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One Contact Hour for Nurses, Social Workers, and Case Mangers Program Coordinator: Rob n Horn, M! in "ong#term Care !dministration

!"$H%IM%R&S 'IS%!S% Alzheimers Disease: Prevention, Detection, and Intervention Explores the latest findings on how to prevent Alzheimers Disease, how to detect warning signs and symptoms, and how to assess the appropriate treatment and care for the Alzheimers patient. A Day in the ife of an Alzheimers Patient: Enhancing !are "hro#gh !omm#nication and Activity $odification Demonstrates effective comm#nication strategies with Alzheimers patients when providing care in %oth hospital and comm#nity settings and shows how creative activity modification can enhance their daily experiences. End of ife Iss#es with Alzheimers Disease: Ethical &amily and Patient !onsiderations Explores the ethical decisions that m#st %e made as the Alzheimers patient reaches the end stages of the disease 'ie. hospice, n#trition, medications, %ehavioral intervention(. 'ISCH!R(% P"!NNIN( Discharge Planning for the Elderly: )vercoming the Ethical !hallenges )#tlines the iss#es involved in discharge planning incl#ding family dynamics*ed#cation, comm#nity reso#rces, long+ term care placement, doc#mentation, and physician comm#nication. Ethical challenges will %e presented and explored with the #se of act#al case st#dies. ,ealth iteracy: Do -o#r Patients .eally /nderstand "heir $edical "reatment Plan0 Addresses one of the most pervasive and #nder+recognized pro%lem in medicine: ow levels of health literacy 'the a%ility to o%tain, #nderstand, and #se health information(. !hanges in the 1oint !ommission reg#lations, the new Plain 2riting Act, and the 3ational Action Plan to Improve ,ealth iteracy will %e disc#ssed along with s#ccess stories regarding red#ced rehospitalizations and patient compliance. ,ome and Personal 4afety for 4eniors: A%ove and 5eyond "ossing "hrow .#gs ,ighlights the varied aspects of home safety and sec#rity for the senior and foc#ses on the role of healthcare wor6ers while planning discharges that see6 to meet Transitions of Care o%7ectives. "ransitions of !are for the Elderly: Providing 8#ality 4ervices in the Appropriate 4etting Descri%es the vario#s healthcare delivery options for the elderly as they move from one level of care to the next and introd#ces the national "ransitions of !are pilot program whose goal is to decrease #nnecessary hospitalizations. )!MI"* C!R%(I+%RS Assessing and $anaging !aregiver 4tress: An Essential &actor in Positive )#tcomes for the Elderly Disc#sses how to effectively assess the detrimental signs of stress among patients family caregivers and #ltimately enhance patient care %y assisting those families in developing coping strategies that will help them manage that stress. "he &amily $em%er as a 9al#a%le Player on the Interdisciplinary "eam Disc#sses vario#s personality traits of caregivers for the elderly 'ie. reso#rcef#l, angry( and shows how the interdisciplinary team can #tilize the family mem%ers strengths in providing care for the patient. Identity !risis: &rom &amily $em%er to :eriatric !aregiver Explores a theoretical framewor6 in which to view the role of the family caregiver and identifies via%le strategies to s#pport the growing n#m%er of caregivers who are responsi%le for their aging relatives.

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OR(!NI$!.ION!" .R!ININ( !atch the 2ave: Delivering Exceptional !#stomer Experiences to Improve Patient !are Descri%es how providing positive c#stomer experiences can enhance patient satisfaction and improve care o#tcomes. !ompassion &atig#e and Professional !aregiver 5#rno#t: "he Detrimental Effect on Patient !are ,ealthcare professionals will learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of compassion fatig#e and develop strategies to overcome %#rno#t so that they can provide %etter care for their patients. 2hen &aced with a Patient in 3eed, 2ho .eally !ares0 An Innovative ,ealthcare "eam Approach "he p#rpose of this activity is to explore an interdisciplinary and colla%orative approach for clinical care providers that will lead to enhanced patient wellness and care. P!.I%N. C!R% Advance !are Planning for the Elderly: :oing 5eyond Advance Directives to ,onor 2ishes Incl#des tho#ght+provo6ing assessments and tools designed to g#ide the elderly, family caregivers, and healthcare professionals as they all contemplate their f#t#re physical, psychosocial, and spirit#al wishes at the end of life. Aging 2ell in the ;=st !ent#ry: ,elping Patients $a6e ifestyle !hoices that !o#nt Addresses the n#m%er of research st#dies on this s#%7ect as o#r pop#lation is aging in overwhelming proportions. "he healthcare professional>s role in ed#cating on cancer prevention strategies, maintaining the %rain, heart health and more will %e disc#ssed. !aring for 5a%y 5oomers: 2hat ,ealthcare Professionals 3eed to ?now Disc#sses different care models that will meet the needs of this #ni@#e pop#lation. "opics incl#de social, economical, environmental and technological factors that define the %a%y %oom generation. !hronic Disease $anagement: "he ?ey to Avoiding /nnecessary .ehospitalizations Explores the latest research, $edicare pilot pro7ects, and care strategies regarding chronic diseases s#ch as stro6e, !)PD, dia%etes, !,&, etc. and provides tools to assist patients in managing their diseases at home. ,ow Patients Define 8#ality of ife: ittle "hings $a6e a Difference &oc#ses on @#ality of life iss#es for healthcare professionals and how that translates into providing more personalized care for their patients. ?eeping the Elderly on "heir &eet: 4tate+of+the+Art Programs in &all Prevention )#tlines the latest research and program+development on fall prevention in response to the !D!s recent declaration that elderly falls have %ecome a national epidemic. .ecognizing !#lt#ral Diversity: Ethical Iss#es in !aring for the Elderly Disc#sses how healthcare professionals sho#ld adapt interventions to meet the c#lt#ral needs and preferences 'ethnic and religio#s %elief, val#es, and practices( of a diverse elderly pop#lation. "he )ther Dr#g Pro%lem: Patient 3on+Adherence in the Elderly Pop#lation !omm#nicates the c#rrent statistics, implications and %est practices in wor6ing with elderly pop#lation to tac6le the growing concern of patient non+compliance to medication orders and treatment plans. PS*CHOSOCI!" ISS/%S !an -o# "each an )ld Dog 3ew "ric6s0 ,elping the Elderly !hange to Enhance Patient !ompliance Analyzes the complex nat#re of change in the elderly and descri%es evidence+%ased techni@#es and strategies towards helping motivate geriatric patient %ehavioral change. Emotional !ompetence: "reating the Patient>s Emotions in ,ealthcare Disc#sses the importance of patient emotions as it relates to healthcare and descri%es %est practices and s6ill sets to provide emotionally+competent patient care.

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PS*CHOSOCI!" ISS/%S 1cont.2 "he 5enefits of ,#mor in Patient !are: a#ghter I4 :ood $edicine Explores the scientific research concerning la#ghters affect on the %ody and translates this into practical ways the patient can #tilize h#mor to improve physical and emotional care o#tcomes. $ental ,ealth Iss#es and the Elderly: A :rowing !oncern .ecognizes the importance of mental healthcare 'ie. depression, deliri#m( and its affect on the elderly patient>s well+ %eing. !are options and ethical considerations will %e explored. 4enior 4#icidal .is6: Assessment, 2arning 4igns, and Prevention Presents the typical warning signs of an elderly patient in the s#icidal danger zone and explores strategies to appropriately respond as a healthcare provider. 4pirit#ality in ,ealthcare: An Ethical Approach to !aring for Patients Explores the latest research connecting spirit#ality and patient care o#tcomes. Professional and ethical iss#es will %e addressed.

R%(/"!.OR* A%#se and 3eglect in the Elderly: "he Ethical Principles of Advocacy Defines elder a%#se and neglect and o#tlines the professionals responsi%ility in preventing, detecting, and reporting. ,IPAA Privacy and 4ec#rity .#les .evisited: Protecting the .ights of 4eniors Presents a detailed loo6 at the recent changes in the r#les regarding the protection of identifia%le health information, the rights granted to the elderly patient incl#ding federal enforcement of those rights, and the ethical impact the law has on healthcare delivery. "he Impact of ,ealthcare .eform on the Elderly: An Ethical Perspective Provides an overview of the many facets of healthcare reform and how the elderly pop#lation is affected %y the new legislation. Ethical iss#es regarding hospice care, $edicare %enefits, and long+term care will %e disc#ssed. $edicare /pdate: 4trategies for $aximizing Patient !overage and ,ealthcare Provider .eim%#rsement Addresses $edicare reim%#rsement strategies for the provider 'payment %#ndling, acco#nta%le care organizations, @#ality incentives( as well as patient coverage*non+payment iss#es related to s6illed n#rsing facilities, home health, hospice, am%#lance, etc. 4taying on "rac6: Protecting the .ights of Elderly Patients from an Ethical Perspective Assists the healthcare professional in the decision+ma6ing process when ethical iss#es related to the rights of elderly patients arise.

,.I.4. !ornerstone is an approved provider of contin#ing n#rsing ed#cation %y the Texas Nurses Association, an accredited approver %y the American 3#rses !redentialing !enters !ommission on Accreditation. All activities meet the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners !E criteria and contain et3ical content as well. "hese activities have %een approved for !ase $anagers %y the Commission for Case Manager Certification.

Quality education is the cornerstone for quality care 456#755#-558 cell 9 0:,#56-#;77; office 3iscornerstone<

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