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PART I Introduction The Planets, The Seven Spirits Before the Throne Time and Place as Factors in Calculation of the Si!ns and ouses ouses The Risin! Si!n and the T"elve The Aspects #a$in! the Inde% PART II A Philosophic Enc&clopedia of Astrolo!& Ta'le of (o!arithms Ta'le of ouses))Sample Pa!es ours Ephemeris))Sample Pa!es Ta'les of Planetar& PART III *ere +ou Born ,nder a (uc$& StarAmulets, Birthstones and Planetar& Colors *hen Is the Best Time to Be BornReadin! the oroscope. Introductor& ouses #undane oroscope

o" to Calculate the Positions of the Planets

Si!ns of the /odiac Cardinal Si!ns Fi%ed Si!ns Common Si!ns Comparative Effect of Cardinal, Fi%ed and Common Si!ns on the An!les Triplicities Sun, #oon and Ascendant

The Risin! Si!n Influence of the T"elve Si!ns *hen Risin! Intrinsic Nature of the Planets Children of the T"elve Si!ns Sun, the 0iver of (ife Sun in the T"elve ouses Sun in the T"elve Si!ns Sun in Aspect "ith Other Planets 1enus, the Planet of (ove 1enus in the T"elve ouses 1enus in the T"elve Si!ns 1enus in Aspect "ith Other Planets #ercur&, the Planet of Reason #ercur& in the T"elve ouses #ercur& in the T"elve Si!ns #ercur& in Aspect "ith Other Planets #oon, the Planet of Fecundation #oon in the T"elve ouses #oon in the T"elve Si!ns #oon in Aspect "ith Other Planets Saturn, the Planet of Sorro" Saturn in the T"elve ouses Saturn in the T"elve Si!ns Saturn in Aspect "ith Other Planets 2upiter, the Planet of Benevolence 2upiter in the T"elve ouses 2upiter in the T"elve Si!ns 2upiter in Aspect "ith Other Planets #ars, the Planet of Action #ars in the T"elve ouses #ars in the T"elve Si!ns #ars in Aspect "ith Other Planets Planetar& Octaves3 Neptune)#ercur& and ,ranus)1enus

,ranus, the Planet of Altruism ,ranus in the T"elve ouses ,ranus in the T"elve Si!ns ,ranus in Aspect "ith Other Planets Neptune, the Planet of 4ivinit& Neptune in the T"elve ouses Neptune in the T"elve Si!ns Neptune in Aspect "ith Other Planets 4octrine of 4elineation in a Nutshell Ta'le of Planetar& 5e&"ords Elevation, E%altation and Critical 4e!rees #ercur& Before or After the Sun Are +ou elpin! +our Stars#ind and the Rulin! Planet Influence of Rulin! Planets, *ell Aspected Influence of Rulin! Planets, Afflicted #ental Effects of Risin! Si!n +our (uc$ in (ife ealth and 4isease Social and Financial Fortunes 1ocation #arria!e and Offsprin! armon& and 4iscord #en6s #arria!es *omen6s #arria!es appiness, Sorro" and Bereavement Second #arria!es 4escription of the Pro!ression of the us'and or *ife Children oroscope))Fate and Free"ill 4ifferent #ethods of Pro!ression Ad7usted Calculation 4ate Pro!ression of the An!les

Some Important Points Pro!ressed Solar 4irections Pro!ressed (unar 4irections #utual Aspects of the Planets Transits The #oon Increasin! or 4ecreasin!

INTRO4,CTION THE PRACTICAL VALUE OF ASTROLOGY There is a side of the Moon which we ne er see! "#t that hidden ha$f is as %otent a factor in ca#sin& the e"" and f$ow of the earth's tide! as the %art of the Moon which is isi"$e( Si)i$ar$*! there is an in isi"$e %art of )an which e+erts a %owerf#$ inf$#ence in $ife! and as the tides are )eas#red "* the )otion of the S#n and Moon! so a$so the e ent#a$ities of e+istence are )eas#red "* the circ$in& stars! which )a* therefore "e ca$$ed the ,C$oc- of .estin*!, and -now$ed&e of their i)%ort is an i))ense %ower! for to the co)%etent astro$o&er the horosco%e re ea$s e er* secret of $ife( Th#s! when *o# ha e &i en an astro$o&er the data of *o#r "irth! *o# ha e &i en hi) the -e* to *o#r inner)ost so#$! and there is no secret that he )a* not ferret o#t( This -now$ed&e )a* "e #sed for &ood or i$$! to he$% or h#rt! accordin& to the nat#re of the )an( On$* a tried friend sho#$d "e tr#sted with this -e* to *o#r so#$! and it sho#$d ne er "e &i en to an* one "ase eno#&h to %rostit#te a s%irit#a$ science for )ateria$ &ain( To the )edica$ )an Astro$o&* is in a$#a"$e in dia&nosin& diseases and %rescri"in& a re)ed*! for it re ea$s the hidden ca#se of a$$ ai$)ents( If *o# are a %arent the horosco%e wi$$ aid *o# to detect the e i$ $atent in *o#r chi$d and teach *o# how to a%%$* the o#nce of %re ention( It wi$$ show *o# the &ood %oints a$so! that *o# )a* )a-e the "etter )an or wo)an of the so#$ entr#sted to *o#r care( It wi$$ re ea$ s*ste)ic wea-ness and ena"$e *o# to &#ard the hea$th of *o#r chi$d/ it wi$$ show what ta$ents are there! and how the $ife )a* "e $i ed to a )a+i)#) of #sef#$ness( Therefore! the )essa&e of the )archin& or"s is )ost i)%ortant! and as we ha e shown the &reat dan&er of &i in& "irth data to an*one e$se! there re)ains on$* one co#rse0 To st#d* the science *o#rse$f( This "oo- and the si)%$ified )ethod it contains of castin& a horosco%e in a thoro#&h$* scientific )anner is %#"$ished in order to ena"$e an*one who can add and s#"tract to do the wor- hi)se$f! instead of re$*in& on others( Th#s he wi$$ o"tain a dee%er -now$ed&e of the ca#ses which are o%erati e in $ife than an* %rofessiona$ astro$o&er who is a stran&er can &i e(

THE PLA1ETS0 THE SEVE1 SPIRITS 2EFORE THE THRO1E The ne"#$ar theor* e+%$ains with wonderf#$ in&en#it* the )ateria$ iew%oint of how a so$ar s*ste) consistin& of s#n and %$anets )a* "e for)ed fro) a centra$ fire)ist! %ro ided the fire)ist is %#t in )otion( So)ethin& or so)e"od* e+traneo#s to the fire)ist is necessar* to &i e that first i)%#$se! howe er! as shown "* Her"ert S%encer! who re3ected the ne"#$ar theor* "eca#se it i)%$ies a first ca#se! *et he was #na"$e to en#nciate a h*%othesis free fro) that! to hi)! o"3ectiona"$e f$aw( Th#s the scientific theor* of the &enesis of a so$ar s*ste) coincides with the re$i&io#s teachin& of a First Ca#se! ca$$ it God or "* an* other na)e! who is the s#%erior inte$$i&ence orderin& the %ath of the )archin& or"s with a definite end and ai) in iew( That end we )a* not *et "e a"$e to who$$* %ercei e! "#t a$$ a"o#t #s on o#r %$anet we cannot fai$ to note! if o"ser ant! an order$* %ro&ression of a$$ thin&s towards %erfection! and it )a* "e inferred that a si)i$ar %rocess of e o$#tion )#st "e in %ro&ress on a$$ the other %$anets! ar*in& of co#rse! in consonance with the di erse conditions e+istin& on each( M*stic teachin& concernin& the for)ation of a so$ar s*ste) a&rees with the ne"#$ar theor* which sa*s that rin&s were thrown off fro) the centra$ )ass of the S#n! for)in& in s#ccession the se era$ %$anets! those farthest fro) the S#n "ein& for)ed first whi$e Ven#s and Merc#r*! $ast for)ed! are nearest the S#n( 2ac- of e er* act is a tho#&ht! and "ehind e er* isi"$e %heno)enon there is an in isi"$e ca#se( So with the for)ation of the %$anets in a so$ar s*ste)! there is a s%irit#a$ reason for their "ein&! as we$$ as a )ateria$ e+%$anation( The centra$ fire)ist we )a* consider the first isi"$e )anifestation of the tri#ne God! the Lord of Hosts! 4ho contains within His 2ein& a )#$tit#de of other "ein&s at ar*in& sta&es of de e$o%)ent( Their di erse needs re5#ire different e+terna$ en iron)ents( In order to f#rnish s#ch %ro%er conditions se era$ %$anets ha e "een thrown off fro) the centra$ )ass! each "ein& different$* constit#ted and each ha in& a c$i)atic condition ar*in& fro) the others( Yet the* are a$$ in the -in&do) of God! the so$ar s*ste)( ,In Hi) the* $i e and )o e and ha e their "ein&, in the )ost $itera$ sense! for the who$e so$ar s*ste) )a* "e considered as the "od* of God and the %$anets as the or&ans in that "od*! enso#$ed "* His Life! )o in& in His Stren&th in accord with His 4i$$( Each isi"$e %$anet is the e)"odi)ent of a &reat and e+a$ted s%irit#a$ inte$$i&ence 4ho is the )inister of God in that de%art)ent of His 6in&do)! endea orin& to carr* o#t His 4i$$! the $atter ha in& in iew the #$ti)ate hi&hest &ood! re&ard$ess of te)%orar* i$$( These P$anetar* S%irits e+ercise a %artic#$ar inf$#ence on the e o$ in& "ein&s #%on other %$anets accordin& to the de e$o%)ent attained "* s#ch "ein&s( The $ower in the sca$e of e o$#tion a "ein& is %$aced the )ore %otent are the effects of the %$anetar* inf$#ences/ the hi&her! the wiser and the )ore indi id#a$i7ed a "ein& is! the )ore it is a"$e to sha%e its own co#rse and the $ess it wi$$ "e act#ated "* the

ste$$ar i"rations( That is wh* Astro$o&* a%%$ied to dai$* $ife he$%s #s( It &i es a -now$ed&e of o#r wea-nesses and the tendencies to e i$ in o#r nat#re/ it shows #s o#r stren&th and the ti)es )ost o%%ort#ne for de e$o%)ent of added %ower for &ood( In a$$ re$i&ions we hear of the se en P$anetar* Genii0 the Hind# te$$s of Se en Rishi! the Parsi of Se en A)eshas%entas! the Moha))edan of Se en Archan&e$s and o#r Christian re$i&ion has its Se en S%irits 2efore The Throne( The )odern astrono)er di orces the s%irit#a$ as%ect of the ce$estia$ science! Astro$o&*! which he %ooh8%oohs an ,an e+%$oded s#%erstition!, fro) the )ateria$ %hase! Astrono)*! co#ntin& ei&ht %ri)ar* %$anets 9%$#s P$#to: in o#r so$ar s*ste)881e%t#ne! Uran#s! Sat#rn! ;#%iter! Mars! Earth! Ven#s! Merc#r*( He shows thro#&h the te$esco%e that the* e+ist and thin-s he has %ro ed that re$i&ion -nows not whereof it s%ea-s when it asserts that there are se en %$anets in the so$ar s*ste)( The M*stic! howe er! %oints to 2ode's Law as indicatin& his assertion that 1e%t#ne does not rea$$* "e$on& to o#r so$ar s*ste)( The $aw is this0 If we write a series of <'s! add = to the second! > to the third! ?@ to the fo#rth! etc(! do#"$in& the a)o#nt added each ti)e! the res#$tin& series of n#)"ers is a er* c$ose a%%ro+i)ation to the re$ati e distances of the %$anets fro) the S#n with the e+ce%tion of 1e%t#ne( Th#s! to i$$#strate0 Merc#r* < (( < Ven#s < = C Earth < > ?D Mars < ?@ ?> Asteroids < @< @A ;#%iter < <A E@ Sat#rn < B> ?DD Uran#s < ?B@ ?B> 1e%t#ne < =A< =AA

If we di ide this series "* ?D we &et ? for the distance of the earth fro) the S#n and the other n#)"ers then re%resent the distances of the other %$anets in ter)s of the earth's distance( The c$oseness with which this si)%$e $aw &i es the distance is shown as fo$$ows! the co$#)n headed ,2ode, "ein& the distances accordin& to this $aw! whi$e the co$#)n headed ,.istance, &i es the correct a$#es in ter)s of the earth's distances( Merc#r*0 Ven#s0 Earth0 Mars0 Asteroids0 ;#%iter0 Sat#rn0 Uran#s0 1e%t#ne0 2ode D(< D(C ?(D ?(> @(A E(@ ?D(D ?B(> =A(A .istance D(< D(C ?(D ?(E @(> E(@ B(E ?B(@ =D(D

It is th#s seen that! with the e+ce%tion of the a$#es for 1e%t#ne! the n#)"ers re%resent er* near$* the re$ati e %ro%ortiona$ distances fro) the S#n! of the se en %$anets and the Asteroids which are within o#r so$ar s*ste)! "#t fai$ er*

decided$* when a%%$ied to 1e%t#ne! who is the e)"odi)ent of a Great S%irit fro) the Creati e Hierarchies which nor)a$$* inf$#ence #s fro) the Fodiac( This %$anetar* &eni#s wor-s s%ecifica$$* with those who are %re%arin& for initiation and %artia$$* with those who st#d* astro$o&* and %#t it into %ractice in their dai$* $i es! for then the* are a$so %re%arin& for the %ath of attain)ent( The twin-$in&s of the fi+ed stars fro) witho#t o#r so$ar s*ste) are the %#$sations of s%irit#a$ i)%#$ses sent forth "* the &#ardians of the Greater M*steries/ and the Merc#rians! the Gods of 4isdo)! send o#t si)i$ar i)%#$ses %ertainin& to the $esser )*steries! hence Merc#r* twin-$es $i-e a fi+ed star( P$anets re o$ e aro#nd the S#n at ar*in& rates of s%eed! the s)a$$er %$anets! which are the c$osest to the S#n! )o in& )#ch )ore ra%id$* than the $ar&er ones which! in addition! descri"e wider circ$es( Merc#r* )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 Ven#s )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 Earth )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 Mars )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 ;#%iter )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 Sat#rn )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 Uran#s )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 1e%t#ne )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 P$#to )a-es or"ita$ re o$#tion in0 Mi$es0 ?D<!DDD CC!DDD >E!DDD E=!DDD @B!DDD @?!DDD ?E!DDD ?@!DDD AA @@<(E =>E(@E ? *r( =@@ ?@ @B(E A< ?>E @<A da*s da*s da*s da*s *ears *ears *ears *ears *ears

The ho#r$* )otion of the %$anets in their or"its is as fo$$ows0 Merc#r*0 Ven#s0 Earth0 Mars0 ;#%iter0 Sat#rn0 Uran#s0 1e%t#ne0

2esides re o$ in& in their or"its aro#nd the S#n! the %$anets a$so re o$ e #%on their a+es in the sa)e direction as the* re o$ e in their or"its/ that is! fro) west to east( This )o e)ent is ca$$ed the di#rna$ rotation( The ti)e occ#%ied "* the di#rna$ rotation of the %$anets is as fo$$ows0 Merc#r*0 Ven#s0 Earth0 Mars0 ;#%iter0 Ho#rs0 @<(E @=(E @< @<(E ?D

Sat#rn0 Uran#s0 1e%t#ne0

?D(E B(E Un-nown

The S#n a$so rotates #%on an a+is "#t re5#ires a"o#t >DA ho#rs or @E ?8= da*s to co)%$ete one rotation( The a+is of a %$anet )a* "e either %er%endic#$ar or o"$i5#e to its or"it( The %resent a%%ro+i)ate inc$inations of the a+es are as fo$$ows0 ;#%iter0 Earth0 Mars0 Sat#rn0 Ven#s0 Merc#r*0 Uran#s0 1e%t#ne0 .e&rees0 = @=(E @E @> >D C@ ?D@ ?EE

The inc$ination of the a+is of the S#n to the %$ane of the ec$i%tic is a"o#t C ?G@ de&rees( The a"o e inc$inations of the a+es do not in a$$ cases coincide with the fi&#res &i en "* %h*sica$ science! neither do we endorse their iew that these inc$inations re)ain %ractica$$* #nchan&ed! sa e for a s$i&ht i"rator* )o e)ent ca$$ed n#tation( There is an e+ceedin&$* s$ow third )o e)ent of the %$anets where"* that which is now the 1orth Po$e of the earth wi$$ in the f#t#re! as it has in the %ast! %oint direct$* towards the S#n( Later it wi$$ "e in the %osition where now the So#th Po$e is! and in d#e ti)e it wi$$ reach a&ain its %resent %$ace( Th#s tro%ica$ c$i)ate and &$acia$ e%ochs s#cceed each other on a$$ %oints of each %$anet( In addition to this &rad#a$ )o e)ent of a"o#t ED seconds of s%ace %er cent#r*! where"* a who$e re o$#tion of the earth's a+is is co)%$eted in a"o#t two and one8 ha$f )i$$ion *ears! there ha e a$so "een s#dden chan&es at a ti)e when that which is now the 1orth Po$e %ointed direct$* towards the S#n( The so#thern he)is%here was then contin#a$$* in dar-ness and co$d( Res#$tin& conditions ca#sed a s#dden o erto%%in& of o#r &$o"e the $ast ti)e( Since that ti)e! howe er! the S%irit which %re io#s$* &#ided the earth fro) witho#t has drawn into the s%here and s#ch a ha%%enin& wi$$ "e i)%ossi"$e in the f#t#re( Mr( Pierre 2e7ian! a French )echanic! has constr#cted an a%%arat#s de)onstratin& this third )o e)ent( He is said to ha e recei ed his idea fro) a st#d* of the teachin&s %ro)#$&ated a)on& ario#s ancient %eo%$e "* %riests %ossessed of )*stic $earnin&! %artic#$ar$* fro) the E&*%tians( He shows how s#ch a third )o e)ent wi$$ acco#nt for the tro%ica$ f$ora and fa#na fo#nd in the fro7en 1orth! which can "e acco#nted for in no other wa*( He a$so shows that when in the co#rse of this third )o e)ent in the inc$ination of a %$anet's a+is "eco)es &reater

than BD de&rees and its 1orth Po$e co))ences to %oint toward the so#th! the sate$$ites of that %$anet wi$$ see) to t#rn in the o%%osite direction fro) the sate$$ites of the other %$anets! as is the case with Uran#s and 1e%t#ne's sate$$ites/ a fact which astrono)ers are %#77$ed to e+%$ain( On Uran#s and 1e%t#ne the S#n a$so rises in the west and sets in the east for the sa)e reason0 the in ersion of their %o$es( As a $ast difference "etween the teachin&s of )odern science and the 4estern 4isdo) Teachin& of the Rosicr#cians! we )a* note that astrono)ers of toda* s%ea- of Ven#s and Merc#r* as inferior %$anets "eca#se the* a$wa*s a%%ear c$ose to the S#n/ Ven#s is seen on$* as a )ornin& or an e enin& star/ Merc#r* is rare$* seen "eca#se it -ee%s so c$ose to the S#n( The other %$anets are ca$$ed s#%erior "eca#se the* are seen at a$$ distances fro) the S#n! "ein& e en at the er* o%%osite %oint of the hori7on fro) the S#n( This a%%e$$ation! inferior and s#%erior! the )*stic wo#$d re erse! for hi) it is c$ear that the S#n is the e)"odi)ent of the hi&hest s%irit#a$ inte$$i&ence in o#r s*ste)( At the "e&innin& of o#r %resent %hase of e o$#tion a$$ that is now o#tside the S#n was inside! "#t not a$$ "ein&s co#$d contin#e to i"rate at the i))ense rate which o"tained there/ so)e fe$$ "ehind! cr*sta$$i7ed and! in ti)e! "eca)e a c$o& on other c$asses( The* started to cr*sta$$i7e at the %o$e! where )otion is s$ow! "#t &rad#a$$* their increased wei&ht "ro#&ht the) to the e5#ator! where )otion is )ost ra%id! and the* were thrown off fro) the S#n "* centrif#&a$ force( Later! other "ein&s fai$ed to -ee% #% the i"rator* )o e)ent! $a&&ed "ehind! and were thrown off at a %ro%er distance so that the so$ar i"rations )a* &i e the) the ra%idit* necessar* to their de e$o%)ent( The )ost ad anced s%irits sta*ed $on&est with the S#n and conse5#ent$*! if the a%%e$$ation inferior and s#%erior is to "e a%%$ied at a$$! it sho#$d "e #sed in re erse )anner( In order to a oid a$$ )is#nderstandin&! it )a* "e we$$ to state that ;#%iter was thrown off and &i en its enor)o#s "#$- of fier* s#"stance "eca#se the ;#%iterians had arri ed at a er* hi&h state of de e$o%)ent! where the* needed "oth hi&h i"rations and inde%endent )otion( ;#%iter is therefore in so)e as%ects an e+ce%tion to the r#$e/ a case where a hi&her $aw s#%ersedes a $ower( In conc$#sion we reiterate that the %$anets in o#r so$ar s*ste) are the isi"$e e)"odi)ents of the Se en S%irits "efore the Throne of God! the S#n! and that 3#st as it is %ossi"$e to #s to trans)it "* wire$ess te$e&ra%h* the force which )o es the te$e&ra%h -e*! $i&hts a $a)%! %#$$s a $e er! etc(! so )a* these Great S%irits e+ercise an inf$#ence #%on h#)an "ein&s in %ro%ortion to o#r sta&e of indi id#a$it*( If we ai) to act in har)on* with the $aws of Good! we rise a"o e a$$ other $aws and "eco)e a $aw #nto o#rse$ es/ co8wor-ers with God and he$%ers in nat#re( O#rs is the %ri i$e&e! o#rs the $oss! if we fai$ to $i e #% to o#r hi&hest %ossi"i$ities(

Let #s therefore! stri e to -now! that we )a* do! and! a"o e a$$ $et #s "eware of %rostit#tin& the science of the stars to the &#tter of fort#ne8te$$in&( Go$d of Ma))on )a* "e o#rs if we do! "#t the ,%eace of God which %asseth a$$ #nderstandin&, wi$$ "rin& #s $astin& 3o* if we #se o#r -now$ed&e in #nse$fish ser ice to others(

TIME A1. PLACE AS FACTORS I1 CALCULATIO1 OF THE HOROSCOPE A horosco%e is si)%$* a chart of the hea ens showin& a certain %osition of the %$anets and 7odiaca$ si&ns re$ati e to each other and the earth( The conste$$ations re)ain in the sa)e %osition one to another! and are therefore ca$$ed ,fi+ed stars!, "#t the earth and other %$anets constant$* chan&e( The* do not ret#rn to the sa)e re$ati e %osition #nti$ after a"o#t twent*8si+ tho#sand *ears( Th#s e er* scientifica$$* ca$c#$ated horosco%e is a"so$#te$* indi id#a$ and shows a ste$$ar inf$#ence different fro) That e+erted in an* other $ife co))enced at a different ti)e( 2eca#se of the re o$#tion of the earth #%on its a+is a new de&ree of the 7odiac rises e er* fo#r )in#tes and th#s e en the horosco%es of twins )a* differ considera"$*( The st#dent wi$$ therefore rea$i7e the i)%ortance of ti)e as a factor in castin& a horosco%e( There are! howe er! ario#s )ethods of a%%ro+i)atin& the ti)e and erectin& a correct horosco%e for those who do not -now the ho#r of their "irth! "#t That s#"3ect "e$on&s to an ad anced &rade of this st#d*( Ti)e is not the sa)e wor$d o er! howe er( 4hen the S#n rises where we $i e! it sets in another %$ace! and That )a-es another difference in the horosco%es e en if cast for chi$dren "orn at the sa)e )o)ent of ti)e "#t in o%%osite %arts of the wor$d! for if it were noon in the "irth%$ace of one! the S#n wo#$d "e hi&h in the hea ens a"o e the earth! and in the "irth%$ace of the other chi$d it wo#$d "e )idni&ht with the S#n direct$* "e$ow the earth( 4e -now That the che)ica$ effect of the so$ar ra* aries with its %osition! and when the chan&e is %h*sica$$* noticea"$e! the s%irit#a$ effect )#st a$so differ( It is therefore e ident that ti)e and %$ace are "asic factors in ca$c#$ation of the horosco%e( 4e sha$$ first show how to $ocate the %$ace of "irth! then we ta-e #% the )atter of ti)e( PLACE Geo&ra%hica$$*! the earth is di ided "* two i)a&inar* sets of circ$es( One circ$e r#ns east and west! ha$fwa* "etween the 1orth and So#th Po$es as shown in the acco)%an*in& charts0 it is ca$$ed the E5#ator( Other circ$es ca$$ed Para$$e$s of Latit#de! are i)a&ined r#nnin& %ara$$e$ to the E5#ator! and their #se is to )eas#re the distance of an* %$ace 1orth or So#th of the E5#ator( 1ow &et an at$as and $ooat the )a% of 1orth A)erica( A$on& the ri&ht and $eft hand "orders *o# wi$$ see certain n#)"ers( 1ote That a c#r ed $ine r#ns fro) 1o( ED on the ri&ht to 1o( ED on the $eft( That is the fiftieth %ara$$e$ of $atit#de( A$$ cities a$on& That $ine! in A)erica! E#ro%e or Asia are e5#idistant fro) the E5#ator! and said to "e $ocated in ,Latit#de ED 1orth(, Another $ine r#ns fro) n#)"er <D on the $eft "order to n#)"er <D on the ri&ht( Let #s note so)e of the %rinci%a$ cities on or near this $ine( San Francisco is a $itt$e f#rther so#th! .en er ri&ht on the $ine! Chica&o and 1ew Yor- a trif$e north( 1ow t#rn to the )a% of E#ro%e( There the ri&ht and $eft hand n#)"ers with their connectin& circ$es are a$so $atit#des! and at the n#)"er <D *o# wi$$ see Lis"on and Madrid( Proceedin& eastwards Ro)e and Constantino%$e a%%ear a $itt$e to the north of o#r $ine(

These %$aces )a* "e said! for the %#r%oses of e$e)entar* instr#ction! to "e in the sa)e de&ree of $atit#de! and therefore another deter)inator )#st "e #sed to differentiate the $ocation of each %$ace fro) a$$ others( This is acco)%$ished "* di idin& the earth $on&it#dina$$* fro) %o$e to %o$e "* another set of i)a&inar* circ$es ca$$ed Meridians of Lon&it#de! and shown in o#r chart( A$$ %$aces a$on& s#ch circ$es ha e noon at the sa)e instant! re&ard$ess of how far the* are fro) the E5#ator! or whether near the 1orth or So#th Po$e( 1ow $oo- a&ain at *o#r )a% of E#ro%e( There *o# wi$$ see n#)"ered $ines r#nnin& fro) the to% of the )a% to the "otto)( These are the $ines of $on&it#de( One is n#)"ered D( If *o# fo$$ow that $ine *o# wi$$ find London!

and c$ose thereto a %$ace ca$$ed Greenwich( That is the $ocation of the wor$d's &reatest o"ser ator*! and for %#r%oses of astrono)ica$ ca$c#$ation a$$ %$aces on earth are considered as "ein& so and so )an* de&rees west or east of Greenwich( Th#s! "* Latit#de we o"tain the $ocation of a certain %$ace north or so#th of the E5#ator( 2* $on&it#de we desi&nate its %osition east or west of Greenwich( 4hen the $ocation of a %$ace is stated in ter)s of $atit#de and $on&it#de it )ar-s a certain s%ot "e*ond a$$ %ossi"i$it* of conf#sion with an* other %$ace! and &i es the

astro$o&er one of the %ri)a$ factors necessar* to ca$c#$ate a scientific horosco%e88 %$ace( Latit#de is the %rinci%a$ factor in $ocatin& the si&ns of the 7odiac "* )eans of ,Ta"$es of Ho#ses!, which a%%$* to a$$ %$aces in a certain de&ree of $atit#de( These ta"$es are as near$* #nchan&ea"$e as the fi+ed stars to which the* a%%$*/ the* re)ain the sa)e fro) *ear to *ear! at $east the chan&e is so s)a$$ as to "e #na%%recia"$e in a $ifeti)e( Lon&it#de is the %ri)e factor in a$$ ca$c#$ations connected with the )o a"$e %$anets( To ca$c#$ate their %$aces at the ti)e of a %erson's "irth it is necessar* to ha e an astrono)ica$ a$)anac for the *ear of "irth( This is ca$$ed an e%he)eris "eca#se it records the e%he)era$ or )o)entar* %osition of the %$anets as seen fro) the o"ser ator* at Greenwich each da* at noon( TIME A so$ar .a* is the %eriod of ti)e it ta-es the S#n to )o e fro) an* certain )eridian of $on&it#de ti$$ it ret#rns to the sa)e )eridian the ne+t da*( Owin& to the aria"$e )otion of the earth in its or"it! and the o"$i5#it* of the ec$i%tic! the S#n's %ath! the so$ar da*s are not a$$ of e5#a$ $en&th! "#t as the %#r%oses of socia$ and ci i$ $ife re5#ire a #nifor) di ision an a era&e is str#c- of a$$ so$ar da*s in a *ear! and this is ca$$ed a Mean So$ar .a*( It co))ences at )idni&ht when the S#n is at the nadir( C$oc-s are re&#$ated to show its "e&innin& and end! a$so its e5#a$ di isions into twent*8fo#r ho#rs( There is th#s a difference "etween s#n8ti)e and c$oc-8ti)e( Fro) the ti)e when the S#n is nearest to the earth H%erihe$ionI .ece)"er @<th! to the ti)e when it is farthest fro) the earth Ha%he$ionI ;#ne @?st! c$oc-8ti)e is in ad ance of s#n8ti)e( Fro) ;#ne @?st to .ece)"er @<th! the S#n is in ad ance of the c$oc-! the &reatest difference "ein& ?> )in#tes in the "e&innin& of 1o e)"er( 4hen the #ne5#a$ )otion of the earth in its or"it and the o"$i5#it* of the ec$i%tic act to&ether! the difference "etween s#n8ti)e and c$oc-8ti)e is &reatest/ "#t fo#r ti)es a *ear! A%ri$ ?Eth! ;#ne ?Eth! Se%te)"er ?st and .ece)"er @<th! the* a&ree( A Siderea$ .a* is the ti)e which e$a%ses "etween a fi+ed star's $ea in& a certain de&ree of $on&it#de #nti$ it ret#rns to it the fo$$owin& da*( This is the e+act ti)e of one co)%$ete re o$#tion of the earth #%on its a+is/ it is the on$* a"so$#te$* #nifor) )otion o"ser ed in the hea ens! ha in& #nder&one no chan&e since the ear$iest o"ser ations on record( Owin& to the )otion of the earth in its or"it a"o#t the S#n a So$ar .a* is $on&er than a Siderea$ .a*! for as the S#n )o es farther to the east d#rin& the ti)e of the earth's dai$* rotation on its a+is! the earth )#st t#rn f#rther #%on its a+is "efore a certain )eridian co)es in $ine with the S#n( The so$ar da* is therefore a"o#t fo#r )in#tes $on&er than the siderea$ da*! "#t owin& to the aria"$e )otion of the earth in its or"it and the o"$i5#it* of the ec$i%tic %re io#s$* )entioned! this

difference a$so aries each da*( In "*&one da*s c$oc-s in each cit* or ha)$et differed fro) the ti)e%ieces of e er* other %$ace "eca#se a$$ were set to $oca$ ti)e! "#t this ca#sed )#ch conf#sion to the tra e$in& %#"$ic/ therefore A)erica ado%ted what is ca$$ed Standard Ti)e on 1o e)"er ?A! ?AA=( For %ersons "orn s#"se5#ent to That date a correction is necessar* to con ert the ti)e shown "* c$oc-s to Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e! for That is the ti)e #sed to ca$c#$ate the horosco%e( The dia&ra) wi$$ aid st#dents to #nderstand what Standard Ti)e is! how it o erca)e conf#sion! and how the "efore8)entioned correction is )ade( It was s#&&ested! That if the co#ntr* "e di ided into ti)e87ones each a"o#t fifteen de&rees of $on&it#de in width Hthis "ein& the distance the S#n tra e$s in one ho#rI! and a$$ the c$oc-s in each di ision set to one #nifor) ti)e! &a#&ed "* a )eridian $ocated in the )idd$e of the res#$tin& ti)e87one! conf#sion of tra e$ers wo#$d "e a oided( Accordin&$* A)erica was di ided into fo#r s#ch 7ones "* three i)a&inar* $ines! as i$$#strated in the dia&ra)( In the Eastern Ti)e Fone c$oc-s are set tr#e to the CEth )eridian! E ho#rs ear$ier than Greenwich Mean Ti)e( In the Centra$ Ti)e Fone ti)e is re&#$ated to the BDth )eridian which is > ho#rs ear$ier than Greenwich( In the Mo#ntain Ti)e Fone ti)e%ieces are &o erned accordin& to the ?DEth )eridian! C HOURS ear$ier than Greenwich Mean Ti)e( In the Pacific Ti)e Fone ti)e is standard to the ?@Dth )eridian! A ho#rs ear$ier than Greenwich( HThere is a fifth 7one in the far East! co)%risin& Maine! 1o a Scotia! etc( This 7one we o)itted in order That o#r dia&ra) )i&ht "e $ar&er(I In a$$ cities $ocated on these Standard Meridians Hsee dia&ra) on the o%%osite %a&eI! s#ch as Phi$ade$%hia and .en er! standard ti)e is a$so tr#e $oca$ ti)e! and no correction is re5#ired in ca$c#$ation of horosco%es( 2#t .etroit! which *o# wi$$ see $ocated on the di idin& $ine "etween the Eastern and Centra$ Ti)e Fones! is C de&rees east of the BDth )eridian! and its 1ote0 .etroit ado%ted Eastern Standard Ti)e! Ma* ?E! ?B?E c$oc-s are therefore @A )in#tes s$ow in act#a$ fact! for when the* show noon! accordin& to the BDth )eridian standard! the tr#e $oca$ ti)e is @A )in#tes %ast twe$ e( Chica&o *o# wi$$ see a $itt$e east of the BDth )eridian H@ de&reesI( 4hen the c$oc-s there are twe$ e noon it is rea$$* ?@0DA( San Francisco c$oc-s show noon when the tr#e $oca$ ti)e is on$* ??0ED! "eca#se That cit* is @ ?G@ de&rees west of the Standard Meridian( Correction is therefore necessar*( The r#$e for o"tainin&

the tr#e $oca$ ti)e is0 To the nearest Standard Meridian Ti)e! add fo#r )in#tes for each de&ree the "irth %$ace is east of the Meridian corres%ondin& to That Ti)e( If the "irth %$ace is west of the Meridian! s#"tract fo#r )in#tes for each de&ree it is 4est thereof( 4hen a chi$d is "orn the e+act )o)ent it draws its first "reath sho#$d "e noted! as That )o)ent and not the ti)e of de$i er* is the ti)e of "irth fro) the astro$o&er's %oint of iew( The reason for ta-in& the ti)e of the first ins%iration! #s#a$$* acco)%anied "* a cr*! as the )o)ent of "irth! is That the che)ica$ condition of the at)os%here chan&es at each )o)ent as the i"rations fro) the stars chan&e( 4e note s#ch a chan&e in the at)os%here accordin& to the %osition of the S#n in the s-* at different ho#rs of the da* or ni&ht( The ni&ht air is different fro) the at)os%here at noon( These are not s#dden chan&es! "#t are "ro#&ht a"o#t "*! to #s i)%erce%ti"$e de&rees( 4e who are )ore ca$$o#s fro) contin#ed chan&es! do not fee$ the)! "#t the $itt$e sensiti e for) of a new8"orn chi$d is e)inent$* s#sce%ti"$e to the inr#sh of That fist char&e of its $#n&s! and as the o+*&en contained therein s#r&es thro#&h the "od*! "* )i+t#re with the "$ood e er* sin&$e ato) recei es a %ec#$iar sta)% which is retained a$$ thro#&h $ife! a$tho#&h ato)s chan&e! in the sa)e wa* That a scar %er%et#ates itse$f on the "od* des%ite the chan&e of ato)s( That first sta)%in& is the %h*sica$ "asis of the idios*ncrasies and te)%era)enta$ characteristics which ca#se each of #s to act different$* #nder the sa)e ste$$ar

conditions/ it is the "asis of the tendencies of o#r %h*sica$ nat#re and in har)on* with o#r sta&e of attain)ent as re5#ired "* the $aw of ca#sation! which &i es #s in each $ife the fac#$ties e o$ ed d#rin& a$$ o#r %re io#s e+istences( Th#s we do not ha e a certain fate "eca#se we are "orn at a certain )o)ent! "#t we ha e "een "ro#&ht to "irth at the ti)e when the ste$$ar ra*s wi$$ &i e #s the tendenc* to woro#t the fate &enerated in %ast $i es( This distinction is er* i)%ortant! for it )ar-s the difference "etween the iew of the )ateria$istic astro$o&er and the re$i&io#s conce%tion of Astro$o&*( In March ?B?A! the U( S( Go ern)ent %assed the .a*$i&ht Sa in& Act! "* which a$$ c$oc-s were set ahead one ho#r at )idni&ht %recedin& the $ast S#nda* in March and then set "ac- one ho#r at )idni&ht %recedin& the $ast S#nda* in Octo"er( This Act was in force in ?B?A and ?B?B on$*( A$$ recorded dates in the %eriods affected sho#$d ha e one ho#r s#"tracted in order to o"tain Standard Ti)e(

A$tho#&h we are )an* )i$$ions of )i$es nearer the S#n in winter! its ra*s trans)it $ess heat than in s#))er when we are farthest fro) it! and it is therefore e ident that distance has no effect on trans)ission of heat8ra*s! "#t as the S#n rises towards the 7enith! "e it s#))er or winter! the heat increases! the &reatest heat "ein& e+%erienced in )id8s#))er when s#n8ra*s are nearest the %er%endic#$ar/ it is therefore e ident that the an&$e of the ra* is the so$e deter)inator of its inf$#ence( Astro$o&* dea$s with %$anetar* an&$es and their o"ser ed effect #%on )an-ind/ in order to deter)ine these an&$es and ta"#$ate o"ser ations! the fi+ed stars a$on& the S#n's %ath ha e "een di ided into &ro#%s or conste$$ations! and the hea ens! as iewed fro) the "irth%$ace of a chi$d ha e "een di ided into ho#ses( )ost "e&inners find it er* conf#sin& to differentiate "etween these si&ns and ho#ses! "#t if it is -e%t in )ind that the si&ns are di isions of the hea ens re$ati e to the erna$ e5#ino+! and ho#ses are di isions of the hea ens re$ati e to the "irth%$ace! there sho#$d "e no diffic#$t*( The si&ns inf$#ence certain %arts of the "od*/ ho#ses &o ern conditions of $ife( Li-e an* other circ$e! the 7odiac is di ided into =>D de&rees! each of the twe$ e si&ns is therefore =D de&rees( Their na)es and s*)"o$s are &i en in the affi+ed dia&ra)( The %arts of the "od* r#$ed "* those si&ns are as fo$$ows0 Aries0 Ta#r#s0 Ge)ini0 Cancer0 Leo0 Vir&o0 Li"ra0 Scor%io0 Sa&ittari#s0 Head Cere"e$$#) and 1ecAr)s and L#n&s Sto)ach Heart and S%ina$ Cord Intestines 6idne*s Se+ Or&ans and Rect#) Hi%s and Thi&hs

Ca%ricorn0 A5#ari#s0 Pisces0

6nees An-$es Feet

These twe$ e conste$$ations are the nat#ra$ 7odiac and e er in the sa)e re$ati e %ositions! "#t on acco#nt of a )otion of the %o$e of the earth the S#n crosses the e5#ator at the s$i&ht$* different %oint each s%rin& at the erna$ e5#ino+! and this shiftin& %oint is considered in Astro$o&* as "ein& the first de&ree of Aries! the "e&innin& of what is ca$$ed the inte$$ect#a$ 7odiac! which th#s chan&es fro) *ear to *ear at the rate of a"o#t ED(? seconds %er ann#)! ? de&ree in C *ears! ? si&n in @?E> *ears! co)%$etin& the circ$e of ?@ si&ns in a"o#t @E!A>A *ears( This "ac-ward )o e)ent is ca$$ed ,%recession of the e5#ino+(, Fro) the )ateria$istic iew%oint there see)s to "e no reason for this shiftin& of the 7odiac! "#t fro) the %osition of the )*stic it is not at a$$ ar"itrar*! "#t necessar* and in har)on* with the s%ira$ %ath of e o$#tion adhered to in "oth star and starfish! o"ser a"$e e er*where in nat#re( After co)%$etion of each c*c$e! the inte$$ect#a$ and the nat#ra$ 7odiacs a&ree Hthe $ast ti)e A( .( <BAI! then a new wor$d %eriod co))ences! a new %hase of e o$#tion! a hi&her $oo% of the s%ira$ whereon we are e er tra e$in& towards God( E en fro) the )ateria$ stand%oint it is e ident that the s%ira$ %ath of the so$ar s*ste) o"ser ed "* astrono)ers )#st chan&e the an&$e of incidence of the $i&ht ra*s fro) the fi+ed stars! and as the an&$e of incidence of the S#n's ra*s #%on o#r earth has the effect of %rod#cin& the c$i)atic chan&es of s#))er and winter! it is reasona"$e that a si)i$ar chan&e )#st fo$$ow fro) o#r a$tered %osition re$ati e to the fi+ed stars! which )a* acco#nt for &rad#a$ chan&es of conditions s#ch as that the winters &row $ess co$d and the s#))ers $ess war) in certain %arts of the wor$d( F#rther)ore! it has "een o"ser ed that c$i)atic conditions ha e a distant effect on o#r te)%era)ent88we fee$ different$* in s#))er than we do in winter88and )a* not this s$ow chan&e re$ati e to the fi+ed stars acco#nt for the chan&e in h#)anit*! which is ca$$ed e o$#tionJ The )*stic affir)s that it does( As ra*s of the S#n! "* chan&e of the an&$e of incidence! ca$$ forth $ea es and f$owers fro) the %$ant at one ti)e! and at another ca#se the) to wither! so do ra*s fro) the fi+ed stars ca$$ forth and %rod#ce &reater chan&es in f$ora and fa#na/ the* are res%onsi"$e for the rise and fa$$ of nations and the te)%era)enta$ chan&e which we ca$$ ci i$i7ation( 2rin&in& the ana$o&* a ste% f#rther! the nat#ra$ 7odiac is co)%osed of the conste$$ations as the* are and re)ain in the hea ens! and the inte$$ect#a$ 7odiac co))ences at the chan&in& %oint where the S#n crosses the e5#ator at the erna$ e5#ino+( That is the ti)e when 1at#re "rin&s to "irth that which has &er)inated in her wo)" d#rin& the %recedin& winter( Th#s the horosco%e of the wor$d chan&es fro) *ear to *ear( ,As a"o e! so "e$ow!, is the $aw of ana$o&* and the sa)e sa$ient %oints are o"ser a"$e in the e o$#tion of )an and )icro"e! star and starfish( In the h#)an )a% we ha e a$so what )a* "e ca$$ed a nat#ra$ horosco%e! that is

the fi&#re as cast "* the r#$es of Astro$o&*! where an* si&n )a* "e on the Ascendant! or First Ho#se( The chan&in& erna$ e5#ino+ corres%onds to the first de&ree of Aries! in the inte$$ect#a$ 7odiac! so the Ascendant in an* h#)an horosco%e a$so has an inf$#ence corres%ondin& to that de&ree( The Second Ho#se corres%onds to Ta#r#s! the Third to Ge)ini! and so on! for)in& the co#nter%art of the inte$$ect#a$ 7odiac in the h#)an horosco%e( As the ra*s of the S#n are intensified when foc#sed thro#&h a $ens! so is the s%irit#a$ $ife of the S#n when foc#sed thro#&h the two ho#ses of Mars to "rin& a $ife fro) the #nseen wor$d( Cancer! the first of the water* si&ns was %ict#red a)on& the ancient E&*%tians as a scara" H"eet$eI! which was their e)"$e) of the so#$! and occ#$tists -now that the seed8ato) of the "od* is %$anted when the S#n of Life! Hthe E&o!I is in Cancer! the s%here of the Moon! the %$anet of fec#ndation( Fo#r )onths $ater! when the S#n of Life %asses thro#&h the second of the water* si&ns! Scor%io! which is #nder the r#$ershi% of Mars! the %$anet of %assion and e)otion! the Si$ er Cord is tied which "inds the desire "od* to the $ower ehic$es! and we ha e the '5#ic-enin&' when the fet#s first "ein&s to show sentient $ife( 2* that ti)e the E&o has disso$ ed the n#c$eated "$ood cor%#sc$es thro#&h which the )other's $ife )anifested in the &rowin& or&anis)! and it can then "e&in to wor- in the ita$ f$#id and )anifest sins of se%arate $ife in the "od* #nti$ the S#n of Life has co)%$eted its circ$e and a&ain reaches the )*stic Ei&hth Ho#se( Ei&ht )onths after the seed ato) was sown the S#n of Life! the S%irit! enters Pisces! the $ast of the water* si&ns in the )*stic 7odiac! which is #nder the e+%ansi e! "enefic ra* of ;#%iter( Under this "ene o$ent inf$#ence the waters of %art#rition swe$$ and "#rst the restrainin& wa$$s of the wo)"! when the nine )onths of &estation ha e "een co)%$eted! $a#nchin& the new8"orn so#$ #%on the Ocean of Life at the first %oint of Aries! where it is war)ed and cheered "* the co)"ined ra*s of Mars and the S#n! which are ho#se and e+a$tation r#$ers( Th#s it is %re%ared or the "att$e of e+istence "* the ener&etic war8&od! and its fo#ntain of $ife! "e it $ar&e or s)a$$! is fi$$ed to ca%acit* "* the S#n! fro) the &reat cos)ic reser oir of ita$ ener&*( THE HOUSES In a horosco%e the "irth%$ace is a$wa*s s#%%osed to "e the hi&hest %oint on the earth( It is desi&nated "* an arrow on the dia&ra) herewith and the %oint ri&ht a"o e it is in the s-* is ca$$ed the )idhea en( As an o"ser er in the northern he)is%here )#st a$wa*s $oo- so#th to see the noonda* S#n! it fo$$ows that east is to the $eft and west on his ri&ht( Astro$o&ers ca$$ the eastern hori7on the ascendant! "eca#se at that %oint the stars rise or ascend towards the Midhea en! and for the re erse reason the* ca$$ the western hori7on the descendant( Ra*s fro) stars $ocated at these e+tre)e %oints wo#$d stri-e the "irth%$ace at different an&$es! hence their inf$#ence wo#$d ar* an there wo#$d a$so "e a noticea"$e difference of effect at inter)ediate %oints "etween the Hori7on and Midhea en!

"esides! the %$anets that ha e descended "e$ow the earth ha e a$so %ower! tho#&h not to the sa)e e+tent as when a"o e the "irth%$ace( The inf$#ence of %$anets on ario#s de%art)ents of $ife has "een o"ser ed to "e as fo$$ows0

First Ho#se88The sha%e and condition of the "od*! ear$* en iron)ent and chi$dhood's ho)e( Second Ho#se88Finance( Third Ho#se88Literat#re! the #sef#$ arts! %ractica$ inte$$i&ence! short 3o#rne*s! "rothers and sisters( Fo#rth Ho#se88The ho)e and conditions in o$d a&e( Fifth Ho#se88A)#se)ent! co#rtshi%! chi$dren and s%ec#$ation( Si+th Ho#se88Hea$th! ser ants and $a"or( Se enth Ho#se88Partnershi%! )arria&e! the fine arts and the %#"$ic( Ei&hth Ho#se88Inheritance! death( 1inth Ho#se88Re$i&ion! %hi$anthro%*! idea$is)! 3#stice and $on& 3o#rne*s( Tenth Ho#se88Profession! socia$ %osition and a)"ition( E$e enth Ho#se88Friends! ho%es and wishes( Twe$fth Ho#se88Prisons! hos%ita$s! sorrow and tro#"$e(

THE RISI1G SIG1 A1. THE T4ELVE HOUSES To i$$#strate how a horosco%e is cast! we wi$$ first cast fo#r horosco%es for %ersons "orn in Chica&o! A#&#st @! ?BDB! at @0?E A(M(! A0?E A(M(! @0?E P(M(! and A0?E P(M(! as far as the %$acin& of the si&ns #%on the c#s%s of the ho#ses( The c#s%s are the di idin& $ines "etween the ho#ses( Findin& Chica&o on the )a%! we note that it is $ocated near the <@nd de&ree of the 1orth $atit#de! and c$ose to AA de&rees of $on&it#de 4est fro) Greenwich( O#r first concern is to find the Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e of 2irth( 4e first t#rn to the r#$e on %a&e @@ which sa*s ,to the nearest Standard Meridian Ti)e! add fo#r )in#tes for each de&ree the "irth %$ace is east of the Meridian corres%ondin& to that Ti)e( If the "irth %$ace is west of that Meridian! s#"tract fo#r )in#tes for each de&ree it is 4est thereof( The nearest Standard Meridian Ti)e is Centra$ Ti)e &a#&ed "* the BDth )eridian( Chica&o! "ein& AA de&rees 4est Lon&it#de! is two de&rees East of the BDth )eridian( 4e therefore add two ti)es fo#r! or ei&ht )in#tes! to the ti)e shown "* the c$oc-! in order to find tr#e $oca$ ti)e( In the case 1ote0 So)e forei&n co#ntries ha e ado%ted Standard Ti)e! "#t infor)ation a"o#t this )#st "e o"tained in each case fro) the co#ntr* in 5#estion( of the first "irth ho#r! when the c$oc- showed @0?E A(M( on A#&#st @nd(! the tr#e $oca$ ti)e is th#s fo#nd to "e @0@= A(M( This Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e of 2irth wi$$ "e #sed in a$$ s#"se5#ent ca$c#$ation of the horosco%e( 1ote! howe er! that this correction of Standard to Loca$ Ti)e a%%$ies on$* to the United States! and is re5#ired on$* for dates s#"se5#ent to 1o ( ?Ath! ?AA=! when standard ti)e was ado%ted( HSee footnote! %a&e =@(I 4e wi$$ now %roceed to find the siderea$ ti)e Ha""re iated to S(T(I at the "irth %$ace at the )o)ent of "irth( As a startin& %oint for o#r ca$c#$ations we ha e the S(T( Hsiderea$ ti)eI for Greenwich at noon( Fro) that we )a* ca$c#$ate the siderea$ ti)e at the "irth8%$ace and ho#r "* the fo$$owin& r#$e0 To the siderea$ ti)e for the noon %re io#s to "irth H&i en in the e%he)erisI add88 First! ?D seconds correction for e er* ?E de&rees of $on&it#de the "irth8%$ace is west of Greenwich( Second! the inter a$ "etween the PREVIOUS noon and "irth( Third! ?D seconds correction for e er* ho#r of this inter a$( Fo$$owin& the a"o e r#$e we t#rn to the %a&e of e%he)eris in the "ac- of this "ooand find the co$#)n )ar-ed Siderea$ Ti)e( As o#r first "irth ho#r is A#&#st @nd! @0@= A(M(! tr#e $oca$ ti)e! we note that the %re io#s noon is A#&#st ?st( O%%osite that date we note the siderea$ ti)e as "ein& A ho#rs =C )in#tes! which we %#t

down th#s0 S(T( at Greenwich for noon %re io#s to "irth0 Correction for ?D seconds for each ?E de&( 4( Lon&( of "irth%$ace0 Interna$ "etween the %re io#s noon HA#&( ?stI and the ti)e of ?< @= DD "irth HA#&( @nd! @0@= A(M(I0 Correction of ?D seconds %er ho#r of inter a$ "etween %re io#s DD D@ @< noon and "irth H?< h( @= )(I e5#a$s ?< seconds or @ )in(! @< sec(0 S(T( at the "irth%$ace on the "irth8ho#r0 @= D= @= 4hen the "irth%$ace is $ocated in east $on&it#de! correction for $on&it#de is s#"tracted( In case standard ti)e is not #sed in the co#ntr* of "irth Hsee footnote %a&e =@I! the &i en ti)e of "irth is ass#)ed to "e Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e! and no correction for standard ti)e is )ade( Had the chi$d "een "orn A#&#st @nd at @0?E A(M(! in $atit#de <@ north! "#t in $on&it#de AA East! the S(T( wo#$d "e fi&#red as fo$$ows0 H( M( S( S(T( Greenwich for noon HA#&( ?stI0 DA =C DD Correction of ?D seconds for each ?E de&rees east Lon&it#de DD DD EB Hs#"tractedI0 DA => D? H( M( S( ?< ?E DD DD D@ @@ @@ E= @= H( M( S( DA =C DD DD DD EB

Inter a$ fro) %re io#s noon HA#&( ?stI to "irth! A#&( @nd! @0?E A(M(0 Correction of ?D seconds each ho#r of inter a$ fro) %re io#s noon to "irth0 S(T( at "irth%$ace! at "irth8ho#r0

As the Ho#ses are &o erned "* $atit#de! the sa)e ta"$e of Ho#ses is #sed as for the chi$d "orn in Chica&o( 4ith this S(T( we t#rn to the ta"$e of Ho#ses for the $atit#de of the "irth%$ace! <@ de&rees( There we search the ario#s co$#)ns )ar-ed Siderea$ Ti)e for o#r S(T( at "irth0 @=8=8@=( The one nearest to that is @=8<8<>( In $ine with that siderea$ ti)e wi$$ "e fo#nd the ario#s de&rees of the si&ns to "e %$aced in o#r horosco%e( In the first co$#)n #nder $atit#de <@1( o%%osite the siderea$ ti)e @=8<8<>! we o"ser e the fi&#re ?E/ at the to% of the co$#)n we find the si&n Pisces! and a"o e that the fi&#re ?D! which )eans that the ?Eth de&ree of

Pisces is to "e %$aced on the ?Dth c#s%! as done in the acco)%an*in& horosco%e( In the ne+t co$#)n! in $ine with o#r siderea$ ti)e! we see the fi&#re @D! at the to% is the si&n Aries! a"o e that the fi&#re ??! )eanin& that @D de&rees of Aries is to "e %$aced on the ??th c#s%( In the third co$#)n! in $ine with o#r siderea$ ti)e! is the fi&#re ?( Ta#r#s and ?@ are at the head of the co$#)n "#t "eneath that is Ge)ini si&nif*in& that ? de&ree of Ge)ini is to "e %$aced on the ?@th c#s%( The wide co$#)n )ar-ed Ascendant co)es ne+t( There we find the fi&#res A0?D in $ine with o#r siderea$ ti)e! and the si&n Ge)ini at the to%! "#t we disre&ard that si&n "eca#se the si&n Cancer is %$aced "etween o#r $ine and the to% and we a$wa*s ta-e the first si&n a"o e o#r $ine( Therefore we %$ace Cancer A0?D on the Ascendant( Proceedin& a$on& the fi&#res in o#r $ine we note the fi&#re @C in the first co$#)n to the ri&ht of the wide co$#)n( At the to% is the si&n Cancer a&ain and the fi&#re @( Accordin&$* we %$ace the @Cth de&ree of Cancer on the c#s% of the Second Ho#se( In the e+tre)e ri&ht hand co$#)n we find the fi&#re ?B! the si&n Leo and the fi&#re = at the to% of the co$#)n( Therefore we %$ace the ?Bth de&ree of Leo on the Third C#s%( 4e ha e th#s o"tained fi&#res for si+ of o#r ho#ses! the si+ o%%osite ho#ses are &i en the o%%osite si&ns and de&rees( Ha in& Pisces ?E on the Tenth Ho#se! we %$ace the o%%osite de&ree Vir&o ?E on the Fo#rth C#s%! which is o%%osite the Tenth( Aries @D on the E$e enth Ho#se is the o%%osite of Li"ra @D %$aced on the Fifth C#s%(

Sa&ittari#s ? %$aced on the Si+th C#s% for)s an e+act o%%osite to Ge)ini ? on the Twe$fth Ho#se( The Ascendant is o%%osite the Se enth C#s% and Ca%ricorn A0?D %$aced there is the o%%osite of Cancer A0?D on the Ascendant( Cancer @C on the Second Ho#se wi$$ "e %ro%er$* o%%osed "* Ca%ricorn @C on the Ei&hth Ho#se! and A5#ari#s ?B %$aced on the 1inth is in o%%osition to Leo ?B on the Third( 1ow a$$ the c#s%s are fi$$ed! "#t on acco#nt of the inc$ination of the earth's a+is so)e of the si&ns )a* "e interce%ted "etween two c#s%s! therefore it is necessar* to see if a$$ the twe$ e si&ns are in o#r horosco%e "efore %roceedin& f#rther( Co#ntin& fro) Aries! we note the %resence of Ge)ini( Ta#r#s is )issin&! and we therefore %$ace it in its %ro%er %osition "etween Aries and Ge)ini( 4hen a certain si&n is interce%ted! its o%%osite a$so wi$$ "e )issin&( 4e )a*! therefore! at once %$ace Scor%io in its %ro%er %osition "etween Li"ra and Sa&ittari#s( It wi$$ now "e fo#nd that a$$ the twe$ e si&ns are %$aced in o#r horosco%e! Cancer and Ca%ricorn each occ#%*in& two c#s%s( It is finished as far as %$acin& the si&ns in their %ro%er %ositions re$ati e to the ho#ses! and that is as far as we wi$$ %roceed at the %resent ti)e! so we wi$$ $ea e this horosco%e and ca$c#$ate one for a %erson "orn si+ ho#rs $ater in the sa)e %$ace0 Chica&o! A#&#st @! A(?E A(M( 4e first ha e to find the Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e of 2irth( As "efore! we add ei&ht )in#tes to the ti)e shown "* the c$oc-! na)e$* A0?E A(M( This &i es #s A0@= A(M( which is the Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e of 2irth( O#r r#$e for findin& the Siderea$ Ti)e at the "irth ho#r and %$ace re5#ires that we note the88 S(T( at Greenwich on the noon %re io#s to "irth HA#&( ?stI! as &i en in the E%he)eris0 Correction of ?D seconds for each ?E de&rees 4( Lon&( "irth%$ace HChica&o! AA 4(I0 Inter a$ fro) %re io#s noon HA#&( ?stI to the ti)e of "irth HA#&( @nd! A0@= A(M(I0 Correction of ?D seconds for each ho#r of inter a$ H@D0@=I e5#a$s @D< seconds0 Siderea$ Ti)e at "irth%$ace at the "irth ho#r0 S#"tract the circ$e of @< ho#rs0 H( M( S( DA =C DD DD DD EB @D @= DD DD D= @< @B D< @= @< DD DD DE D< @=

As there can "e on$* twent*8fo#r ho#rs in a da*! we s#"tract @< where necessar*! and wor- with the re)ainder! in this case E8<8@= which was the tr#e Siderea$ Ti)e in Chica&o at the "irth( This ti)e! or the nearest thereto! we accordin&$* see- in the Ta"$e of Ho#ses for the $atit#de of Chica&o! <@ de&rees 1(

The nearest ti)e is E8=8@B! and in $ine with that we find the de&rees for the ario#s c#s%s of o#r ho#ses( In the co$#)n ne+t to the ri&ht of the Siderea$ Ti)e is the fi&#re ?C( At the to% of the co$#)n the si&n Ge)ini and the fi&#re ?D( 4e therefore %$ace the ?Cth de&ree of Ge)ini on the Tenth C#s%( In the ne+t co$#)n to the ri&ht is the fi&#re @?( At the to% of the co$#)n! the si&n Cancer and the fi&#re ??! so we %$ace the @?st de&ree of Cancer on the E$e enth C#s%( The ne+t ri&ht hand co$#)n has the fi&#re @@( At the to% is the si&n Leo and the fi&#re ?@! so we %$ace the @@nd de&ree of Leo on the Twe$fth Ho#se( The $ar&e co$#)n )ar-ed Ascendant has the si&n Vir&o and the fi&#res ?A0E> are in o#r $ine! so we %$ace Vir&o ?A0E> on the Ascendant! or First Ho#se! of o#r fi&#re( In the first co$#)n to the ri&ht of the wide co$#)n we note the fi&#re ?<( 4e not a$so that the si&n Li"ra is a"o e o#r $ine "efore we co)e to the to% of the co$#)n! and we therefore disre&ard the si&n fo#nd there! "#t note that fi&#re @! which indicates that the Second C#s% is occ#%ied "* the ?<th de&ree of Li"ra( In the e+tre)e ri&ht hand co$#)n we find the fi&#re ?= and a$so a si&n "efore we co)e to the to% of the co$#)n! the si&n Scor%io! so we %$ace the ?=th de&ree of Scor%io on the Third C#s%( 1ow we ha e %$aced si&ns on the si+ ho#ses! and we %roceed to %#t in the si+ o%%osite si&ns on the o%%osite ho#ses as "efore0 O%%osite Ge)ini ?C on the Tenth Ho#se we %$ace Sa&ittari#s ?C on the Fo#rth Ho#se( O%%osite Cancer @? on the E$e enth we %$ace Ca%ricorn @? on the Fifth( O%%osite Leo @@ on the Twe$fth we %$ace A5#ari#s @@ on the Si+th( O%%osite Vir&o ?A0E> on the Ascendant we %$ace Pisces ?A0E> on the Se enth( O%%osite Li"ra ?< on the Second %$ace Aries ?< on the Ei&hth! and o%%osite Scor%io ?= on the Third! %$ace Ta#r#s ?= on the 1inth Ho#se( 1ow a$$ the c#s%s of the horosco%e are fi$$ed! and we start to co#nt the si&ns to see if the* are a$$ %resent or if it is necessar* to %#t in an*

that )a* "e interce%ted( 4e co))ence o#r co#nt at Aries! and find that a$$ twe$ e si&ns are re%resented! and it is therefore at a sta&e of co)%$etion where we decide to $ea e it for the %resent( 4e ne+t %roceed to cast the horosco%e for a %erson "orn at Chica&o! A#&#st @! at @0?E P(M( 4e find that the %re io#s noon is A#&#st @nd and so we start o#r ca$c#$ations as fo$$ows0 S(T( at Greenwich on the noon %re io#s to "irth HA#&( @ndI0 Correction of ?D seconds for each ?E de&rees 4( Lon&( "irth%$ace HAA de&reesI0 Inter a$ fro) %re io#s noon to the ti)e of "irth Hnoon to @0@= P(M(I0 Correction of ?D sec's for each ho#r of inter a$0 S(T( at "irth%$ace on "irth ho#r0 H( M( S( DA <? DD DD DD EB D@ @= DD DD DD @< ?? DE @=

T#rnin& to o#r Ta"$es of Ho#ses for $atit#de <@1(! we find the nearest S(T( to "e ??8<8<>( In the first co$#)n #nder $atit#de <@1( is the fi&#re ?E/ the si&n Vir&o and the fi&#re ?D are at the to% of the co$#)n( Therefore we %$ace ?E de&rees of Vir&o on the Tenth C#s%( The second co$#)n has the fi&#re ?>! Li"ra and the fi&#re ?? at the to%! so ?> de&rees of Li"ra is %$aced on the E$e enth Ho#se( The fi&#re ?D is in the third co$#)n! and the si&n Scor%io "etween o#r $ine and the to%! therefore we disre&ard the si&n at the to%! "#t note the

fi&#re ?@! and accordin&$* %$ace ?D de&rees of Scor%io on the Twe$fth Ho#se( In the wide co$#)n we see the fi&#res @B0?>! which we %$ace on the Ascendant with the si&n Scor%io fo#nd at the head of the co$#)n( The co$#)n to the ri&ht of the wide co$#)n contains the fi&#re ?! with the si&n Ca%ricorn a"o e and at the to% is the fi&#re @( Therefore we %#t Ca%ricorn ? on the Second C#s%( The e+tre)e ri&ht hand co$#)n shows the fi&#re A! the si&n A5#ari#s a"o e and the fi&#re = at the head of the co$#)n( Accordin&$* we %$ace the Ath de&ree of A5#ari#s on the Third Ho#se( 1ow o#r si+ c#s%s are fi$$ed! and we %roceed to %$ace the o%%osite si&ns and de&rees on the other si+ c#s%s as descri"ed in detai$ in connection with the first two horosco%es( 4hen that has "een done we co#nt o#r si&ns fro) Aries to see if a$$ are re%resented( That "rin&s o#t the fact that Ge)ini and Sa&ittari#s are )issin&(! so we insert the) in their %ro%er %$aces88Ge)ini "etween Ta#r#s and Cancer! Sa&ittari#s "etween Scor%io and Ca%ricorn( O#r horosco%e has "een co)%$eted as far as the si&ns and ho#ses are concerned! therefore we $ea e it for the %resent to cast the $ast of o#r fo#r e+%eri)enta$ )a%s for a %erson "orn in Chica&o! A#&#st @! ?BDB! at A0?E P(M( Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e of 2irth is A )in#tes $ater or A0@= P(M( As "efore! we note the88 S(T( at Greenwich on the noon %re io#s to "irth HA#&( @ndI0 Correction of ?D seconds for e er* ?E de&rees the "irth%$ace is 4est of Greenwich0 Inter a$ "etween the %re io#s noon and "irth0 Correction of ?D seconds for e er* ho#r of inter a$ "etween %re io#s noon and "irth0 Siderea$ Ti)e at "irth%$ace at the "irth ho#r0 H( M( S( DA <? DD DD DD EB DA @= DD DD D? @< ?C D> @=

4ith this siderea$ ti)e we t#rn to the ta"$es of Ho#ses for the $atit#de of "irth%$ace! <@1(! and find the nearest S(T( to "e ?C8C8<B( In the first co$#)n #nder $atit#de <@1( we find ?A( At the to% of the co$#)n! Sa&ittari#s and the fi&#re ?D! therefore we %$ace Sa&ittari#s ?A on the Tenth C#s%( The second narrow co$#)n shows the fi&#re B( Ca%ricorn is a"o e and the fi&#re ?? is at the to% of the co$#)n! so we %$ace Ca%ricorn B on the E$e enth C#s%( The third narrow co$#)n has the fi&#re @ with A5#ari#s a"o e and the fi&#re ?@ at the head of the co$#)n! so we %$ace A5#ari#s @ de&rees on the c#s% of the Twe$fth Ho#se(

In the wide co$#)n are the fi&#res C0A! Pisces a"o e and ascendant at the to%! so we %$ace C0A of Pisces on the Ascendant( To the ri&ht of the wide co$#)n we find the fi&#re @E/ Aries and @ are at the to%! so we %$ace Aries @E on the Second C#s%( The e+tre)e ri&ht hand co$#)n has the fi&#re @> and Ta#r#s is at the to% with the fi&#re =( Accordin&$* we %$ace Ta#r#s @> on the Third C#s%( Ha in& th#s fi$$ed the si+ c#s%s! we %roceed to fi$$ the si+ o%%osite ho#ses with the o%%osite si&ns( Ge)ini ?A on the Fo#rth in o%%osition to Sa&ittari#s ?A on the Tenth( Cancer B on the Fifth in o%%osition to Ca%ricorn B on the E$e enth! and so on( 4hen a$$ the c#s%s ha e "een fi$$ed we co#nt the si&ns an find that a$$ twe$ e are %resent! hence o#r horosco%e has reached the sa)e sta&e of co)%$etion as the ones %re io#s$* cast( These horosco%es of fo#r chi$dren "orn in the sa)e cit* HChica&oI on the sa)e da* and *ear HA#&( @! ?BDBI "#t at different ho#rs! show &ra%hica$$* that %eo%$e )a* "e! and are! "orn #nder a$$ the twe$ e si&ns an*where on an* da* of the *ear( 4hen we co)%are the fo#r horosco%es we ha e cast we )a* $earn se era$ i)%ortant $essons( In the first %$ace! we )a* see the worth$essness of the state)ents so often heard/ ,I was "orn #nder Ta#r#s!, or ,I was "orn #nder Scor%io!, which si)%$* )eans that the %erson was "orn in Ma* or 1o e)"er

when the S#n was in the si&ns )entioned( S#ch a state)ent at once e+%oses the one who so e+%resses hi)se$f as "ein& i&norant of the science of Astro$o&* and re ea$s the fact that if he has had a horosco%e east! it has "een done "* an inco)%etent astro$o&er( These so)eti)es ad ertise to cast a horosco%e ,te$$in& *o#r fort#ne fro) the crad$e to the &ra e, for a er* s)a$$ s#)( 2#t a conscientio#s astro$o&er cannot &i e a si)%$e de$ineation of character witho#t s%endin& at $east an ho#r in ca$c#$ation and c$ose concentration and to )a-e %redictions co erin& a who$e $ife wo#$d re5#ire da*s of ard#o#s wor-( The scientific astro$o&er )a* s%ea- of a %erson as ha in& Ta#r#s or Scor%io risin&! and that state)ent at once shows that a ca$c#$ation has "een )ade ta-in& into consideration *ear! )onth! da*! ho#r! and %$ace! )a-in& the horosco%e cast a"so$#te$* indi id#a$/ whi$e the other t*%e of horosco%e HJI is deter)ined so$e$* fro) the )onth when a %erson was "orn! witho#t re&ard to da*! ho#r or e en *ear( If a horosco%e co#$d "e cast "* s#ch a )ethod or! rather! $ac- of )ethod! there wo#$d "e on$* twe$ e -inds of %eo%$e on earth and a$$ %ersons "orn in the sa)e )onth wo#$d ha e the sa)e fate( S#ch is )anifest$* not the case/ in fact! there are no two %eo%$e whose e+%eriences are e+act$* a$i-e! and an Astro$o&* which does not )a-e s#ch a distinction cannot "e a tr#e science( The scientific astro$o&er as-s first the *ear of "irth "eca#se he -nows that the %$anets do not co)e into the sa)e re$ati e %ositions )ore than once in a Great Siderea$ Year/ th#s a chi$d's horosco%e cast for ?BDB cannot "e d#%$icated for @E!A>A *ears( 1e+t he as-s the )onth! for #%on that wi$$ de%end the %osition of the S#n! which is in a different si&n e er* )onth in the *ear(

The da* deter)ines %artic#$ar$* the %osition of the Moon! which chan&es fro) one si&n to another e er* two and one8ha$f da*s/ and the ho#r is a$so needf#$ to fi+ its %osition! as it )o es a"o#t ?@ de&rees each da*( Yet e en with these data the horosco%e wo#$d $ac- indi id#a$it*! for if a chi$d is "orn e er* second that wo#$d )ean that =!>DD %eo%$e are "orn within the sa)e ho#r( If we can "rin& the data to within ten )in#tes of the act#a$ ti)e of "irth we sho#$d ha e the wherewitha$ to ca$c#$ate a re$ati e %osition of the %$anets s#ch as wo#$d fit on$* >DD of the %eo%$e on earth( If we add the $ast dat#)! %$ace! which ena"$es #s to ca$c#$ate the risin& si&n and de&ree! we sha$$ ha e an a"so$#te$* indi id#a$ horosco%e! for it is se$do) indeed that two %ersons are "orn in the sa)e %$ace! at the sa)e ho#r and )in#te( E ent twins are "orn at an inter a$ of fro) twent* )in#tes to se era$ ho#rs a%art! and we can readi$* see that a different de&ree wo#$d then "e risin& for each of the two( 4hen the $ast of a si&n is risin& for one of the twins! the other wi$$ #s#a$$* "e "orn #nder the ne+t si&n( As the risin& si&n is one of the %rinci%a$ si&nificators in )o$din& the "od*! the a%%earance of the second twin )i&ht "e tota$$* different fro) the first( A co)%arison of the risin& si&ns shows an a%%arent $ac- of #nifor)it* in the di#rna$ )otion of the earth( At @0?E A(M( Cancer A0?D is risin&! whi$e twe$ e ho#rs $ater Scor%io @B8?> is on the Ascendant! showin& that the "irth %$ace has tra e$ed on$* a"o#t ?<? de&rees in the twe$ e ho#rs in o$ ed( To co)%$ete the circ$e! it )#st tra e$ @?B de&rees in the re)ainin& twe$ e ho#rs( 2#t as the di#rna$ rotation of the earth on its a+is is #nifor)! the $ac- of #nifor)it* in the )otion noted a"o e is d#e to its not "ein& tr#e di#rna$ )otion( This condition is ca#sed "* the o"$i5#it* of the Ec$i%tic and the conse5#ent #ne5#a$ di ision of the $atter "* the %$anes se%aratin& the ho#ses! these %$anes "ein& those of the hori7on and the )eridian and fo#r inter)ediate ones at =D de&ree inter a$s( For this reason certain si&ns rise )ore s$ow$* than others and are therefore ca$$ed si&ns of $on& Ascension! whi$e their o%%osites are ca$$ed si&ns of Short Ascension( It wi$$ "e e ident fro) the fore&oin& that )ost %eo%$e are "orn #nder the si&ns of $on& ascension!88 Cancer! Leo! Vir&o! Li"ra! Scor%io and Sa&ittari#s in the 1orthern He)is%here! and their o%%osites in the So#thern He)is%here(

HO4 TO CALCULATE THE POSITIO1S OF THE PLA1ETS As the E%he)eris is ca$c#$ated for Greenwich at the ti)e when the O"ser ator* c$oc- stri-es twe$ e! it is necessar* to )a-e corrections for other ho#rs and for %$aces East or 4est fro) that %oint when it is desired to ca$c#$ate a horosco%e( 2* addin& fo#r )in#tes for each de&ree of $on&it#de the "irth%$ace is 4est of Greenwich to the TRUE LOCAL ti)e of "irth we o"tain the Greenwich Mean Ti)e as recorded "* the O"ser ator* c$oc-( This is written G(M(T( 4e wi$$ a%%$* this r#$e to ca$c#$ate the G(M(T( of the horosco%e for A#&#st @! A0?E A(M( at Chica&o! which is AA de&rees 4est $on&it#de0 Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e of 2irth Hsee %a&e =AI0 < )in( ti)es AA de&rees e5#a$s =E= )in(0 Greenwich Mean Ti)e HG(M(T(I0 H( M( A @= A(M( A#&( @ E E@ @ ?E P(M( A#&( @

M#$ti%$*in& the de&ree of 4est $on&it#de of Chica&o HAA de&reesI "* fo#r )in#tes &i es #s =E@ )in#tes! which we di ide "* >D "eca#se there are >D

1ote0 To find the G(M(T( when the ti)e &i en is standard ti)e! it is on$* necessar* to add the e en n#)"er of ho#rs that the ti)e 7one of the "irth%$ace is 4est of Greenwich or s#"tract the n#)"er that it is East of Greenwich! %a*in& no attention to tr#e $oca$ ti)e! "eca#se the correction for tr#e $oca$ ti)e is a#to)atica$$* inc$#ded in this )ethod witho#t an* ca$c#$ation( 2e&innin& st#dents! howe er! had "est fo$$ow the )ethod &i en on %a&es =@ and ED( )in#tes in each ho#r( Th#s we o"tain E ho#rs E@ )in#tes! which we add to the tr#e $oca$ ti)e of "irth! @= )in#tes after A in the )ornin&! and the s#) is ?E )in#tes %ast @ o'c$oc- in the afternoon! which is the G(M(T( That is to sa*! at the identica$ ti)e when the chi$d was "orn and the Chica&o c$oc-s %ointed to ?E )in#tes after A o'c$oc- in the )ornin&! the O"ser ator* c$ocat Greenwich showed ?E )in#tes %ast @ o'c$oc- in the afternoon( This $atter is the ti)e we )#st #se to )a-e o#r ca$c#$ations of the %$anets' %$aces! and in order to ha e as few factors in )ind as %ossi"$e the "e&inner is ad ised to for&et the $oca$ ti)e of "irth when once he has fo#nd the G(M(T( In 4estern $on&it#des the G(M(T( )a* ad ance into the da* fo$$owin& "irth on acco#nt of the addition of < )in#tes for each de&ree of $on&it#de( In the cases where the $on&it#de of the "irth%$ace is East of Greenwich a s#"traction of < )in#tes is )ade for each de&ree/ hence the G(M(T( )a* recede into the da* %recedin& "irth( Therefore we s%ea- neither of "irthda* nor "irth ho#r! "#t of the G(M(T( da* and ho#r(

O#r concern is now to find the )otion of the %$anets of the G(M(T( da*! which is fro) the noon "efore the G(M(T( to the noon after the G(M(T( The %ositions of the %$anets are fo#nd in the e%he)eris( As o#r G(M(T( is A#&( @! ?BDB! at @0?E P(M(! if we desire to ca$c#$ate the dai$* )otion of the S#n we note its $on&it#des on the noon of A#&( @nd Hthe noon "efore G(M(T(I and A#&( =rd Hthe noon after G(M(T(I( As we are to s#"tract we %$ace the $on&it#de of the %$anet on the $ast da* a"o e! for that faci$itates the o%eration( .e&( Min( The S#n's $on&it#de at noon on A#&( =rd! ?BDB! Has &i en in the ?D @A e%he)erisI0 The S#n's $on&it#de at noon A#&( @nd0 DB =? The )otion of the S#n on the G(M(T( da*0 DD EC The ne+t ste% is to find the inter a$ "etween the G(M(T( and the nearest noon! for that is a$so a "asis of o#r correction( In the %resent horosco%e the G(M(T( is A#&( @! @0?E P(M( The nearest )oon is o" io#s$* ?@ o'c$oc- A#&#st @nd! and the inter a$ "etween ?@ o'c$oc- noon and @0?E P(M( is therefore @ ho#rs and ?E )in#tes( The )otion of the %$anet on the G(M(T( da* and the inter a$ fro) G(M(T( to nearest noon ha in& "een fo#nd! o#r %ro"$e) )a* "e th#s stated0 4hen the S#n )o es EC )in#tes of s%ace in @< ho#rs! how )#ch does it )o e in @ ho#rs and ?E )in#tesJ Answer0 E )in#tes( This )ethod of wor-in& the corrections "* si)%$e %ro%ortion )a* "e #sed with ad anta&e where the )otion of a %$anet is $ess than one de&ree/ with Ven#s! Merc#r*! and %artic#$ar$* in the case of the Moon! it is )#ch 5#ic-er safer and )ore e+act to %erfor) the correction "* )eans of $o&arith)s( A ta"$e of $o&arith)s is fo#nd on the $ast %a&es of o#r E%he)eris for an* *ear! a$so a %artia$ ta"$e in the "ac- of this "oo-! and its #se is e+ceedin&$* si)%$e( At the to% of the ta"$e is a $ine of fi&#res0 D to @=( The* are for the Ho#rs or .e&rees H "oth "ein& di isi"$e into >D )in#tesI/ on the $eft hand side is another co$#)n ha in& the )in#te fi&#res0 D to EB( 4hen we wish to find the $o&arith) of a certain n#)"er of ho#rs and )in#tes we si)%$* %$ace o#r inde+ fin&er #%on the fi&#re corres%ondin& to the n#)"er of ho#rs or de&rees wanted! r#n it down the co$#)n ti$$ we reach the $ine corres%ondin& to the )in#tes wanted( At that %oint where the $ine of )in#tes intersects the co$#)n of ho#rs or de&rees wi$$ "e fo#nd the desired $o&arith)( For instance! the dai$* )otion of the S#n in the horosco%e #nder ca$c#$ation is D de&rees EC )in#tes( 4e %$ace o#r inde+ fin&er #%on the co$#)n )ar-ed D at the to%( 4e r#n the fin&er down the %a&e ti$$ we co)e in $ine with the fi&#re EC in the )in#te co$#)n( 4here this $ine intersects the co$#)n D is the fi&#re ?(<D@E! which is the $o&arith) of the S#n's )otion on the G(M(T( da* fro) noon A#&( @! to noon A#&( =(

In $i-e )anner we find the $o&arith) of inter a$ "etween G(M(T( and the nearest noon( In this case the inter a$ is @ ho#rs ?E )in#s( R#nnin& o#r inde+ fin&er down the co$#)n )ar-ed @ we find the fi&#re ?(D@AD in $ine with the fi&#re ?E in the )in#te co$#)n( That $o&arith) H?(D@ADI is the $o&arith) of inter a$( The dai$* )otion of each %$anet differs fro) the dai$* )otion of a$$ other %$anets( Therefore the tra e$ of each )#st "e se%arate$* ca$c#$ated and the $o&arith) of its )otion fo#nd! "#t the inter a$ "etween the G(M(T( and the nearest )oon a%%$ies e5#a$$* in the ca$c#$ation of a$$ the %$anets! so that! once the inter a$ has "een ascertained! its $o&arith) )a* "e #sed in the ca$c#$ation of a$$ the %$anets' %$aces( Contin#in& o#r ca$c#$ation! we %$ace the8 Lo&arith) of the S#n's )otion fro) noon A#&( @nd to noon A#&( =rd HEC )in#tesI0 P$#s Lo&arith) of inter a$0 Lo&arith) of distance tra e$ed "* the S#n d#rin& the inter a$0 ?(<D@E ?(D@AD @(<=DE

The a$#e of that $o&arith) in de&rees and )in#tes we ascertain "* findin& it or the $o&arith) nearest thereto in the ta"$e( In the %resent e+a)%$e the nearest $o&arith) is @(<EB<( This fi&#re is in the co$#)n )ar-ed D de&rees at the to%! and in $ine with the fi&#re E in the e+tre)e $eft8hand co$#)n which contains )in#tes( Therefore the a$#e of the $o&arith) is D de&rees E )in#tes( Th#s we ha e o"tained the sa)e answer to o#r %ro"$e) H4hen the S#n )o es EC )in#tes in @< ho#rs! how )#ch does it )o e in @ ho#rs and ?E )in(JI "* #sin& $o&arith)s as we did wor-in& "* %ro%ortion( The $atter )ethod )a* see) easier to the "e&inner! "#t once the $o&arith) of inter a$ has "een fo#nd the $o&arith)ic )ethod wi$$ "e fo#nd to "e easier! 5#ic-er and )ore e+act! for the answers o"tained "* the two )ethods are not a$wa*s 5#ite identica$! and %artic#$ar$* in the case of the Moon $o&arith)s sho#$d "e #sed( Ha in& fo#nd the distance tra e$ed "* the %$anet d#rin& the inter a$ "etween the G(M(T( and the nearest noon! to find the %$ace of the %$anet at the G(M(T( Hwhich is the end and ai) of o#r ca$c#$ationsI! we )#st add this incre)ent of correction to the %$anet's $on&it#de on the noon nearest to the G(M(T( da* if the G(M(T( is P(M(! for in that case the %$anet has tra e$ed farther than shown "* the e%he)eris( If! on the other hand! the G(M(T( is in the forenoon HA(M(I the %$anet has not *et reached the %osition indicated for noon in the e%he)eris! hence it wi$$ necessar* to s#"tract the distance of tra e$ for the inter a$8the incre)ent of correction8fro) the %$anet's $on&it#de &i en in the e%he)eris for the noon nearest to the G(M(T( In the %resent case the G(M(T( is after noon HP(M(I so we add0 Lon&it#de of the S#n on the noon nearest the G(M(T(! A#&( @nd! as %er e%he)eris0 Incre)ent of correction0 Lon&it#de of the S#n at G(M(T(0 .e&( Min( Leo DB =? DD DE Leo DB =>

This %osition wi$$ "e entered in the horosco%e( For the con enience of the st#dent we wi$$ now en#nciate the r#$e for findin& the %$anets' %$aces! in consec#ti e order of o%eration0 First88Find the G(M(T( "* addin& to the $oca$ ti)e of "irth < )in#tes for each de&ree of $on&it#de the "irth8%$ace is west of Greenwich Hs#"tract for East $on&it#deI( Second88Find the inter a$ "etween the G(M(T( and the nearest noon! a$so the $o&arith) of inter a$( Third88Find the %$anet's )otion on the G(M(T( da*! fro) the noon "efore the G(M(T( to the noon after the G(M(T(/ find a$so the $o&arith) of that )otion( Fo#rth88Add to the $o&arith) of inter a$ the $o&arith) of the %$anet's )otion on the G(M(T( da*( The s#) of these is the $o&arith) of the %$anet's tra e$ d#rin& the inter a$( Fifth88Find the a$#e of the $o&arith) of the %$anet's tra e$ d#rin& the inter a$ in de&rees and )in#tes( This is the incre)ent of correction( Si+th88HaI 4hen the G(M(T( is "efore noon HA(M(I s#"tract the incre)ent of correction fro) the %$anet's %osition on the noon nearest to the G(M(T( H"I 4hen the G(M(T( is after noon HP(M(I add the incre)ent of correction to the %$anet's $on&it#de on the noon nearest the G(M(T( 4hen %$anets are retro&rade re erse the >th r#$e( The res#$t in either case wi$$ &i e the e+act %osition of the %$anet at G(M(T(! which is entered in the %ro%er %$ace in the horosco%e( These r#$es ha e ALL "een a%%$ied in ca$c#$atin& the %osition of one %$anet8the S#n8"#t as the G(M(T( HA#&#st @! @0?E P(M(I and the $o&arith) of inter a$ H?(D@ADI are the sa)e for a$$ the %$anets we need not ca$c#$ate the) a&ain as directed "* Sections First and Second "#t co))ence o#r ca$c#$ations of the Moon and %$anets accordin& to Section Three0 .e&( Min( Lon&it#de of the Moon on the noon after G(M(T( as %er the Pisces D@ =B e%he)eris HA#&( =I0 Lon&it#de of the Moon on the noon "efore G(M(T( as %er A5#ari#s ?C EE the e%he)eris HA#&(@I0 The Moon's )otion on the G(M(T( da*0 ?< << The st#dent wi$$ re)e)"er that there are =D de&rees in each si&n and >D )in#tes in one de&ree( In the fore&oin& s#"traction it was necessar* to "orrow ? de&ree and add its >D )in#tes to =B! for on$* then co#$d we s#"tract fro) the tota$ of BB )in#tes the EE )in#tes re5#ired! $ea in& a re)ainder of << )in#tes( Si)i$ar$*! we "orrow on e si&n H=D de&reesI! addin& it to the one de&ree of Pisces $eft after we "orrowed the one de&ree to wor- o#r s#"traction of the )in#tes( Th#s we s#"tract ?C fro) =? de&rees! which $ea es a re)ainder of ?< de&rees(

Accordin& to Section Fo#r of o#r r#$e we add88 Lo&arith) of the Moon's )otion on G(M(T( da*0 Lo&arith) of inter a$0 Lo&arith) of Moon's tra e$ in inter a$0 (@??B ?(D@AD ?(@=BB

Section Fi e directs #s to find the a$#e of this $o&arith)! and in o#r ta"$e of $o&arith)s we note as the nearest thereto the fi&#re ?(@=B=( A"o e that! we see at the head of the co$#)n the fi&#re ?/ to the e+tre)e $eft is the fi&#re @=! indicatin& that the Moon has tra e$ed ? de&ree @= )in#tes d#rin& the inter a$ H"etween G(M(T( and the nearest noonI( This is therefore the incre)ent of correction( Section Si+ H"I directs that we add the incre)ent of correction to the88 Lon&it#de of the Moon on the noon nearest G(M(T( HA#&(@I0 Incre)ent of correction0 The $on&it#de of the Moon in the horosco%e0 .e&( Min( A5#ari#s ?C EE D? @= A5#ari#s ?B ?A

The )otion of 1e%t#ne! Uran#s! Sat#rn and ;#%iter on the G(M(T( da* fro) noon A#&#st @nd to noon A#&#st =rd is seen "* a &$ance at the e%he)eris to ha e "een on$* a few )in#tes( Conse5#ent$* the distance the* ha e tra e$ed in the inter a$ is ne&$i&i"$e and the* )a* "e entered in the horosco%e as ha in& the $on&it#de of the nearest )oon to the G(M(T(! A#&#st @nd( Mars has )o ed ?E )in#tes on the G(M(T( da*! and we )a* therefore add ? )in#te for his tra e$ d#rin& the inter a$ to his $on&it#de A#&#st @nd as &i en in the e%he)eris/ so that we enter hi) in the horosco%e as "ein& in Aries =0EA( Ven#s wi$$ need $o&arith)ic correction( Lon&it#de of Ven#s on the noon after G(M(T( HA#&( =I0 Lon&it#de of Ven#s on the noon "efore G(M(T( HA#&(@I0 Ven#s' )otion on the G(M(T( da*0 Lo&arith) of Ven#s' )otion on G(M(T( da*0 Lo&arith) of inter a$0 Lo&arith) of Ven#s' tra e$ d#rin& inter a$0 Incre)ent of correction H a$#e of $o&( @(=@BD or the nearest thereto! in this case @(=?==I e5#a$ D de&rees C )in( .e&( Min( Vir&o D> @? Vir&o DE DB D? ?@ ?(=D?D ?(D@AD @(=@BD

Ven#s' $on&it#de on the noon nearest G(M(T( HA#&(@ndI0 Incre)ent of correction0 Ven#s' $on&( to "e entered in horosco%e0

.e&( Min( Vir&o DE DB DD DC Vir&o DE ?>

Merc#r* a$so has )o ed s#fficient$* to )a-e it desira"$e to ca$c#$ate his e+act $on&it#de at G(M(T( of "irth "* $o&arith)s88

Lon&it#de of Merc#r* on the noon after G(M(T(0 Lon&it#de of Merc#r* on noon "efore G(M(T(0 Merc#r*'s )otion on the G(M(T( da*0 Lo&arith) of Merc#r*'s )otion on G(M(T( da*0 Lo&arith) of inter a$0 Lo&arith) of Merc#r*'s tra e$ d#rin& inter a$0 Va$#e of $o&( @(DAB<! or incre)ent of correction! D de&rees! ?@ )in#tes(

.e&( Min( Leo DB @@ Leo DC ?C D@ DE ?(D>?< ?(D@AD @(DAB<

Lon&it#de of Merc#r* on noon nearest G(M(T(0 Incre)ent of correction0 Merc#r*'s $on&( to "e entered in horosco%e0

.e&( Min( Leo DC ?C DD ?@ Leo DC @B

The %osition of the .ra&on's Head! or Moon's 1ode! and the .ra&on's Tai$! ha e now to "e fo#nd( The $on&it#de of the .ra&on's Head for A#&( @nd! the noon nearest to the G(M(T(! is fo#nd in the e%he)eris to "e ?=(<C Ge)ini( The .ra&on's Tai$ occ#%ies the o%%osite %oint! na)e$* ?=!< C Sa&ittari#s( These %oints are to "e entered in the horosco%e( There re)ains *et another factor to co)%$ete the horosco%e0 the Part of Fort#ne( This is an i)a&inar* %oint ca$c#$ated fro) the $on&it#de of the S#n! Moon! and Ascendant( The %hi$oso%h* is! that the h#)an "od* is %rod#ced "* the $#nar forces( At the ti)e of conce%tion the Moon )a* "e )athe)atica$$* de)onstrated to ha e "een in the de&ree which is the Ascendant at "irth8at "irth it has a different $on&it#de( In one of these %ositions the Moon )a* "e said to ha e )a&neti7ed the %ositi e %o$e! in the other the ne&ati e %o$e of the seed ato) which as a )a&net draws to itse$f the che)ica$ s#"stance that "#i$ds the dense "od*( The so$ar forces ita$i7e the "od* and! as it is constant$* deca*in&! a %a"#$#) is necessar* to re%air waste( That n#tri)ent and a$$ )ateria$ %ossessions! are therefore! astro$o&ica$$* s%ea-in&! deri ed thro#&h the co)"ined inf$#ences of the S#) and the "efore8)entioned two %ositions of the Moon( 4hen the %$anetar* as%ects to this Part of Fort#ne are fa ora"$e )ateria$ s#ccess and %ros%erit* fo$$ow( 4hen ad erse inf$#ences center #%on it! re erses are )et( The nat#re of the as%ectin& %$anet! the si&n and ho#se it is in te$$ the so#rces whence we )a* e+%ect one or the other! and th#s show #s where to direct o#r ener&ies or what to a oid( The Si&ns of the Fodiac are co#nted fro) Aries which is the first si&n! and each is th#s n#)"ered8 Aries0 Li"ra0 Ta#r#s0 Scor%io0 ? C @ A

Ge)ini0 Sa&ittari#s0 Cancer0 Ca%ricorn0 Leo0 A5#ari#s0 Vir&o0 Pisces0

= B < ?D E ?? > ?@

To find the Part of Fort#ne0 Add to the $on&it#de of the Ascendant0 si&n! de&ree and )in#te! the $on&it#de of the Moon0 si&n! de&ree and )in#te0 Fro) that s#) s#"tract the $on&it#de of the S#n0 si&n! de&ree and )in#te0 The re)ainder is the $on&it#de0 si&n! de&ree and )in#te of the Part of Fort#ne( A%%$*in& this r#$e to the horosco%e we are ca$c#$atin&! we note the factors in o$ ed in the ca$c#$ation as fo$$ows0 Lon&it#de of the Ascendant0 Lon&it#de of the S#n0 Lon&it#de of the Moon0 .e&( Min( Vir&o H>th si&nI ?A E> Leo HEth si&nI DB => A5#ari#s H??th si&nI ?B ?A Si&n .e&( Min( ?? ?B ?A D> ?A E> ?A DA ?< DE DB => ?@ @A =A

4e then fo$$ow the r#$e and add88 Lon&it#de of the Moon0 Lon&it#de of the Ascendant0 S#"tract88 Lon&it#de of the S#n0 Lon&it#de of the Part of Fort#ne0

The twe$fth si&n is Pisces! hence the $on&it#de of the Part of Fort#ne in the horosco%e wi$$ "e Pisces @A0=A( In the a"o e e+a)%$e the st#dent wi$$ notice that when addin& the de&rees of the Moon and Ascendant0 ?BK?AKthe ? de&ree carried in the addition of the )in#tes e5#a$s =A! "#t there are on$* =D de&rees in a si&n! so one si&n was carried forward and added to the other si&ns! the sa)e as we add >D )in#tes to de&rees or ho#rs( If! after s#"tractin& the $on&it#de of the S#n there are )ore than ?@ si&ns $eft! we s#"tract the circ$e of ?@ and wor- with the re)ainder( It a$so ha%%ens that the si&ns of the S#n's $on&it#de e+ceed the co)"ined $on&it#des of the Moon and Ascendant! so that it is i)%ossi"$e to %erfor) the s#"traction( For instance! if the88 Lon&it#de of Ascendant0 Si&n .e&( Min( Aries D? @E EE

Lon&it#de of the Moon0

Aries D? @E ED D= @? <E ?@ DD DD ?E @? <E ?D @B EE D< @? ED Cancer DD @? ED

If the S#n is in Ca%ricorn! the ?Dth si&n! we cannot s#"tract ?D fro) = so we Add the circ$e of ?@ si&ns0 Then we )a* s#"tract88 Lon&it#de of the S#n0 Lon&it#de of Part of Fort#ne0

In the fore&oin& s#"traction of EE )in#tes fro) <E we "orrowed ? de&ree! >D )in#tes! added that to the <E )in#tes! and fro) their s#)! ?DE )in#tes! we s#"tracted EE! $ea in& ED )in#tes( To s#"tract @B de&rees fro) @D $eft after "orrowin& ? de&ree for s#"tractin& the )in#tes! is i)%ossi"$e! so we "orrow one si&n fro) the ?E( That =D de&rees we add to the @D! which )a-es ED( Fro) that ED de&rees we s#"tract @B! $ea in& @? de&rees( Of the ?E si&ns! we ha e "orrowed ?! $ea in& ?<! and ?D fro) ?< $ea es <( The fo#rth si&n is Cancer @?0ED( 4e wi$$ now )a-e a $ist of the $on&it#des of the %$anets as we ha e fi&#red the)! %rior to %$acin& the) in the horosco%e0 Lon&it#de of the S#n0 Lon&it#de of the Moon0 Lon&( of 1e%t#ne Hnoon A#&( @I0 Lon&( of Uran#s Hnoon A#&( @I0 Lon&( of Sat#rn Hnoon A#&( @I0 Lon&( of ;#%iter Hnoon A#&( @I0 Lon&it#de of Mars0 Lon&it#de of Ven#s0 Lon&it#de of Merc#r*0 Lon&it#de of Part of Fort#ne0 Lon&it#de of .ra&on's Head0 Lon&it#de of .ra&on's Tai$0 .e&( Min( Leo DB => A5#ari#s ?B ?A Cancer ?C <@ Ca%ricorn ?A ?ER Aries @= ?= Vir&o ?E ?D Aries D= EA Vir&o DE ?> Leo DC @B Pisces @A =A Ge)ini ?= <C Sa&ittari#s ?= <C

The %$anets )a* now "e %$aced in the horosco%e( In %$acin& the %$anets the st#dent sho#$d %artic#$ar re&ard to two %oints0 First88That the %$anets are %$aced in their %ro%er ho#ses and order( The si&ns and de&rees of the 7odiac &o in the direction shown "* the arrows/ conse5#ent$*! startin& fro) Aries D Hwhich )#st "e in the Se enth Ho#se! as Aries ?< is on the c#s% of the Ei&hth Ho#seI we note that Mars is is Aries =0EA/ conse5#ent$* we %$ace hi) in the Se enth Ho#se c$ose to the c#s% of the Ei&hth( As Aries ?< is on the c#s% of $ine which )ar-s the entrance of to the Ei&hth Ho#se! and Sat#rn is Aries @=0?=! we %$ace hi) in the Ei&hth Ho#se 3#st a"o e the c#s%( Th#s "oth

%$anets are in their %ro%er re$ation to one another and to the ho#ses! and the* are so %$aced that in readin& we can )a-e )ista-e as to the si&n the* are in( If Mars had "een %$aced $ower down in the Se enth Ho#se! at a c#rsor* &$ance he )i&ht e en see) to "e in Pisces! and Sat#rn! %$aced f#rther #% in the Ei&hth! )i&ht a%%ear to "e in

Ta#r#s( That wo#$d ca#se an error in readin& which a $itt$e care wi$$ o" iate( If the st#dent o"ser es caref#$$* the )ethod #sed in %$acin& the %$anets in this horosco%e there wi$$ ne er "e an* do#"t as to the si&ns the %$anets are occ#%*in&( Second88The %ositions of the %$anets sho#$d "e reada"$e witho#t the necessit* of t#rnin& and twistin& the horosco%e! which is s#" ersi e of %ro%er concentration( If %$anets in the Third! Fo#rth! 1inth and Tenth Ho#ses are written as we ha e inscri"ed 1e%t#ne and Uran#s! this incon enience wi$$ "e o erco)e( The horosco%e has now "een cast and is co)%$ete( Most astro$o&ers now start to read! "#t to do this wor- thoro#&h$* it is necessar* to )a-e an inde+ s#ch as wi$$ "e fo#nd in a $ater cha%ter( In order to )a-e the st#dent thoro#&h$* con ersant with the )anner of castin& a horosco%e we wi$$ first co)%$ete the fi&#re cast in %art for A#&( @! A0?E P(M(! for that horosco%e offers certain %ec#$iarities worth* of i$$#stration( To find the G(M(T( we add to the Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e of 2irth! DA @= P(M( A#&( @0 < )in( for each of the AA de&rees $on&it#de! "irth%$ace is west DE E@ of Greenwich0 G(M(T(! A#&#st =rd0 D@ ?E A(M( Here is an i)%ortant %oint( 4hen we add E ho#rs and E@ )in#tes to A P(M(! we

"rin& the G(M(T( into the fo$$owin& da*/ at the identica$ ti)e when the chi$d was "orn and the Chica&o c$oc-s %ointed to ?E )in#tes %ast A on the e enin& of A#&#st @nd! the O"ser ator* c$oc- at Greenwich showed ?E )in#tes %ast @ on the )ornin& of A#&#st =rd( Th#s the noon of A#&#st =rd is nearest the G(M(T(( and the inter a$ "etween G(M(T( H@0?E A(M(I and nearest noon is therefore B ho#rs! <E )in#tes! the $o&arith) of inter a$ "ein& (=B?@( 4e ha e now %erfor)ed the o%erations %rescri"ed in Sections One and Two of o#r r#$e and we wi$$ ne+t find the )otion of the S#n on the G(M(T( da* as directed "* Section Three0 Lon&( of S#n on noon after G(M(T( HA#&( =I0 Lon&( of S#n on noon "efore G(M(T( HA#&( @I0 S#n's )otion on the G(M(T( da*0 Lo&( of S#n's )otion on G(M(T( da* Lo&arith) of inter a$0 Lo&( of S#n's tra e$ d#rin& inter a$0 Va$#e of $o&arith) ?!CB=C Hincre)ent of correctionI D de&rees! @= )in#tes Lon&( of S#n on noon nearest G(M(T0 Min#s incre)ent of correction0 Lon&( of S#n at G(M(T0 .e&( Min( Leo ?D @A Leo DB =? DD EC ?(<D@E (=B?@ ?(CB=C .e&( Min( Leo ?D @A DD @= Leo ?D DE

This %osition )a* "e entered in the horosco%e( In he $ast horosco%e we added the incre)ent of correction to the $on&it#de of each %$anet "eca#se the G(M(T( was after noon( Here the G(M(T( is "efore noon hence we s#"tract the incre)ent of correction fro) the $on&it#de of each %$anet on the nearest noon to G(M(T( as directed "* the r#$e Section Si+ H"I( Lon&( of Moon on noon after G(M(T0 Lon&( of Moon on noon "efore G(M(T(0 Motion of Moon on G(M(T( da*0 .e&( Min( Pisces D@ =B A5#ari#s ?C EE ?< <<

Lo&arith) of Moon's )otion3 Lo&arith) of inter a$3 Lo&( of Moon's )otion d#rin& inter a$3

(@??B (=B?@ (>D=? Deg. Min. Pisces D@ =B

Va$#e of $o&arith) (>D=? Hincre)ent of correctionI E de&rees! EB )in#tes(3 Lon&( of Moon on noon nearest G(M(T( HA#&(=I3

Min#s incre)ent of correction3 Lon&it#de of Moon at G(M(T(3

DE EB A5#ari#s @> <D

As in the first horosco%e we ca$c#$ated! so in this we )a* %ass 1e%t#ne! Uran#s! and Sat#rn witho#t correctin&! and enter the $on&it#de of each for the noon nearest G(M(T( in the horosco%e( Mars' )otion is ?E )in#tes on the G(M(T( da* and his )otion d#rin& the inter a$ of B ho#rs! <E )in#tes wo#$d therefore "e a"o#t > )in#tes( S#"tractin& > )in#tes fro) Mars' $on&it#de on A#&( =rd Hthe noon nearest G(M(T(I! Mars' %osition in the horosco%e wi$$ "e Aries <0D>( Si)i$ar$* ;#%iter re5#ires a correction of < )in#tes )a-in& his %osition Vir&o ?E(?C( Lon&it#de of Ven#s on noon after G(M(T( HA#& =I3 Lon&it#de of Ven#s on noon "efore G(M(T( HA#&( @I3 Motion of Ven#s on G(M(T( da*3 Lo&arith) of Ven#s' )otion on G(M(T( da*3 Lo&arith) of inter a$3 Lo&arith) of Ven#s' tra e$ d#rin& inter a$3 Va$#e of $o&arith) ?(>B@@ Hincre)ent of correction I D de&rees! @B )in#tes( Lon&( of Ven#s on noon nearest G(M(T(3 Min#s incre)ent of correction3 Lon&( of Ven#s to "e entered in horosco%e3 Merc#r* is the $ast of the %$anets we ha e to ca$c#$ate( Deg. Min. Lon&it#de of Merc#r* on noon after G(M(T( HA#&( =I3 Leo DB @@ Lon&it#de of Merc#r* on noon "efore G(M(T( HA#&( @I3 Leo DC ?C Motion of Merc#r* of G(M(T( da*3 D@ DE Lo&( of Merc#r*'s tra e$ on G(M(T( da*3 ?(D>?< Lo&arith) of inter a$3 (=B?@ Lo&( of Merc#r*'s )otion d#rin& inter a$3 ?(<E@> Deg. Min. Va$#e of $o&arith) ?(<E@> Hincre)ent of correctionI D de&rees! Leo DB @@ E? )in#tes( Lon&it#de of Merc#r* on noon nearest G(M(T( HA#&( =I3 Min#s incre)ent of correction3 DD E? Lon&it#de of Merc#r* to "e entered in horosco%e3 Leo DA =? The %osition of the .ra&on's Head or Moon's 1ode! and the .ra&on's Tai$! ha e a$so to "e fo#nd( The .ra&on's Head for A#& =rd! the noon nearest the G(M(T(! is fo#nd in the e%he)eris to "e in ?=0<< Ge)ini( The .ra&on's Tai$ occ#%ies the o%%osite %oint of ?=0<< Sa&ittari#s( It now re)ains to ca$c#$ate the Part of Fort#ne! and we note the factors in that %ro"$e) as "ein&0 Deg. Min. Vir&o D> @? Vir&o DE DB D? ?@ ?(=D?D (=B?@ ?(>B@@ Deg. Min. Vir&o D> @? DD @B Vir&o DE E@

Ascendant! the ?@th si&n3 Lon&it#de of S#n! the Eth si&n3 Lon&it#de of Moon! the ??th si&n3 4e %roceed accordin& to the r#$e &i en0 Lon&it#de of Ascendant3 Lon&it#de of Moon3 Min#s0 Lon&it#de of S#n3 S#"tract the circ$e of ?@ si&ns3 Lon&it#de of the Part of Fort#ne3

Pisces DC DA Leo ?D DE A5#ari#s @> <D Sign Deg. Min. ?@ DC DA ?? @> <D @< D= <A DE ?D DE ?A @= <= ?@ DD DD D> @= <= Vir&o @= <=

4e wi$$ now )a-e a $ist of the %$anets as corrected for insertion in the horosco%e0 The S#n0 The Moon0 1e%t#ne0 Uran#s0 Sat#rn0 ;#%iter0 Mars0 Ven#s0 Sign Deg. Min. Leo ?D DE A5#ari#s @> <D Cancer ?C << Ca%ricorn ?A ?=R Aries @= ?< Vir&o ?E ?C Aries D< D> Vir&o DE E@

Merc#r*0 Part of Fort#ne0 .ra&on's Head0 .ra&on's Tai$0

Leo DA =? Vir&o @= <= Ge)ini ?= << Sa&ittari#s ?= <<

4e ha e now cast the two horosco%es and a co)%arison re ea$s the fact that a$tho#&h cast for %ersons "orn in the sa)e cit* on the sa)e da* of the *ear! the characteristics of one of these %ersons wi$$ "e entire$* o%%osite to those of the other! and as character is the deter)inator of destin*! the $i es of these two %ersons wi$$ "e entire$* o%%osite( 2efore we can 3#d&e these two horosco%es it is necessar* that we sho#$d o"tain a c$ear conce%tion of the re$ations of the %$anets to one another! to the si&ns of the Fodiac and to the ho#ses as the* are in each of the two horosco%es! and to that end we wi$$ )a-e an inde+ that sha$$ re ea$ these re$ationshi%s at a &$ance! so that o#r )inds )a* not "e ha)%ered "* )athe)atics at the ti)e when we are 3#d&in& the horosco%e! "#t "e free and concentrated #%on the )eanin& of the different as%ects and %ositions( RETRO0RA4ATION On the %a&e of o#r e%he)eris co%ied in this "oo-! *o# wi$$ find in the co$#)ns of Sat#rn and Mars a ca%ita$ R( The )eanin& is as fo$$ows0 The %$anets of o#r so$ar s*ste) )o e in one direction! fro) west to east! "#t their or"its a"o#t the S#n are of ar*in& si7es! and so are their e$ocities( The earth tra e$s >E!DDD )i$es an ho#r and sti$$ its circ$e is so $ar&e that it re5#ires =>E da*s to 3o#rne* aro#nd the S#n( Merc#r* )a-es a )#ch s)a$$er circ$e aro#nd the S#n! and tra e$s ?D<!DDD )i$es an ho#r! so it co)%$etes a re o$#tion aro#nd the S#n in AA da*s( Uran#s tra e$s on$* ?EDDD )i$es an ho#r! "#t its circ$e is so $ar&e that it re5#ires A< *ears to co)%$ete( The other %$anets show si)i$ar ariations of s%eed( If the* tra e$ed in a strai&ht $ine the s)a$$er and faster %$anets wo#$d soon $ea e the )ore %ondero#s and s$ow8)o in& "ehind! "#t as the* )o e in circ$e! the* %ass a &i en %oint of o"ser ation a&ain and a&ain( 4ere that %oint centra$ and stationar* this constant forward )otion of the %$anets in their res%ecti e or"its wo#$d "e a%%arent to a$$ o"ser ers/ "#t that is the tro#"$e! there is no stationar* %oint/ e er* %artic$e! fro) ;#%iter! the &iant of o#r so$ar s*ste)! to the s)a$$est %artic$e of ,stard#st, is in incessant )otion aro#nd a co))on center! and therefore! at ti)es one %$anet )o es a$)ost trans erse$* to the %ath of another )o in& "od* and it a%%ears for a ti)e as if it stood sti$$ in its or"it( Astrono)ers sa* that s#ch a %$anet is stationar*( At other ti)es this o"$i5#e )otion of the %$anets re$ati e to the earth's %osition in its or"it )a-es the) see) to )o e "ac-ward in the 7odiac! and this we ca$$ Retro&rade( In the e%he)eris we find a ca%ita$ R in $ine with the da* when an* %$anet co))ences th#s see)in&$* to recede! and this retro&radation &oes on #nti$ we find a ca%ita$ . which indicates that a direct forward )otion of the %$anet is a&ain o"ser a"$e( Tho#&h this "ac-ward )otion of a %$anet is on$* see)in&! it has a er* rea$ effect

in res%ect to the inf$#ence which a %$anet e+erts! for it is the an&$e of the ra* which deter)ines the inf$#ence of a %$anet( The %$anets are foci which trans)it and intensif* the %ro%erties of fi+ed stars so that the* affect #s in a )#ch &reater de&ree than when not foc#sed #%on the %oint of o"ser ation8the "irth%$ace( Let #s now s#%%ose that at the ti)e a chi$d is "orn we $oo- at Sat#rn and "e*ond hi)! ri&ht a$on& o#r $ine of o"ser ation! we see the fi+ed star Antares which is in a"o#t A de&rees of Sa&ittari#s/ the chi$d is then &ettin& a tendenc* to e*e tro#"$e which is s#fficient$* se ere e en if the %$anet is tra e$in& ,direct, in its or"it as is &enera$$* the case! for then Antares &rad#a$$* &oes o#t of foc#s! and Sat#rn wi$$ not ret#rn to the con3#nction #nti$ it has co)%$eted its circ$e 3o#rne* aro#nd the S#n Hwhich ta-es a"o#t @B *earsI( If! on the other hand! we find that on the da* after "irth Sat#rn has retro&raded so)ewhat! and sti$$ )ore the ne+t da*! and so on for a wee- or two! then that a$so "rin&s Antares o#t of foc#s! "#t there is this important difference, that instead of ta-in& @B *ears to for) the ne+t con3#nction Sat#rn )a* "eco)e ,direct!, and for) the second con3#nction with Antares in a few wee-s after "irth! and this re%eated e i$ ra* )a* a&&ra ate the nata$ defect to s#ch an e+tent that the chi$d "eco)es "$ind( Th#s we reiterate! that while the retrograde motion of a planet is only seeming, its influence on human affairs is very real.

C APTER 1I T E ASPECTS The circ$e of the 7odiac! $i-e an* other circ$e! is di isi"$e into =>D de&rees( 4ithin this circ$e )o e the hea en$* "odies of o#r so$ar s*ste)! "#t their )otion is far fro) #nifor)! as shown in the first cha%ter( Therefore those %$anets which )o e the s$owest are o erta-en! %assed! and re8%assed "* the swifter "odies( 4hen one %$anet is a certain n#)"er of de&rees fro) another %$anet the* are said to "e in as%ect( TAB(E OF ASPECTS The The The The The O%%osition0 S5#are0 Se+ti$e0 Trine0 Con3#nction0 %$anets %$anets %$anets %$anets %$anets are are are are are ?AD de&rees a%art( BD de&rees a%art( >D de&rees a%art( ?@D de&rees a%art( D de&rees a%art(

The Para$$e$ occ#rs when two %$anets ha e the sa)e de&ree of dec$ination! no )atter whether one is north and the other so#th of the e5#ator( This wi$$ "e )ade c$ear in ca$c#$ations which fo$$ow $ater( Of the as%ects )entioned a"o e! the O%%osition and S5#are are said to "e e i$/ the Se+ti$e and Trine are desi&nated &ood! whi$e the Con3#nction and Para$$e$ are

c$assed as indeter)inate/ if the* occ#r "etween so8ca$$ed &ood %$anets the* "rin& &ood/ if "etween the e i$ %$anets Hso8ca$$edI the* "rin& e i$( A horosco%e is considered fort#nate or the re erse accordin& to whether the se+ti$es and trines are )ore n#)ero#s than the s5#ares and o%%ositions( S#ch a iew%oint is erroneo#s( In the Father's 6in&do) there is no e i$( 4hat a%%ears so is on$* &ood in the )a-in&( 4hen a $a%idar* is c#ttin& a %recio#s stone he a%%$ies %art after %art of the ro#&h &e) to the &rindstone and at each a%%$ication we )a* hear the $o#d screechin&! as if in %ain! fro) the stone( 2* de&rees! howe er! as a conse5#ence of the harsh &rindin& %rocess! it wi$$ ac5#ire a "ea#tif#$$* %o$ished s#rface with n#)ero#s facets ca%a"$e of recei in&! ref$ectin& and refractin& the "ri$$iant s#n$i&ht( God and his Ministers! the Se en P$anetar* S%irits! are the La%idaries and )an is a dia)ond in the ro#&h( To %o$ish and #nco er his s%irit#a$ nat#re aried e+%eriences are necessar*( The* )a* "e %$easant or otherwise! as indicated "* what are co))on$* ca$$ed &ood or "ad as%ects/ "#t it is safe to sa* that the ad erse e+%eriences which co)e to #s #nder so8ca$$ed "ad as%ects are as %otent de e$o%ers of s%irit#a$ )#sc$e88re)o in& )ore of o#r se$fishness! ser in& to )a-e #s )ore to$erant and s*)%athetic! as the harsh &rindin& which ser es to re)o e the ro#&h coat of the dia)ond( Tho#&h a horosco%e f#$$ of s5#ares and o%%ositions )a* indicate what is ordinari$* ter)ed a hard $ife! s#ch a one is infinite$* %refera"$e Hfro) a s%irit#a$ stand%ointI to a nati it* with on$* ,&ood, as%ects! for that co#$d &i e "#t an insi%id e+istence! whi$e a ,"ad, horosco%e wi$$ &i e action and 7est to the $ife in one direction or another( Moreo er as the stars do not compel, "#t &i e tendencies on$*! it $ies with #s in a $ar&e )eas#re to assert o#r indi id#a$it* and trans)#te %resent e i$ to f#t#re &ood( Th#s we sha$$ wor- in har)on* with the stars and r#$e the) "* o"edience to cos)ic $aw( The inf$#ence of an as%ect "etween the %$anets at "irth is fe$t e en if the* are not exactly >D! BD! ?@D or ?AD de&rees a%art/ an ,or"!, so8ca$$ed! of > de&rees is a$$owed( In the acco)%an*in& c#t Sat#rn and ;#%iter are within or" of each other "eca#se one is ? de&ree! the other C de&rees of Aries( Sat#rn "ein& ? de&ree! is a$so within or" of Mars H= de&reesI and Merc#r* HE de&reesI! "#t is not within or" of the S#n! Moon or Ven#s! as there are )ore than > de&rees fro) ? HSat#rn's de&reeI to B! ?@ and ?<! the de&rees occ#%ied "* the S#n! Moon and Ven#s( The s%irit#a$ reason for this or" is as fo$$ows0882esides the isi"$e "od* of )an which we %ercei e "* o#r senses! )an has a$so in isi"$e ehic$es ca$$ed "* Pa#$ s%irit#a$ "odies! and )an hi)se$f is a s%irit(

4hen we ha e de e$o%ed the fac#$t* of s%irit#a$ si&ht! which is $atent in a$$! we sha$$ see these finer "odies %rotr#din& far "e*ond the dense "od* which is $ocated in the center of this ,a#ra!, )#ch as the *o$- of an e&& is in the center of the e&&! s#rro#nded "* the white on a$$ sides( 2efore two h#)an "ein&s co)e in c$ose %h*sica$ contact their a#ras ha e )in&$ed/ that is the reason wh* we ,fee$ the %resence of another, at ti)es "efore we "eco)e aware of hi) "* )eans of o#r ordinar* senses( As a"o e! so "e$ow( Man is )ade in the i)a&e of God and of His )inisters88the star an&e$s( Each %$anet has an in isi"$e wor$d %rotr#din& into s%ace "e*ond the dense isi"$e s%here %ercei ed "* the e*e( 4hen these %$anetar* a#ras co)e into as%ect an inf$#ence is fe$t! tho#&h the isi"$e %$anets )a* *et $ac- > de&rees in for)in& an as%ect or the* )a* ha e &one > de&rees %ast the as%ect "efore the inf$#ence ceases( In order to deter)ine at a &$ance 3#st what as%ect the %$anets in a horosco%e ha e to one another! when within or"s we note the fo$$owin& di ision of the 7odiaca$ si&ns0

P$anets in Cardina$ si&ns are in con3#nction! s5#are or o%%osition if within orb, %$anets in Fi+ed si&ns are a$so in con3#nction! s5#are or o%%osition if within or"s and so are %$anets in Co))on si&ns( A &$ance at the horosco%e wi$$ re ea$ which of the three as%ects is for)ed( Another di ision of the 7odiac is0

P$anets in fier* si&ns are in con3#nction or trine if within orb. P$anets in earth* si&ns are in trine Hor con3#nctionI/ so are the %$anets in air* or water* si&ns! as shown in the a"o e dia&ra)( Essential Dignities and Exaltation: P$anets are said to ,r#$e, or to "e ,essentia$$* di&nified, in certain si&ns where the essentia$ nat#re of %$anet and si&n a&ree( 4hen %$aced in the o%%osite si&ns! the* are in their ,detri)ent!, and hence o#t of har)on* with their s#rro#ndin&s( P$anets are )ore %owerf#$ in certain si&ns than in others! and are said to "e ,e+a$ted, when %$aced in s#ch si&ns( 4hen occ#%*in& the o%%osite si&ns! the* are in their ,fa$$!, hence co)%arati e$* wea-( The fo$$owin& ta"$e wi$$ show the %$anets! and the si&ns in which the* are stron& or wea-! in accordance with the fore&oin&( It wi$$ "e noted that each of the %$anets! with the e+ce%tion of Uran#s and 1e%t#ne! r#$es two si&ns! whi$e the S#n and Moon r#$e on$* one each( A$so note that Uran#s and Sat#rn are co8r#$ers of A5#ari#s and that 1e%t#ne and ;#%iter are co8r#$ers of Pisces(

Critical Degrees: The fo$$owin& ta"$e shows certain de&rees of the Fodiac which are desi&nated as ,critica$ de&rees(, 4hen a %$anet is within an or" of three de&rees of an* of these

%oints! it wi$$ "e fo#nd to e+ercise a )#ch stron&er inf$#ence in the $ife than otherwise( This inf$#ence wi$$ tend to increase the stren&th of an e+a$tation! and a$so to offset the wea-ness res#$tin& fro) a %$anet "ein& in its fa$$ or detri)ent( It wi$$ a$so increase the stren&th of as%ects to that %$anet( TAB(E OF CRITICA( 4E0REES Cardinal Signs 88 Aries! Cancer! Li"ra! Ca%ricorn/ ?st(! ?=th(! and @>th( de&rees( ixed Signs 88 Ta#r#s! Leo! Scor%io! A5#ari#s/ Bth( and @?st de&rees( Common Signs 88 Ge)ini! Vir&o! Sa&ittari#s! Pisces/ <th( and ?Cth( de&rees( Elevation: A %$anet %$aced in or near the ninth or tenth ho#ses is said to "e ,e$e ated(, The nearer it is to the Midhea en! the )ore hi&h$* e$e ated it is( A %$anet in e$e ation is )#ch )ore %owerf#$! for either &ood or e i$! than when %$aced at a $ower a$tit#de( !he "ngles: 4hen %$anets are fo#nd in the ,an&$es, of the horosco%e HFirst! Fo#rth! Se enth and Tenth Ho#sesI the* are said to "e angular or accidentally dignified. 4hen so %$aced! the* e+ert a &reater inf$#ence for either &ood or e i$! than when $ocated in the other ho#ses( 4hen the st#dent has di&ested the a"o e infor)ation he sho#$d %roceed to )a-e a ta"$e or inde+ of the re$ationshi% of the %$anets as shown in the dia&ra) on %a&e AB(

#A5IN0 T E IN4E8 Loo-in& at the horosco%e for A0?E P(M( we note that Sat#rn and Mars are in Aries! a Cardina$ si&n( 4e therefore %$ace the) #nder Cardina$ si&ns in the )ain( Cancer! the ne+t Cardina$ si&n! contains 1e%t#ne! and that %$anet is entered #nder the Cardina$ si&ns in the )ain( Li"ra! the third Cardina$ si&n! contains no %$anets( Ca%ricorn is the $ast of the Cardina$ si&ns/ Uran#s is there and when we ha e entered hi) in the inde+ we ha e a co)%$ete $ist of the %$anets which! in this horosco%e! are %$aced in Cardina$ si&ns( The Fi+ed si&ns are Ta#r#s! Leo! Scor%io and A5#ari#s( In Ta#r#s we find no %$anet( The S#n and Merc#r* are in Leo! hence we enter the) in the inde+ #nder the headin& ,Fi+ed(, Scor%io has no %$anets "#t the Moon is in A5#ari#s( It is therefore a$so entered #nder ,Fi+ed, in the )ain( In this horosco%e the Co))on si&ns Ge)ini! Sa&ittari#s and Pisces! contain no %$anets! "#t Vir&o! the other Co))on si&n! has ;#%iter and Ven#s/ hence these are entered #nder the $ist of %$anets in Co))on si&ns! as is a$so the Part of Fort#ne( This co)%$etes o#r c$assification of the %$anets in res%ect to the te)%era)ent! and to )a-e s#re that we ha e entered a$$ in the inde+! we co#nt the)0 Fo#r are in Cardina$/ three are c$assified as Fi+ed! and two as Co))on! )a-in& a tota$ of nine %$anets! "esides the Part of Fort#ne( That is ri&ht/ so we %roceed in $i-e )anner to note the %$anets in Fier* si&ns( 4e enter the) in the )ain( 1e+t the Earth*! Air* and 4ater* si&ns( 4e ha e then )ade o#r c$assification accordin& to e$e)ents! and a&ain we co#nt to see that we ha e entered a$$ the %$anets( Fo#r are in Fier* si&ns/ three in Earth* si&ns/ one in Air*! and one in 4ater* si&ns( The tota$ is nine %$anets! which is ri&ht( 4e ne+t note the e+a$tation! etc(! as &i en in the )ain( 1ow we are %re%ared to note the as%ects! and the st#dent is %artic#$ar$* re5#ested to fo$$ow the s*ste) as here o#t$ined/ then he cannot %ossi"$* )iss an* as%ect( P$ace the inde+ fin&er of the $eft hand #%on the first or $eft hand %$anet #nder the headin& Cardina$ in the )ain( HIn the %resent case Mars(I P$ace *o#r %enci$ %oint he$d in the ri&ht hand on the %$anet ne+t to the ri&ht in the Cardina$ $ine HSat#rn hereI( 1ote "* a &$ance at the horosco%e if these two %$anets are in or" H> de&reesI of each other( Here the answer is! no/ one is <! the other @= de&rees( The* are therefore not in as%ect( 6ee% the $eft inde+ fin&er in %$ace! "#t )o e the %enci$ to the ri&ht to the ne+t %$anet H1e%t#ne hereI! and as-! are the* within or"J 88a&ain the answer is no( A&ain the %enci$ %oint is )o ed to the ri&ht and is on the $ast %$anet in the Cardina$ $ine HUran#sI/ the 5#estion! are the %$anets #nder the inde+ fin&er and the %enci$ %oint within or"! is as-ed! and answered ne&ati e$*( Th#s we ha e ascertained that the %$anet #nder o#r $eft hand inde+ fin&er HMarsI has no as%ect to an* of the other %$anets in Cardina$ si&ns( 4e then )o e the $eft inde+ fin&er one %$ace to the ri&ht Hto Sat#rnI! %$ace o#r %enci$ %oint on the %$anet

ne+t to the ri&ht of that Hon 1e%t#ne hereI! re%eat the 5#er*! are the %$anets #nder the inde+ fin&er and the %enci$ %oint HSat#rn and 1e%t#ne hereI within or"J A &$ance at the horosco%e shows that the* are/ one "ein& ?C and the other @=( The* are therefore in as%ect( O#r r#$e sa*s that88P$anets in Cardina$! Fi+ed or Co))on si&ns are either in con3#nction s5#are or o%%osition if within or"sL A &$ance at the %osition of Sat#rn and 1e%t#ne shows that the* are not in con3#nction/ nor in o%%osition/ the* )#st therefore "e s5#are to each other( other( 4e therefore write a s5#are and the s*)"o$ of Sat#rn in 1e%t#ne's $ine in the Inde+/ a$so a s5#are and the s*)"o$ of 1e%t#ne in Sat#rn's $ine( Th#s we ha e recorded that as%ect( 4e $ea e o#r $eft inde+ fin&er on Sat#rn! "#t )o e the %enci$ %oint to the ri&ht! to Uran#s( 4e re%eat o#r 5#er*! are the* in or"J The answer is *es! and their %ositions indicate the as%ect as "ein& a s5#are( This we note in the $ines of Sat#rn and Uran#s as in %re io#s cases( Then we ha e recorded a$$ the as%ects of Sat#rn to the %$anets to the ri&ht of hi)! and we )o e o#r $eft inde+ fin&er to the ri&ht Hto 1e%t#ne and Uran#sI and as- o#r 5#estion re&ardin& or"( The answer is *es( 1e%t#ne and Uran#s are within or" of each other! hence in o%%osition( This as%ect is entered in the inde+ a$so and co)%$etes the as%ects of 1e%t#ne( 4e ha e now noted in a thoro#&h and s*ste)atic )anner a$$ the as%ects "etween the %$anets in the Cardina$ $ine( The sa)e )ode of %roced#re we e)%$o* with the %$anets in the other $ines wor#ing in each line steadily from left to right. If this )ethod is fo$$owed no as%ect can "e )issed( In dea$in& with the %$anets in the Fier*! Air*! Earth* and 4ater* si&ns! we re)e)"er of co#rse that the* are in trine or con3#nction if within or"( In &ettin& the Se+ti$es a different )ethod is necessar*( Start with Mars HAries < hereI! add >D de&rees! which &i es Ge)ini <( As! is an* %$anet in or" of Ge)ini <J The answer is no( Pass the $eft inde+ fin&er to the ne+t %$anet in the horosco%e HSat#rnI( He is in Aries @=/ addin& >D de&rees &i es Ge)ini @=( There is no %$anet within or" of that %oint( The $eft inde+ fin&er is %assed on to the ne+t %$anet H1e%t#neI in Cancer ?C( 4e add >D de&rees which &i es Vir&o ?C( 4e as- o#r 5#estion! Is an* %$anet in or" of that %ointJ The answer is *es88;#%iter in Vir&o ?E( Then 1e%t#ne and ;#%iter are se+ti$e and are so entered in the $ines of "oth %$anets in the )ain( Proceedin& we )o e the $eft inde+ fin&er to e er* %$ant in the horosco%e in t#rn/ addin& >D de&rees and as-in& o#r 5#estion( 4hen we ha e fo$$owed the circ$e aro#nd we sha$$ a$so ha e recorded a$$ the se+ti$es and )issed none( The .ra&on's Head and the .ra&on's Tai$ e+ert an inf$#ence in the horosco%e on$* when in con3#nction with a %$ant or the Ascendant( An or" of on$* two de&rees or at )ost three de&rees is a$$owed( The .ra&on's Head is re&arded as a "enefic! its inf$#ence "ein& ana$o&o#s to that of the S#n in Aries! and ;#%iterian in effect( The .ra&on's Tai$ is )a$efic! "ein& Sat#rnine in 5#a$it* and ha in& an inf$#ence si)i$ar to that of Sat#rn in Li"ra( In the %resent case neither the .ra&on's Head nor Tai$ is

in con3#nction with a %$anet! hence there are no as%ects to the) to "e entered in the Main( There re)ain *et the Para$$e$s( To find the) we t#rn to the %a&e fro) the e%he)eris for the )onth of "irth HA#&#stI fo#nd in the "ac- of this "oo-( At the to% of the %a&e we find the na)es of the %$anets0 1e%t#ne! Uran#s! Sat#rn! etc(! and "e$ow each %$anet is noted its .ec$ination for the da*s of the )onth &i en in the $eft hand co$#)n(

As o#r G(M(T( is ear$* )ornin& on A#&#st =rd we %$ace the dec$inations for A#&#st =rd o%%osite each %$anet in the )ain( An e+ce%tion is the Moon's dec$ination which re5#ires a $o&arith)ic correction in accordance with the G(M(T( This correction is )ade "* the sa)e )ethod #sed in o"tainin& the Moon's $on&it#de( 4e th#s find the Moon's dec$ination to "e ?C8@( The dec$ination of the Part of Fort#ne is the sa)e as the dec$ination of the S#n when in the sa)e si&n and de&ree(

Here the Part of Fort#ne is Vir&o @=0<=( Ta-e an e%he)eris for an* *ear and find when the S#n was there( That wi$$ "e a"o#t Se%te)"er ?C! and then the S#n's dec$ination was @0@E He%he)eris for ?BDB(I That! then! is the dec$ination of the Part of Fort#ne( In the sa)e wa* the dec$inations of the Midhea en and the Ascendant )a* "e fo#nd if desired( Ha in& entered a$$ the dec$inations in the inde+! %$ace the $eft inde+ fin&er on the dec$ination of 1e%t#ne at the "otto)/ the %enci$ %oint on the dec$ination ne+t a"o e HUran#sI/ as- if the* are within ? de&ree or at )ost ? ?G@ de&rees( The answer is *es! and so the* are entered in the co$#)n of as%ects as %ara$$e$( Mo e the %enci$ #% the $ine! notin& at each ste% if the dec$inations of the %$anets #nder the inde+ fin&er and %enci$ %oint are within or" Hone de&ree or a $itt$e )ore(I 4hen the %enci$ %oint has reached the to%! a$$ %ara$$e$s #nder the $eft inde+ fin&er wi$$ ha e "een noted( Then )o e the $eft inde+ fin&er one ste% #% Hto Uran#sI and the %enci$ %oint #% to the dec$ination of the %$anet ne+t a"o e/ note their %ara$$e$! if an*/ )o e the %enci$ %oint #%ward! ste% "* ste%! fo$$owin& the sa)e )ethod in )o in& fro) "otto) #%ward to &et the dec$ination as was fo$$owed "* )o in& the inde+ fin&er and %enci$ %oint fro) $eft to ri&ht to &et the con3#nctions s5#ares! trines and o%%ositions( 4hen the Para$$e$s ha e "een recorded the inde+ is finished/ and if %$aced "e$ow the horosco%e on one sheet of %a%er as shown in the acco)%an*in& i$$#stration the st#dent wi$$ ha e read* at hand e er* )eans of 3#d&in& the fi&#re witho#t t#rnin&

his attention fro) that to co)%#tin& as%ects( Th#s a )ore concentrated attit#de of the )ind is attaina"$e( 1either is the %rocess of )a-in& the inde+ as co)%$icated as the %rocess of descri"in& it/ in fact! it is si)%$icit* itse$f! as it in o$ es no )athe)atica$ ca$c#$ation "#t on$* the %ro%er )ethodica$ %$ace)ent of the $eft inde+ fin&er and )o in& a %enci$ %oint to the ri&ht or #%ward fro) that fin&er )ere$* as-in& contin#a$$*0 Are the %$anets #nder fin&er and %enci$ within or"J If this )ethod is fo$$owed o#t the st#dent can ne er )iss an as%ect and wi$$ "e a"$e to )a-e s#ch an inde+ in fro) fifteen to twent* )in#tes( In order that %roficienc* )a* "e achie ed! the st#dent sho#$d endea or to )a-e the inde+ for the horosco%e cast for A#&#st @nd(! A0?E A(M( As%ects to the Ascendant! which re%resents the "od*! ha e an inf$#ence #%on the hea$th( As%ects to the Midhea en indicate the nat#re of one's o%%ort#nities for s%irit#a$ ad ance)ent( 2#t since the e+act ti)e of "irth is rare$* -nown! and since a s)a$$ error in this )a-es se era$ de&rees difference in the Ascendant or Midhea en! %redictions )ade fro) as%ects to these %oints are $i-e$* to "e fo#nd #nre$ia"$e( Hence we ha e not entered the) in the Main(

1OTE0 In addition to the fore&oin&! %$anets in the $ast si+ de&rees of an* si&n )#st "e co)%ared with a$$ %$anets in the first si+ de&rees of other si&ns! "eca#se the* )a* "e in as%ect to each other witho#t co)in& #nder an* of the %recedin& r#$es( E+a)%$es of this are as fo$$ows0 Mars in @<8=D Aries is in con3#nction with Ven#s in D8=D Ta#r#s/ Merc#r* in @>8D Ta#r#s is se+ti$e ;#%iter in @8D Leo/ Sat#rn in @C8B Ge)ini is s5#are Uran#s in @8D Li"ra/ 1e%t#ne in @A8D Cancer is trine Mars in =8D Sa&ittari#s/ Ven#s in @B8=D Leo is in o%%osition to Merc#r* in E8=D Pisces(

PART II A P I(OSOP IC ENC+C(OPE4IA OF ASTRO(O0+ Accidental Dignity: 4hen a %$anet is %$aced in an an&$e its effect is )#ch )ore %owerf#$ than in the s#ccedent or cadent ho#ses( In this res%ect a %osition in the Tenth Ho#se is stron&est on acco#nt of e$e ation Hsee E$e ationI! the First Ho#se is ne+t! then the Se enth! and the Fo#rth Ho#se is wea-est( Adjusted Calculation Date: A date at which the noon %ositions of the %$anets c#$)inate when #sed in the Pro&ressed Horosco%e( It is o"tained "* a si)%$e ca$c#$ation! and with it %redictions )a* "e )ade in an* horosco%e for $ife! witho#t f#rther )athe)atica$ co)%#tations( Affliction: A %$anet is aff$icted when it is %ara$$e$! con3#nction! s5#are or o%%osition to Mars! Sat#rn! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne! or in s5#are or o%%osition to an* of the other %$anets HSee CombustI( Airy Signs: Ge)ini! Li"ra and A5#ari#s are ca$$ed Air* si&ns( Their inf$#ence is )ost$* )enta$ and inte$$ect#a$( Angles: The First! Fo#rth! Se enth and Tenth Ho#ses( The Eastern an&$e with Aries! where Mars is the r#$er! s#&&ests the S#n risin& to the )ateria$ acti ities of the da*( As the S#n! denotin& s%irit! is #nder the cross denotin& )atter! "#t risin& toward it! therefore it denotes the "e&innin& of Life in the )ateria$ wor$d! and Mars! the r#$er! stands for the desire nat#re! which draws the s%irit towards )ateria$ e+istence in order that it )a* con5#er )atter( The So#thern an&$e! Ca%ricorn! with Sat#rn as r#$er! s#&&ests the S#n crossin& the )eridian as it does at noon( It has tra ersed ha$f its %rescri"ed 3o#rne* across the hea ens! therefore the ha$f8circ$e is o)itted! and the other ha$f8circ$e is retained #nder the cross in the s*)"o$ of Sat#rn( Hence Sat#rn denotes %ersistence! )echanica$ a"i$it*! etc(! and the Tenth Ho#se the wor$d$* achie e)ents of the h#)an "ein&( The 4estern an&$e with Li"ra in the "a$ance where the )ateria$ acti ities t#rn to the s%irit#a$! di ides the da* fro) the ni&ht/ the "#s* s#))er fro) the inacti e winter( It t#rns the wa-in& ho#rs de oted to the acti e )ateria$ $ife! into the ni&ht where )an contacts the #nseen wor$d( Therefore the circ$e! s%irit! is a"o e the cross of )atter! the desire nat#re has "een con5#ered! and the s*)"o$ of Mars t#rned #%side down so that it "eco)es the s*)"o$ of Ven#s! the %$anet of $o e

which r#$es this ho#se! and which is therefore a$so the ho#se of #nions! of %artnershi%s! the ho#se that denotes the one nearest and dearest to #s( The 1orthern an&$e! with the si&n Cancer! )ar-s the ti)e when the S#n is at its $owest %oint( The si&n consists of two s#ns! with the $ine of force %roceedin& fro) each one! "#t in o%%osite directions( The $ine fro) the s#n which %oints to the East denotes the direction in which the %h*sica$ S#n )o es( The s#n with the $ine of force &oin& towards the 4est denotes the %ath in which the s%irit#a$ inf$#ences t#rn after the %h*sica$ S#n has ceased its acti it*( This an&$e! therefore! is the an&$e of )*ster*! occ#$tis)! and of the dar- and #nseen side of )an's nat#re/ therefore it has for its r#$er the or" of ni&ht! the Moon( Angular: A %$anet is said to "e an&#$ar when it is %$aced in the an&$es of the horosco%e( This %osition stren&thens the inf$#ence of the %$anet considera"$* for &ood or i$$ accordin& to the nat#re of the %$anet and its as%ects( Antares: See 'Fi+ed Stars'( Apply: 4hen a swift )o in& %$anet a%%roaches an as%ect with a s$ower! it is said to a%%$* to a s5#are! trine etc( of that %$anet( As the a%%$*in& %$anet )#st "e s%eedier than the one it a%%$ies to! it is e ident that the Moon a%%$ies in t#rn to the as%ects of a$$ the other %$anets each )onth when she %asses aro#nd the 7odiac! "#t Sat#rn who ta-es thirt* *ears to )a-e the circ$e can on$* a%%$* to Uran#s which #ses ei&ht*8fo#r *ears! and to 1e%t#ne which ta-es a h#ndred and si+t*8fi e *ears( That r#$e ho$ds &ood when the %$anets )o e direct in the Fodiac Hfro) Aries to Ta#r#s etc(I! "#t if the s$ower )o in& %$anet is retrograde H)o in& fro) Ta#r#s to Aries etc(I! "oth the %$anets )a* "e a%%$*in& to the as%ect( HSee direct and retrograde.I The inf$#ence of the %$anets is a$wa*s stron&er when the* are a%%$*in& than when the* are se%aratin&( Ascelli: See $ ixed Stars.$ Ascendant: The de&ree of the 7odiac which is on the eastern hori7on at a certain ti)e( A new de&ree rises e er* fo#r )in#tes! a new si&n a"o#t e er* two ho#rs! and the twe$ e si&ns rise in e er* %$ace on earth in twent*8fo#r ho#rs( 4hate er si&n is on the Ascendant is ca$$ed the RISI1G si&n( See 'H*$e&'( Ascension: Under this headin& wi$$ "e &ro#%ed! Si&ns of Lon& Ascension! Si&ns of Short Ascension! Ri&ht Ascension and O"$i5#e Ascension( Si&ns of long ascension are0 Cancer! Leo! Vir&o! Li"ra! Scor%io and Sa&ittari#s(

Si&ns of short ascension are0 Ca%ricorn! A5#ari#s! Pisces! Aries! Ta#r#s and Ge)ini( The* are so ca$$ed "eca#se the si&ns of Lon& Ascension rise s$ow$* in 1orthern $atit#des! ta-in& a )#ch $on&er ti)e than the two ho#rs re5#ired if a$$ the twe$ e si&ns rose at a #nifor) rate d#rin& the twent*8fo#r ho#rs( Leo ta-es a"o#t two ho#rs and fort*8fi e )in#tes in Lat( <D 1orth where 1ew Yor- is! and Pisces and Aries! two si&ns of Short Ascension! ta-e on$* one ho#r and ten )in#tes( The reason $ies in the o"$i5#it* of the Ec$i%tic! see %a&e <B( The effect is that )ost %eo%$e in the 1orthern He)is%here are "orn #nder the si&ns of Lon& Ascension( In the So#thern He)is%here the si&ns $isted as of Short Ascension in the fore&oin& c$assification! are si&ns of Lon& Ascension! and )ost %eo%$e are "orn #nder the)! whi$e the 1orthern si&ns of Lon& Ascension rise 5#ic-$* in the So#th and re$ati e$* few are "orn #nder the)( Th#s the %eo%$e of the o%%osite he)is%heres are a$so o%%osite in their inner nat#res! and show different characteristics( %ight ascension and obli&ue ascension are not #sed in the s*ste) of Astro$o&* &enera$$* in o&#e! e+ce%t in the ca$c#$ation of the ho#ses! with which the a era&e st#dent has no concern( Lon&it#de is )eas#red on the ec$i%tic or S#n's %ath fro) the first %oint of Aries! "#t Ri&ht Ascension is )eas#red on the e5#inoctia$ or ce$estia$ e5#ator( Aspects: The distance a%art of %$anets! which deter)ines their inf$#ence for &ood or i$$( The s&uare is BD de&rees and the opposition is ?AD de&rees( These are ca$$ed e i$ as%ects( The sextile is >D de&rees and the trine is ?@D de&rees( The* are ca$$ed &ood as%ects( The con'unction occ#rs when two %$anets are in the sa)e de&ree of the Fodiac! and the parallel is the %osition of two %$anets in the sa)e de&ree of dec$ination! re&ard$ess of whether the* are "oth 1orth or So#th of the E5#ator! or whether one is in 1orth and the other in So#th dec$ination( These as%ects are aria"$e( If "etween "enefics Hthe S#n! Ven#s and ;#%iterI! the* are &ood! or if the %$anets of aria"$e nat#re Hthe Moon and Merc#r*I! are as%ected "* con3#nction or %ara$$e$ with the "enefics it is &ood! "#t if the S#n! Moon! Merc#r*! Ven#s or ;#%iter are in con3#nction or %ara$$e$ with one of the )a$efics HMars! Sat#rn! Uran#s and 1e%t#neI! it is e i$/ the con3#nction of two )a$efics is )ore so! "#t the %ara$$e$ of two )a$efics is e+ceedin&$* stron& in its detri)enta$ inf$#ence( Con erse$*! of co#rse! the %ara$$e$ "etween two "enefics is e+traordinari$* fort#nate( Axis: If we were to %ierce an a%%$e thro#&h the center with a -nittin&8need$e! that wo#$d "e the a+is of the a%%$e! and on this a+is it )a* "e rotated( The earth's a+is is an

i)a&inar* $ine on which the earth rotates! and this )otion of the earth on its a+is %rod#ces the %heno)ena of da* and ni&ht( The a+is of the earth a$wa*s %oints to a certain star in the conste$$ation Ursa Minor! which on that acco#nt is ca$$ed the %o$e star/ the on$* one in the hea ens which see)s ne er to )o e( It is not 5#ite stationar* howe er! "#t has an e+ceedin&$* s$ow i"rator* )otion ca$$ed nutation, ca#sin& the %o$e star to chan&e in the co#rse of )i$$enni#)s( See '1#tation' and 'Inte$$ect#a$ Fodiac(' Axis, Inclination of: The a+es of a$$ the %$anets are inc$ined to their or"its( See %a&e A( Axial Rotation: A$$ the %$anets rotate #%on their a+es the sa)e as the earth! "#t the ti)e in which the* )a-e a rotation differs wide$*( See 'di#rna$ rotation of the %$anets!' %a&e A( Barren or Unfruitful Signs: Ge)ini! Leo and Vir&o( Benefics: The S#n! Ven#s and ;#%iter( For a thoro#&h s*nthetic e+%$anation of the ter)s $benefic$ and $malefic,$ see 'Good' and '2ad!' a$so %a&es C> and CC( Cadent: The third! si+th! ninth and twe$fth ho#ses are ca$$ed cadent! and so are %$anets %$aced in these ho#ses( This %osition wea-ens the inf$#ence of %$anets! so that "enefics are not so he$%f#$ and )a$efics not so har)f#$ when %$aced in cadent ho#ses( Cardinal Signs: "ries, the Eastern si&n entered "* the S#n at the erna$ e5#ino+/ Cancer, where the S#n reaches its hi&hest de&ree of 1orthern dec$ination at the S#))er So$stice/ (ibra, the 4estern si&n where the S#n &oes into So#th dec$ination at the Fa$$ e5#ino+/ and Capricorn, where it is in the $owest So#th dec$ination at the 4inter So$stice( The Cardina$ Si&ns are %ro)oti e! the* f#rther acti it* in whate er is #nderta-en #nder their inf$#ence( Combust: An* %$ant within three de&rees of the S#n is said to "e combust, or "#rned #% "* the S#n's ra*s( If Merc#r* or the Moon are so %$aced! it wea-ens the )ind0 if Ven#s or ;#%iter! it ta-es awa* their he$% and if one of the )a$efics HMars! Sat#rn! Uran#s or 1e%t#neI is so %$aced! it is e i$( See 'Aff$iction(' Common Signs: Ge)ini! Vir&o! Sa&ittari#s and Pisces( The* are f$e+i"$e and aci$$atin& in nat#re( Conjunction: 4hen two %$anets are within si+ de&rees of each other the* are in con3#nction( See

'As%ects' and 'Or"(' Critical Degrees: See ta"$e and descri%tion of Critica$ .e&rees on %a&e A?( These de&rees )ara%%ro+i)ate$* the end of each da*'s tra e$ of the Moon thro#&h the twe$ e si&ns( The Moon occ#%ies a"o#t @C ?G@ da*s in its %assa&e aro#nd the Fodiac! a era&in& a"o#t ?= de&rees each da*( Th#s! startin& with the first de&ree of Aries! the first da*'s tra e$ wi$$ end at the ?=th de&ree! the second da*'s tra e$ at the @>th de&ree and so on( Fo$$owin& this o#t! we find that the Critica$ .e&rees are the ?st! ?=th and @>th de&rees of the Cardina$ Si&ns! the Bth and @?st de&rees of the Fi+ed Si&ns! and the <th and ?Cth de&rees of the Co))on Si&ns( Culminate: 4hen a %$ant reaches Fenith it is said to c#$)inate! for it has then reached its hi&hest a$tit#de and then "e&ins to descent toward the 4estern 1ode( This e+%ression is a$so #sed concernin& as%ects( 4hen a %$anet co)es within or" of another the inf$#ence is at first wea-! "#t it "eco)es stron&er and stron&er the nearer the a%%$*in& %$ant co)es to the e+act as%ect! and at that ti)e it c#$)inates or reaches its )a+i)#) stren&th( Then when the %$ants "e&in to se%arate and the as%ect is &rad#a$$* disso$ ed! the inf$#ence is corres%ondin&$* wea-ened! and fina$$* ceases a$to&ether( Cusp: The first de&ree of a ho#se or si&n( 4hen the S#n $ea es the =Dth de&ree of Cancer and is in Leo D de&ree! ? )in(! it is said to "e on the cusp, of Leo! the sa)e with res%ect to the other si&ns( If Aries ?D de&rees is on the midheaven, as the c#s% or di idin& $ine "etween the ninth and tenth ho#ses is ca$$ed! and 1e%t#ne is in Aries B de&rees EE )in#tes! it is %$aced in the 1inth Ho#se on the cusp, of the tenth( If it is in Aries ?D de&rees E )in#tes! it is %$aced in the tenth ho#se on the cusp. As the inf$#ence of %$anets ha in& direct )otion is a$wa*s forward in the Fodiac! a %$anet on the c#s% of a ho#se wi$$ a$wa*s ha e a stron&er inf$#ence on the affairs si&nified "* that ho#se than a %$anet which is %$aced in the $atter de&rees of a ho#se( Declination: The distance a %$anet is north or so#th of the Ce$estia$ E5#ator( The hi&hest north dec$ination of the S#n is @= de&rees @C )in#tes! which it attains at the s#))er so$stice the @?st of ;#ne! and at the winter so$stice on the @?st of .ece)"er it is in the corres%ondin& de&ree! @= de&rees @C )in#tes so#th dec$ination( Mars! Merc#r* and the Moon reach dec$inations @C de&rees north! and on rare occasions Ven#s attains @A de&rees! "#t the other %$anets! ;#%iter! Sat#rn! Uran#s and 1e%t#ne! ha e a%%ro+i)ate$* the sa)e dec$ination as the S#n( Astrono)* teaches that the dec$ination of the S#n is d#e to the inc$ination of the earth's a+is(

Degree: A de&ree is the =>Dth %art of a circ$e( There are =D de&rees in each of the twe$ e si&ns of the Fodiac! and the )otion of the %$anets thro#&h these si&ns is stated in de&rees and )in#tes of longitude, co))encin& with the first de&ree of Aries( The S#n's %ath is ca$$ed the ecliptic, and is ta-en as the standard $ine of ce$estia$ )otion so far as o#r so$ar s*ste) is concerned( The %$anets 7i&7a& a$on& the ec$i%tic so)eti)es a $itt$e to the north of the S#n's %ath! at other ti)es a $itt$e to the so#th( The distance of a %$anet north or so#th of the S#n's %ath is ca$$ed latitude, and is a$so )eas#red in ter)s of de&rees and )in#tes( For an e+%$anation of de&rees of dec$ination! see $declination,$ and for the #se of de&rees to )eas#re right ascension, see $midheaven.$ The fore&oin& e+%$anations e)"od* the #se of the degree as a #nit of )eas#re)ent to fi+ the %osition of the %$anets on the ce$estia$ s%here containin& the fi+ed stars/ "#t de&rees are a$so #sed in &eo&ra%h* to deter)ine the e+act %osition of an* cit* or %$ace on the s#rface of the earth( Latit#de is then rec-oned in de&rees fro) the Earth$s e5#ator! which has D de&rees $atit#de! to the %o$es! which ha e res%ecti e$* BD de&rees 1orth and So#th $atit#de( (ongitude is )eas#red a$on& the Earth$s e5#ator! ?AD de&rees East and 4est fro) the Meridian of )reenwich, which was acce%ted as a startin& %oint in ?AA< "* de$e&ates fro) a$$ $eadin& nations! France e+ce%ted( For the effect of distances )eas#red in ter)s of $on&it#de on the inf$#ence of the %$anets see $"spects.$ For the inf$#ence of Latit#de and .ec$ination on the effect of the %$anetar* as%ects! see $(atitude.$ Descendant: The o%%osite of Ascendant! the %oint on the western hori7on where the S#n and the %$anets set! so ca$$ed! "eca#se fro) thence the hea en$* "odies co))ence their 'descent' towards the nadir of the ce$estia$ s%here( Detriment: The o%%osite of '.i&nit*!' which see( Dignity: A %$anet is said to "e in its di&nit*! or to "e $essentially dignified,$ or to $rule,$ when it is in certain si&ns which a&ree with it in nat#re! for then the %ower of the si&n and the %ower of the %$anet are co)%o#nded( The *ote: France acce%ted the Greenwich Meridian! March ?D! ?B??( inf$#ence of the %$anet is th#s stren&thened( Con erse$*! a %$anet is said to "e in its detri)ent when it is in the si&n o%%osite to the one it r#$es for then the nat#re of the si&n and the nat#re of the %$anet are inco)%ati"$e and anta&onistic! and as a res#$t the inf$#ence of the %$anet is wea-ened(

The ta"$e on %a&e A? shows the r#$ershi% of the %$anets o er the ario#s si&ns and a st#d* thereof wi$$ "rin& o#t the #nder$*in& s*ste) and %hi$oso%h*( The S#n is the center of o#r so$ar s*ste)! the &i er of $ife and heat! and the Moon is Hso far as o#r earth is concernedI! the co$$ector and ref$ector of its ita$i7in& ra*s( The so$ar ra* attains its &reatest intensit* in )ids#))erM when the S#n is in Cancer and Leo! d#rin& ;#ne and ;#$*! and so Leo! the $ion! "ein& a )asc#$ine si&n of a fier* nat#re is in essentia$ a&ree)ent with the nat#re of the S#n and therefore he$%s to di&nif* and stren&then it( The effect of the fe)inine Moon on the earth's tides shows its inherent affinit* for water! which "rin&s it into essentia$ a&ree)ent with the fe)inine water* si&n Cancer( On that acco#nt Cancer is its ho)e where it is stron&est and )ost di&nified( The -e*word of the S#n is life, and that of the Moon is fecundation. The &er) of $ife which co)es fro) the S#n is %$anted and watered "* the Moon which )eas#res the %eriod of &estation and "rin&s a$$ thin&s to "irth( Sat#rn is the %$anet of o"str#ction and deca*! the rea%er with ho#r8&$ass MThis a%%$ies to 1orthern He)is%here on$*( and sc*the who c#ts off the $ife &i en "* the S#n and fostered "* the Moon! when his ho#r8&$ass shows that the fr#its of $ife's e+%erience are ri%e for har est( Th#s he is the %$anet of death! and )o es in an or"it on the o#ts-irts of the so$ar s*ste)! which is the "o#ndar* of Chaos! where a$$ thin&s are disso$ ed and trans)#ted "* s%irit#a$ a$che)* to finer and finer te+t#res( Therefore Sat#rn is in essentia$ a&ree)ent with Ca%ricorn and A5#ari#s! the si&ns occ#%ied "* the S#n d#rin& the co$d )onths of )id8winter! .ece)"er and ;an#ar*( 4hen %$aced in these si&ns his co$d! c$a))* hand )a-es itse$f fe$t as a %owerf#$ force that cr#shes $ife and 3o*! that co ers the $ife with the &$oo) of death( 2etween the or"its of Sat#rn and the S#n are the or"its of the other %$anets! and when arran&ed in order of their distance fro) the S#n! with the si&ns of the 7odiac so %$aced that Leo and Cancer are in the center with their r#$ers! the S#n and Moon! and Sat#rn's si&ns! Ca%ricorn and A5#ari#s! one on each win& it a%%ears that88 ;#%iter whose or"it is inside Sat#rn's! r#$es the two si&ns ne+t to Sat#rn's! na)e$* Sa&ittari#s and Pisces( Mars' or"it is inside of ;#%iter's! therefore he r#$es the si&ns ne+t to ;#%iter's! na)e$* Aries and Scor%io( Ven#s is inside Mars' or"it! so she is di&nified in the si&ns ne+t to Mars' si&ns! na)e$*! Ta#r#s and Li"ra( Merc#r*! which is nearest to the S#n! r#$es the si&ns "etween those of Ven#s and the S#n! na)e$* Ge)ini and Vir&o( See $Exaltation.+ Direct:

4hen %$anets )o e with the order of the si&ns Hfro) Aries to Ta#r#s etc(I! the* are said to "e direct! "#t when the* a%%ear to )o e contrar* to the order of the si&ns Hfro) Aries to PiscesI! the* are said to "e retro&rade( In the e%he)eris a ca%ita$ 'R' at the to% of the )onth$* %a&e is %$aced with the de&rees and )in#tes of the %$anet's $on&it#de on the da* when it "e&ins to retro&rade! and at the to% of its co$#)n whi$e this )otion contin#es( 4hen the %$anet res#)es its direct )otion! this is indicated "* a ca%ita$ '.!' "#t there are no '.'s' at the to% of co$#)ns in the e%he)eris to indicate that the %$anets are 'direct' for that is their nat#ra$ $ine of %ro&ression( The 'R's' are on$* #sed to )ar- that which is an ano)a$*( !he Sun and Moon are always direct in their )otion! the* are ne er stationar* or retro&rade( See cha%ter on Retro&radation %a&e C@( Directions: 4hen a chi$d is "orn it is i))ersed in an at)os%here char&ed with the ste$$ar i"rations %ec#$iar to that )o)ent! which are sta)%ed #%on each ato) of the sensiti e or&anis) "* the air inha$ed with the first "reath( This %$anetar* "a%tis) is the "asic ca#se of a$$ the chi$d's characteristics and idios*ncrasies/ it &i es certain tendencies which re)ain thro#&h $ife( This is the radix or radical horoscope which we carr* a"o#t in o#r "odies and! whether we -now it or not! it is the root of a$$ e ents in $ife( 2#t the %$anets do not re)ain stationar* in the %ositions the* occ#%ied at the ti)e of o#r "irth/ their progress is eterna$ as is that of o#r Father in Hea en! and in ti)e the* for) as%ects other than those which the* )ade at "irth( These %ro&ressed confi&#rations are ca$$ed .irections! and the* )ar- the ti)e in $ife when e ents are d#e to occ#r( .irections are of two -inds! primary and secondary. ,rimary directions are for)ed "etween the %ro&ressed %$anets and their %ositions at "irth( If! for instance! the S#n was in no de&rees of Aries and ;#%iter in @E de&rees of Leo at the "irth of an indi id#a$! then! as the S#n )o es forward in the Fodiac at a"o#t one de&ree a da*! it wi$$ "e trine with ;#%iter a"o#t twent*8fi e da*s after "irth( The s*ste) of ti)e )eas#re)ent of the %$anetar* %ro&ression in &enera$ #se rec-ons each da* after "irth e5#a$ to a *ear of $ife( Th#s the said indi id#a$ wi$$ )eet with a er* fort#nate e ent in the twent*8fifth *ear( As%ects )a* a$so "e for)ed "etween two %ro&ressed %$anets/ to fo$$ow o#t the e+a)%$e &i en in the $ast %ara&ra%h! ;#%iter wo#$d %ro&ress one or two de&rees in the twent*8fi e da*s( It wo#$d then "e in @> or @C de&rees of Leo! and after the S#n had %assed the trine with the radical ;#%iter and it wo#$d co)e to the trine of the progressed ;#%iter and this wo#$d %ro$on& the fort#nate inf$#ence for se era$ *ears! tho#&h it sho#$d "e "orne in )ind that the effect of as%ects "etween two %ro&ressed %$anets is not so stron& as when the confi&#ration is "etween a %ro&ressed and a radica$ %$anet( Secondary directions are for)ed "* the %ro&ression of the Moon to as%ects with

the %$anets! particularly the radical. These $#nar as%ects are of ita$ i)%ortance! for unless the primary directions are supported by aspects of the progressed Moon which are of a similar nature, they come to naught. To i$$#strate "* reference to the e+a)%$e of the S#n trine ;#%iter( If at the ti)e when that c#$)inated! the %ro&ressed Moon had "een in Ge)ini @E! se+ti$e to "oth the S#n and ;#%iter! that wo#$d ha e &i en a wonderf#$$* fa ora"$e i)%et#s to the e ent si&nified "* the direction! "#t had the Moon "een in Ta#r#s @E! s5#are to ;#%iter it wo#$d ha e %re ented the e ent and ca#sed tro#"$e instead( Had there "een no secondar* $#nar direction at the ti)e the e ent wo#$d ha e re)ained $atent #nti$ the ne+t $#nar as%ect of the %ro&ressed Moon either "ro#&ht it o#t to $ife or withered it( L#nations H1ew MoonsI are a$so %owerf#$ factors in ener&i7in& directions! %artic#$ar$* if the* are ec$i%ses( See 'L#nations' and 'Ec$i%ses!' a$so 'Transits'( Double Bodied Signs: Ge)ini! Sa&ittari#s and Pisces( So ca$$ed "eca#se in the %ictoria$ Fodiac Ge)ini is re%resented as a %air of twins! Sa&ittari#s as a Centa#r! %art )an and %art horse! and Pisces as two fishes( The* are of a d#a$! aci$$atin& nat#re! and it is re)ar-a"$e that e ents in the $i es of %eo%$e ha in& these si&ns %ro)inent are re%eated( The* )arr* se era$ ti)es! their )isfort#nes ne er co)e sin&$*! "#t their &ood fort#nes a$so co)e in )#$ti%$e( Dragon s !ead: The Moon's 1orth 1ode( The 1odes are %oints in the or"it of a %$anet where it crosses the ec$i%tic! or S#n's %ath( The one where it crosses fro) so#th to north is ca$$ed its ascendin& or 1orth node/ the other %oint where it crosses fro) north to so#th is ca$$ed its descendin& or So#th node( 4hen the S#n is in the East and crosses the ce$estia$ e5#ator fro) the so#th to the north! it enters its )artia$ e+a$tation si&n Aries as a con5#erin& -in& at the erna$ e5#ino+! and a$$ nat#re wa-ens to the $ife! $o e and $a"or of another *ear( Therefore the %oint where the $esser Li&ht crosses into the north dec$ination is a$so s#"3ect to a "eni&n $ife8 &i in& inf$#ence! s#ch as that ascri"ed to the .ra&on's Head( It fosters and %ro)otes a$$ )atters within its inf$#ence( 2#t in the Fa$$! Sat#rn! Satan! or the ad ersar*! stands in his exaltation-sign (ibra read* to an5#ish with his co$d c$a))* hand the $ife8&i in& S#n and #sher it across its descendin& node! $ea in& the 1orthern He)is%here to )o#rn and die( Therefore the Moon's So#th 1ode! ca$$ed the .ra&on's Tai$! is dee)ed to "e Sat#rnine in its effect and o"str#cts a$$ thin&s wherewith it is connected( Dragon s "ail: The Moon's So#th 1ode( See .ra&on's Head( Earthy Signs: !aurus, .irgo and Capricorn. #clipses: See $(unations.$ #cliptic: !he Sun$s path among the constellations of the firmament.

#lection: See $/orary "strology.$ #le$ation: The 7enith which is occ#%ied "* the S#n at 1oon! is the hi&hest %oint in the hea ens( The nearer that %osition a %$anet is! the )ore e$e ated it is said to "e( Th#s a %$anet in the E$e enth Ho#se is e$e ated a"o e another which is in the Twe$fth Ho#se! and a %$anet in the Tenth Ho#se is e$e ated a"o e a$$ other %$anets( E$e ation is er* i)%ortant! for it adds considera"$* to the inf$#ence of a %$anet for &ood or i$$( If Mars! the %$anet of d*na)ic ener&*! is e$e ated and in its own si&n Aries! it endows the %erson with an a$)ost ine+ha#sti"$e f#nd of ener&* and an indo)ita"$e co#ra&e! which wi$$ "e fo#nd $ac-in& if he is %$aced in a wea- si&n and %osition $i-e Vir&o and the Si+th Ho#se( Si)i$ar$* with the other si&ns and %$anets( Ephemeris, plural Eph)e)mer)i)des3 An e%he)eris is a twin sister of the A$)anac! and &i es the &eocentric Lon&it#des and .ec$inations for the c#rrent *ear( It is a"so$#te$* necessar* in astro$o&ica$ ca$c#$ations( 2#t 3#st as it is necessar* to &et a new a$)anac for each *ear to see when the Moon is new and f#$$! when it is Easter or Christ)as! etc(! so a$so is it necessar* to ha e an e%he)eris for e er* *ear when we want to cast horosco%es for %eo%$e( Tr#e! the %$anets circ$e a"o#t the S#n! "#t each has its own s%ecific s%eed! and the* do not co)e into the sa)e %osition re$ati e to one another that the* ha e whi$e *o# are readin& this! #nti$ a %eriod which is ca$$ed the Great Siderea$ Year H@E!A>A ordinar* *earsI! has e$a%sed( Therefore a$$ horosco%es! e en the horosco%es of twins differ! and it is necessar* to ha e an e%he)eris for the "irth *ear of an* %erson "efore *o# can cast his horosco%e( E9uator3 The earth's e5#ator is an i)a&inar* $ine in a %$ane at ri&ht an&$es to the a+is of the earth! and )idwa* "etween the 1orth and So#th %o$es( It di ides the earth into two he)is%heres! the 1orthern and So#thern( If a %o$e h#ndreds of )i$$ions of )i$es in $en&th were thr#st thro#&h the earth fro) the e5#ator to the center of the earth! the o#ter end wo#$d inscri"e a $ine on the fir)a)ent! when the earth rotates on its a+is! and this i)a&inar* $ine is ca$$ed the ce$estia$ e5#ator! or e5#inoctia$( The $atter na)e is &i en it "eca#se when the S#n is at the %oints where the ec$i%tic or S#n's %ath crosses the ce$estia$ e5#ator we ha e the e5#ino+es! the ti)es when the da*s and ni&hts are of e5#a$ d#ration( E9uinoctial3 See 'E5#ator(' E9uino%3 The e5#ino+es occ#r on the @?st of March when the S#n enters Aries! and the @?st of Se%te)"er when the S#n enters Li"ra( At those ti)es the da* and ni&ht are of e5#a$ $en&th a$$ o er the earth( See 'E5#ator!' and 'Precession of the E5#ino+(' Essential 4i!nit&3 A %$anet is stren&thened or essentia$$* di&nified when it is in a si&n which a&rees

with its own nat#re( This is thoro#&h$* e+%$ained #nder '.i&nit*!' which see( E%altation3 It is e+%$ained #nder '.i&nit*!' that when a %$anet is in a si&n of si)i$ar nat#re! it is th#s stren&thened or di&nified! "#t when another %$anet of the sa)e nat#re as the r#$er enters that si&n it co)%o#nds its own 5#a$ities with those of the r#$er and the si&n! and "eco)es e+a$ted or %owerf#$$* stren&thened( For instance! Aries is a dr*! fier* si&n( It is r#$ed "* Mars! a dr*! fier* %$anet! and when the S#n! the so#rce of heart and the &i er of Life enters this si&n it is e+a$ted to the s#%er$ati e de&ree of %ower! and forthwith Life "e&ins to )anifest in a$$ de%art)ents of nat#re( The %oint to "e "orne in )ind concernin& what constit#tes e+a$tation is that it re5#ires the co)%o#ndin& of three si)i$ar nat#res( Scor%io is a$so a )artia$ si&n! "#t it is water and not in as co)%$ete a&ree)ent with the nat#re of the S#n as Aries! therefore the S#n co#$d not "e e+a$ted in Scor%io as it is in Aries( As the Lord of $ife and heat! the S#n! is a$wa*s o%%osed "* Sat#rn in the r#$ershi% of their si&ns! Leo and A5#ari#s! so a$so the co$d and death$* Sat#rn o%%oses the S#n fro) its e+a$tation8si&n Li"ra( Ven#s and Mars are the %$anets of attraction fro) the %oint of se+! and as a$$ that is &enerated "* se+ is #nder the swa* of death! Mars has th#s a ri&ht to r#$e Scor%io! the ei&hth8ho#se si&n denotin& death/ it is a$so %ro%er$* e+a$ted in the Sat#rnine si&n Ca%ricorn! and Sat#rn! the Lord of .eath is 3#st$* ascri"ed e+a$tation8%ower in Li"ra! the cardina$ )asc#$ine si&n of Ven#s( Cancer! the )oist and fe)inine si&n r#$ed "* the Moon is ne+t to Leo! the hot and dr* si&n r#$ed "* the S#n( It is therefore re5#ired "* the $aw of ana$o&* that the e+a$tation8si&n of the Moon sho#$d "e ne+t to that of the S#n! in Ta#r#s( Ven#s! the %$anet of Lo e! offers an a en#e for the e+%ression of the $#nar forces of fec#ndation! and the )oist fe)inine and fr#itf#$ si&n Ta#r#s is in entire a&ree)ent with these tendencies! hence this si&n offers the )ost %owerf#$ e+%ression for the force wor-in& tho#&h the Moon! and she )a* therefore ri&htf#$$* "e ca$$ed e+a$ted in Ta#r#s( Ven#s "$inds #s in the "onds of $o e for the %er%et#ation of the race! therefore that $o e is essentia$$* se$fish! hence %rod#cti e of sorrow( 4ho has $o ed )#ch! has s#ffered )#ch! hence the tear8stained Ven#s is e+a$ted in the water* twe$fth8ho#se8si&n Pisces! the si&n of sorrow( There! "* the %#rif*in& effect of &rief! the earth$*! sens#a$ $o e is trans)#ted to A$tr#is) #nder the "enefic ra* of ;#%iter! the r#$er! for it is not the wi$$ of o#r Father that we sho#$d s#ffer "e*ond what we can "ear! "#t He wi$$ with e er* te)%tation %ro ide a wa* of esca%e( Cancer was %ict#red on the ancient E&*%tian Fodiac as a "eet$e or scara"! which was their e)"$e) of the so#$! and it is an esoteric tr#th that a$$ so#$s enter terrestria$ $ife thro#&h the s%here of the Moon! Cancer( Conce%tion de%ends #%on the %$ace of the Moon and the an&$e of its ra*( Sa&ittari#s! the Centa#r! is the s*)"o$ of as%iration! the )an co)in& o#t of the ani)a$! and %ointin& his "ow hea enward( This si&n is r#$ed "* ;#%iter! the %$anet of 2ene o$ence! which is now the seed&ro#nd where o#r f#t#re ho)e is "ein& %re%ared! where we sha$$

so)eti)e dwe$$ when we ha e $earned the $essons to "e ta#&ht in the Earth Period and are read* to ta-e #% hi&her wor- of the ;#%iter Period( Th#s! as the so$ar forces ref$ected thro#&h Cancer and the Moon res#$t in &eneration! so the s%irit#a$ ra* of the S#n ref$ected thro#&h Cancer and ;#%iter act as a re&enerati e %ower stren&thenin& the %s*chic and re$i&io#s nat#re! and therefore ;#%iter is tr#$* said to "e e+a$ted in Cancer( Merc#r* is a %$anet of a aria"$e nat#re/ it ta-es on the co$or and characteristics of an* si&n or %$anet with which it is confi&#rated/ therefore it has no %artic#$ar affinit* with an* of the other %$anets or si&ns r#$ed "* the other %$anets! and hence )#st see- e+a$tation in its own si&ns( And as Ge)ini is )asc#$ine it is not so we$$ in accord with Merc#r* as is the $ist$ess ne&ati e si&n Vir&o! hence that is the si&n of Merc#r*'s e+a$tation( Fall3 4hen a %$anet is in the si&n o%%osite its e+a$tation8si&n it is said to "e in its 'fa$$!' for that si&n! its Lord and e+a$tation8r#$er are a$$ of e+act$* the o%%osite nat#re( Th#s! when the &$orio#s S#n which is e+a$ted in Aries! is in the o%%osite si&n Li"ra where the co$d and drear* Sat#rn has do)ain! it is wea-ened and aff$icted there"*( Con erse$*! when Sat#rn is in the si&n Aries! the S#n's e+a$tation8si&n! it shri e$s and shrin-s #nder the heat ra*s( 4hen the "enefic a)ia"$e ;#%iter! e+a$ted in Cancer! is %$aced on the o%%osite si&n Ca%ricorn! the si&n of the s#r$* Sat#rn! and the e+a$tation8si&n of the "r#s5#e Mars it is s#re$* aff$icted and in its fa$$( Si)i$ar$* with the other %$anets( Feminine Si!ns3 The fe)inine si&ns co)%rise the si+ si&ns with e en n#)"ers0 Ta#r#s! the second si&n! Cancer the fo#rth si&n! etc( This inc$#des the earth* si&ns! Ta#r#s! Vir&o and Ca%ricorn/ and the water* si&ns! Cancer! Scor%io and Pisces( Earth and water are the two attri"#tes of 'Mother' 1at#re( Gi en the) she is a"$e to "rin& forth! and so the si&ns which ha e affinit* with these essentia$ e$e)ents )a* we$$ "e ca$$ed 'fe)inine(' E en Vir&o! which is essentia$$* "arren is %erha%s the )ost i)%ortant of the fe)inine si&ns for when the S#n is in Vir&o d#rin& Se%te)"er! the s%irit#a$ wa e of re3# enatin& $ife co))ences its descent into the earth where it centers at Christ)as and then co))ences to radiate the &er)ina$ $ife which s%rin&s forth and "$oo)s at Easter(M Then the Sa ior ha in& &i en his $ife once for a$$! once )ore ascends to the Father( Fier& Si!ns3 Aries! Leo and Sa&ittari#s( Fi%ed Si!ns3 Ta#r#s! Scor%io! Leo and A5#ari#s are ca$$ed 'fi+ed' si&ns "eca#se when the* are on the an&$es of a horosco%e and )an* %$anets are in the)! the* )a-e the %erson er* 'set!' and &i e hi) an #n#s#a$ a)o#nt of %erse erance so that he wi$$ near$* a$wa*s achie e whate er he atte)%ts to do if it is h#)an$* %ossi"$e( Fi%ed Stars3

The twe$ e conste$$ations of the Fodiac are co)%osed of a $ar&e n#)"er of stars! and a$$ o er the fir)a)ent we see c$#sters of $#)ino#s "odies! which see) to %reser e the sa)e %osition re$ati e to one another! differin& in this res%ect fro) the S#n! Moon and %$anets which we see )o in& a)on& the star c$#sters( Therefore the star c$#sters co)%osin& the 7odiaca$ conste$$ations are ca$$ed 'fi+ed stars(' It is a )atter of -now$ed&e howe er! that their i))o"i$it* is on$* a%%arent "eca#se of their ast distance fro) #s! MSi+ )onths $ater in the So#thern He)is%here( and that the* are rea$$* r#shin& thro#&h s%ace at an enor)o#s s%eed( In astro$o&* we dea$ %rinci%a$$* with the twe$ e conste$$ations of fi+ed stars co)%osin& the Fodiac( There is no do#"t that other fi+ed stars ha e an inf$#ence on h#)an affairs! "#t o#r )inds are sti$$ too wea- to &ras% the f#$$ si&nificance of 7odiaca$ si&ns! the %$anets and ho#ses in a$$ their )#$tit#dino#s co)"inations! and if we atte)%t to )i+ in the other fi+ed stars and their as%ects we sha$$ s#re$* "e $ost in the )a7e( Therefore the st#dent is ad ised to consider on$* the fo$$owin& fi+ed stars0 P$eiades! $ocated in @B de&rees of Ta#r#s/ Asce$$i! in > de&rees of Leo/ and Antares! in A de&rees of Sa&ittari#s( These stars! it has "een o"ser ed! ha e a decided$* detri)enta$ effect #%on the e*es( 4hen the S#n or Moon is in these de&rees and aff$icted "* one of the )a$efics! or when one of the )a$efics is in one of these de&rees! and the S#n or Moon aff$icted an*where in the horosco%e! tro#"$e with the e*es res#$t( Fi!ure3 The horosco%e! or )a% of the hea ens cast "* astro$o&ers is #s#a$$* s%o-en of as a 'fi&#re(' Fruitful Si!ns3 Cancer! Scor%io and Pisces! the si&ns co)%risin& the water* Tri%$icit*! are the %artic#$ar ehic$es of the ferti$i7in& f#nction in nat#re( 4hen the Moon is in these si&ns she %o#rs o#t with s%ecia$$* free hand the 4ater of Life! the fec#ndatin& %rinci%$e! and it is a )atter of o"ser ation that seeds %$anted when the Moon is in these si&ns "ear )ore "o#nteo#s$* than when %$anted #nder $ess fa ora"$e conditions( 0eocentric S&stem of Astrolo!&3 4hen Co%ernic#s %ro ed that the earth and the other %$anets re o$ e aro#nd the S#n! he is said "* scoffers and s-e%tics to ha e e+%$oded the s*ste) of Astro$o&* which re&ards the earth as the center aro#nd which the S#n! Moon and %$anets circ$e( That is a )ista-en idea! which )a* %erha%s "e shown "* an i$$#stration( 4e sti$$ contin#e to sa* that the S#n rises! tho#&h we -now that it is the earth that )o es whi$e the S#n re)ains stationar*/ "#t whether the S#n )o es in a circ$e

aro#nd the earth! and i$$#)inates each %ortion of its s#rface in t#rn! or the earth )o es #%on its a+is and th#s e+%oses one %art after another to the ra*s of the stationar* S#n! the effect #%on the earth is the sa)e! na)e$*! we &et $i&ht and s#nshine d#rin& %art of the twent*8fo#r ho#rs( Si)i$ar$* with the other %$anets! Astro$o&* 3#d&es their effects when in certain %ositions re$ati e to the Earth! re&ard$ess of how the* ca)e there( 2esides! it is so )#ch )ore con enient to s%ea- fro) the &eocentric stand%oint and sa* ,the S#n rises at si+!, than to sa* ,the a+ia$ rotation of the earth wi$$ "rin& #s in $ine with the S#n's ra*s to)orrow at si+ o'c$oc-(, E en the )ost arro&ant ranter a&ainst the so8ca$$ed &eocentric fa$$ac* wo#$d %ro"a"$* "a$- at ta-in& his )edicine in that wa*( 0ood and Bad3 'Good' and '"ad' are ter)s one often hears a%%$ied to horosco%es! as%ects and %$anets! and it therefore see)s necessar* to e)%hasi7e that in rea$it* a$$ is &ood( In the Father's 6in&do)! the Uni erse! there can "e nothin& %er)anent$* '"ad!' and that which we so desi&nate is rea$$* on$* &ood in the )a-in&( It )a* a$so "e said that a horosco%e is not necessari$* &ood "eca#se the as%ects of the %$anets are "* trines and se+ti$es( So)eti)es it is the er* re erse! for it is in the str#&&$e of $ife that we de e$o% stren&th/ er* few are stron& eno#&h to stand %ros%erit*( Chances are that in a horosco%e f#$$ of &ood as%ects there $#r-s the snare of indo$ence so that the %erson does not e+ert hi)se$f and "eco)es driftwood #%on the ocean of $ife! whi$e another who has what we ca$$ a er* aff$icted horosco%e is ro#sed "* the ad erse conditions &enerated "* s5#ares and o%%ositions! and "* sheer force of wi$$ con5#ers his stars and )asters his destin*( In that case! and there are )an*! the '"ad' horosco%e is s#re$* a &reater "$essin& than a &ood one( It is no #se to ha e an a#to)o"i$e if we are too $a7* to -ee% it oi$ed and c$eaned! for it wi$$ &i e #s a $ot of tro#"$e! and #n$ess we -ee% the whee$s of fort#ne oi$ed "* constant attention to the o%%ort#nities of $ife! the horosco%e wi$$ not he$% #s no )atter how '&ood' it is( 2#t if we ha e what is ca$$ed a '&ood' horosco%e and do o#r %art! it wi$$ %ro e a tri#)%ha$ chariot in which we )a* ride the ro*a$ road of $ife( And the "est a+$e oi$ is ca$$ed he$%f#$ness( The hea ier *o# $oad *o#r car down with $a)e and wear* ones! the easier it wi$$ ride( And Sat#rnL Yes! it is tr#e that he is res%onsi"$e for )ost of the whi% $ashes of fate! "#t he can &i e #s nothin& that we ha e not earned! and the %#r%ose is not en&eance! "#t ed#cation( The )o)ent we rea$i7e that dee% down in o#r hearts! we sha$$ cease to )#r)#r! and as-0 4h* is this ha%%enin& to )e! what ha e I done to deser e itJ Then! see-in& %ra*erf#$$* for the reason! that we )a* $earn to )end o#r wa*s in that res%ect and so esca%e -indred tria$s in f#t#re! we sha$$ draw nearer to o#r Father! and $earn to -iss the cross( Th#s! instead of "ein& an #n)iti&ated e i$! the isitations of Sat#rn are o%%ort#nities to correct o#r wron&doin&s and $earn wisdo)( It is si)i$ar with the so8ca$$ed Ma$efics( At %resent their inf$#ence see)s e i$ to #s "eca#se we ha e not $earned to wor- in har)on* with the) for the hi&hest &ood(

2#t e en toda*! the as%ects of Sat#rn to the Moon and Merc#r* &i e de%th to the )ind and %ower of concentration! which are decided$* &ood( Mars in as%ect with these %$anets ener&i7es the )ind and )a-es it )ore a$ert/ Uran#s in as%ect to the) &i es a s%irit#a$ %erce%tion to those who can e+%ress this fac#$t*! "#t the* are er* few( On the other hand! the so8ca$$ed &ood %$anets )a* "e decided$* detri)enta$ "* fosterin& se$f8ind#$&ence! and therefore the a%%e$$ation '&ood' or '"ad' is a)"i&#o#s( The tr#e esoteric st#dent wi$$ caref#$$* c#$ti ate this )ode of )ind with re&ard to the factors in Astro$o&*! and a$wa*s "ase his 3#d&)ent on this conce%tion of the %$anets and their as%ects( A )a$efic that is we$$ %$aced and as%ected wi$$ %ro e of )ore he$% than a "enefic that is wea- and aff$icted( 0reat Sidereal +ear3 See 'Inte$$ect#a$ Fodiac(' eliocentric Astrolo!&3 A s*ste) introd#ced "* certain )odern astro$o&ers in an effort to confor) to the Co%ernican conce%tion of the so$ar s*ste) with the S#n as the center( It is not satisfactor* howe er! for whi$e those who %ractice &eocentric Astro$o&* ha e the records and o"ser ations of %ast a&es to &#ide the)! the otaries of the new s*ste) ha e )ain$* s%ec#$ation( orar& Astrolo!&3 The science of 3#d&in& how a certain )atter wi$$ t#rn o#t fro) a fi&#re set #% for the ti)e the 5#estion was as-ed( The %hi$oso%h* is that the sa)e ste$$ar inf$#ence which )a-es a %erson s#fficient$* an+io#s to as- the 5#estion contains a$so the answer( Therefore! if the %erson who wants to -now is an astro$o&er! he erects a horosco%e for the ti)e when he first tho#&ht of cons#$tin& the stars( If a %erson who cannot set #% a fi&#re a%%$ies %ersona$$* to an astro$o&er! the $atter sets #% a fi&#re for the ti)e when the 5#estion is as-ed of hi)! and if the 5#estion co)es thro#&h the )ai$! he casts a horosco%e for the ti)e he act#a$$* read the 5#estion in the $etter( This is er* i)%ortant! for if the fi&#re "e set #% for a wron& ti)e! the 3#d&)ent is certain to "e wron&( It so)eti)es ha%%ens that the )atter as-ed a"o#t has not reached s#ch a state of co)%$etion that the iss#e is sett$ed! and a definite answer can "e &i en( Therefore the first thin& to do after the fi&#re has "een cast! is to see if it is 'radica$!' and can "e 3#d&ed( If the first or second de&ree of an* si&n is risin&! or if one of the three $ast de&rees of an* si&n rises! or if the Moon is in the $ast three de&rees of an* si&n! or oid of co#rse! it is not safe to 3#d&e "#t the in5#irer sho#$d wait a )ore fa ora"$e ti)e and as- the 5#estion a&ain( 4hen Sat#rn is on the Ascendant or in the First Ho#se he a$wa*s o"str#cts the )atter! and if he is in the Se enth Ho#se the astro$o&er's 3#d&)ent fai$s( If none of these thin&s hinder! the fi&#re )a* "e 3#d&ed "* the fo$$owin& )ethod

!orary Astrology %continued&: The Lord of the Ascendant! %$anets in the First Ho#se! if an*! and the Moon re%resent the in5#irer( .eter)ine ne+t "* what Ho#se the thin& as-ed a"o#t is r#$ed! then consider whether the Lord of that Ho#se is fa ora"$* as%ected with the Lord of the Ascendant! the %$anets in the First Ho#se! and the Moon( If so! the )atter wi$$ co)e to a fa ora"$e conc$#sion! "#t if these si&nificators are as%ected "* s5#are or o%%osition! the )atter wi$$ co)e to na#&ht( 2#t if so)eone e$se co)es to *o# with a %ro%osition! and *o# set #% a fi&#re to aid *o# in for)in& an idea of what to do! "e s#re to re)e)"er that he is the prime mover in the matter, and that therefore the Moon! Ascendant and First Ho#se are his si&nificators! whi$e you are represented by the seventh house and its lord. It does not )atter that *o# as- the 5#estion! the %ro%osition that *o# as- a"o#t is his0 and $ac- of this -now$ed&e has "een a st#)"$in& "$oc- to )an* who ha e &i en a wron& 3#d&)ent on that acco#nt( The thin&s si&nified "* the Ho#ses are "rief$* as fo$$ows0 irst /ouse: Matters of an inti)ate %ersona$ nat#re( Second /ouse: Financia$ &ain( !hird /ouse: Matters concernin& "rothers and sisters! short 3o#rne*s( ourth /ouse: Ho#ses and $ands! %atri)on* and re)o a$s( ifth /ouse: Chi$dren! )essen&ers and news%a%ers( Sixth /ouse: Ser ants and disease( Seventh /ouse: Marria&e! %artnershi%! $aw8s#its( Eighth /ouse: Le&acies( *inth /ouse: Tra e$! )enta$ state and ca%acit*( !enth /ouse: Socia$ standin&( Eleventh /ouse: Friends! ho%es and wishes( !welfth /ouse: Ene)ies and tro#"$e( The %$anets which as%ect *o#r si&nificators fa ora"$* show whence *o# )a* find he$% to o"tain *o#r wish! and the %$anets which aff$ict *o#r stars indicate what hinders! and "* "$endin& these a#&#rs *o# )a* -now what to e+%ect and how to %roceed( St#d* these r#$es caref#$$* and %a* strict attention to the)! then *o# wi$$ -now how to answer a$$ 5#estions that )a* "e as-ed( Horar* Astro$o&* )a* a$so "e #sed to se$ect a fa ora"$e ti)e for co))encin& an i)%ortant #nderta-in&! for the startin& %oint of an enter%rise is its "irth! and the inf$#ences then &o ernin& wi$$ "e %owerf#$ deter)inators of s#ccess or fai$#re( It is said that the Ro*a$ Astrono)er who $aid the corner8stone for the O"ser ator* at Greenwich #sed this )ethod! and that has certain$* "een a er* #sef#$ and s#ccessf#$ instit#tion( To th#s se$ect a ti)e for an #nderta-in& is ca$$ed +ma#ing an election.+ !ori'on:

The "irth%$ace is! in Astro$o&*! a$wa*s considered the hi&hest %oint on earth! and the %rinci%a$ circ$e see) fro) there is the hori7on( This is either sensi"$e or rationa$( !he sensible hori1on is the circ$e which "o#nds o#r iew! where hea en and earth see) to )eet( !he rational hori1on is "e$ow the sensi"$e hori7on! in the %$ane of the earth's center( !ouses: !he houses are divisions of the heavens relative to the birthplace, and the signs are divisions of the heavens relative to the vernal e&uinox. The Fodiac a%%ears to )o e at the rate of one de&ree in e er* fo#r )in#tes! "#t the Ho#ses are considered stationar* re$ati e to the "irth%$ace( The "irth%$ace is a$wa*s considered the hi&hest %$ace on earth( And fro) that %oint fo#r i)a&inar* $ines are drawn to the fo#r cardina$ %oints! 1orth! East! So#th and 4est( I)a&ine a $ine drawn fro) *o#r "irth%$ace to the %oint direct$* o erhead where the S#n is at noon( That wo#$d "e direct$* So#th! and this $ine is re&arded as the c#s% of the Tenth Ho#se! which for that reason is ca$$ed the midheaven. If this $ine is e+tended thro#&h the center of the earth! to the o%%osite side of the earth and thence into s%ace! that $ower %art wo#$d %oint 1orth! and for) the c#s% of the Fo#rth Ho#se ca$$ed the 1adir! which is o%%osite the Tenth( These two %oints are in ested "* the sa)e de&rees of the Fodiac! at an* &i en ti)e re&ard$ess of whether the "irth%$ace is near the %o$e or the e5#ator( In the $atter case! we )a* a$so i)a&ine a $ine drawn at ri&ht an&$es across the Meridian! Has the $ine in the horosco%e fro) the Midhea en to the 1adir is ca$$edI! fro) East to 4est! and that wo#$d then for) the c#s%s of the First and Se enth Ho#ses( 2* di idin& each of the fo#r sections into three we wo#$d ha e twe$ e co)%art)ents of e5#a$ si7e! na)e$* thirt* de&rees each( 2#t a$$ "irth%$aces are not on the e5#ator! and owin& to the s%herica$ sha%e of the earth and the inc$ination of the earth's a+is! the si7es of the ho#ses ar* )ore and )ore as we a%%roach the %o$es! so that so)e ho#ses )a* ha e on$* twe$ e or fifteen de&rees! whi$e others ha e )ore than si+t*( See %a&e <B for a )ore detai$ed ana$*sis( The reason for this di ision of the earth into ho#ses )a* "e co)%rehended when we consider that the S#n's ra*s affect #s different$* in the )ornin&! at noon and at ni&ht! a$so in s#))er and winter/ and if we st#d* the ca#se! we sha$$ readi$* see that it is the an&$e at which the ra* stri-es #s or the earth which %rod#ces the difference in effect( Si)i$ar$* with the ste$$ar ra*s! Astro$o&ers ha e o"ser ed that a chi$d "orn at or near noon! when the S#n's ra*s stri-e the "irth%$ace fro) the Tenth Ho#se! has a "etter chance of ad ance)ent in $ife! other thin&s "ein& e5#a$! than one "orn after S#ndown! for the $atter &enera$$* re)ains a ser ant( Therefore the* sa* that the Tenth Ho#se deter)ines socia$ %osition and honor! "#t the Si+th

Ho#se! which is 3#st "e$ow the 4estern hori7on r#$es ser ice and e)%$o*)ent( 2* si)i$ar o"ser ations and ta"#$ations it has "een fo#nd that the other %$anetar* ra*s affect the ario#s de%art)ents of $ife when their ra* is %ro3ected thro#&h the other ho#ses! and therefore each ho#se is said to 'r#$e' certain thin&s( The st#dent wi$$ find a dia&ra) of the ho#ses and the affairs r#$ed "* each on %a&es =D and =?( The di isions of ho#ses are so)eti)es ca$$ed $mundane$ houses0 and the si&ns of the Fodiac are a$so $oose$* s%o-en of as the 'ho#ses' or 'ho)es!' of the %$ants which r#$e the)! for instance! Vir&o is the $house$ of Merc#r*! Ca%ricorn is the $home$ of Sat#rn( !yleg: A ter) #sed "* ancient Ara"ian Astro$o&ers to desi&nate the %oints in the horosco%e which are the %rinci%a$ foci of ita$it* and hea$th*! na)e$* the S#n! Moon and Ascendant( It needs "#t $itt$e ar&#)ent to show that the &reat and &$orio#s reser oir of $ife which we ca$$ the S#n is an i)%ortant factor in the )atter of hea$th! and that the $esser Li&ht! the Moon! has do)inion in this res%ect! for she co$$ects and ref$ects the so$ar ra*( And it is a )atter of co))on -now$ed&e that she is in so)e wa* connected with &estation! and %art#rition! therefore! the Moon is the %artic#$ar si&nificator of hea$th in a wo)an's horosco%e whi$e the Sun has the stron&est inf$#ence in a man$s fi&#re( 2oth are i)%ortant howe er! for if! in a )an's fi&#re! Sat#rn is s5#are to the Moon he wi$$ fee$ it! "#t if this confi&#ration ha%%ens in a wo)an's horosco%e! she wi$$ fee$ it )ore/ and con erse$*! Sat#rn s5#are to the S#n in a wo)an's horosco%e wi$$ affect her hea$th! "#t not in the sa)e de&ree as it wi$$ that of a )an when occ#rrin& in his fi&#re( The reason wh* the Ascendant is desi&nated as a factor in hea$th and ita$it* is not so a%%arent #%on the s#rface! "#t when we rea$i7e that the ascendant at birth is the Moon$s place at conception, the reason is o" io#s! for the Moon is the %$anet of fec#ndation! the foc#s and ref$ector of the so$ar Life8forces! and if! at the ti)e of conce%tion! when the h#)an seed8ato) was %$anted! she was in a wea- si&n $i-e Vir&o! there is a f#nda)enta$ $ac- of ener&* and ita$it* at the er* start of $ife! and a conse5#ent $assit#de which affects thro#&h a$$ the *ears of its e+istence! the "od* then "e&innin& to &er)inate( Th#s! to s#) #%! the S#n! Moon and Ascendant are a$$ i)%ortant si&nificators of hea$th and ita$it* for "oth se+es! "#t the %osition and as%ects of the Moon are )ore i)%ortant to a wo)an than those of the S#n and Ascendant! and the %osition and as%ects of the S#n are )ore ita$ to the hea$th of a )an than the two other factors( In )odern ti)es the word 'H*$e&!' and the desi&nation of the ita$ %arts of the horosco%e as 'h*$e&iaca$' %$aces are not &enera$$* #sed( The writer a$wa*s s%ea-s of the) as $significance of health,$ then e er*"od* #nderstands what is )eant! and it see)s sense$ess to "efo& the s#"3ect with )*sterio#s ter)s when &ood! %$ain En&$ish con e*s o#r )eanin& so )#ch "etter( It sho#$d a$so "e #nderstood that to

3#d&e an* s#"3ect! "e it hea$th! wea$th! 3o* or sorrow or an* other thin& that )a* "efa$$! the s%ecia$ si&nificators &i e on$* a $i)ited a)o#nt of infor)ation( To o"tain a rea$$* co)%rehensi e -now$ed&e each sub'ect must be 'udged from the horoscope as a whole. Infortunes or (alefics: Mars! Sat#rn! Uran#s and 1e%t#ne! for e+%$anation see 'Good' and '2ad(' Inferior )lanets: Astrono)ers so desi&nate Ven#s and Merc#r*! "eca#se the* a$wa*s re)ain er* c$ose to the S#n! and are ne er seen in %arts of the hea ens o%%osite the S#n( the idea in the )inds of the astrono)ers see)s to "e that these %$anets are in $eadin& strin&s so to s%ea-( The esoteric reason for their %ro+i)it* to the S#n wi$$ "e fo#nd on %a&e ?D! which see( Intellectual *odiac: On either side of the ec$i%tic or S#n's %ath are a n#)"er of fi+ed stars which for) twe$ e &ro#%s or conste$$ations! that are ca$$ed 'si&ns of the Fodiac!' not "eca#se the* rese)"$e the ani)a$s the* are s#%%osed to re%resent! "#t "eca#se their inf$#ence has de e$o%ed! or is sti$$ en&a&ed in "rin&in& o#t in #s the )ain characteristics e)"odied in the ani)a$ s*)"o$( The "o)"astic arro&ance! the ener&* and co#ra&e which co)e fro) Aries co#$d not "e "etter s*)"o$i7ed than "* the ra)! neither co#$d the 5#iet! "#t %rodi&io#s stren&th and the st#""orn %ersistence which co)e fro) the di ine Hierarchs who wor- with #s fro) the conste$$ation Ta#r#s "e )ore a%t$* descri"ed than "* the s*)"o$ic '2#$$(' The characteristics of he other si&ns )#st "e inter%reted in si)i$ar ter)s! for the 2odiac is the womb of the solar system0 and so)eti)e when we and the )*riads of other "ein&s who are now e o$ in& in o#r so$ar s*ste) ha e $earned a$$ the $essons of this %hase of e+istence! we also shall form a 1odiac and %erfor) a si)i$ar ser ice for others as the twe$ e Great Creati e Hierarchies are now doin& for #s( These twe$ e conste$$ations are ca$$ed the $natural$ Fodiac/ the* re)ain a$wa*s in the sa)e re$ati e %ositions! at $east their )o e)ent is so s$i&ht that cent#ries e$a%se witho#t a%%recia"$e chan&e in their %osition( Hence we )a* #se a ta"$e of ho#ses o#r who$e $ife! "#t we )#st "#* an e%he)eris of the %$anets' %$aces e er* *ear( E er* *ear on the @?st of March the S#n $ea es the So#thern He)is%here! crosses the ce$estia$ e5#ator! and enters the 1orthern de&rees of $atit#de where he re)ains d#rin& the s#))er( 2#t owin& to a i"rator* )otion of the %o$es of the earth! ca$$ed 'n#tation' "* astrono)ers! the S#n crosses the ce$estia$ e5#ator a $itt$e ear$ier 3precedes4 than it did the *ear "efore! and as da* and ni&ht are of e5#a$ $en&th at the %oint where the S#n crosses the ce$estia$ e5#ator or e5#inoctia$! this %recedent crossin& is ca$$ed $the precession of the E&uinox.$ If there were no %recession of the e5#ino+ the S#n wo#$d a$wa*s enter the

constellation Aries at the erna$ e5#ino+! "#t on acco#nt of this "ac-ward )otion of one de&ree in a"o#t se ent*8two *ears! the erna$ e5#ino+ occ#rs in the first de&ree of Pisces a"o#t @?E> *ears $ater( After a si)i$ar %eriod of ti)e it recedes to the first de&ree of A5#ari#s! and so on thro#&h the circ$e of the twe$ e si&ns in a"o#t @E!A>A *ears( At the ti)e when the S#n was in Ta#r#s! the si&n of the '2#$$!' at the erna$ e5#ino+! the ancient E&*%tians worshi%ed the sacred '2#$$ A%is' and their %riests wore the Urae#s or Ser%ent S*)"o$ "e$on&in& to Scorpio, the serpent si&n opposite Ta#r#s! to indicate their %ossession of the esoteric wisdo)( 4hen the S#n went into Aries "* %recession it "eca)e ido$atr* for 'the chosen %eo%$e' to worshi% the '2#$$!' or &o$den ca$f/ the* $eft $Egypt$ and %inned their faith to the '$a)"' or 'ra)' which was then $slain$. 2#t accordin& to the esoteric s*)"o$ of (ibra, the scales of 'ustice, which is o%%osite Aries! he sha$$ co)e a&ain as 3#d&e( In A(.( <BA the S#n was in the first de&ree of Aries at the e5#ino+! and in the ?<?A *ears which ha e since e$a%sed it has receded nineteen de&rees! fort*8two )in#tes! so that in ?B?> the S#n crosses the e5#ator in ten de&rees! ei&hteen )in#tes of Pisces! and in the *ear @>E< it wi$$ "e on the c#s% of A5#ari#s( .#rin& the @DDD *ears which ha e e$a%sed since the e5#ino+ ca)e within or" of ,isces, the fishes, the re$i&io#s rites ha e re5#ired that the %eo%$e anoint the)se$ es with the ,iscean water at the door of the ch#rch! the Ser ice was %erfor)ed "* a %riest whose head&ear was )ade to rese)"$e the head of a fish, and the* were co))anded to a"stain fro) the eatin& of )eat at certain ti)es! and bade eat fish instead. The* were a$so ta#&ht to worship an immaculate virgin because .irgo is the sign opposite ,isces0 and this worshi% wi$$ contin#e! tho#&h in a decreasin& de&ree #nti$ the new idea$ e)"odied in the si&n A5#ari#s and its o%%osite si&n Leo has s#%erseded orthodo+ Christianit* as that has ta-en the %$ace of the ear$ier re$i&ions( Since the )idd$e of $ast cent#r* the A5#arian inf$#ence! foc#sed "* the e5#ino+! has )ade itse$f fe$t "eca#se the S#n's or" is so $ar&e that it to#ches the c#s% of A5#ari#s! and as a conse5#ence we ha e had an #n%recedented awa-enin& of tho#&ht and a &a$a+* of in entions %re io#s$* #ndrea)ed of as re)otest %ossi"i$ities( 2#t as the *ears &o on! the e5#inoctia$ S#n wi$$ i$$#)inate o#r )inds in s#ch a )anner as to 3#stif* o#r &randchi$dren in s%ea-in& of this as ,the dara&e,/ and when! in the *ear @>E<! the S#n's act#a$ entrance into A5#ari#s #shers in a new a&e! the* wi$$ "e 3#stified in thin-in& of the Piscean a&e as we do of the ti)e 2(C( 4e see then! that there is a natural 1odiac co)%osed of the stationar* star c$#sters! Aries! Ta#r#s! etc(! and a shiftin& Fodiac! which starts at the e5#inoctia$ %oint! no )atter where in the conste$$ations that occ#rs/ and the first thirt* de&rees fro) that %oint are ca$$ed Aries! the ne+t thirt* de&rees are ca$$ed Ta#r#s! and so on( This is the intellectual 1odiac. This )a* see) an ar"itrar* )anner of di ision "#t it is a )atter of o"ser ation that tho#&h the e5#ino+ act#a$$* occ#rs in Pisces ten de&rees at the %resent ti)e! the S%rin& acti ities ascri"ed to the S#n in Aries co))ence at once after the

e5#ino+( There is! howe er! a "$endin& of Aries and Pisces which acco#nts for certain e o$#tionar* chan&es( In this connection the st#dent is referred to %a&es @> and @C( Intercepted: See artic$e on 'Ho#ses' "efore readin& this( In the artic$e on 'Ho#ses!' it is stated that owin& to the s%herica$ sha%e of the earth and the inc$ination of the earth's a+is! so)e of the )#ndane ho#ses in the hi&her 1orthern $atit#des are on$* twe$ e or fifteen de&rees! whi$e others are fort*! fift*! or si+t* de&rees $on&( 2#t the si&ns of the Fodiac are on$* thirt* de&rees! and it therefore fo$$ows that in cases where a )#ndane ho#se is er* $on&! one or e en two who$e si&ns )a* "e inc$#ded within its c#s%s( In the horosco%e of Er)an C( "orn ;an#ar* @Eth! ?B?@ at = A(M( in O&den! IA! we find @< de&rees of Sa&ittari#s on the second c#s%! and A5#ari#s ?? on the third( Th#s the second ho#se is fort*8se en de&rees $on&! inc$#din& the who$e si&n Ca%ricorn with he %$anets Merc#r* and Uran#s! and an astro$o&er wo#$d descri"e the sit#ation "* sa*in& that Capricorn is $intercepted$ in the second house. 4hen he s%ea-s of the %$anets in this interce%ted si&n he sa*s that Merc#r* and Uran#s are interce%ted in Ca%ricorn in the second ho#se( 4hen a si&n is interce%ted in a ho#se! the opposite sign is also intercepted in the o%%osite ho#se/ conse5#ent$* we find Cancer interce%ted in the ei&hth ho#se with 1e%t#ne in it( Re&ardin& the inf$#ence of interce%tion! we find that when a %$anet is in an interce%ted si&n its inf$#ence is he$d in a"e*ance or $atenc* #nti$ "* %ro&ression it )o es o#t of the interce%ted si&n( This tendenc* )a* "e so)ewhat )odified "* a stron& as%ect! or a n#)"er of )inor or wea- ones! "#t an interce%ted %$anet ne er has the sa)e %ower o er the $ife as one that is free( +atitude: In Astrono)*! the distance a %$anet is 1orth or So#th of the ec$i%tic! or S#n's %ath( In Geo&ra%h*! the distance a cit* or %$ace is 1orth or So#th of the E5#ator( *ote--!he distance of the heavenly bodies north or south of the celestial e&uator is not called latitude, but declination. 4hen the S#n is at its hi&hest 1orthern %oint in the tro%ic of Cancer! we do not sa* that it is in twent*8three de&rees of 1orth $atit#de! "#t that it is in twent*8three de&rees of north declination. See '.ec$ination(' +ig,ts: The S#n and Moon( +ogarit,ms: 4ere ori&ina$$* in ented "* Lord 1a%ier to )a-e arith)etica$ ca$c#$ations eas*( The* were $ater ada%ted to the deci)a$ s*ste)! and are #sed "* astrono)ers who ca$c#$ate directions "* arc( 2#t for ca$c#$ation of the %$anets' %$aces "* Lon&it#de

and in re$ation to the da* of twent*8fo#r ho#rs! it is necessar* to ca$c#$ate a s%ecia$ set! which wi$$ "e fo#nd in the "ac- of o#r e%he)eris( 2* #se of the) )#$ti%$ication is %erfor)ed "* addition! and di ision "* s#"traction( +ong Ascension: Si&ns of! See 'Ascension(' +ongitude: In Geo&ra%h*! Lon&it#de is )eas#red fro) the Meridian of Greenwich! East or 4est on the E5#ator( In Astrono)*! the Lon&it#de of the %$anets is )eas#red on the ec$i%tic or S#n's %ath startin& with the first %oint of Aries at the erna$ e5#ino+( 4hen the distance is rec-oned on the e5#inoctia$! or ce$estia$ e5#ator it is ca$$ed Ri&ht Ascension( +ord: A %$anet is said to "e 'Lord' of the si&ns it r#$es/ e( &( Mars is Lord of Aries and Scor%io/ Ven#s is 'Lad*' of Ta#r#s and Li"ra( See '.i&nit*' and 'E+a$tation(' +uminaries: The S#n and Moon( +unar: Pertainin& to 'L#na!' the Moon( +unation: A L#nation is a con3#nction of the S#n and Moon! a '1ew Moon(' In o#r e%he)eris a$$ 1ew Moons! F#$$ Moons! and ec$i%ses are %$ain$* )ar-ed at the head of the %a&es( 4hen a $#nation fa$$s within three de&rees of an as%ect to an* of the %$anets or other ita$ %oints in the radica$ horosco%e it has a )ar-ed effect #%on affairs during the current month, and wi$$ easi$* ta-e the %$ace of an as%ect of the %ro&ressed Moon which is needed to fr#ctif* the %$anetar* indications then in force( E en a%art fro) %ri)ar* directions! if a 1ew Moon fa$$s in c$ose con3#nction with a )a$efic! it wi$$ %rod#ce tro#"$e in )inor )atters! and con erse$*! a $#nation which fa$$s on the %$ace of ;#%iter or Ven#s wi$$ )a-e thin&s %$easant( 4hen a 1ew Moon is a so$ar ec$i%se it %rod#ces first, the #s#a$ effect of a $#nation d#rin& its c#rrent )onth! if in as%ect with an* of the radica$ %$anets! and secondly, si)i$ar effects d#rin& the )onths of the fo$$owin& *ear when as%ects of the sa)e nat#re are for)ed with the %$ace of the ec$i%se( That is to sa*! if the ec$i%se fe$$ in the twe$fth ho#se in Leo! s5#are to Mars in Scor%io! in the third ho#se! then it wo#$d %rod#ce en)it* with "rothers and sisters d#rin& the )onth of A#&#st when the ec$i%se was for)ed( In 1o e)"er when the $#nation occ#rs in Scor%io )ore f#e$ wi$$ "e added to the fire "* the s5#are with the ec$i%se( In Fe"r#ar* when the S#n is in o%%osition to the ec$i%se there wi$$ "e )ore tro#"$e fro) the sa)e so#rce! and a$so in Ma* when the $ast s5#are occ#rs( Con erse$*! if the initia$ as%ect of the ec$i%se is &ood! )ore "enefit wi$$ "e e+%erienced d#rin& the )onths when se+ti$es and trines are for)ed( The c*c$e of $#nations is nineteen *ears/ for e+a)%$e! in ;#$* ?BDD the $#nation occ#rred on the @>th of ;#$* in three de&rees of Leo! and in ?B?B another $#nation

wi$$ occ#r on the @>th of ;#$* in three de&rees of Leo( Th#s the st#dent )a* ca$c#$ate the $#nations of f#t#re *ears with s#fficient acc#rac* for a$$ %ractica$ %#r%oses( Ec$i%ses )a* a$so "e ca$c#$ated for future *ears in a si)i$ar$* eas* ro#&h and read* )anner if the st#dent has the e%he)erides for past *ears( .#rin& her )onth$* co#rse the Moon 7i&7a&s across the ec$i%tic! and at the con3#nctions! or 1ew Moons! is &enera$$* a n#)"er of de&rees awa* fro) the ec$i%tic( Under s#ch conditions we ha e 3#st an ordinar* 1ew Moon( In order to ha e a tota$ so$ar ec$i%se the Moon )#st "e direct$* in the S#n's %ath as seen fro) the earth! and the dec$ination of the S#n and Moon )#st "e %ractica$$* the sa)e/ a$so the )oon )#st ha e %ractica$$* no $atit#de( There are ne er $ess than two ec$i%ses in a *ear! and the* are so$ar! nor are there e er )ore than se en! "#t these e+tre)e n#)"ers ha%%en er* se$do)( The #s#a$ n#)"er of ec$i%ses is fo#r/ two so$ar and two $#nar ec$i%ses! and the* #s#a$$* co)e in %airs and si+ )onths a%art( The F#$$ Moon %recedin& or fo$$owin& a so$ar ec$i%se is #s#a$$* a $#nar ec$i%se( A$so if on %air of ec$i%ses occ#rs in Fe"r#ar*! $oo- for the other %air in A#&#st( 2earin& the a"o e in )ind! ec$i%ses in an* *ear )a* "e fo#nd with fair s#ccess "* the fo$$owin& si)%$e r#$e0 H?(I Fro) the *ear for which ec$i%ses are wanted! s#"tract ?A( The res#$tin& *ear we wi$$ ca$$ the $eclipse year.$ H@(I Search the 'Ec$i%se Year' for 1ew and F#$$ Moons which are ec$i%ses( *ote their dates only. H=(I In the *ear %re io#s to the 'Ec$i%se Year!' note the dates and 7odiaca$ %$aces of the $#nations which occ#r a"o#t e$e en da*s after the dates o"tained in the 'Ec$i%se Year(' These are dates and %$aces of ec$i%ses in the *ear wanted( In order to test the si)%$e r#$es of th#)" here &i en! $et #s i)a&ine this is the *ear ?B?D! and that we want to find the first so$ar ec$i%se occ#rrin& in ?B?E( 4e ta-e an e%he)eris for ?ABC which is ei&hteen *ears ear$ier than ?B?E! and $oo- for the first so$ar ec$i%se( 4e find a so$ar ec$i%se on the ?st of Fe"r#ar* ?ABC( To ascertain the date and de&ree of the Fodiac in which this ec$i%se wi$$ fa$$ in ?B?E! we $oo- for infor)ation in the e%he)eris for ?AB>! which is one *ear ear$ier than the 'Ec$i%se Year' ?ABC( There we find that the first 1ew Moon which occ#rred after Fe"r#ar* ?st! fe$$ in the afternoon of the ?=th of Fe"r#ar*! in twent*8fo#r de&rees! nineteen )in#tes of A5#ari#s! and we therefore 3#d&e that there wi$$ "e a so$ar ec$i%se on the ?=th of Fe"r#ar* ?B?E in twent*8fo#r de&rees! nineteen )in#tes of A5#ari#s( After co)%$etin& o#r ca$c#$ations we cease to )a-e "e$ie e a"o#t $i in& in ?B?D! and ta-e #% the e%he)eris for ?B?E to see if o#r r#$es ha e &i en the ri&ht res#$t/

and we find that a so$ar ec$i%se did occ#r on the )ornin& of the ?<th of Fe"r#ar* ?B?E! in A5#ari#s! twent*8fo#r de&rees! fort*8two )in#tes! %ro in& the r#$e to ha e &i en an essentia$$* correct res#$t( See 'Transits(' (alefics: Mars! Sat#rn! Uran#s and 1e%t#ne( See 'Good and 2ad(' (asculine Signs: Aries! Ge)ini! Leo! Li"ra! Sa&ittari#s and A5#ari#s are ca$$ed Masc#$ine( These inc$#de the fiery triplicity, Aries! Leo and Sa&ittari#s! and the airy triplicity, Ge)ini! Li"ra and A5#ari#s( The fe)inine si&ns inc$#de the earthy and watery tri%$icities( Earth and water are ne&ati e and inert! "#t are acted #%on "* the positive e$e)ents( The winds stir the waters of the ocean and o$canic fires sha-e the earth( Therefore the fier* and air* si&ns are ca$$ed )asc#$ine( The 'Fe)inine Si&ns(' (eridian: An i)a&inar* circ$e drawn "etween the 1orth and So#th %o$es o er the face of the earth( As this $ine r#ns direct$* 1orth and So#th! a$$ %$aces $ocated thereon ha e noon at the sa)e ti)e( See 'Ho#ses(' (id,ea$en, or *enit,: The %oint in the s-*! direct$* o erhead( 4hen it is noon! the S#n is in the Midhea en( It is #s#a$$* written M( C( See 'Ho#ses(' (o$able Signs: Aries! Cancer! Li"ra and Ca%ricorn( See 'Cardina$ Si&ns(' (undane !ouses, and (undane Aspects: See 'Ho#ses(' (utual Reception: See 'Rece%tion(' -adir, or Immum Coeli, usually .ritten I/ C/: The %oint in the hea ens direct$* "eneath the "irth%$ace o%%osite the other side of the earth( It is the %oint o%%osite to the Midhea en( The S#n is there at Midni&ht( See 'Midhea en' and 'Ho#ses(' -ati$ity: The sa)e as 'Horosco%e!' and 'Radi+/' a )a% of the hea ens cast for the )o)ent of "irth( See 'Fi&#re(' -atural *odiac: See 'Inte$$ect#a$ Fodiac(' -ebulae: C$o#d* star c$#sters! wor$ds in the )a-in&( Three of the) are -nown to ha e an ini)ica$ effect on the e*esi&ht( See 'Fi+ed Stars(' -odes: See '.ra&on's Head('

-ort,ern Signs: Aries! Ta#r#s! Ge)ini! Cancer! Leo! and Vir&o( So ca$$ed "eca#se the S#n is in these si&ns when he is a"o e the e5#ator in the S%rin& and S#))er( -utation: A i"rator* )otion of the a+is of the earth which is res%onsi"$e for the %recession of the e5#ino+( See 'Inte$$ect#a$ Fodiac(' 0bli1ue Ascension: See 'Ascension(' 0ccidental: 4estern( 4hen the S#n or %$anets ha e %assed the Fenith! Midhea en or noon )ar-! the* "e&in to set towards the 4estern hori7on! therefore the %$anets in the ninth! ei&hth and se enth ho#ses of the horosco%e are said to "e 'occidenta$' or 4estern! and %$anets in the twe$fth! e$e enth and tenth ho#ses which are ascendin& fro) the Eastern hori7on to the Midhea en! as the S#n does in the forenoon! are said to "e 'orienta$' or Eastern( 2#t when the S#n sets in the %$ace where we $i e! it rises on another %art of the wor$d re%resented "* the si+th! fifth! fo#rth! third! second and first ho#ses of o#r horosco%e! and d#rin& that ti)e it is a$so orienta$! and occidenta$ to their Midhea en! which corres%onds to OUR 1adir( 4hen it rises fro) their Eastern hori7on! which is o#r descendant! thro#&h the si+th! fifth and fo#rth ho#ses! it is ca$$ed orienta$! and when it &rad#a$$* sets towards their 4estern Hori7on! which is o#r Ascendant! it is ca$$ed occidenta$( Therefore! %$anets in the twe$fth! e$e enth! tenth! si+th! fifth! and fo#rth ho#ses are ca$$ed orienta$! and the %$anets in the other si+ ho#ses are ca$$ed occidenta$ or 4estern( 0pposition: 4hen two %$anets are in the sa)e de&ree of o%%osite si&ns! the* are said to "e in 'O%%osition(' See 'As%ect' and 'Or"(' 0rb: P$anets for) as%ects which inf$#ence h#)an affairs when the* are in the sa)e de&ree of the Fodiac! or a certain n#)"er of de&rees a%art( 2#t it has "een fo#nd that the inf$#ence is fe$t e en when %$anets are not e+act$* the re5#ired n#)"er of de&rees a%art( Th#s a %$anet has a s#"t$e s%here which )a-es it effecti e "efore an e+act as%ect is for)ed! and after it has "een disso$ ed! and this is ca$$ed its or"( 0rbit: The %ath or a %$anet aro#nd the S#n( 0rbital Re$olution: The re o$#tion of a %$anet in its or"it aro#nd the S#n( The ti)e occ#%ied "* the or"ita$ re o$#tions of a$$ the %$anets is &i en on %a&e C( 0riental:

Eastern! see 'Occidenta$' for e+%$anation( )arallel: The as%ect for)ed "etween two %$anets when the* are in the sa)e de&ree of dec$ination! either 1orth or So#th of the ce$estia$ e5#ator( See %a&e CE( )art of 2ortune: A %oint in the horosco%e which o%%oses or fa ors the financia$ fort#nes accordin& to the as%ects it recei es fro) the %$anets( The %hi$oso%h* and the )ethod of ca$c#$atin& it are &i en on %a&e >D etc( To %ro e whether the 'Part of Fort#ne' is ri&ht$* ca$c#$ated! o"ser e whether the distance fro) the S#n to the Moon e5#a$s the distance fro) the Ascendant to the 'Part of Fort#ne(' ),ysical Appearance: The %h*sica$ t*%e is deter)ined "* fo#r %rinci%a$ factors( These are the Ascendant or Risin& Si&n! which re%resents the "od*! the Lord of the Ascendant! Risin& P$anets! na)e$* %$anets in the first ho#se! %artic#$ar$* when the* are in the si&n on its c#s%! and the Si&n containin& the S#n( 1ote howe er! that the S#n )#st ha e so)e stren&th in the )atters of %osition and as%ects in order to "rin& into e idence the %h*sica$ characteristics of its si&n( The a"o e e$e)ents are arran&ed in the #s#a$ order of their i)%ortance( Their "$endin& deter)ines whether a %erson "e ta$$ or short! dar- or fair! and a$$ his other %h*sica$ %ec#$iarities( See ,Messa&e of the Stars, for a )ore detai$ed e+%$anation of this )atter( )lanets:( The hea en$* "odies of God's A)"assadors which circ$e a"o#t the S#n( As )an is )ade in the i)a&e of God! who is threefo$d in )anifestation! so astro$o&ica$$*! the hi&her se$f in )an is re%resented "* a circ$e with the centra$ %oint denotin& the hi&hest s%irit#a$ as%ect! the .i ine S%irit whose fac#$t* is 4i$$( Therefore! the S#n stands in the horosco%e as the hi&hest e+%ression of the indi id#a$ se$f( It denotes the %ositi e o#t&oin& inf$#ence in )an! his character in the hi&hest sense of the word( The s*)"o$ of the %$anet Ven#s is a circ$e a"o e the cross( It denotes wisdo) which is not )ere inte$$ect#a$it*! "#t Int#ition and I)a&ination( Hence! the nat#re of Ven#s is essentia$$* $o e! and it is the ce)entin& inf$#ence in the $ife where"* we are attracted to others for )#t#a$ "enefit/ a$tho#&h Ven#s in and of herse$f is not concerned with )#t#a$ "enefit! it "ein& her nat#re to attract others! and that &ood co)es "* her is on$* an incident( The %$anet ;#%iter is s*)"o$i7ed "* the ha$f8circ$e a"o e the cross( It denotes the h#)an s%irit! whose fac#$t* is a"stract tho#&ht( Therefore the %$anet ;#%iter stands for the hi&her )ind! the )ind that is #nconcerned with )ateria$ thin&s! and e+%resses itse$f in a"stract tho#&ht! as re$i&ion! %hi$oso%h* and the hi&her sciences( Mars is the o%%osite of Ven#s( It is s*)"o$i7ed "* the cross a"o e the circ$e! so

that whi$e it is Ven#s's nat#re to #nse$fish$* $o e! and to &i e to others! it is the nat#re of Mars to desire for se$fish ends( It therefore denotes a$$ the o#t&oin& ener&* of the $ower nat#re! the desire "od*! the %assiona$ an e)otiona$ as%ect of )an! which ca#ses hi) to wor- o#twards in the wor$d! to o erco)e o"stac$es and to &ather e+%erience( Sat#rn is the o%%osite of ;#%iter! the cross of )atter a"o e the ha$f8circ$e denotin& the "rain )ind( It is that which &i es %ersistence to the i)%#$ses of Mars! and s*)"o$i7es the re$ati e$* %er)anent %art of the $ower nat#re! that which has "een wei&hed and fo#nd to "e of #se( It is! therefore! s*)"o$ica$ of the seed8ato)s of Man's $ower ehic$es! wherein are stored the e+%erience of a$$ %ast $i es( Hence! Sat#rn denotes the )echanica$ a"i$it*! the chastit* and 3#stice/ the %erse erance and )ateria$ attain)ents which ha e "een )ade into irt#es thro#&h his %#r&in& inf$#ence( He stands as the rea%er of the thin&s that ha e "een sown in the "od*! and as s#ch he a%%ears often in the $ife to chastise #s for the wron& we ha e done/ not anda$istica$$*! "#t in order that we )a* $earn the $essons of how to act ri&ht$*( The Moon is the ref$ection of the S#n( That to&ether with the Ascendant! denotes the for)ation of the %h*sica$ "od*! and the Ascendant the si&nificator of the dense "od*( Hence! these two stand for that which is )an's too$ in action/ the )ost %erfect %art of his nat#re! "#t at the sa)e ti)e! the )ost e anescent( The Moon is! therefore! the er* antithesis of the S#n( The $atter is a fi+ed star whi$e the Moon is the )ost )i&rator* of the hea en$* "odies( The three $ast na)ed %$anets are the si&nificators of the $ower nat#re in )an! the %ersona$it*! as o%%osed to the indi id#a$it* s*)"o$i7ed "* the three first na)ed %$anets/ and these two trian&$es are connected "* the %$anet si&nif*in& the $ower concrete )ind! na)e$* Merc#r*( The s*)"o$ of that %$anet has in it a$$ three constit#ents of %$anetar* s*)"o$is)! the circ$e! the ha$f8circ$e and the cross! showin& it to ha e no nat#re of its own! "#t to "e a ehic$e for the e+%ression of the other %$anets( 4hen Merc#r* is we$$ %osited with reference to Ven#s! we ha e the artistic! %oetica$! )#sica$ and $iterar* t*%e of )ind( For it is fro) Ven#s that the i"rations co)e which e+%ress the)se$ es in a$$ art( 4hen Merc#r* is we$$ %$aced in re$ation to ;#%iter! we ha e the %hi$oso%hica$ and scientific )ind! the r#$er and the $aw8&i er! "oth in ch#rch and state who wor-s for the &ood of a$$( 4hen Merc#r* is we$$ %osited with re&ard to Mars! we ha e the )an of action/ the )an who ai)s at the )ateria$ de e$o%)ent of the wor$d's reso#rces in a s)a$$ or $ar&e wa*! as a sho%-ee%er! store-ee%er and a$$ other wa*s wherein others are e+%$oited for %ersona$ "enefit! for Mars is! as a$read* said! the antithesis of Ven#s! and the e)"odi)ent of se$fish desire( Merc#r* in as%ect to the Moon has no si&nificance! as the Moon itse$f is a ref$ector/ e+ce%t where it is an e i$ as%ect co)in& fro) a cardina$ si&n or e$e ation( There it )a* %rod#ce f$i&ht* thin-in&(

In the fore&oin&! on$* the essentia$ nat#res of the %$anets ha e "een &i en( 4here the* are we$$ as%ected "* another %$anet these nat#ra$ characteristics are enhanced so far as the "enefic %$anets are concerned! "#t when e i$$* as%ected! the nat#re of Ven#s! which is wisdo)! $o e and rh*th)! wi$$ "eco)e fo$$*! $icentio#sness! and s$oth/ the %hi$oso%h*! $aw8a"idin& tendencies )erc* and $oft* as%irations of ;#%iter wi$$ t#rn into $aw$essness! disre&ard of others! and $ow %#rs#its/ the $oft* s%irit#a$it* of the S#n wi$$ e+%ress itse$f as 3#st ani)a$ s%irits and %h*sica$ hea$th( In re&ard to the %$anets of the $ower nat#re! &ood as%ects to Mars t#rn the desires towards constr#cti e o"3ects and we$$ re&#$ated acti ities whi$e the e i$ as%ects are res%onsi"$e for the destr#cti e e+%ression of the desire nat#re( Sat#rn! when we$$ as%ected! &i es the )echanica$ and e+ec#ti e a"i$it* that is ca%a"$e of directin& the desire nat#re( It shows the "rain*! %erse erin& )an who is a"$e to co%e with and con5#er )ateria$ o"stac$es/ the or&ani7er and %ro)oter/ the scientific in esti&ator! who fo$$ows a$on& )ateria$ $ines( As it is the antithesis of ;#%iter! it wi$$ "e readi$* seen that as ;#%iter! we$$ as%ected! denotes the hi&h8)inded %hi$oso%her! the worth* $aw8&i er! the sincere and ardent %riest! in fact! a$$ who ha e hi&h and $oft* as%irations! so Sat#rn! when e i$$* as%ected! denotes the narrow8)inded! creed8"o#nd sectarian! the )ateria$ist! the anarchist and the ene)* of societ*! whether of the ch#rch or state( As ;#%iter &i es the $oft*! e+%ansi e and "ene o$ent )ind! so Sat#rn! e i$$* as%ected! &i es the sarcastic! concrete and narrow tendencies( Uran#s0 2esides the se en %$anets a$read* )entioned! two others are in o#r s*ste)! Uran#s and 1e%t#ne( Uran#s )a* "e said to "e the octa e of Ven#s! ha in& her nat#re in a )#ch )ore s#"t$e de&ree/ its attractions are so s%irit#a$ that the* cannot "e fe$t "* the ordinar* )an in the %ro%er )anner! and he therefore! )ore readi$* res%onds to the e i$ side of Uran#s( It is the %$anet which r#$es the ether! and when in as%ect to Merc#r*! or in the Ascendant! or with the Moon! it %rod#ces a to#ch with the force we -now as e$ectricit*( Its o%erations are a$wa*s er* s#dden! and as )an-ind res%onds to its e i$ side! as a$read* stated! these effects show the)se$ es %artic#$ar$* in the for) of disaster( 1e%t#ne is the octa e of Merc#r*( As )erc#r* is the $i&ht8"earer for the %h*sica$ S#n! so is 1e%t#ne the $i&ht8"earer of the s%irit#a$ S#n! ca$$ed V#$can a)on& occ#$tists! which is seen "ac- of the isi"$e S#n( 1at#ra$$*! therefore! sti$$ fewer a)on& h#)anit* are ca%a"$e at a$$ of "ein& affected "* it! sa e that it %rod#ces a chaotic state of )ind when %$aced in e i$ as%ect( 4hen %$aced in an&$es! and %artic#$ar$* in e$e ations near the Midhea en! it %rod#ces Occ#$tists and M*stics of the hi&hest sta)%/ "#t when %$aced in cadent ho#ses! it )a* "rin& )edi#)shi%! c#nnin&! e)otiona$is)( It is the hi&hest strin& in the $*re of the so#$ of God! and is therefore the $east #sed! and the one to &et )ost easi$* o#t of t#ne( Astro$o&ers are the )ost affected "* it! and those )#sicians who #se strin&ed instr#)ents( )lanetary !ours: That the %$anets ha e do)inion o er the da*s of the wee- which re%resent the se en creati e da*s! HPeriodsI is ta#&ht "* the Rosicr#cians(

Sat#rda* is Sat#rn's da* and corres%onds to the Sat#rn Period( S#nda* is the S#n's da* and corres%onds to the S#n Period( Monda* is the Moon's da* and corres%onds to the Moon Period( T#esda* is the da* of the 1orse war8&od! T*r! and corres%onds to the Mars8ha$f of the Earth Period( 4ednesda* is the da* of the 1orse Merc#r*! 4otan! and corres%onds to the Merc#r*8ha$f to the Earth Period( Th#rsda* is the da* of Thor! the 1orse ;#%iter! and corres%onds to the ;#%iter Period( Frida* is the da* of the 1orse Ven#s! Fre*a! and corres%onds to the Ven#s Period( In addition to the r#$ershi% o er the da*s of the wee-! the %$anets ha e do)inion in t#rn o er the ho#rs of the da*! and the #nder$*in& s*ste)! order and connection "etween the r#$ershi% of the da*s and ho#rs "eco)e a%%arent when it is noted that0 The %$anet for which an* da* is na)ed r#$es the first ho#r after s#nrise on that da*( Startin& with the ho#r of s#nrise on S#nda* which is r#$ed "* the S#n! the ne+t ho#r is a$$otted to Ven#s! the third to Merc#r*( 1e+t co)e the ho#rs of the Moon! Sat#rn! ;#%iter! Mars( Then co)e other ho#rs r#$ed "* the S#n! "* Ven#s and a$$ the other %$anets in the order &i en0 S#n! Ven#s! Merc#r*! Moon! Sat#rn! ;#%iter! Mars( This s#ccession is fo$$owed in #n"ro-en se5#ence to the ne+t S#nda* )ornin& when Mars r#$es the $ast ho#r of the wee- in his %ro%er order and the S#n o%ens the new wee- with his "eneficent ra*( Under this arran&e)ent of s#ccession started at s#nrise on S#nda*! the Moon r#$es the first ho#r of Monda*! which is the twent*8fifth fro) the ho#r of the S#n which r#$ed S#nda* )ornin&( Mars r#$es the first ho#r on T#esda* which is the twent*8fifth ho#r fro) the ho#r of the Moon which r#$ed Monda* )ornin&( And so on! thro#&h the other da*s of the wee-( This shows how the )ethod of na)in& the da*s for the P$anetar* S%irits which ha e do)inion o er the)! do etai$s with the s*ste) of %$anetar* ho#rs! and "oth are rooted in a fo#ndation of esoteric -now$ed&e( 4hen we s%ea- of %$anetar* $hours,$ it )#st "e #nderstood that these ho#rs are not si+t* )in#tes in $en&th! "#t ar* in a wide )eas#re! with the ti)e of the *ear! and the %$ace of *o#r residence( 1ear the e5#ator the di er&ence is $east/ and it increases the f#rther 1orth we &o "eca#se a %$anetar* ho#r is one twe$fth %art of the ti)e "etween S#nset on a %artic#$ar da* and S#nrise the ne+t )ornin&! or it is one twe$fth %art of a %artic#$ar da* "e&innin& at S#nrise and endin& at S#nset( At the e5#ino+es when the da* and ni&ht are of e5#a$ $en&th! the %$anetar* ho#rs

are a$so si+t* )in#tes each! "#t at )ids#))er and in $atit#de si+t* where the S#n rises at = A(M( and sets at A P(M( &i in& a da* of se enteen and a ni&ht of on$* se en ho#rs! the %$anetar* ho#rs of the da* are ninet*8two )in#tes $on& a&ainst twent*8se en )in#tes for the ni&ht ho#rs( This is re ersed in .ece)"er! for then the S#n does not rise ti$$ B0?E A(M( in $atit#de si+t* 1orth and it sets at @0<E P(M( with the res#$t that the %$anetar* ho#rs of the da* are twent*8se en )in#tes $on&! and the ni&ht ho#rs ninet*8two )in#tes( For the con enience of st#dents we &i e in the "ac- of this "oo- si+ ta"$es! and each #sa"$e for two )onths in the *ear "* a$$ who $i e in $atit#de @E to EE 1orth or So#th! this "ein& %ractica$$* the who$e ci i$i7ed wor$d( The* are %er%et#a$ and )a* "e #sed a $ifeti)e( To find which %$anet r#$es a certain ho#r! $oo- at *o#r ti)e%iece and cons#$t the ta"$e for the c#rrent )onth( R#n *o#r inde+8fin&er down the co$#)n for the $atit#de in which *o# $i e( Sto% when *o# co)e to the first ti)e which is later than the ti)e indicated "* *o#r watch( Mo e #% one ste%( The fi&#re fo#nd there indicates that the %$anetar* r#$er co))enced to r#$e at that ti)e and wi$$ contin#e in %ower ti$$ the ti)e at which *o# first sto%%ed( The Ho#r8r#$ers are fo#nd at the intersection of the $ine containin& the ti)e at which the* co))enced to r#$e and the co$#)n of the %ro%er da* of the wee-( To i$$#strate! if we want to find which %$anet r#$es in $atit#de <D on Th#rsda* at @ P(M( d#rin& .ece)"er! we r#n o#r inde+ fin&er down the )idd$e co$#)n of $atit#des in the ta"$e for .ece)"er! and sto% at @0?A P(M(! which is the first fi&#re that is later than we desire( 4e then )o e #% a ste% to ?0=@ P(M(! and thence to the $eft sto%%in& at the co$#)n of Th#rsda*( There we find Mars! and -now that that %$anet r#$es fro) ?0=@ to @0?A P(M( on Th#rsda*s! d#rin& .ece)"er and ;an#ar*! in $atit#des =E to <E( Re&ardin& the #se of the %$anetar* ho#rs! an*one who has st#died the nat#re and inf$#ence of the ario#s %$anets on the affairs of $ife )a* readi$* for) an o%inion( E+%eri)ent and o"ser ation wi$$ soon )a-e an*one %roficient in the choice of the "est ti)es for doin& the thin& desired with the "est chance of s#ccess( There are )an* who dra& the stars in the &#tter "* %er erted #se of their inf$#ence for se$fish ends! and endea or to o"tain an #nd#e ad anta&e there"*! "#t st#dents of o#r $iterat#re wi$$ not e+%ect to find ad ice on how to %roceed with s#ch a %#r%ose( 4e ha e not st#died the )atter fro) that an&$e and wo#$d not teach others how! if we -new( 2#t on certain occasions the %$anetar* ho#rs )a* "e 3#st$* and "eneficent$* #sed! and we sha$$ tr* to indicate how the* )a* "e of ser ice( S#%%ose we want to he$% a friend to o"tain e)%$o*)ent! and -now a %$ace where he wo#$d fit in( 4e re)e)"er that the S#n is a si&nificator of those in a#thorit* and therefore the ho#rs of the S#n are &ood in which to transact "#siness with and as- fa ors of s#ch %eo%$e/ and *o# wi$$ ha e the "est chance of s#ccess if *o# a%%$* at those ti)es( 2#t it a$so is i)%ortant to re)e)"er that the %$anet which r#$es the first ho#r of a

&i en da* has prime rulership d#rin& that entire da*! and that the other %$anets are on$* s#"sidiar* r#$ers with the da* r#$er( The* are wea-ened or stren&thened in %ro%ortion to the a&ree)ent or disa&ree)ent of their nat#res with the nat#re of the da*8r#$er( Th#s if *o# se$ect a S#n8ho#r on Sat#rda*! which is tin&ed with the o"str#cti e Sat#rnine inf$#ence! *o#r chances of s#ccess are not near$* as &ood as if *o# se$ect a S#n8ho#r on a Th#rsda*! which is tin&ed thro#&ho#t with the "ene o$ent ra* of its da*8r#$er! ;#%iter( Or! if *o# ha e occasion as a )atter of d#t*! to reason with so)eone who has a er* short te)%er who! *o# -now! is a%t to resent it and sa* or do so)ethin& that *o# wi$$ "oth wish to a oid! #se the co$d wet "$an-et of the Sat#rn8ho#r on Sat#rn's da* if %ossi"$e! to %#t down and 5#ench the )artia$ s%irit( The dan&er of a r#%t#re wi$$ then "e )ini)i7ed to a wonderf#$ e+tent! and *o# wi$$ %ro"a"$* "oth wonder with %$easant retros%ection how we$$ it went off( Or! if it "eco)es necessar* to stir so)eone who has fa$$en into ha"its of id$eness wherefro) others are )ade to s#ffer! if it see)s a$)ost necessar* to "#i$d a fire #nder hi) to )a-e hi) )o e! co)%o#nd the fire and ener&* of Mars as a da*8 r#$er with his inf$#ence as an ho#r8r#$er! "* ta$-in& to hi) on T#esda*( He wi$$ heed then if it is at a$$ %ossi"$e to &et hi) started( 2* #sin& the %$anetar* ho#rs on the $ines here $aid down! for the %#r%ose of #nse$fish ser ice! *o# )a* confer a &reat )an* "$essin&s on others and $a* #% )#ch treas#re for *o#rse$f in hea en where neither )oth nor r#st wi$$ corr#%t/ and it is we$$ worth re)e)"erin& that howe er )#ch )ateria$ ad anta&e *o# )a* &ain "* #sin& s#ch -now$ed&e! that )ateria$ &ain! %ower! %osition! )one* and a$$ other thin&s that %ertain to this wor$d are $eft "ehind when death ca$$s! and that our good deeds alone stand by us in that ho#r( Therefore do not scoff! "#t if *o# want to #se these ste$$ar inf$#ences! #se the) so that the* wi$$ "rin& *o# e er$astin& instead of on$* te)%orar* &ain( )leiades: See 'Fi+ed Stars(' )recession: A "ac-ward )o e)ent of the erna$ e5#ino+! which is a er* i)%ortant factor in h#)an affairs( See 'Inte$$ect#a$ Fodiac(' )rogression: See '.irections and Transits(' )rimary Directions: See '.irections and Transits(' Radical: Pertainin& to the horosco%e at "irth( See 'Transits(' Radix: The horosco%e at "irth( See 'Transits(' Reception: P$anets are in ')#t#a$ rece%tion' when each occ#%ies the ho#se r#$ed "* the other/ as Ven#s in Aries and Mars in Ta#r#s( The effect de%ends on the a&ree)ent "etween the nat#res of the %$anets( 4hen Mars is in the Merc#ria$ si&ns Ge)ini or

Vir&o and Merc#r* in the Martia$ si&ns Aries or Scor%io! the d*na)ic ener&* of Mars is inf#sed into the )enta$ or&ani7ation of that %erson who on that acco#nt "eco)es )ore a$ert )enta$$*( 4hether this a$ertness )anifests erratica$$* or a$on& order$* $ines de%ends #%on the as%ects of co#rse/ a$$ the ')#t#a$ rece%tion' does is to &i e the ener&*( If Sat#rn is in the Merc#ria$ si&ns Ge)ini or Vir&o! and Merc#r* in the Sat#rnine si&ns Ca%ricorn or A5#ari#s! the restrainin& hand of Sat#rn is $aid #%on the f$i&ht* Merc#r* with the res#$t that the )ind &ains in de%th and %ower of concentration! "#t whether this )enta$ ca%acit* wi$$ "e #sed for &ood or i$$! de%ends on the as%ects the sa)e as in the case of Mars( 4hen Ven#s and ;#%iter are in ')#t#a$ rece%tion' and we$$ as%ected! it s)oothes the %ath of $ife )ost wonderf#$$*( E er*where the %erson who has this confi&#ration wi$$ find %eo%$e read* to he$%! and )an* friends! "#t con erse$*! when Sat#rn and Mars are in ')#t#a$ rece%tion' and aff$icted! he who is so #nfort#nate wi$$ )eet re"#ff and en)it* on e er* hand( It sho#$d ne er "e for&otten! howe er! that our horoscope shows what we have made of ourselves in past lives, and he who has the confi&#ration that attracts friends )#st ha e "een -ind and o"$i&in&! whi$e he who draws o#t the )ean side of h#)an nat#re and )a-es ene)ies is hi)se$f se$fish and #nfriend$*( 2#t if he wi$$ stri e to t#rn fro) his wa*s and )a-e so)e sacrifice for others! he wi$$ a$so in ti)e o erco)e the #ndesira"$e as%ects! for the Star An&e$s are not )a$icio#s$* "ent #%on sco#r&in& an*one( The* on$* sco#r&e to s#"d#e and correct o#r fa#$ts and )a-e #s "etter( So)eti)e we sha$$ a$$ "e $o in& and $o a"$e! and then there wi$$ "e for #s no )a$efic inf$#ence( Retrogradation: See cha%ter on Retro&radation and its effects %( C@( Rig,t Ascension: See 'Ascension(' Ruler: The R#$er of a horosco%e is that %$anet which has &reatest do)inion and inf$#ence o er the $ife! and to which the nati e )ost readi$* res%onds( Other thin&s "ein& e5#a$! the Lord of the Ascendant is the R#$er( 2#t if another %$anet is stron&er in the )atters of E$e ation! .i&nit* or E+a$tation! Position in an An&$e! and As%ects! then that %$anet )#st "e re&arded as the R#$er( 2#t for this to ho$d! the as%ects )#st "e c$ose and stron&! re&ard$ess of whether the* are &ood or "ad( Good as%ects wi$$ )a-e a &ood R#$er! "ad as%ects a "ad one! and witho#t affectin& the fact of r#$ershi% in either case( 4hen two %$anets are a"o#t e5#a$ in stren&th and %osition! the* )#st "e c$assed as co8r#$ers( In the case of a Ho#se! the Lord of the si&n on the c#s% is its R#$er( 4here there is an interce%ted si&n! its Lord has a$so %artia$ r#$ershi% o er the ho#se! a$tho#&h it is inferior in this res%ect to the %$anet which r#$es the si&n on the c#s%( This r#$ershi% of an interce%ted si&n is $atent and is not "ro#&ht o#t #nti$ "* %ro&ression of the an&$es the interce%ted si&n arri es at the c#s% of the ho#se( P$anets in a ho#se! if

aspected, wi$$ ordinari$* ha e a &reater inf$#ence #%on its affairs than the r#$ers of the si&ns "efore )entioned( In this case! s#ch %$anets )a* "e ter)ed co8r#$ers of the ho#se( Secondary Directions: See '.irections and Transits(' Separating: 4hen a %$anet which has "een in as%ect with another )o es onward and th#s disso$ es the as%ect! it is said to "e se%aratin& fro) that as%ect( See 'A%%$*(' Sextile: 4hen two %$anets are si+t* de&rees a%art the* are said to "e in se+ti$e! so ca$$ed "eca#se si+t* de&rees are one si+th %art of the circ$e which has =>D de&rees( It is considered a '&ood' as%ect( See 'Good' and '2ad!' a$so 'As%ect(' S,ort Ascension: See 'Ascension(' Sidereal Day: Is the ti)e which e$a%ses "etween two s#ccessi e %assa&es of a fi+ed star o er the )eridian of a &i en %$ace( See cha%ter on 'Ti)e' %( ?A( Sidereal 3ear: Is the %eriod of ti)e which e$a%ses "etween a con3#nction of the S#n with an* fi+ed star and its ret#rn a&ain to the sa)e con3#nction( Significator: The P$anets! Ascendant! Midhea en! Part of Fort#ne and the .ra&on's Head and Tai$ are ca$$ed 'Si&nificators!' "eca#se their %$aces and as%ects in the horosco%e ha e a certain si&nificant "earin& #%on the affairs of $ife( Signs: The si&ns of the Fodiac are di isions of the hea ens "e&innin& at the erna$ e5#ino+( The first thirt* de&rees are ca$$ed Aries! the ne+t Ta#r#s! Ge)ini! Cancer! Leo! Vir&o! Li"ra! Scor%io! Sa&ittari#s! Ca%ricorn! A5#ari#s and Pisces( These si&ns are! as said! )eas#red fro) the erna$ e5#ino+! a f$#ct#atin& %oint! and are not to "e conf#sed with the twe$ e conste$$ations of fi+ed stars which "ear the sa)e na)es! nor with the twe$ e ho#ses of the horosco%e which are di isions of the earth( See 'Inte$$ect#a$ Fodiac' and 'Ho#ses(' Solar Day: Is the ti)e which e$a%ses "etween two s#ccessi e %assa&es of the S#n o er the )eridian of a &i en %$ace( See cha%ter on 'Ti)e' %( ?A( Solstice: This word is co)%o#nded of the two words! 'so$!' the S#n! and 'sistere!' to )a-e to stand/ th#s #nderstood! it descri"es nice$* what ha%%ens at the so$stice! for a

so$stice is a %oint at which the S#n is in its hi&hest %oint of dec$ination and f#rthest fro) the ce$estia$ e5#ator( There it stands or re)ains for three da*s in the twent*8 third de&ree of dec$ination "efore it "e&ins to descend towards its node( There are two so$stices( One in )ids#))er! the @?st of ;#ne! which is the $on&est da* in the *ear! another on the @?st of .ece)"er! which is the shortest( The* are ca$$ed res%ecti e$*! the s#))er and the winter so$stice( Sout,ern Signs: Li"ra! Scor%io! Sa&ittari#s! Ca%ricorn! A5#ari#s and Pisces are ca$$ed So#thern Si&ns "eca#se when the S#n is in the)! he is So#th of the ce$estia$ e5#ator! and as a res#$t we in the 1orthern he)is%here ha e winter( S1uare: 4hen two %$anets are ninet* de&rees a%art the* are said to "e in s5#are or 5#arti$e! "eca#se ninet* de&rees are one8fo#rth! or 5#arter of the circ$e( This as%ect is said to "e '"ad!' the %$anetar* ra*s stri-in& each other at a ri&ht an&$e! and therefore "ein& at 'cross' %#r%oses as it were( See 'As%ects!' and 'Good and 2ad(' Stationary: At ti)es %$anets )o e o"$i5#e$* with reference to the earth's or"it! in s#ch a )anner as to a%%ear stationar*! tho#&h! as a )atter of fact the* are a$wa*s )o in&( See cha%ter on 'Retro&radation' %( C@( Succedent !ouses: The second! fifth! ei&hth and e$e enth ho#ses are ca$$ed s#ccedent! "eca#se the 's#cceed' or fo$$ow the 'An&$es(' Superior )lanets: Mars! ;#%iter! Sat#rn! Uran#s and 1e%t#ne! are so ca$$ed "* Astrono)ers "eca#se the* )o e in or"its which ta-e the) to %arts of the hea ens far fro) the S#n( The ter) is #sed in contradistinction to that of 'inferior %$anets' as a%%$ied to Ven#s and Merc#r* which a$wa*s re)ain near the S#n( See %a&e ?D( Symbols: The s*)"o$s of the %$anets are &i en on %a&e @<! and it wi$$ "e noticed that the* consist of a circ$e! a ha$f circ$e and a cross ario#s$* &ro#%ed( The circ$e is the s*)"o$ of the s%irit! the ha$f8circ$e is the e)"$e) of the so#$! and the cross re%resents )atter( Th#s the e$e)ents of the h#)an constit#tion! spirit, soul and body are enfo$ded in the co)%onent %arts of the %$anetar* s*)"o$s to show to the M*stic their )ission with res%ect to h#)anit*( These e$e)entar* %arts are ario#s$* &ro#%ed to indicate the nat#re of the %$anet for which the* stand! and its office in the Great Schoo$ of Life where God has %$aced #s #nder the P$anetar* S%irits who are endea orin& to ed#cate #s in the .i ine 4isdo)(

!he Sun, as its s*)"o$ indicates is the center of a$$ s%irit#a$ fac#$ties! the fo#ntain of a$$ $ife( !he Moon$s s*)"o$ is a ha$f8circ$e! showin& that we ha e co)%$eted the arc of in o$#tion where "odies were "#i$t! and that now the essence of e+%erience e+tracted fro) these ehic$es )#st "e trans)#ted into s%irit#a$ 5#a$ities "* the a$che)* of so#$8&rowth! so that we )a* rise on the arc of e o$#tion( Mars$ s*)"o$ is a cross above the circ$e! showin& the #nre&enerate )an! where the cross of %ersona$it* is a"o e the circ$e of s%irit( 2#t "* tra)%$in& the hi&her nat#re #nder foot the )artia$ character en&enders war and strife! d#rin& which he necessari$* s#ffers e en when he is ictorio#s( Th#s! "* re"#ffs the nat#re is &rad#a$$* softened( .enus: 4hen the )artia$ nat#re has s#ffered s#fficient$*! the s%irit circ$e &rad#a$$* ascends a"o e the cross of the %ersona$it* and th#s "eco)es the s*)"o$ of Ven#s! the %$anet of $o e( Saturn and 5upiter ha e s*)"o$s which are si)i$ar$* indicati e of the )anner in which soul-growth is fostered( In the s*)"o$ of Sat#rn the cross of %ersona$it* is e+a$ted a"o e the si&nat#re of the so#$! the ha$f8circ$e( So#$8&rowth is attained "* Ser ice! "#t the s*)"o$ of Sat#rn shows %$ain$* that the %erson #nder his r#$e is )ore read* to "e ser ed than to ser e! and is se$fish and o"str#cti e of the co))on &ood( 1at#ra$$* others resent this trait of character! and therefore Sat#rn "rin&s sorrow! tro#"$e! worr* and disa%%oint)ent in order to teach #s that we can ne er rea$$* ser e o#rse$ es "* se$fishness! "#t on$* "* sacrifice( 5upiter: 4hen it has &rad#a$$* dawned #%on #s thro#&h )#ch sorrow! that se$fishness is as a she$$ aro#nd the so#$ which sh#ts #s off fro) others! we "e&in s$ow$* to c#$ti ate the 5#a$it* of "ene o$ence! and &rad#a$$* the ha$f8circ$e of the so#$ rises a"o e the cross of )atter and "eco)es the s*)"o$ of ;#%iter! the %hi$anthro%ist and friend of )an( It then si&nifies one who $o es a$$ and one who is e5#a$$* the fa orite of &ods and )en( Mercury: Tho#&h the $east in the 6in&do) of God! the So$ar S*ste)! it is ne erthe$ess of the &reatest i)%ortance! on acco#nt of its inf$#ence #%on "od*! so#$ and s%irit! which is shown "* the fact that its s*)"o$ contains a$$ the co)%onent %arts of the %$anetar* s*)"o$is)! na)e$*! the circ$e! ha$f8circ$e and cross( This is "eca#se in the )ind a$$ are $in-ed to&ether in one who$e %h*sico8 s%irit#a$ or&anis) ca$$ed man. 4itho#t Merc#r* this co#$d not "e( Merc#r* is ne#tra$ howe er! and it de%ends #%on the indwe$$in& E&o re%resented "* the centra$$* %$aced circ$e whether it wi$$ #se its di ine attri"#tes of choice and free8wi$$ to as%ire hea enward for so#$8&rowth as s*)"o$i7ed "* the si&nat#re of the so#$! the ha$f8circ$e! %$aced a"o e the circ$e of s%irit! or whether it wi$$ stoo% towards the cross of %ersona$it* "e$ow the circ$e and wa$$ow in the )ire of wor$d$iness( 1o creat#re has s#ch di ine %ossi"i$ities as )an! none )an* as%ire hi&her! and con erse$*! none )a* fa$$ $ower( This str#&&$e "etween the hi&her and the $ower nat#res for )aster*! s*)"o$i7ed "* the ha$f8circ$e and the cross which

are %$aced a"o e and "e$ow the circ$e in the s*)"o$ of Merc#r*! was we$$ oiced "* Goethe in the $ines of his i))orta$ ,Fa#st, where the hero sa*s0 ,Tho# "* one so$e i)%#$se art %osses'd! Unconscio#s of the other sti$$ re)ain( Two so#$s a$as are ho#sed within )* "reast! And str#&&$e there for #ndi ided rei&n( One to the earth with %assionate desire! And c$ose$* c$in&in& or&ans sti$$ adheres! A"o e the )ists the other doth as%ire! 4ith sacred ardor #nto %#rer s%heres(, "able of !ouses: A ta"$e ca$c#$ated to show what si&ns and de&rees of the Fodiac are on each of the c#s%s of the twe$ e )#ndane ho#ses at an* ti)e d#rin& an* da* or ni&ht in the *ear( A ta"$e of ho#ses is a$wa*s the sa)e for a certain de&ree of $atit#de! and it )a* "e #sed for a $ifeti)e as it dea$s with the fi+ed stars which show no a%%recia"$e )otion in a h#ndred *ears( "ransits: At the )o)ent a chi$d is "orn the %ositions of the %$anets show the tendencies of the $ife( Those %ositions constit#te the 'Radi+!' and an*thin& that has reference to that 'Root' of a$$ e ents is ca$$ed 'radica$(' Th#s! 'the radica$ ;#%iter' refers to the %osition of ;#%iter at a certain %erson's "irth( .#rin& the ne+t twent*! thirt* or si+t* da*s after "irth the %$anets )o e on and )a-e certain as%ects to the %ositions he$d "* the) at "irth( Each of these da*s corres%onds to a *ear of $ife! and the as%ects for)ed "* the $progression$ on the twentieth da* after "irth wi$$ o%erate to "rin& a"o#t e ents in the twentieth *ear( The as%ects for)ed on the thirt*8fifth da* after "irth wi$$ deter)ine the inf$#ences in the thirt*8fifth *ear and so on( These are ca$$ed $progressed$ %ositions and aspects. Th#s! if so)eone sa*s +My progressed S#n wi$$ "e trine to )* radical ;#%iter when I a) fort*!, he )eans that fort* da*s after his "irth the S#n had %ro&ressed to a trine as%ect with the %osition of ;#%iter at his "irth! and that therefore this wi$$ o%erate in his fortieth *ear to "rin& a"o#t e ents of a fort#nate nat#re! "eca#se the as%ect and the %$anets are what is ca$$ed &ood( As the s%an of $ife is #s#a$$* not )ore than se ent* *ears! the %$anetar* %ositions after se ent* da*s fro) "irth do not ha e as )ar-ed an effect as descri"ed in the fore&oin& %ara&ra%h! "#t the* ha e ne erthe$ess an a%%recia"$e inf$#ence on the $i es of )an-ind! accordin& to their nat#res( 2#t "eca#se of the ra%id transit )ade! the effects are e%he)era$! e en in the case of the s$ower %$anets( These )o e)ents of the %$anets are ca$$ed $transits.$ The* are fo#nd in the e%he)eris for the c#rrent *ear( That is to sa*! if *o# want to -now what %$anets transit the different ho#ses of *o#r horosco%e in ?B?>! *o# can

find the) on$* in the e%he)eris for that *ear( The 'radica$' and '%ro&ressed' %$anets are a$$ in the e%he)eris for the *ear *o# were "orn! "#t the 'transits' for ?B@D! for instance! can on$* "e fo#nd in the e%he)eris for ?B@D( L#nations! or 1ew Moons! and ec$i%ses are a)on& the )ost i)%ortant transits. Their effect is descri"ed #nder '$#nations!' which see( 1e+t in i)%ortance are the transits of the superior %$anets thro#&h the ho#ses( The tenth ho#se si&nifies socia$ honor( 4hen ;#%iter transits it e er* twe$fth *ear! there wi$$ "e o%%ort#nities for socia$ ad ance)ent/ when Sat#rn co)es there once in thirt* *ears! $oo- o#t for set"ac-s and e+ert *o#r wi$$ to o erco)e the)/ and *o# )a* 3#d&e in $i-e )anner a"o#t the other %$anets and ho#ses( "rine: 4hen two %$anets are ?@D de&rees a%art! the* are said to "e in trine! "eca#se ?@D de&rees is one third %art of a circ$e( This is considered the )ost har)onio#s of a$$ as%ects( "riplicities: The si&ns of the Fodiac are ario#s$* &ro#%ed to show certain of their 5#a$ities( One )ethod se&re&ates the) into fo#r &ro#%s of three si&ns each! each &ro#% ha in& affinit* for one of the e$e)ents0 Th#s Aries! Leo and Sa&ittari#s are fiery. Ta#r#s! Vir&o and Ca%ricorn are earthy. Ge)ini! Li"ra and A5#ari#s are airy, and Cancer! Scor%io and Pisces are watery. These fo#r &ro#%s constit#te the fo#r Tri%$icities( The fier* tri%$icit* has its a%e+ in the Eastern an&$e! Aries! where the creati e fire co))ences to %rod#ce a "od* for the s%irit to f#nction in in the )ateria$ wor$d( The second an&$e of this trinit* is in the fifth ho#se! which denotes the )anner in which the creati e force wi$$ "e #sed on the %h*sica$ %$ane for %rocreation( It is! therefore! the ho#se of chi$dren! occ#%ied "* the fier* si&n Leo( The $ine of force r#nnin& fro) the Eastern an&$e in the other direction shows the #se to which the creati e force is %#t in the )ind( It is! therefore! occ#%ied "* the fier* si&n Sa&ittari#s and %$aced in the ninth ho#se! which denotes the hi&her )ind( The earth* trian&$e has its rise! its a%e+! in the cardina$ si&n Ca%ricorn! which corres%onds to the tenth ho#se! denotin& the e+terna$ en iron)ent! the %rofessiona$ and socia$ standin& of the %erson/ and as this tri%$icit* is earth*! it dea$s entire$* with the )ateria$ affairs of the nati e( Therefore! one $ine of force &oes fro) it to the si+th ho#se! which is #nder Vir&o! a "#siness si&n/ hence this ho#se denotes the ser ice which it is e+%ected that the %erson sho#$d %erfor) in the wor$d( Since this ser ice is as )#ch de%endent #%on "odi$* hea$th as )enta$ ca%acit*! this ho#se is a$so the ho#se of sic-ness( The other $ine of force! %roceedin& fro) Ca%ricorn to the third si&n of the earth* tri%$icit*! denotes the e)o$#)ents which wi$$ "e recei ed for the ser ice rendered accordin& to the si+th ho#se! and in the ca%acit* denoted "* the tenth ho#se( Therefore the second ho#se r#$ed "* the si&n Ta#r#s is the ho#se of finance/ and as one's freedo) of action de%ends to a de&ree #%on the state of his finances! this ho#se is a$so ca$$ed

the Ho#se of Li"ert*( The a%e+ of the air* tri%$icit* is in the 4estern an&$e occ#%ied "* the cardina$ si&n Li"ra! which is r#$ed "* the %$anet of $o e! Ven#s( This tri%$icit* is therefore concerned with the different #nions %ossi"$e in h#)an $ife( The se enth ho#se where it rises %ro%er$* denotes the )ost inti)ate of a$$ those #nions! )arria&e( Fro) that #nion! other re$ationshi%s res#$t! and therefore one $ine of force &oes fro) the se enth ho#se to the third ho#se! occ#%ied "* Ge)ini! the twins( This ho#se therefore denotes "rothers and sisters( The other $ine of force connects the se enth ho#se with the e$e enth! si&nif*in& the #nions of friendshi%( The water* tri%$icit* ta-es its rise in the northern an&$e occ#%ied "* the cardina$ si&n Cancer! which is the ho#se of )*ster*! denotin& the $atter %art of $ife! the %oint where the s%irit is &ettin& read* to withdraw itse$f fro) )ateria$ e+istence to ta-e #% the acti it* of the s%irit#a$ wor$ds( It is therefore connected with the ei&hth ho#se! the ho#se of death! which is occ#%ied "* the si&n Scor%io( It is si&nificant in the hi&hest de&ree that this is the ne&ati e ho#se of Mars! and that it r#$es the creati e or&ans( It %oints o#t in the )ost thoro#&h )anner! the e anescence of a$$ that is created in the %h*sica$ wor$d( The other $ine of force %roceedin& fro) the fo#rth ho#se &oes to the si&n Pisces! occ#%*in& the twe$fth ho#se( Pisces! which is co)%osed of two ha$f8circ$es and a "and! shows we$$ the d#a$ nat#re of )an that has r#n its co#rse in the %h*sica$ wor$d! "#t has another e o$#tion to "e ta-en #% in #nseen rea$)s( This ho#se! therefore! denotes the confine)ent in which the s%irit rea$i7es that it is at the end of $ife! the sorrow it fee$s and the se$f8#ndoin& to which it is so)eti)es %ro)%ted( "ropic: 'Tro%i-os' is a Gree- word which has a )eanin& re$ati e to t#rnin&! and the tro%ics of Astrono)* are the t#rnin& %oints of the S#n( At the s#))er so$stice the S#n reaches its hi&hest de&ree of 1orthern .ec$ination in the si&n Cancer/ this then is its tropic, for fro) that %oint it "e&ins to t#rn downwards to its 4estern node! and &oes into So#thern .ec$ination( It reaches the $owest %oint of that arc in .ece)"er at the winter So$stice in the si&n Ca%ricorn( This is the other tropic, for there a&ain it t#rns and co))ences its ne+t ascent towards the 1orthern hea ens( 4oid of Course: 4hen the %$anets are so %$aced that the Moon )a-es no as%ect "efore $ea in& the si&n she is in at "irth! she is said to "e $void of course.$ As the Moon is the %$anet of fec#ndation which no#rishes and n#rses the $atent %otentia$ities into act#a$ities! the a"o e is an #nfort#nate condition! for with it! if the Moon is in the "e&innin& of a si&n at "irth! it $ea es the $ife a%id and oid of incenti e( 5atery Signs:

Cancer! Scor%io and Pisces are ca$$ed 'water*' si&ns( 4ater is the Uni ersa$ So$ ent! and the Uni ersa$ Coa&#$ant in the a$che)ica$ $a"orator* of nat#re( On %a&e @A it is shown how the S#n of Life! the E&o! %asses thro#&h the waters of %art#rition in three definite sta&es s*)"o$i7ed "* the water* si&ns( 4hen the S#n is at the hi&hest %oint of its dec$ination in the %s*chic water* si&n Cancer! desi&nated "* the ancient E&*%tian %riests the sphere of the souls awaiting rebirth, it is at the Throne of the Father! the Fo#ntain of Life( There it draws fro) that ine+ha#sti"$e we$$ a new s#%%$* of the elixir vitae for the co)in& *ear! and forthwith co))ences its descent to "rin& the treas#re to the waitin& wor$d( 2#t to do this it )#st first %ass thro#&h the fire of its own si&n Leo! and "$end fire and water( U%on the s#ccessf#$ %erfor)ance of this a$che)ica$ feat de%ends a$$ )anifested $ife( In Octo"er the S#n enters the second of the water* si&ns! Scor%io! where the ener&etic L#cifer S%irits of Mars are endea orin& to a)a$&a)ate the two anta&onistic e$e)ents! "#t not with co)%$ete s#ccess! for the fire of %assion and the waters of e)otion seethe! "oi$ and foa) in ware and strife( Th#s the %#re essence of $ife recei ed fro) o#r Father in Hea en "eco)es tainted with %assion when dra&&ed thro#&h the %oo$ of Scor%io! and to offset this taint it is "athed in the fire of as%iration when the S#n reaches the fier* si&n Sa&ittari#s at Christ)as( In March the S#n's %assa&e thro#&h the $ast of the water* si&ns! Pisces! raises the sa% in the trees! swe$$s the seeds and "#ds "* the e+%ansi e ra* of the "enefic ;#%iter ti$$ the* are read* to "#rst! and when the S#n of Life enters in e+a$tation of %ower the fier* si&n Aries! it #tters the creati e f$at and a$$ nat#re "#rsts forth in &$orio#s s%$endor( The F$a)e of .i ine Life &er)inated and &estated in the water* wo)" of nat#re is then )anifest in the wor$d( *enit,: The hi&hest %oint in the hea ens a"o e the "irth%$ace! where the S#n is at noon! a$so ca$$ed the Midhea en( This is the sa)e for a$$ $atit#des at a &i en siderea$ ti)e( Th#s! if two chi$dren were "orn at the sa)e siderea$ ti)e! one in A$as-a! the other in Me+ico! "oth wo#$d ha e the sa)e de&ree of the Fodiac on the )idhea en! "#t their Ascendants and other c#s%s wo#$d "e )ateria$$* different! ca#sin& the %$anets to "e %$aced in different ho#ses! and )a-in& the $i es dissi)i$ar in e er* other res%ect( See 'Midhea en' and 'Ho#ses(' *odiac: A narrow "e$t in the hea ens e+tendin& a"o#t ei&ht de&rees on either side of the ec$i%tic or S#n's %ath( See 'Inte$$ect#a$ Fodiac('

PART III *ERE +O, BORN ,N4ER A (,C5+ STARHa e *o# e er $oo-ed thro#&h a -a$eidosco%e at the %atterns for)ed there "* the )an* $itt$e %ieces of arico$ored &$ass! and noticed how the s$i&htest dist#r"ance of the %osition chan&es the %atternJ A$so! do *o# rea$i7e that it wo#$d "e i)%ossi"$e! or a$)ost so! to d#%$icate an* %attern! no )atter how )#ch *o# were to t#rn/ there is s#ch a ariet* of effect( Si)i$ar$* when *o# $oo- into the hea ens ni&ht after ni&ht *o# wi$$ notice chan&es a)on& the %$anets! in fact s#ch is the ariet* of chan&es that occ#r a)on& the) that it wo#$d "e i)%ossi"$e to d#%$icate the %osition which the* ho$d re$ati e$* to one another whi$e *o# are readin& this! for a$)ost twent*8si+ tho#sand *ears( Th#s in the %$anetar* -a$eidosco%e there is! we )i&ht sa*! an infinit* of %atterns( 4hen we rea$i7e that h#)an "ein&s are enterin& the wor$d constant$* and that each "ein& is sta)%ed at the first co)%$ete "reath with the %$anetar* %attern then in the s-*! e er*one )#st necessari$* "e different fro) e er*one e$se( 1or sho#$d this state)ent a"o#t ste$$ar inf$#ence create do#"t when we consider that wire$ess sa es of different $en&ths and different %itch sent o#t fro) a tin* )an8)ade contri ance can )a-e the)se$ es fe$t and can re&ister "* )echanica$ o%erations in o$ in& e+%endit#re of ener&* tho#sands of )i$es fro) their so#rce( The %$anetar* i"rations fro) those &reat or"s in the hea ens )a-e the)se$ es fe$t )i$$ions of )i$es awa* as s#re$*! as easi$*! and with e5#a$ #ncertaint*( 4e -now that the an&$e of the so$ar ra* deter)ines whether it is winter or s#))er( 4e a$so -now the effect of the Moon #%on the waters! and it is within the e+%erience of a$$ that we fee$ )ore "#o*ant when the at)os%here is c$ear and dr* than when it is )oist and )#r-*( And what deter)ines these at)os%heric conditions "#t the %$anets! the circ$in& starsJ 4hen we $oo- #% at this %$anetar* -a$eidosco%e fro) ti)e to ti)e we see in the hea ens ario#s confi&#rations which are %rono#nced $#c-* or #n$#c-* accordin& to whether the* are for)ed "etween so8ca$$ed "enefices a$one! s#ch as Ven#s! ;#%iter and the S#n! or %$anets said to "e )a$efic s#ch as Sat#rn! Mars or Uran#s( 4hen ;#%iter and Ven#s are in c$ose con3#nction near the )id8hea en! it is a fore&one conc$#sion that those who co)e into the wor$d #nder this confi&#ration wi$$ en3o* a )eas#re of &ood fort#ne far a"o e the a era&e! and s#ch %ersons wo#$d therefore )e considered ,$#c-*, in the e+tre)e( On the other hand there are ti)es when Sat#rn and Mars occ#%* the 7enith %osition for so#$s that are "orn to s#ffer( 2#t wh* sho#$d one s#ffer and another "e "orn #nder a $#c-* starJ 4h* do the stars &i e &ood fort#ne to one and )isfort#ne to others! and if we are "orn to ,$#c-,0 whether &ood or "ad! what is the #se or where is the incenti e to indi id#a$ effortJ If there is a $aw of nat#re which is esta"$ished "e*ond do#"t it is s#re$* the $aw of Ca#se and Effect( E er* ca#se )#st %rod#ce an ade5#ate effect and nothin& which we see as an effect can "e witho#t a %re8e+istence ca#se( Moreo er! if this is a #ni ersa$ $aw it )#st a%%$* to the conditions of "irth as we$$ as to s#"se5#ent

$ife( Fo$$owin& #% this idea the ne+t 5#estion is0 If o#r "irth #nder a $#c-* or #n$#c-* star( Th#s "* ind#ction of "e$ief in Astro$o&* re5#ires a$so a "e$ief in a %re io#s e+istence as we$$ as in f#t#re $i es! for whi$e we are now rea%in& in o#r horosco%es the effects of o#r %ast $i es we are a$so "* o#t acts $a*in& the fo#ndations for a new horosco%e which can on$* "e wor-ed o#t in a f#t#re $ife( ,How c$ose$* $#c- is $in-ed to )erit .oes ne er to the foo$ occ#r/ Had he the wise )an's stone! I swear it! The stone had no %hi$oso%her!, said Mephisto sarcastica$$* in + aust+ and it is tr#e( If we are "orn #nder a $#c-* star it shows that we ha e earned &ood fort#ne there"* indicated! "* foretho#&ht! -indness! and o#r other irt#es e+%ressed in %re io#s $i es! for we cannot ha e friends #n$ess we are friend$* o#rse$ es( If we ha%%en to ha e Sat#rn and Mars instead of Ven#s and ;#%iter near 7enith! it shows that in the %ast we o#rse$ es ha e not "een -ind$* and friend$* or we co#$d not now e+%ress the o%%osite traits( 2#t this is 3#st the %oint where the st#d* of Astro$o&* sho#$d he$% #s( It shows o#r $i)itations for the %resent and it %oints o#t the o" io#s re)edies and how to build for the future. Can the $eo%ard chan&e its s-inJ 1o( Can the $ion cease to %re*J A"so$#te$* i)%ossi"$e( Can the f$ower cease to "$oo) or the )inera$ to cr*sta$$i7eJ Certain$* not/ "eca#se the* are #nder $aws which are as #nchan&ea"$e as the $aws of the Medes and Persians( !hey have neither choice nor prerogative "#t )#st o"e* the dictates of the &ro#% s%irit which &#ides the) a$on& their %ath of e o$#tion( 2#t in this res%ect we differ radica$$* fro) those $ower -in&do)s! we ha e "oth choice and %rero&ati e( 6e may do whatsoever we will and that is a factor which is ne er shown in the horosco%e! a factor that )a* "e )ade to %$a* an a$$ i)%ortant ro$e in e er* $ife( It is not eno#&h to "e "orn #nder a $#c-* star to ha e a $#c-* $ife! for the horosco%e shows on$* the tendencies and the %erson who is so we$$ endowed wi$$ witho#t 5#estions ha e an a"#ndance of o%%ort#nities to )a-e his $ife fort#nate in the er* hi&hest de&ree( 7ut only in so far as he exerts himself to grasp opportunity on the win&! wi$$ that which is foreshadowed in his horosco%e co)e to %ass( And si)i$ar$* with the %erson who is aff$icted "* the con3#nction of two )a$efics in the )id8hea en or an*where e$se in the horosco%e( 2* his wi$$! and the e+ercise of choice! which are his di ine "irthri&hts! he may rule his stars and )a-e of the #n$#c-* horosco%e a fr#itf#$ $ife fro) a far hi&her stand%oint than the other( The "ar- that has "een tossed "* the te)%est har"ors a 3o" when the ha en of safet* is reached that is not e5#a$ed on the shi% that has a$wa*s said on s)i$in& seas( ,4ho ne er ate his "read in sorrow! 4ho ne er %assed the )idni&ht ho#rs 4ee%in&! waitin& for the )orrow! He -nows not *et *e hea en$* %owers(, Fro) the hi&her stand%oint those who are $i in& in the $a% of $#+#r* are to "e %itied when their $#c-* stars &i e the) a$$ the &ood thin&s of this wor$d and ca#se

the) to for&et that the* are stewards and that the da* is co)in& when their so#$s sha$$ "e re5#ired of the) with an acco#nts of their stewardshi%( The* sha$$ then "e forced to confess that the* ha e fai$ed to #se the s#"stance entr#sted to the) in the %ro%er )anner/ whi$e others #nder the strain and stress of $i e! e+%ressed "* the horosco%ica$ s5#ares and o%%ositions! ha e wr#n& fro) their #n$#c-* stars a )eas#re of ictor*( 4hat wonder then if the -in&'s )essen&ers! the circ$in& stars! ta-e fro) the #nfaithf#$ steward that which he had and &i e to the other! chan&in& the $atter's ad ersit* to %ros%erit* in $ater $i es( Th#s the %end#$#) of $#c- and $oss! s#ccess and fai$#re swin&s thro#&h )an* $i es ti$$ we $earn to )a-e o#r own ,$#c-, "* r#$in& o#r stars( ,A &od can $o e witho#t cessation! 2#t #nder $aws of a$teration 4e )orta$s need! in chan&in& )eas#re! O#r share of %ain as we$$ as %$eas#re(, And it is this necessit* for chan&e that is )inistered #nto #s "* the circ$in& stars which for) confi&#rations that we ca$$ &ood or e i$! tho#&h the* are neither fro) a hi&her stand%oint/ for no )atter how &ood the horosco%e! "* %ro&ression of the stars e i$ confi&#rations are s#re to co)e and no )atter how e i$! there are a$wa*s new o%%ort#nities for &ood &i en "* as%ects of the S#n! Ven#s! and ;#%iter to o#r %$anets at "irth( "ll that we have to do is to grasp the opportunity, and help our stars, that our stars may help us. A#,(ETS, BIRT )STONES AN4 P(ANETAR+ CO(ORS In the windows of 3ewe$er's sho%s and in chea%! read* )ade horosco%es one )a* often read that it is +(uc#y+ for %eo%$e "orn in a certain )onth to wear a %artic#$ar stone or co$or( It )eans "#siness to the 3ewe$er and the astro$o&ica$ %restidi&itator who %rod#ced ,*o#r horosco%e, "* a t#rn of the wrist fro) a "o+ when *o# te$$ hi) in what )onth *o# were "orn( 2oth "#* their instr#cti e HJI $iterat#re at a no)ina$ %rice %er tho#sand! the %rinci%a$ cost "ein& %a%er and %rinters' in-/ there are no f#rrows in their foreheads fro) dee% and earnest st#d* of the %ro"$e)( 2#t as the co#nterfeit coin ar&#es the e+istence of the &en#ine! so a$so the fa$$acio#s infor)ation f$i%%ant$* dis%ensed "* %eo%$e who cater to the sense of )*ster* and wonder which is dee%$* i)"edded in h#)an nat#re ar&#es the e+istence of a &en#ine science of )inera$o&ica$ corres%ondences with the ste$$ar ra*s i)%in&in& #%on a$$ who inha"it o#r s#"8$#nar s%here/ and when this is ri&ht$* #nderstood "* the )a3orit* of %eo%$e! for then it is the result of accurate #nowledge scientifically used, and therefore the o#tco)e is as ine ita"$e as that water r#ns down hi$$( The %hi$oso%h* of %$anetar* co$ors and )inera$o&* is that each of the Creati e Hierarchies which is acti e in e o$#tion wor-s with the ario#s c$asses of "ein&s fro) )inera$ to )an! and is res%onsi"$e for the %ro&ress )ade "* the)( In the co#rse of this wor- each Hierarch* nat#ra$$* i)%arts to the "ein&s with who) it $a"ors so)e of its own nat#re and i"ration( Th#s each &ro#% of )inera$s! each

s%ecies of %$ant and ani)a$! i"rates to a certain -e*note which "$ends with the i"ration of the Gro#% S%irit! and the %artic#$ar si&n and %$anet with which he is )ost near$* att#ned( The Archan&e$s! who were h#)ans in the S#n Period when the %resent ani)a$s started their e o$#tion with a )inera$8$i-e e+istence! are now the Gro#% S%irits of the ani)a$s( The An&e$s! who were h#)an in the Moon Period when the %resent %$ants co))enced their e o$#tion with a si)i$ar )inera$ constit#tion are now the Gro#% S%irits of the %$anets( Man! who reached the h#)an sta&e in the Earth Period! is now wor-in& with the new $ife8wa e which started its e o$#tion on the Earth as )inera$s( He is not far eno#&h ad anced to ass#)e the ro$e of Gro#% S%irit! that "ein& reser ed for the f#t#re( In the ;#%iter Period he wi$$ &i e the) $ife as %$ants ha e! in the Ven#s Period he wi$$ "rin& o#t their desires and e)otions as ani)a$s! and in the V#$can Period he wi$$ &i e the) a )ind and )a-e then h#)an( That! howe er! is a$$ in the f#t#re( At %resent he is wor-in& with the) to the "est of his a"i$it*! s)e$tin& the) into iron "rid&es! shi%s and s-e$eton s-*scra%ers/ he is %#$$in& the) into wires which wind aro#nd the wor$d/ he is &rindin& fro) the) &e)s that &$itter and &race the &reat in o#r socia$ str#ct#re! and th#s he is &rad#a$$* esta"$ishin& an inti)ate re$ationshi% with the) and %re%arin& to ta-e char&e of their e o$#tion as a Gro#% S%irit at so)e f#t#re ti)e( It is we$$ -nown to st#dents of Astro$o&* that an astro$o&ica$ readin& "ased #%on the )onth in which an indi id#a$ is "orn is worth $itt$e! for a$$ the %eo%$e "orn in the sa)e )onth do not ha e the sa)e e+%eriences "* an* )eans! "#t if we consider the day, the year and the place we &et a horosco%e that is a"so$#te$* indi id#a$ and tota$$* different in detai$ fro) the horosco%e of an*one e$se88and this is the %oint which concerns #s for the %resent ar&#)ent88the r#$er is not the $ord of the si&n of the S#n is in! e+ce%t for chi$dren "orn at S#nrise! when the S#n is on the Ascendant( 8t is the ruler of the %ising Sign, that is the determinator with regard to our mineralogical affinity, "eca#se at the )o)ent of conce%tion when the seed8ato) of o#r %resent )inera$ "od* was de%osited the Moon was in that %artic#$ar si&n and de&ree! Hor its o%%ositeI! and acted then as a foc#s of forces which ha e since cr*sta$$i7ed into the ehic$e we now wear( The fo$$owin& ta"$e shows the affinit* of each of the twe$ e si&ns with certain &e)s! )eta$s and co$ors! and in that chart there are the e$e)ents for )a-in& an effecti e ta$is)an "* an* indi id#a$ who has the -now$ed&e of how to cast a horosco%e and "$end the in&redients accordin& to the re5#ire)ents of the case( 4e ha e no scr#%$es a"o#t te$$in& how this is done! for it )a* he$% so)e to he$% the)se$ es and others( The on$* har) it can do is that it )i&ht ind#ce so)e #nscr#%#$o#s %erson to )a-e ta$is)an for )one* and e en then! if he is conscientio#s a"o#t the wor-! whoe er o"tains the) wi$$ not "e cheated! the reaction "ein& #%on the one who %rostit#tes the s%irit#a$ science for )ateria$ &ain(

To foresta$$ a 5#estion we )a* sa* that ancient astro$o&ers who ha e st#died this as%ect of the science ha e ta"#$ated se era$ h#ndred )inera$s of which the %$anetar* affinities had "een noted! "#t these wor-s ha e "een )#ti$ated in the co#rse of ti)e! and are now not a ai$a"$e( Parace$s#s and a$so A&ri%%a! )ade considera"$e st#d* of this s#"3ect! and with er* i)%ortant res#$ts/ "#t its e+tensi e consideration is o#tside the sco%e of this wor-! so the a#thors wi$$ confine their re)ar-s to the essentia$s! indicatin& the wa* which others )a* %#rs#e if the* fee$ so inc$ined( To i$$#strate how the )inera$ e$e)ents )a* "e #sed to ad anta&e $et #s ta-e the fo$$owin& e+a)%$e0 S#%%ose that in a certain horosco%e we find Sa&ittari#s risin& with its $ord ;#%iter on the Ascendant( ;#%iter is then the r#$in& %$anet and so! accordin& to o#r chart t#r5#oise is the %erson's "irthstone! tin! the )eta$ with which he has affinit*! and "$#e! his co$or( That )eans that it wi$$ he$% hi) e+%ress hi)se$f if he wears t#r5#oise! an a)#$et of tin! and dresses in "$#e whene er consistent with c#sto)( That is tr#e of a certain e+tent! "#t it is on$* a s)a$$ %art of the tr#th! and it is "* no )eans the "est #se that )a* "e )ade of this -now$ed&e( To indicate the "etter wa*! $et #s s#%%ose that this %erson's fi&#re shows se ere aff$ictions "* Mars and Sat#rn( Mars aff$icts three %$anets/ his )eta$ is iron! Ven#s is the o%%osite of Mars/ her )eta$ is co%%er! and conse5#ent$* co%%er is an antidote for the )artia$ i"rations( Sat#rn aff$icts one %$anet/ his )eta$ is $ead( ;#%iter is his o%%osite and therefore the ;#%iter )eta$! tin! is an antidote for the Sat#rnian i"rations( 4ith this in )ind an a)#$et )a* "e co)%o#nded of tin and co%%er not e+act$* in

the ratio of three to one! "#t with a )ind on the "#$- of the ario#s %$anets! their destin* and the stren&th of the as%ects it is desired to o erco)e! a )atter which in o$ es f#rther st#d*( The wor- itse$f sho#$d "e done #nder a#s%icio#s %$anetar* conditions( A Mars a)#$et! desi&ned to &i e ener&* to one with a wea- fi&#re wo#$d "e )ost s#ccessf#$ if )ade in a Mars8ho#r on a T#esda* when "oth the S#n and Moon are in )artia$ si&ns as ha%%ened in A%ri$ and 1o e)"er( The sa)e with a)#$ets )ade for other %$anets( A &e) or an a)#$et )ade on these %rinci%$es is a foc#s of the ste$$ar ra*s of the %$anets it re%resents and inf#ses i"rations of their nat#re into o#r a#ras a$$ the whi$e we are wearin& it! 3#st as s#re$* as the wire$ess recei er att#ned to a certain %itch catches the wa es within its ran&e/ and we )a* "$end the co$ors in the sa)e )anner to o"tain he$% fro) the)( As a )atter of fact! it is the co)%$e)entar* co$or which is seen in the desire wor$d that %rod#ces the effect of the %h*sica$ co$ors( If it is desired to restrain one whose Mars is too %ro)inent! the &e)s! co$ors and )eta$s of Sat#rn wi$$ he$%! and s#ch a %erson sho#$d ha e as $itt$e to do with iron Htoo$s! )achiner*! etc((I as %ossi"$e! "#t if we want to he$% so)eone who is )ood* and tacit#rn! we )a* #se the &e)s! co$ors and )eta$s of Mars to ad anta&e( In the fina$ ana$*sis the )atter reso$ es itse$f into a 5#estion of 3#d&)ent and co))on sense( 4ith these! the -now$ed&e concernin& the essentia$s here &i en )a* "e #sed "* an*one to ad anta&e( * EN IS T E BEST TI#E TO BE BORNIn the $i&ht of occ#$t in esti&ation of the s#"3ect it a%%ears that "irth is an ad ent we are %ower$ess to contro$/ therefore when we see) to contro$ it in a s$i&ht de&ree we are rea$$* the a&ents of .estin* to %reci%itate or de$a* it ti$$ the %ro%er )o)ent has arri ed( This iew is a$so 3#stified "* the a#thor's e+%erience in Horar* Astro$o&*( The %hi$oso%h* of Horar* Astro$o&* is that at the ti)e one is i)%e$$ed to as- a 5#estion concernin& an i)%ortant )atter the hea ens contain a$so the answer and a fi&#re set is when the in5#irer as-s the 5#estion of the astro$o&er! if this is done in %erson/ when it is done "* )ai$ the astro$o&er sets the fi&#re for the ti)e he reads the 5#estion in the $etter( On a n#)"er of occasions we ha e recei ed $etters containin& 5#estions which "ore )ar-s of ha in& "een de$a*ed "* f$ood or fire! "#t the fi&#re cast for the )o)ent of readin& &a e the answer! showin& that the de$a* had a %art in the %$an! nor sho#$d it s#r%rise #s that the &reat Inte$$i&ences which are the )inisters of .estin* foresee and )a-e a$$owance for contin&encies "e*ond the &ras% of the h#)an )ind( 4hen the Infinite Mind "estows e5#a$ care #%on the desi&n of the anato)* of a f$*! a )o#se and a $ion! )a* we not conc$#de that a si)i$ar attention to the )in#tiae %re ai$s in a$$ de%art)ents of $ife and that when we see) to de$a* or %reci%itate "irth we are rea$$* aidin& nat#re to ta-es its %redeter)ined co#rse as said in the o%enin& sentence of this artic$e( 1e erthe$ess %eo%$e often as- the astro$o&er when is the "est ti)e to "e "orn/ *o#n& astro$o&ers a$so fre5#ent$* want to -now this! not that the* ha e an* idea

of contro$$in& "irth "#t so that on seein& a horosco%e or "ein& to$d a %erson's ti)e of "irth the* )a* )a-e a 5#ic- )enta$ ca$c#$ation as to whether the horosco%e is &ood or "ad( S#ch a 3#d&)ent wo#$d of co#rse! "e fo#nded on$* on the %osition of the s#n "* si&n and a%%ro+i)ate ho#se! hence &enera$ in the e+tre)e( It )a* "e said howe er that other %$anetar* %ositions "ein& e5#a$! it is "etter to "e "orn when the Moon is increasin& in $i&ht fro) the new to the f#$$ than when she is decreasin& fro) the f#$$ to the new for the &rowin& Moon a$wa*s increases ita$it* and f#rthers o#r affairs( It is "est to "e "orn in A%ri$ or A#&#st when the $ife8&i in& S#n is in its e+a$tation si&n Aries or Leo! its ho)e! for then we enter the sea of $ife on the crest8sa e and are "ac-ed in the "att$e of e+istence "* an a"#ndant f#nd of i) and ener&*( It is a$so &ood to "e "orn in Ma* or ;#$* when the $ife8$i&ht of the S#n is foc#sed tho#&ht the e+a$tation si&n or ho)e of the Moon! Ta#r#s or Cancer! es%ecia$$*! as said! when the $esser $i&ht is increasin& for those conditions! a$so f#rnish an a"#ndance of ita$it* which is s#ch a &reat asset in %h*sica$ $ife( 4ith res%ect to the ti)e of da* )ost fa ora"$e for "irth it )a* "e said that chi$dren "orn a"o#t s#nrise! or d#rin& the forenoon fro) A to ?@ whi$e the S#n is trans ersin& the ho#ses of friends and socia$ %resti&e are the ,$#c-iest, for the* are he$%ed on e er* hand( Chi$dren "orn "etween noon and )idni&ht are $ess ,$#c-*, the nearer the S#n co)es to the 1adir! and the) the ,$#c-, t#rns a&ain in fa or of those "orn in the ear$* )ornin& whi$e the .a*star is ascendin& towards the eastern hori7on( The* wi$$ ha e to car e their own wa* in the wor$d! "#t o%%ort#nities wi$$ "e &i en the) in a"#ndance( 4e )a* therefore s#) #% o#r conc$#sions "* sa*in& that it is "est to "e "orn at S#nrise or in the forenoon! %refera"$* in A%ri$ or A#&#st when the Moon is increasin& in $i&ht( Fina$$* it sho#$d a$wa*s "e "orne in )ind that there is no ,$#c-!, in the co))on$* acce%ted sense! for that which we ha e or $ac- in an* res%ect is d#e to o#r own actions in the %ast! and in the f#t#re we )a* "* %ro%er a%%$ication ha e what we now $ac-(

REA4IN0 T E OROSCOPE INTRO4,CTOR+ 4hen the st#dent of Astro$o&* has $earned to cast the horosco%e correct$*! the ne+t and )ost i)%ortant %art is to read its )essa&e( Astro$o&* )eans ,Star Lo&ic, and we )#st serio#s$* ad ise the st#dent not to de%end too )#ch on a#thorities "#t to tr* to #nderstand the "asic nat#re of each %$anet! the inf$#ence of si&ns! ho#ses and as%ects0 then "* a %rocess of reasonin& to co)"ine these and th#s de e$o% his own int#ition which wi$$ ser e hi) far "etter than the a"i$it* to 5#ote $i-e a %o$$ %arrot what so)e one e$se has said( 4e wo#$d a$so ad ise the *o#n&er astro$o&er not to "other too )#ch with the descri%tions of %h*sica$ a%%earance indicated in the horosco%e( It is foo$ish to s%end ho#rs in st#d*in& o er a %hase of the s#"3ect which is of $i)ited a$#e( 4e &i e descri%tions of the different %h*sica$ t*%es! "#t do so for the %#r%ose of aidin& the st#dent to deter)ine at si&ht the %ro"a"$e si&n and %$anet risin& when a %erson co)es who does not -now his "irth ho#r( There are %eo%$e for instance! who ha e a face %erfect$* rese)"$in& that of a shee%( If s#ch a one were in do#"t a"o#t the "irth ho#r! we wo#$d at once $oo- to Aries and e+%eri)enta$$* tr* how Aries risin& wo#$d fit with the other characteristics of that %erson/ if we did so we sho#$d %ro"a"$* find o#r &#ess to "e correct( Th#s a$so the other si&ns and %$anets in si&ns e+hi"it distin&#ishin& characteristics of a$#a"$e aid to the st#dent in the direction )entioned( The st#dent sho#$d a$so endea or to c#$ti ate %erfect confidence in the science of Astro$o&*( There is nothing empirical about character reading and diagnosis. In those res%ects it is %$ain as A 2 C( ,redictions may fail "eca#se the Astro$o&er is #na"$e to deter)ine the stren&th of wi$$ of the %erson for who) he %redicts! "#t the $atent tendencies are a$wa*s acc#rate$* foreshown( The writers ha e fo#nd that where the* do not %ersona$$* -now the %eo%$e who characteristics the* read! their de$ineations are )#ch dee%er and )ore acc#rate than otherwise "eca#se then %ersona$ i)%ressions and "ias are a"sent and the )*stic scro$$ of the hea ens is )ore easi$* read( There are three factors which "rin& to #s the )*stic )essa&e of the stars/ the ho#ses! the si&ns and the %$anets( Each ho#se re%resents a de%art)ent of $ife/ the si&ns are di isions of the hea ens which "* their %$ace)ent re$ati e to the ho#ses indicate o#r "asic te)%era)ent and attit#de towards $ife/ and the %$anets are the )essen&ers of God which "* their )otion thro#&h the ho#ses and si&ns "rin& to #s the o%%ort#nities for so#$&rowth which we need for o#r indi id#a$ de e$o%)ent( It is therefore necessar* for one who wishes to $earn to read a horosco%e to "eco)e thoro#&h$* ac5#ainted with these three factors "oth se%arate$* and in their ario#s co)"inations( The fo$$owin& descri%tions )a* he$% to con e* this -now$ed&e0 T E O,SES The ho#ses are ca$$ed ,M#ndane Ho#ses!, to differentiate "etween the) and the

,Ce$estia$ Ho#ses, na)e$* the twe$ e si&ns of the Fodiac/ "#t &enera$$* the* are desi&nated as ,ho#ses, on$*( It is the an&$e of the ste$$ar ra* which deter)ines its effect in o#r $i es! %$anets which are in the East affect o#r %h*sica$ constit#tion! %$anets in the So#th near the 7enith are factors for &ood or i$$ where o#r socia$ %osition is concerned( If a %$anet is settin& in the 4est at the ti)e of o#r "irth its ra* stri-es #s in s#ch a )anner as to draw #s to a certain t*%e of )arria&e %artner! and the %$anets #nder the earth! in the 1orth! ha e an effect #%on o#r condition in the $atter %art of $ife( Let #s s#%%ose for i$$#stration of the %oint that so)eone is "orn at s#nrise on a da* when the S#n and ;#%iter are in con3#nction( Then the* stri-e hi) fro) the eastern an&$e and &i e hi) s%$endid ita$it*( Another "orn on the sa)e da* at noon when ;#%iter and the S#n are in the 7enith %osition )a* ha e a er* %oor! wea- "od* if other %$anets in the East are ad erse! "#t the ra* of the S#n and ;#%iter fa$$in& or his "irth fi&#re fro) the So#th wi$$ certain$* attract to hi) attention in his socia$ s%here and )a-e hi) the reci%ient of %#"$ic fa or and honor( Another "orn on the sa)e da*! when the S#n and ;#%iter are settin& in the 4est )a* "e an o#tcast if %$anets in the East and So#th so decree! "#t the "enefic ra* of the S#n and ;#%iter fro) the 4estern an&$e wi$$ )a-e hi) "e$o ed of his )ate and s#ccessf#$ in %artnershi%s( These facts ha e "een ascertained "* o"ser ation and ta"#$ation( Therefore the twe$ e sections of the circ$e of o"ser ation as seen fro) the "irth%$ace are tr#$* said to r#$e or &o ern ario#s de%art)ents of $ife and th#s %eo%$e "orn on the sa)e da* )a* ha e the )ost di erse e+%eriences( The ho#ses )a* "e ario#s$* &ro#%ed accordin& to the inf$#ence the* e+ercise in o#r $i es/ there are ,an&#$ar!, ,s#ccedent, and ,cadent, ho#ses! a$so %ersona$! s%irit#a$! )ateria$! socia$ and )*stica$ ho#ses( Of the angles, the first ho#se &o erns o#r %ersona$ se$f! and its o%%osite the se enth ho#se! r#$es the one who is nearest and dearest to #s! na)e$*! the )arria&e %artner( The fo#rth ho#se deter)ines conditions in o#r ho)e and its o%%osite an&$e! the tenth ho#se! shows o#r socia$ standin& in the co))#nit* where we $i e( Th#s the an&$es show co$$ecti e$* the s%here of o#r acti ities in $ife( Of the succedent houses the second shows o#r financia$ stat#s with re&ard to that which we ac5#ire "* o#r own efforts and the o%%osite s#ccedent ho#se! the ei&ht! shows whate er we )a* recei e fro) others as $e&acies! etc( The other s#ccedent ho#ses! the fifth and e$e enth! show how o#r inco)e )a* "e s%ent! for the fifth ho#se indicates the chi$dren of o#r "od* who ha e a $e&iti)ate c$ai) to a share of o#r inco)e! and the e$e enth ho#se shows the chi$dren of o#r "rains! o#r ho%es! wishes and as%irations which a$so draw #%on o#r reso#rces(

Of the two %airs of cadent houses the si+th is the ho#se of o$#ntar* ser ice which we %erfor) as o#r share of the wor$d's wor- for an e5#i a$ent share in the wor$d's wea$th! and the twe$fth ho#se shows how we )a* "e co)%e$$ed to $a"or witho#t re)#neration #nder %rison restraint if we do not wor- wi$$in&$*( The si+th ho#se shows a$so the state of o#r hea$th and the twe$fth te$$s if hos%ita$ treat)ent is necessar*( The other %air of cadent ho#ses! the third and ninth show whether o#r $ife and wor- wi$$ confine #s to one %$ace or re5#ire tra e$ and chan&es of residence( In this res%ect the third ho#se shows short 3o#rne*s and the ninth ho#se $on& tra e$s( The personal houses co)%rise the first! fifth and ninth( The first ho#se r#$es the constit#tion and %ec#$iarities of the %h*sica$ "od*( P$anets and si&ns in that ho#se %#t their sta)% on it to )a-e or )ar accordin& to the nat#re of its se$f8&enerated destin*( O#r fifth ho#se shows the 5#a$it* of $o e8nat#re of the so#$ and the $ine of its e+%ression if it fo$$ows the $ine of $east resistance/ and the ninth ho#se shows as )#ch of the s%irit as we can a%%rehend in o#r %resent $i)ited state( The material trinity of houses consists of the second! si+th and tenth and shows the wor$d$* %ossessions of )an! his )eans of o"tainin& the) and the en3o*)ent the* "rin& hi)( 4ea$th! or its re erse! is shown "* the second ho#se! hea$th! witho#t which there can "e no 3o* in an* wor$d$* %ossession! is shown "* the si+th ho#se/ and the %#"$ic %resti&e which is the chief so#rce of &ratification to the a era&e h#)an "ein&! is shown "* the tenth ho#se( The social houses are the third! se enth! and e$e enth ho#ses and in the) is shown the nat#re of o#r re$ations and ario#s c$asses of so#$s we )eet in $ife( 2rothers and sisters to who) we are "o#nd "* the ti)e of "$ood are shown "* the third ho#se! the co)%anion of o#r heart with who) o#r "$ood "$ends in another wa*! is shown "* the se enth ho#se! and the friends! )ore %recio#s than %ear$s to whoe er has earned friendshi%! are desi&nated "* the e$e enth ho#se( The fo#rth and $ast trinit* of ho#ses is co)%osed of the fo#rth! ei&hth and twe$fth( If the) are hidden )*steries of the ante8nata$ $ife of the s%irit! and the %ost )orte) e+%eriences i))ediate$* to fo$$ow the terminus vitae. On the )ateria$ %$ane the fo#rth ho#se si&nifies o#r condition in the $atter %art of $ife! the twe$fth shows the sorrow which i)%resses #s with the worth$essness of )ateria$ thin&s and the ei&hth indicates the nat#re of o#r e+it fro) the wor$d's sta&e( An i$$#stration )a* f#rther he$% the st#dent to #nderstand how the hea ens inf$#ence o#r $ife thro#&h the twe$ e ho#ses( S#%%ose we are o#t dri in& and o#r road fo$$ows the seacoast! "#t a )i$e or so in$and( A "ree7e is "$owin& fro) the ocean and as it %asses o er the co#ntr* se%aratin& #s fro) the sea! it "rin&s #%on in isi"$e win&s )essa&es fro) that $and! which e o-e %$eas#re or a ersion accordin& to their nat#re( In one %$ace! an aro)a of new )own ha* fi$$s #s with de$i&ht/ %erha%s we are na#seated "* the no+io#s s)e$$ of 3as)ine on the ne+t stretch of o#r 3o#rne*/ and $ater "eco)e rea$$* i$$ fro) the stench of sta&nant )arsh8water( 2#t then we enter a forest! and soon its &ratef#$ %ine "a$) restores

the nor)a$ hea$th and s%irits( In o#r 3o#rne* fro) the crad$e to the &ra e we carr* the twe$ e ho#ses with #s in the a#ric at)os%here s#rro#ndin& #s! as the air en e$o%s the f$*in& earth( Each ho#se )irrors %art of the $ife/ each ho$ds so)e of o#r $ife $essons/ each re%resents how we ha e wor-ed or shir-ed "efore in a &i en de%art)ent of $ife's tas-s( At the a%%ro%riate ti)e of $ife we rea% fro) each ho#se what we ha e sown in %ast $i es! that is! #n$ess we foresta$$ the har est in ti)e( Is o#r e$e enth ho#se aff$icted! do friends "etra* and forsa-e #s! do the* $ea e #s heartsic-! or na#seate #s $i-e the scent of 3as)ine and sta&nant )arsh8waterJ Then $et #s e+a)ine the horosco%e for it re ea$s what is hidden in o#r a#ric at)os%here( The friends sensed #s! and we then! thro#&h the e$e enth an&$e! and so)ethin& i$$8s)e$$in& )#st "e there( It )a* "e! we $on& to "e "efriended! )ore than to "efriend others( Let #s cease to "e $i-e the sic-$*! de"i$itatin& 3as)ine! and see- to )anifest the st#rd* stren&th of the in i&oratin& %ine tree/ then we sha$$ find friend f$oc-in& aro#nd! ad)irin& o#r stren&th( 1ot a$$ ha e s#ch st#rd* nat#res! "#t we can attract e5#a$$* "* -ind$iness! as soothin& to sorrowin& hearts as %erf#)e of new )own ha* to the sense! and th#s we )a* rid the ho#se of friends of aff$iction( After the fore&oin& e+%$anations! the ho#ses )a* now "e said to inf$#ence the affairs of $ife as fo$$ows0 2irst !ouse r#$es the %h*sica$ "od* and its constit#tion and a%%earance/ it deter)ines conditions in the chi$dhood ho)e whi$e the %erson is #nder contro$ of the %arents( Second !ouse r#$es )one*! the financia$ fort#nes/ it shows what the %erson ac5#ires "* indi id#a$ effort and to a certain e+tent what #se he wi$$ )a-e of it( ",ird !ouse r#$es "rothers and sisters! nei&h"ors! the instinct#a$ )ind! writin&s! short 3o#rne*s and con e*ances of tra e$( 2ourt, !ouse66 That one of the %arents who e+ercises the $esser inf$#ence in the %erson's $ife! conditions in the $atter %art of $ife! ho#ses! $ands! )ines/ e er*thin& %ertainin& to the earth( 2ift, !ouse66 Lo e! co#rtshi% and $icentio#sness! the $e&iti)ate and i$$e&iti)ate attraction and socia$ interco#rse "etween the se+es %rior to wed$oc-/ chi$dren! ed#cation instit#tions! "oo-s and news%a%ers! s%orts and a)#se)ents! stoc-s and s%ec#$ations( Sixt, !ouse66 Hea$th! ser ice to "e rendered "* the %erson and a$so the condition and faithf#$ness of those who ser e hi)( Se$ent, !ouse66 The )arria&e %artner! the %#"$ic in &enera$! co)%etitors! %artners! o%%onents in $iti&ations! ri a$s( #ig,t, !ouse66 .eath! $e&acies! the )arria&e %artner's finances! occ#$t a"i$ities and fac#$ties $atent "#t near$* read* for )anifestation(

-int, !ouse66 Re$i&ion! s%irit#a$ e+%eriences and as%irations! drea)s and isions! $on& tra e$s and $aw( "ent, !ouse66 The %arent who e+ercises )ost inf$#ence in the %erson's $ife! the honor and socia$ standin& of the %erson! his e)%$o*er or 3#d&e! and the &o ern)ent( #le$ent, !ouse66 Friends! co)%anions and we$$8wishers! ho%es! wishes and as%irations! &enera$$* of a )ateria$ nat#re! a$so ste%chi$dren( ".elft, !ouse66 Confine)ent in hos%ita$s or %rison! secret ene)ies and %$ots/ sorrow and se$f #ndoin&( T E SI0NS OF T E /O4IAC On either side of the S#n's %ath there are a n#)"er of fi+ed stars which are so &ro#%ed that the* )a* "e concei ed as for)in& twe$ e conste$$ations! and as the* ha e certain characteristic inf$#ences ancient sa&es na)ed the) for the ani)a$s which e+%ress si)i$ar traits( These conste$$ations are ca$$ed the *atural Fodiac and for a$$ %ractica$ %#r%oses it )a* "e said that the* occ#%* %er)anent %ositions re$ati e to the other fi+ed stars of the fir)a)ent( This circ$e is di ided into twe$ e sections startin& at the first de&ree of Aries! which is occ#%ied "* the S#n at the erna$ e5#ino+( On acco#nt of the %recession of the e5#ino+ the S#n does not cross the e5#ator at the sa)e %oint each *ear! "#t it has "een fo#nd that the first =D de&rees fro) the %oint where the S#n does cross the e5#ator at the e5#ino+ ha e an effect si)i$ar to that ascri"ed to the conste$$ation Aries/ the ne+t thirt* de&rees radiate a Ta#rean inf$#ence and so on with the other ten sections of thirt* de&rees each( Therefore the twe$ e sections )eas#red fro) the erna$ e5#ino+ are #sed e+c$#si e$* in Astro$o&* and ca$$ed Signs of the Fodiac! to differentiate the) fro) the Constellations. These twe$ e si&ns of the Fodiac are ario#s$* di ided accordin& to their effect on h#)anit* into Cardina$! Fi+ed and Co))on si&ns! a$so into Fier*! Earth*! Air* and 4ater* si&ns( 4hat their inf$#ences are we sha$$ endea or to e$#cidate in the fo$$owin& sections( T E CAR4INA( SI0NS 5e&"ord :Activit&: The Cardina$ Si&ns are "ries, Cancer, (ibra and Capricorn. These si&ns are ca$$ed Cardina$ "eca#se when the S#n is in the) he is in one of the fo#r corners of the hea ens/ at a t#rnin&8%oint! where he is forced to ta-e another direction( In Aries he is as far East as he can &o/ Cancer is the tro%ica$ %oint of the *orth where he &i es the perpendicular ray at the S#))er So$stice! and conse5#ent$* the &reatest heat. Li"ra is the e+tre)e western %oint of his %ath! where he t#rns awa* fro) the 1orthern He)is%here! and in )idwinter! at Christ)as! he is in Ca%ricorn at the farthest %oint south, where his hori1ontal ray $ea es the %eo%$e of the 1orth in winter's ic* &ri%( The effect of the an&e$s! the first! fo#rth! se enth and tenth

ho#ses! is si)i$ar to the effect of the cardina$ si&ns "eca#se these ho#ses are at the East! 1orth! 4est and So#th %oints of the horosco%e( The nat#re and effect of cardina$ si&ns and an&$es )a* "e s#))ed #% in the words ,Action, and ,Initiati e, Htho#&h each acts different$* fro) the others!I therefore %$anets %$aced in cardina$ si&ns and an&$es &i e 7est to $ife accordin& to the nat#re of the %artic#$ar %$anet! si&n and an&$e( ,Fodiac, )eans a circ$e of ani)a$s( The s*)"o$s of three of the cardina$ si&ns are ani)a$istic0 "ries, the Ra)/ Cancer, the Cra"/ and Capricorn, the Goat( The fo#rth ! Li"ra! the Sca$es! re%resents the idea$ towards which this c$ass )#st stri e( 1one need %oise so )#ch as those #nder the i)%#$si e inf$#ence of the cardina$ ra*/ therefore the 2a$ance was set in the hea ens to direct their as%irations( T E FI8E4 SI0NS 5e&"ord :Sta'ilit&: The Fi+ed Si&ns are !aurus, (eo, Scorpio and "&uarius. Three s*)"o$s of the fi+ed si&ns are a$so "estia$! io$ent and ir#$ent/ !aurus, the 2#$$/ (eo, the Lion/ and Scorpio, the Scor%ion( The h#)an fi&#re of "&uarius, the 4ater"earer! shows #s the idea$ towards which this c$ass )#st stri e( Instead of fi&htin&! %re*in& #%on! or %oisonin& others in the str#&&$e for e+istence the* )#st $earn to "eco)e h#)ane! to "e friends to a$$ instead of foes( The inf$#ence of the fi+ed si&ns ro#ses the desire nat#re! &i in& sta)ina and %ersistence in action( 4hen fi+ed si&ns are on the an&$es Hthe first! fo#rth! se enth and tenth ho#sesI! the* e+ert a we$$ ni&h irresisti"$e force! i)%e$$in& the indi id#a$ a$on& a certain $ine( He )a* "e s$ow and %$oddin&! "#t is s#re to "e persistent in whate er he #nderta-es! and whate er ta$ent he )a* %osses in a certain direction wi$$ "e e+%$oited to its f#$$est e+tent( Set"ac-s which wo#$d ta-e the co#ra&e fro) a %erson with cardina$ si&ns do not da#nt the )an with fi+ed si&ns on the an&e$s! he -nows no defeat! and therefore he #s#a$$* &ains his &oa$ in the end and achie es s#ccess "* Concentration #%on one %oint! and Persistence in fo$$owin& his chosen %ath( On the other hand s#ch %eo%$e are conser ati e to the $ast de&ree( The* )a* see and desire i)%ro e)ents in ario#s $ines! "#t are e+ceedin&$* s$ow to ado%t )eas#res to acco)%$ish the desired end/ the* ne er do this #nti$ thoro#&h$* satisfied that a certain )ethod wi$$ )eet the re5#ire)ents( In other words! %eo%$e with fi+ed si&ns on the an&e$s ,$oo- "efore the* $ea%/, the* $oo- a $on& ti)e and er*! er* caref#$$*! "#t on the other hand! when the* ha e once "een won o er to a certain ca#se the* are faithf#$ #nto death! and no )ore ardent ad ocates can "e fo#nd/ their 7ea$ is a$)ost fanatica$( On the who$e! %eo%$e with fi+ed si&ns )a* "e said to "e the most reliable people in the wor$d! either for &ood or "ad( T E CO##ON SI0NS 5e&"ord :Fle%i'ilit&: Ge)ini! Sa&ittari#s! Vir&o and Pisces are ca$$ed co))on si&ns! their intrinsic nat#re "ein& "est e+%ressed "* the -e*word! F$e+i"i$it*(

The forces wor-in& thro#&h the Cardinal si&ns i)%in&e #%on the Dense 7ody and stir it to action( The %ower of the common si&ns is mental and spiritual &i in& %#r%ose to action and incenti e to no"i$it* of $ife( Therefore %eo%$e inf$#enced "* ste$$ar forces foc#sed %rinci%a$$* thro#&h Cardinal si&ns are the wor-ers of the wor$d! not the toi$ers! "#t executives, who acco)%$ish thin&s ind#stria$$*! and who "rin& into concrete e+istence sche)es! &reat or s)a$$! of a$#e in the wor$d's wor-( !he Common signs are all double0 two of the) are h#)an0 )emini, the Twins! and .irgo, the Vir&in/ the third! Sagittarius, the Centa#r! is %art$* h#)an/ and on$* the fo#rth s*)"o$! ,isces, the Fishes! is ta-en fro) the $ower -in&do)( 1one are io$ent! howe er! "#t intense$* )ora$! inte$$ect#a$ and s%irit#a$ s*)"o$s( Unsta"$e as reeds the* are swa*ed hither and thither/ nothin& a%%ea$s to the) %er)anent$*! the* desire nothin& as )#ch as chan&e( 1o )atter how we$$ %$aced! the* can se$do) resist the $#re of an o%enin& in another cit*! the farther awa*! the "etter( Therefore the o$d )a+i)0 ,a ro$$in& stone &athers no )oss!, a%%$ies %artic#$ar$* to this c$ass! for their ro in& ha"its #s#a$$* -ee% the) %oor( The* s%end as fast as the* earn! or faster( Th#s these %eo%$e drift #%on the sea of $ife %ro%e$$ed "* the c#rrents of circ#)stances( O#tside conditions do)inate the) as the* $ac- sta)ina to assert their own indi id#a$it*( The fore&oin& is tr#e of the &reat )a3orit* who are #nder the r#$e and inf$#ence of co))on si&ns/ the* res%ond to the lower phase si)%$* "eca#se the hi&her side is too hi&h for a$$ "#t a er* few at o#r %resent sta&e of de e$o%)ent( Those who )a-e a s#ccess in the wor$d "eca#se %rodded "* the cardina$ and fi+ed inf$#ences! ca$$ the) indo$ent and &ood8for8nothin&! "#t were the for)er "ereft of the cardina$ or fi+ed ener&* which &oads the) to action! and %$aced #nder the co))on ra*! the* wo#$d soon rea$i7e its $ac- of %ower and $earn co)%assion for those who )#st so $i e a$$ their $i es( 4hat then is the $esson these %eo%$e ha e to $earnJ CO#PARATI1E EFFECT OF CAR4INA(, FI8E4 AN4 CO##ON SI0NS ON T E AN0(ES 4hi$e the nat#re of the cardina$ si&ns is s#ch that their ra*s stir o#r $atent forces into action and %ro)ote chan&e! the )ost %ro)inent 5#a$it* of the fi+ed si&ns is Sta"i$it*/ "#t the st#dent )#st "eware of confo#ndin& sta"i$it* with inertia( The action ind#ced "* the ra*s of cardina$ si&ns )a* "e chan&ed into other channe$s with considera"$e faci$it*! a$$ the* want "ein& e+%ression/ the direction in which the* e+%ress the)se$ es is a secondar* consideration( 1ot so with the fi+ed si&ns! when their ra* i)%e$s to action in a certain direction it is ne+t to i)%ossi"$e to sta* the force or chan&e it( On the other hand! if the* den* e+%ression in certain $ines! the o"str#ction is a$)ost ins#r)o#nta"$e( Peo%$e of the fi+ed c$ass $ac- a"i$it* to )a-e their in entions co))ercia$$* #sa"$e! a tas- for which the cardina$ c$ass is e)inent$* fitted( Th#s these two c$asses worhand in hand and "etween the) the* ha e transfor)ed the wi$derness of the

wor$d to a condition of co)%arati e co)fort! their efforts toward i)%ro e)ent are contin#a$$* carried on! and in ti)e the desert wi$$ "e )ade to "$oo) $i-e a rose( As )ateria$ s#ccess de%ends on a"i$it* to co%e with )ateria$ conditions! the cardina$ c$ass is %artic#$ar$* fort#nate! for it is the chief e+ec#ti e factor in the wor$d's wor-! and rea%s read* reward therefro)( The fi+ed c$ass is not so %ro)inent$* "efore the %#"$ic! $a"ors in $a"oratories and wor-s e+%eri)enta$$* to co)%$ete the %rocesses and %erfect the )ode$s which are $ater #sed in )an#fact#re( Therefore this c$ass a$so is a %otent factor in $ife! and shares the )ateria$ and financia$ s#ccess of the cardina$ c$ass( The co))on c$ass is a shar% contrast( Forces foc#sed thro#&h Common si&ns are mental, therefore %eo%$e r#$ed "* the) are a erse to stren#o#s %h*sica$ action which is the forte of the cardina$ c$ass/ the* $a"or on$* when $ashed "* the whi% of necessit*( The* are a$so inca%a"$e of the s$ow "* s#stained effort %#t forth "* the fi+ed c$ass and are easi$* disco#ra&e "* o"stac$es( Th#s the* are $eaners not $ifters( !oilers who do the "iddin& of the incenti e and e+ec#ti e c$asses are recr#ited fro) %eo%$e r#$ed "* Common si&ns( There is one s%here! howe er! where the* shine! accordin& to their a"i$it* to thin-( 2ein& a erse to wor- the* ha e created a anta&e8&ro#nd whence the* )a* rea% the "enefits of the toi$ of others! of their in enti e fac#$ties and e+ec#ti e s-i$$( To do this the* "eco)e promoters who "rin& in entor and )an#fact#rer to&ether! agents who )ediate "etween "#*er and se$$er! peddlers, endors and a$$ other middlemen who &o "etween %rod#cer and cons#)er and live on a commission0 a$so literary )en who de ote their ta$ent to %#r%ose$ess fiction "e$on& to the c$ass act#ated "* the $ower %hases of the force in the co))on si&ns( The cardina$ c$ass is acti e! the co))on is rest$ess! the fi+ed c$ass is ri&id! the co))on is f$e+i"$e( T E FO,R TRIP(ICITIES The effect of the ,Tri%$icities, is )ost )ar-ed in the risin& si&n and when the )a3orit* of the %$anets are &ro#%ed in one of the)( A fier* si&n HAries! Leo or Sa&ittari#sI! on the ascendant! &i es )#ch ita$it*! "#t it a$so )a-es the %erson %rone to fe ers and inf$a))ator* disorders/ and when the )a3orit* of the %$anets are in fier* si&ns the* )a-e it er* diffic#$t for the %erson to ,-ee% coo$, %h*sica$$* or )enta$$*( A water* si&n HCancer! Scor%io or PiscesI risin&! &i es )#ch $ess sta)ina and %redis%oses to di&esti e! #rinar* and catarrha$ tro#"$es( If a %erson has )an* %$anets in water* si&ns his %ro"$e) is to &enerate eno#&h ener&* to -ee% war)! for this &ro#%in& &i es a $ist$ess! indifferent dis%osition! e+ce%t when Scor%io is risin& or when )an* %$anets are in that si&n( Air* si&ns risin& HGe)ini! Li"ra and A5#ari#sI &i e a ner o#s te)%era)ent and )a-e the %erson $ia"$e to disorders of the $#n&s! heart and -idne*s( Man* %$anets in these si&ns &i e %eo%$e $iterar* and artistic inc$inations(

Earth* si&ns risin& HTa#r#s! Vir&o and Ca%ricornI! &i e fair ita$it* "#t a secret fear of disease arrests the ita$ %rocesses in the "od* and %oisons these %eo%$e so that the* "eco)e icti)s of chronic ai$)ents oftener than those of the other &ro#%in&s( The throat! sto)ach and intestines are s%ecia$$* threatened/ rhe#)atis) and &o#t are a$so fre5#ent$* e+%erienced( 4hen a %erson has )an* %$anets in earth* si&ns it fa ors the ac5#isition of )ateria$ wea$th( T E S,N, T E #OON AN4 T E ASCEN4ANT 4e stated in o#r o%enin& %ara&ra%h that there are Three Great Factors which con e* to #s the M*stic Messa&e of the stars in &enera$! na)e$*! the ,ho#ses!, the ,si&ns, and the ,%$anets(, There are a$so three factors which %$a* a s%ecia$$* i)%ortant %art in the indi id#a$ horosco%e! na)e$* the S#n! the Moon and the Ascendant! which )a* "e said to re%resent the s%irit! the so#$ and the "od*( Pro%er$* iewed the S#n! Moon and Ascendant are not rea$$* three se%arate horosco%ica$ %rinci%$es "#t re%resent two co)%osite %arts which when #nited constit#te the h#)an "ein&( The ,risin& sin&, and the ,first ho#se, to&ether for) an a en#e for the fec#ndatin& inf$#ences of the Moon which there cr*sta$$i7e and for) the etheric )atri+ that )o#$ds the %h*sica$ %artic$es fro) the )aterna$ "od* into a new ehic$e/ hence the astro$o&ica$ )a+i)! that the ascendant at "irth Hor its o%%ositeI is the Moon's %$ace at conce%tion( This co)%osite "od* is the %art of the h#)an "ein& which is "orn and dies after a re$ati e$* e anescent %eriod of e+istence( The other and i))orta$ %art of co)%osite )an which consists of the E&o and its finer ehic$es is re%resented in the horosco%e "* the S#n and the Moon( The s%ecific inf$#ence of these %$anets wi$$ "e descri"ed when we ha e considered the risin& si&n( T E RISIN0 SI0N As ta#&ht in ear$ier! it is the an&$e of the ste$$ar ra* which deter)ines in what de%art)ent of $ife it wi$$ "e )ost %ro)inent$* acti e/ and it has "een fo#nd "* o"ser ations that the si&n risin& or ascendin& on the eastern hori7on when a chi$d is "orn is the %rinci%a$ factor in deter)inin& the "asic constit#tion and for) of the %h*sica$ "od*( F#rther in esti&ations ha e shown that the reason for this fact is that at the ti)e of conce%tion when the seed8ato) was %$anted in the o #) the Moon! which is the Cos)ic a&ent of fec#ndation! %ro3ected its ferti$i7in& ra* thro#&h the si&n and de&ree which $ater rises at the )o)ent of "irth! Hor its o%%ositeI( For that reason the risin& si&n and de&ree contin#e to "e the a en#e of in&ress of the $ife8forces which "#i$d the "od* of the "a"e #nti$ the se erance of the #)"i$ica$ cord! and the nat#re of the risin& si&n is th#s inde$i"$* sta)%ed #%on the new ehic$e and retained a$$ thro#&h $ife( In this connection it sho#$d "e noted that conce%tion is not necessari$* coincident with the %h*sica$ #nion of the %arents! so)eti)es two wee-s or e en )ore e$a%sin& ere the a#s%icio#s )o)ent awaited "* the Recordin& An&e$s or their a&ents stri-e( At that ti)e cos)ic conditions are s#ch that the* wi$$ for) a "od*

which wi$$ faci$itate the e+%ression of the E&o see-in& re8e)"odi)ent and aid it to wor- o#t its se$f8&enerated destin*( It sho#$d a$so "e re)e)"ered "* st#dents that the )o)ent of de$i er* is not the ti)e of "irth fro) the astro$o&ica$ %oint of iew( The inha$ation of the first co)%$ete "reath #s#a$$* acco)%anied "* a cr*! is the )o)ent when the inco)in& E&o recei es its ste$$ar "a%tis)( This renders it e er s#sce%ti"$e to the inf$#ence of the %artic#$ar confi&#ration of the stars e+istin& at that )o)ent! and therefore the stars affect each indi id#a$ different$* fro) a$$ others! not e en the horosco%e of twins "ein& a$i-e( It is a$so stron&$* e)%hasi7ed that accordin& to this e+%$anation we do not ha e a certain ,fate, "eca#se we were "orn at a %artic#$ar ti)e! "#t we are "orn at a %artic#$ar ti)e "eca#se we ha e a certain se$f8&enerated destin* to wor- o#t( That is er* i)%ortant distinction for its s#"stit#tes di ine $aw for di ine ca%rice! it e$i)inates the e$e)ent of ,$#c-, and ins%ires )an to )aster* of ,fate0 "* wor-in& with the Law( If we ha e )ade o#r %resent horosco%e "* o#r %ast actions in a %ast $ife! $o&ica$$* we are now %re%arin& for f#t#re e)"odi)ent and )a* )a-e it what we choose( If we stri e to stren&then o#r "od* now! to o erco)e o#r fa#$ts! to c#$ti ate new irt#es! the S#n of o#r ne+t $ife wi$$ rise #nder )#ch )ore a#s%icio#s conditions than those #nder which we now $i e and th#s we )a* tr#$* r#$e o#r stars and )aster o#r fate( 4hen the $ast three de&rees of a si&n are risin& or when the first three de&rees ascend at the ti)e of "irth the %erson is said to "e "orn ,on the c#s%, "etween two si&ns and the) the "asic nat#re of the si&ns in o$ ed are "$ended in his or her "od*( Th#s a %erson "orn when the three $ast de&rees of Aries or the first de&rees of Ta#r#s were ascendin& wo#$d "e neither %#re$* Aries nor Ta#r#s were ascendin& wo#$d "e neither %#re$* Aries nor Ta#r#s "#t a )i+t#re of the 5#a$ities of the two si&ns( The nat#re of the risin& si&n is a$so )odified "* the %resence of %$anets( The S#n and Mars increase ita$it* if we$$ as%ected "#t it aff$icted the* inc$ine to fe er and inf$a))ator* disorders "#t the* a$so fa or ra%id rec#%eration! and )a-e the nat#re a$ert and ener&etic( A we$$8as%ected ;#%iter risin& a$so increases ita$it* "#t inc$ines to cor%#$ence! if the %$anet is aff$icted that )a-es the circ#$ation s$#&&ish and th#s &i es a tendenc* to disorders of the "$ood( The fore&oin& re)ar-s a"o#t ;#%iter a%%$* to Ven#s in a $esser de&ree( Sat#rn risin& $owers the ita$it* and fa ors chronic i$$8hea$th in $ater $ife! "#t at the sa)e ti)e he &i es s#ch a tenacio#s ho$d on $ife that tho#&h the %erson )a* %ra* to "e re$eased he cannot die( Merc#r*! Moon! Uran#s and 1e%t#ne )a-e the "od* )ore hi&h8str#n& and ner o#s than the a era&e! #sa"$e s%ecia$$* for %ioneers in )#sic! $iterat#re! hi&her tho#&ht! science and the e$ectrica$ arts( P$anets %$aced in the twe$fth ho#se are considered as "ein& on the ascendant if within si+ de&rees thereof! a$so a$$ %$anets in the first ho#se no )atter how far fro) the risin& de&ree/ "#t if a si&n "e interce%ted in the first ho#se! %$anets %$aced therein wi$$ not ha e as stron& an inf$#ence in the $ife as tho#&h the si&n occ#%* the c#s%(

C APTER 1 T E INF(,ENCE OF T E T*E(1E SI0NS * EN RISIN0 ARIES, T E RA# Aries is )*tho$o&ica$$* re%resented as a ra) and the s*)"o$ descri"es )ost acc#rate$* those "orn #nder its inf$#ence/ a %ointed and %rotr#din& shee% $i-e nose! wide forehead! %ointed chin and the res#$tant trian&#$ar face noted in )an* %eo%$e! are #n)ista-a"$e indications of their risin& si&n( Li&ht "rown or reddish tint of the hair is a %rono#nced characteristic of the Arian!/ the "od* is s$ender and we$$ for)ed/ if the first %art of the si&n is risin& the "od* is shorter! and the co)%$e+ion dar-er than &i en "* the $atter de&rees( P$anets in the risin& si&n wi$$ )odif* the descri%tion howe er! and the st#dent )#st #se his -now$ed&e of the character of the %$anets in con3#nction with the descri%tion of the Si&n( The S#n and Mars )a-e the co)%$e+ion )ore f$orid! the Moon and Sat#rn )a-e it %a$er and dar-er! ;#%iter and Ven#s )a-e the "od* )ore %ort$*( Sat#rn shortens( Uran#s and Merc#r* $en&thens( This a%%$ies to a$$ the si&ns! "#t is es%ecia$$* )ar-ed when a %$anet rises in the si&n it r#$es( Mars in Aries risin& wo#$d &i e fier* red hair and a face f#$$ of frec-$es( The S#n risin& in Leo wo#$d &i e a f$orid co)%$e+ion with f$a+en hair! "#t if Sat#rn were there! instead it wo#$d shorten the "od* and dar-en the hair( Aries %eo%$e are "o$d! se$f8confident and i)%#$si e/ the* ai) to $ead! dis$i-e to fo$$ow! are a$wa*s read* to ta-e the initiati e in an* )o e)ent that a%%ea$s to the)! "#t often $ac- %ersistence to carr* their %ro3ects to a conc$#sion o er serio#s o"stac$es( The S#n! and Mars the R#$er! risin& in Aries wo#$d intensif* the a"o e! "#t as a thoro#&h e+%$anation wi$$ "e &i en #nder the headin& ,The Intrinsic 1at#re of the P$anets!, the st#dent is referred thereto( 4e )a* )ention it here! howe er! as a %ec#$iarit* that Aries %eo%$e $i e thro#&h fe ers to which others s#cc#)"( 4e ha e -nown their hair to fa$$ o#t! and the te)%erat#re to re)ain fo#r de&rees a"o e the #s#a$ )a+i)#) for )an* ho#rs witho#t fata$ res#$t( TA,R,S, T E B,(( Ta#r#s is re%resented "* a 2#$$ in the Fodiac! and the "odies &enerated #nder this si&n are #s#a$$* short and stoc-*( The* ha e a stron& nec- with the "#)% of a)ati eness we$$ de e$o%ed! $ar&e $o"e of the ear! hea * 3aws! f#$$ face/ nose short and st#""*( .ar- e*es and wa * hair fre5#ent$* &i e the) considera"$e "ea#t*( The e*e of the Ta#rean )a* ne er dart "o$ts of fire s#ch as those wherewith the Arian wo#$d annihi$ate his ene)ies/ it is softer! "#t #nder %ro ocation it "eco)es s#$$en$* e+%ressi e of the %assi e resistance wherewith these %eo%$e win their "att$es( It then )ar-s the difference "etween the i)%#$si e Aries and the st#""orn Ta#r#s( The inner %ha$an&e of the th#)" is $ar&e and hea *! the ca$ es we$$ de e$o%ed and the foot ch#""*( In wa$-in& the Ta#rean

#s#a$$* %$ants his hee$ first! and hea iest( Ta#r#s %eo%$e are %re8e)inent$* ,thoro#&h and steadfast, in e er*thin& the* do0 In $o e! in hate! in wor- or %$a*! the* %ersist in a &i en direction! and neither reason nor ar&#)ent wi$$ t#rn the)( The* are er"ose and ar&#)entati e in defense of their actions or o%inions/ the* &ras% new ideas s$ow$*! with diffic#$t* and conser ati e$*! "#t once co)%rehended and es%o#sed! the* a$wa*s re)e)"er what the* ha e $earned and defend their o%inions to the $ast ditch( The S#n risin& in Ta#r#s &i es an #n#s#a$$* fir) %h*si5#e! and accent#ates the Ta#r#s %ride in stren&th( !he Moon, "ein& the %$anet of fec#ndit*! is e+a$ted in this e+ceedin&$* fr#itf#$ si&n/ hence %eo%$e with the Moon in Ta#r#s ha e $ar&e fa)i$ies! %artic#$ar$* if the confi&#ration is in the fifth ho#se! for that desi&nates chi$dren( Ven#s! the r#$er of Ta#r#s! risin& in that si&n! )a-es the for) "ea#tif#$ as we$$ as stron&! a$so &i in& artistic a"i$it* and )#sica$ ins%iration( 0E#INI, T E T*INS 4hen Ge)ini is risin& the "od* &enerated is ta$$ and s$ender! the ar)s and $i)"s are %artic#$ar$* $on&! fin&ers s$ender! hair dar-! e*es ha7e$( Ge)ini %eo%$e are 5#ic-! acti e and a$ert in a$$ their )o e)ents! ha"it#a$ rest$essness "ein& noticea"$e in the e+%ression of the e*es! which differs in that res%ect fro) )ore fi+ed tendencies of the e*es of those "orn #nder the two %recedin& si&ns! a$tho#&h of co#rse we do not )ean that the Arian a$wa*s $oo-s an&r* and the Ta#rean st#""orn! ne erthe$ess! there is a sett$ed tendenc* in those directions noticea"$e when these %eo%$e are not occ#%ied in a certain direction/ "#t the Ge)ini %eo%$e ha e an e+%ression which is )#ch )ore i id! chan&ea"$e and %ast findin& o#t( The* ha e ac#te$* in5#irin& )inds! and a$wa*s want to -now the reason wh*! "#t often $ac- %ersistence to fo$$ow c$ews to the end! and th#s the* )eet disa%%oint)ent( 2ein& tactf#$ the* a oid &i in& offense e en #nder %ro ocation! and are therefore &enera$$* $i-ed "* a$$/ tho#&h their own affections are not dee%( Two distinct c$asses are "orn #nder this si&n/ one! too fond of readin&! sho#$d c#$ti ate inde%endent tho#&ht! instead of re%eatin& other %eo%$e's ideas! or a%in& their )anners/ the other is scientific! we$$ "a$anced and reser ed/ a )ode$ for an* %erson( The S#n risin& in Ge)ini "rin&s o#t a$$ the no"$est traits of the si&n/ it )a-es the nat#re )ore sett$ed and contented! &i es )ore %ersistence and a %artic#$ar$* hea$th* and acti e "od*( Merc#r*! the r#$er! risin& in Ge)ini! shar%ens %erce%tion! &i es a"i$it* as a writer! or s%ea-er! "#t )a-es the %erson "orn with that %osition e+tre)e$* irrita"$e! aci$$atin& and fond of chan&e of scene and e)%$o*)ent( S#ch %eo%$e are "est fitted for tra e$in& sa$es)en( CANCER, T E CRAB The chief %ec#$iarities of the cra" are a c$#)s* "od*! s$ender $i)"s and %owerf#$

c$aws(/ %eo%$e "orn with Cancer risin& e+%ress the) a$$( The* ha e a $ar&e #%%er "od*! a#&)ented in $ater *ears "* a %ro)inence of the a"do)en ac5#ired "* o er8eatin&( The )andi"$e or $ower 3aw is %owerf#$$* hin&ed to the crani#)! the face is therefore widest "etween the ears! the )o#th is a$so $ar&e! and the who$e constr#ction si)i$ar to the cra"'s c$aw( The face is f#$$! the hair "rown! the e*es "$#e! co)%$e+ion %a$e and sic-$*! for the Cancer %erson has the $east ita$it* of an*( The $i)"s are e+tre)e$* s$ender in %ro%ortion to the $ar&e #%%er "od*! so the str#ct#re a%%ears ,to% hea *!, and he wa$-s with a ,ro$$in&, &ait( Cancer %eo%$e are er* fond of the ho)e and its co)forts! the* are 5#iet! reser ed and ada%t the)se$ es to conditions! hence the* are eas* to &et a$on& with/ their an&er is short8$i ed! and the* ho$d no s%ite( Tho#&h $ac-in& in %h*sica$ %rowess! the* are no h*%ocrites! "#t a$wa*s ha e the co#ra&e of their con ictions/ the* oice and defend the) too( The S#n risin& in Cancer "rin&s o#t and accent#ates a$$ the &ood 5#a$ities )entioned a"o e! &i in& )ore a)"ition and %ride/ it a$so increases the ita$it*! and is a %artic#$ar "oon in that res%ect to %eo%$e with Cancer risin& on acco#nt of their er* $ow $ife force( Cancer! with its r#$e/ the Moon! &o erns the sto)ach and hence a$i)entation/ Leo and its r#$er! the S#n! ha e char&e of the heart and circ#$ation( If these si&ns and %$anets are we$$ %$aced in the horosco%e! the* co#nteract )ost other aff$ictions and a $on& $ease of $ife is ass#red! "#t if the* are aff$icted! )#ch sic-ness res#$ts #n$ess inte$$i&ent care is a%%$ied to )odif* the o)en( The Moon! the r#$er! risin& in Cancer! wi$$ &i e )#ch insta"i$it* to the nat#res! and ;#%iter! "ein& e+a$ted there! wi$$ "rin& fort#ne and fa)e( (EO, T E (ION The $ion is the -in& of "easts and e en in ca%ti it* is an e)"odi)ent of state$iness and %ride( The t*%ica$ Leos of the Fodiac a$so e+%ress %ride in e er* )o e)ent and a state$iness which wi$$ not esca%e attention of the -een o"ser er/ the e+%ansi e chest! the )assi e sho#$ders! the stron& ar) and the $ar&e head contrast noticea"$* with the )ore s$ender "#t sti$$ )#sc#$ar #nder "od*/ and as Aries has the shee% face! so the t*%ica$ Leo has certain fe$ine feat#res( The co)%$e+ion is f$orid! e*es $ar&e and f#$$! "$#e or &ra*ish in co$or! e+%ressin& $a#&hter! cheerf#$ness and content( The who$e fra)e is we$$ -nit and stron&! ha in& &reat end#rance and rec#%erati e %ower( It is rea$$* wonderf#$ how the s*)"o$o&* of the si&ns is "ro#&ht o#t in the different -inds of %eo%$e "orn #nder the)( Peo%$e who are "orn #nder Leo a$wa*s want to "e noted/ the* are a&&ressi e and want to attract attention e er*where the* &o( The* ai) to "e $eaders! not fo$$owers( Leo r#$es the heart! and it is a )ar-ed characteristic that %eo%$e with Leo risin& #naff$icted! ha e hearts "i&&er than their %oc-et"oo-s! the* &i e &enero#s$* of their ti)e! )one* or -now$ed&e witho#t tho#&ht of se$f( If the S#n rises in Leo! this trait "eco)es a$)ost %rodi&a$it*! "#t if Sat#rn is there to aff$ict instead! he wi$$

co#nteract it sot that the* wi$$ either circ#)scri"e their &ifts with conditions to s#ch an e+tent that the* retain %ractica$ contro$! or the* wi$$ s%end their )eans on the)se$ es( Leos are honest and faithf#$/ "ein& chi$dren of the da* star! the* $o e $i&ht and tr#th! are a"o e s#"terf#&e and ai) strai&ht at their o"3ect( Their wi$$ is fir) to attain "* honora"$e )eans! The* )a-e &ood orators and ho$d their a#diences "* %ersona$ )a&netis)( The* are er* attracti e to the o%%osite se+! and the $ower nat#re sho#$d "e he$d fir)$* in chec-! otherwise serio#s tro#"$e and heartache )a* ens#re( The French! as a race! are r#$ed "* Leo! and afford a)%$e i$$#stration of this %oint( The S#n risin& in Leo! #naff$icted! &i es a "od* of wonderf#$ stren&th! ita$it* and rec#%erati e %ower/ s#%erior in its wiriness to the "od* &enerated "* the S#n in Ta#r#s/ "#t if Mars is aff$icted in Leo! %a$%itation of the heart wi$$ ens#e( Sat#rn here wi$$ ca#se re&#r&itation #n$ess care is ta-en in ear$* *ears to a oid strain( 1IR0O, T E 1IR0IN Peo%$e "orn when Vir&o is risin& are a"o e )idd$e stat#re( The #%%er %art of the head is )#ch )ore de e$o%ed than the $ower! the wea- chin! showin& $ac- of wi$$ and the $ar&e "rain indicatin& &reatness of inte$$ect! "ein& therefore ear)ar-s of the Vir&o( The face is thin! the co)%$e+ion sa$$ow! the hair "rown and the e*es ha7e$ or &ra*( The feet are s)a$$! the toes t#rn inwards and &i e these %eo%$e a %ec#$iar $a"ored wa$-( Vir&o %eo%$e are er* 5#ic- and acti e in *o#th! the* $earn with faci$it*! and do not wor- hard for -now$ed&e/ the* see) to "reathe it in witho#t an effort( The* ac5#ire $in&#istic and e$oc#tionar* %owers )ost readi$*! are f$#ent writers "#t are often c*nica$! co$d and #nfor&i in& when the* ha e "een in3#red( The* are e+tre)ists in their food! and )a-e h*&iene a fad/ the* often fanc* that the* ha e e er* i)a&ina"$e disease! "eca#se Vir&o is the si+th si&n and has a certain affinit* with the si+th ho#se! denotin& hea$th the and disease( Merc#r*! the r#$er! is a$so e+a$ted here and &i es %rono#nce)ent of a$$ the &ood which otherwise )i&ht "e e+%ected fro) the S#n( Vir&o %eo%$e are s$ender in *o#th! "#t when the S#n of Life %asses the Meridian and "e&ins to throw its shadows toward the East! we find in the) a tendenc* toward cor%#$ence of "od*! %artic#$ar$* of that %art r#$ed "* Vir&o! na)e$*! the a"do)en( The* ne&$ect to ta-e e+ercise! and nat#ra$$* on this acco#nt a s$#&&ish condition of the intestines )a* set in which retains the %oisons in the "od* and ro"s $ife of its 3o*s! )a-in& one indifferent( In this fact $ies the &reatest dan&er of the Vir&o %eo%$e( Once the* &et into the r#t of sic-ness! the* act#a$$* ,en3o*, %oor hea$th( The* $o e to ta$- o er their s*)%to)s with other %eo%$e! and the* resent an* tho#&ht or s#&&estion &i en to the) that the* are not sic-! or that the* can &et we$$( The %resence of Sat#rn in Vir&o! or the si+th ho#se! accent#ates this tendenc* in the er* hi&hest de&ree! and therefore it is an a$)ost infa$$i"$e si&n that the nati e wi$$ ha e or "e s#"3ect to chronic i$$ness! the nat#re of the disease

"ein& denoted "* the as%ect! and the aff$ictin& %$anets( In order to dea$ s#ccessf#$$* with Vir&o %eo%$e when the* ha e once "eco)e s#"3ect to disease! and &et the) o#t of it at a$$! it is necessar* to "e fir) a$)ost to the er&e of cr#e$t*( 2#t tho#&h one )a* see) cr#e$ in enforcin& #%on the) the re&i)e that is necessar* to "rin& the) awa* fro) the)se$ es! this is rea$$* the &reatest -indness that can "e shown! for once these %eo%$e are in the &ri% of sic-ness the* st#""orn$* ref#se to $et &o/ the* wi$$ resort to the )ost c#nnin&! e en chi$d$i-e sche)es to e+cite s*)%ath*! %artic#$ar$* fro) stran&ers! and the* wi$$ re%resent an* effort to show the) that the* are not he$%$ess in a$ids( At the er* s$i&htest s#&&estion of a ho%ef#$ nat#re! the* so)eti)es $ost their te)%er in the )ost #nwarranted )anner( 2#t when at $ast the* are &i en the deaf ear "* e er*"od*! when %eo%$e who are in their i))ediate en iron)ent can "e %ers#aded to show the) no s*)%ath*! then the* )a* co)e to the)se$ es( The* need a shoc- to "rin& the) o#t and awa* fro) their condition( And #nti$ the* &et that the* ne er can "e c#red( The Vir&os )a-e s%$endid n#rses! if the* can -ee% fro) ta-in& on the conditions of the %atient( The Vir&o %eo%$e ne er can "ear to see "$ood shed or to#ch dead thin&s( The* fee$ "odi$* in3#r* to others )ore that har) done to the)se$ es! and are in fact s%$endid$* descri"ed "* the word ,chic-en hearted(, (IBRA, T E SCA(ES E$e&ance )a* "e said to e+%ress in one word the %h*sica$ %ec#$iarities of the Li"ran( The "od* is s$ender and &racef#$ in *o#th! it "eco)es )ore %$#)% as $ife ad ances! "#t e en the %ort$iness of the Li"ra "od* is %$easin&( The co)%$e+ion is s)ooth and c$ear! e*es are soft and "$#e with a -ind e+%ression/ the )o#th is #n#s#a$$* we$$ for)ed and the teeth %artic#$ar$* fine and e en( Li"ra %eo%$e ha e e+tre)e$* stron& con3#&a$ affection! so stron&! in fact! that it o ershadows a$$ other considerations( The Leos $o e their fa)i$ies! "#t their hearts ta-e in a$$ the wor$d "esides/ not so the Li"rans/ the* are read* for an* sacrifice to &i e co)forts to those in their own i))ediate ho)e circ$e! "#t the* are a$so %re%ared to sacrifice an* other fa)i$* for their own! if necessar*( In )ost other traits the Li"rans e+%ress a%t$* the s*)"o$is) of their si&n! a %air of sca$es! and their characteristics )i&ht "e e+%ressed in the word0 ,Chan&ea"i$it*(, The* are %eo%$e of ,)oods!, "eca#se Sat#rn is e+a$ted here and wei&hs #%on the )ind/ the chan&es are s#dden and e+tre)e/ the* )a* fo$$ow a fad with as )#ch 7est as if their $ife de%ended #%on it! and the) witho#t a )o)ent's warnin&! dro% it and ta-e #% so)ethin& entire$* o%%osite there are no ha$f8wa* )eas#res in the swin& of the sca$es( 2ein& nat#ra$$* &i en to chan&e! the* are )ost ada%ta"$e to circ#)stances! and do not fret o er re erses! "#t set a"o#t with i) and i&or to restore their fort#nes( Aries and Li"ra )a* "e said to "e the "att$efie$ds of the S#n and Sat#rn0 Life and .eath! ;o* and Sorrow( The S#n is e+a$ted in Aries! and an5#ishes Sat#rn/ hence the intre%idit* of Aries %eo%$e( In Li"ra the sca$es ti% the other wa*/ there Sat#rn

is e+a$ted! and con5#ers the S#n/ this &i es a softer tone to the Li"ran! whose -ind$* %o$iteness contrasts )ar-ed$* with the Arian's "r#s5#e address( Ven#s! the r#$er of Li"ra! is not a$one res%onsi"$e for this trait! Ta#r#s %eo%$e are "$#nt! tho#&h Ven#s r#$es( Ven#s risin& in Li"ra &i es artistic a"i$it*! Sat#rn t#rns the )ind in scientific directions( Li"rans #s#a$$* ha e we$$ sha%ed hands and feet! and are er* %ro#d of the)( SCORPIO, T E EA0(E The nose is the )ost %ro)inent feat#re of the Scor%io/ it is $ar&e! hea e! and hoo-ed! rese)"$in& the "i$$ of the ea&$e! the "rows are "#sh*! the e*es shar% and %iercin&/ the 3aw is er* hea */ the &$int of the e*e! and the set of the 3aw indicate the &reat deter)ination which is the )ost %ro)inent characteristic of the Scor%io( The face is an&#$ar! co)%$e+ion )#r-*! and hair dar-! with a %ec#$iar r#dd* tin&e noticea"$e when the s#n shines on it( The teeth are $ar&e and s#"3ect to ear$* deca*( The "od* is short and thic-est! with a short! thic- nec- rese)"$in& that of the o%%osite si&n! Ta#r#s( Scor%io %eo%$e a$wa*s stand #% for their ri&hts! and ne er s#")it to i)%osition! thro#&h %rone to ride ro#&hshod o er others( The* are f#$$ of worries o er thin&s that )a* ha%%en! "#t ne er do! and th#s )a-e $ife a "#rden to those aro#nd the)( Sarcas) that stin&s $i-e a scor%ion is e er #%on the ti% of their ton&#e! *et their $o e is stron&! and their as%irations $oft*( Th#s there are two nat#res str#&&$in& in the Scor%ios and the* need )#ch s*)%ath* and for"earance fro) their friends( In the ho#r of dan&er the* ne er f$inch! "#t %erfor) deeds of herois) with a disre&ard for se$f that a)o#nts to foo$hardiness( The )ind is shar%! coo$ and co$$ected! therefore Scor%io )en )a-e &ood ar)* officers and e+ce$ in s#r&er*( The Scor%io wo)an has a $ar&e fa)i$*( The S#n in Scor%io accent#ates the &ood traits! and &i es a $o e )*sticis)/ "#t Mars! the r#$er! "rin&s o#t the wor$d$* side of the si&n and )a-es scoffers and s-e%tics( SA0ITTARI,S, T E CENTA,R Peo%$e "orn with Sa&ittari#s risin& are e en ta$$er that those "orn #nder the o%%osite si&n! Ge)ini! the )en in %artic#$ar ha in& $ar&e hands and feet( The si7e and wei&ht of the "on* fra)e is often too )#ch for the $i&a)ents of the s%ine to s#%%ort! so these %eo%$e often de e$o% a decided stoo% in $ater *ears( The face is $on& and we$$ for)ed! the nose we$$ %ro%ortioned! dar- -ind$* e*es and darchestn#t hair( The "od* is er* acti e! "#t re5#ires )#ch rest! as the rec#%erati e %owers are "e$ow the a era&e( The s*)"o$ of this si&n shows that there are two wide$* different c$asses "orn therein( One! desi&nated "* the ani)a$ "od* of the Centa#r! is fran-$* in for ,a &ood ti)e!, the* are s%ort*! so$diers of fort#ne! of ro in& %roc$i ities! fond of &a)es of chan&e! and read* to ris- their a$$ on the t#rn of a card! the s%eed of a horse! or a &a)e of "a$$! whi$e Aries or Scor%io %eo%$e )a* "eco)e %#&i$ists! and

Ta#r#s %eo%$e ta-e #% wrestin& as a %rofession( The s%orts of Sa&ittari#s ha e no e$e)ent of cr#e$t* in the)( Sa&ittarians when aff$icted )a* "eco)e cri)ina$s! their cri)es are ne er io$ent! howe er! "#t rather res#$ts of their ind#$&ence of the ani)a$ nat#re( The other c$ass is the e+tre)e o%%osite! s*)"o$i7ed "* the h#)an %art of the si&n( Here is the )an risin& a"o e the ani)a$ nat#re! "endin& the "ow of as%iration and ai)in& at $i)it$ess s%ace! si&nif*in& the $oftiest $on&in& of that i))orta$ s%ar- of inci%ient di init* we ca$$ the so#$( This c$ass is $aw a"idin& and of the hi&hest )ora$s/ fro) it co)e the %i$$ars of the ch#rch and "e$o ed r#$ers of state fa)ed for inte&rit*! "ene o$ence and 3#stice( The S#n risin& in this si&n is s#re to "rin& %refer)ent e en to those "orn in $ow$* and o"sc#re circ#)stances! and accent#ate a$$ &ood shown in the si&n/ so wi$$ ;#%iter! the r#$er( Sa&ittari#s r#$es the thi&hs and therefore! nat#ra$$*! confi&#rations fro) this si&n! if aff$icted are $i-e$* to ca#se accidents to those %arts( And it is nota"$e fact that Sa&ittari#s are er* $ia"$e to "ro-en "ones #nder circ#)stances where %eo%$e #nder other si&ns se$do) )eet in3#r*( In the ei&hth de&ree of Sa&ittari#s we ha e the fi+ed star Antares! which has a er* e i$ effect #%on the si&ht( Two other ne"#$o#s s%ots in the Fodiac ha e a si)i$ar inf$#ence( One is Asce$$i in Leo >! the other P$eiades in Ta#r#s @B( The S#n! or Moon! in one of those %$aces and ad erse$* confi&#rated with one of the )a$efics! Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s! or 1e%t#ne &i es tro#"$e with the e*es! accordin& to the nat#re of the e i$ as%ect/ or ice ersa! if Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne are in one of the ne"#$o#s s%ots ad erse$* confi&#rated to the S#n or Moon a si)i$ar tro#"$e wi$$ "e e+%erienced( Sho#$d a %$anet $i-e one of the a"o e na)ed "* in retro&rade )otion the as%ect is )#ch worse! for when the %$anet has ceased to retro&rade and &oes direct in the Fodiac a&ain! it wi$$ %ass o er which e er one of these ne"#$o#s s%ots it is c$ose to a second ti)e and there"* ca#se an added da)a&e( There )a* "e! howe er! a co)%ensatin& side to this as%ect! for it so)eti)es ha%%ens that whi$e an e i$ confi&#ration to one of these ne"#$o#s s%ots! Hand Antares is the worst!I de%ri es a %erson of his si&ht! a "ene o$ent confi&#ration awa-ens in hi) a second8si&ht which wi$$ )iti&ate the $oss in a de&ree that on$* those who ha e that si&ht can a%%reciate( The Sa&ittarian )#st $earn to rea$i7e his idea$s within instead of see-in& the) witho#t( 4e are in this schoo$ of e+%erience for the %#r%ose of o erco)in&! and it is not "* r#nnin& awa* fro) one %$ace to another that we &ain e+%erience( 2* sta*in& in one %$ace! "* doin& o#r er* "est to attain o#r idea$s where we are! we )a-e o#r idea$s co)e tr#e( CAPRICORN, T E 0OAT Ca%ricorn risin& &i es a short! s$ender! narrow8chested "od* with a thin nec-! thin si$-* dar- hair! a %a$e %ea-ed face with s)a$$! wea- e*es( It )a-es the chin %ointed and t#rned #%wards! the nose %ointed and t#rned downwards! an

i)%edi)ent in the s%eech! i$$ for)ed $ower $i)"s and an aw-ward wa$-( The ita$it* is er* $ow! and these chi$dren are reared with &reat diffic#$t*! "#t once infanc* is %ast! the* e+hi"it a tenacit* that is tr#$* a)a7in&! and often "eco)e er*! er* o$d/ the* see) to dr* #% into a )ass of wrin-$ed s-in and "one that is a$$ "#t i)%erisha"$e! this! on acco#nt of the Sat#rn ra* which r#$es Ca%ricorn( It is noticea"$e a$so! that a$$ who ha e that %$anet %ro)inent in the nati it* show the "efore )entioned wrin-$in& of the s-in! e en tho#&h the* )a* retain cor%#$ence conferred "* other confi&#rations( A)"ition and s#s%icion are r#$in& characteristics! an inordinate desire for reco&nition of their c$ai)s to s#%eriorit* and ad ance)ent/ a$so s#s%icion that others are tr*in& to s#" ert or withho$d the co et %ri7e! is e er with these %eo%$e( It ca#ses the) )#ch #nnecessar* worr*! and )a* res#$t in ha"it#a$ )e$ancho$*! %artic#$ar$* if Sat#rn is aff$icted( The* o#&ht to see- a)#se)ent o#tdoors! read f#nn* stories and otherwise tr* to c#$ti ate a sense of the h#)oro#s fro) chi$dhood! for this is one of the saddest si&ns! and needs a$$ %ossi"$e enco#ra&e)ent( Ca%ricorn %eo%$e are s#ccessf#$ in detecti e wor-! where secret %ractices are #sed to tra% others( and %ersistence is re5#ired to ferret o#t a )*ster*! for the* ne er &i e #%( The aff$icted Ca%ricorn is er* re en&ef#$! and if "* Mars! )a* shed "$ood to satisf* a &r#d&e( The S#n risin& "rin&s o#t the ;#stice! P#rit* and Honor of the si&n! )a-es Ca%tains of Ind#str* s#ch as forward the &reat enter%rises of the wor$d( A;,ARI,S, T E *ATER BEARER The state$iness and %ride of those "orn #nder the si&n of Leo are not )issin& in the t*%ica$ A5#arian! "#t whi$e in the Leo these 5#a$ities are of a $ower! )ore "estia$ nat#re a&reea"$e to the si&n! the* are )an$* %ride and state$iness in the tr#e A5#arian( Li"ra &enerates a "ea#tif#$ "od* "#t )ore effe)inate as it were! whereas the A5#arian "ea#t* is tr#$* )an$* or wo)an$*/ the fear$ess e*e is -ind$* and droo%in& e*e$ashes are %ec#$iar to this si&n( The forehead is s5#are! and the we$$ de e$o%ed %oise te$$s of inte$$ect! the $ar&e do)ed head shows the s%irit#a$ side of the nat#re and the chin is s#fficient$* de e$o%ed to &i e %#r%ose to a$$ actions( Th#s the t*%ica$ A5#arian is the hi&hest &rade of h#)anit*/ "#t therefore! a$so e+ceedin&$* rare! for the ariants %rod#ced in each si&n fro) the t*%ica$! "* the inter%osition of one or )ore %$anets are so different that the t*%e is often #nreco&ni7a"$e in the )a3orit* of its feat#res( A5#arians are )ost $o*a$ to friends! therefore the* attract )an*! -ee% the) thro#&h $ife! and are )#ch "enefited "* the)( Li-e Ca%ricorn! this si&n is r#$ed "* Sat#rn! and he &i es to the A5#arian the sa)e retirin& nat#re and tendenc* to )e$ancho$* which )ar-s the Ca%ricornian! "#t a$so the %ersistence in the fo$$owin& a &i en co#rse/ and whate er financia$ s#ccess co)es to these %eo%$e is the res#$t of contin#ed and %atient effort/ A5#arians are er* de$i"erate and $on& s#fferin&/ the* ne er act in a h#rr*! and therefore se$do) ha e ca#se to re&ret their actions! sa e when reason has "een sti$$ed thro#&h %$a* #%on their s*)%athies! for #nder s#ch circ#)stances the* are

readi$* i)%osed #%on( the $o e nat#re is er* stron&! "#t the* are not as de)onstrati es as the Leo( It is noteworth* that the 5#a$ities of o%%osite si&ns are a$wa*s ref$ected/ Leo in A5#ari#s! ref$ects $o e/ Ta#r#s )irrors the %assion of Scor%io/ the Ge)ini "od* is a ref$e+ of the "on* Sa&ittari#s fra)e! etc( The S#n and Sat#rn "rin& o#t )ore %ro)inent$* the &ood traits of A5#ari#s/ this si&n! where Sat#rn r#$es and Li"ra! where he is e+a$ted! are therefore #nder his )ost "eni&n inf$#ence( The S#n in A5#ari#s adds )#ch ho%e and $ife to the nat#re! and th#s co#nteracts the )e$ancho$* trait %re io#s$* )entioned( PISCES, T E FIS ES The t*%ica$ Piscean is short! f$a""* and f$esh* with a wadd$in& &ait not #n$i-e those "orn #nder the si&n Cancer! "#t differs fro) the) "* ha in& a sto#ter "od*( The feet are often t#ned in! "#t $ar&er that those "orn #nder Vir&o( The "od* is weaand deficient in rec#%erati e force( The co)%$e+ion is )edi#)! the e*es "$#e! water* and e+%ression$ess! the nose $ar&e and f$at( There is a stron& tendenc* to )edi#)shi% a)on& the Pisces %eo%$e! and therein is a dan&er &reater than an* other on earth( 1o one sho#$d ,sit for de e$o%)ent, and de&enerate into the too$ of $ow s%irits! "#t Pisces %eo%$e in %artic#$ar are ,$ost, if ta-en contro$ of( The* cannot free the)se$ es! either in this $ife or the ne+t! "eca#se &enera$$* inert and de oid of wi$$%ower( The* are ti)id! and e en the )ean are tearf#$ on the s$i&htest %ro ocation/ the* $o e $eis#re )ore than co)fort! and do no wor- which is not a"so$#te$* necessar* to -ee% "od* and so#$ to&ether( The* $o e chan&e of scene! ro e a"o#t considera"$*! &enera$$* in an ai)$ess )anner( 2ein& fond of &ood thin&s to eat and drin-! %artic#$ar$* the $atter! and $ac-in& wi$$ to c#r" their a%%etite when aff$icted! the* fre5#ent$* ind#$&e their cra in& to s#ch an e+tent that the* "eco)e ha"it#a$ dr#n-ards( The S#n risin& in Pisces &i es )ore ener&* and a)"ition! ;#%iter! the r#$er! stren&thens the )ora$s! and Ven#s e+a$ted in this si&n! &i es &reat )#sica$ ta$ent! "#t accent#ates the tendenc* to a$coho$ic ind#$&ence! which )ars the $i es of so )an* s%$endid )#sicians( 4hen )an* %$anets are in Pisces! the %erson wi$$ ha e a hard $ife! "eca#se he or she wi$$ not want to ta-e #% $ife's "#rden! "#t wi$$ $o e to drea)/ s#ch %eo%$e "eco)e rec$#ses/ the* see- to )aster the hidden arts! occ#$tis) and )*sticis)/ are not &#ided "* reason! "#t rather "* their $i-es and dis$i-es! and #n$ess the* can find an occ#%ation that is otherwise iso$ated fro) the ordinar* "#siness and trend of $ife the* wi$$ fee$ o#t of %$ace( The* are %rone to inc#r the en)it* of %eo%$e with who) the* co)e in contact inti)ate$*! no"od* see)s to &et a$on& with the)! and near$* e er*"od*! whether he or she shows it or not! wi$$ ta-e a dis$i-e to the)( There is! howe er! a hi&her side to Pisces/ the %erson who finds hi)se$f with Pisces on the ascendant is at the end of one c*c$e of %ro&ress and at the "e&innin& of a new( He stands! as it were! #%on the thresho$d of so)ethin& hi&her( Therefore! he is #s#a$$* not a"$e to $i e #% to the %ossi"i$ities of the si&n which

re5#ires se$f8sacrifice and non8resistance in a"so$#te$* Christ8$i-e fashion( The tendenc* is therefore to drift #%on the sea of $ife and drea) drea)s of f#t#re &reatness( This tendenc* )#st "e co#nteracted "* e er* effort of the wi$$! for otherwise $ife wi$$ "e a fai$#re! and $ater the stern whi% of necessit* wi$$ "e a%%$ied to &oad hi) or her into action(

T E INTRINSIC NAT,RE OF T E P(ANETS The nat#re of &#n %owder which ca#ses it to e+%$ode #nder certain circ#)stances is neither &ood nor "ad! the 5#a$it* of its action "ein& deter)ined "* the wa* its %ower is #sed( 4hen it f#rthers the we$fare of the co))#nit* it is ca$$ed &ood! and e i$ when #sed in a )anner dero&ator* to o#r we$$ "ein&/ so a$so with the %$anets! the* are neither &ood nor e i$! each ha in& its intrinsic nat#re and actin& in a )anner consonant therewith sa e as )odified "* the circ#)stances #nder which its %owers are e+erted( 4hen we -now the nat#re of a si&n and the nat#re of a %$anet! we )a* co)"ine the two! and th#s o"tain the correct readin& of the ste$$ar scri%t "* o#r own reasonin& instead of de%endin& #%on a#thorities( For instance! the S#n is hot! f#$$ of ita$ force! and e+ercises an inf$#ence that "#o*s #s #% in the "od* and s%irit( 4hen its ra*s fa$$ #%on #s with )oderate stren&th it )a-es #s stron&er and )ore cheerf#$! for there is an at)os%here of &enerosit*! o#t8&oin& $o e and -ind$iness in the S#n( Th#s if the S#n at "irth is in the wea- si&n! Cancer! nat#ra$$* the effect wo#$d "e to )odif* the wea- constit#tion descri"ed in the fore&oin& si&nat#re of the si&ns/ the heat of the S#n wo#$d &i e a )ore f$orid co)%$e+ion to the Cancer %erson! the &enera$ hea$th and rec#%erati e %owers wo#$d "e )ateria$$* a#&)ented! not to s%ea- of the chan&es that wo#$d "e )anifested in the dis%osition! &i in& )ore a)"ition! ho%ef#$ness and "#o*anc* to the te)%era)ent( S#%%ose! on the other hand! that the S#n is in Aries when that si&n is risin& at the "irth of a %erson! then the fire of the S#n! added to the fire of the si&n Aries! wi$$ increase the "o$dness and the intre%idit* of the %erson to s#ch a de&ree that the* )a* "eco)e foo$hardiness! %artic#$ar$*! if Mars! the r#$er of Aries! is a$so there increasin& the war$i-e tendencies( Those are traits of character! "#t the %h*sica$ "od* wi$$ a$so s#ffer fro) this e+cessi e hear! the "$ood wi$$ race thro#&h the eins of s#ch a %erson $i-e a 1ia&ara of $i5#id fire! and fe ers wi$$ "e a fre5#ent e+%erience! as the s#%era"#ndance of ita$it* "#rns o#t the %h*sica$ ease)ent( 4ere the co$d! s$ow and s$#&&ish Sat#rn there instead of the S#n and Mars! he )i&ht s5#e$ch a$)ost a$$ of the Aries characteristics "oth )enta$ and %h*sica$( If we consider Aries s*)"o$i7ed "* a sto e in which a fire is "#rnin&! it wo#$d )a-e the sa)e difference whether the hot Mars! or the co$d Sat#rn! were %$aced there! as it )a-es a difference whether we %o#r oi$ or water into the sto e( Si)i$ar$*! a$$ the other %$anets %rod#ce ario#s res#$ts! accordin& to their intrinsic nat#res and their ario#s co)"inations( For the sa-e of $#cidit*! and read* reference! $et #s first set down the word which descri"es the )ost sa$ient characteristics of each %$anet( The Sun3 1enus3 #ercur&3 The #oon3 Saturn3 2upiter3 Life Coa$ition Reason Fec#ndation O"str#ction Idea$is)

#ars3 ,ranus3 Neptune3

.*na)ic Ener&* A$tr#is) .i init*

In the fore&oin&! the essentia$ nat#res of the %$anets ha e "een &i en/ where the* are we$$ as%ected "* another %$anet these nat#ra$ characteristics are enhanced so far as the "enefic %$anets are concerned! "#t when e i$$* as%ected! the nat#re of Ven#s! which is $o e and rh*th)! "eco)es fo$$*! $icentio#sness and s$oth/ the %hi$oso%h*! $aw8a"idin& tendencies! )erc* and $oft* as%irations of ;#%iter t#rn into $aw$essness! disre&ard of others! and $ow %#rs#its/ the $oft* s%irit#a$it* of the S#n wi$$ e+%ress itse$f as 3#st ani)a$s s%irits and %h*sica$ hea$th( In re&ard to the %$anets of the $ower nat#re! &ood as%ects of Mars t#rn the desires toward constr#cti e o"3ects! as we$$ re&#$ated acti ities! whi$e e i$ as%ects are res%onsi"$e for the destr#cti e e+%ression of the desire nat#re( Sat#rn! when we$$ as%ected! &i es )echanica$ and e+ec#ti e a"i$it* ca%a"$e of directin& the desire nat#re( It shows the "rain*! %erse erin& )an a"$e to co%e with! and con5#er! )ateria$ o"stac$es/ the or&ani7er and the %ro)oter/ the scientific in esti&ator! who fo$$ows )ateria$ $ines( As ;#%iter! we$$ as%ected! denotes the hi&h8)inded %hi$oso%her! the worth $aw8&i er! the sincere and ardent %riest! in fact! a$$ who ha e hi&h and $oft* as%irations! so Sat#rn! when e i$$* as%ected! denotes the e i$8)inded! creed8 "o#nd sectarian! the )ateria$ist! and ene)* of societ*! whether ch#rch or state( As ;#%iter &i es the $oft*! e+%ansi e and "ene o$ent )ind! so Sat#rn! e i$$* as%ected! &i es a sarcastic! concrete and narrow tendenc*( It is wonderf#$ to conte)%$ate how the %$anetar* forces "a$ance each other so %erfect$* that #ni ersa$ e5#i$i"ri#) is )aintained des%ite the dist#r"ances of the ?CDD )i$$ions who inha"it the earth a$one! not to s%ea- of other s%heres( E er* )o)ent of ti)e o#r actions! indi id#a$$* and co$$ecti e$*! interfere with terrestria$ e5#i%oise! and were not this instant$* restored! the earth )#st $ea e its or"it! f$* off at a tan&ent and "e destro*ed( 1or are %h*sica$ dist#r"ances )ost %otent in dist#r"in& or restorin& "a$ance! it "ein& a fa$$ac* to confo#nd so$idit* and ri&idit* with stren&th( A train has no stren&th itse$f! "#t )#st "e so$id "eca#se it is o%erated #%on "* an in isi"$e &as ca$$ed stea)( There is no force in a ri&id ha))er/ "#t when dri en "* a co$#)n of f$e+i"$e $i5#id! $i-e water! "ac-ed "* an e$astic c#shion of co)%ressed air! the force stored in the air! the force stored in the air dri es the %owerf#$ h*dra#$ic ra) irresisti"$* thro#&h whate er co)es "efore it( Li-ewise s#"t$e! in isi"$e! ste$$ar ra*s are the factors which )aintain o#r %ondero#s %$anet in its %ath! and s%irit#a$ dist#r"ances &enerated "* )an-ind are nat#ra$$* the )ost s#"t$e force which interferes with the earth's e5#i%oise( Each %$anet has its o%%osite! and therefore e er* ti)e we radiate the 5#a$it* of one %$anet! we ca$$ forth a co#nter c#rrent of corres%ondin& force! and "* the action and reaction of those forces in and #%on #s and o#r en iron)ent we $earn the $essons of $ife( .o we i"rate to the $o e ra* of Ven#s! instant$* Mars co)es to te)%t! and tries to t#rn $o e to $#st! "#t it de%ends #%on US whether we re)ain steadfast in irt#e or *ie$d to ice( .o we co#rt the idea$ of ;#%iter/ do we ai) to

e$e ate the standard of ch#rch or state! instant$* the Sat#rnine forces in ite to se$f8a&&randi7e)ent and a%%ea$ to the %assion for %ower( 4ith US it $ies to re)ain tr#e to the idea$ and rea% $a#re$s that $ast thro#&h eternit*! or *ie$d to the %ro)ise of %resent &ain or worth$ess &o$d which we re%a* in sorrow when Sat#rn t#rns and "eco)es the chastiser( Each horosco%e shows the tendencies in e en the h#)"$est $ife! and o%%ort#nit* contin#a$$* -noc-s( Ma* we a$$ "e %re%ared to )eet it as s%irit#a$ astro$o&ers( O* TO TEST T E OROSCOPE It so)eti)es ha%%ens that a )o)entar* )enta$ a"erration ca#ses e en the "est of )athe)aticians to )a-e a )ista-e in his fi&#res and if an error occ#rs when castin& a horosco%e an i))ense a)o#nt of $a"or )a* "e wasted "efore it is disco ered( There is an eas* )ethod of erif*in& the fi&#re in the )ain %oints "* a &$ance at the %osition of the S#n( The ca#tio#s astro$o&er ne er ne&$ects to )a-e #se of this )ethod! and we wo#$d s%ecia$$* reco))end it to "e&inners who are nat#ra$$* )ore %rone to )isca$c#$ate that those who ha e $on& e+%erience( 4hen *o# ha e ca$c#$ated the %$ace of the S#n and entered it in its %ro%er ho#se and si&n! note at once if its %osition coincides with its act#a$ %$ace in the s-* at the ti)e of da* when the chi$d was "orn( If the "irth occ#rred a"o#t s#nrise! the S#n )#st "e near the ascendant/ if in the )idd$e of the forenoon the S#n sho#$d "e so)ewhere in the e$e enth ho#se! if near noon the S#n wi$$ "e fo#nd near the Midhea en in a correct$* cast horosco%e! and in the )idd$e of the afternoon it is in the ei&hth ho#se( A chi$d "orn near s#nset has its s#n c$ose to the c#s% "etween the si+th and se enth ho#ses! and if the "irth occ#rs a"o#t B %()(! the S#n wi$$ "e in or near the fifth ho#se( 4hen "irth is at )idni&ht the S#n is near the nadir! and a chi$d "orn a"o#t = o'c$oc- in the )ornin& has the S#n in or near the second ho#se( If *o# find that the S#n is in its %ro%er %osition re$ati e to the ho#ses! *o# )a* confident$* %roceed with *o#r ca$c#$ations and %$ace the other %$anets( If not! *o# ha e )ade a )ista-e which )#st "e corrected "efore *o# &o f#rther( 4hen so)eone hands *o# a horosco%e ca$c#$ated "* another astro$o&er and as-s *o# to read it! $oo- first at the ti)e of "irth and then see if the S#n is in its %ro%er %osition re$ati e to the ho#ses! and the ri&ht si&n as deter)ined "* the )onth! for if *o# start to read fro) an i)%ro%er$* cast horosco%e *o# $a* *o#rse$f $ia"$e to ridic#$e( S#%%ose Sat#rn were on the ascendant and *o# acc#se that %erson of "ein& )e$ancho$*/ when he denies the indications and *o# disco er that Mars and Merc#r* sho#$d "e there in Scor%io! it is not %ro"a"$* that he wi$$ acce%t *o#r e+%$anations/ he wi$$ )ore $i-e$* sneer at astro$o&* and astro$o&ers/ nor can we den* that fro) his %oint of iew s#ch conde)nation is 3#stified( Therefore "e caref#$ to $oo- at the S#n( Other )ista-es )a* occ#r! "#t that is the )ost serio#s and the )ost easi$* detected(

T E C I(4REN OF T E T*E(1E SI0NS T E C I(4REN OF ARIES Born #arch <=th to April <>st Aries is the ho)e of Mars! the %$anet of d*na)ic ener&*! and is a$so the e+a$tation si&n of the $ife8 &i in& S#n! hence it is a er* fo#ntain of $ife and ita$it* as )anifest in the s%ro#tin& of the )i$$ions of seeds which "rea- thro#&h the earth's cr#st at s%rin& ti)e and chan&e the white winter &ar)ent to a f$ower8 e)"roidered car%et of &reen! )a-in& the forests a "rida$ "ower for the )atin& "easts and "irds( This &reat ita$ force a$so finds its e+%ression in the chi$dren of Aries/ the* "#""$e o er with $ife and ener&* to s#ch an e+tent that it is often er* diffic#$t to c#r" the) s#fficient$* to ho$d the) within the "o#nds of safet* and co))on sense( The* are se$f8asserti e and a&&ressi e to a de&ree! a$wa*s in the $ead for the* scorn to fo$$ow! t#r"#$ent and radica$ in a$$ their tho#&hts! ideas and actions( The* are ent#reso)e to the er&e of foo$hardiness( 4e a$so find that the* are &reed* for the fr#its of their $a"or! the* ne er can &et eno#&h! and no )atter how )#ch the* earn the* are &enera$$* %oor for the* s%end as free$* and as tho#&ht$ess$* as the* earn( The* )a-e s%$endid fore)en and o erseers! for! "ein& so f#$$ of ita$ ener&* and a)"ition the)se$ es! the* ha e a fac#$t* of inf#sin& their ener&* into their s#"ordinates or forcin& the) to wor- when necessar*( 2#t "ein& too i)%#$si e and rec-$ess the* $ac- the a"i$it* to ori&inate for the)se$ es( The* are serio#s and ardent in a$$ the* #nderta-e/ the* cannot &o into an*thin& ha$f8 hearted$*! and therefore! if the* once es%o#se a ca#se! socia$! %o$itica$ or re$i&io#s! the* wi$$ wor- for that ca#se with a$$ the i) and i&or of their ener&etic nat#re( 2#t if on the other hand an Aries chi$d "eco)es addicted to a ice the who$e intensit* of its "ein& is t#rned towards the &ratification of that %artic#$ar %art of its $ower nat#re( Therefore %arents with Aries chi$dren ha e a &reat res%onsi"i$it* to set "efore the) "* %rece%t and e+a)%$e the no"$est and "est for) of cond#ct of which the* are ca%a"$e! for this is %ro"a"$* the )ost i)%ressi e si&n in the 7odiac! and the ha"its for)ed! the $essons $earned in chi$dhood and *o#th wi$$ &enera$$* c$in& to the %erson thro#&h $ife and )a-e hi) either er* &ood or er* "ad( 2e %artic#$ar$* caref#$ to inc#$cate a"stinence fro) a$coho$ic $i5#ors! for if an Aries chi$d "eco)es addicted to that he is "e*ond sa in& and often "eco)es s#"3ect to de$iri#)( C I(4REN OF TA,R,S Born April <>st to #a& <<nd On the @?st of A%ri$! the S#n enters the 7odiaca$ si&n of the 2#$$! tho#&ht! and re)ains in that si&n #nti$ the @Dth of Ma* and therefore chi$dren "orn "etween those dates %arta-e in a &reat )eas#re of the characteristics of this si&n( Ta#r#s is r#$ed "* Ven#s the %$anet of $o e! and therefore the chi$dren of tho#&ht ha e a

"asica$$* a)ica"$e and -ind dis%osition! "#t when the* once ha e concei ed an idea the* c$in& to it with st#""ornness! the* are er* resentf#$ of contradiction and er* diffic#$t to con ince that the* ha e )ade a )ista-e/ "#t when one has once s#cceeded in showin& the) that the* are wron& their inherent $o e of 3#stice and tr#th wi$$ %ro)%t the) to ac-now$ed&e their )ista-es and tr* to rectif* the)( The* ha e a er* stron& and deter)ined wi$$ so that when the* set #% a &oa$ for the)se$ es or ha e )ade #% their )inds to do an*thin& the* #s#a$$* -ee% on wor-in& with %atience and %ersistence #nti$ the* )a-e a s#ccess of whate er the* ha e #nderta-en( The* a$so ha e &ood e+ec#ti e a"i$it* and are a"$e to ta-e $eadin& %ositions where the* ha e others #nder their co))and( A$tho#&h the* are a)ica"$e and a&reea"$e when in the co)%an* of others the* ha e a stron& tendenc* to see- so$it#de and to "eco)e er* se$f8centered( The* see) to set #% #nconscio#s$* a "arrier "etween the)se$ es and other %eo%$e so that it is diffic#$t to "eco)e inti)ate$* ac5#ainted with the)( Ta#r#s chi$dren are er* -een in their desires for )ateria$ %ossessions and the* are #s#a$$* er* fort#nate a$so in ac5#irin& the) for "esides ha in& &ood earnin& %ower the)se$ es the* are often the reci%ients of inheritance( 2#t the* do not want wea$th for the sa-e of ha in& it as )#ch as for the %$eas#re and co)fort which the* can &et o#t of it/ the* are er* fond of co)forts and $#+#ries! art! )#sic! dra)a and other refinin& inf$#ences of $ife( The chi$dren of tho#&ht ha e an a"#ndance of ita$it* to start with! "#t the* are er* a%t to &o to e+cess in wor- or %$a*! waste their ener&* and "eco)e i$$ as a conse5#ence( The* are %artic#$ar$* attracted to the %$eas#res of the ta"$e( The* re e$ in rich foods which $ater &i e the) a tendenc* to di&esti e tro#"$es! en$ar&e)ent of the $i er! heart disease and con&estion of the -idne*s( These diseases are er* a%t to )a-e the) #nco)forta"$e in $ater $ife! therefore %arents sho#$d inc#$cate in the) a"o e a$$ thin&s the irt#e of fr#&a$it*! not on$* "* %rece%t! "#t "* e+a)%$e! for these Ta#r#s chi$dren! are er* 5#ic- and the* wi$$ readi$* see that ,)other and father te$$ )e to eat $itt$e "#t the* eat a$$ the* want the)se$ es(, The* sho#$d a$so "e ta#&ht to ta-e %$ent* of e+ercise as a )eans to %ro)ote hea$th! for the chi$dren of tho#&ht are rather indo$ent in their )anner( Howe er! as said "efore! the* ha e a )ost wonderf#$ ita$it* particularly if they are born at sunrise and a$tho#&h the* )a* "eco)e s#"3ect to the diseases )entioned the* wi$$ #s#a$$* ha e a $on& $ife and a fair )eas#re of &enera$ &ood hea$th! wea$th and ha%%iness( C I(4REN OF 0E#INI Born #a& <<nd to 2une <<nd The chi$dren of Ge)ini are wonderf#$$* 5#ic-8witted and "ri&ht/ the* a$so ha e the a"i$it* to e+%ress the)se$ es c$ear$* and to the %oint! therefore the* are a$wa*s &ood co)%an*( Con ersation ne er $a&s when the* are %resent! in fact the* are so)eti)es &i en to )ono%o$i7in& it entire$*! "#t then the* are often so interestin& that other %eo%$e are &$ad to $isten( The* ac5#ire $earnin& er* ra%id$* and are

er* we$$ infor)ed on )ost s#"3ects( The* ha e a &ood )e)or* so that what the* ha e won is not $ost! that is of co#rse! %ro ided the horosco%e is otherwise we$$8 as%ected and confi&#rated( 4here it is serio#s$* aff$icted we find the fa#$ts of the Ge)ini %ointin& in the o%%osite directions/ then the* )a* "e in eterate chatter"o+es! sh#nned "* e er*"od* who can %ossi"$* &et o#t of their wa*( The &reat %oint to re)e)"er with these chi$dren is that the* ha e the a"i$it* of e+%ression and a &reat dea$ )a* "e done d#rin& the da*s of chi$dhood to )o#$d the character in s#ch a wa* that it e+%resses itse$f in a )anner con&enia$ to others and to the &enera$ "enefit of the chi$d and its s#rro#ndin&s! and that wi$$ "e of he$% to it $ater in $ife( The chi$dren of Ge)ini are! &enera$$* s%ea-in&! of a er* -ind and affa"$e dis%osition! eas* to &et a$on& with( The* are a"$e to ada%t the)se$ es to other %eo%$e and to circ#)stances so that the* "eco)e a$$ thin&s to a$$ )en and in that wa* the* #s#a$$* )a-e friends and few ene)ies( The* are of a ro in& dis%osition and $o e to tra e$ a"o#t fro) one %$ace to another( The* e+ce$ in scientific or c$erica$ acti ities! as a&ents or re%resentati es of others where their Merc#ria$ ta$ents find an a en#e for e+%ression( Fro) the )ora$ %oint of iew it is not &ood to ha e a f$e+i"$e nat#re( The chi$dren of Ge)ini are on$* too easi$* )ade icti)s of f$atter* and therefore a%t to "e $ed #nconscio#s$* into %aths of wron& doin&( It sho#$d "e the ai) of the %arents of these chi$dren to ho$d "efore the) the idea$ of the strai&ht and narrow %ath and e)%hasi7e the idea in their )inds that that is ne er to "e swer ed fro) #nder an* consideration( The chi$dren of Ge)ini are er* hi&h8str#n& and ner o#s and therefore the* are easi$* worried and irritated! which is ref$ected in their actions and their "odi$* hea$th( On that acco#nt %arents with chi$dren "orn in this )onth o#&ht to "e $enient with the) in their f$ashes of te)%er for the* are er* 5#ic-8s%o-en #nder wrath/ the* need a soothin& answer rather than re%roof! in order that the* )a* "e he$%ed to o erco)e whi$e the* are *o#n& and to stren&then their )ora$ constit#tion in that res%ect( 4hen the horosco%e of a Ge)ini chi$d is aff$icted there is er* a%t to "e so)e disorder of the $#n&s and Ge)ini chi$dren wi$$ "e )#ch he$%ed if the* are ta#&ht %ro%er "reathin& e+ercises and ca$isthenics( It wi$$ at $east )ini)i7e the tendencies and )a* entire$* o erco)e the)( Ge)ini chi$dren #s#a$$* &row er* ta$$ and strai&ht( The* are fine8$oo-in& %eo%$e with a 5#ic- wa$and "ris- )o e)ents! and the* )a* "e either $i&ht or dar- co)%$e+ioned accordin& to the %$ace)ent and confi&#ration of the %$anets( T E C I(4REN OF CANCER Born 2une <<nd to 2ul& <?rd The water* si&n Cancer is one of the wea-est in the 7odiac so far as ita$it* &oes and when it is #%on the eastern an&e$ of a %erson's horosco%e it a$wa*s &i es a rather wea- "od*/ "#t #s#a$$* this does not a%%$* to the chi$dren "orn d#rin& the

ti)e when the S#n is in Cancer! for the S#n is the &i er of $ife! and these chi$dren are therefore )ore fort#nate with res%ect to ita$it* that those chi$dren who ha e Cancer risin&( The chi$dren of Cancer are #s#a$$* er* ti)id and ret#rnin&! *et the* want and need friendshi% and s*)%ath*! tho#&h the* are er* sensiti e a"o#t see-in& it/ "#t when the* &et we$$ ac5#ainted the* can at ti)es "e er* e+actin& with their friends! e en a#tocratic in their wa*s of orderin& the) a"o#t( At the sa)e ti)e! it )#st "e said the* are er* conscientio#s in a$$ thin&s entr#sted to the)! and #se considera"$e discretion in whate er the* do! so that one )a* safe$* tr#st the) to -ee% a secrete or e+ec#te a co))ission( The si&n Cancer is r#$ed "* the rest$ess Moon! and therefore chan&es of residence! %osition! ocation! and of a$$ )atters! are 5#ite fre5#ent in the $i es of these chi$dren( At the sa)e ti)e the* cannot "e ca$$ed fic-$e and f$i%%ant for the* are er* tenacio#s whene er the* ha e #nderta-en to do a certain wor- or #nderta-en a certain o"$i&ation/ the* sta* "* it #nti$ it is finished( 1either do the* r#n ha%ha7ard into an*thin&/ in fact! there are ti)es when the* are inc$ined to "e too ca#tio#s( Es%ecia$$* where there is dan&er of in3#r* the* are a$)ost cowards! and the* are often &i en to an+iet* and worr*( T E C I(4REN OF (EO Born 2ul& <?rd to Au!ust <@th The si&n Leo is r#$ed "* the $ife8&i in& S#n! and it is ca$$ed the ro*a$ si&n of the Fodiac/ therefore it confers #%on the chi$dren which are "orn #nder its inf$#ence a no"$e! a)"itio#s and as%irin& nat#re( The* are of the Master "reed and )a-e &ood $eaders "#t %oor fo$$owers( 2ein& of a no"$e and $oft* character the)se$ es the* scorn )ean and sordid thin&s nor wi$$ the* stoo% to do a $ow act e en #nder &reat %ro ocation or the stron& #r&e of se$f8interest( The $o e nat#re is er* stron& and ardent( 1o incon enience or sacrifice is too &reat to ser e those the* $o e( The* are $o*a$ and tr#e friends thro#&h thic- and thin( Leo is a fi+ed si&n and &i es its chi$dren considera"$e wi$$ %ower! so that the* are #s#a$$* a"$e to win their wa* to the to% des%ite a$$ handica%s and o"stac$es( The* are er* fi+ed in their o%inions and if the* es%o#se an* ca#se the* wi$$ #s#a$$* sta* "* it and wor- for it in a )ost enth#siastic )anner( The* ne er do an*thin& ha$f8hearted$*! for Leo "ein& a fier* si&n endows the) with %ower! ita$it* and enth#sias)( Leo a$so &i es it chi$dren a &ood )e)or*( The fore&oin& tendencies are indicated when the S#n is fair$* we$$ as%ected in the horosco%e/ "#t if it is aff$icted "* Mars! or an* of the )a$efics! the nat#re is chan&ed! so that the %erson "eco)es "o)"astic! "$#sterin& and do)ineerin&! one not to "e tr#sted in an* de%art)ent of $ife! and an #nfaithf#$! a)oro#s h#s"and or wife! or a dis$o*a$ friend! one who wi$$ not hesitate to stoo% to an* )eanness( He is then 3#st as "ad as the Leo with the we$$ as%ected S#n is &ood! this on the %rinci%$e that the "ri&htest $i&ht a$wa*s casts the dee%est shadow( The %rinci%a$ fa#$t of the Leos is a 5#ic- te)%er! "#t the* do not ho$d s%ite! and when shown to ha e "een wron& the* are a$wa*s read* to a%o$o&i7e and )a-e a)ends( The* are )a&nani)o#s! e en to their "itterest ene)ies(

T E C I(4REN OF 1IR0O Born Au!ust <@th to Septem'er <?rd Vir&o! the Si+th si&n of the 7odiac! is r#$ed "* Merc#r*! the %$anet of reason! e+%ression and de+terit*( It is said! and with considera"$e tr#th! that $o e is "$ind! for were one to see fa#$ts in the "e$o ed one the )aster %assion ne er wo#$d find e+%ression( Therefore the chi$dren of Vir&o who are &o erned so )#ch "* inte$$ect are not s*)%athetic! "#t inc$ined to "e c*nica$! critica$ and s-e%tica$ of an*thin& that is not scientifica$$* de)onstra"$e to the reason and senses( The* are er* 5#ic- )enta$$*! tho#&h on$* too often inc$#ded to ,strain at a &nat!, and tho#&h the* se$do) ,swa$$ow the ca)e$!, the* &et into a r#t where the* "eco)e narrow8 )inded and "i&oted( The* are rather $a7* the)se$ es and fo#nd of ta-in& thin&s eas*! "#t the* $i-e to dri e others! and can "e er* )asterf#$ with s#"ordinates( On that acco#nt the* often ca#se en)ities of a $astin& nat#re! "#t whene er the* "eco)e friend$* with an* one the* a$so )a-e er* &ood friends and treat their friends we$$( The Merc#ria$ dis%osition inf#sed "* this si&n "rin&s )an* chan&es of en iron)ent and therefore new associations and friendshi%s are constant$* "ein& for)ed( The* are er* ac5#isiti e and a$wa*s $oo-in& o#t for wa*s and )eans of "etterin& the)se$ es financia$$*! socia$$* and econo)ica$$*( It )a* a$so "e said that the* deser e %ro)otion for the* are ind#strio#s to a de&ree where the* see that a reward )a* "e &ained there"*( The* are a$so er* in&enio#s and ersati$e! fond of the st#d* of science! %artic#$ar$* che)istr*! diet and h*&iene! and )an* a)on& the) "eco)e e+tre)e food faddists( As Vir&o is the Si+th si&n these %eo%$e ta-e on Si+th ho#se characteristics and are therefore er* sensiti e to s#&&estions of i$$ hea$th! so that if the* e er "eco)e en)eshed in the tentac$es of diseases the* fre5#ent$* $ac- the necessar* wi$$ %ower to e+tricate the)se$ es with the res#$t that the* then #s#a$$* "eco)e chronic in a$ids or %erha%s rather the* thinthe)se$ es so! for it )a* "e said that these %eo%$e see) to resent an* effort to cheer the) #% and &et the) o#t of the c$#tches of their %artic#$ar i$$ness! rea$ or fancied( The* see) in fact to en'oy "ad hea$th! and the* are a$wa*s $oo-in& for s*)%ath*! tho#&h as we noted in the "e&innin& of this readin&! the* are er* s$ow to &rant the sa)e to others( If the* can -ee% o#t of the c$#tches of disease! the* often "eco)e e+ce$$ent n#rses and ha e a s%$endid inf$#ence #%on the sic-( T E C I(4REN OF (IBRA Born Septem'er <?rd to Octo'er <@th Li"ra is the se enth si&n of the 7odiac( The chi$dren which are "orn #nder this si&n are r#$ed "* the %$anet of $o e! Ven#s( The s*)"o$ of Li"ra in the %ictoria$ 7odiac is a %air of sca$es and this instr#)ent descri"es &ra%hica$$* their %rinci%a$ characteristic( The chi$dren of Li"ra are er* ardent in an*thin& the* do/ the* ta-e #% a ocation or an a ocation with a 7ea$ and enth#sias) which for the ti)e "ein& e+c$#des a$$ other thin&s for) their consideration! "#t after a whi$e the* )a* dro%

it 3#st as s#dden$*! ta-e #% so)ethin& e$se as a trade! a fad or a ho""*! and %#rs#e that with an e5#a$ ener&* and a"sor"in& interest( This is in fact one of their %rinci%a$ fa#$ts! as the* find it er* diffic#$t to sett$e down to an*thin& definite! and contin#e it with %atience and %ersistence #nti$ the* ha e achie ed s#ccess( Li"ra is the si&n where the S#n chan&es fro) the northern to the so#thern he)is%here/ it crosses the e5#ator there! and conse5#ent$* the S#n is er* weaat that %oint( It is the &reat $ife8&i er &oin& down into the dar- winter )onths! and therefore Sat#rn! the %$anet of dar-ness! is e+a$ted in Li"ra( Th#s we find two nat#res er* )ar-ed$* e+%ressed in chi$dren that are "orn #nder this si&n/ one is of the S#n which is cheerf#$ and o%ti)istic! the other is that of Sat#rn! which is )orose and )e$ancho$*( And this e+%resses itse$f in the chan&ea"$e nat#re of the Li"ra chi$dren/ so)eti)es the* are #% in the se enth hea en! o%ti)istic and enth#siastic! cheerf#$ and ha%%*! then as s#dden$* and witho#t an* see)in& ca#se the sca$e swin&s and the* see) to "e down in the d#)%s of worr* and )e$ancho$* 3#st as if the* had not a friend in the wor$d( As a )atter of fact the* )a-e )an* friends for the* ha e a "asica$$* -ind dis%osition en&endered "* the Lad* of Li"ra! Ven#s! "#t the* a$so ha e a 5#ic- te)%er! tho#&h fort#nate$* the* do not ho$d s%ite( The* are e+ceedin&$* fond of %$eas#res in &enera$ and %artic#$ar$* $ean toward art and )#sic( T E C I(4REN OF SCORPIO Born Octo'er <@th to Novem'er <?rd Scor%io is r#$ed "* Mars! the %$anet of d*na)ic ener&*! and therefore the chi$dren "orn d#rin& that )onth when the S#n is %assin& thro#&h this si&n are fi$$ed with a force that )#st ha e an o#t$et so)ewhere or so)ehow( The* %arta-e in a$$ the Martia$ 5#a$ities! either &ood or "ad! accordin& to the wa* the S#n is %$aced and as%ected! and the* are a$wa*s read* to ta-e #% an ar&#)ent or a fi&ht/ either on their own "eha$f or for so)eone e$se/ the* are ne er content with ha$f )eas#res! either the* &o to one e+tre)e or the other! &ood or "ad( Those who show the &ood side of Scor%io ha e s%$endid constr#cti e and e+ec#ti e a"i$ities( The* are "r#s5#e "#t honest and 3#st! indefati&a"$e wor-ers! and a$wa*s read* to sacrifice the)se$ es for the &ood of others "* re"e$$in& a&ainst o%%ression or in other wa*s #nse$fish$* wor-in& for the ca#se the* ha e es%o#sed( 2#t those who show the "ad side of Scor%io not on$* ref#se to wor- the)se$ es "#t "eco)e de)a&o&#es who incite others to anarch* and $aw$essness and destr#ction( These %eo%$e are socia$ fire8"rands and er* dan&ero#s to the co))#nit*( 2#t here is one redee)in& feat#re a"o#t the) and that is that the* are not #nderhanded/ whate er the* do is o%en and a"o e"oard( The chi$dren of Scor%io #s#a$$* ha e a er* #ncertain te)%er and a sarcastic ton&#e that "ites $i-e the stin& of the scor%ion! when the t#rn that side of their nat#re( Therefore the %arents of these chi$dren sho#$d ta-e the) in hand as ear$* as %ossi"$e and teach the) se$f8contro$ "* e er* )eans within their %ower/ a$so stri e to soften the Mars ra* and insti$$ into the) a )ore -ind$* s%irit( This )a* "e er* diffic#$t "eca#se the si&n Scor%io &i es a er*

deter)ined nat#re! sti$$! in chi$dhood's *ears it is %$astic to a certain e+tent and can "e "est wor-ed #%on then( The* ha e a er* stron& and i id i)a&ination! with a c$ear! shar% and %enetratin& )ind! a$so a %ersona$ )a&netis) that )a-es the) er* attracti e to those with who) the* co)e in contact( The* see) to "e )ost contented in )i$itar* $ife where there is shar% and strict disci%$ine( Partic#$ar care sho#$d "e ta-en to teach these chi$dren se+ h*&iene! for the si&n Scor%io r#$es the &enerati e and e$i)inati e or&ans! whose f#nctions are sti)#$ated "* the %resence of the S#n in Scor%io! so that if the %erson is not )ora$$* and %h*sica$$* c$ean! )#ch tro#"$e )a* "e e+%ected( These chi$dren a$so )a-e e+ce$$ent s#r&eons and if the* are ta#&ht to #se s#r&er* on$* for constr#cti e %#r%oses the* can do a &reat dea$ of &ood in the wor$d( A$$ this de%ends in a considera"$e )eas#re #%on the ear$* trainin&! for there is a destr#cti e side to the Scor%io nat#re which wo#$d )a-e it er* dan&ero#s fro) the s%irit#a$ iew%oint for s#ch a %erson to ta-e #% a ocation that offers sco%e for )a$%ractice/ he wo#$d then contract a er* hea * de"t #nder the $aw of conse5#ence! which )#st "e %aid in sorrow and s#fferin& either in this or $ater $i es( T E C I(4REN OF SA0ITTARI,S Born Novem'er <?rd to 4ecem'er <<nd Sa&ittari#s is r#$ed "* ;#%iter! the &reat "enefic %$anet! and it )a* "e said &enera$$* that those who are "orn whi$e the S#n is in this si&n fro) 1o e)"er @=rd to .ece)"er @@nd are we$$ $i-ed in the societ* where the* )o e( The* are of a heart* and 3o ia$ dis%osition! %rinces a)on& )en! hai$8fe$$ows8we$$8)et! and their ac5#aintances are &enera$$* &$ad to see the)( There are two er* distinct c$asses "orn #nder this si&n In the %ictoria$ 7odiac! Sa&ittari#s is re%resented as a centa#r! ha$f horse and ha$f )an! and one c$ass of those who co)e to "irth #nder its inf$#ence are we$$ descri"ed "* the ani)a$ %art thereof! for the* are of a s%ort* nat#re! read* to &a)"$e on the s%eed of a horse at $on& odds or to sta-e their $ast do$$ar on a &a)e of cards( The* are fond of a ,&ood ti)e ri&ht strai&ht thro#&h, and their )ora$ nat#re is of $ow &rade! a%t$* descri"ed "* the ani)a$ %art of the s*)"o$! so that the* ha e no scr#%$es with res%ect to the ind#$&ence of their a%%etites! %assions and desires( The* are $ac-in& in res%ect for "oth $aw and ordinar* )ora$s! hence the* are often fo#nd a)on& the cri)ina$ c$ass( 2#t those chi$dren of Sa&ittari#s s*)"o$i7ed "* the h#)an %art of the centa#r! ai)in& the "ow of as%iration at the stars! are as different fro) the a"o e as da* is fro) ni&ht! for the* are e+tre)e$* idea$istic! )ora$ $aw8a"idin&! no"$e characters who win the res%ect of societ* in &enera$ and %artic#$ar$* of a$$ with who) the* co)e into inti)ate contact( Therefore the* "eco)e in ti)e the %i$$ars of societ* and often recei e %ositions of honor and %refer)ent in State or Ch#rch as 3#d&es or di ines( The* are er* orthodo+ and conser ati e in their o%inions and %#ncti$io#s to a fa#$t in their o"ser ance of a$$ c#sto)s and traditions of the ti)es wherein the* $i e! "#t the* are not %ro&ressi e! for the* a$#e the o%inions of their conte)%oraries er* hi&h$* and are se$do) ind#ced to es%o#se an* %ro&ressi e ideas which )i&ht

3eo%ardi7e the res%ect of the co))#nit* en3o*ed "* the)( The* are fir) "e$ie ers in the necessit* of red ta%e( 4itha$! howe er! the* are charita"$e and "ene o$ent! tender and s*)%athetic/ the* can a$wa*s "e re$ied #%on to aid an* a$tr#istic )o e)ent! and thro#&h the* are of a -ind$* nat#re and endea or to a oid 5#arre$s in their own "eha$f! the* so)eti)es fi&ht with &reat 7ea$ and co#ra&e for others who ha e "een in3#red and in whose "eha$f their s*)%athies ha e "een en$isted! hence the* )a-e ad)ira"$e $aw*ers( The Sa&ittari#s are #s#a$$* e+ce$$ent con ersationa$ists/ the* ha e 5#ic- and read* wit and are fond of ind#$&in& in orator*( Their e+hi"itions of )e)or* and interestin& wa* of re$atin& e+%eriences a$wa*s ho$d the a#dience( The* are er* %ro#d and ha e &reat confidence in the)se$ es( T E C I(4REN OF CAPRICORN Born 4ecem'er <<nd to 2anuar& <=th Ca%ricorn is r#$ed "* Sat#rn! the %$anet of o"str#ction! therefore the ita$it* of these chi$dren is er* $ow and the* are diffic#$t to raise! "#t once infanc* is %assed the Sat#rnine %ersistence )a-es itse$f fe$t and the* c$in& to $ife with an a)a7in& tenacit* so that the* often "eco)e er* o$d( The* are er* )#ch s#"3ect to co$ds and their %rinci%a$ so#rce of dan&er is fa$$s and "r#ises( The chi$dren of Ca%ricorn are #s#a$$* "ashf#$ and ti)id in the %resence of stran&ers "#t when the* ha e "eco)e #sed to %eo%$e the* show their do)ineerin& nat#re and endea or to )a-e e er*"od* aro#nd the) confor) to their wi$$( The Sat#rnine 5#a$it* of the si&n )a-es the) 3ea$o#s and s#s%icio#s of the )oti es of others( Therefore the* are er* fond of detecti e wor-( The* wi$$ fo$$ow a trai$ with #nerrin& instinct and #nwa erin& %erse erance that ne er &i es #% as $on& as there is the re)otest chance of s#ccess( It is &ood to "e friends with Ca%ricornians and "ad to )a-e ene)ies of the)! for the* find it er* hard to for&i e a rea$ or fancied offense or in3#r* and a$wa*s "rood o er an* wron& done to the)( On the other hand! if the* once &i e their confidence or friendshi% the* are a$so consistent in that direction( The* are er* a)"itio#s "* other %eo%$e and the* ha e s%$endid e+ec#ti e a"i$it* "eca#se of the #n#s#a$ 5#a$ities of foretho#&ht and concentration conferred "* Sat#rn( The* are "orn $eaders and or&ani7ers "#t chan&e #nder restrictions and dis$i-e %artic#$ar$* to ta-e orders fro) others( 4hen the* are %$aced in s#ch a s#"ordinate %osition and cannot ha e their wa* the* "eco)e &$oo)*! tacit#rn! )ood*! %essi)istic! irrita"$e! and &i en to worr*( The chi$dren of Ca%ricorn #s#a$$* ha e a disinc$ination for )arria&e and are se$do) at ease if the* enter into that state( The #nion is #s#a$$* chi$d$ess or chi$dren are few( T E C I(4REN OF A;,ARI,S Born 2anuar& <=th to Fe'ruar& >Ath The chi$dren of A5#ari#s are of a rather sh*! retirin& nat#re( The* $i-e to -ee% their own co)%an* and co#nse$ )ore than is &ood for the)! for if this "ent in the

nat#re is a$$owed f#$$ sco%e! it has a tendenc* to "reed )e$ancho$* and )a-e the) rec$#ses( The* ha e a 5#iet! #nass#)in& )anner which &ains )an* friends for the) and their ho)e $ife is #s#a$$* idea$( the* are &enera$$* affectionate and of a er* sweet and -ind dis%osition/ the* are a$wa*s read* to defer to the o%inion of a $o ed one and read* to *ie$d a %oint for the sa-e of har)on*( 2esides! A5#ari#s "ein& a fi+ed si&n the* are er* constant in their affection as we$$ as in other thin&s( A5#ari#s is an inte$$ect#a$ si&n and its chi$dren #s#a$$* ha e a &ood )enta$it*! "eca#se the Sat#rnine r#$ershi% &i es de%th to the )ind! and the Uranian ra* &i es the) int#ition and an inc$ination towards science! $iterat#re and %hi$oso%h*( The* are re)ar-a"$* %ersistent in whate er the* #nderta-e! and therefore #s#a$$* s#cceed in the $on& r#n( As A5#ari#s is the ??th si&n it %arta-es a$so of the 5#a$ities r#$ed "* the ??th Ho#se/ therefore the chi$dren of A5#ari#s are #s#a$$* we$$ $i-ed a)on& their associates and ha e )an* friends( The chi$dren of A5#ari#s are er* %ro#d and 3ea$o#s of the estee) of others( Their %rinci%a$ fa#$t is that on acco#nt of Sat#rnine traits the* are so)ewhat &i en to worr*( As with the Leos! the* are stron& in their $i-es and dis$i-es/ the* wi$$ do an*thin& for those who ha e won their affection! "#t resent an* atte)%t to dri e the)! and #nder s#ch conditions are e+tre)e$* st#""orn/ in fact the* are er* set in their )enta$ attit#de! and once an o%inion has "een for)ed it is not easi$* chan&ed( The* are so er* sensiti e to the )enta$ conditions aro#nd the) that it affects their %h*sica$ we$$ "ein& %erha%s )ore than the* are aware of for this is one of the )ost sensiti e si&ns( T E C I(4REN OF PISCES Born Fe'ruar& <=th to #arch <=th The chi$dren of Pisces are of a )ar-ed ne&ati e dis%osition! s#"3ect to ar*in& )oods! and are! $i-e the chi$dren of A5#ari#s! er* sensiti e to the )enta$ at)os%here in their en iron)ent( For that reason it is of the &reatest i)%ortance that %arents of these chi$dren sho#$d &#ard the) d#rin& chi$dhood a&ainst the inf$#ences of "ad co)%anions! for the o$d %ro er" a"o#t ,"ad co)%an* corr#%tin& &ood )anners, a%%$ies with ten8fo$d stren&th to these chi$dren! and the* wi$$ a"sor" &ood or e i$ with e5#a$ faci$it*( So #nti$ the* ha e $earned to choose for the)se$ es the &ood thin&s! it is es%ecia$$* necessar* for their nat#ra$ &#ardians to shie$d the)( The* a$so ha e a stron& tendenc* to )edi#)shi% and if the* are ta-en into seances there is a &reat dan&er that the* )a* "eco)e contro$$ed( Moreo er! ha in& s#ch an e+tre)e$* f$e+i"$e nat#re the* can ne er e+ert s#fficient wi$$ %ower to free the)se$ es fro) the inf$#ence when once the* ha e "een s#"3ected to it! and it )a* r#in their who$e $ife( These chi$dren are er* %eacea"$e in dis%osition and s#ffer in3#r* rather than fi&ht for their ri&hts! not "eca#se the* do not care! for the* are er* 3ea$o#s es%ecia$$* when "orn in the $atter %art of the si&n! "#t "eca#se the Piscean nat#re is a erse

to e+ertion! and &enera$$* the* do not want to ta-e the tro#"$e to fi&ht for their ri&hts( In %$ain En&$ish the* are $a7*( Therefore the %arents sho#$d see that a certain a)o#nt of wor- is a$$otted to the) d#rin& the ear$iest *ears! for it is then that the ha"its are for)ed and the nat#re is the )ost %$astic( The* can $earn to "e di$i&ent with )#st $ess effort at that ti)e than d#rin& the $ater sta&es of $ife( 2#t once the chi$dren of Pisces ha e co))enced doin& a %iece of wor- it wi$$ %ro"a"$* "e a s#r%rise to others to watch the) and see the )ethodica$ wa* the* &o at it! )a-in& e er* )o e co#nt #nti$ the tas- has "een co)%$eted with see)in&$* er* $itt$e effort on their %art( Honest* is another of the irt#es of the Pisces chi$dren/ the* are #s#a$$* de%enda"$e and c$ose8)o#thed! so that the* )a* "e tr#sted with secrets in f#$$ confidence that the* wi$$ not "etra* the tr#st( The chi$dren of Pisces are &enera$$* -ind and s*)%athetic! cordia$ and s#a e in )anner! 5#a$ities which wi$$ of co#rse "rin& the) )an* friends( The* are notorio#s$* fond of &ood thin&s to eat! the* re e$ in rich &oods! and are a$so %rone to "e fond of drin-( If these tendencies are a$$owed to wor- the)se$ es o#t the* wi$$ of co#rse r#in the $ife! and "esides "rin& on a train of disease( Therefore the %arents of these chi$dren sho#$d endea or "* %rece%t and e+a)%$e to teach the) the si)%$e $ife! fr#&a$it* and contro$ of the a%%etite d#rin& the *ears when ha"its are for)ed! "esides &#ardin& the) a&ainst too stren#o#s e+ercise which e en the chi$dren of Pisces wi$$ not sh#n in chi$dhood when the a"#ndance of $ife force i)%e$s the)( Then $ater in $ife these $essons wi$$ not "e witho#t their fr#it( The chan&es are that the chi$d which "* the he$% of the %arent has $earned in chi$dhood to r#$es its stars wi$$ "e "oth hea$th* and heart*! res%ected and $o ed "eca#se of &ood ha"its! and wi$$ f#$$* en3o* $ife( In short! these chi$dren need a er* caref#$ "rin&in& #% to sa e the) fro) their e i$ tendencies and "rin& o#t the &ood! "#t that is 3#st what s#ch so#$s co)e to %arents for( Their necessit* is the %arent's o%%ort#nit* to )a-e &reat and wonderf#$ so#$ &rowth(

T E S,N, 0I1ER OF (IFE The S#n! "ein& the center of the so$ar s*ste)! is reco&ni7ed "* a$$ as the %h*sica$ $ife8&i er e en when the* do not "e$ie e in an*thin& s#%er%h*sica$/ it is %atent to e er*one fro) %ersona$ o"ser ation that the hori7onta$ ra* of the )ornin& s#n affects #s different$* fro) the %er%endic#$ar noon ra*! and that in s#))er the ra*s carr* a $ife8force which not on$* "rin&s forth the erd#re #%on the fie$ds! "#t a$so affects the h#)an te)%era)ent! and endows #s with ita$ ener&*! co#ra&e and a ho%ef#$ s%irit forei&n to the dar- and &$oo)* winter )onths( This &$oo) is %er)anent$* noticea"$e in the te)%era)ent of %eo%$e $i in& in the far north! where the a"sence of s#n$i&ht )a-es $ife a str#&&$e that sa%s the s%irit of fro$ic! whi$e in co#ntries where a"#ndance of s#n$i&ht $essens the cares of e+istence! the te)%era)ent is corres%ondin&$* i acio#s and ho%ef#$ and s#nn*( In the horosco%e! the an&e$ of each %$anetar* ra* at "irth deter)ines the de%art)ent of $ife it wi$$ affect( If the chi$d is "orn at the noon ho#r when the s#n is at the Fenith! the da*star wi$$ a%%ear in the ?Dth ho#se of the horosco%e and "rin& %refer)ent %rofessiona$$*( If the chi$d were "orn at )idni&ht when the s#n is direct$* #nder the %$ace of "irth its inf$#ence wo#$d "e thro#&h the Fo#rth Ho#se! and it wo#$d "ri&hten the o$d a&e of the chi$d then "orn( There are three #nfort#nate an&e$s for the s#n/ Chi$dren "orn short$* after s#nset ha e it in the Si+th Ho#se! which indicates sic-ness! and as the S#n is $ife8&i er this %osition $essens the ita$it* and rec#%erati e %owers( 2irth in the )idd$e %art of the afternoon %$aces the S#n in the Ei&hth Ho#se( This is the ho#se thro#&h which the death8dea$in& forces act! and $o&ica$$*! the Lord of Life is o#t of %$ace in the Ho#se of .eath( The Second Ho#se shows what inco)e we o"tain "* o#r own efforts! and as the Ei&hth Ho#se is o%%osite the Second it re ea$s the so#rces of re en#e for which we do not %ersona$$* e+ert o#rse$ es! that is to sa*! $e&acies! %ensions or &rants of a %#"$ic nat#re( 4e ha e -nown %eo%$e with the S#n in the Ei&hth Ho#se to ac5#ire ast s#)s! )i$$ions in one case! "* s%ec#$ation in )#nici%a$ necessities( S#ch %ersons are often threatened "* death and so)eti)es ha e )an* hair"readth esca%es! "#t e en with the "est of as%ects to the S#n! a ri%e a&e is se$do) attained( 4hen a chi$d is "orn short$* after s#nrise the S#n is in the Twe$fth Ho#se! which is the a en#e whence we rea% o#r sorrows! and it has "een o#r e+%erience that the ear$* $ife of s#ch a %erson is enco)%assed "* tro#"$e of one -ind or another( 4hen the ascendant of a %erson is in do#"t and the %$ace in the Fodiac which see)s to fit nearest "rin&s the S#n into the Twe$fth Ho#se! the writer has often fo#nd that the e+act ascendant )a* "e ascertained "* as-in& the %erson if his chi$dhood's $ife was c$o#ded "* %o ert* of the %arents and conse5#ent $i)itation for a n#)"er of *ears 3#st after "irth( This in a$$ the cases where it has "een fo#nd that a$$ other e ents fitted in the horosco%e %ro ed a s#ccessf#$ )ethod of deter)inin& the tr#e ascendant! so that the n#)"er of de&rees fro) the ascendant to the S#n! the $atter $ocated in the Twe$fth Ho#se! wo#$d indicate the

*ears of %o ert*! for the Twe$fth Ho#se )a-es for $i)itation in that res%ect! es%ecia$$* when the S#n is there at "irth( 4hen the S#n "* %ro&ression has %assed thro#&h the Twe$fth Ho#se and co)es into the ascendant! thin&s "e&in to "ri&hten for the %erson in o$ ed! and when in ti)e it %asses thro#&h the Second Ho#se he wi$$ ha e a %eriod of financia$ s#ccess/ "#t as stated the S#n in the Twe$fth Ho#se! 3#st a"o e the ascendant! #s#a$$* )a-es a er* %oor ho)e for the chi$d d#rin& the ear$* *ears of $ife( If Pisces is there the ca#se wi$$ &enera$$* "e fo#nd in s$othf#$ness and a desire for drin- on the %art of the %arents! which )a-e the) th#s ne&$ect their offs%rin&( The 5#a$ities i)%arted "* a we$$ %$aced S#n are di&nit*! stren&th of wi$$ and co#ra&e! "oth %h*sica$ and )ora$! a $oft* %ride and a -een sense of honor and res%onsi"i$it* which )a-e a %erson e)inent$* re$ia"$e! a ster$in& honest* and a hatred of an*thin& s)a$$! #nderhanded or tric-*( It )a-es hi) steadfast in $o e! sta#nch in friendshi% and &enero#s e en to ene)ies( A di&nified! e+a$ted or we$$ %$aced S#n "rin&s friendshi% fro) %eo%$e in a %osition to "estow s#"stantia$ fa ors and aids the %erson )ateria$$* in his endea ors to ad ance in $ife( 4hen the S#n is aff$icted and wea- "* si&n and %osition the o%%osite 5#a$ities are )anifested/ "o)"astic se$f8ass#rance! and "$#ster! $o e of ad#$ation and a desire to r#$e or r#in! "#t no co#ra&e to face o%%osition/ ind#$&ence of the $ower nat#re and a waste of the ita$ force with a conse5#ent $oss of hea$th and stren&th( 4hen the S#n is wea- the %erson is not to "e de%ended on/ he re&ards his %ro)ises as %ie8cr#sts! )ade to "e "ro-en! and "eca#se of these traits s#ch %eo%$e a$wa*s re)ain in o"sc#rit*( In the wor$d at $ar&e the S#n si&nifies e)%$o*ers and those in i))ediate a#thorit* o er the %erson! s#ch as 3#d&es and other &o ern)ent officers! and when the e+i&encies of $ife "rin& a %erson in contact with the) he wi$$ recei e at their hands whate er treat)ent is )erited "* his S#n( The S#n "ein& )asc#$ine is si&nificator of the )arria&e %artner in a wo)an's horosco%e Hand the fe)inine Moon ser es a si)i$ar %#r%ose in a )an's fi&#reI! hence a we$$ %$aced S#n is one of the indications that a )an wi$$ )a-e a &ood h#s"and! and an #nas%ected! wea- of aff$icted S#n &i es hi) a tendenc* to ne&$ect his hearth and ho)e( As a &enera$ si&nificator of hea$th the S#n r#$es %rinci%a$$* in )asc#$ine fi&#res Hand the Moon in fe)inine horosco%esI! "#t "oth $i&hts are i)%ortant( It )a* "e said howe er! that the hea$th of a )an is not so )#ch endan&ered "* aff$ictions of the Moon as "* a wea- S#n! and ice ersa! a wo)an s#ffers )ore if her Moon is aff$icted than if her S#n is e i$$* as%ected( T E S,N IN T E T*E(1E O,SES T E S,N IN T E FIRST O,SE The S#n is the so#rce of ita$it*( The First Ho#se si&nifies are constit#tiona$

condition and the ho)e of o#r chi$dhood! hence the S#n we$$ as%ected in the First Ho#se adds to the ita$it* of the risin& si&n and a#&)ents the rec#%erati e %owers( It "ri&htens $ife d#rin& the da*s of chi$dhood and sta"i$i7es the nat#re! )a-in& the %erson )ore cheerf#$ and co)%aniona"$e! a)"itio#s to s#cceed in $ife! co#ra&eo#s in o erco)in& o"stac$es( The o#t$oo- on $ife is 3o*f#$ and o%ti)istic! hence the chances of s#ccess are increased( Peo%$e with the S#n in this %osition $o e to $ead and e+ercise a#thorit* o er others/ the* are er* 3ea$o#s of the estee) of the co))#nit*! #%ri&ht and honest in their dea$in&s( 4hen the S#n is aff$icted in the First Ho#se it $owers the ita$it*! )a-es the %erson ti)id and aci$$atin&! $ac-in& in co#ra&e and a)"ition/ hence the chances of a s#ccessf#$ $ife are s$i) #n$ess )an* as%ects are &ood! th#s )odif*in& this condition( T E S,N IN T E SECON4 O,SE

This shows the %erson wi$$ find fa or with %eo%$e in a %osition to f#rther his )ateria$ %ros%erit* and wi$$ "e their he$% &ain a co)forta"$e $i in&! "#t it a$so &i es a tendenc* to s5#ander )one* on the %rinci%$e that ,what co)es eas* &oes eas*(, Un$ess this trait "e c#r"ed it )a* "rin& a"o#t financia$ strin&enc*! for it is not so )#ch what we earn that co#nts as what we s%end( 4e sha$$ "e %oor with an inco)e of a )i$$ion if we s%end two( T E S,N IN T E T IR4 O,SE

This fa ors tra e$ and )a-es the %erson "ri&ht and o"ser in&! ea&er to in esti&ate conditions and thin&s! for it i)%arts a scientific t#rn to the )ind( It is a &ood %osition for writers as it he$%s to "rin& the) to %#"$ic notice and fa or( T E S,N IN T E FO,RT O,SE

In one sense this is er* #nfort#nate %osition "eca#se it de%ri es the %erson of the he$% of the so$ar inf$#ence d#rin& the )a3or %ortion of $ife! which is on that acco#nt a constant #%hi$$ str#&&$e! "#t as the Fo#rth Ho#se r#$es the $atter %art of $ife it is a$wa*s a conso$ation to -now that the dec$inin& *ears wi$$ "e "ri&htened "* the S#n of s#ccess( That sho#$d )a-e the "#rdens $i&hter to "ear( T E S,N IN T E FIFT O,SE

The Fifth Ho#se r#$es co#rtshi%/ chi$dren! %$eas#re! ed#cation and %#"$ications/ when the S#n is there it fa ors a$$ these e+ce%t chi$dren( It )a-es the %erson a fa orite with the o%%osite se+! &i es hi) )#ch en3o*)ent of $ife! a$so s#ccess as a teacher! %#"$isher or editor! "#t stran&e$* eno#&h! tho#&h the S#n r#$es the heart whence s%rin& o#r chi$dren! his %osition in the Fifth Ho#se is distinct$* #nfa ora"$e for their "e&ettin&( This is es%ecia$$* so if the fier* Fifth si&n Leo is on the c#s%(

Then the fer ent heat of %assion see)s to scorch the h#)an %$ant ere it has ti)e to &row( This tendenc* is )odified to so)e e+tent when a water* si&n is on the c#s%! "#t when one of the %artners has the S#n in the Fifth Ho#se the offs%rin& are ne er n#)ero#s( T E S,N IN T E SI8T O,SE

Seein& that the S#n is the Gi er of Life it is e ident that when it is confined in the Si+th Ho#se it is de"i$itated and the ita$ f$ow is o"str#cted/ therefore %eo%$e who ha e the S#n in that %osition are %artic#$ar$* $ia"$e to disease and s$ow to rec#%erate( On that acco#nt their diseases are fre5#ent and $on&8drawn8o#t to an e+tent which often a)o#nts to chronic in a$idis)( If the %erson is an e)%$o*ee of so)eone e$se he wi$$ "e efficient in his wor-/ he wi$$ ha e no diffic#$t* in o"tainin& we$$8%aid %ositions "#t he wi$$ "e er* to#ch* towards his e)%$o*ers and )a-e fre5#ent chan&es #nder the %rete+t that his a"i$ities are not s#fficient$* a%%reciated( If he is an e)%$o*er! this %osition of the S#n is &ood for s#ccess in "#siness! "#t indicates tro#"$e with ser ants! who wi$$ "e do)ineerin&( If the confi&#rations in the horosco%e ena"$e the %erson to sha-e off the &ri% of sic-ness the S#n in the Si+th Ho#se &i es &reat a"i$it* in che)istr*! %re%aration of hea$th8food! and )a-es the %erson a ca%a"$e n#rse or hea$er( T E S,N IN T E SE1ENT O,SE

Partnershi%s are often #ns#ccessf#$ "eca#se of the se$fishness of the %artici%ants "#t he who has the S#n in the Se enth Ho#se wi$$ ha e no reason to co)%$ain in that res%ect for he wi$$ a$wa*s attract so)eone with a hi&h sense of honor when in need of a %artner! and as )arria&e is the )ost inti)ate of a$$ %artnershi%s! the S#n in the Se enth Ho#se is a %artic#$ar$* fort#nate %osition in that res%ect! "eca#se it wi$$ "rin& the %erson a )ate who is a"so$#te$* steadfast and tr#e! one who )a* indeed "e de%ended #%on as a he$%)eet in a$$ the e+i&encies and icissit#des of $ife ti$$ death do %art( As there is no earth$* treas#re e5#a$ to s#ch an end#rin& $o e this is %erha%s the "est of a$$ so$ar %ositions( Sho#$d the %erson "e #nfort#nate eno#&h to "eco)e in o$ ed in $iti&ation the S#n in the Se enth Ho#se %ro)otes the fa or of the 3#d&e and a s#ccessf#$ o#tco)e( T E S,N IN T E EI0 T O,SE

The Ei&hth Ho#se is the an&$e of incidence thro#&h which the death dea$in& forces act! and as the S#n is the &i er of $ife it is e ident that this %osition is e+tre)e$* detri)enta$ as far as ita$it* is concerned! and it often "rin&s a %ro)isin& $ife to an ear$* ter)ination( It a$so often ha%%ens that when &eni#s has &one "e&&in& a$$ thro#&h $ife and %assed the %orta$ of death in o"sc#rit* it &ains "e$ated

reco&nition! fa)e and i))orta$it* thro#&h this %osition of the S#n( As the Second Ho#se si&nifies the financia$ condition of the %erson and shows what he does with the )one* he earns! so the Ei&hth shows what co)es to hi) a%art fro) his own efforts! that is to sa*! inheritances! the wea$th of the )arria&e %artner! etc( Therefore the S#n in the Ei&hth Ho#se shows an increase of wea$th after )arria&e "#t a$so a tendenc* of the )ate to "e o er8&enero#s and s5#ander the )eans( T E S,N IN T E NINT O,SE

This %osition "ri&htens the )ind and i)"#es the %erson with hi&h idea$s and $oft* a)"itions( It )a-es hi) &enero#s$* to$erant of other %eo%$e's o%inions88no"$e and -ind8hearted( There is an inner #r&e to so$ e %ro"$e)s of $ife and $earn the ,wh*s, and ,wherefores!, hence the )ind t#rns nat#ra$$* toward %hi$oso%h*! re$i&ion and $aw( And as we a$wa*s e+ce$ in the thin&s we $o e! %eo%$e with the S#n in the 1inth Ho#se )a-e e+ce$$ent states)en! $aw*ers and )inisters of God( The* shine in a$$ inte$$ect#a$ and scientific %#rs#its( Their )ission often ta-es the) into forei&n $ands( T E S,N IN T E TENT O,SE

This is one of the s#rest si&ns of &enera$ s#ccess in $ife( The %erson rises "* the fa or of those a"o e hi) in the socia$ sca$e and o"tains %ositions of res%onsi"i$it* and tr#st( He is )#ch res%ected in the co))#nit* and often honored "* e$ection to %#"$ic office! and he )a* a$wa*s "e de%ended #%on to 3#stif* the tr#st re%osed in hi)( T E S,N IN T E E(E1ENT O,SE

This is a &ood si&n that the ho%es! wishes and as%irations of the %erson wi$$ "e rea$i7ed/ it attracts %eo%$e in a %osition to "efriend hi) and with an inc$ination to do so( T E S,N IN T E T*E(FT O,SE

This is the si&nat#re of the $one$* so#$ who as a rec$#se sh#ts hi)se$f off fro) his fe$$ows( It "rin&s with it a dan&er of conf$ict with the a#thorities or an ina"i$it* to fit in with the fa)i$* conditions and on acco#nt of the ens#in& tro#"$e the %erson &oes into o$#ntar* or enforced e+i$e! $i in& his $ife henceforth a stran&er a)on& stran&ers( E en when s#ch e+tre)e conditions do not %re ai$! the first third of the $ife is #s#a$$* wasted in ain efforts to find a "a$ance and sett$e down to so)e $ife wor-( Li-e the Si+th Ho#se %osition of the S#n! this a$so fa ors wor- with the sic- in

hos%ita$s! che)istr* and $a"orator* wor-! or wor- with %risoners/ it &i es a $o e of the occ#$t and $eads to c#rio#s $ines of research( T E S,N IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS T E S,N IN ARIES Aries is the e+a$tation8si&n of the S#n and hence this is the )ost %owerf#$ %osition of the centra$ or"( There it radiates a ita$ force of #ne+a)%$ed stren&th which &i es to the %erson a wonderf#$ f#nd of ener&* wherewith to withstand the ons$a#&hts of disease and sho#$d "e ta-en i$$ his %owers of rec#%eration wi$$ 5#ic-$* free hi) fro) the c$#tches of sic-ness( Peo%$e ha in& this %osition are %rinci%a$$* $ia"$e to fe ers on acco#nt of the fer ent heat of the S#n in Aries( As Aries r#$es the head the e+cessi e heat often dries #% the sca$% so that the hair cannot &row and the %erson "eco)es "a$d( T E S,N IN TA,R,S A fa ora"$e %osition for the financia$ fort#nes "#t it a$so &i es a tendenc* to e+tra a&ance! es%ecia$$* in dress! and )a-es the %erson e+tre)e$* fond of the o%%osite se+! so)eti)es with detri)enta$ res#$ts( It &i es &reat %h*sica$ stren&th and the %erson $o es to show off that %eo%$e )a* ad)ire his %rowess( Ta#r#s r#$es the $ar*n+ and therefore the S#n in Ta#r#s adds stren&th to the oca$ or&ans and &i es the %erson a stron&! %$easant oice( T E S,N IN 0E#INI Ge)ini is a Merc#ria$ si&n and third in the &a)#t! hence this %osition &i es a "$ended inf$#ence of the S#n! Merc#r* and the Third Ho#se( This fa ors e+%ression of Merc#r* for it is the %$anet which stirs the oca$ chords and %rod#ces so#nd in the Ta#rean $ar*n+/ it a$so fa ors writin&s and tra e$/ the )ind is "ri&htened "* the S#n in Ge)ini and when it is necessar* or e+%edient to tra e$ the %erson &ains there"* %h*sica$$* and )enta$$*( It &i es a %$easant! affa"$e dis%osition which )a-es hi) &enera$$* $i-ed a)on& his associates( T E S,N IN CANCER Cancer is the fo#rth si&n and is r#$ed "* the Moon! hence! the S#n in Cancer is a )i+t#re of the S#n! Moon and fo#rth Ho#se inf$#ences( In the nat#ra$ horosco%e Hwhere Aries is on the AscendantI Cancer is at the nadir! and with the S#n here! ita$it* is at its $owest e""/ therefore with this %osition one is a%t to "e indo$ent e en when not sic-$* at a$$( He is har)$ess and a oids 5#arre$s! hence is har)onio#s and a&reea"$e in the ho)e so $on& as he is not as-ed to wor- too hard( This %osition of the S#n )a-es the first %art of the $ife "arren of fr#its "#t

"rin&s s#ccess in the $ater *ears( Cancer is a %s*chic si&n and therefore the S#n in Cancer &i es a tendenc* toward the occ#$t! often with %s*chic e+%eriences( T E S,N IN (EO The S#n in Leo &i es a )asterf#$ nat#re with a $ar&e )eas#re of se$f8contro$! a -een sense of honor and a ne er8fai$in& inte&rit*( The %erson as%ires to r#$e others "#t wo#$d scorn to ta-e a )ean ad anta&e or to do an*thin& to others that wo#$d not "e in strict accord with the &o$den r#$e/ the affections are dee% and $astin&( Peo%$e with the S#n in Leo are sta#nch defenders of those the* $o e! "#t e5#a$$* stron& in their a ersions( Leo is the si&n which r#$es the heart( 4hate er %eo%$e with the S#n in Leo do is done with a concentration of %#r%ose which co)%e$s s#ccess( The* )a-e tr#e friends and if one )#st ha e an ene)*! a Leo wi$$ %ro e )ore honora"$e and )a&nani)o#s than an* other( T E S,N IN 1IR0O This is co)"ination of the so$ar! )erc#ria$ and Si+th Ho#se inf$#ences( It shows the s#ccessf#$ )idd$e)an "etween the %rod#cer and cons#)er! s#"t$e! e+tre)e$* 5#ic- to see what wi$$ wor- to his ad anta&e in the %ro)otion of "#siness! %$easant and socia"$e! a&reea"$e to a$$ fro) who) he e+%ects to &ain! "#t do)ineerin& to e)%$o*ees and fe$$ow wor-ers/ a s)ooth ta$-er "#t not necessari$* insincere/ he )ere$* $oo-s o#t for n#)"er one( The S#n in Vir&o )a-es &ood che)ists! n#rses and doctors! not surgeons but drug-doctors0 the* are fir) "e$ie ers in )edicine and $ots of it( T E S,N IN (IBRA Li"ra is r#$ed "* Ven#s and is the se enth si&n! hence the S#n in Li"ra co)"ines the inf$#ence of Ven#s with that of the S#n and the Se enth ho#se! with the res#$t that the %erson $o es the )arria&e %artner so de oted$* that he e+c$#des e er*one e$se/ for of a %erson with that %osition it )a* tr#$* "e said that ,the S#n rises and sets, in the )arria&e %artner( Li"ra is a$so the e+a$tation si&n of Sat#rn! and his inf$#ence is there at its "est! &i in& an e$e)ent of constr#ction to the art of Ven#s( This is "ro#&ht a"o#t as a"i$it* for architect#re and the finer "ranches of decorati e constr#ction when the S#n is in Li"ra( This %osition a$so &i es a fine! sonoro#s oice and oca$ ta$ent(

T E S,N IN SCORPIO The S#n in Scor%io! when we$$ as%ected! &i es &reat ener&*! co#ra&e and inde%endence( It )a-es the )ind acti e! and fa ors s#ccess in s#ch occ#%ations as those of the s#r&eon or so$dier( It a$so tends to i)%ro e the finances after )arria&e! "#t tends to e+tra a&ance( The S#n here aff$icted &i es the %erson a er* "$#nt! "r#s5#e )anner! a fee$in& that his 3#d&)ent is "etter than that of others! and a tendenc* to ride ro#&h8shod o er an*"od* or an*thin& that stands in his wa*( It often )a-es hi) indifferent to s#fferin&! and )a* transfor) the s#r&eon into a i isectionist( T E S,N IN SA0ITTARI,S This &i es $oft* ideas and a no"$e as%irin& dis%osition ai)in& to rise "* raisin& others( It )a-es the %erson "ene o$ent! %hi$anthro%ic and therefore "e$o ed a)on& his associates( He is often the reci%ient of honors and a%%oint)ents to %ositions of tr#st! and )issions of a de$icate nat#re! not co#$d a "etter se$ection "e )ade! for s#ch %eo%$e are the so#$s of honor( This %osition wi$$ a$so "rin& s#ccess in re$i&ion! $aw and states)anshi% for it &i es an e+%ansi e )ind fitted to &ra%%$e with the &reater %ro"$e)s of $ife( T E S,N IN CAPRICORN This is a &ood si&n that the %erson wi$$ rise in $ife "* the aid of the &ood8wi$$ of %eo%$e in a hi&her %osition than hi)se$f/ it shows that he wi$$ )erit their tr#st and ac5#it hi)se$f we$$ in a %osition of res%onsi"i$it* and tr#st/ it )a-es hi) caref#$! %r#dent! faithf#$ and honest( ;#d&es with that %osition cannot "e "o#&ht "#t wi$$ ad)inister 3#stice as the* see it! to a$$ co)ers( It &i es an a$$ ro#nd $o e of fair %$a* and wins for those who ha e it the res%ect and estee) of a$$ in their circ$e( T E S,N IN A;,ARI,S This is a co)"ination of the S#n! Uran#s and the E$e enth Ho#se inf$#ences( It &i es the %erson an int#iti e %erce%tion of the inner nat#re of thin&s and a to#ch with the forces and ideas of the s%irit#a$ rea$)s which $eads hi) to ta-e #% when %ossi"$e! new and ad anced c#$ts! or )ethods of hea$in& s#ch as 1at#ro%ath*! E$ectro8thera%*! Astro8thera%*! Ma&netic Ha$in&! etc( He is a$so drawn to scientific research and #$tra8inte$$ect#a$ or stran&e re$i&ions( This %osition &i es )#ch %o%#$arit* and fir) friends a)on& %eo%$e who are in a %osition to "estow fa ors and f#rther the %erson's attain)ent of his a)"itions( T E S,N IN PISCES Gi es a retirin& dis%osition and fa ors s#ccess in occ#%ations re)o ed fro) the

%#"$ic &a7e s#ch as %risons! hos%ita$s! instit#tions for the %oor! etc( If the %erson inc#r en)it* of others! he wi$$ "e indicated whate er the* )a* do to h#rt his re%#tation( Peo%$e with the S#n in Pisces ha e a stron& tendenc* towards %s*chis)! )edi#)shi% and the occ#$t in &enera$( T E S,N IN ASPECT *IT OT ER P(ANETS

4enus parallel or in conjunction .it, t,e Sun ca$$s o#t the artistic side of the nat#re! )a-in& the %erson fond of )#sic! art and %oetr*/ it stren&thens the $o e nat#re and if the confi&#ration occ#rs in the Se enth Ho#se it is a %ositi e testi)on* of #na$$o*ed )arita$ "$iss( In the Second or Ei&ht Ho#se it $eads to e+tra a&ance of the %erson or his )ate/ in Scor%io it is not &ood for the )ora$s and in Pisces it $eads to inte)%erance( These as%ects stren&then the constit#tion! increase the %o%#$arit* and )a-e socia$ interco#rse s)ooth so that the %erson has )an* friends and -ee%s the)( As the or"it of Ven#s is so s)a$$ she ne er for)s the se+ti$e! trine! s5#are or o%%osition to the S#n( (ercury parallel or in conjunction .it, t,e Sun/ These are the on$* as%ects for)ed "etween the two( The* are &ood for the )e)or* and )enta$it* if Merc#r* is not c$oser to the S#n that three de&rees! for then he is $Combust$ and his &ood 5#a$ities are "#rned #% in the S#n's ra*s( It is )ost fort#nate to ha e Merc#r* rise before the S#n at "irth for he is the Li&ht"earer who ho$ds the torch of reason "efore the S%irit which in the horosco%e is s*)"o$i7ed "* the S#n( 4hen he rises after the S#n the )enta$it* is not near$* so -een H#n$ess other &ood as%ects fa orI( ",e (oon parallel or in conjunction .it, Sun/ 1o )atter in what si&n or ho#se the con3#nction of the Li&hts occ#rs the %erson wi$$ "e so stron&$* )ar-ed with the characteristics of that si&n that $ac-in& -now$ed&e of this tr#e Ascendant e en the )ost co)%etent astro$o&er is $i-e$* to "e )is$ed and 3#d&e hi) to "e "orn with the si&n risin& in which the con3#nction too- %$ace! and whate er )atters are r#$ed "* the Ho#se in which con3#nction occ#rs wi$$ %$a* a er* i)%ortant %art in the $ife( In the First Ho#se he is an o#t and o#t e&otist with er* $itt$e $o e for others sa e in so far as the* ser e his ends/ in the Se enth! his wor$d %i ots on the )ate/ in the Tenth Ho#se or si&n he wi$$ sacrifice a$$ other considerations to rise in %#"$ic $ife/ in the Twe$fth Ho#se or si&n the con3#nction wi$$ &i e a stron& tendenc* to drin-! "rin&in& tro#"$e/ in the Third and 1inth Ho#ses it wi$$ "ri&hten the )ind and ind#ce tra e$ fro) which he wi$$ "enefit/ in the Second Ho#se it wi$$ "rin& wea$th! es%ecia$$* if in &ood as%ect with ;#%iter( 2#t if the con3#nction of the S#n and Moon is c$oser than three de&rees it has a tendenc* to de%$ete the ita$it* and if the con3#nction is a$so a so$ar ec$i%se! and the child survives, this wi$$ "e %artic#$ar$* noticea"$e! a$$ thro#&h $ife( Peo%$e who ha e s#ch c$ose con3#nctions or ec$i%ses "eco)e $ist$ess! dis8s%irited and o#t of sorts e er* ti)e there is a new Moon( The con3#nction or ec$i%se does not see) to

interfere with the &ood effects in other de%art)ents of $ife( ",e (oon sextile or trine to t,e Sun/ The &ood as%ects of the S#n and Moon )a-e for &enera$ s#ccess in $ife! hea$th! fair financia$ conditions! &ood ho)e s#rro#ndin&s with faithf#$ friends! and estee) in the co))#nit*/ the* fa or a rise in $ife "eca#se of the %erson's innate a"i$it*! which either &ains for hi) the reco&nition of %eo%$e in a %osition to he$% hi) rise! or i)%e$s hi) to car e his own wa*( ",e (oon s1uare or opposition to Sun )a-es the %erson aci$$atin& and #nsett$ed in dis%osition! chan&ea"$e and #na"$e to %#rs#e a sett$ed co#rse in $ife! rash to %$#n&e into enter%rises! "#t $ac-in& the %ersistence or contin#it* of %#r%ose to carr* an*thin& to a s#ccessf#$ conc$#sion( For that reason s#ch %eo%$e "eco)e fai$#res in $ife! es%ecia$$* in their dea$in&s with wo)en and %eo%$e hi&her in the socia$ sca$e s#ch as e)%$o*ers! the a#thorities! 3#d&es! etc( The* a$wa*s ha e diffic#$t* in o"tainin& e)%$o*)ent and -ee%in& their %ositions when the* o"tain the) for the* are h*%er8sensiti e and read* to ta-e offense! with or witho#t %ro ocation( These confi&#rations a$so affect the hea$th! renderin& the "od* $ia"$e to co$ds and )a-in& rec#%eration s$ow when sic-ness has o erta-en the %erson( Saturn sextile or trine to Sun endows the %erson who is fort#nate eno#&h to so ha e it with so)e of the finest fac#$ties in the &a)#t! for it "rin&s o#t the "est 5#a$ities in the two %$anets( It &i es )ethod! foresi&ht and or&ani7in&! e+ec#ti e and di%$o)atic a"i$it* with the )ora$ sta)ina to carr* an* %ro3ect deter)ined on to a s#ccessf#$ conc$#sion des%ite de$a*s and o"stac$es( Yet the %erson )a-es no ene)ies in so doin&! for this confi&#ration a$so )a-es hi) the so#$ of honor! -ind and considerate/ he wo#$d ne er stoo% to do an*thin& )ean for he is er* sincere and 3#st in his dea$in&s with a$$ )en! "#t on the other hand! when he "e$ie es a certain co#rse of action to "e ri&ht! he wi$$ ne er swer e therefro) thro#&h hea en and earth "e )o ed a&ainst hi)( These as%ects "rin& s#ccess in %o$itica$ or 3#dicia$ %ositions a$so in connection with )inin& or a&ric#$t#re( The %erson often "enefits "* $e&ac*! "#t reco&nition and s#ccess are &enera$$* de$a*ed ti$$ )idd$e $ife( Saturn parallel, conjunction, s1uare or opposition to t,e Sun has a er* detri)enta$ effect where the resistance is f#nda)enta$$* $ow/ in Ge)ini and Sa&ittari#s it &i es a tendenc* to t#"erc#$osis( It does $east da)a&e in the fi+ed si&ns where resistance is &reatest! "#t e en there when sic-ness &ets a &ri% on the %erson it han&s on $i-e &ri) death! for it $essens the %ower of the "od* to throw off disease 5#ic-$*! hence rec#%eration is er* s$ow( These as%ects are e+tre)e$* ad erse to that which is &enera$$* ter)ed s#ccess! "#t the* &i e an a"#ndance of e+%erience! so the* are e+ce$$ent fro) the stand%oint of the so#$( It )a* "e tr#$* said of the %erson who has the)! that ,the "est8$aid %$ans of )ice and )en &an& aft a&$e*!, for no )atter how caref#$$* he )a* %$an his affairs he wi$$ "e s#"3ect to de$a*s and o"stac$es which thwart his desires( His )arria&e is #nha%%* and is $i-e$* to end in di orce or ear$* death of

the %artner( He had diffic#$t* in findin& and -ee%in& e)%$o*)ent! tro#"$e with e)%$o*ers and a#thorities! a fe$$in& as if he were he$d in $eash a$$ his $ife and denied e+%ression in an* direction( These are the o#tward e+%eriences "#t the* are &enerated "* the inner nat#re! and #nti$ that chan&es he )#st s#ffer the whi%$ash of necessit*( In the first %$ace he has a tendenc* to craw$ into a she$$ and sh#t hi)se$f in and others o#t( He is a %essi)ist and a -i$$83o*! has $itt$e or no re&ard for the fee$in&s of others and is er* o"stinate( In the horosco%e of a wo)an s#ch an as%ect si&nifies )arria&e to one )#ch o$der who wi$$ ho$d her with a er* ti&ht rein/ it a#&#rs death of the h#s"and and often se era$ )arria&es which are ended "* death or di orce( These confi&#rations often "rin& $e&acies! "#t either there is tro#"$e and $iti&ation o er the "e5#ests! or the %erson s5#anders the estate after he recei es it( If Sat#rn is in his e+a$tation si&n! Li"ra! the $atter %art of the $ife )a* "e "etter "eca#se the %erson )a* ha e ta-en the $essons of $ife to heart and )ended his wa*s( 7upiter conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to Sun/ The con3#nction &i es a tendenc* to a%o%$e+*! es%ecia$$* if it occ#rs in Aries! "#t with that e+ce%tion we )a* sa* that these confi&#rations are s#re indications of hea$th! wea$th and ha%%iness( The* &i e the %erson an a"#ndance of ita$it* which is %roof a&ainst er* se ere ons$a#&hts of disease! and e en when %artic#$ar$* #nfa ora"$e %$anetar* inf$#ences s#cceed in "rea-in& down his resistance! reco er* wi$$ "e so ra%id as to see) )irac#$o#s( This near$* i)%re&na"$e condition of hea$th is a$$ the )ore #nassai$a"$e "eca#se it is "ac-ed "* a dis%osition at once sunny and 'ovial, and that $atter characteristic a$so )a-es the fort#nate %ossessors of these as%ects "e$o ed "* a$$ with who) the* co)e in contact( E er*"od* is &$ad to see the %erson with the %er%et#a$ s)i$e! "#t the* do )ore than ,s)i$e,88 the* earn the friendshi% #ni ersa$$* "estowed #%on the) "* deeds of -indness! "* words of s*)%ath*! cheer or ho%e as the occasion )a* de)and( The* are tr#sted "* e er*"od* "eca#se the* ne er "etra* a tr#st( The* ha e c$ear heads! &ood 3#d&)ent and e+ec#ti e a"i$it* so that the* are we$$ fitted to he$% others( These characteristics a$so fa or their own financia$ fort#nes! so the* acc#)#$ate wea$th! "#t theirs is ne er ,tainted )one*/, the* ne er "enefit "* the $oss of others( The* are re$i&io#s$* conser ati e and )a* "e a%t$* descri"ed as ,%i$$ars of societ*(, The* shine %artic#$ar$* in &o ern)ent wor-( 7upiter s1uare or opposition to t,e Sun is "ad for the hea$th "eca#se it &i es a tendenc* to for) "ad ha"its( The %erson is far too fond of the so8ca$$ed ,&ood thin&s of $ife!, and er* se$fish in s#%%$*in& his own co)forts/ he ne er e+ercises nor denies hi)se$f so the circ#$ation "eco)es s$#&&ish and as these %eo%$e ha e a s#%era"#ndance of "$ood this s$#&&ishness is %rod#cti e of ario#s no+io#s &rowths and f#nctiona$ disorders/ so)eti)es a fit of an&er raises the "$ood %ress#re to s#ch a %oint that a esse$ "#rsts and ends the $ife or $ea es the %erson henceforth a #se$ess wrec-( These as%ects &i e a "o)"astic ha#&ht* dis%ositions with an inordinate $o e of

dis%$a* and th#s ind#ce e+tra a&ance "oth in socia$ and "#siness affairs with the res#$t that the %erson so)eti)es finds hi)se$f in o$ ed in de"t which he cannot %a* and then it is "#t a ste% to the "an-r#%tc* co#rt( A fa$se %rice often %re ents these %eo%$e fro) wor-in& honest$* for others/ the* wo#$d rather %re* #%on the %#"$ic as &a)"$ers! fo$$owers of races and other so8ca$$ed s%orts where there is an o%%ort#nit* to swind$e %eo%$e and &et what the* ca$$ an ,eas*, $i in& #nti$ the* $and in the )eshes of the $aw( Chi$dren with these as%ects sho#$d "e &i en s%ecia$ trainin& in se$f8restraint! thrift and honest*/ the* wi$$ ha e a tendenc* to scorn and scoff at re$i&ion! "#t %erha%s the )e)or* of a de o#t )other )a* he$% to -ee% the) strai&ht( (ars parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to Sun/ The con3#nction &i es a tendenc* to fe er! es%ecia$$* if it occ#rs in Aries! the si&n which &o erns the head! "#t it is c#rio#s that %eo%$e with that confi&#ration see) a$so to "e a"$e to end#re a )#ch hi&her te)%erat#re than others! and co)e #nscathed thro#&h s#ch a sie&e of sic-ness as wo#$d ordinari$* %ro e fata$( 4ith that e+ce%tion these as%ects a$$ %rod#ce a s#%er8a"#ndance of ita$ ener&* which ass#res their %ossessor of the )ost radiant hea$th a$$ thro#&h $ife! the* stren&then the constit#tion and )a-e the %erson a"$e to end#re the harder tas-s! and &i e hi) a da#nt$ess deter)ination and co#ra&e to face the &reatest odds( Gi en a %$an to fo$$ow he )a* "e tr#sted to o erco)e a$$ %h*sica$ o"stac$es for he has "oth e+ec#ti e and constr#cti e a"i$it* to&ether with an indo)ita"$e wi$$ which ref#ses to reco&ni7e defeat( The dis%osition is fran- and o%en "#t "$#nt and often "r#s5#e/ the* are too intense$* "ent on whate er the* want to do to waste ti)e in %o$iteness and s#a it*/ the* "r#sh the con entiona$ities aside witho#t co)%#nction and are therefore not $i-ed "* %eo%$e of too fine sensi"i$ities/ the* are! howe er! )en and wo)en of action and the fore)ost factors in the wor$d's wor-/ "#t for their enter%rise and ener&* the wor$d wo#$d )o e )#ch )ore s$ow$*( As%ects to the S#n and Mars are a"so$#te$* necessar* to &i e 7est to $ife/ e en ad erse as%ects are "etter than none! for where these %$anets are #nas%ected the %erson is $ist$ess! a%id and he wi$$ ne er a)o#nt to an*thin& no )atter how &ood the fi&#re )a* "e in other res%ects( (ars s1uare or opposition to t,e Sun a$so endows the %erson with an a"#ndance of ener&* and the fac#$t* of $eadershi%! "#t these are t#rned to %#r%oses of de i$tr* and destr#ction( The co#ra&e i)%$anted "* the &ood as%ects "eco)es foo$hardiness! the %erson has $o#d! o er"earin&! swa&&erin& )anner and is read* to fi&ht at the dro% of a hat! he is a$wa*s in o%%osition to constit#ted a#thorit* and read* to re"e$ where er he sees a chance( He has an e+tre)e$* fier* te)%er "#t ho$ds no resent)ent( On acco#nt of these 5#a$ities he is #ni ersa$$* dis$i-ed "oth "* e)%$o*ers and his fe$$ow8wor-ers! is a$wa*s in hot water and ne er sta*s $on& in an* %$ace for he is an a&itator and tro#"$e8)a-er( These as%ects a$so dis%ose to accidents in which the %erson )a* "e )ai)ed! a$so to &#nshot and -nife8 wo#nds! to sca$din&8"#rns and to fe ers! inf$a))ator* co)%$aints! "oi$s and er#%tions(

Uranus Sextile or trine to t,e Sun )a-es the %erson int#iti e! ori&ina$! in enti e and inde%endent in his )anner of cond#ct and %ersona$ a%%earance! a$so with res%ect to food and certain )anneris)s/ he is what %eo%$e ca$$ eccentric! often cons%ic#o#s! *et not offensi e$* so/ &i en to %#rs#its and st#dies which %eo%$e consider ,5#eer, s#ch as occ#$tis) and astro$o&*! "#t a$so de$ in& into the #n-nown after nat#re's secrets concernin& e$ectricit* or the $i-e( He often "eco)es a s#ccessf#$ in entor if other as%ects &i e the )echanica$ a"i$it* to wor- o#t his sche)es( Uran#s r#$es the ether and now that we are nearin& the A5#arian a&e his i"rations wi$$ in increasin& )eas#re "rin& to o#r -en )ethods of #sin& nat#re's finer forces and the %eo%$e with the S#n se+ti$e or trine Uran#s wi$$ "e the )edia to attract and inter%ret the) for #s as the aeria$s and recei ers in a wire$ess station co$$ect and transcri"e the )essa&es carried "* the ether wa es to which the* are att#ned( The %erson often rises in $ife thro#&h the friendshi% of %eo%$e a"o e hi) in the socia$ sca$e( He is of a er* hi&h8str#n& te)%era)ent "#t has hi)se$f we$$ #nder contro$! and rare$* shows te)%er or an&er( He is an o#t and o#t idea$ist( Uranus parallel, conjunction, s1uare or opposition to Sun )a-es the %erson er* hi&h8str#n&! ner o#s and of #ncontro$$ed e)otions read* to f$* into h*steria on an* or no %ro ocation( It %redis%oses to a$$ ner o#s disorders s#ch as St( Vit#s dance! e%i$e%s* and $ac- of coordination( It )a-es hi) i)%#$si e and #nre$ia"$e! witho#t re&ard for the con entiona$ities hi&h$* i)%atient of an* h#)an restraint #%on his $i"ert* and co))itted to the theor* of affinities! so#$)ates! and free8 $o e! hence an #ndesira"$e )arria&e %artner and $i-e$* to fi&#re in di orce %roceedin&s or scanda$s of an e en worse nat#re( There is a$so dan&er of tro#"$e on acco#nt of connection with anarchistic %$ots where the in enti e fac#$t* )a* find sco%e in the constr#ction of e+%$osi es and inferna$ )achines( Un$ess these as%ects are )odified "* other confi&#rations these %eo%$e are a)on& the )ost dan&ero#s to societ*( The* are $ia"$e to accidents fro) $i&htnin& and e$ectricit*! and a$$ thro#&h $ife the* )eet disa%%oint)ent in e er* direction( -eptune sextile or trine to t,e Sun fa ors the %ossi"i$it* of de e$o%in& the s%irit#a$ fac#$ties! for he intensifies the s%irit#a$ i"rations in the a#ra( Man* %eo%$e with these confi&#rations hear the har)on* of the s%heres and if Merc#r*! the $ower octa e of 1e%t#ne &i es the re5#isite de+terit* the* "eco)e )#sicians of hi&h ins%irationa$ nat#re( In others it "reed $o e of the occ#$t which $eads the) into the hi&her $ife "#t the* #s#a$$* a%%roach it fro) the inte$$ect#a$ stand%oint of %s*chic in esti&ators/ a few $i e the $ife and o"tain first8hand -now$ed&e( -eptune conjunction, parallel, s1uare or opposition to t,e Sun a$so "rin&s the %erson in to#ch with the deni7ens of the in isi"$e wor$d "* raisin& the i"rations in his a#ra! "#t these confi&#rations attract the #ndesira"$e e$e)ent s#ch as )et at the ordinar* s%irit#a$istic seance( In a water* si&n 1e%t#ne ind#ces the %erson to drin- to e+cess and then the res#$tin& acce$eration of the i"rator* rate fre5#ent$* ca#ses hi) to %ercei e the #&$*! &r#eso)e for)s a"o#ndin& in the

$ower rea$)s of the in isi"$e wor$d! which are rea$ e$e)enta$ entities and not fi&)ents as "e$ie ed "* %eo%$e who hear hi) te$$ what he sees d#rin& de$iri#) tre)ens( These as%ects a$so )a-e the %erson $ia"$e to "e swind$ed "* shar%ers and confidence )en! and easi$* hoodwin-ed( It cannot "e too stron&$* i)%ressed #%on readers and st#dents that 3#d&)ent is ne er to "e for)ed on an* %$anetar* as%ect or %osition a%art fro) the "a$ance of the horosco%e( The #n"$ended! "asic nat#re of as%ects is &i en so that st#dents )a* reco&ni7e innate tendencies and "e a$ert to o erco)e the e i$ and to c#$ti ate the &ood(

1EN,S T E P(ANET OF (O1E In the ?=th Cha%ter of Pa#$'s First E%ist$e to the Corinthians we find a e#$o&* of ,$o e(, The word #sed in the a#thori7ed ersion is ,charit*!, "#t it o#&ht to "e read as ,$o e(, Lo e s#ffereth $on& and is -ind! $o e a#nteth not herse$f! is not %#ffed #%! "e$ie eth a$$ thin&s! end#reth a$$ thin&s( ( (4hether there "e %ro%hecies the* sha$$ fai$! whether there "e -now$ed&e it sha$$ anish awa*(, He conc$#des that in ti)e faith and hope wi$$ %ass awa* "eca#se we sha$$ -now the thin&s in which we now ha e faith and o#r ho%es wi$$ ha e "een rea$i7ed! "#t $o e! he contends! re)ains fore er( The -e*note of Ven#s is ,$o e!, ,har)on*!, and ,rh*th)!, and if we want to -now her nat#re we )a* %rofita"$* read that cha%ter and s#"stit#te ,Ven#s' for ,Lo e(, Ven#s a#nteth not herse$f! is not %#ffed #%! see-eth not her own! re3oices not in ini5#it* "#t in tr#th! "eareth a$$ thin&s! "e$ie eth a$$ thin&s! end#reth a$$ thin&s( These sa*in&s are a$$ tr#e when a%%$ied to Ven#s for she f#rnishes the #nif*in& "ond "etween a$$ )e)"ers of the h#)an fa)i$* in whate er re$ationshi% the* )a* "e %$aced( It is the $o e8ra* of Ven#s %iercin& dee%$* the heart of the )other which "reeds in her the tender care wherewith she no#rishes her offs%rin& thro#&h he$%$ess infanc*( Ven#s so#nds the $o e ca$$ of the *o#th and the )aiden! &i es and ta-es! s)oothin& o#t a$$ the diffic#$ties in the con3#&a$ career( She is e er "#rnin& incense #%on the a$tar of affection and fro) her &arden of $o e co)es the f$owers which scent e en the )ost sordid so#$s with ce$estia$ %erf#)e and raise the) for the ti)e "ein& to the stat#re of &ods( 2#t when Ven#s is aff$icted! a$$ these s#"$i)e 5#a$ities "eco)e tainted and ta-e a hideo#s as%ect accordin& to the nat#re of their aff$iction( S5#ares and o%%ositions t#rn $o e to $#st which )a-es the %erson re e$ in sens#a$ &ratification/ the %erce%tion of "ea#t* which e+%resses itse$f as art "eco)es s$o en$iness! the tendenc* to se$f8sacrifice! the &i in& of onese$f for others is t#rned to se$fishness and the %erson wi$$ then see) to #se others to esca%e an* tas- or effort not to his or her $i-in&! $a7iness "ein& one of the )ost %ro)inent characteristics of an aff$icted Ven#s( 2ein& fe)inine! Ven#s ne er reaches o#t toward others! "#t e+erts a )a&netic ener&* which draws the) to her( Therefore she re%resents in a )an's horosco%e those of the o%%osite se+ to who) the %erson is drawn! "#t in a wo)an's horosco%e Ven#s descri"es the %erson's own attraction for the o%%osite se+ and Mars the )asc#$ine %$anet shows who wi$$ "e attracted "* her char)s( Ven#s is essentia$$* di&nified in Ta#r#s and Li"ra! and e+a$ted in Pisces! and therefore her inf$#ence is )ost %owerf#$$* fe$t when she is %$aced in those si&ns( She is wea- and aff$icted when %$aced in either of the )artia$ si&ns! Aries or Scor%io! where she is in her fa$$! or when she is in the )erc#ria$ si&n! Vir&o( The "est Ho#se %osition for her is the Se enth where her inf$#ence wi$$ )a-e the )arria&e serene and "$issf#$(



4enus in t,e 2irst !ouse has a tendenc* to s%read s#nshine o er the chi$d's ho)e and )a-e the ear$* $ife ha%%*( It &i es an a)ia"$e character so that the %erson is we$$ $i-ed "eca#se of his socia$ nat#re and friend$* dis%osition( It "rin&s o#t the $o e of )#sic! art and a desire for %$eas#re( This is what )a* "e ca$$ed ,a $#c-* %osition, for it )a-es the %erson er* attracti e to a$$ with who) he or she co)es in contact and in that wa* it tends to &i e &enera$ s#ccess in $ife( It is a$so er* &ood for the &enera$ hea$th( 4enus in t,e Second !ouse is an indication of financia$ s#ccess in $ife( Peo%$e with Ven#s in this %osition are #s#a$$* er* %o%#$ar and are th#s he$%ed "* their friends to $#crati e %ositions( At the sa)e ti)e this %osition )a-es the %erson er* wastef#$ and %rodi&a$ so that it tends to )a-e hi) s%end )ore then he earns( The )one* is #s#a$$* s5#andered on %$eas#re! dress and orna)ents for se$f "* a wo)an and for an a)o#r "* a )an! and not infre5#ent$* $eads to a"#ses which #nder)ine the hea$th( This %osition a$so shows &ain "* dea$in& in thin&s r#$ed "* Ven#s! s#ch as dress &oods! 3ewe$r*! )#sic! etc( 4enus in t,e ",ird !ouse has a %artic#$ar$* "eneficia$ effect #%on the )ind! )a-in& the %erson cheerf#$! o%ti)istic and inc$ined to $oo- at e er*thin& fro) the "ri&ht side of $ife( It &i es a $o e of )#sic! art! $iterat#re and e er*thin& that has a refinin& inf$#ence! and #n#s#a$ faci$it* for e+%ressin& one's se$f in a ha%%*! a%%ro%riate )anner! either in s%eech or writin&( It &i es $o e of tra e$/ the %erson wi$$ en3o* hi)se$f on his 3o#rne*s and "enefit "* the)( It a$so )a-es re$ations with "rothers and sisters and nei&h"ors and the %eo%$e in one's i))ediate en iron)ent con&enia$( 4enus in t,e 2ourt, !ouse shows ha%%* conditions in the ho)e! %artic#$ar$* in the $atter %art of $ife( It a$so indicates that an inheritance )a* "e $eft to the %erson and that if he owns ho#ses or $ands he wi$$ &ain )#ch "* the)( 4enus in t,e 2ift, !ouse )a-es the %erson #n#s#a$$* affectionate and as a res#$t he or she #s#a$$* e+%eriences a n#)"er of $o e affairs a$$ of which r#n their co#rses s)ooth$*( In indicates that the )arria&e wi$$ "e fr#itf#$ and %rod#ction of $o e$* and $o in& chi$dren( It is a fort#nate %osition for teachers and %eo%$e connect with ed#cation instit#tions! a$so for those en&a&ed in %#"$ication of $iterat#re and for &ain "* s%ec#$ation in stoc-s or si)i$ar sec#rities( 4enus in t,e Sixt, !ouse &i es the %erson faithf#$ ser ants who wi$$ wor- for his interest if he is an e)%$o*er( If he is an e)%$o*ee! it wi$$ )a-e hi) we$$ $i-ed "* his e)%$o*ers and fe$$ow8wor-ers( It is a fair$* &ood %osition for hea$th %ro ided the %erson does not a"#se it( That is to sa*! the constit#tion is har)onio#s! "#t not er* stron&( If the hea$th is &#arded with care it wi$$ re)ain in &ood condition for $ife! "#t a er* $itt$e a"#se )a* t#rn the sca$es the other wa* and )a-e the %erson an in a$id(

4enus in t,e Se$ent, !ouse is one of the s#rest si&ns of do)estic fe$icit*( It si&nifies an ear$* )arria&e and an increase of %ros%erit* after that e ent( If the %erson finds it e+%edient to enter into %artnershi% on a "#siness "asis the %resence of Ven#s tends to )a-e this re$ationshi% har)onio#s and "eneficia$( It is a$so a &ood si&n that if $iti&ation see)s necessar* so)e wa* wi$$ "e fo#nd to sett$e the )atter witho#t act#a$ r#%t#re( This %osition is &ood for actors! sin&ers! and others whose ca$$in& "rin&s the) "efore the %#"$ic in a oca$ ca%acit* for it ens#res a -ind and s*)%athetic rece%tion on the %art of their a#dience( 4enus in t,e #ig,t, !ouse wi$$ "rin& &ain "* )arria&e! %artnershi% or $e&ac* if it is we$$ as%ected! "#t if it is aff$icted it "rin&s $oss and disa%%oint)ent in $o e! or an e+tra a&ant )arria&e %artner! and $e&a$ tro#"$e o er a wi$$( 4enus in t,e -int, !ouse is a er* fort#nate %osition if Ven#s is we$$ as%ected! for "ein& so hi&h$* e$e ated here it e+ercises considera"$e inf$#ence in $ife and )a-es the dis%osition e+ceedin&$* -ind! s*)%athetic and he$%f#$ so that "* these 5#a$ities the %erson "eco)es )#ch estee)ed and so#&ht after! %artic#$ar$* in charita"$e or re$i&io#s wor-! for this %osition a$so "rin&s o#t the de otiona$ side of the nat#re( It &i es a $o e of )#sic! art and dra)a as we$$ as e er*thin& that has an inf$#ence for so#$ #%$ift)ent( 4hene er the %erson 3o#rne*s fro) one %$ace to another for &ain or for %$eas#re( Ven#s in the 1inth Ho#se wi$$ s)ooth the %ath "efore hi) and )a-e his tri% thoro#&h$* en3o*a"$e( If Ven#s is aff$icted in the 1inth Ho#se the %erson wi$$ $on& to do or to "e a$$ the fore&oin& thin&s! "#t wi$$ find it e+ceedin&$* diffic#$t! if not i)%ossi"$e to acco)%$ish his desire( 4enus in t,e "ent, !ouse is one of the "est si&ns of &enera$ s#ccess in the $ife when we$$ as%ected( The %erson who has this %osition "eco)es er* %o%#$ar! %artic#$ar$* with the o%%osite se+! and wi$$ rise in the socia$ sca$e thro#&h )arria&e( It &i es an a"i$it* to a oid tro#"$e in $ife and e+tract fro) it a$$ the %$eas#re there is in e er* sit#ation( Co)forta"$e financia$ circ#)stances attend #%on the %erson a$$ thro#&h $ife and foster a &enera$ attit#de of o%ti)is)( 4hen Ven#s is aff$icted in the Tenth Ho#se the %erson is $oo-ed down on "* those in his socia$ en iron)ent and tho#&h he tries to in&ratiate hi)se$f with those who are in the char)ed circ$es! he wi$$ find hi)se$f $eft with sn#"s and ins#$ts( A hast* or i$$8 considered )arria&e is a%t to )a-e )atters worse and "rin& hi) farther into disre%#te! as a sca%e&race( 4enus in t,e #le$ent, !ouse if we$$8as%ected "rin&s to the %erson hosts of friends who are wi$$in& and an+io#s to aid hi) in the rea$i7ation of his ho%es! wishes and desires! "#t it de%ends #%on the nat#re and character of the si&n wherein Ven#s is %$aced as we$$ as on the stren&th of the as%ects whether the* wi$$ "e a"$e to do so or not( For instance! if Ven#s is in the E$e enth Ho#se in Aries or Scor%io! one of the )artia$ si&ns where she is wea-! and as%ected on$* "* se+ti$es fro) Merc#r* and the Moon! er* $itt$e he$% can "e e+%ected of her co)%ared to what she wi$$ &i e if she is in her own si&ns! Ta#r#s or Li"ra! and as%ected "* trines fro) the S#n and ;#%iter( In the case first cited! the friends drawn to the %erson )a* "e e er so sincere in their wish to he$% "#t wi$$ not ha e the a"i$it*( In

the $atter case the* wi$$ e+ert %owerf#$ inf$#ence and wi$$ acco)%$ish wonders( If Ven#s is aff$icted in the E$e enth Ho#se it is er* often fo#nd that the %erson attracts friends who i)%ose #%on hi) and #se hi) for their own o"3ects and when the* ha e so #sed hi) to the f#$$est e+tend and he cannot ser e their %#r%ose an* $on&er the* throw hi) aside( 4enus in t,e ".elft, !ouse if we$$8as%ected indicates that the %erson wi$$ "enefit fro) the thin&s si&nified "* this Ho#se! i7(! occ#%ations connected with %risons! hos%ita$s or charita"$e instit#tions! or "* wor- in a che)ica$ $a"orator* or "* so)e s#ch sec$#ded occ#%ation where he does not co)e in to#ch with the %#"$ic( It a$so fa ors st#d* and %ractice of the occ#$t and &i es a tendenc* to secret! c$andestine $o e affairs which wi$$ %ro"a"$* r#n s)ooth$* if Ven#s is we$$8 as%ected! "#t if she is wea- "* si&n! or aff$icted in the Twe$fth Ho#se she wi$$ ca#se tro#"$e thro#&h 3ea$o#s*! di orce and scanda$! or sic-ness in confine)ent on acco#nt of o er8 ind#$&ence of the %assions! %artic#$ar$* if Ven#s is in Scor%io which &o erns the &enerati e or&ans! or in Ta#r#s which &i es the sa)e effect "* ref$e+ action! where it si&nifies se$f8a"#se( 1EN,S IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS 4enus in Aries $ends ardors to the affection of Ven#s "* "$endin& the) with the fire of Mars who is r#$er of Aries and for that reason it )a-es the %erson er* ardent in the e+%ression of affection( This #s#a$$* $eads to %o%#$arit* es%ecia$$* a)on& the o%%osite se+ and often res#$ts in a hast* )arria&e! "#t that -ind of $o e is not and cannot "e $astin&( E ent#a$$* the fire of %assion "#rns o#t the $o e and )arria&es "ro#&ht a"o#t "* this %osition are then fr#itf#$ so#rces of do)estic #nha%%iness( This %osition a$so inc$ines the %erson to "e rash and i)%#$si e whene er his s*)%athies are a%%ea$ed to! so that he often he$%s an #nworth* ca#se( Ven#s in Aries a$so inc$ines the %erson to &enera$ e+tra a&ance in his e+%endit#res( 4enus on "aurus is a s%$endid %osition for there she is essentia$$* di&nified and )#ch stron&er than in the other si&ns with the e+ce%tion of Li"ra and Pisces where she is res%ecti e$* di&nified and e+a$ted( It is a er* fa ora"$e %osition for financia$ affairs! es%ecia$$* &ains deri ed thro#&h the %erson's own efforts in whate er ocation in $ife he )a* ha e chosen( It &i es a friend$* and socia"$e dis%osition with the a"i$it* to ins%ire reci%roca$ fee$in&s in others( Peo%$e with Ven#s in Ta#r#s are er* set in their o%inions concernin& correct for) and decor#)! correct in s%eech and once the* ha e for)ed an o%inion the* ho$d to it er* tenacio#s$*( The* are &enero#s "#t not e+tra a&ant( 4enus in 8emini "$ends the "ea#t* of Ven#s with the )erc#ria$ a"i$it* to e+%ress so that %eo%$e who ha e this confi&#ration are a"$e to choose their words with sin&#$ar faci$it* and inf#se in the) a rh*th) which is $i-e )#sic to the ears of a $istener( Therefore this is one of the %ositions which )a-e %oets! %ro ided of co#rse that other indications in the horosco%e s#%%ort! for it sho#$d a$wa*s "e

re)e)"ered "* the st#dent that no sin&$e as%ect or %osition is in itse$f s#fficient to )ar- a %ro)inent characteristic( To do this the who$e horosco%e )#st "e "$ended( This %osition has a er* refinin& inf$#ence on the )ind! inc$inin& to a $iterar* or artistic career( It )a-es the %erson "e$o ed of his "rothers and sisters! nei&h"ors and other %eo%$e in his i))ediate en iron)ent( This %osition a$so inc$ines to )arria&e and fre5#ent$* to )ore than one #nion( It fa ors tra e$in& "oth for &ain and %$eas#re! es%ecia$$* short 3o#rne*s( 4enus in Cancer "$ends the characteristics of Ven#s with those of the Moon and the %s*chic water* nat#re of Cancer( Therefore this %osition &i es the %erson a er* fr#itf#$ i)a&ination and he or she is er* %art to co)e in to#ch with the inha"itants of the #nseen wor$d or at $east ta-e #% so)e er* de otiona$ %hase of re$i&ion/ "#t this is dan&ero#s "eca#se Ven#s is ne&ati e! attractin& witho#t se$ectin& or discri)inatin& hence )a-es $ia"$e to do)ination "* s%irit contro$s and the dan&ers of )edi#)shi%( 4enus in +eo is co)%o#ndin& $o e! for Leo r#$es the heart and whoe er has this %osition wi$$ "e tender8hearted to a de&ree( Contrar* to the co))on$* acce%ted ideas there is a cr#e$ strea- in Leo! "#t when Ven#s is there! there is no )ore $o in& and tender si&n in the 7odiac! "esides "ein& that Leo is a fi+ed si&n Ven#s in this %osition )a-es for an #n%ara$$e$ed assertion of the affections when once the* ha e "een %$aced and an #nswer in& $o*a$t* to the o"3ect thereof( 2ein& that Leo is the fifth si&n Ven#s in Leo a$so &i es s#ccess in entertain)ent or ed#cationa$ enter%rises and the "$endin& of the Ven#s ra* with the so$ar "rin&s fa or fro) those a"o e the %erson in the socia$ sca$e( 4enus in 4irgo, the Si+th Ho#se si&n &i es the %erson a dee% and tender s*)%ath* for the sic- and %eo%$e with this %osition )a-e &ood n#rses( This %osition a$so fa ors occ#%ation as a che)ist! or a dietitian who is concerned with the %re%aration of foods for the )aintenance or attain)ent of hea$th( If the %erson has e)%$o*ees or s#"ordinates #nder his )ana&e)ent his re$ations with those %eo%$e wi$$ a$wa*s "e er* %$easant! and the* wi$$ ser e hi) we$$( 4enus in +ibra, the Se enth Ho#se si&n is essentia$$* di&nified and stron&! This is one of the %ositions which testif* to a fr#itf#$ and con&enia$ )arria&e or s#ccessf#$ %artnershi%( It &i es )#sica$ or artistic a"i$it* and )a-es the %erson %o%#$ar in %#"$ic $ife( If en&a&ed as a s%ea-er or sin&er it ens#res an a%%reciate a#dience whene er he a%%ears in %#"$ic( 4enus in Scorpio is the worst %osition of a$$ in which she )a* "e %$aced! for here a&ain the $o e ra* of Ven#s "$ends with the )artia$ fire of %assion in the si&n &o ernin& the &enita$s so that if there are no other redee)in& and restrainin& inf$#ences in the horosco%e $o e t#rns to $#st and the #n"rid$ed &ratification of an e+a&&erated se+#a$ desire! es%ecia$$* if the Moon or Mars are there( This is a%t to #nder)ine the constit#tion and tho#&h that )a* not "e a%%arent for a $on& ti)e the effect of s#ch a sa%%in& of the ita$it* wi$$ so)e ti)e "e fe$t and ca#se a &enera$ "rea-down! "#t that! of co#rse! is nothin& co)%ared with the )ora$ effect

of the %ractices indicated "* this %assion( It sho#$d "e said f#rther)ore for the "enefit of those who ha e this %osition that it does not )atter whether s#ch a"#ses ta-e %$ace in wed$oc- or not/ 1at#re does not care whether the* ha e "een $e&a$i7ed "* )an8)ade $aw or not( Fro) her stand%oint the* are a io$ation of the $aw of $ife and wi$$ "e %#nished whether sanctioned "* societ* or not( This %osition a$so &i es a $o e of $#+#r* and an*thin& that stirs the e)otions or wherein the senses )a* re e$( C#rio#s$* eno#&h it a$so so)eti)es &i es a sense of dee% re$i&io#s de otion which the) ser es as an o#t$et for the o erchar&ed fee$in&s of the nati e( This %osition a$so creates 3ea$o#s* and tro#"$e in )arria&e and the re%#tation of the %erson is a%t to "e s)irched( A we$$8as%ected Ven#s in Scor%io is $ia"$e to "rin& a $e&ac*( 4enus in Sagittarius/ This is another of her stron&est %ositions for there her 5#a$ities "$end with those of ;#%iter! the %$anet of "ene o$ence! to foster $o e and &ood8wi$$ a)on& )en( Therefore a$so this %osition indicates a &enia$ and o%ti)istic dis%osition! a s*)%athetic! -ind and &enero#s heart! a $o e of God e+%ressed in re$i&io#s de otion! or $o e of )an shown "* %hi$anthro%* and charit*( It indicates a refined )ind! c#$t#red! and fond of dra)a! art and )#sic( It fosters the i)a&ination and int#ition and $i-e the other do#"$e8"odies si&ns Ge)ini and Pisces! it inc$ines to %$#ra$it* of )arria&es( 4enus in Capricorn, the Tenth Ho#se si&n! &i es socia$ s#ccess and %o%#$arit*! "#t Ven#s does not "$end we$$ with Sat#rn! the r#$er of Ca%ricorn( There is therefore a s$i&ht tendenc* to )e$ancho$* in %eo%$e who ha e Ven#s in that %osition! 1or are the* e er sec#re in the fa ors which the* recei e fro) other %eo%$e or in their %o%#$arit*! for Sat#rn has a tendenc* to throw the) down when the* ha e reached the hi&hest %innac$e( Therefore! tho#&h this inf$#ence )a* he$% the) to c$i)" the $adder of ad ance)ent in socia$ circ$es or in "#siness the* are ne er safe in their %osition( This inf$#ence )a-es a %erson er* 3ea$o#s of honor and he ta-es it to heart when so)eti)es Sat#rn throws hi) down( Ven#s in Sat#rn's si&n often ca#ses the %erson to disre&ard the fact that dis%arit* in a&es is so fata$ to ha%%iness in )arria&e and hence if he )arries *o#n& he ta-es so)eone who is )#ch o$der than hi)se$f for a %artner or if )arried in $ater *ears he se$ects so)eone who is sti$$ in the "$oo) of *o#th with the a$)ost ine ita"$e res#$t that disa&ree)ent and disso$#tion of the )arria&e tie ta-e %$ace in the co#rse of a few *ears( Fre5#ent$* a$so %eo%$e with this %osition of Ven#s )arr* for "#siness or as a )atter of con enience( In short Ven#s ne er reaches her $e&iti)ate e+%ression of $o e in Sat#rn's Ho#se and therefore s#ch #nions are a$wa*s a so#rce of sorrow and disa%%oint)ent to the contractin& %arties( 4enus in A1uarius indicates a "$endin& of the Uranian 5#a$ities! inde%endence! i)%atience of restraint! disre&ard of con ention! desire for ori&ina$it*! #nco)%ro)isin& sincerit* and int#ition! with those of Ven#s and as a res#$t we find that %eo%$e with this %osition ref#se to "e "o#nd "* the #s#a$ restricti e r#$es of societ* in their $o e affairs and fo$$ow their heart's inc$ination re&ard$ess of what others )a* sa* or thin-( The* are fir) "e$ie ers in the theor* of so#$8)ates!

affinities! et cetera! and $ia"$e to act in the )ost #ne+%ected )anner with s#ch start$in& s#ddenness that neither the* nor an*one e$se are a"$e to foresee what the* )a* sa* or do ne+t( 2#t at the sa)e ti)e the* are so $o in& and sincere in their con ictions that friends ne er fai$ the) and whate er s#ccess the* attain in $ife is #s#a$$* d#e to the efforts of friends to he$% the) to rea$i7e their ho%es! wishes and as%irations( 4enus in )isces is in her own e+a$tation si&n where she a&ain "$ends with the "enefic ra* of ;#%iter and as Pisces is a water* si&n this %osition si&nifies a %owerf#$ e)otiona$ nat#re! s#"d#ed and toned down "* the e$e)ent of sorrow inherent in the twe$fth ho#se si&n( This %osition therefore indicates so)eone ca%a"$e of fee$in& a senti)ent s#ch as that fe$t "* o#r Sa ior when He said0 ,Co)e #nto Me a$$ *e that are wea- and hea * $aden and I wi$$ &i e *o# rest(, Th#s Ven#s in Pisces indicates a nat#re *earnin& and achin& to assist those who are aff$icted "* "odi$* i$$s or s#fferin& fro) sorrow( This %osition a$so &i es an intense $o e of )#sic and when other testi)onies conc#r! considera"$e a"i$it* to e+%ress either oca$$* or instr#)enta$$*! for )#sic is the )ost wonderf#$ o#t$et for the dee%est e)otions of which the h#)an so#$ is ca%a"$e( Peo%$e with Ven#s in Pisces are es%ecia$$* $ia"$e to financia$ i)%osition on the %art of others and tro#"$e thro#&h an i$$e&a$ )arria&e( 1EN,S IN ASPECT *IT OT ER P(ANETS

",e Sun parallel or conjunction 4enus ca$$s o#t the artistic side of the nat#re! )a-in& the %erson fond of )#sic! art and %oetr*( It a$so stren&thens the $o e8 nat#re and if the confi&#ration occ#rs in the se enth ho#se it is a %ositi e testi)on* of #na$$o*ed )arita$ "$iss( In the second or ei&hth ho#se it $eads to e+tra a&ance of the %erson or his )ate! in Scor%io it is not &ood for the )ora$s and in Pisces it $eads to inte)%erance! "#t &enera$$* s%ea-in&! these as%ects stren&then the constit#tion! increase the %o%#$arit* and )a-e socia$ interco#rse s)ooth so that the %erson finds )an* friends and -ee%s the)( As the or"it of Ven#s is so s)a$$ she ne er for)s the se+ti$e! trine! s5#are or o%%osition to the S#n( (ercury conjunction, parallel or sextile to 4enus H1ote(88Ven#s and Merc#r* are ne er )ore than C> de&rees a%art! therefore the* can on$* for) the con3#nctions! %ara$$e$s and se+ti$es! "#t not the trine! s5#are nor o%%osition(I These as%ects )a-e the %erson cheerf#$ and co)%aniona"$e with a &ood8nat#red dis%osition and a desire for societ*( The* a$so &i e the a"i$it* for )#sic and %oetr*! es%ecia$$* if in the Ascendant and are a &enera$ indication of s#ccess in sa$es)anshi%! for s#ch %eo%$e are s#a e! affa"$e and %ers#asi e( ",e (oon conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to 4enus/ The Moon is si&nificator of )arria&e for a )an and therefore the &ood as%ects "etween Ven#s! the %$anet of $o e! and the Moon are &ood indications of a ha%%* )arria&e when

the* occ#r in a )an's horosco%e( 2#t in a wo)an's horosco%e these as%ects o%erate #%on the hea$th! for the Moon is the %$anet of fec#ndit* and has r#$e o er the fe)a$e f#nctions in %artic#$ar which are so $ar&e a factor in the hea$th of a wo)an/ this $atter is )#ch stren&thened "* the &ood as%ects of the Moon and Ven#s( These as%ects )a-e the %erson an orator with a fr#itf#$ i)a&ination/ &i e $o e of %$eas#re! )#sic and art! and an en&a&in& %ersona$it*! er* attracti e to the o%%osite se+! "eca#se -ind$*! affectionate and s*)%athetic( The* tend to &enera$ s#ccess in $ife and the %erson #s#a$$* has s#fficient for the da* and the wa*( ",e (oon s1uare or opposition to 4enus is an indication of tro#"$e in )arria&e for a )an! "eca#se the wife descri"ed "* an aff$icted Ven#s wi$$ "e s$o en$* and of disso$#te ha"its which wi$$ destro* do)estic ha%%iness( In a wo)an's horosco%e it indicates dist#r"ance of the fe)a$e f#nctions and it a$so &i es a tendenc* to di&esti e tro#"$es and %oor circ#$ation when in the horosco%e of either se+( These as%ects a$so &i e a $ia"i$it* to tro#"$e thro#&h s$ander and %#"$ic scanda$( Saturn sextile or trine to 4enus/ The &ood 5#a$ities of Ven#s are $o e and affection and the &ood 5#a$ities of Sat#rn are tact! di%$o)ac*! )ethod! s*ste)! 3#stice! thrift and econo)*( 4e )a* therefore 3#d&e that when these two %$anets are confi&#rated in &ood as%ect the* )a-e the %erson faithf#$ and tr#e! 3#st and )ethodica$! 5#a$ities which )a-e for s#ccess in a$$ de%art)ents of $ife( Therefore a %erson with these as%ects wi$$ "e )#ch so#&ht as a friend or ad isor! or as a %erson to "e tr#sted with an* co))ission re5#irin& ster$in& honest* and a"i$it*( The* )a-e the %erson si)%$e in his tastes and of i)%eacha"$e )ora$it*! and &i e honor! estee)! hea$th and eas* circ#)stances( Saturn parallel, conjunction, s1uare or opposition to 4enus "rin&s o#t the e i$ 5#a$ities of the two %$anets and tro#"$es which are th#s &enerated #s#a$$* co)e thro#&h the %erson's re$ations with the o%%osite se+( It )a-es hi) #nderhanded and sche)in& to &ratif* his %assions often in an #n#s#a$ )anner and his %er erted desires are #s#a$$* directed a&ainst so)e one who is )#ch *o#n&er than hi)se$f( If re&#$ar )arria&e re$ations are entered into! s#ch a %erson is #s#a$$* a de)on of 3ea$o#s* who )a-es $ife a "#rden for the )arria&e %artner on acco#nt of his s#s%icio#s nat#re( Peo%$e with these aff$ictions are a$so stin&* in a$$ )one* )atters and e+ceedin&$* a aricio#s( The* ha e %oor "#siness 3#d&)ent and are therefore $ia"$e to $osses! fai$#re and "an-r#%tc*( 7upiter parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to 4enus is one of the nest si&ns of s#ccess and &enera$ &ood fort#ne( It fa ors the acc#)#$ation of wea$th and the en3o*)ent of a$$ the $#+#ries of $ife( It is a &ood indication of a s#ccessf#$ and ha%%* )arria&e! socia$ %resti&e and the res%ect of a$$ who) the %erson co)es in contact( It &i es the %erson a 3o ia$! o%ti)istic! &enero#s and $ar&e8hearted dis%osition! and )a-es hos%ita"$e to a de&ree/ interested and acti e in %hi$anthro%ic )eas#res! a $i"era$ )ind to$erant of the iews of others e en where he differs radica$$*! fond of %$eas#re! tra e$in& %arties! and ca%a"$e of en3o*in& $ife to the f#$$est e+tent( These as%ects a$so &i e ta$ent for )#sic! es%ecia$$* if either %$anet is in Pisces(

7upiter s1uare or opposition to 4enus &i es the sa)e $#+#rio#s $i-in&s as the &ood as%ects! "#t $i)its the a"i$it* to satisf* the)/ a$tho#&h s#ch %eo%$e )a-e the )ost frantic efforts to %resent a fine front to the wor$d! the* are &enera$$* fo#nd o#t to "e sha)s( Their $ac- of "#siness a"i$it* is often res%onsi"$e for fai$#re and "an-r#%tc* and the* are er* $ia"$e to s#ffer $osses thro#&h the treacher* of others( Lo e and )arria&e a$so are so#rces of sorrow for those who) Ven#s and ;#%iter are aff$ictin&( The* are a%t to "e 3i$ted "efore )arria&e or the )arria&e %artner )a* %ro e faith$ess and )a* a"scond( These as%ects a$so %rod#ce and a)oro#s nat#re $i-e$* to ta-e $i"erties re&ard$ess of the $aws of decenc* and to "e faith$ess to )arria&e ows( The* )a-e %eo%$e e+tre)e$* se$f8ind#$&ent and in Pisces the* %redis%ose to drin-( (ars sextile or trine to 4enus wi$$ &i e an a)"itio#s! as%irin& and ad ent#ro#s nat#re! a)oro#s and e+tre)e$* de)onstrati e in its affection! er* fond of s%orts and %$eas#res( It &i es the %erson an a"#ndance of ener&* and "#siness ac#)en! conse5#ent$* he has a s%$endid earnin& ca%acit* "#t he wastes )one* for he $o es a"o e a$$ thin&s to )a-e a &reat o#tward show and dis%$a*( 2ein& a free s%ender he is a$so er* %o%#$ar a)on& his associates! and "ein&! as a$read* said! of an a)oro#s nat#re he )arries either er* ear$* or the )arria&e is a er* hast* one( (ars conjunction or parallel to 4enus does not a$wa*s o%erate in the sa)e )anner! "#t is to "e c$assed as a &ood or "ad as%ect accordin& to circ#)stances and the )atter to "e 3#d&ed( For instance! Mars con3#nction Ven#s )a-es the %erson $ess "$#nt and do)ineerin&! )ore -ind and %o$ite/ it is therefore &ood in that res%ect/ "#t the con3#nction a$so stren&thens he %assiona$ nat#re! es%ecia$$* if it occ#rs in Scor%io/ and in the Twe$fth Ho#se it $eads to se$f8a"#se so that in those cases it is decided$* "ad( Uranus sextile or trine to 4enus )a-es the %erson )enta$$* a$ert! of 5#icint#iti e %erce%tion and e+ceedin&$* )a&netic! es%ecia$$* to the o%%osite se+/ and he a$so attracts hosts of friends who wi$$ "e a "enefit and assistance to hi)( These as%ects &i e $o e of art! )#sic and %oetr* and are fa ora"$e indications of a ha%%* )arria&e often at a er* ear$* a&e! or one s#dden$* cons#))ated( The* a$so so)eti)es "rin& the %erson $o e of a %$atonic nat#re( Uranus conjunction or parallel to 4enus/ There is a do#"t as to whether these as%ects sho#$d "e c$assed as &ood or e i$! which )#st "e sett$ed in the indi id#a$ horosco%e where the* occ#r for the* )a* wor- either wa*! de%endin& #%on the other confi&#ration( If Ven#s is otherwise aff$icted in the horosco%e! for instance the con3#nction or %ara$$e$ wi$$ f#rther accent#ate her e i$ 5#a$ities! "#t if she is we$$ %$aced or as%ected Uran#s wi$$ "rin& o#t the no"$er side(

Uranus s1uare or opposition to 4enus/ The s5#are or o%%osition a$wa*s "rin&s tro#"$e thro#&h the se+ re$ation0 a hast*! i$$8considered #nion! 5#arre$s! di orces! %#"$ic scanda$s thro#&h c$andestine interco#rse and -indred irre&#$arities! with $oss of friend! %resti&e and %o%#$arit*! e+i$e fro) ho)e and fa)i$* and s#dden financia$ $osses thro#&h #ne+%ected or #nforeseen ha%%enin&s( There is a &enera$ $ac- of "a$ance! an erratic %ersona$it*( -eptune sextile or trine to 4enus )a-es an ins%irationa$ )#sician( It &i es a ferti$e i)a&ination and dee% e)otions! a nat#re that is %#re and chaste! hence occasiona$$* it $eads to %$atonic #nions and co)%anionshi% of the )ost esthetic nat#re( -eptune conjunction or parallel to 4enus is to "e 3#d&ed on the sa)e $ine as indicated in the case of Mars and Uran#s( -eptune s1uare or opposition to 4enus )a-es the %erson $ia"$e to sorrow! $oss and tro#"$e! es%ecia$$* thro#&h the )arria&e %artner or an*one e$se in who) he tr#sts( Peo%$e with these as%ects sho#$d "e %artic#$ar$* caref#$ to a oid an*thin& which has in it an e$e)ent of chance or s%ec#$ation! for the* are s#re to $ose! es%ecia$$* in dea$in& with $ar&e co)%anies or cor%orations(


the $ine with the occ#$t facts! for when infant h#)anit* had "een $ed astra* "* the )arita$ L#cifer s%irits and had fa$$en into generation it "eca)e necessar* for the other di ine hierarchies to ta-e ste%s $oo-in& to a f#t#re regeneration and to f#rther that o"3ect the Lords of Ven#s were "ro#&ht to the earth to ed#cate h#)anit* in s#ch a )anner that $o e )i&ht "e s#"stit#ted for $#st and )en )i&ht th#s "e ind#ced to as%ire to so)ethin& hi&her( 4hi$e the Lords of Ven#s dea$t with )an-ind in &enera$ the )ost %recocio#s a)on& the) were ta-en in hand "* the Lords of Merc#r*/ whose wisdo)8teachin& is s*)"o$ica$$* re%resented "* the cad#ce#s or +Staff of Mercury,+ consistin& of two ser%ents twinin& aro#nd a rod and indication the so$#tion of the ridd$e of $ife! or ,4hence ha e we co)e! wh* are we here! and whither are we "o#ndJ, showin& the %#%i$ the s%ira$ %ath of 8nvolution "* which the di ine s%ar- has "#ried itse$f in )atter! a$so the s%ira$ %ath of Evolution "* which h#)anit* wi$$ e ent#a$$* a&ain reach the Father's "oso)! and the short road of 8nitiation re%resented "* the centra$ rod aro#nd which the ser%ents twine( 2#t to #nderstand these M*steries re5#ires )ind and reason( Merc#r* then is the )enta$ ed#cator of )en and its %$ace and %osition in the horosco%e shows the stat#s of the %erson's )ind for who) it is cast( 2ein& the Messen&er of the Gods to the other %$anets Merc#r* has no oice of its own and is e en )ore de%endent for e+%ression #%on the as%ects of other %$anets than the Moon which r#$es the instinct#a$ )ind( So Merc#r* is rea$$* a foc#s thro#&h which the fac#$t* of reason finds e+%ression in the h#)an "ein& to act as a "ra-e #%on the $ower nat#re and assist in $iftin& #s fro) the h#)an to the di ine( Man* )a* and do fee$ dee%$*! the* )a* a$so ha e a$#a"$e -now$ed&e! "#t the* wi$$ "e #na"$e to e+%ress their fee$in&s or shore their -now$ed&e with others if Merc#r* is $ac-in& in as%ects( E en a so8ca$$ed e i$ as%ect of Merc#r* he$%s to "rin& o#t what is within and is therefore "etter than none( 4hen Merc#r* is so %$aced in re$ation to the S#n it &oes before the $#)inar* it has the effect of )ateria$$* "ri&htenin& the )ind! for the S#n re%resents the E&o and it )a* therefore "e said that then its %ath is i$$#)inated "* the $a)% of reason( On the other hand if Merc#r* is so %$aced that it rises $ater than the S#n and th#s fo$$ows after the $#)inar* The E&o $earns )ore "* aftertho#&ht than "* foretho#&ht for it wa$-s co)%arati e$* s%ea-in& in the dar- and )#st $earn a &reat )an* of its $essons "* e+%erience( As we ha e fo#nd that it is diffic#$t for a n#)"er of *o#n& st#dents to deter)ine

M*tho$o&ica$$* Merc#r* is re%resented as a ,Messen&er of the Gods, and this is

when Merc#r* &oes "efore or after the S#n we )a* sa* in farther e$#cidation of that s#"3ect0 4hen Merc#r* is in a $ower de&ree of the sa)e si&n as the S#n or in an* de&ree of the %re io#s si&n then as a )atter of co#rse he rises before the S#n( To i$$#strate0 If the S#n is in twent* de&rees of Cancer and Merc#r* is in fi e! ten or fifteen de&rees of that si&n or if he is in an* de&ree of Ge)ini! then he rises before the S#n( 2#t if he is in twent*8fi e de&rees of Cancer which is a hi&her de&ree of the sa)e si&n! or if he is in an* de&ree in Leo which is the si&n s#cceedin& Cancer! then he rises after the S#n and $oses %art of his &ood inf$#ence( A retro&rade Merc#r* is a$so a detri)ent to the fac#$t* of reason( 2#t in the *ear of $ife when Merc#r* "* %ro&ression a&ain t#rns direct! the reasonin& fac#$ties wi$$ i)%ro e corres%ondin&$*( Merc#r* is stron& in the air* si&ns! Ge)ini! Li"ra and A5#ari#s! "#t he is e+a$ted and therefore )ost %owerf#$ in Vir&o( Merc#r* has s%ecia$ r#$e o er a&ents and )essen&ers! sa$es)en! %ost)en and other co))on carriers! %eo%$e en&a&ed in ad ertisin& or %rintin&! $iterar* )en! writers! re%orters! secretaries! c$er-s! steno&ra%hers and t*%ewriters! co))ission )en and other )idd$e )en! de)a&o&#es! confidence8)en and thie es( #ERC,R+ IN T E T*E(1E O,SES

(ercury in t,e Ascendant, or 2irst !ouse )a-es the %erson 5#ic-8 witted and shar% accordin& to the nat#re of the si&n risin& and the as%ects of the %$anets which he recei es( The fier* si&ns and the air* si&ns ha e the stron&est inf$#ence in that res%ect( In Aries or Leo he is )ore i)%#$si e than when risin& in Sa&ittari#s! "#t Ge)ini! Li"ra and A5#ari#s are "est( 4hen Merc#r* is risin& in the water* si&ns Cancer or Pisces the inte$$ect is d#$$! "#t risin& in Scor%io where it is fired "* the )artia$ ener&* and ar)ed with the eno)o#s stin& of the scor%ion it has a so)ewhat si)i$ar inf$#ence to that of Mars in Scor%io thro#&h not 5#ite so %rono#nced( (ercury in t,e Second !ouse is &ood for &ain thro#&h )erc#ria$ occ#%ations es%ecia$$* where the %erson is e)%$o*ed "* so)eone e$se so that he a%%ears in a tr#e )erc#ria$ ca%acit* as a&ent! )essen&er! c$er-! writer or whate er e$se( (ercury in t,e ",ird !ouse and we$$8as%ected has wonderf#$ inf$#ence on the )enta$ 5#a$ities of the nati e( It )a-es the )ind serene and o%ti)istic! inc$ined to st#d* and research wor-( It &i es f$#enc* as a s%ea-er and s#ccess "* short 3o#rne*s or tra e$ and )a-es the re$ations of the %erson har)onio#s with his "rothers( 4hen Merc#r* is aff$icted in the Third Ho#se it inc$ines to worr* and %essi)is)! tro#"$e and anno*ance with sisters and "rothers and when on short 3o#rne*s( (ercury in t,e 2ourt, !ouse &i es insta"i$it* to ho)e conditions( It si&nifies the ho)e$ess wanderer who is a$wa*s )o in& fro) %$ace to %$ace #n$ess a &ood

as%ect to Sat#rn co)es in to stead* hi) down( This is! howe er! a &ood as%ect for %eo%$e en&a&ed in )erc#ria$ occ#%ations which re5#ire a stationar* residence! s#ch as $i"rarian! or $iterar* )en en&a&ed in news%a%er wor-! e)%$o*ees in %rintin& esta"$ish)ents! co))ission ho#ses! a&encies and -indred or&ani7ations( If Merc#r* is aff$icted "* Sat#rn the ho)e conditions of the %erson wi$$ ca#se hi) a &reat dea$ of worr*( (ercury in t,e 2ift, !ouse centers the )ind #%on ed#cation! a)#se)ents! co#rtshi%s and chi$dren( If Merc#r* is we$$8as%ected "* Sat#rn or ;#%iter it &i es de%th to the )ind and )a-es the %erson s#ccessf#$ in enter%rises connected with ed#cation! %#"$ishin& or %#"$ic a)#se)ents( Good as%ects fro) Mars or Ven#s &i e s#ccess in co#rtshi% "#t the ad erse as%ects of the %$anets )a-e the %erson cr#e$/ he is inconstant in affection toward those he %rofesses to $o e! inc$ined to worr* o er affairs of his chi$dren! and s#%erficia$ as a teacher( A &ood as%ect fro) the S#n is an e+ce$$ent indication of s#ccess in a &o ern)ent %osition! in an ed#cationa$ ca%acit*( (ercury in t,e Sixt, !ouse ma9es the )enta$it* too acti e for the %erson's own &ood! for he is e+tre)e$* a)"itio#s and therefore $ia"$e to o er8ta+ hi)se$f to the detri)ent of his hea$th! and the disa"i$it* of the ner o#s s*ste) is )ost $i-e$* to e+%ress itse$f "* a di&esti e disorder in the re&ion &o erned "* Vir&o! the si+th si&n! i7(! the intestines( S#ch %eo%$e are s#%ersensiti e to the conditions of others which affects their hea$th "rin&in& )#ch tro#"$e and worr* in dea$in& with ser ants and s#"ordinates( The* are fond of the st#d* of h*&iene and diet and )eet with considera"$e s#ccess in the %ractice of the che)istr* of foods! %artic#$ar$* if Merc#r* is we$$8as%ected( Ad erse as%ects of Sat#rn to a Si+th Ho#se Merc#r* )a-e a chronic in a$id of a )ost )e$ancho$* )ind( The ad erse as%ects of Mars and Uran#s are fr#itf#$ so#rces of s#icide thro#&h "roodin& o er disease( (ercury in t,e Se$ent, !ouse and we$$8as%ected )a-es the %erson %o%#$ar in $iterar* and scientific circ$es( It is a &ood %osition for %#"$ic s%ea-ers and a$$ who are en&a&ed in )erc#ria$ acti ities of a %#"$ic nat#re( 2#t if Merc#r* is aff$icted the Se enth Ho#se %osition "rin&s a &reat dea$ of hosti$e criticis) of a %#"$ic nat#re and is $ia"$e to in o$ e the %erson in $iti&ation either to defend hi)se$f a&ainst $i"e$ fro) others or on acco#nt of $i"e$ co))itted "* hi)se$f( A we$$8as%ected Merc#r* in the Se enth Ho#se indicates a s#ccessf#$ )arria&e to a re$ati e or an e)%$o*ee! "#t when Merc#r* is aff$icted either the %erson or the )arria&e %artner is of a na&&in& nat#re so that the )arried $ife is s%oi$ed "* constant 5#arre$s and dis%#tes on acco#nt of fic-$eness and faithf#$ness( (ercury in t,e #ig,t, !ouse when we$$8as%ected &i es &ain thro#&h $iterar* or scientific a&encies! occ#%ations or other )erc#ria$ %#rs#its %ro ided the* are carried on in %artnershi% with so)eone e$se( This %osition a$so indicates that the %erson )a* recei e a $e&ac* and it is a &ood indication of the financia$ s#ccess of the )arria&e! "#t if Merc#r* is aff$icted its %osition in the Ei&hth Ho#se indicates financia$ tro#"$es for the )arria&e %artner and $iti&ation %ro"a"$* in connection with a $e&ac* $eft to the nati e(

(ercury in t,e -int, !ouse and we$$8as%ected &i es $o e of re$i&ion! science! $etters and $aw! a st#dio#s )ind ca%a"$e of de$ in& dee%$* into %rofo#nd %ro"$e)s of $ife and "ein&! %hi$oso%hic and %hi$anthro%ic tendencies! and desire to tra e$ far if need "e in the %#rs#it of -now$ed&e( This %osition &i es faci$it* in s%eech and writin& and s#ccess in re$i&ion! %hi$oso%h*! $aw or science( The )ind is "road! f$e+i"$e and ada%ta"$e! therefore the %erson is $ia"$e to chan&e his iews se era$ ti)es in his $ife on the ario#s s#"3ects which he has st#died! "#t there wi$$ a$wa*s "e a &ood reason for ado%tin& another iew%oint( If Merc#r* is aff$icted in the 1inth Ho#se he )a-es the %erson e+ceedin&$* #nsta"$e of )ind! chan&ea"$e as a weather ane in a$$ his %#rs#its and acti ities( S#ch a %erson wi$$ ne er sta* "* an*thin& $on& eno#&h to tr* it o#t and therefore he wi$$ )eet with a series of disasters a$$ thro#&h $ife( Pro"a"$* he )a* 3o#rne* fro) one %$ace to another in search of s#ccess "#t he wi$$ ne er find it #nti$ he $earns to concentrate his ener&ies #%on one thin&( This %osition is a$so a fr#itf#$ so#rce of tro#"$e with the $aw or $e&a$ affairs( (ercury in t,e "ent, !ouse, we$$8as%ected! shows ada%ta"i$it* and reso#rcef#$ness s#ch as ena"$e the %erson to co%e with a$$ the contin&encies of $ife( It )a-es a s#ccessf#$ $ect#rer! %#"$isher or writer and is a$so fa ora"$e to s#ccess in one of the occ#$t occ#%ations( If Merc#r* is %$aced in one of the air* si&ns the %ower of e+%ression is )#ch enhanced( Fre5#ent$* %eo%$e with Merc#r* in this %osition ha e se era$ occ#%ations! "#t #s#a$$* the* s#cceed "est in a s#"ordinate ca%acit*( (ercury in t,e #le$ent, Ho#se "rin&s a &reat )an* ac5#aintances a)on& $iterar*! scientific or other )erc#ria$ %eo%$e "#t none of the) are s#fficient$* steadfast to "e re$ied #%on #n$ess Merc#r* is er* we$$8as%ected( This %osition has a tendenc* to )a-e a %erson critica$ and c*nica$( It shar%ens his inte$$ect! howe er! and &i es hi) a &ood f$ow of $an&#a&e( (ercury in t,e ".elft, !ouse, if we$$ as%ected &i es a )ind %ec#$iar$* fitted to de$ e into the )*sterio#s! occ#$t or secret thin&s( This is es%ecia$$* the case if Merc#r* is "etween the S#n and Midhea en! that is to sa* if Merc#r* &oes before the S#n or rises ear$ier than that $#)inar*! for then a$$ the $i&ht that is in the s%irit see)s to shine forth and )a-e the %erson inte$$ect#a$$* -een and "ri&ht( Therefore this is a &ood %osition for detecti e wor- as we$$ as scientific or occ#$t research wor-( Che)ists of &reat a"i$it* ha e "een %rod#ced #nder this as%ect for s#ch %eo%$e ha e the fac#$t* of &oin& into the )ost )in#te detai$s in thin&s which see) )icrosco%ic and #ni)%ortant to others( 4hen Merc#r* is in the Twe$fth Ho#se and aff$icted! es%ecia$$* "* Sat#rn or Mars! a$so when combust or behind the Sun there is a dan&er that the )ind )a* "eco)e c$o#ded and insanit* )a* res#$t( It )a* a$so "e noted that the aff$iction wi$$ ar* accordin& to the wa* Merc#r* is as%ected/ if "* Mars or Uran#s the s#"3ect )a* "e e+ceedin&$* io$ent! if "* Sat#rn he wi$$ "eco)e )e$ancho$*! "#t whate er the ca#se! if Merc#r* is aff$icted in the Twe$fth Ho#se so)e for) of $i)itation wi$$ restrain the s%irit! for the Twe$fth Ho#se is the ho#se of $i)itation and confine)ent(

.eafness is a$so the res#$t of this %osition of Merc#r* when se ere$* aff$icted "* Sat#rn( #ERC,R+ IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS (ercury in Aries )a-es the %erson er* ar&#)entati e! fond of dis%#tes! 5#icat re%artee! with a tendenc* to e+a&&erate tho#&h not necessari$* "* desi&n( If we$$8as%ected he is "road )inded and to$erant of the o%inions of others! of a st#dio#s nat#re! 5#ic- to &ras% sit#ations and ideas! neat and order$*( 4hen aff$icted Merc#r* in Aries )a-es %eo%$e $ea% "efore the* $oo-! the )ind is aci$$atin& and there is a &enera$ rec-$essness a"o#t the %erson who is th#s er* #nre$ia"$e and de oid of a$$ sense of res%onsi"i$it*( (ercury in "aurus &i es a )ind that is not er* soon )ade #% "#t when it has once arri e at a conc$#sion it is a$)ost as diffic#$t to chan&e as the $aws of the Medes and Persians( Howe er! "ein& "ased #%on tho#&ht and reason the 3#d&)ent of these %eo%$e is a$so e+tre)e$* re$ia"$e( The* "e$ie e thoro#&h$* in the ancient ada&e that ,Si$ence is &o$den, and are therefore c$ose8)o#thed( The* are &ood co#nse$ors and can "e de%ended #%on to -ee% secret( At the sa)e ti)e the* are not rec$#ses! "#t ha e a %$easant! socia"$e dis%osition( The* are fond of f#n and recreation! the* $o e )#sic! art and $iterat#re! so the* are thoro#&h$* $i-a"$e %eo%$e if Merc#r* is we$$8as%ected( 2#t if Merc#r* is aff$icted the* "eco)e what the Scotch ca$$ ,.OUR!, a$so o"stinate! st#""orn! secreti e and a aricio#s( (ercury in 8emini )a-es a %erson fond of chan&e and tra e$( He is a$wa*s read* to in esti&ate so)e new thin&! or &o to so)e other %$ace for a chan&e/ in short! a$)ost an*thin& that is new a%%ea$s to hi)( At the sa)e ti)e if Merc#r* is we$$8 fortified s#ch %eo%$e &ain &reat$* "* this f$#idic state of the )ind for the* are shrewd and %enetratin& in their 3#d&)ent so that the* -now &ood a$#e when the* see it and are not %re3#diced "* %reconcei ed! set o%inions( Therefore the* are &ood "#siness )en and their a"i$it* to see a %oint )a-es the) %artic#$ar$* &ood $aw*ers( The* a$so s#cceed we$$ as tra e$in& sa$es)en( (ercury in Cancer &i es a c$ear inte$$ect! a &ood )e)or* and s#%er$ati e ada%ta"i$it*( Peo%$e with this %osition fit into an* %$ace or occ#%ation the* )a* find and ada%t the)se$ es to the o%inions and ideas of others( The* $o e %raise and f$atter*! therefore the* are caref#$ not to do an*thin& where"* the* )a* forfeit the &ood o%inion of others( (ercury in +eo &i es hi&h idea$s and as%irations! a %ositi e! stron& and %erse erin& inte$$ect which scorns to stoo% to $ow and )ean acts! and des%ises e5#i ocation/ is "$#nt and o#t8s%o-en! 5#ic-8te)%ered! "#t -ind8hearted and s*)%athetic( Peo%$e with Merc#r* in Leo we$$8fortified ha e &ood or&ani7in& a"i$it* and )a-e ca%a"$e $eaders( The* $o e chi$dren and are a$so fond of %$eas#re( 4hen Merc#r* is aff$icted in Leo it )a-es the %erson fic-$e and inconstant in his affections! an #ns#ccessf#$ &a)"$er and s%ec#$ator! a $ow and sens#a$ nat#re(

(ercury in 4irgo is at the 7enith of his %ower for there he is e+a$ted! conse5#ent$* when we$$8as%ected it &i es a c$ear! $o&ica$! scientific )ind! e$o5#ence and the a"i$it* to e+%ress onese$f f$#ent$* in a n#)"er of $an&#a&es( It &i es the %erson a co)%rehensi e! discri)inatin& o#t$oo- #%on $ife! his conc$#sions are #s#a$$* %ractica$ and to the %oint "eca#se he a$so! $i-e the Ta#rean Merc#r*! $oo-s "efore he $ea%s( In short this characteristic is in a de&ree tr#e of a$$ the earth* si&ns( 4hen Merc#r* is aff$icted in Vir&o it )a-es the )an irrita"$e! %et#$ant and se$fish! a$wa*s $oo-in& for f$aws in e er*thin& he co)es across( Peo%$e with Merc#r* in Vir&o )a-e e+ce$$ent dietitians and che)ists( The* a$so ha e an #n#s#a$ de+terit*( (ercury in +ibra, when we$$8as%ected &i es a "road! we$$8"a$anced )ind with a $o e of art and )#sic and an #nco))on a"i$it* of e+%ression( It "rin&s s#ccess as a %#"$ic s%ea-er and so)eti)es as a sin&er( 4hen Merc#r* is aff$icted in Li"ra it indicates tro#"$e "* $aws#its thro#&h %artnershi%s and an #nfaithf#$ )arria&e %artner( (ercury in Scorpio &i es a shrewd )ind! a -een as%iration! a 5#ic- wit and a shar% ton&#e with "itin& sarcas) that can stin& $i-e the scor%ion( The dis%osition is "o$d and st#""orn! headstron& and diffic#$t to &et a$on& wit( 2#t these %eo%$e are e+tre)e$* reso#rcef#$! da#nt$ess! and a"$e to o erco)e diffic#$ties which wo#$d cr#sh others( The* are attracted to the occ#$t! as a need$e is drawn to a )a&net( 4hen Merc#r* is aff$icted the* are s#"3ect to disa%%oint)ent in e er*thin& the* #nderta-e! 5#arre$so)e! s-e%tica$ and c*nica$! a$wa*s ho$din& o%%osite iews to others( (ercury in Sagittarius/ Tho#&h in detri)ent it is sti$$ a stron& %osition of Merc#r* and if he is we$$8as%ected it &i es an e+ceedin&$* no"$e )ind of a re$i&io#s and %hi$oso%hica$ t#rn! a )ind which scorns the shac-$es of con entions where the* interfere with freedo) of tho#&ht and s%eech *et does not f$* into %aths that are contrar* to the co))on$* acce%ted standards of )ora$ #sa&e and cond#ct( It a$wa*s confines itse$f within the "o#ndaries of $aw and order and %eo%$e with Merc#r* in this %osition are therefore &reat$* res%ected in the co))#nit*( Merc#r* in Sa&ittari#s )a-es the %erson fond of tra e$ to see the si&hts and scener* of nat#re and to in esti&ate the c#sto)s of stran&e %eo%$e( He is a$so fond of ani)a$s and %ets( 4hen aff$icted it inc$ines to $aw$essness! dishonest*! so%his) and a twisted character( (ercury in Capricorn &i es a critica$ and %enetratin& "#t so)ewhat s#s%icio#s )ind with a tho#&htf#$ and di%$o)atic dis%osition! These %eo%$e )a-e s%$endid s%ies and detecti es! ha in& the a"i$it* to ferret o#t secrets in the )ost #ncann* )anner( The* a$so ha e the %ersistence of Sat#rnians deri ed fro) the si&n Ca%ricorn so that the* ne er &i e #% #nti$ their o"3ect has "een attained( This %osition &i es a $o e of science! %artic#$ar$* che)istr*( These %eo%$e are )#ch attracted to the occ#$t! *et are %ractica$ and er* thrift*( The* ho$d on to what the* &et and a$wa*s ha e so)ethin& for a rain* da*( 4hen aff$icted Merc#r* in Ca%ricorn )a-es the %erson )iser$*! cr#e$! hard! )a$icio#s! indicti e and s%itef#$(

(ercury in A1uarius &i es the Uranian 5#a$ities of ori&ina$it* and inde%endence and an #ncon5#era"$e $o e of $i"ert* to the )ind so that %eo%$e with Merc#r* in this %osition are a%t to re%#diate a$$ the socia$ con entions and $i e accordin& to their hi&h$* idea$istic conce%tions( The* often ta-e no heed of fashion! and dress in a st*$e entire$* their own( The* ad ocate ideas on socia$ s#"3ects which are a tho#sand *ears ahead of the wor$d's de e$o%)ent! a)on& the) the theor* of so#$8 )ates and affinities which is ca#sin& so )#ch tro#"$e in the wor$d toda* "eca#se it ad ocates ha e not *et &rown to the s%irit#a$ stat#re where the* can se%arate it fro) se+ and $i e the tr#e Uranian $o e8$ife which is a$to&ether s%irit#a$( The fore&oin& de$ineations a%%$* %artic#$ar$* where Merc#r* is as%ected "* Uran#s and the %eo%$e descri"ed "* the) are the e+tre)e %rod#ct of Merc#r* in A5#ari#s( A$$ who ha e this %osition! howe er! are er* inte$$ect#a$! the* ha e hi&h idea$s and as%irations! a $o e of %o%#$ar science and )athe)atics and are #s#a$$* attracted to the occ#$t sciences a$so! es%ecia$$* to astro$o&*! for the* ha e a fine fac#$t* for readin& the horosco%e( The* are -ind! socia"$e and fond of friends with the res#$t that the* #s#a$$* attract $ar&e n#)"ers of inte$$ect#a$ %eo%$e to their circ$e of ac5#aintances( 4hen aff$icted this %osition )a-es the %erson dis$o*a$ and read* to %re* #%on his friends! or critici7e and s$ander the)( (ercury in )isces the occ#$t water si&n! see)s to endow the )ind with a certain %s*chic fac#$t* which is not so )#ch int#ition as i)a&ination( The* thin- or i)a&ine that so)ethin& )#st "e so and so and it is a start$in& fact that the* are #s#a$$* correct! "#t this a"i$it* "rin&s the) dan&ero#s$* near to )edi#)shi% if Merc#r* is aff$icted or when 1e%t#ne! the hi&her octa e of Merc#r*! is in the Twe$fth Ho#se( Therefore this is rather a dan&ero#s %osition( If Merc#r* is aff$icted "* Sat#rn this %osition in Pisces )a-es the %erson $ia"$e to &$oo) and the )ind wi$$ "e s#"3ect to constant worr* with a t#rn toward )e$ancho$*( Us#a$$*! %eo%$e with Merc#r* in Pisces are of a -ind$* and "ene o$ent dis%osition( This a$so is a &ood indication that s#ccess )a* "e attained in che)istr* and as a dietitian in the %re%aration of hea$th foods( #ERC,R+ IN ASPECT *IT T E OT ER P(ANETS

",e Sun in parallel or conjunction .it, (ercury/ These are the on$* as%ects e er for)ed and are &ood for the )e)or* and )enta$it* %ro ided Merc#r* is not c$oser to the S#n than three de&rees! for then he is +combust+ and his &ood 5#a$ities are "#rned #% in the S#n's ra*s( It is )ost fort#nate to ha e Merc#r* rise before the S#n at 2irth for he is then the Li&ht"earer who ho$ds the torch of reason before the S%irit which in the horosco%e is s*)"o$i7ed "* the S#n( 4hen he rises after the S#n the )enta$it* is not near$* so -een H#n$ess other &ood as%ects fa orI( 4enus parallel, conjunction or sextile to (ercury/ Ven#s and Merc#r* are ne er )ore than C> de&rees a%art! therefore the* can on$* for) the con3#nctions! %ara$$e$s and se+ti$es! "#t not the trine! s5#are nor o%%osition(

These as%ects )a-e the %erson cheerf#$ and co)%aniona"$e with a &ood8nat#red dis%osition and a desire for societ*( The* a$so &i e the a"i$it* for )#sic and %oetr*! es%ecia$$* if in the Ascendant! and are a &enera$ indication of success in sa$es)anshi% for s#ch %eo%$e are er* s#a e! affa"$e and %ers#asi e( ",e (oon in parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to (ercury &i es a rece%ti e )ind and a retenti e )e)or*! two er* rare 5#a$ities and therefore these as%ects! %artic#$ar$* the se+ti$e and trine! are &ood indications of s#ccess in $ife! es%ecia$$* in one of the )erc#ria$ occ#%ations! $iterar*! c$erica$ or tra e$in&( Peo%$e with these confi&#rations are #s#a$$* er* er"ose! %artic#$ar$* if the con3#nction or trine occ#rs in air* si&ns or a si&n of oice! for then the %ower of e+%ression reaches a s#%er$ati e de&ree and s#ch %eo%$e "eco)e a"$e $in&#ists and e$oc#tionists/ "#t #n$ess there is so)e stead*in& inf$#ence %eo%$e with confi&#rations of Merc#r* and the Moon are not re$ia"$e "eca#se of their tendenc* to chan&e their )inds re%eated$* in the )ost #ne+%ected )anner( The* are inc$ined to $oo- #%on the "ri&ht side of $ife and are fond of %$eas#re! %artic#$ar$* tra e$( ",e (oon s1uare or opposition to (ercury &i es a %oor )e)or* and $ac- of )enta$ sta"i$it* with a tendenc* to indecision and worr*! $ia"i$it* to "rain stor)s and h*sterics( These characteristics )a-e the %erson #n%o%#$ar and as the sa*in& is! ,#n$#c-*(, Saturn sextile or trine to (ercury acts as a "ra-e #%on the f$i&ht* )ind and &i es it a serio#sness! de%th and concentration which is of inesti)a"$e a$#e in $ife( The foretho#&ht and %rofo#nd reasonin& a"i$it* indicated "* these as%ects ins#re s#ccess in whate er ocation the %erson )a* %#rs#e( The %atient %ersistence which %er)its no te)%orar* fai$#re to stand in the wa* of #$ti)ate s#ccess/ their ca#tion and di%$o)ac* )a-e s#ch %eo%$e in inci"$e in the $on& r#n( Therefore the* &enera$$* "eco)e %ro)inent in connection with so)e serio#s enter%rise s#ch as secrete societies! the ch#rch or e en %o$itics or &o ern)enta$ affairs( The* are in de)and for hi&h %ositions in &reat #nderta-in&s where a stead* hand is re5#ired on the he$)( 2#t the* do not #s#a$$* shine in %#"$ic for the* are er* 5#iet! s#"d#ed and serio#s in their )anner and de)eanor/ "esides the* are a"so$#te$* honest and fair8)inded! hence the* )a-e the er* finest 3#d&es o"taina"$e( Saturn conjunction or parallel to (ercury &i es de%th to the )ind! and foretho#&ht! to&ether with a$$ the other &ood 5#a$ities en#)erated as res#$tin& fro) the se+ti$e and the trine if Merc#r* is otherwise we$$8as%ected! "#t not in so f#$$ a )eas#re! or at an* rate the %erson does not see) to "e a"$e to e+terna$i7e the) as readi$*! hence does not )eet the sa)e ass#red s#ccess as &i en "* the &ood as%ects( He a$so s#ffers fro) the tendenc* to )e$ancho$* denoted "* the s5#are or o%%osition! es%ecia$$* if the as%ect occ#rs in one of the co))on si&ns or in Ca%ricorn! and if in Ge)ini it interferes sad$* with the de+terit*( S#ch %eo%$e tend to dro% e er*thin& the* ta-e into their hands( These as%ects a$so &i e an e)"arrassin& ti)idit* and if Merc#r* is aff$icted the #ndesira"$e 5#a$ities en#)erated as res#$tin& fro) the s5#are or o%%osition )a* "e $oo-ed for(

Saturn s1uare or opposition to (ercury )a-es the %erson s#"3ect to tro#"$e and de$a*s a$$ thro#&h $ife( He is thwarted on e er* hand "* s$ander and secret ene)ies and this condition in ti)e )a-es hi) "itter and sarcastic with the additiona$ res#$t that he is sh#nned "* a$$ who can %ossi"$* &et awa* fro) hi)( This in ti)e $eads hi) to "eco)e a rec$#se who sh#ts hi)se$f awa* to "rood o er his tro#"$es( S#ch a %erson so)eti)es "eco)es s#"3ect to )e$ancho$ia of a )ost %iteo#s character( These as%ects a$so )a-e the %erson c#nnin& and #ntr#thf#$( The* &i e the sa)e desire to st#d* the occ#$t conferred "* the &ood as%ects! "#t there is the &reat difference that whi$e the &ood as%ects of Sat#rn and Merc#r* inc$ine one to the st#d* of occ#$tis) fro) #nse$fish )oti es! the "ad as%ects i)%e$ hi) to ferret o#t nat#re's secret for %ersona$ %ower or &ain( 7upiter conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to (ercury is one of the finest assets in $ife! for it &i es a cheerf#$! o%ti)istic dis%osition with the a"i$it* to $oo#%on the "ri&ht side of thin&s and -ee% #% the s%irits in ho#rs of ad ersit*( The )ind is "road! ersati$e! and a"$e to reason correct$* and to for) a re$ia"$e 3#d&)ent "* caref#$ de$i"eration( These %eo%$e ne er &i e a hast* decision/ the* re5#ire ti)e to thin- o er whate er is %resented to the)! "#t once the* ha e reached a conc$#sion it wi$$ "e fo#nd incontro erti"$e( The* are s#ccessf#$ in $aw or $iterat#re and )#ch res%ected for their honest* and sincerit*( These as%ects are %artic#$ar$* fort#nate for %eo%$e who tra e$ for "#siness or %$eas#re! for the* wi$$ rea% "oth "enefit and en3o*)ent fro) a )i&rator* )ode of $ife/ these as%ects )a-e the) ,hea$th*! wea$th* and wise, "e*ond the a era&e! and $o ed "* e er*"od* for the ita$ i"rations the* radiate #%on who)e er the* )eet( 7upiter s1uare or opposition to (ercury &i es a aci$$atin& and wa erin& dis%osition so that the %erson cannot )a-e #% his )ind when )ore than one co#rse of action is o%en! hence %eo%$e with these as%ects often $ose their o%%ort#nities thro#&h %rocrastination and $ac- of 3#d&)ent! and )#st therefore often "e c$assed as fai$#res in $ife( The* are $ia"$e to scanda$ and s$ander "eca#se of treachero#s associates( The* sho#$d not tra e$! for it wi$$ "rin& the) $oss and tro#"$e( The* sho#$d a$so "e e+tre)e$* caref#$ in )a-in& contracts or a&ree)ents to do or de$i er certain thin&s at a s%ecified ti)e! for the* wi$$ %ro"a"$* "e #na"$e to f#$fi$$ the re5#ire)ents and th#s tro#"$e and $oss wi$$ res#$t( (ars sextile or trine to (ercury &i es a -een! shar%! in&enio#s and reso#rcef#$ )enta$it*( It )a-es the %erson enth#siastic o er an* %ro%osition which a%%ea$s to hi) and he has a$so a"i$it* to enth#se others and i)%ress the) with his iews/ an indefati&a"$e wor-er in an* ca#se which aro#ses his s*)%athies! "#t he is not isionar*! and is interested on$* in concrete )atters( These %eo%$e $o e ar&#)ent or de"ate! and the* ha e an ine+ha#sti"$e f#nd of wit and &ood h#)or! so)eti)es "$ended with a ein of sarcas) which a$wa*s stri-es its )ar-! *et ne er icio#s$* nor )a$icio#s$*( The* a$so ha e re)ar-a"$e de+terit* and are a"$e to t#rn their hands to whate er tas- is a$$otted and do it with a s%eed! faci$it* and e+%edition that is astonishin&! to sa* the $east( The* cannot do an*thin& s$ow$* or "* ha$ es!/ whate er the* #nderta-e )#st "e done with a r#sh! and the* %#t their who$e

ener&* into it so that the* )a* acco)%$ish the tas- and do it we$$! hence these as%ects &i e s#ccess in $ife! in a$)ost an* $ine of endea or these %eo%$e )a* se$ect! "#t )ost often in $iterat#re or the )echanica$ arts( (ars conjunction or parallel to (ercury &i es the sa)e )enta$ ener&*! enth#sias) and de+terit* as the definite$* &ood as%ects! "#t whether these 5#a$ities are #sed for constr#cti e and &ood %#r%oses or for destr#cti e and e i$ ends de%ends #%on the si&n! ho#se %osition and other as%ects( If the confi&#ration occ#rs in a si&n where either or "oth %$anets are stron& and we$$8%$aced! as Mars in Aries or Ca%ricorn! or Merc#r* in Ge)ini or Vir&o! or if the* are fortified "* &ood as%ects fro) the S#n! Ven#s or ;#%iter! Mars con3#nction or %ara$$e$ Merc#r* wi$$ o%erate si)i$ar$* to the se+ti$e or trine! as stated in the fore&oin& %ara&ra%h! which see( 2#t if Mars and Merc#r* are in one of the water* si&ns HCancer! Scor%io or PiscesI! or if either or "oth are aff$icted "* Sat#rn! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne! the con3#nction or %ara$$e$ of Mars and Merc#r* wi$$ &i e the sa)e e i$ tendencies as the s5#are or o%%osition which are defined in the ne+t %ara&ra%h( (ars s1uare or opposition to (ercury )a-es %eo%$e 5#ic-8witted! shar% and a$ert! 5#ic- te)%ered! i)%#$si e and e+cita"$e! $ia"$e to 3#)% at conc$#sions and act "efore the* thin- with the ine ita"$e res#$t that the* are a$wa*s &ettin& the)se$ es or other %eo%$e into tro#"$e! hence the* are dan&ero#s associates( The* are "orn %re aricators and #tter$* inca%a"$e of )a-in& a strai&ht state)ent( It is 3#st as nat#ra$ for the) to co$or or e+a&&erate their state)ents as it is to "reathe( The* are itrio$ic in their wrath and their ton&#es are )ore %oisono#s than the "ite of a ratt$esna-e! hence the* are either feared or hated "* those who are #nfort#nate eno#&h to "e "o#nd to the) "* en iron)ent/ a$$ who can! sh#n the)( The* are "#$$ies who are "o#nd either to r#$e or r#in where er the* are! and the* a$$ow no o"stac$e to stand in their wa* which can "e re)o ed either "* force or s$ander( The* are the ac)e of se$fishness! swa&&er and cons#))ate e&otis)( The fore&oin& tendencies )a* of co#rse "e )odified "* other as%ects! "#t if the* are not! s#ch %eo%$e are a )enace to societ*( If either Mars or Merc#r* is %$aced in the Si+th or Twe$fth Ho#se or in an* other %osition so that the "ad as%ect acts #%on the hea$th! there is a $ia"i$it* to ner o#s %rostration! "rain fe er or insanit*( Uranus sextile or trine to (ercury &i es an ori&ina$! inde%endent and eccentric )ind i)%atient of the fetters of fashion! tradition and con ention( S#ch a %erson is stren#o#s in his efforts to hew a %ath for hi)se$f in co)%$ete $i"ert*( Therefore this is the ha$$8)ar- of the %ioneers in tho#&ht and in ention! the si&n of &eni#s( Their ideas and idea$s are e+ceedin&$* $oft*! %ro&ressi e and ins%irin&! in fact too )#ch so in the o%inion of the a era&e )an or wo)an who $oo-s #%on their actions as a&aries! the o#tco)e of a diseased )ind( 1e erthe$ess the* ha e %$ent* of friends on acco#nt of their -ind$* and s*)%athetic nat#re( These as%ects are &ood for a $iterar* or scientific %#rs#it! a$so for in ention! %artic#$ar$* a$on& $ines which ha e to do with air or e$ectricit*( Uranus conjunction or parallel (ercury/ If Merc#r* is otherwise aff$icted the con3#nction and %ara$$e$ are to "e 3#d&ed as "ad as%ects and read accordin&$*! "#t

if Merc#r* is otherwise we$$ %$aced and as%ected the de$ineation &i en for the se+ti$e and trine wi$$ a%%$*( Uranus s1uare or opposition to (ercury is the ha$$8)ar- of the tr#e cran- or anarchist who has e+tre)e ideas in re&ard to tearin& down the socia$ str#ct#re and )a-in& refor)s( Peo%$e with these confi&#rations are &i en to rantin& and ra in& in %#"$ic and their $an&#a&e is #s#a$$* as cr#e$ as the )eas#res the* ad ocate( 4hate er a"i$it* the* %ossess is #s#a$$* t#rned to erratic %#r%oses and the* are often forced to )a-e s#dden chan&es on that acco#nt( -eptune conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to (ercury &i es a )ind %ec#$iar$* ada%ted to the occ#$t art! %artic#$ar$* if the con3#nction occ#rs in the Third or 1inth Ho#se or the trines are fro) the water* si&ns Cancer and Pisces( S#ch %eo%$e #s#a$$* s#cceed in occ#$t science and often de e$o% a s#%ernor)a$ fac#$t*( The* are %artic#$ar$* &ood as )a&netic hea$ers( -eptune s1uare or opposition to (ercury &i es a chaotic )ind! $ia"i$it* to $acof )e)or*! indo$ence and a dis%osition to drea) the ti)e awa*( There is a rest$ess desire for fa)e and an ina"i$it* to fit in an*where( S#ch %eo%$e are $ia"$e to fra#d! dece%tion and s$ander! a$so to co))it s#icide(


that angels isited Sarah and %roc$ai)ed the "irth of Isaac( The* a$so foreto$d the "irth of Sa)son and Sa)#e$ and the angel Hnot archan&e$I Ga"rie$ ca)e to Mar* of 2eth$ehe) to anno#nce the co)in& "irth of ;es#s( Accordin& to occ#$t science ;eho ah and His an&e$s are the &#ardians of the seed ato)s! the "asic factors in ferti$i7ation( The acti ities of the an&e$s are directed to the )aintenance of %$ant! ani)a$ and h#)an $ife #%on earth( To this end their forces are foc#sed "* the wanderin& Moon thro#&h the twe$ e si&ns of the 7odiac/ the* i)%in&e #%on the fet#s in a creati e )anner d#rin& the %eriod of &estation fro) the ti)e of conce%tion to "irth( Th#s as the Moon )eas#res the tides of the earth so a$so does she )eas#re the so#$'s %assa&e fro) the shores of eternit* thro#&h the waters of the wo)" to the wor$d of ti)e( Accordin& to astro$o&* Cancer is the ho)e of the Moon( The ancient E&*%tians %ict#red this si&n as a scara" or "eet$e which was their e)"$e) of the so#$ and the* ca$$ed Cancer the sphere of the soul, for it is said that thro#&h this )oist water* si&n ferti$i7ed "* the $#nar ra* the seed ato)s are %ro3ected into the wo)" of the %ros%ecti e %arent who is th#s %re%ared for the %eriod of &estation/ and occ#$t science adds to this that the seed ato)s of the ani)a$ -in&do)! which is sti$$ )ind$ess and therefore not a)ena"$e to $#nar inf$#ences in that direction! are %ro3ected thro#&h the water* )artia$ si&n Scorpio whi$e the seed ato)s of the inert %$ants o#r %o#red in thro#&h the ;#%iterian si&n Pisces 3#st "efore the S#n enters Aries at the erna$ e5#ino+ to awa-en the %$ant seeds s$ee%in& in Mother Earth! which ha e "een ferti$i7ed "* Pisces( Th#s the h#)an fa)i$* has the $on&est %eriod of &estation! the ani)a$ a so)ewhat shorter one and the %$ant the shortest of a$$( The Moon a$so )eas#res the %eriod of %ostnata$ &rowth so that the %eriod of childhood, )eas#red "* the chan&e of teeth is co)%$ete at a"o#t se en *ears of a&e when the Moon is s&uare to her %$ace at "irth( The %eriod of puberty is #shered in at a"o#t fo#rteen *ears of a&e when the Moon is in opposition to her %$ace at "irth and is )ar-ed "* the chan&e of oice in the "o* and the co))ence)ent of the )enses in the &ir$( At twent*8one *ears of a&e the Moon "* %ro&ression has tra e$ed three 5#arters of the circ$e of the horosco%e fro) its %$ace at "irth( This finishes the %eriod of inc#"ation and the h#)an "ein& is considered to "e f#$$8&rown! ca%a"$e of e+ercisin& a franchise and ta-in& care of his own affairs( Th#s the distance tra e$ed "* the 1ew Moon d#rin& the %renata$ %eriod of &estation in the )other's wo)" and the distance tra e$ed "* the %ro&ressed Moon d#rin& the twent*8one *ears of %ost8nata$ de e$o%)ent in the wo)" of Mother 1at#re corres%ond e+act$*( The Moon! $i-e Merc#r*! has no "asic nat#re of its own "#t ser es to foc#s the 5#a$ities of the si&ns and other %$anets #%on the h#)an )ind( She &o erns the tida$ air in the $#n&s and the co$or$ess $*)%h in the "od*! a$so the di&esti e acti it*

Fro) the 2i"$e we $earn that ;eho ah )ade )an in His i)a&e( 4e are a$so to$d

and the s*)%athetic ner o#s s*ste) which a#to)atica$$* ta-es care of the %rocess of di&estion( She a$so &o erns the cere"e$$#)! the )a))ae! the fe)inine f#nctions and %art#rition as a$read* e+%$ained( Peo%$e who are stron&$* #nder the inf$#ence of the $#nar ra*s are of an eas*8&oin&! drea)*! indo$ent nat#re! ade%ts as architects of air cast$es which ne er )ateria$i7e or ass#)e concrete sha%e( The* are er* socia"$e and &enera$$* eas* to &et a$on& with( The* s#cceed "est as coo-s! ho#se-ee%ers or in so)e do)estic occ#%ation or in one which has to do with $i5#ids or a seafarin& $ife( The Moon "ein& fe)a$e indicates the )arria&e %artner for a )an so that in a )an's horosco%e aff$iction of the Moon wo#$d not "e so a%t to ca#se tro#"$e in hea$th as in )arried $ife and the horosco%es of the two se+es sho#$d therefore "e read different$* with res%ect to the S#n and Moon( If Sat#rn aff$icts the Moon in a wo)an's horosco%e it wi$$ affect her hea$th! "#t in the sa)e res%ect to the S#n and Moon( If Sat#rn aff$icts the Moon in a wo)an's horosco%e it wi$$ affect her hea$th! "#t the sa)e as%ect occ#rrin& in a )an's horosco%e wi$$ ca#se hi) tro#"$e in )arried $ife( If the S#n is aff$icted in a )an's horosco%e it wi$$ affect his hea$th "#t in a wo)an's horosco%e it wo#$d indicate tro#"$e with her h#s"and( At the sa)e ti)e howe er it sho#$d not "e for&otten that "oth the S#n and Moon are ita$ factors in the hea$th of "oth se+es "#t one se+ is )ore affected "* the S#n! the other "* the Moon( The Moon is the &reat ti)e8)ar-er of the #ni erse( 4itho#t her o#r $i es wo#$d "e "arren of e ents for a$tho#&h the S#n and the %$anets "* their tra e$ thro#&h the si&ns and ho#ses indicate the *ears when certain tendencies shown in the horosco%e )a* c#$)inate in action! it in aria"$* re5#ires an as%ect of the Moon to ferti$i7e the as%ect and )a-e it "$oo) into %h*sica$ )anifestation( The S#n and the %$anets )a* therefore "e $i-ened to the ho#r8hand on the c$oc- of destin* which shows the year when each %hase of o#r destin* which shows the year when each %hase of o#r destin* is ri%e for the har est and the Moon )a* "e $i-ened to the )in#te8 hand which shows the month when the inf$#ences are d#e to c#$)inate into action( T E #OON IN T E T*E(1E O,SES

",e (oon in t,e 2irst !ouse/ 4hen the Moon is risin& in the First Ho#se at "irth and %artic#$ar$* in co))on or cardina$ si&n she &i es the %erson then "orn a er* rest$ess nat#re/ he is constant$* endea orin& to chan&e his %osition en iron)ent and occ#%ation! is enso#$ed "* an insatia"$e wander$#st and a$wa*s read* to roa)( 4hen the Moon is risin& in a fi+ed si&n there is a $itt$e )ore sta"i$it* to the nat#re "#t e en then the %erson wi$$ %ro"a"$* s%end at $east %art of his ti)e in a ro in& e+istence( Peo%$e with the Moon in the First Ho#se are #s#a$$* sensiti es! es%ecia$$* if the Moon is in the %s*chic si&ns Cancer or Pisces( The* ha e a er* i id i)a&ination and are 5#ite int#iti e( This %osition of the Moon has a %owerf#$ inf$#ence #%on hea$th es%ecia$$* in a wo)an's horosco%e and the as%ects which the Moon recei es deter)ine the stren&th of the constit#tion( It is a$so a si&n of s#ccess in s#ch occ#%ations as "rin& the %erson in c$ose to#ch with the %#"$ic( ",e (oon in t,e Second !ouse si&nifies f$#ct#atin& finances #n$ess fortified "* &ood as%ects fro) ;#%iter! the %$anet of o%#$ence! or Ven#s the %$anet of attraction( Good as%ects fro) the S#n )a-e )atters )ore sett$ed in that res%ect( ",e (oon in t,e ",ird !ouse )a-es the )ind e+tre)e$* ferti$e in i)a&ination with a stron& $i-in& for )enta$ occ#%ations! es%ecia$$* s#ch as do not re5#ire contin#it* "#t are s#"3ect to constant chan&e! $i-e editin& and re%ortin& on news%a%ers where one )#st "e on the a$ert for news and roa) hither and thither for the %#r%ose of &atherin& it( These %eo%$e $o e the $i)e8$i&ht of %#"$icit* and if the Moon is stren&thened "* &ood as%ects to Merc#r* the* )a* reach a %osition of %ro)inence( ",e (oon in t,e 2ourt, !ouse we$$8as%ected indicates fort#nate ho)e conditions! es%ecia$$* toward the c$ose of $ife "#t if the Moon is aff$icted we )a* 3#d&e the re erse( This %osition a$so &i es a tendenc* toward %s*chic e+%eriences es%ecia$$* if the Moon is in its own si&n Cancer or in Pisces! another water* si&n( It a$so shows )an* chan&es of residence which wi$$ "e fort#nate or otherwise accordin& to other as%ects of the Moon( ",e (oon in t,e 2ift, !ouse in cardina$ or co))on si&ns indicates a %erson of er* chan&ea"$e aff$ictions! fond of %$eas#re and &a)"$in&( It is a si&n of a fr#itf#$ )arria&e %artic#$ar$* when in Scor%io( E en in a "arren si&n $i-e Leo the Moon wi$$ &i e chi$dren when she is %$aced in the Fifth Ho#se( This 5#estion! howe er! sho#$d a$wa*s "e 3#d&ed fro) "oth horosco%es of the %ros%ecti e %arents! for sho#$d one "e entire$* "arren! the Moon in the Fifth Ho#se in Leo or Vir&o in the other horosco%e! wo#$d not "e s#fficient he$% to )end the )atter( ",e (oon in t,e Sixt, !ouse is a %oor %osition %artic#$ar$* in a wo)an's horosco%e and an* %erson with the Moon in that %osition wi$$ "e "etter in a s#"ordinate %osition e)%$o*ed "* so)eone e$se than in a "#siness ent#re of his own( Sho#$d he "e %$aced in the %osition of e)%$o*er he wi$$ find it diffic#$t to -ee% ser ants or e)%$o*ees( The* wi$$ chan&e constant$*( ",e (oon in t,e Se$ent, !ouse if we$$8as%ected is fort#nate for s#ccess in )arria&e! %artnershi% and a$$ dea$in&s with the %#"$ic for it )a-es the %erson

%o%#$ar( 2#t if serio#s$* aff$icted it indicates a fic-$e! chan&ea"$e )arria&e %artner! $oss thro#&h $iti&ation! %artnershi% and the &enera$ %#"$ic which wi$$ then ho$d the %erson in disfa or( ",e (oon in t,e #ig,t, !ouse &i es &ain "* )arria&e and $e&ac* if it is we$$8 as%ected and it a$so increases the n#)"er of chi$dren tho#&h there is a chan&e that so)e of the) )a* die( 2#t if the Moon is aff$icted the financia$ fort#nes wi$$ chan&e for the worse after )arria&e and if $e&acies do co)e the* wi$$ "rin& $aws#its with the) where"* the %erson wi$$ $ose( ",e (oon in t,e -int, !ouse when we$$8as%ected &i es a c$ean c$ear )ind of a serio#s! re$i&io#s! $e&a$ or %hi$oso%h* t#rn accordin& to the nat#re of the as%ect( The %erson wi$$ tra e$ far with "oth %$eas#re and %rofit for hi)se$f and so)eti)e he wi$$ co)e into the $i)e8$i&ht of %#"$icit*( This %osition a$so &i es a tendenc* to drea)s and isions es%ecia$$* if the Moon is as%ected "* 1e%t#ne( If the Moon is aff$icted the %erson wi$$ "e too i)%#$si e and 3#)% to conc$#sions which are to his detri)ent( If he #nderta-es to tra e$ he is $ia"$e to )eet )#ch tro#"$e in conse5#ence( He is a$so a%t to )a-e an i$$8considered chan&e in re$i&ion and "e s#"3ected to )#ch cens#re on that acco#nt( ",e (oon in t,e "ent, !ouse is a si&n of &ood fort#ne! %o%#$arit* and %ros%erit* if we$$8as%ected( It "rin&s the %erson %ro)inent$* "efore the %#"$ic and ens#res fa or es%ecia$$* fro) wo)en! a$so the acc#)#$ation or %ro%ert*( It )a-es the )ind dee% and di%$o)atic! c#rio#s and in5#isiti e( 4hen the Moon is aff$icted the %erson is $ia"$e to inc#r hosti$it* on the %art of the %#"$ic and re ersa$s of fort#ne( So)eti)es he "eco)es in o$ ed in %#"$ic scanda$ and s#"3ect to cens#re( ",e (oon in t,e #le$ent, !ouse if we$$8as%ected &i es )an* friends es%ecia$$* a)on& wo)en! "#t if she is aff$icted those who co)e to the %erson #nder the &#ise of friendshi% do so in the ho%e that he )a* "e of "enefit to the)( ",e (oon in t,e ".elft, !ouse if we$$8as%ected &i es s#ccess in s#ch wor- as is %erfor)ed in sec$#sion awa* fro) the %#"$ic &a7e! in %risons! hos%ita$s or charita"$e instit#tions( There is a$so a $ia"i$it* to "eco)e in o$ ed in c$andestine $o e8affairs "#t if the Moon is we$$8as%ected the %erson wi$$ "e a"$e to -ee% this a secret( If the Moon is aff$icted there is a dan&er of secret ene)ies! tro#"$e and %ersec#tion(

T E #OON IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS ",e (oon in Aries &i es a er* inde%endent t*%e of )ind which ai)s to hew o#t its own %ath in $ife whether ri&ht or wron& and is e+tre)e$* 5#ic- to resent an* interference fro) others( The %erson is a)"itio#s and a&&ressi e "#t $ac-s foretho#&ht! so that he is $ia"$e to )eet with n#)ero#s set"ac-s( Howe er! this %osition &i es a da#nt$ess co#ra&e and s#ch %eo%$e are not easi$* defeated( 4hen the* ha e fai$ed in one direction the* i))ediate$* tr* another ent#re and in the

end their er* %ersistence #s#a$$* "rin&s the) into %ro)inence in their $ine and &i es the) #$ti)ate s#ccess! #n$ess the Moon is aff$icted/ then the* are %rone to ta-e #% one occ#%ation after another witho#t &i in& the)se$ es ti)e to tr* honest$* to )a-e a s#ccess of an* one( ",e (oon in "aurus/ This is the Moon's e+a$tation si&n and her effect is therefore er* %owerf#$ for &ood if she is free fro) aff$iction and we$$8as%ected( Then the fi+ed nat#re of Ta#r#s tones down the chan&ea"i$it* of the Moon which a$so "$ends with the Ven#s ra*( Hence it )a-es the dis%osition &ent$e! se$f8re$iant and deter)ined( It &i es %erse erance! foretho#&ht and -indness! therefore the %erson attracts a$$ the &ood thin&s of $ife! hea$th and wea$th! friends and fa)i$*! ho#ses and $ands with the a"i$it* to en3o* a$$ these thin&s for it )a-es hi) fond of %$eas#re! socia"$e and hos%ita"$e! a $o er of art and )#sic and a$$ other thin&s which )a-e for the en3o*)ent of $ife( ",e (oon in 8emini &i es a wide8awa-e inte$$ect! fond of $iterat#re and science! reso#rcef#$ and a"$e to co%e with e)er&encies! "road! $i"era$ and a$ert for %ro&ressi e ideas which are ta-en #% with a idit*( Hence s#ch %eo%$e are )#ch attracted to $iterar* occ#%ations! %artic#$ar$* in the news%a%er fie$d where the* )a* f$it fro) one s#"3ect to another as re5#ired "* their e+tre)e$* rest$ess )ind( This %osition a$so &i es an inordinate $o e of tra e$in&! and desire for %ositions where one )eets )an* %eo%$e( Hence it fa ors s#ch occ#%ations as those of tra e$in& sa$es)en! can assers! and the $i-e( ",e (oon in Cancer &i es a dis%osition which is -ind! socia"$e and s*)%athetic! "#t indo$ent and a erse to effort whether %h*sica$! )ora$ or )enta$( These %eo%$e $o e to drift with the tide and on$* "estir the)se$ es when #nder the whi%$ash of necessit*( The* are often sensiti e to %h*sic conditions! es%ecia$$* if the Moon is as%ected "* 1e%t#ne or Uran#s and the nat#re of the as%ect deter)ines whether the inf$#ence is fa ora"$e or #nfa ora"$e( This %osition a$so &i es a $o e of ho)e and the co)forts to "e o"tained there( It %ro)otes the di&estion and conse5#ent$* the hea$th if the Moon is we$$8as%ected( If aff$icted it has a tendenc* to &i e di&esti e tro#"$es( ",e (oon in +eo has an i$$#)inatin& inf$#ence on the )ind( It &i es a stron&! se$f8re$iant and a&&ressi e dis%osition with a"i$it* for or&ani7ation/ therefore %eo%$e with the Moon in this %osition #s#a$$* attain to $eadershi% in their i))ediate circ$e( The* are honora"$e in financia$ and socia$ )atters! fair and )a&nani)o#s in their dea$in&s with others! and er* %o%#$ar with other %eo%$e( ",e (oon in 4irgo increases the )enta$ 5#a$ities if she is we$$8as%ected/ she &i es a retenti e )e)or*! a $o e of st#d* a$on& scientific or occ#$t $ines and an a)"ition to e+ce$( Che)istr* is the fa orite of these %eo%$e a)on& the sciences and the* e+ce$ as dietitians( The* are rather reser ed and of 5#iet de)eanor! dis$i-in& f$atter* or ostentation( Un$ess the* de ote the)se$ es to dietetics the* are )ore s#ccessf#$ as the ser ants or e)%$o*ees of others than in "#siness for the)se$ es(

",e (oon in +ibra is a fort#nate %osition for the ac5#isition of friends and %#"$ic %o%#$arit* for it )a-es the %erson -ind! s*)%athetic and a&reea"$e! o%ti)istic and fond of socia$ %$eas#res( This %osition a$so &i es &ood reasonin& %owers and the a"i$it* to for) a correct 3#d&)ent! $o e of art and )#sic! so)eti)es considera"$e a"i$it* as a %erfor)er if assisted "* other as%ects( ",e (oon in Scorpio &i es a co#ra&eo#s inde%endent and ener&etic dis%osition( The %erson who has this confi&#ration wi$$ not to$erate interference with his %$ans or s#")it to i)%osition( He is often er* a"r#%t in his )anners and "$#nt in s%eech! 5#ic-8te)%ered and not to "e coerced "* threats! "#t sin&#$ar$* a)ena"$e to -indness( He has a stron& and st#""orn wi$$ and deter)ination to carr* o#t whate er he #nderta-es( This %osition a$so &i es a considera"$e attraction toward the occ#$t sciences "#t if aff$icted )a* $ead to e+cess &ratification of the senses! tro#"$e with wo)en or diffic#$ties in %art#rition( ",e (oon in Sagittarius &i es an a$ert and acti e %ersona$it*! a $o e of wa$-in&! ridin& or an* other for) of %h*sica$ e+ercise! a ro in& of dis%osition and $o e of tra e$ in forei&n co#ntries! a fondness of ani)a$s! es%ecia$$* horses and do&s and an inc$ination for the st#d* of re$i&ion! $aw %hi$oso%h* or the science of occ#$tis)( These %eo%$e are er* o%ti)istic! &ood h#)ored! 3o ia$! and idea$ co)%anions #n$ess the Moon is aff$icted! then her %osition in Sa&ittari#s is cond#ci e to indo$ence and se$f8ind#$&ence( ",e (oon in Capricorn, if we$$8as%ected! &i es a"#ndance of he$% fro) %eo%$e who are hi&her in the socia$ sca$e so that whate er s#ccess there )a* "e wi$$ co)e thro#&h others! the %erson "ein& too ti)id to %#sh hi)se$f forward! "esides "ein& of a )e$ancho$* t#rn of )ind which )a-es hi) e+ceedin&$* sensiti e to rea$ or fancied s$i&hts( If the Moon is aff$icted it &i es a $ia"i$it* to s$ander whether that is )erited or not( This %osition a$so has a detri)enta$ effect #%on the di&estion( Peo%$e with Moon in this %osition often ha e an insane fear of co)in& to want and therefore the* "eco)e a aricio#s and )iser$*! den*in& the)se$ es a$$ co)forts at the %resent ti)e that the* )a* ha e so)ethin& for a rain* da*( The* ha e er* $itt$e fee$in& for the)se$ es and none at a$$ for others( ",e (oon in A1uarius if we$$8as%ected &i es the %erson a er* i id i)a&ination and the %ower of ca$$in& i)a&es #% "efore the )ind's e*e in s#ch a )anner that the* see) a$)ost tan&i"$e/ "esides these %eo%$e are not de%endent #%on the fac#$t* of reason! for their int#ition is a$so e+ceedin&$* we$$8 de e$o%ed( In dis%osition the* are socia"$e! -ind$* and co#rteo#s with the res#$t that the* attract )an* friends and are er* %o%#$ar in their en iron)ent! and the* are he$%ed "* their friends accordin& to the as%ects of the Moon( On the other hand if the Moon is aff$icted this %osition shows one of an e+ceedin&$* erratic )ind( ",e (oon in )isces &i es a rece%ti e )ind and a ferti$e i)a&ination with a dis%osition to indo$ence and se$f8%it*! aci$$ation and faint8heartedness! )a-es one fond of crea)in& rather than actin&! therefore sorrow! tro#"$e and se$f8#ndoin& "eset the %ath in $ife( This %osition not infre5#ent$* $eads to )edi#)shi%!

es%ecia$$* if 1e%t#ne is in ad erse as%ect! for these %eo%$e are %ec#$iar$* sensiti e to the f$atter* of s%irit8contro$s and $o e an*thin& that wi$$ stir their e)otions( The* are a$so er* word* in their e+%ressions( If a &ood as%ect fro) Ven#s and Merc#r* ena"$es the) to ta-e #% )#sic the* %$a* with e+traordinar* ins%iration and fee$in&( If the Moon is aff$icted in Pisces $o e8affairs are a%t to "rin& the %erson into tro#"$e( If Pisces is in the Twe$fth Ho#se and the Moon there at "irth this wi$$ &i e a $ia"i$it* on the %art of the %arents to drin- and th#s to ne&$ect their chi$dren who )a* then "eco)e the wards of charita"$e instit#tions #nti$ the* reach )at#rit*( ASPECTS OF T E #OON TO OT ER P(ANETS ",e Sun parallel to or conjunction .it, t,e (oon/ 1o )atter in what si&n or ho#se the con3#nction of the Li&hts occ#rs the %erson wi$$ "e so stron&$* )ar-ed with the characteristics that si&n that! $ac-in& -now$ed&e of his tr#e ascendant! e en the )ost co)%etent astro$o&er is $i-e$* to "e )is$ed and 3#d&e hi) to "e "orn with the si&n risin& in which the con3#nction too- %$ace! and whate er )atters are r#$ed "* the ho#se in which the con3#nction occ#rs wi$$ %$a* a er* i)%ortant %art in the $ife( In the First he is an o#t and o#t e&otist with er* $itt$e $o e for others sa e in so far as the* ser e his ends! in the Se enth his wor$d %i ots on the )ate! in the Tenth Ho#se or si&n he wi$$ sacrifice a$$ other considerations to rise in %#"$ic $ife/ in the Twe$fth Ho#se or si&n the con3#nction wi$$ &i e a stron& tendenc* to inte)%erance which wi$$ "rin& tro#"$e in the $ife/ in the Third and 1inth Ho#ses it wi$$ "ri&hten the )ind and ind#ce tra e$ fro) which he wi$$ "enefit/ in the Second Ho#se it wi$$ "rin& wea$th! es%ecia$$* if in &ood as%ect with ;#%iter( If the con3#nction of the S#n and Moon is c$oser than three de&rees if has a tendenc* to de%$ete the ita$it* and if it is a$so a so$ar ec$i%se and the chi$d s#r i es! this wi$$ "e %artic#$ar$* noticea"$e a$$ thro#&h $ife( Peo%$e who ha e s#ch c$ose con3#nctions or ec$i%ses "eco)e $ist$ess! dis%irited and o#t of sorts e er* ti)e there is a new Moon( The con3#nction or ec$i%se does not see) to interfere with the &ood effects in other de%art)ent of $ife( ",e Sun sextile or trine to t,e (oon/ The &ood as%ects of the S#n and Moon )a-e for &enera$ s#ccess in $ife! hea$th! fair financia$ fort#nes! &ood ho)e conditions with faithf#$ friends and estee) in the co))#nit*/ the* fa or a rise in $ife "eca#se of the %erson's innate a"i$it*! which either &ains for hi) the reco&nition of %eo%$e in a %osition to he$% hi) rise! or i)%e$s hi) to car e his own wa*( ",e Sun s1uare or opposition to t,e (oon )a-es the %erson aci$$atin& and #nsett$ed in dis%osition! chan&ea"$e and #na"$e to %#rs#e a sett$ed co#rse in $ife! rash to %$#n&e into #ntried ent#res "#t $ac-in& the %ersistence or contin#it* of %#r%ose to carr* an*thin& to a s#ccessf#$ conc$#sion( For that reason s#ch %eo%$e "eco)e fai$#res in $ife/ their dea$in&s with wo)en and %eo%$e hi&her in the socia$ sca$e s#ch as e)%$o*ers! the a#thorities! 3#d&es! etc(! are es%ecia$$* #ns#ccessf#$/ the* a$wa*s ha e diffic#$t* in o"tainin& %ro%er e)%$o*)ent and in -ee%in& their

%ositions when o"tained! for the* are h*%er8sensiti e and read* to ta-e offense! with or witho#t %ro ocation( These confi&#rations a$so affect the hea$th/ the "od* is $ia"$e to co$ds and rec#%eration is s$ow when sic-ness has o erta-en the %erson( 4enus parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to t,e (oon/ The Moon is si&nificator of )arria&e for a )an and therefore the &ood as%ects "etween Ven#s! the %$anet of $o e! and the Moon are &ood indications of a ha%%* )arria&e when the* occ#r in a )an's horosco%e( 2#t in a wo)an's horosco%e these as%ects o%erate #%on the hea$th! for the Moon is the %$ant of fec#ndit* and has r#$e o er the fe)a$e f#nctions in %artic#$ar! which are so $ar&e a factor in the wo)an's hea$th! and this is )#ch stren&thened "* the)( These as%ects &i e oratorica$ a"i$it* with a fr#itf#$ i)a&ination! a $o e of %$eas#re! )#sic and art( The* &i e an en&a&in& %ersona$it*! er* attracti e to the o%%osite se+ "eca#se -ind$*! affectionate and s*)%athetic! and the* tend to &enera$ s#ccess in $ife/ tho#&h the finances )a* "e f$#ct#atin& the %erson #s#a$$* has s#fficient for the da* and the wa*( 4enus s1uare or opposition to t,e (oon is an indication of tro#"$e in )arria&e for a )an! "eca#se the wife descri"ed "* an aff$icted Ven#s wi$$ "e s$o en$* and of disso$#te ha"its which wi$$ destro* do)estic ha%%iness( In a wo)an's horosco%e it indicates a dist#r"ance of the fe)a$e f#nctions and a$so &i es a tendenc* to di&esti e tro#"$es and %oor circ#$ation when in the horosco%e of either se+( These as%ects a$so &i e a $ia"i$it* to s$ander and %#"$ic scanda$ as the %erson so aff$icted is fic-$e and inconstant in his affections! of a sens#a$ nat#re which $o es to f$it fro) f$ower to f$ower re&ard$ess of the sorrows ca#sed "* %$a*in& with the heart of others( (ercury parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to t,e (oon &i es a rece%ti e )ind and a retenti e )e)or*! two er* rare 5#a$ities and therefore these as%ects! %artic#$ar$* the se+ti$e and trine are &ood indications of s#ccess in $ife! es%ecia$$* in one of the )erc#ria$ occ#%ations! $iterar*! c$erica$ or tra e$in&( Peo%$e with these confi&#rations are #s#a$$* er* er"ose! %artic#$ar$* if the con3#nction or trine occ#rs in air* si&ns or a si&n of oice! for then the %ower of e+%ression reaches a s#%er$ati e de&ree and s#ch %eo%$e "eco)e a"$e $in&#ists and e$oc#tionists/ "#t #n$ess there is so)e stead*in& inf$#ence %eo%$e with as%ects of Merc#r* and the Moon are not re$ia"$e "eca#se of their tendenc* to chan&e their )inds re%eated$* in the )ost #ne+%ected )anner( The* are inc$ined to $oo- #%on the "ri&ht side of $ife and are fond of %$eas#re! %artic#$ar$* tra e$( (ercury s1uare or opposition to t,e (oon &i es a %oor )e)or* and $ac- of )enta$ sta"i$it* with a tendenc* to indecision and worr*! $ia"i$it* to "rain stor)s and h*sterics( These characteristics )a-e the %erson #n%o%#$ar and as the sa*in& is ,#n$#c-*(, Saturn sextile or trine to t,e (oon i)%arts a$$ the "est sat#rnine 5#a$ities to the )ind and )a-es the %erson se$f8re$iant! serio#s! so"er and s*ste)atic! caref#$ and thrift* in "#siness affairs and &i es s#ccess in $ife thro#&h tactf#$ and

di%$o)atic dea$in&s with others( S#ch %eo%$e are e)inent$* res%onsi"$e and tr#st worth* in a$$ )atters of honor and 3#stice and &ain &reat estee) in the co))#nit* on that acco#nt( Their %atience and %ersistence are ine+ha#sti"$e( Saturn parallel to or conjunction .it, t,e (oon is not a$wa*s to "e c$assed as a "ad as%ect so far as the )enta$ 5#a$ities &o for in an* case it de%ends the )ind and &i es &reater %ower of concentration( If Sat#rn is stron& "* si&n! in Li"ra or Ca%ricorn! and the Moon is otherwise we$$8as%ected! this %osition wi$$ a$so i)%art the irt#es of Sat#rn tho#&h #nder a$$ conditions it )a-es the )ind &$oo)* and the %erson is s#"3ect to %eriodica$ s%e$$s of )e$ancho$*/ "#t if Sat#rn is wea- "* si&n! es%ecia$$* if he is in Aries and if the Moon is otherwise aff$icted then his con3#nction is to "e 3#d&ed and read the sa)e as the s5#are or o%%osition( The effect of the con3#nction a$so de%ends #%on the de%art)ent of $ife we are considerin&0 for instance! as a$read* said! the con3#nction of the Moon and Sat#rn is &ood for concentration of the )ind! "#t "ad for the di&estion! %artic#$ar$* in a wo)an's horosco%e/ it has a$so the tendenc* to o"str#ct the )enses with a$$ that that i)%$ies! and in a )an's horosco%e it indicates the death of the )arria&e %artner( Si)i$ar distinctions sho#$d "e )ade when readin& the con3#nctions of the other so8ca$$ed )a$efics( Saturn s1uare or opposition to t,e (oon is one of the si&nat#res of sorrow in $ife for it )a-es the )ind )e$ancho$* and f#$$ of worries so that the %erson is constant$* carr*in& an at)os%here of &$oo) with hi)! and as tho#&hts are thin&s this attit#de of )ind "rin&s a"o#t de$a*s and disa%%oint)ents in e er* de%art)ent of $ife( S#ch a %erson wi$$ e+%erience diffic#$ties fro) %eo%$e and thin&s si&nified "* Sat#rn! %ro"a"$* %arents! and if he has )one* he )a* $ose it and ha e diffic#$t in &ettin& )ore/ th#s he )a* "e in %o ert* a$$ his $ife( He wi$$ )a-e )ore ene)ies than friends and "eco)e s#"3ect to s$ander and scanda$! "#t the disfa or he )eets is #ndo#"ted$* )erited for these as%ects )a-e the )ind "itter and se$fish/ s#ch %eo%$e are #nscr#%#$o#s! a aricio#s and entire$* #nfee$in& with res%ect to others! hence the* are #nder the whi%$ash of Sat#rn that the sorrow and tro#"$es which the* the)se$ es are constant$* fee$in& )a* )a-e the) )ore )e$$ow( If the as%ect is si+! fi e or e en fo#r de&rees fro) "ein& e+act and if Sat#rn is in the e+a$tation si&n Li"ra these as%ects are not 5#ite so e i$ in the $atter %art of $ife( The* )a* then i)%$* that the %erson has $earned his $esson and as a conse5#ence he )a* find hi)se$f in easier circ#)stances( The ad erse as%ects of Sat#rn to the Moon are er* "ad for the hea$th! %artic#$ar$* in a wo)an's horosco%e( There the* indicate o"str#ctions of the fe)a$e f#nctions( In the )an's horosco%e the* either den* )arria&e or indicate the death of the )arria&e %artner and their &enera$ tendenc* to o"str#ct e er*thin& connected with the ho#ses and si&ns wherein the* are %$aced in the horosco%e( 7upiter parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to t,e (oon &i es an o%ti)istic! no"$e and &enero#s dis%osition( The o%en8hearted honest*! fairness and friend$iness of s#ch %eo%$e )a-e the) #ni ersa$$* %o%#$ar( These as%ects stren&then "oth the reasonin& fac#$ties and constit#tion/ the* &i e a stron& )ind

in a stron& "od* and hence a %owerf#$ %ersona$ )a&netis) which )a* "e #sed to &reat ad anta&e in hea$in& the sic-( The* ha e $oft* idea$s and a fr#itf#$ i)a&ination with the %ower of ac5#irin& wea$th which wi$$ &row &reater if #sed in %hi$anthro%ic enter%rises of which these %eo%$e are %rone to drea)( These are so)e of the "est as%ects in the &a)#t and )a-e for &enera$ s#ccess in $ife "oth %h*sica$$* and s%irit#a$$*( 7upiter s1uare or opposition to t,e (oon i)%airs the reasonin& fac#$ties and "rin&s the %erson tro#"$e thro#&h $iti&ation! $ac- of fore8tho#&ht and indecision or dishonest*( Peo%$e with these as%ects are too fond of ostentation and dis%$a*! e+tra a&ant "e*ond their )eans and reso#rces! %rone to ta-e des%erate chances in &a)"$in& or s%ec#$ation to reha"i$itate their fort#nes and doo)ed to $oss! s$ander and so)eti)es "an-r#%tc* on that acco#nt( These as%ects are a$so "ad for hea$th! in a wo)an's horosco%e es%ecia$$*! indicatin& di&esti e and $i er %ro"$e)s( (ars sextile or trine to t,e (oon &i es a wonderf#$ ita$it* and a stron& %h*si5#e so that the %erson is a"$e to o erco)e a$)ost an* tendencies to i$$8 hea$th! a$$ of which are o err#$ed "* these as%ects( The %ower of end#rance is increased to a )a+i)#) and the %erson can s#r i e hardshi%s to which %eo%$e ordinari$* s#cc#)"( The* &i e a reso$#te! co#ra&eo#s! ener&etic and a)"itio#s )ind of a reso#rcef#$ and e)inent$* constr#cti e t#rn' and the* )a-e the %erson 5#ic- "#t not %reci%itate in his decisions( Th#s he &ains the confidence and estee) of others and earns considera"$e )one* "#t the nat#re is e+tre)e$* free and &enero#s so that )one* does not sta* "* these %eo%$e( The* s%end it a$)ost as fast as the* &et it( (ars conjunction or parallel to t,e (oon )a* "e either &ood or "ad accordin& to the se+ of the %erson and the de%art)ent of $ife we are considerin&( It stren&thens the hea$th and the ita$it*! %artic#$ar$* in the horosco%e of a wo)an( In the horosco%e of a )an it wo#$d indicate a ro"#st )arria&e %artner of a do)ineerin& nat#re( 4ith res%ect to the )ind it wo#$d )a-e the %erson er* i)%#$si e! %artic#$ar$* if %$aced in one of the co))on si&ns or in the Third or 1inth Ho#ses( It a$so &i es a er* "ad te)%er "#t not so "ad as the s5#are or o%%osition( If Mars is in con3#nction or %ara$$e$ to the Moon in Scor%io there is an a"nor)a$ se+#a$ desire which wi$$ not "e denied %artic#$ar$* if Ven#s is there a$so( It )a-es the nat#re er* rest$ess and #nsett$ed for it is $i-e )i+in& fire and water( In water* si&ns it inc$ines to drin-( (ars s1uare or opposition to t,e (oon &i es a er* 5#ic- te)%er with a tendenc* to hast* or i)%#$si e e+%ression and acts that )a* ca#se the %erson a &reat dea$ of sorrow and tro#"$e( These %eo%$e resent r#$es or re&#$ations or an* other )eas#res that tend to c#r" their desires or the &ratification of their a%%etites in whate er direction! "#t if the* are in a#thorit* the* are er* do)ineerin& and e+actin& in their de)ands for instant o"edience #%on the %art of others! nor do the* hesitate to #se whate er %h*sica$ force )a* "e necessar* to co)%e$

o"edience if the* thin- the* can do so witho#t &reat dan&er to the)se$ es( So)eti)es the* wi$$ e en ta-e des%erate chan&es to satisf* their s%ite and ha in& an i)%ro%er$* "a$anced )ind the* are foo$hard* in their ent#reso)eness so that #%on occasion the* wi$$ atte)%t to do thin&s which no one with a sane )ind wo#$d tr*( On acco#nt of the fore&oin& conscio#sness s#ch %eo%$e )a-e )an* ene)ies and ca#se a &reat dea$ of s#fferin& to others! %artic#$ar$* a)on& )e)"ers of their i))ediate fa)i$* who cannot er* we$$ &et awa* fro) the)( If these as%ects occ#r in water* si&ns! %artic#$ar$* with Mars of the Moon in Pisces the %erson is a$so an in eterate dr#n-ard( Fro) that stand%oint of hea$th the* &i e a tendenc* to fe er and accidents! tro#"$e with the &enerati e or&ans and o%erations which are #s#a$$* #nnecessar*( These %eo%$e are e+ceedin&$* %rodi&a$ with their )one* and are ha"it#a$ %re aricators( Uranus sextile or trine to t,e (oon &i es &reat ori&ina$it* and inde%endence to the )ind! which is 5#ic-! int#iti e and er* i id in its i)a&ination/ hence the %erson has in enti e a"i$it* and is attracted to the occ#$t arts and endowed with h*%notic or )a&netic %owers! a$so the int#itiona$ a"i$it* to st#d* and %ractice astro$o&*( If the $ife is de oted to e$ectricit* as a ocation the %erson wi$$ )a-e a s#ccess of it( These as%ects a$so &i e a %ec#$iar fascination for the o%%osite se+ and are $i-e$* to $ead to a c$andestine $o e affair or an #ncon entiona$ #nion( Uranus conjunction or parallel to t,e (oon &i es si)i$ar )enta$ and %s*chic tendencies and a$so the sa)e $ia"i$it* to irre&#$ar $o e8affairs as the &ood as%ects "#t these tendencies are not so %rono#nced( A secrete $o e8affair &enerated #nder the con3#nction of Uran#s and the Moon )a* ha e direct$* disastro#s res#$ts si)i$ar to those )entioned #nder the "ad as%ects( If the con3#nction occ#rs in Cancer it tends to ner o#s indi&estion/ in Leo it inc$ines to %a$%itations of the heart! interferes with the rh*th) of the heart8"eat and &i es a s%as)odic action which wi$$ %ro"a"$* %ro e fata$ when it has r#n its co#rse( In Scor%io! it inc$ines to %er erted %ractices! in Sa&ittari#s the ref$e+ action wo#$d "e fe$t in the $#n&s and si)i$ar$* with the other si&ns( Uranus s1uare or opposition to t,e (oon )a-es the %erson erratic and to#ch* to a de&ree! a wa$-in& %owder )a&a7ine read* to e+%$ode at an* )o)ent! o er"earin&! conceited! into$erant! and sh#nned "* a$$ who can %ossi"$* &et o#t of his wa*( If s#ch %eo%$e are e)%$o*ers no"od* can wor- for the) and if the* are e)%$o*ees no"od* wi$$ ha e the)( The* ne er re)ain er* $on& in an* %$ace! "#t are either dischar&ed or &i e #% their %osition on the s$i&htest %ro ocation( Peo%$e with these as%ects are attracted to the occ#$t arts "#t the* ne er )a-e a s#ccess at the) "eca#se of their erratic )enta$it*( Li-e the other as%ects of Uran#s and the Moon the s5#are or o%%osition a$so indicates a c$andestine attach)ent either on the %art of the %erson or the )arria&e %artner( If it occ#rs in the Se enth Ho#se of a )an's horosco%e it %ro es the wife #ntr#e so that %#"$ic scanda$ and di orce wi$$ e ent#a$$* ens#e( The "ad as%ects of the S#n and Uran#s &i e si)i$ar indications in the horosco%e of a wo)an( -eptune sextile or trine to t,e (oon increases the fac#$t* of i)a&ination to a

s#%er$ati e de&ree! es%ecia$$* if either of the %$anets is in the 1inth Ho#se( Then it fa ors %ro%hetic drea)s and isions which "rin& the %erson in contact with the in isi"$e wor$ds( It indicates a"i$it* in the occ#$t arts and s#ccess in their %ractice for it )a-es the nat#re e+ceedin&$* ins%irationa$ and it a$so &i es a -ind and s*)%athetic dis%osition( The s%irit#a$ 5#a$ities )entioned )a* not "e a%%arent e en to the %erson hi)se$f "#t then the* are $atent and ca%a"$e of de e$o%)ent( It is a$so safe to sa* that at so)e ti)e or other d#rin& the $ife %eo%$e with these as%ects wi$$ co)e in contact with and "e er* )#ch attracted to the occ#$t whether the 5#a$ities of the so#$ are s#"se5#ent$* de e$o%ed or not( -eptune conjunction or parallel (oon indicates the sa)e stron& %s*chic feat#res as the &ood as%ects! %artic#$ar$* if 1e%t#ne is %$aced in the %s*chic si&ns Cancer or Pisces( Those who were "orn with the &ood confi&#rations of 1e%t#ne d#rin& the fo#rteen *ears when it was in the air* scientific si&n Ge)ini are now con5#erin& the air and %erfectin& scientific in entions which wi$$ )a-e #s )ar e$! "#t the chi$dren who ha e "een "orn #nder fa ora"$e confi&#rations d#rin& the fo#rteen *ears 1e%t#ne has "een &oin& thro#&h the %s*chic si&n Cancer are now &rowin& #% aro#nd #s as a "and of )*stics and when the* ha e reached )at#re *ears the* wi$$ astonish #s with their s%irit#a$ insi&ht and %ower( A)on& other thin&s the* wi$$ de e$o% the so#$ of )#sic( -eptune s1uare or opposition to t,e (oon is a$so an indication of so#$ 5#a$ities si)i$ar to those of the &ood as%ects! "#t #nder the for)er confi&#rations the %erson wi$$ "e of a ne&ati e nat#re and is a%t to "eco)e the %re* of s%irit8 contro$s and s#"3ected to )edi#)shi%! therefore he sho#$d not attend seances(


contrasts of o%%osites/ th#s $i&hts and side$i&hts are "ro#&ht o#t! which otherwise )a* esca%e attention( A%%$*in& this )ethod to the S#n and Sat#rn! we re)e)"er that the -e*word of the S#n is ,Life!, and at the erna$ e5#ino+ when the S#n is in Aries! the si&n of its e+a$tation! we )a* readi$* note the %owerf#$ effect of the crestwa e of ita$ f$#id then %o#red o er the earth( 1at#re is i"rant with $ife! which races thro#&h the for)s of a$$ -in&do)s and end#es the) with s#ch a"#ndance of ita$it* that the* are co)%e$$ed to &enerate in order to ta-e care of the o erf$ow( Life )anifests as )otion/ "#t the -e*note of Sat#rn is O"str#ction! therefore that is the %$anet of decre%it#de and deca*! and conse5#ent$* when the S#n is in Li"ra! the si&n of Sat#rn's e+a$tation! at the fa$$ e5#ino+! 1at#re is tired and read* for its wintr* s$ee%( The h#)an fra)e a$so is ener&i7ed "* the so$ar $ife contained in o#r food! which enters o#r s*ste) thro#&h the head and throat! &o erned "* the e+a$tation si&ns of the 2#i$ders! the S#n and Moon! and is e$i)inated "* the S#n and Moon! and is e$i)inated "* the acti it* of the $i er and -idne*s r#$ed "* Sat#rn and his e+a$tation si&n! Li"ra( In *o#th! when the S#n forces s#r&e thro#&h the fra)e! assi)i$ation and e+cretion "a$ance! "#t as ti)e &oes on! ,Chronos, or Sat#rn acc#)#$ates o"str#ctions in the or&ans of e+cretion! and e$i)ination is &rad#a$$* restricted! the a en#es of $ife are da))ed #%! and decre%it#de and deca* t#rn the sca$es of $ife HLi"raI towards the rea$) of death( Si)i$ar$* in other de%art)ents of $ife/ where the S#n )a-es the socia$ fa orite! "* i)"#in& hi) with o%ti)is) and a "ri&ht s#nn* s)i$e! Sat#rn )a-es rec$#ses and so#rs e+istence with frowns and %essi)is)/ where the S#n f#rthers o#r wor$d$* affairs and )a-es thin&s r#n s)ooth$*! Sat#rn ca#ses %ro o-in& de$a*s of the )ost ine+%$ica"$e nat#re/ a$$ the wor$d see)s to cons%ire to fr#strate o#r %$ans( In the 6in&do) of God a$$ thin&s are "a$anced to %rod#ce the hi&hest #$ti)ate &ood to a$$! and so the inf$#ence of Sat#rn is #sed to offset the e+#"erant $ife of Mars( The intrinsic nat#re of Sat#rn is obstruction0 he is s$ow and %ersistent as

A fr#itf#$ )ethod of ac5#irin& -now$ed&e is "* co)%arison of si)i$ars and

Mars is i)%#$si e and 5#ic- to chan&e/ he ta-es no chances! "#t $oo-s "efore he $ea%s! and his co$d! ca$c#$atin& reason )isses no f$aws in an* sche)e( In the horosco%e of a *o#n& so#$ Mars is do)inant and the )an &rows a$on& %h*sica$ $ines )#ch as ani)a$s do #nder the $aw of the s#r i a$ of the fittest! "#t &rad#a$$* the th#)"screws of Sat#rn are %#t on! s5#ares and o%%ositions "rin& sorrow and s#fferin&/ Sat#rn is %$aced a"o e Mars in the horosco%e! to fr#strate and chec- hi)! ti$$ it see)s as if e er* effort were f#ti$e "eca#se of the Sat#rnian o"str#ction( E$i3ah co#$d not hear the oice of &#idance in the fire! the stor) nor the earth5#a-e! "#t when the t#)#$t was o er he heard ,the sti$$ s)a$$ oice, to cheer hi)/ and $i-ewise with #s! whi$e we *ie$d to the #nchec-ed Mars i)%#$ses o#r $i es are too t#r"#$ent to ad)it of co))#nion with the Hi&her Se$f! "#t when the sorrows of Sat#rn ha e chastened the #nr#$* Mars s%irit! when the ni&ht see)s dar-est! as in E$i3ah's ca e! then we a$so hear the oice that sha$$ s%ea- %eace after the stor)( The $eash of Sat#rn is not %$easant/ we so)eti)es chafe! fret and f#)e whi$e "ein& th#s he$d in $eash! "#t )eanwhi$e we ri%en and are )ore fitted! when the o"str#ction is re)o ed! to ha e or #se that which Sat#rn de$a*ed! for as we de e$o% %h*sica$ )#sc$e "* o erco)in& %h*sica$ o"stac$es! so we c#$ti ate so#$ %ower "* the resistance s%irit#a$$* en&endered "* Sat#rn( The teachin& which he &i es )a* "e s#))ed #% in the )otto0 ,Patient %ersistence in we$$ doin&(, Most of #s when considerin& Sat#rn in the horosco%e are inc$ined to $oo- #%on hi) as e i$ on acco#nt of the aff$iction "e "rin&s! "#t that is on$* a one8sided iew! for there is nothin& e i$ in God's 6in&do)( 4hat a%%ears so is )ere$* &ood in the )a-in&( 4hen we re)e)"er that the destin* shown "* o#r horosco%e is of o#r own )a-in& in %ast e+istences then we sha$$ #nderstand that Sat#rn on$* )ar-s the wea- s%ots in o#r horosco%e! where we are #$nera"$e and $ia"$e to &o wron&( 4hen the wea- %oints ha e "een "ro#&ht o#t thro#&h te)%tation! and we have yielded, the %#nish)ent fo$$ows a#to)atica$$* as a nat#ra$ and $o&ica$ se5#ence! for e er* wron& acts carries in itse$f the seed of %#nish)ent which "rin&s ho)e to o#r conscio#sness the )ista-es we ha e )ade( 4e )#st ho$d c$ear$* "efore o#r )ind's e*e that thro#&h the %$anets inc$ine to a certain $ife of action we! as e o$ in& E&os! are s#%%osed to discri)inate "etween &ood and e i$ and choose on$* that which is &ood( If we fai$ in this res%ect and yield to the te)%tation the trans&ression )erits a 3#st reco)%ense #nder the $aws of nat#re and these are the thin&s si&nified "* Sat#rn( 6e are not punished because we are tempted but we are punished because we yielded. S#%%osin& for instance that Sat#rn is in Cancer! then it is %$ain that in the %ast we ha e *ie$ded to an inordinate desire for food! that in conse5#ence o#r di&esti e or&ans ha e "eco)e i)%aired and that if we do not $earn fr#&a$it* and discri)ination in the choice of o#r &ood we sha$$ "e %#nished "* di&esti e disorders( 4e wi$$ then "e te)%ted to ind#$&e in dainties and %erha%s we wi$$ ha e an a ersion for the si)%$e foods which are "est for #s( The te)%tation! howe er! wi$$ ca#se no tro#"$e to the sto)ach #n$ess we *ie$d and

satisf* o#r a%%etite( Then the food! and not an a en&in& .eit*! a#to)atica$$* %#nishes #s #nti$ we $earn to c#r" o#r a%%etite( Si)i$ar$* in other de%art)ents of $ife! if Sat#rn is on the Ascendant or in the Third of 1inth Ho#ses and ad erse$* as%ected to Merc#r* or the Moon it ca#ses #s to "rood o er o#r tro#"$es and fi$$s o#r $i es with &$oo)( It &i es an o"str#ction there to warn #s that we sho#$d "e )ore socia"$e and not t#rn o#r faces awa* fro) the s#nshine of $ife( God is at the he$) of the #ni erse! His )inisters are contin#a$$* wor-in& with #s for &ood! there is rea$$* no reason for "$#es and if we cannot see it toda* Sat#rn is &oin& to ti&hten his &ri% to)orrow and cr#sh harder and harder #nti$ with the sheer co#ra&e of des%eration we "#rst his "onds and 3#)% o#t into the 3o* and s#nshine of $ife( If it were not for the chastenin&! s#"d#in& inf$#ence of Sat#rn we sho#$d "e $ia"$e to r#n a)#c- and "#rn o#t the $a)% of $ife 5#ic-$* in the e+#"erance of s%irits( Sat#rn is we$$ s*)"o$i7ed as Father Ti)e with his ho#r8&$ass and sc*the( He does not %er)it #s to $ea e the schoo$ of $ife #nti$ the ti)e has "een r#n and the co#rse is finished( F#rther)ore he &i es to h#)anit* )an* of its no"$est 5#a$ities( 4hen he $a*s a restrainin& hand #%on the f$i&ht* Moon or Merc#r*! the swift ,)essen&er of the &ods!, he dee%ens the )ind and )a-es it )ore serio#s and "etter a"$e to concentrate #%on the %ro"$e)s of $ife( He )a-es the )ind reso#rcef#$ and "etter a"$e to co%e with the diffic#$ties of o#r e+istence( Tact and di%$o)ac*! )ethod and s*ste)! %atience and %erse erance! honor and chastit*! ind#str* and )echanica$ a"i$it*! 3#stice and fair8)indedness a$$ co)e fro) Sat#rn when he is we$$8as%ected and it is on$* when we trans&ress the %rinci%$es for which he stands that #nder the inf$#ences &enerated "* his ad erse as%ects he %#nishes #s #nti$ he has "ro#&ht #s to o#r -nees to %ra* to o#r Father in Hea en for for&i eness and stren&th to o erco)e o#r $ower nat#re( SAT,RN IN T E T*E(1E O,SES

Saturn in t,e 2irst !ouse and we$$8as%ected is a fort#nate si&n for no )atter how a %erson )a* "e handica%%ed in the start of $ife the #$ti)ate s#ccess is ass#red thro#&h the %atience! %ersistence! se$f8contro$ and restraint of the %erson thro#&h a we$$8%$aced Sat#rn( S#ch %eo%$e ha e a wonderf#$ ca%acit* for wor-( The* see) ne er to tire and ne er to &i e #% no )atter what the o"stac$es( The* ha e infinite confidence in the)se$ es and their a"i$it* to acco)%$ish that which the* #nderta-e and therefore the* e ent#a$$* win( 2#t when Sat#rn is wea- and aff$icted in the First Ho#se it )a-es the %erson ti)id and a erse to #nderta-e res%onsi"i$it*/ s#"t$e! secreti e! and distr#stf#$ of other %eo%$e/ of a &$oo)* dis%osition and inc$ined to see- iso$ation( S#ch %eo%$e are #s#a$$* sh#nned "* others and doo)ed to sorrow! disa%%oint)ent! de$a* and &enera$ tro#"$e thro#&h $ife( This is a$so a "ad si&n for hea$th! %artic#$ar$* in the ear$ier *ears( 2r#ises to the head! co$ds! and if Scor%io is risin&! consti%ation/ in o#r Leo %oor circ#$ation! in Cancer %oor di&estion! in Li"ra o"str#ction of the -idne*s! rena$ ca$c#$i and other #rinar* diffic#$ties and so on with the other si&ns(

Saturn in t,e Second !ouse when we$$8as%ected and %artic#$ar$* in its e+a$tation si&n Li"ra! "rin&s )one* "* inheritance and a"i$it* to increase it "* %resent econo)*! caref#$! conser ati e in est)ents and si)i$ar )ethods( So)e of the er* wea$thiest of the wor$d's financiers ha e had Sat#rn in this %osition( The* o"tain the )one* wherewith to start fro) ancestors indicated "* Sat#rn and fro) the sat#rnine ra* in this ho#se the* deri e the "#siness ac#)en and far8si&hted )ethods that ena"$e the) not on$* to ho$d their own as so )an* do whose wea$th co)es thro#&h Sat#rn "#t a$so to increase the inherited estate( If Sat#rn is weaor aff$icted! howe er! the $ife is s#re to "e %assed in %o ert*( Saturn in t,e ",ird !ouse when we$$8as%ected &i es a serio#s! so"er and tho#&htf#$ )ind! ca%a"$e of concentration and we$$ a"$e to &ra%%$e with the )ost %rofo#nd sciences and other serio#s s#"3ects in $ife( It &i es tact! di%$o)ac*! 3#stice! honest and a$$ the other sat#rnine irt#es of the )ind( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted in the Third Ho#se it indicates tro#"$e with "rethren! dan&er when tra e$in&! de$a*s and disa%%oint)ents in o"tainin& an ed#cation( It a$so fi$$s the )ind with &$oo)* fore"odin&s! worr* and &enera$ des%ondenc*( Saturn in t,e 2ourt, !ouse, we$$8as%ected! shows &ain fro) inheritance! a$so s#ccess fro) in est)ents and ad)inistration of ho#ses and $ands! a&ric#$t#re or )inin& %ro%ert* #nder caref#$ and econo)ica$ )ana&e)ent( The s#ccess &rows "etter as $ife ad ances( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted in the Fo#rth Ho#se it si&nifies the ear$* death of one of the %arents! in har)on* and tro#"$e in the ho)e! $oss of %ro%ert* and conse5#ent %o ert*( This %osition whether we$$ or i$$ as%ected )a-es the %erson a rec$#se in the $atter *ears of $ife( Saturn in t,e 2ift, !ouse when we$$8as%ected "* the S#n and ;#%iter wo#$d "e &ood for s%ec#$ation in the thin&s that are r#$ed "* Sat#rn0 ho#ses! $ands and )ines( This %osition and its as%ects wo#$d a$so &i e the %erson a chance of a%%oint)ent to %#"$ic office! es%ecia$$* in )atters connected with ed#cation( If Sat#rn is aff$icted in the Fifth Ho#se it indicates tro#"$e! disa%%oint)ent and de$a* in co#rtshi%! %artic#$ar$* d#rin& the ear$ier *ears! or e$se the affections are centered #%on so)eone who is )#ch o$der than the %erson whose horosco%e is "ein& 3#d&ed( It decreases the n#)"er of chi$dren and indicates %ro"a"$e death of those who are "orn! a$so that the* wi$$ "rin& a &reat dea$ of tro#"$e to the %erson( Saturn in t,e Sixt, !ouse, we$$8as%ected! &i es the %erson a"i$it* to hand$e e)%$o*ees and wor-)en in &enera$ in a )ost efficient )anner! for tho#&h s#ch a %erson is 5#iet and s#"d#ed he is at the sa)e ti)e fir) and serio#s( He has a wa* a"o#t hi) which e)%$o*ees res%ect and which ca$$s for instant o"edience to his co))ands witho#t ca#sin& the resent)ent ca$$ed forth "* a "$#sterin&! "e$$owin& Mars( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted in the Si+th Ho#se it )eans a &reat dea$ of sic-ness in the $ife and if in a wea- si&n $i-e Vir&o the %erson is in dan&er of "eco)in& a chronic in a$id! for one he is in the &ri% of sic-ness the rec#%erati e %owers are so %oor it is a$)ost i)%ossi"$e for hi) to reco er( The nat#re of the %rinci%a$ i$$ness wi$$

de%end #%on the si&n that is on the c#s% of the Si+th Ho#se or of the Twe$fth! "#t #s#a$$* with s#ch %eo%$e )an* co)%$ications set in after this( A$so a %erson with an aff$icted Sat#rn in the Si+th Ho#se finds it a$)ost i)%ossi"$e to sec#re e)%$o*)ent and it is e ident that s#ch a %erson has indeed a hard $ife! "ein& #na"$e to earn a $i in& when a"$e to "e a"o#t( Saturn in t,e Se$ent, !ouse when we$$8as%ected denotes a )arria&e %artner endowed with the sat#rnine irt#es! chastit* and discretion! tact and discri)ination! %r#dence and econo)*! which wi$$ "e of &reat he$% to the %erson in "#i$din& #% his fort#nes socia$$* as we$$ as financia$$*/ and this is a er* fort#nate %osition sa e for the fact that Sat#rn in the Se enth Ho#se! whether we$$8as%ected or aff$icted! indicates the ear$* death of the %artner( An aff$icted Sat#rn in the Se enth Ho#se desi&nates a &$#)! &$oo)*! co$d and disa&reea"$e co)%anion who is a$wa*s restrainin& and o"str#ctin& the %erson( ,.on't, is the word )ost fre5#ent$* on the ton&#e( It a$so &i es tro#"$e and $oss thro#&h $iti&ation and %eo%$e with this as%ect sho#$d ne er &o to $aw or enter into %artnershi%s for the* wi$$ a$wa*s "e s#"3ect to treacher*( Saturn in t,e #ig,t, !ouse when we$$8as%ected or %$aced in either of its own si&ns! Ca%ricorn or Li"ra! &ains )* )arria&e or inheritance with the a"i$it* to %ro%er$* care for whate er wea$th is ac5#ired in that )anner( It is a$so a si&n of $on& $ife and death fro) nat#ra$ ca#ses! "#t if Sat#rn is aff$icted in the Ei&hth Ho#se or wea- "* si&n! es%ecia$$* in Aries or Cancer! the financia$ %ros%ects of the %erson wi$$ "e decided$* worse after )arria&e and chronic de"i$it* )a* "e e+%ected( Saturn in t,e -int, !ouse when Sat#rn &i es a dee%! serio#s and tho#&htf#$ )ind with a"i$it* and inc$ination for the st#d* of $aw! science and %hi$oso%h*! %h*sics or )eta%h*sics( It is a s%$endid %osition for a %resident of a cor%oration or co$$e&e! a 3#d&e or a di ine( S#ch %eo%$e a$wa*s )a-e their )ar- in the wor$d! the sco%e of "ein& nat#ra$$* de%endent #%on the nat#re of the as%ects and the $ine of endea or se$ected "* the %erson( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted in the 1inth Ho#se he )a-es a narrow8)inded "i&ot! critica$ and sarcastic/ he a$so &i es $ia"i$it* to tro#"$e and $oss thro#&h $aw! dan&er on o*a&es and tro#"$e in forei&n $ands( Saturn in t,e "ent, !ouse shows a stron& se$f8re$iant and a)"itio#s s%irit with the %atience and %erse erance which )a-e a %erson destined to rise in $ife( It is the si&nat#re of the se$f8)ade )an! se$f8)ade "* a$$ the ster$in& sat#rnine ent#res! tact! foresi&ht! honest* and s*ste)atic a%%$ication to "#siness( S#ch %eo%$e are destined to "eco)e ca%tains of ind#str*! %residents of "an-s or ho$d other hi&h %ositions in o$ in& &reat res%onsi"i$it*( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted or wea- "* the si&n he ne erthe$ess &i es the %erson who has hi) in the Tenth Ho#se! a"i$it* to rise! "#t when he does rise it is "* #nderhanded tric-er* and 5#estiona"$e "#siness )ethods which in the end "rin& e+%os#re! downfa$$ and dishonor( It is said that 1a%o$eon had Sat#rn in the Tenth

Ho#se( Saturn in t,e #le$ent, !ouse when we$$8as%ected &i es friends a)on& the a&ed and wea$th who wi$$ "e of "enefit to the %erson in he$%in& hi) to rea$i7e his ho%es! wishes and a)"itions/ "#t when Sat#rn is aff$icted here he sho#$d "eware of see-in& friends o$der than hi)se$f! for the* wi$$ a$wa*s endea or to )a-e #se of hi) for %ersona$ ends and desert hi) when he is no $on&er of #se to the)( Saturn in t,e ".elft, !ouse &i es a sec$#ded $ife in a %osition or occ#%ation where the %erson does not co)e into contact with the &enera$ %#"$ic( 4hen we$$8 as%ected it is &ood for s#ccess in an officia$ ca%acit* in %#"$ic instit#tions! as*$#)s! hos%ita$s or %risons( 4hen aff$icted there is dan&er of "ein& "ed8ridden for )an* *ears! i)%risoned! or e)%$o*ed in o"sc#re %ositions( SAT,RN IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS Saturn in Aries is wea- and therefore #na"$e to e+%ress his "est 5#a$ities to their f#$$ and $e&iti)ate e+tent e en if we$$8as%ected( 1e erthe$ess he &i es a )inor )eas#re of %oise! se$f8re$iance! discretion and tact! ind#str*! %atience and %erse erance( 2#t when Sat#rn is aff$icted in Aries the %erson is 5#ic-$* an&ered and a%t to ho$d s%ite! and a$so of a 3ea$o#s! )a$icio#s! and indicti e dis%osition( Saturn in "aurus when we$$8as%ected )a-es a %erson s$ow of s%eech "#t that he sa*s wi$$ ha e wei&ht and "e we$$ worth hearin&( It &i es a 5#iet dis%osition! s$ow to decide! "#t st#""orn in )aintainin& a %osition once ta-en( These %eo%$e are c$ose8)o#thed! and )* "e tr#sted to -ee% their own and other %eo%$e's secrets we$$( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted in Ta#r#s! %artic#$ar$* "* Merc#r* he a$wa*s ca#ses tro#"$e with the s%eech and &i es a 5#ic- te)%er! es%ecia$$* if Mars is a$so an aff$ictin& %$anet( This %osition )a-es financia$ diffic#$ties( Saturn in 8emini when we$$8as%ected &i es a dee%! one8%ointed! order$* and scientific )ind! ada%ta"$e to circ#)stances and a"$e to co%e with a$$ the e+i&encies of $ife( Lo e of )athe)atics is #s#a$$* %rono#nced and when $iterat#re is ta-en #% as a ocation the )ore serio#s "ranches de oted to ind#stria$ and )echanica$ s#"3ects are %referred( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted in Ge)ini! it &i es tro#"$e thro#&h "rothers and sisters! $iterat#re and $aw! dan&er on short 3o#rne*s( An aff$icted Sat#rn in Ge)ini a$so &i es tro#"$e with the $#n&s( S#ch %eo%$e sho#$d therefore "e %artic#$ar$* caref#$ not to catch co$d( Saturn in Cancer is a$wa*s wea- and his irt#es therefore find it diffic#$t to e+%ress the)se$ es when he is in this %osition( 1e erthe$ess he &i es re$ia"$e 3#d&)ent concernin& ho#ses! $ands! )ines etc(! and &ains "* in estin& in these thin&s/ when we$$8as%ected! he fa ors thrift! econo)* and so$id co)fort in the ho)e with 5#iet! %eacef#$ and co)forta"$e conditions in the $atter %art of $ife( He )a-es the %erson fr#&a$ and &i es a &ood contro$ of the a%%etite( 2#t when aff$icted he indicates do)estic infe$icit*! the %erson "ein& he$d "ac- in $ife "* a &$oo)* -i$$83o* %artner who is a$wa*s restrainin& e er* a)"itio#s tho#&ht( Tro#"$e!

sorrow and disa%%oint)ent increase as the $ife ad ances and to this is added i$$8 hea$th! for Sat#rn in Cancer indicates that the sto)ach is wea- and the &#)s s#"3ect to %*orrhea! hence there is ina"i$it* to %ro%er$* di&est the food! so that #n$ess s#ch %eo%$e ha e s#fficient wi$$ to c#r" their a%%etites the* "eco)e the icti)s to chronic indi&estion( Sat#rn in Cancer a$so indicates a re$i&io#s tendenc* and an inc$ination toward st#d* of the dee%er sciences( Saturn in +eo when we$$8as%ected &i es fa or fro) %eo%$e hi&her in the socia$ sca$e and s#ccess in o"tainin& %#"$ic a%%oint)ents where the Sat#rnine irt#es! tact! di%$o)ac*! discretion and s*ste)! honor and e+ec#ti e a"i$it* are re5#ired( The constit#tion of these %eo%$e is not o er$* stron& "* the* )a* )aintain %erfect hea$th "* the conser ation of ener&* as indicated "* Sat#rn( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted in Leo howe er! the* are cr#e$ and 5#ic-8te)%ered! 3ea$o#s! and do not scr#%$e to stoo% to #nderhanded )ethods to satisf* an a)"ition( This %osition a$so indicates heart tro#"$e( Saturn in 4irgo &i es a st#dio#s! dee%! scientific )ind of st#d*in& the dee%er %ro"$e)s of $ife( It indicates an innate a"i$it* to )ana&e others( It &i es a thrift*! econo)ica$ and fr#&a$ nat#re! "#t when Sat#rn is aff$icted in Vir&o the )ind #s#a$$* centers #%on disease and the %erson "eco)es a confir)ed h*%ochondriac( These %eo%$e are the nest c#sto)ers of the %atent )edicine endors for )ost of their i$$s are #s#a$$* i)a&inar*( This %osition does howe er! carr* with it a $ia"i$it* to intestina$ diseases( Saturn in +ibra is e+a$ted and er* stron& and therefore his &ood as%ects "rin& o#t a$$ the fine sat#rnine 5#a$ities and on that acco#nt sec#re for the %erson %#"$ic estee) and reco&nition( The )arria&e %artner is chaste and %#re as &o$d( This %osition a$so "rin&s &ood hea$th and $on& $ife! "#t when Sat#rn is aff$icted in Li"ra the )arria&e %artner is either treachero#s or re)o ed "* an ear$* death( If the %erson &oes to $aw he is $i-e$* to $ose! and "eco)e the o"3ect of %#"$ic disfa or( He wi$$ a$so "e s#"3ect to #rinar* tro#"$es( Saturn in Scorpio when we$$8as%ected &i es a rare )echanica$ t#rn to the )ind! a reso#rcef#$ness #nder the )ost diffic#$t conditions! an indo)ita"$e co#ra&e and a %atient %ersistence "efore which e en the )ost diffic#$t constr#ction %ro"$e)s )#st &i e wa*( Hence s#ch %eo%$e )a-e e+ceedin&$* a"$e en&ineers and are in a$#a"$e in a$$ %ioneer #nderta-in&s/ the* "$end the fire of Mars with the foretho#&ht of Sat#rn and are therefore in inci"$e( The* &ain "* $e&ac*! econo)* and thrift and their financia$ fort#nes are )#ch i)%ro ed after )arria&e( Good hea$th and a $on& $ife are a$so indicated! "#t when Sat#rn is aff$icted in Scor%io the )arria&e %artner is %oor! d#$$! e&otistica$ and e+actin& and the %erson is $ia"$e to worr* and i$$8hea$th/ consti%ation and %i$es are the "asic ca#ses when then affect the ner es and the who$e s*ste)( Saturn in Sagittarius when we$$8as%ected &i es a charita"$e and %hi$anthro%ic dis%osition with a desire to e$e ate h#)anit* "* se$f8he$% #nder 3#st $aws and tr#e re$i&io#s i)%#$se( It co#%$es a$$ the sat#rnine irt#es with the "ene o$ent ;#%iterian

s%irit of as%iration so that s#ch %eo%$e a$wa*s ai) to wor- for the %#"$ic &ood accordin& to their a"i$it* and station in $ife( Therefore the* are tr#sted! honored! res%ected and in )#ch de)and for %ositions where these 5#a$ities are of a$#e! in socia$! ind#stria$ or re$i&io#s circ$es( 4hen Sat#rn is aff$icted in Sa&ittari#s he )a-es the %erson insincere! c*nica$ and sarcastic! a)"itio#s to fi$$ %ositions of tr#st and honor "#t for se$fish %#r%oses! $ia"$e to "eco)e in o$ ed in $aw and $ose there"*( This %osition a$so affects the $#n&s and the %erson sho#$d "e er* caref#$ not to catch co$d( Saturn in Capricorn when we$$8as%ected is stron& and therefore his irt#es are a$so %rono#nced! with honest* and inte&rit* as sta#nch as the Roc- of Gi"ra$tar and the deter)ination to wor- toward the desired &oa$ no )atter how $on& it )a* ta-e( Hence in s%ite of a$$ handica%s and o"stac$es %eo%$e with a we$$8as%ected Sat#rn in Ca%ricorn #$ti)ate$* achie e a $ar&e )eas#re of s#ccess and are &enera$$* estee)ed "* their conte)%oraries( 2#t when Sat#rn is aff$icted in Ca%ricorn the )ind is &$oo)* and the %erson sees $ife fro) a "iased %oint of iew( There is a &enera$ sense of dissatisfaction which so)eti)es de e$o%s into a diseased )ind( These %eo%$e are c#nnin&! #nderhanded and not to "e tr#sted( Saturn in A1uarius when we$$8as%ected &i es a h#)ane o#t$oo- #%on $ife! a s*)%athetic and friend$* dis%osition! er* distinct and de$i"erate s%eech and a serio#sness in a$$ affairs of $ife( These %eo%$e therefore )a-e friends a)on& the a&ed! the wea$th* and the inte$$ect#a$ who are a"$e to he$% then rise in $ife( 2#t when Sat#rn is aff$icted in A5#ari#s it )a-es the dis%osition shrewd! c#nnin& and a$ert to %re* #%on others "* &ainin& their confidence and friendshi% and s#ch %eo%$e therefore sin- to the $ower $e e$s of societ*( This %osition a$so carries with it a tendenc* to heart tro#"$e and aricose eins( Saturn in )isces when we$$8as%ected &i es a tendenc* to s#ccess in so)e 5#iet %eacef#$ $ine of $ife where these %eo%$e do not co)e into contact with the %#"$ic! s#ch as $a"orator* or research wor- or in connection with instit#tions for the care of wards of the co))#nit*/ the* are re&#$ar ,ho)e8"odies, "#t when Sat#rn is aff$icted in Pisces it &i es dan&er of confine)ent "* a chronic disease or $ia"i$it* to i)%rison)ent( The %erson )a-es )an* ene)ies who wi$$ "e %ersistent in their %ersec#tion of hi)( T E ASPECTS OF SAT,RN ",e Sun sextile or trine Saturn endows the %erson who is fort#nate eno#&h to ha e it with so)e of the finest fac#$ties in the &a)#t! for it "rin&s o#t the "est 5#a$ities in the two %$anets( It &i es foresi&ht! )ethod and or&ani7in& a"i$it* with the )ora$ sta)ina to carr* an* %ro3ect deter)ined on to a s#ccessf#$ conc$#sion des%ite de$a*s and o"stac$es( Yet the %erson )a-es no ene)ies in so doin&! for this confi&#ration a$so )a-es hi) the so#$ of honor! -ind and considerate/ he wo#$d ne er stoo% to do an*thin& )ean for he is sincere and 3#st in his dea$in&s with a$$ )en! "#t on the other hand! when he "e$ie es a certain co#rse of action to

"e ri&ht he wi$$ ne er swer e there fro) thro#&h hea en and earth "e )o ed a&ainst hi)( These as%ects "rin& s#ccess in %o$itica$ and 3#dicia$ %ositions! a$so in connection with )inin& or a&ric#$t#re( The %erson often "enefits "* $e&ac*! "#t reco&nition and s#ccess are &enera$$* de$a*ed ti$$ )idd$e $ife( ",e Sun conjunction or parallel Saturn/ Either as%ect has a er* detri)enta$ effect #%on hea$th! es%ecia$$* in the co))on si&ns where the resistance is f#nda)enta$$* $ow/ in Ge)ini! Sa&ittari#s and Pisces it &i es a tendenc* to t#"erc#$osis( It does $east da)a&e in the fi+ed si&ns where the resistance is &reatest! "#t when sic-ness does &et a &ri% on the %erson it han&s on $i-e &ri) death! for this confi&#ration $essens the %ower of the "od* to throw off disease 5#ic-$*! hence rec#%eration is er* s$ow( This is es%ecia$$* tr#e in a )an's horosco%e/ in a wo)an's fi&#re it affects her h#s"and's hea$th( ",e Sun s1uare or opposition to Saturn/ These as%ects are ad erse to that which is &enera$$* ter)ed s#ccess! "#t the* &i e an a"#ndance of e+%erience! so the* are e+ce$$ent for) the stand%oint of the so#$( It )a* tr#$* "e said of the %erson who has either that ,the "est8$aid %$ans of )ice and )en &an& aft a&$e*!, for no )atter how caref#$$* "e )a* %$an his affairs he wi$$ "e s#"3ected to de$a*s and )eet o"stac$es which wi$$ thwart his desires/ his )arria&e often is #nha%%* and is $i-e$* to end in di orce or ear$* death of the %artner/ there is diffic#$t* in findin& and -ee%in& e)%$o*)ent! tro#"$e with e)%$o*ers and a#thorities! a fee$in& as if he were he$d in $eash a$$ his $ife and denied e+%ression in an* direction( These are the o#tward e+%eriences "#t the* are &enerated "* the inner nat#re! and #nti$ that chan&es he )#st s#ffer the whi%$ash of necessit*( In the first %$ace s#ch a %erson has a tendenc* to craw$ into a sha$$ and sh#t hi)se$f in and others o#t( He is %essi)istic and a -i$$83o*! has $itt$e or no re&ard for the fee$in&s of others and is er* o"stinate( In the horosco%e of a wo)an it si&nifies )arria&e to one )#ch o$der! a %erson who wi$$ ho$d her with a er* ti&ht rein/ it a#&#rs death of the h#s"and and often se era$ )arria&es which are ter)inated "* death or di orce( These confi&#rations often "rin& $e&acies "#t either there is tro#"$e and $iti&ation o er the "e5#ests! or the %erson s5#anders the estate after he recei es it( If Sat#rn is in Li"ra! his e+a$tation8si&n! the $atter %art of the $ife )a* "e "etter "eca#se the %erson has ta-en the $essons of $ife to heart and )ended his wa*s( 4enus sextile or trine to Saturn/ The &ood 5#a$ities of Ven#s are $o e and affection and the &ood 5#a$ities of Sat#rn are tact! di%$o)ac* ! )ethod and s*ste)! 3#stice! thrift and econo)*! and we )a* therefore 3#d&e that when these two %$anets are confi&#rated in &ood as%ect the* )a-e the %erson faithf#$ and tr#e! 3#st and honora"$e! di%$o)atic and tactf#$! s*ste)atic and )ethodica$! 5#a$ities which )a-e for s#ccess in a$$ de%art)ents of $ife( Therefore a %erson with these as%ects wi$$ "e )#ch so#&ht as a friend and ad iser! or as a %erson to "e tr#sted with an* co))ission re5#irin& ster$in& honest* and a"i$it*( The )a-e hi) si)%$e in his tastes and of i)%eacha"$e )ora$it*( Hence either is what one )a* ca$$ one of the $#c-iest as%ects in the &a)#t(

4enus parallel, conjunction, s1uare or opposition to Saturn "rin&s o#t the e i$ 5#a$ities of the two %$anets and tro#"$es which are th#s &enerated #s#a$$* co)e thro#&h the %erson's re$ations with the o%%osite se+( It )a-es hi) #nderhanded and sche)in& to &ratif* his %assions! often in an #n#s#a$ )anner! and his %er erted desires are #s#a$$* directed a&ainst so)eone who is )#ch *o#n&er than hi)se$f( If re&#$ar )arria&e re$ations are entered into! s#ch a %erson is often a de)on of 3ea$o#s$* which )a-es $ife a "#rden for the )arria&e %artner on acco#nt of his s#s%icio#s nat#re( Peo%$e with these aff$ictions are a$so stin&* in a$$ )one* )atters and e+ceedin&$* a aricio#s( The* ha e er* %oor "#siness 3#d&)ent and are therefore $ia"$e to $osses! fai$#re and "an-r#%tc*( .#rin& the ear$ier *ears %eo%$e with these confi&#rations sho#$d "eware of dea$in&s with o$der %eo%$e who wi$$ "e %rone to ta-e ad anta&e of the)! "#t $ater on it wi$$ "e their t#rn to %re* #%on the *o#n&( (ercury sextile or trine to Saturn acts as a "ra-e #%on the f$i&ht* )ind and &i es it a serio#sness! de%th and concentration which is of inesti)a"$e a$#e in $ife( The foretho#&ht and %rofo#nd reasonin& a"i$it* indicated "* these as%ects ins#re s#ccess in whate er ocation the %erson )a* %#rs#e( The %atient %ersistence which %er)its no te)%orar* fai$#re to stand in the wa* of #$ti)ate s#ccess! a$so ca#tion and di%$o)ac* )a-e s#ch %eo%$e in inci"$e in the $on& r#n( Therefore the* &enera$$* "eco)e %ro)inent in connection with so)e serio#s enter%rise s#ch as secret societies! the ch#rch or e en in %o$itics( The* are in de)and for hi&h %ositions where a stead* hand is re5#ired on the he$)( 2#t the* do not #s#a$$* shine for the* are er* 5#iet! s#"d#ed and serio#s in their )anner and de)eanor( The* are a"so$#te$* honest! hence the* )a-e the er* finest 3#d&es o"taina"$e( (ercury conjunction or parallel to Saturn/ These as%ects a$so &i e de%th to the )ind and foretho#&ht! to&ether with a$$ the other &ood 5#a$ities en#)erated as res#$tin& fro) the se+ti$e or the trine! if Merc#r* is otherwise we$$8as%ected/ "#t not in so f#$$ a )eas#re! or at an* rate the %erson does not see) to "e a"$e to e+terna$i7e the) as readi$*! hence does not )eet the sa)e ass#red s#ccess as &i en "* the definite$* &ood as%ects/ he a$so s#ffers fro) the tendenc* to )e$ancho$* denoted "* the s5#are or o%%osition! es%ecia$$* if the as%ect occ#rs in one of the co))on si&ns or in Ca%ricorn! and if in Ge)ini it interferes sad$* with the de+terit*/ s#ch %eo%$e tend to dro% e er*thin& the* ta-e into their hands( These as%ects a$so &i e an e)"arrassin& ti)idit* and if Merc#r* is aff$icted the #ndesira"$e 5#a$ities en#)erated as res#$tin& fro) the s5#are or o%%osition )a* "e $oo-ed for( (ercury s1uare or opposition to Saturn )a-es the %erson s#"3ect to tro#"$e and de$a*s a$$ thro#&h $ife( He is thwarted on e er* hand "* s$ander and secret ene)ies and this condition in ti)e )a-es hi) "itter and sarcastic with the additiona$ conse5#ence that he is sh#nned "* a$$ who can %ossi"$* &et awa* fro) hi)! and that in ti)e $eads hi) to "eco)e a rec$#se who sh#ts hi)se$f awa* to "rood o er his tro#"$es( S#ch a %erson so)eti)es "eco)es a s#"3ect of )e$ancho$ia of a )ost %iteo#s character( These as%ects a$so )a-e the %erson

c#nnin& and #ntr#thf#$( The* &i e the sa)e desire to st#d* the occ#$t conferred "* the &ood as%ects! "#t there is the &reat difference that whi$e the &ood as%ects of Sat#rn and Merc#r* inc$ine to the st#d* of occ#$tis) fro) #nse$fish )oti es the "ad as%ects i)%e$ hi) to ferret o#t nat#re's secrets for %erson %ower or &ain( ",e (oon sextile or trine to Saturn i)%arts a$$ the "est sat#rnine 5#a$ities tot he )ind/ it )a-es the %erson se$f8re$iant! serio#s! so"er and s*ste)atic! caref#$ and thrift* in "#siness affairs and &i es s#ccess in $ife thro#&h tactf#$ and di%$o)atic dea$in&s with others( S#ch %eo%$e are e)inent$* reasona"$e and tr#stworth* in a$$ )atters of honor and 3#stice and &ain &reat estee) in the co))#nit* on that acco#nt( Their %atience and %ersistence are ine+ha#sti"$e( ",e (oon conjunction or parallel to Saturn is not a$wa*s to "e c$assed as a "ad as%ect so far as the )enta$ 5#a$ities &o! for in an* case it dee%ens the )ind and &i es &reater %ower of concentration! "#t if Sat#rn is stron& "* si&n! in Li"ra or Ca%ricorn! and the Moon is otherwise we$$8as%ected this %osition a$so wi$$ i)%art the irt#es of Sat#rn! thro#&h #nder a$$ conditions it )a-es the )ind &$oo)* and the %erson is s#"3ect to %eriodica$ s%e$$s of )e$ancho$*/ "#t if Sat#rn is wea- "* si&n! es%ecia$$* if he is in Aries and if the Moon is otherwise aff$icted! then his con3#nction is to "e 3#d&ed and read the sa)e as the s5#are and o%%osition The effect of the con3#nction a$so de%ends #%on the de%art)ent of $ife we are considerin&/ for instance! the con3#nction of the Moon and Sat#rn is &ood for concentration of the )ind! "#t "ad for the di&estion! %artic#$ar$* in a wo)an's horosco%e! where it has a$so the tendenc* to o"str#ct the )enses with a$$ that that i)%$ies! and in a )an's horosco%e it indicates the death of the )arria&e %artner( Si)i$ar distinctions sho#$d "e )ade when readin& the con3#nctions of the so8ca$$ed )a$efics( ",e (oon s1uare or opposition to Saturn is one of the si&nat#res of sorrow in $ife! for it )a-es the )ind )e$ancho$* and f#$$ of worries so that the %erson is constant$* carr*in& an at)os%here of &$oo) with hi) and as tho#&hts are thin&s this attit#de of )ind "rin&s a"o#t de$a*s and disa%%oint)ents in e er* de%art)ent of $ife( S#ch a %erson wi$$ e+%erience diffic#$ties fro) %ersons and thin&s si&nified "* Sat#rn! %ro"a"$* %arents! and if he has )one* he )a* $ose it and ha e diffic#$t* in &ettin& )ore( Th#s he )a* "e in %o ert* a$$ his $ife( He wi$$ )a-e )ore ene)ies than friends and "eco)e s#"3ect to s$ander and scanda$! "#t the disfa or he )eets is #ndo#"ted$* )erited for these as%ects )a-e the )ind "itter and se$fish and s#ch %eo%$e are #nscr#%#$o#s! a aricio#s and entire$* #nfee$in& with res%ect to others! hence the* are #nder the whi%$ash of Sat#rn that the sorrow and tro#"$es which the* the)se$ es are constant$* fee$in& )a* )a-e the) )ore )e$$ow( If the as%ect is si+! fi e or e en fo#r de&rees fro) "ein& e+act and if Sat#rn is in his e+a$tation si&n Li"ra these as%ects are not 5#ite so e i$ in the $atter %art of $ife( The* )a* then i)%$* that the %erson has $earned his $esson and as a conse5#ence he )a* find hi)se$f in easier circ#)stances( The ad erse as%ects of Sat#rn to the Moon are er* had for the hea$th! %artic#$ar$* in the wo)an's horosco%e( There the* indicate o"str#ctions of the fe)a$e f#nctions( In the )an's

horosco%e the* either den* )arria&e or indicate the death of the )arria&e %artner and their &enera$ tendenc* is to o"str#ct e er*thin& connected with the ho#ses and si&ns wherein the* are %$aced in the horosco%e( 7upiter sextile or trine to Saturn &i es a stron& character with a dee% and %rofo#nd$* %hi$oso%hica$ )ind! a "ene o$ent dis%osition with a stron& sense of 3#stice and fair %$a*( A$$ the irt#es of Sat#rn and ;#%iter are co)"ined "* these as%ects and %eo%$e in whose horosco%e the* are fo#nd wi$$ conse5#ent$* &ain honor and estee) in the co))#nit* where the* are( The* wi$$ "e $oo-ed #%on as the %i$$ars of societ* and &ain %ros%erit* co))ens#rate with the en iron)ent in which the* are %$aced! for these as%ects &i e so#nd financia$ 3#d&)ent! the a"i$it* to &ras% o%%ort#nit* when it is )et! "ene o$ence! de otion to d#t*! re$i&ion and a$$ &ood o"3ects in $ife( 7upiter parallel or conjunction Saturn has the sa)e "eneficent inf$#ence as the se+ti$e or trine! tho#&h not in as &reat a )eas#re and if ;#%iter is wea- "* si&n or otherwise aff$icted the as%ects wi$$ %ro"a"$* co#nt for er* $itt$e! "#t in that case its effect #%on the arteria$ circ#$ation wi$$ "e o"str#cti e! &i in& a tendenc* to sc$erosis of the arteries the sa)e as the o%%osition and s5#are( 7upiter s1uare or opposition to Saturn &i es a diffident! aci$$atin& )ind #na"$e to for) decisions! a$wa*s distr#stf#$ of others! indo$ent and inc$ined to drift with the tide! often a ward of societ* either in the %oor8ho#se or the %rison! for the character is "asica$$* dishonest( These as%ects a$so &i e a tendenc* to arterio8 sc$erosis( (ars sextile or trine to Saturn &i es a ca%a"$e! deter)ined and ener&etic nat#re ca%a"$e of intense and s#stained actions and of o"tainin& #n#s#a$ res#$ts there"*( The e+ec#ti e a"i$it*! do)inant forcef#$ness and end#rance of these %eo%$e are re)ar-a"$e and conse5#ent$* the* are constant$* acco)%$ishin& that others cannot achie e( On acco#nt of these 5#a$ities the* a$wa*s rise to %ro)inent %ositions and are )#ch estee)ed on acco#nt of their a"i$it* "#t se$do) $i-ed for these as%ects a$so )a-e the character cr#e$ and hard( The* &i e a stron& %h*si5#e and &enera$ &ood hea$th( (ars conjunction, parallel, s1uare or opposition to Saturn/ These are thoro#&h$* "ad as%ects indicatin& a se$fish! io$ent! harsh and cr#e$ nat#re! 5#ic-8 te)%ered and indicti e! a"so$#te$* dishonest and #ntr#thf#$/ #nscr#%#$o#s and $ia"$e to %#"$ic dis&race and i)%rison)ent! a$so to accident and a io$ent death! "#t if one of the %$anets is essentia$$* di&nified or e+a$ted the e i$ inf$#ence is )#ch enhanced( It sho#$d a$so "e re)e)"ered that s#ch serio#s defects do not res#$t fro) one as%ect a$one and if the other confi&#rations in the horosco%e are &ood the fore&oin& de$ineation wi$$ on$* a%%$* in a er* )i$d )eas#re( Uranus sextile or trine to Saturn is fort#nate for a %#"$ic career in an officia$$* ca%acit* for it &i es a)"ition and deter)ination with a"i$it* to concentrate #%on $ar&e %ro"$e)s and e+ercise a#thorit*! %$an #%on $ar&e %ro"$e)s and e+ercise a#thorit*! %$an and s*ste)ati7e( It stren&thens the int#ition so that s#ch %eo%$e

are &#ided "* an interior insi&ht when new and i)%ortant ste%s ha e to "e ta-en! therefore the* are in de)and and find %ositions with $ar&e cor%orations where the* win their wa* thro#&h sheer a"i$it*( The )ind is "oth )echanica$ and in&enio#s! hence this %osition often denotes the s#ccessf#$ in entor! %artic#$ar$* a$on& the $ines of e$ectricit*( Uranus conjunction or parallel to Saturn has an inf$#ence $i-e the &ood as%ects of the %$anets are e$e ated! in an&$es! essentia$$* di&nified or e+a$ted! as Sat#rn in Li"ra or Ca%ricorn or Uran#s in A5#ari#s or Scor%io/ "#t if the con3#nction occ#rs in si&ns where either of the %$anets is wea-! $i-e Aries! Ta#r#s! Cancer! or Leo then the inf$#ence wi$$ "e detri)enta$ and sho#$d "e 3#d&ed the sa)e as the s5#are or o%%osition( Uranus s1uare or opposition to Saturn &i es an #nscr#%#$o#s! dishonest nat#re with an e+tre)e$* io$ent te)%er( The o#t"#rsts are as s#dden as a "o$t fro) the "$#e and e+ha#st the %erson co)%$ete$*( These %eo%$e are er* eccentric and $oo- at e er*thin& fro) a %ec#$iar an&$e/ the* are treachero#s! id$e! indo$ent and a$to&ether dan&ero#s to the co))#nit*( These as%ects a$so indicate chronic or inc#ra"$e diseases accordin& to the si&ns wherein the* are %$aced! "#t as said! if the other indications in the horosco%e are &ood the inf$#ence of a sin&$e as%ect wi$$ not "rin& o#t s#ch e i$ characteristics and therefore the who$e horosco%e is to "e caref#$$* considered "efore 3#d&in& the inf$#ence en#)erated for the* )a* "e )ateria$$* )ini)i7ed "* fa ora"$e indications in the horosco%e( -eptune sextile or trine to Saturn is &ood for s#ccess in wor$d$* affairs for it "rin&s o#t the sat#rnine irt#es88honor! se$f8re$iance! deter)ination! etc(! "* which the %erson &ains the confidence and estee) of others! "#t the %rinci%a$ effect is s%irit#a$ and therefore on$* fe$t "* those who are a"$e to res%ond "eca#se of other as%ects in the horosco%e( To the) it &i es the a"i$it* to de$ e dee%$* into occ#$t and )*stica$ s#"3ects! a$so to "eco)e %roficient in the art and %ractice of the)( -eptune conjunction or parallel to Saturn has the sa)e effect as the &ood as%ects when it occ#rs in a si&n where either of the %$anets are stron& as 1e%t#ne is in Cancer and Pisces and Sat#rn in Li"ra and Ca%ricorn( -eptune s1uare or opposition to Saturn $a*s the %erson $ia"$e to $oss "* dece%tion! treacher* or fra#d(

2,PITER T E P(ANET OF BENE1O(ENCE Fro) each of the di ine Hierarchies which ha e )inistered at "irth and e o$#tion of h#)anit* we ha e recei ed certain 5#a$ities and fac#$ties #%on which we are "ein& n#rsed fro) nescience to o)niscience and fro) i)%otence to o)ni%otence in $ife's &reat schoo$( NFro) the Lords of Ven#s we recei ed the %rice$ess &ift of $o e which $in-s h#)anit* in the tenderest affection of ar*in& de&rees and )a-es $ife "ea#tif#$( Fro) the Lords of Merc#r* we recei ed the no $ess a$#a"$e &ift of )ind which ena"$es #s to con5#er the )ateria$ wor$d and %ro ide o#rse$ es with the co)forts of $ife! "#t so)ethin& )ore is needed( The di ine s%ar- within #s is e er* see-in& an o#t$et and the &reater the two 5#a$ities of $o e and inte$$ect &row! the stron&er the #%ward #r&e! "#t this cannot "e f#$$* satisfied either if the S%irit see-s to raise itse$f to its di ine so#rce on$* thro#&h the $o e nat#re e+%ressed "* Ven#s and c#$)inatin& in its hi&her octa e Uran#s( The re$i&io#s fer or then e+%resses itse$f as de otion of the )ost s#"$i)e nat#re "#t there is sti$$ a $ac-( Fee$in& witho#t -now$ed&e is inco)%$ete( 1or can the inner #r&e "e satisfied if thro#&h the )erc#ria$ channe$ of inte$$ect it atte)%ts to raise itse$f to the s%irit#a$ %erce%tion of 1e%t#ne! the hi&her octa e of Merc#r*! for tho#&h the inte$$ect "e shar% as a ra7or it is of no acco#nt when it is de oid of $o e( It therefore fo$$ows that only by the wedding of love and intellect can wisdom be born. The )erc#ria$ -now$ed&e in itse$f! thro#&h neither &ood nor e i$! )a* "e #sed for one %#r%ose or the other( E en &eni#s shows on$* the "ent of this -now$ed&e( 4e s%ea- of a )i$itar* &eni#s! one who has a wonderf#$ -now$ed&e of the tactics of war! "#t a )an of war! whether he "e a 1a%o$eon or a co))on so$dier! is not to "e c$assed as wise "eca#se he de$i"erate$* cr#shes the finer fee$in&s of which we ta-e the heart as s*)"o$( On$* when the )erc#ria$ fac#$t* of )ind is te)%ered! "$ended and "a$anced "* the heart8"orn fac#$t* of $o e &enerated "* the Ven#s ra*! is wisdo) "orn of the #nion( And this is the 5#a$it* which the %$anetar* s%irit of ;#%iter is see-in& to inf#se into )an-ind to aid the) in their s%irit#a$ e o$#tion that the* )a* rise a"o e the )ateria$ %$ane and soar to hi&her s%heres( Therefore the ;#%iterian ra* )a-es %eo%$e h#)an! honora"$e! co#rteo#s! refined and &enero#s! $aw8a"idin& and re$i&io#s! cheerf#$ and o%ti)istic( The tr#e ;#%iterian is a%t$* descri"ed as a 3o ia$ fe$$ow! and he is #s#a$$* $ar&e "#t his heart is a$)ost too "i& to find roo) e en within his ca%acio#s chest( The corners of his )o#th are

a$wa*s t#rned #%ward with a "road s)i$e that can on$* "e descri"ed as radiant and in his heart* &ood8fee$in& he is so de)onstrati e that when he sha-es *o#r hand the $i&a)ents of *o#r ar) are a$)ost s%rained( He is ,hai$ fe$$ow we$$ )et, with e er*"od*! a$wa*s read* to &i e an*thin& or an*"od* a "oost( He see)s act#a$$* &ratef#$ to *o# when *o# as- hi) to do *o# a fa or and is ne er so ha%%* as when wor-in& hard to he$% others( He wo#$d not har) a chi$d and ne er &ets an&r* on his own acco#nt "#t when )o ed to ri&hteo#s indi&nation on acco#nt of the wron&s of others then he )a* "e terri"$e in his wrath! *et he wi$$ ne er "e cr#e$ to the a&&ressor or the o%%ressor! "#t show )erc* and -indness e en to the) as soon as the* ha e "een an5#ished( S#ch is the %#re ;#%iterian! "#t of co#rse he is er* se$do) fo#nd at the %resent ti)e( 1e erthe$ess! an increasin& n#)"er of %eo%$e are "e&innin& to wa$- the wa* of wisdo) and show the ;#%iterian traits( It is said that ,O%%ort#nit* -noc-s at e er* )an's door!, *et we often hear %eo%$e "ewai$ their fate "eca#se the* ,ne er had a chance(, Sat#rn is "$a)ed for o#r )isfort#nes when we ha e $earned to st#d* Astro$o&*/ we are so intent$* on the $oo-o#t for e i$ that we #s#a$$* for&et to $oo- for the &ood! and th#s )iss o#r o%%ort#nit*( It ta-es Sat#rn thirt* *ears to &o aro#nd the horosco%e! "* transit! and for) as%ects to a$$ %$anets! "#t ;#%iter! the )ost "eneficent inf$#ence in the so$ar s*ste)! &oes aro#nd once in e$e en *ears and th#s the &ood fort#nes which he )a* "rin&s are at $east three ti)es as n#)ero#s as the )isfort#nes "ro#&ht "* Sat#rn's e i$ as%ects( As a )atter of fact! we &et fro) others 3#st what we &i e! each is s#rro#nded "* a s#"t$e a#ric at)os%here which co$ors o#r iews of others! and the tho#&hts! ideas and actions of others towards #s( If we har"or )eanness in o#r hearts! that co$ors this at)os%here so that we see )eanness in others and in their actions towards #s! we awa-en this trait in the)! as i"rations fro) a t#nin&8for- start another of the sa)e %itch to sin&( On the other had! if we c#$ti ate the ;#%iterian 5#a$ities of "ene o$ence! his e+%ansi e s)i$e! his cordia$ attit#de of )ind! etc(! we sha$$ soon fee$ the res%onse in o#r circ$e of ac5#aintances and the "eneficent as%ect of ;#%iter wi$$ the) ha e &reater effect in )a-in& o#r $ife and wor- %$easant( ;#%iter is essentia$$* di&nified when fo#nd in Pisces! or in Sa&ittari#s! the si&n of as%iration( He is e+a$ted in Cancer! the ho#se of the Moon! for the seed8ato) which f#rnishes the "od* of the inco)in& E&o is %rotected "* the Moon into the s%here of Cancer "#t in ;#%iter re%resents the s%irit#a$ %art and therefore he %resides at the in&ress of the E&o itse$f into the "od*( He a$so r#$es the "$ood in which the indwe$$in& s%irit finds e+%ression! tho#&h his acti ities are confined %rinci%a$$* to the arteria$ circ#$ation( He f#rthers assi)i$ation and &rowth! and therefore he a$so r#$es the $i er( HSat#rn r#$es the &a$$ "$adder(I ;#%iterians are er* fond of show and dis%$a*( In their re$i&io#s o"ser ances the* $o e cere)onia$ and the* are rather %artia$ to the esta"$ished ch#rch "#t often dis$i-e an* ,is), not sanctioned "* societ* or correct for)( 4hen ;#%iter is aff$icted his inf$#ence )a-es the %erson $aw$ess! sens#o#s! se$f8 ind#$&ent! &$#ttono#s! e+tra a&ant and care$ess in the %a*)ent of his o"$i&ations!

hence $ia"$e to $oss of hea$th! tro#"$e with the $aw and conse5#ent socia$ dis&race( An aff$icted ;#%iter )a-es %eo%$e s%ort*! fond of horse8racin& and &a)"$in&( 2,PITER IN T E T*E(1E O,SES

7upiter in t,e 2irst !ouse when we$$8as%ected is a &ood si&n of hea$th and &enera$ fort#ne in $ife( It &i es a &ood8nat#red! -ind$* dis%osition! a nat#re which "reathes cordia$it*! honor and #%ri&htness( These %eo%$e $o e %$eas#re! %artic#$ar$* o#t8of8doors! and are fond of tra e$in&( The* ha e considera"$e e+ec#ti e a"i$it* and are therefore so#&ht for %ositions of i)%ortance and res%onsi"i$it*( There is an inc$ination to sto#tness in $ater *ears( ;#%iter aff$icted on the Ascendant &i es a tendenc* to se$f8 ind#$&ence! accordin& to the si&n wherein he is %$aced( If in Cancer the %erson "eco)es an in eterate &$#tton and $itera$$* )a-es a &od of his sto)ach with the ine ita"$e res#$t that in the co#rse of *ears he "eco)es e+cessi e$* sto#t! the $i er "ein& %artic#$ar$* en$ar&ed and as a conse5#ence he is s#"3ected to sic-ness of a serio#s nat#re( In Sa&ittari#s it )a-es hi) an in eterate &a)"$er who wo#$d sta-e his so#$ on the toss of a coin( In Pisces he "eco)es an inc#ra"$e dr#n-ard! in Scor%io a sens#a$ist of the worst nat#re and so on with the other si&ns( It )a* a$so "e said that whene er ;#%iter is aff$icted on the Ascendant the hea$th s#ffers thro#&h so)e corr#%tion of the "$ood( 7upiter in t,e Second !ouse when we$$8as%ected! %artic#$ar$* "* the S#n or Moon! &i es &reat financia$ %ros%erit* in $ife and this is a fort#nate %osition in that res%ect e en when ;#%iter is aff$icted! "#t then the %erson is $ia"$e to $oss #nder "ad directions( 4hen ;#%iter is #nas%ected he &i es no he$%/ the %erson )a* then "e %oor and star e( 7upiter in t,e ",ird !ouse when we$$8as%ected &i es a )ind of a hi&h$* o%ti)istic nat#re so that no )atter what other o"stac$es there )a* "e in $ife the %erson who has this %osition wi$$ a$wa*s $oo- at the si$ er $inin& of the c$o#d and in so doin& for&et the c$o#d itse$f( He wi$$ ha e e+ce%tiona$ ed#cationa$ ad anta&es and what is )ore the ed#cation which he recei es wi$$ "e of &reat "enefit to hi)( He wi$$ "e %o%#$ar a)on& his "rothers! sisters and nei&h"ors and the* wi$$ he$% to "enefit hi)( S#ccess is indicated "* tra e$in&! writin& and %#"$ications( 4hen ;#%iter is aff$icted in the Third Ho#se the %erson is $ia"$e to "e in wrec-s and accidents whi$e tra e$in&! "#t he wi$$ not "e in3#red tho#&h he esca%e on$* "* a hair"readth( If Sat#rn aff$icts he wi$$ "eco)e care$ess and indo$ent! th#s forfeitin& the res%ect and estee) of his i))ediate fa)i$*! "#t if Mars is ad erse the* wi$$ )istr#st hi) "eca#se of rash and i)%r#dent acts( 7upiter in t,e 2ourt, !ouse when we$$8as%ected is )ost fort#nate for the ho)e conditions! es%ecia$$* in the $atter %art of $ife( Peo%$e with ;#%iter in this %osition wi$$ do "etter in their %$ace of "irth than an*where e$se( The* wi$$ recei e considera"$e he$% fro) the %arents and %ro"a"$* an inheritance fro) the)( Their "#siness affairs wi$$ "e on a so$id "asis and r#n s)ooth$* so that at the c$ose of $ife

there wi$$ "e a considera"$e acc#)#$ation accordin& to their station and the o%%ort#nities of their en iron)ent( The* %ass their da*s in %eace and end the) a)id friends! wea$th and %ros%erit*( 2#t when ;#%iter is aff$icted in the Fo#rth Ho#se the %erson sho#$d $ea e his nati e town ear$* in $ife for the conditions there wi$$ "e detri)enta$ to this s#ccess( La ish and e+tra a&ant e+%endit#re! $o e of dis%$a* and -indred cost$* tendencies wi$$ sa% his reso#rces and "rin& hi) into "an-r#%tc*/ "esides a fa$se %ride wi$$ -ee% hi) fro) #nderta-in& a radica$ refor) e en when he has awa-ened to the fact that he o#&ht to do so if he wo#$d sa e hi)se$f and the on$* wa* o#t of it to )a-e a new start wi$$ "e re)o a$ to another cit*( 7upiter in t,e 2ift, !ouse and we$$8as%ected increases the n#)"er of chi$dren and the* wi$$ "rin& )#ch %rofit and %$eas#re to the %arents/ it &i es %o%#$arit* and &ood friends who wi$$ "e a he$% to the %erson! a$so a socia"$e and %$eas#re $o in& dis%osition( Gain "* s%ec#$ation is foreshown! hi&h inte$$i&ence and s#ccess in ed#cationa$ wor- or the %#"$ishin& or news%a%er "#siness( These %eo%$e )a-e fine teachers and ha e a er* con incin& wa* of %#ttin& thin&s( If ;#%iter is aff$icted in the Fifth Ho#se! es%ecia$$* in Sa&ittari#s! it &i es a tendenc* towards &a)"$in& and $oss there"*! a $o e of s%orts! disinc$ination for wor-! and tro#"$e with chi$dren( 7upiter in t,e Sixt, !ouse &i es &ood hea$th and s#ccess in the care and c#re of the sic-! faithf#$ ser ants! and the res%ect and estee) of a$$ with who) the %erson co)es in contact in the co#rse of his occ#%ation( 2#t when ;#%iter is aff$icted in the Si+th Ho#se it &i es a tendenc* toward $i er tro#"$es! en$ar&e)ent of the $i er! o"esit* and &enera$ disorders %rod#ced "* o er8ind#$&ence of the a%%etite( 7upiter in t,e Se$ent, !ouse &i es a no"$e! &reat8hearted and s*)%athetic )arria&e %artner who wi$$ "rin& the %erson fa or! fort#ne and socia$ %resti&e( It is an idea$ indication for )arria&e! a$so for a %erson see-in& to ta-e a %artner or enter into %artnershi%( He )a* a$so "e ass#red that the %artner wi$$ "e no"$e! sincere! honest and tr#st8worth*! and that s#ccess wi$$ co)e "* co8o%eration( It is an idea$ %osition for a $aw*er for it indicates s#ccess in $aw and the a"i$it* to reconci$e o%%onents( 2#t if ;#%iter is wea- of aff$icted the %erson wi$$ $ose his $aws#its or s#ffer "* )is%$aced confidence in his %artner/ )arria&e wi$$ "e de$a*ed or denied and when cons#))ated tro#"$e wi$$ arise thro#&h the indo$ence and se$f8 ind#$&ent ha"its of the )arria&e %artner( Therefore wisdo) wo#$d dictate that the %erson a oid s#ch re$ationshi%s( 7upiter in t,e #ig,t, !ouse when we$$8as%ected indicates financia$ &ain "* )arria&e! %artnershi%s or $e&ac*! "#t when wea- or aff$icted it indicates $aws#its and $osses in connection with these )atters( A we$$8 as%ected ;#%iter in the Ei&hth Ho#se is a$so a si&n of an eas* and %eacef#$ ter)ination of the $ife when the f#$$ co#rse has "een r#n( 7upiter in t,e -int, !ouse &i es a %eacef#$! no"$e! o%ti)istic and -ind8hearted dis%osition! with re$i&io#s tendencies! "road8)inded and to$erant of the o%inions of others! "#t fa orin& the )ore orthodo+ and esta"$ished $ines of tho#&ht( The

%erson is )#ch estee)ed in societ* and a%t to occ#%* %ro)inent %ositions in ch#rch! state or in instit#tions of $earnin& or %hi$anthro%ic associations( This %osition a$so &i es a $o e of tra e$ with %$eas#re and &ain there"*( 2#t when weaor aff$icted "* si&n or as%ect it &i es arro&ance and $o e of dis%$a* which is o#r of %ro%ortion with the %erson's %oc-et"oo-! conse5#ent$* there are $aws#its and $ia"i$it* to socia$ discredit( It a$so shows dan&er when tra e$in&( 7upiter in t,e "ent, !ouse when we$$8as%ected is one of the "est indication of an e)inent$* s#ccessf#$ and irt#o#s $ife! es%ecia$$* if he is s#%%orted "* Sat#rn! S#n and Moon! for then the %erson wi$$ rise to a hi&h %osition in the ch#rch! state or $aw and &ain &reat wea$th! honor and socia$ estee)( F#rther)ore he wi$$ deser e a$$ he &ets for the character wi$$ "e of s#%er$ati e no"i$it*( 2#t if ;#%iter "e wea- or aff$icted in the Tenth Ho#se! %artic#$ar$* "* Sat#rn or the $#)inaries! it shows that the character is not re$ia"$e( The %erson )a* rise "#t his e i$ deeds wi$$ find hi) o#t and therefore he wi$$ e+%erience re ersa$s of fort#ne and $oss of %resti&e( 7upiter in t,e #le$ent, !ouse and we$$8as%ected &i es wea$th* and inf$#entia$ friends who )a* "e re$ied #%on to he$% the %erson to rea$i7e his ho%es! wishes and a)"itions( It a$so &i es a socia"$e dis%osition and fondness for %$eas#re( In a )an's horosco%e it si&nifies that the )arria&e wi$$ "e fr#itf#$ and that his chi$dren wi$$ "e a credit and a he$% to hi)! "#t "efore 3#d&)ent is rendered in this res%ect the wife's horosco%e sho#$d a$so "e e+a)ined to see whether it conc#rs! for if not then the 3#d&)ent )#st "e )odified( 4hen ;#%iter is aff$icted in the E$e enth Ho#se either the %erson )eets friends who are &ood and sincere in their desire to he$% hi) "#t $ac- the a"i$it* or $ess the friends who) he attracts co)e to hi) to "e "enefited( In either case he wi$$ not "e he$%ed )#ch "* friends "#t )#st de%end #%on his own reso#rces to attain his desires( 7upiter in t,e ".elft, !ouse when we$$8as%ected "rin&s &ain and s#ccess thro#&h occ#%ations carried on in co)%arati e sec$#sion s#ch as $a"orator* wor-! wor- in hos%ita$s or as*$#)s in an e+ec#ti e ca%acit*/ or in a %osition in one of the fraterna$ orders which ha e to do with sic- "enefits or in the st#d* and %ractice of the )*stica$ or occ#$t arts( If %eo%$e with ;#%iter in this %osition are %ersona$$* indi&ent the* recei e )#ch "o#nt* fro) %eo%$e or instit#tions of a fraterna$ or charita"$e nat#re! "#t if the* are we$$8to8do the* &i e $a ish$* to these %#r%oses( If the* ha e ene)ies the* a$so ha e a wa* of t#rnin& the) to friends( If ;#%iter is aff$icted it )a-es the %erson indo$ent and i)%ro ident so that in ti)e he #s#a$$* "eco)es the ward of one of the charita"$e instit#tions where he $i es ti$$ the end of $ife witho#t either tro#"$e or worr*( 2,PITER IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS 7upiter in Aries &i es a hi&h8s%irited! ener&etic and a)"itio#s )ind! a$wa*s on the $oo-o#t and a$ert for new and %ro&ressi e )ethods #sa"$e for ad ance)ent in the wor$d's wor-! it )a-es a tr#e %ioneer! neither too conser ati e not too

i)%#$si e! a tho#&htf#$! "#t s*)%athetic dis%osition! sincere! honest and tr#stworth*! so)ewhat re$i&io#s$* inc$ined( It &i es so)e $e&a$ of $iterar* a"i$it* and a $o e of o#t8door &a)es with %o%#$arit* in socia$ and "#siness circ$es( 2#t if ;#%iter is aff$icted the )ind is not so conser ati e and we$$8"a$anced( There is a tendenc* to rash and i)%#$si e acts/ i)%atience and te)%er are shown #nder ad erse circ#)stances with a conse5#ent $oss of estee) and %o%#$arit*( 7upiter in "aurus when we$$8as%ected &i es an e)inent$* -ind and s*)%athetic nat#re to a$$ %eo%$e "#t a dee%8seated! tender and war) $o e for those towards who) the re$ationshi% warrants s#ch e+%ression( This %osition a$so attracts wea$th and &i es a &enero#s dis%osition to aid in %hi$anthro%ic enter%rises/ *et ;#%iter in the Second Ho#se or second si&n is ne er $a ish or e+tra a&ant$* &enero#s "#t rather conser ati e and inc$ined to in esti&ate the )erits of an* %ro%osition "efore he e+tends a he$%in& hand( On the other hand he is a"so$#te$* o%en8handed to those who are near and dear to hi)( His ho)e and his fa)i$* are a$$ in a$$( 4hen ;#%iter is aff$icted in Ta#r#s it inc$ines to e+tra a&ant e+%endit#res for show! dis%$a* and &ratification of the $ower nat#re( S#ch %eo%$e are &reat &o#r)andi7ers! fond of rich and sa or* foods that tic-$e the %a$ate( The* often e+%erience financia$ diffic#$ties and tro#"$e with creditors! a$so s#ch sic-ness as )a* res#$t fro) the o er8ind#$&ence of their a%%etites accordin& to other indications of the stars( 7upiter in 8emini when we$$8as%ected &i es $iterar* a"i$it* of a hi&h c$ass and if that is "ac-ed "* the necessar* ed#cation s#ccess in this $ine in certain( This %osition a$so &i es an in enti e t#rn to the )ind! a $o e of )athe)atics and an attraction towards the occ#$t( ;#%iter in Ge)ini shows that tra e$ wi$$ "rin& "oth %$eas#re and %rofit and it &i es an honora"$e! co#rteo#s and friend$* dis%osition( 2#t if ;#%iter is aff$icted the %erson is $ia"$e to )eet with $osses and tro#"$e when tra e$in&( He wi$$ ha e a n#)"er of hair8"readth esca%es fro) accidents! $e&a$ and re$i&io#s tro#"$e! a$so diffic#$ties with "rothers! sisters and c$ose re$ati es( 7upiter in Cancer/ The f#$$ effect of ;#%iter for &ood or i$$ is ne er fe$t #nti$ the )idd$e $ife and this is es%ecia$$* the case when he is %$aced in the Fo#rth Ho#se or fo#rth si&n! Cancer( 4hen we$$8%$aced there he &i es an e+ceedin&$* -ind$* and co#rteo#s dis%osition! that is at %eace with a$$ the wor$d/ he is endowed with a )ost i id and fr#itf#$ i)a&ination! a drea)er of Uto%ian drea)s and a $o er of the occ#$t and )*stica$( There is a$so howe er! a %ractica$ side to the nat#re which )a-es hi) a)"itio#s to attain wor$d$* s#ccess and fort#nate in his in est)ent in ho#ses! $ands or )ines! so that he wi$$ acc#)#$ate %ro%ert* and "e we$$8to8do es%ecia$$* after )idd$e $ife( this %osition a$so indicates that the %erson )a* recei e )#ch he$% fro) his %arents d#rin& $ife and an inheritance after their death( ;#%iter in Cancer )a-es the %erson er* fond of the %$eas#res of the ta"$e "#t if we$$8 as%ected he wi$$ %ro"a"$* -ee% hi)se$f within s#ch "o#nds that his hea$th does not s#ffer( If howe er! ;#%iter is aff$icted it inc$ines to inordinate &$#tton* which wi$$ e ent#a$$* corr#%t the "$ood and ca#se s#ch disease and no+io#s &rowths as res#$t fro) that condition( 7upiter in +eo &i es a tr#$* no"$e nat#re! "$endin& -indness and co#ra&e! se$f8

re$iance and $o*a$t*! se$f8restraint and co)%assion! )erc* and 3#stice( It indicates! in short! a %ara&on of irt#es nowhere e+ce$$ed( It &i es an a"#ndance of ita$it* and a stron& constit#tion so that it )ar-s a $eader %h*sica$$*! )ora$$* and s%irit#a$$*! nor wi$$ s#ch a %erson e er "e content to fo$$ow( He cra es %ositions of tr#st and res%onsi"i$it*! the &reater the "etter( He wi$$ a$wa*s "e e5#a$ to the occasion and ne er a"#se the confidence of those who ha e %$aced hi) there( S#ch %eo%$e ha e an innate c#$t#re and refine)ent( The* are fond of e er*thin& that tends to the #%$ift of h#)anit*! re$i&io#s! sincere/ s#re to win reco&nition and s#ccess dea$in& in s%ec#$ati e in est)ents( 4hen ;#%iter is aff$icted in Leo the %erson "eco)es cr#e$ and sens#o#s! a"nor)a$$* fond of %$eas#re and s#"3ect to $oss "* in est)ents! s%ec#$ation and &a)"$in&( 7upiter in 4irgo &i es a ca#tio#s! ana$*tica$ and %ractica$ nat#re with an a$)ost #nerrin& fac#$t* for discri)inatin& "etween the see)in& and the rea$! for siftin& tr#th fro) error and arri in& at facts( The* cannot ferret o#t secrets "* #nderhanded )ethods as Sat#rn in Ca%ricorn which )a-es an idea$ detecti e! "#t if ;#%iter in Vir&o is the 3#d&e no one is c$e er eno#&h to hide the tr#th fro) hi)( A we$$8as%ected ;#%iter in Vir&o indicates s#ccess with ser ants who wi$$ "e fo#nd faithf#$ and $o*a$! read* to do their )aster's "iddin&( It a$so indicates %ros%erit* thro#&h "#siness or %rofessiona$ ocations/ "#t if ;#%iter is aff$icted in Vir&o it &i es a c*nica$ car%in& and critica$ dis%osition! )istr#stf#$ of others and therefore $ia"$e to $oss thro#&h ser ants or e)%$o*ees( S#ch %eo%$e cannot s#cceed in "#siness and the* wi$$ find it e+tre)e$* diffic#$t to o"tain or -ee% a %osition( At an* rate the* wi$$ ser e in a er* inferior ca%acit*( 7upiter in +ibra when we$$8as%ected &i es a -ind! s*)%athetic and $o in& dis%osition! a conscientio#s! socia"$e and "ene o$ent nat#re and an interest in a$$ that )a-es for the #%$ift of h#)anit*88)#sic! art! $iterat#re! socia$ interco#rse! et cetera( On that acco#nt the %erson is %o%#$ar! %artic#$ar$* with the o%%osite se+ fro) whence &ain and "enefit )a* "e e+%ected( S#ccess in the "#siness and %#"$ic $ife are shown( 2#t if ;#%iter is aff$icted in Li"ra #nd#e ind#$&ence of the $ower nat#re wi$$ "rin& tro#"$e and %#"$ic scanda$ with a conse5#ent $oss of %o%#$arit* and %resti&e( 7upiter in Scorpio &i es an ardent! a&&ressi e and se$f8re$iant nat#re! an enth#siastic! constr#cti e and reso#rcef#$ )ind with the a"i$it* to )eet a$$ the e+i&encies of $ife in an efficient )anner and it ens#res s#ccess in %ractica$ e er*da* occ#%ations! &i es a $ar&e fa)i$* and %$ent* of )eans to %ro ide for the)( This %osition a$so shows a tendenc* towards occ#$t in esti&ations( 2#t if ;#%iter is aff$icted in Scor%io it wi$$ "rin& $oss and tro#"$e thro#&h the ind#$&ence of the $ower nat#re in an inordinate )eas#re! $o e of rich an e+%ensi e &ood and sic-ness on that acco#nt( 7upiter in Sagittarius when we$$8as%ected &i es &ood fort#ne and &enera$ s#ccess in $ife! a h#)ane! "road and %hi$oso%hica$ )ind! a re erent and re$i&io#s dis%osition( Hence %eo%$e with this %osition rise to the to% and "eco)e $eaders in their ario#s s%heres of $ife! findin& %$aces of %ro)inence in ch#rch or state!

scientific or %hi$oso%hic enter%rises or instit#tions( If ;#%iter is aff$icted in Sa&ittari#s it )a-es the %erson s%ort*! fond of chea% and &a#d* dis%$a*! e+tra a&ant and read* to ta-e a chance on an* &a)"$e! ca#ses $oss of socia$ standin& if "orn in a "etter en iron)ent! tro#"$e thro#&h $aw! financia$ diffic#$ties! narrow8)inded sectarian iews if inc$ine to "e re$i&io#s( 7upiter in Capricorn &i es an a)"itio#s nat#re! se$f8re$iant and se$f8contro$$ed with a desire to rise to a %osition of a#thorit* o er others a$so the a"i$it* to dictate wise$* and we$$( It &i es a caref#$! econo)ica$ dis%osition! and an a"horrence of waste/ in&en#it*! reso#rcef#$ness and so)e )echanica$ a"i$it*( These %eo%$e are tr#st8worth* to a de&ree! sincere and honest in a$$ their #nderta-in&s and ho$d e er* %ro)ise in io$ate! therefore the* #s#a$$* rise to honor! estee) and &enera$ %o%#$arit*( As a$read* said their ai) is to attain inde%endence at the head of so)e "#siness! "#t if the* do not s#cceed in that and ha e to wor- for others the* are "est s#ited to "e in the e)%$o* of the &o ern)ent! either )#nici%a$ or nationa$( On acco#nt of the i)%$icit tr#st &enerated "* their ster$in& characteristics of honest*! sincerit* and faithf#$ness these %eo%$e are often )ade the reci%ients of confidence fro) friends who fee$ the need of sharin& their tro#"$es with so)eone who can "e de%ended #%on either to &i e honest! disinterested ad ice or e$se to -ee% the secrets to$d then in io$ate( If ;#%iter is aff$icted in Ca%ricorn it )a-es a )iser who wi$$ hoard a$$ he can scra%e to&ether and den* hi)se$f a$$ e+ce%t the "arest necessities and is conse5#ent$* des%ised "* a$$ who -now hi)( 7upiter in A1uarius when we$$8as%ected &i es a h#)ane! o%ti)istic! ori&ina$ and %hi$oso%hic )ind! fond of friends and the societ* of others %artic#$ar$* those who are interested in science or )*sticis)! $iterat#re and )#sic! conse5#ent$* he attracts %eo%$e of that nat#re and the* wi$$ "e a "enefit to hi) in he$%in& hi) to rea$i7e his ho%es! wishes and a)"itions( He )a* %ossi"$* o"tain a %osition of i)%ortance in so)e officia$ ca%acit* with secret or occ#$t societies( This is a &ood indication of &enera$ s#ccess in $ife! "#t if ;#%iter is aff$icted it )a-es the nat#re rest$ess! ner o#s and erratic with re o$#tionar* or anarchistic ideas with disinc$ination for serio#s wor- and s#ch %eo%$e are &enera$$* dis$i-ed and distr#sted( 7upiter in )isces &i es a charita"$e! s*)%athetic and hos%ita"$e nat#re which $o es to )inister to the o#tcasts of societ*( These %eo%$e are erita"$e an&e$s of )erc* to a$$ who s#ffer in "od*! so#$ or s%irit( The* are we$$ -nown to those who are ,sic- of in %rison(, 2ein& of a sensiti e nat#re and s#"3ect to the inf$#ences fro) the in isi"$e wor$d the* not infre5#ent$* ha e %s*chic e+%eriences and "eco)e st#dents of the occ#$t( The* $o e )#sic! art and $iterat#re and if we$$8 as%ected "* Ven#s! ;#%iter in Pisces wi$$ &i e considera"$e a"i$it* as a %erfor)er/ "#t if ;#%iter is aff$icted in Pisces it &i es a aci$$atin& )ind! a ner e$ess! coward$* nat#re ind#$&in& in a$$ ices in the ca$endar and a &enera$$* des%ica"$e dis%osition88 a socia$ %arasite(

T E ASPECTS OF 2,PITER ",e Sun conjunction, sextile or trine to 7upiter/ The con3#nction &i es a tendenc* to a%o%$e+*! es%ecia$$* if it occ#rs in Aries! "#t with that e+ce%tion we )a* sa* that these confi&#rations are s#re indications of hea$th! wea$th and ha%%iness/ the* &i e the %erson an a"#ndance of ita$it* which is %roof e en a&ainst er* se ere ons$a#&hts of disease! and sho#$d a %artic#$ar$* #nfa ora"$e %$anetar* inf$#ence s#cceed in "rea-in& down the constit#tiona$ resistance reco er* wi$$ "e so ra%id as to see) )irac#$o#s( This near$* i)%re&na"$e condition of hea$th is a$$ the )ore #nassai$a"$e "eca#se it is "ac-ed "* a dis%osition at once ,s#nn*, and ,3o ia$, and that $atter characteristic a$so )a-es the fort#nate %ossessors of these as%ects "e$o ed "* a$$ with who) the* co)e in contact/ e er*"od* is &$ad to see the %erson with the %er%et#a$ s)i$e! "#t the* do )ore than ,s)i$e,88the* earn the friendshi% #ni ersa$$* "estowed #%on the) "* deeds of -indness! "* words of s*)%ath*! cheer or ho%e as the occasion )a* de)and( The* are tr#sted "* e er*"od* for the* ne er "etra* a tr#st/ the* ha e &ood c$ear heads! &ood 3#d&)ent and e+ec#ti e a"i$it* so that the* are we$$ fitted to he$% others( These characteristics a$so fa or their own financia$ fort#nes so that the* acc#)#$ate wea$th! "#t theirs is ne er ,tainted )one*!, the* ne er "enefit "* the $oss of others( The* are conser ati e$* re$i&io#s and )a* "e a%t$* descri"ed as ,%i$$ars of societ*(, The* shine %artic#$ar$* in &o ern)enta$ offices( ",e Sun s1uare or opposition to 7upiter &i es a tendenc* to ind#$&e in ha"its which are "ad for the hea$th/ the %erson is far too fond of the ,&ood thin&s in $ife, and er* se$fish in s#%%$*in& his own co)forts/ he e+ercises $itt$e and ne er denies hi)se$f! with the res#$t that the circ#$ation "eco)es s$#&&ish and as these %eo%$e ha e a s#%era"#ndance of "$ood their $assit#de and ind#$&ence is %rod#cti e of ario#s no+io#s &rowths and -indred disorders/ so)eti)es a fit of an&er raises the "$ood %ress#re to s#ch a %oint that a esse$ "#rst and ends the $ife or $ea es the %erson thenceforth a #se$ess wrec-( These as%ects &i e a "o)"astic! ha#&ht* dis%osition with an inordinate $o e of dis%$a* and th#s ind#ce to e+tra a&ance "oth in socia$ and "#siness affairs with the res#$t that the %erson so)eti)es finds hi)se$f in o$ ed in de"t which he cannot %a* and then there is "#t a ste% to the "an-r#%tc* co#rt( A fa$se %ride often %re ents these %eo%$e fro) wor-in& honest$* for others so the* wo#$d rather %re* #%on the %#"$ic as &a)"$ers where there is an o%%ort#nit* to swind$e other %eo%$e and &et what the* ca$$ an ,eas*, $i in& #nti$ then $and in the )eshes of the $aw( Chi$dren with these as%ects sho#$d "e &i en s%ecia$ trainin& in se$f8 restraint! thrift and honest*! a"o e a$$! re$i&ion! for the* ha e a tendenc* to scorn and scoff at re$i&ion! "#t %erha%s a )e)or* of a de o#t )other )a* he$% to -ee% the) strai&ht( 4enus conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to 7upiter is one of the "est si&ns of s#ccess and &enera$ &ood fort#ne in $ife( It fa ors the acc#)#$ation of wea$th and the en3o*)ent of a$$ the $#+#ries of $ife( It is a &ood indication of a s#ccessf#$ and ha%%* )arria&e! socia$ %resti&e and the res%ect of a$$ with who) the %erson co)es in contact( It endows hi) with a 3o ia$! o%ti)istic! &enero#s and

$ar&e8hearted dis%osition! )a-es hi) honora"$e to a de&ree! interested and acti e in %hi$anthro%ic )eas#res! $i"era$ in )ind! to$erant of the iews of others e en where he differs radica$$*! fond of %$eas#re! tra e$in&! %arties! and ca%a"$e of en3o*in& $ife to the f#$$est e+tend/ he $o es e+%ensi e and #$tra8co)forta"$e thin&s! a fine ho#se! a$#a"$e "oo-s! %ict#res and other rich a%%oint)ents( 4enus s1uare or opposition to 7upiter &i es the sa)e $#+#rio#s $i-in&s as the &ood as%ects "#t $i)its the a"i$it* to satisf* the)/ a$tho#&h s#ch %eo%$e )a-e the )ost frantic efforts to %resent a fine front to the wor$d the* are &enera$$* fo#nd o#t to he sha)s( Their $ac- of "#siness a"i$it* so often res%onsi"$e for fai$#re and "an-r#%tc* and the* are er* $ia"$e to s#ffer $osses thro#&h treacher* of others( Lo e and )arria&e a$so are so#rces of sorrow for those who) Ven#s and ;#%iter are aff$ictin&( The* are a%t to "e 3i$ted "efore )arria&e or the )arria&e %artner wi$$ %ro e faith$ess and )a* desert the)( These as%ects a$so %rod#ce an a)oro#s nat#re $i-e$* to ta-e $i"erties re&ard$ess of the $aws of decenc* and )a-e the %erson faith$ess to )arria&e ows( (ercury conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to 7upiter is one of the finest assets in $ife for it &i es a cheerf#$! o%ti)istic dis%osition with the a"i$it* to a$wa*s $oo- #%on the "ri&ht side of thin&s and -ee% #% the s%irits in the ho#rs of ad ersit*/ the )ind is "road! ersati$e and a"$e to reason correct$* and to for) a re$ia"$e 3#d&)ent "e caref#$ de$i"eration/ these %eo%$e ne er decide hasti$*/ the* re5#ire ti)e to thin- o er what is %resented to the)! "#t once the* ha e reached a conc$#sion! it wi$$ "e fo#nd incontro erti"$e( The* are s#ccessf#$ in $aw or $iterat#re and )#ch res%ected for their honest* and sincerit*( These as%ects are %artic#$ar$* fort#nate for %eo%$e who tra e$ for "#siness or %$eas#re! for the* wi$$ rea% "oth "enefit and en3o*)ent fro) a )i&rator* )ode of $ife( It wi$$ )a-e the) ,hea$th*! wea$th* and wise, "e*ond the a era&e! $o ed "* e er*"od* for the ita$ i"ration the* radiate #%on who)e er the* )eet( (ercury s1uare or opposition to 7upiter &i es a aci$$atin& and wa erin& dis%osition so that the %erson cannot )a-e #% his )ind when )ore than one co#rse of action is o%en! hence %eo%$e with these as%ects often $ose their o%%ort#nities thro#&h %rocrastination and $ac- of 3#d&)ent/ the* )#st therefore often "e c$assed as fai$#res( The* are $ia"$e to scanda$ and s$ander "eca#se of treachero#s associates! and sho#$d not ra e$ for it wi$$ "rin& the) $oss and tro#"$e/ the* sho#$d a$so "e e+tre)e$* caref#$ in )a-in& contracts or a&ree)ents to do or de$i er certain thin&s at a s%ecified ti)e for the* wi$$ %ro"a"$* "e #na"$e to f#$fi$$ the re5#ire)ents and th#s tro#"$e and $oss wi$$ res#$t( ",e (oon parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to 7upiter &i es an o%ti)istic! no"$e and &enero#s dis%osition( The o%en8hearted honest*! fairness and friend$iness of %eo%$e with these as%ects )a-e the) #ni ersa$$* %o%#$ar( These as%ects stren&then "oth the reasonin& fac#$ties and constit#tion! so that s#ch %eo%$e #s#a$$* ha e a stron& )ind in a stron& "od* and hence a %owerf#$ %ersona$ )a&netis) which )a* "e #sed to &reat ad anta&e in hea$in& the sic-( The* ha e $oft* idea$s and a fr#itf#$ i)a&ination with the %ower of ac5#irin& wea$th which wi$$

&row &reater if #sed in %hi$anthro%ic enter%rises of which these %eo%$e are %rone to drea)( This is one of the "est as%ects in the &a)#t and )a-es for &enera$ s#ccess in $ife "oth %h*sica$$* and s%irit#a$$*( ",e (oon s1uare or opposition to 7upiter i)%airs the reasonin& fac#$ties and "rin&s the %erson tro#"$e thro#&h $iti&ation! $ac- of fore8 tho#&ht and indecision or dishonest*( Peo%$e with these as%ects are too fond of ostentation aid dis%$a*! e+tra a&ant "e*ond their )eans! $a ish in their e+%endit#res! %rone to ta-e des%erate chances in &a)"$in& or s%ec#$ation to reha"i$itate their fort#nes and doo)ed to $oss! s$ander and so)eti)es "an-r#%tc* on that acco#nt( These as%ects are a$so "ad for hea$th in a wo)an's horosco%e es%ecia$$*/ the* indicate di&esti e and $i er tro#"$es( Saturn sextile or trine to 7upiter &i es a stron& character with a dee% and %rofo#nd$* %hi$oso%hica$ )ind! a "ene o$ent dis%osition with a stron& sense of 3#stice and fair %$a*( A$$ the irt#es of Sat#rn and ;#%iter are co)"ined "* these as%ects and %eo%$e in whose horosco%e the* are fo#nd wi$$ conse5#ent$* &ain the honor and estee) of the co))#nit* where the* are( Th#s the* wi$$ "e $oo-ed #%on as %i$$ars of societ* and &ain %ros%erit* co))ens#rate with the en iron)ent in which the* are %$aced! for these as%ects &i e so#nd financia$ 3#d&)ent and the a"i$it* to &ras% the o%%ort#nit* when it is )et( Saturn conjunction or parallel to 7upiter has the sa)e "eneficent inf$#ence as the se+ti$e or trine thro#&h not in as &reat a )eas#re and if ;#%iter is wea- "* si&n of otherwise aff$icted the as%ects wi$$ %ro"a"$* co#nt for er* $itt$e! "it in that case its effect #%on the arteria$ circ#$ation wi$$ "e o"str#cti e! &i in& a tendenc* to sc$erosis of the arteries the sa)e as the o%%osition or s5#are( Saturn s1uare or opposition to 7upiter &i es a different! aci$$atin& )ind #na"$e to for) decisions! a$wa*s distr#stf#$ of others! indo$ent and inc$ined to drift with the tide/ often a ward of societ* either in the %oor8ho#se or the %rison! for the character is "asica$$* dishonest( These as%ects a$so &i e a tendenc* to arterio8 sc$erosis( (ars sextile or trine to 7upiter/ It is the nat#re of ;#%iter to "e so)ewhat conser ati e and di&nified! "#t when "$ended with the fire of Mars it &i es enth#sias) and an a"i$it* to inf$#ence of others and i)"#e the) with the sa)e fee$in&s( It )a-es the nat#re no"$e! sincere! honest and strai&ht8forward( This as%ect is a$so &ood for the financia$ %ros%erit* of the %erson! for "oth Mars and ;#%iter when we$$8as%ected &i e &ood earnin& a"i$it* and fa or acc#)#$ation( ;#%iter is so)ewhat conser ati e in res%ect to e+%endit#res! Mars is too free! "#t where the Martian and ;#%iterian tendencies are "$ended "* a &ood as%ect the res#$t is an idea$! &enero#s nat#re! neither too $a ish not too conser ati e! a"$e to stri-e a ha%%* )edi#)( These %eo%$e ha e )#ch in&en#it* and constr#cti e a"i$it* and whate er the* do the* %#t their who$e heart in it( Hence the* are s#ccessf#$ in "#siness! %o%#$ar in societ*! fond of o#t8of8door s%orts and &a)es( The* $o e to tra e$ and &ain )#ch %$eas#re "* so doin&( Mars r#$es the he)o&$o"in in the "$ood

which is so i)%ortant a factor in hea$th and ita$it*! therefore the &ood as%ects of ;#%iter and Mars increase the red "$ood cor%#sc$es with the res#$t that %eo%$e with these as%ects ha e an a"#ndance of hea$th! ita$it*! %ower and end#rance( (ars parallel or conjunction 7upiter stren&thens the constit#tion and increases the ita$it* the sa)e as the &ood as%ects( It a$so indicates that the %erson is a"$e to earn )#ch )one* and #ses it free$* and &enero#s$*! "#t the )enta$ 5#a$ities are si)i$ar to those conferred "* the "ad as%ects0 s%ort*! swa&&erin&! tric-*! deceitf#$ and #ntr#thf#$! i)%#$si e in 3#d&)ent! "#t to "e de%ended #%on! and if the con3#nction occ#rs in one of the water* si&ns! es%ecia$$* in Pisces! the %erson wi$$ %ro"a"$* "e a dr#n-ard! thro#&h this is not as certain as with the s5#are or o%%osition( (ars s1uare or opposition to 7upiter is the si&nat#re of the &a)"$er and if one of the %$anets is in a water* si&n! es%ecia$$* in Pisces! he wi$$ "e a dr#n-ard a$so! a tric-*! dishonest and disre%#ta"$e character who a$wa*s acts thro#&h i)%#$se( 4ith res%ect to hea$th we find that these %eo%$e s#ffer %rinci%a$$* fro) "$ood and $i er co)%$aints! the circ#$ation is %oor and the "$ood is so rich that there is dan&er of a%o%$e+*( Uranus sextile or trine to 7upiter &i es a "road! h#)ane dis%osition and a tendenc* to de$ e into the occ#$t arts and sciences( It fa ors an association with secret orders and &i es %ro)ise of %ros%erit* in $ife( S#ch a %erson is honest and sincere! socia"$e! hos%ita"$e and $i-e$* to "enefit a &reat dea$ fro) inf$#entia$ friends in officia$ %ositions( This %ositions a$so &i es e+ec#ti e a"i$it* and s#ccess in connection with instit#tions of $earnin&( Uranus parallel or conjunction 7upiter &i es si)i$ar indications to the &ood as%ects "#t the inf$#ence is not 5#ite so decided! %artic#$ar$* if either of the %$anets is wea- "* si&n or otherwise aff$icted( In that case it wi$$ "e fo#nd that the tendencies conferred are )ore $i-e those of the "ad as%ects( Uranus s1uare or opposition to 7upiter &i es a) i)%#$si e nat#re $ia"$e to act in a s#dden or #ne+%ected )anner to one's own #ndoin&/ $oss "* s%ec#$ation! $aws#its and i)%#$si e e+tra a&ance are a$so indicated! )an* chan&es "oth of occ#%ations and residence! $oss of friends and re%#tation( -eptune sextile or trine to 7upiter &i es an ins%irationa$! )*stica$ nat#re and s#ccess in an occ#%ation connect with occ#$t orders! that is to sa* where the character is s#fficient$* de e$o%ed is that 1e%t#ne can )a-es his inf$#ence fe$t! for then this %osition "rin&s o#t a$$ the no"$est and )ost s%irit#a$ stren&th of "oth %$anets! and occ#$t e+%eriences are not infre5#ent$* the res#$t( .#rin& the s$ee%in& ho#rs these %eo%$e are 5#ite conscio#s in the in isi"$e wor$ds( -eptune parallel or conjunction 7upiter &i es an inf$#ence si)i$ar to that of the &ood as%ects when 1e%t#ne and ;#%iter are not aff$icted! "#t if the* are in a wea- si&n and as%ectin& the other %$anets "* s5#are or o%%osition then the inf$#ence is si)i$ar to that one of the "ad as%ects of ;#%iter and 1e%t#ne(

-eptune s1uare or opposition to 7upiter indicates $ac- of contro$ of the e)otions( The %erson is sensiti e to the $ow %s*chic inf$#ences of the "order$and "etween the seen and the #nseen wor$ds "#t the* are of an awe8ins%irin& and dis&#stin& t*%e! hence a%t to ca#se h*sterica$ conditions! s#ch as in o$#ntar* trance and -indred disorders attendant #%on ne&ati e %s*chis)( Fro) a )ateria$ stand%oint it &i es dan&er of fra#d thro#&h s%ec#$ation or $ar&e co)%anies and dea$in& with %redator* interests sho#$d therefore "e a oided(

#ARS T E P(ANET OF ACTION Fro) the 2i"$e we $earn that ;eho ah was the Creator of )an-ind for we find His an&e$s anno#ncin& the "irth of ario#s nota"$e %ersona&es( Th#s the conc$#sion is ine ita"$e that He and the* %reside o er the &enerati e f#nction and i)%art the 5#a$it* of ferti$it* which at that ti)e was $oo-ed #%on as a to-en of the fa or of God whi$e "arrenness was indicated as a si&n of His dis%$eas#re( This is in accordance with the 4estern 4isdo) Teachin& which te$$s #s that tin the ear$iest da*s when )an-ind was sti$$ in the )a-in& ;eho ah and His an&e$s &#ided the) to &reat te)%$es at the ti)es of *ear when %$anetar* conditions were %ro%itio#s to &eneration! and )en "orn #nder those har)onio#s conditions $i ed for h#ndreds of *ears witho#t sic-ness of disease( It is noticea"$e that wi$d ani)a$s which are sti$$ entire$* #nder the &#idance of their &ro#%8s%irits and )ate on$* at certain seasons are a$so i))#ne fro) sic-ness( ;eho ah sti$$ retains contro$ o er the ferti$i7ation of the ani)a$s which are att#ned to His $#nar i"rations thro#&h their twent*8ei&ht %airs of s%ina$ ner es that corres%ond to the twent*8ei&ht da*s of the $#nar re o$#tion and His ehic$e the Moon sti$$ )eas#res the %eriod of &estation for )en and "easts( 2#t the 2i"$e a$so te$$s #s of (ucifer and his fallen angels who ta#&ht h#)anit* to ta-e the %rero&ati e of creation into their own hands and insti$$ed into the) the %assion that has ca#sed sorrow! sin and death! "eca#se the ho$* f#nction of &eneration which was intended on$* for te)%orar* %#r%oses of %ro%a&ation and which wor-s so we$$ #nder %ro%itio#s %$anetar* conditions has "een desecrated and )ade s#"ser ient to the $#sts of h#)anit* at a$$ ti)es re&ard$ess of the ste$$ar ra*s( Yet it is a )ista-e to thin- of the L#cifer s%irits as e i$! for #nder the swa* of the an&e$s h#)anit* neither &ood nor e i$ and ha in& no choice or %rero&ati e! "#t since tho#&h the )artia$ L#cifer s%irits we ha e $earned to -now &ood and e i$ we are a$so a"$e to e+ercise of wi$$ %ower to sh#n the e i$ and choose the &ood! to f$ee fro) ice and c#$ti ate irt#e! there"* %$acin& o#rse$ es in har)onio#s co8wor-er8 shi% with God and nat#re and #nfo$din& o#r di ine %ossi"i$ities so that we )a* "eco)e $i-e o#r Father in Hea en( 4hi$e ;eho ah and His an&e$s are th#s wor-in& #%on h#)anit* fro) the Moon the L#cifer s%irits who re"e$$ed a&ainst His re&i)e are $ocated on the %$anet Mars and

fro) the) a$so we ha e recei ed and are recei in& )an* a$#a"$e &ifts! chief a)on& the) fire and iron. It is we$$ -nown that e er* living "od* is war)! for the E&o cannot )anifest in the %h*sica$ wor$d sa e thro#&h heat! or %erha%s it sho#$d "e said that heat is &enerated in the )anifestation of the E&o( 2#t witho#t iron! which e+ists in the "$ood in the for) of he)o&$o"in! there co#$d "e no o+idation and conse5#ent$* no heat( That was the condition %re io#s to the fa$$! so8ca$$ed! when )an8in8the8)a-in& was )ind$ess( 2#t then the L#cifer s%irits ca)e and inf#sed iron into the "$ood! which )ade it %ossi"$e for the E&o to draw into its ehic$es and fro) that ti)e the E&o "eca)e an indwelling s%irit ca%a"$e of e o$ in& indi id#a$it*( Th#s had it not "een for the L#cifer s%irits )an co#$d not ha e "eco)e )an( It is their fire and their iron that has )ade the wor$d what it is toda*! &ood and "ad accordin& to the #se )an has )ade of it( The so$ar force foc#sed thro#&h the Moon i)%arts ita$it* and the fac#$t* of &rowth "#t the ra*s of the S#n foc#sed #%on #s "* the )artia$ L#cifer s%irits &i e #s d*na)ic %ower and are the so#rce of a$$ acti it* in the wor$d( Power )a* "e $atent for )i$$enni#)s! as e+e)%$ified in coa$ "eds! which are reser oirs of so$ar force/ a f#rnace and en&ine are re5#ired to trans)#te and )a-e it a ai$a"$e as d*na)ic ener&*! "#t! once the s$ee%in& &iant has "een ro#sed fro) $atenc* to %otenc* it -nows no rest or %eace ti$$ it has e+%ended the $ast o#nce of its %rodi&io#s stren&th( Under strict contro$! and caref#$$* &#ided into channe$ of #sef#$ acti it*! this Martian force is the )ost a$#a"$e ser ant of )an-ind/ the )ost %owerf#$ a&ent in the wor$d's wor-! an inco)%ara"$e "oon to h#)anit*( 2#t if it esca%es contro$ the ser ant 5#ic-$* ta-es )aster*! its ini)ica$ %ower of destr#ction and de astation is then as terri"$e as sco#r&e as its "eneficent #se #nder &#idance is an inesti)a"$e "$essin&( It is as %recio#s as it is dan&ero#s! eterna$ i&i$ance is the %rice of safet* fro) its ra a&es! "#t witho#t it the wor$d wo#$d "e wi$derness( Mars! as a foc#s for the $atent so$ar $ife! trans)#tes it into desire! %assion and what we )a* ca$$ ani)a$ s%irits( It is a cons#)in& fire! )ore dan&ero#s than a$$ the nitro&$*cerine e er* )an#fact#red! "#t a$so )ore %recio#s than an* other "$essin& we can ha e or en3o*( The Hind# %reacher! n#rt#red in a $and &o erned "* Sat#rn! the %$anet of o"str#ction! sa*s0 ,6i$$ o#t desire(, He drea)s awa* his da*s in destit#tion! "#t as ,te)%er, conser es the ed&e of the stee$ that car es its wa* thro#&h a$$ o"str#ction! so the we$$8directed ener&etic desires of the )artia$ An&$o8Sa+on ha e wro#&ht a )ar e$o#s transfor)ation in the earth/ the* ha e reared a ci i$i7ation "e*ond a$$ which %receded it! and thro#&h %erha%s "r#ta$ in )an* res%ects! there is %ro)ise in that a$so! accordin& to the %ro er"0 ,The &reater the sinner! the &reater the saint(, Parents sho#$d ta-e a $esson fro) a "oo- of nationa$s and refrain fro) a%%$*in& the Sat#rnine wet "$an-et to the fier* Mars s%irit of chi$dren( Sat#rn a$wa*s sa*s ,don't! don't/, his ai) is to re%ress and o"str#ct( A c$ear fire #nder %ro%er contro$ is #sef#$! "#t death $#r-s in the s)o-e and no+io#s &ases of a s)othered fire/ too )an* ,don'ts, s)other $e&iti)ate a)"ition and fr#strate

acco)%$ish)ent/ the* )a* dri e ha%$ess icti)s into wa*s of e i$! for the d*na)ic ener&* of Mars )#st and wi$$ ha e an o#t$et! so "eware( The worst fa#$ts of Mars are i)%#$si eness and $ac- of %ersistence! "#t he "reeds no h*%ocrites as does an aff$icted Sat#rn( Fro) Mars we recei e a n#)"er of o#r hi&h$*8%ri7ed irt#es as we$$ as so)e of o#r worst fa#$ts( 4hen we$$8as%ected he &i es a stron& constit#tion and %h*sica$ end#rance! a %ositi e! inde%endent and se$f8re$iant nat#re! deter)ined and %ro#d! &enero#s and ener&etic! reso#rcef#$ and 5#ic- to $earn! es%ecia$$* when in Aries! Leo! Scor%io or Ca%ricorn! "#t when he is wea- "* si&n as in Ta#r#s! Cancer! Li"ra or as%ected "* s5#ares or o%%ositions he )a-es the %erson 5#ic-8te)%ered! o"stinate and s%itef#$! inc$ined to dr#n-enness and cri)ina$ acts! cr#e$ and hard! a "#$$* and "ra&&art( Peo%$e who ha e Mars %ro)inent in their horosco%es are e)inent$* %ractica$ and %$a* an i)%ortant %art in the wor$d's wor-( The* are es%ecia$$* %roficient in occ#%ations where iron and fire are #sed for constr#cti e %#r%oses or where shar% instr#)ents are hand$ed( So$diers! s#r&eons and "#tchers! )achine wor-ers and iron fo#nders! en&ineers and )an in -indred occ#%ations are of the )artia$ nat#re( The* a$so e+ce$ in other %ositions where co#ra&e and intre%idit* are necessar* 5#a$ities( #ARS IN T E T*E(1E O,SES

(ars in t,e Ascendant, or 2irst !ouse, when we$$8as%ected has a )ost "eneficia$ inf$#ence #%on the constit#tion! %artic#$ar$* if he is in one of the fier* si&ns! Aries! Leo or Sa&ittari#s! or in the si&n of his e+a$tation Ca%ricorn! "#t so)eti)es when a wea- si&n $i-e Cancer is risin& and the other %$anets are )#ch aff$icted Mars in the Ascendant )a* inf#se s#fficient ener&* into the "od* to tide it o er the critica$ %eriod of infanc*( This %osition a$so &i es ener&*! a)"ition! co#ra&e! se$f8re$iance and deter)ination which are e+ceedin&$* he$%f#$ characteristics in winnin& the "att$e of $ife( It indicates an enter%risin& and %ractica$ %erson who wi$$ sh#n no effort in order to s#cceed( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in the First Ho#se he ne erthe$ess stren&thens the constit#tion and &i es )#sc#$ar %ower and end#rance! "#t he )a-es s#ch %ersons rash! i)%#$si e! headstron& and foo$hard*( Th#s the* ne&$ect the ordinar* %reca#tions to &#ard their hea$th and "eco)e s#"3ect to fe ers and other inf$a))ator* diseases! a$so $ia"$e to accidents and $oss of "$ood "* $esions of ar*in& )a&nit#de! dan&er fro) fire s#ch as "#rns or sca$ds! accordin& to the nat#re of the aff$ictin& %$anet( In this res%ect the S#n is #s#a$$* %rod#cti e of fe ers and inf$a))ations( ;#%iter &i es $ia"i$it* to "ro-en "ones or accident "* rai$road or ro$$in& stoc-! Uran#s and Sat#rn fa$$s and "r#ises and Ven#s disease ca#sed "* ind#$&ence of the %assiona$ nat#re( (ars in t,e Second !ouse when we$$8as%ected )a-es the nat#re free and &enero#s in financia$ dea$in&s with others( The %erson has a s%$endid earnin& ca%acit* and wi$$ )a-e a financia$ s#ccess in an* "#siness or a )artia$ nat#re

in o$ in& the #se of fire! iron too$s or )achiner*( It is a$so an indication of )one* "* )arria&e or $e&ac*! "#t a$tho#&h the )one* co)es fast and easi$*! the %erson wi$$ not acc#)#$ate wea$th as he is er* &enero#s and fond of co)fort and %$eas#re( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in the Second Ho#se )one* wi$$ co)e 3#st as fast as #nder the &ood as%ects at ti)es! "#t at other ti)es the "ad as%ects )a-e the %erson o#tra&eo#s$* e+tra a&ant and inc$ined to "e rec-$ess in financia$ ent#res! with the ine ita"$e res#$t that hea * $osses are inc#rred and the %erson )a* find hi)se$f witho#t a cent in the wor$d( A co)%etence )a* "e )ade and s%ent se era$ ti)es d#rin& $ife( These %eo%$e ne er &i e #%! howe er! and when the* ha e )et financia$ disaster the* i))ediate$* start to "#i$d #% anew on the r#ins of the o$d( The* are then #s#a$$* s#ccessf#$ for a ti)e a&ain! "#t the* can ne er $earn to "e )ore caref#$ and $ess e+tra a&ant! hence the* are a$wa*s $ia"$e to re%eated financia$ shi%wrec-( (ars in t,e ",ird !ouse when we$$8as%ected )a-es the )ind -een! "ri&ht and a$ert! fond of ar&#)ent! 5#ic- at re%artee! in&enio#s! in enti e and reso#rcef#$! with %$ent* of initiati e and constr#cti e a"i$it*( 2#t when Mars is aff$icted in the Third Ho#se it &i es $ia"i$it* to accidents on short 3o#rne*s! a 5#arre$so)e nat#re s%ecia$$* $ia"$e to &et into tro#"$e with "rothers! sisters and nei&h"ors( These %eo%$e are er* critica$ towards e er*"od* with who) the* co)e in contact and therefore &enera$$* feared and a oided when %ossi"$e( (ars in t,e 2ourt, !ouse when we$$8as%ected &i es a stron& constit#tion which is )aintained #ni)%aired e en in o$d a&e/ the di&esti e fac#$t* is %artic#$ar$* &ood and conse5#ent$* the hea$th and stren&th are r#&&ed( It )a-es the nati e e+ceedin&$* a&&ressi e in his efforts to ,feather his nest, and acc#)#$ate %ro%ert* for o$d a&e and rain* da*( There is a$so $i-e$ihood of a $e&ac* fro) his %arents( This is a er* fort#nate %osition! es%ecia$$* if Mars is in Aries! Leo or Ca%ricorn! "#t if Mars is wea- as in Cancer or Pisces and aff$icted "* s5#are or o%%osition! di&esti e tro#"$es or dissi%ation wi$$ #nder)ine the ita$it* and the %erson wi$$ "eco)e )ore 5#arre$so)e and disa&reea"$e e er* da* he $i es( He wi$$ "e $ia"$e to accident "* fire in the ho)e a$so to fe ers and inf$a))ator* diseases( Peo%$e with Mars in this %osition sho#$d $ea e their nati e %$ace as 5#ic-$* as %ossi"$e( This )a* in so)e )eas#re re$ie e the tro#"$e( (ars in t,e 2ift, !ouse when we$$8as%ected &i es an ardent! de)onstrati e $o e8nat#re( It )a-es the %erson fond of ath$etic e+ercises! s%orts and )#sc#$ar effort! a c$ean! )asterf#$ )an )#ch ad)ired "* the o%%osite se+ or a wo)an who is a rea$ ,%a$, to her )a$e co)%anion( These %eo%$e )a-e e+ce$$ent disci%$inarians and are )#ch "e$o ed "* their %#%i$s if %$aced in %ositions as teachers! or "etter sti$$ as %rinci%a$s for the* )a-e )#ch "etter $eaders than fo$$owers( 2#t when Mars is aff$icted in the Fifth Ho#se it )a-es the %erson er* fic-$e in his affections( It is on with the new $o e e en "efore he is thro#&h with the o$d! an a$$8aro#nd f$irt and therefore $i-e$* to &et into a &reat dea$ of tro#"$e( O er8 ind#$&ence of the a)oro#s nat#re is $ia"$e to sa% the ita$it* and create dan&ero#s %h*sica$ conditions( In a wo)an's horosco%e there is &ra e dan&er of death to a chi$d in the

horosco%e of either se+( Peo%$e with Mars aff$icted in the Fifth Ho#se are a$so $ia"$e to $oss thro#&h &a)"$in& and s%ec#$ation in stoc-s! "onds and sec#rities( (ars in t,e Sixt, !ouse when we$$8as%ected )a-es a 5#ic-! ener&etic wor-er who is $i-e$* to rise to %ro)inent %osition in the e)%$o* of so)eone e$se! therefore the $ar&er the fir) in which he see-s e)%$o*)ent the "etter( 2#t he sho#$d not atte)%t to start in "#siness for hi)se$f! for %eo%$e with Mars in the Si+th Ho#se a$wa*s s#cceed "etter when in the e)%$o*)ent of so)eone e$se( This %osition a$so increases the ita$it* and sho#$d the %erson on acco#nt of other %$anetar* confi&#rations in the horosco%e "eco)e s#"3ect to disease the d*na)ic ener&* and rec#%erati e %ower of Mars wi$$ soon "#rn and $ea e it in "etter hea$th than "efore( 2#t a $ia"i$it* to tro#"$e and 5#arre$s with other e)%$o*ees or e)%$o*er( Sho#$d the %erson "e in the %osition of e)%$o*er hi)se$f he wi$$ a$wa*s "e at a ariance with his e)%$o*ees and s#"3ect to $oss "* theft and dishonest* thro#&h the)( The* wi$$ waste his &oods and ha e no re&ard for his interests( An aff$icted Mars in the Si+th Ho#se a$so &i es a $ia"i$it* to fe ers and inf$a))ator* diseases! dan&ers of "#rns! sca$ds and &#n8shots and accidents s#stained in the co#rse of e)%$o*)ent( (ars in t,e Se$ent, !ouse when we$$8as%ected &i es a ca%a"$e! ind#strio#s and a&&ressi e )arria&e %artner! #ntirin& in the %ro)otion of the we$fare of the fa)i$*! a stron& %ersona$it* who is "o#nd to r#$e "#t wi$$ do so in a -ind$* )anner( This a%%$ies to "oth se+es! for when in a )an's horosco%e the )arria&e %artner is indicated "* Mars in the Se enth Ho#se she a$so wi$$ "e )asc#$ine and wi$$ want to ta-e the reins of &o ern)ent in her own hands( Howe er! as Mars in the Se enth Ho#se &i es a tendenc* to an ear$* #nion when the %arties are "oth %$astic the* acco))odate the)se$ es to these conditions )ore easi$* than if the )arria&e were cons#))ated at a )ore )at#re a&e( 2#t if Mars is aff$icted in the Se enth Ho#se it indicates an accident or s#dden death to the )arria&e %artner who wi$$ "e of a do)ineerin&! 5#arre$so)e nat#re and if one of the water* si&ns! Cancer! Scor%io not Pisces is on the c#s% he wi$$ a$so "e a dr#n-ard and se+ addict( This $atter a%%$ies %artic#$ar$* if Mars is aff$icted in Scor%io( Then he a$so "rin&s on inf$a))ator* diseases of the &enita$s or rect#)( (ars in t,e #ig,t, !ouse and we$$8as%ected "rin&s financia$ "enefit thro#&h the )arria&e %artner or "* $e&ac*( In "#siness it is a$so &ood for &ain "* %artnershi%s! $aws#its or si)i$ar Ei&hth Ho#se )atters( 2#t when Mars is aff$icted in the Ei&hth Ho#se the financia$ conditions &row worse after )arria&e thro#&h the e+tra a&ance of the )arria&e %artner( 2#siness %artnershi%s and $iti&ation sho#$d a$so "e a oided for the* are s#re to "rin& $oss( Peo%$e with Mars in this %osition sho#$d not de$a* )a-in& their wi$$ for the end #s#a$$* co)es er* s#dden and #ne+%ected$*( (ars in t,e -int, !ouse we$$8as%ected &i es a $i"era$! "road and %ro&ressi e iew #%on a$$ %ro"$e)s of $ife( Peo%$e with Mars in this %osition are $i-e$* to ta-e #% so)e ca#se ha in& for its o"3ect the socia$ or s%irit#a$ #%$ift)ent of )an-ind in &enera$ and "eco)e er* enth#siastic wor-ers in the %artic#$ar c#$t which has

aro#sed their s*)%athies( The* are fond of a ro in& $ife and "enefit "* chan&in& fro) one %$ace to another! es%ecia$$* "* tra e$ in forei&n $ands( The* ha e a c$ean! c$ear and a$ert )enta$it* and a ta-in& wa* or %resentin& their iews to others( Therefore the* )a-e &ood )issionaries in whate er $ine of %ro%a&anda the* ta-e #%( 2#t if Mars is aff$icted in the 1inth Ho#se he )a-es %eo%$e "i&oted and fanatica$ in their iews! re&#$ar ranters who dis&#st a$$ who) the* tr* to aff$ict with their ideas! whether the* are re$i&io#s or atheistic( Peo%$e with an aff$icted Mars here sho#$d ne er tra e$! "#t re)ain in their nati e %$ace for the* wi$$ a$wa*s "e in dan&er of accident on 3o#rne*s and howe er )#ch the* )a* "e dis$i-ed in their nati e %$ace the* wi$$ find a sti$$ worse rece%tion in forei&n %arts( (ars in t,e "ent, !ouse and we$$8as%ected is one of the "est si&ns of s#ccess in $ife for it &i es an a)"itio#s! enth#siastic nat#re with an ine+ha#sti"$e f#nd of ener&*! so that no )atter what o"stac$es are %$aced in his wa* the %erson is "o#nd to rise to the to%( It &i es a )asterf#$ nat#re and &ood e+ec#ti e a"i$it* so that the %erson is we$$85#a$ified to cond#ct "#siness and co))and others( These %eo%$e s#cceed "est in Martian occ#%ations where fire! iron or shar% too$s are #sed in a s-i$$ed )anner! as "* en&ineers or )achinists! tai$ors or s#r&eons! et cetera( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in the Tenth Ho#se it &i es the sa)e ener&* and a)"ition as the &ood as%ects "#t the %erson wi$$ then $ac- discri)ination and o erreach hi)se$f with the res#$t that he wi$$ inc#r the en)it* of other %eo%$e who wi$$ acco)%$ish his downfa$$ and "rin& hi) into disre%#te in the co))#nit*( Th#s the $ife wi$$ "e fi$$ed with strife! str#&&$e and #nha%%iness #nti$ the %erson has $earned to ho$d hi)se$f in $eash! re&ard the ri&hts of others and a"andon his a#tocratic attit#de and se$f8assertion( This %osition a$so &i es $ia"i$it* to accident and s$ander( (ars in t,e #le$ent, !ouse )a-es %eo%$e $eaders in their %artic#$ar socia$ set! enth#siastic in the %#rs#it of %$eas#re! "rin&s friends a)on& )artia$ and ath$etic %ersons/ &i es ener&* and enth#sias) for rea$i7in& ho%es! wishes and as%irations( 2#t if Mars in the E$e enth Ho#se is aff$icted it )a-es the %erson to#ch* and sensiti e towards friends with conse5#ent #n%o%#$arit* and he is $ia"$e to o erreach hi)se$f in his -een desire to rea$i7e his a)"itions in $ife( (ars in t,e ".elft, !ouse when we$$8as%ected )a* "rin& the %erson "enefit fro) thin&s denoted "* this ho#se! %risons! hos%ita$s and charita"$e instit#tions if e)%$o*ed in an officia$ ca%acit* as warden or s#r&eon/ or as ad)inistrator of an estate or in detecti e wor-( 2#t if Mars is aff$icted in the Twe$fth Ho#se the %erson is $ia"$e to tro#"$e! sorrow and se$f8#ndoin& a$$ thro#&h $ife( He wi$$ inc#r the en)it* of other %eo%$e and )a* "e confined in %rison or an insane as*$#)( If Cancer or Pisces is on the c#s% of the Twe$fth Ho#se Mars wi$$ $ead hi) to dr#n-enness and dissi%ation( If Scor%io is on the c#s% the ita$it* wi$$ "e sa%%ed thro#&h se+ or se$f8a"#se( In an* case Mars aff$icted in the Twe$fth Ho#se )a-es a socia$ o#tcast #n$ess there are other redee)in& feat#res in the fi&#re( #ARS IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS

(ars in Aries &i es an ener&etic! enth#siastic nat#re! i)%#$si e! a&&ressi e and i)%atient of restraint( 1o )atter what the o"stac$es in the %ath these %eo%$e wi$$ atte)%t the see)in&$* i)%ossi"$e and often s#cceed thro#&h sheer a#dacit*( The* are ori&ina$! reso#rcef#$! ha e considera"$e )echanica$ a"i$it* and the )ore ent#reso)e an #nderta-in& a%%ears the )ore it a%%ea$s to the)( This %osition &i es an a"#ndance of ita$it* and a $o e of s%ort and )#sc#$ar e+ercise( The %erson is 3#st as enth#siastic in his en3o*)ent of recreation and %$eas#re as he is in his wor- and on that acco#nt he &ets a &reat dea$ o#t of $ife( 2#t if Mars is aff$icted in Aries it &i es a io$ent te)%er and a $ia"i$it* to accidents! "#rns! sca$din&s! fe ers and inf$a))ator* co)%$aints( The )ind is a$so threatened( (ars in "aurus and we$$8as%ected is a &ood indication of an ear$* )arria&e( It shows &ood earnin& %ower and a free! &enero#s dis%osition with re&ards to finances/ it &i es an interior stren&th of an #ncon5#era"$e nat#re so that the %erson wi$$ a$wa*s &ain his ends "* #nf$a&&in& deter)ination and a 5#iet %ersistence that reco&ni7es no defeat! "#t %resses on towards the &oa$ that he has set for hi)se$f des%ite a$$ o"stac$es( It is a$so indication of )one* "* $e&ac*( 2#t if Mars is aff$icted in Ta#r#s it &i es an e+ceedin&$* st#""orn! io$ent and indicti e nat#re( S#ch %eo%$e wi$$ %#rs#e their own wa* des%ite reason! ar&#)ent or entreat* and if an*one atte)%ts to thwart the) in their %#r%oses the* ne er for&i e( The* a$so ha e &ood earnin& %ower "#t s5#ander the )one* foo$ish$* so that the* are often in financia$ diffic#$ties and if a $e&ac* co)es to the) the* are )ore $i-e$* to $ose it thro#&h $e&a$ tro#"$e than not and the* are s#re a$so to ha e do)estic tro#"$e( (ars in 8emini when we$$8as%ected &i es a -een! acti e and a$ert )enta$it*( Peo%$e with Mars in this %osition ne er "eat a"o#t the "#sh( The* are honest and o#ts%o-en and sa* 3#st what the* )ean %erha%s at ti)es a $itt$e too "$#nt$*! "#t at an* rate the* are not h*%ocrites( The* $o e to )eas#re their wits a&ainst others in de"ate and therefore this %osition )a-es for s#ccess in $aw or $iterat#re( The* a$so s#cceed in the en&ineerin& %rofessions for the* are reso#rcef#$! in&enio#s and )echanica$! a%t at $earnin& and 5#ic- to &ras% a %ro"$e) or %ro%osition( 2#t if Mars is aff$icted in Ge)ini it &i es a c*nica$! sneerin&! ca#stic and critica$ dis%osition and )a-es these %eo%$e feared and sh#nned on acco#nt of their disa&reea"$e nat#re( These %eo%$e are a$so aci$$atin& and #na"$e to )a-e a decision( Th#s the* cannot "e de%ended on to stand "* their word or their %ro)ise and if the* -ee% an a%%oint)ent once in a whi$e it ha%%ens "* accident( The* are a$wa*s in tro#"$e with "rothers! sisters and nei&h"ors and $ia"$e to accidents when tra e$in&( It a$so &i es a %redis%osition to "ronchitis! inf$a))ation of the $#n&s! %$e#ris* and %ne#)onia( (ars in Cancer and we$$8as%ected &i es a "o$d! inde%endent and fear$ess nat#re with a tendenc* to re"e$ a&ainst restraint! a ho)e8$o in& dis%osition! er* ind#strio#s and a)"itio#s to &ather and %rotect a$$ thin&s which )a-e for co)fort and $#+#r*! so that he is a &ood %ro ider for the ho)e in e er* res%ect( 2#t at the sa)e ti)e %eo%$e with this as%ect ai) to e+ercise #nrestricted a#thorit* o er

e er*thin& and e er*"od* within the ho)e( The* to$erate no other a#thorit* there( This %osition )a-es the te)%er rather #ncertain and &i es a tendenc* and a desire for chan&e of occ#%ation! sot that the %erson ne er rea$$* sett$es down to one $ine of endea or "#t ta-es #% a n#)"er of ocations and dro%s the) s#dden$*( If Mars is aff$icted in Cancer it "rin&s do)estic tro#"$es! fre5#ent and io$ent scenes and 5#arre$s in the ho)e with a tendenc* to )o e fre5#ent$* fro) one %$ace to another/ inf$a))ator* diseases of the sto)ach! and di&esti e ai$)ents! a$so accidents "* fire in the ho)e thro#&h rec-$essness or care$essness( (ars in +eo and we$$8as%ected &i es an acti e! ind#strio#s and honest nat#re! fear$ess and inde%endent in a$$ dea$in&s with others! a -een sense of honor and res%onsi"i$it*! hence )a-es one e)inent$* fitted to occ#%* a %osition of tr#st either in a %#"$ic or %ri ate concern( These %eo%$e are enth#siastic and ener&etic either in wor- or %$a*! $o ers of s%ort and a &ood ti)e &enera$$*( The* are er* ardent in their ad)iration of the o%%osite se+ and woo the o"3ect of their affections with an intensit* that carries a$$ "efore it! o errides a$$ o"stac$es and "rin&s the )atter to a s%eed* cons#))ation( These %eo%$e ne er "eat a"o#t the "#sh "#t sa* what the* )ean in a )anner that is often e+tre)e$* e)"arrassin& in its directness( The* are stron& and forcef#$ in their ar&#)ents either for or a&ainst that which the* "e$ie e or dis"e$ie e and therefore the* not infre5#ent$* aro#se o%%osition on the %art of those who differ fro) the)( The* are er* ent#reso)e and often ta-e a %ride in ris- either in the %#rs#it of %$eas#re or "#siness( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in Leo it &i es a fier*! io$ent te)%er and a $ia"i$it* to fe er inf$a))ator* diseases! %a$%itation of the heart! ha$$#cinations! "i$io#sness( There is a$so dan&er of inordinate affection! tro#"$e in co#rtshi%! $oss of chi$dren and $oss thro#&h s%ec#$ations( An aff$icted Mars in Leo &i es the sa)e darin& as when we$$8 as%ected "#t the dan&er of accident is &reater "eca#se the %erson with the aff$icted %$anets "eco)es foo$hard* and rec-$ess( (ars in 4irgo when we$$8as%ected &i es an a)"itio#s nat#re and a 5#ic- inte$$ect! a"$e to &ras% an idea and e$a"orate #%on it( It stren&thens the )enta$ 5#a$ities and &i es a scientific t#rn to the )ind with an a"i$it* to a%%$* this fac#$t* either in research wor- or in "#siness( The %eo%$e with this %osition are therefore ener&etic and enter%risin& in )an* of the wor$d's ind#stria$ affairs( There their shrewdness and 5#ic-8 wittedness "rin&s the) s#ccess and %refer)ent( This is a &ood %osition for %eo%$e who are en&a&ed in an* of the ind#stries connected with the sic-! s#ch as n#rses! doctors! che)ists! the science of sanitation and h*&iene! %re%aration of hea$th8foods and -indred occ#%ations( If %eo%$e with Mars in Vir&o are the)se$ es o erta-en "* disease this %osition &i es the) the a"i$it* to rec#%erate 5#ic-$* and )a-es the) $ess $ia"$e to "eco)e chronic in a$ids as so )an* other Vir&o %eo%$e do( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in Vir&o it s#"3ects the )ind to worr* and irrita"i$it*! with a tendenc* to "rood o er tro#"$es in $ife which are )ost$* i$$#sor*( 1o )atter how or where s#ch %eo%$e are e)%$o*ed the* are a$wa*s critica$ toward their fe$$ow8 e)%$o*ees and the e)%$o*er and dissatisfied with e er*thin& connected with their

wor-( The* are a$so of a dishonest nat#re and cannot "e tr#sted in a %osition of res%onsi"i$it*( This %osition a$so )a-es %eo%$e o er8ind#$&ent of their a%%etites and s#"3ect to intestina$ disorders( (ars in +ibra and we$$8as%ected &i es an ardent! de)onstrati e and $o in& nat#re which is er* &reat$* attracted to the o%%osite se+ and therefore it inc$ines to an ear$* )arria&e( It a$so &i es an enth#siastic $o e of art and "ea#t* in a$$ their %hases and it )a-es the %erson er* %o%#$ar with the %#"$ic or in societies of a socia$ or re$i&io#s nat#re( This is an e+ce$$ent %osition for a $aw*er! as it wi$$ "rin& )#ch acti it* in this $ine and it is a &ood indication of &enera$ hea$th( 2#t when Mars is aff$icted in Li"ra it )a-es the %erson er* #n%o%#$ar and s#"3ect to the o%%osition and criticis) of the co))#nit*/ dan&er of %#"$ic scanda$ on acco#nt of #nfaithf#$ness in se+ re$ations! for Mars in Li"ra a$wa*s %rod#ces a stron& attraction toward the o%%osite se+ and if he is aff$icted there the nat#re is a)oro#s and fic-$e with the nat#ra$ res#$t that tro#"$e arises "* %$a*in& with the affections of others( (ars in Scorpio when we$$8as%ected &i es a -een! shar% and forcef#$ )enta$it*! a rather "$#nt )anner and an indifference to the finer sensi"i$ities of others! conse5#ent$* these %eo%$e often )a-e the)se$ es dis$i-ed at first #nti$ others &et #sed to the) and rea$i7e that the* are not s#ch o&res as the* see)( The* are er* in&enio#s and )echanica$! with indo)ita"$e co#ra&e and ine+ha#sti"$e ener&* which carr* the) o er a$$ o"stac$es whate er &oa$ the* set the)se$ es( In this res%ect the* are er* se$fish and read* to sacrifice whate er stands in their wa*( The* )a-e &ood %o$ice officers! so$diers and s#r&eons and are a"$e to fi$$ an* other %osition where a do)inant a#thorit* is re5#ired! or s-i$$ with shar% too$s( In a wo)an's horosco%e it shows that the h#s"and has &ood earnin& ca%acit*! "#t is rather too free and &enero#s with his )eans( It a$so indicates the %ossi"i$it* of a $e&ac*( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in Scor%io it "rin&s o#t the worse side of the %assiona$ nat#re and $eads the %erson into se+ e+cesses or ca#ses addiction to so$itar* ice that sa%s the ita$it*! and #n$ess corrected it is $ia"$e to "rin& the %erson to an ear$* &ra e( In a wo)an's horosco%e it indicates that the h#s"and wi$$ s5#ander his )one* on &ratification of se$f! a$so that %art#rition wi$$ "e a dan&ero#s e ent( In either se+ Mars in Scor%io indicates a 5#arre$so)e nat#re and a "itin& ton&#e( (ars in Sagittarius and we$$8as%ected &i es an ar&#)entati e dis%osition and fondness of de"atin& on s#"3ects of serio#s nat#re s#ch as $aw! %hi$oso%h* and re$i&ion( It )a-es the %erson candid and o%en in a$$ his dea$in&s with others! f#$$ of enth#sias) and a)"ition! an+io#s to a%%ear we$$ in the e*es of the co))#nit*! a$tho#&h he wo#$d scorn to cater to the ideas of others where the* do not coincide with this ideas of %ro"it* and 3#stice( These %eo%$e )a-e interestin& and idea$ entertainers! es%ecia$$* in $ater $ife for the* are fond of tra e$in& and are -een o"ser ers! hence the* a$wa*s ha e a f#nd of interestin& and instr#cti e infor)ation which the* are "oth wi$$in& and an+io#s to i)%art to their hearers( These %eo%$e are a$so fond of s%orts and o#t8door e+ercise! in which the* #s#a$$*

e+ce$ and a we$$8as%ected Mars in Sa&ittari#s is an idea$ %osition for a $aw*er( It )a-es for )#ch s#ccess in that direction "* shar%enin& and 5#ic-enin& the )enta$ and oratorica$ fac#$ties( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in Sa&ittari#s he &i es a shar% ton&#e and a 5#arre$so)e dis%osition and there is a dishonest strea- in the nat#re! therefore s#ch %eo%$e are often fo#nd &enera$$* dis$i-ed in the co))#nit* and %artic#$ar$* in socia$ circ$es! for the* see) to "e a$wa*s at ariance with the ideas and o%inions of others and ado%t a )ost s#%erci$io#s attit#de toward those with who) the* disa&ree( These %eo%$e are a$so $ia"$e to )eet with accidents when the* tra e$ and to s#stain a n#)"er of "ro-en "ones( (ars in Capricorn when we$$8as%ected adds )#ch stren&th to the character for it &i es an a)"itio#s and enth#siastic dis%osition "ac-ed "* an indo)ita"$e co#ra&e and we$$8ni&h ine+ha#sti"$e ener&* to&ether with a %atient %ersistence and %erse erance that are "o#nd to o erco)e a$$ o"stac$es and in the end reach the desired &oa$( Therefore %eo%$e with Mars in this %osition are "o#nd to rise in $ife! %artic#$ar$* if Ca%ricorn "e %$aced in the Tenth Ho#se( It in ites res%ect and estee) of the co))#nit* so that %eo%$e with this %osition are often offered %#"$ic a%%oint)ents in addition to their %ri ate enter%rises and the* ser e we$$ in %osts of honor for the* are nat#ra$$* fitted to ta-e &reat res%onsi"i$ities and carr* on &reat enter%rises( The wider their sco%e of action the "etter the* $i-e it! for the* are s#%er$ati e$* efficient( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in Ca%ricorn there wi$$ "e a si)i$ar a)"ition to do &reat thin&s "#t the %erson wi$$ "e rash! i)%#$si e and headstron& so that he o erreaches hi)se$f and ta-es #%on hi)se$f )ore than he can carr* thro#&h( He wi$$ a$so $ac- the %ersistence and %erse erance necessar* to o erco)e o"stac$es and as the dis%osition wi$$ "e "asica$$* dishonest! thro#&h he )a* rise on acco#nt of his enth#sias) and %retentio#s nat#re to so)e %ro)inence he is certain to "e shorn of his a#thorit* "efore er* $on& and "eco)e an o"3ect of scorn and derision in the co))#nit*( There is nothin& worse than an aff$icted Mars in Ca%ricorn( It a$so &i es a $ia"i$it* to accidents affectin& the $i)"s and its ref$e+ action on the %art of the "od* r#$ed "* the o%%osite si&n! i7(! the sto)ach! &i es a tendenc* to &astric tro#"$es( Peo%$e with this aff$iction a$so ha e a hast* te)%er and a indicti e dis%osition( (ars in A1uarius when we$$8as%ected )a-es the %erson 5#ic-8witted and int#iti e! in&enio#s and ori&ina$! enter%risin& and a)"itio#s! a hard wor-er for s#ccess in whate er $ine he chooses in $ife( Hence he wi$$ &ain friendshi% fro) others who are a"$e to he$% hi) rea$i7e his ho%es and wishes( These %eo%$e are a$so er* )echanica$ and in&enio#s! %artic#$ar$* in thin&s connected with the e$ectrica$ science( The* a$so s#cceed we$$ as )ana&ers! officia$s or wor-ers in and for a %hi$anthro%ic societ* or %#"$ic #ti$it* cor%oration( 4hen Mars is aff$icted in A5#ari#s it )a-es the %erson too inde%endent! "o)"astic and resentf#$ of a#thorit*! "$#nt of s%eech and )anner toward others! and

resentf#$ in the hi&hest de&ree if he is not treated with what he considers %ro%er res%ect and consideration! Hence s#ch %eo%$e o er er* diffic#$t to &et a$on& with and often 5#arre$ with e er*"od* aro#nd the)( There is a tendenc* to $oss thro#&h &a)"$in& and s%ec#$ation( An aff$icted Mars in A5#ari#s a$so &i es a tendenc* to tro#"$e with the e*es "eca#se A5#ari#s &o erns the ethers/ and "* ref$e+ action the o%%osite si&n Leo )a* ca#se %a$%itation of the heart( (ars in )isces when we$$8as%ected &i es a"i$it* as a detecti e! warden of a %rison or s#r&eon in a hos%ita$ and in -indred %ositions where the %erson does not co)e in direct contact with the %#"$ic! "#t e+ercises a#thorit* in an o"sc#re )anner( It a$so &i es a tendenc* toward secret $o e affairs which the %erson is a"$e to hide fro) the %#"$ic e*e( 2#t when Mars is aff$icted in Pisces the ind#$&ence of c$andestine interco#rse wi$$ "rin& tro#"$e into the $ife( There is a$so $ia"i$it* to s#ffer fro) the attaches of secret ene)ies and to "eco)e en)eshed in the net of the $aw and s#ffer i)%rison)ent! or it )a* )anifest as an inordinate $o e of stron& drin- which wi$$ then ca#se i)%rison)ent and )a-es the %erson a ward of the co))#nit*( M#ch tro#"$e and )an* )isfort#nes are indicated "eca#se the nat#re is #ntr#thf#$( #ARS IN ASPECT *IT OT ER P(ANETS

",e Sun parallel, conjunction, sextile or trine to (ars/ The con3#nction &i es a tendenc* to fe er! es%ecia$$* if it occ#rs in Aries! the si&n which &o erns the head! "#t it is c#rio#s that %eo%$e with that confi&#ration see) a$so to "e a"$e to end#re a )#ch hi&her te)%erat#re than others! and co)e #nscathed thro#&h s#ch a sie&e of sic-ness as wo#$d ordinari$* %ro e fata$( 4ith that e+ce%tion these as%ects %rod#ce a s#%era"#ndance of ita$ ener&* which ass#res their %ossessor of the )ost radiant hea$th a$$ thro#&h $ife( The* stren&then the constit#tion and )a-es the %erson a"$e to end#re the hardest tas-s/ the* &i e hi) a da#nt$ess deter)ination and co#ra&e to face the &reatest odds( Gi en a %$an to fo$$ow he )a* "e tr#sted to o erco)e a$$ %h*sica$ o"stac$es for he has "oth e+ec#ti e and constr#cti e a"i$it* to&ether with an indo)ita"$e wi$$ which ref#ses to reco&ni7e defeat( The dis%osition is fran- and o%en "#t "$#nt and often "r#s5#e/ s#ch %eo%$e are too intense$* "ent on what the* want to do to waste ti)e in %o$iteness and s#a it*! therefore the* "r#sh the con entiona$ities aside witho#t co)%#nction and are conse5#ent$* not $i-ed "* %eo%$e of too fine sensi"i$ities! "#t the* are )en and wo)en of action and the fore)ost factors in the wor$d's wor-/ "#t for their ener&* and enter%rise the wor$d wo#$d )o e )#ch )ore s$ow$*( ",e Sun s1uare or opposition to (ars endows the %erson with an a"#ndance of ener&*! the fac#$t* of $eadershi%! "#t the* are t#rned to %#r%oses of de i$tr* and destr#ction/ the co#ra&e i)%$anted "* the &ood as%ects "eco)es foo$hardiness and the %erson has a $o#d! o er"earin&! swa&&erin& )anner and is read* to fi&ht at the dro% of a hat/ he is a$wa*s in o%%osition to the constit#ted a#thorit* and read* to re"e$ where er he sees a chance! he has an e+tre)e$* fier*

te)%er "#t ho$ds not resent)ent( On acco#nt of these 5#a$ities he is #ni ersa$$* dis$i-ed "* "oth e)%$o*ees and his fe$$ow wor-ers! a$wa*s in hot water and ne er sta*s $on& in an* %$ace for he is an a&itator and tro#"$e )a-er( These as%ects a$so dis%ose to accidents in which the %erson )a* "e )ai)ed! to &#nshot and -nife8 wo#nds! a$so to sca$din&! fe ers! and inf$a))ator* co)%$aints! "oi$s and er#%tions( As%ects to the S#n and Mars are a"so$#te$* necessar* to &i e 7est to $ife/ e en ad erse as%ects are "etter than none! for where these %$anets are #nas%ected the %erson is #s#a$$* $ist$ess! a%id and wi$$ ne er a)o#nt to an*thin& no )atter how &ood the fi&#re )a* "e in other res%ects( 4enus sextile or trine to (ars wi$$ &i e an a)"itio#s! as%irin& and ad ent#ro#s nat#re! a)oro#s and e+tre)e$* de)onstrati e in its affection and! er* fond of s%orts and %$eas#res( It &i es the %erson an a"#ndance of ener&* and "#siness ac#)en! conse5#ent$* he has a s%$endid earnin& ca%acit*! "#t no )atter how )#ch )one* he )a-es it 3#st fi$ters thro#&h his fin&ers! for he $o es a"o e a$$ thin&s to )a-e a &reat o#tward show and dis%$a*( 2ein& a free s%ender he is a$so er* %o%#$ar a)on& his associates! and "ein& as a$read* said of an a)oro#s nat#re he )arries either er* ear$* or his )arria&e is a er* s#dden and hast* one( These as%ects are a$so indications of )one* "* )arria&e or $e&ac*( 4enus conjunction or parallel (ars does not a$wa*s o%erate in the sa)e )anner! "#t these as%ects are to "e c$assed as &ood of "ad accordin& to circ#)stances and the )atter to "e 3#d&ed( For instance! Mars con3#nction Ven#s )a-es the %erson $ess "$#nt and do)ineerin&! )ore -ind and %o$ite! and is therefore &ood in that res%ect! "#t the con3#nction a$so stren&thens the %assiona$ nat#re! es%ecia$$* if it occ#rs in Scor%io! and in the Twe$fth Ho#se it often $eads to se$f8a"#se so that in those cases it is decided$* "ad( Therefore st#dents )#st e+ercise 3#d&)ent "efore c$assif*in& these as%ects( 4enus s1uare or opposition to (ars &i es a er* o$#%t#o#s and sens#o#s dis%osition! $ia"$e to &ross e+cesses in the &ratification of the %assions which wi$$ sa% the ita$it*( It is $i-e$* to "rea- down the hea$th and constit#tion! $ea in& the %erson a wrec- on the sea of $ife if it is a$$owed free sco%e( These %eo%$e are a$to&ether too &enero#s! es%ecia$$* where the o%%osite se+ is concerned( The* are er* e+tra a&ant and on that acco#nt s%end )ore than the* can afford on the)se$ es! "esides what the* s5#ander on their )an* AMOURS! so that no )atter how )#ch )one* the* )a-e! the* are &enera$$* in financia$ diffic#$t*! and not infre5#ent$* the* fi&#re as defendants in the de"tor's co#rt( If Mars or Ven#s is in Cancer! Scor%io or Pisces there is a tendenc* to s#ch disso$#te and dissi%ated $i in&! s#ch a cra in& for $ow %$eas#res that! if ind#$&ed! it wi$$ dra& the h#)an "ein& down "e$ow the $e e$ of ani)a$s( (ercury sextile or trine to (ars &i es a -een! shar%! in&enio#s and reso#rcef#$ )enta$it*( It )a-es the %erson enth#siastic o er an* %ro%osition which a%%ea$s to hi) and he has a$so the a"i$it* to enth#se others and i)%ress the) with his iews(

He is an indefati&a"$e wor-er in an* ca#se which aro#ses his s*)%athies! "#t he is no isionar*! he is interested on$* in concrete )atters( These %eo%$e $o e ar&#)ent or de"ate! and the* ha e an ine+ha#sti"$e f#nd of wit and &ood h#)or! so)eti)es "$ended with a ein of sarcas) which a$wa*s stri-es it )ar-! *et ne er icio#s$* nor )a$icio#s$*( The* a$so ha e re)ar-a"$e de+terit* and are a"$e to t#rn their hands to whate er tas- is re5#ired and do it with a s%eed! faci$it* and e+%edition that are astonishin& to sa* the $east( The* cannot do an*thin& s$ow$* or "* ha$ es/ whate er the* #nderta-e )#st "e do)e with a r#sh! and the* %#t their who$e ener&* into it so that the* )a* acco)%$ish the tas- and do it we$$/ hence these as%ects &i e s#ccess in $ife! in a$)ost an* $ine of endea or these %eo%$e )a* se$ect! "#t %ro"a"$* )ost in $iterat#re or the )echanica$ arts( (ercury conjunction or parallel to (ars &i es the sa)e )enta$ ener&*! enth#sias) and de+terit* as the definite$* &ood as%ects "#t whether the* are #sed for constr#cti e and &ood %#r%oses or for destr#cti e and e i$ de%ends #%on the other as%ects! ho#se %osition and si&n which the* occ#%*( If the confi&#ration occ#rs in a si&n where either or "oth are stron& and we$$ %$aced! as Mars in Aries or Ca%ricorn! or Merc#r* in Ge)ini or Vir&o! or if the* are fortified "* &ood as%ects fro) the S#n! Ven#s and ;#%iter! Mars con3#nction or %ara$$e$ to Merc#r* wi$$ o%erate si)i$ar$* to the se+ti$e or trine as stated in the fore&oin& %ara&ra%h! which see/ "#t if Mars and Merc#r* are in one of the water* si&ns! Cancer! Scor%io or Pisces! or if either or "oth are aff$icted "* Sat#rn! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne! the con3#nction or %ara$$e$ of Mars and Merc#r* wi$$ &i e the sa)e e i$ tendencies as the s5#are or o%%osition which are defined in the ne+t %ara&ra%h( (ercury s1uare or opposition to (ars )a-es %eo%$e 5#ic-8witted! shar% and a$ert! 5#ic-8te)%ered! i)%#$si e and e+cita"$e! $ia"$e to 3#)% at conc$#sions and act "efore the* thin- with the ine ita"$e res#$t that the* are a$wa*s &ettin& the)se$ es or other %eo%$e into tro#"$e! hence the* are dan&ero#s associates( The* are "orn %re aricators and #tter$* inca%a"$e of )a-in& an e+act state)ent( It is 3#st as nat#ra$ for the) to co$or or e+a&&erate their state)ents as it is to "reathe( The* are itrio$ic in their wrath and their ton&#es are )ore %oisono#s than the "ite of a ratt$esna-e! hence the* are either feared or hated "* those who are #nfort#nate eno#&h to "e "o#nd to the) "* en iron)ent/ a$$ who can! sh#n the)( The* are "#$$ies who are "o#nd either to r#$e or r#in where er the* are and the* a$$ow no o"stac$e to stand in their wa* which can "e re)o ed either "* force or s$ander( The* are the ac)e of se$fishness! swa&&er and cons#))ate e&otis)( The fore&oin& tendencies )a* of co#rse "e )odified "* other as%ects! "#t if the* are not! s#ch %eo%$e are a )enace to societ*( If either Mars or Merc#r* is %$aced in the Si+th or Twe$fth Ho#se or in an* other %osition so that the "ad as%ect acts #%on the hea$th! there is a $ia"i$it* to ner o#s %rostration! "rain fe er and insanit*( ",e (oon sextile or trine to (ars &i es a wonderf#$ ita$it* and stron& %h*si5#e so that the %erson is a"$e to withstand a$)ost an* tendencies to i$$8 hea$th! which wi$$ "e o erco)e "* it( The %ower of end#rance is increased and the %erson can s#r i e hardshi%s to which %eo%$e ordinari$* s#cc#)"( It &i es a

reso$#te! co#ra&eo#s! ener&etic and a)"itio#s )ind of a reso#rcef#$ and e)inent$* constr#cti e t#rn( It )a-es the %erson 5#ic- "#t not %reci%itate in his decisions( Th#s he &ains confidence and estee) of others and earns considera"$e )one*! "#t the nat#re is e+tre)e$* free and &enero#s so that )one* does not sta* "* s#ch %eo%$e88the* s%end it a$)ost as fast as the* &et it( ",e (oon conjunction or parallel to (ars )a* "e either &ood or "ad accordin& to the se+ of the %erson and the de%art)ent of $ife we are considerin&( It stren&thens the hea$th and the ita$it*! %artic#$ar$* in the horosco%e of a wo)an( In the horosco%e of a )an it wo#$d indicate a ro"#st )arria&e %artner of a do)ineerin& nat#re and with res%ect to the )ind it wo#$d )a-e the %erson er* i)%#$si e! %artic#$ar$* if %$aced in one of the co))on si&ns or in the Third or 1inth Ho#se( It a$so &i es a er* "ad te)%er "#t not so "ad as the s5#are or o%%osition( If Mars is in con3#nction or %ara$$e$ to the Moon in Scor%io it &i es an a"nor)a$ se+ desire which wi$$ not "e denied! %artic#$ar$* if Ven#s is there a$so( In water* si&ns in inc$ines to drin-! and in an* %$ace it )a-es the %erson rest$ess and #nsett$ed! for it is $i-e )i+in& fire and water( ",e (oon s1uare or opposition to (ars &i es a er* 5#ic- te)%er and a tendenc* to hast* or i)%#$si e e+%ressions and acts that )a* ca#se s#ch %eo%$e a &reat dea$ of sorrow and tro#"$e( The* resent r#$es or re&#$ations or an* other )eas#res that tend to c#r" their desires or the &ratification of their a%%etites in whate er direction( 2#t if the* are in a#thorit* the* a er do)ineerin& and e+actin& in their de)ands for instant o"edience #%on the %art of others! not do the* hesitate to #se whate er %h*sica$ force )a* "e necessar* to co)%e$ o"edience if the* thin& the* can do so witho#t too &reat dan&er to the)se$ es( So)eti)es the* wi$$ ta-e des%erate chances to satisf* their s%ite( Ha in& an i)%ro%er$* "a$anced )ind the* are foo$hard* in their ent#reso)eness and #%on occasion the* wi$$ atte)%t to do thin&s which no one in his sane )ind wo#$d tr*( On acco#nt of the fore&oin& characteristic s#ch %eo%$e )a-e )an* ene)ies and ca#se a &reat dea$ of s#fferin& to others! %artic#$ar$* a)on& )e)"ers of their i))ediate fa)i$* who cannot er* we$$ &et awa* fro) the)( If these as%ects occ#r in water* si&ns! %artic#$ar$* with Mars or the Moon in Pisces the %erson is a$so an in eterate dr#n-ard( Fro) the stand%oint of hea$th the* &i e a tendenc* to accidents "* fire and water! to fe ers and ac#te inf$a))ator* diseases! wo#nds and &#nshot! diseases of the &enita$s! too co%io#s )enses! dan&er in %art#rition and indi&estion( Saturn sextile or trine to (ars &i es a deter)ined and ener&etic nat#re ca%a"$e of intense and s#stained action and of o"tainin& #n#s#a$ res#$ts there"*( The e+ec#ti e a"i$it*! do)inant forcef#$ness and end#rance of these %eo%$e are re)ar-a"$e and conse5#ent$* the* are constant$* acco)%$ishin& what others cannot achie e( Hence the* a$wa*s rise to %ro)inent %ositions and are )#ch estee)ed on acco#nt of their a"i$it*! "#t the* are se$do) $i-ed! for these as%ects )a-e the character cr#e$ and hard( The* &i e a stron& %h*si5#e and &enera$ &ood hea$th( Saturn conjunction, parallel, s1uare or opposition to (ars are thoro#&h$*

"ad as%ects indicatin& a se$fish! io$ent! harsh and cr#e$ nat#re! 5#ic- te)%ered and indicti e! a"so$#te$* dishonest! #ntr#thf#$ and #nscr#%#$o#s! &i in& $ia"i$it* to %#"$ic dis&race and i)%rison)ent! a$so to accident and io$ent death! and if one of the %$anets is essentia$$* di&nified or e+a$ted the e i$ inf$#ence is )#ch enhanced( It sho#$d a$so "e re)e)"ered that s#ch serio#s defects do not res#$t fro) one as%ect a$one and if the other confi&#rations in the horosco%e are &ood the fore&oin& de$ineation wi$$ on$* a%%$* in a )i$d )eas#re( 7upiter sextile or trine to (ars/ It is the nat#re of ;#%iter to "e so)ewhat conser ati e and di&nified! "#t when "$ended with the fire of Mars it &i es an enth#sias) and an a"i$it* to inf$#ence others and i)"#e the) with the sa)e fee$in&s( It )a-es the nat#re no"$e! sincere! honest and strai&htforward( This as%ect is a$so &ood for the financia$ %ros%erit* of the %erson for "oth Mars and ;#%iter when we$$8as%ected attract )one*! "#t the* differ in re&ard to dis"#rse)ent( ;#%iter is so)ewhat conser ati e in that res%ect! "#t where the Martian and ;#%iterian 5#a$ities are "$ended "* a &ood as%ect the res#$t is an idea$! &enero#s nat#re! neither too $a ish nor too conser ati e! "#t a"$e to stri-e the ha%%* )edi#)( These %eo%$e ha e )#ch in&en#it* and constr#cti e a"i$it* and whate er the* do the* %#t their who$e heart into it( Hence the* are s#ccessf#$ in "#siness and %o%#$ar in societ*( The* are fond of o#t8door s%orts and &a)es( The* $o e to tra e$ and &ain )#ch %$eas#re "* so doin&( Mars r#$es the he)o&$o"in in the "$ood which is so i)%ortant a factor in hea$th and ita$it* therefore the &ood as%ects of ;#%iter and Mars increase the red "$ood cor%#sc$es with the res#$t that these %eo%$e ha e a"#ndance of hea$th! ita$it*! %ower and end#rance( 7upiter parallel or conjunction (ars stren&thens the constit#tion and increases the ita$it* the sa)e as the &ood as%ects( It a$so indicates that the %erson is a"$e to earn )#ch )one* and #ses it free$* and &enero#s$*! "#t the )enta$ 5#a$ities are si)i$ar to those conferred "* the "ad as%ects( The %erson is tric-*! deceitf#$! #ntr#thf#$! i)%#$si e in 3#d&)ent and not to "e de%ended #%on( If the con3#nction occ#rs in one of the water* si&ns! es%ecia$$* in Pisces he wi$$ %ro"a"$* "e a dr#n-ard tho#&h this is not as certain as with the s5#are or o%%osition( These %eo%$e are &enera$$* %$ethoric and $ia"$e to a%o%$e+*( 7upiter s1uare or opposition to (ars is the si&nat#re of the &a)"$er and if one of the %$anets is in a water* si&n! es%ecia$$* in Pisces he wi$$ "e a dr#n-ard a$so! a tric-*! dishonest and disre%#ta"$e character who a$wa*s acts thro#&h i)%#$se( 4ith res%ect to hea$th we find that these %eo%$e s#ffer %rinci%a$$* fro) "$ood and $i er co)%$aints/ the circ#$ation is %oor and the "$ood is so rich that there is dan&er of a%o%$e+*( Uranus sextile or trine to (ars &i es an ener&etic and a)"itio#s dis%osition! an ori&ina$! in&enio#s! a$ert! int#iti e )ind which is reso#rcef#$ in the hi&hest de&ree and a"$e to co%e with &reat diffic#$ties #nder tr*in& circ#)stances( Therefore %eo%$e with these confi&#rations are nat#ra$$* of an in enti e t#rn of )ind and s#ccessf#$ in "rin&in& their ideas to rea$i7ation( Their in enti e &eni#s e+%resses itse$f #s#a$$* a$on& e$ectrica$ $ines! a iation or other #n#s#a$ directions for these

as%ects are one of the )ar-s of the %ioneer of the A5#arian a&e! where science and inter ention wi$$ reach o#t in directions that are now #ndrea)ed of e en as %ossi"i$ities( 2#t whi$e these %eo%$e are drea)ers of drea)s the* are a$so %ractica$! ener&etic and enter%risin& in a s#fficient de&ree to )a-e their drea)s co)e tr#e in the wor$d( The* ha e a wide ision and a no"$e nat#re which rises o er a$$ %ett* distinctions of race! creed or co$or and reco&ni7es in a$$ h#)an "ein&s the di ine s%ar- which is the "asis of #ni ersa$ "rotherhood( The* )a* not "e e+act$* re$i&io#s in the orthodo+ sense of the word! "#t their ideas are tr#$* cos)ic! hence the* are often )ista-en for isionaries "* those who do not #nderstand the)( Uranus conjunction, parallel, s1uare, or opposition to (ars &i es an erratic and eccentric dis%osition! a io$ent te)%er of the worst nat#re! an #n#s#a$$* resent)ent of e en the s$i&htest restraint and &i es the %erson a st#""orn! headstron& and do&&ed deter)ination to &o ahead in an* $ine of action #%on which he has decided no )atter what the o#tco)e( He wi$$ $isted to neither reason nor entreat* "#t fo$$ows his own co#rse in defiance of a$$( Peo%$e with these confi&#rations often "eco)e anarchists of the reddest t*%e for the* do not sto% e en at the sheddin& of "$ood if other testi)onies in the fi&#re conc#r( The* are cr#e$! hard and co$d with o#t a s%ar- of tr#e $o e thro#&h the* )a* "e in f$a)ed with %assion of the )ost "#rnin& intensit*( This is %artic#$ar$* the case when Mars is s5#are Uran#s and either %$anet is %$aced in Ta#r#s or Scor%io( In a wo)an's horosco%e Mars s5#are Uran#s #s#a$$* $eads to sed#ction no )atter where %$aced! "#t if in Ta#r#s or Scor%io esca%e is a$)ost i)%ossi"$e( The other characteristics of these %$anets in these confi&#rations wor- the)se$ es o#t accordin& to the si&ns wherein the* are %$aced so that their %$ace)ent in Ta#r#s or Scor%io wor- #%on the se+ which is &o erned "* these si&ns( 4hen one of these %$anets is in Scor%io if the %erson ta-es #% the %rofession of s#r&er* "e wi$$ "eco)e er* cr#e$ and #nfee$in&! read* to o%erate for the )ere %$eas#re of ca#sin& %ain and in conse5#ence or in %#rs#it of this %assion he wi$$ %ro"a"$* ta-e #% i isection and de e$o% an #n#s#a$ in&en#it* in tort#rin& his icti)s( 4ith Mars or Uran#s in Scor%io or Pisces he wi$$ "e #nderhanded to tric-* tho#&h he )a* show a er* different front to the %#"$ic( In Aries it wi$$ )a-e a ratt$e"rain! in Ge)ini and Vir&o an #n#s#a$$* 5#ic- )enta$it* "#t 5#ic- in seein& on$* how to tric- others! in Sa&ittari#s it wi$$ )a-e the %erson er* )ateria$istic! atheistic or fanatica$ a&ainst the esta"$ished re$i&ion or societ*/ th#s the %$anets "$end their nat#re with each indi id#a$ si&n(

P(ANETAR+ OCTA1ES 2efore considerin& the effect of Uran#s and 1e%t#ne in the ario#s si&ns and ho#ses it )a* "e e+%edient and i$$#)inatin& to st#d* their re$ations to Ven#s and Merc#r* which are their $ower octa es( That s#ch a re$ationshi% e+ists has "een sensed "* ario#s astro$o&ica$ a#thors who "* s%ec#$ation and o"ser ation ha e $earned a &reat dea$ a"o#t these two %$anets( 4hat the* ha e "ro#&ht o#t does &reat credit to their sa&acit*! "#t not ha in& had the "enefit of esoteric trainin& it is not to "e wondered at that the* ha e "eco)e conf#sed on certain %oints which we sha$$ now e+%$ain so that st#dents of the esoteric %hi$oso%h* )a* see how these e+%$anations do etai$ into the &enera$ %hi$oso%h* of the 4estern 4isdo) Schoo$! and th#s "ear o#t the state)ent that Uran#s is the hi&her octa e of Ven#s and 1e%t#ne the hi&her octa e of Merc#r*( The 4estern 4isdo) teachin& of the Rosicr#cians states that )an8in8the8)a-in& was %$ant8$i-e and "i8se+#a$ d#rin& the H*%er"orean E%och and th#s a"$e to create fro) hi)se$f witho#t the necessit* of co8 o%eration with an*one e$se( 2#t at that ti)e he was witho#t a "rain and #na"$e to thin-! therefore in the Le)#rian E%och the an&e$s directed one8ha$f of the se+ force #%ward to the %art which is now the head and #sed it for the for)ation of the "rain and $ar*n+( The %rocess is %$ain$* tracea"$e in the antenata$ de e$o%)ent of the fet#s which acco#nts for the inti)ate re$ation "etween the se+ or&ans! the $ar*n+ and the "rain! o"ser a"$e in the chan&e of oice which ta-es %$ace when the "o* reaches %#"ert* and the )enta$ disa"i$it* which fo$$ows the #nrestrained a"#se of the &enerati e f#nction( Th#s it )a* "e said that the se+ f#nction where"* new "odies are created in the %h*sica$ wor$d! and "eco)e o#r %h*sica$ chi$dren! is c$ose$* connected with the "rain and $ar*n+ which )an #ses to concei e the chi$dren of his "rain and )ind and &i e the) oca$ e+%ression "* the $ar*n+( It is a )atter of co))on -now$ed&e to astro$o&ers that )an is incited to %erfor) the &enerati e f#nction of the "e&ettin& of %h*sica$ chi$dren "* the $o e8ra* of Ven#s/ $i-ewise that the ra* of reason e)anatin& fro) Merc#r* is res%onsi"$e for the "e&ettin& of the chi$dren of )ind and their oca$ e+%ression "* the $ar*n+! so that "oth Merc#r* and Ven#s are creati e in their f#nctions! one #%on the %h*sica$ %$ane! the other #%on the )enta$ %$ane(

Merc#r* is #s#a$$* associated with reason and inte$$i&ence/ to hi) is ascri"ed r#$e o er the cere"ros%ina$ ner o#s s*ste)! which is the )edi#) of trans)ission "etween the e)"odied s%irit and the wor$d witho#t( Th#s as 1e%t#ne si&nifies the s#"8 and s#%erh#)an inte$$i&ence who $i e and )o e in the s%irit#a$ rea$)s of the #ni erse! "#t who wor- with and #%on #s! so Merc#r* indicates the h#)an inte$$i&ence foc#sed #%on the terrestria$! %h*sica$ wor$d wherein we $i e fro) "irth to death( Therefore it )a* "e said that 1e%t#ne is the octa e of Merc#r*! "#t there is a dee%er sense( Reference to a te+t"oo- of anato)* of %h*sio$o&* wi$$ show that $en&thwise fiss#res in the s%ina$ cord di ide it into three %arts which enc$ose a ho$$ow t#"e( Each of these co$#)ns is r#$ed "* one of the Hierarchies in c$osest to#ch with #s/ the $#nar! )artia$ and )erc#ria$/ one of the other %redo)inatin&! accordin& to the sta&e of e o$#tion of the indi id#a$( In the s%ina$ cana$ the ra*s of 1e%t#ne -ind$e the s%ina$ s%irit fire where"* the h#)an s%irit is ena"$ed to %ierce the ei$ of f$esh and contact the wor$ds "e*ond/ this ision is co$ored accordin& to the co$#)n of the cord )ost acti e$* e+cited( In the chi$dhood da*s of )an-ind the creati e force which is now t#rned o#twards to "#i$d shi%s! ho#ses! and rai$wa*s! te$e%hones! etc(! was #sed inward$* to "#i$d the or&ans of o#r "od*! and as the s#rro#ndin& %h*sica$ wor$d is %hoto&ra%hed #%on the ta"$e of a ca)era o"sc#ra! so the s%irit#a$ wor$d was ref$ected in the s%ina$ cana$( There )an "eho$d the first $#nar God ;eho ah! whose An&e$s were his first t#tors( Later a %art of An&e$s! who #nder the $eadershi% of (ucifer had re"e$$ed a&ainst ;eho ah and who are now e+i$ed on the %$anet Mars forced entrance to the s%ina$ cord of )an and incited hi) to a"#se of the &enerati e f#nction( The s%irit#a$ inner ision of )an-ind faded when ,their e*es were o%ened and the* saw the* were na-ed/, then the* $ost to#ch with the hi&her se$f! the* saw on$* the %erson! and the doci$e creat#re of ;eho ah was soon transfor)ed to a sa a&e and a "r#te #nder the i)%#$ses of the L#cifer S%irits! the hierarch* of Mars "#t "* their %ro)%tin&s )an has a$so $earned to con5#er )ateria$ o"stac$es! "#i$d o#tward$* and "eco)e architect of the wor$d( To co#nteract the #n)iti&ated se$fishness "red "* the Martian An&e$s! and to )a-e )an-ind h#)ane o#r E$der 2rothers fro) Merc#r*! h#)an $i-e o#rse$ es! whose hi&h state of e o$#tion re5#ired the hi&h i"ration &enerated and %re ai$in& in c$ose %ro+i)it* to the S#n! were re5#ired to in est the s%ina$ cord of )an a$so! and thro#&h their $a"ors ci i$i7ation has ta-en on a different for)! )an-ind is a&ain "e&innin& to $oo- inwards( At the %resent ti)e the ri&ht cere"ra$ he)is%here is &o erned "* Merc#r*! and the %inea$ &$and! its hi&her octa e! is r#$ed "* 1e%t#ne who a$so has do)inion o er the s%ina$ cana$ which is the a en#e where"* one %o$e of the creati e ener&* was ori&ina$$* t#rned #%ward for the "#i$din& of the "rain( The ra* of 1e%t#ne carries what occ#$tist -now as the Father fire! the $i&ht and $ife of the .i ine S%irit! which e+%resses itse$f as wi$$( This it foc#ses in the o$#ntar* ner o#s s*ste) of the %h*sica$ "od* &o erned "* its $ower octa e Merc#r* which actin& thro#&h the ri&ht "rain &a$ ani7es the "od* into s%eech and action!

e+%ressin& the wi$$ of the indwe$$in& s%irit( 2* this di ersion of the creati e ener&* the h#)an "ein& ceased! as a$read* said! to "e a %h*sica$ her)a%hrodite! a co)%$ete creati e #nit! and was the) co)%e$$ed to see- a )ate in order to %ro%a&ate the s%ecies! Therefore the Son! the Cos)ic Christ! foc#sed the $o e8ra* of the Life S%irit #%on Uran#s! Hr#$in& the %it#itar* "od*I! who trans)its it to the ita$ "od* where Ven#s! the $ower octa e of Uran#s &i es it e+%ression in %ro%a&ation and &rowth( 2etween the .i ine S%irit and Life S%irit on the one hand and their co#nter%arts! the %h*sica$ and ita$ "odies! on the other hand! is the H#)an S%irit r#$ed "* the S#n! and its co#nter%art! the desire "od*! r#$ed "* the $esser $i&ht! the Moon( 2#t this is de"ata"$e &ro#nd contested "* ;#%iter and Merc#r* on the one side! Sat#rn and Mars "ein& on the other( The ra* of Uran#s is &rad#a$$* for&in& a second spinal cord "* drawin& the $ower $o e8ra* of Ven#s #%ward and trans)#tin& it to a$tr#is)! con5#erin& for it the do)inion o er the s*)%athetic se&)ent of the %resent s%ina$ cord and the left cerebral hemisphere now r#$ed "* the %assionate hierarch* of Mars! the L#cifer S%irits( This wor- has "een co)%$ete$* acco)%$ished "* the Ade%ts! therefore the* ha e no need to )arr* for each is now a co)%$ete creati e #nit on "oth the s%irit#a$ and %h*sica$ %$anes! ha in& t#rned the "i8%o$ar creati e force! )asc#$ine and fe)inine! #%ward thro#&h the do#"$e s%ina$ cord! i$$#)inated and raised in %otentia$ ener&* "* the s%ina$ s%irit fires of 1e%t#ne H4i$$I and Uran#s HLo e and I)a&inationI( This creati e ener&* concei es in the twin he)is%heres of the cere"r#)! r#$ed "* Mars and Merc#r*! a ehic$e fit for the e+%ression of the s%irit! which is then sent o#t and o"3ectified in the wor$d by the spo#en creative word. This is the secret of how the Ade%ts for) a new "od* witho#t &oin& thro#&h the wo)"! and so)e da* a$$ h#)anit* wi$$ attain to this standard of %erfection as spiritual hermaphrodites0 then we sha$$ no $on&er "e ,a $itt$e $ower than the an&e$s, who create "* si)i$ar )ethods "#t we sha$$ "e hi&her than the* are now for we sha$$ ha e the reason and inte$$ect which the* $ac-! in addition to the co)%$ete creati e %ower(

,RAN,S, T E P(ANET OF A(TR,IS# The $o e ra* of Ven#s &oes o#t to the )ate and "$ood re$ations "#t "* a &ood as%ect of Uran#s it is raised "e*ond the rea$) of se+ $o e to cos)ic %ro%ortions! to $o e s#ch as that which Christ )#st ha e fe$t when he we%t o er ;er#sa$e) and said that! as a hen fathers it "rood #nder its win&! so wo#$d he ha e $o ed to father the) to his "oso)( The %eo%$e who ha e this Uranian $o e therefore "eco)e "#i$ders of societ*/ associated with e er* &ood and #%$iftin& )o e)ent( An ad erse as%ect of Uran#s to Ven#s on the other hand! has the )ost de&radin& effect on the Ven#s f#nction! for it $eads to disre&ard of the $aws and con entions of societ* and to %er ersion of the sacred creati e f#nction( Lo e is a )#ch a"#sed word! and the e)otion th#s )isca$$ed is #s#a$$* so tainted with desire that it is Martian %assion rather than Ven#sian $o e( Coa$ition! the -e*word of Ven#s! s#&&ests a )ost inti)ate #nion! a "$endin& of the er* so#$s of two or )ore %eo%$e who co)%ose a fa)i$*( 2#t altruism, the -e*word of Uran#s! hints at s#ch an a$$8e)"racin& $o e as o#r Sa ior fe$t( Th#s Uran#s is the octa e of Ven#s and an*one read* to enter the %ath of %re%aration which $eads to initiation )#st &rad#a$$* $earn to o#t&row the Ven#s $o e which )a-es the i))ediate fa)i$* a$$ in a$$ and "e&in to c#$ti ate the a$$8e)"racin& Uranian a$tr#is)( This &oa$ is hi&h and those who ai) so hi&h often fa$$ er* $ow( 4hen we essa* to transcend the Ven#s $o e and c#$ti ate the Uranian a$tr#is) we are th#s in &reat dan&er! and the )ost %ro)isin& $i e are so)eti)es wrec-ed "* the %ernicio#s theor* of so#$8)ates! which $eads to c$andestine $o e affairs and %er ersion of the creati e f#nction( 2#t re)e)"er this88a$tr#is) does not re5#ire ret#rn of the $o e "estowed #%on others! it has a"so$#te$* no concern with se+/ it wi$$ not $essen the $o e for o#r fa)i$*! "#t the* "ein& nearest to #s wi$$ fee$ the increase of o#r $o e to a &reater de&ree than those f#rther awa*! and #n$ess o#r $o e "rin&s forth s#ch fr#it it is not Uranian and wi$$ not f#rther #s #%on the %ath of attain)ent( Seein& this is so! we )a* readi$* #nderstand that the &reat )a3orit* of h#)anit* cannot *et res%ond to the hi&her side of Uran#s! and its effect #%on the )ora$s is therefore %rinci%a$$* %er ersion of se+! c$andestine $o e affairs! free $o e! and disre&ard of con entiona$it*/ that is! of co#rse! when as%ected "* s5#ares and o%%ositions( Under s#ch conditions it )a-es %eo%$e #ncon entiona$ and erratic! re"e$$io#s at the $east restraint! er* inde%endent and "r#s5#e in )anner! fond of

%ioneer wor-! and in esti&ation of #n#s#a$ thin&s( The* ta-e to the hi&her )echanics! e$ectricit*! a iation! and the $i-e! as a d#c- to water! and are rather %ro#d of their attain)ents( The* find %ro)inence in $iterat#re! science! %hi$oso%h*! and es%ecia$$* in the occ#$t arts( Uran#s a$so &i es a hi&h &rade of )#sica$ &eni#s when confi&#rated with Ven#s! and if Uran#s is we$$ fortified in "* %osition and as%ects it 5#a$ifies the %erson for $eadershi% in an #n#s#a$ wa*( It )a* a$so "e said that the effects of the Uranian ra* are er* s#dden and #ne+%ected! whether for &ood or i$$! it co)es $i-e a "o$t o#t of the "$#e! and as we res%ond )ost easi$* to its e i$ side! these effects are &enera$$* disastro#s in nat#re( 4hen Uran#s is on the Ascendant it adds $en&th to the "od*! so that the tr#e Uranian are #s#a$$* er* ta$$( ,RAN,S IN T E T*E(1E O,SES Uranus in t,e 2irst !ouse, e en when we$$8as%ected! )a-es the %erson er* odd and eccentric in his ha"its! so that he see)s to de$i&ht in doin& e+act$* the thin&s that are a&ainst the con entions and c#sto)s! 3#st so that he )a* a%%ear odd( He a$wa*s finds an ori&ina$ wa* of doin& thin&s! different fro) that of a$$ other %eo%$e! and is er* se$f8satisfied in his o%inion that his )ethods and ideas are "etter than an* one e$se's( If o%%osed he wi$$ defend his ideas to the $ast ditch! if Uran#s is in an* wa* aff$icted( 2#t when Uran#s is we$$8as%ected in the First Ho#se there is #s#a$$* a to$erance for the o%inions of others( a s%irit of &i e8and8 ta-e which a oids the hard fee$in&s &enerated "* an aff$icted Uran#s( Uran#s on the Ascendant a$so )a-es the %erson er* rest$ess! there are )an* s#dden chan&es in the $ife and it wi$$! of co#rse! de%end #%on the as%ects %re ai$in& at the ti)e whether the chan&es are for &ood or i$$/ "#t at an* rate the ca$$ of the far fie$ds that $oo- so &reen! are constant$* "efore the )ind's e*e! so that Uranians are a$wa*s read* to "e the %ioneers in new #nderta-in&s or a new ca#se! 3#st so that it is so)ethin& that has not "een tried "efore! and so offers a chance of risand ad ent#re( Uranus in t,e Second !ouse, which &o erns finance! nat#ra$$* indicates a rest$ess and #nsett$ed state of the finances of the %erson( There wi$$ "e )an* #%s and down! and e en tho#&h s#ch a %erson )a* ha e other &ood as%ects that 5#a$it* hi) to reason acc#rate$* concernin& other )atters! it wi$$ "e fo#nd that in the financia$ de%art)ent he is #na"$e to %rotect hi)se$f a&ainst these s#dden and #nforeseen $osses! or &ains( For hi) there is no s#ch thin& as a staid and so$id in est)ent! for the )ost #n$oo-ed8for8 conditions are $i-e$* to t#rn #% and either net hi) an a$to&ether #n$oo-ed8 for increase or e$se "rin& a"o#t an e5#a$$* #nacco#nta"$e $oss! a$$ with s#ch s#ddenness that there is no wa* of chan&in& the )atter( Therefore it is a"so$#te$* i)%ossi"$e to &i e financia$ ad ice to s#ch %eo%$e! for e en if the* in ested in a %ro%osition as so$id as the %ro er"ia$ roc- of Gi"ra$tar! it is do#"tf#$ if an earth5#a-e wo#$d not #nsett$e it( Uranus in t,e ",ird !ouse/ The Third Ho#se &o erns "rothers and sisters! nei&h"ors! ed#cation! and the )enta$ or inte$$ect#a$ fac#$ties( Therefore this %osition stren&thens the int#itiona$ a"i$ities of the %erson! and &i es a certain

%redis%osition towards what is co))on$* ca$$ed %s*chic fac#$ties( Uran#s r#$es the ether! hence the Third Ho#se %osition sho#$d )a-e it eas* for the %erson to c#$ti ate s%irit#a$ si&ht! es%ecia$$* if Uran#s is we$$8as%ected with the S#n! Moon! Ven#s or Merc#r*( If Uran#s is aff$icted in the Third Ho#se it indicates 5#arre$s with nei&h"ors! "rothers and sisters! %ro"a"$* a "rea-in& #% of the fa)i$* ties! a$so that the ed#cation wi$$ "e interfered with thro#&h the erratic! se$f8wi$$ed cond#ct of the %erson! and the )ind wi$$ "e )ore or $ess #nsett$ed! and chan&ea"$e as a weather8 ane( An aff$icted Uran#s in the Third Ho#se a$so %redis%oses to accidents accordin& to the nat#re of the aff$ictin& %$anet! and %artic#$ar$* when on short 3o#rne*s( These %eo%$e! it )a* a$so "e said! are s#"3ect to ad ent#res and stran&e ha%%enin&s on their 3o#rne*s s#ch as do not #s#a$$* "efa$$ other %eo%$e( Uranus in t,e 2ourt, !ouse/ Peo%$e who ha e Uran#s in the Fo#rth Ho#se o#&ht to $ea e their %$ace of "irth as soon as %ossi"$e for the* cannot s#cceed there( 2oth the %arents and their who$e nei&h"orhood and en iron)ent wi$$ "e anta&onistic to the)( If it so ha%%ens that the %arents are wea$th* the* wi$$ tr* to disinherit a chi$d with Uran#s in the Fo#rth Ho#se( E en if his Se enth and Ei&hth Ho#ses "e we$$ fortified! it is er* do#"tf#$ if he wo#$d win in a contest for his share of the %atri)on*! as the %#"$ic senti)ent in his "irth%$ace! where s#ch a s#it wo#$d %ro"a"$* "e tried! wo#$d "e so )#ch a&ainst hi) that he wo#$d $ose in the end( It wo#$d a$so "e disastro#s for s#ch a %erson to )arr* and esta"$ish a ho)e of his own! for %eace! har)on* and content)ent cannot e+ist where the s%as)odic and erratic Uran#s is/ that is to sa*! if it is aff$icted( If it is we$$8 as%ected it is a$so do#"tf#$ if s#ch a %erson wo#$d e er atte)%t to esta"$ish a ho)e! for his s*)%athies wo#$d "e too $ar&e and he wo#$d %ro"a"$* "e identified with wider acti ities88a ho)e or ho)es on a $ar&er and )ore #ni ersa$ sca$e( This %osition a$so &i es a er* stron& attraction towards occ#$t science( Uranus in t,e 2ift, !ouse/ The Fifth Ho#se r#$es ed#cationa$ acti ities! %#"$ications! %$eas#res! co#rtshi%! and chi$d"irth( The erratic Uran#s in this Ho#se wi$$ in the first %$ace &i e so)e er* #ncon entiona$ ideas concernin& the interco#rse and re$ation of the se+es and #s#a$$* $eads to a c$andestine re$ationshi% contrar* to the $aws of the $and( A wo)an with this condition in her horosco%e is %artic#$ar$* %rone to "e ta-en ad anta&e of e en tho#&h she )a* not conscio#s$* "e &#i$t* of in itin& #nd#e ad ances( It a$so )a-es %art#rition er* diffic#$t and if a chi$d is "ro#&ht to "irth there is dan&er of $oss "* so)e s#dden accident or #n#s#a$ disease( If other inf$#ences in the horosco%e &i e a $eanin& toward $iterat#re! a %erson who has Uran#s in the Fifth Ho#se wi$$ "e fo#nd to es%o#se so)e #ncon entiona$ ca#se! $i-e socia$is)! anarchis)! or -indred )o e)ents! and if Uran#s "e aff$icted "* Sat#rn! Mars! or 1e%t#ne! the artic$es written "* hi)! or the %a%er %#"$ished "* hi) or with which he is connected wi$$ %ro"a"$* incite to "$oodshed! cons%irac*! and treacher*! which wi$$ "rin& the %erson into tro#"$e with the a#thorities( If on the other hand! Uran#s "e we$$8as%ected fro) the Fifth Ho#se in a horosco%e indicatin& $iterar* tendencies! the ideas ad ocated on acco#nt of this Uranian inf$#ence wi$$ %ro"a"$* "e so Uto%ian! idea$istic! and a$tr#istic that the* wi$$ "e "e*ond the conte)%oraries of the %erson( The $o e nat#re wi$$ a$so "e

of s#ch a hi&h idea$istic strain that few if an* wi$$ "e a"$e to res%ond! and this )a* a$so )iti&ate in a $ar&e )eas#re the %h*sica$ tro#"$e indicated in %art#rition( A %erson with a we$$8as%ected Uran#s in the Fifth Ho#se wo#$d not &a)"$e! and if one who has an aff$icted Uran#s there atte)%ted it! he wo#$d nat#ra$$* )eet with $oss! no )atter how caref#$ he )i&ht see) to "e( 4ith res%ect to the %#rs#it of %$eas#re ind#$&ed in "* these %eo%$e! we sha$$ find the) attracted to a$$ new and stran&e thin&s( At the %resent ti)e the )ost of the) are %ro"a"$* $on&in& for the da* when it wi$$ "e %ossi"$e for the) to race in the c$o#ds and dri e air%$anes )ore rec-$ess$* than the* are now dri in& a#to)o"i$es( Uranus in t,e Sixt, !ouse/ The Si+th Ho#se &o erns the e)%$o*)ent and ser ice! a$so hea$th and disease! therefore the erratic! s%as)odic Uran#s in the Si+th Ho#se %redis%oses to occ#%ationa$ diseases of a stran&e nat#re! as%h*+iation! )enta$ and ner o#s disorders! s#ch as e%i$e%s*! and St( Vit#s dance( E en if Uran#s is we$$8as%ected! these tendencies are not entire$* a"ro&ated! at $east! a %erson with Uran#s in this %osition wi$$ "e er* ner o#s and hi&h8str#n& #nder a$$ conditions( 4ith res%ect to e)%$o*ers and fe$$ow8e)%$o*ees this %osition )a-es the %erson er* irrita"$e/ he is "r#s5#e and a"r#%t to a$$ connected with his wor- and therefore $ia"$e to tro#"$e in e)%$o*)ent or with e)%$o*ees( This %osition &i es a tendenc* towards )edi#)shi% and #ndesira"$e %hases of %s*chic e+%eriences( If Uran#s is )#ch aff$icted there is a$so dan&er of o"session and insanit*( Uranus in t,e Se$ent, !ouse, indicates a ro)antic! s#dden! or i$$8 considered )arria&e( So)eti)es a co))on8$aw or other irre&#$ar for) of #nion is cons#))ated #nder this %osition( Often the )arria&e %artner is a %erson ne er tho#&ht of as a )ate #nti$ the Uranian ra* i)%e$s to )arria&e on the s%#r of the )o)ent( Peo%$e with Uran#s in the Se enth ho#se are #s#a$$* #nfort#nate in their )arria&e re$ations! "eca#se the )arria&e %artner has the s%as)odic! inconstant! inde%endent Uranian nat#re! chafes #nder the $i)itation and cannot re)ain tr#e to an* one %erson! "#t "eco)es in ei&$ed into c$andestine re$ations with the res#$t that the )arria&e is often disso$ ed in the di orce co#rt and se%aration and estran&e)ent fo$$ow/ there is 5#ite often a %#"$ic scanda$ in connection with these affairs! or it )a* indicate the death of the )arria&e %artner! a$$ accordin& to as%ects( Peo%$e with Uran#s in the Se enth Ho#se sho#$d ne er &o to $aw! for no )atter how 3#st their ca#se )a* "e the* are )ost $i-e$* to "e thwarted or chec-)ated "* so)e stran&e! #nforeseen or s#dden circ#)stances where"* the* are a%t to $ose their case( The* sho#$d a$so a oid %#"$ic office or %osition! for no )atter how honest the* )a* "e the)se$ es the* are $i-e$* to "eco)e in o$ ed in scanda$ and tro#"$e on that acco#nt( In short! this Se enth Ho#se %osition of Uran#s is "ad for dea$in&s of an* -ind with the %#"$ic or with $aw or %artners( Uranus in t,e #ig,t, !ouse is a &ood o)en! for it indicates that when $ife has

"een $i ed to its f#$$ness the end wi$$ co)e s#dden$* and th#s the %erson wi$$ "e s%ared the $on& and %itif#$ s#fferin& so often incident to the transition fro) the %h*sica$ to the s%irit#a$ wor$ds( 2#t -nowin& this it a$so "ehoo es s#ch %eo%$e to ha e their ho#se in readiness and order! so that when the end co)es at =D or BD the* ha e their affairs in sha%e( This %osition often "rin&s an #ne+%ected $e&ac* thro#&h the )arria&e %artner when we$$8as%ected/ "#t if Uran#s is aff$icted the %erson )a* "eco)e in o$ ed in $iti&ation on acco#nt of or in connection with the estate of so)eone deceased( Peo%$e with Uran#s in the Ei&hth Ho#se often show &reat interest in occ#$t s#"3ects and "eco)e we$$ ersed in )*stic $ore( It a$so &i es a %redis%osition to drea)s and %s*chic e+%erience( Uranus in t,e -int, !ouse &i es a %ro&ressi e and inde%endent )ind! or an ori&ina$ and in enti e t#rn! so)eti)es a)o#ntin& to &eni#s/ the int#ition is hi&h$* de e$o%ed and these %eo%$e ind#$&e in constr#cti e drea)s of s#ch a nat#re as transfor) the wor$d in the co#rse of ti)e88that is! %ro ided Uran#s is we$$8 as%ected( 1e erthe$ess the* are &enera$$* $oo-ed #%on as cran-s "eca#se their ideas are so Uto%ian and far in ad ance of o#r %resent sta&e that the ordinar* h#)an "ein&s cannot &ras% the)( On the other hand! if Uran#s is aff$icted in the 1inth Ho#se! %artic#$ar$* if "* Mars! these %eo%$e "eco)e red anarchists and are not e en a erse to sheddin& "$ood in order to attain what the* "e$ie e is the idea$/ the* "eco)e fanatica$ in whate er ca#se the* es%o#se( This %osition of Uran#s a$so indicates tro#"$e in tra e$! %artic#$ar$* on o*a&es! and dan&er of accidents( It is one of the si&ns which )a-e the e+%$orer and %ioneer in the disco er* and de e$o%)ent of new co#ntries( Uranus in t,e "ent, !ouse indicates an ori&ina$! eccentric character! with a conte)%t for con entions! who fo$$ows his own ideas re&ard$ess of what other %eo%$e sa* or thin-! hence s#ch %eo%$e are often $oo-ed #%on as "$ac- shee% and estran&ed fro) their -indred! "#t this the* do not see) to re&ard as a )isfort#ne/ the* are read* to offer #% a$$! e en $ife itse$f! for a"so$#te freedo)( These characteristics a$so "rin& the) into %#"$ic discredit and disfa or( The $ife is f#$$ of s#dden chan&es for "etter or worse accordin& to the other %$anetar* as%ects %re ai$in&( If Uran#s is )#ch aff$icted these %eo%$e ne er )a-e a s#ccess in $ife! "#t )eet with contin#a$ sorrow! tro#"$e! disa%%oint)ent and re erses( 4hen Uran#s is we$$8as%ected &eni#s wi$$ co)e to the fore and is $i-e$* to find reco&nition in so)e )eas#re at $east! %ro"a"$* "* %ioneer wor- of so)e -ind( Uranus in t,e #le$ent, !ouse/ Uran#s "ein& $ord of the E$e enth Si&n! A5#ari#s! is )ore at ho)e in the E$e enth Ho#se than in an* of the others! therefore he e+erts a stron& inf$#ence in "rin&in& a"o#t stran&e and eccentric friendshi%s with %eo%$e of an ori&ina$! creati e! or in enti e t#rn of )ind who wi$$ "e a "enefit to the %erson if Uran#s is we$$8as%ected( This a$so indicates that thro#&h s#ch friendshi%s the wishes! ho%es and as%irations wi$$ "e %ro)oted and reach a s#ccessf#$ c#$)ination( If on the other hand! Uran#s is aff$icted in this

ho#se! friends are a%t to t#rn traitors or at $east #se the %erson for their own se$fish ends as far as %ossi"$e( Uranus in t,e ".elft, !ouse indicates $oss of re%#tation! e+i$e! and estran&e)ent fro) one's -in and co#ntr*! )#ch sic-ness at ario#s ti)es of $ife and confine)ent in hos%ita$s! if Uran#s is witho#t confi&#ration with an* other %$anet or e en if we$$ as%ected( 2#t if serio#s$* aff$icted it indicates confine)ent in %rison at so)e %eriod of the $ife! or restraint in a sanitari#) on acco#nt of )enta$ tro#"$e! a$so )#ch anno*ance "* the #nderhanded action of others( 4hen we$$8 as%ected it "rin&s s#ccess in connection with the occ#$t arts or occ#$t instit#tions! a$so "* the in ention of che)ica$ %rocesses which re)ain secret with their disco erer instead of "ein& %rotected "* %atent( These %eo%$e are ha#nted a$$ thro#&h $ife "* a a&#e fear of i)%endin& disaster( ,RAN,S IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS Uranus in Aries &i es an ori&ina$! inde%endent nat#re! f#$$ of ener&* and a)"ition! in&enio#s! reso#rcef#$ and ca%a"$e of co%in& with diffic#$ties! es%ecia$$* those of a )echanica$ or e$ectrica$ nat#re( These %eo%$e ha e a er* i)%#$si e! a"r#%t and "r#s5#e )anner which often aro#ses resent)ent and o%%osition in others e en tho#&h no offense )a* ha e "een intended( The* are se$do) satisfied to re)ain in one %$ace! "#t are fond of chan&es and ro e a"o#t a &reat dea$( Chan&es of %$ace and %osition are often forced #%on the) "eca#se of the "efore8 )entioned "$#nt wa* of s%ea-in&( Uranus in "aurus &i es a er* int#iti e nat#re "#t st#""orn and se$f8wi$$ed! so that when these %eo%$e ha e )ade #% their )inds nothin& in the wor$d wi$$ t#rn the)! "#t the* c$in& to their %#r%ose or idea with the 5#iet deter)ination and %ersistence which neither %ers#asion nor threats can a$ter( If Uran#s is aff$icted the* are s#s%icio#s and 3ea$o#s! a$so s#"3ect to er* s#dden and #ne+%ected re erses in financia$ affairs( 2#t if Uran#s is we$$8as%ected the o%%osite )a* "e 3#d&ed! and co)forta"$e financia$ circ#)stances )a* "e $oo-ed for( Uranus in 8emini &i es a hi&h$* ori&ina$! int#iti e and ersati$e nat#re! fond of scientific %#rs#its in &enera$! "#t %artic#$ar$* those st#dies which ha e to do with e$ectricit*! a iation! or other si)i$ar o#t8of8the8wa* s#"3ects( These %eo%$e are "road8)inded and thoro#&h$* %ro&ressi e! %ioneers in a$$ thin&s new and )odern( A)on& other thin&s the* &enera$$* ha e an inc$ination for the st#d* of occ#$tis) and astro$o&*( The* are we$$ $i-ed a)on& "rothers! sisters! and nei&h"ors( A$$ this %ro idin& Uran#s is we$$8as%ected/ "#t if Uran#s is aff$icted the )ind "eco)es eccentric and f#$$ of a&aries which )a-e the %erson a n#isance and a cran-! dis$i-ed "* e er*"od*! %artic#$ar$* "rothers! sisters and nei&h"ors( This a$so "rin&s tro#"$e and $ia"i$it* to accident in the co#rse of short 3o#rne*s( Uranus in Cancer/ Cancer is a %s*chic si&n and when Uran#s is there it indicates that the %erson is a sensiti e! att#ned to the %s*chic i"rations and ca%a"$e of c#$ti atin& these %owers! "#t whether for &ood or i$$ de%ends #%on the as%ects( If

Uran#s is aff$icted there is a tendenc* to ner o#s indi&estion for Cancer r#$es the sto)ach! and if this is not attended to serio#s sto)ach tro#"$e )a* "e e+%ected( These %eo%$e are $ia"$e to se%aration fro) their fa)i$ies! tho#&h #s#a$$* )#ch a&ainst their wi$$! "#t as the* are &enera$$* of a er* #ncertain te)%er! irrita"$e and i)%atient! the* are #s#a$$* to "$a)e for this condition and are on$* &ettin& their 3#st desserts( Uranus in +eo &i es a er* deter)ined nat#re! re"e$$io#s and i)%atient of restraint or contradiction! with stron& $i-es and dis$i-es! and an #tter disre&ard of the con entions where the %assiona$ nat#re is in o$ ed( The %ersona$it* is stron&! forcef#$ and se$f8asserti e! therefore these %eo%$e often inc#r the dis%$eas#re of others and create )#ch o%%osition( The* are er* inconstant in affairs of the heart88,on with the new $o e, "efore it is ,off with the o$d(, In a wo)an's horosco%e an aff$icted Uran#s shows diffic#$t* in chi$d"irth! %erha%s the death of a chi$d "* accident or in a s#dden! #ne+%ected )anner! a$so a stron& tendenc* towards %a$%itation of the heart( 4hen Uran#s is we$$8as%ected in Leo "oth co#rtshi% and do)estic affairs r#n )#ch )ore s)ooth$* and it indicates ori&ina$ and in enti e &eni#s! %artic#$ar$* a$on& ed#cationa$ or 3o#rna$istic $ines! a$so for entertain)ent and a)#se)ent of the %#"$ic and &ain there"*( Uranus in 4irgo, when we$$8as%ected &i es a -een! ori&ina$! scientific and )echanica$ )ind! a stron& and we$$ de e$o%ed int#itiona$ fac#$t* and a -een "#siness "ent which wi$$ )a-e for s#ccess in $ife! and financia$ &ain "* the e)%$o*)ent of others( 2#t if Uran#s is aff$icted in Vir&o! the %erson is a%t to "eco)e s#"3ect to stran&e ai$)ents! a h*%ochondriac of a fractio#s and irrita"$e t#rn of )ind! a "#rden to hi)se$f and those who ha e to "e aro#nd hi)( This %osition is a$so f#$$ of disa%%oint)ent in the ai)s and a)"itions of $ife! es%ecia$$* "eca#se of $i)itations in the e)%$o*)ent or in dea$in& with e)%$o*ees! which the %erson see)s #na"$e to o erco)e( Uranus in +ibra, when we$$8as%ected &i es $iterar* and artistic a"i$it* of an #n#s#a$ and ori&ina$ nat#re where the %erson fo$$ows inde%endent $ines of endea or and e+%ression! often in connection with occ#$tis)( This %osition a$so &i es a -een int#ition and an attracti e %ersona$it*! a i id i)a&ination( It si&nifies %artnershi%! #nion! or )arria&e to so)eone who wi$$ "e of a Uranian character and of )#ch "enefit to the %erson( 2#t when i$$8%$aced or aff$icted! Uran#s in Li"ra "rin&s sorrow! tro#"$e! do)estic diffic#$t* and death of the )arria&e %artner "* a s#dden or stran&e ai$)ent or accident( Or %erha%s the #nion )a* "e disso$ ed in the di orce co#rt! for %eo%$e with the te)%era)ent descri"ed "* an aff$icted Uran#s in Li"ra si)%$* cannot re)ain tr#e to one %erson( This %osition a$so indicates tro#"$e with the %#"$ic or the a#thorities on acco#nt of eccentric! anarchistic! or socia$istic acti it*( Uranus in Scorpio, when we$$8as%ected &i es the %erson a forcef#$ and deter)ined wi$$! "o#nd to o erco)e a$$ o"stac$es and achie e that which he sets

o#t to acco)%$ish "* %ersistence! %erse erance and do&&ed deter)ination/ the )ind is shar%! shrewd and secreti e! ca%a"$e of &ras%in& detai$s and concentratin& dee%$* #%on whate er %ro"$e) )a* "e in hand( There is an ori&ina$it* and )echanica$ a"i$it* a)o#ntin& to &eni#s and a $o e for science! "oth occ#$t and %h*sica$( 2#t when i$$8as%ected! Uran#s in Scor%io $a*s the %erson $ia"$e to accidents and e en assassination or s#dden death "* e+%$osions! e$ectricit*! air%$anes or -indred #n#s#a$ a&encies( It a$so &i es a tendenc* to tro#"$e with the &enita$s on acco#nt of #n"rid$ed a"#se of the sacred creati e f#nction! se$f8a"#se or %er ersion( Uranus in Sagittarius &i es a er* stron& int#iti e fac#$t* with a tendenc* to drea)s! isions! and a er* i id i)a&ination( This %osition a$so &i es a stron& inc$ination towards an o#t8of8the8ordinar* "e$ief! inc$#din& the theor* and %ractice of the occ#$t arts( 4hen we$$8as%ected this %osition &i es a stron& &ras% of the re$i&io#s and ed#cationa$ %ro"$e)s of the da*! with a %hi$anthro%ic desire to worfor the #%$ift)ent of h#)anit*! a desire to tra e$ for the ed#cationa$ ad anta&es there"* to "e o"tained! and s#ccess in &ainin& these %oints #nder fa ora"$e as%ects in the %ro&ressed horosco%e( 4hen aff$icted! Uran#s in Sa&ittari#s &i es a er* eccentric and erratic )enta$it*! %artic#$ar$* with res%ect to $aw and re$i&ion( There is a re"e$$ion a&ainst the socia$ condition which often "rin&s tro#"$e with the a#thorities! a$so a desire to force one8sided iews #%on the wor$d des%ite a$$ %rotests and at a$$ ris-! characteristics which e ent#a$$* "rin& discredit and disfa or( Uranus in Capricorn, when we$$8as%ected &i es an a)"itio#s and enter%risin& dis%osition! a serio#s! %erse erin& nat#re! and an ac#te sense of res%onsi"i$it*! with ori&ina$ ideas of "#siness that "rin& s#ccess! es%ecia$$* if so)e $ine is se$ected that is connected with the e$ectrica$ or aeria$ arts( If Uran#s is aff$icted it &i es an erratic and eccentric )ind! se$f8wi$$ed and st#""orn! "o#nd to either r#$e or r#in! 5#arre$so)e and at odds with societ* in &enera$ and re$ati es in %artic#$ar( Hence this %osition &i es a &reat dea$ of sorrow and tro#"$e in $ife! fre5#ent$* in o$ in& s#dden chan&es of e)%$o*)ent and en iron)ent( Uranus in A1uarius, when we$$8as%ected is at its er* "est! for he is r#$er of this si&n and therefore in har)on* with its i"rations( Hence this %osition stren&thens the int#ition and ori&ina$it*! and directs the ener&ies into h#)anitarian $ines of endea or! #nse$fish de otion to the ca#se of friendshi%! and a sincere desire to he$% a$$ who are in tro#"$e( These %eo%$e )a-e )an* friends and &enera$$* rea$i7e their ho%es! wishes! and a)"itions "eca#se the* are of s#ch an #nse$fish nat#re that the* desire what is &ood for h#)anit* at $ar&e rather than that which is for %ersona$ &ain( This %osition a$so &i es considera"$e )echanica$ a"i$it*! ori&ina$it* and in enti e &eni#s( 2#t if Uran#s is aff$icted in the si&n A5#ari#s! tho#&h the a)"itions )a* "e as stron& and so)eti)es as &ood! and as %#re as with a we$$8 as%ected Uran#s! the*

wi$$ "e of s#ch an erratic nat#re that it is i)%ossi"$e to rea$i7e the)! and the* "i$$ "rin& tro#"$e with friends! or %retended friends! who wi$$ see- to #se the %erson for their own se$fish ends! ca#sin& )#ch sorrow and disa%%oint)ent( Uranus in )isces, when we$$8as%ected indicates a $o e of the occ#$t arts and a"i$it* for de e$o%)ent a$on& these $ines( It "rin&s friends and associations which fa or these st#dies( 2#t when i$$ as%ected it $eads to )edi#)shi%! o"session! and e en insanit*! if this tendenc* to interco#rse with s%irits is fo$$owed to its conc$#sion( This %osition )a-es the )ind f$i&ht*! erratic! and the %erson wi$$ "e s#"3ect to #ne+%ected )isfort#ne! scanda$! or s#icide( A$$ thro#&h $ife! e en when fort#ne s)i$es and the s-ies are c$ear to a$$ o#tward a%%earance! these %eo%$e are ha#nted "* a a&#e fear of i)%endin& disaster( ASPECTS OF ,RAN,S TO T E OT ER P(ANETS ",e Sun sextile or trine to Uranus )a-es the %erson ori&ina$! in enti e and inde%endent in his )anner of cond#ct and %ersona$ a%%earance( 4ith res%ect to food and certain )anneris)s! he is what %eo%$e ca$$ eccentric and cons%ic#o#s! *et not offensi e$* so! &i en to %#rs#its and st#dies which %eo%$e consider ,5#eer, s#ch as occ#$tis) and astro$o&*( 2#t he a$so $o es de$ in& into the #n-nown rea$)s after nat#re's secrets concernin& e$ectricit* and often "eco)es a s#ccessf#$ in entor if other as%ects &i e the )echanica$ a"i$it* to wor- his sche)es o#t( Uran#s r#$es the ether and now that we are nearin& the A5#arian A&e his i"rations wi$$ "e fe$t in increasin& )eas#re! "rin&in& to o#r -en )ethods of #sin& nat#re's finer forces and the %eo%$e with S#n se+ti$e or trine Uran#s wi$$ "e the )edia who attract and inter%ret the) for #s as the aeria$s and recei ers in a wire$ess station co$$ect and transcri"e the )essa&es carried "* the ether wa es to which the* are att#ned( These %eo%$e often rise in $ife thro#&h the friendshi% of so)eone a"o e the) in the socia$ sca$e( The* are of a er* hi&h8str#n& te)%era)ent "#t ha e the)se$ es we$$ #nder contro$! and rare$* show te)%er or an&er( The* are a$so o#t8and8o#t idea$ists(

",e Sun )arallel, conjunction, s1uare or opposition to Uranus )a-es the %erson er* hi&h8str#n&! ner o#s! of #ncontro$$ed e)otions and read* to f$* into h*steria on an* or no %ro ocation( It %redis%oses to ner o#s disorders s#ch as St( Vit#s dance! e%i$e%s* and $ac- of coordination( It )a-es %eo%$e i)%#$si e! #nre$ia"$e! and $ac-in& in re&ard for the con entiona$ities! hi&h$* i)%atient of an* restraint #%on their $i"ert* and co))itted to the theor* of affinities! so#$8)ates and free $o e! hence these %eo%$e are #ndesira"$e )arria&e %artners and $i-e$* to fi&#re in di orce %roceedin&s or scanda$s of an e en worse nat#re( There is a$so dan&er of tro#"$e on acco#nt of connection with anarchistic %$ots where the in enti e fac#$t* )a* find sco%e in the constr#ction of e+%$osi es and inferna$ )achines( Un$ess these as%ects are )odified "* other confi&#rations s#ch %eo%$e are a)on& the )ost dan&ero#s to societ*( The* are $ia"$e to accidents fro) $i&htenin&! e$ectricit* and a$$ thro#&h $ife the* )eet disa%%oint)ent fro) the )ost #ne+%ected 5#arters( 4enus sextile or trine to Uranus )a-es the %erson )enta$$* a$ert! or 5#icint#iti e %erce%tion and e+ceedin&$* )a&netic! es%ecia$$* to the o%%osite se+/ and it a$so attracts hosts of friends who wi$$ "e of "enefit and assistance to hi)( These as%ects &i e $o e of art! )#sic and %oetr* and are a fa ora"$e indication of a ha%%* )arria&e! often at a er* ear$* a&e or s#dden$* cons#))ated( The &ood as%ects "etween Ven#s and Uran#s a$so so)eti)es "rin& to the s#"3ect $o e of a %$atonic nat#re which then acts as an ins%iration in the $ife( 4enus conjunction or parallel to Uranus/ As in the case of Mars con3#nction to Ven#s! so a$so in the case of Uran#s con3#nction to Ven#s! there is a do#"t as to whether this as%ect sho#$d "e c$assed as &ood or e i$( This )#st "e sett$ed in the indi id#a$ horosco%e where it occ#rs! for it )a* wor- either wa*! de%endin& #%on the other %$anetar* confi&#rations and the st#dent wi$$ therefore ha e to #se his 3#d&)ent as to how he c$asses it( If Ven#s is otherwise aff$icted in the horosco%e! for instance! the con3#nction or %ara$$e$ wi$$ f#rther accent#ate her e i$ 5#a$ities and act $i-e the s5#are or o%%osition! "#t if she is we$$ %$aced or as%ected! Uran#s wi$$ "rin& o#t the no"$er side! the sa)e as the se+ti$e or trine( 4enus s1uare or opposition to Uranus/ The s5#are or o%%osition a$wa*s "rin&s tro#"$e thro#&h the se+ re$ation885#arre$s! di orces! %#"$ic scanda$s thro#&h c$andestine interco#rse and -indred irre&#$arities! with $oss of friends! %resti&e and %o%#$arit*! e+i$e fro) ho)e and fa)i$* and s#dden financia$ $osses thro#&h #ne+%ected or #nforeseen ha%%enin&s( There is a &enera$ $ac- of "a$ance! an erratic %ersona$it*( (ercury sextile or trine to Uranus &i es an ori&ina$! inde%endent and eccentric )ind i)%atient of the fetters of fashion! tradition and con ention( S#ch a %erson is stren#o#s in his efforts to hew a %ath for hi)se$f in co)%$ete $i"ert*( Therefore this is the ha$$8)ar- of %ioneers in tho#&ht and in ention! the si&n of &eni#s( Their ideas and idea$s are e+ceedin&$* $oft*! %ro&ressi e and ins%irin&! in fact too )#ch so in the o%inion of the a era&e )an or wo)an who $oo-s #%on their actions and a&aries as the o#tco)e of a diseased )ind( 1e erthe$ess the* ha e %$ent* of

friends on acco#nt of their -ind$* and s*)%athetic nat#re( These as%ects are &ood for a $iterar* or scientific %#rs#it! a$so for in ention! %artic#$ar$* those which ha e to do with air or e$ectricit*( (ercury parallel or conjunction .it, Uranus/ If Merc#r* is otherwise aff$icted the con3#nction and %ara$$e$ are to "e 3#d&ed as "ad as%ects and read accordin&$*! "#t if Merc#r* is otherwise we$$ %$aced and as%ected the de$ineation &i en for the se+ti$e and trine wi$$ a%%$*( (ercury s1uare or opposition to Uranus/ Merc#r* in s5#are or o%%osition to Uran#s is the ha$$8)ar- of the tr#e cran- or anarchist with e+tre)e ideas to tear down the socia$ str#ct#re and #nderta-e a radica$ refor) witho#t the a"i$it* to "#i$d #% so)ethin& "etter( Peo%$e with these confi&#rations are &i en to rantin& and ra in& in %#"$ic and their $an&#a&e is #s#a$$* as cr#e$ as the )eas#res the* ad ocate( 4hate er a"i$it* the* %ossess is #s#a$$* t#rned to an erratic %#r%ose and therefore the* are ostraci7ed and dis$i-ed where er the* &o( The* are often forced to )a-e s#dden chan&es to esca%e the conse5#ences of their erratic cond#ct( ",e (oon sextile or trine to Uranus &i es &reat ori&ina$it* and inde%endence to the )ind which is 5#ic-! int#iti e and er* i id in its i)a&ination! hence the %erson has in enti e a"i$it*/ he is attracted to the occ#$t arts and is endowed with h*%notic or )a&netic %owers! a$so the int#itiona$ a"i$it* to st#d* and %ractice astro$o&*( If e$ectricit* is ado%ted as a ocation the %erson wi$$ )a-e a s#ccess of it( These as%ects a$so &i e the %erson a %ec#$iar fascination for the o%%osite se+ and are $i-e$* to $ead to a c$andestine $o e affair or an #ncon entiona$ #nion( ",e (oon conjunction or parallel to Uranus &i es )enta$ and %s*chic tendencies si)i$ar to those of the &ood as%ects and a$so the sa)e $ia"i$it* to irre&#$ar $o e8affairs! "#t these tendencies are not so %rono#nced and a c$andestine $o e8affair &enerated #nder the con3#nction of Uran#s and the Moon )a* ha e distinct$* disastro#s res#$ts si)i$ar to those )entioned #nder the "ad as%ects( If the con3#nction occ#rs in Cancer it indicates ner o#s indi&estion/ in Leo it inc$ines to %a$%itation of the heart! interferes with the rh*th) of the heart"eat and &i es a s%as)odic action which wi$$ %ro"a"$* %ro e fata$ when it has r#n its co#rse/ in Scor%io it inc$ines to %er erted %ractices/ in Sa&ittari#s the ref$e+ action wo#$d "e fe$t in the $#n&s and si)i$ar$* with the other si&ns( ",e (oon s1uare or opposition to Uranus )a-es the %erson erratic and to#ch* to a de&ree! wa$-in& %owder )a&a7ine read* to e+%$ode at an* )o)ent! o er"earin&! conceited and into$erant! sh#nned "* a$$ who can %ossi"$* &et o#t of his wa*( If s#ch %eo%$e are e)%$o*ers no"od* can wor- for the) and if the* are e)%$o*ees no"od* wi$$ ha e the)( The* ne er re)ain er* $on& in an* %$ace! "#t are either dischar&ed or &i e #% their %osition on the s$i&htest %ro ocation( Peo%$e with these as%ects are a$so attracted "* the occ#$t arts "#t the* ne er )a-e a s#ccess at the) "eca#se of their erratic )enta$it*( Li-e the other as%ects of Uran#s and the Moon! the s5#are and o%%osition a$so indicate a c$andestine

attach)ent either on the %art of the %erson or the )arria&e %artner( If Uran#s occ#rs in the Se enth Ho#se of a )an's horosco%e it %ro es the wife #ntr#e and a %#"$ic scanda$ and di orce wi$$ e ent#a$$* ens#e( The "ad as%ects of the S#n and Uran#s &i e si)i$ar indications in the horosco%e of a wo)an( Saturn sextile or trine Uranus is fort#nate for a %#"$ic career in an officia$ ca%acit* for it &i es a)"ition and deter)ination with a"i$it* to concentrate #%on the wor- in hand and to e+ercise a#thorit*! %$an and s*ste)ati7e( It stren&thens the int#ition so that s#ch %eo%$e are &#ided "* -een interior insi&ht when new and i)%ortant ste%s ha e to "e ta-en! therefore s#ch %eo%$e are in de)and and find %ositions with $ar&e cor%orations where the* win their wa* thro#&h sheer a"i$it*( The )ind is "oth )echanica$ and in&enio#s! hence this %osition often denotes the s#ccessf#$ in entor! %artic#$ar$* a$on& the $ines of e$ectricit*! aeria$ na i&ation and -indred %ioneer $ines( Saturn conjunction or parallel to Uranus has an inf$#ence $i-e the &ood as%ects if the %$anets are #naff$icted! e$e ated! in an&$es! essentia$$* di&nified or e+a$ted! as Sat#rn in Li"ra and Ca%ricorn or Uran#s in A5#ari#s or Scor%io! "#t if the con3#nction occ#rs in si&ns where either of the %$anets is wea- or aff$icted! $i-e Sat#rn in Aries! Cancer or Leo! then the inf$#ence wi$$ "e detri)enta$ and sho#$d "e 3#d&ed the sa)e as the s5#are or o%%osition( Saturn s1uare or opposition to Uranus &i es an #nscr#%#$o#s nat#re with an e+tre)e$* io$ent te)%er( The o#t"#rsts are as s#dden as a "o$t fro) the "$#e and e+ha#st the %erson co)%$ete$*( These %eo%$e are er* eccentric and $oo- at e er*thin& fro) a %ec#$iar an&$e88treachero#s! id$e and indo$ent! )a$icio#s and a$to&ether dan&ero#s to the co))#nit*( These as%ects a$so indicate chronic or inc#ra"$e diseases accordin& to the si&ns wherein the* are %$aced! "#t as often said! if the other indications in the horosco%e are &ood the inf$#ence of a sin&$e as%ect wi$$ not "rin& o#t s#ch e i$ characteristics and therefore the who$e horosco%e is to "e caref#$$* considered "efore 3#d&in& the inf$#ences en#)erated! for the* )a* "e )ateria$$* )ini)i7ed "* other fa ora"$e indications in the horosco%e( 7upiter sextile or trine to Uranus &i es a stron&! inde%endent and %ositi e %ersona$it* with an in&enio#s! in enti e and ori&ina$ t#rn of )ind( 4hate er he #nderta-es he wi$$ carr* to a conc$#sion or die in the atte)%t( This %osition a$so &i es a "road! h#)ane and "ene o$ent dis%osition and a tendenc* to de$ e into the occ#$t arts and sciences( It fa ors association with secret orders and &i es %ro)ise of %ros%erit* in $ife( S#ch a %erson is honest and sincere! socia"$e! hos%ita"$e and friend$* to a$$! hence $i-e$* to "enefit a &reat dea$ fro) inf$#entia$ friends in an officia$ %osition( This %osition a$so &i es e+ec#ti e a"i$it* and s#ccess in connection with instit#tions of $earnin&(

7upiter conjunction or parallel to Uranus &i es si)i$ar indications to the &ood as%ects "#t the inf$#ence is not 5#ite so decided! %artic#$ar$* if either of the %$anets is wea- "* si&n or otherwise aff$icted( In that case it wi$$ "e fo#nd that the tendencies conferred are )ore $i-e those of the "ad as%ects( 7upiter s1uare or opposition to Uranus &i es an i)%#$si e nat#re $ia"$e to act in a s#dden or i)%#$si e nat#re $ia"$e to act in a s#dden i)%#$si e! erratic or #ne+%ected )anner to his own #ndoin&( Loss "* s%ec#$ation! $aws#its and i)%#$si e e+tra a&ance are a$so indicated! )an* chan&es "oth of occ#%ation and residence! $oss of friends and re%#tation( It si&nifies one of an ostentatio#s nat#re &i en to sha) and ca)o#f$a&e and s#"terf#&e! &enera$$* dis$i-ed for his insincerit* and do#"$e dea$in&s/ a confidence )an! "#n-o )an or chea% &a)"$er( (ars sextile or trine to Uranus &i es an ener&etic and a)"itio#s dis%osition! an ori&ina$! in&enio#s! a$ert! int#iti e )ind which in reso#rcef#$ in the hi&hest de&ree and a"$e to co%e with &reat diffic#$ties #nder tr*in& circ#)stances( Th#s %eo%$e with these confi&#rations are nat#ra$$* of an in enti e t#rn of )ind and s#ccessf#$ in "rin&in& their ideas to rea$i7ation( Their in enti e &eni#s #s#a$$* e+%resses itse$f a$on& e$ectrica$ $ines! a iation! or in other #n#s#a$ directions! for these as%ects are one of the )ar-s of the %ioneer of the A5#arian A&e! where science and in entions wi$$ reach o#t in directions that are now entire$* #ndrea)ed of e en as %ossi"i$ities( 2#t whi$e these %eo%$e are drea)ers of drea)s the* are a$so %ractica$! ener&etic and enter%risin& in a s#fficient de&ree to )a-e their drea)s co)e tr#e in the wor$d( The* ha e a wide ision and a no"$e nat#re which rises o er a$$ %ett* distinctions of race! creed or co$or and reco&ni7es in a$$ h#)an "ein&s the di ine s%ar- which is the "asis of #ni ersa$ "rotherhood( The* )a* not "e e+act$* re$i&io#s in the orthodo+ sense of the word "#t their ideas are tr#$* cos)ic! hence the* are often )ista-en for isionaries "* those who do not #nderstand the)( (ars conjunction, parallel, s1uare or opposition to Uranus &i es an erratic and eccentric dis%osition! a io$ent te)%er of the worst nat#re! an #n#s#a$ resent)ent of e en the s$i&htest restraint and &i es the %erson a st#""orn! headstron& and do&&ed deter)ination to &o ahead in an* $ine of action #%on which he has decided no )atter what the o#tco)e( He wi$$ $isten to neither reason nor entreat* "#t fo$$ows his own co#rse in defiance of a$$( Peo%$e with these confi&#rations er* often "eco)e anarchists of the reddest t*%e for the* do not e en sto% at the sheddin& of "$ood! if other testi)onies in the fi&#re conc#r( the* are cr#e$! hard and co$d! witho#t a s%ar- of tr#e $o e tho#&h the* )a* "e inf$a)ed with %assion of the )ost "#rnin& intensit*( This is %artic#$ar$* the case when Mars is s5#are Uran#s and either %$anet is %$aced in Ta#r#s or Scor%io( In a wo)an's horosco%e Uran#s s5#are Mars #s#a$$* $eads to sed#ction no )atter where the* are %$aced! "#t if in Ta#r#s or Scor%io esca%e is a$)ost i)%ossi"$e( The other characteristics of these %$anets in these confi&#rations wor- the)se$ es o#t accordin& to the si&ns wherein the* are %$aced so that their %$ace)ent in Ta#r#s or Scor%io wor-s #%on the se+ which is &o erned "* these si&ns( 4hen one of these

%$anets is in Scor%io! if the %erson ta-es #% the %rofession of s#r&er* he wi$$ "eco)e er* cr#e$ and #nfee$in&! read* to o%erate for the )ere %$eas#re of ca#sin& %ain and in conse5#ence or in %#rs#it of this %assion he wi$$ %ro"a"$* ta-e #% i isection and de e$o% and #n#s#a$ in&en#it* in tort#rin& his icti)s( 4ith Uran#s or Mars in Scor%io or Pisces he wi$$ "e #nderhanded or tric-* tho#&h he )a* show a er* different front to the %#"$ic( In Aries it wi$$ )a-e a ratt$e"rain! in Ge)ini and Vir&o an #n#s#a$$* 5#ic- )enta$it* "#t 5#ic- in seein& on$* how to tricothers( In Sa&ittari#s it wi$$ )a-e the %erson er* )ateria$istic! atheistic! or fanatica$ a&ainst the esta"$ished re$i&ion or societ*( Th#s the %$anets "$end their indi id#a$ nat#res with the si&n( -eptune sextile or trine to Uranus &i es inc$ination towards the occ#$t or )*stica$ side of $ife! and if either is %$aced in the Tenth Ho#se the %erson #s#a$$* "eco)es a $eader or a#thorit* in these $ines! he wins at $east $oca$ reco&nition and if other testi)onies conc#r his fa)e wi$$ "e nationa$ or internationa$( S#ch as%ects wi$$ "rin& direct to#ch with the s%irit#a$ wor$d and s#ccess in dea$in& with the inha"itants of that %$ane( It is a$so %rod#cti e of drea)s and isions of a %ro%hetic and ins%irationa$ nat#re( It stren&thens the hea$in& %owers and wi$$ conse5#ent$* ena"$e the %erson to do a &reat dea$ of &ood for his s#fferin& fe$$ow8)en( These as%ects &i e a hi&h$* de e$o%ed int#ition which a)o#nts a$)ost to )ind8readin&( There is a $o e of tra e$ and e+%$oration of the %h*sica$ wor$d as we$$ as of nat#re's finer rea$)s( 1or are s#ch %eo%$e a$to&ether drea)ers! the* ha e a stron& wi$$ with e+ce$$ent e+ec#ti e and or&ani7in& %owers which wi$$ aid the) in rea$i7in& their ho%es! wishes and a)"itions to rise in $ife and "e at the forefront of whate er %rofession the* se$ect( -eptune conjunction or parallel to Uranus are con erti"$e as%ects/ if the %$anets are we$$ %$aced "* si&n and otherwise we$$ as%ected! their effect wi$$ "e si)i$ar to the se+ti$e or trine! tho#&h not so %rono#nced! "#t if the* are cadent wea- "* si&n! and aff$icted the* are on$* a $itt$e $ess e i$ than when as%ected "* s5#are or o%%osition( -eptune s1uare or opposition to Uranus "rin&s #nderhanded! dece%ti e inf$#ences into the $ife which ai) to #nder)ine the re%#tation and )a-e the %erson s#ffer scanda$ and %#"$ic disfa or! s#dden and #nacco#nta"$e re erses in "#siness are )et with! or tro#"$e in socia$ affairs( there is the sa)e $o e of tra e$ and e+%$oration as &i en "* the &ood as%ects "#t the %erson cannot acco)%$ish his ai)s with the sa)e faci$it*! or if he does it is to his disad anta&e and "rin&s added tro#"$e( He is a$so drawn towards the occ#$t or )*stic side of $ife! "#t his %ath is "eset "* dan&ers of )edi#)shi% and o"session and a$$ thro#&h $ife he is fi$$ed with %re)onitions of dan&er and a a&#e dread of i)%endin& disaster which he can neither acco#nt for nor dis%e$ "* wi$$ or reason! hence #ncertaint* o ershadows the $ife as a c$o#d and ro"s hi) of %eace and content)ent(

NEPT,NE, T E P(ANET OF 4I1INIT+ As 9ranus is the octa e of Ven#s and acts %rinci%a$$* #%on the $o e nat#re! ai)in& to e$e ate )an-ind in )atters %ersona$ and socia$! so 1e%t#ne is the octa e of Merc#r*! and a$to&ether s%irit#a$ in its ai)s( As Merc#r* is Li&ht"earer of the %h*sica$ S#n! so 1e%t#ne is Li&ht"earer for the s%irit#a$ S#n! Hca$$ed V#$can "* the 4estern M*sticsI( Inte$$ect#a$it*! r#$ed "* Merc#r* $ifted #s a"o e the ani)a$ and )ade )an! )an/ the S%irit#a$it* r#$ed "* 1e%t#ne wi$$ in ti)e raise #s "e*ond the state of the h#)an and )a-e #s di ine( 1e%t#ne rea$$* si&nifies what we )a* ca$$ ,the &ods, co))encin& with the s#%ernor)a$ "ein&s we -now as E$der 2rothers! and co)%assin& the inn#)era"$e hosts of s%irit#a$ entities! &ood! "ad! and indifferent! which inf$#ence o#r e o$#tion( Its %osition and as%ects denote o#r re$ation to the)/ )a$efic as%ects attract a&encies of a nat#re ini)ica$ to o#r we$fare! "enefic confi&#rations draw #%on the &ood forces( Th#s! if 1e%t#ne is %$aced in the Tenth Ho#se! trine to the ascendant! the %erson in o$ ed wi$$ ha e the o%%ort#nit* to "eco)e a $eader or %ro)inent in a )o e)ent a$on& )*stica$ $ines as denoted "* the e+a$ted %osition of 1e%t#ne( His "od* wi$$ "e ca%a"$e of recei in& the finer i"rations! and of co)in& in to#ch with the s%irit#a$ wor$d! as denoted "* the trine of the ascendant( On the other hand! when 1e%t#ne is %$aced in the Twe$fth Ho#se! whose nat#re is %assi e and

%rod#cti e of s#fferin&! that %osition indicates that at so)e ti)e! %erha%s #nder a s5#are for) the )idhea en! the e i$ forces! a)on& who) are s%irit8contro$s! wi$$ "e drawn to that %erson and endea or to o"tain %ossession of the "od*( the con3#nction of 1e%t#ne with the ascendant wi$$ )a-e the "od* sensiti e and #sa"$e for s%irit#a$ %#r%oses! as we$$ as the trine( Gi en the o%%ort#nit* afforded "* the first as%ect )entioned! the )an )a* "eco)e a %#%i$ of a )*ster* schoo$ and a factor for &reat &ood in the #%$ift of )an-ind/ %$aced #nder the aff$iction of the second as%ect! he )a* "eco)e a he$%$ess too$ of s%irit8contro$s0 an irres%onsi"$e )edi#)( 2#t there is one factor which is ne er shown in the horosco%e! and that is the wi$$ of )an( He is "o#nd at so)e ti)e in $ife to )eet with the e+%eriences denoted "* his horosco%e! and the o%%ort#nities there indicated wi$$ "e %$aced "efore hi) one "* one in order$* s#ccession! as the c$oc- of destin* )ar-s the a%%ro%riate ti)e/ "#t how he! the free and inde%endent s%irit! )eets that fated e+%erience! no one can deter)ine "eforehand! and the )an in whose horosco%e the first )entioned "enefic confi&#ration occ#rs )a* not "e s#fficient$* awa-e to the &reat o%%ort#nit* "efore hi) to catch it on the win&! it )a* ha e f$own "efore he rea$i7es it was there( Yes! he )a* ne er "eco)e aware of the fact( On the other hand! the %erson in whose $ife the s5#are indicates the assa#$t "* s%irit#a$ forces )entioned! )a* de e$o% his s%irit#a$ )#sc$e "* resistin& the ons$a#&ht and "eco)e a ictor instead of "ein& an5#ished( Forewarned is forear)ed( 1e%t#ne was not disco ered #nti$ ?A<>! "#t we sho#$d err &reat$* if we s#%%osed the inf$#ence ascri"ed to it fictitio#s on that acco#nt! for as the %erson "orn "$ind $ac-s the or&ans to see the s#n$i&ht and co$ors! so )ost of h#)anit* is sti$$ $ac-in& the sensi"i$it* which )a-es the) a)ena"$e to the i"rations of 1e%t#ne( HSee Cha%ter on that s#"3ect! a$so on P$anetar* Octa esI( 2#t we are &rad#a$$* de e$o%in& finer fee$in&s and "eco)in& )ore a"$e to res%ond to his inf$#ence( At first this inf$#ence is )ost$* fe$t "* sensiti es who "eco)e occ#$tists when of a %ositi e nat#re and )edi#)s when ne&ati e! others &ain fro) it the c#nnin& co))on a$i-e to the cri)ina$ and the detecti e! or it i)%e$s the wea-$in& to ta-e dr#&s which in another )anner %rod#ce drea)s and isions si)i$ar to those o"tained "* the )edi#)istic %rocess( 1e%t#ne stron& in the fi&#re &i es a er* i id i)a&ination and an artistic nat#re! %oetic! )#sica$ or $iterar*! a fondness of ease! co)fort and "ea#tif#$ s#rro#ndin&s( The %erson is easi$* swa*ed "* the e)otions! and when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted )a* "eco)e s#"3ect to trances! faintin&! h*steria! or %s*chic stor)s( There is a $o e of tra e$! %refera"$* "* water( 4hen 1e%t#ne is wea- "* si&n or aff$icted it a$so inc$ines to drin- or dr#&s! it ro"s the %erson of a)"ition and )a-es hi) an indo$ent $oafer or cheat! thoro#&h$* dishonest! or if the horosco%e is otherwise &ood he )a* "eco)e the %re* of other %eo%$e who wi$$ ro" or defra#d hi)( Peo%$e with an aff$icted 1e%t#ne sho#$d %artic#$ar$* a oid dea$in&s with $ar&e cor%orations or the* )a* "e s#"3ected to swind$es of the )ost fantastic nat#re(



-eptune in t,e Ascendant, or 2irst !ouse/ 1e%t#ne is "* nat#re occ#$t! %ro%hetic and s%irit#a$( The Ascendant si&nifies the "od* wherein we f#nction and th#s "* co)"ination of these ideas we find that 1e%t#ne on the Ascendant wi$$ &i e a %artic#$ar$* sensiti e "od* ca%a"$e of fee$in& the finer i"rations in nat#re! and accordin& to the as%ects which the %$anet recei es! these wi$$ "e either &ood! "ad or indifferent( If 1e%t#ne is stron& and we$$ as%ected to the S#n! ;#%iter or Uran#s! we )a* 3#d&e that there is an intense$* )*stica$ nat#re $atent in the %erson( 4hether or not it wi$$ "e de e$o%ed is! of co#rse! another 5#estion de%endin& #%on o%%ort#nit* and en iron)ent( On the other hand! if 1e%t#ne is aff$icted! it indicates a er* $ow )enta$it*! %erha%s e en insanit*( In an* case the nat#re is isionar*! ro)antic and &enera$$* #n%ractica$! at $east fro) the wor$d$* standard( The %ro%hetic! ins%irationa$ and isionar* fac#$ties are #s#a$$* hi&h$* de e$o%ed when 1e%t#ne is #naff$icted in the First Ho#se( There is a $o e of art and )#sic! a desire for $#+#r* and whate er &i es %ower and tone to $ife( 2#t when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in the First Ho#se the nat#re is indo$ent! %rocrastinatin& and chan&ea"$e/ %er erted tastes and desires co)e to the front and i)%e$ to acts of indiscretion which )a* "rin& &ra e conse5#ences( There is indication of %rostit#tion of the s%irit#a$ fac#$ties/ a dece%ti e! dishonest dis%osition! a$so a tendenc* to )edi#)shi% and s%irit o"session( -eptune in t,e Second !ouse and we$$ as%ected "rin&s &ain thro#&h a$$ thin&s in which water %$a*s a %ro)inent %art/ a$so thro#&h )*stic and occ#$t )atters and societies( 2#t if 1e%t#ne is aff$icted the financia$ affairs of the %erson wi$$ a$wa*s "e in an #ncertain! chaotic state( -eptune in t,e ",ird !ouse, when we$$ as%ected enhances the )enta$ fac#$ties to a considera"$e de&ree( It &i es a"i$it* in the direction of ins%irationa$ writin& and s%ea-in&! hi&h idea$s! a de otiona$ )ind( 2#t when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in the Third Ho#se the )ind is of a $ow order! c#nnin&! so)eti)es i)"eci$e and idiotic! with weird and #ncann* fee$in&s and %er erted a%%etites( 1e%t#ne in the Third Ho#se a$so &i es a tendenc* to )an* 3o#rne*s! fre5#ent$* "* water! "#t whether or not the* are s#ccessf#$ de%ends #%on the as%ects( -eptune in t,e 2ourt, !ouse, when we$$ as%ected! &i es a s%irit#a$ at)os%here to the ho)e with #n#s#a$ conditions for so#$8&rowth thro#&h the re$ationshi%s there for)ed! "#t when aff$icted it "rin&s fra#d and dece%tion! #nha%%iness and distr#st! %ec#$iar %ro"$e)s and )an* chan&es of residence( There is a$so a $ia"i$it* to e+tre)e %o ert* at the c$ose of $ife! e en confine)ent in a %#"$ic instit#tion of charit*( -eptune in t,e 2ift, !ouse, stron& and we$$ as%ected! indicates a s#ccessf#$ co#rtshi% of one of a hi&h$* ad anced s%irit#a$ nat#re! s#ccess as a teacher of )*stic )atters! and &ain "* in est)ent in thin&s r#$ed "* 1e%t#ne! a5#atic s%orts and an* other "#siness in which the water* e$e)ent is stron&(

-eptune in t,e Sixt, !ouse, we$$ as%ected! is a fa ora"$e indication of $atent %s*chic fac#$ties which )a* "e de e$o%ed with %rofit fro) the s%irit#a$ %oint of iew( 2#t when aff$icted it %redis%oses to the %rostit#tion of s%irit#a$ fac#$ties "* )edi#)shi%! etc( Th#s the %erson )a* "eco)e s#"3ect to s%irit contro$ and r#n &ra e dan&er of o"session( It a$so indicates tro#"$e and $oss thro#&h e)%$o*ees and a $ia"i$it* to chronic wastin& diseases and defor)it*( Us#a$$* these tendencies are then accent#ated "* a sens#o#s nat#re and a se$f8ind#$&ent )anner of $i in&( -eptune in t,e Se$ent, !ouse and we$$ as%ected indicates a )arria&e to tone of an occ#$t! ins%irationa$ nat#re! &enera$$* a %$atonic #nion of the )ost so#$8 satisf*in& nat#re! a tr#e co)%anionshi% of two who are rea$$* )ates( It a$so shows s#ccess as a %#"$ic s%ea-er on occ#$t or )*stica$ s#"3ects( 2#t when aff$icted! 1e%t#ne in the Se enth Ho#se shows an e)otiona$ )edi#)istic! #nre$ia"$e )arria&e %artner! or there )a* "e fra#d or dece%tion in connection with the )arria&e! %erha%s one of the %artners co))ittin& "i&a)*( this %osition a$so indicates one of the %arasites that %re* #%on the %#"$ic in &enera$! or of those who "eco)e icti)s of %#"$ic disfa or! a$$ accordin& to the nat#re of the as%ects( The* show whether or not this is )erited( -eptune in t,e #ig,t, !ouse, when we$$ as%ected! &i es &ain thro#&h the )arria&e %artner! "#t not thro#&h the ordinar* channe$s of "#siness/ it co)es in a %ec#$iar )anner( This %osition is a$so fa ora"$e for occ#$t in esti&ation and often ena"$es the %erson who has it to o"tain infor)ation at first hand( 2#t when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in the Ei&hth ho#se it "rin&s a $oss "* fra#d or dece%tion of the )arria&e %artner! financia$ tro#"$es with estates or cor%orations and a stran&e! #n#s#a$ endin& to the $ife( -eptune in t,e -int, !ouse is er* fa ora"$e for the c#$ti ation of s%irit#a$ fac#$ties/ when we$$ as%ected! it "rin&s stran&e isions and #n#s#a$ int#itiona$ fore"odin&s and %resenti)ents! a$so %rofit and %$eas#re in connection with $on& 3o#rne*s or o*a&es( 4hen 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in the 1inth Ho#se it )a-es the )ind fearf#$ and an+io#s! a$wa*s on the &ui vive with a&#e fore"odin&s/ it inc$ines to tra e$ "#t "rin&s tro#"$e in that connection! a$so dan&er of $e&a$ co)%$ication and $oss on that acco#nt( -eptune in t,e "ent, !ouse, when we$$ as%ected indicates one of hi&h as%irations and ins%irations! s%irit#a$$* inc$ined! who has the a"i$it* to rise to $eadershi%! fa)e and honor! in connection with so)e )*stica$ societ* or in scientific research( This %osition of 1e%t#ne a$so indicates an accident to one of the %arents! %ro"a"$* "* water! whi$e the %erson is sti$$ a chi$d! "#t when the %$anet is we$$ as%ected a $e&ac* often accr#es( 1e%t#ne in the Tenth Ho#se and trine to the S#n or Moon are s#re si&ns of the a"i$it* to c#$ti ate the s%irit#a$ si&ht in this $ife( A n#)"er of we$$8-nown seers ha e this as%ect( 4hen 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in the Tenth Ho#se it indicates fra#d! dece%tion and

dishonest* which in ti)e wi$$ "rin& their reward of sorrow! tro#"$e and scanda$( -eptune in t,e #le$ent, !ouse and we$$ as%ected shows a %erson of hi&h s%irit#a$ as%irations and the a"i$it* to attract others of a si)i$ar nat#re who wi$$ "e of he$% to hi) in rea$i7in& his desires! ho%es and wishes( 4hen 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in the E$e enth Ho#se it indicates dece%tion and treacher* on the %art of %eo%$e who %ose as friends/ this wi$$ "rin& $oss and tro#"$e( Therefore %eo%$e with this %osition sho#$d "e %artic#$ar$* caref#$ who) the* c#$ti ate and ad)it their friendshi%( -eptune in t,e ".elft, !ouse, we$$ as%ected! "rin&s s#ccess in research worof a scientific or occ#$t nat#re which is carried on in secret or far fro) the ha#nts of )en( It a$so indicates a secret so#$8satisf*in& or c$andestine "#t honora"$e re$ationshi% with so)eone which wi$$ "rin& "enefit to "oth and it not infre5#ent$* ha%%ens that this friend is in the s%irit wor$d! "#t the re$ations is )#ch )ore c$ose in s#ch cases than it can e er "e "etween friends who are "oth in the %h*sica$ "od*( 4hen 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in the Twe$fth Ho#se it &i es a $ia"i$it* to confine)ent and restraint in a %#"$ic instit#tion s#ch as a hos%ita$! as*$#)! or %rison! on acco#nt of secret "#t %owerf#$ ene)ies! a chronic and noiso)e disease or insanit* d#e to %er erted %ractices( NEPT,NE IN T E T*E(1E SI0NS -eptune in Aries, when we$$ as%ected fi$$s a %erson with re$i&io#s enth#sias)! tho#&h not a$wa*s of the orthodo+ -ind! and &i es hi) the ener&* and a)"ition to %#sh forward to the front ran- in whate er $ine of tho#&ht and "e$ief he es%o#ses( There is a desire to e$e ate h#)anit* to a hi&her and )ore no"$e %$ane of $ife and on that acco#nt this confi&#ration or %osition #s#a$$* "rin&s the %erson forward as a %#"$ic character or )ore or $ess i)%ortance! accordin& to the &enera$ as%ects and tenor of the horosco%e( 2#t when aff$icted! 1e%t#ne in Aries "rin&s o#t the destr#cti e tendencies( There is a si)i$ar desire to raise h#)anit* to rea$)s of ha%%iness! "#t the )ethods are anarchistic and it incites to )#rder of those who) the %erson concei es to "e the ene)ies of societ*! "* "o)" %$ot or assassination! and $a*s the %erson $ia"$e to i)%rison)ent on acco#nt of cons%irac* a&ainst the &o ern)ent or others in a#thorit*( -eptune in "aurus &i es a -ind$*! co)%aniona"$e dis%osition and an inc$ination towards the "ea#tif#$ and artistic in nat#re( He is fond of )#sic and the %$eas#res of $ife( This is a$so a &ood o)en for the ac5#isition of $and or %ro%ert*( 2#t when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Ta#r#s it &i es a sens#o#s and %assionate nat#re and a stron& tendenc* to &o#r)andi7e which in ti)e is "o#nd to "rin& tro#"$e and sorrow in its wa-e( -eptune in 8emini, we$$ as%ected! is one of the "est indications of #n#s#a$ )enta$ fac#$ties! for 1e%t#ne is the octa e of Merc#r* the %$anet of )ind! $o&ic and

reason( Hence this %osition de e$o%s the occ#$t! %ro%hetic and ins%irationa$ fac#$ties( It )a-es the %erson sensiti e to the finer int#itiona$ and ins%irationa$ i"rations in nat#re( It is the si&nat#re of &eni#s in one direction or another accordin& to the conditions in the horosco%e( It &i es the &ift of orator* and #n#s#a$ $iterar* a"i$it*! and )a-es the %erson a fine )echanic or )athe)atician/ in short! there is no fie$d of endea or where )enta$ in&en#it* is re5#ired! that the %erson with 1e%t#ne in Ge)ini! we$$ as%ected! does not e+ce$( 2#t when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Ge)ini it indicates ina"i$it* to concentrate to an* &ood %#r%ose( The )ind is rest$ess! chaotic and wa erin&! inc$ined to c#nnin&! fra#d and dece%tion! or at "est it )a-es the %erson a isionar* and a drea)er who is a%t to "eco)e the d#%e of others( There is &enera$$* tro#"$e with "rothers! sisters and nei&h"ors who cordia$$* dis$i-e the %erson in whose horosco%e this as%ect is fo#nd( -eptune in Cancer, when we$$ as%ected! &i es an int#iti e! s*)%athetic and $o a"$e nat#re 5#ic- to #nderstand the sorrows and 3o*s of others and read* to fee$ for the) or with the)( Hence these %eo%$e are &enera$$* er* )#ch $i-ed! "oth in the ho)e and in their i))ediate circ$e of ac5#aintances( This %osition a$so "rin&s the) in to#ch with the finer forces of nat#re and ena"$es the) to c#$ti ate s#ch s%irit#a$ fac#$ties as %s*cho)etr* and a s%ecies of int#ition where"* the* can &et in to#ch with who)soe er or whatsoe er the* wish for the he$% and "enefit of others( The* are er* ersati$e in the s%irit#a$ direction and )a* reach &reat hei&hts "* de otion! which is stron&$* e+%ressed in the)( 2#t when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Cancer it &i es a er* se$f8ind#$&ent dis%osition which &enera$$* e+erts a "anef#$ inf$#ence in the ho)e! %erha%s )ore "* inn#endo than "* direct )a$icio#s e+%ression( This %osition a$so &i es %ec#$iar tastes and a%%etites which are a%t to ca#se &reat tro#"$e to the a$i)entati e s*ste) and there is a stron& inc$ination for dr#&s or drin-( -eptune in +eo, when we$$ as%ected! &i es a &enero#s! s*)%athetic and war)8 hearted dis%osition! a socia"$e nat#re! fond of %$eas#res and artistic %#rs#its( These %eo%$e ha e considera"$e a"i$it* and s#ccess in ed#cationa$ %#rs#its "eca#se of an inti)ate #nderstandin& of the nat#re of others and the fac#$t* of i)%artin& to the) whate er -now$ed&e the* %ossess the)se$ es( The* are er* conscientio#s in their dea$in&s with others and s#ccessf#$ in affairs of the heart( 2#t when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Leo it )a-es the nat#re s#%er8 sens#a$ and therefore $ia"$e to disa%%oint)ents in $o e( These %eo%$e are &o erned "* i)%#$se rather than "* reason/ the* $ac- the sta)ina to face an iss#e! are coward$*! fic-$e and not to "e de%ended #%on/ the* inc#r a &enera$ dis$i-e a)on& their ac5#aintances( -eptune in 4irgo/ Merc#r*! the %$anet of )ind! reason and $o&ic is e+a$ted in Vir&o! and the occ#$t! %ro%hetic! ins%irationa$! s%irit#a$! de otiona$ and )#sica$ 1e%t#ne is the octa e of Merc#r*! hence the "$endin& of the Merc#ria$ and 1e%t#nian 5#a$ities %rod#ced "* 1e%t#ne in Vir&o &i es e+ce%tiona$$* fine )enta$

fac#$ties with the addition of ins%iration! %ro%hetic a"i$it*! de otion to hi&h idea$s when 1e%t#ne is we$$ as%ected! for 1e%t#ne adds &ent$eness and s*)%ath* to the co$d Merc#r*/ tho#&h s#ch %eo%$e are rather odd in their ideas and inc$inations! es%ecia$$* with res%ect to )arria&e! which the* #s#a$$* re&ard fro) the %$atonic stand%oint( If 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Vir&o it &i es h*%ochondriac tendencies and an i)a&ination of ha in& a$$ the i$$s and ai$)ents in the #ni erse which )a-es the %erson's $ife )isera"$e( There is a$so a tendenc* to "eco)e the %$a*thin& of s%irit contro$s! not on$* with res%ect to )edi#)shi% "#t s#ch %eo%$e are $ia"$e to direct o"session and when this ca$a)it* has once occ#rred it is er* diffic#$t to free the "od* fro) the o"sessin& entit*( -eptune in +ibra, when we$$ as%ected! &i es a )#sica$! %oetic and artistic te)%era)ent and indicates a #nion of a hi&h$* s%irit#a$ nat#re which wi$$ "e of &reat co)fort and satisfaction to the %erson( 4hen 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Li"ra! there is a tendenc* to c$andestine! #ncon entiona$ and i$$e&iti)ate re$ations! either of the %erson hi)se$f or of the )arria&e %artner! accordin& to the nat#re of the as%ects to 1e%t#ne( It indicates a wea- and o er8e)otiona$ nat#re which inc#rs and )erits the dis$i-e for those in its i))ediate en iron)ent( -eptune in Scorpio, we$$ as%ected! &i es a desire to de$ e into the secrets of nat#re and th#s it is a &ood %osition for those who wor- in scientific or occ#$t research( It &i es ener&*! enth#sias) and ins%irationa$ %erce%tion "e*ond the rea$) of reason and a#&#rs s#ccessf#$ acco)%$ish)ent of whate er is #nderta-en( 2#t when aff$icted it &i es a terri"$e te)%er! a sens#o#s and %assionate nat#re! an inordinate desire for drin- or dr#&s and a tendenc* to drownin& either "* accident or desi&n( -eptune in Sagittarius, when we$$ as%ected increases the ins%irationa$! de otiona$ and re$i&io#s tendencies in the horosco%e( It "rin&s drea)s! isions! and occ#$t e+%eriences( There is $o e of tra e$ and a &reat en3o*)ent of the %$eas#res th#s o"tained( 4hen 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Sa&ittari#s the s#"3ects "eco)e $ia"$e to fears and fore"odin&s/ drea)s of dan&er and isions of distress %re* #%on the )ind! )a-in& $ife )isera"$e( So)eti)es the* ha e &reat desires to tra e$ "#t are #na"$e to &ratif* the)! or if the* do the* ha e tro#"$e or accidents to contend with( -eptune in Capricorn, when we$$ as%ected &i es a serio#s and conte)%$ati e nat#re! a"$e to concentrate #%on whate er )atters co)e "efore it! hence s#ch %eo%$e are s#ccessf#$! -een and far8si&hted "#siness )en! #s#a$$* wor-in& on a $ar&e sca$e! or if the nat#re of the other as%ects of the horosco%e draws the) toward secret wor- the* )a-e e+ce$$ent detecti es ca%a"$e of so$ in& the )ost intricate %ro"$e)s! or researchers a$on& %s*chic $ines/ in fact the* e+ce$ in an* occ#%ation where dee% tho#&ht and concentration are the -e*s to s#ccess( 2#t when 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Ca%ricorn it )a-es the nat#re )e$ancho$*! secreti e and er* often deceitf#$( These %eo%$e re &enera$$* rec$#ses and sh#n the societ* of their fe$$ow8)en(

-eptune in A1uarius, when we$$ as%ected! &i es an a$tr#istic or #to%ian dis%osition with a desire to e)anci%ate the who$e wor$d fro) whate er socia$! )enta$! )ora$ or %h*sica$ i$$s the %erson )a* "e a"$e to %ercei e( Hence these %eo%$e are #s#a$$* too far in ad ance of their ti)e and a&e to "e #nderstood( The* are re&arded as drea)ers and isionaries! idea$ists and! as in a sense! dan&ero#s to societ* "eca#se of their ori&ina$it* and inde%endence of con entions( At the sa)e ti)e the* are er* %o%#$ar with the )ost %ro&ressi e %eo%$e in societ*( The* easi$* a%%rehend 1at#re's finer forces and are therefore the %ioneers in e+%$oration of hitherto #ndrea)ed8of fie$ds( 4hen 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in A5#ari#s it &i es si)i$ar ideas and idea$s in re&ard to con entions( 2#t it is on$* too $ia"$e to "rin& s#ch %eo%$e and their $i es into discredit and dis&race( -eptune in )isces, when we$$ as%ected &i es a $o e of )*sticis) and a tendenc* to in esti&ate the occ#$t( So)eti)es these %eo%$e de e$o% their s%irit#a$ fac#$ties and o"tain first8hand -now$ed&e( The* are co)%assionate towards others! #no"tr#si e! retirin& in their )anner! we$$ $i-ed a$so often the reci%ients of aid fro) others! cheerf#$$* and wi$$in&$* &i en( 4hen 1e%t#ne is aff$icted in Pisces the %erson is $ia"$e to s#ffer thro#&h )edi#)shi%! o"session and dece%tion of secret ene)ies( There is dan&er of i)%rison)ent and a tendenc* to ind#$&e in drin- or dr#&s which wi$$ end in sorrow and se$f8#ndoin&( NEPT,NE IN ASPECT *IT OT ER P(ANETS

",e Sun sextile or trine to -eptune fa ors the %ossi"i$it* of de e$o%in& s%irit#a$ fac#$ties! for 1e%t#ne intensifies the hi&her i"rations in the a#ra and as so)e e+%ress the)se$ es "est thro#&h )#sic these as%ects )a-e the) #n#s#a$$* sensiti e to echoes fro) the hea en wor$d! which is the rea$) of tone( Man* %eo%$e with these confi&#rations hear the har)on* of the s%heres and if Merc#r*! the $ower octa e of 1e%t#ne! &i es the re5#isite de+terit* the* "eco)e )#sicians of a hi&h ins%irationa$ nat#re( In others it "reeds a $o e of the occ#$t which $eads the) into the hi&her $ife! "#t the* #s#a$$* a%%roach it fro) the inte$$ect#a$ stand%oint as %s*chic in esti&ators( A few $i e the $ife and o"tain first8hand -now$ed&e( ",e Sun parallel, conjunction, s1uare or opposition to -eptune a$so "rin&s the %erson in to#ch with the deni7ens of the in isi"$e wor$d "* raisin& the i"rations in his a#ra! "#t these confi&#rations attract the #ndesira"$e e$e)ent s#ch as are seen at the ordinar* s%irit#a$istic seance( In a water* si&n 1e%t#ne ind#ces the %erson to drin- to e+cess and then the res#$tin& acce$eration of the i"rator* rate fre5#ent$* ca#ses s#ch a %erson to %ercei e the #&$* and &r#eso)e for)s a"o#ndin& in the $ower rea$)s of the in isi"$e wor$d! which are rea$ e$e)enta$ entities and not fi&)ents of his fanc* as "e$ie ed "* %eo%$e who hear hi) te$$ what he sees d#rin& de$iri#) tre)ens(

4enus sextile or trine to -eptune )a-es an ins%irationa$ )#sician( It &i es a ferti$e i)a&ination and dee% e)otions! a nat#re that is %#re and chaste! hence occasiona$$* it $eads to %$atonic #nions and co)%anionshi% of the )ost ecstatic nat#re( 4enus conjunction or parallel to -eptune is to "e 3#d&ed on the sa)e $ine as indicated in the cases of Mars and Uran#s( 4enus s1uare or opposition to -eptune )a-es the %erson $ia"$e to sorrow! $oss and tro#"$e! es%ecia$$* thro#&h the )arria&e %artner or an*one e$se in who) he tr#sts( Peo%$e with these as%ects sho#$d "e %artic#$ar$* caref#$ to a oid an*thin& which has in it an e$e)ent of chance or s%ec#$ation for the* are s#re to $ose! es%ecia$$* in dea$in& with $ar&e co)%anies or cor%orations( (ercury in conjunction, parallel, sextile or trine to -eptune )a-es a )an %ec#$iar$* ada%ted to the occ#$t art! %artic#$ar$* if the con3#nction occ#rs in the Third or 1inth Ho#se or the trines are fro) water* si&ns88Cancer! Scor%io or Pisces( S#ch %eo%$e #s#a$$* s#cceed in occ#$t science and often de e$o% a s#%ernor)a$ fac#$t*( The* are %artic#$ar$* &ood as )a&netic hea$ers( (ercury s1uare or opposition to -eptune &i es a chaotic )ind! $ia"i$it* to $acof )e)or*! indo$ence and a dis%osition to drea) the ti)e awa*( There is a rest$ess desire for fa)e fr#strated "* ina"i$it* to fit in an*where( S#ch %eo%$e are $ia"$e to fra#d! dece%tion and s$ander! a$so to te)%tation to s#icide( ",e (oon sextile or trine to -eptune increases the fac#$t* of i)a&ination to a s#%er$ati e de&ree! es%ecia$$* if either of the %$anets is in the 1inth Ho#se( Then it fa ors %ro%hetic drea)s and isions which "rin& the %erson into contact with the in isi"$e wor$ds( It indicates a"i$it* in the occ#$t arts and s#ccess in their %ractice( It )a-es the nat#re e+ceedin&$* ins%irationa$ and it a$so &i es a -ind and s*)%athetic dis%osition( The s%irit#a$ 5#a$ities )entioned )a* not "e a%%arent e en to the %erson hi)se$f! "#t the) the* re $atent and ca%a"$e of de e$o%)ent( It is a$so safe to sa* that at so)e ti)e or other d#rin& the $ife %ersons with these as%ects wi$$ co)e in contact with the occ#$t and "e er* )#ch attracted! whether the 5#a$ities of the so#$ are de e$o%ed or not( ",e (oon conjunction or parallel to -eptune indicates the sa)e stron& %s*chic fac#$ties as the &ood as%ects! %artic#$ar$* if 1e%t#ne is %$aced in the %s*chic si&n Cancer( Those who ha e "een nor) with the &ood confi&#rations of 1e%t#ne d#rin& the fo#rteen *ears when it was in the air* scientific si&n Ge)ini are now con5#erin& the air and %erfectin& scientific in entions which wi$$ )a-e #s )ar e$! "#t the chi$dren who ha e "een "orn #nder fa ora"$e confi&#rations d#rin& the fo#rteen *ears 1e%t#ne has "een &oin& thro#&h the %s*chic si&n Cancer are &rowin& #% aro#nd #s as a "and of )*stics and when the* ha e reached )at#re *ears the* wi$$ astonish #s with their s%irit#a$ insi&ht and %ower( A)on& other thin&s the* wi$$ de e$o% the so#$ of )#sic in a hitherto #n%recedented )anner( ",e (oon s1uare or opposition to -eptune is a$so an indication of the so#$ 5#a$ities si)i$ar to those &i en "* the &ood as%ects! "#t #nder the for)er as%ects

the %erson wi$$ "e of a ne&ati e nat#re and is a%t to "eco)e the %re* of s%irit8 contro$s and s#"3ected to )edi#)shi%! therefore %eo%$e with those as%ects sho#$d "e er* caref#$ not to attend s%irit#a$istic seances! ,sit in si$ence, or #se other )ethods of occ#$t de e$o%)ent( Saturn sextile or trine to -eptune is &ood for s#ccess in wor$d$* affairs for it "rin&s o#t the sat#rnine irt#es! foretho#&ht! honor! se$f8 re$iance! deter)inations! s*ste) et cetera! "* which the %erson &ains the confidence and estee) of others! "#t the %rinci%a$ effect is s%irit#a$ and therefore on$* fe$t "* those who are a"$e to res%ond "eca#se of other as%ects in the horosco%e( To the) it &i es the a"i$it* to de$ e dee%$* into occ#$t and )*stica$ s#"3ects! a$so to "eco)e %roficient in the art and %ractice thereof( Saturn conjunction or parallel to -eptune has the sa)e effect as the &ood as%ects when it occ#rs in a si&n where either of the %$anets are stron& as 1e%t#ne is in Cancer and Pisces and Sat#rn in Li"ra and Ca%ricorn( Saturn s1uare or opposition to -eptune $a*s the %erson $ia"$e to $oss "* dece%tion! treacher* or fra#d in wor$d$* )atters and if he sho#$d #nderta-e to in esti&ate or %ractice the occ#$t art he is $ia"$e to "eco)e the %re* of s%irit8 contro$s and "e $ed into )edi#)shi% with conse5#ent dan&er to the hea$th! and $ia"i$it* to atte)%t s#icide( 7upiter sextile or trine to -eptune &i es an ins%irationa$ )*stica$ nat#re and a"i$it* to fi$$ a %osition connected with occ#$t orders! that is to sa*! where the character is s#fficient$* de e$o%ed so that 1e%t#ne can )a-e the inf$#ence fe$t for then this %osition "rin&s o#t a$$ the no"$est and )ost s%irit#a$ stren&th of "oth %$anets! and occ#$t e+%eriences are not infre5#ent$* the res#$t( At an* rate! d#rin& the s$ee%in& ho#rs these %eo%$e are 5#ite acti e and conscio#s in the in isi"$e wor$ds and often "rin& e+%eriences "ac- with the) as drea)s or isions( 7upiter conjunction or parallel to -eptune &i es an inf$#ence si)i$ar to that of the &ood as%ects when 1e%t#ne and ;#%iter are not aff$icted! "#t if the* are in a wea- si&n and as%ectin& the other %$anets "* s5#are or o%%osition the) the inf$#ence is si)i$ar to that of the "ad as%ects of ;#%iter and 1e%t#ne( 7upiter s1uare or opposition to -eptune indicates $ac- of contro$ of the e)otions( The %erson is sensiti e to the inf$#ences of the "order$and "etween the seen and the #nseen wor$ds "#t the* are often of an awe8ins%irin& and dis&#stin& t*%e! hence a%t to ca#se h*sterica$ conditions! in o$#ntar* trance and -indred disorders attendant #%on ne&ati e %s*chis)! "#t fro) a )ateria$ stand%oint it &i es dan&er of fra#d thro#&h s%ec#$ation or $ar&e co)%anies and dea$in& with %redator* interests sho#$d therefore "e a oided( (ars sextile or trine to -eptune intensifies the e)otiona$ nat#re and &i es a $eanin& toward the st#d* and %ractice of occ#$tis) and )*sticis)( 4hen other testi)onies in the horosco%e conc#r! the )artia$ ener&* directed toward the %s*chic s#"3ects denoted "* 1e%t#ne often he$%s the %erson er* )ateria$$* in his ai) to %enetrate into the in isi"$e wor$ds in a conscio#s )anner(

(ars conjunction, s1uare, parallel, or opposition to -eptune )a-es the nat#re coarse and sens#a$! i)%#$si e and irasci"$e! )i$itant and e+tra a&ant in s%eech and action! se$f8ind#$&ent to a de&ree in whate er direction his %assions )a* $ead hi) and #na"$e to e+ercise restraint o er hi)se$f in an* direction( It &i es a fanatica$ s%irit which )a* e+%ress itse$f in either re$i&ion or atheis) and #nder fa ora"$e conditions s#ch %eo%$e are $ia"$e to "eco)e icti)s of discarnate s%irits who )a* either #se the) as a )edi#) or "* o"sessin& the)( It &i es a tendenc* to $aw$essness and %artici%ation in anarchistic sche)es or %$ots( Uranus sextile or trine to -eptune &i es inc$ination towards the occ#$t or )*stica$ side of $ife! and if either is %$aced in the Tenth Ho#se the %erson #s#a$$* "eco)es a $eader or a#thorit* in these $ines! he wins at $east $oca$ reco&nition and if other testi)onies conc#r his fa)e wi$$ "e nationa$ or internationa$( S#ch an as%ect wi$$ "rin& direct to#&h with the s%irit#a$ wor$d and s#ccess in dea$in& with inha"itants of that %$ane( It %rod#ces drea)s and isions of a %ro%hetic and ins%irationa$ nat#re! stren&thens the hea$in& %owers and wi$$ conse5#ent$* ena"$e the %erson to do a &reat dea$ of &ood for his s#fferin& fe$$ow8)en( These as%ects &i e a hi&h$* de e$o%ed int#ition which a)o#nts a$)ost to )ind8readin&( There is a $o e of tra e$ and e+%$oration of the %h*sica$ wor$d as we$$ as of nat#re's finer rea$)s( 1or are s#ch %eo%$e a$to&ether drea)ers! the* ha e a stron& wi$$ with e+ce$$ent e+ec#ti e and or&ani7in& %owers which wi$$ aid the) in rea$i7in& their ho%es! wishes and a)"itions to rise in $ife and "e at the forefront of whate er %rofession the* se$ect( Uranus conjunction or parallel to -eptune are con erti"$e as%ects/ if the %$anets are we$$ %$aced "* si&n and otherwise we$$ aff$icted! their effect wi$$ "e si)i$ar to the se+ti$e or trine! tho#&h not so %rono#nced! "#t if the* are cadent! wea- "* si&n! and aff$icted the* are on$* a $itt$e $ess e i$ than when as%ected "* s5#are or o%%osition( Uranus s1uare or opposition to -eptune "rin&s #nderhanded! dece%ti e inf$#ences into the $ife which ai) to #nder)ine the re%#tation and )a-e the %erson s#ffer scanda$ and %#"$ic disfa or! s#dden and #nacco#nta"$e re erses in "#siness are )et with! or tro#"$e in socia$ affairs( There is the sa)e $o e of tra e$ and e+%$oration as &i en "* the &ood as%ects "#t the %erson cannot acco)%$ish his ai)s with the sa)e faci$it*! or if he does it is to his disad anta&e and "rin&s added tro#"$e He is a$so drawn towards the occ#$t or )*stic side of $ife! "#t his %ath is "eset "* dan&ers of )edi#)shi% and o"session and a$$ thro#&h $ife he is fi$$ed with a a&#e dread of i)%endin& disaster which he can neither acco#nt for nor dis%e$ "* wi$$ or reason! hence #ncertaint* o ershadows the $ife as a c$o#d and ro"s hi) of %eace and content)ent(

T E 4OCTRINE OF 4E(INEATION IN A N,TS E(( St#dents of the Ste$$ar Science wi$$ find the fo$$owin& Ta"$e er* #sef#$ in de$ineatin& horosco%es for tho#&h the %$anets confer )an* )ore characteristics than there &i en! as shown in the &enera$ readin& which o%ens the cha%ter wherein the %$aces and as%ects of each %$anet are &i en! the fo$$owin& -e*words &i e in a s#ccinct )anner the 5#intessence of the characteristics conferred "* each %$anet accordin& to whether it is we$$ or i$$ as%ected( 4hen the st#dent has )astered the )eanin& of the %ositions and as%ects of the ario#s %$anets as &i en in the %recedin& cha%ters he )a* with the &reatest of ease &i e a &ood de$ineation of the effect of each as%ect "* co)"inin& the -e*8 words in this Ta"$e and e$a"oratin& #%on the)( For instance! if readin& a horosco%e where the S#n is trine Sat#rn! %#t down the descri%tion &i en in the Ta"$e as fo$$ows0 ,The ita$! ent#reso)e and a#thoritati e S#n trine the de$i"erati e! %erse erin&! tactf#$! ca#tio#s! )ethodica$ and tho#&htf#$ Sat#rn Hthen e$a"orateI wi$$ &i e ;ohn a tenacio#s ho$d on $ife and endow hi) with "oth co#ra&e and ca#tion! so that whi$e he )a* see) ent#reso)e at ti)es he wi$$ a$wa*s caref#$$* ca$c#$ate the o"stac$es to "e o erco)e and not atte)%t an*thin& foo$hard*! "#t acco)%$ish his o"3ect once he has decided to &o ahead( He wi$$ "e s*ste)atic! order$* and )ethodica$! a$so %erse erin& in whate er he #nderta-es after d#e de$i"eration and foretho#&ht! hence his efforts wi$$ &enera$$* "e "ro#&ht to a s#ccessf#$ iss#e( In dea$in& with others he wi$$ "e tho#&htf#$ and tactf#$! hence #s#a$$* a"$e to o"tain his desires "* di%$o)ac*( On acco#nt of these 5#a$ities he wi$$ "e &enera$$*

s#ccessf#$ in $ife and he wi$$ $a* #% a fair fort#ne! for Sat#rn is a$so the %$anet of ac5#isiti eness(, In a si)i$ar )anner st#dents )a* co)"ine the -e*8words of a$$ the other %$anets and as%ects fro) this Ta"$e and e$a"orate on the) as the* can( This wi$$ ena"$e the) to &i e a &ood readin& of an* horosco%e with a $itt$e %ractice( For f#rther %ractica$ de)onstration of this )ethod st#dents are ad ised to st#d* the chi$dren's horosco%es in %ays from the %ose Cross, where the writer )a-es #se of it e er* )onth( These horosco%es are a )ine of instr#ction which not st#dent desirin& to %erfect hi)se$f in the ste$$ar science can afford to "e witho#t( The -e*8words wi$$ "rin& to his )ind what has "een said a"o#t the &enera$ nat#re of the %$anets #nder consideration/ this he )a* co)"ine with the nat#re of the si&ns and ho#ses where the %$anets are %$aced if a er* f#$$ readin& is desired(

TAB(E OF P(ANETAR+ 5E+)*OR4S Sun sextile or trine: The ita$! ent#reso)e! di&nified and a#thoritati e S#n( Sun s1uare or opposition: The $a7*! a)"ition$ess! des%otic and coward$* S#n( 4enus sextile or trine: The har)onio#s! artistic! "ea#tif#$! $o e$*! cheerf#$ and s#a e Ven#s( 4enus s1uare or opposition: The disso$#te! sens#a$! #$&ar! s$othf#$! $o#d and $a7* Ven#s( (ercury sextile or trine: The 5#ic-8witted! ersati$e! e$o5#ent! $iterar*! adroit and de+tero#s Merc#r*( (ercury s1uare or opposition: The rest$ess! shift$ess! %rofane! &ossi%*! de)a&o&ic! dishonest! #ntr#thf#$! for&etf#$! and c$#)s* Merc#r*( (oon sextile or trine: The )a&netic! i)a&inati e! %$astic and chan&ea"$e Moon( (oon s1uare or opposition: The ne&ati e! %rocrastinatin&! drea)*! aci$$atin&! isionar*! fri o$o#s! chi$dish and worriso)e Moon( Saturn sextile or trine: The ca#tio#s! de$i"erate! )ethodica$! %erse erin&! tactf#$! tho#&htf#$ and thrift* Sat#rn( Saturn s1uare or opposition: The )a$icio#s! )ateria$istic! )e$ancho$*! %essi)istic! a aricio#s! o"str#cti e! secreti e and worriso)e Sat#rn( 7upiter sextile or trine: The $aw8a"idin&! charita"$e! conser ati e! re erent! o%ti)istic! o%#$ent and "ene o$ent ;#%iter( 7upiter s1uare or opposition: The indo$ent! %rocrastinatin&! "o)"astic! ostentatio#s! %rodi&a$! dissi%ated and $aw$ess ;#%iter( (ars sextile or trine: The &a$$ant! enter%risin&! ener&etic! enth#siastic and constr#cti e Mars(

(ars s1uare or opposition: The coarse! co)"ati e! e&otistic! discordant! destr#cti e! %assionate! a#dacio#s! i)%#$si e and hot8te)%ered Mars( Uranus sextile or trine: The ad anced! ro)antic! ori&ina$! inde%endent! $i"ert*8 $o in& and in enti e Uran#s( Uranus s1uare or opposition: The $icentio#s! #ncon entiona$! fanatica$ and irres%onsi"$e Uran#s( -eptune sextile or trine: The occ#$t! %ro%hetic! ins%irationa$! s%irit#a$! de otiona$ and )#sica$ 1e%t#ne( -eptune s1uare or opposition: The fra#d#$ent! a&#e! dece%ti e! dishonest and )edi#)istic 1e%t#ne(

T E STREN0T AN4 *EA5NESS OF T E P(ANETS S O*N B+ E(E1ATION, E8A(TATION, CRITICA( 4E0REES, ETC. The fore&oin& de$ineation of the effects and inf$#ences of the %$anets in the ario#s ho#ses and si&ns! a$so "* as%ect and %osition s#ch as %ara$$e$ and con3#nction! se+ti$e! s5#are! trine and o%%osition! are s#"3ect to wide )odification accordin& to the other confi&#rations of the horosco%e! and accordin& to whether the %$anets are essentia$$* di&nified or in their detri)ent! e+a$ted or in fa$$! or %$aced in critica$ de&rees( The fo$$owin& ta"$e of %$anetar* %owers wi$$ show at a &$ance the si&ns in which the ario#s %$anets are stron& or wea-/ and when the st#dent -nown in what si&n a %$anet r#$es or is e+a$ted it is on$* necessar* to re)e)"er that it has its fa$$ or detri)ent in the o%%osite si&n( Th#s the S#n r#$es Leo and is e+a$ted in Aries( Hence it is er* %owerf#$ in those si&ns! and as the o%%osite si&ns are A5#ari#s and Li"ra it is at once a%%arent that when %$aced in these si&ns the S#n is co)%arati e$* wea-( Another i)%ortant factor which it is necessar* to ta-e into consideration is e$e ation( The c$oser a %$anet is to the Midhea en! the )ore hi&h$* it is e$e ated and the )ore %owerf#$ it is( Cons#$tin& the ta"$e of %$anetar* %owers we find that Mars r#$es Aries and is e+a$ted in Ca%ricorn( Let #s s#%%ose that in a horosco%e! Mars is fo#nd %$aced c$ose to the Midhea en in Aries or Ca%ricorn and s5#are to the S#n which is near the Ascendant( Then the e i$ wi$$ "e er* )#ch &reater than if Mars were in Li"ra or Cancer! the si&ns of his fa$$ and detri)ent! and the S#n %$aced in the Midhea en e$e ated a"o e Mars( Si)i$ar$*! if the S#n were %$aced in Aries! its e+a$tation si&n! c$ose to the Midhea en in hi&h e$e ation and trine to ;#%iter in its own si&n! Sa&ittari#s! then "oth %$anets are er* stron&

and their effect wo#$d "e )#ch )ore )ar-ed than if the* were %$aced in the si&ns of their fa$$ and de"i$it*( 2* )e)ori7in& this ta"$e and "earin& in )ind the )atter of e$e ation! the st#dent wi$$ "e a"$e to for) a )#ch )ore acc#rate 3#d&)ent of the effect of %$anets in an* %artic#$ar horosco%e than if this is not ta-en into consideration( TAB(E OF P(ANETAR+ PO*ERS P(ANE R,(ES3 T3 SU1 LEO VE1US MERCU RY MOO1 SATUR 1 ;UPITE R MARS TAURUS! LI2RA GEMI1I! VIRGO CA1CER CAPRICOR1! AOUARIUS PISCES! SAGITTARIUS ARIES! SCORPIO 4ETRI#ENT3 AOUARIUS SCORPIO! ARIES SAGITTARIUS! PISCES CAPRICOR1 CA1CER! LEO VIRGO! GEMI1I LI2RA! TAURUS LEO VIRGO E8A(TATION FA((3 ARIES ?B .EG( PISCES @C VIRGO ?E TAURUS = LI2RA @? CA1CER ?E CAPRICOR1 @A SCORPIO CA1CER LI2RA VIRGO PISCES SCORPIO ARIES CAPRICO R1 CA1CER TAURUS CAPRICO R1


CRITICA( 4E0REES Another di ision of the Fodiac which it is eas* to re)e)"er and i)%ortant to ta-e into consideration is "ased #%on the )assa&e of the Moon fro) the first de&ree of Aries thro#&h the twe$ e si&ns( It ta-es the Moon a"o#t @A da*s to &o aro#nd the Fodiac and she )o es with an a era&e e$ocit* of ?= de&rees( Th#s if we start with the first %oint of Aries and )eas#re one da*'s tra e$! the second da* wi$$ co))ence at the ?=th de&ree and the third at the @>th/ the fo#rth co))ences at B de&rees of Ta#r#s and the fifth da* she starts at @? de&rees of the sa)e si&n/ on the si+th da* she reaches < de&rees of Ge)ini/ on the se enth da* she starts at ?C de&rees of Ge)ini and co)%$etes the first 5#arter "* reachin& the c#s% of Cancer on the )ornin& of the ei&hth da*( It is e ident that she wi$$ stri-e the sa)e de&rees of the si&ns co)%osin& the other three 5#arters d#rin& the three wee-s it ta-es her to co)%$ete the circ#it! and th#s we )a* easi$* )e)ori7e the critica$ de&rees in the fo$$owin& )anner0

In t,e Cardinal Signs66Aries! Cancer! Li"ra and Ca%ricorn! the first! thirteenth! and twent*8si+th de&rees are critica$( In t,e 2ixed Signs66Ta#r#s! Leo! Scor%io and A5#ari#s! the ninth and twent*8 first de&rees are critica$( In t,e Common Signs66Ge)ini! Vir&o! Sa&ittari#s and Pisces! the fo#rth and se enteenth de&rees are critica$( It has "een fo#nd that when a %$anet is within or" of three de&rees of one of these critica$ %oints it e+ercises a )#ch stron&er inf$#ence in the $ife than it wo#$d otherwise( Therefore st#dents wi$$ a$so do we$$ to re)e)"er this and sho#$d a %$anet "e in a si&n of fa$$ or detri)ent! "#t in a critica$ de&ree! it is there"* stren&thened and wi$$ do )ore &ood or "ad accordin& to its nat#re and the as%ect it has( On the other hand! if a %$anet is in its e+a$tation si&n! hi&h$* e$e ated and in a critica$ de&ree! its as%ects wi$$ "e e+ceedin&$* %owerf#$ and )a-e the)se$ es fe$t )#ch )ore in the $ife than wo#$d otherwise "e the case( #ERC,R+ BEFORE AN4 AFTER T E S,N Another i)%ortant %oint which is on$* too often o er$oo-ed is the %osition of Merc#r* with re&ard to the S#n( 4hen Merc#r* is in a $ower de&ree of the sa)e si&n as occ#%ied "* the S#n! or in an* de&ree of a %recedin& si&n! he rises "efore the S#n and! so to s%ea-! carries the ra*s of the .a* Star forward( 2#t when he is %$aced in a hi&her de&ree of the sa)e si&n as the S#n or in the si&n fo$$owin& that occ#%ied "* the S#n! then he rises after the Or" of .a* and is! so to s%ea-! o ershadowed( Therefore it has "een fo#nd that when Merc#r*! the %$anet of )ind! $o&ic and reason! rises before the S#n! it &i es a -eener! "etter inte$$ect than when he fo$$ows the $#)inar*( ARE +O, E(PIN0 +O,R STARS-

One not infre5#ent$* hears st#dents of Astro$o&* e+%ress their anno*ance at the wa* the stars wor-( The* co)%$ain that the e i$ directions are a$wa*s on ti)e and )ar-ed in their effect! whi$e er* often the &ood directions see) to ha e $itt$e or not inf$#ence and the* wonder wh*( Ha e *o# e er rea$i7ed that *o# cannot %ossi"$* &et so)ethin& for nothin&! an* )ore than *o# can create so)ethin& o#t of nothin&( This ho$ds &ood whether *o# want a $oaf of "read! a %osition! fa ors! or an*thin& e$se( If at an* ti)e *o# see) to &et so)ethin& witho#t %a*in& for it! *o# wi$$ ha e to sett$e $ater! and sett$e with interest! for it is nat#re's $aw of ;#stice that nothin& is &i en for nothin&( There )#st "e an e5#i a$ent in one wa* or another/ the sca$es )a* "e ti%%ed in one direction for a $on& ti)e! "#t as s#re$* as the %end#$#) swin&s e5#a$$* to one side of the ne#tra$ %oint! so s#re$* wi$$ the sca$es of 3#stice swin&! and swin& #nti$ the "a$ance is reached( This ho$ds &ood in Astro$o&*/ it is said that ,God he$%s the )an who he$%s hi)se$f/, *o# )a* a$so sa* that the stars help the man who helps himself, for the*

are God's )inisters and it sho#$d a$wa*s "e re)e)"ered that the stars show tendencies, they mar# times when opportunities are ripe, but they never under any circumstances compel anyone to act in this, that or the other manner. 2#t neither are the directions ha%ha7ard e ents! the* are $essons and e+%eriences for #s! of which we )a* a ai$ o#rse$ es! or not! as we choose within certain $i)its( For instance! the Moon co)es to a s5#are of Mars! and it wi$$ "rin& to #s an o%%ort#nit* to $ose o#r te)%er! and &et into tro#"$e there"*! then when the tro#"$e is o er and we sit down to ref$ect on the occ#rrence we wi$$ )ost $i-e$* sa* to o#rse$ es0 4e$$! what foo$s we were to a$$ow a $itt$e thin& $i-e that to %$a* ha oc with o#r ha%%iness( On the other hand if the Astro$o&ica$ st#dent #ses his -now$ed&e in the %ro%er )anner! then he sho#$d -now what the effect of the Moon s5#are Mars wi$$ "e! he sho#$d reso$ e "eforehand to "e ca$) and sa*0 Here is an o%%ort#nit* for )e to r#$e )* stars( I a) &oin& to -ee% )* te)%er we$$ #nder contro$ so that no )atter what ha%%ens! I sha$$ )aintain )* e5#i$i"ri#)( Then! when the o%%ort#nit* co)es a$on& to $ose his te)%er he )a* stand fir)( A$tho#&h he )a* fee$ the %assions s#r&in& within, he )a* stand o#tward$* 5#iet! -ee% a coo$ head and when the dan&er is %ast he wi$$ ha e &ained a ictor* and $earned the $esson which it was intended he should $earn( Or s#%%ose it is a s5#are of the Moon to Sat#rn/ this wi$$ ca#se %eo%$e to worr* and $oo- #%on the dar- side of $ife! "#t the astro$o&ica$ st#dent )a* sa* to hi)se$f when s#ch a confi&#ration is a%%roachin&0 1o! I a) not &oin& to worr*/ worr* wi$$ not he$% )atters! it hinders! "eca#se it ta-es fro) )e a$$ )* stren&th! wherewith otherwise I co#$d o erco)e conditions( I a) &oin& to $oo- at the "ri&ht side of the )atter and see what I can do to re)ed* this tro#"$e( As a )atter of fact )ost of the thin&s we worr* a"o#t ne er co)e to %ass! and if the st#dent can $earn #nder this %$anetar* direction to -ee% his e5#i$i"ri#)! to sto% worr*in&! then he has r#$ed his stars and $earned an i)%ortant $esson( Th#s! if he he$%s his stars "e $earnin& the $essons which the* re endea orin& to teach hi)! the e i$ directions wi$$ not ha e the sa)e %ower o er hi) as if he si)%$* sits down and fo$ds his hands sa*in&0 ,4e$$! I cannot he$% it! I a) #nder the e i$ directions and nat#ra$$* thin&s are "o#nd to &o wron& in e er* %artic#$ar (, There is in the horosco%e a do)inant factor! na)e$*! the Indi id#a$ 4i$$/ "ear in )ind that the horoscope shows only tendencies and it has no power whatever to compel you0 compulsion is from within yourself. Yo#! in the fina$ ana$*sis! are the do)inant factor in that horosco%e! and can "* an e+ercise of s#fficient wi$$ %ower r#$e *o#r stars( It is ad)itted that we are a$$ wea-! and therefore not a"$e to e+ercise the necessar* wi$$ %ower at a$$ ti)es/ "#t that is e+act$* wh* these e i$ directions are sent to #s! to ena"$e #s to c#$ti ate a stron&er wi$$ to do the ri&ht thin& at the ri&ht ti)e and it de%ends #%on o#rse$ es whether we sha$$ "e co)%e$$ed "* circ#)stances fro) witho#t or "* o#r own wi$$ fro) within( S#re$* that is the %ro%er wa*! and astro$o&ica$ st#dents a"o e a$$ other %eo%$e o#&ht to "e a"$e to &#ide their $i es safe$* a)id the roc-s and shoa$s of e+istence! "eca#se the* ha e %ro%er warnin&! the* -now what is co)in&! and the* sho#$d %re%are for it( On the other hand it is as-ed0 4h* do the &ood directions not "rin& a

corres%ondin& )eas#re of "enefitJ And the answer to that 5#estion is! for the sa)e $ac- of co8o%eration( It is as a"so$#te$* necessar* to he$% o#r stars in one direction as to hinder the) in the other( Are *o# o#t of a %osition with %erha%s the fa)i$* e+che5#er r#nnin& $ow and no )eans in si&ht wherewith to re%$enish it/ "#t *o#r ho%es centered #%on a stron& fa ora"$e direction s#ch as %erha%s a trine of the %ro&ressed Moon to the r#$er of the Si+th Ho#se or the S#nJ Under these conditions *o# fee$ s#re! fro) an astro$o&ica$ stand%oint! that *o# are &oin& to o"tain a &ood %osition which wi$$ %#t *o# on eas* street( Ver* we$$! *o# )a* "e s#re that the o%%ort#nit* wi$$ co)e! "#t do not e+%ect it to "e $aid in *o#r $a% witho#t a sin&$e effort on *o#r %art/ if a thin& is worth ha in& it is worth &oin& after! it is worth )a-in& the er* "est efforts to &et it/ do not ne&$ect an* detai$! dress *o#rse$f caref#$$*! "#t not showi$* when *o# &o to see the %erson who has it in his %ower to "estow the fa or! re)e)"er! first i)%ressions are i)%ortant/ ha e a$$ *o#r a))#nition read* in the sha%e of reco))endations and e er*thin& e$se that *o# wo#$d ha e were *o# not de%endin& #%on an astro$o&ica$ as%ect to he$% *o# &et the %osition( Use e er* %ro%er )eans if i)%ressin& the %ros%ecti e e)%$o*er with *o#r a"i$it* and *o# )a* de%end that *o#r effort wi$$ "e s#ccessf#$! for you have helped your stars, *o# ha e &ras%ed *o#r o%%ort#nit*( Or! are *o# a"o#t to e)"ar- in a "#siness ent#re with so)e one e$se and *o# fee$ er* confident "eca#se the Moon is trine to the S#n and Ven#s in the Se enth Ho#seJ 2e caref#$ that *o# do not $a* aside *o#r ca#tion on that acco#nt! thin-in& that #nder s#ch a direction no one can co)e into *o#r %artnershi% who is not a$$ ri&ht( If *o# do! *o# ne&$ect *o#r %art and *o# wi$$ ha e no reason whate er to "$a)e the stars if $ater on it is shown that the %erson is not a$$ *o# e+%ected hi) to "e( 1othin& is needed in the wor$d toda* in the sa)e de&ree that we need co))on sense! and this a%%$ies to the de%art)ent of astro$o&*! as we$$ as to e er* other de%art)ent of $ife( O%%ort#nit* )a* "e $i-ened to a to"o&&an s$ide "etween o#rse$ es and o#r desires/ it is necessar* for #s to )a-e an ade5#ate initia$ effort in order to $a#nch o#r s$ed #%on this inc$ine! "#t once we ha e done o#r %art! then e er*thin& wi$$ &o a$on& swi))in&$* #nder fa ora"$e directions! for then the stars are with #s to i)%ress others in o#r "eha$f! or to stren&then o#r %enetrati e %ower so that we )a* -now what is "est for #s( If *o# want to -now %ositi e$* the %ower of directions! e en transits! as wi$$ ca$$ the act#a$ %osition of the stars in the s-*! ta-e an e%he)eris and note the )oon's as%ects for the c#rrent )onth( 4hen the Moon is in o%%osition to Mars *o# wi$$ find in %eo%$e a &enera$ $ac- of ener&* and a)"ition! the* wo#$d rather tear down than "#i$d( 4hen we ha e a con3#nction of Mars and the Moon! %eo%$e wi$$ "e acti e and ener&etic! "#t i)%#$se rather than co))on sense wi$$ &o ern! hence the* wi$$ acco)%$ish $itt$e &ood! and )a* do har) witho#t intention( 2#t when the Moon and Mars are trine! there wi$$ "e a &enera$ desire a)on& %eo%$e to do so)ethin& of a constr#cti e nat#re! and the* wi$$ )eet with s#ccess in s#ch efforts( And $ast! "#t not $east! when the Moon is s5#are to Mars it wi$$ )a-e %eo%$e irrita"$e! 5#arre$so)e! destr#cti e! read* to f$* at each other! #nreasona"$e and #n)ana&ea"$e(

#IN4 AN4 T E R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen we wish to st#d* the character! dis%osition and te)%era)ent of an*one we )#st first rea$i7e that the )ind is the -e*stone of the arch of the h#)an %ersona$it*( 2#t character! dis%osition and te)%era)ent do not de%end so )#ch #%on the 5#a$it* of )ind! whether it "e -een! shar%! and a$ert or s$ow and %$oddin&! as #%on what channe$s it ta-es for its e+%ression( Inte$$ects of the first )a&nit#de are so)eti)es %#t to %er erted #se to the detri)ent of the co))#nit* and the indi id#a$ who th#s )is#ses his di ine herita&e! whi$e a s$ow and er* inferior )ind )a* )inister to )an* in $ow$* "#t $o in& )ee-ness and rea% shea es of so#$8&rowth there"*( Th#s it is not s#fficient to deter)ine the 5#a$it* of the )enta$it*/ we )#st a$so ascertain what is the channe$ of its e+%ression( To 3#d&e that or an* other )atter thoro#&h$* rea$$* in o$ es consideration of the horosco%e as a who$e! se%arate$* and a%art fro) its "earin& #%on a$$ other )atters( 2#t in a &enera$ wa* the character and dis%osition )a* "e $earned fro the S#n! Moon! Merc#r*! Ascendant and the r#$in& %$anets( It has "eco)e the c#sto) of )an* astro$o&ers to ta-e the $ord of the risin& si&n as the r#$er of the horosco%e( That is correct in Medica$ Astro$o&* "eca#se the Ascendant re%resents the "od*! "#t when we want to 3#d&e the character which is the co)"ination of a$$ the forces foc#sed thro#&h the horosco%ica$ whee$ of $ife the )atter is different( Then we )#st find what %$anet has the )ost do)inant inf$#ence in the $ife and that is then the $ife r#$er re&ard$ess of whether or not it is the r#$er of the Ascendant( To find that %$anet $oo- first to the $ord of the Ascendant( If he is e$e ated! essentia$$* di&nified or an&#$ar and stron&$* as%ected!

re)e)"er! it )atters not whether the as%ects are &ood or "ad as $on& as the* are c$ose and %$entif#$ Hfor if it were on$* the &ood as%ects that )ade the r#$er then there wo#$d "e on$* &ood %eo%$e in the wor$d( 2#t we -now that there are %eo%$e of a$$ shades of character and therefore it is necessar* to se$ect the r#$er accordin& to the as%ects! re&ard$ess of whether the* are &ood or "adI! and a"o e a$$! if the as%ects are c$ose! then the $ord of the Ascendant is a$so the r#$in& %$anet! for he wi$$ e+ercise the )ost %otent inf$#ence in the $ife( On the other hand if another %$anet is )ore hi&h$* e$e ated than the r#$er of the Ascendant! if it is e+a$ted! essentia$$* di&nified or %$aced in an an&$e and its as%ects re )ore %$entif#$ or c$oser than the as%ects of the $ord of the Ascendant! the 3#d&e that that %$anet wi$$ "e the r#$er of the horosco%e and e+ercise a do)inant inf$#ence in the $ife re&ard$ess of the fact that it is not the r#$er of the risin& si&n( 2#t if there are two %$anets r#nnin& nec-8and8nec- in the race for r#$ershi%! so to s%ea-! with no stron&$* )ar-ed difference in fa or of one or the other so that it is diffic#$t to )a-e a choice! do not #tter$* discard one and choose the other! for then the* wi$$ "oth "e er* acti e in the $ife and )#st "e c$assed as co8r#$ers( T E INF(,ENCE OF R,(IN0 P(ANETS *E(( ASPECTE4 T E S,N AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the ita$! co#ra&eo#s and a)"itio#s we$$ as%ected S#n is r#$er! it &i es di&nit* to the who$e nat#re! a $oft* %rice that wo#$d not stoo% to do an*thin& s)a$$! )ean or de&radin&! a fine and no"$e co#ra&e that )a* show itse$f on occasion as )#ch "* disdainf#$$* i&norin& the attac-s of an ad ersar* who) he considers too far "eneath his notice as "* a fi&ht to the death for a %rinci%$e( There is an intense cra in& for reco&nition and $eadershi% which wi$$ )a-e it er* diffic#$t for hi) to occ#%* a s#"ordinate %osition/ a$so an intense war)8hearted! affectionate and de)onstrati e nat#re( 1EN,S AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the refined! $#+#rio#s and )#sica$ we$$ as%ected Ven#s is r#$er of the horosco%e it &i es tender! $o in&! e en a)oro#s nat#re which cra es $o e as we a$$ desire air! for $o e is the er* $ife "reath of s#ch %eo%$e( The* are e+tre)e$* fond of chi$dren and #s#a$$* ha e )an* %ets which ser e as a en#es for their e+%ression of $o e( The* are a$so %$eas#re8$o in& and fond of socia$ interco#rse! neat and artistic in their ideas and in the decoration of their ho)es( The* $o e 3ewe$r* and an*thin& e$se that adds "ea#t* to the $ife/ the* are $#+#rio#s in a$$ their tastes! er* a)ia"$e and )#ch "e$o ed "* a$$/ their &reatest fa#$ts is an inordinate $o e of ease and an a ersion to soi$in& their hands(

#ERC,R+ AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen Merc#r* the %$anet of reason! e+%ression and de+terit* is the we$$ as%ected $ife r#$er it &i es a -een! 5#ic-8witted )ind which cra es -now$ed&e as a thirst* )an cra es water and a"sor"s it as readi$*! a )ind that so$ es! a%%arent$* witho#t effort! the )ost intricate %ro"$e)s( Th#s there is a"i$it* in the ario#s "ranches of )enta$ endea or! science and $iterat#re! "#t these %eo%$e are a$so er* a%t and forcef#$ orators and ha e an e+traordinar* de+terit* so that the* can #s#a$$* t#rn their hands to an*thin&( The* are fond of tra e$in& and er* s#ccessf#$ as sa$es)en and a&ents( T E #OON AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the ro)antic! i)a&inati e and rest$ess we$$ as%ected Moon is the $ife r#$er! the %eo%$e "orn #nder its inf$#ence are indeed ro$$in& stones and far fie$ds a$wa*s $oo- &reenest to the)( Therefore the* ha e an o erwhe$)in& desire for tra e$ and chan&e which &enera$$* does not %er)it the) to sta* in one %$ace $on&er than necessar* to earn the )one* which wi$$ ena"$e the) to &o to the ne+t( The* ha e a )ost i id and fancif#$ i)a&ination and a ro)antic nat#re entire$* forei&n to an* %ractica$ endea or/ $ist$ess! rest$ess and #nsta"$e as the tide that co)es and &oes! f$otsa) and 3etsa) #%on the sea of $ife( The* are &enera$$* )edi#)istic! tho#&h #s#a$$* #nconscio#s$* so! "#t are otherwise 5#ite har)$ess thro#&h #tter$* irres%onsi"$e and #ntr#stworth* where an*thin& re5#irin& an effort is concerned( SAT,RN AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the serio#s! sa&acio#s and %rofo#nd we$$ as%ected Sat#rn is $ife r#$er! the %eo%$e "orn #nder its inf$#ence are of a %rofo#nd$* tho#&htf#$! serio#s nat#re( The* ha e a -een sense of res%onsi"i$it* and are f#$$ of foretho#&ht! hence tr#stworth* and re$ia"$e ad isors/ the* are s*ste)atic! order$*! and ha e &ood e+ec#ti e a"i$it*! fr#&a$ in their tastes! thrift* and sa in&/ 3#st to a de&ree! "#t their 3#stice is cr#e$! hard and #nte)%ered "#t the s$i&htest de&ree of )erc*( The* are chaste! so"er and e+e)%$ar* in their $i es "#t the* ha e neither )erc* nor %it* for those who are #na"$e to o erco)e fa#$ts or ha"its or who otherwise "eco)e de$in5#ent to the $aws of societ*( The* care $itt$e or nothin& for %$eas#re or the societ* of others and &enera$$* -ee% their own co#nse$ and co)%an*/ the* are hi&h$* res%ected! estee)ed and tr#sted in the co))#nit* "#t neither care for nor )erit the LOVE of their fe$$ow )en( 2,PITER AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the 3o ia$! &enia$ and &enero#s we$$ as%ected ;#%iter is $ife r#$er! the %eo%$e "orn #nder his inf$#ence are enso#$ed "* a &reat desire for honor! res%ect and estee) in their co))#nit*( Therefore the* as%ire to "e %i$$ars in the ch#rch! $e&a$ $i&hts! or to fi$$ an honored %osition in the %#$%it/ fai$in& this the* enter "*

%reference one of the %ro&ressions as $aw*er or doctor( The* are cordia$! &enia$ %eo%$e with a 3o ia$ s)i$e and a heart* handsha-e that )a-e one &$ad to )eet the) where er the &o! so the* are a$wa*s we$co)e( The* are $aw8a"idin& and 3#st "#t inc$ined to te)%er their 3#stice with )erc*/ and whi$e the* the)se$ es $i e $i es "e*ond re%roach the* are -ind! for&i in& and $enient to those of a wea-er )ora$it* whose $i es are s)irched "* sin and cri)e! hence the* are %hi$anthro%ic and a$wa*s read* to &i e to charit* and "ene o$ent wor-( The* are not on$* res%ected and estee)ed "#t "e$o ed in the co))#nit* where the* reside( #ARS AS T E R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the enth#siastic! ener&etic! constr#cti e and )i$itant Mars is the we$$ as%ected $ife r#$er! the %eo%$e "orn #nder the inf$#ence of this d*na)ic ra*s are ea&er for the fra* and "att$e of $ife( The* are enso#$ed with an ardent desire to con5#er the wor$d( To the) it does not so )#ch )atter what the* do so $on& as it affords an ade5#ate o#t$et for the constr#cti e ener&* which! fi&#rati e$* s%ea-in&! threatens to "#rst the) #n$ess re$eased( The "i&&er and )ore diffic#$t the #nderta-in&! the )ore the* e+#$t/ hence the* "eco)e the %ioneers and %athfinders of ci i$i7ation! the en&ineers and contractors who "#i$d o#r cities and the hi&hwa*s and "*wa*s that connect the)! who de e$o% the reso#rces of the wor$d and t#rn the) o er to others to #se( The* are e+tre)e$* i)%atient of restraint and wi$$ "roo- no interference with their %$ans or )ethods( These %eo%$e &o ern others and "end the) to their wi$$ "* the whi%$ash of sheer force for the* ha e neither tact nor di%$o)ac* "#t win "* the )erit of )i&ht( The* earn )one* easi$* and s%end it as $a ish$* and foo$ish$*( The* are e+tre)e$* e+tra a&ant and when re erses co)e the* are down and o#t for the ti)e "ein& "#t the* ne er sta* down! the indo)ita"$e inner force soon acco)%$ishes reha"i$itation and with it the o$d rec-$ess wa*s of $i in& reassert the)se$ es( The* are &enera$$* foo$hard* to a de&ree! hence $ia"$e to accidents and a io$ent end( ,RAN,S AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the ori&ina$! ro)antic and eccentric we$$ as%ected Uran#s is $ife r#$er the character is idea$istic! #ncon entiona$ and #to%ian( These %eo%$e are &enera$$* o#t of %atience with the con entiona$ wa*s of $i in& and deter)ined in their efforts and endea ors to "rea- the shac-$es of societ* and $i e a "ohe)ian $ife( The* are f#$$ of fads and &i en to #s#a$$* "e$iefs! too ad anced for the )a3orit*( At the sa)e ti)e the* are %ioneers of a new a&e in which )an* of the ideas we now consider #to%ian wi$$ "e )odified so that the* wi$$ "e he$d "* a$$( These %eo%$e are a$so the in entors of the wor$d! in to#ch with the hi&her wor$ds where ideas )er&e fro) the .i ine Mind to i)%in&e #%on the )inds of those who are s#fficient$* sensiti e to &ras% the) and "rin& the) to "irth for the #se of h#)anit*( The Uranians are er* headstron& and a$wa*s read* with an ar&#)ent to defend their ideas and sec#re a con ert to their c#$ts/ odd in dress! in food! in ideas! the* are a c$ass

a%art( NEPT,NE AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the occ#$t and )*stica$ we$$ as%ected 1e%t#ne is $ife r#$er we ha e a %erson of a )ost %ec#$iar %ower whose chief )ar- is a stran&e e+%ression of the e*e which )#st "e see) to "e a%%reciated( It is as if he $oo-ed ri&ht thro#&h and thro#&h whate er is "efore hi)! "#t it is not necessar* to disc#ss this t*%e for there are so few that the* are er* se$do) enco#ntered "* the a era&e astro$o&er and on$* an occ#$tist can -now and 3#d&e another occ#$tist( T E INF(,ENCE OF T E AFF(ICTE4 R,(IN0 P(ANETS 4hen the $ife r#$ers are aff$icted "* the con3#nction! %ara$$e$! s5#are! or o%%osition fro) the other %$anets! es%ecia$$* fro) the )a$efics88 Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s and 1e%t#ne88the* affect the $ife in an ini)ica$ )anner which )a* "e o#t$ined as fo$$ows0 T E S,N AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the coward$* and arro&ant aff$icted S#n is $ife r#$er! %eo%$e "orn #nder his de"i$itatin& inf$#ence are e&otistica$ in the e+tre)e! f#$$ of swa&&er! se$f8 i)%ortance and arro&ance( If the* o"tain a#thorit* o er an*one who) the* thinthe* can o erawe the* wi$$ r#$e s#ch de%endent with a rod of iron! tra)%$e #%on his tenderest fee$in&s witho#t a twin&e of conscience or co)%#nction! "#t if the* the)se$ es co)e #nder the a#thorit* of another these s%ine$ess wea-$in&s wi$$ then crin&e! cree% and cater to the s$i&htest whi) of their )aster tho#&h the* hate hi) with an intense hatred that is on$* -e%t in chec- "* their fear( The* whine and wheed$e at the faintest frown tho#&h read* to s%rin& and de o#r hi) if on$* the* dared( It is the si&nat#re of one of the )ost des%ica"$e characters in the &a)#t( 1EN,S AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the s$o en$*! s$othf#$ and $a7* aff$icted Ven#s is r#$er of the horosco%e the %ersons are sens#a$ and %rof$i&ate! #ntid* and s$attern$*! of de%ra ed! %er erted tastes and #tter$* disre%#ta"$e in their cond#ct/ the* are socia$ %arasites( The* #se $o#d and o"scene $an&#a&e and are fond of )#sic of a c$an&in&! 3arrin& nat#re( The* $o e re e$r* and de"a#ch! their affection e+%resses itse$f in coarse $#sts! #n"rid$ed %assion! free $o e and )ora$ %er ersion( The* re e$ in s%an&$es and tinse$! $o#d! c$ashin& co$ors and chea% i)itations of "ea#t* and worth( #ERC,R+ AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the #ntr#thf#$! dishonest and c$#)s* aff$icted Merc#r* is $ife r#$er the %eo%$e

#nder his inf$#ence are either entire$* )enta$$* #nso#nd so that the* )#st "e confined for their own &ood in %ro%er instit#tions! or the* are so c#nnin& that the* are a"$e to hide their )enta$ "ias and %re* #%on societ* as thie es! %ic-8%oc-ets! defa#$ters and cri)ina$s of si)i$ar nat#re( The* are notorio#s$* #ntr#thf#$ and %refer )is$eadin& others to te$$in& the tr#th! e en where it is of no "enefit to the)( The* are either d#$$ of co)%rehension or of s#ch cons#))ate c#nnin& that the* see) to "e dri en "* a resist$ess force to &et the nest of so)e #ns#s%ectin& %erson( The* e+ce$ as confidence )en! "ad&ers and in si)i$ar #nsa or* occ#%ations! The* are thoro#&h$* #nre$ia"$e and dishonest in a$$ their dea$in&s/ ne#rotic and %er erted! sca"s on societ*( These %eo%$e are a$so in eterate ta$-ers and a$wa*s read* to critici7e! s$ander or r#in the re%#tation of others( The* are a )enace to societ* in a$$ their acti ities( T E #OON AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the chan&ea"$e and isionar* aff$icted Moon is $ife r#$er it )a-es the %ersons e+tre)e$* rest$ess and a erse to $a"or of an* -ind! fid&et* and a$wa*s on the )o e/ if the* cannot tra e$ fro) one cit* to another! the* )o e fro) one ho#se to another and fro) one sit#ation to another as often as %ossi"$e and the* inf#se the sa)e rest$essness into whosoe er the* co)e in contact with( If the aff$ictions are er* se ere the )ind s#ffers and their )enta$ %hases coincide with the chan&es of the or" of ni&ht( SAT,RN AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the )or"id! )e$ancho$* and )a$icio#s aff$icted Sat#rn is $ife r#$er he ro"s $ife of a$$ 3o* and "ri&htness so that these %eo%$e "eco)e rec$#ses and )e$ancho$* )isanthro%es/ so )iser$* and a aricio#s that the* wi$$ star e the)se$ es and fore&o the co)forts of $ife e en when the* ha e a)%$e )eans to satisf* the)( The* are cr#e$! hard and s#s%icio#s of the acts and )oti es of others and if the* ta-e #% wor- as a detecti e the* "eco)e h#)an ferrets! "$ood8ho#nds who wi$$ ho#nd their %re* to death and &$oat o er his )iser*( If an*one fr#strates s#ch %eo%$e the* wi$$ ho$d s%ite fore er and ai) to &et e en! if it ta-es a $ifeti)e( 2#t the end of these %eo%$e is a$wa*s "ad! so)eti)e or other the* o erreach and fa$$ into the tra% the* ha e set for others( The* #s#a$$* die an i&no"$e death and the wor$d &i es a si&h of re$ief when the* %ass o#t( 2,PITER AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the indo$ent! "o)"astic and e&otistica$ aff$icted ;#%iter is the $ife r#$er the %erson is often a %arasite on the socia$ tree! a &a)"$er! confidence )an and s%ec#$ator! s%ort*! fond of dis%$a* and ostentation/ he wears $o#d c$othin&! %aste dia)onds and chea% 3ewe$r*( He is #s#a$$* )et with in %oo$ roo)s! on race trac-s and in si)i$ar %$aces/ %$a*in& %o-er or %$a*in& the %onies are a)on& his fa orite

)eans of earnin& a $i in&/ he is er* $o#d and e&otistica$ an+io#s to attract attention no )atter how/ he often fi&#res in co#rt %roceedin&s on acco#nt of shad* transactions or i))ora$ cond#ct or #n%aid "i$$s! for he is an ade%t at o"tainin& credit for e er*thin& he wants and ne er %a*s the %rice of his e+%ensi e tastes if there is an* wa* of a oidin& a sett$e)ent of his de"ts( A)on& the $a"orin& c$ass he #s#a$$* fi&#res as a de)a&o&#e and a&itator! incitin& to stri-es and riots! "#t he is a$wa*s read* to se$$ o#t a stri-in& #nion to the e)%$o*ers( 4e find the) a)on& the t*%ica$ Ita$ian %adrones! as -ee%ers of sweat8sho%s! and in si)i$ar occ#%ations( #ARS AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the arro&ant! e&otistica$ and foo$hard* aff$icted Mars is $ife r#$er the %erson is an e&otist of the first water! "o#nd to attain to his wishes "* force or destr#ction if other )eans fai$/ in fact he %refers to "#$$do7e others to do his wi$$ rather than to ha e the) s#")it witho#t a str#&&$e( He is a first8rate s$a e dri er! section "oss on the rai$wa*! in a constr#ction ca)% and si)i$ar %$aces! a $iar! "ra&&art! "o#ncer! or %#&i$ist! a darede i$ wi$in& to ris- his $ife and the $i es of others at an* )o)ent and in an* #nderta-in&( ,RAN,S AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the st#""orn! erratic and inde%endent aff$icted Uran#s if $ife r#$er the )enta$it* is #s#a$$* so o"sessed in one direction or another that s#ch %eo%$e "eco)e fanatics and &enera$$* a$so there is an e+cessi e sens#a$it* and %er erted taste( The* are a$wa*s read* and an+io#s for an ar&#)ent as a )eans of airin& their ideas "#t the* are so h*%noti7ed "* their own %artic#$ar fad that the* are ne er con inced and can ne er see when the ar&#)ent &oes a&ainst the)( The* a$wa*s es%o#se the )ost radica$ and #ncon entiona$ ideas( NEPT,NE AS R,(IN0 P(ANET 4hen the )edi#)istic! ne#rotic and se$f8ind#$&ent aff$icted 1e%t#ne is $ife r#$er! the %ersons are of a drea)*! ne#rotic and ne&ati e nat#re! a%t to "eco)e the )edi#) of dise)"odied s%irits or e en o"sessed "* the)( The* are $i-e$* to e o$ e %s*chic %owers of a $ow &rade s#ch as in o$#ntar* c$air o*ance! cr*sta$ &a7in&! etc(! and if the* are #na"$e to de e$o% these fac#$ties the* often si)#$ate )edi#)shi% and other %s*chic &ifts for the %#r%ose of d#%in& or defra#din& others( The* ha e a stron& fac#$t* of i)itation and easi$* "eco)e ade%ts at dece%tion( T E SI0NS AS #ENTA( SI0NIFICATORS 4hen the Cardinal Si&ns! Aries! Cancer! Li"ra and Ca%ricorn! are on the an&$es! that is to sa*! the Ascendant! Midhea en! Fo#rth and Se enth Ho#ses! it is a

&enera$ indication that the %erson is )enta$$* a$ert! 5#ic- to &ras% an idea! acti e and enth#siastic in whate er wor- he #nderta-es/ one who has or&ani7in& and e+ec#ti e a"i$it* and is ca%a"$e of carr*in& whate er enter%rise he )a* start to s#ccess/ a "o$d! "ra e indo)ita"$e s%irit( This is es%ecia$$* tr#e when )an* %$anets are in Cardina$ Si&ns and these %eo%$e )a* "e c$assed as the "#siness )en of the wor$d( 4hen the ixed Si&ns! Ta#r#s! Leo! Scor%io and A5#ari#s are on the an&$es it indicates a tho#&htf#$ "#t s$ow and %$oddin& t*%e of )ind which re5#ires ti)e to co)e to a decision( The* a$wa*s $oo- "efore the* $ea% "#t when the* ha e )ade #% their )inds the* adhere to the co#rse )a%%ed o#t with a re)ar-a"$e %atience and %erse erance which in the end ins#re s#ccess( The* are er* re$ia"$e and can "e de%ended #%on to -ee% their word and )eet their o"$i&ations( Their %rinci%a$ fa#$t is that the* are too a%t to &et into a r#t and "eco)e narrow8)inded( The* are er* ori&ina$ and )a* "e c$assed as the in entors of the wor$d( These de$ineations are es%ecia$$* tr#e when )an* %$anets are in Fi+ed Si&ns( 4hen the Common Si&ns! Ge)ini! Vir&o! Sa&ittari#s and Pisces! are on the an&$es the )ind is f$i&ht* and s#%erficia$! wa erin& and ersati$e( These %eo%$e are often er* 5#ic- to &ras% a %oint and for) a decision! "#t 3#st as read* to for&et and chan&e their )inds( The* are ade%ts at i)itation and often %retend to irt#es or a"i$ities entire$* forei&n to their nat#re( The* are easi$* swa*ed "* the winds of e)otion/ one )o)ent the* )a* "e hi&h$* e$ated o er so)e s)a$$ )atter and the ne+t a trif$in& tro#"$e "ows the) down to earth( The* are inconstant and #nre$ia"$e in a$$ their dea$in&s with others "eca#se the* do not -now their )inds two )in#tes in s#ccession( The* constit#te the a&ents and )idd$e)en of the wor$d! where the* occ#%* a s#"ordinate or ser in& %osition( These de$ineations are %artic#$ar$* a%t when )an* %$anets are in Co))on Si&ns( #ENTA( EFFECT OF T E RISIN0 S,N 4hen there are no %$anets on the Ascendant the risin& si&n has considera"$e inf$#ence on the t*%e of )ind( Aries risin& &i es an ener&etic! enth#siastic and a)"itio#s t*%e of )ind! "#t inc$ined to rash and i)%#$si e acts and a 5#ic- te)%er( "aurus risin& &i es a st#""orn! headstron& and se$fish nat#re! en io#s! co eto#s and )a$icio#s when an&ered( 8emini risin& &i es a 5#ic-! a$ert and ersati$e )ind! easi$* ada%ta"$e to conditions "#t so f$#idic that it $ac-s the a"i$it* a"so$#te$* essentia$ to s#stained effort and $astin& s#ccess( Cancer risin& &i es a ne&ati e! i)a&inati e and rece%ti e t*%e of )ind! so)eti)es of a rather )or"id nat#re! reser ed and )istr#stf#$/ "#t when s#ch a %erson has )ade #% his )ind to do so)ethin& he is #s#a$$* er* tenacio#s in his adherence to his ideas/ s*)%athetic! hos%ita"$e and -ind(

+eo risin& &i es a fran-! o%en! a)"itio#s )ind/ a %owerf#$ wi$$ and a %ro#d! honora"$e and -ind dis%osition "#t inc$ined to "e hast*! 5#ic-8 te)%ered! sens#a$ and a%t to &o to e+tre)es( 4irgo &i es a critica$! sche)in& and in&enio#s )ind! a"$e to e o$ e ideas &a$ore "#t #s#a$$* $ac-in& the initiati e to carr* the) o#t #n$ess %rodded "* others( These %eo%$e are er* se$fish! se$f8centered and reser ed( The* do not ta-e other %eo%$e into their confidence and the* se$do) "eco)e rea$$* fa)i$iar with an*one( +ibra risin& &i es an eas*8&oin& "#t -ind$* and s*)%athetic t*%e of )ind which is #na"$e to &ras% or co%e with the e+i&encies of e+istence( Therefore these %eo%$e drift a$on& the strea) of $ife! ta-in& as )#ch of the sweet as the* can &et and #sin& e er* effort to a oid the "itter( The* cra e a%%ro"ation and in ret#rn adore their friends and are #s#a$$* "o#nd #% in the)( Scorpio risin& &i es a d#a$ t*%e of )ind( This is one of the )ost )*stica$ of the twe$ e si&ns( So)e ti)es it is s*)"o$i7ed as an ea&$e re%resentin& the $oft*! as%irin& t*%e soarin& as does the ea&$e into the ether( At other ti)es it is t*%ified as a ser%ent which craw$s in the d#st! and a&ain as a scor%ion( There is a$so considera"$e occ#$t si&nificance in the fact that the ser%ent has the stin& in its head and the scor%ion has it in its tai$( 2#t for the %resent %#r%ose we wi$$ 3#d&e the two $atter as one( The Scor%io t*%e of )ind denoted "* the ea&$e is tho#&htf#$! reser ed and inc$ined to $oft* idea$s' di&nified in de)eanor! %ro#d and with %erfect contro$ of the te)%er( These %eo%$e are er* reser ed and &enera$$* -ee% their own co#nse$( The other t*%e when Scor%io is re%resented "* the ser%ent is entire$* different/ deceitf#$! shrewd and secreti e/ %ast findin& o#t/ sens#a$ and #nfor&i in&/ 3ea$o#s and %assionate! with a er* shar% ton&#e and fier* te)%er( Sagittarius risin& &i es an ener&etic! as%irin&! "ene o$ent )ind "#t rather $ac-in& in a)"ition( These %eo%$e are #s#a$$* of an ardent! affectionate dis%osition and so)eti)es er* de)onstrati e( Capricorn risin& &i es a tactf#$! di%$o)atic! dee% and tho#&htf#$ t*%e of )ind "#t se$fish! en io#s and co eto#s( These %eo%$e are a%t to &et into a r#t and "eco)e er* narrow! and when the* are crossed the* ho$d s%ite and %$an re en&e( The* are se$f8re$iant and %ersistent in whate er the* #nderta-e( A1uarius risin& &i es a &ood inte$$ect! a friend$*! s*)%athetic and h#)ane dis%osition! "#t these %eo%$e are er* ori&ina$ and inde%endent/ the* wi$$ "roo- no interference with their a&aries and %#rs#e their own co#rse re&ard$ess of what others sa* or thin-! so)eti)es e en a&ainst their own reason and 3#st to assert their inde%endence( )isces risin& &i es a senti)enta$ and ro)antic t*%e of )ind! inc$ined to worr* and rest$essness! a%t to t#rn to the occ#$t! and to )*stica$ ideas( The )ind is er* sensiti e and often ta-es in the conditions of others with the effect of #nsett$in& and tro#"$in& the %erson(

+O,R (,C5 IN (IFE Hea$th! wea$th and ha%%iness are to )ost %eo%$e the %ri)e o"3ects of $ife! and whoe er has the) is ri&ht$* considered $#c-*! tho#&h as we ha e endea ored to show! $#c- is er* c$ose$* $in-ed to )erit! and we ha e earned what we ha e either in this or for)er $i es and what we $ac- in fort#ne or a"i$it* we )a* ac5#ire in this or $ater $i es "* &ood #se of o#r o%%ort#nities( Th#s hea$th and disease! ocationa$ a"i$it*! socia$ and financia$ fort#nes! )arria&e! etc(! are shown in the horosco%e as o#t$ined in the fo$$owin& %a&es( EA(T AN4 4ISEASE

The s#"3ect of hea$th and disease is thoro#&h$* e$#cidated in that %art of the "oowhich dea$s with )edica$ astro$o&*! "#t those who do not care to &o into the de%ths of the s#"3ect wi$$ find the fo$$owin& &enera$ hints he$%f#$ in deter)inin& the )atter for ordinar* %#r%oses( The )ain indicators of hea$th and disease are the S#n! Moon and Ascendant! to&ether with the %$anets in the First Ho#se or 3#st a"o e the Ascendant( The twe$ e si&ns of the Fodiac confer a ita$it* of differin& de&rees and when there are no %$anets near the risin& si&n it is of )#ch &reater i)%ortance than otherwise( The si&ns )a* "e c$assified as fo$$ows0 Aries! Ta#r#s! Leo! Scor%io and Sa&ittari#s are stron&$* ita$ si&ns( Ge)ini! Vir&o! Li"ra and A5#ari#s are )oderate$* ita$( Cancer! Ca%ricorn and Pisces are si&ns of wea- ita$it*( 2oth the S#n and the Moon affect hea$th in a$$ horosco%es! "#t the S#n is the

%artic#$ar si&nificator of hea$th for )en and the Moon has the sa)e f#nction in a wo)an's horosco%e( Th#s! if a "o* is "orn at a 1ew Moon which is a tota$ ec$i%se! he wi$$ ha e er* %oor chances of s#r i in&( The sa)e )a* "e said of a &ir$ "orn at the F#$$ Moon when that is ec$i%sed( If the S#n is stron& "* si&n! we$$ as%ected "* Mars or "* the "enefics! if he is in essentia$ di&nit*! e+a$tation or e$e ation in a )a$e horosco%e! it indicates the %ossession of a stron& ita$it* and %resa&es a $ife "$essed "* &ood hea$th( If the Moon is si)i$ar$* %$aced in a wo)an's horosco%e the sa)e effect fo$$ows( On the other hand if the $#)inaries are in wea- si&ns in the Si+th or Twe$fth Ho#ses or aff$icted "* Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne! the ita$it* is wea- and )#ch sic-ness wi$$ res#$t #n$ess! fro) chi$dhood! care is ta-en to fo$$ow the $aws of hea$th and h*&iene( It )#st "e "orne in )ind that the horoscope shows only tendencies which wor- o#t infa$$i"$* if we drift with the tide of $ife( 2#t on the other hand! it does no show the factor of the h#)an wi$$! which "ein& di ine )a* enter in and "* %ro%er efforts in the ri&ht direction correct! at $east in a $ar&e )eas#re! the $i)itations( It is a &ood indication of hea$th when a stron& si&n rises with ;#%iter or Ven#s c$ose to the Ascendant and we$$ as%ected( 2#t if a wea- si&n is on the Eastern hori7on! and the $ife forces are f#rther sa%%ed "* Sat#rn! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne in the risin& si&n! a $ife of s#fferin& is foreshown( 4ith res%ect to Mars it has "een fo#nd that his %resence on the Ascendant stren&thens the constit#tion when he is we$$ as%ected "#t %redis%oses to fe erish or inf$a))ator* co)%$aints when he is aff$icted( It sho#$d "e #nderstood that the S#n! Ven#s! Merc#r*! the Moon and ;#%iter do not aff$ict sa e "* s5#are or o%%osition! whereas the con3#nction and %ara$$e$ of Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s and 1e%t#ne are considered ini)ica$ as we$$ as the s5#are or o%%osition( The aff$ictions fro) Cardinal Si&ns! Aries! Cancer! Li"ra and Ca%ricorn! indicate ac#te ai$)ents which #s#a$$* r#n their co#rse and $ea e no %artic#$ar trace( The aff$ictions fro) ixed Si&ns! Ta#r#s! Leo! Scor%io and A5#ari#s! indicate or&anic or hereditar* tendencies which are diffic#$t to con5#er and #s#a$$* "eco)e chronic( The diseases indicated "* Common Si&ns! Ge)ini! Vir&o! Sa&ittari#s and Pisces! are con erti"$e( The* )a* "e entire$* o erco)e or r#n their co#rse #nti$ the* "eco)e chronic! accordin& to the )enta$ te)%era)ent of the %erson in whose fi&#re these are fo#nd( The %$aces of the )a$efics! Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne a$wa*s indicate wea%oints in the anato)* and the %$ace of Sat#rn is %artic#$ar$* sensiti e/ no )atter whether he is aff$icted or not it is a$wa*s a dan&er %oint( 2* -nowin& the %arts of the "od* which are r#$ed "* the different si&ns it is eas* to see where the wea$i)its in the chain of h#)an hea$th are $ocated0

Aries r#$es the head and face( Ta#r#s r#$es the nec- and throat( Ge)ini r#$es the $#n&s! ar)s and sho#$ders( Cancer r#$es the "reast and sto)ach( Leo r#$es the heart and dorsa$ re&ion of the "ac-( Vir&o r#$es the a"do)ina$ %arts( Li"ra r#$es the -idne*s and $ions( Scor%io r#$es the &enita$s and rect#)( Sa&ittari#s r#$es the hi%s and thi&hs( Ca%ricorn r#$es the -nees( A5#ari#s r#$es the an-$es( Pisces r#$es the feet( Th#s if Sat#rn is %$aced in Leo it wi$$ indicate that the %erson is s#"3ect to heart tro#"$e( If it is in Pisces it wi$$ indicate co$d feet( The hot and inf$a))ator* Mars aff$icted in Aries! the si&n which r#$es the head! wo#$d indicate a tendenc* to fe ers! and so on with the other %$anets( There are three ne"#$ar s%ots $ocated in the Fodiac! na)e$*0 The P$eiades in @B de&rees of Ta#r#s! the Asce$$i in > de&rees of Leo! and Antares in A de&rees of Sa&ittari#s( If the S#n or Moon are fo#nd in these %$aced and aff$icted "* a )a$efic! "e caref#$ of the e*es! or if one of the )a$efics are in one of these %$aces aff$ictin& the S#n and Moon the sa)e 3#d&)ent ho$ds &ood( 4ith these &enera$ indications the ordinar* st#dent sho#$d "e a"$e to 3#d&e a horosco%e with res%ect to hea$th and disease and sho#$d a )ore thoro#&h e+a)ination "e desired! a st#d* of the )atter in the %art dea$in& with Medica$ Astro$o&* wi$$ &i e the necessar* infor)ation( T E SOCIA( AN4 FINANCIA( FORT,NES The ocation! financia$ fort#ne and socia$ standin&! $i-e a$$ other )atters! sho#$d "e 3#d&ed fro) the who$e horosco%e! "#t the Second! the Si+th! the Ei&hth and the Tenth Ho#ses with their $ords are the chief si&nificators( ",e Second !ouse indicates what the %erson earns "* his efforts( 4hen ;#%iter! Ven#s! the S#n! the Moon or Mars are we$$ as%ected and %$aced in the Second Ho#se or $ord thereof the* attract wea$th co))ens#rate with the n#)"er and c$oseness of their as%ects and their %osition as to di&nit*! e+a$tation or e$e ation( 2#t if Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne are e$e ated and aff$ict the S#n and Moon it is a s#re si&n of financia$ )isfort#ne( ;#%iter in the Second Ho#se is )oderate$* &enero#s "#t Mars )a-es a free s%ender and conse5#ent$* the )one* he "rin&s &oes a"o#t as fast as it co)es( Sat#rn in the Second Ho#se! or its r#$er! )a-es the %erson thrift* and sa in& "#t he wi$$ find it diffic#$t to )a-e ends )eet #n$ess Sat#rn is in his e+a$tation si&n Li"ra and we$$ as%ected "* ;#%iter/ then fort#ne co)es "* $e&ac* or in the $atter

%art of $ife( Uran#s in the Second Ho#se and in &ood as%ect to ;#%iter or the S#n and Moon is a$so a &ood indication of financia$ fort#ne( ",e #ig,t, !ouse: The %$anetar* inf$#ences which "rin& financia$ fort#ne thro#&h the %erson's own efforts when o%eratin& thro#&h the Second Ho#se "rin& )one* thro#&h the )arria&e %artnershi% or $e&ac* when o%eratin& thro#&h the Ei&hth Ho#se( Th#s ;#%iter in the Ei&hth Ho#se indicates )one* "* )arria&e or %artnershi% if we$$ as%ected "* the S#n! Moon! Ven#s or the $ord of the Se enth Ho#se( 2#t if as%ected "* Sat#rn or Uran#s it shows a $e&ac*( Mars in the Ei&hth Ho#se we$$ as%ected shows a h#s"and! wife or %artner with &ood earnin& ca%acit* "#t too free a s%ender( The other indications en#)erated as actin& thro#&h the Second Ho#se )a* "e si)i$ar$* a%%$ied to the Ei&hth( 1OCATION 4hen the )a3orit* of the %$anets are we$$ as%ected and a"o e the Earth or when the S#n is in &ood as%ect to the Moon and Mars it is &enera$$* eas* for the %erson to o"tain a sit#ation and when the S#n is in &ood as%ect to ;#%iter it &i es %ro)ise of a $#crati e occ#%ation( 2#t when the )a3orit* of the %$anets are "e$ow the Earth! wea- and aff$icted! or when the S#n is in "ad as%ect to the Moon! Mars or ;#%iter! it is #s#a$$* diffic#$t for the %erson to find e)%$o*)ent( To find the e)%$o*)ent in which the %erson wi$$ "e )ost $i-e$* to s#cceed consider the nat#re and si&nificance of the Ho#ses and Si&ns which ho$d the )a3orit* of the %$anets( 4hen the )a3orit* of the %$anets are in the iery Si&ns! Aries! Leo and Sa&ittari#s! it indicates as %rofita"$e the occ#%ations in which the )eta$s and fire %$a* a %ro)inent %art! as those of )achinist! en&ineers! cha#ffe#rs! s)iths! c#t$ers! "ar"ers! s#r&eons! so$diers! a$so ha7ardo#s and dan&ero#s ocations( If the )a3orit* of the %$anets are fo#nd in the Earthy Si&ns! Ta#r#s! Vir&o and Ca%ricorn! it indicates s#ccess in a&ric#$t#re! hortic#$t#re! &ardenin&! $and! )ines! ti)"er! "#i$din& )ateria$s and as contractor for "#i$din&s! ho#ses/ dea$ers in foodst#ffs! "oth in the raw and coo-ed states! s#ch as the &rocer* "#siness! in resta#rants or as &rain dea$ers! che)istr*! etc(! a$so dress &oods and c$othin&/ in short e er*thin& that co)es o#t of the Earth to no#rish! c$othe and she$ter the %h*sica$ "od*( If the )a3orit* of the %$anets are in the "iry Si&ns! Ge)ini! Li"ra and A5#ari#s! it indicates s#ccess in c$erica$! $iterar*! or artistic %#rs#its/ occ#%ations %rinci%a$$* in o$ in& "rains or tra e$! as those of acco#ntants! "oo--ee%ers! a&ents! )essen&ers! e+%ress)en! architects! ci i$ en&ineers! )echanica$ drafts)en and desi&ners! $ect#rers! scientists! e$ectricians! a iators! in entors! and a$$ si)i$ar occ#%ations in which )ind is a %rinci%a$ factor( If the )a3orit* of the %$anets are in the 6atery Si&ns! Cancer! Scor%io and Pisces! the %erson sho#$d see- occ#%ations in which f$#ids are %ro)inent! as those of

sai$ors and fisher)en! shi% "#i$ders and shi% owners! )arine en&ineers! and other occ#%ations on shi%"oard! )an#fact#rers and dea$ers in $i5#id refresh)ent! etc( The r#$in& %$anet a$so has an i)%ortant "earin& on the $ife8wor-! and the occ#%ations si&nified "* the different %$anets )a* "e stated as fo$$ows0 ",e Sun as $ife r#$er indicates a $eader88it )a* "e of a state as -in& or %resident! or of a %ro ince or cit* as &o ernor or )a*or! or has head of a cor%oration! whether $ar&e or s)a$$( Th#s when the S#n is $ife r#$er! es%ecia$$* if it is in the Tenth Ho#se! it indicates a &o ern)ent %osition or e)%$o*)ent in an e+ec#ti e ca%acit*( 4enus as $ife r#$er indicates e)%$o*)ent in an artistic ca%acit* as a )#sician! sin&er! actor! theatrica$ a&ent! )an#fact#rer or dea$er in )i$$iner* or fanc* &oods! $aces! e)"roider* and wo)en's c$othin&/ cand* and confections! f$owers or orna)ents! etc( (ercury as $ife r#$er indicates s#ccess in $iterat#re or on a $ect#re %$atfor)/ as %rinters! %#"$ishers! or "oo--ee%ers/ as schoo$ teachers! e+%ress a&ents! )ai$ carriers! co))ercia$ tra e$ers! steno&ra%hers! secretaries! office wor-ers and a$$ other c$erica$ and tra e$in& occ#%ations( ",e (oon as $ife r#$er si&nifies s#ccess as tra e$in& sa$es)en! rai$road e)%$o*ees! tic-et a&ents and other %ositions concerned with the trans%ortation of the %#"$ic/ car "#i$ders! hote$ -ee%ers! dea$ers in f$#idic co))odities! n#rses! o"stetricians! fisher)en! sai$ors and others e)%$o*ed on shi%"oard and in the shi%%in& trades( Saturn as $ife r#$er si&nifies a$$ e)%$o*)ents connected with the earth s#ch as a&ric#$t#re! &ardenin&! )ines! "#i$din& and "#i$din& )ateria$s/ di%$o)ats! 3#d&es %o$iticians! %o$ice! 3ai$ers! detecti es! secret ser ice a&ents and a$$ whose wor- is acco)%$ished "* stea$th and strate&*/ ni&ht wor-ers and those en&a&ed in s$ow! %$oddin&! $a"orio#s wor-( 7upiter as $ife r#$er si&nifies s#ccess in the %rofessions! as $aw*ers! 3#d&es! c$er&*)en! a)"assadors! ca"inet officers! senators! con&ress)en or other %ositions of %#"$ic tr#st/ "an-ers! financia$ a&ents! %h*sicians! "ene o$ent or socia$ wor-ers( (ars as $ife r#$er si&nifies e)%$o*)ents in which iron and shar% instr#)ents are %ro)inent! as #sed "* so$diers! s#r&eons! s)iths! fo#nders! en&ineers! and in a$$ dan&ero#s occ#%ations( Uranus as $ife r#$er si&nifies e)%$o*)ent in which air! e$ectricit*! tho#&ht %ower and &eni#s are chief factors! as those of in entors! e$ectricians! a iators and those interested in s#%ernor)a$ or s#%er%h*sica$ s#"3ects s#ch as %s*cho$o&*! %hreno$o&*! )a&netic! di ine or )enta$ hea$in&/ a$so in connection with co8 o%erati e co$onies! socia$is)! and ad anced ideas of $ife and $i in&( -eptune as $ife r#$er indicates occ#%ations in o$ in& the occ#$t! water* and %s*chic e$e)ents/ a$so those in which fra#d and dece%tion are ra)%ant "eca#se the &en#ine %s*chic artic$e is so rare( These occ#%ations inc$#de those of

astro$o&ers! )edi#)s and c$air o*ants( 1e%t#ne a$so %rod#ces so)e hi&h$* ins%irationa$ )#sicians(

#ARRIA0E AN4 OFFSPRIN0 There was a ti)e when )an8in8the8 )a-in& was )a$e8fe)a$e and a"$e to "e&et chi$dren witho#t the assistance of another! "#t when one %o$e of the creati e force was directed #%ward to "#i$d the "rain and the $ar*n+ )an-ind ceased to "e "ise+#a$ and thenceforth each )a$e or fe)a$e had to see- its co)%$e)ent to acco)%$ish the "e&ettin& of chi$dren( Therefore )arria&e was instit#ted "* the an&e$s as a sacra)ent and the sacred rite of &eneration was %erfor)ed #nder their s#%er ision in &reat te)%$es at certain ti)es of the *ear when the inter%$anetar* $ines of force were %ro%itio#s for %ro%a&ation( The rest of the ti)e a$$ $i ed to&ether in the %aradisiaca$ "$iss of chase co)%anionshi%( Therefore %art#rition was %ain$ess and sic-ness and sorrow were #n-nown( 2#t when! #nder the &#idance of the fa$$en an&e$s! the L#cifer s%irits! )an-ind co))enced to e+ercise the creati e f#nction for %$eas#re re&ard$ess of the ste$$ar ra*! death entered and the wo)an "e&an to "rin& forth her chi$dren in sorrow and s#fferin&( For tho#&h a )inister )a* legally )arr* %eo%$e! he! "ein& i&norant of the ste$$ar scri%t! cannot see if the "asic har)on* necessar* to tr#$* )ate two so#$s is %resent( Therefore! a$as! )ost )arria&es fai$ to "rin& the ha%%iness and satisfaction of so#$ which )ar- the co)%anionshi% of tr#e )ates( 2esides there is the %ain of %art#rition incidenta$ to )is)atin& and the increased s#fferin& of the e&o which is "#i$din& its "od* #nder inhar)onio#s %renata$ conditions( S#re$*! a hea * to$$ to %a* for i&norance of the ste$$ar scienceL 4orse sti$$! in the &reat )a3orit* of cases where %eo%$e do -now astro$o&* or where the* are infor)ed of its %rono#nce)ent in their case! the* ref#se to heed it warnin& oice when it is contrar* to their desires( The* often e en hate the astro$o&er who has the te)erit* to te$$ the) that sorrow is in store if the* wed( Therefore it is at "est a

than-$ess tas-( 2#t this )atter is so i)%ortant at o#r %resent sta&e of e o$#tion! it has s#ch far8 reachin& conse5#ences "oth for the indi id#a$ and for societ*! that it is rea$$* cri)ina$ to $ea e to chance the choice of a )ate( Fort#nate$* we are nearin& the A5#arian A&e and there is no do#"t that %eo%$e wi$$ then st#d* the ste$$ar scri%t/ %erha%s the* wi$$ instit#te )atri)onia$ "#rea#s )aintained "* the ch#rch or state! with a iew to &#idin& the &rowin& &eneration in the ri&ht direction( If chi$dren whose nati ities are har)onio#s co#$d isit at each others' ho)es and "eco)e %$a*)ates the attach)ent wo#$d #ndo#"ted$* ri%ened into $o e with the *ears( Then )arria&e wo#$d not end the ro)ance as it #nfort#nate$* does in the )a3orit* of #nions cons#))ated at the %resent ti)e! "#t it wo#$d intensif* $o e and ha%%iness *ear "* *ear( The "ond of affection wo#$d &row stron&er and aid the so#$ &rowth of those #nder its )a&ic s%e$$ as no other re$ation can( Chi$dren wo#$d not "e accidents then( The* wo#$d "e $o ed into $ife and the* wo#$d scarce$* )iss the hea en the* had $eft for the* wo#$d find in their ho)es a hea en on earth( Therefore we %ra* that the ti)e )a* soon co)e when each co))#nit* wi$$ ha e its )atri)onia$ "#rea# cond#cted #%on the astro$o&ica$ "asis where %arents )a* send their chi$d's "irth data and recei e in ret#rn the na)e and address of another chi$d who wi$$ "e har)onio#s as a )ate( If the %arents of "oth fee$ satisfied with res%ect to fa)i$* connections! etc(! the chi$dren co#$d "e )ade ac5#ainted/ if not! other na)es co#$d "e s#")itted "* the "#rea# #nti$ one s#ita"$e accordin& to "oth the socia$ and astro$o&ica$ standards was fo#nd( The chi$dren co#$d then "eco)e %$a*)ates! and there is no do#"t that in ti)e their affection wo#$d &row into a $o e that wo#$d satisf* the *o#thf#$ senti)ents of ro)ance( Later an idea$ )arria&e wo#$d crown their ha%%iness( 1or sho#$d we wait for the ch#rch or state to ta-e the initiati e( If %arents who "e$ie e in astro$o&* wo#$d for) associations! )aintainin& a centra$ "#rea# where horosco%es of their chi$dren co#$d "e -e%t on fi$e! &ro#%ed and c$assified with a iew to findin& tr#e )ates for the)! it wo#$d &i e s#ch a %ractica$ de)onstration of the worth of astro$o&* that in twent* fi e *ears eno#&h cases co#$d "e %ointed o#t to arrest the attention of conser ati e %eo%$e( AR#ON+ AN4 4ISCOR4 Man is! as Pa#$ sa*s! s%irit! so#$ and "od*( Therefore the "$endin& of two "ein&s in %erfect har)on* re5#ires that the* "e in accord on the s%irit#a$! )ora$ and %h*sica$ %$anes! s*)"o$i7ed in the horosco%e "* the S#n and Moon HS%irit or E&oI! Mars and Ven#s Hso#$ or se+I and the Ascendant &o ernin& the %h*sica$ "od*( These si&nificators ta-en to&ether with the si&n on the Se enth Ho#se and the %$anet therein show the innate a&ree)ent or discord "etween %eo%$e so far as the )atri)onia$ re$ationshi% is concerned( The %h*sica$ har)on* is 3#d&ed "* co)%arison of the risin& si&n of the two %ersons in o$ ed( Fier* si&ns a&ree! so do earth*! air* or water* si&ns( 2#t a

%erson with a fier* si&n risin& cannot s#ccessf#$$* )ate with one who has a water* or earth* si&n on the Ascendant( It is $i-e )i+in& fire and water! or hea%in& earth #%on fire( Fire wi$$ on$* co)"ine with fire and air( Peo%$e ha in& a water* si&n on the Ascendant )a* har)oni7e with a %erson ha in& an earth* si&n risin&! or ice ersa( 2#t neither the earth* nor water* si&ns wi$$ )i+ with the fier* tri%$icit*( On the )ora$ %$ane the re$ationshi% is &o erned "* Mars and Ven#s( If Ven#s in the horosco%e of one %erson is the sa)e si&n and de&ree as Mars in the horosco%e of another %erson! there wi$$ "e $o e at first si&ht when the* )eet! "#t the attraction wi$$ "e se+#a$ and #n$ess there are other %owerf#$ si&ns of har)on*! Mars wi$$ do)inate Ven#s! es%ecia$$* if Mars is sit#ated in the Se enth Ho#se or hi&h$* e$e ated a"o e Ven#s in the other %erson's horosco%e( 4hen the S#n in one %erson's horosco%e is on the %$ace of the Moon in the other %erson's chart har)on* is shown on the s%irit#a$ %$ane( The idea$ )arria&e re5#ires the "$endin& of the two charts in a$$ these %artic#$ars and the ha%%iness wi$$ de%end #%on the )eas#re of a&ree)ent as indicated( There are #nions where %eo%$e are se+#a$$* )ated "#t ha e entire$* different characteristics in other res%ects and ice ersa( Therefore the two charts )#st "e e+a)ined in their entiret* to &i e a re$ia"$e 3#d&)ent( The fo$$owin& wi$$ e+%$ain the indications for )arria&e in the indi id#a$ horosco%e of "oth se+es( #EN6S #ARRIA0ES An ear$* )arria&e is indicated in a )an's horosco%e0 H?I 4hen he is "orn in the $i&ht of the Moon! at the ti)e she is %ro&ressin& fro) the new to the f#$$! %ro ided she is %$aced in the Fo#rth! Fifth! Si+th! Tenth! E$e enth! or Twe$fth Ho#se( H@I 4hen the Moon and Ven#s are stron& and we$$ as%ected with a n#)"er of other %$anets in the fr#itf#$ si&ns! Cancer! Scor%io! or Pisces( H=I 4hen the Moon and Ven#s are in the Fifth or Se enth Ho#ses which r#$e co#rtshi% and )arria&e( H<I 4hen a fr#itf#$ si&n is risin& with Cancer! Scor%io! or Pisces in the Fifth or Se enth Ho#ses( HEI 4hen Ven#s and Mars are di&nified! e$e ated! stron& and we$$ as%ected( H>I 4hen ;#%iter or Ven#s! or "oth! are in the Se enth Ho#se we$$ as%ected( A $ate )arria&e is shown in a )an's horosco%e0 H?I 4hen he is "orn in the dar- of the Moon/ that is to sa*! when the Moon is &oin& fro) the f#$$ to the new and she is %$aced in the First! Second! Third! Se enth! Ei&hth! or 1inth Ho#ses( H@I 4hen the Moon or Ven#s are aff$icted "* Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne!

es%ecia$$* if either of these %$anets is %$aced in the Fifth or Se enth Ho#ses( H=I 4hen Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne are in the Fifth or Se enth Ho#ses( H<I 4hen the Moon is s5#are or o%%osition to Ven#s or ;#%iter the* "rin& tro#"$e in co#rtshi% and conse5#ent de$a*s of the )arria&e( Marria&e is denied or is acco)%$ished with &reat diffic#$t*0 H?I 4hen Sat#rn is in Scor%io which r#$es the &enita$s! or if the Moon is there %ara$$e$! con3#nction! s5#are or o%%osition to Sat#rn the %$anet of o"str#ction! for then there is $itt$e or no desire for se+#a$ interco#rse! hence s#ch %eo%$e &enera$$* re)ain "ache$ors( H@I 4hen the Moon! or Ven#s! the %$anet of $o e! is aff$icted in the Sat#rnine si&n Ca%ricorn! es%ecia$$* if the aff$iction co)es fro) Sat#rn! the %$anet of o"str#ction! )an* o"stac$es to )arria&e %resent the)se$ es and it is do#"tf#$ if the* can "e o erco)e! hence it is #n$i-e$* that the %erson wi$$ )arr*( H=I 4hen the Moon is s5#are or o%%osition to the S#n it is diffic#$t for the %erson to )a-e #% his )ind on an* s#"3ect! and if the Moon is %$aced in the First! Second! Third! Se enth! Ei&hth or 1inth Ho#ses! this wi$$ )a-e it %artic#$ar$* diffic#$t to co)e to a decision re&ardin& )arria&e( If at the sa)e ti)e there is an aff$iction fro) Sat#rn he wi$$ ne er )a-e #% his )ind! hence )arria&e wi$$ not "e cons#))ated( H<I 4hen the Moon is in the $ast de&rees of a si&n she is said to "e oid of co#rse! and if at the sa)e ti)e she )a-es no as%ect to other %$anets! it shows a $ac- of attraction to the o%%osite se+! which wi$$ %ro"a"$* %re ent the %erson enterin& the )arria&e re$ation( *O#EN6S #ARRIA0ES An ear$* )arria&e is indicated in a wo)an's horosco%e0 H?I 4hen she is "orn in the $i&ht of the Moon! that is to sa*! when the or" of ni&ht is &oin& fro) the new to the f#$$! and the S#n is %$aced in the Fo#rth! Fifth! Si+th! Tenth! E$e enth! or Twe$fth Ho#se( H@I 4hen the S#n and Ven#s are in one of the fr#itf#$ si&ns! Cancer! Scor%io! or Pisces! and we$$ as%ected( H=I 4hen the S#n! Ven#s! and Mars are we$$ as%ected in the Fifth or Se enth Ho#ses which &o ern co#rtshi% and )arria&e( H<I 4hen a fr#itf#$ si&n is risin& with Cancer! Scor%io! or Pisces in the Fifth or Se enth Ho#ses( HEI 4hen S#n! Mars! and Ven#s are di&nified! e$e ated! we$$ and stron&$* as%ected( H>I 4hen ;#%iter or Ven#s is in the Se enth Ho#se we$$ as%ected(

A $ate )arria&e is shown in a wo)an's horosco%e0 H?I 4hen she is "orn in the dar- of the Moon/ that is to sa*! when the Moon is &oin& fro) the f#$$ to the new! and the S#n is %$aced in the First! Second! Third! Se enth! Ei&hth! or 1inth Ho#ses( H@I 4hen the S#n and Ven#s are aff$icted "* Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne! es%ecia$$* if %$aced in the Fifth or Se enth Ho#ses! which &o ern )arria&e and co#rtshi%( H=I 4hen Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne are in the Fifth or Se enth Ho#ses( H<I 4hen the Moon is s5#are or o%%osition to Ven#s or ;#%iter! de$a*s and tro#"$e in co#rtshi% and )arria&e )a* "e $oo-ed for( HEI 4hen the Moon is %ara$$e$! s5#are or o%%osition to Uran#s! the octa e of Ven#s! that a$so wi$$ "rin& de$a*s( Marria&e is denied or acco)%$ished on$* with &reat diffic#$t*0 H?I 4hen Sat#rn is in Scor%io! the si&n which r#$es the &enita$s! or when the S#n is there %ara$$e$! con3#nction! s5#are! or o%%osition to Sat#rn! the %$anet of o"str#ction! the desire nat#re is he$d in c$oc-! hence when either of these conditions is fo#nd in a wo)an's horosco%e it is safe to 3#d&e that she wi$$ re)ain a s%inster( H@I 4hen the S#n! or Ven#s the %$anet of $o e! is aff$icted in the Sat#rnine si&n Ca%ricorn! %artic#$ar$* if the aff$iction co)es fro) Sat#rn! the %$anet of o"str#ction! there wi$$ "e )an* o"stac$es to )arria&e and it is er* do#"tf#$ if #nder the circ#)stances a )arria&e wi$$ res#$t( H=I 4hen the S#n and Moon are aff$ictin& each other "* s5#are or o%%osition it )a-es the %erson aci$$atin& on an* s#"3ect! and if the S#n! which is si&nificator or )arria&e for a wo)an! is %$aced in the First! Second! Third! Se enth! Ei&hth! or 1inth Ho#ses! the wi$$ )a-e it %artic#$ar$* diffic#$t to co)e to a decision re&ardin& )arria&e( Sho#$d there "e at the sa)e ti)e an aff$iction "etween the S#n and Sat#rn it wi$$ e ent#a$$* %re ent the %erson fro) )a-in& #% her )ind! hence )arria&e wi$$ not "e cons#))ated( H<I 4hen the S#n "* %ro&ression )a-es no as%ect to the other %$anets it indicates a $ac- of attraction to the o%%osite se+! which wi$$ %ro"a"$* %re ent her fro) enterin& the )arria&e re$ation( APPINESS, SORRO* AN4 BEREA1E#ENT The )asc#$ine S#n is the %artic#$ar si&nificator of the )arria&e %artner in a wo)an's horosco%e! and the fe)inine Moon si&nifies the s%o#se in a )an's chart( Hence when the S#n and Moon are in &ood as%ect to each other! or to Ven#s! the %$anet of $o e! or ;#%iter! the %$anet of "ene o$ence! ha%%iness and 3o* are ass#red in the )arried re$ationshi%! %artic#$ar$* if these %$anets are %$aced in the Se enth Ho#se(

On the other hand! Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s or 1e%t#ne! aff$ictin& the S#n in a fe)a$e fi&#re! or the Moon in a )an's chart! indicate sorrow and tro#"$e thro#&h the )arria&e re$ation( If the* are %$aced in the Se enth Ho#se the testi)on* is a$$ the )ore %otent! and it is a$so foreshown that the )arria&e wi$$ "e disso$ ed( In this res%ect! Sat#rn and Mars indicate death of the )arria&e %artner/ Uran#s )a* a$so "rin& a"o#t this endin& if aff$icted "* Sat#rn or Mars! "#t otherwise it %oints rather to a c$andestine re$ationshi% which wi$$ %ro"a"$* "rin& a"o#t the disso$#tion of )arria&e "* desertion or di orce( SECON4 #ARRIA0ES If one or )ore of the )a$efics! Sat#rn! Mars! Uran#s! and 1e%t#ne! are fo#nd in the Se enth Ho#se! and the S#n or Moon are in a fr#itf#$ si&n! Cancer! Scor%io! or Pisces! or in the do#"$e8"odies si&ns! Ge)ini or Sa&ittari#s! it is $i-e$* that the %erson wi$$ )arr* se era$ ti)es! and %ro"a"$* to his sorrow( If the S#n or Moon are as%ected to a n#)"er of %$anets %$aced in do#"$e8"odies si&ns! Ge)ini! Sa&ittari#s! or Pisces! es%ecia$$* if these si&ns are on the Se enth Ho#se! two or )ore )arria&es are $i-e$* to occ#r( 4hen the r#$er of the Ascendant is %$aced in the Se enth Ho#se we$$ as%ected to other %$anets and in a do#"$e8 sided si&n! Ge)ini! Sa&ittari#s! or Pisces! it indicates a %$#ra$it* of )arria&es( 4ESCRIPTION OF T E ,SBAN4 OR *IFE

In a )an's horosco%e the %$anets to which the Moon )a-es an as%ect "* %ro&ression after "irth! indicate the wo)en to who) he wi$$ "e attracted! to&ether with their character and dis%osition! which are deter)ined "* the si&ns that the %$anets are in and the as%ects which the* )a-e( For i$$#stration! $et #s s#%%ose that the Moon in a certain %erson's horosco%e co)es first to a se+ti$e of the S#n in Leo! and that the S#n is as%ected "* a trine to ;#%iter! then we sha$$ find the descri%tion of the wife "* $oo-in& #% the dis%osition! a no"$e character! a "$onde and of f$orid co)%$e+ion( If on the other hand! we find that the Moon after "irth )a-es a s5#are to Mars in Scor%io! and Mars in t#rn s5#are to Ven#s! then it wo#$d show a wo)an of a er* $ewd! s$othf#$ and s$o en$* nat#re who wo#$d "e do)ineerin&! 5#arre$so)e! e+tre)e$* diffic#$t to &et a$on& with( Si)i$ar$* for the other %$anets( In a wo)an's horosco%e the h#s"and is descri"ed "* the %$anets to which the S#n )a-es an as%ect "* %ro&ression! these %$anets to "e ta-en in connection with the si&n where the* are fo#nd and the %$anets with which the* in t#rn for) confi&#rations! and the )ethod is the sa)e as indicated in the case of the Moon in a )an's horosco%e( It sho#$d "e re)ar-ed! howe er! that when the si&nificator of the )arria&e %artner! as%ected "* the S#n or Moon! is retro&rade or wea- "* si&n! as Sat#rn in Aries or ;#%iter in Ge)ini! the attraction is not stron& eno#&h to c#$)inate in a )arria&e "#t wi$$ %ro"a"$* indicate on$* a %assin& attraction(

Therefore the st#dent )#st #se his 3#d&)ent in these res%ects( C I(4REN 4hether a %erson wi$$ ha e chi$dren or not cannot "e 3#d&ed fro) his or her indi id#a$ horosco%e with an* de&ree of acc#rac* for this )atter is not de%endent on one on$*! therefore the horosco%e of the %ros%ecti e %arents sho#$d "e co)%ared and the indi id#a$s indications "$ended! then if "oth horosco%es show a fr#itf#$ nat#re )an* chi$dren wi$$ "e "orn! "#t if "oth are on$* )oderate$* ferti$e! or if one is er* fr#itf#$ and the other "arren! the forecast )#st "e )ade accordin&$*( The indications shown in the indi id#a$ horosco%e )a* "e inter%reted as fo$$ows0 The Moon is the %$anet of fec#ndation and therefore the )ost i)%ortant si&nificator/ ne+t co)es Ven#s! the %$anet of $o e and attraction/ and $ast! ;#%iter! the %$anet of "ene o$ence( If either of these %$anets is in the Fifth Ho#se! which indicates chi$dren! and in one of the fr#itf#$ or do#"$e8"odies si&ns! Cancer! Scor%io! Pisces! Ge)ini! or Sa&ittari#s! it is an indication that the %erson has a fr#itf#$ nat#re and wi$$ ha e a n#)"er of chi$dren who wi$$ "e of &ood and %$easant dis%osition( A si)i$ar 3#d&)ent )a* "e for)ed if the E$e enth Ho#se is th#s in ested( For if we t#rn the horosco%e #%side down so that the Se enth Ho#se "eco)es the First! then it wi$$ show the )arria&e %artner's fi&#re! and the E$e enth Ho#se is then his Fifth Ho#se indicatin& chi$dren! therefore "oth the Fifth and E$e enth Ho#ses sho#$d "e considered in this )atter( 2#t as a$read* said! the tr#e state of conditions cannot "e forecasted sa e "* "$endin& the act#a$ fi&#res of "oth %arents( 4hen the io$ent! t#r"#$ent Mars! or Sat#rn! fa)ed in ancient )*tho$o&* as a destro*er of chi$dren! or the S#n or Uran#s! are in the Fifth or E$e enth Ho#ses! the* either %re ent the "irth of chi$dren or destro* the) d#rin& chi$dhood( This is %artic#$ar$* tr#e if Aries! Leo or Ca%ricorn are on the c#s%s of either of these Ho#ses( 4hen the Moon is in Cancer! Scor%io! Pisces! Ge)ini! or Sa&ittari#s! in &ood as%ect to ;#%iter or Ven#s! a $ar&e fa)i$* is indicated( 2#t when the Moon is in Aries! Leo! or Ca%ricorn! and aff$icted "* one of the )a$efics or "* the S#n! the )arria&e is #s#a$$* "arren( Sat#rn and Ven#s in the Se enth Ho#se is a$so a si&n of )arria&e witho#t iss#e( If there is a difference in the testi)onies of the Fifth and E$e enth Ho#ses the 3#d&)ent )#st "e )odified accordin&$*(



FATE OR FREE *I(( 4hen a chain is s#"3ected to strain! i)%erfections in an* of its $in-s "eco)e )anifest! and the wea-est $in- wi$$ "rea- first( Si)i$ar$*! in the case of the "od*! there are certain inherent wea- %oints and these are indicated in the horosco%e( NFro) the )o)ent of "irth we s#"3ect the "od* to a constant strain! and in ti)e the wea-ness of the ario#s %oints "eco)es )anifest as disease( The )o e)ent of the %$anets after "irth )eas#res the ti)e when an* %artic#$ar $in- is $ia"$e to "rea-( This )otion of the %$anets in the horosco%e is ca$$ed ,Pro&ression(, St#d* and %ractice of )edica$ Astro$o&* re5#ire -now$ed&e of how to %ro&ress the %$anets in the horosco%e! and we sha$$ therefore ta-e #% that s#"3ect in connection with the )essa&e of the stars re$ati e to disease( 4hen the S#n rises in the East the da* is *o#n& and the $a"ors a$$otted to each are sti$$ "efore #s( Grad#a$$* the S#n %ro&resses across the arched a#$t of the hea ens! and )ar- the ti)e set for the %erfor)ance of o#r ario#s d#ties! for -ee%in& o#r a%%oint)ents! for ta-in& no#rish)ent! rest and recreation! and when it has r#n it co#rse thro#&h the da* and has ceased to i$$#)inate o#r s%here of action! its a"sence in ites s$ee% #nti$ the dawn of a new da* sha$$ %resent o%%ort#nities for contin#ation of the acti ities $eft in a"e*ance fro) the %re io#s da*( If the S#n re)ained stationar* at an* certain %oint of the s-* it wo#$d not ser e as a ti)e )ar-er "#t as it is! a$$ e ents of o#r $i es are fi+ed "* its %ro&ression( The horosco%e is a chart of the hea ens for the ti)e when the )*stic S#n of Life

rises and awa-es #s fro) the $on& s$ee% "etween two $i es! then we are "orn in the %h*sica$ wor$d! to contin#e the $a"ors of a %re io#s $ife! to -ee% the a%%oint)ent there )ade with friend or foe/ to rea% the 3o* or "ear the sorrow which is the fr#ita&e of o#r for)er e+istence on earth/ and as the %ro&ression of the s#n )ar-s the chan&in& ti)e of da* and *ear! as it #shers in season after season in order$* se5#ence and chan&es the a%%earance of the Great 4or$d! the Macrocos)! so %ro&ression of the horosco%e wi$$ c#$)inate in e ents/ it )eas#res the %eriods of %ros%erit* and ad ersit*/ it warns of i)%endin& te)%tation and te$$s fro) what 5#arter it wi$$ co)e! th#s aidin& #s to esca%e if we wi$$ "#t $isten to its warnin&( The nata$ horosco%e shows #nerrin&$* wea- %oints in o#r character or constit#tion! "#t the %ro&ressed horosco%e indicates when %re io#s ind#$&ence of har)f#$ ha"its is sched#$ed to "rin& sorrow or sic-ness/ it te$$s tr#thf#$$* when crises c#$)inate/ th#s it warns #s to "e on the a$ert at critica$ )o)ents! and fortifies #s in the dar-est ho#r of ca$a)it*! with ho%e of s#rcease of sorrow and sic-ness at a definite ti)e! hence the i)%ortance of -nowin& how to %ro&ress the horosco%e( 2#t! so)e )a* sa*! if a$$ is th#s foreshown! it ar&#es an ine+ora"$e destin* decreed "* di ine ca%rice/ what #se is there then of stri in&! or -nowin&/ $et #s eat! drin- and "e )err*! for to)orrow we die( If we were "orn into this $ife on earth for the first and on$* ti)e! to $i e here for a whi$e and then %ass awa* fro) this s%here ne er to ret#rn! fate and fa oritis) inde%endent of 3#stice wo#$d see) to r#$e( S#ch cannot "e the case/ in a wor$d where e er*thin& e$se is &o erned "* $aw! h#)an e+istence )#st a$so "e red#ci"$e to a s*ste)! and we ho$d that a reasona"$e so$#tion of the )*ster* of $ife is &i en "* the Twin Laws of 2ein&! the Law of Re"irth and the Law of Ca#sation( That which has a "e&innin& )#st ha e an end! and con erse$*! that which is witho#t endin& can ne er ha e had a "e&innin&( If the h#)an s%irit is i))orta$ and cannot die! neither can it "e "orn/ if it wi$$ $i e to a$$ eternit*! it )#st ha e $i ed fro) eternit*! there is no esca%e fro) this tr#th/ %re8e+istence )#st "e acce%ted if i))orta$it* is a fact in nat#re( In this wor$d there is no $aw )ore %$ain$* o"ser a"$e than the $aw of a$ternatin& c*c$es! which decrees s#ccession of e"" and f$ow! da* and ni&ht! s#))er and winter! wa-in& and s$ee%in&( Under the sa)e $aw )an's $ife is $i ed a$ternati e$* in the %h*sica$ wor$d where he sows seeds of action and &ains e+%eriences accordin& to his horosco%e( These! the fr#its of e+istence here! are $ater assi)i$ated as so#$ %owers in the s%irit#a$ wor$d!/ "irth and death are th#s nothin& )ore than &atewa*s fro) one %hase of )an's $ife to another! and the $ife we now $i e is "#t one of a series( The differences of character! no"i$it* or "r#ta$it*! )ora$ stren&th or wea-ness! %ossession of hi&h idea$s or $ow instincts! etc(! are certain si&nat#res of so#$ %ower or so#$ %o ert*( Finer fac#$ties are the &$orio#s &ar)ents of &ent$e so#$s wro#&ht thro#&h )an* $i es in the cr#ci"$e of concrete e+istence "* tria$ and te)%tation( The* shine with a $#ster which i$$#)inates the wa* and )a-es it easier for others to fo$$ow( Coarseness of ca$i"er %roc$ai)s the *o#n& in Life's Schoo$! "#t

re%eated e+istences here wi$$ in d#e ti)e s)ooth the ro#&h corners! )e$$ow and )a-es the) so#$f#$ a$so( The horosco%e shows this difference in the te+t#re of the so#$ and the as%ects indicate how the so#$ is ri%ened "* the -a$eidosco%ic confi&#rations of %$anets in %ro&ression! which fan the fires in the f#rnace of aff$iction to c$eanse and %#rif* the so#$ of "$e)ish! or "ri&hten the crown of irt#e when ictor* is won! "#t tho#&h the %$anets show the tendencies )ost acc#rate$* there is one indeter)ina"$e factor which is not shown! a erita"$e astro$o&ica$ ,+!,--the will power of the Man, and #%on that roc- astro$o&ica$ %redictions are e er $ia"$e to fo#nder/ that! at ti)es! is the 4ater$oo of e en the )ost caref#$ and co)%etent astro$o&er! *et the er* fai$#re of we$$8fo#nded %redictions is the "$essed ass#rance that we are not fated to do th#s and so "eca#se o#r horosco%e shows that at a certain ti)e the ste$$ar ra*s i)%e$ #s in a &i en direction( In the fina$ ana$*sis we are the ar"iters of o#r destin*! and it is si&nificant! that whi$e it is %ossi"$e to %redict for the &reat )a3orit* of )an-ind with a"so$#te certaint* that the %rediction wi$$ "e indicated! "eca#se the* drift a$on& the sea of $ife directed "* the c#rrent of circ#)stance! %redictions fro the stri in& idea$ist fai$ in %ro%ortion to this s%irit#a$ attain)ent of wi$$ %ower which ro#ses hi) to se$f assertion and resistance of wron&( A "ea#tif#$ $itt$e %oe) "* E$$a 4hee$er 4i$co+ &i es the idea in a )ost %$easin& for)0 ,One shi% sai$s East and another sai$s 4est! 4ith the se$fsa)e winds that "$ow/ 'Tis the set of the sai$ And not the &a$e That deter)ines the wa* the* &o( ,Li-e the winds of the sea are the wa*s of fate! As we o*a&e a$on& thro#&h Life/ 'Tis the act of the so#$ That deter)ines the &oa$' And not the ca$) or the strife(,

4IFFERENT #ET O4S OF PRO0RESSION AN4 T E REASON FOR T E# 2esides the %h*sica$ wor$d in which we $i e! )o e and ha e o#r "ein& at the %resent ti)e! where s#nshine and rain! stor) and snow! heat and co$d affect o#r %h*sica$ "ein& in ario#s wa*s! a wor$d of finer s#"stance %er)eates the denser )atter! and the forces indi&eno#s to that rea$) i)%in&e #%on o#r so#$s! as fee$in&s! desires and e)otions! "eca#se the so#$ is c$othed in s#"stance fro) that wor$d( M*stics therefore ca$$ this rea$) in nat#re the .esire 4or$d( A sti$$ )ore s#"t$e s#"stance! an ocean of Tho#&ht! %er ades "oth the .esire 4or$d and the Ph*sica$ 4or$d! and as the )ind is co)%osed of s#"stance fro) that re&ion! it senses the wa es of tho#&ht &enerated "* other s%irits endowed with )ind( Here in the %h*sica$ wor$d! Ti)e and S%ace are %ri)e factors of e+istence! "#t in the .esire 4or$d distance is %ractica$$* e$i)inated "eca#se s%irits ha in& dro%%ed the )orta$ coi$ tra e$ with the s%eed of $i&htnin&! and as s%irit#a$ si&ht %ierces the densest s#"stance! $i&ht there is ne er o"sc#red! so there is no ni&ht! neither does heat and co$d affect the so#$! hence there is no seasona$ di ision either! to )arti)e as definite$* as in the %h*sica$ wor$d( 2#t ne erthe$ess! there is a certain se5#ence of e ents( In so#$f$i&hts fro) %$ace to %$ace on the &$o"e! we sense the nat#re of inter enin& co#ntr* in s%ite of s%eed! "#t in the 4or$d of Tho#&ht! to thin- of a %$ace! is to "e there instanter! neither is there %ast or f#t#re/ e ents are not se%arated "* ti)e! or %$aces "* s%ace! "#t a$$ is one eterna$ here and now. As the science of Astro$o&* is fo#nded in cos)ic fact! there are a$so three sta&es in %ro&ression fro) inci%ient e ents in the 4or$d of Tho#&ht! to acco)%$ished facts in the Ph*sica$ 4or$d! and there are two )ethods of horosco%ic %ro&ression

%ertainin& to the finer rea$)s "esides the act#a$ )o e)ent of %$anets o"ser a"$e in the Hea ens( S#%%ose a %o$e "i$$ions of )i$es $on& st#c- into the earth at the E5#ator! and at ri&ht an&$es to the %o$es! then! as the earth t#rns #%on its a+is! the end of the %o$e wo#$d descri"e a circ$e in the hea ens/ this the Astrono)ers ca$$ the ,Ce$estia$ E5#ator!, and the %osition of a hea en$* "od* on this $ine is )eas#red in de&rees and )in#tes of ,Ri&ht Ascension!, fro) the %oint where the s#n crosses the e5#ator at the erna$ e5#ino+( This a+ia$ rotation of the earth "rin&s a new de&ree to the 7enith! or Meridian a"o#t e er* fo#r )in#tes! and "* the r#$es of one s*ste) of %ro&ression we )a* ca$c#$ate how )an* de&rees of Ri&ht Ascension co)e to the Meridian %osition fro) "irth to the for)ation of a certain as%ect( The inter enin& de&rees are then con erted to ti)e at the rate of ? de&ree e5#a$s ? *ear( The other s*ste) of %ro&ression is fo#nded #%on the or"ita$ re o$#tion of the earth! "#t in this s*ste) the %ositions of the %$anets are e+%ressed in de&rees of Lon&it#de and )eas#red on the ec$i%tic or S#n's %ath! fro) Aries D de&rees to Pisces @B( The )eas#re of ti)e is the sa)e as in the s*ste) first )entioned0 ? de&ree e5#a$s ? *ear! "#t there is this i)%ortant difference! that whi$e the earth ta-es on$* < )in#tes to t#rn ? de&ree #%on it a+is! it re5#ires @< ho#rs to )o e ? de&ree in its or"it( Th#s! "* one s*ste) of %ro&ression a$$ the as%ects that &o ern e ents in a $ife of >D *ears wo#$d "e for)ed in >D ti)es < )in#tes! which e5#a$s < ho#rs or one8 si+th %art of a da*( 2* the other s*ste)! for)ation of as%ects for the sa)e %eriod of $ife wo#$d re5#ire >D da*s! or @ )onths! or one8si+th %art of a *ear( Th#s co)in& e ents cast their shadows "efore! "#t the shadows aries in $en&th accordin& to the e+a$tation of the s%here of $ife whence it is cast( Fro) the s#"$i)e hei&ht of the 4or$d of Tho#&ht! where a$$ thin&s ha e their ince%tion in the eterna$! the %ro&ression of e ents in a $ife are si$ho#etted #%on the screen of Ti)e whi$e the infant is sti$$ #%on the thresho$d of "irth! "#t the shadow is so short! ?8=>D %art of a da* "ein& e5#i a$ent to a *ear! that an error of < )in#tes in the &i en ti)e of "irth wo#$d throw %redictions o#t a who$e *ear( Few %eo%$e -now their "irth ho#r to the )in#te! therefore this s*ste)s of %ro&ression is of $itt$e #se and $itt$e #sed( Shadows of e ents %ro3ected fro) the denser .esire 4or$d are $on&er and )ore definite/ it does not re5#ire &reat de$icac* or %recision to ca$c#$ate %ro&ression at the rate of ?8=>D %art of a *ear e5#a$ to ? *ear( 2* this )ethod an error of @ ho#rs in the &i en ti)e of "irth wo#$d on$* ca#se an error of ? )onth in %redictions/ this s*ste) therefore &i es #ni ersa$ satisfaction! and is )ost co))on$* #sed( In the fo$$owin& %a&es we sha$$ e+%$ain a si)%$ified )ethod of this s*ste) of %rediction! where"* )athe)atica$ ca$c#$ation of e ents for a who$e $ife )a* "e %erfor)ed in a few )in#tes "* an* inte$$i&ent chi$d who can add and

s#"tract( T E A42,STE4 CA(C,(ATION 4ATE 4hen a chi$d is "orn at C A(M(! in 1ew Yor-! and another at > A(M(! in Chica&o! a third at ? P(M(! in 2er$in! a fo#rth at @ P(M(! in St( Peters"#r& and a fifth at ?@ noon in London! the O"ser ator* c$oc- at Greenwich wo#$d %oint to noon! at the e+act )o)ent when a$$ these chi$dren were "orn! hence tho#&h the c$oc-s in their se era$ "irth%$aces %ointed to different ho#rs! the Greenwich Mean Ti)e of their "irths wo#$d "e identica$08 8noon( And as the %$anets' %$aces in the e%he)eris are ca$c#$ated for Greenwich! noon! it wo#$d "e #nnecessar* to )a-e corrections/ we sho#$d si)%$* %$ace each %$anet in the nata$ horosco%es as ta"#$ated in the e%he)eris( This wo#$d "e )ost con enient! "#t he sa in& of ca$c#$ation in a nata$ horosco%e where the G( M( T( is noon! fades into insi&nificance "efore the faci$it* this &i es in %ro&ressin& the %$anets for *ears s#"se5#ent to "irth! as re5#ired to %redict e ents! for in nata$ horosco%es where the G( M( T( is "efore or after noon! the %$aces of the %$anets )#st "e ca$c#$ated for each *ear 3#st the sa)e as at "irth( 4e ha e e o$ ed the fo$$owin& si)%$e )ethod of sa in& this ca$c#$ation and of co%*in& the %ro&ressed %$anets direct fro) the e%he)eris into an* horosco%e( T EORE# I If the Greenwich Mean Ti)e of "irth was before noon! it is e ident that the %$anets' %$aces in the e%he)eris are ca$c#$ated for a later ti)e and a$so that! as the* %ro&ress at the rate of a da* Hof @< ho#rsI for a *ear! the* wi$$ reach the Lon&it#de &i en in the e%he)eris so)e da* within a *ear after "irth( T EORE# II If the G( M( T( of "irth was after noon! it is %$ain$* to "e seen that the %$anets' %$aces in the e%he)eris for the *ear of "irth are ca$c#$ated for an earlier ti)e than "irth! and that the %osition there &i en corres%onds to a certain da* in the twe$ e8 )onth before "irth( F#rther)ore! if we can find the date in the twe$ e8)onth "efore "irth! or after as the case )a* "e! when the %$anets were in the de&ree and )in#te of $on&it#de re&istered in the e%he)eris! we )a* #se that date as a startin& %oint of ca$c#$ation instead of the "irthda*! and as as%ects for)ed d#rin& the tra e$ of the %$anets fro) the %osition &i en on an* noon to the noon ne+t fo$$owin&! indicate e ents in the corres%ondin& *ear of $ife! the sa)e startin& date )a* "e #sed for an* *ear( Therefore! once that ad3#sted ca$c#$ation date has "een fo#nd! no f#rther ca$c#$ations is re5#ired to %ro&ress the %$anets in that horosco%e/ the* )a* "e si)%$* co%ied fro) the e%he)eris( It is on$* necessar* to "ear in )ind that the horosco%e th#s erected does not a%%$* to the *ear from birthday to birthday, "#t fro) the ad3#sted ca$c#$ation date of one *ear to the sa)e date of the ne+t( There

are two )ethods of findin& this date/ the first is the )ore diffic#$t and not so acc#rate! "#t it shows the %hi$oso%h* of the correction "etter than the second )ethod! and we therefore &i e e+a)%$es of "oth( 4e wi$$ #se the fi&#re 1o( @> HMedica$ Astro$o&* SectionI! which is the horosco%e of a )an who died of he)orrha&es in ;#ne! ?B?A! to i$$#strate how the ad3#sted ca$c#$ation date is fo#nd! "#t defer descri%tion of the case and its crises( The )an was "orn A%ri$ @<! ?AA<! Lon&it#de BE 4(! Latit#de <@ 1(! at @ P(M(! Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e( 4e first find the G( M( T( "* addin& to the $oca$ ti)e of "irth < )in#tes for each de&ree the "irth%$ace is west of Greenwich( Tr#e $oca$ ti)e of "irth! A%ri$ @<0 Correction for BE de&rees 4( Lon&0 Greenwich Mean Ti)e of "irth A%ri$ @<0 @0DD P(M( >0@D A0@D P(M(

In co)%$iance with Theore) II! we s#"tract fro) the "irthdate! A%ri$ @<! a correction of A ho#rs and @D )in#tes which the G( M( T( is %ast noon( The )eas#re of ti)e #sed in this s*ste) is as fo$$ows0 @< ho#rs corres%ond to ?@ )onths( @ ho#rs corres%ond to ? )onth( ? ho#r corres%onds to ?E da*s( < )in#tes corres%ond to ? da*( Accordin& to this sca$e we s#"tract fro)0 Correction for A ho#rs88< )onths Correction for @D )in#tes88E da*s Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate0 A%ri$ @<! ?AA< 88< )onths! E da*s .ece)"er ?B! ?AA=

4e )a*! howe er! find the Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate )#ch )ore acc#rate$* and with $ess $a"or "* the fo$$owin& fo#rfo$d r#$e0 R,(E H?I Find the inter a$ fro) G( M( T( to the following noon( H@I To this inter a$ add the Siderea$ Ti)e for Greenwich noon on the "irthda*! as &i en in the e%he)eris( The s#) of these is the Siderea$ Ti)e of the Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate( H=I 4hen the G( M( T( at "irth is A( M( of the "irthda*! or P( M( of the %recedin& da*! count forwards in the e%he)eris ti$$ *o# find a da* ha in& the re5#ired S( T(/ that is the Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate( H<I 4hen the G( M( T( at "irth is P( M( of the "irthda* or A( M( of the s#cceedin& da* read bac#wards in the e%he)eris ti$$ *o# find the da* ha in& the re5#ired S( T( which desi&nates it as the Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate( 4e sha$$ #se the sa)e e+a)%$e as "efore to de)onstrate this )ethod(

Section ? directs #s to find the inter a$ "etween G( M( T( and the fo$$owin& noon( P$ease o"ser e this! the following noon! for a$$ de%ends #%on this "ein& acc#rate$* #nderstood( Fro)0 S#"tract G( M( T0 A%ri$ @E! ?@0DD 1OO1 A%ri$ @<( A0@D P(M( 2* Section @ of R#$e0 Add S( T( of "irthda* as &i en in e%he)eris0 S( T( of Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate0 2* Section < of R#$e0 As G(M(T( is P(M( we read "ac-wards in the co$#)n of the e%he)eris &i in& S(T(! #nti$ we co)e to .ec( ?B! ?AA=( On that da* the S(T( is ?C hrs(! E? )in(! and the A(C(.( is therefore .ec( ?B! ?AA=( Th#s! "* "oth )ethods we ha e arri ed at identica$ res#$ts! "#t s$i&ht discre%ancies )a* a%%ear in #sin& the %ro%ortiona$ )ethod "eca#se that )a-es no a$$owances for $on& and short )onths! hence the )ethod $ast de)onstrated is )ore acc#rate as we$$ as easier( If this )an had "een "orn two ho#rs $ater! the Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate wo#$d ha e "een 1o e)"er ?B! ?AA=( 4here chi$dren are "orn late in the *ear and early in the )ornin&! the Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate )a* r#n into ;an#ar* or Fe"r#ar* of the ne+t *ear( 8t is therefore very important to state the "d'usted Calculation Date by year a$so! in this case .ece)"er ?B! ?AA=( 1ow! that we ha e arri ed at the %oint where we are to )a-e #se of o#r A(C(.( to %ro&ress the )an's horosco%e and show how acc#rate$* it )ar-s the crises! the first a%%$ication of the date to the horosco%e is a cr#cia$ %oint! and the st#dent is earnest$* warned to o er$oo- no word in o#r descri%tion so that he )a* ac5#ire #nderstandin& of the %rinci%$e( Once ha in& &ras%ed the %oint! an i))ense a)o#nt of $a"or wi$$ "e sa ed! so it wi$$ %a* to fo$$ow o#r instr#ctions to the $etter( 4rite in the )ar&in of *o#r e%he)eris for ?AA< o%%osite the "irthda* HA%ri$ @<I! .ece)"er ?B! ?AA=( O%%osite A%ri$ @E write .ece)"er ?B! ?AA<( O%%osite A%ri$ @> write .ece)"er ?B! ?AAE! and so on! as shown "e$ow( E er* da* after "irth corres%onds to a certain *ear of $ife which starts on the da* written in the )ar&in! and the %$anets in $ine with an* A(C(.( indicate the e ents for twe$ e )onths fro) that date( .ec( ?B! ?AA=((((A%r( @< .ec( ?B! ?AA<((((A%r( @E .ec( ?B! ?AAE((((A%r( @> .ec( ?B! ?ABC((((Ma* A .ec( ?B! ?BDC((((Ma* ?A .ec( ?B! ?B?>((((Ma* @C @ hrs( ?? )in( ?C hrs( E? )in(

Inter a$ fro) G( M( T( to ne+t 1oon! ?E hrs( <D )in(

.ec( ?B! ?AA>((((A%r( @C .ec( ?B! ?AAC((((A%r( @A

.ec( ?B! ?B?C((((Ma* @A .ec( ?B! ?B?A((((Ma* @B

The )otion of the S#n and %$anets fro) da* to da* is s$ow! and as we co#nt a da* for a *ear! we )a* $i-en their %ro&ression to the short hand on the c$oc- of destin*0 the* indicate the *ear when a certain condition shown in the nata$ horosco%e has ri%ened! and is read* to )anifest as an e ent( The swift )o in& Moon is the $on& hand/ it )ar-s the )onths when as%ects c#$)inate in e ents( Therefore we di ide its )otion d#rin& the *ear co))encin& with an* ad3#sted ca$c#$ation date! "* ?@! "#t for ro#&h fi&#rin& we )a* consider the Moon's tra e$ in the %ro&ressed horosco%e one de&ree a )onth( P$anetar* as%ects a$one do not o%erate! howe er/ an as%ect of the %ro&ressed Moon or a 1ew Moon is re5#ired to foc#s the hidden forces( Therefore crises shown "* the %$anets are so)eti)es retarded "e*ond the ti)e when the as%ect c#$)inated and we )a* thin- we ha e safe$* esca%ed! "#t the first as%ect of the Moon which e+cites it wi$$ %ro e that ,tho#&h the )i$$s of the &ods &rind s$ow$*! the* &rind e+ceedin& fine(, The finer forces $ose none of their intensit* "* $*in& $atent in 1at#re's $oc-8"o+ of e ents( 1ow $et #s see how the %$anets wor-ed in the horosco%e we ha e 3#st &i en( In the *ear ?B?E we find the %ro&ressed S#n! the $ife8&i er! had reached the con3#nction of the Midhea en! Ge)ini E8D( The 1ew Moon on Ma* @! ?B?> fe$$ in Ta#r#s ??8<<! s5#are to the radica$ Mars/ on the =?st of Ma* the second 1ew Moon was in Ge)ini B8<D in con3#nction with the radica$ Sat#rn in the M(C(! which $atter had "een o"str#ctin& the ca%i$$aries of the $#n&s/ th#s he)orrha&es res#$ted( At this ti)e the *o#n& )an! who had "eco)e a er* efficient astro$o&er! "e&an to rea$i7e that he was enterin& a critica$ %eriod and did a$$ %ossi"$e to o erco)e its inf$#ence( 2#t a s#ccession of $#nations d#rin& the *ear ?B?> aff$icted his Midhea en and Sat#rn "* s5#are and o%%osition in the si&n r#$in& the $#n&s! Ge)ini! )ade a constant str#&&$e necessar*( 4ith the ne&ati e si&n of Vir&o on the Ascendant! with Uran#s in the First Ho#se s5#are to Ven#s in Ge)ini! and with ;#%iter aff$icted "* a s5#are of the Moon! "oth the eno#s and arteria$ circ#$ations were restricted! %re entin& dee% "reathin& and co)%$ete o+*&enation of the "$ood in the $#n&s( In the S%rin& of ?B?A this *o#n& )an! after cons#$tin& his own horosco%e! #nfort#nate$* )ade #% his )ind that he wo#$d %ass o#t on a certain da*! and )ade a$$ necessar* arran&e)ents for his f#nera$( This state of )ind was er* dan&ero#s to one in his wea-ened condition and to one with his ne&ati e Ascendant( He %reci%itated the crisis e en "efore its nor)a$ ti)e! as we wi$$ show( 4e wi$$ now %roceed to find what "ro#&ht a"o#t the crises that ter)inated the $ife on ;#ne ?! ?B?A( 4e first find where the %ro&ressed %$anets were at that ti)e( 4e ta-e the date Ma* @A! ?AA< for the %$aces of the %ro&ressed %$anets on the Ad3#sted Ca$c#$ation .ate! .ec( ?B! ?B?C( 4e now %ro&ress the S#n and Moon E ?8@ )onths "e*ond this date to ;#ne ?! ?B?A( If we s#"tract the Moon's $on&it#de

on a &i en da* fro) its %$ace on the fo$$owin& da*! the difference is its )otion d#rin& the @< ho#rs inter enin&! which corres%onds to a *ear of $ife in %ro&ression( .i ision of this "* ?@ &i es #s the rate of its )onth$* tra e$( Moon's %$ace on A(C(.( .ec( ?B! ?B?C! HMa* @A in Cancer @C(?? e%he)eris for ?AA<I0 Moon's %$ace on A(C(.( .ec( ?B! ?B?A! HMa* @B in Leo ??(?< e%he)eris for ?AA<I0 Moon's tra e$ "* %ro&ression fro) .ec( ?B! ?B?C to .ec( ?<(D= ?B! ?B?A0 .i idin& ?< de&rees = )in#tes "* ?@ &i es the Moon's )onth$* tra e$ as ? de&ree ?D )in#tes( This we add to its %$ace for each )onth as shown in the fo$$owin& ta"$e0 .ec( ?B! ?B?C CA1CER(((@C(?? ;an( ?B! ?B?A CA1CER(((@A(@? Fe"( ?B! ?B?A CA1CER(((@B(=? Mar( ?B! ?B?A LEO(((D(<? A%r( ?B! ?B?A LEO(((?(E? Ma* ?B! ?B?A LEO(((=(D?

As we see a"o e! the %ro&ressed Moon was in Leo =(D? on Ma* ?B! ?B?A! and as it )o es ? de&ree ?D )in( %er )onth! in the ?= da*s to ;#ne ?st it wo#$d tra e$ D de&rees @B )in(! reachin& Leo =(=D! and )a-in& a s5#are to the radica$ S#n( On .ec( ?B! ?B?C! the %ro&ressed S#n was in Ge)ini C(@B( 4e co#nt forward fro) .ec( ?Bth to ;#ne ?! ?B?A! E ?8@ )onths! and as the S#n )o es EA )in#tes %er *ear! )a-in& E )in#tes %er )onth! in E ?8@ )onths the %ro&ressed S#n wo#$d arri e at Ge)ini C(E>! con3#nction to Sat#rn( The 1ew Moon on Ma* ?D! ?B?A fe$$ in Ta#r#s ?B(DD! con3#nction to the radica$ 1e%t#ne( This was the da* the *o#n& )an had chosen as the da* of his death! "#t the crisis was not reached #nti$ the transitin& S#n reached the con3#nction of Sat#rn in Ge)ini A(==! the ni&ht of Ma* =Dth( At the sa)e ti)e Sat#rn was transitin& con3#nction to radica$ Mars and s5#are to radica$ S#n! de%$etin& the ita$it*! and the transitin& Moon and 1e%t#ne were s5#are to the radica$ S#n( A$$ this was too )#ch for hi) to end#re in his wea-ened condition and he "e&an to sin-( ;#ne ?st when the transitin& Moon reached the s5#are to Sat#rn and the Midhea en! and the o%%osition to the Ascendant! he %assed into the &reat "e*ond( Th#s we see that we cannot "ase 3#d&)ent #%on )ere$* one aff$iction( 4e )#st $oo- to the %ro&ressed %$anets! the stron& transitin& %$anets! and %artic#$ar$* to the 1ew Moon to e+cite a nata$ aff$iction( PRO0RESSION OF T E AN0(ES 2esides the %ro&ression of %$anets which we tr#st has "een s#fficient$* e$#cidated! we )#st a$so note a si)i$ar forward )o e)ent of the ho#ses! "#t these )#st "e

ca$c#$ated "* the sa)e )ethod as when castin& a nata$ fi&#re! sa e that we #se the Siderea$ Ti)e for the da* which corres%onds to the *ear for which we wish to %ro&ress the horosco%e( In re$ation to the )an's horosco%e we ha e st#died! the critica$ *ear was ?B?A! and Ma* @A in the e%he)eris for ?AA< corres%onds( 4e "ear in )ind that "irth occ#rred at @0DD P(M(! Tr#e Loca$ Ti)e! in Lat( <@ 1(! Lon&( BE 4(! for these factors are #sed in %$acin& the de&rees on the ho#ses 3#st as in the nata$ chart/ the on$* chan&e is #sin& the S(T( of the %ro&ressed "irth da*( H( M( S( D< @E DD DD D? D= D@ DD DD DD DD @D D> @> @=

S(T( at noon %re io#s to %ro&ressed "irthda*! ?B?A Hsee e%he)eris for ?AA<! Ma* @AI0 Correction of ?D seconds for each ?E de&( "irth%$ace is 4est of Greenwich0 Inter a$ fro) %re io#s noon to "irth0 Correction of ?D secs( %er hr( of inter a$0 Siderea$ Ti)e of %ro&ressed "irth0

4ith this S(T( we t#rn to the Ta"$es of Ho#ses for the Latit#de of "irth %$ace! and erect a horosco%e with twe$ e Ho#ses in the #s#a$ )anner/ we )a* f#rther insert the %$anets' %$aces on the A(C(.( for ?B?A! then we sha$$ ha e a co)%$ete se%arate horosco%e for the *ear! which we )a* co)%are with the nata$ chart( So)e Astro$o&ers #se that )ethod! "#t we ad ise another! which we thin- faci$itates co)%arison and 3#d&)ent of as%ects "etween the nata$ and %ro&ressed %osition of the %$anets in a de&ree #nattaina"$e "* an* other s*ste)/ it is i$$#strated in the ario#s fi&#res #sed in this "oo-( 4e write the nata$ chart in in-! as that is #nchan&ed d#rin& $ife/ we a$so draw a $ar&e circ$e o#tside it! to contain the %ro&ressed %osition of the %$anets( These and the ho#ses we write in their %ro%er %$aces! "#t $i&ht$*! and with %enci$! so that the* )a* "e easi$* erased and the horosco%e erected for another *ear witho#t the necessit* of rewritin& the nata$ chart( 2#t no )atter how %$aced! two f#$$ horosco%es with @< ho#ses! ?A %$anets! a co#%$e of dra&ons' heads! each with its res%ecti e ,tai$!, and two Parts of Fort#ne! )a-e 5#ite a )a7e! and if the f#$$ &a$a+* of as%ects! inc$#din& "i5#inti$es! ses5#i5#adrates and other hi&h8so#ndin& nonsensica$s are to "e fi&#red o#t the astro$o&er wi$$ s#re$* so $ose hi)se$f in the )athe)atica$ $a"*rinth that he wi$$ "e #na"$e to read a s*$$a"$e of the )essa&e of the stars( .#rin& the first *ear of his astro$o&ica$ st#d*! one of the writers "ein& ori&ina$$* of a )athe)atica$ t#rn! had the ha"it of constr#ctin& fi&#res! and ta"$es of as%ects! so fearf#$$* and wonderf#$$* )ade that the* "eat the %ro er"ia$ ,Chinese %#77$e/, the* were erita"$e ,Gordian 6nots!, and the destin* of a h#)an "ein& was so tan&$ed in each! that neither the writer who had concocted the a"o)ination! nor an*one e$se co#$d e er ho%e to disentan&$e the %oor so#$ in o$ ed( Ma* he "e for&i en/ he has )ended his wa*s! and is now 3#st as 7ea$o#s to e$i)inate a$$ non8 essentia$s fro)

the horosco%e! "#t ha in& "een en)eshed in the )a7e of )athe)atics! his e+%erience sho#$d ser e as a warnin&( O#r )inds! at "est! are "#t fee"$e instr#)ents to fatho) fate and s#re$* we sha$$ ha e the &reatest chance of s#ccess "* a%%$*in& o#r science to the )ost i)%ortant facts! and these are #s#a$$* the si)%$est( If this "e &ranted! the 5#estion %resents itse$f0 4hat are the essentia$s and what )a* "e e$i)inated with ad anta&e to c$ear the %ro&ressed horosco%e of #se$ess! "efo&&in& e$e)entsJ First! with re&ard to the %ro&ressed ho#ses! on$* two ita$ %oints %rod#ce res#$ts when as%ected0 the Midhea en! which is s%irit#a$ in nat#re! and the Ascendant! which is a si&nificator in )ateria$ )atters( 4e sha$$ treat that s#"3ect $ater/ for the %resent we confine o#rse$ es to the ar&#)ent that it wi$$ faci$itate 3#d&)ent of the %ro&ressed horosco%e if we $ea e the ten #nessentia$ c#s%s o#t! and draw two dotted $ines with %enci$ to )ar- the %ro&ressed Midhea en and Ascendant( In the second %$ace! the st#dent )a* readi$* con ince hi)se$f "* $oo-in& thro#&h the co$#)ns of an* e%he)eris! that the )otion of 1e%t#ne! Uran#s! Sat#rn and ;#%iter! d#rin& the two )onths which re%resent %ro&ression for a $ife of >D *ears! is so s$ow that the* se$do) for) an as%ect not re&istered in the nata$ chart( In rare cases where an i)%ortant as%ect is for)ed! the fact is easi$* seen! and the %$anet sho#$d then "e entered in the o#ter rin& of the %ro&ressed horosco%e! "#t in the &reat )a3orit* of cases it is "etter to $ea e these %$anets o#t! and enter on$* the %ro&ressed %ositions of the S#n! Moon! Mars! Ven#s and Merc#r*( In conc$#sion of o#r treat)ent of the )ethod of Pro&ression! two i)%ortant %oints )#st "e )entioned0 The Midhea en at a &i en Siderea$ Ti)e is the sa)e for a$$ Latit#des! so that two chi$dren "orn at the sa)e S(T( wo#$d ha e the sa)e si&n and de&ree on the M(C(! "#t if one were "orn in A$as-a and the other in Me+ico! the Asc( wo#$d ar* )#ch and chan&e the &ro#%in& of %$anets in the ho#ses er* considera"$*! with the f#rther res#$t that %$anets which inf$#ence the First Ho#se affairs in one horosco%e affect Twe$fth Ho#se )atters in the other! etc( Th#s the $i es of these %eo%$e wo#$d "e er* different( The sa)e ar&#)ent a%%$ies to the %ro&ressed horosco%e of a %erson tra e$in& 1orth or So#th fro) his "irth%$ace( His %ro&ressed M(C( re)ains #nchan&ed! "#t he recei es the forces fro) a different ascendin& fi&#re! accordin& to the Latit#de where he resides! and the &ro#%in& of %$anets re$ati e to the %ro&ressed Ascendant aries accordin&$*( As e+a)%$es we )a* state that "oth writers ha e $eft their "irth%$ace/ one tra e$ed @!DDD )i$es 4est! "#t is c$ose to the sa)e Latit#de as her "irth%$ace! hence "oth her M(C( and Asc( are the sa)e as if she had re)ained in her nati e cit*( The other writer was "orn in Latit#de E> 1(! and now $i es in Latit#de =@( Had he re)ained in the far 1orth! his %ro&ressed Ascendant wo#$d in H?B?@I "e Vir&o >! e+act$* con3#nction to Mars' %$ace at "irth! "#t the Ascendant of his new ho)e is Vir&o D de&rees! and in this $atit#de he wi$$ not fee$ the effect of the Mars ra* for a

n#)"er of *ears( The other i)%ortant %oint we had in )ind is the necessit* of "ein& definite in re&ard to the *ear for which we %ro&ress( Perha%s a %erson te$$s #s that a certain e ent occ#rred when he was @>! and another in his EDth *ear( S#ch state)ents are a)"i&#o#s! and &i e no safe wor-in& "asis( The Astro$o&er )a* &o ho)e and do an i))ense a)o#nt of wor- to no #se! "eca#se he tho#&ht the %erson )eant that one e ent occ#rred when he! the %erson! was "etween @> and @C *ears of a&e! and a $ater cons#$tation re ea$s that he )eant the *ear "etween his @Eth and @>th "irthda*s( Pin the) down to the *ear! ?AED! ?BDD! or whate er it )a* "e! "#t ne er acce%t a %erson's a&e as a startin& %oint( On the sa)e %rinci%$e! ne er %redict that an e ent wi$$ ha%%en when a %erson is so and so o$d/ that a$so is a)"i&#o#s and &i es the) no satisfaction/ &i e the *ear and )onth/ ne er hed&e/ ne er %redict an*thin& of which *o# are in do#"t/ when *o# are satisfied a %rediction is 3#stified! s%ea- fear$ess$*! but tactfully0 "e$ie e in the stars! and the stars wi$$ f#$$* 3#stif* *o#r faith( SO#E I#PORTANT POINTS 4hen 3#d&in& the effects of directions it is of the &reatest i)%ortance to "ear in )ine the tenor of the nati it*! for e en wea- as%ects which are in har)on* with the tendencies foreshown in the nata$ fi&#re wi$$ "e )#ch )ore acti e than a stron& as%ect which is contrar* to the radica$ indications( S#%%osin&! for instance! that there are stron& testi)onies of sic-ness and accident! as Mars in Sa&ittari#s in the Midhea en s5#are the S#n in Pisces in the Twe$fth Ho#se and s5#are Sat#rn in Vir&o in the Si+th Ho#se/ then the %ro&ression of Mars to s5#are of the radica$ Ascendant wo#$d #ndo#"ted$* %reci%itate an accident or a fe er of a serio#s nat#re! "#t if the S#n were trine Mars and ;#%iter the effect of Mars s5#are Ascendant wo#$d %rod#ce $itt$e if an* disco)fort( Si)i$ar$* with a$$ the other directions! and if the st#dent ne&$ects to ta-e into consideration this a$$8i)%ortant %oint! he is $i-e$* so)eti)e to )a-e a &reat )ista-e and wonder wh* a see)in&$* %owerf#$ direction %rod#ced no res#$t in one case! whi$e in another a er* weaas%ect had s#ch a far8reachin& effect( As%ects "etween two %ro&ressed %$anets are #ni)%ortant( Another i)%ortant %oint to re)e)"er is that as%ects of the %ro&ressed to the radica$ %$anets o%erate in %ro%ortion to the %ower of the radica$ %$anet in the nati it*( Let #s s#%%ose! for i$$#stration! that in a certain fi&#re the S#n is e$e ated in Leo and as%ected to a n#)"er of the other %$anets88it )atters not whether the as%ects are &ood or "ad so $on& as the* are c$ose88then e en a wea- as%ect fro) a %ro&ressed %$anet to the S#n wi$$ ha e a )ar-ed res#$t( On the other hand! if the S#n in that horosco%e recei ed no as%ect! or on$* one or two wea- ones! then e en a stron& as%ect of a %ro&ressed %$anet wo#$d ha e $itt$e effect( It sho#$d a$so "e noted that a &ood as%ect fro) a %ro&ressed %$anet to a %$anet that is )#ch aff$icted in the nati it* wo#$d %rod#ce s)a$$ if an* "enefit( In short!

and to s#) #%! %ro&ressed as%ects o%erate on$* in the )eas#re that the* are in har)on* with the trend of the nati it* and the %$anet wherewith the* are "$endin&( The third i)%ortant %oint to re)e)"er when 3#d&in& the effects of directions is that an as%ect fro) a %ro&ressed to a radica$ %$anet is ne er in itse$f s#fficient to %rod#ce res#$ts/ a har)onio#s as%ect fro) the %ro&ressed Moon or a $#nation is a"so$#te$* essentia$ to "rin& the tendenc* to fr#ition( That is to sa*! if the %ro&ressed S#n co)es to s5#are of radica$ Sat#rn! a se+ti$e or trine as%ect of the %ro&ressed Moon or of a $#nation wi$$ %ass #nnoticed/ no effect wi$$ "e fe$t #nti$ either the %ro&ressed Moon or a $#nation co)es into con3#nction! s5#are! or o%%osition to S#n or Sat#rn! and ice8 ersa! if the %ro&ressed S#n co)es to a trine of the radica$ ;#%iter a s5#are or o%%osition of the Moon wi$$ not affect it! it )#st wait for a se+ti$e or trine( For this reason directions are so)eti)es de$a*ed in their action "e*ond the ti)e of their c#$)ination! and at other ti)es the* are so)ewhat hastened "eca#se a $#nar as%ect of the re5#isite nat#re occ#rs s$i&ht$* in ad ance of the ti)e when the as%ects of the %$anets are co)%$ete( It a$so ha%%ens that in cases where the e ent indicated "* an as%ect in o$ es two %eo%$e the as%ects of the %$anets "* %ro&ression )a* "e co)%$ete in one %erson's horosco%e and ferti$i7ed "* a har)onio#s as%ect witho#t %rod#cin& a res#$t! "eca#se the as%ect in the other %erson's horosco%e has not *et )at#red( In this connection we re)e)"er the horosco%e of a $ad* whose Ven#s was %$aced in the Ei&hth Ho#se showin& a $ate )arria&e( In her <Eth *ear the %ro&ressed S#n reached con3#nction Ven#s "#t neither en&a&e)ent nor )arria&e res#$ted/ then the S#n and Ven#s ca)e into con3#nction in the horosco%e of a &ent$e)an of her ac5#aintance "rin&in& an en&a&e)ent 5#ic-$* fo$$owed "* )arria&e( Th#s one had waited for the other! and #n$ess s#ch a contin&enc* is ta-en into consideration the astro$o&er is )ost $ia"$e to )eet his 4ater$oo when forecastin& e ents(

PRO0RESSE4 SO(AR 4IRECTIONS 4hen the S#n for)s a con3#nction! se+ti$e! s5#are! trine or o%%osition to one of the %$anets "* %ro&ression the inf$#ence "e&ins to )anifest when the S#n is ? ?G@ de&rees fro) the e+act as%ect! and it is fe$t #nti$ the S#n is ? ?G@ de&rees %ast the %oint of c#$)ination( And as the S#n )o es a"o#t one de&ree a da*! and the ti)e )eas#re of directions is that one da* e5#a$s a *ear! we )a* sa* that the inf$#ence of the so$ar as%ects is fe$t for a %eriod of three *ears( Their effects are %artic#$ar$* stron& at ti)es d#rin& this %eriod when as%ects of the %ro&ressed Moon or $#nations i if* the)( The %ara$$e$ is different fro) the other as%ects( In the case of the s$ow8)o in& %$anets it $asts for a considera"$e n#)"er of *ears so that a %ara$$e$ of the S#n and Sat#rn )a* o%erate for ten or )ore *ears! and a %ara$$e$ of the S#n and ;#%iter near$* as $on&( It )a* a$so "e noted that the con3#nction ad %ara$$e$ act %rinci%a$$* #%on the hea$th! whi$e the other as%ects a$so affect the "#siness! socia$ standin&! etc( Th#s #nder the %ara$$e$ of the S#n and Sat#rn there wo#$d "e a er* %rotracted state of i$$8hea$th! whi$e the %ara$$e$ of the S#n and ;#%iter wo#$d stren&then the constit#tion )ateria$$*( The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, se%tile or trine to radical 1enus. If the radica$ Ven#s was we$$ as%ected these directions wi$$ "rin& a three8*ear %eriod of #n#s#a$ %$eas#re and en3o*)ent into the $ife( If the %erson is not a$read* )arried an attach)ent wi$$ "e for)ed and ri%en into )arria&e of an idea$ nat#re( If

the horosco%e shows artistic a"i$it*! this wi$$ recei e a &reat i)%et#s d#rin& the acti it* of this direction! and it wi$$ "rin& honor and socia$ %refer)ent( The Sun pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical 1enus. If the radica$ Ven#s was aff$icted! these directions wi$$ "rin& a %eriod of %ett* anno*ances! socia$ dis&race! tro#"$e and sorrow! with a tendenc* to "e s$o en$* and to $oo- #%on the dar- side of $ife! "#t it can "e o erco)e if the %erson wi$$ stri e to "e caref#$ of his )ora$s and %ersona$ a%%earance( ,4here there's a wi$$ there's a wa*(, The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction or se%tile radical #ercur&. If Merc#r* was we$$ as%ected at "irth this wi$$ )ar- a %eriod of #n#s#a$ )enta$ acti it*! so that the %erson wi$$ "e a"$e to f#rther his a)"itions and s#cceed in "#siness "* new ent#res( If the nata$ fi&#re shows $iterar* a"i$it* this is the ti)e to )a-e a$$ efforts to %rod#ce so)ethin& worth whi$e( It is a &ood and %rofita"$e ti)e to tra e$ either for %$eas#re! in search of ins%iration! or for the &ood of whate er "#siness he )a* fo$$ow( Ad ertisin& wi$$ "e fo#nd a )ost effecti e wa* of %ro)otion "#siness s#ccess #nder this direction( The Sun pro!ressed s9uare to radical #ercur&. The S#n cannot reach the s5#are of Merc#r* #nti$ $ate in $ife! and in co)%arati e$* few $i es at that! therefore its effects can on$* "e con3ect#red and it has no i)%ortance( The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, se%tile, or trine to radical #oon. If the Moon was we$$ as%ected at "irth these directions "rin& a %eriod of s#ccess and %o%#$arit*( It increases the honor and estee) which the %erson en3o*s in his en iron)ent! it "rin&s fa ors fro) inf$#entia$ %ersons! e)%$o*ers! or the a#thorities! and if )arria&e has not a$read* "een contracted! this direction wi$$ )ost $i-e$* "rin& a"o#t a s#ccessf#$ #nion( It is a$so an e+ce$$ent ti)e to for) %artnershi%s( The Sun pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical #oon. If the Moon was aff$icted at "irth this )ar-s a er* e i$ %eriod! re%$ete with do)estic #nha%%iness if the %erson is )arried/ discredit a)on& the %eo%$e with who) he is associated in "#siness or socia$$*! %erha%s i)%rison)ent/ $oss "* dishonest* of the %artner! financia$ strict#re or e en "an-r#%tc*( He is a$so $i-e$* to s#ffer se ere$* fro) i$$ hea$th! and if either the S#n or Moon are in Cancer! Scor%io or Pisces he )a* "eco)e a chronic dr#n-ard(

The Sun pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical Saturn. If Sat#rn is we$$ as%ected in the nati it* these directions wi$$ "rin& a stead*in& and conso$idatin& inf$#ence into the $ife so that the %erson wi$$ "e a"$e to dischar&e his d#ties in a )ost effecti e! s*ste)atic and tactf#$ )anner( He wi$$ ha e &reater o%%ort#nities for ad ance)ent than "efore! and wi$$ "e a"$e to ass#)e the added res%onsi"i$ities with credit( M#ch "enefit )a* "e e+%ected fro) o$der %eo%$e who wi$$ "e drawn to hi) wi$$ f#$$ confidence( In est)ents in $and! )ines! ho#ses! and si)i$ar thin&s wi$$ %ro e %rofita"$e when )ade #nder this direction! and in &enera$ it &i es a er* dee% insi&ht into a$$ %ro"$e)s of $ife( The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, s9uare or opposition to radical Saturn. If Sat#rn was aff$icted in the nata$ chart these directions )ar- a %eriod of er* e i$ inf$#ence( This is es%ecia$$* tr#e of the %ara$$e$! which $asts a"o#t ten *ears/ the other as%ects are on$* acti e d#rin& the #s#a$ three *ears( Under these directions the %erson s#ffers disa%%oint)ents and de$a*s in e er*thin& he #nderta-es( 1o )atter how caref#$$* he )a* %$an! so)ethin& is s#re to cro% #% to thwart hi)! and this is a%t to "reed a s%irit of worr* and %essi)is) which )a-es $ife see) a ho%e$ess "att$e! with e er*one cons%irin& to chec-)ate hi)( Financia$ diffic#$ties )a-e )atters harder! and he is $ia"$e to inc#r the o%%osition of e)%$o*ers or the a#thorities( To crown it a$$! the hea$th s#ffers! es%ecia$$* #nder the %ara$$e$/ his ita$it* wi$$ "e er* $ow! and the rec#%erati e %ower a$)ost nil. A$$ wi$$ de%end on whether he can $oo- for the si$ er $inin& to the c$o#d! and stri e to $earn the intended $essons! or whether he si)%$* sin-s down #nder the $oad and &i es #%( Forewarned is forear)ed and st#dents of Astro$o&* ha e at $east the -now$ed&e that these tria$s are on$* %assin&( The* -now when "ri&hter da*s wi$$ co)e( The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, se%tile or trine 2upiter. If ;#%iter is we$$ as%ected at "irth these as%ects are a)on& the )ost fort#nate in the who$e &a)#t of directions! for the* indicate a %eriod of financia$ %ros%erit*! where e er* #nderta-in& s#cceeds! hence s%ec#$ation! in est)ents! and new ent#res in "#siness wi$$ "rin& s#ccess and &ain! the %erson wi$$ rise in %o%#$arit* and estee) in the co))#nit* or his i))ediate s%here of associations! he )a* &ain )#ch credit in connection with %hi$anthro%ic or charita"$e #nderta-in&s! and he wi$$ en3o* )#ch socia$ s#ccess and do)estic ha%%iness( There is a tendenc* to tra e$ or chan&es which wi$$ "rin& "oth %$eas#re and %rofit! and a)"itions that for *ears see)ed i)%ossi"$e of rea$i7ation are $i-e$* to "e &ratified( Under these directions $astin& friendshi%s of "enefit to the %erson are often for)ed( The* a$so stren&then the constit#tion and "rin& radiant hea$th! "#t the e+#"erance of ani)a$ s%irits )a* $ater! #nder e i$ directions! "rin& disease( If this is &#arded a&ainst the

increased f$ow of ita$ f$#id &i en "* these directions wi$$ ha e a $astin& "eneficia$ effect on the hea$th( The Sun pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical 2upiter. If ;#%iter is aff$icted at "irth these directions denote a %eriod of tro#"$e and tria$s( So)eone near and dear wi$$ %ass o#t of the %erson's $ife! either "* estran&e)ent or death/ $aws#its! financia$ $osses and socia$ disaster are threatened! with )#ch o%%osition fro) other %eo%$e( If he in ests )one* or s%ec#$ates each ent#re wi$$ %ro e a fai$#re "eca#se of dece%tion and )isre%resentation of those with who) he dea$s( If he )a-es a chan&e of "#siness or tra e$s to another cit* he wi$$ )eet with worse conditions! the hea$th wi$$ s#ffer and do)estic infe$icit* wi$$ res#$t( The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, s9uare or opposition to radical #ars. If Mars is aff$icted at "irth these as%ects )ar- an e+tended %eriod of a er* e i$ nat#re( There is a state of rash and rec-$ess e+cite)ent which is a%t to $ead the %erson to do the )ost foo$hard* thin&s! hence a $ia"i$it* to s5#ander his )one*! wrec- his %ros%ects in $ife! "eco)e cri%%$ed "* an accident! or ind#$&e in e+cesses which "rin& on fe ers! "oi$s! or inf$a))ator* co)%$aints( He sho#$d "e %artic#$ar$* caref#$ not to hand$e fire! hot water! e+%$osi es or firear)s! and "e &#arded "* ins#rance a&ainst $oss "* fire! sic-ness or accident( The re%#tation is a$so $i-e$* to s#ffer "* scanda$! therefore he sho#$d e+ert a$$ his ener&* and wi$$ %ower to act with a$$ the discretion %ossi"$e to hi) and so endea or to r#$e his stars( The Sun pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical #ars. If Mars is we$$ as%ected at "irth these directions indicate a %eriod of ad ent#re when the %erson wi$$ "e i)"#ed with a %owerf#$ s%irit of acti it*! enter%rise and ind#str*/ he wi$$ "eco)e ac5#ainted with %eo%$e of a %ioneerin& instinct or in so)e wa* recei e an i)%#$se that wi$$ start hi) #%on a new ent#re in $ife which wi$$ "rin& hi) s#ccess! friends! and %ros%erit*( He is $i-e$* to tra e$ in search of new fie$ds and to "e er* rest$ess in see-in& an o#t$et for the ener&* which threatens to "#rst hi)! "#t he is a$so too %rone to s5#ander the )one* which see)s to co)e so easi$*( If he were wise he wo#$d "e a $itt$e $ess &enero#s! for when this as%ect %asses off! it is $i-e$* that the &o$den da*s are o er( The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, s9uare or opposition to radical ,ranus. If Uran#s is aff$icted at "irth these as%ects )ar- a er* critica$ %eriod in the $ife( The %erson "eco)es er* irrita"$e and short8te)%ered( He is $ia"$e to ta+ the %atience of friends and re$ati es to the "rea-in& %oint so that a se%aration or

estran&e)ent occ#rs( He wi$$ "e re%e$$ent to others! rash! erratic! $ia"$e to do the )ost stran&e and #ne+%ected thin&s( He )a* r#sh into $iti&ation when he has not the shadow of a case or ca#se! 3#st for the )ere insane $o e of 5#arre$in&( Th#s he is $i-e$* to dis&race hi)se$f %er)anent$* in the e*es of a$$ who -now hi)! or! de%endin& #%on what other as%ects are in force at the ti)e! it )a* "e so)eone c$ose to hi) who ca#ses the dis&race which then ref$ects #%on hi) on acco#nt of the friendshi% or re$ationshi%( The Sun pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical ,ranus. If Uran#s is we$$ as%ected at "irth and the %erson is of a s#fficient$* ad anced t*%e to res%ond to this inf$#ence! these as%ects )ar- a %eriod of &reat s%irit#a$ and )enta$ acce$eration/ the ori&inatin&! or&ani7in&! and in enti e fac#$ties "eco)e &reat$* enhanced! so that he is a"$e to for)#$ate ideas! %erfect in entions! and or&ani7e enter%rises in a )ost s#r%risin&$* efficient )anner! with $itt$e or no effort( There )a* "e s#dden and #ne+%ected &ains thro#&h in entions! in est)ent or s%ec#$ation! and if he is not a$read* interested in ad anced tho#&ht or occ#$tis) he wi$$ )ost $i-e$* "e attracted d#rin& this %eriod and o"tain a &ood start "efore the as%ect wears off( The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, s9uare or opposition to radical Neptune. If 1e%t#ne is aff$icted at "irth these as%ects )ar- a critica$ ti)e for those who can res%ond to the s%irit#a$ inf$#ence( The* are then h*%ersensiti e and $i-e$* to de e$o% an #ndesira"$e %hase of in o$#ntar* s%irit#a$ si&ht or a%t to "eco)e entranced or o"sessed "* s%irits fro) the in isi"$e wor$d who see- a )edi#) to &ratif* their desires! which are #s#a$$* "ad( The %erson )a* a$so )ost easi$* "eco)e the icti) of a h*%notist and &et into tro#"$e thro#&h fra#d! dece%tion and disad anta&eo#s chan&es! or $oss "* s%ec#$ation in $ar&e co)%anies where the stoc- is watered( The Sun pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical Neptune. If 1e%t#ne is we$$ as%ected at "irth these as%ects )ar- a %eriod of s%irit#a$ awa-enin&! when the %erson )a* recei e an initiation which wi$$ de e$o% his s%irit#a$ %owers and o%en the in isi"$e wor$ds to hi)! if he is s#fficient$* de e$o%ed( For others it )a* de e$o% the fac#$t* of ins%irationa$ )#sic! and *et other %eo%$e )a* e+%erience a %eriod of #ne+a)%$ed $o e and "$iss! "#t the )a3orit* cannot res%ond to this inf$#ence( The Sun pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, se%tile or trine to radical #idheaven.

These as%ects "rin& a %eriod of %rofit! %refer)ent! honor and reco&nition! fa ors fro) the a#thorities or e)%$o*ers! added socia$ %resti&e! and a &enera$ ad ance)ent of the wor$d$* affairs( This is a &ood ti)e to )a-e s%ecia$ effort for o"tainin& an increase of inco)e for a$$ endea ors in that direction wi$$ ha e a fa ora"$e ste$$ar inf$#ence "ehind the) and are therefore )ore $i-e$* to s#cceed than at other ti)es( The Sun pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical #idheaven. These as%ects )ar- a %eriod of discredit when s$ander and en)it* threaten the honor and socia$ standin&( It is therefore "est for the %erson to "e er* circ#)s%ect in a$$ he does or sa*s! for tro#"$e with the a#thorities )a* res#$t in i)%rison)ent! or if with e)%$o*ers it )a* "rin& $oss of %osition( Financia$ fort#nes are a$so threatened( The Sun pro!ressed, parallel, con7unction, se%tile or trine radical Ascendant. These as%ects )ar- a %eriod of &enera$ &ood fort#ne! radiant hea$th and ha%%iness( 4hate er the %erson #nderta-es see)s to %ros%er( The Sun pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical Ascendant. These as%ects )ar- a %eriod of i$$8hea$th! es%ecia$$* in a wo)an's horosco%e( There is a$so a &reat dea$ of tro#"$e and &enera$ so8ca$$ed ,"ad $#c-(, C APTER 881 PRO0RESSE4 (,NAR 4IRECTIONS The Moon tra e$s thro#&h the Fodiac at an a era&e rate of "etween twe$ e and thirteen de&rees a da*! and as the da* in the art of %ro&ression is Ba-en as a ti)e )eas#re e5#i a$ent to a *ear! we )a* sa* that the Moon "* %ro&ression fro) "irth to death tra e$s at the rate of "etween twe$ e and thirteen de&rees a *ear! or a"o#t one de&ree %er )onth( Th#s in the co#rse of a"o#t twent*8 ei&ht *ears she circ$es the who$e horosco%e and for)s a$$ the as%ects that can "e for)ed to a$$ the %$anets in the radica$ fi&#re! and she )a* th#s tra e$ two or three ti)es aro#nd the horosco%e in the $ife of the a era&e )an or wo)an( It is her %assa&e aro#nd the horosco%e that )a-es the $ife fr#itf#$ of e ents for the as%ects of the %$anets the)se$ es which indicate the *ear when a certain inf$#ence is read* to "e rea%ed as ri%e destin* and %rod#ce e ents in the $ife! do not of the)se$ es ca#se either &ood or i$$ effects #n$ess an as%ect of the %ro&ressed Moon or a $#nation "rin&s the )atter to a foc#s and )ar-s the )onth when the occ#rrence wi$$ ta-e %$ace( Therefore so)eti)es e en stron& as%ects "etween the S#n and %$anets! or "etween the %$anets the)se$ es! are "arren in effect when not fortified "* a

%ro&ressed $#nar as%ect or a $#nation of the sa)e nat#re( 1either do the $#nar as%ects ha e an inf$#ence of their own! or at $east if the* ha e! it is not er* )ar-ed #n$ess the $#nar as%ect a&rees in nat#re with the %ri)ar* direction then in force( These are i)%ortant %oints which the st#dent sho#$d a$wa*s "ear in )ind( It sho#$d a$so "e noted that the as%ects of the %ro&ressed Moon to %ro&ressed %$anets %rod#ce $itt$e or no effect and the inf$#ences set down "e$ow are with res%ect to the radica$ %$anets( The #oon pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, se%tile or trine to radical Sun. These as%ects )ar- a rather %ros%ero#s %eriod in $ife! "rin&in& i)%ortant chan&es for the "etter( 1ot infre5#ent$* )arria&e res#$ts which is "oth s#ccessf#$ and ha%%*( An increase of "#siness if the %erson is an e)%$o*er! or a raise in sa$ar* if he is an e)%$o*ee! )a* "e $oo-ed for at this ti)e! for s#%eriors and those in a %osition to "estow fa ors are in a &enero#s )ood and read* to &i e the %erson credit for a$$ that is &ood in hi)( The #oon pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical Sun. These as%ects indicate a ti)e of tro#"$e and $oss( There is a tendenc* to diffic#$t* with e)%$o*ers or c#sto)ers which wi$$ "rin& $oss of e)%$o*)ent or "#siness/ the )ind is aci$$atin& so that the %erson cannot )a-e #% his )ind what to do! and th#s he is a%t to $ose o%%ort#nities which )i&ht "rin& &ain and instead the* "rin& $oss( He wi$$ e+%erience tro#"$e with the o%%osite se+! %artic#$ar$* the )arria&e %artner if he is in the state of )atri)on*( The hea$th wi$$ s#ffer and there is a chan&e for the worse in a$$ the affairs of $ife( The #oon pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, se%tile, or trine to radical 1enus. If Ven#s is stron& and we$$ as%ected in the nata$ chart this %eriod wi$$ "e one of %$eas#re and %rofit "oth! for the %erson wi$$ )a-e new friends and ha e o%%ort#nities to ad ance hi)se$f "oth socia$$* and financia$$*( These as%ects a$so fre5#ent$* indicate the co))ence)ent of co#rtshi% or the c#$)ination of co#rtshi% in )arria&e! in a )an's horosco%e( The* "rin& &ood hea$th and a ha%%*! cheerf#$ fra)e of )ind! so that the who$e wor$d see)s "athed in s#nshine( This is! in short! a %eriod of &enera$ s#ccess and ha%%iness( The #oon pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical 1enus. If Ven#s was aff$icted at "irth this )ar-s a %eriod of considera"$e tro#"$e and disa%%oint)ent( A co#rtshi% )a* "e "ro-en off or a )arria&e disso$ ed "*

se%aration( The financia$ fort#nes are $i-e$* to s#ffer and the hea$th is a%t to "e %oor( Sn#"s and ostracis) )a* "e e+%ected in the socia$ re$ation and the %erson sho#$d "e %artic#$ar$* caref#$ with the o%%osite se+! for whi$e this direction is o%erati e there is considera"$e $ia"i$it* to tro#"$e fro) that so#rce( 6nowin& what is doin& and the nat#re and d#ration of the inf$#ence! he sho#$d tr* to r#$e his stars "* -ee%in& as cheerf#$ a fra)e of )ind as %ossi"$e! schoo$in& hi)se$f to act wise$* in the )atters which are %artic#$ar$* shown as dan&er %oints( The #oon pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, se%tile or trine to radical #ercur&. If Merc#r* was we$$ as%ected at "irth! these directions wi$$ "rin& o#t the )enta$ %owers and it is therefore a fa ora"$e ti)e to ta-e #% an* st#d* which the %erson )a* fee$ attracted to( If an* i)%ortant chan&es ha e "een in conte)%$ation this is the ti)e to )a-e the )o e! for #nder these directions s#ccess is s#re to attend in a )#ch $ar&er )eas#re than #nder $ess fa ora"$e inf$#ences! and if he has an* i)%ortant )atters to sett$e with "rothers! sisters or nei&h"ors! he wi$$ reach a fa ora"$e conc$#sion with the) )#ch )ore 5#ic-$* than at an* other ti)e( The #oon pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical #ercur&. If Merc#r* was aff$icted at "irth the %erson wi$$ need to e+ercise a &reat dea$ of care d#rin& the o%eration of these %$anetar* inf$#ences! for there wi$$ "e a tendenc* to rash and indiscreet s%eech/ there"* the %erson )a* $a* hi)se$f $ia"$e for $i"e$ or s$ander( It is a$so $i-e$* that if an* deeds or $e&a$ %a%ers are si&ned d#rin& this ti)e it wi$$ "e to the %erson's detri)ent and wi$$ $ater re&ret it( He sho#$d a$so "e er* caref#$ of his e+%ressions in corres%ondence and if he is a $iterar* )an he sho#$d "e do#"$* caref#$ or his writin&s wi$$ "e )ore than $i-e$* to ca#se tro#"$e for hi)se$f or others( The )ind wi$$ "e )#ch dist#r"ed and he sho#$d neither tra e$ nor )a-e chan&es "#t endea or to -ee% hi)se$f as 5#iet as %ossi"$e d#rin& this ti)e( The #oon pro!ressed parallel or con7unction radical Saturn. If Sat#rn was aff$icted in the nata$ chart this is a er* critica$ %eriod( In a wo)an's horosco%e it indicates i$$8hea$th! worr* and tro#"$e( In the horosco%e of a )an! if he is )arried! it indicates do)estic diffic#$ties or i$$8hea$th of the wife( There is tro#"$e! de$a* and disa%%oint)ent in a$$ the affairs of $ife and a tendenc* to worr* o er thin&s and "eco)e )or"id and )e$ancho$*( The #oon pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical Saturn. If Sat#rn is aff$icted at "irth! these as%ects )ar- a er* e i$ ti)e! %artic#$ar$* with res%ect to hea$th and the conditions in the ho)e( The* %rod#ce a dist#r"ed fra)e

of )ind with irrita"i$it* and a tendenc* to worr*! a %essi)istic o#t$oo- on $ife/ &$oo) and des%ondenc* see) to "e the r#$e! the financia$ affairs a$so s#ffer and care sho#$d "e ta-en to )a-e no chan&es or in est)ents at this ti)e( The on$* re)ed* is to tr* to -ee% as %hi$oso%hica$ an attit#de as %ossi"$e! $oo-in& for the si$ er $inin& of the c$o#d and endea orin& to $earn the $essons that are to "e ta#&ht d#rin& this %eriod( The #oon pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical Saturn. If Sat#rn was we$$ as%ected in the nata$ chart these as%ects )ar- a s#ccessf#$ and %ros%ero#s %eriod when one wi$$ &ain reco&nition of a $astin& nat#re in his s%here of $ife( He wi$$ "e a"$e to ta-e on added res%onsi"i$ities and ac5#it hi)se$f of the tr#st with credit( If an* in est)ents in ho#ses! $ands or )ines are conte)%$ated this wi$$ "e a er* fa ora"$e %eriod to #nderta-e s#ch )atters( This ti)e wi$$ "e e%och8)a-in& in the $ife when a new! so$id and sta"$e fo#ndation for s#ccess wi$$ "e $aid! #%on which the edifice of a s#ccessf#$ $ife )a* "e reared( The #oon pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, se%tile or trine to radical 2upiter. If ;#%iter was we$$ as%ected at "irth! these as%ects )ar- a %eriod of s#ccess and &enera$ &ood fort#ne( The hea$th is e+ce$$ent! or if the %erson has "een sici)%ro e)ent )a* "e $oo-ed for at this ti)e( The fra)e of )ind wi$$ "e ha%%* and he wi$$ en3o* a$$ the %$eas#res of $ife( It is a %artic#$ar$* &ood ti)e to tra e$ for he wi$$ )eet a friend$* and cordia$ rece%tion e er*where( The financia$ fort#nes wi$$ "e "enefited if in est)ents are )ade #nder these directions! or if the "#siness is %#shed to the "est of his a"i$it*( This is an e%och when thin&s ta-e a decided t#rn for the "etter! and if the %erson ta-es %ro%er ad anta&e of the o%%ort#nities then %resented to hi) this ti)e wi$$ "e $on& fe$t in the $ife( The #oon pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical 2upiter. If ;#%iter was aff$icted at "irth the %erson sho#$d "e er* caref#$ of his diet d#rin& the ti)e when these as%ects $ast! for there is a tendenc* to e+cesses which wi$$ ca#se disease "* )a-in& the "$ood i)%#re( He sho#$d a$so "e er* caref#$ not to $ose his te)%er "eca#se if there is an* dan&er of a%o%$e+* shown in the nata$ fi&#re it is )ore $i-e$* to )anifest #nder these ste$$ar inf$#ences than at an* other ti)e( 6ee% as coo$ as %ossi"$e and a oid a$$ sti)#$atin& food and $i5#ors( .o not #nder an* circ#)stances #nderta-e to s%ec#$ate whi$e these directions $ast for $oss is certain and there is a $ia"i$it* to "e decei ed or defra#ded "* others( There is a$so a dan&er of do)estic tro#"$es and $oss "* $aws#its or si)i$ar )atters( The socia$ %resti&e is $i-e$* to s#ffer on acco#nt of ha#&ht*! "o)"astic and o er"earin& )anners! therefore the %erson sho#$d "e caref#$ and )oderate in e er*thin& and a$so ho$d hi)se$f we$$ in chec-(

The #oon pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, s9uare or opposition radical #ars. If the radica$ Mars was aff$icted these as%ects )ar- a er* e i$ %eriod( In a wo)an's horosco%e the* indicate! for one thin&! "ad hea$th! and in a )an's! io$ent 5#arre$s in the ho)e( There is a tendenc* to "e 5#arre$so)e! foo$hard* and rec-$ess! with the res#$t that the %erson )a* s#stain "odi$* in3#ries or accidents! a$so a tendenc* to the o er8ind#$&ence of the $ower %assiona$ nat#re which )a* "rin& tro#"$e in its train! therefore he sho#$d "e er* caref#$ in his dea$in&s with those of the o%%osite se+( Un$ess &reat care is ta-en s$ander and socia$ discredit are s#re to res#$t( These directions a$so )a-e the %erson er* rec-$ess and e+tra a&ant in financia$ )atters! $ia"$e to for) hast* and erroneo#s 3#d&)ents! therefore if %a%ers are si&ned at this ti)e disaster is er* to fo$$ow( These directions are a)on& the )ost re$ia"$e in o%eration and the %erson rare$* esca%es witho#t s#fferin& $oss or in3#r* in so)e )anner! therefore the &reatest care sho#$d "e ta-en d#rin& this %eriod( The #oon pro!ressed se%tile or trine radical #ars. If Mars was we$$ as%ected at "irth thee as%ects )ar- a %eriod of considera"$e acti it* in the $ife which wi$$ "e to the "enefit of the %erson in o$ ed( A &reat dea$ of ita$ ener&* is acc#)#$ated and this d*na)ic force nat#ra$$* )#st ha e an o#t$et in so)e wa*! hence this is a &ood ti)e for the e+%ansion of "#siness or #nderta-in& new enter%rises/ the* are s#re to s#cceed if the %erson is not too %reci%itate in his efforts "#t #ses a &rain of ca#tion in the e+%endit#re of this &reat ener&*( These as%ects are %artic#$ar$* acti e a)on& those who wor- with or dea$ in the %artia$ e$e)ents of iron and fire! s#ch as so$diers! s#r&eons and en&ineers/ to the) the* "rin& honor and %ro)otion( The #oon pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, s9uare or opposition radical ,ranus.

If Uran#s was aff$icted at "irth these as%ects )ar- a er* critica$ %eriod! when the %erson is a%t to )a-e a s#dden and #ne+%ected chan&e which wi$$ ha e a disad anta&eo#s effect #%on the $ife! therefore he sho#$d &#ard caref#$$* a&ainst s#ch a contin&enc*( There is a$so a $ia"i$it* to the for)ation of a c$andestine re$ationshi% which wi$$ "rin& sorrow and tro#"$e to the %erson! hence he sho#$d a oid association with the o%%osite se+ and when this is #na oida"$e he sho#$d "e er* circ#)s%ect in his )anner and "eha ior! for #nder these directions %eo%$e are er* $i-e$* to 3#d&e hi) se ere$* for the s$i&htest se)"$ance of wron&8doin&( There is a tendenc* to irrita"i$it* and cr#e$t* of s%eech which is $i-e$* to ca#se do)estic #nha%%iness and the $oss of friends that wi$$ $ater "e re&retted er* )#ch! therefore the %erson sho#$d endea or to c#r" hi)se$f/ in fact it wo#$d "e "etter to a oid his friends as )#ch as %ossi"$e d#rin& this ti)e( The #oon pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical ,ranus. These are e+ce$$ent as%ects for those who are s#fficient$* ad anced to res%ond( If Uran#s was we$$ as%ected at "irth! the ori&ina$! int#iti e and in enti e fac#$ties wi$$ find an o#t$et at this ti)e which )a* "e er* ad anta&eo#s to the %erson( If he is interested in the st#d* of ad anced tho#&ht or occ#$tis) this is a %artic#$ar$* &ood ti)e to %#rs#e s#ch s#"3ects! for an e+%ansion of conscio#sness )a* )ost easi$* res#$t #nder these directions! friendshi%s are for)ed with ad anced %eo%$e who wi$$ "e of "enefit to the %erson! and ad anta&eo#s chan&es or re)o a$s )a* "e )ade! hence it )ar-s an e%och in the $ife which is $i-e$* to $ea e a %er)anent )ar- for &ood( The #oon pro!ressed parallel, con7unction, s9uare or opposition to radical Neptune. If 1e%t#ne was aff$icted in the nata$ chart these directions )ar- a %eriod of weird and #ncann* e+%eriences! when the %erson is $i-e$* to co)e #nder the s%e$$ of h*%notis) or )edi#)shi% or ha e isions or "e&in to hear oices! "#t a$$ these e+%eriences are of an #ndesira"$e character and sho#$d therefore "e &#arded a&ainst as )#ch as %ossi"$e( It wo#$d "e er* #nwise #nder these directions to enter the seance roo) of a s%irit#a$istic )eetin& where the conditions fa or s#ch )anifestations! and if the as%ects occ#r fro) water si&ns88Cancer! Scor%io! or Pisces88there is a stron& tendenc* to for) a drin- or dr#& ha"it which )a* o%erate to the sorrow and tro#"$e of the %erson for a$$ the rest of his $ife( As these as%ects %rod#ce a )enta$ and %h*sica$ $assit#de! when the ita$ forces are $ow and the %erson ne&ati e! s#ch #ndesira"$e inf$#ences are %artic#$ar$* a%t to &ain a footho$d( There is a$so a dan&er fro) %$ots "* secret ene)ies which tend to "rin& the %erson into discredit and tro#"$e( He )a* e en s#ffer i)%rison)ent or "e confined in a hos%ita$ thro#&h i$$8hea$th! for 1e%t#ne r#$es %risons! hos%ita$s! insane as*$#)s! and si)i$ar %$aces( Great care sho#$d "e ta-en in a$$ dea$in&s with others(

The #oon pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical Neptune. If 1e%t#ne was we$$ as%ected at "irth these directions )a* "rin& a s$i&ht e+tension of conscio#sness and if the so$ar as%ects to 1e%t#ne are a$so in force at the sa)e ti)e an initiation )a* "e $oo-ed for "* those who are s#fficient$* ad anced to res%ond to this inf$#ence( 2#t to the )a3orit* of %eo%$e it wi$$ %ro"a"$* )ean on$* a %$easant ti)e! a feast of )#sic or so)e si)i$ar e+%erience( The #oon pro!ressed parallel or con7unction radical Ascendant or #idheaven. These as%ects "rin& chan&es in the $ife! "#t whether these are &ood or "ad de%ends #%on the other inf$#ences o%eratin& in the horosco%e at the ti)e( The #oon pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical #idheaven If other inf$#ences a&ree this is a ti)e of "eneficia$ chan&es! %refer)ent and honor! and &enera$ s#ccess in the ario#s de%art)ents of $ife( The #oon pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical #idheaven. These as%ects indicate $oss of %resti&e! tro#"$e and an+iet*! financia$ $oss! es%ecia$$* if dea$in& with wo)en( It is a "ad ti)e to tra e$ or )a-e chan&es( The #oon pro!ressed se%tile or trine to radical Ascendant. These as%ects "rin& "eneficia$ chan&es! financia$ %ros%erit*! and &enera$ &ood fort#ne( The #oon pro!ressed s9uare or opposition to radical Ascendant.

These as%ects )ar- a %eriod of tro#"$e( I$$8hea$th )a* "e $oo-ed for! and if an* chan&es or re)o a$s are )ade the* wi$$ "e to the %erson's disad anta&e(

#,T,A( P(ANETAR+ 4IRECTIONS As%ects "etween two %ro&ressed %$anets ha e $itt$e or no %otenc*! "#t when a %$anet "* %ro&ression co)es into as%ect with a radical %$anet it o%erates for &ood or i$$! accordin& to its nat#re and the %ower of the radica$ %$anet in the horosco%e( In the fo$$owin& %ara&ra%hs we ha e set down these tendencies! and it )atters not whether Ven#s %ro&resses to a &ood as%ect with radica$ Sat#rn! or Sat#rn %ro&resses to a &ood as%ect with radica$ Ven#s! the effects are as noted in the first %ara&ra%h! and si)i$ar$* with the other as%ects fo$$owin&( 4enus and Saturn in good aspect by progression indicate a %eriod of financia$ s#ccess! &ain in socia$ %resti&e and e)otiona$ e+a$tation( The re$i&io#s and de otiona$ nat#re is $i-e$* to recei e an awa-enin&( 4enus and Saturn in e$il aspect by progression indicate a %eriod of sorrow and tro#"$e( 2oth the hea$th and re%#tation s#ffer/ de$a*s! disa%%oint)ent and $osses are fre5#ent and anno*in&( Others wi$$ see- to i)%ose #%on the %erson/ death or se%aration fro) $o ed ones! and other disa&reea"$e e+%eriences are )et( The )ind is &$oo)* and inc$ined to worr*( (ercury and Saturn in good aspect by progression )ar- a &ood ti)e to #nderta-e new res%onsi"i$ities! )a-e in est)ents in ho#ses! )ines! $ands! or si)i$ar %ro%ert*! #nderta-e st#d* or research wor- of a dee%er nat#re! and )a-e i)%ortant contracts which wi$$ %ro e of $astin& "enefit to the %erson( It is a &ood ti)e to dea$ with a&ents and e$der$* %ersons! or to #nderta-e 3o#rne*s for a serio#s %#r%ose( (ercury and Saturn afflicted by progression indicate a ti)e of de$a*s and disa%%oint)ents with a tendenc* to $oo- #%on the dar- side of thin&s( It is a "ad ti)e to #nderta-e new res%onsi"i$ities! dea$ with e$der$* %eo%$e or si&n $e&a$ %a%ers( The %erson is $ia"$e to s$ander and $oss of re%#tation( (ars and Saturn in good aspect by progression )ar- a %eriod when the %erson wi$$ "e er* enter%risin& *et tactf#$ and di%$o)atic! co#ra&eo#s "#t not foo$hard*! stron& and di&nified! "etter a"$e to sho#$der the res%onsi"i$ities of $ife than at an* other ti)e( If he )a-es %ro%er #se of these 5#a$ities he wi$$ &ain financia$$*! a$so in honor and res%ect a)on& his associates( (ars and Saturn in bad aspect by progression )a-e the %erson er* foo$hard* and i)%#$si e! hence there is a $ia"i$it* to accident #nder these directions( Occasiona$$* when the horosco%e shows io$ence there is a tendenc* to cri)e and "$oodshed which )a* res#$t in i)%rison)ent( A$$ the ices of the character see) to co)e to the fore at this ti)e! and $oss of te)%er is the $east a)on& the)( The &reatest care sho#$d "e ta-en to -ee% the ani)a$ nat#re down and ho$d a fir) chec- #%on a$$ the #ndesira"$e traits in the character( 4enus and 7upiter in good aspect by progression "rin& financia$ "enefits! and a rise in socia$ %osition and estee)( The* )a-e the %erson )ore -ind$*! s*)%athetic and considerate! hence increase his %o%#$arit*( It is a &ood ti)e to

tra e$ and en3o* $ife( In est)ents )ade #nder this inf$#ence are &enera$$* s#ccessf#$! and the hea$th is e+ce$$ent! or if the %erson has "een i$$ this )ar-s the %eriod of con a$escence and rec#%eration! when $ife ta-es on a rosier h#e( 4enus and 7upiter afflicting eac, ot,er by progression indicate a %eriod of )i$d do)estic tro#"$e! s)a$$ financia$ $osses and a tendenc* to e+tra a&ance and wastef#$ness! %ec#niar* diffic#$ties on that acco#nt! and %ossi"$* $aws#its( There is a$so so)e $oss of %resti&e in the socia$ circ$e or the %erson's en iron)ent( (ercury and 7upiter in good aspect by progression indicate a er* s#ccessf#$ %eriod in the $ife( The %erson wi$$ %ro"a"$* tra e$ with "oth %$eas#re and %rofit to hi)se$f( He wi$$ ha e &ood hea$th and "e in the "est of s%irits! so that $ife in &enera$ wi$$ ta-e on a er* ros* h#e( There are indications of &ain "* in est)ents and in the &enera$ co#rse of his "#siness! and it is a &ood ti)e to enter into contracts and a&ree)ents! es%ecia$$* for $iterar* wor-( (ercury and 7upiter afflicted by progression )ar- a tro#"$eso)e ti)e! when the %erson is $ia"$e to "eco)e in o$ ed in $aws#its and $ose there"*( He sho#$d "e er* caref#$ not to si&n %a%ers or enter into a&ree)ents! for there wi$$ "e tro#"$e and )is#nderstandin&! in o$ in& financia$ $oss/ a$so if he $ends )one* to other %eo%$e the* wi$$ endea or to i)%ose #%on hi) and defra#d hi)! and dea$in&s with a&ents and co))ission )en sho#$d "e %artic#$ar$* a oided( (ars and 7upiter in good aspect by progression )ar- a %eriod in $ife when the #s#a$ conser atis) of ;#%iter is "$ended with the )artian enth#sias)! hence the %erson wi$$ "eco)e )ore enth#siastic and enter%risin& so that he is $i-e$* to e+tend his "#siness and "e s#ccessf#$ in &ainin& an added inco)e there"*( He sho#$d "e caref#$! howe er! not to o erreach hi)se$f at this ti)e( These as%ects a$so wor- #%on the de otiona$ nat#re and )a* so)eti)es e+%ress the)se$ es as re$i&io#s enth#sias) when the %erson t#rns o er a new $eaf and "eco)es a "etter )an or wo)an than "efore( (ars and 7upiter in e$il aspect by progression )ar- a dan&er %oint in the $ife when the %erson is $ia"$e to wrec- his who$e career "* acts which are definite$* cri)ina$! or "* $osses d#e to ostentatio#s dis%$a* and e+tra a&ance! or he )a* "eco)e interested in so)e wi$dcat )inin& sche)e or s%ec#$ate #%on the stoce+chan&e in s#ch a rec-$ess )anner that he $oses a$$ he has and "eco)es a %a#%er( The hea$th is a$so $i-e$* to s#ffer #nder this direction/ i)%#rities of the "$ood )a* ca#se &rowths! t#)ors! "oi$s! and -indred aff$ictions( A$to&ether it is a er* e i$ ti)e and the %erson sho#$d &#ard hi)se$f er* caref#$$* a&ainst *ie$din& to an* of these inf$#ences( 4enus and (ars in good aspect by progression )ar- a %eriod of %$eas#re and en3o*)ent when an attach)ent of a $astin& nat#re )a* "e for)ed with so)eone thro#&h an enth#siastic co#rtshi%( There are a$so indications of financia$ &ain and an increase of %o%#$arit*( 4enus and (ars in e$il aspect by progression )ar- a %eriod of i)%#$se and rec-$essness when the %erson is $i-e$* to act in a )ost indiscreet )anner that )a*

ca#se &reat tro#"$e in $ife( If )arried there wi$$ "e so)e do)estic #nha%%iness( Financia$ $osses and discredit are a$so shown! therefore the %erson sho#$d endea or to ho$d hi)se$f in chec- and a oid an* te)%tations that )a* co)e in his %ath( (ercury and (ars in good aspect by progression )ar- a ti)e when the %erson is &enera$$* s#ccessf#$ in a$$ affairs of $ife! es%ecia$$* where the )enta$ 5#a$ities are ca$$ed into action! for this wi$$ )a-e hi) -een! shrewd and shar%! 5#ic- to see a %oint and &ras% an ad anta&e! hence financia$ &ain is a$so indicated( This is a &ood ti)e for ad ertisin& and e+tendin& the %erson's "#siness! enterin& contracts and a&ree)ents! and dea$in& with a&ents and )idd$e)en( It is &ood for $iterar* wor- of a $i&hter nat#re! and an e+ce$$ent ti)e to tra e$( The hea$th is &ood and there is a fee$in& of cheerf#$ness! 3o* and o%ti)is)( (ercury and (ars in e$il aspect by progression/ This is a critica$ ti)e when the %erson is $ia"$e to act on i)%#$se! to s%ea- and act i)%#$si e$* witho#t d#e de$i"eration and foretho#&ht! hence he is $i-e$* to &et into tro#"$e or s#ffer $oss thro#&h the shar% %ractices of other %eo%$e( He sho#$d therefore "e er* caref#$ not so si&n %a%ers or enter into a&ree)ents! and there is dan&er of accident and tro#"$e if the %erson tra e$s( It is a "ad ti)e for chan&es or e+tensions of "#siness( (ars and Uranus in good aspect by progression indicate a &ood %eriod for %erfectin& in entions or startin& new and ori&ina$ enter%rises( Friendshi%s of a "eneficia$ nat#re are often )ade #nder these directions! and not infre5#ent$* a %s*chic awa-enin& ta-es %$ace thro#&h associations with %eo%$e! or &ro#%s of %eo%$e! or a Uranian nat#re( (ars and Uranus in e$il aspect by progression )ar- a er* dan&ero#s ti)e in the %erson's $ife( There is a $ia"i$it* to accidents of an #n#s#a$ nat#re! a "rea-in& #% of conditions! estran&e)ent fro) friends! and the %erson is $ia"$e to find hi)se$f s#dden$* a$one in the wor$d( So)eti)es there is a %s*chic awa-enin& "#t a$wa*s of an #ndesira"$e nat#re( (ars and -eptune in good aspect by progression )ar- a ti)e of &ood hea$th and hi&h s%irits for ad anced %eo%$e! "#t the )a3orit* do not fee$ its inf$#ence( (ars and -eptune in e$il aspect by progression %rod#ce a ne#rotic condition in those who can res%ond to its inf$#ence( There is a$so a $ia"i$it* to "e defra#ded or icti)i7ed in so)e #nacco#nta"$e )anner( 4enus and Uranus in good aspect by progression &i e a %ro"a"i$it* of so)e financia$ &ain and it is $i-e$* that the %erson wi$$ ha e what he considers a &ood ti)e! in o$ in& %ro"a"$* a ro)antic $o e affair! "#t it is $i-e$* to $ea e a stin& "ehind( This direction ins#res the aid of friends and increases the %o%#$arit* of the %erson for the ti)e "ein&( 4enus and Uranus in e$il aspect by progression are a fr#itf#$ ca#se of do)estic #nha%%iness and di orce( This direction is $i-e$* to "rin& a"o#t a scanda$

on acco#nt of i))ora$ cond#ct( Laws#its and financia$ $oss are a$so threatened! and the %erson is $i-e$* to act in a )ost erratic )anner( 4enus and -eptune in good aspect by progression indicate a %eriod of s#ccess in socia$ )atters! ha%%iness and en3o*)ent of $ife for those who can res%ond to this direction( The %erson is %artic#$ar$* a%t to ind#$&e in the "#i$din& of air cast$es and the concoction of roseate da*drea)s which are of no %artic#$ar a ai$ "#t ser e to )a-e the %eriod thoro#&h$* en3o*a"$e( 4enus and -eptune in e$il aspect by progression are $i-e$* to "rin& so)e %s*chic e+%erience of a disa&reea"$e nat#re connected with )edi#)shi% or h*%notis)( There is a tendenc* to sens#a$it* and i))ora$it*! occasiona$$* the ind#$&ence in drin-s or dr#&s which wi$$ ca#se sorrow and tro#"$e to co)e to the %erson( (ercury and Uranus in good aspect by progression )a-e the nati e acti e )enta$$*! "rin& #ne+%ected %$eas#res! &i e i)%#$se to )enta$ wor-! )a-e the )ind -een and &i e a desire for occ#$t in esti&ation( Man* are attracted to and "eco)e interested in a$tr#istic and h#)anitarian wor- #nder this as%ect( (ercury and Uranus afflicting eac, ot,er by progression )a-e the nati e #ncon entiona$! erratic and rest$ess! create a ner o#s! wa*ward state of )ind! and )a* "rin& #ne+%ected $aws#its( (ercury and -eptune in good aspect by progression/ The )ind is acti e and inc$ined to the st#d* of Astro$o&* and M*sticis)( The nati e is a%t to tra e$ "* water and )a-e chan&es( On$* those who are ad anced a$on& s%irit#a$ $ines fee$ the effect of 1e%t#ne( (ercury and -eptune in bad aspect by progression/ Persons #nder this inf$#ence sho#$d &#ard a&ainst in est)ents in cor%orations( The )ind is dist#r"ed "* e i$ tho#&hts and the )ora$s )a* "e $a+ if s#ch a tendenc* is shown in the nata$ horosco%e( Saturn, 7upiter, Uranus, and -eptune se$do) for) as%ects "* %ro&ression on acco#nt of their s$ow )otion(

TRANSITS The %ro&ressed %ositions of %$anets are the %rinci%a$ si&nificators of e ents! "#t the transitor* %ositions of the %$anets in s%ace at the act#a$ ti)e of e ents stren&then or wea-en effects of as%ects in the %ro&ressed horosco%e! accordin& to whether the* are a-in in nat#re or not( The 1ew Moons are %artic#$ar$* %otent( These so8ca$$ed transits are seen in the e%he)eris for the act#a$ *ear of e ents( T E INCREASIN0 OR 4ECREASIN0 #OON A)on& the %oints in Astro$o&* which "other the "e&inner! is when the Moon is increasin& in $i&ht or decreasin&( Astro$o&ica$ wor-s fre5#ent$* #se these e+%ressions when ta"#$atin& the effects of ario#s confi&#rations( 2#t so far as we -now! no e+%$anation has "een &i en e$sewhere! and we tr#st the fo$$owin& )a* )a-e the s#"3ect c$ear to st#dents( Each )onth the Moon co)es into con3#nction with the S#n! and this con3#nction of the $#)inaries is ca$$ed a (unation or *ew Moon. After the con3#nction or 1ew Moon! she )a* "e seen in the western s-* c$ose to the hori7on as a tin* crescent/ da* "* da* the $i&hted s#rface &rows $ar&er/ at the ti)e of the o%%osition to the S#n she has increased her $i&ht to the f#$$est ca%acit*! and at that ti)e we s%eaof her as a f#$$ Moon/ she then rises in the eastern s-* at the sa)e ti)e as the S#n sets in the west( NFro) that ti)e for another fortni&ht it wi$$ "e o"ser ed that she rises $ater and $ater in the ni&ht/ at the sa)e ti)e the i$$#)inated %art of her disc decreases #nti$ 3#st "efore the ne+t con3#nction or new Moon! ear$* risers )a* o"ser e her in the eastern s-* 3#st "efore s#nrise as a tin* crescent #%on the a#$t of hea en( Th#s the Moon is increasin& in $i&ht fro) the ti)e of its con3#nction or new Moon to the o%%osition! or f#$$ Moon! and fro) the f#$$ Moon to the net 1ew Moon it is decreasin& in $i&ht( The ti)es of the 1ew Moon! F#$$ Moon and ec$i%ses are &i en each )onth in o#r Simplified Scientific Ephemeris, which see( Transits of 1e%t#ne! Uran#s! Sat#rn and ;#%iter are i)%ortant! and when the st#dent has "eco)e fa)i$iar with the )*steries of the %ro&ressed horosco%e "#t not "efore! he )a* %rofita"$* write the e%he)era$ %osition of these %$anets o#tside the %ro&ressed horosco%e and watch their effect! a$so the as%ects of the 1ew Moons( 2#t "e s#re! at first! to -ee% the %ro&ressed horosco%e down to first %rinci%$es! for fanc* as%ects are ,the st#ff drea)s are )ade of!, the war% and woof of astro$o&ica$ ro)ances which fade awa* into )oonshine and $ea e the astro$o&er disco)fited( It is co)%arati e$* eas* to wie$d the sh#tt$e of i)a&ination with nata$! %ro&ressed and transitin& %$anets! each set with its corres%ondin& ho#ses! and a )#$tit#de of as%ects to choose fro)! "#t si)%$e 3#d&)ent "ased #%on the %ri)e essentia$s of a horosco%e is a$)ost in aria"$* 3#stified "* e ents( Saturn transiting t,e radical Sun, (oon, 4enus or 7upiter/ These transits $ower the ita$it* and act as a da)%er on the s%irits of the %erson/ there is a tendenc* to co$ds! &$oo) and )e$ancho$*! de$a*s and disa%%oint)ents! and if Sat#rn sho#$d t#rn retro&rade %assin& and re%assin& these %oints! 5#ite a $on& ti)e of tro#"$e and an+iet* res#$ts(

Saturn transiting s1uare or opposition radical Sun, (oon, 4enus or 7upiter/ These as%ects wi$$ %rod#ce si)i$ar effect to the con3#nction "#t )ore intense! and fa$$s! "r#ises! or "ro-en "ones are often additiona$ res#$ts( Saturn transiting sextile or trine t,e radical Sun, (oon, 4enus or 7upiter/ These as%ects do not %rod#ce an* "enefit so far as has "een o"ser ed( Saturn transiting sextile or trine t,e radical (ercury/ These as%ects stead* the )ind and )a-e it )ore ca%a"$e of concentration when Sat#rn is direct! or when he is retro&rade! "#t as%ectin& Merc#r* "* s&uare or opposition, fear! worr*! )e$ancho$*! &$oo) and tro#"$e res#$t/ then it is a$so dan&ero#s to tra e$( Saturn transiting radical (ars, Uranus or -eptune/ These transits a$wa*s )ar- a ti)e of tro#"$e! no matter what the aspect, "#t the nat#re of the tro#"$e is "est deter)ined "* the ho#se and si&n where the aff$icted %$anet is $ocated( Saturn transiting t,e radical (id,ea$en/ This as%ect a$wa*s %rod#ces s$ander! discredit and $oss of %resti&e( Saturn transiting t,e Sixt, or ".elft, !ouse or t,e Ascendant/ These %ositions ha e an ini)ica$ effect on the hea$th! accordin& to the si&ns which are on the c#s%s of these ho#ses( 7upiter transiting sextile or trine t,e radical Sun, 4enus, (ercury or (oon/ These as%ects "rin& hea$th! ha%%iness and financia$ "enefit in accordance with the radica$ indications( If ;#%iter retro&rades he is not so acti e "#t the %eriod of &ood is %rotracted "* his re%eated direct %assa&e o er the &ood as%ects( 7upiter transiting s1uare or opposition radical Sun, 4enus, (ercury or (oon/ These as%ects are not er* e i$ "eca#se e i$ is o#t of har)on* with the "asic nat#re of ;#%iter( 7upiter transiting or aspecting radical Saturn, (ars, Uranus or -eptune/ These as%ects %rod#ce no a%%recia"$e res#$ts "eca#se the "asic nat#res of these %$anets are entire$* different( This is on the sa)e %rinci%$e that t#nin& for-s of different %itch do not res%ond to one another( Uranus transiting radical Sun or 4enus/ These transits %rod#ce ro)antic attach)ents! 2ohe)ian %$eas#res! #ncon entiona$ e+%eriences/ when Uran#s is retro&rade this )a* $ast for a $on& ti)e! "#t when he is in e i$ as%ect i))ora$it*! scanda$ and di orce )a* res#$t( Uranus transiting radical (ars, (oon or (ercury/ These as%ects of Uran#s to the radica$ Mars( Moon or Merc#r* ha e a tendenc* to )a-e the %erson rash! rec-$ess! foo$hard* and erratic! so)eti)es to the %oint of insanit* if other testi)onies in the horosco%e conc#r! the %hase of the )enta$ dist#r"ance ar*in& fro) io$ence when ind#ced "* Mars! to )i$d idioc* when %rod#ced "* the Moon( Uranus transiting or in e$il aspect to radical Saturn, (ars or -eptune/ These transits ca#se tro#"$e accordin& to the ho#se and si&n where Uran#s is $ocated( Good as%ects %rod#ce no "enefit as far as we ha e o"ser ed(

-eptune transiting radical (ercury or (oon/ These as%ects "rin& a s%irit#a$ awa-enin& acco)%anied "* drea)s and isions of an e$e atin& nat#re( These as%ects are a$so &ood for tra e$! "#t the "ad as%ects )a-e the )ind #nc$ean! %o$$#ted and cri)ina$ if the radica$ horosco%e a$$ows! so that the %erson )a* co))it a cri)e and s#ffer i)%rison)ent( Medi#)shi% is a$so often the res#$t of these transits(

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