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Aspartame... the BAD news! Article courtesy of: Mark Gold mgold@tiac.

net (researcher for twenty years on such su !ects"

#$ual% &utrasweet% #$ual Measure% 'poonful% (anderal (#)*+" Aspartame was not appro,ed until +)-+% in dry foods. .or o,er eight years the .DA refused to appro,e it ecause of the sei/ures and rain tumors this drug produced in la animals. 0he .DA continued to refuse to appro,e it until 1resident 2eagan took office (a friend of 'earle" and fired the .DA (ommissioner who wouldn3t appro,e it. Dr. Arthur 4ull 4ayes was appointed as commissioner. #,en then there was so much opposition to appro,al that a Board of 5n$uiry was set up. 0he Board said: 6Do not appro,e aspartame6. Dr. 4ayes 78#229:#D his own Board of 5n$uiry. 'hortly after (ommissioner Arthur 4ull 4ayes% ;r.% appro,ed the use of aspartame in car onated e,erages% he left for a position with G.D. 'earle3s 1u lic 2elations firm. :ong<0erm Damage. 5t appears to cause slow% silent damage in those unfortunate enough to not ha,e immediate reactions and a reason to

a,oid it. 5t may take one year% fi,e years% += years% or >= years% ut it seems to cause some re,ersi le and some irre,ersi le changes in health o,er long<term use. M#04A&7: (A?A @77D A:(747:A175'7&" (+=B 7. A'1A20AM#" MethanolAwood alcohol is a deadly poison. 1eople may recall that methanol was the poison that has caused some 6skid row6 alcoholics to end up lind or dead. Methanol is gradually released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame encounter the en/yme chymotrypsin. 0he a sorption of methanol into the ody is sped up considera ly when free methanol is ingested. .ree methanol is created from aspartame when it is heated to a o,e -C .ahrenheit (D= (entigrade". 0his would occur when aspartame<containing product is improperly stored or when it is heated (e.g.% as part of a 6food6 product such as ;ello". Methanol reaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the ody. .ormaldehyde is a deadly neurotoEin. An #1A assessment of methanol states that methanol 6is considered a cumulati,e poison due to the low rate of eEcretion once it is a sor ed. 5n the ody% methanol is oEidi/ed to formaldehyde and formic acidF oth of these meta olites are toEic.6 0he recommend a limit of consumption

of G.- mgAday. A one<liter (approE. + $uart" aspartame<sweetened e,erage contains a out *C mg of methanol. 4ea,y users of aspartame<containing products consume as much as H*= mg of methanol daily or DH times the #1A limit. 0he most well known pro lems from methanol poisoning are ,ision pro lems. .ormaldehyde is a known carcinogen% causes retinal damage% interferes with D&A replication% and causes irth defects. Due to the lack of a couple of key en/ymes% humans are many times more sensiti,e to the toEic effects of methanol than animals. 0herefore% tests of aspartame or methanol on animals do not accurately reflect the danger for humans. As pointed out y Dr @oodrow (. Monte% Director of the .ood 'cience and &utrition :a oratory at Ari/ona 'tate 9ni,ersity% 60here are no human or mammalian studies to e,aluate the possi le mutagenic% teratogenic% or carcinogenic effects of chronic administration of methyl alcohol.6 5t has een pointed out that fruit !uices and alcoholic e,erages contain small amounts of methanol. 5t is important to remem er% that the methanol in natural products ne,er appears alone. 5n e,ery case% ethanol is present% usually in much higher amounts. #thanol is an antidote for methanol toEicity in

humans. 0he troops of Desert 'torm were 6treated6 to large amounts of aspartame< sweetened e,erages which had een heated to o,er -C degrees .. in the 'audi Ara ian sun. Many of them returned home with numerous disorders similar to what has een seen in persons who ha,e een chemically poisoned y formaldehyde. 0he free methanol in the e,erages may ha,e een a contri uting factor in these illnesses. 7ther reakdown products of aspartame such as D?1% may also ha,e een a factor. 5n a +))D act that can only e descri ed as 6unconsciona le6% the .DA appro,ed aspartame as an ingredient in numerous food items that would always e heated to a o,e -CIdegrees . (D=IDegrees (". Much worse% on HG ;une +))C% without pu lic notice% the .DA remo,ed all restrictions from aspartame allowing it to e used in e,erything% including all heated and aked goods. 0he truth a out aspartame3s toEicity is far different than what the &utra'weet (ompany would ha,e you readers elie,e. 5n .e ruary of +))>% the 9.'. Department of 4ealth and 4uman 'er,ices released the listing of ad,erse reactions reported to the .DA (D44' +))>". Aspartame accounted for more than G*B of all ad,erse reactions reported to the

.DA3s Ad,erse 2eaction Monitoring 'ystem (A2M'". By the .DA3s own admission fewer then 7&# 1#2(#&0 of those who ha,e pro lems with something they consume e,er report it to the .DA. 0his alloons the almost +=%=== complaints they once had to around a million. 4owe,er% the .DA has a record keeping pro lem (they ne,er did respond to the certified letter from the @#BMA'0#2 of this site... a ma!or ,ictim!" and they tend to discourage or e,en misdirect complaints% at least on aspartame. 0he fact remains% though% that M7'0 ,ictims don3t ha,e a clue that aspartame may e the cause of their many pro lems! Many reactions to aspartame were ,ery serious including sei/ures and death. 0hose reactions included: D72way documents now linked to 'JM107M! A dominal 1ain AnEiety attacks arthritis asthma Asthmatic 2eactions Bloating% #dema (.luid 2etention" Blood 'ugar (ontrol 1ro lems (4ypoglycemia or 4yperglycemia" Brain (ancer (1re<appro,al studies in animals" Breathing difficulties

urning eyes or throat Burning 9rination can3t think straight (hest 1ains chronic cough (hronic .atigue (onfusion Death Depression Diarrhea Di//iness #Ecessi,e 0hirst or 4unger fatigue feel unreal flushing of face 4air :oss (Baldness" or 0hinning of 4air 4eadachesAMigraines di//iness 4earing :oss 4eart palpitations 4i,es (9rticaria" 4ypertension (4igh Blood 1ressure" 5mpotency and 'eEual 1ro lems ina ility to concentrate 5nfection 'uscepti ility 5nsomnia 5rrita ility 5tching ;oint 1ains laryngitis 6like thinking in a fog6

Marked 1ersonality (hanges Memory loss Menstrual 1ro lems or (hanges Migraines and 'e,ere 4eadaches (0rigger or (ause .rom (hronic 5ntake" Muscle spasms &ausea or 8omiting &um ness or 0ingling of #Etremities 7ther Allergic<:ike 2eactions 1anic Attacks 1ho ias poor memory 2apid 4eart Beat 2ashes 'ei/ures and (on,ulsions 'lurring of 'peech 'wallowing 1ain 0achycardia 0remors 0innitus 8ertigo 8ision :oss @eight gain Aspartame Disease Mimics 'ymptoms or @orsens the .ollowing Diseases .i romyalgia Arthritis Multiple 'clerosis (M'"

1arkinson3s Disease :upus Multiple (hemical 'ensiti,ities (M('" Dia etes and Dia etic (omplications #pilepsy Al/heimer3s Disease Birth Defects (hronic .atigue 'yndrome :ymphoma :yme Disease Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD" 1anic Disorder Depression and other 1sychological Disorders 4ow it happens: Methanol% from aspartame% is released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame encounters the en/yme chymotrypsin ('tegink +)->% page +>D". .ree methanol egins to form in li$uid aspartame< containing products at temperatures a o,e -C degrees ... also within the human ody. 0he methanol is then con,erted to formaldehyde. 0he formaldehyde con,erts to formic acid% ant sting poison. 0oEic formic acid is used as an acti,ator to strip epoEy and urethane coatings. 5magine what it does to your tissues! 1henylalanine and aspartic acid% )=B of aspartame% are amino acids normally used in synthesis of protoplasm when supplied y the

foods we eat. But when unaccompanied y other amino acids we use Kthere are H=L% they are neurotoEic. 0hat is why a warning for 1henylketonurics is found on #M9A: and other aspartame products. 1henylketenurics are HB of the population with eEtreme sensiti,ity to this chemical unless it3s present in food. 5t gets you too% causing rain disorders and irth defects! .inally% the phenyalanine reaks down into D?1% a rain tumor agent. 5n other words: Aspartame con,erts to dangerous yproducts that ha,e no natural countermeasures. A dieter3s empty stomach accelerates these con,ersions and amplifies the damage. (omponents of aspartame go straight to the rain% damage that causes headaches% mental confusion% sei/ures and faulty alance. :a rats and other test animals died of rain tumors. Despite the claims of Monsanto and edfellows: +. Methanol from alcohol and !uices does not get con,erted to formaldehyde to any significant eEtent. 0here is ,ery strong e,idence to confirm this fact for alcoholic e,erages and fairly strong e,idence for !uices. H. .ormaldehyde o tained from methanol is ,ery toEic in N,ery smallN doses as seen y

recent research. D. Aspartame causes chronic toEicity reactionsAdamage due to the methanol to formaldehyde and other reak down products despite what is claimed otherwise y the ,ery short% industry<funded eEperiments using a test su stance that is chemically different and a sor ed differently than what is a,aila le to the general pu lic. 6'trangely enough6% almost all independent studies show that aspartame can cause health pro lems. >. A common ploy from Monsanto is to claim that aspartame is 6safe6 yet a few select people may ha,e 6allergic6 reactions to it. 0his is typical Monsanto nonsense% of course. 0heir own research shows that it does not cause 6allergic6 reactions. 5t is there way of trying to minimi/e and hide the huge num ers of toEicity reactions and damage that people are eEperiencing from the long<term use of aspartame. 'ummary Gi,en the following points% it is definitely premature for researchers to discount the role of methanol in aspartame side effects: +. 0he amount of methanol ingested from aspartame is unprecedented in human history. Methanol from fruit !uice ingestion does not e,en approach the $uantity of methanol ingested from aspartame% especially in

persons who ingest one to three liters (or more" of diet e,erages e,ery day. 9nlike methanol from aspartame% methanol from natural products is pro a ly not a sor ed or con,erted to its toEic meta olites in significant amounts as discussed earlier. H. :ack of la oratory<detecta le changes in plasma formic acid and formaldehyde le,els do not preclude damage eing caused y these toEic meta olites. :a oratory<detecta le changes in formate le,els are often not found in short eEposures to methanol. D. Aspartame<containing products often pro,ide little or no nutrients which may protect against chronic methanol poisoning and are often consumed in etween meals. 1ersons who ingest aspartame<containing products are often dieting and more likely to ha,e nutritional deficiencies than persons who take the time to make fresh !uices. >. 1ersons with certain health conditions or on certain drugs may e much more suscepti le to chronic methanol poisoning. *. (hronic diseases and side effects from slow poisons often uild silently o,er a long period of time. Many chronic diseases which seem to appear suddenly ha,e actually een uilding in the ody o,er many years. C. An increasing ody of research is showing that many people are highly sensiti,e to low

doses of formaldehyde in the en,ironment. #n,ironmental eEposure to formaldehyde and ingestion of methanol (which con,erts to formaldehyde" from aspartame likely has a cumulati,e deleterious effect. G. .ormic acid has een shown to slowly accumulate in ,arious parts of the ody. .ormic acid has een shown to inhi it oEygen meta olism. -. 0he are a ,ery large and growing num er of persons are eEperiencing chronic health pro lems similar to the side effects of chronic methanol poisoning when ingesting aspartame<containing products for a significant length of time. 0his includes many cases of eye damage similar to the type of eye damage seen in methanol poisoning cases. 0oEicity #ffects of Aspartame 9se 'election of 4ealth #ffects from 'hort<term andAor :ong< 0erm 9se &ote: 5t often takes at least siEty days without any aspartame &utra'weet to see a significant impro,ement. (heck all la els ,ery carefully (including ,itamins and pharmaceuticals". :ook for the word 6aspartame6 on the la el and a,oid it. (Also% it is a good idea to a,oid 6acesulfame<k6 or 6sunette.6" .inally% a,oid getting nutrition information from !unk food industry 12 organi/ations such as 5.5( or organi/ations that accept large sums of money from the !unk

and chemical food industry such as the American Dietetic Association. 5f you are a user of any products with aspartame% and you ha,e physical% ,isual% mental pro lems... take the C=<day no aspartame test. 5f% after two months with no aspartame your symptoms are either gone% or are much less se,ere% please get in,ol,ed to get this neurotoEin off the market. @rite a letter to the .DA% with a copy to Betty Martini (for proof of how the .DA doesn3t keep proper records". @rite your congressmen. 2eturn products containing aspartame to the point of purchase... for a .9:: refund. Make a ig stink if they @7&30 gi,e you a full refund! 0ell all your friends and family... and if they stop using aspartame and also 6wake up well6... get them in,ol,ed in the same way. Aspartame is an 6appro,ed sweetener6 ecause of a few greedy and dishonest people who place profits a o,e human life and well< eing. @ith the .DA and our (ongress culpa le% only an 5&.72M#D and A(058# pu lic will affects its reclassification from 6food additi,e6 to 07O5( D29G% and remo,ed from the human food chain. &eed to ,iew some of the .DA original documentationP :ink to a printa le report form:

http:AAwww.dorway.comAreprtfrm.html Addresses: (ommissioner .ood and Drug Administration *C== .ishers :ane 2ock,ille% Maryland H=-*G Mrs. Betty Martini Mission 1ossi le 5nternational )HG= 2i,er (lu 1arkway Duluth% Georgia D==)G 5nternet #<mail: ettym+) :inks for additional information: .ront door to e,erything! http:AAwww.dorway.comApossi le.html Mission 1ossi le .iles http:AAwww.dorway.comAasprlink.html :inks to more sitesAsource information http:AAwww.holisticmed.comAaspartame More in<depth 5nformation http:AAwww.trufaE.orgAmenuAchem.html More good articles :inks for ooks:

http:AAwww.dorway.comA ooks.html http:AAwww.dorway.comAama/on.html D72way Ama/on Bookshelf

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