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Thanh Hoa City Wastewater Program

16 December 2011

Technical Report on Separate Sewer System (SSS) - Concept Development

The PPMU has asked the International Consultant, SKM, to further develop the concept of separate sewer system (SSS , to facilitate the PPMU!s understandin" of the technical issues involved and to assist with their decision makin"# SKM is pleased to offer their assistance in this matter and now offers the followin" description of the SSS technolo"y, alon" with an e$ample drawin" of how such a system could %e developed for the core area of Thanh &oa City# ' very initial estimate of cost has %een provided# The Consultant advises that the concept development presented herein is only intended to inform the PPMU of how the SSS could %e developed and is not a representation of a preliminary desi"n# The SSS would take future effort to %e developed in "reater detail, as a street %y street assessment would %e re(uired# The International Consultant has su""ested that the application of separate sewer system technolo"y may %e appropriate for use in Thanh &oa City, in place of the )S approved com%ined sewer system usin" diversion cham%ers and interception pipelines# *ud"et of appro$imately US+,- million, ori"inally determined for the construction of the com%ined sewer system (CSS and interceptor pipelines, could %e instead utili.ed for construction of a separate sewer system of reduced covera"e in the core City area# Separate sewer systems (SSS have %een operated effectively in %oth *uon Ma Thuot City and +alat City since their completion in /001# ' new SSS is currently %ein" installed in Thu +au Mot Town in *inh +uon" Province, as part of a wastewater pro"ramme there# Separate Sewer System Concept for Thanh Hoa City core areas: )or Thanh &oa City, a separate sewer system could %e desi"ned and constructed to provide sewer service to the most densely populated wards of the core City area, identified as 2"oc Trao, *a +inh, 3am Son and Tan Son 4ards# 4e utili.ed these wards in our e$ample of the SSS concept, and have shown how pipin" and pump stations could %e arran"ed to serve these wards# The service area in our e$ample is /,/ hectares and would include an estimated 5,000 households, althou"h this value is only a rou"h estimate and would need to %e confirmed in later desi"n work# *ased on a household of 6#6 persons, such a system would serve a population of 77,000# Separate Sewer System Component Description: The SSS main trunk pipelines would %e si.ed to accommodate future e$pansion to the SSS as funds %ecome availa%le# Su""ested e$tension of these trunk sewers and pumpin" stations for those areas north of 3e 3oi Street are shown on the concept layout drawin"# These future trunk sewer and pumpin" stations have not %een included in the cost estimate provided for the concept e$ample#

's shown on the concept drawin"s, the followin" sewera"e works have %een (uantified8

Thanh Hoa City Wastewater Program

16 December 2011

Component +2:00 &ousehold ;unction *o$es +2,60 Interceptor Pipeline (in sidewalk area +2/00 Sewer Pipeline (in street area +2:00 Sewer Pipeline (in street area +2100 Sewer Pipeline (in street area +2500 Sewer Pipeline (in street area +2,000 Sewer Pipeline (in street area +2,/00 Sewer Manholes and cover +2,600 Sewer Manholes and cover Sewa"e Su%mersi%le Pumpin" Stations

Units no# meters meters meters meters meters meters no# no# no#

9uantity 5,000 65,/00 /,,/00 :,/10 :,100 ,,01/ /,700 61, 7: 7

+2:00 <unction %o$es would %e installed in front of each household, formin" the %oundary .one %etween the pu%lic sewera"e system and the private household sanitary system# This <unction %o$ would also allow access to %oth sanitary systems, pu%lic and private, for maintenance purposes# The sanitary sewa"e (no roof drains from each household would %e dischar"ed throu"h the <unction %o$ and into the +2,60 interceptor sewer pipelines, which would %e installed in the sidewalk area on %oth sides of the street# These interceptor pipelines would then dischar"e at specific manhole locations to the +2/00 collector sewer, constructed in the street area appro$imately ,=/ meters from the cur%# 'll other sewer pipelines of +2/00 and lar"er si.e would %e constructed in the street# The only e$ception would %e those pipelines runnin" alon"side the 2ational &i"hway 2o# ,# )or the case of 2ational &i"hway 2o# ,, the pipelines would only %e installed in the sidewalk area, so as to avoid any ne"ative effects re"ardin" the 2ational &i"hway 2o# ,# Household Connections to the SSS: The most important part of the SSS is the household connection itself, as this aspect will determine the ultimate success of the Pro<ect in terms of the delivery of sewa"e to the SSS# The household connection will %e disruptive to each household, as the internal household sanitary pipin" must %e rerouted, %ypassin" the septic tank and e$cludin" any previously connected roof rain drains# 'dditionally, the sanitary fi$tures in the households and floor drains all must %e shown to %e constructed with water traps, otherwise odours from the sanitary pipin" can enter the household# Proper ventilation of the sanitary pipin", as re(uired %y plum%in" code, must %e installed to vent the sanitary draina"e pipin" to the roof# The Consultant!s e$perience in *MT and +alat with household connections is that they will %e performed %y the household themselves, or %y a desi"nated contractor hired %y the household, with all work done under the supervision of a special household connection team re"ulated %y the appropriate "overnment authority# >ach household connection would re(uire a permit %y the household issued %y the authority, inspection to determine compliance, which would then release the su%sidy amount to the household# To provide encoura"ement for households to connect to the SSS, it is recommended that economic incentives in the form of cash su%sidies %e provided# ' e$ample su%sidy of ?2+ /#6million per household, %ased on 60@ value of the household connection, would result in a total su%sidy cost of ?2+ /0 %illion, or US+, million, for 5,000 household connections# This

Thanh Hoa City Wastewater Program

16 December 2011

amount could %e paid from savin"s from resettlement cost, which would not %e re(uired for the construction of the SSS on pu%lic lands# PPC Support of Household Connections: It is further recommended that the Provincial Peoples Committee stron"ly support the connection of households to the SSS %y issuance of a decision makin" such connections mandatory, alon" with enforcement policy# The policy could also include the su""ested su%sidy offered to each household to connect to the SSS# Cost stimate of SSS Concept !ample: To provide the PPMU with some %asis for evaluation, a cost estimate has %een prepared, usin" unit costin" from the *inh +uon" 4astewater Pro<ect as a "uide# *ased on the (uantity of SSS components shown a%ove, we estimate the construction cost to %e US+ /,#6m, inclusive of /0@ contractor overhead and profit and ,0@ contin"ency# 4e did not attempt to re"ulate the concept e$ample drawin" to fit the '+* %ud"et, as this concept estimate is very preliminary# 'lso, it may %e possi%le to utili.e Pro<ect contin"ency funds to enhance the total investment amount availa%le# Su""ested trainin" tour to operational SSS in #ietnam: Prior to any decision %ein" made re"ardin" use of an SSS, it is recommended that the PPMU first visit the Sanitation Pro<ect in *uon Ma Thuot, and possi%le +alat as well, to "ain firsthand knowled"e of the SSS, as these systems have %een operational in these communities since /001# $dvanta"es of the use of SSS: The use of separate sewer system technolo"y has the followin" advanta"es as noted %elow8 A Collection of sewa"e (only directly from each household, eliminatin" the need of on=site septic tanks for treatment# Boof drains and any rainwater collection pipes at the household are specifically e$cluded from collection in the SSS# A +ischar"e of the collected household sewa"e to a closed separate sewa"e pipeline, which eliminates the odour "eneration found in com%ined sewers" covered draina"e channels# A >$clusion of rainwater from the sewa"e collection system# 3ess (uantity of incomin" flow to treat at the 44TP# A *ecause the collected wastewater is sewa"e only, the contaminant levels are much hi"her, makin" the wastewater treatment more cost effective, as sewa"e volumes are reduced# A Since the SSS would %e constructed either in Pu%lic streets or Pu%lic walkway areas ad<acent to Pu%lic streets, land ac(uisition would %e eliminated# Therefore land ac(uisitionCresettlement would %e far less of a pro%lem than would %e for the com%ined sewer system# A Since the SSS would not %e involved at all with the City!s draina"e system, there would %e no effect whatsoever on the SSS due to river water level increases or tidal=%ased fluctuations# A Since each household within the desi"nated sewera"e service area could %e %rou"ht into the SSS, the connection rate of households can %e (uite hi"h, dependin" upon enforcement %y the Thanh &oa PPC and re"ulatin" departments# A The use of SSS eliminates the pro%lems faced in use of com%ined sewer systems (CSS associated with unrelia%le diversion of flow throu"h diversion cham%ers, as well as entry of unwanted rainwater and river water flows to the interceptor sewer#

Thanh Hoa City Wastewater Program

16 December 2011

Re%uirements and &imitation re"ardin" the use of SSS: The use of separate sewer system does have some additional re(uirements and limitations, which are presented %elow as follows8 A )or SSS, collection pipelines would need to %e constructed in each street, si"nificantly increasin" the amount of construction works# &owever, most pipes would %e of the smaller +2/00 si.e# A &ousehold connections will involve some modification of sanitary pipin" within each household, to allow for hydraulic %ypass of the septic tank and to ensure that only sanitary pipelines (and not roof drains and "utters are dischar"ed to the SSS# A Su%sidies of appro$imately 60@ of the cost of the internal house connection, estimated to %e appro$imately ?2+/#6 m su%sidyChousehold, are hi"hly recommended to provide financial assistance to households to encoura"e their connection to the SSS# A It is hi"hly recommended that the Thanh &oa PPC support house connection to the SSS %y issuin" a decision mandatin" that all households located within the specified sewera"e service area %e connected to the SSS within a certain timeframe# Such decision could also offer the a%ove=mentioned su%sidy as incentive for carryin" out the house connections# A )ormation of an effective I>C (Information, >ducation and Communication Campai"n is hi"hly recommended to increase awareness in Thanh &oa City re"ardin" the wastewater pro"ramme and with household connections# Promotion should include T?, radio, %ill%oards, %rochures, pu%lic meetin"s, etc#, necessary to desseminate information relatin" to awareness of sanitation issues# The Consultant can or"ani.e this campai"n, however there would need to %e sufficient %ud"et to carry out this work# >ither the *MT or +alat Sanitation Pro<ects would %e e$cellent e$amples of effective I>C pro"rammes in this re"ard# A The construction cost of the SSS will %e "reater than that of the CSS, as more kilometres of pipes would need to %e constructed# &owever, some of these costs may %e offset %y reduced land ac(uisitionCresettlement costs# A +ue to the hi"her construction costs, the SSS may need to %e carried out in sta"es, with the first sta"e providin" the D%ack%oneE of system, trunk sewers si.ed for ultimate flows, and then connectin" households only in the most densely populated core areas of the City, as noted in the Concept >$ample# >$pansion of the SSS could then %e done later, area %y area, as funds %ecame availa%le# Thus, the City would %e constructin" a smaller, %ut more effective sewer system in the first sta"e, a system which would provide lon" term %enefit to the City# A Implementin" SSS house connections in several densely populated wards, such as 2"oc Trao, *a +inh, Tan Son and 3am Son, would provide si"nificant environmental %enefit# ;ust for e$ample, if these four wards were fully connected to the SSS, this would represent appro$imately 5,000 house connections# A +etailed desi"n of the SSS is much more comple$ than the CSS, due in part to the "reater len"th of pipeline involved, %ut also due to the en"ineerin" effort re(uired to promote the most efficient "ravity pipeline system, so as to minimi.e pipe depth and to limit the num%er of pumpin" stations# >n"ineerin" staff must %e e$perienced in the desi"n of SSS# 3ocal Thanh &oa consultants would not have this specific e$pertise, %ut could %e supervised %y a team of (ualified International and 2ational Consultant sewera"e en"ineers# The estimated additional time re(uired would %e 1 mm for the International Consultant e$pert and ,5 manmonths for the 2ational Consultant e$perts (: , with actual time dependent on the final scope of the SSS system to %e desi"ned#

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