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Cranial Nerves

Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Vestibulocochlear Glossopharyngeal Vagus Spinal Accessory Hypoglossal

Cranial Nerves Summary Nerves in Order Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Modality Special Sensory Special Sensory Somatic Motor Visceral Motor Somatic Motor ranchial Motor !eneral Sensory Somatic Motor ranchial Motor Visceral Motor !eneral Sensory Vestibulocochlear Glossopharyngeal Special Sensory Special Sensory ranchial Motor Visceral Motor Visceral Sensory !eneral Sensory Special Sensory ranchial Motor Visceral Motor Visceral Sensory Spinal Accessory Hypoglossal Special Sensory ranchial Motor Somatic Motor Function Smell Vision Levator palpebrae, superioris, superior, medial & inferior recti muscles Parasympathetic to ciliary & pupillary constrictor muscles Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Superior oblique muscle Muscles of mastication Sensory for head"nec#, sinuses, menin$es, & e%ternal surface of tympanic membrane Lateral rectus muscle Muscles of facial e%pression Parasympathetic to all $lands of head e%cept the parotid Sensory for ear and tympanic membrane &aste anterior t'o(thirds of ton$ue )earin$ and alance Stylopharyn$eus muscle Parotid !land *arotid ody Sensation posterior one(third ton$ue & internal surface of tympanic membrane+ &aste posterior one(third ton$ue Muscles pharyn% & laryn% Parasympathetic to nec#, thora%, & abdomen Sensory from pharyn%, laryn% & viscera Sensory from e%ternal ear &rape,ius & sternocleidomastoid muscles &on$ue muscles e%cept palato$lossal


CN V. Trigeminal Ner e
- .(Ophthalmic (V1 , sensory
2 3

-.(Maxillary (V , sensory Mandibular (V , motor and -.(sensory

(Ophthalmic (V1 , sensory

A. In ratrochlear: supplies the area of the medial corner .of the eye and the superior lateral part of the nose !. Anterior "thmoid# the anterior cranial fossa, the .nasal cavity, and the skin of the lower half of the nose $. %osterior "thmoid# supplies the posterior ethmoidal .air cells and the sphenoid sinus &. 'acrimal# supplies a small region paralleling but lateral to the supraorbital nerve but does not extend far .beyond the eyebrow ". (upraorbital# the skin of upper eyelid, forehead, .anterior scalp (to vertex), mucosa of frontal sinus ). (upratrochlear# supplies from the medial region of .the eyelid and superiorly all the way up to the scalp *. +asociliary# It supplies branches to the mucous .membrane of the nasal cavity

(Maxillary (V2 , sensory

A. ,y-oticaticotemporal# supplies the region lateral to .the eye and superiorly over the eyebrow region !. ,y-omatico acial# supplies the region of the face lateral to the infraorbital nerve and inferior to the .zygomaticotemporal nerve $. %ost. (up. Al.eolar !rs# innervates the second and third maxillary molars, and two of the three roots of the .(maxillary first molar (all but the mesiobuccal root .&. +asopalatine# parasympathetic and general sensory ". *reater %alatine# supply the mucosa and glands of .the hard palate and the anterior part of the soft palate ). 'esser %alatine# supply the mucosa and the glands of .the soft palate and uvula .*. Mid. / Ant. Al.eolar !rs 0. In raorbital# supplies the cheek region below the eye, .lateral part of the inferior nose (nares) and the upper lip

(Mandibular (V3 , motor and sensory

A. Auriculotemporal# supplies the lateral side of the face .all moving superiorly to supply part of the scalp !. 'in-ual# supplies sensory innervation to the tongue. It also carries fibers from the facial nerve, which return taste .information from the anterior two thirds of the tongue $. In erior Al.eolar# innervates the teeth of the lower . aw &. +. to the Mylohyoid# the mylohyoid muscleand the .anterior belly of the digastric muscle .". Mental# supplies the region of the chin, and lower lip .). !uccal# supplies the region of the inferiolateral cheek

!one by: !r. "halil #. $l%saffar

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