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Science 8 Experiment

To learn how atoms join together, to learn how to make molecules and learn how to write a simple chemical formula.

When two hydrogen atoms join to make a molecule, the FORMULA for the molecule is written as H . The ! " is called a SUBSCRIPT . When two nitrogen atoms join to make a molecule, the #$%&'() for the molecule is written as *. When two oxygen atoms join to a nitrogen atom to make a molecule, the #$%&'() for the molecule is written as *+$ or $ *+. ,hemists usually omit a subscript if it is a !+". Hence, the molecule made -y joining one nitrogen and two oxygens is usually written as *$ or $ *. When ten hydrogen atoms join to four car-on atoms to make a molecule, the #$%&'() for the molecule is written as ,.H+/ or H+/,..


0 1 ,ar-on atoms 23(),45. $ne atom has a -lack mushroom cap. 8 1 Hydrogen atoms 2WH6TE5 1 $xygen atoms 2%E75. $ne atom has a red mushroom cap. + 1 *itrogen atom 23('E5. The atom has a -lue mushroom cap.

8 oxygen The car-on hydrogen nitrogen following atom atom atom atom sym-ols are used in the procedure.

+. ,onnect the oxygen atoms together. 7raw the resulting molecule and write its formula. . ,onnect as many hydrogen atoms as possi-le to an oxygen atom ha9ing a mushroom cap. 7raw the resulting molecule and write its formula. 0. ,onnect as many hydrogen atoms as possi-le to a nitrogen atom ha9ing a mushroom cap. 7raw the resulting molecule and write its formula. .. ,onnect as many hydrogen atoms as possi-le to a car-on atom ha9ing a mushroom cap. 7raw the resulting molecule and write its formula. :. ,onnect a car-on atom without a mushroom cap to the car-on atom with the mushroom cap. ,onnect as many hydrogen atoms as possi-le to the pair of car-ons. 7raw the resulting molecule and write its formula. ;. %emo9e all the hydrogen atoms from the pair of car-on atoms you assem-led in step :. *ow add an extra car-on atom to the pair of car-on atoms and again connect as many hydrogen atoms as possi-le to the three connected car-ons. 7raw the resulting molecule and write its formula. <. Start again and connect a single car-on atom without a mushroom cap to the car-on atom with the mushroom cap. *ext carefully remo9e the mushroom cap from the nitrogen atom,

connect the atom to one car-on atom and connect as many hydrogen atoms as possi-le to the three connected atoms. 7raw the resulting molecule and write its formula. 8. %emo9e all the hydrogen atoms from the molecule you created in step <. )dd as many oxygen atoms as possi-le to THE *6T%$=E* )T$& $*(>. ,onnect as many hydrogen atoms as possi-le T$ THE ,)%3$* )T$&S. 7raw the resulting molecule and write its formula.

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