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Bible Class Teacher: Mike Leduc

Student: Abigail Link

Week 6 homework
Reading: Psalms 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102
1. The Psalms are split into 5 books to display psalms according to their theme and to mimic the five books of the Pentateuch. 2. Psalm 92 is a psalm of rejoicing! The author writes so much about who God is and what He has done so that others can join in the rejoicing. At the beginning of the psalm, the author reminds the reader of who God is, then of what He has done. Not only has God destroyed His enemies, but He has lifted up those who love Him! The psalm ends reminding those who love God to be righteous, because that pleases God. 3. Gods discipline helps us to be more like Him. It shows that He loves and cares for us. 4. 95 is describing when the Israelites rebelled against God during their 40 years of wandering. One of these times was when they complained about a lack of water, which God provided when Moses struck a rock with his staff. 5. We should worship God because He is God and He deserves it! After all, He has done so much providing both for our physical needs and spiritual needs. 6. Psalm 97 tells us about Gods power and how we should praise Him. It is written with confidence in the God who controls everything. The psalmist writes many of Gods wonders so that the reader is led to worship. The Psalmist recounts how amazing God is how He is the One who makes thunder and lightning, and how no other false god can compare. 7. To have seen the salvation of God is to have realized it and accepted it. 8. Samuel was the priest and the judge that anointed Israels first kings, Saul and David. 9. Serving is the Lord with gladness is remembering the joy of the Lord while you do His will. The Joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10), without it, you cant g et anything done the way God wants you to. Specifically, I serve the Lord with gladness best when Im thinking about how good He is while I serve, and how He has prepared me, knowing what He wanted me to do. 10. To walk with integrity is to obey the Law. Its to be intentionally blameless. 11. Throughout Psalm 102, the author harps on deliverance. He lists the struggles he is experiencing so that he can point to his Deliverer. This psalm is written climbing out of despair into hope. The author feels horrible there seems to be nothing going right for him and he feels alone. But then he chooses to remember God, and how God delivers him from all the hardships he encounters.

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