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I&-'I&( 2)13 9 45A&(1 9 :arnata0a - India: Internationa" &onference on 'ecent Inno ations in &i i" (n-ineerin-: From 8cto+er

2, to 8cto+er 2;, 2)13

Organi !" #$: P%D%A% Co&&!g! o' Engin!!ring, ()&#arga :arnata0a, India

First I. Author 1, Second I.J. Author 2, Third Author 3 and Author Fourth-Named 4

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Technology 373-1, Kusong-dong, usong-gu, Tae!on 3"#-7"1, K$%EA& Email'Address())) 2 Department of *echanical Engineering, +ueen,s -niversity .elfast /orthern Ireland .T0 #A1& Email'Address())) 3 Department of *echanical Engineering and 2enter for 2omposite *aterials -niversity of Dela3are, /e3ar4, DE 10715 2orresponding Author,s e-mail& advani'udel(edu

SUMMARY: The purpose of this document is to pro ide an e!amp"e #a"so a temp"ate$ of ho% authors must format their I&-'I&(-2)13 papers. The summar* shou"d +e a se"f-contained and e!p"icit o er ie% of the paper %ith a c"ear statement of the principa" conc"usions reached. It shou"d +e at "east 1,) %ords, +ut must not e!ceed 2)) %ords in "en-th. It must +e sin-"e spaced, e en .ustified across the fu"" %idth of the pa-e and start t%o 12 point "ine spaces do%n from the Author affi"iation "ist. The entire paper must +e prepared usin- 12 point Times Ne% 'oman font, %ith the e!ception of the tit"e of the paper %hich must +e 1/ point Times Ne% 'oman. The paper tit"e and a"" section headin-s, inc"udin- the summar* and 0e*%ords headin-s, must +e a"" capita"s and +o"d. The su+-section headin- %i"" +e +o"d and start %ith capita" for each %ord. Third order headin-s and author affi"iation must +e ita"icised and not +o"d. S*m+o" font ma* +e used for 1ree0 "etters. The a"i-nment of different headin-s shou"d fo""o% those used in this e!amp"e. The top pa-e corner inc"usion Font si2e 1) KEYWORDS: "ist up to ei-ht %ords or -roup of %ords in order of priorit*, separated +* commas, %hich %i"" +e used for inde!in- purposes - do not use -enera" terms "i0e composites. INTRODUCTION A"" papers %hich are accepted for presentation at I&-'I&(-2)13 %i"" +e inc"uded in +oo0 format proceedin-s. There is / #ei-ht$ pa-e "imit of "en-th of in ited papers #authors to +e notified indi idua""*$, and there is an a+so"ute ma!imum of 3 #Si!$ pa-es for a"" other papers. (ach pa-e shou"d +e comp"ete"* fi""ed %ith te!t e!cept for the first pa-e, %here the paper tit"e starts fi e 12 point "ine spaces from the top mar-in. A"" te!t shou"d +e sin-"e spaced. T%o empt* "ine spaces +efore section tit"es and one after must +e inserted. For other headin-s, one empt* "ine space each +efore and after the headin-. A"" authors are encoura-ed to +e concise and use the minimum num+er of pa-es that is reasona+"e to report their %or0. 4apers are to +e su+mitted throu-h the conference %e+ site on"*, in #45F$ format and in 6icrosoft %ord #6S 78'5$ format.

BODY OF THE PAPER No*a*ion, Uni* an" E+)a*ion The e!tensi e use of s*m+o"s, a++re iations, acron*ms or other specia" nomenc"ature shou"d +e minimised. 'ather than "ist them at the +e-innin- of the paper, the* must +e defined %hen first used. SI units must +e used throu-hout the paper, a"thou-h e<ui a"ents in other consistent s*stem ma* +e -i en in parentheses, as sho%n a+o e. E6uations A"" forms of e<uations must +e t*ped, centered and num+ered consecuti e"* %ith Ara+ic numera"s as the* appear in the te!t of the paper. The first e<uation %ou"d +e referred to in the te!t as (<n. 1 and +e presented as fo""o%s: =+> ? 7@-A=)> Ta#&! an" Fig)r! Ta+"es and fi-ures must +e inte-rated %ith the te!t and num+ered consecuti e"* %ith Ara+ic numera"s in the order in %hich reference is made to them in the te!t of the paper. A"" captions must +e centra""* "ocated a+o e a ta+"e and +e"o% a fi-ure. The first ta+"e or fi-ure caption %ou"d +e referred to in the te!t as Ta+"e 1 or Fi-. 1 and +e presented as fo""o%s: #1$

Table 1 The first table in the paper

Ta+"e or Fi-ure

Fig. 1 The first figure in the paper

4apers ma* +e photo-raphica""* reduced for printin- in +oo0 form, so a"" the te!t and detai"s in fi-ures shou"d +e "ar-e enou-h to +e "e-i+"e. The +oo0 form of the proceedin-s %i"" +e in +"ac0 and %hite, therefore authors %ho use co"or must ensure that no detai"s in ta+"es or fi-ures are "ost in their paper %hen appearin- in +"ac0 and %hite. As mentioned a+o e, the fi"e from %hich the paper is produced must +e su+mitted. 5is0s containinco"our ta+"es or fi-ures shou"d +e c"ear"* "a+e"ed Bco"or dataC. Fina& S!,*ion The paper shou"d conc"ude %ith the fo""o%in- +o"d and capita"i2ed section tit"es #centra""* "ocated$: conc"usionsD ac0no%"ed-ments #if appropriate$D and references. The first reference %ou"d +e referred to in the te!t as 'ef. 1, or simp"* +e cited %here appropriate in s<uare +rac0ets @1A.

REFERENCES 1. &. S. Eon-, &. F. '*u and 5.I. 4ar0, BStrain 6easurement of &omposite Gaminates HsinFi+er Ira-- 1ratin- SensorC, 7roc( of The 8irst Asian-Australasian 2onference on 2omposite *aterials& 9A22*-1:, Jo".2, 1KK/, pp. 32,. 2 :. Ja*araman and 6. T. :ortschot, L&orrection to the Fu0uda-:a%ata Foun-Ms 6odu"us Theor* and the Fu0uda-&hou Stren-th Theor* for Short Fi+re-'einforced &omposite 6ateria"sL, ;ournal of *aterials <cience, Jo". 31, no./, 1KK3 pp. 2),K. 3. 4. Simace0, 4a e" and S. 1. Ad ani LThe imp"ications of fi+er compaction and saturation on fu""* coup"ed JA'T6 simu"ationL, 2omposites 7art A& Applied <cience and *anufacturing , Jo"ume 3,, Issue 2, 4a-es 1,K-13K #2))4$.

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