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Fluid Mechanics Introduction

Types of Matter Matter has two forms, Solid or Fluid; Fluids may be Gas or Liquid. Solid: molecules attract each other strongly and are fixed in s ace relati!e to each other.

Liquid: molecules attract each other strongly "but less strongly than in a solid#. $he molecules are close to each other but not fixed in s ace relati!e to each other Gas: distance between molecules is large; forces between molecules are !ery wea% Definition: A fluid is a material which deforms continuously under the action of shearing forces &!en though a fluid consists of indi!idual molecules, we can treat a fluid as a 'ontinuum, a continuous distribution of matter Important parameters in Fluid Mechanics (m ortant arameters in Fluid Mechanics are: $he density $he ressure P $he surface tension $he !elocity u "or U# $he !olumetric flow rate Q $he mass flow rate M $he !iscosity Density $he density is the mass er unit !olume of fluid. )nits %g*m+, symbol . $he density de ends on ressure and tem erature. Liquid density is almost inde endent of ressure; liquids are (ncom ressible. Gas density is de endent of ressure; gases are 'om ressible; often this de endency can be calculated using the Gas Law:
PV = R = constant nT


$he ressure of a fluid is a measure of the force exerted by the fluid er endicular on a solid lane in the fluid.
Force Area ,imensions )nits: -*m. or /a "/ascal#. Symbol: P Please note: Whilst the force has a direction (in the direction of the lane!" the ressure does not#

/ressure is ex ressed as absolute or gauge ressure. $he gauge ressure is the ressure relati!e to that of the atmos here. (f the gauge ressure is %nown, the absolute ressure can be calculated from: A$solute ressure % gauge ressure & atmos heric ressure Whene'er you tell what the ressure is" you ha'e to indicate whether it is an a$solute ressure or a gauge ressure( Pressure in a Static Fluid: Vertical Pressure Change 0ertical force balance at equilibrium: 1eight 1 23.h..g, matched by force due to ressure change. /.3 4 "/5/#3 4 3.h..g 26
dP = .g dh

P+ P h P


At Constant Density 3ssuming constant density, d/ 2 4.g dh. $a%ing two locations at heights h7 and h. where ressures are /7 and /., then

P2 - P1 = g( h1 h2 )

Pressure in a Static Fluid: Pascals Law

P3 B

P2 W P1 C

Force balances on this triangular fluid element of unit length gi!e: 8ori9ontally, 3:./+ 4 3'./..sin 2 6 but 3'.sin23: so: /+2/. 0ertically, fluid weight is im ortant: 1 2 0olume..g 2 ;3:.:'..g :'./7 4 3'./.cos 4 ;3:.:'..g 2 6 :ut :'23'.cos so /74/.4;3:..g26 3s 3:6, so /7/. P1 = P2 = P3 regardless of . $his leads to /ascal<s law which states: The ressure at a oint is the same in all directions# =ne consequence of /ascal<s law: in a continuous and static fluid" the ressure in a hori)ontal lane is constant#

Pressure in a static fluid: Archimedes Principle;

3rchimedes< /rinci le states: The $uoyant (u ward! force on a artly or fully su$merged $ody is e*ual to the weight of the dis laced fluid#

Some methods for pressure measurement:

1 !lectrical Pressure Transducers /ressure is con!erted to an electrical signal. /ressure change causes mechanical deflection of a solid. $he deflection is then con!erted to an electrical signal using e#g# Strain Gauges, L0,$ or a ie9oelectric de!ice. " #ourdon $auge 8igh ressure in the o!al tube tends to straighten it, causing mo!ement of the free end. $his is mechanically lin%ed to a ointer on a scale.

Pivots Movement C-sha%ed oval cross section t &e $igid mo nting P

% #arometer

Torricellian vac m! P"# h Patmos

$he atmos heric ressure can be calculated from the height of liquid column it su orts:

Patmos = .g.h

4. U-tu e manometer

3 )4sha ed trans arent tube art filled with a high density liquid connects two oints at different ressures. $he manometer liquid must be immiscible and inert with measured fluid. m is the density of the manometer liquid. Pressure Difference P /3 2 /u 5 .g.h 5 Pd /: 2 /d 5.g.h 5

h hm A C B m

/3 2 / :

P Pd = ( m )
(f the wor%ing fluid is a gas, then is negligible so:

Pu Pd=


& 'ell Manometer Ma%e limb cross sections different so nearly all the le!el change is in the narrow limb. 3s a result, only one le!el needs to be measured. /. > /72 "m > #g."hm5hw# P1 P2 0olume changes must be the same in well and column: 3whw 2 3chm /. > /72 "m > #"7 53c*3w# hm (nitial if 3c?3w


P2 P1 ( m )

P2 (nitial hm )evel

P1 '

( Inclined Tu)e Manometer $o increase sensiti!ity, measure dis lacement + in a slo ing tube instead of the smaller !ertical mo!ement hm.

/. > /72 "m > (ntermediate fluid is used with a density between that of fluid to be measured and hea!ier fluid in manometer. 3lso includes wells. Aelation between ressure dro and height becomes:
P 7 P . = " + . #" h. h 7#

P2 P1 = ( m ) g.'. sin
$y ically @ 2 +6o

sin"@# 27*.

* + "hm

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