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Charisma Coaching Consideration Customer Decisional Delegating Directing Disseminator Disturbance Handler Empowerment Entrepreneur Ethics External Customer

Figurehead Idealized Influence Individualized Consideration Informational Initiating Structure Inspirational Motivation Intellectual Stimulation Internal Customer Interpersonal Involvement Leader Leadership Liaison Management Micromanagement Monitor Negotiator Resource Allocator Situational Leadership Spokesperson Supporting Transformational Leadership Theory Vision

The characteristic of personal attractiveness that increases a person's ability to influence others. Charisma does not affect a person's ability to lead. The style of leadership in which the leader set goals and then teaches motivated followers how to achieve them. The ability of a leader to care about those he or she is leading. A good leader can show that he or she understands the issues of those being led and works to help solve them. Any person or group that recieves a product or service from a company. A managerial role dealing with how decisions are made and conflicts are resolved. The style of leadership in which leaders give out tasks to complete and trust followers to complete them. The strictest style of leadership that involves setting goals and closely supervising and motivating followers. A managerial role involving sharing information about the company with followers. A managerial role dealing with unexpected issues and complications. The granting of authority to subordinate employees to do a particular task without first seeking management approval. A managerial role dealing with identifying future problems and working out solutions to them, while also seeking to improve the company. The moral values and principles a leader acts on. A strong sense of ethics guides a person to act morally in all situations. A customer that is not part of your company. The traditional view of a customer as the purchaser of goods and services. The role of a manager involving performing symbolic duties for the company. Leadership behavior in which the leader behaves so that followers seek to emulate with their own actions. The ability of a leader to pay special attention to the needs and problems of each individual person. The roles of a manager that deal with the gathering and sharing of information about the company. The ability to get people organized, to set goals, and to make sure that such goals are met. The ability of a leader to provide meaning and context to the work of those under him/her. The ability of a leader to keep those following him or her thinking about the task at hand, asking questions, and solving problems. A customer within your company who uses your products or services. For example, another department in your company that uses what you produce to manufacture its own goods. The roles of a manager that deal with working with other people. The feeling on the part of followers that they play a part in the company as whole. The role of a manager involving motivating and fostering individual employees. The ability of any person to influence and direct any other people towards accomplishing a goal. The role of a manager involved in building up contacts outside of the company. The people in charge of a company or a section of a company. A style of management in which a manager suprvises every act and step of a group, which can often have negative effects. The role of a manager involving the gathering and organizing of information about the company. The role of a manager involving conflict resolution between various groups, both internal and external to the company. The role of a manager involving the deciding of where, when, and how the resources of a company are going to be used. A theory of leadership that proposes that leaders change their leadership styles based on who they are leading. The role of a manager involving the reporting of information to those outside of the company. A style of leadership in which the leader trusts the abilities of followers, but needs to motivate them to complete a task. A theory of leadership that focuses on how leaders can transfrom their followers positively, and how followers can do the same for a leader. An ideal or a goal to lead people to achieve. A leader plans based on a vision of where the company should go.

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