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Chapter No 11: Network and Internet


DEFINATION: A computer network is a group of computers which are connected together to allow communication between them.

TYPES OF NETWORK There are two main types of network :


LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) : Definition: A network which is located entirely on one site such as an office, school or within a group of buildings that are in close proximity, that are connected together.


Chapter No 11: Network and Internet

WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN) : A network which connects together computers on a number of sites in different areas. A A! or ide Area !etwork is a group of widely dispersed computers that are connected together. These could be across the same town, or across a country or e"en across the world. Apart from distance, the other feature that distinguishes as A! from a #A! is that the A! would make use of a range of communication technologies such as telephone, microwa"e and satellite links. $sing a A!, schools in %lorida can communicate with places like Tokyo in a matter of minutes, without paying enormous phone bills. A A! is complicated.


Chapter No 11: Network and Internet



!etworks pro"ide a "ery rapid method for sharing and transferring files. ithout a network, files are shared by copying them to memory cards or discs, then carrying or sending the discs from one computer to another. This method of transferring files can be "ery time&consuming.


!etworkable "ersions of many popular software programs are a"ailable at considerable sa"ings when compared to buying indi"idually licensed copies.


%iles and programs on a network can be designated as 'copy inhibit,' so that you do not ha"e to worry about illegal copying of programs. Also, passwords can be established for specific directories to restrict access to authori(ed users.


)ne of the greatest benefits of installing a network at a school is the fact that all of the software can be loaded on one computer *the file ser"er). This eliminates that need to spend time and energy installing updates and tracking files on independent computers throughout the building.


+haring resources is another ad"antage of school networks. ,ost organi(ations cannot afford enough laser printers, fax machines, modems, scanners, and -. players for each computer. /owe"er, if these or similar peripherals are added to a network, they can be shared by many users.


The presence of a network pro"ides the hardware necessary to install an e&mail system. 0&mail aids in personal and professional communication for all personnel, and it facilitates the dissemination of general information to the entire staff. 0lectronic mail on a #A! can enable students to communicate with teachers and peers at their own institute. 1f the #A! is connected to the 1nternet, we can communicate with others throughout the world.



Chapter No 11: Network and Internet

!etworks allow users to access their files from computers throughout the institute. #ike +tudents can begin an assignment in their classroom, sa"e part of it on a public access area of the network, then go to the media center after school to finish their work. +tudents can also work cooperati"ely through the network.


-ollaborati"e software allows many users to work on a document or pro2ect concurrently. %or example, educators located at "arious schools within a county could simultaneously contribute their ideas about new curriculum standards to the same document, spreadsheets, or website.

!etwork topology refers to the %&'o(t used to wire the computers together. TYPES OF TOPOLO!Y There are four main topologies that are used. 3. 4$+ 5. +TA6 7. 61!8 $US TOPOLO!Y 0ach computer is connected to a single cable which connects all of the computers. All nodes *file ser"er, workstations, and peripherals) are connected to the linear cable.

A)*&nt&+e, of $(, To-o%o+'


Chapter No 11: Network and Internet

0asy to connect a computer or peripheral to a linear bus. 6e9uires less cable length than a star topology.

Di,&)*&nt&+e, of & $(, To-o%o+'

0ntire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable. Terminators are re9uired at both ends of the backbone cable. .ifficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down. !ot meant to be used as a stand&alone solution in a large building.

STAR TOPOLO!Y All communication takes place "ia a central computer or HU$ de"ice. A star topology is designed with each node connected directly to a central network hub, switch, or concentrator. .ata on a star network passes through the hub, switch before continuing to its destination. The hub, switch, or concentrator manages and controls all functions of the network. 1t also acts as a repeater for the data flow.

A)*&nt&+e, of & St&. To-o%o+' : 0asy to install and wire. : !o disruptions to the network then connecting or remo"ing de"ices. : 0asy to detect faults and to remo"e parts. Di,&)*&nt&+e, of & St&. To-o%o+' : 6e9uires more cable length than a linear topology.

Chapter No 11: Network and Internet

: 1f the hub or concentrator fails, nodes attached are disabled. : ,ore expensi"e than bus topologies because of the cost of the /$4 de"ice.

0ach computer is connected to the two computers on either side of it. The last computer is linked to the first to form a ring.

A)*&nt&+e, of & Rin+ To-o%o+' : 0asy to install and wire. : 09ual Access to de"ices no one computer will use all the bandwidth : 0asy to detect faults and to remo"e parts. Di,&)*&nt&+e, of & Rin+ To-o%o+' : +low since signals goes in se9uential order : 1f the concentrator fails, nodes attached are disabled. : +ingle break in cable can disrupt the flow of network.


Chapter No 11: Network and Internet


Chapter No 11: Network and Internet

DEFINATION: 1nternet is global Net/o.0 of Net/o.0,. The internet is a worldwide public network of computers on which people can 2oin and use multiple ser"ices such as sharing of information. 4y internet users at any one computer can get information from any other computer.

1t was de"eloped by the $nited +tates .efense Ad"anced 6esearch ;ro2ects Agency in the 3<=>s and was initially known as ARPANET. The 1nternet was designed to be used by companies and $ni"ersities doing military research so that they could share information. +ince then the number of people who use the 1nternet and the ser"ices that are pro"ided on the 1nternet ha"e grown tremendously. There are now o"er 5>>,>>>,>>> people who regularly make use of it.


To connect to the 1nternet the following are needed:

a computer telephone line modem and?or router an 1+; *1nternet +er"ice ;ro"ider)

Chapter No 11: Network and Internet

eb browser, e.g. 1nternet 0xplorer, %irefox, -hrome, +afari, )pera etc.

WHAT IS MODEM1 A de"ice which con"ert analog signals to digital signals and digital signals to analog for transmitting data o"er internet.

WHAT IS WE$ $ROWSER1 eb 4rowser is +oftware used to display the browser /ere are some types of web browser: 1nternet explorer %irefox -hrome +afari )pera

eb pages. 1nternet explorer is an example of web

Chapter No 11: Network and Internet


Chapter No 11: Network and Internet

WHAT IS WE$ SITE ADDRESS1 0"ery web site has a specific address which is also called $6# that is $niform 6esource #ocator. E#AMPLE:

HTTP: /yper Text Transfer ;rotocol, is rule to send and recei"e text on internet


Chapter No 11: Network and Internet

WWW: orld ide eb, 1t consists of a large number of web ser"ers that host websites. 0ach website will normally consist of a number of web pages. A web page can contain text, images, "ideo, animation and sound. P&0ne/,: .omain !ame Co6: type of web site there are many other types of web sites like ;ak: ;akistan 0du: education ,il: military 8o": go"t -om: commercial

There many ad"antages to using the internet such as: 0mail. +haring 1nformation. +er"ices. 4uy or sell products. -ommunities. !ews +earching 2obs Ad"ertisement -ommunication 0ntertainment )nline education )nline education and research

Chapter No 11: Network and Internet


Although there are huge ad"antages of internet but there is always another side of picture. +o internet has some disad"antages like @iruses +ecurity problem 1mmorality ,any information is not accurate astage of time

0lectronic ,ail (e6&i%) is a system which allows users of a computer network to send messages to each other. $sers can usually:

+end a message to another user, or group of users. Aeep their messages in a mailbox. 6ead, print and delete messages from their mailbox.

1t is not only typewritten messages that can be sent using 0lectronic ,ail. ;ictures, music, "ideos, in fact almost any sort of information you can think of, can also be sent. 0ach user has to ha"e his or her own address that other users need to know to send messages to him or her. 0lectronic mail is good because it is much faster that the ordinary post. 1t is also "ery accessible since you can read your email on any suitable computer anywhere in the world. )n the other hand not e"erybody has an electronic mailbox at the moment, so you cannot use email to send messages to e"eryone, and you certainly canBt send a parcel by email. There are many email ser"ice pro"ider companies which allow any user to send and recei"e electronic mail like Hot6&i%


Chapter No 11: Network and Internet



Chapter No 11: Network and Internet


1nternet search engines are special sites on the information stored on other sites.

eb that are designed to help people find

Tool for finding information, especially on the 1nternet or orld ide eb. +earch engines are essentially massi"e databases that co"er wide swaths of the 1nternet. +earch engines are the primary method 1nternet surfers use to locate information on the eb. e can search any information by use of search engines. There are thousands of different search engines to help people na"igate the 1nternet. These include ma2or commercial search enginesC like DahooE, #ycos, Alta@ista, and 0xcit, as well as many smaller, industry&specific directories. There are e"en ,eta searchers, which work by 9uerying a number of other search engines and processing the results. ,any of the ma2or search engines are created through an automated process in which a program called a spider 'crawls' across the eb to gather information about existing sites. The spider captures this basic information and organi(es its findings into categori(es, which are then used to generate search results for users. +mall businesses hoping to list an existing eb site with a ma2or search engine may find that the process has already been completed for them by an automated spider

,a2or search engines $6#s are define below: Y&2oo: !oo+%e: A%t& *i,t&: www.alta" L'5o,: M,n:


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