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Control and Control Components Introduction

Software application similar to familiar nested Russian dolls As weve observed earlier Application written in some high level programming language C, C++, C#, Java Made up of 10s to 1000s lines of code From implementation language Each line of code in high-level language Made up of several lines of target machines assembly language The machines instruction set Each line of assembly instruction in instruction set Made up of several lines of machine code That is sequences of control statements collections of 1s and 0s Manipulating sets of registers to affect instruction Have looked at Instruction sets Registers and register transfer notation Now begin to bring pieces together Objective now How are such control statements registers and other components Managed to ensure proper execution of each instruction Repeating from earlier discussion Can partition most digital systems into two major types of modules Datapath Performs data processing operations Have studied this component Control Unit Specifies and controls sequencing of data processing operations Sends control signals To datapath unit to activate operations Receives status information from datapath Will now examine this piece We observe that each level in described hierarchy Has an associated level of control At each level must be able to support Flow of control within program Sequential Branch Loop - 1 of 29 -

Function call Movement of data Between registers Into and out of memory from or to register Examine such control shortly
Registers and the Datapath

In earlier discussions of datapath and register transfer level Have learned that datapath is characterized by Registers Operations performed on data contained therein As observed among typical operations Load, Store Transfer data Shift, Count Add, Subtract Earlier we identified such elementary operations as microoperations Typically performed in parallel On vector of bits during single clock cycle The control of movement and processing of stored data along datapath Denoted register transfer operations Such operations specified by Set of registers Operations performed on stored data Control of associated sequences of operations Repeating fundamental relationship between Datapath and underlying control given

From system management point of view Control signals - binary signals Activate data processing operations

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Status signals - binary signals Identify state of processing operations Result == zero Result produced overflow Result produced carry Result negative Used to define specific sequence of operations Control Inputs and Outputs System level signals Necessary to affect control Control unit module(s) can be Nonprogrammable Typically implemented as finite state machine Collection of such machines Fundamental Mealy and Moore models Adequate for Introducing FSM concepts Expressing and implementing small designs However expressive power limited for larger systems Combinational explosion When trying to develop input equations Quickly limits utility Programmable portion of system comprises Instructions specify Operation Operands Where they can be found Where to place result of operation Instructions found in memory Address of each temporarily contained in special register Called program counter Sequence of instructions called microprogram Control values held in special control memory Often called program store Flow of control parallels that of higher-level programmable system Technique can work for programmable or nonprogrammable design Control unit may perform one or more microoperations on stored data - 3 of 29 -

Thereby form basis for control Most modern computing and control systems Will first do quick review of basic concepts Then explore how we can put them to work Machines can be implemented in either software or hardware Software implementation takes form of Microprogram Hardware implementation of such machines avails of LSI Arrayed logic PLD ROM Discrete logic
Flow of Control a Quick Review

Lets look at flow of control through several different levels Will begin at top With application level Similar to network hierarchy Application Level High Level Language Program control may be Control of data movement Between registers Between Memory and register Register and memory Management of program flow Sequential Branch Loop Function call Control of Data Movement Register to Register
i = j; // behind scenes two variables held in registers

Register to Memory
myDataPtr* = aValue; aValue = myDataPtr*; // myDataPtr value is memory address, aValue held // in register // myDataPtr value is memory address aValue held

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// in register

a = 10; b = 20; c = a + b;

Branch if - else construct

if (a == b) c = d + e; else c = d - e;

while (a < 10) { i = i + 2; a++; }

3000 Code 3053 Procedure Call F1 3054 More Code

5000 F1 Procedure Code 5053 Return

Procedure Call Most complex of flow of control constructs Not more difficult More involved Will include Procedures Subroutines Co-routines Process Well consider from high level Program loaded at address 3000 Code executed until address 3053 Procedure encountered 1. Save return address Several important things to note Address saved is 3057 Stack gets Return address Parameters 2. Address of procedure 5000 put into PC 3. Instruction at 5000 begins executing 4. Execution continues until 5053 5. Return encountered Action similar to call Stack gets Return values Stack looses - 5 of 29 -

Return address 6. Return Address put into PC 7. Execution continues at 3057 Had procedure call been encountered in procedure F1 Identical process repeated Can be repeated multiple times Must be aware that stack can overflow If too much pushed on Begin to loose information Particularly return address Assembly Level Application level flow of control Implemented by properly sequencing assembly language statements Similar to application level Program control may be Control of data movement Between registers Between Memory and register Register and memory Management of program flow Sequential Branch Loop Function call Register Transfer Level Application level flow of control Implemented by properly sequencing Microprogram language statements Similar to application and assembly levels
Register View The RTL Architecture

As a first step in working at register level for new design Identify instruction set format to be supported Instructions built based upon format Will choose generic set format discussed earlier Instruction set will be built /utilize around following instruction formats

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Next start with architecture of simple computer in following figure

Assumptions Well assume only 8 general purpose registers Typically there will be many more - 7 of 29 -

Model will serve as platform to introduce several important concepts Specifically will look at Data flow through system How control scheme affects that flow How control signals generated How instruction word maps to such control System has single main bus Made up of following signals Data Address Control Constraints Only one device can be driving the bus at any time Multiple devices can be simultaneously listening Data and instructions held in same physical memory Implements a von Neumann architecture From diagram above observe CPU comprises Datapath and Control blocks
Datapath Block

Registers R0 R7 General Purpose registers TR0, TR1 Working registers Accumulator Processor register Holds operands during ALU operations Accepts input from Set constants Bus Output of ALU via TR1 ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit Performs arithmetic and logical operations Accepts operands from TR0 working register and accumulator
Control Block

Instruction Register IR Holds instructions fetched from memory Program Counter PC - 8 of 29 -

Identifies the next instruction To be fetched from memory Instruction Decoder Decodes instructions fetched from memory Control Logic Based upon decoded instructions controls Transfers to and from registers Manages sequences of microinstructions Time Base Reference for all system timing Outside of CPU yet on system bus Memory Stores instructions and data Memory Address Register - MAR Holds address or instruction or data in memory Memory Data Register - MDR Holds data to be read from or written to memory Instruction execution cycle comprised of 5 basic steps Fetch instruction Fetch Decode Decode current instruction Execute Execute current instruction Writeback Store any results Next Compute address of next instruction Lets walk through instruction cycle for this machine Initially at high level Fetch Retrieves instruction from memory Instruction is stored in binary in memory Harvard machine Instruction memory Princeton machine Combined instruction and data memory Specifies operation to be performed by computer ADD, SHIFT, BRANCH Decode Interprets op-code and other bits Contained in instruction To know what microoperations need to be performed To accomplish specified operation Execute Performs microoperation or sequence of microoperations - 9 of 29 -

Microoperations control necessary register transfers To accomplish specified operation Operation thus comprised of set of microoperations Such a set called microprogram Writeback Operations complete results must be saved Perform microoperation or sequence of microoperations Microoperations control necessary transfers to Registers Memory(ies) Next Determines next operation to performed Well look at the sequence of operations Necessary to execute a simple instruction From C
*xPtr = y;

Assume Value of xPtr has been loaded into R1 This will be a location in data memory Value of y has been loaded into R2 In assembler
MOV @R1, R2

This is a move indirect instruction Use the contents of register R1 as an address in memory Use the contents of R2 as source of data Write that data to memory From instruction cycle state diagram
Operation Fetch

Place address of instruction from PC onto System Bus Store contents of System BUS into Memory Address Register Issue a READ command Wait Place contents of memory location into Memory Data Register Place Memory Data Register onto System Bus Store contents of System Bus into Instruction Register

Decode OP Code field - 10 of 29 -


Place contents of R1 onto System Bus Store contents of System BUS into Memory Address Register Place R2 onto System Bus Store contents of System Bus into Memory Data Register Issue WRITE to memory

No Writeback

Place contents of PC onto System Bus Store contents of BUS into TR0 Select constant input into Accumulator Add contents of Accumulator and TR0 in ALU Place output of ALU into TR1 register Place contents of TR1 register onto System Bus Store contents of System Bus into PC Lets now express instruction cycle using RTN

MAR PC Issue READ operation Wait MDR M[MAR] IR MDR


// memory data into MDR

Decode OP Code field


MAR IR<21..12> MDR IR<8..0> Issue WRITE operation

// operand address contained in R1 // data contained in R2 // write to memory

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Writeback - Memory

No writeback

TR0 PC Select Constant A Constant TR1 A + TR0 PC TR1 In the earlier discussion of datapath components Utilized two signals to control Enabling data into register Gating data output onto tristate bus Label these as in and out

// Select constant #1

Now examine register transfer operations Expressed in RTN for each phase of instruction cycle

PCout, MARin Issue READ operation Wait M[MAR], MDRin MDRout, IRin

// memory data into MDR

Decode OP Code field


MARin, R1out, MDRin, R2 out Issue WRITE operation

Writeback - Memory

// operand address contained in R1 // data contained in R2

No writeback

PCout, TR0in Select Constant Constant, Ain A, TR0out, ADD,TR1in TR1out, PCin,

// Select constant #1

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Implementing the Control

Intuitively each in or out signal in RTN expressions above Expresses control signal If could control appropriate subsets of signals In proper order Could perform each specified register operation Such signals could be generated in several different ways Could easily design finite state machine Could become cumbersome rather quickly Another alternative Consider N bit vector Each bit in vector expresses state of one of control signals As in familiar combinational logic signals Let 1 indicate ON or true and 0 express opposite Each such vector Called control word or microinstruction Individual bits represent state of control signal Technique called microprogram control Collection of such vectors Called control store Lets first examine microprogram control To see how might apply such techniques to simple computer given above Microprogram Control First step in implementing microprogram control Formulating control word First step in formulating control word Identifying system constraints Core constraints Because have only single bus Can only have single register driving bus at a time Can have one register driving and one receiving Beyond bus Some actions Must be able to occur simultaneously Mux selection control and register in Cannot or need not be simultaneous IR input and ALU add operation

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Building a Microinstruction

Subject to noted constraints Can formulate microinstruction Begin at high level Form categories of operations Such categories lead to necessary control signals

From discussion of datapath components Can easily identify some common operations That can potentially lead to required controls General Purpose Register Output and Input Memory and Temp Register Output and Input ALU Function Select Memory Read and Write commands Mux Control Wait for Memory delay Flow Control
Category Members

Based upon above architecture Can take first cut and potentially necessary control signals Register Outputs Requires 4 bits None R0..R7 PC MDR TR1 Register Inputs Requires 4 bits None R0..R7 PC IR Memory and Temp Register Inputs Requires 3 bits None MAR MDR TR0 Accumulator ALU Function Select Requires 4 bits Specify 16 ALU functions Memory Read and Write Requires 2 bits None Read - 14 of 29 -

Write Mux Control Requires 1 bit Select Constant Select Bus / TR1 Wait for Memory Requires 1 bit None Wait Flow Control Requires 1 bit Continue End

Within each of categories Encode each alternative using simple binary code Using specified number of bits For this design control word will be 20 bits Could easily round to 32 for expansion Based upon categories identified above Can formulate structure of microinstruction
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 none R0out R1out R2out R3out R4out R5out R6out R7out PCout MDRout TR0out

0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 none R0in R1in R2 in R3 in R4 in R5 in R6 in R7 in PC in IRin

000 001 010 011 011 none MARin MDRin TR0in ACCout

00 none 01 READ 10 WRITE

0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 NOP ADD SUB MULT DIV SHIFTL SHIFTR

0 Sel Const 1 Sel Bus

0 none 1 wait

0 cont 1 end

Lets now look at microinstruction sequence To affect execute step from above From original instruction From C
*xPtr = y;

and again in assembler

MOV @R1, R2 // write contents of R2 to memory location // identified by R1

Machine instruction format

OP-CODE Adx Mode Operand 2 Adx Mode Operand 1

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We interpret instruction as follows Operand 2 is destination Address mode will be register indirect Operand 1 is source Address mode is register direct Opcode specifies mov operation We execute mov operation as above MARin, R1out, MDRin, R2 out Issue WRITE operation The meaning of each bit pattern has been retained for clarity In practice each microinstruction Would only comprise the binary bits shown
0010 R1out 0011 R2out

// // // //

destination adx contained in R1 Operand2 field in instruction data contained in R2 Operand1 field in instruction

0000 none 0000 none

001 MARin 010 MDRin

00 none 10 WRITE

0000 NOP 0000 NOP

0 Sel const 0 Sel const

0 none 0 none

0 cont 0 cont

Finite State Machine Control What ever technique used to affect control Control signals must still be generated From earlier studies of finite state machines Our high level block diagram begins with following Now we have Set of inputs Set of outputs Important to recognize Outputs may be State variables Combinations of state variables Combinations of State variables Inputs Lets increase the level of detail of out state machine Well reflect the Inputs


Finite State Machine


Finite State Machine

State Variables Outputs

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State variables Outputs We see that our state variables Fed back as inputs to our system Were now looking at the essence of the strength of the machine It has the ability to Recognize the state that it is in Based upon the values of the state variables React based upon that information Decision as to which state to go to next now based upon The current input The state that the machine is currently in X


Lets continue increasing the level of detail Well increase our view to now include Storage elements comprising the machine Combinational logic Implements output functionality Input equations to storage elements Our block diagram now becomes We now see that we have n inputs m outputs p state variables Associated with each state variable We have a memory device At this point we do not specify the particular type


Combinational Logic




Memory Device


Memory Device


Working from this model We can begin to formalize out model of the finite state machine Our model must reflect Inputs Outputs Which may be a function of Inputs and State variables State variables alone State variables Movement between states
Finite State Model

Finite State Machine - 17 of 29 -

Also known as finite automaton Abstract model describing Sequential machine Forms basis for understanding and developing Various computational structures We now formally define such a finite state machine We specify the variables Xi - Represent system n inputs Zj - Represent system m outputs Yk - Represent internal p state variables We define our finite state machine as a quintuple M = { I, O, S, , }
I - Finite nonempty set or vector of inputs O - Finite nonempty set or vector of outputs S - Finite nonempty set or vector of states - Mapping I x S S 1 - Mapping I x S O - Mealy Machine 2 - Mapping S O - Moore Machine

x is the Cartesian or cross product The Cartesian product of two vectors Gives matrix of all possible pairs Among elements of two vectors To reflect the different ways of expressing our output We define Mealy machine - 1 Output function of Present state and inputs Moore machine - 2 Output function of Present state only
Implementing the Control

From above models Could implement necessary control signals As outputs from an FMS Either Mealy or Moore model can work Examine state diagram for Moore model of control For execute portion of MOV instruction above From the analysis above Can segregate control signals into same categories - 18 of 29 -

Use instruction fields to discriminate alternatives Within categories Thus state machine can generate input or output enable signals Instruction field can specify Which input or output is enabled Implication of such a design approach Must be state machine for each possible instruction Nonsequential Control Flow Implicit in either microprogrammed or finite state scheme Flow of control sequentially moved from one to next microinstruction Such an assumption creates two problems Does not consider branch or jump types of instructions Either absolute or conditioned Conditioned cases based upon ALU flag register Does not recognize that implementations of different microinstructions May have common blocks of code that can be reused Prefixing or interspersed within other threads Second problem duplicates first Need to jump or branch around differing segments Flow of control in Microprogrammed model sequenced by microprogram counter Analogous to that at machine language level State machine mode affected by external inputs and state information To alter flow of control Microprogrammed model Must change contents of microprogram counter State machine model Must incorporate an edge to incorporate effect of input state Lets examine microprogrammed model Nonsequential flow takes two forms To absolute position Relative to current position May be positive or negative Either case may also be Qualified Unqualified - 19 of 29 -

Absolute Control Flow

Absolute control flow implemented By replacing PC contents with desired location Effect is to move execution to specified address Implementation given as No jump or branch

Jump or branch Unconditioned

PC address

Conditioned Condition false


Condition true
PC address

Relative Control Flow

Relative control flow implemented By algebraically adding offset to PC Effect is to move forward or backwards With respect to current position In contrast to absolute movement Movement more limited Implementation given as No jump or branch

Jump or branch Unconditioned

PC PC+offset

Conditioned Condition false


Condition true
PC PC+offset

Now need to incorporate flow control information into control word To do so will add fields Must indicate Jump or branch to be taken Need two bits 00 no jump or branch 01 jump 10 branch Conditional or unconditional - 20 of 29 -

Need single bit 0 conditional 1 unconditional Condition Assume 4 conditions which implies 2 bits 00 zero 01 negative 10 carry11 overflow
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 none R0out R1out R2out R3out R4out R5out R6out R7out PCout MDRout TR0out

0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 none R0in R1in R2 in R3 in R4 in R5 in R6 in R7 in PC in IRin

000 001 010 011 011 none MARin MDRin TR0in ACCout

00 none 01 READ 10 WRITE

0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 NOP ADD SUB MULT DIV SHFTL SHFTR

0 Sel Const 1 Sel Bus

0 none 1 wait

0 cont 1 end

00 no 01 jmp 10 br

0 cond 1 ucond

00 zero 01 neg 10 C 11 ovr

With a bit of experience Lets examine a slightly different architecture

Single Clock Cycle Control

Building on concepts from above Next machine will be architected as load and store machine Sometimes also known as register to register machines Memory accesses limited to two operations Load write data from memory to register Store write data from register to memory ALU and branch operations Can only use operands from processor registers Results must be put in processor registers Motivation Movement into and out of memory is expensive operation Want to limit such movement Make some other simple modifications to architecture Implement architecture that fetches and executes Instruction in single clock cycle - 21 of 29 -

PC updated with each clock cycle Control implemented as combinational logic Rather than sequential Thereby sets pulse width of clock Modifications will be reflected in Register set replaced by register file Bus structure Will support several local busses Rather than single system bus Separate data and instruction memory Harvard or Aiken architecture Each has effect of speeding up execution Datapath Single clock cycle architecture given in following diagram Datapath appears on left Will assume 16-bit data words Major Blocks Register file Contains 8 registers Control signals derived as outputs from instruction decoder A adx B adx Reg Sel Write ALU Function select Derived from instruction opcode From instruction decoder Multiplexer control Control signals derived as outputs from instruction decoder B sel D sel Data memory connected to datapath by Bus A Provides address for data access Bus B Provides data either from Register file Constant from instruction Read / write control Provide by output from instruction decoder - 22 of 29 -

Control Block On each cycle Program counter incremented Providing address to instruction memory Instruction Fetched Decoded By instruction decoder
Sequential Flow

Executed Note execution strictly combinational

Nonsequential Flow

Branch Flags set during previous instruction execution Direct PC to be modified relative to current position Implemented by adding value to PC If branch backwards Offset is negative 2s complement Jump PC replaced by value contained on Bus A Originating in register file - 23 of 29 -

Given goal and architecture Next step is to identify necessary control signals As was done with earlier machine As was done previously such control signals derive from Current instruction Commands Sequential Branch Jump State of system following previous instruction Expressed in values of flags in flag register Values conditionally direct Sequential Branch Expressed as outputs from instruction decoder block
Necessary Control Signals

As we did earlier We identify what control signals will be necessary To manage hardware along datapath
Register File

A address B address Reg Sel RW

ALU Control

3 3 3 1

Function Select 4 Assume 16 basic operations

Multiplexer Control

B sel D sel
PC Control

1 1

Increment / Load 1 Branch / Jump 1 Branch Condition 1 Assume only negative or zero flags

- 24 of 29 -

Data Memory

Address Data DMRW

Instruction Word

16 16 1

Based upon architecture and necessary control signals Can formulate instruction word Bus width constraints Dictate 16 bit instruction word Register addresses within register file Dictate 3 bit register addresses Will support 3 register addresses Source A address Source B address Destination A or B address Address requirements Leave 7 bits for opcode Opcode When formulating opcode Identify types of instructions necessary or desired Register constant operations Immediate mode types Register register Register direct or indirect types Load Store PC management Conditional branch Zero or negative Unconditional jump Increment By default no branch or jump Decide on format as follows

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Instruction Decoder

Based upon such organization and requirements Formulate instruction decoder output control signals
Instruction Decoder Control Word Instruction Type Instruction Word Bits 19..16 Funct. Sel 12..9 15..13 Dest adx 8..6 12..10 A adx 5..3 9..7 B adx 2..0 6 B sel 15 5 D sel 13 4 3 BR JMP 15 14 2 1 0 DMRW JMP 13 BR 12 ~15 14

Register - Register Load Store Register - Constant Conditional - Zero Conditional - Negative Jump

15 14 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

12 0 1 -

RW ~14

Table identifies Types of instructions Each type identified by Most significant 4 bits of instruction word opcode Bit 15 MS instruction word bit Distinguishes instruction types that Access memory Perform multi register operations Immediate mode and branch/jump operations Bit 14 Memory access instructions Distinguishes load and store operations Nonmemory access instructions Identifies branch and jump instructions Bit 13 Distinguishes data source ALU or memory Bit 12 Identifies branch condition Bits 12..9 Identify the ALU operation to be performed Datapath component control signals Derived from most significant 4 opcode bits Keyed to instruction type Source and destination registers in register file Derived from least significant 9 bits of instruction word

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Now look at example of representative function type Instruction word Decoded control word
Examples Register Constant

Add Immediate C

ADI R1, 3; // add 3 to contents of R1

R1 R1 + 3

Instruction Word
10000010 001 001 011

Control Word
0001 001 001 000 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0001 001 001 000 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 // // // // // // // // // // // // bits 12..9 from opcode assume function sel 0001 destination register R1 source A register R1 source B register dont care B sel select constant from instruction D sel dont care RW write back into register file no branch or jump no jump no branch no write to data memory

Register Register

Load C
x = *yPtr

LD R1, *R2; // load data from memory to contents of R1

R1 M[R2]

Instruction Word
00100100 001 010 000

Control Word
0010 001 001 010 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0010 // bits 12..9 from opcode // assume function sel 0010 001 // destination register R1 001 // source A register R1 010 // source B register R2 1 // B sel select register file

- 27 of 29 -

1 1 0 0 0 0

// // // // // //

D sel select memory out RW write back into register file no branch or jump no jump no branch no write to data memory

Conditional - Zero

Conditional - Zero C

BRZ R1, $1; // if R1 == 0 branch to label $1

if [R1] = 0 PC PC + DEL // // // // // // // // // // if contents of R1 == 0 based upon zero flag from previous operation value DEL algebraically added to PC DEL can be sign extended concatenation of Dest and B fields specifies distance forward or backwards from current location to label $1 if contents of R1 != 0 based upon zero flag from previous operation increment PC

if [R1] != 0 PC PC + 1

Instruction Word
1100100 001 001 010

Control Word
0010 001 001 010 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0100 // bits 12..9 from opcode.. assume function sel 0100 001 // destination register field 001 // source A register R1 010 // source B register field DR + B 10 1 // B sel select constant from instruction 0 // D sel dont care 0 // RW write back into register file 1 // branch or jump 0 // no jump 0 // branch on zero flag 0 // no write to data memory

Analysis Single cycle design Datapath and control flow reasonable Has some limitations As observed earlier Design based upon combinational model Rather than sequential Cannot handle various kinds of complex instructions Examine components along datapath Longest path comprises - 28 of 29 -

PC Instruction Memory Register File Read B Mux ALU / Data Memory Data Mux Register File Write Delay along path Sets minimum period of clock To increase clock speed can Decrease delays through component Eliminate components Observe Only using one component along path at a time As example when ALU being used Instruction memory sitting idle If can use multiple components simultaneously Can make significant gains in performance Problem All components do not have fixed delay Part variation can lead to wide variation In end to end path delay To accommodate would have to consider Worst case delays through all paths Not efficient Will examine ways to deal with such problems next

Have introduced and explored Control unit Designed control scheme based upon Finite state machine Microprogrammed control Applied methodology to two different architectures

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