has just been one of small beginnings. Sunday classes Increased from two class

sessions per Sunday to three. Contacts Increased from I or 2 to 12-15 regulars. A Thursday night Bible Class was begun again as before furlough, and a young father, husband of one of my former students, began using the English Bible as the text for his Saturday morning English lesson. On Awaji Island, this past summer, my first Awaji VBS was held for six days with two little neighbor

girls as students and a Tokyo high-school girl as assistant.

No big happenings,

and yet. In all of my activities there has been an intensifying awareness -on my Dart of the transcendence and immediacy of the Lord, On a recent Thursday evening our study of John's vision of the Risen Christ among the lampstands

(Rev. I:l2ff) brought into sharp focus the reason for my joy throughout the year.
Ills this One of John's vision -- this Glorious One -- who has deigned to walk with me and to make His presence known In this year's 'little beginnings.' As He was among His churches In John's day, so He Is now among us. His name

Emmanuel, given to Him at His birth, brings added assurance and rejoicing at
this season.

Our little group will be having Its Christmas program on Sunday morning, December 26, followed by a fellowship dinner. Visiting me this Christmas season, the Lord willing, will be my nephew A/C Johnnie Walters who is stationed in Okinawa.

Johnnie is my brother's son. He is from my own home town, Marshall, Illinois, and from my home church. First Christian, He was here In February to help me
celebrate my birthday and I look forward to his second visit.
to have a bit of family with me.

It will be nice

Your concern and prayers for me have added to my joy. May Emannuel be with you during this season and throught 1977.




fTrsslonary to J


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