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efining the first meeting chart As a rule, relationships only start when the two people meet in the

real world, therefore a chart be erected for the respective time, date and location. However, a very frequent situation in the modern world with so many methods of communication people may get in contact with each other by means of chat, instant messaging, email, phone, letters, SMS and may continue to write or talk to each other this way for a long time. There is no way to have a single relationship chart for reference until the two people actually meet in person. And it is this chart that is most effective in analyzing the development and outcome of the relationship. Let us go through a couple of astrological tips and tricks for first meeting charts: whether electional or event astrology charts, they are delineated just the same. Just remember that in astrology the practical experience is invaluable and you'll get much insight and understanding by studying first meeting charts of people you know, having already sound theoretical knowledge of the basic principles of horary and electional astrology. Some things to keep in mind while delineating or electing a such chart: Moon aspects: Positive Moon aspects play a very important role in first meeting chart because, as they say, the first impression counts. In practice, it actually counts a lot, because usually if the first impression is bad, things don't get further... so that people might find out further than looks and behaviour. The Moon aspects that are very good for relationships are the positive aspects to the Sun and Venus. Other aspects can improve certain secondary relational areas such as the Moon - Mars or Pluto positive aspects with important influence on the sexual level. However, Moon's aspects are not a reliable indicator of the evolution of the relationship in the long run. It just tells about how it starts. But you would certainly want it to kick off immediately. Dignified planets are planets in their own essential dignities, of which a particular importance are the domicile and the exaltation. You may have all trines and sextiles in the chart, but if there're no dignified planets, but only planets in detriment (exile, fall) things will not go as planned, for lack of motivation, energy, desire... and the relationship will brilliantly fail. Planets' strenght is so important. Any planet in detriment can be malign. As we're talking about relationships now, Venus is of a particular interest. Venus is the love planet and we would want it to see Venus dignified in a happy relationship chart, but fact is that first meetings happen also while Venus is other signs than Taurus, Libra or Pisces and people are happy. Just remember that Venus' position by sign and its aspects represent an indicator of the harmony and love in the relationship.

Planets in houses Another aspect to consider is planets' position by house. Each house represents a field of experience for the couple and portends information on couple's activities and interests.

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