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Power Electronics Prof. B.G.

Fernandes Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Lecture - 1 Power Electronics

Hello, I am B.G. Fernandez. I am with the department of electrical engineering, IIT Bombay. For another forty lectures or so, I will be dealing with various aspects of power electronics. Now, what is the definition of power electronics and what is the goal of power electronics, I will tell you sometime later. Power electronics is one of the basic courses in electrical engineering. It is a very interesting course, an important course and relatively easier to understand. So, all 3, in 1 course, very interesting, very important and relatively easy to understand. So, it is a very basic course in electrical engineering, it can be termed as course on circuits. I will be using Kirchhoffs voltage law, that is KVL, Kirchhoffs current law, that is KCL and behavior of inductor and capacitor for DC excitation and AC excitation. So, these are the prerequisites. Definitely, all this topics you would have studied in your eleventh or twelfth standard. Having said, that power electronics is a basic course, to appreciate this course, you need to know or you need to have reasonably a good knowledge on circuit theory, good knowledge on electrical machines, power systems, power semi conductor devices, little bit of device physics. So, if there are devices, definitely you need to know, little bit of analog electronics, digital electronics, control theory and microprocessor or micro controllers. So, in this sense, power electronics is a multi disciplinary course. So, little bit of almost all the branches and all the subjects in electrical engineering is been covered or you need to know the various topics to appreciate this course. So, I will not talk much on this course, I expect you to explore more about it, during the course. So, the outline of the course, I have divided into 6 parts.

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One O is intro oduction, sec cond is pow wer semi c conductors d devices. Pow wer semi co onductor dev vices, they are a termed as s the heart o of power elec ctronics. I w will repeat, power semi conductor can c be term med as hear rt of power r electronics, is that mportant, the en various circuits c in po ower electro onics. They can be class sified into im br roadly four areas. One is i input is AC, A output is s DC. Secon nd one is inp put is also DC, D output is s also DC. So, S DC to DC D converte ers. Third, in nput is DC, output is AC. A DC to AC A converter rs and last one, o see we have here, D DC to DC . There will w be AC to o AC converters also. Inp put is also A AC, output is s also AC. So o, we will st tudy these various v conv verters in detail. d Simul ltaneously, w we will stu udy where ex xactly these converters are being us sed in real ti ime or real l life situation n. Various books that I am a referring are these.

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I have just given g them in i alphabetic cal order. Fi irst one is M M. H. Rashi id, title is Power Electronics: Circu uits, Devices s and Applic cation, publi ished by Pre entice hall of India. Thir rd edition is the latest on ne. It is publ ished in 200 04, third edit tion 2004. Second one is i Ned Moha an. There ar re three auth hors, one of them is Ned Mohan, ti itle is, Power r Electronics s, Applicatio ons and Desi ign, publishe ed by John W Wiley and so ons, third ed dition in 200 02. Third bo ook, Cyril L Lander, title is Power El lectronics, pu ublished by McGraw Hill H company y, again thir rd edition, y year of publ lication is 1993 and th he fourth on ne, B.K. Bose, B title o of the book k is, Moder rn Power Electronics E an nd A.C. Driv ves, Pearson n education 2 2002. ave referred d. Other than n that, I have referred So, these are the four books that I ha he papers which w are pu ublished in in nternational l journals. A Apart from t these four th books, there are other bo ooks also. There T are a lot of book ks available on power el lectronics. Now, N before telling you about or giv ving you the definition of power el lectronics, I will just show you the codes, that appeared in internationa al reputed jo ournals of power p electr ronics. Ther re are basica ally four IE EEE journals. One is IE EEE journa al on Power Electronic cs. Second is IEEE journal on Industrial Applications. A Third is IE EEE journal on Industr rial Electron nics. So, fir rst one is Power Electro onics, secon nd is Industri ial Application, third is I Industrial El lectronics, fo ourth is Pow wer Delivery. . t showing yo ou some of the course t that are published or ap ppeared in So, I am just th hese journals s. So, just want w to tell yo ou, to publis sh a paper in n these journ nals, there is s a rigors review. r So, after reviewing, paper r just accep pted and it is being pu ublished in those journ nals. I am just j showin ng you som me of the co ourse that ap ppeared in th hose journals.

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t is, we now live in n truly a go ood global s society, in t the highly See, one of them au utomated in ndustrial fron nt with econ nomic comp petitiveness of nations, in future tw wo technolog gies will dom minate. Wha at are they? O One is comp puters and se econd one is s power elec ctronics. The e former tha at is comput ters, providi ing intelligen nce as to, what w to do an nd the latter r, that the power electro onics tells u us the means s to do it. Computers, C th hey provide e the intellig gence and th his is power electronics means to do it. So, po ower electron nics is being g compared d with comp puters. These e are two echnologies that will dominate and all of us kno ow, computers has beco ome some te so ort of a hou use hold item m, very imp portant, bein ng used ever rywhere and d over the years, we hav ve seen how w popular the ey have bec come and ho ow it has aff fected our li ife. At the en nd of the course, you will realize th hat the powe er electronics has also become or po ower electro onic equipm ment have be ecome some sort of a ho ouse hold it tem and is being b used everywhere. e hat power So, that is t the reason I told you th el lectronics is a very impo ortant course e. Very imp portant and is s very intere esting and se econd quote e I would lik ke to give you, y modern n computers, communic cation and el lectronic sys stems get the eir life blood d from powe er electronics s.

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See the comp parison. The ey get their life l blood fr rom power e electronics. A And third uote, again in i IEEE pap per, Solid sta ate electroni ics brought i in the first electronics qu re evolution, whereas w so olid-state po ower electr ronics brou ught in the e second el lectronics re evolution. Th he various mile m stones in n power elec ctronics, I wi ill tell you so ome time lat ter. Now, N let me tell you the e energy sce enario. Glob bally, 87% o of total energy comes fr rom the burn ning the foss sil fuel. Fossi il fuel is coa al, oil and na atural gas. 87 7% comes fr rom burning g of fossil fuel. f Approx ximately, 6% % comes fro om nuclear. So, they an nswer to 93% and rema aining from renewables. . Renewable es means wi ind, solar, hy ydro. In our country, around a 70% comes from m coal. We e have majo or thermal plants, 70% comes from m thermal power plants s. So all of us know, t there is a li imited fuel globally. Se ee, it has been b project ted that nat tural uranium m fuel is ex xpected to la ast for 50 ye ears or so. This T figures, I got it from m the literatu ure, IEEE jo ournals. So, natural ura anium fuel is i expected to last for 50 years. O Oil is for ap pproximately y 100 years, natural gas for 150 ye ears and coa al for 200 y years. See, th his is the pro ojection whi ich is being reported as of now. So, the question n that has been asked is s that, will th he wheels of civilization n come to a halt at the end of 20 se econd centur ry? Because e coal is expected to last t for 200 yea ars or so. So o, will the wheels w of civ vilization wil ll come to a halt at the e end of 20 se econd centur ry? I have no answer an nd let me tel ll you one th hing, neithe er me nor yo ou will listen n, will be round to see e the light of f the day, wh hether these f figures are tr rue or false. But then, ar

we w owe one responsibili ity. We need to make a better place to live in n, for the generation to o come. We are answera able for the generation to come. So, we are bound to exte end this perio od. How do we do this? One is use i it very effici iently, use th he electrica al energy very v efficie ently. Secon nd is impr rove the conversion ef fficiency. Use U the elec ctrical energ gy very eff ficiently or if there is a power co onversion fr rom one for rm to another form, say y, AC to DC I want to o convert, im mprove the efficiency of o the converting equip pment. Third d is see wh hether the en nergy can be b produced d using rene ewables. Im mprove the p percentage. So, three th hings we can n do.

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ycle that is used in pow wer conversi ion. See, ste eam is the I will just show you a cy nput, a turbine is driving g a generato or, the total loss here its self is of the e order of in 65%, major loss l at the steam s and turbine end. Again, this s figure I go ot it from IE EEE journal l. Power is being b produc ced, there is s again, this is the vario ous power tr ransmission levels. So, generator g is located l at a r remote end, consumed a at, bulk of th he consumpt tion takes place in the ur rban areas. S So, this is th he power tran nsmission an nd may be here is bein ng utilized and a these ar re the variou us percentag ge losses, th here could be b minor cha anges, that is i okay. If y you find her re, only 16 point 7% power that is s being left to t you. 65% % losses here e and finally y it travels h here. It is ju ust, 16 point 7% of powe er that is left t.

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So, if the inpu ut is 100 kilo watt of fue el energy, if f 100 kilo wa att is the inp put, output is s around just 15 to 20 kilo k watts of f useful wor rk. I will rep peat, 100 ki ilo watt is in nput of fuel energy. Ho ow much the ey will get? Output is, of the order r of 15 to 20%. So the question is, why spent much m efforts s on motors and their eq quipment, when w the loss ses are at the e front end. Why W to wor rry about con nversion, im mprove the co onversion ef fficiency of the t equipme ent or the ma achines, whe en the bulk o of the loss is s at the front end or at the t turbine end e itself. See, answer i is very simp ple. Every kilo watt of lo oss saved at the process end; see her re, every kil lo watts of p power that is s saved here results in saving s of 6 kilowatts k of f fuel energy y here, 6 kilo o watts. 1 kilo watt here e is equal to 6 kilo watt here. h

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So, that is the reason I told you u that, impr rove the ef fficiency, conversion ef fficiency. Se econd is use e the electrical energy e efficiently a and if possib ble, try to ex xplore more e on renewab ble. What are a the probl lems that ar re associated d with the nu uclear or the ermal power r plants or burning b of f fossil fuel? W What is the problem? Nuclear N powe er plant, wa aste handling g is still a pr roblem, safe ety of nuclea ar plants? What W about burning b of fossil f fuel? They T give ou ut carbon di ioxide, ozon ne, carbon monoxide, m ni itrogen diox xide NO2. Coal burning g, it give ou ut the fly ash. Global warming, w tem mperature is goes on increasing. Glo obal warmin ng, other day y I read in on ne of the national daili ies. It says that every y year Mount Everest is losing its height at the rate of 10 centimeter. c This T was rep ported the ot ther day in o one of the y. Every ye ear Mount Everest E heig ght decrease es by 10 cen ntimeters. national daily That T is because of glob bal warming g. That has resulted to climatic ch hanges. It af ffects agricu ulture and vegetation. So in 1997, t there was a conference at Quito, Ja apan. The de eveloped cou untries, wha at they decid ded was to cu ut down the e emission of gasses, a specific types. In other words, w try to reduce the b burning of f fossil fuel. Try T to reduce e the urban pollution. p No ow, major co oncern in urb ban pollution is again IC C engine ve ehicles. Can you do som mething abo out reducing the urban p pollution? So, looks like e there is a way w or looks like there is a solution n to all this p problems. We W all know, , bulk of the e power that is being con nsumed by e electric moto ors. Bulk, an nd what are the majority y of the load ds? Major lo oads are ind duction moto or, driving ei ither a fan ty ype of load or o a pump ty ype of load. Fan, pump, compressors s. Bulk of th he power tha at is being co onsumed glo obally is, ind duction mac chines drivin ng either a fa an types of f loads, pum mp or comp pressor type e of loads. And we k know that in nduction motor, the spee ed is approxi imately cons stant for all p practical pur rposes, all th he machines s that we ha ave, separate ely excited D DC machine e, induction machine, al lmost const tant speed. Speed does s not chang ge much an nd not a bu ulk power co onsumptions s is by ligh hting. Light ting consum mes another good perce entage of

power that has been pro oduce global lly. So, if y you try to sa ave on this power on li ighting as well w as power r that is bein ng consumed d by motors s if you try t to reduce, th hat is going be significa ant reduction n on this ove erall saving of the electr ric power. So, if I try to save 1 kilo watt of o power at t the load end, 6 kilo o watt of pproximately y fuel can be b saved at the input. I said bulk o of the power r is being ap co onsumed by y induction n motors and that are e driving e either fan pump or co ompressor. But, B sort of f torque spee ed characteri istics of the ese loads. TL the load to orque is prop portional to square of th he speed. TL is proporti ional to squa are of the sp peed. So loo ok here, fan type t of TL is s proportion nal to omega a square. So, therefore power is prop portional to omega o cube. . (R Refer Slide Time: T 28:45) )

Now, N if you want w to redu uce the disch harge through h the pump o or you want to reduce th he air deliver red by the fa ans. I am not t talking abo out the 60 watts fans, I a am talking ab bout high ki ilo watt fan that are used d in a indus stry. If you w want to redu uce the air discharge, wh hat will you do? Either you use dam mpers or in o other words, dampers rovide a res sistance to the t flow of air or use a throttling w wall for the e pump to pr re educe a disc charge. So, by b the using g the dampe ers in the ca ase of fans o or using a th hrottling wal ll for the pum mps, you may m be able t to reduce. So orry, you wi ill be able to o reduce, the e air supplie ed or the ou utput of the pump disch harge. The p purpose is so olved. You can reduce the t pump di ischarge by throttling th he wall, by providing th he dampers, outlet damp pers, you ca an regulate th the air flow, at what cos st? Power in nput, remai ins approximately co onstant. Th e drive, t the motor taking ap pproximately y the same input, i wheth her you have e closed the throttle wal ll whether 30% or 50% or fully ope en, approxim mately the sa ame. We are e able to reg gulate the utput. Instea ad, if we try to reduce th he speed itse elf, speed of f the rotation n. We are ou ab ble to regula ate the air in the case of fan f or we are e able to reg gulate the dis scharge in th he case of pu ump. Then what w happens s to the input ut then? See h here.

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Power inputs, suppose the ratio of tw wo speeds is point 5, omega 1 to omega 2, the ra atio is 1 ove er 8. So, the ere is a sign nificant redu uction in the e power that t is being co onsumed, if f you reduce e the speed of o rotation, o one-eighth, significant r reduction. So, you are trying t to achieve both, same energ gy as well a as regulate t the output discharge dep pending upo on the proces ss requireme ent. But then n again, at w what cost? Nothing N com mes for free. I told you in nduction ma achine, almo ost for that m matter, all th he machines s or for that t separately excited DC C machine, i induction m machine or co onstant spee ed motors, ap pproximately y constant s speed motors s. Here is a process, I want w to change or regula ate or vary th he output di ischarge. So o, in order to o save the en nergy I wan nt to vary th he speed of rotation. r De efinitely, in the case of induction machine, m we have to chan nge the frequ uency of the e input volta age, because induction motor m runs ap pproximatel ly at the syn nchronous sp peed. So, if f I want to r reduce the sp peed of the rotor, how to reduce th he synchron nous speed i itself? So, I require a fr requency co onverter because voltage that has b been supplie ed by the u utilities is co onstant voltage, assum med to be constant v voltage and d frequency y remains ap pproximately y constant. Variation is s very smal l. So, const tant voltage, , constant fr requency sou urce, there is i available. But then, I need to cha ange the freq quency as lationship of now, beca ause I want be b change th he speed of rotation. No ow, what rel th hat voltage and a frequenc cy will have, we will see e some time e later. So, a as of now, we w require a frequency co onverter to vary v the speed, of the in nduction mac chine. So, using the fre equency con nverter, I tol ld you that we are able e to save o on electric en nergy. What t are the oth her advantage es? What ha appens the in nduction ma achine if I directly switc ch on to the supply s volta age and supp ply rated freq quency. So, 4 415 volts, uction machi ine, what ha appens if I di irectly start i it or DOL st tarting? It 50 hertz, indu dr raws a large e current, cou uld be of the e order of 6 a as or rated. Now, that cu urrent has to o come from m a source, at t force throu ugh the cable e to the mach hine. So, the ere will be
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a voltage dip p. That is why, w in the sense, s whene ever you pu ut on large h hp motor, momentarily, m , the intensit ty of the bul lk comes dow wn, then the e voltage dip p. Second is s a large cur rrent should d flow throu ugh the cabl le. 6 times a rated curre ent it can fl low. So, a stress s on the e cable is also a more if f I directly start. That current is fl lowing through the ma achine wind ding. Stress s on the m machine wind ding also in ncreases. In other words s, life of the e machine c comes down n, if I directl ly start it. What W happen ns if I try to t reduce th he frequenc cy itself? If f the input f frequency decreases, Ns s minus Nr. Ns N is the syn nchronous sp peed, 120 F by P minus s Nr. Nr is th he speed of the t rotor. So o, Ns minus Nr N is nothin ng but SNS. S is slip, slid de me hai na and at star rting, slip is equal to 1. So, Ns minu us Nr is equ ual to Ns itse elf during st tarting. Now w, if I reduce the frequency, Ns has c come down. (Refer ( Slide Time: 36:35 5)

a of now, I am just ta alking about t reducing t the frequenc cy. While I told you, as re educing the frequency, I have to red duce a voltag ge also. Reas sons, someti ime later I will w tell you. . As of now w, I just said a frequen ncy converte er. It has to o vary the fr requency of the output. So, what is the relationship what between the f frequency an nd output vo oltage, we will w see some e time later. S So, if I am tr rying to redu uce, if the ou utput freque ency can be reduced, r Ns comes down n. It so happ pens that as I reduce a fr requency, I have h to redu uce applied voltage v also . So, magnit tude of inrus sh current co omes down. . So, if the magnitude of o inrush co omes down, the voltage e dip gets el liminated, st tress on the e cable redu uces and imp proves the l life of mach hines. So, lo ooks like, th here are lot of o benefits. One is unab ble to save t the power, s second is, voltage dip ge ets eliminate ed, stress on the cable ge ets eliminate ed, reduces r rather, life of the machin ne improves s. So, what next? n What happens in the machine e is being fe ed by a con nstant voltag ge and frequ uency supply y? Say 415, 50 hertz is running st tably, delive ering some load l torque. Input volta age is 415, r rated voltage e that has been applied. . So, b is co onstant. If b is constant, , flux in the machine, is s constant an nd it is the rated r flux be ecause am applying a the rated voltag ge at rated f frequency.

So, area flux is the rated flux. Theref fore, the con nstant losses also remain n constant. The T core loss ses, core los sses remain constant, b because flux is constant t. Assume th hat load of the t motor is s varying. In n other word ds, motor is supplying a variable to orque. If the e load of th he machine is varying , that is a process req quirement. Assume A that it is changing, the variable losses which are f function of l load, they al lso keep changing. You u have kept the input v voltage cons stant. Therefore, area fl lux remains constant, co ore losses re emain consta ant. Load is s varying, so o variable lo osses also va ary. Now wh hat are the conditions c fo or maximal e efficiency? C Condition fo or maximal efficiency e is s constant losses should be equal to variable loss ses. As of now, am neg glecting the frictional and a wind ag ge. So, if I am feeding a motor, directly from m utility supp ply, wherein input voltag ge is assume ed to remain n constant an nd if the lo oad of the motor m is of variable typ pe, when th he machine is lightly lo oaded, effici iency of the e motor is very v poor. S So, it is pos ssible to imp prove the ef fficiency of f the motor when it is lightly load ded by decreasing the f flux. See, co ondition for r maxima efficiency is variable lo oss should b be equal to o constant lo osses. When n the load on n the motor is varying, motor is lig ghtly loaded d, variable lo osses have come c down, constant lo osses have re emained sam me or core l losses are re emained sam me. Now, I want w to reduc ce the core lo osses. I can r reduce the core losses by y reducing the t air gap flux f density. That I can do by reduc cing the inpu ut voltage to o the motor. . How do I vary the inp put voltage to the moto or? In the la ab, maybe th here is an au uto transform mer. The siz ze of the aut to transform mer could be as big as th he size of the e machine it tself. So defi initely, it is b bulky, entire e, overall set t of motor as s well as aut to transforme er, plus it is expensive. By B the way, how h are we varying v the speed of the e fan? We ar re using a regulator to re egulate the speed s of the e fan. What exactly are we doing? We are app plying the re educed volta age to the motor, in orde er to reduce the speed. S See here, her re are two re egulators. (Refer ( Slide Time: 43:25 5)

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This T is a old one, o very ru ugged. Variat tion is in ste eps. If I keep p it in very lo ow speed, af fter sometim me this regul lator become es very hot, extremely h hot. That is t the reason we w have to mount m it on th he switch bo oard and ther re are lot of openings he ere for the ai ir to flow, so o that to coo ol the entire set up. Ther re got a resis stance inside e. To cool th his regulator r, these are the t openings s and it beco omes very h hot when the e speed of th he motor is very low. In n other word ds, when yo ou introduce e the resistan nce in the ci ircuit, it beco omes hot. Very V raged, may m be. (R Refer Slide Time: T 44:27) )

a regu ulator. You could have seen a smal ll elegant re egulator. I See, here is another ca an have a very v smooth h control, ve ery smoothly y varying s speed. Here, , just see, st teps, it is a contacted type. t Here, very smooth h, both of t them doing the same fu unction, regu ulate the spe eed of the fa an. It is mou unted inside t the switchbo oard. You ca an see just the knob, sm mooth contr rol. So, if it t is so smal ll mounted i inside the sw witchboard, definitely, heat h dissipati ion is neglig gible. If there e is a heat di issipation, if f it gets hot, , definitely we w have to mount m it out utside. So he eat dissipatio on is very lo ow, very ele egant. How is this possible, from s such of massive regulat tor, heavy re egulator to, such a smal ll elegant reg gulator? Ma ay be this qu uestion, I wi ill answer so ometime late er.

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n internal str ructure of th he regulator. May be a c coil, a capacitor. Here So, here is an is s a power se emi conduct ted device. I told you s suppose, it i is a heart of f a power el lectronic equ uipment. Th his is one typ pe of a pow wer electronic c device, po ower semi co onducted de evice, this is s the one, L, L C and sm mall small re esistors, hig gh voltage re esistor. This is a power semi s conduc cted device So, thi is is being us sed in our home, very elegant, e ligh ht weight, very v small, no heat dissipation, co onversion ef fficiencies should be very high beca ause there is s no heat dis ssipation. He eavy, step variation in speed, s dissip pates power r, so definite ely, power c consumption n is high. Overall O conve ersion efficie ency is low. So, this is a another exam mple. So, coming back to the th heory, if I can n try to redu uce the input t voltage to t the motor, which w is driving a load of variable lo oad, it is pos sible to improve the effi ficiency of th he machine. So, we can have eta is equal e to eta max, of max ximal efficie ency even at t lighted loa aded conditi ions. How to t do this? W Who will a address this problem? What W is third d benefit? Se ee, I was tol ld that in Jap pan 70 % of f the air con nditioners, th he speed itse elf is varyin ng. Speed of f the motor itself is vary ying. In oth her words, fr requency has been chan nged, in 70% % of the air c conditioners s used in Jap pan. They use variable speed s drives. Whereas, instead i of th hat thing just t not heard, m may be in he US. Why? May be en nergy, cost per p unit may y be very low w in the US. Japan, it th
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must be very expensive. Looks like, everything has been driven by economics. What is the use of using a variable speed in air conditioners? Or to understand that what happens in the window air conditioners that are been directly switched on or off. There is thermostat inside. Temperature is being controlled within a band, hysteresis band. When the temperature falls below a certain value, AC is put off, temperature starts increasing and when it crosses upper limit, AC is again switched on. What is a problem here? Same problems, direct online starting of induction machine, voltage dip, voltage cable wire or stress on the cable and machine life comes down. Instead, can you vary the speed itself, slowly accelerated, so you can now, you can control the temperature, very smoothly. Very smooth, control of temperature is possible, air conditioners as well as refrigerators. What next? slip ring induction machine. When do you go for slip ring induction machine? When the power rating is high. For low power motors it is invariably, squirrel cage is the constructions, cage rotor. As the power rating increases, slip ring induction motors can be used. So, in any induction machines, s times the air gap power input is dissipated as heat in the rotor. So, air gap power input is approximately equal to input power itself. So, s times the input power is dissipated as heat. Now, instead of dissipating as heat, can this power be fed back to the source? Yes. Can I recover? What are the power that is there in the power that has been dissipated as heats? Can it be fed back to the source or is it possible to increase the starting torque and decrease the starting current electronically? Yes, our machines teacher has told, connect a resistor r to the slip rings, whereby, reducing the starting current and increasing the starting torque. Can you do this electronically? See, I am posing various problems to you and at the end. We will see, whether this problems can be addressed using power electronics. More on this, we will see in the next class. Thank you.


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