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Interactive C Function Notes

HB alloff: <void> () void alloff()

Turns off all motors. ao is a short form for alloff.

HB analog: <int> (<int>) int analog(int p)

Returns value of sensor port numbered p. Result is integer between 0 and 255. If the analog() function is applied to a port that is implemented digitally in hardware then the value 255 is returned if the hardware digital reading is ! (as if a digital switch is open and the pull up resistors are causing a high reading) and the value 0 is returned if the hardware digital reading is 0 (as if a digital switch is closed and pulling the reading near ground). "orts are numbered as mar#ed. $ote that ports !%&22 are floating so without a sensor inserted the value cannot be predicted.

HB ao: <void> () void ao()

Turns off all motors.

HB atan: float (<float>) float atan(float angle)

Returns arc tangent of angle. 'ngle is specified in radians( result is in radians.

HB beep: <void> () void beep()

"roduces a tone of 500 )ert* for a period of 0.+ seconds. Returns when the tone is finished.

HB beeper_off: <void> () void beeper_off()

Turns off the beeper.

HB beeper_on: <void> () void beeper_on()

Turns on the beeper at last fre,uency selected by the former function. The beeper remains on until the beeper_off function is e-ecuted.

HB b : <void> (<int>) void b (int !)

Turns motor m on in the bac#ward direction. .-ample/ b (")#

HB clear_digital_out: <int> (<int>) HB cos: float (<float>) float cos(float angle)

Returns cosine of angle. 'ngle is specified in radians( result is in radians.

HB defer: <void> () void defer()

0a#es a process swap out immediately after the function is called. 1seful if a process #nows that it will not need to do any wor# until the ne-t time around the scheduler loop. defer() is implemented as a 2 built&in function.

HB digital: <int> (<int>) int digital(int p)

Returns the value of the sensor in sensor port p as a true3false value (! for true and 0 for false). 4ensors are e-pected to be active low meaning that they are valued at *ero volts in the active or true state. Thus the library function returns

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the inverse of the actual reading from the digital hardware/ if the reading is *ero volts or logic *ero the digital() function will return true.

HB disable_encoder: <void> (<int>) void disable_encoder(int encoder)

5isables the given encoder and prevents it from counting. .ach shaft encoder uses processing time every time it receives a pulse while enabled so they should be disabled when you no longer need the encoder6s data.

HB enable_encoder: <void> (<int>) void enable_encoder(int encoder)

.nables the given encoder to start counting pulses and resets its counter to *ero. 7y default encoders start in the disabled state and must be enabled before they start counting.

HB e$p"%: float (<float>) float e$p"%(float nu!)

Returns !0 to the num power.

HB e$p: float (<float>) float e$p(float nu!)

Returns e to the num power.

HB fd: <void> (<int>) void fd(int !)

Turns motor ! on in the forward direction. .-ample/ fd(&)#

HB 'og_processor: <void> () void 'og_processor()

'llocates an additional 25% milliseconds of e-ecution to the currently running process. If this function is called repeatedly the system will wedge and only e-ecute the process that is calling 'og_processor(). 8nly a system reset will unwedge from this state. $eedless to say this function should be used with e-treme care and should not be placed in a loop unless wedging the machine is the desired outcome.

HB init_e$pbd_servos: <int> (<int>) HB ill_process: void (<int>) int ill_process(int pid)#

The ill_process function is used to destroy processes. "rocesses are destroyed by passing their process I5 number to ill_process. If the return value is 0 then the process was destroyed. If the return value is ! then the process was not found. The following code shows the main process creating a chec#9sensor process and then destroying it one second later/ void !ain() ( int pid# pid) start_process(c'ec _sensor(*))# sleep(".%)# ill_process(pid)# +


nob: <int> () int nob()

Returns a value from 0 to 255 based on the position of a potentiometer. 8n the %.2:0 board the potentiometer is labelled frob nob.

HB log"%: float (<float>) float log"%(float nu!)

Returns logarithm of num to the base !0.

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HB log: float (<float>) float log(float nu!)

Returns natural logarithm of num.

HB !otor: <void> (<int>, <int>) void !otor(int !, int p)

Turns on motor ! at power level p. "ower levels range from !00 for full on forward to &!00 for full on bac#ward.

HB !seconds: long () long !seconds()

Returns the count of system time in milliseconds. Time count is reset by hardware reset (i.e. pressing reset switch on board) or the function

reset_s-ste!_ti!e(). !seconds()

is implemented as a 2 primitive (not as a library

HB !sleep: <void> (<long>) void !sleep(long !sec)

;aits for an amount of time e,ual to or greater than msec milliseconds. msec is a long integer. .-ample/ 3< wait for !.5 seconds <3 !sleep(".%%/)# HB off: <void> (<int>) void off(int !) Turns off motor !. .-ample/ off(")# po0eroff: <void> () prg!_button: <int> () HB printf: void (<c'ar12>, ...)

/C3 4creen 5rinting

I2 has a version of the 2 function printf for formatted printing to the =25 screen. The synta- of printf is the following/ printf(for!at6string, 1arg6"2 , ... , 1arg6N2 ) This is best illustrated by some e-amples.

5rinting 7$a!ples
7$a!ple ": 5rinting a !essage. The following statement prints a te-t string to the screen. printf(>)ello world?@n>)# In this e-ample the format string is simply printed to the screen. The character @n at the end of the string signifies end-of-line. ;hen an end&of&line character is printed the =25 screen will be cleared when a subse,uent character is printed. Thus most printf statements are terminated by a @n. 7$a!ple *: 5rinting a nu!ber. The following statement prints the value of the integer variable - with a brief message. printf(>Aalue is Bd@n>, $)# The special form Bd is used to format the printing of an integer in decimal format. 7$a!ple &: 5rinting a nu!ber in binar-. The following statement prints the value of the integer variable - as a binary number. printf(>Aalue is Bb@n>, $)# The special form Bb is used to format the printing of an integer in binary format. 8nly the low byte of the number is printed. 7$a!ple 8: 5rinting a floating point nu!ber. The following statement prints the value of the floating point variable n as a floating point number. printf(>Aalue is Bf@n>, n)# The special form Bf is used to format the printing of floating point number.

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7$a!ple .: 5rinting t0o nu!bers in 'e$adeci!al for!at. printf(>'CB- 7CB-@n>, a, b)# The form B- formats an integer to print in he-adecimal.

For!atting Co!!and 4u!!arFor!at Co!!and 3ata 9-pe 3escription :d int 3eci!al nu!ber :$ int He$adeci!al nu!ber :b int /o0 b-te as binar- nu!ber :c int /o0 b-te as ;4CII c'aracter :f float Floating point nu!ber :s <c'ar C'aracter arra- (string) 4pecial Notes The final character position of the =25 screen is used as a system >heartbeat.> This character continuously blin#s between a large and small heart when the board is operating properly. If the character stops blin#ing the board has failed. 2haracters that would be printed beyond the final character position are truncated. ;hen using a two&line display the printf() command treats the display as a single longer line. "rinting of long integers is not presently supported.

HB rando!: <int> (<int>) HB read_encoder: <int> (<int>) int read_encoder(int encoder)

Returns the number of pulses counted by the given encoder since it was enabled or since the last reset whichever was more recent.

HB reset_encoder: <void> (<int>) void reset_encoder(int encoder)

Resets the counter of the given encoder to *ero. Dor an enabled encoder it is more efficient to reset its value than to use enable_encoder() to clear it.

HB reset_s-ste!_ti!e: <void> () void reset_s-ste!_ti!e()

Resets the count of system time to *ero milliseconds.

HB seconds: <float> () float seconds()

Returns the count of system time in seconds as a floating point number. Resolution is one millisecond.

HB set_beeper_pitc': <void> (<float>) void set_beeper_pitc'(float fre=uenc-)

4ets the beeper tone to be fre,uency )*. The subse,uent function is then used to turn the beeper on.

HB set_digital_out: <int> (<int>) HB sin: float (<float>) HB sleep: <void> (<float>) void sleep(float sec)
;aits for an amount of time e,ual to or slightly greater than sec seconds. 4ec is a floating point number. .-ample/ 3< wait for !.5 seconds <3 sleep("..)#

HB sonar: <int> ()

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HB s=rt: float (<float>) float s=rt(float nu!)

Returns s,uare root of num.

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HB start_button: <int> () int start_button()

Returns value of button labelled 4tart (or 7scape). .-ample/ 3< wait for button to be pressed( then wait for it to be released so that button press is debounced <3 0'ile (>start_button()) (+ 0'ile (start_button()) (+

HB start_press: <void> () void start_press()

=i#e stop_press() but for the 4tart button.

HB stop_button: <int> () int stop_button()

Returns value of button labelled 4top (or C'oose)/ ! if pressed and 0 if released. .-ample/ 3< wait until stop button pressed <3 0'ile (>stop_button()) (+

HB stop_press: <void> () void stop_press()

;aits for the 4top button to be pressed then released. Then issues a short beep and returns. The code for stop_press() is as follows/ 0'ile (>stop_button())# 0'ile (stop_button())# beep()#

HB _s-ste!_print_off: <void> () HB _s-ste!_print_on: <void> () HB _s-ste!_p0!_off: <void> () HB _s-ste!_p0!_on: <void> () HB tan: float (<float>) float tan(float angle)
Returns tangent of angle. 'ngle is specified in radians( result is in radians.

HB test_digital_out: <int> (<int>) HB tone: <void> (<float>, <float>) void tone(float fre=uenc-, float lengt')
"roduces a tone at pitch fre,uency )ert* for length seconds. Returns when the tone is finished. 7oth fre,uency and length are floats.

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