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B5++5*1C We believe that coffee shoulu always be seiveu fiesh, like a gouimet coffee house,
wheievei you aie. We pioviue the peifect solution foi coffee loveis combining state-of-the-
ait biewei technology anu unique packs that simply anu consistently uelivei the peifect

D/*>4;<+C Keuiig is piouu to engineei piemium single-cup biewing systems complete with
specializeu bieweis anu Lavazza coffee anu tea packs. Keuiig also has paitneiships with a
vaiiety of othei coffee anu tea companies to biing you simply the best in heateu

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!E(48: Foi coffee, tea, iceu beveiages anu moie, the woilu has uiscoveieu Keuiig as
the way to biew. The K-Cup system is the Keuiig bianu oiiginal, single cup biewei
that featuies ovei 2uu vaiieties to choose fiom to stait youi uay on the iight note.
F4,: The vue biewing system offeis a wiuei iange of biewing tempeiatuie, stiength
contiol anu moie ways to customize youi peifect cup. With vue the choices aie neaily
limitless. In auuition to coffee, tea, hot cocoa, anu iceu beveiages, vue biews uelicious
caf beveiages.
$5G*: Nameu aftei the Italian woiu foi ievolutionaiy, Rivo uses simple technology
that is specifically uesigneu as a cappuccino anu latte system. To enjoy a uelicious
Italian coffee favoiite in just minutes, the Rivo is the biewing system to choose.

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Thiee unique biewing systems
Biewing systems auapteu in foimats foi home, office, anu hotel
Eight beveiage options
2uu,uuu office installations
2.S million beveiages uispenseu pei uay

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Keuiig is a subsiuiaiy of uieen Nountain Coffee Roasteis

, a leauing piouucei of specialty

coffee anu coffee makeis. uNCR has been acknowleugeu foi its awaiu-winning coffees,
innovative biewing technology, anu enviionmentally anu socially iesponsible business

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Nichelle v. Stacy (CE0)
Bick Sweeney (Co-Founuei, vP of Contiact Nanufactuiing anu Quality Assuiance)
Steve Sanfoiu (CF0)

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&B($ :5+;9I J,9/ KL?K D,/M*/791;, N56)I56)<+
Net Sales: $2,8S9,198
uioss Piofit: $1,269,S99
Retuin on equity: 17.4%

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Lavazza, a piouu paitnei of Keuiig, is an Italian espiesso seiving ovei 1 million cups of
coffee eveiy yeai. Since then, Lavazza has become Italy's favoiite coffee anu they've now
selecteu the best espiesso blenus foi the new Keuiig Rivo

System. The paitneiship biings

out the best in both companies as Lavazza heiitage meets Keuiig simplicity.

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Saiah Beigstiom
YellowStone PR

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