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! CO"PLAINANT HAS COPIE# HIS FILES TO "ULTIPLE PARTIES! INCLU#ING $UT NOT LI"ITE# TO% & Internet! Twitter'er(e! Face)oo*! +o, T,)e & A-- "a.or "edia & /ath-een 0ynne! Ti1 H,da*! Andrea Horwath & Charter Ri2ht( 3io-ation( & H,1an Ri2ht( Tri),na& Andre "arin! O1),d(1an & "ini(try of Con(,1er Ser'ice( & Law Co11i((ion of Ontario & A4G4 5ohn Gerre(t(en & Ontario $ar A((ociation & 6eynep Onen! #irector! Profe((iona- Re2,-ation #i'i(ion CO"PLAINANT ha( (,ffered 7 con(ec,ti'e! inco1petent! ,nethica-! a),(i'e! pernicio,(! and inefficacio,(! Ontario -awyer(4 A third -awyer! Law Society Inta*e Co,n(e- (I4C4 ! ha( erred and wron2f,--y c-o(ed Co1p-ainant8( Fi-e! whi-e (,22e(tin2 Co1p-ainant (ee* -e2a- ad'ice (-awyer 9: re% ;#EFA"ATION < LI$EL < "ALICE=! and -e2a- ad'ice (-awyer 9> re% ;PASSING of ACCOUNTS=! re% SU$5ECT LA0+ER in CO"PLAINANT8S CASE 97?@AB@7?:CD4 Ear-ier in thi( 1atter! a "i-ton Co,rtho,(e 5,d2e (,22e(ted Co1p-ainant contact L4P4I4C4 (Lawyer(8 Profe((iona- Inde1nity Co1pany ! for Co1pen(ation for -awyer "i(cond,ct4 Co1p-ainant contacted L4P4I4C4 and L4P4I4C4 infor1ed Co1p-ainant! that he co,-d not )rin2 the Co1p-aint hi1(e-f! in(tead! for Co1p-ainant to )rin2 hi( Co1p-aint! he needed a -awyer (-awyer 9C 4 Co1p-ainant i( an Ontario TaE Payer! and part of The 99%, and can no -on2er afford! to pay for! any 1ore! inco1petent! ,nethica-! a),(i'e! pernicio,(! inefficacio,(! and aff-,ent! Ontario -awyer(4 The Law Society8( 1antra% Money, money, money, money, money... Co1p-ainant )e-ie'e( that the Law Society and it( -awyer( are ;o,t of to,ch= with rea-ity! and ;o,t of to,ch= with their employers, The Ontario Tax Payers The 99%. Co1p-ainant contacted Co1p-aint( Re(o-,tion Co11i((ioner! Stindar La-8( office! and (po*e to a wo1an na1ed! Gi--ian (no -a(t na1e! no tit-e ! who wron !"lly #enie# Complainant$s Ri ht to a %Re&iew'( Co1p-ainant a(*ed whyF Gi--ian ner'o,(-y and (heepi(h-y! ;,11ed and aahed=! (ta11ered and (t,ttered! and co,-d not! and did not! an(wer Co1p-ainant8( G,e(tion! with any detai- or eEperti(e! what(oe'er4 Co1p-ainant wondered! why (he wa( (o ner'o,(! and -ac*ed eEperti(e and e-oG,ence4 Thi( wa( a %Re# )la ' to Co1p-ainant! and Co1p-ainant tho,2ht that (he de1on(trated in*ompeten*e, and wondered how (he 2ot her .o)F Perhap( the -ofty .o) tit-e! ;Co1p-aint( Re(o-,tion Co11i((ioner=! and Stindar La-! were not a( ad'erti(ed% not a (*i--ed and fair and *now-ed2ea)-e referee and o1),d(1an! ),t a 1ere ti1e*eeper! another ),rea,crat r,))er (ta1pin2 the Law Society8( 1od,( operandi of protectin2 it( -awyer(! *eepin2 Co1p-ainant( at )ay! and 1a*in2 it i1po((i)-e for Co1p-ainant( to acce(( .,(tice! recei'e co1pen(ation fro1 the Law Society Co1pen(ation F,nd! pro(ec,te an inco1petent! pernicio,( Ontario -awyer! and! ha'e that -awyer di(cip-ined4 Th,( con(tit,tin2% A$USE of PO0ER! "ALFEASANCE! 0ILLFUL $LIN#NESS! O$STRUCTION of 5USTICE! #UPLICIT+! CHARTER RIGHTS 3IOLATIONS! HU"AN RIGHTS 3IOLATIONS! and! PRE5U#ICE AGAINST CO"PLAINANT and CO"PLAINANT8S CASE4 Co1p-ainant8( Ri2ht( ha'e indeed )een 'io-ated! )eca,(e the Law Society and it( -awyer( con(tit,te a ;(pecia- 2ro,p=! with (pecia- ri2ht( and pri'i-e2e(! the The Elite 1%, (anctioned )y the ;Law Society Act= and the Go'ern1ent of Ontario4 F,rther! thi( (pecia- 2ro,p! the Law Society! ha( ,(ed it( power! per'er(e-y! )y wron2f,--y n,--ifyin2 and G,a(hin2 the Co1p-ainant8( 'oice! the Co1p-ainant8( Ri2ht to Se-fBEEpre((ion! (pea*in2 o,t! and 1a*in2 hi( 'oice heard! and! )y treatin2 the Co1p-ainant -i*e a -e((er citiHen! a (econd c-a(( citiHen! and intentiona--y and wron2f,--y and i--e2a--y! red,cin2 hi( citiHen(hip and citiHenry! .,(t )eca,(e he i( not part of the special, ;The Elite 1%, ),t in(tead! Co1p-ainant i( part of The 99% The Tax Payers o! Ontario( Tho(e (a1e TaE Payer( that pay for the Ontario Co,rt Sy(te1! the Ontario Le2a- Sy(te1 the ;P-ay2ro,nd(=! for the Law Society and it( -awyer(4 + 0itho,t the Ontario TaE Payer(! the Law Society and it( -awyer( wo,-d )e ,ne1p-oyed and ,nnece((ary4 + It8( ti1e for the Law Society and it( -awyer(! to )e atten,ated4 + It8( ti1e that the Law Society and it( -awyer(! are forced to re(pect their e1p-oyer( The Ontario Tax Payers The 99%.

Thro,2ho,t the Law Society8( ;R,-e( of Profe((iona- Cond,ct=! they proc-ai1 (ee1in2-y! hi2h! -ofty (tandard(4 Howe'er! Co1p-ainant ha( fo,nd otherwi(e4 In hi( c-o(e -etter! I4C4 (tated% A solicitor retained by an Estate Trustee is accountable to his client: the Estate Trustee. Howe'er! I4C4 and the Law Society i2nored S,).ect Lawyer8( 1andatory re(pon(i)i-itie(! to adhere to! and not contra'ene! n,1ero,( other ;R,-e( of Profe((iona- Cond,ct=! which S,).ect Lawyer fai-ed to do4 A-- of which are (,).ect to #i(cip-inary action4 The Law Society8( apparent -ac* of d,e di-i2ence! ha( forced the Co1p-ainant! to )e of the opinion that! the Law Society8( pri1ary f,nction! foc,( and o).ecti'e! i( to protect it( -awyer(! and there)y! protect the Law Society8( fa-(e i1pre((ion and preten(e of inte2rity! that the Law Society pro.ect( to the p,)-ic4 0hich i( o)'io,(-y para1o,nt and ,-traBi1portant! a( the Law Society de1on(trate( )y repeatin2! o'er and o'er! and o'er a2ain! thro,2ho,t it( @AC (@:A P#F pa2e( of! ;R,-e( of Profe((iona- Cond,ct=4 ,-(.( The Law So*iety sho"l# ha&e s"/poenae# S"/0e*t Lawyer$s phone re*or#s !rom the S"/0e*t Lawyer$s phone *ompany, whi*h wo"l# ha&e a!!irme# an# *orro/orate# Complainant$s /ona !i#e an# irre!"ta/le e&i#en*e( $,t they didn8t4 They cho(e not to! )eca,(e S,).ect Lawyer8( credi)i-ity wo,-d ha'e )een eEpo(ed a( 6ERO4 He8( a pre'aricator < a -iar4 ,-(.( The Law So*iety sho"l# ha&e applie# ALL o! the %R"les o! Pro!essional Con#"*t'( $,t they didn8t4 They cho(e not to! )eca,(e S,).ect Lawyer8( credi)i-ity wo,-d ha'e )een eEpo(ed a( 6ERO4 He8( di(hone(t < deceitf,-4 $ad Ontario -awyer( are a direct ref-ection on the Law Society8( -ow (tandard(! fai-in2(! frai-tie(! and -ac* of di(cip-ine eEec,ted4 Hence! the Law Society8( ref,(a- to in'e(ti2ate! and pro(ec,te! and di(cip-ine! )ad Ontario -awyer(% Ontario Taxpayers will learn the tr"th( Complainant$s /ona !i#e an# irre!"ta/le e&i#en*e, in*l"#es #o*"ments s"*h as1 + S"/0e*t Lawyer$s own letter hea#s an# stationery, sent to other lawyers2 + S"/0e*t Lawyer$s own emails, sent to other lawyers2 + Other lawyers$ letter hea#s an# stationery, sent to S"/0e*t Lawyer, an#, other lawyers2 + Other lawyers$ emails, sent to S"/0e*t Lawyer, an#, other lawyers( Co1p-ainant8( copio,(! )ona fide and irref,ta)-e e'idence! in con.,nction with hi( -ife eEperience! 2a-'aniHe( hi1 and a-ert( hi1 to 'i2i-ance! and to )e co2niHant of tho(e who ince((ant-y and o(tentatio,(-y! proc-ai1 and pro1,-2ate! their ri2hteo,(ne((! and their r,-e(! a( they are ,(,a--y! and act,a--y! and 1ore acc,rate-y! (e-fBri2hteo,(! and o)(e((ed with 'eneer(! facade(! waEe(! and po-i(hin2 t,rd(4 A( it (tand( now! the Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario ha( (ent an ,neG,i'oca- 1e((a2e to the Co1p-ainant! the Ontario TaE Payer(! and the 0or-d! that the Law Society accept(! (,pport(! and protect( -awyer( that 'io-ate! and )reach! and contra'ene! the (o ca--ed ;R,-e( of Profe((iona- Cond,ct=4 Co1p-ainant8( copio,(! )ona fide and irref,ta)-e e'idence! shows that the Law So*iety prote*te# S"/0e*t Lawyer who1 & #i(pen(ed inco1petent and pernicio,( ad'ice to hi( c-ient! the E(tate Tr,(tee! ca,(in2 c-ient to intentiona--y! ,nnece((ari-y! and fra,d,-ent-y! increa(e the #ecedent8( tota- ;Genera- #e)t=! which contin,e( to 2row4 & #i(pen(ed inco1petent and pernicio,( ad'ice to hi( c-ient! the E(tate Tr,(tee! ca,(in2 c-ient to intentiona--y! ,nnece((ari-y! and fra,d,-ent-y! increa(e the tota- a1o,nt of ;Rei1),r(e1ent(=! (o,2ht )y c-ient! fro1 the #ecedent8( E(tate! and which! (aid ;Rei1),r(e1ent(=! contin,e to 2row4 & #i(pen(ed inco1petent and pernicio,( ad'ice to hi( c-ient! the E(tate Tr,(tee! 3ia Pre1editated Co--,(ion and Con(piracy! to 0ithho-d #oc,1ent( and "i(appropriate F,nd( of ID!:A@ ca,(in2 eEten(i'e da1a2e( and -o((e( and -o(t renta- re'en,e(! to #ecedent8( E(tate and Rea- Property and On-y So,rce of Re'en,e (to pay #ecedent8( )i--( and de)t( ! tota-in2 I7>!AA@ a( of Septe1)er @! 7?@A! and accr,in2 )y I@!A?? per 1onth! thereafter4 & #i(pen(ed inco1petent and pernicio,( ad'ice to hi( c-ient! the E(tate Tr,(tee! 3ia Pre1editated Co--,(ion and Con(piracy! to 0ithho-d #oc,1ent( and "i(appropriate F,nd( of ID!:A@ pre'entin2 Co1p-ainant fro1 1a*in2 repair( to #ecedent8( Renta- Property! re(,-tin2 in! and ca,(in2! eEten(i'e da1a2e( and -o((e( and -o(t renta- re'en,e(! to #ecedent8( E(tate and Rea- Property and On-y So,rce of Re'en,e (to pay #ecedent8( )i--( and de)t( ! tota-in2 I7>!AA@ a( of Septe1)er @! 7?@A! and accr,in2 )y I@!A?? per 1onth! thereafter4 & Fai-ed to ad'i(e hi( c-ient! that he! S,).ect Lawyer -ac*ed co1petency in Land-ord and Tenant $oard (LT$ Law! R,-e(! Re2,-ation(! and ReG,ire1ent(! and! the Land-ord and Tenant $oard (LT$ Act! and! Renta- Property $e(t Practice(4 & Fai-ed to ,p2rade hi1(e-f and ed,cate hi1(e-f! (o that S,).ect Lawyer po((e((ed co1petency in Land-ord and Tenant $oard (LT$ Law! R,-e(! Re2,-ation(! and ReG,ire1ent(! and! the Land-ord and Tenant $oard (LT$ Act! and! Renta- Property $e(t Practice(4

& Fai-ed to reco2niHe hi( -i1itation( in hi( a)i-itie(! and fai-ed to ta*e (tep( to en(,re that hi( c-ient wa(Ji( appropriate-y (er'ed in re2ard( to Land-ord and Tenant $oard (LT$ Law! R,-e(! Re2,-ation(! and ReG,ire1ent(! and! the Land-ord and Tenant $oard (LT$ Act! and! Renta- Property $e(t Practice(4 & Fai-ed to (ee* c-ient8( in(tr,ction( to con(,-t eEpert( in Land-ord and Tenant $oard (LT$ Law! R,-e(! Re2,-ation(! and ReG,ire1ent(! and! the Land-ord and Tenant $oard (LT$ Act! and! Renta- Property $e(t Practice(4 & Ha( done hi( c-ient a di((er'ice! ha( )ro,2ht di(credit to the profe((ion! and ha( )ro,2ht the ad1ini(tration of .,(tice into di(rep,te4 & Ha( de1on(trated that he ha( )een and contin,e( to )e! ,nethica-! therefore! thi( i( an ethica- con(ideration and i( to )e di(tin2,i(hed fro1 the (tandard of care that a tri),na- wo,-d in'o*e for p,rpo(e( of deter1inin2 ne2-i2ence4 There!ore, %The Compensation )"n#', is responsi/le !or all #ama es an# losses s"!!ere# an# s"staine# /y the Complainant( & Intentiona--y -ied to! and intentiona--y 1i(-ead other -awyer(4 & Intentiona--y did not re(pond to other -awyer(8 e1ai-( for D 1onth(! ,nti- forced to! )y other -awyer(8 1otion to prod,ce doc,1ent(4 & Intentiona--y withhe-d doc,1ent( fro1 other -awyer( for D 1onth(! ,nti- forced )y other -awyer(8 1otion to prod,ce doc,1ent(4 & Intentiona--y withhe-d doc,1ent( fro1 Co1p-ainant and Liti2ation G,ardian for D 1onth(! ,nti- forced )y other -awyer(8 1otion to prod,ce doc,1ent(4 ,-(.( S"/0e*t Lawyer Contin"es to Withhol# Two Do*"ments Re3"este# /y Complainant( & Intentiona--y #i(o)eyed 5,d2e8( Co,rt Order4 & Intentiona--y O)(tr,cted 5,(tice4 & Intentiona--y #e-ayed #,e Proce((4 & Intentiona--y perpetrated 0i--f,- $-indne((4 & Intentiona--y ,(ed Tric*ery and #eception! and Tric*ed and #ecei'ed Co1p-ainant! eEertin2 Und,e Inf-,ence Ca,(in2 #,re((! and forcin2 Co1p-ainant to pay ID!:A@ a2ain(t hi( free wi-- and .,d21ent! to (a'e #ecedent8( trip-eE and Rea- Property fro1 Forec-o(,re! )eca,(e of "ort2a2e Arrear( ca,(ed )y S,).ect Lawyer8( inco1petent and pernicio,( ad'ice to hi( c-ient! the E(tate Tr,(tee! 3ia Pre1editated Co--,(ion and Con(piracy to 0ithho-d #oc,1ent( and "i(appropriate F,nd( of ID!:A@4 & Intentiona--y #efa1ed and Li)e--ed Co1p-ainant! with "a-ice! to 1any! 1any peop-e inc-,din2% : -awyer(! A -aw fir1(! : c-ient(! intentiona--y #a1a2in2 Co1p-ainant8( Good Na1e and Rep,tation! ca,(in2 hi1 Great E1)arra((1ent! Great E1otiona- Pain! and Great S,fferin2 < with "a-ice4 & Intentiona--y 1ade Fa-(e and Erroneo,( State1ent(! with "a-ice! a)o,t Co1p-ainant! to 1any! 1any peop-e inc-,din2% : -awyer(! A -aw fir1(! : c-ient(! intentiona--y #a1a2in2 Co1p-ainant8( Good Na1e and Rep,tation! ca,(in2 hi1 Great E1)arra((1ent! Great E1otionaPain! and Great S,fferin2 < with "a-ice4 & Intentiona--y interfered with potentia- Liti2ant(! S,).ect Lawyer doe( not repre(ent4 & Intentiona--y did not re(pond to Co1p-ainant8( 1any G,e(tion(4 & Intentiona--y did not re(pond to Co1p-ainant8( offer to 1eet! re% Re(o-,tion4 & Intentiona--y did not re(pond to Co1p-ainant8( two! (eparate! written offer( to (ett-e o,t of co,rt4 & #i(pen(ed inco1petent and pernicio,( ad'ice to Co1p-ainant! in writin2! te--in2 hi1 to in(ta-- carpet in #ecedent8( Apt49A < a (-,1! and rent it to the p,)-ic4 Co1p-ainant had a-ready ad'i(ed S,).ect Lawyer 1any ti1e(! that Apt49A did not 1eet LT$ Standard(! R,-e(! Re2,-ation(! and ReG,ire1ent(4 Co1p-ainant i( a (,cce((f,- Renta- Property "ana2er and Land-ord! and a)ide( )y LT$ R,-e( and re(pect( Tenant(8 Ri2ht(4 ,-(.( A2ain and a2ain! S,).ect Lawyer de1on(trate( hi( -ac* of co1petency in LT$ Law! R,-e(! Re2,-ation(! and ReG,ire1ent(! the LT$ Act! and! Renta- Property $e(t Practice(4 S,).ect Lawyer8( ad'ice to Co1p-ainant! i( tanta1o,nt to the eEpre((ion% Putting lipstick on a pig. Arro2ant! aff-,ent S,).ect Lawyer! doe( not re(pect the LT$ or Tenant(8 Ri2ht(4 Co1p-ainant ha( read the ;R,-e( of Profe((iona- Cond,ct=4 S"/0e*t Lawyer sho"l# ha&e With#rawn !rom Representation lon a o( S"/0e*t Lawyer is #eser&in Dis*ipline(

Sho,-d the Law Society contin,e it( per'er(ion( and 1aintain that S,).ect Lawyer i( innocent! and that hi( c-ient! the E(tate Tr,(tee! acted alone, and ca,(ed a-- da1a2e( and -o((e(! alone, then S,).ect Lawyer i( 2,i-ty of "ALPRACTICE4 S,).ect Lawyer cannot (tand )y and watch hi( c-ient! line her pockets! and de(troy #ecedent8( E(tate4 S,).ect Lawyer did not 0ithdraw Fro1 Repre(entation (74?K 4 S,).ect Lawyer contin,e( to )i-- hi( c-ient4 S,).ect Lawyer contin,e( to )e paid )y hi( c-ient4 S,).ect Lawyer contin,e( to accept 1oney fro1 hi( c-ient4 That8( "ALPRACTICE4 That8( FRAU#4 The Law Society can8t ha'e it )oth way(4 That8( di(hono,ra)-e4 That8( i--e2a-4 The Law Society ha( )ro,2ht di(credit to the profe((ion! and ha( )ro,2ht the ad1ini(tration of .,(tice into di(rep,te4

The Law Society8( "ethodo-o2y i( C-ear% & Thwart the Co1p-ainant The Ontario Tax Payers The 99%. & "a*e it too eEpen(i'e for Co1p-ainant to Acce(( 5,(tice! and recei'e Co1pen(ation fro1 the ;Co1pen(ation F,nd=4 & "a*e it too ard,o,( and ti1e con(,1in2 for Co1p-ainant to Acce(( 5,(tice! and ha'e S,).ect Lawyer #i(cip-ined4 & "anip,-ate the ;R,-e(= to (er'e the Law Society8( p,rpo(e% Protect S,).ect Lawyer4 & Conde(cend and $e-itt-e the Co1p-ainant at a-- ti1e(4 & U(e d,p-icito,( eEp-anation( to o)f,(cate! eG,i'ocate and confo,nd Co1p-ainant4 & Protect the (tat,( G,o! The Elite 1%. & "a*e the Co1p-ainant! The Ontario Tax Payers The 99% 4O AWAY ,-(.(

Complainant is challenging the Law Societ an! "i#ecto# $e nep %nen to a pu&lic !e&ate, on the &ona 'i!e an! i##e'uta&le e(i!ence an! me#its o' his case, that will &e &#oa!cast li(e on )ou Tu&e, to The *o#l!. +ll "ocuments, inclu!ing law e#s, lette#s, 'a-es, an! emails, with .i#m names, lette#hea!s an! a!!#esses will &e poste! on line, 'o# The *hole *o#l! to See.
& The 0ho-e 0or-d wi-- (ee The Tr,th4 & The 0ho-e 0or-d wi-- (ee The Lie(4 & The 0ho-e 0or-d wi-- (ee The Corr,ption4 & The 0ho-e 0or-d wi-- (ee The Aff-,ent! The Elite 1%, protectin2 their own! protectin2 the (tat,( G,o! protectin2 their 1oney4 & The Law Society and #irector 6eynep Onen ha'e pre.,diced Co1p-ainant and Co1p-ainant8( ca(e4 & The Law Society and #irector 6eynep Onen ha'e 'io-ated Co1p-ainant8( Charter Ri2ht( and Freedo1(4 & The Law Society and #irector 6eynep Onen ha'e 'io-ated Co1p-ainant8( H,1an Ri2ht(! and ha'e treated hi1 a( a -e((er citiHen! a (econd c-a(( citiHen! and ha'e #i(cri1inated A2ain(t Hi1! )eca,(e Co1p-ainant i( not part of the special, ;The Elite 1%, ),t in(tead! Co1p-ainant i( part of The 99% The Tax Payers o! Ontario(

The Whole Worl# hates lawyers, an# !or oo# reason( 5oreo&er, they ha&e only themsel&es to than61 *a&alier *ow/oys, #r"n6 with #el"sional omnipoten*e(

Complainant is not a lawyer( 7e is an honest man, !i htin /a*6(

%R"les o! Pro!essional Con#"*t', 8iolate#, .rea*he# an# Contra&ene# /y S"/0e*t Lawyer, /e in on next pa e( Find the ;R,-e(= at% http%JJwww4-(,c4on4caJwith4a(pEFidLCM@ (Ctrl-click to open hyperlink

%R"les o! Pro!essional Con#"*t' 8iolate#, .rea*he# an# Contra&ene# /y S"/0e*t Lawyer1 R,-e @ Citation and Interpretation R,-e @4?@ Citation R,-e @4?7 #efinition( con!uct un&ecoming a &a##iste# o# solicito# means con!uct, inclu!ing con!uct in a law e#,s pe#sonal o# p#i(ate capacit , that ten!s to &#ing !isc#e!it upon the legal p#o'ession inclu!ing, 'o# e-ample,... (a () (c Co11entary! pa2e 7 R,-e @4?7 (f pa2e A p#o'essional miscon!uct means con!uct in a law e#,s p#o'essional capacit , that ten!s to &#ing !isc#e!it upon the legal p#o'ession inclu!ing... pa2e : (a () (d (e R,-e @4?A Interpretation < Standard( of the Le2a- Profe((ion R,-e @4?A (@ (a () (c (d (e (f R,-e 7 Re-ation(hip to C-ient( R,-e 74?@ Co1petence < #efinition( R,-e 74?@ (@ (a () (c (i (ii (iii (' ('i ('iii (e (f (2 (h (. (* Co11entary! pa2e D! K Co1petence (7 Co11entary! pa2e K! @? R,-e 74?7 N,a-ity of Ser'ice < Hone(ty and Cando,r 74?7 (@ Co11entary! pa2e @? Enco,ra2in2 Co1pro1i(e or Sett-e1ent 74?7 (7 (A Threatenin2 Cri1ina- Proceedin2( 74?7 (: #i(hone(ty! Fra,d etc4 $y C-ient 74?7 (> (a () 74?7 (>4?4@ Co11entary! pa2e @7 OC-ient Under #i(a)i-ity O74?7 (C C-ient 1ay)e i1paired OCo11entary! pa2e @>! @C R,-e 74?A Confidentia-ity < Confidentia- Infor1ation 74?A (@ Co11entary! pa2e @K! 7? 74?A (: (a () (c R,-e 74?: A'oidance of Conf-ict( of Intere(t < #efinition 74?: (@ (a () Co11entary! pa2e 77 74?: (A Co11entary! pa2e 77! 7A! 7: 74?: (@: (a (c R,-e 74?D Fee( and #i(),r(e1ent( < Rea(ona)-e Fee( and #i(),r(e1ent( 74?D (@ Co11entary! pa2e :>! :C () (c (d (e R,-e 74?K 0ithdrawa- Fro1 Repre(entation 74?K (@ (7 Co11entary! pa2e :DP Co11entary! pa2e :K% + law e# who is !ecei(e! & the client... 74?K (M (c (d (d4@ (e "andatory 0ithdrawaR,-e : Re-ation(hip to the Ad1ini(tration of 5,(tice < The Lawyer a( Ad'ocate :4?@ (@ Co11entary! pa2e >M! >D :4?@ (7 (a () (e (f (2 (h (. (* (- (1 Co11entary! pa2e >K :4?@ (: (a (i (ii #i(co'ery O)-i2ation( :4?@ () (c

:4?@ (> #i(c-o(,re of Error or O1i((ion Co11entary! pa2e C? :4?@ (C Co,rte(y Co11entary! pa2e C@% ...a consistent patte#n o' #u!e, p#o(ocati(e, o# !is#upti(e con!uct & the law e#... might well me#it !iscipline. R,-e :4?C (@ Enco,ra2in2 Re(pect for the Ad1ini(tration of 5,(tice Co11entary! pa2e C> R,-e C Re-ation(hip to the Society and Other Lawyer( C4?@ Re(pon(i)i-ity to the Profe((ion Genera--y C4?@ (@ Inte2rity% + law e# shall con!uct himsel' o# he#sel' in such a wa as to maintain the integ#it o' the p#o'ession. Co11entary! pa2e MM% /nteg#it is the 'un!amental 0ualit o' an pe#son who seeks to p#actice as a law e#. /' a client has an !ou&t a&out his o# he# law e#,s t#ustwo#thiness, the essential element in the t#ue law e#1client #elationship will &e missing. /' integ#it is lacking, the law e#,s use'ulness to the client an! #eputation within the p#o'ession will &e !est#o e! #ega#!less o' how competent the law e# ma &e. Pu&lic con'i!ence in the a!minist#ation o' 2ustice an! in the legal p#o'ession ma &e e#o!e! & a law e#,s i##esponsi&le con!uct. +cco#!ingl , a law e#,s con!uct shoul! #e'lect c#e!it on the legal p#o'ession, inspi#e the con'i!ence, #espect an! t#ust o' clients an! the communit , an! a(oi! e(en the appea#ance o' imp#op#iet . C4?@ (A #,ty to Report "i(cond,ct C4?@ (a (c (e Co11entary! pa2e MD! MK C4?@ (C (M Enco,ra2in2 C-ient to Report #i(hone(t Cond,ct R,-e C4?A Re(pon(i)i-ity to Lawyer( and Other( < Co,rte(y and Good Faith C4?A (@ % + law e# shall &e cou#teous, ci(il, an! act in goo! 'aith with all pe#sons with whom the law e# has !ealings in the cou#se o' his o# he# p#actice. Co11entary! pa2e D?% The pu&lic inte#est !eman!s that matte#s ent#uste! to a law e# &e !ealt with e''ecti(el an! e-pe!itiousl , an! 'ai# an! cou#teous !ealing on the pa#t o' each law e# engage! in a matte# will cont#i&ute mate#iall to this en!. The law e# who &eha(es othe#wise !oes a !isse#(ice to the client, an! neglect o' the #ule will impai# the a&ilit o' law e#s to pe#'o#m thei# 'unction p#ope#l . +n ill 'eeling that ma e-ist o# &e engen!e#e! &etween clients, pa#ticula#l !u#ing litigation, shoul! ne(e# &e allowe! to in'luence law e#s in thei# con!uct an! !emeanou# towa#! othe# legal p#actitione#s o# the pa#ties. The p#esence o' pe#sonal animosit &etween legal p#actitione#s in(ol(e! in a matte# ma cause thei# 2u!gment to &e clou!e! & emotional 'acto#s an! hin!e# the p#ope# #esolution o' the matte#. Pe#sonal #ema#ks o# pe#sonall a&usi(e tactics inte#'e#e with the o#!e#l a!minist#ation o' 2ustice an! ha(e no place in ou# legal s stem. + law e# shoul! a(oi! ill1consi!e#e! o# unin'o#me! c#iticism o' the competence, con!uct, a!(ice, o# cha#ges o' othe# legal p#actitione#s, &ut shoul! &e p#epa#e!, when #e0ueste!, to a!(ise an! #ep#esent a client in a complaint in(ol(ing anothe# legal p#actitione#. C4?A (A % + law e# shall a(oi! sha#p p#actice an! shall not take a!(antage o'... C4?A (> Co11,nication(% + law e# shall not in the cou#se o' p#o'essional p#actice sen! co##espon!ence o# othe#wise communicate to a client, anothe# legal p#actitione#, o# an othe# pe#son in a manne# that is a&usi(e, o''ensi(e, o# othe#wise inconsistent with the p#ope# tone o' a p#o'essional communication '#om a law e#. C4?A (C % + law e# shall answe# with #easona&le p#omptness all p#o'essional lette#s an! communications '#om othe# legal p#actitione#s that #e0ui#e an answe#, an! a law e# shall &e punctual in 'ul'illing all commitments. R,-e C4?C Co11entary! pa2e K@% .ai# t#ials an! hea#ings a#e 'un!amental to a '#ee an! !emoc#atic societ . /t is impo#tant that the pu&lic, inclu!ing the me!ia, &e in'o#me! a&out cases &e'o#e cou#ts an! t#i&unals. The a!minist#ation o' 2ustice &ene'its '#om pu&lic sc#utin . R,-e C4@@ #i(cip-ine < #i(cip-ine A,thority C4@@ (@ % + law e# is su&2ect to the !isciplina# autho#it o' the Societ #ega#!less o' whe#e the law e#,s con!uct occu#s. C4@@ (7 Profe((iona- "i(cond,ct% The Societ ma !iscipline a law e# 'o# p#o'essional miscon!uct. C4@@ (A Cond,ct Un)eco1in2 a Lawyer% The Societ ma !iscipline a law e# 'o# con!uct un&ecoming a law e#.

+ .ai#, 3ust, "emoc#atic Societ , That "eman!s 4onest , /nteg#it an! 5i#tue, +lso "eman!s The .ollowing6
The Law So*iety Compensation )"n#, Will Pay Complainant, Compensation an# Reparation !or1 Dama es an# Losses that Complainant 7as S"!!ere# an# S"staine#, as a Res"lt o!, an# .e*a"se o!, S"/0e*t Lawyer$s In*ompeten*e and Intentional, 9nethi*al .eha&ior, and! Intentional 5is*on#"*t, and! Intentional 5ali*e( Compensation an# Reparation Will In*l"#e1
& I@C!K?? for Lo(t Renta- Re'en,e! a( of Septe1)er @! 7?@A (Oct4 @! I@D!7??P etc4! etc4 Lo((e( Accr,e )y I@!A?? per 1onth 4 & ID!:A@ for "i(appropriated F,nd( 'ia Pre1editated Co--,(ion and Con(piracy4 & I@??!??? for /ntentionall #efa1in2 Co1p-ainant! and Li)e-in2 Co1p-ainant < with "a-ice4 /ntentionall 1a*in2 Fa-(e and Erroneo,( State1ent( a)o,t Co1p-ainant < with "a-ice4 /ntentionall #a1a2in2 Co1p-ainant8( Good Na1e and Rep,tation! Ca,(in2 hi1 Great E1)arra((1ent! Great E1otiona- Pain! and Great S,fferin2 < with "a-ice4 & I@??!??? for /ntentionall 0ithho-din2 #oc,1ent(! #e-ayin2 #,e Proce((! O)(tr,ctin2 5,(tice! #i(o)eyin2 5,d2e8( Co,rt Order! $-oc*in2 and Pre'entin2 Repair( of #ecedent8( Renta- Property and On-y So,rce of Re'en,e! $-oc*in2 and Pre'entin2 Re'en,e( fro1 #ecedent8( Renta- Property and On-y So,rce of Re'en,e! U(in2 Tric*ery and #eception! EEertin2 Und,e Inf-,ence Ca,(in2 #,re((! Forcin2 Co1p-ainant to 1a*e deci(ion( and ta*e action( A2ain(t hi( Free 0i-- and 5,d21ent! Perpetratin2 0i--f,- $-indne((! "i(appropriation of F,nd(! Pre1editated Co--,(ion and Con(piracy to "i(appropriate F,nd(4 & I@??!??? for /ntentionall Hara((in2 Co1p-ainant! In'adin2 hi( Pri'acy! and hi( 1other8( Pri'acy! Inti1idation! Coercion! $,--yin2! Fear "on2erin2! Scare Tactic(! 1a*in2 Sarca(tic and "oc*in2 co11ent( in S,).ect Lawyer8( corre(pondence to Co1p-ainant! and! Interferin2 with potentia- Liti2ant(! S,).ect Lawyer #oe( Not Repre(ent4 & I@??!??? for /ntentionall #a1a2in2 #ecedent8( E(tate! and Co1p-ainant8( Inheritance < with "a-ice4 & I@??!??? for 0orry and Stre((! that Co1p-ainant Ha( S,ffered #ai-y! (ince Octo)er A@! 7?@@4 & I@??!??? for Lo(t E1p-oy1ent! Lo(t Earnin2(! Lo(t Opport,nitie(! #a1a2e to Co1p-ainant8( $,(ine(( and Career! )oth Profe((iona--y and Acade1ica--y! and! #a1a2e to Co1p-ainant8( F,t,re Opport,nitie(! $enefit(! and Roya-tie(4 & I@??!??? for #e(troyin2 the N,a-ity of Co1p-ainant8( Life4 Ta*in2 EEten(i'e Ti1e Away fro1 Hi( Life! and! Pre'entin2 Hi1! 9nne*essarily, Fro1 Rea(ona)-e En.oy1ent! of Hi( Life4 & US I@?D!??? for 7 +ear( of Grad,ate Schoo-4 & I@??!??? for Co1p-ainant Repre(entin2 Hi1(e-f! $ein2 Hi( Own Lawyer! Cond,ctin2 EEten(i'e Re(earch! etc4 & In addition! it i( Co1p-ainant8( opinion! that S,).ect Lawyer (ho,-d )e di()arred! per1anent-y! to pre'ent hi1 fro1 Har1in2 and #a1a2in2 any other per(on! and any other Ontario TaE Payer! a( he has Intentionally, 7arme# an# Dama e# Complainant with 5ali*e( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !ou can send any comments to: 6eynep Onen! #irector! Profe((iona- Re2,-ation #i'i(ion Law Society of Upper Canada O(2oode Ha--! @A? N,een Street 0e(t Toronto! ON4 ">H 7NC E1ai-% 6OnenQ-(,c4on4ca FaE% :@CBK:MB>7CA To-- Free% @BD??B7CDBM>CD Phone% :@CBK:MBAA@?

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