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World Literature Reading List

Author Title The Bible (New or Old Testament) Achebe, hinua Aidino$$, %lsie Alexander, ,obert Al)are/, 0ulia Amado, 0orge Austen, 0ane Austen, 0ane 3oll, 4einrich 3uc9, Pearl onrad, 0oseph -ic9ens, harles -ic9ens, harles -ic9ens, harles -inesen, 8sa9 %s@ui)al, Aaura .orester, = S= (ao, DingEian (arcia 5ar@ue/, (abriel (uterson, -a)id 4emingway, %rnest 4osseini, ?haled 4osseini, ?haled Things Fall Apart The Garden Rasputins Daughter In the Time of Butterflies The Violent Land Pride and Prejudi e !mma The "lo#n The Good !arth $eart of Dar%ness Great !&pe tations $ard Times A Tale of T#o "ities 'ut of Afri a Li%e (ater for "ho olate The Afri an )ueen 'ne *ans Bible 'ne $undred +ears of ,olitude ,no# Falling on "edars A *o-eable Feast The .ite Runner Thousand ,plendid ,uns Pages *** !"# &"' '"& '!& !12 '12 &&2 !&1 !2" :12 &2# !""; &""; '<# !&B '"1 &B" &B< '&B !!: '!& Notes See me about texts you plan to read Nigerian (arden o$ %den in %)e*s PO+ -isappearance o$ ,ussian ,oyal .amily -ominican ,epublic Set in 3ra/il 3ritish 3ritish 5ime in post67788 (ermany American, set in hina Polish6born %nglish no)elist %nglish %nglish %nglish N. #:2=1 > olony in ?enya 5exican ,omantic ad)entureC7ar story ultural ,e)olution in hina olumbian SubE > 0apanese American N. #!: 6 American li)ing in Paris Tale o$ $athers F sons in A$ghanistan Two women*s li)es in A$ghanistan

World Literature Reading List

Name 8bbotson, %)a 8shiguro, ?a/uo 8slas, Arturo 0oyce, 0ames ?adohata, ynthia ?a/ant/a9is, Ni9os ?houry, ,aymond ?im, 4elen ?osto)a, %li/abeth Aunn, 0anet 5i9lowit/, (loria 5organ, Nicola Omang, 0oanne Orwell, (eorge Peet, 5al ,ama ,au, Santha ,hys, 0ean ,ochman, 4a/el Seierstad, Asne Shelley, 5ary Sil9o, Aeslie 5armon Tan, Amy Tan, Amy Gris, Aeon Author The ,tar of .a/an 0e-er Let *e Go *igrant ,ouls Portrait of the Artist as a +oung *an (eedflo#er 1orba the Gree% The Last Templar The Long ,eason of Rain The $istorian The Root "ellar ,e rets of the $ouse of Delgado Fleshmar%et In ident at A%abal 2345 .eeper Remember the $ouse (ide ,argasso ,ea ,omeho# Tenderness ,ur-i-es The Boo%seller of .abul Fran%enstein "eremon6 The Bonesetters Daughter The 7o6 Lu % "lub *ila 24 Title &"B !<< !&1 !B' !2" ':: &"2 !1B 2&! !!# :<! !"< ':' !#& !!B !&: :<# :<# !<1 !""6'"" !2! 'B' !<< B2' Pages Notes (irl in +ienna ta9en to li)e in (ermany 0apanese author, set in %ngland Ai$e on 5exico6G=S= 3order 8rish 0apanese American $amily is relocated 5odern (ree9 4ero Order*s secrets o$ early hristian history -estructi)e demands on ?orean women Huest $or truth about +lad the 8mpaler Time tra)el on a $arm in anada ,eligious contro)ersy in Spain 5an ta9es re)enge on doctor in Scotland (uerilla warrior is $ollowed to his )illage %nglish (3orn in 8ndia) Story o$ a young S= Amer= soccer star (irl in 5odern 8ndia Ioung woman in the aribbean Stories about South A$rica > PAP SO5 Ai$e a$ter the $all o$ the Taliban %nglish Nati)e American American, hinese bac9ground American, hinese bac9ground 5en F 7omen in 7arsaw stage re)olt

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