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1. Gorakhnath: O Lord (Svami), you are the Master Teacher (Satguru Gosain), and I am but a disci !e: may I ut a "uestion, #hich you #ou!d $ind!y re !y to and resent not% To start #ith, #hat idea! (!acch) shou!d the disci !e ut be&ore him% 'o te!! me &or you are the true Teacher. (. Matsyendranath: Let the unattached (a#adhu, avadhuta) !ive at the monastery (mut) or be on the road, resting in the shado# o& the trees) he shou!d renounce desire, crue!ty, greed, de!usion, and the i!!usion o& Samsar (*ama, *rodha, Lobha, Moha and Samsar $i Maya)) he shou!d ho!d converse (gosht) #ith himse!& and contem !ate the +nd!ess (,nanta)) he shou!d s!ee !itt!e and eat !itt!e. In the beginning the disci !e shou!d !ive thus. Thus s ea$s Matsyendranath. -. Gorakhnath: .hat shou!d he see, #hat contem !ate, and #hat treat as the essence (sar)) #ith #hat shou!d he shave his head and #ith the $no#!edge o& #hat shou!d he try to cross (the ocean o& Samsar)% /. Matsyendranath: 0e shou!d see himse!&, contem !ate the +nd!ess (,nanta), and &i1 u on 2ea!ity as the essence) he shou!d shave his head #ith (or a&ter receiving) the #ord o& the teacher (Guru $a Shabda), and shou!d cross over #ith the aid o& 'ivine $no#!edge (3rahma Gyana). 4. Gorakhnath: .hat is the teaching (u adesh) o& the Guru5s order or doctrine (,des)% .here does the void (Sunya) reside% .ho is the Guru o& the #ord (Shabda)% 6. Matsyendranath: The most #onder&u! (anu am) is the teaching o& the Guru (,des)) the void (Sunya) resides #ithin us and 2ea!isation ( archa or arichaya) is the Guru o& the #ord (shabda). 7. Gorakhnath: .hat is the &orm (ru a) o& the mind (mana)% .hat is the a earance (a$ar) o& the vita! breath ( avana)% .hat is the direction (disa) o& the ten and through #hich door can the contro! be e&&ected% 8. Matsyendranath: The void (sunya) is the &ore o& the mind) the a earance o& vita! breath ( avan) is invisibi!ity (nira$ar)) the direction o& the ten is unsayab!e (a!e$h) and contro! !ies through the tenth door. 9. Gorakhnath: .hich is the root (mu!a) and #hich the branch (be!a)% .ho is the Guru and #ho the disci !e) #ith #hat essence (tatt) can one go about a!one% 1:. Matsyendranath: Mind is the root and vita! breath is the branch) the #ord (shabda) is the Guru and attention (surat or surta) is the disci !e. .ith the essence ca!!ed de!iverance (nirbana tat) Gora$hnath #anders about, himse!& in himse!&. 11. Gorakhnath: .hat is the seed (bira;a) and #hat the &ie!d ($hetra)% .hat is direct hearing (satvan)% .hat is true vision% .hat is <oga and #hat is the method (<ugti)% .hat is !iberation (mocch)% ,nd #hat is sa!vation (mu$ti)% 1(. Matsyendranath: The #ord (Mantra) is the seed) erce tion (mati) is the #omb or !and) and attention (surti) is direct hearing, and discrimination (nirti) is true vision) the ocean (=ram) is <oga and the earth ('huram) is the method) !ight (;oti) is !iberation and the re&u!gence (<ua!a) is sa!vation. 1-. Gorakhnath: .hich is the tree #ithout a trun$, and #hich is the #ithout a shore (tir), and #ho died #ithout death ($a!)% arrot #ithout #ings% .hich is the dam ( a!u)

1/. Matsyendranath: >ita! breath ( avana) is the tree #ithout a trun$) mind is the arrot (sua) #ithout #ings) constancy (dhira;) is the dam #ithout a shore) s!ee is dying #ithout death. 14. Gorakhnath: In #hat house (ghar) is moon (chanda) and in #hat is the sun (sur)% In #hat house does Time music (Tur, a musica! instrument)% .here do the &ive e!ements (tat) have e"ui oise (sam rahai)% 16. Matsyendranath: The moon in the mind) the sun in the vita! breath) in the void (sunya) Time instrument (tura) and in the house o& $no#!edge the &ive e!ements reside in e"ui oise (sam). !ay

!ays on the musica!

17. Gorakhnath: .hat is the ?e# Moon (amavas) and #hat mani&ests ( ariba)% .hich or #here is the great e!i1ir (maha rasa) and #hereto #ith it do #e mount% ,t #hat !ace does the mind reside in the state o& se!&@transcendence (unmani)% 18. Matsyendranath: The sun (ravi) shou!d be treated as the dar$est night) the moon shou!d be made mani&est) the great e!i1ir o& the !o#er (ardh) shou!d be ta$en to the u er (urdh)) in the heaven #ithin us (gagan) the mind resides in se!&@transcendence. 19. Gorakhnath: .hat destroys the bad #ord ($usabda) and #here does the good #ord (susabda) reside% On #hat side (mu$ha) does the vita! breath o& t#e!ve &ingerbreadths reside% (:. Matsyendranath: The good #ord s#a!!o#s or catches the bad #ord and itse!& resides #ithin (nirantar)) the vita! breath o& t#e!ve &ingerbreadths is contro!!ed (rahai) through the #ord o& the Guru. (1. Gorakhnath: .ho is the ,diguru% .ho is the husband o& the earth (dhartri)% .hat is the home o& $no#!edge (gyana)% .hich is the door (duvar) o& the void (sunn)% ((. Matsyendranath: The eterna! beginning!ess (anadi) is the ,diguru) heaven (anbar) is the husband o& earth) ,#a$e@ a#areness (Ahetan) is the home o& $no#!edge, and rea!isation ( archa) is the door o& the void. (-. Gorakhnath: Through the rea!isation ( archai) o& #hat is the attachment #ith the I!!usion (maya moha) bro$en) ho# can the residence o& the moon (Sisihar) be ierced) ho# is the dam (bandha) a !ied and ho# can the body ($andha) be made immorta! (a;ar var)% (/. Matsyendranath: .hen rea!isation ( archai) comes to the mind, attachment to the #or!d ceases) #ith the contro! o& the #or$ing o& vita! breath the moon (sisihar) is destroyed) the ac"uisition o& rea! $no#!edge (gyana) a !ies the dam and the rea!isation o& the teacher (Guru archai) gives us immorta!ity.

(4. Gorakhnath: .here do mind, vita! breath, the #ord (shabda) and the moon reside% (6. Matsyendranath: The mind resides in the heart (hirdai)) vita! breath resides in the nave!) the #ord (shabda) resides in the #i!! (ruci)) the moon resides in the heaven (gagan). (7. Gorakhnath: I& there had been no heart (hirda) #here #ou!d the mind have rested, com osed% 0ad there been no nave! #here, #ou!d have vita! breath rested unmoved% 0ad there been no &orm (ru a) #here #ou!d have the #ord (ShabdaB resided% .ithout a heaven #here #ou!d have the moon been% (8. Matsyendranath: .ithout the nave!, the air #ou!d have resided in the &orm!ess (?ira$ar)) #ithout #i!!, the #ord (shabda) #ou!d have resided (rahata) in the unmani&est (,$u!a)) #ithout the heaven, the moon #ou!d have resided in desire (abhi$a). (9. Gorakhnath: 0ad there been no night, #here #ou!d the day have come &rom% .ithout the day, #here #ou!d the night merge% .hen the !am is e1tinguished, #here does !ight d#e!!% -:. Matsyendranath: .ithout night, the day #ou!d have merged into Saha;) had there been no day, the night #ou!d have assed into (Saha;)) on the e1tinguishing o& the !am , the !ight asses into the omni resent (nirantar)) had there been no vita! breath, then the body o& vita! breath ( ran urus) #ou!d have resided in the void. -1. Gorakhnath: .ho is the creator o& the body ($aya)) #here&rom has !ight (te;) been created% .hat is the mouth (%muha or muda%) o& 'ivine $no#!edge (3rahma Gyana)% 0o# can the =nseeab!e be seen% -(. Matsyendranath: The ,bso!ute (3rahma) is the creator o& the body ($aya)) out o& truth (sat) has e&&u!gence (te;) been created) the void is the mouth (muda or muha) o& 'ivine $no#!edge (3rahma Gyana)) and through the Sadguru and the disci !e rea!isation my the unseeab!e be made visib!e. --. Gorakhnath: 0o# many !a$hs (hundreds o& thousands) o& moons are there in the body%. 0o# does &ragrance reside in the &!o#er% .here does the ghee hide in the mi!$% 0o# does the sou! (;iva) concea! itse!& in the body% -/. Matsyendranath: There are t#o !a$hs o& moons in the body) &ragrance is the conscious(ness) (chetan) in the &!o#er) the ghee is immanent in the mi!$) the sou! (;iva) is the a!!@ ervasiveness in the body. -4. Gorakhnath: 0ad there been no body #here #ou!d the sun and the moon have resided% 0ad there been no &!o#er, #here #ou!d the &ragrance have been% 0ad there been no mi!$ #here #ou!d the ghee have been% 0ad there been no body, #here #ou!d the s irit have been% -6. Matsyendranath: .ithout the body, the sun and the moon #ou!d have been omni resent) #ithout the &!o#er, &ragrance #ou!d have d#e!t in the (,nhad)) #ithout the mi!$, the ghee (ghiv or ghee) #ou!d have resided in the void) #ithout the body, the s irit #ou!d have been in the Su reme >oid (Caram Sunya). -7. Gorakhnath: .here do the moon and the sun d#e!!, #here the essence, the root o& the #ord (nad) and the vita! o#er (bind)% .here does the 0amsa (s#an) mount u &or drin$ing #ater% To #hat !ace (ghar) do you bring the reversed o#er (u!ti sha$ti) to rest% -8. Matsyendranath: The moon resides in the u er (urdha) and the sun in the !o#er (ardha)) the essence, the nada and bindu d#e!!s in the heart) to the heaven goes the s#an (hans) &or drin$ing #ater, and the reversed o#er (Sha$ti) reverts to the Se!&, its rea!, origina! home. -9. Gorakhnath: .here does nada rise) #here does it ac"uire e"ui oise (sam)) ho# is it made to stand sti!!, and #here is it &ina!!y merged% /:. Matsyendranath: ?ada rises &rom the =nconditioned (,vigata)) gains e"ui oise in the void) you can sto the vita! breath and it vanishes, unites #ith the Dorm!ess (?iran;ana). it through

/1. Gorakhnath: I& the nada sounds not, i& the o#er acts not, i& the heaven is not there to dra# our ho e, #ere there neither nada nor bindu, then #here #ou!d the man o& vita! breath (Crana Curusha) reside% /(. Matsyendranath: ?ada sounds, bindu moves) the heaven (gagan) attracts desire) but #ere there neither nada nor bindu then breath #ou!d reside in the omni resent (nirantar). /-. Gorakhnath: .hen &orm disso!ves and the Dorm!ess remains, #hen #ater becomes air, #hen there is neither sun nor moon, #here does the 0amsa d#e!!% //. Matsyendranath: The Saha;a hansa resides a&ter the !ay in the Cerson o& the void (Sunya hansa)) #hen the &orm becomes Dorm!ess then the s irit (hansa) resides in the Su reme !ight (Caram <oti). /4. Gorakhnath: .hat is the root (mu!a) o& the root!ess (,mu!)% .here does the root reside% .ho is the Guru o& the goa! ( ada)% /6. Matsyendranath: The void is the root o& the root!ess) the root resides in the omni resent (?iran$ar)) the Guru o& the goa! is !iberation (?irban). /7. Gorakhnath: .here does the vita! breath ( rana) rise% .here&rom does the mind come% 0o# is the s eech (vacha) born and #here does it disso!ve (vi!iyate)%

/8. Matsyendranath: The birth o& the mind is &rom the Dorm!ess (,vagat), the vita! breath &rom the mind, and s eech &rom the breath) s eech is disso!ved in the mind. /9. Gorakhnath: .hich is the !a$e and #hich the !otus% 0o# can #e #ard o&& *a!(time or death)% 0o# can #e reach the =nseeab!e, =nreachab!e (,gochar) #or!d% 4:. Matsyendranath: Mind is the !a$e and air is the !otus) by becoming u #ards@&aced (=rdh@mu$hi) you can #ard o&& *a!) through $no#ing the !o#er and the u er one my become one #ith the =n$no#ab!e (,gochar !iv !ahai). 41. Gorakhnath: .hich is the di&&icu!t, and #hich the easy) #hat is union (sandh), and through #hat nerve centre (cha$ra) can the moon be made stab!e% 0o# can the conscious mind attain to se!&@transcendence% 4(. Matsyendranath: The Cure (,ni!a) and the Stain!ess (>ima!) are the di&&icu!t and easy &orms o& union (sandh)) the dam is to be a !ied above the cha$i nerve@centre (cha$ra)) the a!#ays@a#a$e can attain to se!&@transcendence (unmani). 4-. Gorakhnath: 0o# came about birth% 0o# did the &irst consciousness begin (ad $i surat)% 0o# #as I born% 4/. Matsyendranath: ,s oi! is in the sesame seed, as &ire is in the #ood, as &ragrance in the &!o#er, so too resides the s irit (devata) in the body (deh). 44. Gorakhnath: .hat drives ahead the conch@!i$e (san$hini)% .here does the e!i1ir in the arched vein (ban$a na!a) go% ,s the breather goes to s!ee , #here does the vita! breath ( rana) in the body ( inda) side% 46. Matsyendranath: True s ontaneity (saha; subhai) can drive the conch@!i$e (san$hini)) the arched vein (ban$a na!a) resides in the nave!) as the breather goes to s!ee ) the vita! breath in the body resides in its o#n shado# or resides undivided (a i chhaya or a archhinna). 47. Gorakhnath: ,t #hat nerve centre (cha$ra) is the moon stabi!ised% ,t #hat nerve centre (cha$ra) is the union or enetration (sandh) a !ied% .hat nerve centre (cha$ra) contro!s (niredha) the vita! air% .hat centre (cha$ra) im arts $no#!edge ( ramodh) to the mind% ,t #hat centre (cha$ra) shou!d attention (dhyana) he centred (dhariye)% ,t #hat centre (cha$ra) shou!d one rest% 48. Matsyendranath: The higher (=rdh cha$ra), the !o#er (,rdh cha$ra), the Cashchima (#est) centre, the heart centre, the throat ($antha) centre the Gyana (,gya) cha$ra. 49. Gorakhnath: .hich is the garden, the to#n and the manda!% In #hich city is the Guru% I& I &orget it, ho# am I to cross over% 6:. Matsyendranath: .hoso gives u s eech has achieved the void o& the mani&o!dness (maya sunn): in contem !ating that, one rises above good and evi!) by an understanding o& Shiva and Sha$ti, one may attain to se!&@transcendence (unmani). 61. Gorakhnath: 3y #hat sta!$ o& the !otus (na!a) can the !i"uid (Siva) be dra#n u % 0o# does the sou! (;iva) drin$ it% 0o# can one residing in the #omb o& the mother, drin$ the e!i1ir% 6(. Matsyendranath: It is co!!ected through the Shan$hini ?adi) the sou! (;iva) resides in the Sushumna nadi) #hi!e residing in the #omb o& the mother he drin$s it through the ban$a na!a. 6-. Gorakhnath: .hat is the house (graha) and #hat the habitation) in #hat #omb does he remain &or ten months% Through #hat mouth does he drin$ #ater and through #hat mouth, mi!$% In #hat direction #as the body born% 6/. Matsyendranath: The Cure, the Dorm!ess (,ni!) is the house (graha) and the =nconditioned (avagat), the habitation (has)) in the #omb o& the 3eyond (,tit) he remains &or ten months) through mind he has #ater and through vita! air ( avan) he drin$s e!i1ir or mi!$ (amrit)) in the direction o& Om$ar the body ta$es birth. 64. Gorakhnath: In #hat void (sunya) is he born% In #hat void (sunya) is he absorbed% 66. Matsyendranath: 0e is born in the Saha;a >oid and the Satguru gave him instruction at the void o& nearness (Sami Sunya)) he then got absorbed in the void o& unattachment (,tit Sunya). 0e then e1 !ains to you the essence o& the su reme void (Caram Sunya). 67. Gorakhnath: 0o# can one attain to Samadhi% 0o# can one get rid o& the disturbing &actors (u adhi)% 0o# can one enter the &ourth (Turiya) state% 0o# can one ma$e one5s body ($andh) change!ess and death!ess% 68. Matsyendranath: The young erson (ba!a) enters Samadhi through the mind) he gets rid o& the disturbances through the vita! breath ( avan)) he ac"uires the &ourth state (Turiya) through attention (surat) or rea!isation (Gyana) and through obeying, turning to, the Guru (Guru mu$h) he attains to immorta!ity. 69. Gorakhnath: .ho s!ee s, #ho #a$es, #ho goes to the ten directions% .here&rom does the vita! breath arise% 0o# does it bring sound &rom the !i s, throat and the a!ate (ta!i$a or ta!u$a)% 7:. Matsyendranath: The mind, or the absorbed (!iv) s!ee s) the vita! breath or the conscious (chetan) a#a$es) imagination ($a! ana) goes out to the ten directions. Drom the nave! the air arises, it rises and roduces sounds &rom the !i s, throat and the a!ate (ta!u$a). 71. Gorakhnath: .hat is the conscious% .hat is the essence (sar)% .hat is s!ee ( archai) does one sustain the e!ements (tat)% and #hat is death% 3y rea!ising #hat

7(. Matsyendranath: The !ight (<oti) is conscious) &ear!essness is the a#a$ened essence. .a$ing is birth and s!ee ing is death) the &ive e!ements d#e!! in !ight. 7-. Gorakhnath: .ho s ea$s, #ho s!ee s) in #hat &orm does he see$ himse!&% In #hat &orm does he remain the same through the ages% 7/. Matsyendranath: .ord (shabda) s ea$s) attention (surat) s!ee s) he see$s himse!& in an =nseeab!e (ade$h) &orm and in the Dorm #ithout Dorm he remains the same through ages. 74. Gorakhnath: 0o# does the mind ac"uire virtues% 0o# does the vita! air come and go% 0o# does the &ountain (nih;ar) rise &rom the moon and ho# does Time or 'eath ($a!) go to s!ee % 76. Matsyendranath: In the heart (hirdai) the mind ac"uires the many virtues) in the nave! the vita! air starts its coming and going (,vagavan)) contem !ating itse!& (a mu$hi) he ma$es the &ountain !ay) contem !ating itse!& Time or 'eath goes to s!ee . 77. Gorakhnath: ,t #hich void (sunya) does !ight reverse) &rom #hich void does s eech arise) #hich void is the essence o& the three #or!ds) through #hich void can one cross over% 78. Matsyendranath: The void o& eagerness, the void o& &ear!essness, the void o& se!&@mastery, and the void o& detachment. (=rga, ,nbhai, Crabhu, ,tit). 79. Gorakhnath: .here does hunger arise and #here &ood% .here is s!ee born and #here death% 8:. Matsyendranath: Drom desire (mansa) arose hunger and &rom hunger, &ood) &rom &ood s!ee and &rom s!ee , death. 81. Gorakhnath: ,t #hich !otus does the 0amsa (hans) inha!e and e1ha!e (sas, usas)) at #hich !otus does 0amsa rest) at #hat !otus does he er&orm #orshi ( u;a) and at #hat !otus does he see the =nseeab!e (,!a$h)% 8(. Matsyendranath: The nave! !otus, the heart !otus, the centre (madh) !otus, the !otus 3eyond (,chint). 8-. Gorakhnath: .hat is truth% 'o te!! me, !ease, O Guru Candit. .hat is the condition or direction o& the mind and the breath% 0o# can one s#im across (the ocean o& Samsar) #ith their he! % 8/. Matsyendranath: Crogression &rom mere seeing, to divine or s iritua! erce tion (dibya drisht)) &rom $no#!edge (gyana) to#ards rea!isation (vigyma)) the teacher and the u i! have the same body) i& rea!isation ( archa) comes, then there #i!! he no straying or return. 84. Gorakhnath: .here&rom do inha!ation and e1ha!ation arise% .here does the Caram 0ans reside% ,t #hat !ace does the mind reside constant!y stab!e% 86. Matsyendranath: They rise &rom the !o#er (,rdh)) at the higher (=rdh) the Su reme S#an (Caram hans) resides) in the Saha;a >oid the mind is ever in e"ui oise. In the rea!isation o& the #ord (Shabda archai) the mind remains in e"ui oise. 87. Gorakhnath: 0o# shou!d one come, ho# go) ho# to co!!ect onese!& and remain absorbed) ho# can one stabi!ise one5s mind and one5s body% 88. Matsyendranath: 0e shou!d come and go in the void and in the void (sunn) he shou!d co!!ect himse!& and remain absorbed) in the Saha;a >oid the body and the mind remain unchanged. 89. Gorakhnath: .here does Shiva reside and #here Sha$ti% .here resides vita! breath ( rana) and #here the embodied being (<iva)% ,t #hat !ace can one have the rea!isation o& them% 9:. Matsyendranath: ,t the !o#er (,rdh) resides Sha$ti and at the higher (=rdh) Shiva) inside resides vita! breath ( rana) and &urther inside the embodied being (<iva)) by going sti!! &urther in, one may attain to a rea!isation o& them. 91. Gorakhnath: 0o# shou!d one sit and ho# #a!$, ho# s ea$ and ho# meet) ho# shou!d one dea! #ith one5s body% 9(. Matsyendranath: 0e shou!d sit, #a!$, s ea$ and meet a#a$e and a#are (surat mu$h)) #ith his attention and discrimination (surat or nirat) thus hand!ed, he shou!d !ive &ear!ess!y. 9-. Gorakhnath: .hat is the #ord (shabda)) #hat is attention (su at)) #hat is discrimination (nirat)% .hat is the dam% 0o# can one remain stab!e amidst dua!ity% 9/. Matsyendranath: The 3eginning!ess, the Sound!ess (,nahad) is the #ord) right a#areness is attention (surat)) inde endence (nira!anb) is discrimination (nirat)) !et him a !y the chec$) he #i!! then !ive as =nity amidst 'ua!ity. 94. Gorakhnath: .ho can tread a s ea$ #ithout #ords% ath #ithout &eet% .ho can see #ithout eyes% .ho can hear #ithout ears% .ho can

96. Matsyendranath: Aontem !ation (vichar) can tread #ithout &eet) discrimination (nirat) can see #ithout eyes) attention (su at) can hear #ithout ears) the Sound!ess (,nhad) can s ea$ #ithout #ords. 97. Gorakhnath: .hich osture (asan)% .hat $no#!edge (gyana)% 0o# shou!d the young disci !e (ba!a) meditate (dhyan)% 3y #hat means can he en;oy the b!iss o& the =nconditioned 3eing (,vagata)%

98. Matsyendranath: Aontentment (santo$h) is the osture (asana)) contem !ation is the $no#!edge (gyana)) he shou!d try to rise above his hysica! being in (or &or) his meditation) through carrying out the behest o& the Guru he can have the ;oy o& the =nconditioned 3eing (,vagata). 99. Gorakhnath: 0o# to have contentment and contem !ation and meditation that goes beyond the hysica!% 0o# can I bend my mind to them% 1::. Matsyendranath: Aontentment comes &rom &ear!essness (nirbhai)) thin$ing &rom avoidance o& attachment or rea!isation (anbhai)) he shou!d meditate #ithin his body to rise above the body) by turning to the Teacher (Guru) one can bend one5s mind to them. 1:1. Gorakhnath: .hat is the c!eansing ('hoti)% .hat is conduct (,char)% Through #hat recitation (<a a) does the mind come to rid itse!& o& rest!ess thoughts (>i$aras)% 0o# can one become unattached and &ear!ess% 1:(. Matsyendranath: Meditation is uri&ication) right thin$ing, discrimination !eads to right action) through the ,;a a <a a (E 0a Sa) the mind rids itse!& o& rest!ess thoughts) by becoming unattached one can become &ear!ess. 1:-. Gorakhnath: .ho is the Om$ar and #ho is the Se!& (a )) #ho is the mother and #ho is the &ather% 0o# can the river (darya) enter the mind% 1:/. Matsyendranath: The #ord (Shabda) is the One (Om$ar)) !ight (<oti) is the Se!&) the void (Sunya, Surat) is the mother and consciousness (Ahit or Ahaitan) is the &ather) steadiness (nishchai @@ #ithout an1iety) causes the river to &!o# in the mind. 1:4. Gorakhnath: 0o# can one carry out true !iving (rahini) and ho# can one carry on meditation% .here is the immorta! e!i1ir% 0o# can one drin$ it% 0o# can one $ee the body &or ever% 1:6. Matsyendranath: 3y turning to the higher (=rdha) or the mind, you can attain right !iving) by turning to Sha$ti you can achieve right meditation) by turning to the heaven #ithin (gagan) you can have the e!i1ir o& immorta!ity (,mirasa) and by turning to conscious activity (chit) you can drin$ it. 3y re!in"uishing desire, one can gain the immorta! body (bidehi rahai). 1:7. Gorakhnath: 0o# shou!d one come and go) ho# can one de&eat death% 0o# can one reside in !ight% 1:8. Matsyendranath: One shou!d turn to Saha;a) one shou!d go by turning to Sha$ti) by becoming #ing!ess one can eat a#ay death) one can a!#ays reside in !ight by being #ithout breath (nis#asa). 1:9. Gorakhnath: .hat is body, #hat is breath) #hat Cerson ( uru$h) shou!d I meditate u on% ,t #hat transcend Time% !ace does mind

11:. Matsyendranath: ,ir is the body and the mind is the breath (&orce)) #e shou!d meditate on the Su reme Cerson (Caram Curu$h). In Samadhi the mind goes beyond the reach o& Time. 111. Gorakhnath: .hich is the $ey and #hich is the !oc$) #ho is o!d and #ho is young (ba!a)% .here does mind remain a#a$ened (chetan)% 11(. Matsyendranath: The #ord!ess (nih@shabda) is the $ey and the #ord (shabda) is the !oc$) the unconscious one (achet) is o!d) the conscious one is young) mind in se!&@ transcendence (unman) is ever a#are (chetan). 11-. Gorakhnath: .ho is the ractitioner (sadha$) and #ho the 0o# can one drive a#ay dece tion &rom one5s mind% er&ected (Siddh)% .hat is i!!usion and #hat is magic%

11/. Matsyendranath: ,ttention is the ractitioner and the #ord is the ade t) FI amF is the i!!usion (Maya) and Fhe isF is the magic (riddh). To destroy dece tion or dua!ity one shou!d reside #ithin. 114. Gorakhnath: .hich is the mou!d, and #hich is the ca!1 o& tin% .hich is the ornament and ho# may it be beauti&ied% 0o# shou!d se!&@transcendence (unmani) reside change!ess #ith that% 116. Matsyendranath: *no#!edge (gyana) is the mou!d) vita! breath is the ca!1 (beng)) !ight is the ornament #hich ma$es it beauti&u!) se!&@transcendence (unmani) shou!d reside #ith That stead&ast!y, unchanging!y. 117. Gorakhnath: .hich is the tem !e and #ho is the god (deva)) ho# to #orshi the &ive unho!y ones% it% 0o# shou!d one reside there #ith

118. Matsyendranath: The void is the tem !e) mind is the god) one shou!d serve 0im by being #ithin (nirantar)) #ith the &ive one shou!d reside in se!&@ transcendence (=nman). 119. Gorakhnath: .hich is the tem !e, #hich the door) #hich is the image and #ho is the =n&athomab!e (, ar)% 3y #hat method o& #orshi can the mind transcend itse!& (=nman rahai)% 1(:. Matsyendranath: The void is the tem !e) Shabda is the door) Light is the image) the D!ame (<va!a) is the =n&athomab!e (, ar)) through turning to the &orm o& the Dorm!ess (,ru a) or to the Guru one can reside se!&@transcendent, or &athom the secrets. 1(1. Gorakhnath: .hich is the !am be made ine1tinguishab!e% and #hich is the !ight% .hat is the #ic$ #herein the oi! resides% 0o# can the !am

1((. Matsyendranath: *no#!edge (Gyana) is the !am ) the #ord (shabda) is the !ight ( ra$ash)) contentment (santo$h @@ santosha) is the #ic$ in #hich the oi! resides) one shou!d destroy dua!ity and be #ithout artia!ity (a$handit). 1(-. Gorakhnath: .hat goes s!o# and #hat goes &ast% .ho revo!ves and #hat is the &ind% In #hat &ear!ess% !ace can one be

1(/. Matsyendranath: Steadiness o& mind (dhira;) goes s!o#) rest!ess thought (vi$ara) goes &ast) surat (attention) revo!ves ( hurti) and truth (sar) is the &ind. 1(4. Gorakhnath: .ho is a Gogi% 0o# shou!d he !ive in e"ui oise% .ho is an en;oyer (3hogi) and ho# shou!d he ac"uire% 0o# does ain rise out o& !easure and ho# can one atient!y su&&er ain% 1(6. Matsyendranath: Mind is the Gogi) !et him !ive in se!&@transcendence) the great e!i1ir #i!! come to him and he #i!! en;oy a!! !easures) in that e!i1ir is the indivisib!e (a$handit) ain) the #ord (shabda) o& the Guru secures the atience to su&&er it. 1(7. Gorakhnath: .hich is the se!& (,tma), #hat comes and goes% .hich is the se!&, #hat is absorbed in the void% .hat is the se!&, #hat stays change!ess in the three #or!ds% 3y $no#ing #hom can one become one o& the &i&ty@t#o heroes (bavan bir)% 1(8. Matsyendranath: The se!& o& vita! breath ( avan atma) comes and goes) the mind@se!& is absorbed in the void) the $no#!edge@se!& resides unchanged in the three #or!ds) by $no#ing ( archai) the Guru one becomes one o& the &i&ty@t#o heroes. 1(9. Gorakhnath: .hat is the !i&e (<iva) o& the mind% .hat is the su that su ort% .hat is the &orm o& the 3rahma% ort (besas) o& that !i&e (;iva)% .hat is the basis o&

1-:. Matsyendranath: The !i&e (;iva) o& the mind is the vita! air and the su ort o& the embodied being (;iva) is the void) the basis (adhar) o& that su ort (besas) is the &orm o& 3rahma (E ,bso!ute)) and the &orm o& the 3rahma is unthin$ab!e (,chintya). 1-1. Gorakhnath: Through #hich centre can one ma$e one5s body immorta!% Through #hich centre can one attain to the =n$no#ab!e dam (,gochar bandh)% Through #hich centre can the 0amsa be !iberated (0ans nirodh)% Through #hich centre can the mind be instructed% .hich centre gives !easure% .hich centre brings on the Samadhi% 1-(. Matsyendranath: The anus (Mu!a) centre) the enis (Guda) centre) the nave! (?abhi) centre) the heart centre) the throat centre and the head (?i!ata) centre. 0e #ho $no#s the meaning o& these si1 cha$ras, he is the Aause, he the 'eva. 1--. , Gogi #ho contro!s (sadhita) the mind and the vita! air ( avana)) he is not stained by evi!. 0e is not seiHed o& merit.

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