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The Demetrios Virgin by Penny Jordon CHAPTER ONE FOUR forty-five !

"#s$i# grim#%ed #s she h&rried #%ross the foyer of the offi%e b'o%$ (here she (or$ed) he#ding for the e*it "he (#s #'re#dy r&nning '#te #nd didn!t h#ve time to +#&se (hen the re%e+tionist %#''ed o&t !"ne#$ing off e#r'y , -&%$y yo&.! Andre#s fro(ned #s he he#rd the re%e+tionist!s %omment He (#s st#nding (#iting for the e*e%&tive 'ift #nd the (om#n (ho (#s 'e#ving h#dn!t seen him) b&t he h#d seen her # st&nning'y 'eggy br&nette (ith /&st th#t g'e#m of red-go'd in her d#r$ 'o%$s th#t hinted #t fieriness He immedi#te'y %he%$ed the dire%tion of his tho&ghts The %om+'i%#tion of # m#n to (om#n ent#ng'ement (#s the '#st thing he needed right no() #nd besides0 His fro(n dee+ened "in%e he h#d m#n#ged to +ers&#de his gr#ndf#ther to semi-retire from the hote' %h#in (hi%h Andre#s no( r#n) the o'der m#n h#d beg&n # re'ent'ess %#m+#ign to +ers&#de #nd even %oer%e Andre#s into m#rrying # se%ond %o&sin "&%h # m#rri#ge) in his gr#ndf#ther!s eyes) (o&'d &nite not /&st the t(o br#n%hes of the f#mi'y b&t the (e#'th of the f#mi'y shi++ing 'ine1inherited by his %o&sin1 (ith th#t of the hote' %h#in Fort&n#te'y Andre#s $ne( th#t #t he#rt his gr#ndf#ther (#s f#r more s(#yed by emotion th#n he 'i$ed to #dmit After #'') he h#d #''o(ed his d#&ghter) Andre#s!s mother) to m#rry #n Eng'ishm#n The some(h#t %'&msy #ttem+ts to +romote # m#t%h bet(een Andre#s #nd his %o&sin Athen# (o&'d mere'y #fford Andre#s some moments of (ry #m&sement if it (ere not for one #''-im+ort#nt f#%t1(hi%h (#s th#t Athen# herse'f (#s even $eener on the m#t%h th#n his gr#ndf#ther "he h#d m#de her intentions) her desires) 2&ite +'#in Athen# (#s # (ido( seven ye#rs his senior) (ith t(o %hi'dren from her first m#rri#ge to #nother (e#'thy 3ree$) #nd Andre#s s&s+e%ted th#t it might h#ve been Athen# herse'f (ho h#d +&t the ridi%&'o&s ide# of # m#rri#ge bet(een them in his gr#ndf#ther!s he#d in the first +'#%e The 'ift h#d re#%hed the +entho&se f'oor #nd Andre#s got o&t This (#sn!t the time for him to be thin$ing #bo&t his +erson#' #ff#irs They %o&'d (#it He (#s d&e to f'y o&t to the Aege#n is'#nd his gr#ndf#ther o(ned) #nd (here the f#mi'y ho'id#yed together) in 'ess th#n # fortnight!s time) b&t first his gr#ndf#ther (#nted # det#i'ed re+ort from him on his +ro+os#'s to t&rn the f'#gging 4ritish hote' %h#in they h#d re%ent'y bo&ght into #s s&%%essf&' #n enter+rise #s the rest of the hote's they o(ned Even tho&gh Andre#s h#d be%ome the %om+#ny!s %hief e*e%&tive) his gr#ndf#ther sti'' fe't the need to %h#''enge his b&siness de%isions "ti'') the #%2&isition (o&'d &'tim#te'y be # good one1the %h#in-o(ned hote's (ere very r&n do(n #nd o'd f#shioned) b&t h#d e*%e''ent 'o%#tions

A'tho&gh offi%i#''y he (#s not d&e to #rrive #t the %h#in!s he#d offi%e &nti' tomorro() Andre#s h#d o+ted to do so this #fternoon inste#d) #nd it 'oo$ed #s tho&gh he h#d /&st dis%overed one (#y #t 'e#st in (hi%h +rofit#bi'ity %o&'d be im+roved) he de%ided grim'y) if #'' the st#ff (ere in the h#bit of !sne#$ing off e#r'y!) 'i$e the yo&ng (om#n he h#d /&st seen0 "ne#$ing off e#r'y. "#s$i# grim#%ed #s she m#n#ged to h#i' # %r&ising t#*i 5f on'y. "he h#d been #t her des$ for seven-thirty this morning) #s she h#d been every morning for the '#st month) #nd neither h#d she h#d # '&n%h ho&r) b&t they h#d #'' been (#rned th#t Demetrios Hote's) (ho h#d t#$en over their o(n sm#'' %h#in) (ere re'ent'ess (hen it %#me to +r&ning %osts Tomorro( morning they (ere #'' d&e to meet their ne( boss for the first time) #nd "#s$i# (#sn!t e*#%t'y 'oo$ing for(#rd to the o%%#sion There h#d been # 'ot of t#'$ #bo&t %&tb#%$s #nd there h#d #'so been gr#+evine r&mo&rs #bo&t ho( very formid#b'e Andre#s -#timer (#s !The o'd m#n) his gr#ndf#ther) h#d # re+&t#tion for r&nning # tight shi+) #nd if #nything the gr#ndson is even (orse ! 6They both f#vo&r # 6the g&est is #'(#ys right even (hen (rong6 +o'i%y) #nd (oe betide #ny em+'oyee (ho forgets it 7hi%h is) of %o&rse) (hy their hote's #re so +o+&'#r0#nd so +rofit#b'e)! Th#t h#d been the gener#' gist of the gossi+ "#s$i# h#d he#rd Her t#*i (#s dr#(ing &+ o&tside the rest#&r#nt she h#d #s$ed to be t#$en to H#sti'y she de'ved into her h#ndb#g for her +&rse) +#ying the driver #nd then h&rrying 2&i%$'y inside !Oh) "#s$i#1there yo& #re 7e tho&ght yo& (eren!t going to m#$e it ! !5!m sorry)! "#s$i# #+o'ogised to her best friend #s she s'i++ed into the s+#re se#t #t the t#b'e for three in the 5t#'i#n rest#&r#nt (here they h#d #rr#nged to meet ) !There!s been # +#ni% on #t (or$)! she e*+'#ined !The ne( boss #rrives tomorro( ! "he +&''ed # f#%e) (rin$'ing the e'eg#nt 'ength of her d#inty nose #nd s%re(ing &+ her thi%$'#shed #2&#m#rine eyes "he +#&sed #s she s#( th#t her friend (#sn!t re#''y 'istening) #nd th#t her norm#''y h#++y) gent'e f#%e 'oo$ed str#ined #nd &nh#++y !7h#t!s (rong8! she #s$ed immedi#te'y !5 (#s /&st te''ing -orr#ine ho( &+set 5 #m)! 9eg#n #ns(ered) indi%#ting the third member of their trio) 9eg#n!s %o&sin -orr#ine) #n o'der (om#n (ith # bris$) b&siness'i$e e*+ression #nd # s'ight'y /#ded #ir !U+set8! "#s$i# 2&eried) # sm#'' fro(n m#rring the e'eg#nt ov#' of her f#%e #s she +&shed her 'ong h#ir b#%$ #nd re#%hed h&ngri'y for # bre#d ro'' "he (#s st#rving.

!5t!s 9#r$)! 9eg#n s#id) her voi%e sh#$ing # 'itt'e #nd her bro(n eyes f&'' of 2&iet des+#ir !9#r$8! "#s$i# re+e#ted) +&tting do(n her ro'' so th#t she %o&'d %on%entr#te on her friend !4&t 5 tho&ght the t(o of yo& (ere #bo&t to #nno&n%e yo&r eng#gement ! !:es) (e (ere ;(e #re0 At 'e#st) 9#r$ (#nts to0! 9eg#n beg#n) #nd then sto++ed (hen -orr#ine too$ over 6 !9eg#n thin$s he!s invo'ved (ith someone e'se0! she to'd "#s$i# grim'y !T(o-timing her ! O'der th#n 9eg#n #nd "#s$i# by #'most # de%#de) #nd (ith # bro$en m#rri#ge behind her) -orr#ine (#s in%'ined to be #ngri'y %ontem+t&o&s of the m#'e se* !Oh) s&re'y not) 9eg#n)! "#s$i# +rotested !:o& to'd me yo&rse'f ho( m&%h 9#r$ 'oves yo& ! !7e'') yes) th#t!s (h#t 5 tho&ght)! 9eg#n #greed) !Es+e%i#''y (hen he s#id th#t he (#nted &s to be%ome eng#ged 4&t0he $ee+s getting these +hone %#''s And if 5 #ns(er the +hone (hoever!s ringing /&st h#ngs &+ There!ve been three this (ee$ #nd (hen 5 #s$ him (ho it is he s#ys it!s /&st # (rong n&mber ! !7e'') +erh#+s it is)! "#s$i# tried to re#ss&re her) b&t 9eg#n shoo$ her he#d !No) it isn!t 9#r$ $ee+s on h#nging #ro&nd by the +hone) #nd '#st night he (#s t#'$ing on his mobi'e (hen 5 (#'$ed in #nd the moment he s#( me he ended the %#'' ! !H#ve yo& asked him (h#t!s going on8! "#s$i# 2&estioned her in %on%ern !:es He s#ys 5!m /&st im#gining it)! 9eg#n to'd her &nh#++i'y !A %'#ssi% m#'e +'oy)! -orr#ine #nno&n%ed vigoro&s'y (ith grim s#tisf#%tion !9y e* did everything to %onvin%e me th#t 5 (#s be%oming +#r#noid #nd then (h#t does he do8 He moves in (ith his se%ret#ry) if yo& +'e#se.! !5 /&st (ish th#t 9#r$ (o&'d be honest (ith me)! 9eg#n to'd "#s$i#) her eyes st#rting to fi'' (ith te#rs !5f there is someone e'se050 5 /&st %#n!t be'ieve he!s doing this0 5 tho&ght he 'oved me0! !5!m s&re he does)! "#s$i# tried to %omfort her "he h#d not #s yet met her friend!s ne( +#rtner) b&t from (h#t 9eg#n h#d to'd her #bo&t him "#s$i# fe't he so&nded +erfe%t for her !7e'') there!s one s&re (#y to find o&t)! -orr#ine #nno&n%ed !5 re#d #n #rti%'e #bo&t it There!s this #gen%y) #nd if yo&!ve got s&s+i%ions #bo&t yo&r +#rtner!s fide'ity yo& go to

them #nd they send # gir' to try to sed&%e him Th#t!s (h#t yo& sho&'d do)! she to'd 9eg#n %ris+'y !Oh) no) 5 %o&'dn!t)! 9eg#n +rotested !:o& m&st)! -orr#ine insisted for%ef&''y !5t!s the on'y (#y yo&!'' ever $no( (hether or not yo& %#n tr&st him 5 (ish 5!d been #b'e to do something 'i$e th#t before 5 got m#rried :o& must do it)! she re+e#ted !5t!s the on'y (#y yo&!'' ever be s&re 9#r$ is str&gg'ing to m#$e ends meet sin%e he st#rted &+ his o(n b&siness) 9eg#n) #nd yo&!ve got th#t money yo& inherited from yo&r gre#t-#&nt ! "#s$i#!s he#rt s#n$ # 'itt'e #s she 'istened 9&%h #s she 'oved her friend) she $ne( th#t 9eg#n (#s in%'ined to #''o( herse'f to be domin#ted by her o'der #nd more (or'd'y %o&sin "#s$i# h#d nothing #g#inst -orr#ine) indeed she 'i$ed her) b&t she $ne( from +#st e*+erien%e th#t on%e -orr#ine got the bit bet(een her teeth there (#s no sto++ing her "he (#s fier%e'y determined to do things her o(n (#y) (hi%h "#s$i# s&s+e%ted (#s #t 'e#st +#rt of the re#son for the bre#$do(n of her m#rri#ge 4&t right no() sym+#theti% tho&gh "#s$i# (#s to 9eg#n!s &nh#++iness) she (#s h&ngry0very h&ngry0 "he eyed the men& 'onging'y !7e'') it does sound a sensib'e ide#)! 9eg#n (#s #greeing !4&t 5 do&bt there!s #n #gen%y 'i$e th#t in Hi'ford ! !7ho needs #n #gen%y8! -orr#ine res+onded !7h#t you need is # st&nning'y gorgeo&s friend (ho 9#r$ h#sn!t met #nd (ho %#n #ttem+t to sed&%e him 5f he res+onds0! !A st&nning'y gorgeo&s friend8! 9eg#n (#s m&sing !:o& me#n 'i$e "#s$i#8! T(o +#irs of fem#'e eyes st&died "#s$i# (hi'st she g#ve in to her h&nger #nd bit into her ro'' !E*#%t'y)! -orr#ine bre#thed fervent'y !"#s$i# (o&'d be +erfe%t! !7h#t8! "#s$i# #'most %ho$ed on her bre#d !:o& can't be serio&s)! she +rotested !Oh) no) no (#y0! "he ob/e%ted (hen she s#( the determin#tion in -orr#ine!s eyes #nd the +'e#ding in 9eg#n!s !No (#y #t #'' ! !9eg) this is %r#<y) yo& m&st see th#t)! she %o#*ed) trying to #++e#' to her friend!s %ommon sense #nd her %ons%ien%e #s she #dded (inning'y) !Ho( could yo& do something 'i$e th#t to 9#r$8 :o& 'ove him ! !Ho( %#n she ris$ %ommitting herse'f to him &n'ess she $no(s she %#n tr&st him8! -orr#ine inter/e%ted sh#r+'y) #dding em+h#ti%#''y) !3ood) th#t!s sett'ed 7h#t (e need to do no( is to de%ide /&st (here "#s$i# %#n #%%ident#''y r&n into 9#r$ #nd +&t o&r +'#n into #%tion !

!7e'') tonight is his boys! night o&t)! 9eg#n vent&red !And '#st night he s#id th#t they (ere +'#nning to go to th#t ne( (ine b#r th#t!s /&st o+ened A friend of his $no(s the o(ner ! !5 %#n!t do it)! "#s$i# +rotested !5t0it!s0it!s immor#')! she #dded "he 'oo$ed #+o'ogeti%#''y #t 9eg#n #s she shoo$ her he#d #nd to'd her) !9eg) 5!m sorry) b&t0! !5 sho&'d h#ve tho&ght yo& (o&'d want to he'+ 9eg#n) "#s$i#) to +rote%t her h#++iness Es+e%i#''y #fter #'' she's done for you0! -orr#ine +ointed o&t sh#r+'y "#s$i# (orried g&i'ti'y #t her bottom 'i+ (ith her +retty (hite teeth -orr#ine (#s right "he did o(e 9eg#n # m#ssive f#vo&r "i* months #go) (hen they h#d been trying to fight off the Demetrios t#$eover bid) she h#d been (or$ing '#te every evening #nd #t (ee$ends #s (e'' Her gr#ndmother) (ho h#d bro&ght her &+ fo''o(ing the bre#$do(n of her yo&ng +#rents! m#rri#ge) h#d be%ome serio&s'y i'' (ith # vir#' infe%tion #nd 9eg#n) (ho (#s # n&rse) h#d given &+ her s+#re time #nd some of her ho'id#y entit'ement to %#re for the o'd '#dy "#s$i# sh&ddered to thin$ even no( of the +otenti#''y d#ngero&s o&t%ome of her gr#ndmother!s i''ness if 9eg#n h#dn!t been there to n&rse her 5t h#d been on "#s$i#!s %ons%ien%e ever sin%e th#t she o(ed her friend # debt she %o&'d never re+#y "#s$i# #dored her gr#ndmother) (ho h#d +rovided her (ith # 'oving #nd st#b'e home b#%$gro&nd (hen she h#d needed it the most Her mother) (ho h#d given birth to "#s$i# #t seventeen (#s # dist#nt fig&re in her 'ife) #nd her f#ther) her gr#ndmother!s son) h#d be%ome # remote str#nger to both of them) 'iving #s he no( did in Chin#) (ith his se%ond (ife #nd yo&ng f#mi'y !5 $no( yo& don!t #++rove) "#s$i#)! 9eg#n (#s s#ying 2&iet'y to her) !b&t 5 have to $no( th#t 5 %#n tr&st 9#r$ ! Her soft eyes fi''ed (ith te#rs !He me#ns so m&%h to me He!s everything 5!ve ever (#nted in # m#n 4&t0he d#ted so m#ny gir's before he met me) before he moved here) (hen he 'ived in -ondon ! "he +#&sed !He s(e#rs th#t none of them ever me#nt #nything serio&s to him #nd th#t he 'oves me ! Priv#te'y "#s$i# (#sn!t s&re th#t she %o&'d even begin to thin$ #bo&t %ommitting herse'f to # re'#tionshi+ (ith # m#n (itho&t being #b'e to tr&st him1 #nd tr&st him to s&%h #n e*tent th#t there (o&'d be no need for her to &se #ny &nderh#nd methods to test his fide'ity 4&t then she #%$no('edged th#t she (#s +erh#+s # trif'e more (#ry of 'ove th#n her friend After #'') her +#rents h#d be'ieved themse'ves to be in 'ove (hen they h#d r&n #(#y to get m#rried #nd %on%eived her) b&t (ithin t(o ye#rs of doing so they h#d +#rted) 'e#ving her gr#ndmother (ith the res+onsibi'ity of bringing her &+ Her gr#ndmother. No() #s she 'oo$ed #t 9eg!s te#rst#ined f#%e) she $ne( she h#d no o+tion b&t to go #'ong (ith -orr#ine!s s%heme !A'' right)! she #greed f#t#'isti%#''y 5='' do it !

After 9eg#n h#d finished th#n$ing her she to'd her (ry'y) !:o&!'' h#ve to des%ribe yo&r 9#r$ to me) 9eg#n) other(ise 5 sh#n!t be #b'e to re%ognise him ! !Oh) yes) yo& (i'')! 9eg#n s#id fervent'y (ith # sm#'' e%st#ti% sigh !He!'' be the best'oo$ing m#n there He!s gorgeo&s) "#s$i#0f#nt#sti%#''y good-'oo$ing) (ith thi%$ d#r$ h#ir #nd the most se*y mo&th yo&!ve ever seen Oh) #nd he!'' be (e#ring # b'&e shirt1to m#t%h his eyes He #'(#ys does 5 bo&ght them for him ! !7h#t time is he 'i$e'y to get there8! "#s$i# #s$ed 9eg#n +r#%ti%#''y) inste#d of voi%ing her fee'ings !9y %#r!s in the g#r#ge #t the moment) #nd sin%e 3r#n!s ho&se is 2&ite # (#y o&t of to(n0! !Don!t (orry #bo&t th#t 5!'' drive yo& there)! -orr#ine vo'&nteered) m&%h to "#s$i#!s s&r+rise -orr#ine (#sn!t $no(n to be over-genero&s1(ith #nything. !:es) #nd -orr#ine (i'' +i%$ yo& &+ '#ter #nd t#$e yo& home 7on!t yo&) -orr#ine8! 9eg#n insisted (ith &ne*+e%ted firmness 6There!s no t#*i r#n$ %'ose to the (ine b#r #nd yo& don!t (#nt to be (#iting for # mini-%#b ! A (#iter (#s hovering) (#iting to t#$e their order) b&t bossi'y -orr#ine shoo$ her he#d) te''ing 9eg#n #nd "#s$i# firm'y) !There (on!t be time for &s to e#t no( "#s$i# (i'' h#ve to get home #nd get re#dy 7h#t time is 9#r$ 'i$e'y to go to the (ine b#r 9eg#n8! she #s$ed her %o&sin !Abo&t eight-thirty) 5 sho&'d thin$)! 9eg#n #ns(ered !Right) then yo& need to get there for nine) "#s$i#)! -orr#ine informed her) !"o 5!'' +i%$ yo& &+ #t h#'f-eight ! T(o ho&rs '#ter "#s$i# (#s /&st %oming do(nst#irs (hen she he#rd the front doorbe'' Her gr#ndmother (#s #(#y) s+ending sever#' (ee$s (ith her sister in 4#th A 'itt'e nervo&s'y "#s$i# smoothed do(n the s$irt of her b'#%$ s&it #nd (ent to o+en the door On'y -orr#ine (#s st#nding o&tside They h#d #greed th#t it (o&'d be si''y to t#$e the ris$ of 9eg#n being seen #nd re%ognised No() #s -orr#ine st&died her) "#s$i# %o&'d see the o'der (om#n beginning to fro(n !:o&!'' h#ve to (e#r something e'se)! she to'd "#s$i# sh#r+'y !:o& 'oo$ f#r too b&siness'i$e #nd &n#++ro#%h#b'e in th#t s&it 9#r$!s got to thin$ yo&!re #++ro#%h#b'e1 remember And 5 re#''y thin$ yo& o&ght to (e#r # different 'i+sti%$0red) +erh#+s) #nd more eye m#$e-&+ -oo$) if yo& don!t be'ieve me then re#d this ! -orr#ine thr&st #n o+en m#g#<ine bene#th "#s$i#!s nose

Re'&%t#nt'y "#s$i# s$immed thro&gh the #rti%'e) # sm#'' fro(n +'e#ting her forehe#d #s she re#d of the 'engths the #gen%y (#s +re+#red to h#ve its gir's go to in order to test the f#ithf&'ness of its %'ients! men !5 %#n!t do #ny of this)! she to'd -orr#ine firm'y !And #s for my s&it0! "te++ing into the h#'' #nd %'osing the front door behind her) -orr#ine stood s2&#re'y in front of "#s$i# #nd to'd her vehement'y) !:o& h#ve to1for 9eg#n!s s#$e C#n!t yo& see (h#t!s h#++ening to her) the d#nger she!s in8 "he!s tot#''y besotted (ith this m#n; she!s b#re'y $no(n him fo&r months #nd #'re#dy she!s t#'$ing #bo&t h#nding over the (ho'e of her inherit#n%e to him0m#rrying him0h#ving %hi'dren (ith him Do yo& $no( ho( m&%h her gre#t-#&nt 'eft her8! she #dded grim'y "i'ent'y "#s$i# shoo$ her he#d "he $ne( ho( s&r+rised #nd sho%$ed 9eg#n h#d been (hen she h#d 'e#rned th#t she (#s the so'e benefi%i#ry &nder her gre#t-#&nt!s (i'') b&t t#%tf&''y she h#d not #s$ed her friend /&st ho( m&%h money (#s invo'ved -orr#ine) it seemed) h#d not h#d simi'#r 2&#'ms !9eg#n inherited ne#r'y three mi''ion +o&nds)! she to'd "#s$i#) nodding her he#d in grim +'e#s&re #s she s#( "#s$i#!s e*+ression !Now do yo& see ho( im+ort#nt it is th#t (e do everything (e %#n to +rote%t her8) 5!ve tried to (#rn her &m+teen times th#t her +re%io&s 9#r$ might not be #'' he tries to m#$e o&t he is) b&t she /&st (on!t 'isten No() th#n$ goodness) she!s %#&ght him o&t #nd he!s) sho(ing his tr&e %o'o&rs For her s#$e) "#s$i#) yo& /&st do everything yo& %#n to +rove ho( &n(orthy he is J&st im#gine (h#t it (o&'d do to her if he not on'y bro$e her he#rt b&t sto'e #'' her money #s (e'' "he!d be 'eft (ith nothing ! "#s$i# %o&'d im#gine it #'' too (e'' Her gr#ndmother h#d on'y # sm#'' +ension to 'ive on #nd "#s$i#) mindf&' of the s#%rifi%es her gr#ndmother h#d m#de (hen she (#s gro(ing &+) to m#$e s&re she did not go (itho&t the tre#ts en/oyed by her +eers) %ontrib&ted #s m&%h #s she %o&'d fin#n%i#''y to their sm#'' ho&seho'd The tho&ght of 'osing her fin#n%i#' inde+enden%e #nd the sense of se%&rity th#t e#rning money of her o(n g#ve her (#s one th#t (#s both #bhorrent #nd frightening to her) #nd -orr#ine!s reve'#tions s&dden'y g#ve her not /&st the im+et&s b&t # re#' desire to do everything she %o&'d to +rote%t her friend 9eg#n) de#r s(eet tr&sting 9eg#n) (ho sti'' (or$ed #s # n&rse des+ite her inherit#n%e) deserved to find # m#n) # +#rtner) (ho (#s tr&'y (orthy of her And if this 9#r$ (#sn!t0 7e'') +erh#+s then it (o&'d be for the best if her friend fo&nd o&t sooner r#ther th#n '#ter !Perh#+s if yo& too$ off the /#%$et of yo&r s&it)! -orr#ine (#s s#ying no( !:o& m&st h#ve some $ind of se*y s&mmer to+ yo& %o&'d (e#r0 or even /&st0!

"he sto++ed #s she s#( "#s$i#!s e*+ression !"&mmer to+) yes)! "#s$i# #greed !"e*y0no.! As she s#( the 'oo$ on -orr#ine!s f#%e "#s$i# s&++ressed # sm#'' sigh 5t (#s +oint'ess trying to e*+'#in to # (om#n 'i$e -orr#ine th#t (hen n#t&re h#d given one the $ind of #ssets it h#d given "#s$i#) one 'e#rned very yo&ng th#t they %o&'d be something of # do&b'e-edged s(ord To +&t it more b'&nt'y) men1 in "#s$i#!s e*+erien%e1did not need the do&b'e over'o#d of seeing her body %'#d in !se*y! %'othes to en%o&r#ge them to 'oo$ t(i%e #t her And in most %#ses to (#nt to do m&%h more th#n mere'y 'oo$. !:o& m&st h#ve something' -orr#ine &rged) ref&sing to be defe#ted !A %#rdig#n :o& m&st h#ve # %#rdig#n1yo& %o&'d (e#r it sort of &nb&ttoned0! !A %#rdig#n8 :es) 5 h#ve # %#rdig#n)! "#s$i# #greed "he h#d bo&ght it h#'f(#y thro&gh their %o'd s+ring (hen they h#d been on #n e%onomy drive #t (or$ #nd the he#ting h#d been t&rned off 4&t #s for) (e#ring it &nb&ttoned0. !And red 'i+sti%$)! -orr#ine (#s insisting) !#nd more eye m#$e-&+ :o&!'' h#ve to 'et him $no( th#t yo& find him #ttr#%tive0! "he +#&sed #s "#s$i# 'ifted her eyebro(s !5t!s for 9eg#n!s s#$e ! 5n the end it (#s #'most nine o!%'o%$ before they 'eft the ho&se) d&e to -orr#ine!s insisten%e th#t "#s$i# h#d to re#++'y her m#$e-&+ (ith # f#r he#vier h#nd th#n she (o&'d norm#''y h#ve &sed Un%omfort#b'y "#s$i# ref&sed to 'oo$ #t her ref'e%tion in the h#'' mirror A'' th#t 'i+sti%$. 5t fe't sti%$y) gooey) #nd #s -orr#ine drove her to(#rds Hi'ford she h#d to for%e herse'f! to resist the tem+t#tion to (i+e it off As for the &nb&ttoned %#rdig#n she (#s (e#ring bene#th her s&it /#%$et1(e'') the moment she (#s inside the (ine b#r #nd o&t of -orr#ine!s sight she (#s going to ref#sten every sing'e one of the to+ three b&ttons -orr#ine h#d dem#nded th#t she 'eft &ndone Tr&e) they did nothing more th#n mere'y hint #t # %'e#v#ge) b&t even th#t (#s f#r more of # +rovo%#tion th#n "#s$i# (o&'d norm#''y h#ve #''o(ed !7e!re here)! -orr#ine #nno&n%ed #s she +&''ed &+ o&tside the (ine b#r !5!'' +i%$ yo& &+ #t e'even1 m#t sho&'d give yo& +'enty of time Remember)! -orr#ine hissed determined'y #s "#s$i# got o&t of the %#r) !7e!re doing this for 9eg#n ! 7e8 4&t before "#s$i# %o&'d s#y #nything -orr#ine (#s driving off A m#n (#'$ing in the o++osite dire%tion +#&sed on the +#vement to give her #n #dmiring g'#n%e A&tom#ti%#''y "#s$i# dist#n%ed herse'f from him #nd t&rned #(#y) ment#''y s2&#ring her sho&'ders #s she he#ded for the entr#n%e to the (ine b#r

-orr#ine h#d given her # 'ong 'ist of instr&%tions) most of (hi%h h#d m#de "#s$i# %ringe in(#rd'y) #nd #'re#dy her %o&r#ge (#s beginning to desert her There (#s no (#y she %o&'d go in there #nd +o&t #nd f'irt in the enti%ing (#y th#t -orr#ine h#d informed her she h#d to do 4&t if she didn!t +oor 9eg#n %o&'d end &+ h#ving her he#rt bro$en #nd her inherit#n%e %he#ted #(#y from her T#$ing # dee+ bre#th) "#s$i# +&''ed o+en the (ine b#r door CHAPTER T7O ANDREA" s#( "#s$i# the moment she (#'$ed in He (#s se#ted #t the b#r) (hi%h (#s no( being besieged by # %ro(d of yo&ng men (ho h#d %ome in /&st #he#d of her He %o&'d h#ve st#yed in #nd e#ten in the offi%e b'o%$!s +entho&se #+#rtment1or even driven to the %'osest of their ne( #%2&isitions1b&t he h#d #'re#dy end&red t(o 'engthy +hone %#''s he (o&'d r#ther not h#ve h#d this evening, one from his gr#ndf#ther #nd #nother from Athen# "o he h#d de%ided to go some(here (here neither of them %o&'d get in to&%h (ith him) h#ving de'iber#te'y !forgotten! to bring his mobi'e (ith him He h#dn!t been in # +#rti%&'#r'y good mood (hen he h#d #rrived #t the (ine b#r "&%h +'#%es (ere not to his t#ste He 'i$ed good food served in %omfort#b'e s&rro&ndings (here one %o&'d t#'$ #nd thin$ (ith e#se) #nd there (#s #'so eno&gh 3ree$ in him for him to +refer some(here more f#mi'y %entred #nd 'ess of #n obvio&s tr#('ing gro&nd for members of the o++osite se* Thin$ing of the o++osite se* m#de his mo&th h#rden Athen# (#s be%oming more #nd more br#<en in her #ttem+ts to %onvin%e him th#t they sho&'d be together He h#d been fifteen the first time he h#d been e*+osed to Athen#!s se*&#' #ggression) #nd she h#d been t(enty-t(o #nd #bo&t to be m#rried He fro(ned #s he (#t%hed "#s$i# "he (#s st#nding /&st inside the door(#y) st&dying the room #s tho&gh she (#s 'oo$ing for someone "he t&rned her he#d #nd the 'ight fe'' on her smooth'y g'ossed 'i+s Andre#s s&%$ed in his bre#th #s he fo&ght to %ontro' his &n(#nted re#%tion to her 7h#t the he'' (#s he doing8 "he (#s so d#mned obvio&s (ith th#t #'most b&t not 2&ite s%#r'et 'i+sti%$ th#t he o&ght to be '#&ghing) not0 Not (h#t8 he #s$ed himse'f %#&sti%#''y Not (#nting0'&sting0 A strong s&rge of se'f-disg&st '#shed him He h#d re%ognised her) of %o&rse 5t (#s the gir' from this #fternoon) the one the re%e+tionist h#d %ongr#t&'#ted on her e#r'y de+#rt&re from (or$ Then she h#d been (e#ring # minim&m of m#$e-&+ No(0 He eyed her 'i+sti%$ed mo&th #nd $oh'-enh#n%ed eyes grim'y "he (#s (e#ring # s&it (ith # short s$irt0# very short s$irt) he observed #s she moved #nd he %#&ght sight of the 'ength of her sheer b'#%$ tights-%'#d 'egs A very) very short s$irt.

As the t&rned-over (#istb#nd of her on%e res+e%t#b'y $nee-'ength s$irt m#de its +resen%e fe't) "#s$i# grim#%ed On%e she h#d fo&nd 9#r$ she f&''y intended to m#$e her (#y to the %'o#$room #nd ret&rn her s$irt to its norm#' 'ength 5t h#d been -orr#ine) of %o&rse) (ho h#d insisted on shortening it !5 %#n!t go o&t 'i$e that' "#s$i# h#d ye'+ed !Don!t be ridi%&'o&s)! -orr#ine h#d derided her 6Th#t!s nothing H#ven!t yo& seen +i%t&res from the si*ties8! 6Th#t (#s then)! "#s$i# h#d informed her firm'y (itho&t 'etting her finish) b&t -orr#ine h#d ref&sed to give in #nd in the end "#s$i# h#d shr&gged her sho&'ders #nd %omforted herse'f (ith the $no('edge th#t on%e -orr#ine (#s o&t of sight she %o&'d do (h#t she 'i$ed (ith her s$irt The %#rdig#n too (#s m#$ing her fee' &n%omfort#b'e) #nd &n(itting'y she st#rted to toy (ith the first of its &nf#stened b&ttons As he (#t%hed her Andre#s!s eyes n#rro(ed 3od) b&t she (#s obvio&s) dr#(ing #ttention to her bre#sts 'i$e th#t0 And (h#t bre#sts. Andre#s dis%overed th#t he (#s st#rting to grind his teeth #nd) more im+ort#nt'y) th#t he (#s tot#''y &n#b'e to t#$e his eyes off "#s$i#0 "ensing th#t she (#s being (#t%hed) "#s$i# t&rned ro&nd #nd then fro<e #s her se#r%hing g#<e %'#shed he#d-on (ith Andre#s!s h#rd-eyed st#re For # bre#th of time "#s$i# (#s tot#''y d#<ed) s&%h (#s the effe%t of Andre#s!s r#( m#s%&'inity on her Her he#rt (#s +o&nding) her mo&th dry) her body0 He'+'ess'y tr#nsfi*ed) she fo&ght des+er#te'y #g#inst (h#t she (#s fee'ing1#g#inst (h#t she (#s not #''o(ed to fee' For this (#s 9eg#n!s 9#r$1it h#d to be "he %o&'d not re#''y be e*+erien%ing (h#t her emotions (ere te''ing her she (#s e*+erien%ing) she denied in +#ni% Not # (om#n 'i$e her) #nd not for this m#n) 9eg#n!s m#n. No other m#n in the +'#%e %#me #ny(here ne#r m#t%hing the des%ri+tion 9eg#n h#d given her #s %'ose'y #s this one did 9ent#''y she ti%$ed off 9eg#n!s e&+hori% des%ri+tion of him1one "#s$i# b#d +revio&s'y +&t do(n to the ne#r r#vings of # (om#n besotted'y in 'ove 3orgeo&s) f#nt#sti%#''y good-'oo$ing) se*y0 Oh) #nd he (o&'d be (e#ring # b'&e shirt) 9eg#n h#d to'd her) to m#t%h his eyes 7e'') "#s$i# %o&'dn!t m#$e o&t the %o'o&r of his eyes #%ross the dim'y 'it dist#n%e th#t se+#r#ted them) b&t she %o&'d %ert#in'y see th#t 9eg#n h#d been right on every other %o&nt #nd her he#rt s#n$ "o this (#s 9eg#n!s 9#r$ No (onder she (#s (orrying so #n*io&s'y th#t he might be being &nf#ithf&' to her0 A m#n (ho 'oo$ed 'i$e this one did (o&'d h#ve (omen +&rs&ing him in droves F&nny) b&t 9eg#n h#dn!t mentioned the most im+ort#nt thing of #'' #bo&t him) (hi%h (#sn!t /&st th#t he (#s so s+e%t#%&'#r'y #nd se*&#''y m#'e b&t th#t he em#n#ted # +rofo&nd #nd intense #ir of #&thority th#t bordered #'most on #rrog#n%e; it h#d str&%$

"#s$i# the moment she h#d 'oo$ed #t him Th#t #nd the 'oo$ of dis%reet m#'e ins+e%tion 2&i%$'y fo''o(ed by # re#%tive res&'t#nt 'oo$ of %ontem+t&o&s dis#++rov#' Th#t 'oo$0 Ho( dare he 'oo$ #t her 'i$e th#t8 "&dden'y #'' the do&bts she h#d been h#rbo&ring #bo&t (h#t she h#d #greed to do (ere v#n2&ished -orr#ine (#s right to be s&s+i%io&s of s&%h # m#n!s motives) es+e%i#''y (here # n#ive) gent'e) &n(or'd'y gir' 'i$e 9eg#n (#s %on%erned "#s$i# didn!t tr&st him one 'itt'e bit 9eg#n needed # m#n (ho (o&'d #++re%i#te her gent'eness #nd tre#t her %orres+onding'y This m#n (#s +o(erf&') d#&nting) #(esome1#nd 'oo$ing #t him (#s) #s "#s$i# (#s beginning to dis%over) something of # +hysi%#' %om+&'sion "he %o&'dn!t t#$e her eyes off him 4&t th#t (#s /&st be%#&se she dis'i$ed him so m&%h) she #ss&red herse'f 2&i%$'y) be%#&se she (#s so intense'y #(#re of ho( very right -orr#ine h#d been to (#nt to test his 'oy#'ty to 9eg#n Determined'y 2&e''ing the b&tterf'ies f'&ttering in her stom#%h) "#s$i# too$ # dee+ bre#th) ment#''y reminding herse'f of (h#t she h#d re#d in the #rti%'e -orr#ine h#d thr&st &nder her nose Then she h#d been horrified) re+&'sed by the 'engths the gir's hired by the #gen%y (ere +re+#red to go to in order to enti%e #nd entr#+ their 2&#rry into se'f-betr#y#' 5t h#d even %rossed her mind th#t no mere m#n %o&'d +ossib'y find the strength to resist the $ind of de'iber#te tem+t#tion those gir's offered1everything from the most intense ty+e of verb#' f'#ttery right &+ to o&tright offers of se* itse'f) #'tho&gh th#n$f&''y offers h#d been #'' they (ere A m#n 'i$e this one) tho&gh) m&st be &sed to (omen1#ttr#%tive (omen1thro(ing themse'ves #t him !He d#ted so m#ny gir's before he met me)! 9eg#n h#d s#id inno%ent'y "#s$i# (o&'d /&st bet th#t he h#d 9eg#n (#s # honey) #nd "#s$i# 'oved her (ith # fier%e 'oy#'ty) b&t !even she h#d to #dmit th#t her friend did not +ossess the $ind of g'#moro&s inst#nt eye #++e#' she s&s+e%ted # m#n 'i$e this one (o&'d 'oo$ for 4&t +erh#+s th#t (#s (h#t he 'oved #bo&t her1the f#%t th#t she (#s so shy #nd home'y 5f he 'oved her0 7e'') th#t (#s &+ to "#s$i# to +rove0or dis+rove0(#sn!t it8 7ith the 'ight of b#tt'e shining in her eyes) "#s$i# m#de her (#y to(#rds him Andre#s (#t%hed her +rogress (ith # mi*t&re of %&riosity #nd dis#++ointment "he (#s he#ding for him He $ne( th#t) b&t the %oo' h#&te&r (ith (hi%h she not on'y ignored the interested 'oo$s she (#s %o''e%ting from other men #s she did so b&t #'most seemed not to noti%e them) (#s every bit #s %ontrived #s the &nf#stened b&ttons of the to+ she (#s (e#ring 5t h#d to be. Andre#s $ne( the ty+e He sho&'d do After #'') Athen#0 !Oh) 5!m sorry)! "#s$i# #+o'ogised #s she re#%hed Andre#s!s side #nd !#%%ident#''y! st&mb'ed #g#inst him "tr#ightening &+) she stood ne*t to him #t the b#r) giving him # (insome'y #+o'ogeti% smi'e #s she moved so %'ose to him th#t he %o&'d sme'' her s%ent0 Not her +erf&me) (hi%h (#s 'ight #nd f'or#') &ne*+e%ted'y) b&t her scent) 0the soft)

honey-s(eet he#di'y sens&#' #nd eroti% s%ent th#t (#s her And 'i$e # foo' he (#s #%t&#''y bre#thing it in) getting #'most dr&n$ on it0'etting his senses re#%t to it0to her0 -orr#ine h#d %o#%hed her on her best #++ro#%h #nd "#s$i# h#d memorised it) grim#%ing (ith 'o#thing #nd dist#ste #s she did so Andre#s for%ed himse'f to ste+ b#%$ from her #nd +&t some dist#n%e bet(een them) b&t the b#r (#s %ro(ded #nd it (#s im+ossib'e for him to move #(#y #'together) so inste#d he #s$ed her %o'd'y) !5!m sorry0do 5 $no( yo&8! His voi%e #nd deme#no&r (ere) he $ne() %&tting eno&gh to m#$e it +'#in th#t he $ne( (h#t she (#s ) &+ to A'tho&gh (hy on e#rth # (om#n (ho 'oo$ed 'i$e this one needed to tr#(' b#rs 'oo$ing for men to +i%$ &+ he h#d no ide# Or r#ther he did) b&t he +referred not to e*#mine it too %'ose'y There (ere (omen) #s he #'re#dy $ne( to his %ost) (ho (o&'d do #nything for money0#nything0(ith #nyone0 4&t "#s$i# (#s f#%ing him no() her 'i+sti%$-g'ossed mo&th +#rting in # smi'e he %o&'d see (#s for%ed #s she +&rred) !Er) no) #%t&#''y) yo& don!t0b&t 5!m ho+ing th#t soon yo& (i'' ! "#s$i# (#s re'ieved th#t the b#r (#s so dim'y 'it "he %o&'d fee' the he#t of her b&rning f#%e "he h#d never in her most +riv#te tho&ghts even %ontem+'#ted %oming on to # m#n 'i$e this) never mind envis#ged th#t she might #%t&#''y do so >&i%$'y she h&rried on to the ne*t +#rt of her +re+#red s+ee%h) +#rting her 'i+s in (h#t she ho+ed (#s # tem+ting'y +rovo%#tive smi'e (hi'st %#ref&''y r&nning her tong&e-ti+ over them :&%$. 4&t #'' th#t 'i+sti%$ fe't re+&'sive !Aren!t yo& going to #s$ me if 5!d 'i$e # drin$8! she invited %oy'y) b#tting her eye'#shes in (h#t she ho+ed (#s #n #++ro+ri#te'y enti%ing m#nner !5 'ove the %o'o&r of yo&r shirt)! she #dded h&s$i'y #s she 'e#ned %'oser !5t m#t%hes yo&r eyes0! !5f yo& thin$ th#t yo& m&st be %o'o&r b'ind; my eyes #re grey)! Andre#s to'd her terse'y "he (#s beginning to m#$e him fee' very #ngry Her obvio&sness (#s nothing short of %ontem+tib'e 4&t nothing 'i$e #s %ontem+tib'e #s his o(n ridi%&'o&s re#%tion to her 7h#t (#s he8 A boy of eighteen8 He (#s s&++osed to be # m#n0# m#t&re) so+histi%#ted) e*+erien%ed) (or'd'y m#n of thirty-odd1#nd yet here he (#s) re#%ting) responding) to the +#theti%#''y tired #nd /#ded se*&#' tri%$s she (#s +'#ying on him #s e#ger'y #s tho&gh0 As tho&gh (h#t8 As tho&gh there (#s nothing he (#nted to do right no( more th#n t#$e her to bed) to fee' the hot &rgen%y of her body bene#th his) to he#r her %ry o&t his n#me thro&gh 'i+s s(o''en (ith the m&t&#' +#ssion of their sh#red $isses (hi'st he0 !-oo$ ! he to'd her sh#r+'y) %&tting off the s&++'y of 'ifeb'ood to his &n(#nted f#nt#sies by the sim+'e #%t of ref&sing to #''o( himse'f to thin$ #bo&t them) !yo&!re m#$ing # big mist#$e !

!Oh) no)! "#s$i# +rotested #n*io&s'y #s he st#rted to t&rn #(#y from her 4y rights she sho&'d sim+'y #%%e+t (h#t he (#s s#ying #nd go b#%$ to 9eg#n #nd te'' her th#t her be'oved 9#r$ (#s everything he (#s s&++osed to be 4&t #n instin%t she %o&'dn!t #n#'yse (#s te''ing her th#t des+ite #'' the eviden%e to the %ontr#ry he (#s tem+ted Any m#n %o&'d be tem+ted) she tried to te'' herse'f f#ir'y) b&t something inside her ref&sed to #''o( her to 'isten !You %o&'d never be # mist#$e)! she +&rred s&ggestive'y !To #ny (om#n0! F#t&o&s'y Andre#s (ondered if he h#d gone %om+'ete'y m#d To even thin$ of desiring # (om#n (ho (#s o+en'y +ro+ositioning him (#s #n#them# to everything he be'ieved in Ho( %o&'d he +ossib'y be even remote'y #ttr#%ted to her8 He (#sn!t) of %o&rse 5t (#s im+ossib'e And #s for th#t s&dden ine*+'i%#b'e &rge he h#d h#d to t#$e her home (ith him) (here she (o&'d be s#fe from the $ind of #ttention her m#$e-&+ #nd beh#vio&r (ere bo&nd to #ttr#%t 7e'') no( he $ne( he must be serio&s'y 'osing it 5f there (#s one thing he des+ised it (#s (omen 'i$e this one Not th#t he +referred them to be dem&re or virgin#' No 7h#t he fo&nd most #ttr#%tive (#s # (om#n (ho (#s +ro&d to be herse'f #nd (ho e*+e%ted his se* to res+e%t her right to be (h#t she (#s The $ind of (om#n (ho (o&'d #&tom#ti%#''y es%he( #ny #%t th#t invo'ved her +resenting herse'f #s some $ind of se*&#' +'#ything #nd (ho (o&'d /&st #s determined'y t&rn her b#%$ on #ny m#n (ho (#nted her to beh#ve th#t (#y This (om#n0 5!m sorry)! he to'd her) m#$ing it verb#''y +'#in th#t he (#s no s&%h thing by the %o'd tone of his voi%e) !b&t yo&!re (#sting yo&r time And time) #s 5 %#n see)! he %ontin&ed in # de%e+tive'y gent'e voi%e) !h#s to be money for # (om#n 'i$e yo& "o (hy don!t yo& go #(#y #nd find someone e'se (ho (i'' be0 er0more re%e+tive to (h#t yo&!ve got on offer th#n 5 #m8! 7hite-f#%ed) "#s$i# (#t%hed #s he t&rned #(#y from her #nd thr&st his (#y to(#rds the door He h#d re/e%ted her0ref&sed her He h#d0 He h#d0 P#inf&''y she s(#''o(ed He h#d +roved th#t he (#s f#ithf&' to 9eg#n #nd he h#d0 He h#d 'oo$ed #t her #s tho&gh0 #s tho&gh0 -i$e # 'itt'e gir') "#s$i# (i+ed the b#%$ of her h#nd #%ross her 'i+sti%$ed mo&th) grim#%ing #s she s#( the st#in the high-%o'o&red g'oss h#d 'eft there !Hi there) gorgeo&s C#n 5 b&y yo& # drin$8! N&mb'y she shoo$ her he#d) ignoring the so&r 'oo$ the m#n (ho h#d #++ro#%hed (#s giving her #s she st#red #t the door There (#s no sign of 9eg#n!s m#n He h#d gone1 #nd she (#s g'#d Of %o&rse she (#s Ho( %o&'d she not be8 And she (o&'d be de'ighted to be #b'e to re+ort to 9eg#n #nd -orr#ine th#t 9#r$ h#d not s&%%&mbed to her "he g'#n%ed #t her (#t%h) her he#rt sin$ing "he sti'' h#d over #n ho&r to go before she met -orr#ine There (#s no (#y she %o&'d st#y here in the b#r on her o(n) #ttr#%ting #ttention >&i%$'y she he#ded for the '#dies There (#s something she h#d to do

5n the %'o#$room she f#stened her %#rdig#n #nd (i+ed her f#%e %'e#n of the '#st of the red 'i+sti%$ #nd the $oh' eye-'iner) re+'#%ing them both (ith her norm#' %hoi%e of m#$e-&+1 # dis%reet #++'i%#tion of t#&+e eye-sh#do( #nd # soft berry-%o'o&red 'i+sti%$1#nd %oi'ing &+ her 'ong h#ir into # ne#t %hignon Then she (#ited in the '#dies! room &nti' #n ins+e%tion of her (#t%h to'd her she %o&'d fin#''y 'e#ve This time #s she m#de her (#y thro&gh the %ro(ded b#r it (#s a very different ty+e of 'oo$ th#t "#s$i# %o''e%ted from the men (ho (#t%hed her #dmiring'y To her re'ief -orr#ine (#s +#r$ed o&tside) (#iting for her !7e''8! she dem#nded e#ger'y #s "#s$i# o+ened the %#r door #nd got in !Nothing)! "#s$i# to'd her) sh#$ing her he#d !He t&rned me do(n f'#t ! !7h#t8! !-orr#ine) %#ref&'0! "#s$i# %ried o&t (#rning'y #s the other (om#n #'most b#%$ed into the %#r behind her in sho%$ !:o& m&stn!t h#ve tried h#rd eno&gh)! -orr#ine to'd her bossi'y !5 %#n #ss&re yo& th#t 5 tried #s h#rd #s #nyone %o&'d)! "#s$i# %orre%ted her (ry'y !Did he mention 9eg#n0te'' yo& th#t he (#s s+o$en for8! -orr#ine 2&estioned her !No.! "#s$i# shoo$ her he#d !4&t 5 +romise yo& he m#de it +'#in th#t he (#sn!t interested He 'oo$ed #t me0! "he sto++ed #nd s(#''o(ed) &n(i''ing to thin$ #bo&t) never mind te'' #nyone e'se) /&st ho( 9eg#n!s be'oved h#d 'oo$ed #t her For some odd re#son she ref&sed to define /&st to remember the i%y %ontem+t she h#d seen in his eyes m#de her tremb'e bet(een #nger #nd +#in !7here is 9eg#n8! she #s$ed -orr#ine !"he (#s %#''ed in &ne*+e%ted'y to (or$ #n e*tr# shift "he r#ng to 'et me $no( #nd 5 s#id (e!d drive str#ight over to her +'#%e #nd meet &+ (ith her there ! "#s$i# smi'ed (#n'y 4y rights she $ne( she o&ght to be fee'ing f#r h#++ier th#n she #%t&#''y (#s Tho&gh o&t of the three of them she s&s+e%ted th#t 9eg#n (o&'d be the on'y one (ho (o&'d #%t&#''y be +'e#sed to 'e#rn th#t her 9#r$ h#d determined'y ref&sed to be tem+ted Her 9#r$ Megan's 9#r$ There (#s # bitter t#ste in "#s$i#!s mo&th #nd her he#rt fe't 'i$e # he#vy '&m+ of 'e#d inside her %hest

7h#t on e#rth (#s the m#tter (ith her8 "he %o&'dn!t +ossib'y be /e#'o&s of 9eg#n) %o&'d she8 No. "he %o&'dn!t be0she must not be. !Are yo& s&re yo& tried h#rd eno&gh8! -orr#ine (#s #s$ing her stern'y !5 s#id everything yo& to'd me to s#y)! "#s$i# to'd her tr&thf&''y !And he didn!t m#$e #ny $ind of res+onse8! "#s$i# %o&'d te'' th#t -orr#ine didn!t be'ieve her !Oh) he m#de # res+onse)! she #dmitted grim'y !5t /&st (#sn!t the $ind0! "he sto++ed #nd then to'd her f'#t'y) !He (#sn!t interested) -orr#ine He m&st re#''y 'ove 9eg#n ! !:es) if he +refers her to yo& he m&st)! -orr#ine #greed b'&nt'y !"he!s # de#r) #nd 5 'ove her) b&t there!s no (#y0 :o& don!t thin$ he %o&'d h#ve guessed (h#t yo& (ere doing do yo&8 No (#y he %o&'d h#ve $no(n08! !No) 5 don!t)! "#s$i# denied "he (#s beginning to fee' tired) #'most #%hing (ith # sh#r+) +#inf&' need to be on her o(n The '#st thing she (#nted right no( (#s to de#' (ith someone 'i$e -orr#ine) b&t she o(ed it to 9eg#n to re#ss&re her th#t she %o&'d tr&st 9#r$ As they +&''ed &+ o&tside 9eg#n!s ho&se "#s$i# s#( th#t her %#r (#s +#r$ed o&tside Her stom#%h m&s%'es st#rted to %'en%h #s she got o&t of -orr#ine!s %#r #nd (#'$ed &+ the g#rden +#th 9eg#n #nd 9#r$ Even their n#mes so&nded %osy together) redo'ent of domesti%ity0of m#rit#' %omfort And yet0if ever she!d met # m#n (ho (#s neither domesti%#ted nor %osy it h#d been 9eg#n!s 9#r$ There h#d been #n #ir of +rimitive r#( m#'eness #bo&t him) #n #&r# of +o(er #nd se*&#'ity)-# sense th#t in his #rms # (om#n %o&'d ..would0to&%h s&%h sens&#' heights of de'ight #nd +'e#s&re th#t she (o&'d never be 2&ite the s#me +erson #g#in "#s$i# tensed 7h#t on e#rth (#s she thin$ing8 9#r$ be'onged to 9eg#n1her best friend) the friend to (hom she o(ed her gr#ndmother!s 'ife #nd good he#'th 9eg#n h#d obvio&s'y seen them #rrive #nd (#s o+ening the door before they re#%hed it) her f#%e (re#thed in smi'es !5t!s #'' right)! "#s$i# to'd her ho''o('y !9#r$ didn!t0! !5 $no(05 $no(0! 9eg#n be#med #s she &shered them inside !He %#me to see me #t (or$ #nd e*+'#ined everything Oh) 5!ve been s&%h #n idiot0 7hy on e#rth 5 didn!t g&ess (h#t he (#s +'#nning 5 /&st don!t $no( 7e 'e#ve ne*t (ee$ He!d even to'd them #t (or$ (h#t he (#s +'#nning0th#t (#s the re#son for #'' those %#''s P'&s the gir' #t the tr#ve' #gen%y $e+t +honing Oh) "#s$i#) 5 %#n!t be'ieve it 5!ve

#'(#ys 'onged to go to the C#ribbe#n) #nd for 9#r$ to h#ve boo$ed &s s&%h # (onderf&' ho'id#y0 The +'#%e (e!re going to s+e%i#'ises in ho'id#ys for %o&+'es 5!m so sorry yo& h#d # (#sted evening 5 tried to ring yo& b&t yo&!d #'re#dy 'eft 5 tho&ght yo& might h#ve got here sooner After #'') on%e yo&!d re#'ised th#t 9#r$ (#sn!t #t the (ine b#r0! "he sto++ed #s she s#( the 'oo$ on both her %o&sin!s #nd "#s$i#!s f#%es !7h#t is it8! she #s$ed them &n%ert#in'y !You s#id th#t yo&!d s+o$en to 9#r$)! -orr#ine (#s s#ying terse'y to "#s$i# !5 did0! "#s$i# insisted !He (#s /&st #s yo& des%ribed him to &s) 9eg#n0! "he sto++ed #s 9eg#n shoo$ her he#d firm'y !9#r$ (#sn!t there) "#s)! she re+e#ted !He (#s (ith me #t (or$ He #rrived #t h#'f +#st eight #nd "ister g#ve me some time off so th#t (e %o&'d t#'$) i He!d g&essed ho( &+set 5 (#s #nd he!d de%ided th#t; he (o&'d h#ve to te'' me (h#t he (#s +'#nning He s#id he $ne( he %o&'dn!t h#ve $e+t the se%ret for very m&%h 'onger #ny(#y)! she #dded fond'y !And before yo& s#y # (ord)! she s#id firm'y to her %o&sin) !9#r$ is +#ying for everything himse'f ! "#s$i# 'e#ned (e#$'y #g#inst the (#'' 5f the m#n she h#d %ome on to h#dn!t been 9eg#n!s 9#r$) then /&st (ho on e#rth h#d he been8 Her f#%e be%#me even +#'er "he h#d %ome on to # m#n she didn!t $no(0#; tot#' #nd %om+'ete !str#nger0# m#n (ho0 "he s(#''o(ed n#&seo&s'y) remembering the (#y she h#d 'oo$ed) the (#y she h#d beh#ved0 the things she h#d s#id Th#n$ 3od he (#s # str#nger Th#n$ 3od she (o&'d never h#ve to see him #g#in !"#s) yo& don!t 'oo$ (e'')! she %o&'d he#r 9eg#n s#ying so'i%ito&s'y !7h#t is it8! !Nothing)! she ribbed) b&t -orr#ine h#d #'re#dy g&essed (h#t she (#s thin$ing !7e'') if the m#n in the (ine b#r (#sn!t 9#r$ then ! (ho on e#rth (#s he8! "he dem#nded sh#r+'y !7ho indeed8! "#s$i# e%hoed ho''o('y CHAPTER THREE To "A"?5A!" dism#y she he#rd the to(n h#'' %'o%$ stri$ing eight # m #s she h&rried to (or$ "he h#d intended to be in e*tr# e#r'y this morning b&t &nfort&n#te'y she h#d overs'e+t1# dire%t res&'t of the +revio&s evening!s events #nd the f#%t th#t initi#''y she h#d been ment#''y #gonising so m&%h over (h#t she h#d done th#t she h#d been &n#b'e to get to s'ee+

Offi%i#''y she might not be d&e to be #t her des$ &nti' nine # m ) b&t in this modern #ge th#t (#s not the (#y things (or$ed) es+e%i#''y (hen one!s ho'd on one!s /ob (#s #'re#dy d#ngero&s'y +re%#rio&s 6There #re bo&nd to be %&tb#%$s0red&nd#n%ies)! the he#d of "#s$i#!s de+#rtment h#d (#rned them #'') #nd "#s$i#) #s she!d 'istened to him) h#d been sh#r+'y %ons%io&s th#t #s the ne(est member of the te#m she (#s the one (hose /ob (#s most in 'ine to be %&t b#%$ 5t (o&'d be virt&#''y im+ossib'e for her to get #nother /ob (ith the s#me $ind of +ros+e%ts in Hi'ford) #nd if she moved #(#y to -ondon th#t (o&'d me#n her gr#ndmother (o&'d be 'eft on her o(n At si*ty-five her gr#ndmother (#s not +re%ise'y o'd1f#r from it1#nd she h#d # '#rge %ir%'e of friends) b&t the i''ness h#d 'eft "#s$i# fee'ing #fr#id for her "#s$i# fe't she o(ed her s&%h # h&ge debt) not on'y for bringing her &+ b&t for giving her so m&%h 'ove As she h&rried into the foyer she #s$ed Emm#) the re%e+tionist) #n*io&s'y) !H#s he #rrived yet8! There (#s no need to 2&#'ify (ho she me#nt by !he!) #nd Emm# g#ve her # s'ight'y s&+erior smi'e #s she re+'ied) !A%t&#''y he #rrived yesterd#y He!s &+st#irs no()! she #dded sm&g'y) !intervie(ing everyone ! Her sm&gness #nd s&+eriority g#ve (#y to # smi'e of +&re feminine #++re%i#tion #s she sighed !J&st (#it &nti' yo& see him He!s gorgeo&s0(ith # gre#t big %#+it#' 3 ! "he ro''ed her eyes e*+ressive'y (hi'st "#s$i# g#ve her # (#n smi'e "he no( h#d her o(n s+e%i#' #nd +riv#te1very +riv#te1b'&e+rint of (h#t # gorgeo&s m#n 'oo$ed 'i$e) #nd she do&bted th#t their ne( 3ree$ boss %#me #ny(here ne#r to m#t%hing it !Ty+i%#''y) tho&gh) mind yo&)! the re%e+tionist %ontin&ed) ob'ivio&s to "#s$i#!s desire to h&rry to her offi%e) !he!s #'re#dy s+o$en for Or #t 'e#st he soon (i'' be 5 (#s t#'$ing to the re%e+tionist #t their gro&+!s he#d offi%e #nd she to'd me th#t his gr#ndf#ther (#nts him to m#rry his %o&sin "he!s meg#-(e#'thy #nd1! !5!m sorry) Emm#) b&t 5 m&st go)! "#s$i# interr&+ted her firm'y Offi%e gossi+) 'i$e offi%e +o'iti%s) (#s something "#s$i# h#d no (ish to invo've herse'f in) #nd besides0 5f their ne( boss (#s #'re#dy intervie(ing +eo+'e she didn!t (#nt to e#rn herse'f #ny b'#%$ m#r$s by not being #t her des$ (hen he sent for her Her offi%e (#s on the third f'oor) #n o+en +'#n s+#%e (here she (or$ed (ith five other +eo+'e Their boss h#d his o(n g'#ss-(#''ed se%tion) b&t right no( both it #nd the gener#' offi%e itse'f (ere em+ty J&st #s she (#s (ondering (h#t to do the o&ter door s(&ng o+en #nd her boss) fo''o(ed by the rest of her %o''e#g&es) %#me into the room !Ah) "#s$i#) there yo& #re)! her boss greeted her !:es 5 h#d intended to be here e#r'ier0! "#s$i# beg#n) b&t 3ordon J#rm#n (#s sh#$ing his he#d !Don!t e*+'#in no()! he to'd her

sh#r+'y !:o&!d better get &+st#irs to the e*e%&tive s&ite 9r -#timer!s se%ret#ry (i'' be e*+e%ting yo& A++#rent'y he @(#nts to intervie( everyone) both individ&#''y #nd (ith their) %o-de+#rtment members) #nd he (#sn!t too +'e#sed th#t yo& (eren!t here0! 7itho&t #''o(ing "#s$i# to s#y #nything) 3ordon t&rned on his hee' #nd (ent into his offi%e) 'e#ving her (ith no o+tion b&t to he#d for the 'ift 5t (#s &n'i$e 3ordon to be so sh#r+ He (#s norm#''y # very '#id b#%$ sort of +erson "#s$i# %o&'d fee' the nervo&s fee'ing in her t&mmy in%re#sing #s she %ontem+'#ted the $ind of #ttit&de Andre#s -#timer m&st h#ve #do+ted to(#rds his ne( em+'oyees to %#&se s&%h # re#%tion in her norm#''y &nf'#++#b'e boss The e*e%&tive s&ite (#s &nf#mi'i#r territory to "#s$i#. The on'y +revio&s o%%#sions on (hi%h she h#d entered it h#d been (hen she h#d gone for her initi#' @intervie( #nd then) more re%ent'y) (hen the (ho'e st#ff h#d been informed of the s&%%ess of the Demetrios t#$eover bid A 'itt'e &n%ert#in'y she got o&t of the 'ift #nd (#'$ed to(#rds the door m#r$ed !Person#' Assist#nt to the Chief E*e%&tive! 9#dge Fie'ding) the +revio&s o(ner!s se%ret#ry) h#d retired (hen the t#$eover bid!s s&%%ess h#d been #nno&n%ed) #nd (hen "#s$i# s#( the e'eg#nt'y groomed d#r$-h#ired (om#n se#ted behind 9#dge!s des$ she #ss&med th#t the ne( o(ner m&st h#ve bro&ght his PA (ith him from Demetrios he#d offi%e Nervo&s'y "#s$i# g#ve her n#me) #nd st#rted to e*+'#in th#t she (or$ed for 3ordon J#rm#n) b&t the PA (#ved her e*+'#n#tion #side) %ons&'ting # 'ist in front of her inste#d #nd then s#ying %o'd'y) (itho&t 'ifting her he#d from it) !"#s$i#8 :es :o&!re '#te 9r -#timer does not 'i$e0 5n f#%t 5!m not s&re0! "he sto++ed #nd eyed "#s$i# (ith # dis#++roving fro(n !He m#y not h#ve time to intervie( yo& no()! she (#rned) before +i%$ing &+ the +hone #nd #nno&n%ing in # very different tone of voi%e from the one she h#d &sed to #ddress "#s$i#) !9s Rodgers is here no() Andre#s Do yo& sti'' (#nt to see her8 !:o& can go in)! she informed "#s$i# !5t!s the door over there0! Fee'ing 'i$e # n#&ghty %hi'd) "#s$i# for%ed herse'f not to re#%t) he#ding inste#d for the door the PA h#d indi%#ted #nd $no%$ing brief'y on it before t&rning the h#nd'e #nd (#'$ing in As she ste++ed into the offi%e the bright s&n'ight stre#ming in thro&gh the '#rge (indo(s moment#ri'y d#<<'ed her A'' she %o&'d m#$e o&t (#s the h#<y o&t'ine of # m#n st#nding hi front of the g'#ss (ith his b#%$ to her) the bri''i#n%e of the s&n'ight m#$ing it im+ossib'e for her to see #ny more 4&t Andre#s %o&'d see "#s$i# 5t h#dn!t s&r+rised him th#t she sho&'d %hoose to #rrive #t (or$ '#ter th#n her %o''e#g&es; #fter #'') he $ne( ho( she s+ent her evenings 7h#t h#d

s&r+rised him h#d been the gen&ine'y high esteem in (hi%h he h#d dis%overed she (#s he'd both by her immedi#te boss #nd her %o-(or$ers 5t seemed th#t (hen it %#me to giving th#t e*tr# metre) going th#t e*tr# dist#n%e) "#s$i# (#s #'(#ys the first to do so #nd the first to do (h#tever she %o&'d to he'+ o&t her %o''e#g&es !:es) it is +erh#+s &n&s&#' in # yo&ng gr#d&#te)! her boss h#d #greed (hen Andre#s h#d 2&estioned his +r#ise of "#s$i# !4&t then she h#s been bro&ght &+ by her gr#ndmother #nd +erh#+s be%#&se of th#t her v#'&es #nd sense of ob'ig#tion to(#rds others #re those of #n o'der gener#tion As yo& %#n see from my re+ort on her) her (or$ is e*%e''ent #nd so #re her 2&#'ifi%#tions ! And she!s # st&nning'y #ttr#%tive yo&ng (om#n (ho seems to $no( ho( to &se her &ndeni#b'e !#ssets! to her o(n #dv#nt#ge) Andre#s h#d ref'e%ted in(#rd'y) b&t 3ordon J#rm#n h#d %ontin&ed to enth&se #bo&t "#s$i#!s dedi%#tion to her (or$) her $indness to her fe''o( em+'oyees) her #bi'ity to integr#te herse'f into # te#m #nd (or$ di'igent'y #t (h#tever t#s$ she (#s given) #nd her +o+&'#rity (ith other members of the (or$for%e After st&dying the +rogress re+orts her te#m 'e#der #nd 3ordon himse'f h#d m#de on her) #nd the +hotogr#+h in her fi'e) Andre#s h#d been for%ed to %on%ede th#t if he h#dn!t seen for himse'f '#st night the (#y "#s$i# %o&'d 'oo$ #nd beh#ve he (o&'d +rob#b'y h#ve #%%e+ted 3ordon!s g'o(ing re+ort #t f#%e v#'&e "he (#s 2&ite +'#in'y # (om#n (ho $ne( ho( to h#nd'e his se*) even if (ith him she h#d m#de #n error of /&dgement This morning) for inst#n%e) she h#d %om+'ete'y met#mor+hosed b#%$ into the dedi%#ted yo&ng (om#n forging # %#reer for herse'f1ne#t'y s&ited) her h#ir e'eg#nt'y s'ee$ed b#%$) her f#%e free of #'' b&t the 'ightest to&%h of m#$e-&+ Andre#s st#rted to fro(n #s his body s&dden'y #nd very &rgent'y #nd &n(onted'y reminded him of the fem#'e #''&re of the body th#t (#s tod#y %on%e#'ed dis%reet'y bene#th # +rim n#vy b&siness s&it Didn!t he #'re#dy h#ve eno&gh +rob'ems to %ontend (ith8 -#st night #fter ret&rning from the (ine b#r he h#d re%eived # te'e+hone %#'' from his mother) #n*io&s'y (#rning him th#t his gr#ndf#ther (#s on the (#r+#th !He h#d dinner (ith some of his o'd %ronies '#st night #nd #++#rent'y they (ere #'' bo#sting #bo&t the de#'s they h#d re%ent'y +&''ed off :o& $no( (h#t they!re 'i$e ! "he h#d sighed !And yo&r gr#ndf#ther (#s to'd by one of them th#t he h#d high ho+es of his son (inning Athen#!s h#nd0! !3ood '&%$ to him)! Andre#s h#d to'd his mother &n%om+romising'y !5 ho+e he does Th#t #t 'e#st (i'' get her #nd 3r#ndf#ther off my b#%$ ! !7e'') yes)! his mother h#d #greed do&btf&''y !4&t #t the moment it seems to h#ve m#de him even more determined to +romote # m#rri#ge bet(een the t(o of yo& And) of %o&rse) no( th#t he!s h#'f retired he!s got more time on his h#nds to +'#n #nd fret0 5t!s

s&%h # +ity th#t there isn!t #'re#dy someone in yo&r 'ife ! "he h#d sighed #g#in) #dding (ith # %h&%$'e) !5 honest'y be'ieve th#t the ho+e of # gre#tgr#nd%hi'd (o&'d thri'' him so m&%h m#t he!d 2&i%$'y forget he!d ever (#nted yo& to m#rry Athen#.! "omeone e'se in his 'ife8 H#d it re#''y been e*#s+er#tion #rid the he#d#%he he $ne( '#y #he#d of him (ith their ne( #%2&isition th#t h#d +rom+ted him into m#$ing the r#shest st#tement of his 'ife in te''ing his mother) !7h#t m#$es yo& thin$ there isn't someone8! There h#d been # st#rt'ed +#&se) /&st 'ong eno&gh for him to %&rse himse'f ment#''y b&t not for him to re%#'' his im+et&o&s (ords) before his mother h#d dem#nded in e*%itement) !:o& me#n there is8 Oh) Andre#s. 7ho8 When #re (e going to meet her8 7ho is she8 Ho( did yo&08 Oh) d#r'ing) ho( (onderf&' :o&r gr#ndf#ther will be thri''ed O'ym+i#) g&ess (h#t06 He h#d then he#rd her te''ing his sister He h#d tried to +&t # br#$e on their e*%itement) to (#rn them th#t he (#s on'y t#'$ing in !ifs! #nd !b&ts!) b&t neither of them h#d been +re+#red to 'isten Neither h#d his gr#ndf#ther this morning) (hen he h#d r&ng #t the &ngod'y ho&r of five o!%'o%$ to dem#nd to $no( (hen he (#s to meet his gr#ndson!s fi#n%ee Fi#n%ee0 Ho( the he'' his mother #nd sister h#d m#n#ged to tr#ns'#te #n off the %&ff rem#r$ m#de in irrit#tion into # re#' 'ive fi#n%Ae Andre#s h#d no ide#) b&t he did $no( th#t &n'ess he +rod&%ed this mythi%#' %re#t&re he (#s going to be in very big tro&b'e !:o&!'' be bringing her to the is'#nd (ith yo&) of %o&rse)! his gr#ndf#ther h#d #nno&n%ed) #nd his (ords h#d been # %omm#nd #nd not # 2&estion 7h#t the he'' (#s he going to do8 He h#d eight d#ys in (hi%h to find # +ros+e%tive fi#n%ee #nd m#$e it %'e#r to her th#t their !eng#gement! (#s nothing more th#n # %onvenient fi%tion Eight d#ys #nd she (o&'d h#ve to be # good eno&gh #%tress to foo' not /&st his gr#ndf#ther b&t his mother #nd sisters #s (e'' 5rrit#b'y he moved o&t of the s&n'ight!s dire%t be#m) t&rning ro&nd so th#t "#s$i# s#( him +ro+er'y for the first time There (#s no o++ort&nity for her to %on%e#' her sho%$) or the soft (inded g#s+ of dism#y th#t es%#+ed her dis%reet'y g'ossed 'i+s #s her f#%e +#'ed #nd then f'ooded (ith b&rning hot %o'o&r !:o&.! she %ho$ed #s she b#%$ed instin%tive'y to(#rds the door) her memories of the +revio&s night f'ooding her br#in #nd (ith them the s&re $no('edge th#t she (#s #bo&t to 'ose her /ob "he %ert#in'y (#s #n e*%e''ent #%tress) Andre#s #%$no('edged #s he observed her re#%tion1#nd in more (#ys th#n one Her deme#no&r this morning (#s tot#''y different

from the (#y she h#d +resented herse'f '#st night 4&t then no do&bt she was horrified to dis%over th#t he (#s the m#n she h#d so b'#t#nt'y +ro+ositioned Even so) th#t 'oo$ of si%$ dism#y d#r$ening her eyes #nd the (#y her soft bottom 'i+ (#s tremb'ing des+ite her #ttem+ts to sto+ it0 Oh) yes) she (#s # first-r#te #%tress1a first-rate actress "&dden'y Andre#s %o&'d see # (e'%ome g'e#m of 'ight #t the end of the d#r$ t&nne' of his %&rrent +rob'em Oh) yes) indeed) # very definite be#m of 'ight "o 9s Rodgers ! Andre#s beg#n f'#ying into "#s$i#!s #'re#dy shredded se'f-%onfiden%e (ith #'' the de'i%#%y of # s&rgeon e*+ert'y s'i%ing thro&gh '#yer #fter '#yer of s$in) m&s%'e #nd bone !5 h#ve re#d the re+ort 3ordon J#rm#n h#s (ritten on yo& #nd 5 m&st %ongr#t&'#te yo& 5t seems th#t yo&!ve +ers&#ded him to thin$ very high'y of yo& Th#t!s 2&ite #n #%%om+'ishment for #n em+'oyee so ne( #nd yo&ng Es+e%i#''y one (ho #do+ts s&%h #n &n%onvention#' #nd) sh#'' (e s#y) e'#sti% #ttit&de to(#rds time$ee+ing0 'e#ving e#r'ier th#n her %o''e#g&es in the evening #nd #rriving '#ter th#n them in the morning ! !-e#ving early!' "#s$i# st#red #t him) fighting to re%over her %om+os&re Ho( h#d he $no(n #bo&t that. As tho&gh he h#d re#d her mind) he to'd her soft'y) !5 (#s in the foyer (hen yo& 'eft0 2&ite some time before yo&r offi%i#' finishing time ! !4&t th#t (#s0! "#s$i# beg#n indign#nt'y Ho(ever) Andre#s did not #''o( her to finish) sh#$ing his he#d #nd te''ing her %oo''y) !No e*%&ses) +'e#se They might (or$ on 3ordon J#rm#n) b&t &nfort&n#te'y for yo& they (i'' not (or$ (ith me After #'') 5 h#ve seen ho( yo& %om+ort yo&rse'f (hen yo& #re not #t (or$ Un'ess0! He fro(ned) his mo&th h#rdening #s he st&died her (ith i%y derision !Un'ess) of %o&rse) that is the re#son he h#s given yo& s&%h #n &n&s&#''y e*%e''ent re+ort0! !No.! "#s$i# denied str#ight #(#y !No. 5 don!t0 -#st night (#s # mist#$e)! she +rotested !50! !:es) 5!m #fr#id it (#s)! Andre#s #greed) #dding smooth'y) !For yo& #t 'e#st 5 #++re%i#te th#t the s#'#ry yo& #re +#id is re'#tive'y sm#'') b&t my gr#ndf#ther (o&'d be e*treme'y &nh#++y to 'e#rn th#t # member of o&r st#ff is h#ving to boost her in%ome in # (#y th#t %#n on'y ref'e%t e*treme'y b#d'y on o&r %om+#ny ! 3iving her # thin smi'e he (ent on (ith de%e+tive #mi#bi'ity) !Ho( very fort&n#te for yo& th#t! it (#sn!t in one of our hote's th#t yo& (ere0er0 +'ying yo&r tr#de #nd1! !Ho( d#re yo&8! "#s$i# interr&+ted him f&rio&s'y) her %hee$s bright s%#r'et #nd her mo&th # m&tino&s soft bo( Pride b&rned rebe''io&s'y in her eyes !Ho( d#re 58 R#ther 5 sho&'d s#y to yo&) ho( d#re you)! Andre#s %ontr#di%ted her sh#r+'y) his e#r'ier #ir of +'e#s#ntness inst#nt'y re+'#%ed by # h#rd 'oo$ of %ontem+t&o&s #nger #s

he to'd her grim'y) !A+#rt from the &nedifying mor#' im+'i%#tions of (h#t yo& (ere doing) or r#ther #ttem+ting to do) h#s it ever o%%&rred to yo& to %onsider the +hysi%#' d#nger yo& %o&'d be +&tting yo&rse'f in8 7omen 'i$e yo&0! He +#&sed #nd %h#nged t#%$) %#t%hing her off g&#rd #s he (ent on in # m&%h gent'er tone) !5 &nderst#nd from yo&r boss th#t yo& #re very #n*io&s to m#int#in yo&r em+'oyment (ith &s ! !:es :es) 5 #m)! "#s$i# #dmitted h&s$i'y There (#s no &se denying (h#t he (#s s#ying "he h#d #'re#dy dis%&ssed her fee'ings #nd fe#rs #bo&t the +ros+e%t of being m#de red&nd#nt (ith 3ordon J#rm#n) #nd he h#d obvio&s'y re%orded them #nd +#ssed them on to Andre#s To deny them no( (o&'d on'y %onvin%e him she (#s # 'i#r1#s (e'' #s everything e'se. !-oo$0 P'e#se) 5 %#n e*+'#in #bo&t '#st night)! she to'd him des+er#te'y) +ride giving (#y to +#ni% !5 $no( ho( it m&st h#ve 'oo$ed) b&t it (#sn!t05 didn!t0! "he sto++ed #s she s#( from his e*+ression th#t he (#sn!t +re+#red even to 'isten to her) never mind be'ieve her A +#rt of her (#s for%ed to #%$no('edge th#t she %o&'d h#rd'y b'#me him0nor %onvin%e him either) &n'ess !"he dr#gged -orr#ine #nd 9eg#n into his offi%e; to s&++ort her #nd she h#d f#r too m&%h +ride to do th#t 4esides) 9eg#n (#sn!t %#+#b'e of thin$ing of #nything or #nyone right no( other th#n 9#r$ #nd her &+%oming C#ribbe#n ho'id#y) #nd #s for -orr#ine0 7e'') "#s$i# %o&'d g&ess ho( the o'der (om#n (o&'d reve' in the sit&#tion "#s$i# no( fo&nd herse'f in !A (ise de%ision)! Andre#s to'd her gent'y (hen she sto++ed s+e#$ing !:o& see) 5 des+ise # 'i#r even more th#n 5 do # (om#n (ho0! No( it (#s his t&rn to sto+) b&t "#s$i# $ne( (h#t he (#s thin$ing Her f#%e 5 b&rned even more hot'y) (hi%h m#de it dis%on%erting for her (hen he s&dden'y s#id #br&+t'y) 5!ve got # +ro+osition 5 (#nt to +&t to yo& ! As she m#de # str#ng'ed so&nd of sho%$ in her thro#t he stee+'ed his fingers together #nd 'oo$ed #t her over them) 'i$e # s'ee$) (e''-fed +red#tor (#t%hing # sm#'' +ie%e of +rey it (#s en/oying tormenting !7h#t $ind of +ro+osition8! she #s$ed him (#ri'y) b&t the he#vy s'edgeh#mmer stro$es of her he#rt #g#inst her ribs (#rned her th#t she +rob#b'y #'re#dy $ne( the #ns(er1/&st #s she $ne( (hy she (#s fi''ed (ith s&%h # sho%$ing mi*t&re of e*%itement #nd rev&'sion !Oh) not the $ind yo& #re +rob#b'y most f#mi'i#r (ith)! Andre#s (#s te''ing her soft'y 5!ve re#d th#t some +rofession#' yo&ng (omen get # $i%$ o&t of #%ting the +#rt of h#r'ots0! !5 (#s doing no s&%h thing)! "#s$i# beg#n he#ted'y) b&t he sto++ed her

!5 (#s there1remember8! he s#id sh#r+'y !5f my gr#ndf#ther $ne( ho( yo& h#d beh#ved he (o&'d dem#nd 5 yo&r inst#nt dismiss#' ! His gr#ndf#ther might h#ve %eded most of the %ontro' of the b&siness to Andre#s) b&t Andre#s %o&'d see from "#s$i#!s e*+ression th#t she sti'' be'ieved him !:o& don!t have to te'' him ! He %o&'d see the effort it %ost her to s(#''o( her +ride #nd #dd # re'&%t#nt trem&'o&s !P'e#se0! !5 don!t have to)! he #greed !4&t (hether or not 5 do de+ends on yo&r res+onse to my +ro+osition ! !Th#t!s b'#%$m#i')! "#s$i# +rotested !A'most #s o'd # +rofession #s the one yo& (ere eng#ging in '#st night)! Andre#s #greed si'$i'y "#s$i# beg#n to +#ni% Ag#inst #'' the odds there (#s on'y one thing he %o&'d +ossib'y (#nt from her) &n'i$e'y tho&gh th#t (#s After #'') '#st night she h#d given him every re#son to #ss&me0to be'ieve0 4&t th#t h#d been (hen she h#d tho&ght he (#s 9#r$) #nd if he (o&'d /&st #''o( her to e*+'#in0 Fe#r $i%$ed thro&gh her) f&e''ing # +#ni% th#t r&shed her he#d'ong into te''ing him #ggressive'y) !5!m s&r+rised th#t # m#n 'i$e yo& needs to b'#%$m#i' # (om#n into h#ving se* (ith him And there!s no (#y th#t 50! !"e*8! he 2&estioned) %om+'ete'y #sto&nding her by thro(ing b#%$ his he#d #nd '#&ghing o&t 'o&d 7hen he h#d sto++ed) he re+e#ted) !"e*8! #dding dis+#r#ging'y) !7ith yo&8 No (#y. 5t isn!t se" 5 (#nt from yo&)! he to'd her %oo''y !Not se*8 Then0then (h#t is it8! "#s$i# dem#nded sh#$i'y !7h#t 5 (#nt from yo&)! Andre#s informed her %#'m'y) !is yo&r time #nd yo&r #greement to +ose #s my fi#n%ee ! !7h#t8! "#s$i# st#red #t him !:o&!re m#d)! she to'd him in disbe'ief !No) not m#d)! Andre#s %orre%ted her stern'y !4&t 5 #m very determined not to be %oer%ed into the m#rri#ge my gr#ndf#ther (#nts to #rr#nge for me And) #s my de#r mother h#s so right'y reminded me) the best (#y to do th#t is to %onvin%e him th#t 5 #m in 'ove (ith someone e'se Th#t is the on'y (#y 5 %#n sto+ this ridi%&'o&s %#m+#ign of his ! !:o& (#nt me#to +ose0#s your0fi#n%ee8! "#s$i# s+#%ed the (ords o&t %#ref&''y) #s tho&gh she (#sn!t s&re she h#d he#rd them %orre%t'y) #nd then) (hen she s#( the %onfirm#tion in his f#%e) she denied fier%e'y) !No No (#y No (#y #t #''.!

!No8! Andre#s 2&estioned (ith rem#r$#b'e #mi#bi'ity !Then 5!m #fr#id yo& 'e#ve me (ith no #'tern#tive b&t to inform yo& th#t there is # strong1# very strong +ossibi'ity th#t (e sh#'' h#ve to 'et yo& go #s +#rt of o&r regrett#b'e b&t ne%ess#ry %&tb#%$s 5 ho+e 5 m#$e myse'f %'e#r ! !No. :o& %#n!t do th#t0! "#s$i# beg#n) #nd then sto++ed #s she s#( the %yni%#' (#y he (#s 'oo$ing #t her "he (#s (#sting her time There (#s no (#y he (#s even going to 'isten to her) never mind be'ieve her He didn!t want to be'ieve her 5t didn!t s&it his +'#ns ito be'ieve her0 she %o&'d see th#t And if she ref&sed to #%%ede to his %omm#nds then she $ne( th#t he (#s f&''y %#+#b'e of %#rrying o&t his thre#t #g#inst her "#s$i# s(#''o(ed "he (#s (e'' #nd tr&'y tr#++ed) (ith no (#y (h#tsoever of es%#+ing !7e''8! Andre#s mo%$ed her !:o& sti'' h#ven!t given me yo&r re+'y Do yo& #gree to my +ro+osition) or08! "#s$i# s(#''o(ed the bitter t#ste of bi'e #nd defe#t 'odged in her thro#t Her voi%e so&nded r#() r#s+ing0 it h&rt her to s+e#$ b&t she tried to ho'd &+ her he#d #s she to'd him miser#b'y) !5 #gree ! !E*%e''ent For form!s s#$e 5 s&ggest th#t (e invent # +revio&s'y se%ret #%%ident#' meeting bet(een &s1+erh#+s (hen 5 visited Hi'ford +rior to o&r t#$eover 4e%#&se of the negoti#tions for the t#$eover (e h#ve $e+t o&r re'#tionshi+0o&r 'ove for one #nother # se%ret 4&t no(0no( there is no need for se%re%y #ny more) #nd to +rove it) #nd to %e'ebr#te o&r freedom tod#y 5 sh#'' t#$e yo& o&t for '&n%h ! He fro(ned #nd +#&sed !7e sh#'' be f'ying o&t to the Aege#n #t the end of ne*t (ee$ #nd there #re things (e sh#'' be e*+e%ted to $no( #bo&t one #nother!s b#%$gro&nd.! !F'ying o&t to where!' "#s$i# g#s+ed !No) 5 %#n!t 9y gr#ndmother0! Andre#s h#d he#rd from 3ordon J#rm#n th#t she 'ived (ith her gr#ndmother) #nd no( one eyebro( rose #s he 2&estioned si'$i'y) !:o& #re eng#ged to me no() my be'oved) s&re'y 5 #m of more im+ort#n%e th#n yo&r gr#ndmother8 "he (i'') 5 $no() be s&r+rised #bo&t o&r re'#tionshi+) b&t 5 #m s&re she (i'' #++re%i#te /&st (hy (e h#d to $ee+ o&r 'ove for one #nother to o&rse'ves 5f yo& (ish 5 #m +erfe%t'y +re+#red to %ome (ith yo& (hen yo& e*+'#in0 every thing to her0! !No.! "#s$i# denied in +#ni% !There!s no need #ny(#y "he!s in 4#th #t the moment) st#ying (ith her sister "he!s going to be there for the ne*t fe( (ee$s :o& %#n!t do this)! she to'd him in #git#tion !:o&r gr#ndf#ther is bo&nd to g&ess th#t (e!re not0th#t (e don!t0 And0! !4&t he m&st not be allowed to g&ess #ny s&%h thing)! Andre#s to'd her gent'y !:o& #re #n e*%e''ent #%tress) #s 5 h#ve #'re#dy seen for myse'f) #nd 5!m s&re yo& (i'' be #b'e to find #

(#y of %onvin%ing him th#t (e are #nd (e do) #nd sho&'d yo& fee' th#t yo& do need some #ssist#n%e to th#t end0! His eyes d#r$ened #nd "#s$i# immedi#te'y too$ # ste+ b#%$(#rds) her f#%e f'#ming (ith emb#rr#ssed %o'o&r #s she s#( the (#y he (#s 'oo$ing #t her !Very ni%e)! he to'd her soft'y) !4&t +erh#+s it might not be (ise to overdo the shy) virgin#' bit 9y gr#ndf#ther is no foo' 5 do&bt th#t he (i'' e*+e%t # m#n of my #ge to h#ve f#''en +#ssion#te'y in 'ove (ith # (om#n (ho is not e2&#''y se*&#''y #(#re 5 #m) #fter #'') h#'f-3ree$) #nd +#ssion is very m&%h # f#%tor of the m#'e 3ree$ +erson#'ity #nd +sy%he ! "#s$i# (#nted to t&rn #nd r&n #(#y The sit&#tion (#s be%oming (orse by the min&te 7h#t) she (ondered f#t#'isti%#''y) (o&'d Andre#s do if he ever 'e#rned th#t she (#s not !se*&#''y #(#re!) #s he h#d termed it) #nd th#t in f#%t her on'y e*+erien%e of se* #nd +#ssion (#s 'imited to # fe( %h#ste $isses #nd r&mb'ed embr#%es8 "he h#d her +#rents to th#n$ for her %#&tion #s # teen#ger (here se*&#' e*+eriment#tion h#d been %on%erned) of %o&rse Their r#sh beh#vio&r h#d 'ed to her dre#ding th#t she might re+e#t their foo'ishness 4&t there (#s) of %o&rse) no (#y th#t Andre#s %o&'d ever $no( th#t. !5t!s no( #'most ten)!! Andre#s informed her bris$'y) 'oo$ing #t his (#t%h !5 s&ggest yo& go b#%$ to yo&r offi%e #nd #t one + m 5!'' %ome do(n for yo& #nd t#$e yo& o&t to '&n%h The sooner (e m#$e o&r re'#tionshi+ +&b'i% no() the better ! As he s+o$e he (#s moving to(#rds her 5mmedi#te'y "#s$i# st#rted to +#ni%) g#s+ing o&t 'o&d in sho%$ #s the door o+ened to #dmit his PA in the s#me he#rtbe#t #s Andre#s re#%hed o&t #nd m#n#%'ed "#s$i#!s fr#gi'e (rist-bone in the firm gri+ of his fingers #nd th&mb His s$in (#s d#r$) t#nned) b&t not so m&%h so th#t one (o&'d #&tom#ti%#''y g&ess #t his 3ree$ b'ood) "#s$i# re%ognised His eyes were grey) she no( s#() #nd not b'&e #s she h#d so b'&sh-m#$ing'y s&ggested '#st night) #nd they #dded to the %onf&sion #s to (h#t n#tion#'ity he might be) (hi'st his h#ir) tho&gh very) very d#r$) (#s thi%$ #nd str#ight There (#s) tho&gh) some (his+er of his #n%ient 'ine#ge in his high %hee$bones) %'#ssi%#''y s%&'+t&red /#( #nd #2&i'ine nose They definite'y be'onged to some #rrog#nt) #risto%r#ti% #n%ient 3ree$ nob'em#n) #nd he (o&'d) she s&s+e%ted) be very m&%h in%'ined to domin#te those #ro&nd him) to st#m+ his #&thority on everything he did1#nd everyone) he met !Oh) Andre#s)! the PA (#s e*%'#iming) 'oo$ing in f'&stered disbe'ief #t the -(#y her boss (#s dr#(ing "#s$i# %'oser to him) 5!m sorry to interr&+t yo& b&t yo&r gr#ndf#ther h#s been on1t(i%e.! !5 sh#'' ring my gr#ndf#ther b#%$ short'y)! Andre#s res+onded smooth'y) #dding e2&#''y smooth'y) !Oh) #nd 5 don!t (#nt #ny #++ointments or #ny interr&+tions from one to t(othirty tod#y 5 sh#'' be t#$ing my fi#n%ee to '&n%h ! As he s+o$e he t&rned to "#s$i# #nd g#ve her s&%h # 'oo$ of me'ting tender sens&#'ity) so %om+'ete'y redo'ent of #n im+#tient 'over b#re'y #b'e to %ontro' his desire for her) th#t for

# bre#th of time she (#s #'most t#$en in herse'f "he %o&'d on'y st#re b#%$ #t him #s tho&gh she h#d @been hy+notised 5f he h#d given her # 'oo$ 'i$e th#t '#st night0 "to+ it) she (#rned herse'f immedi#te'y) sh#$en by the &ne*+e%ted tho&ght 4&t if his beh#vio&r (#s sho%$ing her it (#s sho%$ing his PA even more) she re%ognised #s the other (om#n g#ve # sm#'' %ho$ed g&rg'e #nd then shoo$ her he#d (hen Andre#s #s$ed her &rb#ne'y if #nything (#s (rong !No 5 (#s /&st0 Th#t is0 No0not #t #''0! !3ood Oh) #nd one more thing 5 (#nt yo& to boo$ #n e*tr# se#t on my f'ight to Athens ne*t (ee$ Ne*t to mine0for "#s$i#0! T&rning #(#y from his PA he to'd "#s$i# h&s$i'y) !5 %#n!t (#it to introd&%e yo& to my f#mi'y) es+e%i#''y my gr#ndf#ther 4&t first0! 4efore "#s$i# %o&'d g&ess (h#t he intended to do he 'ifted her h#nd to his mo&th) +#'m f#%ing &+(#rds As she fe't the (#rmth of his bre#th s$imming her s$in "#s$i# st#rted to tremb'e) her bre#th %oming in 2&i%$) short b&rsts "he fe't di<<y) bre#th'ess) fi''ed (ith # mi*t&re of e'#tion) e*%itement #nd sho%$) # sense of someho( h#ving ste++ed o&tside herse'f #nd be%ome #nother +erson) entered #nother 'ife1# 'ife th#t (#s f#r more e*%iting th#n her o(n) # 'ife th#t %o&'d 'e#d to the $ind of d#ngero&s) m#gi%#') #(e-ins+iring e*+erien%es th#t she h#d +revio&s'y tho&ght %o&'d never be hers 3iddi'y she %o&'d he#r Andre#s te''ing her h&s$i'y) !First) my d#r'ing) (e m&st find something +retty to #dorn this b#re finger of yo&rs 9y gr#ndf#ther (o&'d not #++rove if 5 too$ yo& home (itho&t # ring th#t st#tes very %'e#r'y my intentions ! "#s$i# %o&'d he#r 2&ite +'#in'y the PA!s s&dden sho%$ed indr#(n bre#th) b&t on%e #g#in the other (om#n %o&'d not be #ny more sho%$ed th#n she (#s herse'f Andre#s h#d %'#imed th#t she (#s # good #%tress) b&t he (#s no s'o&%h in th#t de+#rtment himse'f The 'oo$ th#t he (#s giving her right no( #'one) never mind the things he h#d s#id0 After his PA h#d s%&tt'ed o&t of his offi%e) %'osing the door behind her) she to'd him sh#$i'y) !:o& do re#'ise) don!t yo&) th#t by '&n%htime it (i'' be #'' over the offi%e8! !A'' over the offi%e8! he re+e#ted) giving her # desiro&s 'oo$ !9y de#r) 5 sh#'' be very s&r+rised #nd even more dis#++ointed if o&r ne(s h#s not tr#ve'ed # good de#' f&rther th#n th#t ! 7hen she g#ve him #n &n%om+rehending 'oo$ he e*+'#ined brief'y) !4y '&n%htime 5 f&''y e*+e%t it to h#ve tr#ve'ed #t 'e#st #s f#r #s Athens ! !To yo&r gr#ndf#ther)! "#s$i# g&essed !Amongst others)! Andre#s #greed %oo''y) (itho&t en'ightening her #s to (ho s&%h !others! might be

Une*+e%ted'y there (ere s&dden'y do<ens of 2&estions she (#nted to #s$ him, #bo&t his f#mi'y) #s (e'' #s his gr#ndf#ther) #nd the is'#nd he intended to t#$e her to) #nd #bo&t the (om#n his gr#ndf#ther (#nted him to m#rry "he h#d # v#g&e ide# th#t 3ree$s (ere very interested in +rote%ting f#mi'y interests #nd #%%ording to Emm# his %o&sin (#s !meg# (e#'thy!) #s (#s Andre#s himse'f "omeho() (itho&t $no(ing 2&ite ho( it h#d h#++ened) she dis%overed th#t Andre#s h#d re'e#sed her h#nd #nd th#t she (#s (#'$ing thro&gh the door he h#d o+ened for her !Re#dy) "#s$i#8! "#s$i# fe't the emb#rr#ssed %o'o&r st#rt to see+ &+ &nder her s$in #s Andre#s #++ro#%hed her des$ Her %o''e#g&es (ere st&dio&s'y #voiding 'oo$ing o+en'y #t them b&t "#s$i# $ne( +erfe%t'y (e'' th#t they (ere the %ynos&re of their #ttention Ho( %o&'d they not be8 !3ordon) 5!m #fr#id th#t "#s$i# is going to be '#te b#%$ from '&n%h)! Andre#s (#s #nno&n%ing to her bem&sed boss #s he %#me o&t from his offi%e !H#ve yo& to'd him o&r ne(s yet) d#r'ing)! Andre#s #s$ed her 'oving'y !Er0no0! "#s$i# %o&'dn!t bring herse'f to 'oo$ dire%t'y #t him !"#s$i#)! she %o&'d he#r her boss s#ying (e#$'y #s he 'oo$ed on disbe'ieving'y) !5 don!t &nderst#nd0! He (o&'d &nderst#nd even 'ess if she tried to e*+'#in to him (h#t (#s really h#++ening) "#s$i# #%$no('edged b'e#$'y 5t seemed to her th#t it (#s # very &nf#ir thing to do to de%eive the m#n (ho h#d been so $ind to her b&t (h#t #'tern#tive did she re#''y h#ve !:o& m&stn!t b'#me "#s$i#)! Andre#s (#s s#ying +rote%tive'y 5!m #fr#id 5!m the one (ho!s #t f#&'t 5 insisted th#t o&r re'#tionshi+ sho&'d be $e+t # se%ret &nti' the o&t%ome of o&r t#$eover bid be%#me +&b'i% 5 didn!t (#nt "#s$i# to be #%%&sed of h#ving %onf'i%ting 'oy#'ties1#nd 5 m&st te'' yo&) 3ordon) th#t she insisted th#t #ny $ind of dis%&ssion #bo&t the t#$eover (#s off-'imits bet(een &s0 9ind yo&) t#'$ing #bo&t (or$ (#s not e*#%t'y my n&mber one +riority (hen (e (ere together)! Andre#s #dmitted) (ith # sens&#' 'oo$ #t "#s$i# th#t m#de her f#%e b&rn even more hot'y #nd %#&sed more th#n one #&dib'e #nd envio&s g#s+ from her fem#'e %o-(or$ers !7hy did yo& h#ve to do that! "#s$i# dem#nded fretf&''y the moment they (ere #'one #nd o&t of e#rshot !Do (h#t8! Andre#s res+onded &nhe'+f&''y

!:o& $no( +erfe%t'y (e'' (h#t 5 me#n)! "#s$i# +rotested !7hy %o&'dn!t (e /&st h#ve met some(here8! !5n se%ret8! He 'oo$ed more bored no( th#n #moro&s) his eyebro(s dr#(ing together #s he fro(ned im+#tient'y do(n #t her He (#s # good de#' t#''er th#n her) (e'' over si* foot) #nd it h&rt her ne%$ # 'itt'e) %r#ning to 'oo$ &+ #t him "he (ished he (o&'dn!t (#'$ so %'ose to her; it m#de her fee' &n%omfort#b'e #nd on edge #nd someho( #(#re of herse'f #s # (om#n in # (#y th#t (#sn!t f#mi'i#r to her !H#ven!t 5 #'re#dy m#de it +'#in to yo& th#t the (ho'e ob/e%t of this e*er%ise is to bring o&r re'#tionshi+ into the +&b'i% dom#in8 7hi%h is (hy1! He smi'ed grim'y #t "#s$i# #s he bro$e off from (h#t he (#s s#ying to te'' her si'$i'y) !5!ve boo$ed # t#b'e #t the (ine b#r for '&n%h 5 #te there '#st night #nd 5 h#ve to s#y th#t the food (#s e*%e''ent1even if (h#t h#++ened '#ter (#s 'ess0+#'#t#b'e0! "&dden'y "#s$i# h#d h#d eno&gh !-oo$) 5 $ee+ trying to te'' yo&) '#st night (#s # mist#$e 50! !5 %om+'ete'y #gree (ith yo&)! Andre#s #ss&red her !5t was # mist#$e0your mist#$e0#nd (hi'st (e!re on the s&b/e%t) 'et me (#rn yo&) "#s$i#) if yo& ever m#nifest #nything simi'#r (hi'st yo& #re eng#ged to me) if yo& ever even look #t #nother m#n0! He sto++ed #s he s#( the sho%$ (idening her eyes !5!m h#'f-3ree$) my de#r)! he reminded her soft'y !And (hen it %omes to my (om#n) 5!m more 3ree$ th#n 5 #m 4ritish0very m&%h more0! !5!m not yo&r (om#n)! (#s the on'y res+onse "#s$i# fo&nd she %o&'d m#$e !No)! he #greed %yni%#''y !:o& be'ong to #ny m#n (ho %#n #fford yo&) don!t yo&) in re#'ity8 4&t0! He sto++ed #g#in #s he he#rd the sh#r+ so&nd of +rotest she m#de) her f#%e (hite #nd then red #s her emotions over(he'med her se'f-%ontro' !:o& h#ve no right to s+e#$ to me 'i$e th#t)! "#s$i# to'd him thi%$'y !No right8 4&t s&re'y #s yo&r fi#n%ee 5 h#ve every right)! Andre#s t#&nted her) #nd then) before she %o&'d sto+ him) he re#%hed o&t #nd r#n one 'ong finger bene#th her 'o(er eye'#shes) %o''e%ting on it the #ngry h&mi'i#ted te#rs th#t h#d /&st f#''en !Te#rs8! he mo%$ed her !9y de#r) yo& #re #n even better #%tress then 5 tho&ght ! They h#d re#%hed the (ine b#r #nd "#s$i# (#s for%ed to str&gg'e to %ontro' her emotions #s he o+ened the door #nd dre( her inside !5 don!t (#nt #nything to e#t 5!m not h&ngry)! she to'd him f'#t'y on%e they h#d been sho(n to their t#b'e

!"&'$ing8! he #s$ed her s&%%in%t'y !5 %#n!t for%e yo& to e#t) b&t 5 %ert#in'y don!t intend to deny myself the +'e#s&re of en/oying # good me#' ! !There #re things (e h#ve to dis%&ss)! he #dded in # %oo') b&siness'i$e voi%e #s he +i%$ed &+ the men& she h#d ignored #nd re#d it !5 $no( most of yo&r +erson#' det#i's from yo&r fi'e) b&t if (e #re to %onvin%e my f#mi'y #nd es+e%i#''y my gr#ndf#ther th#t (e #re 'overs) then there #re other things 5 sh#'' need to $no(0#nd things yo& (i'' need to $no( #bo&t me ! -overs0 "#s$i# /&st m#n#ged to sto+ herse'f from sh&ddering o+en'y 5f she h#d to #%%ede to his b'#%$m#i' then she (#s going to h#ve to 'e#rn to +'#y the g#me by his r&'es or ris$ being tot#''y destroyed by him !-overs ! "he g#ve him # b'e#$ smi'e !5 tho&ght 3ree$ f#mi'ies didn!t #++rove of se* before m#rri#ge ! !Not for their own d#&ghters)! he #greed b'#nd'y !4&t sin%e yo& #re not 3ree$) #nd sin%e 5 #m h#'f-4ritish 5 #m s&re th#t my gr#ndf#ther (i'' be more0to'er#nt0! !4&t he (o&'dn!t be to'er#nt if yo& (ere eng#ged to yo&r %o&sin8! "#s$i# +ressed) not s&re (hy she (#s doing so #nd even 'ess s&re /&st (hy the tho&ght of his %o&sin sho&'d #ro&se s&%h # sens#tion of +#in #nd hosti'ity (ithin her !Athen#) my %o&sin) is # widow) # +revio&s'y m#rried (om#n) #nd n#t&r#''y my gr#ndf#ther0! He +#&sed #nd then to'd her dry'y) !4esides) Athen# herse'f (o&'d never #%%e+t my gr#ndf#ther!s interferen%e in #ny #s+e%t of her 'ife "he is # very formid#b'e (om#n ! !"he!s # widow!! For some re#son "#s$i# h#d #ss&med th#t this %o&sin (#s # yo&ng gir' 5t h#d never o%%&rred to her th#t she might #'re#dy h#ve been m#rried !A (ido()! Andre#s %onfirmed !7ith t(o teen#ge %hi'dren ! !Teen#ge.! !"he m#rried #t t(enty-t(o)! Andre#s to'd her (ith # shr&g !Th#t (#s #'most t(enty ye#rs #go ! "#s$i#!s eyes (idened #s she did her s&ms Athen# (#s obvio&s'y o'der th#n Andre#s A 'one'y #nd no do&bt v&'ner#b'e (om#n (ho (#s being +ress&rised into # se%ond m#rri#ge she +erh#+s did not (#nt) "#s$i# de%ided sym+#theti%#''y !Ho(ever) yo& need not %on%ern yo&rse'f too m&%h (ith Athen#) sin%e it is do&btf&' th#t yo& (i''. meet her "he 'ives # very +eri+#teti% e*isten%e "he h#s homes in Athens) Ne( :or$ #nd P#ris #nd s+ends m&%h of her time tr#ve'ing bet(een them) #s (e'' #s r&nning the shi++ing 'ine she inherited !

A shi++ing 'ine #nd # hote' %h#in No (onder Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther (#s so #n*io&s for them to m#rry 5t #m#<ed "#s$i# th#t Andre#s (#s not e2&#''y $een on the m#t%h) es+e%i#''y $no(ing the h#rd b#rg#in he h#d driven over the t#$eover As tho&gh he h#d g&essed (h#t she (#s thin$ing) he 'e#ned to(#rds her #nd to'd her gritti'y) !Un'i$e yo&) 5 #m not +re+#red to se'' myse'f ! !5 (#s not se''ing myse'f)! "#s$i# denied hot'y) #nd then fro(ned #s the (#iter #++ro#%hed their t#b'e %#rrying t(o +'#tes of de'i%io&s-'oo$ing food !5 didn!t order # me#')! she beg#n #s he set one of them do(n in front of her #nd the other in front of Andre#s !No 5 ordered it for yo&)! Andre#s to'd her !5 don!t 'i$e to see my (omen 'oo$ing 'i$e s$inny semi-st#rved r#bbits A 3ree$ m#n m#y be +ermitted to be#t his (ife) b&t he (o&'d never stoo+ to st#rving her ! !4e#t0! "#s$i# beg#n rising to the b#it #nd then sto++ed #s she s#( the g'int in his eyes #nd re#'ised th#t he (#s te#sing her !5 s&s+e%t yo& #re the $ind of (om#n) "#s$i#) (ho (o&'d drive # s#int) never mind # mere mort#' m#n) to be driven to s&bd&e yo&) to m#ster yo& #nd then to (ish th#t he h#d h#d the strength to m#ster himse'f inste#d ! "#s$i# shivered #s the r#( sens&#'ity of (h#t he (#s s#ying hit her 'i$e # /o't of +o(erf&' e'e%tri%ity 7h#t (#s it #bo&t him th#t m#de her so #%&te'y #(#re of him) so nervo&s'y on edge8 9ore to distr#%t herse'f th#n #nything e'se she st#rted to e#t) &n#(#re of the r&ef&''y #m&sed 'oo$ Andre#s g#ve her #s she did so 5f he didn!t $no( better he (o&'d h#ve s#id th#t she (#s #s ine*+erien%ed #s # virgin The merest #''&sion to #nything se*&#' (#s eno&gh to h#ve her tremb'ing (ith re#%tion) &n#b'e to meet his g#<e 5t (#s /&st #s (e'' th#t he $ne( it (#s #'' #n #%t) other(ise0 Other(ise (h#t8 Other(ise he might be s#v#ge'y tem+ted to +&t his (ords into #%tions) to see if she tremb'ed #s de'i%io&s'y (hen he to&%hed her #s she did (hen he s+o$e to her To %o&nter (h#t he (#s fee'ing he beg#n to s+e#$ to her in # %ris+) b&siness'i$e voi%e !There #re %ert#in things yo& (i'' need to $no( #bo&t my f#mi'y b#%$gro&nd if yo& #re going to %onvin%e my gr#ndf#ther th#t (e #re in 'ove ! He +ro%eeded to give her # bre#$do(n of )his immedi#te f#mi'y) #dding # fe( %#&tion#ry %omments #bo&t his gr#ndf#ther!s he#'th !7hi%h does not me#n th#t he is not one h&ndred #nd fifty +er %ent on the b#'' 5f #nything) the f#%t th#t he is no( +revented from (or$ing so m&%h me#ns th#t he is even

more fero%io&s'y determined to interfere in my 'ife th#n he (#s before He te''s my mother th#t he is #fr#id he (i'' die before 5 give him #ny gre#t-gr#nd%hi'dren 5f th#t is not b'#%$m#i'. 5 don!t $no( (h#t is)! Andre#s gro('ed !5t!s obvio&s'y # f#mi'y vi%e)! "#s$i# to'd him) mo%$ s(eet'y) e#rning herse'f # 'oo$ th#t she ref&sed) to #''o( to m#$e her 2&#$e in her shoes !U'tim#te'y) of %o&rse) o&r eng#gement (i'' h#ve) to be bro$en)! Andre#s to'd her &nne%ess#ri'y !No do&bt o&r so/o&rn on the is'#nd (i'' reve#' %ert#in #s+e%ts of o&r %h#r#%ters th#t (e sh#'' find m&t&#''y &n#++e#'ing) #nd on o&r ret&rn to Eng'#nd (e sh#'' bring o&r eng#gement to #n end 4&t #t 'e#st 5 sh#'' h#ve bo&ght myse'f some time0#nd ho+ef&''y Athen# (i'' h#ve de%ided to #%%e+t one of the m#ny s&itors my gr#ndf#ther s#ys #re on'y too (i''ing to be%ome her se%ond h&sb#nd ! !And if she doesn!t8! "#s$i# fe't im+e''ed to #s$ !$f she doesn!t) (e sh#'' /&st h#ve to de'#y ending o&r eng#gement &nti' either she does or 5 find #n #'tern#tive (#y of %onvin%ing my gr#ndf#ther th#t one of my sisters %#n +rovide him (ith his gre#tgr#nd%hi'dren ! !:o& don!t ever (#nt to m#rry8! "#s$i# (#s st#rt'ed into #s$ing !7e'') 'et!s /&st s#y th#t sin%e 5 h#ve re#%hed the #ge of thirty-five (itho&t meeting # (om#n (ho h#s m#de me fee' my 'ife is &n'iv#b'e (itho&t her by my side) 5 someho( do&bt th#t 5 #m 'i$e'y to do so no( F#''ing in 'ove is # yo&ng m#n!s e*tr#v#g#n%e 5n # m#n +#st thirty it is more of # v#in fo''y ! !9y f#ther fe'' in 'ove (ith my mother (hen he (#s seventeen)! "#s$i# %o&'dn!t sto+ herse'f from te''ing him !They r#n #(#y together0! Her eyes %'o&ded !5t (#s # mist#$e They fe'' o&t of 'ove (ith one #nother before 5 (#s born An o'der m#n (o&'d #t 'e#st h#ve h#d some sense of res+onsibi'ity to(#rds the 'ife he h#d he'+ed to %re#te 9y f#ther (#s sti'' # %hi'd himse'f ! !He #b#ndoned yo&8! Andre#s #s$ed her) fro(ning !They both did)! "#s$i# to'd him terse'y !5f it h#dn!t been for my gr#ndmother 5 (o&'d h#ve ended &+ in # %hi'dren!s home ! "ober'y Andre#s (#t%hed her 7#s that (hy she (ent tr#('ing b#rs for men8 7#s she se#r%hing for the m#'e 'ove she fe't she h#d been denied by her f#ther8 His desire to e*oner#te her from her beh#vio&r irrit#ted him Why (#s he trying to m#$e e*%&ses for her8 "&re'y he h#dn!t #%t&#''y been t#$en in by those te#rs e#r'ier !5t!s time for &s to 'e#ve)! he to'd her br&s2&e'y CHAPTER FOUR

5F "O9EONE h#d to'd her t(o (ee$s #go th#t) she (o&'d be 'e#ving behind her everything th#t (#s f#mi'i#r to f'y to #n &n$no(n 3ree$ is'#nd in the %om+#ny of #n e2&#''y &n$no(n m#n to (hom she (#s s&++osed to be eng#ged "#s$i# (o&'d h#ve sh#$en her he#d in deni#' #nd #m&sement1(hi%h /&st (ent to sho(. 7hi%h /&st (ent to sho( (h#t # %ombin#tion of m#'e #rrog#n%e) se'f-be'ief #nd determin#tion %o&'d do) es+e%i#''y (hen it (#s #''ied to the $ind of %ontro' th#t one +#rti%&'#r m#'e h#d over her) "#s$i# fretted d#r$'y 5n 'ess th#n fifteen min&tes! time Andre#s (o&'d be +i%$ing her &+ in his 9er%edes for the first 'eg of their /o&rney to A+hrodite) the is'#nd Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther h#d bo&ght for his (ife #nd n#med #fter the goddess of 'ove !Theirs (#s # 'ove m#t%h b&t one th#t h#d the #++rov#' of both f#mi'ies)! Andre#s h#d to'd "#s$i# (hen he h#d been briefing her #bo&t his b#%$gro&nd A 'ove m#t%h0&n'i$e their bog&s eng#gement J&st being # +#rty to th#t $ind of de%eit) even tho&gh it (#s #g#inst her (i'') m#de "#s$i# fee' &n%omfort#b'e) b&t no(here ne#r #s &n%omfort#b'e #s she h#d fe't (hen she h#d h#d to te'e+hone her gr#ndmother #nd 'ie to her) s#ying th#t she (#s going #(#y on b&siness Andre#s h#d tried to insist th#t she inform her gr#ndmother of their eng#gement) b&t "#s$i# h#d ref&sed !You m#y be h#++y to 'ie to yo&r f#mi'y #bo&t o&r s&++osed 6re'#tionshi+6)! she h#d to'd him (ith # 'oo$ of smo$y-eyed des+#ir !4&t 5 can't 'ie to my gr#ndmother #bo&t something so0! "he h#dn!t been #b'e to go on) &n(i''ing to betr#y herse'f by #dmitting to Andre#s th#t her gr#ndmother (o&'d never be'ieve th#t "#s$i# h#d %ommitted herse'f #nd her f&t&re to # m#n (itho&t 'oving him On%e the f#''-o&t from the ne(s of her !eng#gement! h#d s&bsided #t (or$) her %o''e#g&es h#d tre#ted her (ith both (#ry %#&tion #nd dist#n%e "he (#s no( the boss!s fi#n%Ae #nd #s s&%h no 'onger re#''y !one of them! A'' in #'' "#s$i# h#d s+ent the (ee$ fee'ing in%re#sing'y iso'#ted #nd frightened) b&t she (#s too +ro&d to s#y #nything to #nyone1# h#ng-&+) she s&s+e%ted) from the d#ys of her %hi'dhood) (hen the f#%t th#t her +#rents! story (#s so (ide'y $no(n) %o&+'ed (ith the (#y she h#d been d&m+ed on her gr#ndmother) h#d m#de her fee' different) dist#n%ed from her s%hoo'm#tes) (ho h#d #'' seemed to h#ve +ro+er m&mmies #nd d#ddies Not th#t #nyone %o&'d h#ve 'oved her more th#n her gr#ndmother h#d done) #s "#s$i# (#s the first to #%$no('edge no( Her home b#%$gro&nd h#d in re#'ity been /&st #s 'oving #nd st#b'e) if not more so) th#n th#t of the m#/ority of her +eers "he g#ve # sm#'' s&rre+titio&s 'oo$ #t her (#t%h -ess th#n five min&tes to go Her he#rt th&m+ed he#vi'y Her +#%$ed s&it%#se (#s re#dy #nd (#iting in the h#'' "he h#d

#gonised over (h#t she o&ght to t#$e #nd in the end h#d %om+romised (ith # mi*t&re of the s&mmer ho'id#y %'othes she h#d bo&ght three ye#rs +revio&s'y) (hen she #nd 9eg#n h#d gone to Port&g#' together) +'&s some of her 'ight(eight offi%e "he h#dn!t seen Andre#s sin%e he h#d t#$en her o&t for '&n%h1not th#t she h#d minded that No indeed. He h#d been #ttending # gr&e'ing s%hed&'e of b&siness meetings-de#'ing) if the tri%$'es of gossi+ th#t h#d fi'tered thro&gh the gr#+evine (ere #nything to go by) heroi%#''y) (ith the +rob'ems +osed b'ithe %h#''enging sit&#tion the hote's h#d f#''en into +rior to the t#$eover !He!s visited every sing'e one of o&r hote's)! "#s$i# h#d he#rd from one #dmiring so&r%e !And he!s been thro&gh every sing'e #s+e%t of the (#y they!re being r&n1#nd g&ess (h#t8! "#s$i#) (ho h#d been on the edge of the gro&+ (ho!d been 'istening e#ger'y to this story) h#d s(#''o(ed &n%omfort#b'y) e*+e%ting to he#r th#t Andre#s h#d instit&ted # +rogr#mme of m#ss s#%$ings in order to h#'t the f'ood of &n+rofit#b'e e*+enses) b&t to her #stonishment inste#d she h#d he#rd) !He!s to'd everyone th#t their /ob is s#fe) +rovided they %#n meet the t#rgets he!s going to be setting Every(here he!s been he!s given the st#ff # +e+ t#'$) to'd them ho( m&%h he v#'&es the #%2&isition his gro&+ h#s m#de #nd ho( he +erson#''y is going to be he'd res+onsib'e by the bo#rd of dire%tors if he %#n!t t&rn it into # +rofit-m#$ing #sset ! The gossi+ (#s th#t Andre#s h#d # (#y (ith him th#t h#d his ne( em+'oyees not on'y s(e#ring #''egi#n%e b&t #++#rent'y +r#ising him to the s$ies #s (e'' 7e'') they obvio&s'y h#dn!t (itnessed the side to his %h#r#%ter she h#d done) (#s #'' th#t "#s$i# h#d been #b'e to thin$ #s she 'istened # 'itt'e bitter'y to everyone!s #'most e&+hori% +r#ise of him 5t (#s ten-thirty no() #nd he (#sn!t0 "#s$i# tensed #s she s&dden'y s#( the '#rge 9er%edes +&''ing &+ o&tside her gr#ndmother!s ho&se Right on time. 4&t of %o&rse Andre#s (o&'d not (#ste # +re%io&s se%ond of his time &n'ess he h#d to) es+e%i#''y not on her. 4y the time he h#d re#%hed the front door she h#d o+ened it #nd (#s st#nding (#iting for him) her s&it%#se in one h#nd #nd her door $ey in the other !7h#t!s th#t8! "he %o&'d see the (#y he (#s fro(ning #s he 'oo$ed do(n #t her ine*+ensive %#se #nd immedi#te'y +ride f'#red thro&gh her sh#r+ening her o(n voi%e #s she #ns(ered him (ith # %&rt) !9y s&it%#se ! !3ive it to me)! he instr&%ted her brief'y

!5 %#n %#rry it myse'f)! "#s$i# informed him gritti'y 5!m s&re yo& %#n)! Andre#s #greed) e2&#''y grim'y !4&t0! !4&t (h#t8! "#s$i# %h#''enged him #ngri'y !4&t 3ree$ men do not #''o( (omen to %#rry their o(n '&gg#ge nor to be inde+endent from them in #ny (#y8! "#s$i# %o&'d see from the (#y Andre#s!s mo&th tightened th#t he did not 'i$e (h#t she h#d s#id For some +erverse re#son she fe't driven to %h#''enge him) even tho&gh # +#rt of her shr#n$ from the storm sign#'s she %o&'d see f'#shing in his eyes 5!m #fr#id in this inst#n%e yo& sho&'d +erh#+s b'#me my Eng'ish f#ther r#ther th#n my 3ree$ mother)! he to'd her i%i'y !The Eng'ish +&b'i% s%hoo' he insisted 5 (#s sent to be'ieved in (h#t is no( %onsidered to be #n o&td#ted %ode of good m#nners for its +&+i's ! He g#ve her # thin) &nfriend'y 'oo$ !One (ord of (#rning to yo& 9y gr#ndf#ther is in%'ined to be o'd-f#shioned #bo&t s&%h things He (i'' not &nderst#nd yo&r modern insisten%e on +o'iti%#''y %orre%t beh#vio&r) #nd (hi'st yo& #re on the is'#nd0! !5 h#ve to do #s you te'' me)! "#s$i# finished bitter'y for him 5f this (#s # t#ste of (h#t the ne*t fe( (ee$s (ere going to be 'i$e she didn!t $no( ho( she (#s going to s&rvive them "ti'') #t 'e#st there (o&'d be one benefit of then- obvio&s hosti'ity to one #nother No one (ho (o&'d be observing them together (o&'d be s&r+rised (hen they de%ided to end their !eng#gement! !O&r f'ight 'e#ves He#thro( #t nine tomorro( morning) so (e (i'' need to 'e#ve the #+#rtment e#r'y)! Andre#s informed "#s$i# on%e they (ere in the %#r !The apartment!' "#s$i# 2&estioned him (#ri'y immedi#te'y !:es)! Andre#s %onfirmed !5 h#ve #n #+#rtment in -ondon 7e sh#'' be st#ying there tonight This #fternoon (e sh#'' s+end sho++ing ! !"ho++ing8! "#s$i# beg#n to interr&+t) b&t Andre#s overr&'ed her !:es) sho++ing)! he to'd her %#&tio&s'y !:o& (i'' need #n eng#gement ring) #nd0! He +#&sed #nd g#ve her # brief s$imming 'oo$ of #ssessment #nd dismiss#' th#t m#de her it%h to dem#nd th#t he sto+ the %#r immedi#te'y Oh) ho( she (o&'d 'ove to be #b'e to te'' him th#t she h#d %h#nged her mind0th#t there (#s no (#y she (#s going to give in to his b'#%$m#i' 4&t she $ne( there (#s no (#y she %o&'d !:o& (i'' need more s&it#b'e %'othes ! !5f yo& me#n ho'id#y %'othes)! "#s$i# beg#n) !they #re in my %#se) #nd0!

!No) 5 do not me#n 6ho'id#y6 %'othes ! Andre#s sto++ed her grim'y !5 #m #n inde+endent'y (e#'thy m#n) "#s$i#; yo& don!t need me to te'' yo& th#t :o&r de+#rtment!s investig#tions +rior to o&r t#$eover m&st h#ve informed yo& to the ne#rest h&ndred tho&s#nd +o&nds (h#t my #sset v#'&e is 9y gr#ndf#ther is # mi''ion#ire m#ny times over) #nd my mother #nd my sisters #re &sed to b&ying their domes from the (or'd!s to+ designers) even tho&gh none of them #re (h#t %o&'d be %onsidered to be f#shion vi%tims or sho+#ho'i%s N#t&r#''y) #s my fi#n%ee0! 7itho&t #''o(ing him to finish "#s$i# too$ # dee+) #ngry bre#th #nd to'd him d#ngero&s'y) !5f yo& thin$ th#t 5 #m going to 'et you b&y my %'othes0! 7ith on'y the briefest of +#&ses Andre#s too$ %ontro' of the sit&#tion from her by #s$ing smooth'y) !7hy not8 After #'') yo& (ere +re+#red to 'et me b&y yo&r %ody 9e or indeed #ny other m#n (ho (#s +re+#red to +#y for it ! !No. Th#t!s not tr&e)! "#s$i# denied (ith # sho%$ed g#s+ !Very good)! Andre#s mo%$ed her !4&t yo& %#n s#ve the s+e%i#' effe%ts for my f#mi'y 5 $no( e"actly (h#t yo& #re1remember Thin$ of these %'othes #s # +er$ of yo&r /ob ! He g#ve her # thin) &n$ind smi'e !Ho(ever) h#ving s#id th#t) 5 h#ve to #dd th#t 5 sh#'' (#nt to vet (h#tever yo& (ish to +&r%h#se The im#ge 5 (#nt yo& to %onvey to my f#mi'y #s my fi#n%ee is one of e'eg#n%e #nd good t#ste ! !7h#t #re yo& trying to s&ggest8! "#s$i# hissed f&rio&s'y #t him !Th#t 'eft to my o(n devi%es 5 might %hose something more s&ited to #08! "he sto++ed) &n#b'e to bring herse'f to voi%e the (ords b&rning # +#inf&' br#nd in her tho&ghts To her bem&sement) inste#d of s#ying them for her Andre#s s#id %oo''y) !:o& #re obvio&s'y not &sed to b&ying e*+ensive %'othes #nd there is no (#y 5 (#nt yo& ind&'ging in some $ind of idioti% &nne%ess#ry e%onomy (hi%h (o&'d neg#te the (ho'e +&r+ose of the e*er%ise 5 don!t (#nt yo& b&ying %'othes more s&it#b'e for # yo&ng (om#n on # modest s#'#ry th#n the fi#n%ee of #n e*treme'y (e#'thy m#n)! he informed her b'&nt'y) in %#se she h#d not &nderstood him the first time For on%e "#s$i# %o&'d thin$ of nothing to s#y) b&t inside she (#s # b&nd'e of f&ry #nd sh#me There (#s no (#y she %o&'d sto+ Andre#s from %#rrying o&t his +'#ns) she $ne( th#t) b&t she f&''y intended to $ee+ # ment#' re%ord of everything he s+ent iso th#t &'tim#te'y she %o&'d re+#y him) even if doing so tot#''y de+'eted the sm#'' nest egg she h#d been %#ref&''y s#ving !No more ob/e%tions8! Andre#s en2&ired smooth'y !3ood) be%#&se 5 +romise yo&) "#s$i#) 5 me#n to h#ve my (#y1even if th#t ent#i's dressing yo& #nd &ndressing yo& myse'f to get it 9#$e no mist#$e) (hen (e #rrive on A+hrodite yo& (i'' be #rriving #s my fi#n%ee ! As he drove do(n the s'i+(#y onto the motor(#y #nd the +o(erf&' %#r +i%$ed &+ s+eed "#s$i# de%ided di+'om#ti%#''y th#t 2&#rre''ing (ith him (hi'st he (#s driving #t s&%h #

s+eed (o&'d be very foo'ish indeed 5t (#s over h#'f #n ho&r '#ter before she re%ognised th#t) in her #n*iety to re/e%t Andre#s!s %'#imed right to de%ide (h#t she sho&'d (e#r) she h#d neg'e%ted to de#' (ith the more im+ort#nt iss&e of her dis%omfort #t the ide# of s+ending the night (ith him 4&t (h#t did she re#''y h#ve to fe#r8 Cert#in'y not #ny se*&#' #dv#n%es from Andre#s He h#d) #fter #'') m#de it sh#ming'y +'#in (h#t he tho&ght of her se*&#' mor#'s "he h#d f#r too m&%h +ride to #dmit to him th#t she fe't d#&nted #nd #++rehensive #t the tho&ght of sh#ring the intim#%y of #n #+#rtment (ith him On the is'#nd it (o&'d be different There they (o&'d be (ith his f#mi'y #nd the st#ff (ho r#n the '#rge vi''# %om+'e* he s#id his gr#ndf#ther h#d h#d b&i't on it No) she (o&'d be (ise to grit her teeth #nd s#y nothing r#ther th#n ris$ e*+osing herse'f to his disbe'ief #nd mo%$ing %ontem+t by e*+ressing her #n*ieties

As she (#ited for the %h#&ffe&r to 'o#d her '&gg#ge into the boot of her hired 'imo&sine Athen# t#++ed one s'ender e*+ensive'y shod foot im+#tient'y The moment she h#d he#rd the ne(s th#t Andre#s (#s eng#ged #nd #bo&t to bring his fi#n%ee to A+hrodite on #n offi%i#' visit to meet his f#mi'y she h#d s+r&ng into #%tion Fort&n#te'y #n eng#gement (#s not # m#rri#ge) #nd she %ert#in'y intended to m#$e s&re th#t this eng#gement never m#de it #s f#r #s # (edding "he $ne( (hy Andre#s h#d done it) of %o&rse He (#s) #fter #'') 3ree$ to the very m#rro( of his bones1even if he %hose to insist on everyone #%$no('edging his 4ritish b'ood1#nd 'i$e #ny 3ree$ m#n) indeed #ny man he h#d #n inborn need to be the one in %ontro' His %'#im to be in 'ove (ith this other (om#n (#s sim+'y his (#y of sho(ing th#t %ontro') re/e%ting the m#rri#ge to her (hi%h (#s so very de#r to his gr#ndf#ther!s he#rt #nd to her o(n As the 'imo&sine s+ed #(#y from the $erb she 'e#ned for(#rd #nd g#ve the driver the #ddress of # +restigio&s #+#rtment b'o%$ over'oo$ing the river "he herse'f did not m#int#in # home in -ondon; she +referred Ne( :or$!s so%i#' 'ife #nd the P#ris sho+s Andre#s might thin$ he h#d o&tm#noe&vred her by #nno&n%ing his eng#gement to this &ndo&bted'y %o'd #nd se*'ess Eng'ish fi#n%ee 7e'') she (o&'d soon bring #n end to th#t) #nd m#$e s&re th#t he $ne( (here his re#' interests '#y After #'') ho( %o&'d he +ossib'y resist her. "he h#d everything he %o&'d (#nt) #nd he %ert#in'y h#d everything she (#nted 5t (#s # +ity he h#d m#n#ged to +revent her from o&tbidding him for this '#test #%2&isition O(nershi+ of the hote's themse'ves me#nt nothing to her per se& b&t it (o&'d

h#ve been #n e*%e''ent b#it to d#ng'e in front of him sin%e he obvio&s'y set # gre#t de#' of store by them 7hy) she %o&'d not &nderst#nd 4&t then in m#ny (#ys there (ere # %onsider#b'e n&mber of things #bo&t Andre#s th#t she did not &nderst#nd 5t (#s one of the things th#t m#de him so desir#b'e to her Athen# h#d #'(#ys %oveted th#t (hi%h seemed to be o&t of re#%h The first time she h#d re#'ised she (#nted Andre#s he h#d been fifteen #nd she h#d been on the verge of m#rrying her h&sb#nd "he smi'ed (#nton'y to herse'f) 'i%$ing her 'i+s At fifteen Andre#s) #'tho&gh # boy) h#d been #s t#'' #s # m#n #nd #s bro#d) (ith # s&+erb'y fit yo&ng body) #nd so indes%rib#b'y good-'oo$ing th#t the sight of him h#d m#de her me't (ith '&st "he h#d done her best to sed&%e him b&t he h#d m#n#ged to resist her #nd then) (ithin # month of de%iding th#t she (#nted him) she h#d been m#rried At t(enty-t(o she h#d not been # yo&ng bride by 3ree$ st#nd#rds) #nd she h#d been %#ref&''y st#'$ing her h&sb#nd-to-be for some time O'der th#n her by # de%#de) #nd immense'y (e#'thy) he h#d +'#yed # %#t #nd mo&se g#me (ith her for (e'' over # ye#r before he h#d fin#''y %#+it&'#ted There h#d %ert#in'y been no (#y she (#s going to give &+ the m#rri#ge she h#d (or$ed so h#rd for for the +#ssion she fe't for Andre#s) # mere boy 4&t then f#te h#d ste++ed in Her h&sb#nd h#d died &ne*+e%ted'y #nd she h#d been 'eft # (ido( A very ri%h (ido(0# very ri%h #nd se*&#''y h&ngry (ido( And Andre#s (#s no( # m#n1#nd (h#t # m#n. The on'y thing th#t (#s $ee+ing them #+#rt (#s Andre#s!s +ride 5t h#d to be 7h#t other re#son %o&'d he +ossib'y h#ve for resisting her #dv#n%es8 As the 'imo&sine +&''ed &+ #t the #ddress she h#d given the driver Athen# e*#mined her ref'e%tion in the ne#t mirrors fitted into the Ro''s!s interior Th#t dis%reet ni+ #nd t&%$ she h#d h#d '#st ye#r h#d been (e'' (orth the +rin%e!s r#nsom she h#d +#id the Ameri%#n +'#sti% s&rgeon "he %o&'d 2&ite e#si'y +#ss for # (om#n in her e#r'y thirties no( Her /et-b'#%$ h#ir h#d been %&t #nd sty'ed by one of the (or'd!s to+ h#irdressers) her s$in g'o(ed from the e*+ensive %re#ms '#vished on it) her m#$e-&+ (#s imm#%&'#te #nd em+h#sised the s'#nting d#r$ness of her eyes) her toe #nd fingern#i's g'e#med ri%h'y (ith d#r$ red +o'ish A smi'e of s#tisf#%tion %&rved her mo&th No) there (#s no (#y Andre#s!s dre#ry 'itt'e fi#n%ee1#n offi%e gir') someone he h#d s&++osed'y f#''en in 'ove (ith d&ring the negoti#tions to b&y o&t the hote' %h#in1%o&'d %om+ete (ith her Athen#!s eyes h#rdened This gir') (hoever she (#s) (o&'d soon 'e#rn (h#t # mist#$e she h#d m#de in trying to '#y %'#im on the m#n Athena (#nted 7h#t # very) very big mist#$e.

As she 'eft the 'imo&sine the +erf&me she h#d es+e%i#''y b'ended for her in P#ris moved (ith her) # he#vy) m&s$y %'o&d of se*&#'ity Her teen#ge d#&ghters 'o#thed it) #nd (ere %onst#nt'y begging her to %h#nge it) b&t she h#d no intention of doing so 5t (#s her sign#t&re) the essen%e of herse'f #s # (om#n Andre#s!s Eng'ish fi#n%ee no do&bt (ore something d&'' #nd insi+id s&%h #s '#vender (#ter.

!5='' 'e#ve the %#r here)! Andre#s to'd "#s$i# #s he s(&ng the 9er%edes into # m&'ti-storey %#r +#r$ right in the %entre of the %ity "#s$i#!s eyes (idened #s she s#( the t#riff +inned &+ by the b#rrier "he (o&'d never h#ve dre#med of +#ying so m&%h to +#r$ # %#r) b&t the ri%h) #s they s#id) (ere different J&st ho( different she %#me to re#'ise d&ring the %o&rse of the #fternoon) #s Andre#s g&ided her into # series of sho+s the 'i$e of (hi%h "#s$i# h#d never im#gined e*isted And in e#%h one the very #&r# of his +resen%e seemed to dr#( from the s#'es #ssist#nts the $ind of reverenti#' re#%tion th#t m#de "#s$i# tighten her 'i+s "he %o&'d see the fem#'e #dmir#tion #nd s+e%&'#tion in their eyes #s # series of o&tfits (#s +rod&%ed for his ins+e%tion For his ins+e%tion1 not hers) "#s$i# re%ognised #nd her sense of he'+'ess fr&str#tion #nd resentment gre( (ith e#%h sho+ they visited !5!m not # do'' or # %hi'd)! she e*+'oded o&tside one of them) (hen she h#d f'#t'y ref&sed to even try on the %re#m tro&ser s&it the s#'esgir' h#d g&shing'y de%'#red (o&'d be +erfe%t for her !No8 7e'') yo&!re %ert#in'y giving # (onderf&' imit#tion of beh#ving 'i$e one)! Andre#s res+onded grim'y !Th#t s&it (#s1! !Th#t s&it (#s over one tho&s#nd +o&nds)! "#s$i# interr&+ted him gritti'y !There!s no (#y 5 (o&'d ever +#y th#t $ind of money for #n o&tfit0 not even my (edding dress.! 7hen Andre#s st#rted to '#&gh she g'#red f&rio&s'y #t him) dem#nding) !7h#t!s so f&nny8! !:o& #re)! he to'd her &n%om+romising'y !9y de#r "#s$i#) h#ve yo& re#''y #ny ide# of the $ind of (edding dress yo& (o&'d get for &nder # tho&s#nd +o&nds8! !No) 5 h#ven!t)! "#s$i# #dmitted !4&t 5 do $no( th#t 5!d never fee' %omfort#b'e (e#ring %'othes the %ost of (hi%h (o&'d feed # sm#'' %o&ntry) #nd neither is #n e*+ensive (edding dress #ny g&#r#ntee of # good m#rri#ge ! !Oh) s+#re me the right-on 'e%t&res)! Andre#s bro$e in in e*#s+er#tion !H#ve yo& ever tho&ght of ho( m#ny +eo+'e (o&'d be (itho&t /obs if everyone (ent #ro&nd (e#ring s#%$%'oth #nd #shes) #s yo& obvio&s'y (o&'d h#ve them do8!

!Th#t!s not f#ir)! "#s$i# defended herse'f "he (#s) #fter #'') feminine eno&gh to 'i$e good %'othes #nd to (#nt to 'oo$ her best) #nd in th#t tro&ser s&it she would &ndeni#b'y h#ve 'oo$ed good) she #dmitted in(#rd'y 4&t she (#s #%&te'y %ons%io&s of the f#%t th#t every +enny Andre#s s+ent on her she (o&'d h#ve to re+#y !5 don!t $no( (hy yo&!re insisting on doing this)! she to'd Andre#s rebe''io&s'y !5 don!t need #ny %'othes; 5!ve #'re#dy to'd yo& th#t And there!s %ert#in'y no need for yo& to thro( yo&r money #ro&nd to im+ress me ! !:o& or #nyone e'se)! Andre#s %&t in sh#r+'y) d#r$ b#nds of %o'o&r b&rning #%ross his %hee$bones in # vis&#' (#rning to her th#t she h#d #ngered him !5 #m # b&sinessm#n) "#s$i# Thro(ing money #ro&nd for any re#son is not something 5 do) 'e#st of #'' in #n #ttem+t to im+ress # (om#n (ho %o&'d e#si'y be bo&ght for 'ess th#n h#'f the +ri%e of th#t tro&ser s&it Oh) no) yo& don!t)! he %#&tioned her soft'y) re#%hing o&t to %#t%h ho'd of the h#nd she h#d #&tom#ti%#''y 'ifted He (#s ho'ding her (rist in s&%h # tight gri+ th#t "#s$i# %o&'d #%t&#''y see her fingers going (hite) b&t her +ride (o&'dn!t #''o( her to te'' him th#t he (#s h&rting her 5t #'so (o&'dn!t #''o( her to #%$no('edge th#t she h#d moment#ri'y 'et her fee'ings get o&t of %ontro') #nd it (#s on'y (hen she s&dden'y st#rted to s(#y) (hite-f#%ed (ith +#in #nd sho%$) th#t Andre#s re#'ised (h#t (#s h#++ening He re'e#sed her (rist (ith # m&ff'ed %&rse #nd then st#rt to %h#fe 'ife b#%$ into her h#nd !7hy didn!t yo& tell me 5 (#s h&rting)yo& so m&%h8! he gr#ted !:o& h#ve bones #s fr#gi'e #s # bird!s ! Even no() (ith his d#r$ he#d bent over her ting'ing h#nd (hi'st he m#ss#ged it e*+ert'y to bring the b'ood stinging b#%$ into her veins) "#s$i# %o&'dn!t #''o( herse'f to (e#$en #nd %'#im his %om+#ssion !5 didn!t (#nt to s+oi' yo&r f&n)! she to'd him sh#r+'y !:o& (ere obvio&s'y en'oying h&rting me ! "he tensed (hen she he#rd the o#th he g#ve #s he re'e#sed her %om+'ete'y) #nd tensed #g#in #t the sternness in his voi%e) one 'oo$ of grim determin#tion in his eyes #s he s#id) !This h#s gone f#r eno&gh :o& #re beh#ving 'i$e # %hi'd First # h#r'ot #nd no( # %hi'd There is on'y one ro'e 5 (#nt to see yo& +'#y from no( on) "#s$i#) #nd th#t is the one (e h#ve #'re#dy #greed &+on 5!'' (#rn yo& no( 5f yo& do or s#y anything to m#$e my f#mi'y s&s+e%t th#t o&rs is not # tr&e 'ove m#t%h 5 sh#'' m#$e yo& very sorry for it Do yo& &nderst#nd me8! !:es) 5 &nderst#nd yo&)! "#s$i# #greed (ooden'y !5 me#n (h#t 5 s#y)! Andre#s (#rned her !And it (on!t /&st be the Demetrios %h#in yo& (on!t be #b'e to (or$ for 5f yo& f'o&t me) "#s$i# 5!'' see to it th#t yo& (i'' never be #b'e

to (or$ anywhere #g#in !An #%%o&nt#nt (ho %#n!t be tr&sted #nd (ho h#s been dismissed on s&s+i%ion of ste#'ing is not one th#t #nyone (i'' (#nt to em+'oy ! !:o& %#n!t do th#t)! "#s$i# (his+ered) (hite-f#%ed) b&t she $ne( #'' too (e'' th#t he %o&'d "he h#ted him no(0re#''y h#ted him) #nd (hen in the ne*t sho+ he m#r%hed her into she s#( the s#'esgir'!s eyes (idening in bre#th'ess se*&#' interest) she ref'e%ted ment#''y th#t the other gir' (#s (e'%ome to him0more th#n (e'%ome. 5t (#s '#te in the #fternoon before Andre#s fin#''y de%ided th#t "#s$i# h#d # (#rdrobe s&it#b'e for his fi#n%ee At their '#st +ort of %#'' he h#d %#''ed &+on the servi%es of the store!s +erson#' sho++er (ho) (ith re'ent'ess effi%ien%y) h#d +rovided "#s$i# (ith the $ind of %'othes th#t she h#d +revio&s'y on'y ever seen in g'ossy m#g#<ines "he h#d tried to re/e%t everything the sho++er h#d +rod&%ed) b&t on e#%h o%%#sion #+#rt from one Andre#s h#d overr&'ed her The on'y time they h#d been in #%%ord h#d been (hen the sho++er h#d bro&ght o&t # bi$ini (hi%h she h#d #nno&n%ed (#s +erfe%t for "#s$i#!s %o'o&ring #nd destin#tion The min&teness of the tri#ng'es (hi%h (ere s&++osed to %over her modesty h#d m#de "#s$i#!s eyes (iden in disbe'ief1#nd they h#d (idened even more (hen she h#d dis%reet'y m#n#ged to st&dy the +ri%e t#g !5 %o&'dn!t +ossib'y s(im in th#t)! she h#d b'&rted o&t !(wim in it8! The other (om#n h#d 'oo$ed st&nned !3ood he#vens) no) of %o&rse not !This isn!t for swimming in And) 'oo$) this is the (r#+ th#t goes (ith it 5sn!t it divine8! she h#d +&rred) +rod&%ing # 'ength of si'$y fr#gi'e f#bri% embe''ished (ith se2&ins As she!d seen the fo&r-fig&re +ri%e on the (r#+ "#s$i# h#d tho&ght she might #%t&#''y f#int (ith disbe'ief) b&t to her re'ief #nd s&r+rise Andre#s h#d #'so sh#$en his he#d !Th#t is not the $ind of o&tfit 5 (o&'d (ish my fi#n%ee to (e#r)! he h#d to'd the sho++er b'&nt'y) #dding) /&st in %#se she h#d not f&''y &nderstood him) !"#s$i#!s body is eye%#t%hing eno&gh (itho&t her needing to embe''ish it (ith #n o&tfit more s&it#b'e for # %#'' gir' ! The sho++er di+'om#ti%#''y h#d not +ressed the iss&e) b&t inste#d h#d gone #(#y) ret&rning (ith sever#' s(ims&its "#s$i# h#d +i%$ed the %he#+est of them) &n(i''ing'y #''o(ing Andre#s to #dd # m#t%hing (r#+

7hi'st he!d been sett'ing the bi'' #nd m#$ing #rr#ngements for everything to be de'ivered to his riverside #+#rtment "#s$i# h#d dr&n$ the %offee the +erson#' sho++er h#d org#nised for her Perh#+s it (#s be%#&se she h#dn!t re#''y e#ten #nything #'' d#y th#t she (#s fee'ing so 'ighthe#ded #nd #n*io&s) she de%ided 5t %o&'dn!t s&re'y be be%#&se she #nd Andre#s (ere no( going to go to his #+#rtment) (here they (o&'d be #'one1%o&'d it8 !There!s #n e*%e''ent rest#&r#nt %'ose to the #+#rtment b'o%$)! Andre#s informed "#s$i#) on%e they (ere in the %#r #nd he (#s driving her to(#rds the do%$'#nd #re# (here his #+#rtment (#s sit&#ted !5!'' #rr#nge to h#ve # me#' sent in #nd0! !No)! "#s$i# +rotested immedi#te'y !5!d r#ther e#t o&t ! "he %o&'d see th#t Andre#s (#s fro(ning !5 don!t thin$ th#t!s # good ide#)! he to'd her f'#t'y !A (om#n on her o(n) es+e%i#''y # (om#n 'i$e yo&) is bo&nd to #ttr#%t #ttention) #nd besides) yo& 'oo$ tired 5 h#ve to go o&t) #nd 5 h#ve no ide# (h#t time 5 (i'' be b#%$ ! Andre#s (#s going o&t "#s$i# %o&'d fee' her #n*iety) e#sing Her feet #%hed from the &n#%%&stomed +#vement-+o&nding #nd her br#in (#s e*h#&sted (ith the effort of $ee+ing # r&nning t#b on /&st ho( m&%h money Andre#s) #nd therefore she) h#d s+ent F#r more th#n she h#d (#nted to s+end "o m&%h th#t /&st thin$ing #bo&t it (#s m#$ing her fee' distin%t'y i'' 7ret%hed'y she #%$no('edged th#t there (o&'d be +re%io&s 'itt'e 'eft of her h#rd-e#rned 'itt'e nest egg on%e she h#d re+#id Andre#s (h#t he h#d s+ent ! Tired'y "#s$i# fo''o(ed Andre#s thro&gh the &ndergro&nd %#r +#r$ #nd into the foyer of the #+#rtment b'o%$ A s+e%i#' $ey (#s needed to &se the 'ift) (hi%h g'ided &+(#rds so smooth'y th#t "#s$i#!s eyes ro&nded in sho%$ (hen it %#me to # st#ndsti'' "he h#d not even re#'ised th#t they (ere moving !5t!s this (#y)! Andre#s to'd her) to&%hing her #rm #nd ,g&iding her to(#rds one of the fo&r door(#ys o+ening off the entr#n%e 'obby He (#s %#rrying her %#se) (hi%h he +&t do(n #s he &n'o%$ed the door) motioning to "#s$i# to +re%ede him into the e'eg#nt s+#%e beyond it CHAPTER F5VE THE first thing th#t str&%$ "#s$i# #bo&t Andre#s!s #+#rtment (#s not the very e*+ensive modem #rt h#nging on the h#''(#y!s (#''s b&t its sme''1# m&s$y) thro#t-%'osing) sho%$ing'y over+o(ering s%ent (hi%h st&ng her nostri's #nd m#de her tense Th#t Andre#s (#s e2&#''y #(#re of it she (#s in no do&bt "#s$i# %o&'d see him +#&se #nd 'ift his he#d) 'i$e # h&nting +#nther sniffing the #ir

!He''0 He'' #nd d#mn#tion)! she he#rd him m&tter fero%io&s'y bene#th his bre#th) #nd then) to her sho%$) he thr&st o+en the door into the h&ge-(indo(ed 'iving s+#%e th#t '#y beyond the 'obby #nd too$ ho'd of her His fingers bit into the soft f'esh of her #rms) his bre#th # (#rning (his+er #g#inst her 'i+s #s his eyes b'#<ed do(n into the &ng&#rded sho%$ed softness of hers) d#r$ #s obsidi#n) h#rd #s f'int) %omm#nding0(#rning0 !A'one #t '#st Ho( yo& h#ve en/oyed te#sing me tod#y) my 'oved one) b&t no( 5 h#ve yo& to myse'f #nd 5 %#n e*#%t (h#t +&nishment on yo& 5 (ish0! The soft %rooning tone of his voi%e #s m&%h #s his (ords s%#ttered (h#t (#s 'eft of her senses) 'e#ving "#s$i# %'inging (e#$'y to him #s the sho%$ ri++ed thro&gh her in # f'oodtide Then his mo&th (#s %overing hers) si'en%ing the +rotest she (#s trying to m#$e) his 'i+s mo&'ding) sh#+ing) %o#*ing) seducing hers (ith #n e*+ertise th#t f'#ttened her defen%es #s effe%tive'y #s #n #tom bomb 5n%oherent'y "#s$i# (his+ered his n#me) trying to insist on # %ess#tion of (h#t he (#s doing #nd #n e*+'#n#tion for it 4&t her 'i+s) her mo&th) her senses) &n&sed to so m&%h sens&#' stim&'#tion) (ere defying re#son #nd %#&tion #nd everything e'se th#t "#s$i#!s bem&sed br#in (#s trying to te'' them Her fro<en sho%$ me'ted bene#th the he#t of the +'e#s&re Andre#s!s h&ngry +#ssion#te e*+ertise (#s sho(ing her) #nd her 'i+s softened #nd tremb'ed into #n &ng&#rded) &ninhibited res+onse 7itho&t being #(#re of (h#t she (#s doing "#s$i# str#ined to get %'oser to Andre#s) st#nding on ti+toe so th#t she %o&'d %'ing #rdent'y to the de'i%io&s +'e#s&re of his $iss Her h#nds on his #rms registered the sheer si<e #nd inf'e*ibi'ity of the m&s%'es bene#th them (hi'st her he#rt +o&nded in #(ed ine*+erien%ed sho%$ #t the intensity of (h#t she (#s fee'ing Even more th#n she %o&'d sme'' th#t m&s$y) over+o(ering fem#'e +erf&me) she %o&'d sme'' Andre#s himse'f His he#t0his +#ssion0his m#'eness0 And sho%$ing'y something in her) something she h#dn!t $no(n e*isted) (#s res+onding to it /&st #s her 'i+s (ere res+onding to him0/&st #s she (#s res+onding to him) s(#ying into his #rms %om+'i#nt'y) her body &rging him to dr#( her %'ose) to 'et her fee' the rest of his m#'e strength Di<<i'y "#s$i# o+ened the eyes she h#d %'osed #t the first to&%h of his mo&th on hers) shivering #s she s#( the s+#r$s of r#( sens&#'ity d#rting 'i$e 'ightning from his eyes #s he st#red do(n #t her 5t (#s 'i$e h#nging (#y #bove the e#rth in # di<<ying) de#thdefying +'#%e (here she %o&'d fee' her d#nger #nd yet #t the s#me time $no( someho( she (o&'d be s#fe !:o& 'ove 'i$e #n inno%ent0# virgin0! Andre#s (#s te''ing her h&s$i'y) #nd #s he did so the s+#r$s g'ittering in his eyes intensified) #s tho&gh he fo&nd something very s#tisfying #bo&t s&%h # notion

He'+'ess'y "#s$i# st#red b#%$ #t him Her he#rt (#s th&dding fr#nti%#''y f#st #nd her body (#s fi''ed (ith #n &nf#mi'i#r sho%$ing #%he th#t (#s # +hysi%#' need to h#ve him to&%h her) to h#ve his h#nd r&n s'o('y over her s$in #nd re#%h right thro&gh it to th#t +'#%e (here her &nf#mi'i#r #%he beg#n) so th#t he %o&'d s&rro&nd #nd soothe it "omeho( /&st thin$ing #bo&t him doing s&%h # thing increased the #%he to # +o&nding throb) # (i'd) +rimitive be#t th#t m#de her mo#n #nd s(#y even %'oser to him !:o& 'i$e th#t0 :o& (#nt me0! As he s+o$e to her she %o&'d he#r #nd fee' the &rgen%y in his voi%e) %o&'d fee' his #ro&s#' E#ger'y she +ressed %'oser to him) on'y to free<e #s she s&dden'y he#rd # (om#n!s voi%e dem#nding sh#r+'y) !Andre#s8 Aren!t yo& going to introd&%e me8! 5mmedi#te'y she re#'ised (h#t she (#s doing #nd sh#me f'ooded thro&gh her) b&t #s she tried to +&'' #(#y) des+er#te to %on%e#' her %onf&sion) Andre#s he'd on to her) for%ing her to st#y (here she (#s) for%ing her even more %'ose'y into his body so th#t someho( she (#s 'e#ning #g#inst him) #s tho&gh0#s tho&gh0 "he tremb'ed #s she fe't the +o(erf&' thr&st of his 'eg bet(een her o(n) her f#%e b&rning hot'y (ith emb#rr#ssed %o'o&r #s she re#'ised the se*&#' %on-not#tion th#t their +ose s&ggested 4&t it seemed th#t the (om#n (ho (#s (#t%hing them (#s not simi'#r'y se'f%ons%io&s "#s$i# %#&ght her bre#th #s Andre#s #''o(ed her to t&rn her he#d #nd 'oo$ #t the (om#n "he (#s t#'' #nd d#r$-h#ired) everything #bo&t her imm#%&'#te'y groomed) b&t des+ite the (#rmth of her o'ive s$in #nd the ri+e ri%hness of her +#inted mo&th #nd n#i's "#s$i# shivered #s she sensed her inn#te %o'dness !Athen#)! Andre#s (#s dem#nding short'y) !ho( did you get in here8! !5 h#ve # $ey H#ve yo& forgotten8! the other (om#n +&rred The s'oe-eyed 'oo$ she g#ve Andre#s #nd the (#y she (#s m#n#ging to tot#''y e*%'&de "#s$i# both from their %onvers#tion #nd from her 'ine of vision 'eft "#s$i# r&ef&''y ref'e%ting on her e#r'ier ment#' +i%t&re of # dev#st#ted (ido( being too grief-stri%$en #t the 'oss of her h&sb#nd to +revent herse'f from being b&''ied into # se%ond m#rri#ge No one (o&'d ever b&''y this (om#n into #nything0#nd #s for her being grief-stri%$en1 there (#s on'y one emotion "#s$i# %o&'d see in those d#r$ eyes #nd it h#d nothing to do (ith grief "he for%ed do(n the s&dden s&rge of n#&se# th#t b&rned in her thro#t #s she (itnessed the 'oo$ of +&re %ondensed '&st th#t Athen# (#s giving Andre#s "#s$i# h#d never im#gined) never mind seen) # (om#n 'oo$ing #t # m#n in s&%h # +o(erf&''y #nd o+en'y +red#tory se*&#' (#y

Now she %o&'d &nderst#nd (hy Andre#s h#d fe't in need of # mo%$ fi#n%ee to +rote%t himse'f) b&t (h#t she %o&'d not &nderst#nd (#s ho( on e#rth Andre#s %o&'d resist the other (om#n!s desire for him "he (#s b'inding'y sens&#''y #ttr#%tive) #nd obvio&s'y (#nted Andre#s And s&re'y th#t (#s (h#t #'' men f#nt#sised #bo&t1# (om#n (hose se*&#' #++etite for them %o&'d never be s#ti#ted N#ive'y "#s$i# #ss&med th#t on'y her o(n se* (o&'d be +&t off by Athen#!s intrinsi% %o'dness #nd by the '#%$ of #ny re#' 'oving emotion in her m#$e&+ Andre#s h#d obvio&s'y $issed "#s$i# be%#&se he h#d g&essed th#t Athen# (#s in the #+#rtment) #nd no( th#t the other (om#n (#s st#nding so %'ose to them both "#s$i# $ne( ho( he h#d $no(n Th#t +erf&me of hers (#s #s &nmist#$#b'e #s it (#s &n#++e#'ing !Aren!t yo& going to s#y ho( +'e#sed yo& #re to see me86 Athen# (#s +o&ting #s she moved %'oser to Andre#s !:o&r gr#ndf#ther is very &+set #bo&t yo&r eng#gement :o& $no( (h#t he (#s ho+ing for)! she #dded me#ningf&''y) before t&rning to "#s$i# #nd s#ying dismissive'y) !Oh) 5!m sorry 5 didn!t me#n to h&rt yo&r fee'ings) b&t 5!m s&re Andre#s m&st h#ve (#rned yo& ho( diffi%&'t it is going to be for #'' his f#mi'y) es+e%i#''y for his gr#ndf#ther) to #%%e+t yo&0! !Athen#)! Andre#s (#s s#ying (#rning'y) #nd "#s$i# %o&'d (e'' im#gine ho( she would h#ve fe't to be %onfronted by s&%h # st#tement) if she #nd Andre#s (ere gen&ine'y eng#ged !4&t it!s the tr&th)! Athen# (#s %ontin&ing &nre+ent#nt'y) #nd she shr&gged her sho&'ders) the movement dr#(ing #ttention to the f&''ness of her bre#sts 4re#sts (hi%h "#s$i# %o&'d 2&ite e#si'y see (ere n#$ed #nd &nfettered bene#th the fine %otton shirt she (#s (e#ring >&i%$'y she #verted her g#<e from the sight of Athen#!s f'#&nting'y ere%t ni++'es) not d#ring to #''o( herse'f to 'oo$ #t Andre#s "&re'y no m#n %o&'d resist the dem#nd th#t those ni++'es (ere m#$ing on his #ttention0his %on%entr#tion,, his #dmir#tion for their +erfe%tion #nd se*&#'ity Her o(n bre#sts (ere (e'' sh#+ed #nd firm) b&t her ni++'es did not h#ve th#t f'#mboy#nt f&''ness th#t the other (om#n!s +ossessed (o&'d #nd) even if they h#d) "#s$i# $ne( th#t she h#ve fe't emb#rr#ssed #bo&t m#$ing s&%h # +&b'i% dis+'#y of them 4&t then +erh#+s Athen#!s dis+'#y (#s me#nt only for Andre#s0+erh#+s it (#s me#nt to be # reminder to him of intim#%ies they might #'re#dy h#ve sh#red "he did) #fter #'') h#ve the $ey to his #+#rtment) #nd she %ert#in'y seemed to (#nt to m#$e it +'#in to "#s$i# th#t there (#s # very s+e%i#' intim#%y bet(een the t(o of them As tho&gh in %onfirm#tion of "#s$i#!s tho&ghts) Athen# s&dden'y 'e#ned for(#rd) +&tting )one m#ni%&red h#nd #g#inst Andre#s!s f#%e #nd effe%tive'y %oming bet(een

them 7ith # s&'try s&ggestiveness she s#id soft'y) !Aren!t yo& going to $iss me8 :o& norm#''y do) #nd 5!m s&re yo&r fi#n%ee &nderst#nds th#t in 3ree%e f#mi'y re'#tionshi+s0 f#mi'y loyalties #re very) very im+ort#nt ! !7h#t "#s$i# &nderst#nds is th#t 5 'ove her #nd 5 (#nt her to be my (ife)! Andre#s informed Athen# %&rt'y) ste++ing b#%$ from her #nd t#$ing "#s$i# (ith him As he he'd her in front of him #nd %'osed his #rms #ro&nd her) t&%$ing her he#d #g#inst his sho&'der) "#s$i# reminded herse'f /&st why he (#s doing so #nd /&st (h#t her ro'e (#s s&++osed to be !Ho( s(eet.! Athen# +rono&n%ed) giving "#s$i# #n i%y 'oo$ before t&rning b#%$ to Andre#s #nd te''ing him insin%ere'y) !5 h#te to %#st # sh#do( on yo&r h#++iness) Andre#s) b&t yo&r gr#ndf#ther re#''y isn!t very +'e#sed (ith yo& #t #'' #t the moment He (#s te''ing me ho( %on%erned he is #bo&t the (#y yo&!re h#nd'ing this re%ent t#$eover Of %o&rse 5 &nderst#nd ho( im+ort#nt it m&st be to yo& to est#b'ish yo&r o(n m#r$ on the b&siness) to +rove yo&rse'f) so to s+e#$) b&t the #%2&isition of this hote' %h#in re#''y (#s 2&ite foo'h#rdy) #s is this de%ision of yo&rs to $ee+ on #'' the e*isting st#ff !:o&!'' never m#$e # +rofit doing th#t)! she s%o'ded him mo%$ s(eet'y !5 m&st s#y) tho&gh) h#ving h#d the o++ort&nity to 'oo$ # 'itt'e dee+er into the fin#n%es of the %h#in) 5!m g'#d 5 +&''ed o&t of +&tting in my o(n bid A'tho&gh of %o&rse 5 can #fford to 'ose the odd mi''ion or so 7h#t # +ity it is) Andre#s) th#t yo& didn!t #%%e+t my offer to r&n the shi++ing 'ine for me Th#t (o&'d h#ve given yo& m&%h more s%o+e th#n (or$ing #s yo&r gr#ndf#ther!s err#nd boy ! "#s$i# fe't herse'f tensing #s she #bsorbed the ins&'t Athen# h#d /&st de'ivered) b&t to her #stonishment Andre#s seemed %om+'ete'y &nmoved by it :et she on'y h#d to m#$e the merest observ#tion #nd he fired &+ #t her (ith so m&%h #nger !As yo& #'re#dy (e'' $no() Athen#)! he res+onded) #'most good-h&mo&red'y) !5t (#s my grandfather's de%ision to b&y the 4ritish hote' %h#in #nd it (#s one 5 endorsed As for its f&t&re +rofit#bi'ity0 9y rese#r%h %onfirms th#t there is #n e*%e''ent m#r$et for # %h#in of '&*&rio&s hote's in 4rit#in) es+e%i#''y (hen it %#n bo#st first-%'#ss 'eis&re f#%i'ities #nd # to+-not%h %hef1(hi%h is (h#t 5 #m going to ens&re th#t o&r %h#in h#s ! !And #s for the fin#n%i#' im+'i%#tions of $ee+ing on the e*isting st#ff1"#s$i# is #n #%%o&nt#nt) #nd 5!m s&re she!'' be #b'e to te'' yo&1#s yo& sho&'d $no( yo&rse'f) being # b&siness(om#n1th#t in the 'ong r&n it (o&'d %ost more in red&nd#n%y +#yments to get rid of the st#ff th#n it (i'' %ost to %ontin&e em+'oying them N#t&r#' (#st#ge #nd +ending retirement (i'' red&%e their n&mber 2&ite dr#m#ti%#''y over the ne*t fe( ye#rs) #nd) (here #++ro+ri#te) those (ho (ish to st#y on (i'' be given;the o++ort&nity to re'o%#te #nd retr#in The 'eis&re %'&bs (e intend to o+en in e#%h hote' #'one (i'' t#$e &+ virt&#''y #'' of the s'#%$ in o&r st#ffing 'eve's !Ho(ever) "#s$i# #nd 5 #re 'e#ving for Athens tomorro( 7e!ve h#d # b&sy d#y tod#y #nd) if yo&!'' e*%&se &s) tonight is going to be # very s+e%i#' night for &s !

As "#s$i# tensed Andre#s tightened his ho'd on her (#rning'y #s he re+e#ted) !A very s+e%i#' night 7hi%h reminds me0! "ti'' ho'ding onto "#s$i# (ith one h#nd) he re#%hed inside his /#%$et +o%$et (ith the other to remove # sm#'' /e(e''er!s bo* !5 %o''e%ted this 5t sho&'d be sm#'' eno&gh for yo& no( ! 4efore "#s$i# %o&'d s#y #nything he (#s s'i++ing the bo* b#%$ into his /#%$et) te''ing her soft'y) !7e!'' find o&t '#ter0! 5n the 'iving #re# beyond the 'obby # te'e+hone h#d st#rted to ring Re'e#sing her) Andre#s (ent to #ns(er it) 'e#ving "#s$i# on her o(n (ith Athen# !5t (on!t '#st)! Athen# to'd her venomo&s'y #s she (#'$ed +#st "#s$i# to(#rds the door !He (on!t m#rry yo& He #nd 5 (ere destined to be together He knows th#t 5t!s /&st his +ride th#t m#$es him fight his destiny :o& might #s (e'' give him &+ no() be%#&se 5 +romise yo& 5 sh#'' never do so ! "he me#nt it) "#s$i# %o&'d see th#t) #nd for the first time she #%t&#''y fe't # sm#'' sh#ft of sym+#thy for Andre#s "ym+#thy for # m#n (ho (#s tre#ting her the (#y Andre#s (#s8 For # m#n (ho h#d mis/&dged her the (#y he h#d8 "he m&st be %r#<y) "#s$i# derided herse'f grim'y A++rehensive'y "#s$i# (#t%hed #s the ne( s&it%#ses) (hi%h (ere no( %#ref&''y +#%$ed (ith her ne( %'othes) (ere 'o#ded onto the %onveyor be't The #ir'ine re+resent#tive (#s %he%$ing their +#ss+orts On her finger the ring Andre#s h#d given her the +revio&s evening g'ittered bri''i#nt'y !5t!s #m#<ing ho( good f#$e di#monds %#n 'oo$ these d#ys) isn!t it8! she h#d %h#ttered nervo&s'y (hen Andre#s h#d t#$en it from its bo* "he!d tried to disg&ise from him ho( edgy #nd &nh#++y she fe't #bo&t (e#ring # ring on the finger th#t she h#d im#gined (o&'d on'y ever be#r # ring given to her by the m#n she 'oved) # ring she (o&'d (e#r forever !5s it8! Andre#s h#d res+onded #'most %ontem+t&o&s'y !5 (o&'dn!t $no( ! His %omment h#d set #'' her inner #'#rm be''s ringing #nd she h#d dem#nded #n*io&s'y !This0 5t isn!t re#') is it8! His e*+ression h#d given her her #ns(er !5t is ' "he h#d s(#''o(ed) &n#b'e to dr#g her g#<e #(#y from the fiery s+#r$'e of the m#gnifi%ent so'it#ire

!Athen# (o&'d h#ve s+otted # f#$e di#mond immedi#te'y)! Andre#s h#d to'd her dismissive'y (hen she!d tried to +rotest th#t she didn!t (#nt the res+onsibi'ity of (e#ring something of s&%h obvio&s v#'&e !5f she %#n s+ot # f#$e diamond so e#si'y)! she h#d fe't driven to #s$ him (#ri'y) !then s&re'y she (i'' be #b'e to s+ot # f#$e fi#n%ee ! !Athen# de#'s in h#rd f#%ts) not emotions)! h#d been Andre#s!s #ns(er H#rd f#%ts) "#s$i# ref'e%ted no() remembering th#t brief %onvers#tion -i$e the $iss Andre#s h#d given her '#st night) $no(ing Athen# (o&'d (itness it Andre#s himse'f h#d m#de no mention of (h#t he h#d done) b&t "#s$i# h#d $no(n th#t her g&ess #s to (hy he h#d done it (#s %orre%t (hen) immedi#te'y #fter he h#d ended his te'e+hone %#'') he) h#d s(it%hed on the #+#rtment!s #ir %onditioning (ith the grim %omment) !7e need some fresh #ir in here ! -#ter) Andre#s h#d gone o&t) #s +romised) #nd) #fter +i%$ing #t the me#' he h#d ordered her) "#s$i# h#d gone to bed1#'one !Ho( 'ong (i'' it t#$e &s to re#%h A+hrodite8! "#s$i# #s$ed Andre#s #s they bo#rded their f'ight !On this o%%#sion it (i'' t#$e 'onger th#n norm#')! Andre#s #ns(ered #s the ste(#rdess sho(ed them to their se#ts1first-%'#ss se#ts) "#s$i# noted (ith # sm#'' frisson of nervo&s #(e "he h#d never f'o(n first %'#ss before) never re#''y done #nything th#t might h#ve e2&i++ed her to fee' #t home in the r#refied str#tos+here of the meg#-(e#'thy th#t Andre#s #nd his f#mi'y obvio&s'y inh#bited !On%e (e #rrive in Athens 5!m #fr#id 5 sh#'' h#ve to 'e#ve yo& to o%%&+y yo&rse'f for # fe( ho&rs before (e %ontin&e (ith o&r /o&rney Th#t (#s my gr#ndf#ther (ho r#ng '#st night He (#nts to see me ! !He (on!t be #t the is'#nd8! "#s$i# #s$ed !Not immedi#te'y His he#rt %ondition me#ns th#t he h#s to &ndergo reg&'#r %he%$-&+s1# +re%#&tion#ry me#s&re on'y) th#n$ goodness1#nd they (i'' $ee+ him in Athens for the ne*t d#y or so ! !Athen# to'd me she doesn!t be'ieve th#t o&r re'#tionshi+ (i'' '#st "he be'ieves th#t the t(o of yo& #re destined to be together)! "#s$i# s#id !"he!s trying to intimid#te yo&)! Andre#s res+onded) the smi'e he h#d given the #ttentive ste(#rdess re+'#%ed by # h#rsh fro(n

5m+&'sive'y "#s$i# #''o(ed the sym+#thy she h#d &ne*+e%ted'y fe't for him the +revio&s evening to t#$e +re%eden%e over her o(n fee'ings T&rning to(#rds him) she s#id soft'y) !4&t s&re'y if yo& e*+'#ined to yo&r gr#ndf#ther ho( yo& fee' he (o&'d &nderst#nd #nd #%%e+t th#t yo& %#n!t be e*+e%ted to m#rry- # (om#n yo& don!t0yo& don!t (#nt to m#rry0! !9y gr#ndf#ther is #s st&bborn #s # m&'e He!s #'so one he'' of # 'ot more v&'ner#b'e th#n he thin$s0th#n #ny of &s (#nt him to thin$ His he#rt %ondition0! He g#ve # sm#'' sigh !At the moment it!s st#b'e) b&t it is im+ort#nt th#t he1#nd (e1$ee+ his stress 'eve's do(n 5f 5 to'd him th#t 5 didn!t (#nt to m#rry Athen# (itho&t +rod&%ing yo& #s # s&bstit&te he (o&'d immedi#te'y be%ome very stressed indeed 5t isn!t /&st th#t by m#rrying Athen# #s he (ishes 5 (o&'d #tt#%h her fort&ne #nd #ssets to o&r o(n) my gr#ndf#ther is #'so # m#n to (hom m#'e des%end#nts #re of +#r#mo&nt im+ort#n%e !9y e'der sister #'re#dy h#s t(o d#&ghters) #nd Athen# #'so h#s t(o 9y gr#ndf#ther is des+er#te for me) #s his dire%t m#'e des%endent) to +rod&%e the ne*t m#'e gener#tion0# gre#t-gr#ndson ! !4&t even if yo& did m#rry Athen# there (o&'d be no g&#r#ntee th#t yo& (o&'d even h#ve %hi'dren) never mind sons)! "#s$i# +rotested !7hy #re yo& '#&ghing #t me8! she dem#nded in %h#grin #s she s#( the mirth %rin$'ing Andre#s!s eyes #nd # g&st of (#rm'y #m&sed m#'e '#&ghter fi''ed the sm#'' s+#%e bet(een them !"#s$i#) for # (om#n of yo&r e*+erien%e yo& %#n be very) very n#ive :o& sho&'d never s&ggest to #ny m#n) #nd most especially not # 3ree$ one) th#t he m#y not be #b'e to f#ther # son.! As the +'#ne s&dden'y st#rted to 'ift into the s$y "#s$i# #&tom#ti%#''y %'&t%hed #t her #rmrests) #nd then tensed in sho%$ #s she fe't the h#rd m#'e (#rmth of Andre#s!s h#nd (r#++ing #ro&nd her o(n !"%#red of f'ying8! he #s$ed her in #m&sement !:o& sho&'dn!t be 5t!s the s#fest form of tr#ns+ort there is ! !5 $no( th#t)! "#s$i# res+onded (#s+ish'y !5t!s /&st0(e'') it!s /&st th#t f'ying seems so0 so &nn#t&r#') #nd if0! !5f 3od h#d intended m#n to f'y he!d h#ve given him (ings)! Andre#s offered her (ry'y !7e'') 5%#r&s tried th#t o+tion ! !5 #'(#ys thin$ th#t!s s&%h # s#d story ! "#s$i# shivered) her eyes sh#do(ing !Es+e%i#''y for his +oor f#ther !

!9mm0! Andre#s #greed) before #s$ing her) !Am 5 to t#$e it from th#t %omment th#t yo&!re # st&dent of 3ree$ mytho'ogy8! !7e'') not +re%ise'y # st&dent)! "#s$i# #dmitted) !b&t my gr#ndmother &sed to re#d me stories from # boo$ on 3ree$ mytho'ogy (hen 5 (#s 'itt'e #nd 5 #'(#ys fo&nd the stories f#s%in#ting0even tho&gh they ne#r'y #'(#ys m#de me %ry ! Abr&+t'y she sto++ed s+e#$ing #s she re#'ised t(o things The first (#s th#t they (ere no( %om+'ete'y #irborne) #nd the se%ond (#s0her o(n bem&sed #(#reness of ho( good it fe't #%t&#''y to h#ve Andre#s!s '#rge h#nd %'#s+ing her o(n 5t (#s eno&gh to m#$e her f#%e sting (ith se'f-%ons%io&s %o'o&r #nd she h#sti'y (rigg'ed her h#nd free) /&st #s the ste(#rdess %#me &+ to offer them # g'#ss of %h#m+#gne !Ch#m+#gne.! "#s$i#!s eyes (idened #s she too$ # si+ from the g'#ss Andre#s (#s ho'ding o&t to her #nd she g#s+ed #s the de'i%io&s b&bb'es e*+'oded #g#inst her t#ste b&ds 5t h#d to be the %h#m+#gne th#t (#s m#$ing her fee' so re'#*ed #nd so0so0'#id-b#%$) "#s$i# de%ided h#<i'y # 'itt'e '#ter) #nd (hen the %#+t#in #nno&n%ed th#t they (ere %oming in to '#nd she (#s s&r+rised to re#'ise ho( 2&i%$'y the time h#d flown1 #nd ho( m&%h she h#d en/oyed the %onvers#tion she #nd Andre#s h#d sh#red "he (#s even more s&r+rised to dis%over ho( e#sy it (#s to s'i+ her h#nd into the re#ss&ring ho'd of Andre#s!s #s the +'#ne!s (hee's hit the t#rm#% #nd the +i'ot #++'ied reverse thr&st to s'o( them do(n !5 %#n either h#ve o&r driver t#$e yo& to the f#mi'y #+#rtment in Athens) (here yo& %#n rest (hi'st 5 see my gr#ndf#ther) or) if yo& +refer) 5 %#n #rr#nge for him to drive yo& on # sightseeing to&r)! Andre#s offered) %#s&#''y 'ifting their %#ses off the '&gg#ge %#ro&se' He (#s (e#ring # +#ir of +'#in 'ight-%o'o&red tro&sers #nd # %oo') very fine (hite %otton short-s'eeved shirt) #nd for some indefin#b'e re#son it did odd things to "#s$i#!s norm#''y very sensib'e fem#'e senses to (itness the (#y die m&s%'es h#rdened in his #rms i #s he s(&ng their %#ses on to the gro&nd Very odd things) she #%$no('edged giddi'y #s the dis%reet smi'e of f'irt#tio&s invit#tion she inter%e+ted from # so'it#ry (om#n tr#ve'er %#&sed her instin%tive'y to move +ossessive'y %'oser to him 7h#t on e#rth (#s h#++ening to her8 5t must be the %h#m+#gne0or the he#t or +erh#+s both. :es) th#t (#s it) she de%ided feverish'y) gr#tef&' to h#ve fo&nd # sensib'e e*+'#n#tion for her &nf#mi'i#r beh#vio&r After #'') there (#s no re#son (hy she sho&'d fee' +ossessive #bo&t Andre#s :esterd#y morning she h#d h#ted him0'o#thed him0 5n f#%t she h#d been dre#ding her enfor%ed time #s his !fi#n%ee!1#nd she sti'' (#s) of %o&rse Of %o&rse. 5t (#s /&st th#t0 7e'') h#ving met Athen# it (#s on'y n#t&r#' th#t she sho&'d fee' some sym+#thy for him And she h#d been f#s%in#ted by the stories he h#d to'd her d&ring the f'ight1stories (hi%h h#d been to'd to him by o'der members of his 3ree$ f#mi'y #nd (hi%h (ere # (onderf&' mi* of myth #nd fo'$'ore And it (#s # very +'e#s#nt e*+erien%e not to h#ve to

str&gg'e (ith he#vy '&gg#ge Norm#''y (hen she (ent #(#y she (#s either (ith # gro&+ of friends or (ith her gr#ndmother) #nd0 ! !"#s$i#08! 3&i'ti'y "#s$i# re#'ised th#t Andre#s (#s sti'' (#iting for #n #ns(er to his 2&estion !Oh) 5!d m&%h +refer to see something of the %ity)! she #ns(ered !7e'') yo& (on!t h#ve # 'ot of time)! Andre#s (#rned her !O&r +i'ot (i'' #'re#dy h#ve fi'ed his f'ight +'#n ! "#s$i# #'re#dy $ne( th#t they (o&'d be f'ying o&t to the is'#nd in # sm#'' +'#ne +riv#te'y o(ned by Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther) #nd (h#t h#d im+ressed her f#r more th#n Andre#s!s %#s&#' referen%e to the +'#ne h#d been his mention of the f#%t th#t he himse'f (#s 2&#'ified to f'y !Unfort&n#te'y 5 h#d to give it &+ 5 %#n!t s+#re the #mo&nt of ho&rs no( th#t 5 be'ieve #re needed to $ee+ myse'f &+ to s+eed #nd in +r#%ti%e) #nd besides) my ins&r#n%e %om+#ny (ere e*treme'y (#ry) #bo&t ins&ring me)! he!d #dded r&ef&''y !5t!s this (#y)! he to'd her no() +'#%ing his h#nd on her sho&'der #s he t&rned her in the right dire%tion O&t of the %orner of her eye "#s$i# %#&ght # g'im+se of their ref'e%tions in # mirrored %o'&mn #nd immedi#te'y tensed 7h#t (#s she doing 'e#ning #g#inst Andre#s 'i$e th#t8 As tho&gh0#s tho&gh she liked being there0#s tho&gh she (#s en/oying +'#ying the he'+'ess fr#gi'e fem#'e to his strong m&s%&'#r m#'e 5mmedi#te'y she +&''ed #(#y from him #nd s2&#red her sho&'ders !Athen# (o&'d h#ve 'oved to h#ve seen yo& do th#t)! he to'd her sh#r+'y) the dis#++rov#' %'e#r in his voi%e ! !7e!re s&++osed to be in 'ove) "#s$i#0remember8! !Athen# isn!t here)! she res+onded 2&i%$'y !No) th#n$ 3od)! he #greed !4&t (e don!t $no( (ho might #%%ident#''y observe &s 7e!re # couple1 very m&%h in 'ove1ne('y eng#ged0#nd yo&!re #bo&t to f'y to my home to meet my f#mi'y Don!t yo& thin$ it!s n#t&r#' th#t18! !Th#t 5 sho&'d fee' nervo&s #nd intimid#ted0(orried #bo&t (hether or not they!'' thin$ 5!m good eno&gh for yo& ! "#s$i# interr&+ted him #ngri'y) her +ride st&ng by (h#t he (#s s&ggesting !And (h#t #m 5 s&++osed to do8 C'ing des+er#te'y #nd des+#iring'y to yo&0 #fr#id of their re/e%tion0#fr#id of losing yo&0/&st be%#&se1!

"he sto++ed #s she s#( the b'#n$ im+#tient 'oo$ Andre#s (#s giving her !7h#t 5 (#s #bo&t to s#y)! he to'd her grim'y) !(#s don!t yo& thin$ it!s on'y n#t&r#' th#t 5 sho&'d (#nt to ho'd yo& %'ose to me #nd e2&#''y th#t you sho&'d (#nt th#t s#me intim#%y8 Th#t #s 'overs (e should (#nt #'(#ys to be +hysi%#''y in to&%h (ith one #nother8! He +#&sed !And #s for (h#t yo& h#ve /&st s#id) 5!m # m#n of thirty-five) 'ong +#st the #ge of needing anyone's #++rov#' of (h#t 5 do or (ho 5 'ove ! !4&t yo& don!t0! "#s$i# beg#n) #nd then sto++ed #s she re#'ised (h#t she h#d been #bo&t to s#y Andre#s h#rd'y needed her to te'' him th#t he didn!t 'ove her !5 don!t (h#t8! he +rom+ted her) b&t she shoo$ her he#d) ref&sing to #ns(er him !"o yo& (#nt to see the A%ro+o'is first8! Andre#s %he%$ed (ith "#s$i# before getting o&t of the 'imo&sine) h#ving first given the driver some instr&%tions in 3ree$ !:es)! "#s$i# %onfirmed !5 h#ve to'd "+iros to m#$e s&re yo& #re #t the #ir+ort in time for o&r f'ight He (i'' t#$e %#re of yo& 5 #m sorry to h#ve to 'e#ve yo& to yo&r o(n devi%es)! Andre#s #+o'ogised form#''y) s&dden'y m#$ing "#s$i# sh#r+'y #(#re of his mi*ed %&'t&r#' herit#ge "he re%ognised ho( #t home he 'oo$ed here) #nd yet) #t the s#me time) ho( m&%h he stood o&t from the other men she %o&'d see He (#s t#''er) for one thing) #nd his s$in) (hi'st t#nned) (#s not #s d#r$) #nd of %o&rse his eyes (o&'d #'(#ys give #(#y his Northern E&ro+e#n b'ood "#s$i# g#ve # sm#'' emotion#' sigh #s she fin#''y t&rned her b#%$ on the A%ro+o'is #nd st#rted to (#'$ #(#y "he h#d m#n#ged to +ers&#de the driver th#t she (o&'d be +erfe%t'y s#fe on her o(n) b&t on'y #fter # good de#' of insisten%e) #nd she h#d en/oyed her so'it&de #s she h#d #bsorbed the #&r# of the #n%ient b&i'ding in #(ed #++re%i#tion No() tho&gh) it (#s time for her to go "he %o&'d see the 'imo&sine (#iting (here she h#d e*+e%ted) b&t to her %onstern#tion there (#s no sign of its driver There was # m#n st#nding %'ose to the vehi%'e) tho&gh) (hite-h#ired #nd e'der'y "#s$i# fro(ned #s she re%ognised th#t he seemed to be in some distress) one h#nd +ressed #g#inst his side #s tho&gh he (#s in +#in A brief e*#min#tion of the street %onfirmed th#t it (#s em+ty) #+#rt from the o'd m#n #nd herse'f "#s$i# #&tom#ti%#''y h&rried to(#rds him) #n*io&s for his (e''-being !Are yo& #'' right8! she #s$ed in %on%ern #s she re#%hed him !:o& don!t 'oo$ (e'' ! To her re'ief he #ns(ered her in Eng'ish) #ss&ring her) !5t is nothing0the he#t1# sm#'' +#in 5 h#ve +erh#+s (#'$ed f&rther th#n 5 sho&'d0!

"#s$i# (#s sti'' #n*io&s 5t was hot He did not 'oo$ (e'') #nd there (#s %ert#in'y no (#y she %o&'d +ossib'y 'e#ve him on his o(n) b&t there (#s sti'' no sign of her driver or #nyone e'se (ho might be #b'e to he'+) #nd she h#d no ide# ho( 'ong it (o&'d t#$e them to get to the #ir+ort !5t!s very hot)! she to'd the o'd m#n gent'y) not (#nting to h&rt his +ride) !#nd it %#n be very tiring to (#'$ in s&%h he#t 5 h#ve # %#r0#nd0#nd # driver0 Perh#+s (e %o&'d give yo& # 'ift8! As she s+o$e she (#s se#r%hing the street #n*io&s'y 7here was her driver8 Andre#s (o&'d be f&rio&s (ith her if she (#s '#te for their f'ight) b&t there (#s no (#y she %o&'d 'e#ve (itho&t first ens&ring th#t the o'd m#n (#s #'right !:o& h#ve # %#r8 This %#r8! he g&essed) gest&ring to(#rds the +#r$ed 'imo&sine !7e'') it isn!t mine' "#s$i# fo&nd herse'f fee'ing ob'iged to te'' him !5t be'ongs to0to someone 5 $no( Do yo& 'ive very f#r #(#y8! He h#d sto++ed ho'ding his side no( #nd she %o&'d see th#t his %o'o&r 'oo$ed he#'thier #nd th#t his bre#thing (#s e#sier !:o& #re very $ind)! he to'd her (ith # smi'e) !4&t 5 too h#ve # %#r0#nd # driver0! His smi'e bro#dened #nd for some re#son "#s$i# fe't #'most #s tho&gh he (#s '#&ghing # 'itt'e #t her !:o& #re # very $ind gir' to (orry yo&rse'f so m&%h on beh#'f of #n o'd m#n ! There was # %#r +#r$ed f&rther do(n the street) "#s$i# re#'ised) b&t it (#s some dist#n%e #(#y !5s that yo&r %#r8! she #s$ed him !"h#'' 5 get the driver8! !No)! he denied immedi#te'y !5 %#n (#'$ ! 7itho&t giving him #ny o++ort&nity to ref&se) "#s$i# (ent to his side #nd s#id gent'y) !Perh#+s yo& (i'' #''o( me to (#'$ (ith yo& to it0! -eve''y she met #nd he'd the 'oo$ he (#s giving her !Perh#+s 5 sho&'d)! he %#+it&'#ted 5t too$ 'onger to re#%h the %#r th#n "#s$i# h#d e*+e%ted) m#in'y be%#&se the o'd m#n (#s +'#in'y in more distress th#n he (#nted to #dmit As they re#%hed the %#r "#s$i# (#s re'ieved to see the driver!s door o+en #nd the driver get o&t) immedi#te'y h&rrying to(#rds them #nd #ddressing some (ords to her %om+#nion in f#st 3ree$ The o'd m#n (#s no( st#rting to 'oo$ very m&%h better) ho'ding himse'f &+right #nd s+e#$ing stern'y to the driver

!He f&sses 'i$e #n o'd (om#n)! he %om+'#ined testi'y in Eng'ish to "#s$i#) #dding (#rm'y !Th#n$ yo&) my de#r) 5 #m very +'e#sed to h#ve met yo& 4&t yo& sho&'d not be (#'$ing the streets of Athens on yo&r o(n)! he to'd her stern'y !And 5 sh#''1! Abr&+t'y he sto++ed #nd s#id something in 3ree$ to his driver) (ho st#rted to fro(n #nd 'oo$ #n*io&s'y &+ #nd do(n the street !:#nnis (i'' (#'$ b#%$ (ith yo& to your %#r #nd (#it there (ith yo& &nti' yo&r driver ret&rns ! !Re#''y) there!s no need for th#t)! "#s$i# +rotested) b&t her ne(-fo&nd friend (#s determined'y insistent !There re#''y is no need for yo& to %ome (ith me)! she to'd the driver on%e they (ere o&t of e#rshot of the o'der m#n !5 (o&'d m&%h r#ther yo& st#yed (ith yo&r em+'oyer He 'oo$ed 2&ite +oor'y (hen 5 s#( him in the street! To her re'ief) #s she finished s+e#$ing she s#( th#t her o(n driver (#s getting o&t of Andre#s!s %#r !"ee) there is no need to %ome #ny f&rther)! she smi'ed in re'ief) #nd then fro(ned # 'itt'e before s#ying #n*io&s'y to him) !:o&r em+'oyer0 5t is none of my b&siness 5 $no(0b&t +erh#+s # visit to # do%tor0! "he +#&sed &n%ert#in'y !5t is #'re#dy t#$en %#re of)! the driver #ss&red her !4&t he0 7h#t do yo& s#y8 He does not #'(#ys t#$e #nyone!s #dvi%e0! His %#'mness he'+ed to soothe "#s$i#!s %on%ern #nd e#se her %ons%ien%e #bo&t 'e#ving the o'der m#n He (#s +'#in'y in good h#nds no() #nd her o(n driver (#s (#iting for her CHAPTER "5B "A"?5A d#rted # brief 'oo$ #t Andre#s) %#t%hing b#%$ her g#s+ of +'e#s&re #s she st#red o&t of their +'#ne #nd do(n #t the b'&e-green of the Aege#n "e# bene#th them He h#d been fro(ning #nd +reo%%&+ied (hen they h#d met &+ #t the #ir+ort) not even #s$ing her if she h#d en/oyed her sightseeing tri+) #nd no( (ith every mi'e th#t too$ them %'oser to his home #nd f#mi'y "#s$i# %o&'d fee' her tension in%re#sing 5t seemed ironi%) (hen she ref'e%ted on ho( she h#d dre#med of one d#y s+ending # ho'id#y in this +#rt of the (or'd) th#t no( th#t she (#s #%t&#''y here she (#s f#r too on edge to tr&'y #++re%i#te it The st#r$ness of Andre#s!s e*+ression for%ed her to #s$) more o&t of +o'iteness th#n #ny re#' %on%ern) she (#s 2&i%$ to #ss&re herse'f) !5s something (rong8 :o& don!t 'oo$ very h#++y !

5mmedi#te'y Andre#s!s fro(n dee+ened) his g#<e s(ee+ing her sh#r+'y #s he t&rned to 'oo$ #t her !3etting in some +r#%ti%e #t +'#ying the devoted fi#n%ee8! he #s$ed her %yni%#''y !5f yo&!re 'oo$ing for # bon&s +#yment) don!t bother ! "#s$i# fe't # res&rgen%e of her initi#' hosti'ity to(#rds him CD!Un'i$e yo&) 5 do not ev#'&#te everything 5 do by ho( 5 %#n best benefit from it)! "#s$i# shot b#%$ f&rio&s'y !5 (#s sim+'y %on%erned th#t yo&r meeting h#dn!t gone very (e'' ! !You8 Con%erned for me! There!s on'y one re#son yo&!re here (ith me) "#s$i#) #nd (e both $no( th#t isn!t it ! . 7h#t did he e*+e%t8 "#s$i# f&med) for%ing herse'f to bite b#%$ the #ngry retort she (#nted to m#$e He h#d) #fter #'') b'#%$m#i'ed her into being here (ith him He (#s &sing her for his o(n ends He h#d formed the 'o(est $ind of o+inion of her) /&dged her (itho&t #''o(ing her the %h#n%e to defend herse'f or to e*+'#in her beh#vio&r) #nd yet #fter #'' th#t he sti'' seemed to thin$ he %o&'d o%%&+y the higher mor#' gro&nd 7hy on e#rth h#d she ever fe't #ny sym+#thy for him8 He #nd Athen# deserved one #nother 4&t even #s she formed the st&bborn #ngry tho&ght "#s$i# $ne( th#t it (#sn!t tr&e "he h#d sensed # dee+ %o'dness in Athen#) # tot#' '#%$ of reg#rd for #ny $ind of emotion Andre#s might h#ve done #nd s#id m#ny things she ob/e%ted to) b&t there (#s # (#rm'y +#ssion#te side to him0# very +#ssion#te side) she #%$no('edged) tremb'ing # 'itt'e #s she &n(i''ing'y remembered the $iss he h#d given her0 Even tho&gh it h#d mere'y been #n #%t) st#ged for Athen#!s benefit he h#d sti'' m#de her fee'1connected #t # very dee+ #nd +erson#' 'eve' "o m&%h so) in f#%t) th#t even no() if she (ere to %'ose her eyes #nd remember) she %o&'d #'most fee' the h#rd m#'e +ress&re of his mo&th #g#inst her o(n !As # m#tter of f#%t my meeting did not go (e'' ! "#s$i#!s eyes o+ened in s&r+rise #s she he#rd Andre#s!s #br&+t #nd &ne*+e%ted #dmission !For # st#rt my gr#ndf#ther (#s not there There (#s something e'se he h#d to do th#t (#s more im+ort#nt) #++#rent'y 4&t &nfort&n#te'y he did not bother to e*+'#in this to me) or to send # mess#ge informing me of it &nti' 5!d been (#iting for him for over h#'f #n ho&r Ho(ever) he had 'eft instr&%tions th#t 5 (#s to be informed in no &n%ert#in terms th#t he is not best +'e#sed (ith me #t the moment ! !4e%#&se of me0&s8! "#s$i# h#<#rded !9y gr#ndf#ther $no(s there is no (#y 5 (o&'d or %o&'d m#rry # (om#n 5 do not 'ove1 his o(n m#rri#ge (#s # 'ove m#t%h) #s (#s my +#rents!) even if my mother did h#ve to

virt&#''y thre#ten to e'o+e before she got his #++rov#' 7hen my f#ther died my gr#ndf#ther #dmitted ho( m&%h he #dmired him He (#s # s&rveyor) #nd he ret#ined his inde+enden%e from my gr#ndf#ther ! !:o& m&st miss him)! "#s$i# s#id soft'y !5 (#s fifteen (hen he died; th#t (#s # 'ong time #go And) &n'i$e yo&) #t 'e#st 5 h#d the %omfort of $no(ing ho( m&%h he 'oved me ! At first "#s$i# tho&ght he (#s being de'iber#te'y &n$ind to her) #nd instin%tive'y she stiffened in se'f-defen%e) b&t (hen &ne*+e%ted'y he %overed her fo'ded h#nds (ith one of his o(n she $ne( th#t she h#d misinter+reted his rem#r$ !The 'ove my gr#ndmother h#s given me h#s more th#n m#de &+ for the 'ove 5 didn!t get from my +#rents)! she to'd him firm'y1#nd me#nt it His h#nd (#s sti'' %overing hers0both of hers0#nd th#t f&nny) tremb'y sens#tion she h#d fe't inside e#r'ier ret&rned #s she 'oo$ed do(n #t it -ong-fingered) t#nned) (ith (e''groomed b&t not m#ni%&red n#i's) it (#s very m&%h # m#n!s h#nd, '#rge eno&gh to %over both of hers) '#rge eno&gh) too) to ho'd her se%&re'y to him (itho&t #ny visib'e effort 5t (#s the $ind of h#nd th#t g#ve # (om#n the %onfiden%e to $no( th#t this m#n %o&'d t#$e %#re of her #nd their %hi'dren J&st #s he (#s the $ind of m#n (ho (o&'d #'(#ys ens&re th#t his (om#n #nd his %hi'd (ere s#fe #nd se%&re 7h#t on e#rth (#s she thin$ing8 Agit#ted'y "#s$i# (rigg'ed in her se#t) sn#t%hing her h#nds from bene#th Andre#s!s !Are yo& s&re this is # good ide#8! she #s$ed him s'ight'y bre#th'ess'y #s she tried to %on%entr#te on the re#'ity of (hy she (#s sitting here ne*t to him !5 me#n) if yo&r gr#ndf#ther #'re#dy doesn!t #++rove of o&r eng#gement0! 5t (#s so 'ong before he re+'ied th#t "#s$i# beg#n to thin$ th#t her 2&estion h#d #nnoyed him b&t (hen he did #ns(er her she re%ognised th#t the #nger she %o&'d see d#r$ening his eyes (#sn!t dire%ted #t her b&t #t Athen# !Unfort&n#te'y Athen# %'#ims # b'ood %'oseness to my gr#ndf#ther (hi%h he finds f'#ttering His e'der brother) Athen#!s gr#ndf#ther) died some ye#rs #go #nd (hi'st there is no (#y #t #'' th#t Athen# (o&'d #''o( #nyone) 'e#st of #'' my gr#ndf#ther) to interfere in the (#y she r&ns her o(n fin#n%i#' em+ire) she f'#tters #nd en%o&r#ges him to the +oint (here his /&dgement is sometimes not #'' th#t it sho&'d be 9y mother %'#ims th#t the tr&th (i'' o&t) so to s+e#$) #nd th#t &'tim#te'y my gr#ndf#ther (i'' see thro&gh Athen#!s m#%hin#tions ! !4&t s&re'y she m&st re#'ise th#t yo& don!t (#nt to m#rry her)! "#s$i# s&ggested # 'itt'e bit &n%omfort#b'y 5t (#s so foreign to her o(n (#y of beh#ving to even %onsider trying to for%e #nyone into # re'#tionshi+ (ith her th#t it (#s h#rd for her to &nderst#nd (hy

Athen# sho&'d be driven to do so !Oh) she re#'ises it #'' right)! Andre#s #greed grim'y !4&t Athen# h#s never been denied #nything she (#nts) #nd right no(0! !"he (#nts yo&)! "#s$i# %on%'&ded for him !:es)! Andre#s #greed he#vi'y !And) m&%h #s 5 (o&'d 'i$e to te'' her th#t her desires #re not re%i+ro%#ted) 5 h#ve to thin$ of my gr#ndf#ther ! He sto++ed s+e#$ing #s their +'#ne st#rted to 'ose height) # sm#'' smi'e %&r'ing his mo&th #s he s#( "#s$i#!s e*+ression (hen she 'oo$ed o&t of the (indo( do(n #t their destin#tion !He %#n!t +ossib'y be intending to +&t this +'#ne do(n on th#t tiny +ie%e of '#nd)! she g#s+ed in disbe'ief !Oh) yes) he %#n) 5t!s m&%h s#fer th#n it 'oo$s)! Andre#s s#id re#ss&ring'y !-oo$)! he #dded) dire%ting her #ttention #(#y from the '#nding stri+ #nd to the bre#tht#$ing s+r#(' of his f#mi'y vi''# #nd the gro&nds en%'osing it !Everything is so green)! "#s$i# to'd him in bem&sement) her eyes (idening over the #'most +erfe%t ov#' sh#+e of the sm#'' is'#nd) the ri%h green of its g#rdens #nd fo'i#ge +erfe%t'y sho(n off by the (hiteness of its s#ndy be#%hes #nd the (onderf&' t&r2&oise of the Aege#n "e# th#t '#++ed them !Th#t!s be%#&se the is'#nd h#s its o(n +'entif&' s&++'y of (#ter)! Andre#s to'd her !5t!s f#r too sm#'' to be #b'e to s&st#in either %ro+s or 'ivesto%$) (hi%h is (hy it (#s &ninh#bited 1#s yo& %#n see it is 2&ite some dist#n%e from #ny of the other is'#nds) the f&rthest o&t into the Aege#n ! !5t 'oo$s +erfe%t)! "#s$i# bre#thed !-i$e # +e#r' dro+ ! Andre#s '#&ghed) b&t there (#s #n emotion in his eyes th#t m#de "#s$i#!s %hee$s f'&sh # 'itt'e #s he to'd her 2&iet'y) !Th#t (#s ho( my gr#ndmother &sed to des%ribe it ! "#s$i# g#ve # sm#'' g#s+ #s the +'#ne s&dden'y b&m+ed do(n onto the r&n(#y) be'#ted'y re#'ising th#t Andre#s h#d de'iber#te'y distr#%ted her #ttention #(#y from their imminent '#nding He %o&'d be so entert#ining (hen he (#nted to be) so %h#rming #nd so e#sy to be (ith A 'itt'e (istf&''y she (ondered ho( m&%h differen%e it (o&'d h#ve m#de to his o+inion of her h#d they met &nder different %ir%&mst#n%es Then she very firm'y +&''ed her tho&ghts into order) (#rning herse'f th#t her sit&#tion (#s &nten#b'e eno&gh #'re#dy (itho&t m#$ing it (orse by ind&'ging in ridi%&'o&s f#nt#sies #nd d#ydre#ms There (#s # b'e#$ 'oo$ in Andre#s!s eyes #s he g&ided "#s$i# to(#rds the #ir%r#ft!s e*it There (#s s&%h # v#st %ontr#di%tion in the (#y he (#s +er%eiving "#s$i# no( #nd the (#y he h#d +er%eived her the first time he h#d seen her For his o(n emotion#' +e#%e of mind #nd se%&rity he fo&nd himse'f (ishing th#t she h#d rem#ined tr&e to his first im+ression of her Th#t v&'ner#bi'ity she fo&ght so determined'y #nd (ith s&%h +ride to

%on%e#' to&%hed 9m in #'' the (#ys th#t # (om#n of Athen#!s %o'dness %o&'d never +ossib'y do "#s$i# +ossessed # (#rmth) # h&m#nity) # (om#n'iness) th#t his m#'eness re#%ted #nd res+onded to in the most +otenti#''y d#ngero&s (#y 3rim'y Andre#s tried not to #''o( himse'f to thin$ #bo&t ho( he h#d fe't (hen he h#d $issed her 5niti#''y he h#d done so +&re'y #s #n instin%tive res+onse to his #(#reness th#t Athen# (#s in his #+#rtment1th#t #++#''ing over+o(ering s%ent of hers (#s inst#nt'y re%ognis#b'e >&ite ho( she h#d !got ho'd of # $ey he h#d no ide#) b&t he s&s+e%ted she m&st h#ve someho( %#/o'ed it from his gr#ndf#ther 4&t the $iss he h#d given "#s$i# #s # me#ns of reinfor%ing his &n#v#i'#bi'ity to Athen# h#d &ne*+e%ted'y #nd &n(onted'y sho(n him1forced him to #%$no('edge1something he (#s sti'' fighting h#rd to deny He didn!t want to (#nt "#s$i# He didn!t (#nt it #t #'') #nd he %ert#in'y didn!t (#nt to fee' his %&rrent desire to +rote%t #nd re#ss&re her Athens h#d been hot) #'most stif'ing'y so) b&t here on the is'#nd the #ir h#d # si'$y b#'miness to it th#t (#s tot#''y b'issf&') "#s$i# de%ided) sh#ding her eyes from the bri''i#n%e of the s&n #s she re#%hed the gro&nd #nd 'oo$ed # 'itt'e &n%ert#in'y #t the trio of +eo+'e (#iting to greet them Andre#s!s h&s$y) !Here yo& #re) d#r'ing) yo& forgot these)! #s he h#nded her # +#ir of s&ng'#sses thre( her into even more %onf&sion) b&t no(here ne#r #s m&%h #s the (#rm (eight of his #rm #ro&nd her #s he dre( her %'oser to him #nd (his+ered 2&ite #&dib'y) !O&r h#rsh s&n'ight is f#r too strong for those be#&tif&' Ce'ti% eyes of yo&rs ! "#s$i# fe't her fingers st#rt to tremb'e #s she too$ the s&ng'#sses from him They %#rried # designer 'ogo) she noti%ed) #nd (ere %ert#in'y f#r more e*+ensive th#n #ny +#ir of s&ng'#sses she h#d ever o(ned 7hen Andre#s too$ them b#%$ #nd gent'y s'i++ed them on for her she dis%overed th#t they fitted her +erfe%t'y !5 remembered th#t (e didn!t get #ny in -ondon #nd 5 $ne( yo&!d need # +#ir)! he to'd her 2&iet'y) 'e#ning for(#rd to m&rm&r the (ords into her e#r) one #rm sti'' #ro&nd her body #nd his free h#nd ho'ding her sho&'der #s tho&gh he (o&'d dr#( her even %'oser To their on'oo$ers they m&st 'oo$ very intim#te) "#s$i# re%ognised) (hi%h (#s no do&bt (hy Andre#s h#d %hosen to give them to her in s&%h # m#nner 7e'') t(o %o&'d +'#y #t th#t g#me 7itho&t sto++ing to thin$ #bo&t the im+'i%#tions of (h#t she (#s doing) or to 2&estion (hy she (#s doing so) "#s$i# s'id her o(n #rm #ro&nd his ne%$) t&rning her f#%e &+ to his #s she m&rm&red b#%$) !Th#n$ yo&) d#r'ing :o& re#''y #re so tho&ghtf&' ! "he h#d) she re%ognised on # sm#'' s+&rt of defi#nt +'e#s&re) s&r+rised him "he %o&'d see it in his eyes1#nd she %o&'d see something e'se #s (e'') something very m#'e #nd d#ngero&s (hi%h m#de her diseng#ge herse'f from him h#sti'y #nd ste+ b#%$ Not th#t he

#''o(ed her to go very f#r "omeho( he (#s ho'ding her h#nd #nd ref&sing to 'et go of it) dr#(ing her to(#rds the sm#'' (#iting gro&+ !9#m# This is "#s$i#0! he #nno&n%ed) introd&%ing "#s$i# first to the o'der of the t(o (omen 7#ri'y "#s$i# st&died her) $no(ing th#t if she #nd Andre#s (ere re#''y in 'ove #nd eng#ged her he#rt (o&'d be in her mo&th #s she (#ited to see (hether or not she #nd Andre#s!s mother %o&'d b&i'd # tr&e bond Physi%#''y she 'oo$ed very m&%h 'i$e Athen#) #'tho&gh) of %o&rse) o'der 4&t the simi'#rity ended on%e "#s$i# 'oo$ed into her eyes #nd s#( the (#rmth there th#t h#d been so m#r$ed'y '#%$ing from Athen#!s !There (#s #'so # gent'eness #nd s(eetness #bo&t Andre#s!s mother)!t # timidity #'most) #nd int&itive'y "#s$i# sensed th#t she (#s # (om#n (ho) h#ving 'oved on'y one m#n) (o&'d never tot#''y %e#se mo&rning his 'oss !5t!s # +'e#s&re to meet yo&) 9rs -#timer)! "#s$i# beg#n) b&t immedi#te'y Andre#s!s mother shoo$ her he#d %hiding'y !:o& #re going to be my d#&ghter-in-'#() "#s$i#) yo& m&st %#'' me something 'ess form#' He'en# is my n#me) or if yo& (ish yo& m#y %#'' me 9#m#) #s !Re#s #nd my d#&ghters do ! As she s+o$e she 'e#ned for(#rd #nd +'#%ed her h#nds gent'y on "#s$i#!s &++er #rms !"he is 'ove'y) !Re#s)! she to'd her son (#rm'y !5 %ert#in'y thin$ so) 9#m#)! Andre#s #greed (ith # smi'e !5 me#nt inside #s (e'' #s o&t)! his mother to'd him soft'y !And so did 5)! Andre#s #greed) e2&#''y emotion#''y He#vens) b&t he (#s # (onderf&' #%tor) "#s$i# #%$no('edged sh#$i'y 5f she h#dn!t $no(n ho( he re#''y fe't #bo&t her th#t 'oo$ of tender #dor#tion he h#d given her /&st no( (o&'d h#ve0%o&'d h#ve0 A m#n 'i$e him sho&'d $no( better th#n to give # v&'ner#b'e (om#n # 'oo$ 'i$e th#t) she de%ided indign#nt'y) forgetting for the moment th#t so f#r #s Andre#s (#s %on%erned she (#s #nything %ut v&'ner#b'e !And this is O'ym+i#) my sister)! Andre#s %ontin&ed) t&rning "#s$i# to(#rds the yo&nger of the t(o (omen A'tho&gh she (#s #s d#r$'y 3ree$ #s her mother) she too h#d 'ight %o'o&red eyes #nd # merry o+en smi'e th#t m#de "#s$i# (#rm inst#nt'y to her !He#vens) b&t it!s hot do(n here Poor "#s$i# m&st be me'ting)! O'ym+i# sym+#thised !:o& %o&'d h#ve (#ited for &s #t the vi''#)! Andre#s to'd her !5t (o&'d h#ve been eno&gh /&st to h#ve sent # driver (ith the -#nd Rover !

!No) it (o&'dn!t)! O'ym+i# to'd him st#r$'y) shr&gging her sho&'ders #s her mother m#de # f#int so&nd of +rotest "he 'oo$ed #n*io&s'y #t her) s#ying) !7e'') he h#s to $no(0! !5 h#ve to $no( (h#t8! Andre#s beg#n to fro(n !Athen# is here)! his mother to'd him &nh#++i'y !"he #rrived e#r'ier #nd she0! !"he (h#t8! !"he s#id th#t yo&r gr#ndf#ther h#d invited her)! his mother %ontin&ed !:o& $no( (h#t th#t me#ns) don!t yo& Andre#s8! O'ym+i# interr&+ted #ngri'y !5t me#ns th#t she!s b&''ied 3r#ndf#ther into s#ying she %o&'d st#y And th#t!s not #''0! !Pi#0! her mother beg#n &nh#++i'y) b&t O'ym+i# ref&sed to be si'en%ed !"he!s bro&ght th#t revo'ting %ree+ Aristot'e (ith her "he %'#ims th#t she is right in the midd'e of #n im+ort#nt b&siness de#' #nd th#t she needs him (ith her be%#&se he!s her #%%o&nt#nt 5f it!s so im+ort#nt) ho( %ome she h#d time to be here8! O'ym+i# dem#nded !Oh) b&t 5 h#te her so This morning she (ent on #nd on #bo&t ho( %on%erned 3r#ndf#ther is #bo&t the b&siness #nd ho( he!s been #s$ing her #dvi%e be%#&se he!s (orried th#t yo&0! !Pi#.! her mother +rotested #g#in) #nd this time Andre#s!s sister did f#'' si'ent) b&t on'y for # fe( se%onds ! !7h#t 5 %#n!t &nderst#nd is (hy Cr#m+s is so t#$en in by her)! she b&rst o&t) #s tho&gh &n#b'e to %ont#in herse'f !5t!s obvio&s (h#t she!s doing "he!s /&st trying to get #t yo&) Andre#s) be%#&se yo& (on!t m#rry her ! !5!m sorry #bo&t this)! He'en# -#timer (#s #+o'ogising !gent'y to "#s$i# !5t %#n!t be +'e#s#nt for yo& :o& h#ven!t met Athen# yet) 5 $no(1! !:es) she h#s)! Andre#s interr&+ted his mother) e*+'#ining (hen both she #nd Pi# 'oo$ed #t him 2&estioning'y) !"omeho( or other she m#n#ged to get # $ey for the -ondon #+#rtment ! !"he!s the (orst) isn!t she8! Pi# to'd "#s$i# !The b'#%$ (ido( s+ider 5 %#'' her ! !Pi#.! Andre#s %hided her sh#r+'y !9#m# h#sn!t to'd yo& everything yet)! Pi# %o&ntered) 'oo$ing +rote%tive'y #t her mother before %ontin&ing) !Athen# h#s insisted on h#ving the room th#t 9#m# h#d #rr#nged to be +re+#red for "#s$i# 5t!s the one ne*t to yo&r s&ite1 !5 tried to sto+ her) Andre#s)! He'en# interr&+ted her d#&ghter &nh#++i'y !4&t yo& $no( (h#t she!s 'i$e !

!"he s#id th#t "#s$i# %o&'d h#ve the room right do(n #t the end of the %orridor :o& $no() the one (e on'y &se #s #n overs+i'' (hen #bso'&te'y everyone is here 5t h#sn!t even got # +ro+er bed ! !:o&!'' h#ve to s#y something to Athen#) Andre#s 9#$e her &nderst#nd th#t she %#n!t0th#t she %#n!t h#ve th#t room be%#&se "#s$i# (i'' be &sing it ! !No) she (on!t)! Andre#s %ontr#di%ted his mother f'#t'y) s'iding his #rm very firm'y #ro&nd "#s$i#) im+risoning'y #'most) dr#(ing her right into his body so th#t her f#%e (#s %on%e#'ed from vie( #s he to'd his mother #nd sister) !"#s$i# (i'' be sh#ring my room0 #nd my bed0! "#s$i# %o&'d sense their sho%$) even tho&gh she %o&'d not see their f#%es Now she $ne( (hy he (#s ho'ding her so tight'y) +reventing #nyone e'se from seeing her e*+ression or he#ring the +#ni%$y deni#' she (#s trying to m#$e b&t (hi%h (#s m&ff'ed #g#inst the fine %otton of his shirt There (#s /&st no (#y th#t she (#s +re+#red for #nything 'i$e this No (#y th#t she %o&'d ever be +re+#red for it 4&t her #ttem+ts to te'' Andre#s (ere bringing her into even more intim#te %ont#%t (ith him #s she tried to 'oo$ &+ into his f#%e His res+onse to her efforts to #ttr#%t his #ttention m#de the sit&#tion even (orse) be%#&se (hen he bent his he#d) #s tho&gh #n*io&s to 'isten to (h#t she (#s s#ying) her 'i+s in#dvertent'y br&shed #g#inst his /#( 5t m&st be # %ombin#tion of he#t #nd sho%$ th#t (#s sending th#t me'ting 'i2&id sens#tion of (e#$ness s(ooshing thro&gh her) "#s$i# de%ided di<<i'y 5t %ert#in'y %o&'dn!t be the fee' of Andre#s!s s$in #g#inst her 'i+s) nor the d#ngero&s g'e#m she %o&'d see in his n#rro(ed eyes #s they g'ittered do(n into hers The #rm he h#d #ro&nd her moved fr#%tion#''y) so th#t the h#nd th#t h#d been resting on her (#ist (#s no( someho( /&st bene#th the %&rve of her bre#st) his fingerti+s s+'#ying #g#inst its soft %&rve #nd m#$ing her0m#$ing her0 !"#s$i# (i'' be sh#ring yo&r room.! Pi# (#s bre#thing) verb#'ising the sho%$ th#t "#s$i# herse'f fe't #nd th#t she s&s+e%ted his mother (#s too emb#rr#ssed to voi%e !7e are eng#ged0#nd soon to be m#rried0! Andre#s to'd his sister smooth'y) #dding in # m&%h ro&gher) r#(er) s+ine-ting'ing'y +ossessive voi%e) !"#s$i# is mine #nd 5 intend to m#$e s&re th#t everyone $no(s it ! !Es+e%i#''y Aristot'e)! Pi# g&essed !5 don!t $no( ho( Athen# %#n end&re him)! she %ontin&ed sh&ddering !He!s 'i$e # sn#$e) "#s$i# A'' %o'd #nd s'imy) (ith horrid 'itt'e eyes #nd %'#mmy h#nds0!

!Athen# end&res him be%#&se of his s$i'' #t 6%re#tive6 #%%o&nting)! Andre#s informed his sister dry'y !:o& me#n he!s dishonest)! Pi# tr#ns'#ted +ithi'y !:o& didn!t he#r th#t from me)! Andre#s (#rned her #s he st#rted to she+herd #'' three of them to(#rds the (#iting -#nd Rover 7hi'st they h#d been t#'$ing the driver h#d 'o#ded their '&gg#ge) #nd #s he he'd the door o+en for his mother) sister #nd "#s$i# to get in "#s$i# he#rd Andre#s #s$ing him #bo&t his f#mi'y) 'istening interested'y (hi'st the driver to'd him (ith +ride #bo&t his son (ho (#s #t &niversity !3r#ndf#ther (#s not very +'e#sed #t #'' (hen Andre#s s#id th#t he (#nted to &se the money o&r f#ther h#d 'eft him to he'+ +#y for the ed&%#tion of o&r +erson#' ho&seho'd st#ff)! Pi# to'd "#s$i# Pi#) yo& #ren!t being very f#ir to yo&r gr#ndf#ther)! her mother ob/e%ted Andre#s h#d done th#t8 "t&bborn'y "#s$i# ref&sed to #%$no('edge th#t she (#s im+ressed by his +hi'#nthro+y H#d he re#''y me#nt (h#t he h#d s#id #bo&t them sh#ring # room8 He %o&'dn!t h#ve done 1%o&'d he8 Person#''y she didn!t %#re where she s'e+t) even if it (#s # norm#''y &n&sed bed'ess room) /&st so 'ong #s she o%%&+ied it on her o(n !7e h#ve both h#d # 'ong d#y #nd 5 im#gine th#t "#s$i# is going to (#nt to h#ve # rest before dinner)! Andre#s (#s s#ying #s the -#nd Rover +&''ed &+ in # %oo' +#ved %o&rty#rd (ith # %entr#' fo&nt#in th#t sent # m&si%#' +'&me of (#ter &+ into the #ir to sho(er b#%$ to e#rth in mi''ions of tiny te#rdro+s 5='' m#$e s&re everyone $no(s th#t yo& #ren!t to be dist&rbed)! his mother res+onded !4&t +erh#+s "#s$i# (o&'d 'i$e something 'ight to e#t #nd drin$0! 4efore "#s$i# %o&'d s#y #nything Andre#s (#s #ns(ering for her) te''ing his mother) 5='' see to th#t)! before +'#%ing his h#nd bene#th "#s$i#!s e'bo( #nd te''ing her in # soft voi%e in (hi%h she s&s+e%ted on'y she %o&'d he#r the &nder'ying thre#t) !This (#y) "#s$i#0! CHAPTER "EVEN !5 CAN!T s'ee+ in this room (ith yo&.! "#s$i# h#d been #b'e to fee' herse'f tremb'ing #s Andre#s h#d (his$ed her do(n # %onf&sing m#<e of %orridors "he h#d $no(n th#t he m&st be #b'e to fee' her nervo&sness #s (e'') b&t someho( she h#d m#n#ged to $ee+ her fee'ings &nder %ontro' &nti' they (ere both inside the h&ge e'eg#nt bedroom (ith the door firm'y sh&t behind them

Right no() tho&gh) she (#s in no mood to #++re%i#te the %oo' e'eg#n%e of her s&rro&ndings 7hir'ing ro&nd) she %onfronted Andre#s determined'y !No (#y (#s that +#rt of the de#' ! !The 6de#'6 (#s th#t yo& (o&'d #%t #s my fi#n%ee) #nd th#t in%'&des doing (h#tever h#s to be done to ens&re th#t the #%t is be'iev#b'e)! he to'd her #ngri'y !5 (on!t s'ee+ here (ith yo&)! "#s$i# +rotested (i'd'y !5 don!t0 5 h#ven!t0! "he %o&'d h#rd'y be#r to 'oo$ #t the '#rge $ing-si<ed bed #s +#ni% fi''ed her) f'ooding o&t r#tion#'ity "he h#d gone thro&gh so m&%h) #nd no( she (#s hot #nd tired #nd very) very #fr#id Her emotions thre#tened to over(he'm her >&i%$'y she t&rned #(#y #s she he#rd Andre#s s#ying) #'most m&nd#ne'y) !5!m going to h#ve # sho(er) #nd if yo&!'' t#$e my #dvi%e yo&!'' do the s#me Then) (hen (e!re both fee'ing %oo'er #nd %#'mer) (e %#n dis%&ss this (ho'e sit&#tion 'ess emotive'y ! A sho(er. 7ith Andre#s. "#s$i# st#red #t him in m&te sho%$ed disbe'ief Did he re#''y thin$ th#t she (o&'d0th#t she %o&'d08 !:o& %#n &se the b#throom first)! he to'd her First. "o he h#dn!t me#nt0 Re'ief s#gged thro&gh her) 2&i%$'y fo''o(ed by # f&rio&s b&rst of to*i% #nger !5 don!t (#nt to &se the b#throom #t #'')! she b&rst o&t !7h#t 5 want is to be #t home 9y own home) (ith my o(n b#throom #nd my o(n bedroom 7h#t 5 (#nt is to be free of this st&+id0st&+id %h#r#de0 7h#t 5 want0! "he h#d to sto+ #s her fee'ings thre#tened to over(he'm her) b&t they ref&sed to be %ont#ined) s+i''ing o&t in # f&rio&s fier%e torrent of #ngry (ords !Ho( %o&'d yo& 'et yo&r mother #nd sister thin$ th#t yo&0th#t (e08! "he shoo$ her he#d) &n#b'e to +&t into (ords (h#t she (#nted to s#y Andre#s h#d no s&%h 2&#'ms !Th#t (e #re 'overs8! he s&++'ied dr#m#ti%#''y for her !7h#t e'se sho&'d they thin$8 5!m # m#n) "#s$i#) #nd yo& #nd 5 #re s&++osed to be eng#ged And if in re#'ity (e (ere) do yo& thin$ for one min&te th#t 5 (o&'dn!t1! !7#nt to test the goods before yo& bo&ght them8! "#s$i# thre( (i'd'y #t him !Oh) of %o&rse) # m#n 'i$e yo& (o&'d be bo&nd to (#nt to do th#t0to m#$e s&re0! "he tensed #s she s#( the (#y he (#s 'oo$ing #t her #nd the bitter #nger in his eyes !Th#t $ind of %omment is ty+i%#' of # (om#n 'i$e yo&)! he gro&nd o&t !Red&%ing everything to terms of money 7e'') 'et me te'' yo&1!

4&t "#s$i# (o&'dn!t 'et him finish) defending herse'f sh#r+'y inste#d #s she insisted) !You (ere the one (ho s#id0! 4&t Andre#s immedi#te'y %he%$ed her !7h#t 5 s#id) or r#ther (h#t 5 (#s trying to s#y before yo& interr&+ted me)! he to'd her gritti'y) !(#s th#t if 5 gen&ine'y 'oved yo& there (o&'d be no (#y 5 (o&'d be #b'e to deny myse'f1or yo&1the +'e#s&re of sho(ing th#t 'ove in the most intim#te +hysi%#' (#y there is There (o&'d be no (#y th#t 5 %o&'d be#r to 'et yo& o&t of my sight or my #rms) %ert#in'y not for the 'ength of # (ho'e night ! "#s$i# dis%overed th#t she h#d st#rted to tremb'e #'most vio'ent'y #s his (ords str&%$ sh#r+'y sensitive %hords dee+ (ithin her body th#t she h#d not even $no(n e*isted Chords th#t #%tiv#ted # dee+ %ore of feminine 'onging) th#t bro&ght her d#ngero&s'y %'ose to the edge of te#rs she h#d no ide# (hy she (#nted to %ry P#ni% r#%ed thro&gh her veins) f'ooding o&t %ommon sense "he %o&'d fee' her he#rt th&m+ing fr#nti%#''y (ith #n*iety "he o+ened her mo&th to te'' Andre#s th#t she h#d %h#nged her mind) th#t she (#nted to go home) th#t she (#s not +re+#red to st#y # min&te 'onger) no m#tter ho( m&%h he tried to b'#%$m#i' her into doing so 4&t her +#ni% didn!t stem from #ny fe#r of him No 5t (#s herse'f she fe#red no() #nd the (#y she (#s beginning to fee') the tho&ghts she (#s beginning to h#ve "he couldn't #''o( herse'f to fee' th#t (#y #bo&t him "he couldn't be #ttr#%ted to him He (#sn!t her ty+e of m#n #t #'' "he #bhorred the (#y he h#d tre#ted her) the (#y he h#d mis/&dged her 4&t the sho%$ing sh#ft of se'f-#(#reness) of 'onging she h#d fe't #s he!d des%ribed his desire for the (om#n he (o&'d 'ove (#sn!t going to be dismissed !5 %#n!t0! she beg#n) sto++ing #s Andre#s he'd &+ his h#nd (#rning'y) si'en%ing her #s someone $no%$ed on the door Dry-mo&thed) "#s$i# (#ited (hi'st he (ent to o+en it) (#t%hing #s their %#ses (ere bro&ght in1 not by the driver of the -#nd Rover b&t by #nother sm#''er) o'der m#n to (hom Andre#s (#s t#'$ing in 3ree$) smi'ing (#rm'y #t him #s he did so) #nd then '#&ghing good-h&mo&red'y #s the o'der m#n 'oo$ed +#st him #t "#s$i# herse'f) before %'#++ing him on the sho&'ders (ith # (ide) be#ming smi'e !7h#t (#s th#t #'' #bo&t8! "#s$i# dem#nded %&rio&s'y on%e he h#d gone #nd they (ere on their o(n #g#in !"t#vros (#s s#ying th#t it is high time 5 h#d # (ife0#nd th#t 5 m&st 'ose no time in getting myse'f # fine boy %hi'd)! he #dded mer%i'ess'y "#s$i# %o&'d fee' herse'f %o'o&ring to the roots of her h#ir #s she 'oo$ed every(here b&t #t the $ing-si<ed bed in the %entre of the room

Des+ite the room!s #ir %onditioning she fe't stif'ed) &n#b'e to bre#the0h&nted #nd des+er#te to es%#+e !5!m going to h#ve th#t sho(er)! Andre#s to'd her) m&nd#ne'y bre#$ing into her tho&ghts) t&rning #(#y from her #s he did so #nd he#ding for one of the three doors th#t o+ened off the bedroom On%e he h#d dis#++e#red "#s$i# 'oo$ed #t the door to the %orridor) 'onging to h#ve the %o&r#ge to (#'$ thro&gh it #nd dem#nd th#t she be f'o(n b#%$ immedi#te'y to Athens 4&t if she did she (o&'d 'ose her /ob!1Andre#s (o&'d m#$e s&re of th#t. Fier%e'y "#s$i# tried to %on%entr#te on something e'se) anything e'se b&t the #++#''ing sit&#tion she (#s in "he h#ted (h#t Andre#s (#s doing to her0(h#t he (#s m#$ing her do And she h#ted Andre#s himse'f too0didn!t she8 Un#b'e to #ns(er 5 her o(n 2&estion honest'y) "#s$i# st&died the vie( beyond the '#rge +#tio doors th#t o+ened o&t onto #n en%'osed %o&rty#rd) (hi%h itse'f s&rro&nded # t#nt#'ising'y tem+ting s(imming +oo' %om+'ete (ith its o(n b&bb'ing s+# +oo' "m#'' o#ses of green +'#nts bro$e &+ the +#ving #nd the bri''i#nt h#rshness of the s&n'ight Comfort#b'e-'oo$ing s&n 'o&ngers %om+'ete (ith &mbre''#s offered # '#<y (#y to en/oy the s&nshine The (ho'e s%ene 'oo$ed 'i$e something o&t of #n e*%'&sive ho'id#y bro%h&re) the $ind "#s$i# h#d on'y been #b'e to g'#n%e #t envio&s'y) $no(ing s&%h # ho'id#y (#s (#y beyond her me#ns 4&t right no( the on'y +'#%e she (#nted to be (#s s#fe in her o(n home Andre#s %o&'dn!t re#''y e*+e%t her to sh#re # room1never mind # bed1(ith him "he %o&'dn!t do it "he (o&'dn!t0she (#s so ! !The b#throom!s free0! "#s$i# fro<e "he h#d been so engrossed in her tho&ghts she h#dn!t re#'ised th#t Andre#s (#s in the bedroom (ith her0st#nding right behind her) she re%ognised #s she +i%$ed &+ the %'e#n) (#rm s%ent of his ne('y sho(ered body !5!'' go #nd sort o&t something 'ight for yo& to e#t Dinner (on!t be for # fe( ho&rs yet) #nd if yo&!'' t#$e my #dvi%e yo&!'' try to rest for # (hi'e 3ree$s e#t '#te #nd go to bed even '#ter ! !4&t 5 tho&ght th#t (e!d be h#ving se+#r#te rooms)! "#s$i# b&rst o&t) &n#b'e to %ontro' her +#ni% #ny 'onger !5 (o&'d never h#ve #greed to %ome here if 5!d tho&ght th#t 5!d1 No. Don!t yo& d#re to&%h me)! she +rotested #s she fe't him moving %'oser to her) re#%hing o&t to her "he (o&'dn!t be #b'e to be#r it if he to&%hed her) if he0

Fr#nti%#''y she t&rned #nd r#n to(#rds the door) b&t someho( Andre#s m#n#ged to get there before her) b'o%$ing her #%%ess to it) t#$ing ho'd of her) his fingers biting into the soft f'esh of her #rms !7h#t the he'' do yo& thin$ yo&!re doing8! he gro&nd o&t s#v#ge'y !7h#t e*#%t'y is it yo&!re +retending to be so #fr#id of8 This8 A (om#n 'i$e yo&.! "#s$i# g#s+ed #nd shoo$ from he#d to foot #s his #rms %'osed im+risioning'y #ro&nd her #nd his mo&th %#me do(n on hers He (#s (e#ring # robe) b&t #s she str&gg'ed to bre#$ free it (#s his b#re s$in she %o&'d fee' bene#th her f'#ying h#nds 7#rm) d#m+0h#rd) his %hest ro&ghened by d#r$ h#irs Her h#nds s$ittered (i'd'y over his torso) sho%$ed by the intim#te &ne*+e%ted %ont#%t (ith his b#re s$in) see$ing some $ind of +&r%h#se to thr&st him #(#y #nd finding none He (#s $issing her (ith #n #ngry +#ssion th#t m#de her fee' (e#$) the b'ood ro#ring in her he#d #s her br#in re%ognised her in#bi'ity to de#' (ith the se#ring e*+erien%e of so m&%h f&rio&s'y m#'e #rrog#nt sens&#'ity !"to+ #%ting 'i$e # novi%e) #n inno%ent)! "#s$i# he#rd him dem#nding #g#inst her mo&th His tong&e for%ed her 'i+s to +#rt for its entry #nd the h#nd th#t (#s im+risoning her &rged her even dee+er into the sens&#' he#t of his +#rted thighs #s he 'e#ned b#%$ #g#inst the door) t#$ing her (ith him His free h#nd (#s on her body) #rrog#nt'y stro$ing its (#y &+ +#st her (#ist to the %&rve of her bre#st "#s$i# tensed in sho%$ #s it %&++ed her bre#st) his th&mb +#d %ir%'ing her ni++'e #nd someho( enti%ing it to +e#$ into # sho%$ing b&d of de'i%io&s (#nton +'e#s&re "he %o&'d fee' the #ro&sed he#t of him 'i$e # br#nd) #nd bene#th her #nger she fe't # sh#r+) s+ir#'ing st#b of fem#'e %&riosity #nd e*%itement0# d#ngero&s s&rge to %ons+ire (ith him) to #''o( her tr#itoro&s body to e*+erien%e even more of the intim#%y of their embr#%e 7itho&t $no(ing she h#d done so she o+ened her mo&th) hesit#nt'y #''o(ing him #%%ess to its s(eetness) shy'y st#rting to ret&rn his $iss #nd even more shy'y #''o(ing her tong&e to mesh sed&%tive'y (ith his !Andre#s8 Are yo& in there8 5t!s me) Athen#05 need to t#'$-to yo& ! "#s$i# fro<e #s she he#rd Athen#!s voi%e from the other side of the door) b&t Andre#s sho(ed no sign (h#tsoever of #ny %onf&sion or emb#rr#ssment ! "ti'' ho'ding "#s$i# #g#inst him in # gri+ she %o&'d not bre#$; he o+ened the door #nd to'd Athen# f'#t'y) !Not no() Athen# As yo& %#n see) "#s$i# #nd 5 #re b&sy ! !"he is (ith you&' Athen# sn#++ed #ngri'y) d#rting "#s$i# # 'oo$ of i%y venom !7hy isn!t she in her o(n room8!

!"he is)! Andre#s ret&rned %oo''y !9y room is "#s$i#!s room 9y bed0her bed 9y body0her0! !:o&r gr#ndf#ther (i'' never #''o( yo& to m#rry her)! Athen# bre#thed) b&t Andre#s (#s #'re#dy %'osing the door) ignoring her insisten%e th#t he 'isten to her !Andre#s) 'et me go)! "#s$i# dem#nded "he %o&'dn!t be#r to 'oo$ #t him Co&'dn!t be#r to do #nything) 'e#st of #'' thin$ #bo&t the (#y she h#d res+onded to him0the (#y she h#d en%o&r#ged him0 Derisive'y Andre#s (#t%hed her !O$#y) "#s$i#) th#t!s eno&gh)! he to'd her !5 $no( 5 to'd yo& 5 (#nted yo& to #%t 'i$e # f#ithf&' fi#n%ee) b&t th#t does not me#n yo& h#ve to +retend to be #n inno%ent virgin (ho h#s never1! Abr&+t'y he sto++ed) fro(ning #s he m&''ed over the &n(#nted s&s+i%ions th#t (ere stri$ing him #s he 'oo$ed #t "#s$i#!s +#'e f#%e #nd h&nted eyes Even tho&gh he h#d 'et her go she (#s sti'' sh#$ing) tremb'ing from he#d to foot) #nd he %o&'d h#ve s(orn /&st no() (hen he h#d he'd her in his #rms #nd $issed her0to&%hed her) th#t he (#s the first m#n to m#$e her fee' so0 For # moment he e*#mined (h#t he (#s thin$ing) #nd fee'ing) #nd then firm'y dismissed his s&s+i%ions There (#s no (#y she %o&'d be so ine*+erien%ed) no (#y #t #'' There (#s eno&gh 3ree$ in him for him to %onsider th#t the gift of her virginity) her +&rity) (#s one of the gre#test gifts # (om#n %o&'d give to the m#n she 'oved) b&t his %&'t&r#' herit#ge from his 4ritish f#ther #nd s%hoo'ing mo%$ed #nd even de+'ored s&%h #r%h#i% fee'ings 7o&'d # (om#n e*+e%t # m#n to $ee+ himse'f +&re &nti' he met her8 No "o (hy sho&'d it be #ny different for # (om#n8 As # m#t&re m#n he #%%e+ted #nd res+e%ted # (om#n!s right to %hoose ho( she de#'t (ith her o(n se*&#'ity 4&t he $ne( too th#t #s # 'over) # h&sb#nd) there (o&'d be # dee+'y) d#r$'y +#ssion#te #nd +ossessive +#rt of him th#t ye#rned to be his be'oved!s on'y +#rtner) #n #%he (ithin him to te#%h her) sho( her the de'ights of sens&#' 'ove And right no( something #bo&t "#s$i#!s re#%tion to him (#s s+#r$ing off # re#%tion he (#s h#ving to fight to %ontro') # res+onse th#t (#s +&re +rimitive 3ree$ m#'e A need. !5!m not s'ee+ing in this room (ith yo&)! "#s$i# reiter#ted n&mb'y !5!m0! 5f she was #%ting then she deserved #n Os%#r) Andre#s de%ided grim'y 4&t # fi#n%ee (ho 'oo$ed terrified #t the very tho&ght of being (ith him (#s the '#st thing he needed He h#d to %#'m her do(n) to %#'m them both do(n !Come (ith me)! he %omm#nded) t#$ing ho'd of her h#nd #nd dr#(ing her to(#rds one of the doors th#t o+ened off the bedroom

7hen he o+ened it "#s$i# %o&'d see th#t the room th#t '#y beyond it (#s f&rnished #s #n offi%e) (ith #'' the '#test te%hno'ogi%#' e2&i+ment !7i'' it m#$e yo& fee' #ny better if 5 te'' yo& th#t 5 intend to s'ee+ in there8! Andre#s dem#nded !5n there8 4&t it!s #n offi%e There!s no bed)! "#s$i# (his+ered sh#$i'y !5 %#n bring in one of the s&n 'o&ngers #nd s'ee+ on th#t)! Andre#s to'd her im+#tient'y !:o& me#n it0! "#s$i# (#s (#ry) re'&%t#nt to tr&st or be'ieve him Andre#s nodded his he#d grim'y) (ondering (hy on e#rth he (#s #''o(ing his over#%tive %ons%ien%e to for%e him into s&%h # ridi%&'o&s sit&#tion He $ne( there (#s no (#y she %o&'d +ossib'y be the n#ive) frightened inno%ent she (#s beh#ving #s tho&gh she (#s !4&t s&re'y someone (o&'d noti%e if yo& removed # s&n bed8! she (#s #s$ing him &n%ert#in'y !On'y my room o+ens o&t onto this +oo' #re# 5t!s my +riv#te territory The m#in +oo' (hi%h everyone e'se &ses is ro&nd the other side of the vi''# ! His o(n +riv#te +oo' "#s$i# fo&ght not to be im+ressed) b&t obvio&s'y she h#d not fo&ght h#rd eno&gh) she re%ognised r&ef&''y #s Andre#s g#ve her #n im+#tient 'oo$ !5!m not trying to m#$e # +oint) "#s$i#) one-&+m#nshi+ of th#t bo#stf&' sort is #n#them# to me 9y gr#ndf#ther m#y be # mi''ion#ire b&t 5 most %ert#in'y #m not ! 5t (#sn!t entire'y tr&e) b&t something #bo&t the 'oo$ in "#s$i#!s eyes m#de him (#nt to ref&te #ny ment#' %riti%ism she might h#ve th#t he (#s some $ind of id'e +'#yboy) 'o&nging by # s(imming +oo' #'' d#y !5t!s /&st th#t 5 h#++en to 'i$e #n e#r'y-morning s(im (hen 5!m here #t the vi''#; my sisters &sed to %'#im th#t 5 (o$e them &+ so 5 h#d this +oo' inst#''ed for my o(n &se "(imming '#+s he'+s me to %'e#r my tho&ghts #s (e'' #s #''o(ing me to e*er%ise ! "#s$i# $ne( (h#t he (#s s#ying) she fe't the s#me #bo&t (#'$ing 7henever she (#s (orried #bo&t something) or h#d # +rob'em to m&'' over) she (#'$ed As he (#t%hed her Andre#s #s$ed himse'f grim'y (hy he (#s going to so m&%h tro&b'e to %#'m #nd re#ss&re her Th#t frightened he#rtbe#t he h#d fe't th&dding so #n*io&s'y #g#inst his o(n body /&st h#d to h#ve been f#$ed There (#s no (#y tit %o&'d not h#ve been J&st 'i$e th#t h&ge-eyed (#t%hf&'ness) "#s$i# bit her 'i+ #s she 'oo$ed #(#y from him 5t (#s obvio&s th#t Andre#s me#nt (h#t he s#id #bo&t s'ee+ing in his offi%e) b&t right no( it (#sn!t their s'ee+ing #rr#ngements th#t (ere to the forefront of her mind so m&%h #s (h#t

(#s h#++ening d&ring their (#$ing ho&rs1#nd (h#t she herse'f h#d /&st e*+erien%ed (hen he $issed her "he %o&'dn!t h#ve se%ret'y (#nted him to $iss her "&re'y it (#s im+ossib'e th#t th#t %o&'d h#++en (itho&t her being %ons%io&s'y #(#re of it 4&t (h#t other e*+'#n#tion %o&'d there be for the (#y she h#d res+onded to him8 her %ons%ien%e dem#nded gritti'y !Right)! she %o&'d he#r Andre#s s#ying dry'y) !no( th#t (e!ve got that sorted o&t 5!ve got some (or$ to do) so (hy don!t yo& h#ve something to e#t #nd then h#ve # rest8! !5 need to &n+#%$)! "#s$i# beg#n to +rotest) b&t Andre#s shoo$ his he#d !One of the m#ids (i'' do th#t for yo& (hi'st yo&!re resting ! 7hen he s#( her e*+ression he to'd her soft'y) !They (or$ for &s) "#s$i# they #re serv#nts #nd they (or$ to e#rn their 'iving /&st #s yo& #nd 5 (or$ to e#rn o&rs ! !Oh) 5!m sorry) 5 didn!t (#$e yo&) did 58! Pi# s#id sotto voce !4&t it (i'' be dinner time soon #nd 5 tho&ght yo& might #++re%i#te some e*tr# time to get re#dy ! As "#s$i# %#me f&''y #(#$e #nd str&gg'ed to sit &+ in the bed she re%ognised th#t her &ne*+e%ted visitor (#s Andre#s!s sister O'ym+i# The #r%#ne grin th#t %rossed Pi#!s f#%e #s she #dded) !7e norm#''y dress do(n here) not &+) b&t Athen# is bo&nd to (#nt to m#$e #n im+#%t)! m#de "#s$i# (#rm to her friend'iness !7here!s08! she beg#n #n*io&s'y) b&t didn!t get #ny f&rther th#n the first (ord of her en2&iry !7here!s Andre#s8! Pi# s&++'ied for her) !3r#ndf#ther te'e+honed to s+e#$ to o&r mother #nd then he (#nted to h#ve # (ord (ith Andre#s ! "he g#ve # sm#'' shr&g !He!s +rob#b'y sti'' on the +hone) #nd 5 h#ve to (#rn yo& he isn!t in # very good mood ! As she s#( the (#y "#s$i#!s eyes be%#me (#t%hf&' she h#stened to #ss&re her !Oh) it isn!t yo& 5t!s Athen# "he!s bro&ght her #%%o&nt#nt (ith her #nd Andre#s is f&rio&s He %#n!t st#nd him None of &s %#n) b&t Athen# insisted th#t 3r#ndf#ther invited Aristot'e +erson#''y ! As Pi# d#rted #bo&t the room) s(it%hing on '#m+s to i''&min#te the d#r$ness of the 3ree$ evening) "#s$i# s(&ng her feet to the f'oor "he h#d f#''en #s'ee+ f&''y dressed #nd no( she fe't gr&bby #nd &ntidy The tho&ght of h#ving to sit do(n #t # dinner t#b'e (ith Andre#s #nd Athen# (#s not one she (#s 'oo$ing for(#rd to) b&t Pi# (#s right #bo&t one thing, she would need to m#$e #n im+#%t Andre#s (o&'d no do&bt e*+e%t it of her "ti'') (ith her s&it%#se f&'' of the ne( %'othes he h#d insisted on b&ying for her) she h#d no e*%&se not to do so

!9#ri#!s #'re#dy &n+#%$ed yo&r %#ses for yo&)! Pi# informed her !5 he'+ed her)! she #dded !5 'ove th#t 'itt'e b'#%$ n&mber yo&!ve bro&ght (ith yo& 5t!s to die for :o&r %'othes #re gorgeo&s Andre#s $e+t %oming in #nd te''ing me not to m#$e so m&%h noise in %#se 5 (o$e yo& &+ ! "he +&''ed #nother f#%e !He!s so +rote%tive of yo& !9#m# #nd 5 #re so g'#d th#t he!s met yo&)! she #dded more 2&iet'y) giving "#s$i# # 'oo$ of (#rm %onfiden%e th#t immedi#te'y m#de her fee' horrib'y g&i'ty !7e both 'ove him to bits) of %o&rse)! she (ent on) !#nd th#t h#rd'y m#$es &s im+#rti#' 4&t (e (ere beginning to get so #fr#id th#t he might /&st give in to 3r#ndf#ther #nd Athen# for 3r#ndf#ther!s s#$e1#nd (e both $no( he %o&'d never 'ove her 5 s&++ose he!s to'd yo& #bo&t (h#t she did (hen he (#s yo&nger8! 7itho&t (#iting for "#s$i# to s#y #nything Pi# %ontin&ed in # 2&i%$ b&rst of f'&rried (ords) !5!m not s&++osed to $no( #bo&t it re#''y -ydi#) my sister) to'd me) #nd s(ore me to se%re%y) b&t of %o&rse it!s #'' right to dis%&ss it (ith yo& be%#&se Andre#s m&st h#ve to'd yo& #bo&t it He (#s on'y fifteen #t the time1/&st # boy) re#''y1#nd she (#s so m&%h o'der #nd on the +oint of getting m#rried 5 $no( the #%t&#' #ge g#+ in terms of ye#rs (o&'d be nothing if it h#d been bet(een t(o #d&'ts) b&t Andre#s (#sn!t #n #d&'t He (#s sti'' #t s%hoo' #nd she0 5 thin$ it (#s (onderf&''y br#ve #nd mor#' of Andre#s to ref&se to go to bed (ith her1#nd do yo& $no( something e'se8 5 thin$ th#t #'tho&gh Athen# claims to 'ove him # +#rt of her re#''y (#nts to +&nish him for not 'etting her1 (e'') yo& $no(.! Athen# h#d tried to seduce Andre#s (hen he h#d sti'' been # s%hoo'boy. "#s$i# h#d to fight h#rd to %ontro' both her sho%$ #nd the dist#ste Pi#!s reve'#tions (ere %#&sing her 5t (#s tr&e th#t in terms of ye#rs1# mere seven or so1the #ge g#+ bet(een them (#s not '#rge 4&t for # (om#n in her t(enties to #ttem+t to sed&%e # boy of fifteen1s&re'y th#t (#s #'most se*&#' #b&se8 A %o'd shiver to&%hed "#s$i#!s s$in) i%y fingers s+re#ding # %hi''ing mess#ge thro&gh her 7o&'d # (om#n (ho (#s +re+#red to do something 'i$e th#t #''o( # mere bog&s fi#n%ee to %ome bet(een her #nd the m#n she (#nted8 And Athen# obvio&s'y did (#nt Andre#s very b#d'y indeed1 even if her motiv#tion for doing so (#s shro&ded in se%re%y Andre#s (#s s&%h # very male m#n it (#s h#rd to im#gine him in the ro'e of h&nted r#ther th#n h&nter 5f ever # m#n h#d been designed by n#t&re to be +ro#%tive) #rrog#nt #nd +red#tory th#t m#n (#s) in "#s$i#!s o+inion) Andre#s 4&t there (#s something so #'ien to "#s$i#!s o(n e*+erien%e in Athen#) # %o'dness) # greed) #'most #n obsessiveness th#t "#s$i# fo&nd it h#rd to re'#te to her or even thin$ of her in terms of being # member of her o(n se* Her determin#tion to m#rry Andre#s (#s %hi''ing'y formid#b'e

!Of %o&rse) if it (#sn!t for 3r#ndf#ther!s he#'th there (o&'dn!t be #ny +rob'em)! Pi# (#s s#ying r&ef&''y !7e #'' $no( th#t 3r#ndf#ther 'i$es to thin$ th#t be%#&se he (or$s for him Andre#s is fin#n%i#''y de+endent on him) b&t0! "he sto++ed) sh#$ing her he#d !:o& #re going to (e#r the b'#%$) #ren!t yo&8 5!m dying to see yo& in it :o&!ve got the %o'o&ring for it 5 'oo$ so dr#b in b'#%$) #'tho&gh yo& %#n bet th#t Athen# (i'' (e#r it 7hoo+s.! "he grim#%ed #s they both he#rd m#'e footste+s in the %orridor o&tside the bedroom !Th#t (i'' be Andre#s) #nd he!'' s%#'+ me if he thin$s 5!m being # +est ! "#s$i# tensed #s Andre#s %#me into the room) (#t%hing #s his g'#n%e (ent from the bed to (here she (#s st#nding in the %orner of the room !Pi#)! he beg#n omino&s'y) !5 to'd yo&0! !5 (#s #(#$e (hen she %#me)! "#s$i# intervened +rote%tive'y "he 'i$ed Andre#s!s sister) #nd if she!d been gen&ine'y in 'ove (ith him #nd +'#nning to m#rry him she $ne( she (o&'d h#ve been de'ighted to h#ve fo&nd # +otenti#' friend in this (#rm-he#rted) im+&'sive (om#n Pi# '#&n%hed herse'f #t Andre#s) '#&ghing &+ into his f#%e #s she h&gged him #nd to'd him tri&m+h#nt'y) !"ee8 :o& #re (rong) big brother) #nd yo& m&st not be so firm #nd bossy (ith me other(ise "#s$i# (i'' not (#nt to m#rry yo& And no( th#t 5 h#ve met her 5 #m determined th#t she (i'' be my sister-in-'#( 7e (ere /&st dis%&ssing (h#t she is going to (e#r for dinner)! she #dded !5 h#ve (#rned her th#t Athen# (i'' be dressed to $i''.! !5f yo& don!t t#$e yo&rse'f off to yo&r o(n room so th#t (e %#n all get re#dy) Athen# is going to be the on'y one (ho is dressed for #nything)! Andre#s to'd her dry'y ?issing his forehe#d) Pi# re'e#sed him #nd h&rried to the door) +#&sing #s she o+ened it to give "#s$i# #n im+ish grin #nd remind her) !7e#r the b'#%$.! 5!m sorry)! Andre#s #+o'ogised #fter the door h#d %'osed behind her !5 #s$ed her not to dist&rb yo& ! "o he h#dn!t been de%eived by her fib) "#s$i# re%ognised !5 don!t mind; 5 'i$e her)! "#s$i# res+onded) this time te''ing him the tr&th !9mm0 Pi#!s 'i$e#bi'ity is something 5!m #fr#id she tends to tr#de on on o%%#sion As the b#by of the f#mi'y she!s # +#st mistress #t getting her o(n (#y)! he to'd "#s$i# in f#int e*#s+er#tion) before g'#n%ing #t his (#t%h #nd informing her) !:o&!ve got h#'f #n ho&r to get re#dy ! "#s$i# too$ # dee+ ste#dying bre#th "omething #bo&t the reve'#tions Pi# h#d m#de h#d #%tiv#ted the dee+ %ore of sym+#thy for others th#t (#s so m&%h # +#rt of her n#t&re

"ome(here dee+ inside her # s(it%h h#d been thro(n) # se# %h#nge m#de) #nd (itho&t her $no(ing 2&ite ho( it h#d h#++ened Andre#s h#d &ndergone # tr#nsform#tion) from her o++ressor #nd # di%t#tor (hom she 'o#thed #nd fe#red to someone (ho deserved her %h#m+ionshi+ #nd he'+ "he h#d # ro'e (hi%h she (#s no( determined she (#s going to +'#y to the very best of her #bi'ity !H#'f #n ho&r)! she re+e#ted in #s b&siness'i$e # m#nner #s she %o&'d !Then in th#t %#se 5 sho&'d 'i$e to &se the b#throom first ! CHAPTER E53HT !"O) "A"?5A) ho( do yo& thin$ yo& (i'' #d/&st to being # 3ree$ (ife1if yo& #nd Andre#s do #%t&#''y get m#rried8! "#s$i# %o&'d he#r Pi#!s indr#(n g#s+ of indign#tion #t the (#y Athen# h#d fr#med her 2&estion) b&t she ref&sed to #''o( herse'f to be intimid#ted by the other (om#n Ever sin%e they h#d #'' t#$en their +'#%es #t the dinner t#b'e "#s$i# h#d re%ognised th#t Athen# (#s determined to &nnerve #nd &+set her #s m&%h #s she %o&'d Ho(ever) before she %o&'d s#y #nything Andre#s (#s #ns(ering the 2&estion for her !There is no 6if6 #bo&t it Athen#)! he to'd her im+'#%#b'y !"#s$i# will be%ome my (ife ! No( it (#s "#s$i#!s t&rn to stif'e her o(n +otenti#''y betr#ying g#s+ of sho%$) b&t she %o&'dn!t %ontro' her instin%tive &rge to 'oo$ #n*io&s'y #%ross the t#b'e #t Andre#s 7h#t (o&'d he do (hen he &'tim#te'y h#d to b#%$ do(n #nd #dmit to Athen# th#t their eng#gement (#s over8 Th#t (#s his +rob'em #nd not hers) she tried to remind herse'f ste#di'y "omething odd h#d h#++ened to her someho(; she (#s %onvin%ed of it Andre#s h#d (#'$ed o&t of the offi%e #d/oining !their! bedroom e#r'ier this evening #nd %ome to # st#ndsti'' in front of her) s#ying 2&iet'y) !5 do&bt th#t #ny m#n 'oo$ing #t yo& no( %o&'d do #nything other th#n (ish th#t yo& (ere his) "#s$i# ! "he h#d %ert#in'y never h#d #ny desire to go on the st#ge1f#r from it1#nd yet from th#t moment she h#d fe't #s tho&gh someho( she h#d ste++ed into # ne( +erson# "&dden'y she h#d be%ome Andre#s!s fi#n%Ae #nd) 'i$e #ny (om#n in 'ove) not on'y (#s she +ro&d to be (ith the m#n she 'oved) she #'so fe't very fem#'e'y +rote%tive of him The #n*iety in her eyes no( (#s for him #nd %ecause of him Ho( (o&'d he fee' (hen Athen# t#&nting'y thre( the %omment he h#d /&st m#de b#%$ in his f#%e8 Ho( m&st he h#ve fe't (hen he h#d first re#'ised) #s # boy) /&st (h#t she (#nted from him8 !7ives 5 'ove (ives ! Aristot'e) Athen#!s #%%o&nt#nt) grinned s#'#%io&s'y) 'e#ning to(#rds "#s$i# so th#t he %o&'d +&t his h#nd on her #rm 5mmedi#te'y she t&rned #(#y from him "#s$i# f&''y sh#red Pi#!s vie( of Athen#!s #%%o&nt#nt A'tho&gh he (#s 2&ite t#'') the he#vy) (eighty str&%t&re of his torso m#de

him 'oo$ #'most s2&#t His thi%$ b'#%$ h#ir (#s he#vi'y oi'ed #nd the (hite s&it he (#s (e#ring over # b'#%$ shirt) in "#s$i#!s o+inion #t 'e#st) did him no f#vo&rs Andre#s) on the other h#nd) 'oo$ed se*i'y %oo' #nd re'#*ed in e'eg#nt'y t#i'ored tro&sers (ith # %oo' (hite %otton shirt 5f she h#d +riv#te'y tho&ght her b'#%$ dress might be r#ther over the to+ she h#d s(ift'y re#'ised ho( right Pi# h#d been to s&ggest th#t she (ore it on%e she h#d seen Athen#!s o&tfit Her s'in$y s$intight (hite dress 'eft nothing to the im#gin#tion !5t (#s designed es+e%i#''y for me)! "#s$i# h#d he#rd her smir$ing to Andre#s !And it is m#de to be (orn e*#%t'y the (#y 5 most 'ove1ne*t to my s$in)! she h#d #dded) 'o&d'y eno&gh for "#s$i# to overhe#r !7hi%h reminds me 5 ho+e yo& h#ve (#rned yo&r fi#n%ee th#t 5 'i$e to sh#re yo&r morning s(im so she (on!t be too sho%$ed0! "he h#d t&rned to "#s$i# !Andre#s is 'i$e me) he 'i$es to s(im best in his s$in)! she h#d to'd her +&rring'y 5n his s$in "#s$i# h#dn!t been #b'e to +revent herse'f from giving Andre#s # brief sho%$ed 'oo$ (hi%h) fort&n#te'y) Athen#-h#d +&t do(n to "#s$i#!s /e#'o&sy #t the tho&ght of #nother (om#n s(imming n&de (ith her fi#n%ee 7hi'st "#s$i# h#d been digesting this stom#%h-%h&rning dis%'os&re she h#d he#rd Andre#s himse'f re+'ying br&s2&e'y) !5 %#n on'y re%#'' one o%%#sion on (hi%h yo& #ttem+ted to /oin me in my morning '#+ session) Athen#) #nd 5 re%#'' too th#t 5 to'd yo& then ho( 'itt'e 5 #++re%i#te h#ving my morning +e#%e interr&+ted ! !Oh) de#r ! Athen# h#d +o&ted) &n#b#shed !Are yo& #fr#id th#t 5 h#ve s#id something yo& didn!t (#nt yo&r fi#n%ee to $no(8 4&t s&re'y) Andre#s)! she h#d m&rm&red h&s$i'y) re#%hing o&t to +'#%e her h#nd on his #rm) !she must re#'ise th#t # m#n #s #ttr#%tive #s yo&0#s viri'e #s yo&0(i'' h#ve h#d other 'overs before her0! Her br#<enness h#d #'most t#$en "#s$i#!s bre#th #(#y "he %o&'d im#gine /&st ho( she (o&'d be fee'ing right no( if Andre#s had indeed been her fi#n%ee Ho( /e#'o&s #nd inse%&re Athen#!s (ords (o&'d be m#$ing her fee' No (om#n (#nted to be reminded of the other (omen (ho h#d sh#red #n intim#te re'#tionshi+ (ith her be'oved before her 4&t Andre#s) it seemed) (#s %om+'ete'y &nf#<ed by Athen#!s reve'#tions He h#d sim+'y removed her #rm by the e*+edient of ste++ing b#%$ from her #nd +&tting his o(n #rm #ro&nd "#s$i#!s sho&'ders He h#d dr#(n her so %'ose to his body th#t "#s$i# h#d $no(n he m&st be #b'e to fee' the fine tremor of re#%tion she (#s &n#b'e to s&++ress A tremor (hi%h h#d in%re#sed to # f&''-f'ooded %onv&'sion (hen his 'e#n fingers h#d st#rted #'most #bsent'y to %#ress the smooth b#'' of her b#re sho&'der

!"#s$i# $no(s th#t she is the on'y (om#n 5 h#ve ever 'oved1the (om#n 5 (#nt to s+end my 'ife (ith ! The more she 'istened to #nd (#t%hed Athen# the more "#s$i# s&bs%ribed to Pi#!s be'ief th#t it (#sn!t 'ove th#t (#s motiv#ting the other (om#n "ometimes she 'oo$ed #t Andre#s #s tho&gh she h#ted him #nd (#nted to tot#''y destroy him Aristot'e) or !Ari! #s he h#d to'd "#s$i# he +referred to be %#''ed) (#s sti'' trying to eng#ge her #ttention) b&t she (#s de'iber#te'y trying to feign # '#%$ of #(#reness of th#t f#%t There (#s something #bo&t him she fo&nd so 'o#thsome th#t the tho&ght of even the hot d#m+ to&%h of his h#nd on her #rm m#de her sh&dder (ith dist#ste Ho(ever) good m#nners for%ed her to res+ond to his 2&estions #s +o'ite'y #s she %o&'d) even (hen she tho&ght they (ere into'er#b'e #nd intr&sive He h#d #'re#dy to'd her th#t (ere he Andre#s!s #%%o&nt#nt he (o&'d be insisting she sign # +ren&+ti#' %ontr#%t to m#$e s&re th#t if the m#rri#ge ended Andre#s!s money (o&'d be s#fe 9&%h to "#s$i#!s s&r+rise Andre#s himse'f h#d thoro&gh'y %onfo&nded her by /oining in the %onvers#tion #nd te''ing Aristot'e grim'y th#t he (o&'d never #s$ the (om#n he 'oved to sign s&%h #n #greement !9oney is nothing (hen %om+#red (ith 'ove)! he h#d to'd Aristot'e firm'y in # dee+) im+'#%#b'e voi%e) his (ords so obvio&s'y gen&ine th#t "#s$i# h#d fo&nd she (#s ho'ding her bre#th # 'itt'e #s she 'istened to him Then he h#d 'oo$ed #t her) #nd "#s$i# h#d remembered /&st ho( they h#d met #nd (h#t he re#''y tho&ght of her) #nd s&dden'y she h#d fe't the most bitter t#ste of des+#ir in her mo&th #nd she h#d 'onged to te'' him ho( (rong he (#s At 'e#st she h#d the %omfort of $no(ing th#t his mother #nd sister 'i$ed her) #nd Pi# h#d #ss&red her th#t their e'der sister (#s e2&#''y +'e#sed th#t Andre#s h#d f#''en in 'ove) #nd (#s 'oo$ing for(#rd to meeting "#s$i# (hen she #nd her h&sb#nd #nd their %hi'dren %#me to the is'#nd '#ter in the month !-ydi#!s h&sb#nd is # di+'om#t) #nd they #re in 4r&sse's #t the moment) b&t she is 'onging to meet yo&)! Pi# h#d to'd her "he (o&'d h#ve h#ted it if Andre#s!s %'ose f#mi'y h#d not 'i$ed #nd (e'%omed her Abr&+t'y "#s$i# fe't her f#%e st#rt to b&rn 7h#t on e#rth (#s she thin$ing8 "he (#s on'y playing the +#rt of Andre#s!s fi#n%Ee Their eng#gement (#s # fi%tion) # %h#r#de0# lie %re#ted sim+'y to he'+ him es%#+e from the tr#+ th#t Athen# (#s trying to set for him 7h#t she m&st not forget (#s th#t it (#s # 'ie he h#d tri%$ed #nd b'#%$m#i'ed her into %o''&ding (ith Aristot'e (#s s#ying something to her #bo&t (#nting to sho( her the vi''#!s g#rdens A&tom#ti%#''y "#s$i# shoo$ her he#d) her f#%e b&rning (ith fresh %o'o&r #s she s#( the

(#y Andre#s (#s (#t%hing her) # mi*t&re of #nger #nd (#rning in his eyes He %o&'dn!t serio&s'y thin$ she (o&'d #%t&#''y accept Aristot'e!s invit#tion8 !"#s$i# h#s h#d # 'ong d#y 5 thin$ it!s time (e s#id o&r goodnights)! she he#rd him s#ying #br&+t'y #s he stood &+ "#s$i# 'oo$ed 2&i%$'y ro&nd the t#b'e 5t (#s obvio&s from the e*+ressions of everyone e'se /&st (h#t inter+ret#tion they (ere +&tting on Andre#s!s de%ision) #nd "#s$i# $ne( th#t the he#t (#shing her f#%e #nd thro#t %o&'d on'y %onfirm their s&s+i%ions !Andre#s0! she st#rted to +rotest #s he %#me ro&nd to her %h#ir #nd stood behind her !5 don!t0! !:o&!re (#sting yo&r bre#th) "#s$i# ! Pi# %h&%$'ed !4e%#&se my de#r brother obvio&s'y does Oh) yo& needn!t +&t th#t 'ord'y e*+ression on for me) brother de#r ! "he '#&ghed #g#in) before #dding mis%hievo&s'y) !And 5 (o&'dn!t mind betting th#t yo& (on!t be '#++ing the +oo' #t d#(n0! !Pi#.! her mother +rotested) +in$-%hee$ed) (hi'st Athen# g#ve "#s$i# # 'oo$ of %on%entr#ted h#tred H#sti'y "#s$i# stood &+) #nd then fro<e #s Aristot'e did the s#me) insisting in # thi%$ voi%e) !5 m&st %'#im the +rivi'ege of f#mi'y friend #nd $iss the ne( #ddition to the f#mi'y goodnight ! 4efore "#s$i# %o&'d ev#de him he (#s re#%hing for her) b&t before he %o&'d +&t his (ords into #%tion Andre#s (#s st#nding bet(een them) #nno&n%ing grim'y) !There is on'y one m#n my fi#n%ee $isses0! !5f yo&!'' t#$e my #dvi%e) yo&!'' $ee+ (e'' #(#y from Aristot'e He h#s # very &ns#vo&ry re+&t#tion (ith (omen His e*-(ife h#s #%%&sed him of being vio'ent to(#rds her #nd1! "#s$i# t&rned #s she ste++ed into the bedroom) her #nger sho(ing !:o& %#n!t me#n (h#t 5 think yo& me#n)! she dem#nded (hi'st Andre#s %'osed the door Ho( %o&'d he +ossib'y im#gine th#t she (o&'d even %ontem+'#te being interested in # m#n 'i$e the #%%o&nt#nt8 5t (#s #n ins&'t she (#s sim+'y not +re+#red to to'er#te !C#n!t 58! Andre#s %o&ntered %&rt'y) !:o&!re here for one re#son #nd one re#son on'y) "#s$i# :o&!re here to #%t #s my fi#n%ee 7hi'st 5 %#n #++re%i#te th#t) being the (om#n yo& #re) the tem+t#tion to fe#ther yo&r nest # 'itt'e #nd do (h#t yo& so obvio&s'y dE)best m&st be # strong one) 'et me (#rn yo& no( #g#inst giving in to it 5f yo& do) in f#%t0! 5f she did0 7hy) she (o&'d r#ther die th#n 'et # s'ime b#'' 'i$e Ari %ome #ny(here ne#r her) "#s$i# ref'e%ted f&rio&s'y And to tr&n$ th#t b#%$ there in the dining room she h#d actually fe't sym+#theti% to(#rds Andre#s) h#d #%t&#''y (#nted to protect him No() tho&gh) her #nger sho%$ed thro&gh her in # fier%e) d#ngero&s f'ood of +ride

!5f yo& (#nt the tr&th) 5 find Ari #'most #s re+&'sive'y 'o#thsome #s 5 do yo&)! she thre( bitter'y #t him !:o& d#re to s+e#$ of me in the s#me bre#th #s th#t re+ti'e8 Ho( d#re yo& s+e#$ so of me0or to me08! Andre#s dem#nded) his #nger s&rging to m#t%h hers #s he re#%hed o&t to gr#b ho'd of her His eyes smo'dered (ith #n intensity of emotion th#t "#s$i# %o&'d see (#s thre#tening to get o&t of %ontro' 6Th#t m#n is #n #nim#'1(orse th#n #n #nim#' On'y '#st ye#r he n#rro('y es%#+ed st#nding on # %rimin#' %h#rge 5 %#nnot &nderst#nd (hy Athen# to'er#tes him #nd 5 h#ve to'd her so ! !Perh#+s she (#nts to m#$e yo& /e#'o&s ! 5t (#s #n off-the-%&ff rem#r$) f&'' of br#v#do) b&t "#s$i# (ished immedi#te'y she h#d not s#id it (hen she s#( the (#y the smo'der s&dden'y be%#me # s#v#ge f'#re of f&ry !(he does8 Or you do08 Oh) yes) 5 s#( the (#y he (#s 'oo$ing #t yo& over dinner0 to&%hing yo&0! !Th#t (#s nothing to do (ith me)! "#s$i# +ro; tested) b&t she %o&'d sense th#t the (ords h#dn!t to&%hed him) th#t something e'se (#s f&e''ing his #nger #nd feeding it) something th#t (#s hidden from her b&t (hi%h Andre#s himse'f obvio&s'y fo&nd into'er#b'e !And #s for yo& finding me loathsome)! Andre#s s#id thro&gh gritted teeth !Perh#+s it is &n%hiv#'ro&s ungentlemanly of me to s#y so) b&t th#t (#sn!t 'o#thing 5 %o&'d see in yo&r eyes e#r'ier on tod#y 5t (#sn!t loathing 5 %o&'d he#r in yo&r voi%e) feel in yo&r body0 (#s it8 Was it8! he dem#nded sh#r+'y "#s$i# st#rted to tremb'e !5 don!t $no()! she fibbed (i'd'y !5 %#n!t remember ! 5t (#s) she re%ognised # fe( se%onds '#ter) the (orst +ossib'e thing she %o&'d h#ve s#id 4e%#&se immedi#te'y Andre#s +o&n%ed) (his+ering (ith soft s#v#gery) !No8 Then +erh#+s 5 sho&'d he'+ yo& to remember0! "he he#rd herse'f st#rting to +rotest) b&t someho( the (ords (ere 'ost1not be%#&se Andre#s (#s ref&sing to 'isten) b&t be%#&se her 'i+s (ere ref&sing to s+e#$ !"o (hen e*#%t'y was it th#t yo& fo&nd me so 'o#thsome "#s$i#8! Andre#s (#s dem#nding #s he %'osed both his #rms #ro&nd her)!forming them into # +rison from (hi%h it (#s im+ossib'e for her to es%#+e !7hen 5 did this08! His mo&th (#s fe#thering over hers) te#sing #nd t#nt#'ising it) #ro&sing # hot torrent of sens#tion she didn!t (#nt to e*+erien%e !Or (hen 5 did this#!'

No( his tong&e-ti+ (#s +robing the 'i+s she (#s trying so des+er#te'y to $ee+ firm'y %'osed) stro$ing them) tr#%ing their soft %&rves) over #nd over #g#in) &nti' she %o&'d he#r herse'f mo#ning he'+'ess'y #s they +#rted soft'y for him 4&t sti'' it seemed he h#dn!t e*tr#%ted his +o&nd of f'esh) be%#&se even this vi%tory (#sn!t eno&gh for him !7h#t8 "ti'' no #ns(er08 5 (onder (hy not)! he (#s t#&nting her) before #dding biting'y) !Or do 5 need to (onder #t #''8 :o& #re # (om#n (ho is &sed to giving her body to # m#n) "#s$i#) (ho is &sed to e*+erien%ing +'e#s&re And right no( yo& (#nt th#t +'e#s&re from me ! !No)! "#s$i# mo#ned in deni#') trying to t&rn her f#%e #(#y from his #nd to bre#$ free of him !:es)! he insisted r#('y !Yes Admit it) "#s$i#0 :o& want me0 :o&r body (#nts mine 5t (#nts the se*&#' s#tisf#%tion it!s &sed to0it #%hes #nd %r#ves for ! A sh&dder of sho%$ ri++ed thro&gh her #s "#s$i# re%ognised the tr&th of (h#t he (#s s#ying "he did (#nt him) b&t not in the (#y he (#s s&ggesting "he (#nted him #s # (om#n (#nted the m#n she 'oved) she re#'ised sh#$i'y "he (#nted him #s her 'over) not mere'y #s her se*&#' +#rtner) someone (ith (hom she %o&'d find # re'e#se for # b#si% +hysi%#' need) #s he (#s so %r&e''y s#ying 4&t ho( %o&'d she 'ove him8 "he couldn't0 4&t she did "he h#d f#''en in 'ove (ith him virt&#''y the moment she h#d set eyes on him) "#s$i# #%$no('edged des+#iring'y) b&t she h#d to'd herse'f th#t be%#&se of her 'oy#'ty to her friend he (#s o&t of bo&nds to her #nd th#t she %o&'d not) must not #''o( herse'f to h#ve s&%h fee'ings) /&st #s she %o&'d not #''o( herse'f to h#ve them no( A'tho&gh for very different re#sons 9eg#n (#s no 'onger # b#rrier to her 'oving Andre#s) b&t Andre#s himse'f #nd (h#t he tho&ght #bo&t her %ert#in'y (#s !-et me go) Andre#s)! she dem#nded !Not &nti' yo& h#ve #dmitted th#t 5 #m right #nd th#t yo& (#nt me)! Andre#s ref&sed !Or #re yo& trying to go#d me into proving to yo& th#t 5 #m right8! "#s$i# f'in%hed #s she fe't the s&ffo%#ting) d#ngero&s'y to*i% mi* of fe#r #nd e*%itement e*+'ode inside her "he hesit#ted (hi'st she tried to form&'#te the right res+onse) the on'y s#ne) sensib'e res+onse she %o&'d give) #nd then she re#'ised th#t she h#d (#ited too 'ong #s Andre#s to'd her r#('y) !:o&!ve +&shed me too f#r) "#s$i# 5 (#nt yo&) b&t yo& #'re#dy $no( th#t) don!t yo&8 Ho( %o&'d # (om#n 'i$e yo& not $no( it8 :o& %#n fee' it in my body) %#n!t yo&8! he dem#nded !Here0! He'+'ess'y "#s$i# 'e#ned #g#inst him (hi'st she tried to #bsorb the sho%$ of h#ving her h#nd t#$en #nd +'#%ed so e*+'i%it'y #g#inst the h#rd) intim#te throb of his m#'eness 5f

on'y she %o&'d find the strength to dr#g her h#nd #(#y) to te'' him th#t she didn!t (#nt the intim#%y he (#s for%ing on her 4&t des+#iring'y she $ne( th#t she (#s too) (e#$) th#t there (#s no (#y she %o&'d sto+ herse'f from #%hing to &se the o++ort&nity he h#d given her to to&%h #nd e*+'ore him) to $no( him to $no( his m#'eness to1 "he g#ve # sm#'' mo#n #s her body st#rted to sh#$e (ith tremors of desire Andre#s!s he#rt (#s +o&nding so s#v#ge'y th#t she %o&'d fee' it #'most inside her o(n body E#r'ier in the evening) (hen he h#d #'most #bsent'y %#ressed the b#'' of her sho&'dF1 the to&%h of #n est#b'ished 'over for his be'oved 1 she h#d sh&ddered in m&te de'ight) b&t th#t (#s nothing to (h#t she (#s fee'ing no( "he #%hed for him) h&ngered for him) #nd (hen she %'osed her eyes she %o&'d see him #s Athen# h#d so t#&nting'y des%ribed him 1 +ro&d #nd n#$ed #s his body s'i%ed the (#ter "he mo#ned #g#in) # high) sh#r+ so&nd this time th#t h#d Andre#s %overing her mo&th (ith the h#rd) hot) dem#nding +ress&re of his) the (ords he (#s gro#ning #g#inst her 'ost #s his +#ssion sent # $i%$ of sho%$ing vo'&+t&o&s +'e#s&re se#ring thro&gh her Her mo&th (#s +ro+er'y o+en bene#th his no() her tong&e h&ngry for the sens&#' me'ding stro$e of his) #nd the intensity of her o(n fee'ings (#s di<<ying #nd d#<<'ing her !:o& (#nt me0 :o& need me0! "he %o&'d fee' him mo&thing the (ords #nd she %o&'dn!t deny them) her body) her emotions (ere s#t&r#ted (ith the intensity of # res+onse to him so ne( to her th#t she h#d no defen%es #g#inst it Everything e'se (#s s&dden'y forgotten) &nim+ort#nt Everything e'se #nd everyone e'se A'' she needed0 A'' she (#nted0 A'' she %o&'d ever (#nt (#s here (ithin her re#%h "he mo#ned #nd tremb'ed #s she fe't Andre#s!s h#nds on her body #nd over her dress) their to&%h h#rd) h&ngry0e*%iting'y) dangerously m#'e The &nf#mi'i#r intim#%y of his body #g#inst hers (#s de+riving her of the #bi'ity to thin$ or to re#son +ro+er'y There (#s no +'#%e for re#son to e*ist in this ne( (or'd she (#s inh#biting #ny(#y !5 (#nt to see yo&0(#t%h yo& (hi'st 5 m#$e 'ove to yo&)! Andre#s (#s s#ying thi%$'y to her !5 (#nt you to see me0 9y 3od) b&t 5 %#n &nderst#nd now /&st (hy #'' those other men fe'' vi%tim to yo& There!s something #bo&t yo&) some (it%hery) some1 7h#t!s (rong8! he dem#nded #s he fe't the #br&+t (#y "#s$i# h#d tensed #g#inst him in re/e%tion "#s$i# %o&'d not be#r to 'oo$ #t him 7ith those fe( %ontem+t&o&s (ords he h#d destroyed everything) tot#''y ob'iter#ted her (onderf&' ne( (or'd #nd bro&ght her %r#shing b#%$ to her o'd one "he fe't si%$ to her so&' from her o(n beh#vio&r) her o(n fo''y

!No) no) 5 don!t (#nt this)! she +rotested fr#nti%#''y) +&shing Andre#s #(#y !7h#t the08! "he %o&'d he#r the #nger in his voi%e) fee' it #'most) b&t sti'' he re'e#sed her !5f this is some $ind of g#me1! he beg#n to (#rn her) #nd then sto++ed) sh#$ing his he#d in disbe'ief !9y 3od) 5 m&st h#ve been o&t of my mind #ny(#y) to even %ontem+'#te0 5 s&++ose th#t!s (h#t too m#ny ye#rs of %e'ib#%y does for # m#n)! he thre( #t her &n$ind'y !5 never tho&ght 5!d be idioti% eno&gh0! He t&rned b#%$ to her) sto++ing (hen "#s$i# fro<e !:o&!re 2&ite s#fe)! he to'd her grim'y 5!m not going to to&%h yo& There!s no (#y1! He bro$e off #nd shoo$ his he#d #g#in) #nd then (#'$ed #br&+t'y #(#y from her) te''ing her br&s2&e'y) !5!ve got some (or$ to do ! The bedroom (#s in d#r$ness (hen "#s$i# (o$e &+) #nd #t first she didn!t $no( (h#t h#d (o$en her Then she he#rd it #g#in) the rhythmi% so&nd of someone s(imming The +#tio doors to the +oo' #re# (ere o+en) #nd #s she t&rned her he#d to 'oo$ to(#rds them she %o&'d see the dis%reet 'ights (hi%h (ere i''&min#ting it Andreas was swimming0 "he 'oo$ed #t her (#t%h 5t (#s three o!%'o%$ in the morning #nd Andre#s (#s s(imming0tire'ess'y &+ #nd do(n the +oo' 7#ri'y she s#t &+ in bed to get # %'oser 'oo$ #s his +o(erf&' %r#(' too$ him to the f#r side of the +oo' As he e*e%&ted his t&rn "#s$i# '#y do(n #g#in "he didn!t (#nt him to see her (#t%hing him 4ene#th the bed%'othes she (#s n#$ed) #+#rt from # tiny +#ir of briefs The one thing Andre#s h#d #++#rent'y forgotten to b&y for her h#d t&rned o&t to be #ny $ind of night(e#r That dis%overy h#d %#&sed her to rem#in for ne#r'y fifteen min&tes in the 'o%$ed +riv#%y of the b#throom) #gonising over (h#t she sho&'d do &nti' she h#d fin#''y fo&nd the %o&r#ge to o+en the door #nd m#$e #n &ndignified bo't for the bed) her body hidden from vie( by the to(e' she h#d (r#++ed #ro&nd it Not th#t she need h#ve been so %on%erned Andre#s h#d rem#ined o&t of sight in 9s offi%e 4&t he (#sn!t in his offi%e no( No( he (#s s(imming in the +oo' 4ene#th the +rote%tive %over of the bed%'othes "#s$i#!s br#in (or$ed feverish'y "ho&'d he be s(imming #'one #t night8 7#s it s#fe8 7h#t if08 A'most the very se%ond th#t fe#r formed her e#rs registered the f#%t th#t she %o&'d no 'onger he#r the so&nd of Andre#s s(imming >&i%$'y she 'o(ered the bed%'othes #nd 'oo$ed #n*io&s'y to(#rds the +oo' #re# The (#ter (#s sti'') %#'m1#nd em+ty of its so'e s(immer Andre#s. 7here18 "he gri++ed ho'd of the bed%'othes #s she s#( him %'imbing o&t of the (#ter1 tot#''y n#$ed1tot#''y. "he tried to dr#g her re%#'%itr#nt g#<e #(#y from his

body b&t it (#s no &se; it (#s ref&sing to 'isten to her) ref&sing to obey her) rem#ining fi*ed in h&ngry fem#'e #++re%i#tion on the +#g#n m#'e be#&ty of Andre#s!s n#$edness "&re'y #ny (om#n (o&'d h#ve fo&nd the sight of Andre#s bre#tht#$ing) "#s$i# tho&ght fervent'y) her g#<e devo&ring the +&re sens&#'ity of his b#%$ vie( #s he (#'$ed #%ross the ti'es His s$in shone s'ee$'y) sti'' d#m+ from his s(im) #nd bene#th it the m&s%'es moved in # (#y th#t h#d # sho%$ing'y dis%on%erting effe%t on her own body N#ive'y "#s$i# h#d #'(#ys +revio&s'y #ss&med th#t there %o&'d be 'itt'e differen%e in seeing # st#t&e or # +#inting of # n#$ed m#n #nd vie(ing the re#' thing) b&t no( she $ne( ho( (rong she h#d been Perh#+s it (#s her 'ove for him th#t m#de the differen%e) +erh#+s it (#s0 "he g#s+ed #s he s&dden'y t&rned ro&nd He seemed to be 'oo$ing right into the bedroom Co&'d he see her8 Did he know th#t she (#s (#t%hing him8 "he '#y +erfe%t'y sti'') +r#ying th#t he %o&'d not do so) &n#b'e to be#r the h&mi'i#tion of his mo%$ery if he (ere to %ome in to her no( 5f he (ere to0 "he /&st m#n#ged to s&++ress the #&dib'e so&nd of her o(n 'onging 5f he %#me to her no( #nd he'd her) to&%hed her) $issed her#took her #s she (#s so #%hing for him to do) it (o&'dn!t be in 'ove b&t in '&st 7#s th#t re#''y (h#t she (#nted8 she #s$ed herse'f stern'y No) of %o&rse it (#sn!t) (#s her he'+'ess res+onse 7h#t she (#nted (#s for Andre#s to 'ove her the (#y she did him He (#s t&rning #(#y from her no() his body si'ho&etted by the 'ight "#s$i# s&%$ed in her bre#th sh#r+'y) every feminine instin%t #nd desire she +ossessed f'#gr#nt'y ignoring her #ttem+ts to %ontro' them He 'oo$ed0 He (#s0 He (#s perfect she #%$no('edged) si'ent'y (his+ering the soft #%%o'#de bene#th her bre#th #s her eyes ro&nded #nd she s#( th#t the m#'e re#'ity of him f#r) f#r o&tre#%hed #nything she h#d ever tho&ght of in her inno%ent virgin#' im#ginings On%e #g#in he 'oo$ed to(#rds the bedroom #nd "#s$i# he'd her bre#th) +r#ying0 ho+ing ..waiting0 "he e*+e''ed it on # sm#'' r&sh of so&nd #s he re#%hed do(n #nd retrieved his robe) shr&gging it on before (#'$ing not b#%$ to the bedroom #nd to her b&t #(#y from it 7here (#s he going8 she (ondered 4#%$ to his offi%e8 For (h#t fe't 'i$e # 'ong time #fter he h#d gone "#s$i# '#y (here she (#s) #fr#id to move) &n#b'e to s'ee+ #nd even more #fr#id to thin$ 7h#t (#s the m#tter (ith her8 Ho( %o&'d she +ossib'y 'ove # m#n (ho h#d tre#ted her #s Andre#s h#d done) (ho h#d b'#%$m#i'ed her) thre#tened her) ref&sed to #''o( her to te'' him the tr&th #bo&t herse'f8 A m#n (ho h#d the 'o(est +ossib'e o+inion of her #nd yet (ho) des+ite th#t) h#d sti'' $issed her Ho( %o&'d she8 "#s$i# %'osed her eyes "he didn!t $no( the #ns(er to th#t 2&estion A'' she $ne( (#s th#t her emotions) her he#rt) her dee+est se'f (ere %rying o&t1ho( %o&'d she not 'ove him8 !"&nb#thing8 5 never tho&ght 5!d see the d#y (hen yo& (o&'d /&st '#<e #ro&nd)! Pi# te#sed Andre#s #s she %#me h&rrying o&t of the vi''# in the tiniest 'itt'e bi$ini "#s$i# h#d ever seen #nd %&r'ed &+ on the v#%#nt s&n bed ne*t to (here "#s$i# (#s 'ying !"#s$i# didn!t

h#ve # good night "he needs to rest #nd 5 didn!t (#nt her overdoing things or 'ying too 'ong in o&r strong s&n)! Andre#s 'ied &nb'&shing'y to his sister !Oh) +oor yo&)! Pi# immedi#te'y sym+#thised (ith "#s$i# #s she st&died her +#'e f#%e 3&i'ti'y "#s$i# s#id nothing After #'') she %o&'d h#rd'y #dmit th#t the re#son she (#s so /#ded (#s be%#&se she h#d s+ent so m#ny of the night ho&rs (hen she sho&'d h#ve been s'ee+ing thin$ing #bo&t) fantasising #bo&t the m#n 'ying right ne*t to her 5n d#y'ight "#s$i# d#red not re%#'' the very +erson#' #nd intim#te n#t&re of her f#nt#sies "he $ne( th#t if she did so her f#%e (o&'d be #s bright'y %o'o&red #s it (#s no( +#'e 9er%if&''y Andre#s h#d +&t her h&ge eyes #nd +#'e f#%e do(n to tr#ve' tiredness !7e'') th#t!s one im+rovement yo&!ve m#de on my brother!s 'ifesty'e #'re#dy) "#s$i#)! Pi# #++roved (ith # grin !Norm#''y (hen he %omes to the vi''# (e %#n!t get him o&t of the offi%e 7hen did 3r#ndf#ther s#y he is going to #rrive8! she #s$ed Andre#s !5 m&st s#y 5!m s&r+rised th#t yo&r gr#ndf#ther intends to %ome to the is'#nd #t #'' #t the moment)! Athen# #ns(ered for Andre#s #s she #nd her #%%o&nt#nt %#me o&t of the vi''# to /oin them "#s$i#!s he#rt s#n$ # 'itt'e #s she s#( them Over bre#$f#st Ari h#d been so over-f&'some in his +r#ise of her) #nd so obvio&s'y se*&#''y motiv#ted) th#t she h#d been g'#d to es%#+e from him As Pi# st#rted to fro(n Athen# #dded m#'i%io&s'y) !He isn!t very h#++y (ith yo& right no() Andre#s0! !9y gr#ndf#ther is never h#++y (ith #nyone (ho t#$es # different vie( from his)! Andre#s to'd her dry'y !He h#s # 2&i%$ tem+er #nd # short f&se #nd th#n$f&''y #n even shorter memory1! Andre#s h#d insisted th#t "#s$i# (#s to 'ie bene#th the +rote%tion of # s&n &mbre''# be%#&se of her f#ir s$in) b&t #s she (#t%hed Athen# &ntying the (r#+ she (#s (e#ring to reve#' #n even sm#''er bi$ini th#n Pi#!s) "#s$i# fe't envio&s of her ri%h go'den t#n !Ho( &n%omfort#b'e yo& m&st be 'ying hi the sh#de)! Athen# s#id) #dding bit%hi'y) !5 (o&'d hate to h#ve s&%h # +#'e s$in 5t #'(#ys 'oo$s so0! !"#s$i#!s s$in reminds me of the +&rest #'#b#ster)! Andre#s interr&+ted Athen# smooth'y !A'#b#ster1oh) b&t th#t is so %o'd ! Athen# smi'ed) giving "#s$i# #n #ssessing 'oo$ !Oh) no( yo& #re fro(ning #nd 'oo$ing gr&m+y)! she to'd Andre#s soft'y) !#nd 5 $no( 'ust the %&re for th#t -et me +&t some oi' on for yo&) Andre#s) #nd then0! "#s$i# %o&'d h#rd'y be'ieve it (hen she he#rd herse'f s#ying firm'y) 5='' do th#t for yo&) d#r'ing ! T&rning to 'oo$ #t Athen#) she #dded bo'd'y) !A fi#n%ee!s +rivi'ege ! And then)

ignoring both the fro(ning 'oo$ Andre#s (#s giving her #nd her o(n sh#$ing h#nds) she got &+ off her s&n 'o&nger) too$ the bott'e of oi' Pi# (#s offering her (ith #n #++roving smi'e #nd (#'$ed over to (here Andre#s (#s 'ying Very %#ref&''y "#s$i# +o&red # 'itt'e of the oi' into her %&++ed h#nd #nd then) even more %#ref&''y) 'e#ned over Andre#s!s +rone body) m#$ing s&re #s she did so th#t she stood bet(een his s&n bed #nd the one Athen# (#s re%'ining on in # +ose %#ref&''y designed to f'#&nt to f&'' effe%t her genero&s bre#sts "#s$i#!s h#ir s(&ng over her f#%e #s she nervo&s'y st#rted to smooth the oi' over Andre#s sho&'ders His s$in fe't (#rm #nd s'ee$ bene#th her to&%h As s'ee$ #s it h#d 'oo$ed '#st night "he +#&sed #s her h#nds beg#n to tremb'e -#st night. "he m&st not thin$ #bo&t that no( 4&t someho( she fo&nd herse'f doing so; someho() too) her h#nds (ere moving sens&#''y #g#inst his s$in) stro$ing) smoothing) even $ne#ding instin%tive'y (hen she fo&nd th#t his m&s%'es (ere b&n%hing bene#th her to&%h He h#d been 'ying on his stom#%h (ith his eyes %'osed) b&t s&dden'y they o+ened #nd he to'd her #br&+t'y) 6Th#t!s eno&gh 5 (#s #bo&t to go for # s(im #ny(#y ! Even so it (#s sti'' sever#' se%onds before he #%t&#''y got &+ #nd (#'$ed #(#y from her to the end of the +oo') diving in %'e#n'y #nd then s(imming virt&#''y # f&'' 'ength bene#th the (#ter before res&rf#%ing #nd st#rting to '#+ the +oo' (ith # h#rd) f#st-+#%ed %r#(' Andre#s tried to %on%entr#te on (h#t he (#s doing) to em+ty his he#d of #ny tho&ghts #s he #'(#ys did (hen he (#s s(imming 5t (#s his f#vo&rite (#y of re'#*ing1or #t 'e#st it h#d been Right no( the last thing he fe't (#s re'#*ed Even (itho&t %'osing his eyes he %o&'d sti'' remember e*#%t'y ho( it h#d fe't to h#ve "#s$i#!s h#nds moving over his body) soft) %#ressing0$no(ing0 He s'id bene#th the (#ter) s(imming &nder it #s he tried to %ontro' his #%hing body 3od) b&t he (#nted her) #%hed for her) '&sted for her He h#d never fe't 'i$e this #bo&t #nyone before) never needed #nyone (ith s&%h #n intensity) never been in # sit&#tion (here he sim+'y %o&'d not %ontro' himse'f either +hysi%#''y or emotion#''y "he must $no( (h#t she (#s doing to him) # (om#n of her e*+erien%e ! # (om#n (ho +ro('ed b#rs #t night 'oo$ing for # m#n Of course she m&st; of %o&rse she did And yet0 And yet he %o&'dn!t sto+ himse'f from %ontr#sting (h#t he $ne( %erebr#''y #bo&t her (ith the (#y she h#d fe't in his #rms) the soft) hot s(eetness of her $iss) the desire h#<ing her eyes #nd the sho%$ (hi%h h#d '#ter re+'#%ed it "he h#d %#&ght him off g&#rd /&st no() (hen she h#d ref&sed to #''o( Athen# to to&%h him1%#&ght him off g&#rd #nd fi''ed him (ith # %ert#in hot m#'e tri&m+h #nd +ride th#t she sho&'d fee' so +ossessive #bo&t him 4&t of %o&rse she didn!t1did she8 "he (#s sim+'y #%ting) +'#ying o&t the ro'e he h#d for%ed her into

Andre#s fro(ned His o(n ment#' &se of the (ord !for%ed! #nd the #dmission (hi%h it bro&ght r#s+ed #g#inst his %ons%ien%e 'i$e s#nd+#+er 5t (#s (ho''y o&t of %h#r#%ter for him) #g#inst his strongest he'd be'iefs to for%e #nyone to do #nything) b&t he h#d beg&n to fe#r he %o&'d find no (#y o&t of the +resent sit&#tion (itho&t end#ngering his gr#ndf#ther!s he#'th 7h#t he (#s offering (#s #n e*+'#n#tion) not #n e*%&se) he (#rned himse'f stern'y #nd if he h#d no( dis%overed th#t he h#d mere'y e*%h#nged one h#<#rd for #nother (hi%h (#s even more +otenti#''y d#ngero&s then he h#d no one b&t himse'f to b'#me H#d "#s$i# seen th#t betr#ying s&rge of his body before he h#d t&rned #(#y from her8 Athen# h#d Athen#0 Andre#s!s mo&th h#rdened At fifteen) #nd sti'' # s%hoo'boy) he h#d tried to %onvin%e himse'f th#t he (#s m#t&re eno&gh to t#$e over his f#ther!s ro'e) strong eno&gh to s&++ort #nd +rote%t his mother #nd his sisters 4&t # +#rt of him h#d sti'' been %hi'dish #nd he h#d often ended &+ %rying #'one #t night in his bed) %onf&sed #nd #ngry #nd missing his f#ther) (ondering f&rio&s'y (hy he h#d h#d to die Th#t +eriod h#d s&re'y been the (orst of his 'ife, the 'oss of his f#ther #nd then Athen#!s #ttem+t to sed&%e him T(o events (hi%h together h#d +ro+e''ed him into #n #d&'thood #nd m#t&rity he h#d in no (#y been +re+#red for Athen#!s desire for him h#d he'd none of the %'#ssi% !9rs Robinson! #''&re "he h#d been %oming on to him for (ee$s) ever sin%e he h#d ret&rned home from s%hoo' for the s&mmer ho'id#ys) b&t he h#d never dre#med th#t she (#s doing #nything other th#n +'#ying some mysterio&s #d&'t fem#'e g#me th#t (#s beyond his #bi'ity to %om+rehend1 &nti' the d#y he h#d fo&nd her in his room1n#$ed 7hen she h#d h#nded him the vibr#tor) she (#s stro$ing herse'f (ith) %omm#nding him to &se it on her) it h#d been #'' he %o&'d do not to t&rn on his hee's #nd r&n 4&t boys r#n) #nd he h#dn!t (#nted to be # boy) b&t # m#n0the m#n his f#ther (o&'d h#ve (#nted him to be) the m#n his mother #nd sisters needed him to be !5 don!t thin$ yo& sho&'d be in here) do yo&8! he h#d #s$ed her (ooden'y) #voiding 'oo$ing #t her n#$ed body !:o& #re eng#ged to be m#rried ! "he h#d '#&ghed #t him then) b&t she h#dn!t been '#&ghing '#ter) (hen he h#d he'd o+en his bedroom door #nd %omm#nded her to 'e#ve) (#rning her th#t if she didn!t he (o&'d h#ve no %om+&n%tion in getting # %o&+'e of members of st#ff to +hysi%#''y remove her "he h#d gone) b&t not immedi#te'y) not &nti' she h#d tried to %h#nge his mind !:o& h#ve # m#n!s body)! she h#d to'd him G#ngri'y !4&t 'i$e # foo' yo& h#ve no $no('edge of (h#t to do (ith it 7hy (on!t yo& 'et me sho( yo&8! she h#d %o#*ed !7h#t is it yo& #re so #fr#id of8!

5!m not #fr#id)! he h#d res+onded stoi%#''y) #nd tr&thf&''y 5t h#dn!t been fe#r th#t h#d sto++ed him from t#$ing #dv#nt#ge of (h#t she (#s offering b&t #nger #nd 'o#thing 4&t Athen# (#s # (om#n (ho %o&'dn!t end&re to #%%e+t th#t he didn!t (#nt her To&gh. Her fee'ings) if she gen&ine'y h#d #ny1(hi%h he +erson#''y do&bted1(ere her +rob'em His gr#ndf#ther (#s # very different m#tter) tho&gh) #nd even (itho&t the %'o&d %&rrent'y h#nging over his he#'th) Andre#s (o&'d h#ve been re'&%t#nt to 2&#rre' (ith him 1 tho&gh he fe't th#t the o'd m#n (#s being both st&bborn #nd diffi%&'t Ho( m&%h of the b'#me for th#t '#y (ith Athen# #nd ho( m&%h (ith his gr#ndf#ther!s fier%e'y g&#rded fe#r of gro(ing o'd #nd the f&t&re Andre#s %o&'d on'y h#<#rd # g&ess #t 5t (#s ironi%) re#''y) th#t the me#ns he h#d #do+ted to he'+ him over%ome his +rob'ems sho&'d h#ve res&'ted in %#&sing him even more An e*#m+'e) +erh#+s) of the modem-d#y ethos behind the #n%ient 3ree$ mytho'ogy "#s$i# h#d e*+ressed # 'ove of "he might 'ove 3ree$ mytho'ogy b&t she most %ert#in'y did not 'ove him Andre#s fro(ned) not (#nting to +&rs&e s&%h # 'ine of tho&ght !Th#t is # very +retty 'itt'e ring yo& #re (e#ring)! Athen# %ommented dis+#r#ging'y #s she got &+ off the 'o&nger #nd %#me to st#nd ne*t to "#s$i# They (ere #'one #t the +oo'side) Athen#!s #%%o&nt#nt h#ving gone to m#$e some te'e+hone %#''s #nd Pi# h#ving 'eft to he'+ her mother) (ho (#s +re+#ring for the #rriv#' of her f#ther !4&t #n eng#gement ring is no g&#r#ntee of m#rri#ge)! Athen# %ontin&ed !:o& 'oo$ 'i$e # sensib'e gir' to me) "#s$i# Andre#s is # very (e#'thy #nd e*+erien%ed m#n 9en 'i$e him get so e#si'y bored :o& m&st $no( th#t yo&rse'f J s&s+e%t th#t the %h#n%es of yo& #%t&#''y (#'$ing do(n the #is'e #nd m#rrying Andre#s #re very 'imited indeed) #nd they (i'' be%ome even more s'ender on%e Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther #rrives He doesn!t (#nt Andre#s to m#rry yo& He is very o'd-f#shioned #nd very 3ree$ He h#s other +'#ns for his on'y gr#ndson #nd for the f&t&re of the b&siness he h#s b&i't &+ ! "he +#&sed) (#t%hing "#s$i# %#'%&'#ting'y) #nd "#s$i# $ne( (h#t she (#s thin$ing Athen# too h#d other +'#ns for Andre#s!s f&t&re !5f yo& re#''y 'oved Andre#s then s&re'y he (o&'d be f#r more im+ort#nt to yo& th#n yo&r o(n fee'ings Andre#s is devoted to his gr#ndf#ther Oh) 5 $no( he m#y not sho( it) b&t 5 %#n +romise yo& th#t he is Thin$ (h#t it (o&'d do to him emotion#''y) not to mention fin#n%i#''y) if there (ere to be # rift bet(een them Andre#s!s mother #nd his sisters #re both fin#n%i#''y de+endent on their gr#ndf#ther0 5f he (ere to b#nish Andre#s from his 'ife then Andre#s (o&'d be b#nished from their 'ives #s (e'' ! Athen# g#ve # dee+) the#tri%#' sigh #nd then #s$ed +se&do-gent'y) !Ho( 'ong do yo& thin$ he (o&'d %ontin&e to (#nt you on%e th#t h#d h#++ened8 And 5 %#n make it h#++en) "#s$i#0yo& $no( th#t) don!t yo& His gr#ndf#ther 'istens to me 5t is be%#&se he (#nts my b&siness to be /oined to his) of %o&rse Th#t is the 3ree$ (#y of doing things ! "he

b#red her teeth #nd g#ve "#s$i# #n &n$ind smi'e !5t is not the 3ree$ (#y of doing things for # mi''ion#ire to #''o( his heir to m#rry # +enni'ess foreigner ! !4&t 'et!s t#'$ of something more +'e#s#nt There is no re#son (hy (e sho&'dn!t %ome to # m&t&#''y h#++y #rr#ngement1yo& #nd H H could sit b#%$ #nd (#it for Andre#s to 'e#ve yo&) b&t 5 (i'' be honest (ith yo& 5 #m #++ro#%hing the #ge (hen it m#y be%ome 'ess e#sy for me to give Andre#s the sons he (i'' (#nt "o) to m#$e it e#sy for &s both) 5 h#ve # +ro+osition to +&t to yo& 5 #m (i''ing to +#y yo& one million pounds to remove yo& from Andre#s!s 'ife1+erm#nent'y ! "#s$i# %o&'d fee' the b'ood dr#ining o&t of her f#%e #s sho%$ hit her "omeho( she m#n#ged to dr#g herse'f into # sitting +osition on the s&n 'o&nger #nd then to st#nd &+) so th#t she #nd Athen# (ere f#%e to f#%e !9oney %#n!t b&y 'ove)! she to'd her fier%e'y !And it %#n!t b&y me Not one mi''ion +o&nds) not one h&ndred mi''ion +o&nds. No #mo&nt ! Te#rs st&ng her eyes #nd she to'd herse'f th#t sho%$ h#d +&t them there !5f #t #ny t&ne Andre#s (#nts to end o&r eng#gement then th#t is his +rerog#tive) b&t1! !:o&!re # foo'1do yo& $no( th#t8! Athen# bre#thed) her (ho'e f#%e %ontorted (ith f&ry #nd m#'i%e !Do yo& re#''y thin$ Andre#s me#nt (h#t he s#id #bo&t not insisting on # +ren&+ti#' #greement8 H#. His gr#ndf#ther (i'' make him h#ve yo& sign one) #nd (hen Andre#s gro(s tired of yo&) #s he &ndo&bted'y (i'') yo& (i'' get nothing#not even #ny %hi'd he m#y h#ve given yo& 3ree$ men do not give &+ their %hi'dren 3ree$ families do not give &+ their heirs ! "#s$i# didn!t (#nt to he#r #ny more 7itho&t even bothering to +i%$ &+ her (r#+ she st#rted to (#'$ to(#rds the ho&se) on'y /&st m#n#ging to +revent herse'f from bre#$ing into # r&n As "#s$i# re#%hed the ho&se Pi# (#s %oming o&t of it thro&gh the o+en +#tio door !"#s$i#0! she beg#n in %on%ern) b&t "#s$i# shoo$ heir he#d) $no(ing she (#s in no fit st#te to t#'$ to her 9other or indeed to #nyone "he fe't degr#ded by (h#t Athen# h#d s#id to her) degr#ded #nd #ngry Ho( d#red Athen# be'ieve th#t her 'ove (#s for s#'e0 th#t money m#ttered more to her th#n Andre#s0th#t she (o&'d ever#. Abr&+t'y "#s$i# sto++ed 7h#t (#s she thinking. "he t&rned ro&nd #nd)(ent b#%$ o&tside) he#ding not for the +oo' #re# b&t beyond it0to the is'#nd #nd the +#th(#y #'ong the %'iffs "he needed to be on her o(n The f&'' irony of (h#t h#d h#++ened (#s on'y /&st beginning to sin$ in "he h#d #greed to %ome to the is'#nd on'y be%#&se Andre#s h#d b'#%$m#i'ed her into doing so #nd be%#&se she %o&'dn!t #fford to 'ose the in%ome from her /ob :et (hen she (#s offered (h#t #mo&nted to fin#n%i#' se%&rity for 'ife) not /&st for; herse'f b&t more im+ort#nt'y for her be'oved gr#ndmother) #s (e'' #s #n immedi#te es%#+e from her into'er#b'e sit&#tion) she t&rned both do(n

Angri'y Pi# st#rted to h&rry to(#rds (here Athen# (#s 'ying s&nning herse'f After (h#t she h#d /&st overhe#rd there (#s no (#y she (#s not going to te'' Athen# (h#t she tho&ght of her Ho( d#red she tre#t "#s$i# 'i$e th#t) trying to bribe her into 'e#ving Andre#s8 Andre#s. Pi# %#me to #n #br&+t h#'t Perh#+s she o&ght to te'' her brother (h#t Athen# h#d been &+ to #nd 'et him de#' (ith her "#s$i# h#d 'oo$ed so dre#df&''y &+set) #nd no (onder Re'&%t#nt'y Pi# 'istened to the inner voi%e (#rning her th#t Andre#s (o&'d not th#n$ her for +reem+ting his right to be the one to %onfront Athen# T&rning on her hee') she (#'$ed b#%$ inside the vi''# in se#r%h of Andre#s CHAPTER N5NE -E"" th#n # third of the (#y #'ong the +#th th#t %ir%&mn#vig#ted the is'#nd "#s$i# sto++ed (#'$ing #nd t&rned ro&nd "he %o&'dn!t go on; she h#d h#d eno&gh -oving Andre#s1being so %'ose to him every d#y in one sense #nd yet (ith s&%h #n &nbridge#b'e g#+ bet(een them in #'' the senses th#t re#''y m#ttered1(#s more th#n she %o&'d %o+e (ith Her 'ove for him) her 'onging for him) (#s te#ring her #+#rt "'o('y she st#rted to (#'$ b#%$ to the vi''# "he h#d no ide# (h#t she (#s going to do1 thro( herse'f on Andre#s!s mer%y #nd beg him to re'e#se her from their !#greement!8 There (#s no +oint in trying to te'' him (h#t Athen# h#d done He (#s h#rd'y 'i$e'y to be'ieve her) not (ith his o+inion of her) #nd besides) she didn!t (#nt him to $no( 5f he did0on%e he did0 Andre#s (#s no foo') he (#s #n #st&te) sh#r+-minded b&sinessm#n) it (o&'dn!t t#$e him 'ong to g&ess (h#t h#d h#++ened) ho( she fe't) #nd th#t (#s something she %o&'d not end&re On%e she re#%hed the vi''# "#s$i# (ent str#ight to !her! room (hi%h) th#n$f&''y) (#s em+ty The m#id h#d been in #nd the bed (#s fresh'y m#de >&i%$'y removing her s(ims&it) she (ent to h#ve # sho(er !Andre#s)! Athen# +&rred sed&%tive'y #s she s#( him %oming o&t of his gr#ndf#ther!s offi%e !Not no() Athen# ! Andre#s %&t her short He h#d s+ent the best +#rt of the '#st %o&+'e of ho&rs trying to %ome to terms (ith fee'ings he h#d never e*+e%ted to h#ve) never mind wanted to h#ve) #nd no( th#t he h#d %ome to # de%ision he (#s #n*io&s to #%t on it (itho&t #ny de'#y) es+e%i#''y from Athen# 5t (#s no &se trying to hide the tr&th from himse'f #ny 'onger He h#d f#''en in 'ove (ith "#s$i# Ho(8 7hy8 7hen8 To his e*#s+er#tion no #mo&nt of #n#'yti%#' se'f-+robing on his +#rt h#d been #b'e to +rod&%e #ny $ind of 'ogi%#' #ns(ers to s&%h 2&estions A'' his he#rt) his body) his emotions) his very so&' $e+t insisting over

#nd over #g#in (#s they (#nted her; 'oved her; %r#ved #nd needed her 5f the 'ogi%#'thin$ing +#rt of him th#t (#s #'re#dy 'ighting # des+er#te re#rg&#rd #%tion sho&'d d#re to #rg&e) then his emotions (o&'d see to it th#t his 'ife (#s no 'onger (orth 'iving 4&t 'oo$ #t (h#t she is he h#d tried to remind himse'f 4&t his emotions h#d ref&sed to 'isten He 'oved her #s she (#s) +#st errors of /&dgement #nd #'' Errors of 'udgement. Pi%$ing &+ men in b#rs0%oming #s ne#r #s d#mmit to se''ing herse'f to them1if not for money then %ert#in'y for the +se&do-'ove they h#d offered her 5t (#sn!t her f#&'t) his he#rt h#d +rotested in 'oving defen%e "he h#d been de+rived of her f#ther!s 'ove #s # %hi'd "he (#s sim+'y trying to %om+ens#te for th#t (ith 'ove) his 'ove) she %o&'d be m#de (ho'e #g#in "he (o&'d forget her +#st #nd so (o&'d he 7h#t m#ttered (#s the here #nd no( #nd the f&t&re they (o&'d sh#re0# f&t&re (hi%h me#nt nothing to him (itho&t her in it And so it h#d %ontin&ed) on #nd on) (hen he (#s s&++osed to be (or$ing 5n the end he h#d h#d no o+tion other th#n to give in) #nd no( he (#s on his (#y to find "#s$i# to te'' her0#s$ her0to beg her if ne%ess#ry !5s "#s$i# sti'' o&tside8! he #s$ed Athen#) im+#tient to te'' "#s$i# ho( he fe't Athen#!s eyes n#rro(ed "he $ne( th#t 'oo$ in # m#n!s eyes) #nd to see it no() in the eyes of the on'y m#n she (#nted) (#s not to be to'er#ted 5f, "#s$i# %o&'dn!t be ind&%ed to 'e#ve Andre#s then he m&st re/e%t her) #nd Athen# $ne( e*#%t'y ho( to m#$e that h#++en !Oh0! 5mmedi#te'y she f#$ed # 'oo$ of %on%ern) !Didn!t yo& $no(8 "he!s gone for # (#'$0(ith Ari 5 $no( yo&! (on!t 'i$e me s#ying this) Andre#s) b&t1(e'') (e #'' $no( ho( m&%h Ari 'i$es (omen) #nd "#s$i# has been m#$ing it r#ther obvio&s th#t she re%i+ro%#tes0 Not (hi'st yo&!re #ro&nd) of %o&rse0! !Andre#s1! Pi# tried to sto+ him sever#' min&tes '#ter b&t he ref&sed to sto+ or 'isten !Not no( Pi#) (h#tever it is0! he s#id br&s2&e'y) before striding do(n the %orridor to(#rds his s&ite 3oodness) b&t he 'oo$ed #ngry) Pi# ref'e%ted #s she (#t%hed his de+#rting b#%$ 7e'') (h#t she h#d to te'' him (#sn!t going to 'ighten his b#d mood) b&t he (o&'d h#ve to be to'd "he $ne( th#t Andre#s %o&'d he#r the so&nd of the sho(er r&nning #s he (#'$ed into the bedroom #nd s'#mmed the door behind him !"#s$i#8! he dem#nded) striding to(#rds the b#throom #nd +&''ing o+en the door

"#s$i# b'#n%hed #s she s#( him "he h#d /&st th#t se%ond ste++ed o&t of the sho(er #nd (r#++ed # to(e' #ro&nd her d#m+ body1th#n$ goodness !7hy #re yo& h#ving # sho(er8! Andre#s dem#nded s&s+i%io&s'y "#s$i# st#red #t him non+'&ssed !5!ve /&st been for # (#'$ #nd it (#s hot #nd0! Andre#s %o&'d fee' the sho%$ of his /e#'o&s'y /o't right thro&gh his body) e*+'oding inside him) #'most # +hysi%#' +#in 5t f&rnished him (ith some very vivid #nd very se*&#' im#ges of /&st (hy "#s$i# might (#nt to %oo' do(n -i$e #ny m#n in 'ove) he %o&'dn!t be#r the tho&ght of his be'oved in the #rms of someone e'se) #nd he re#%ted +redi%t#b'y T#$ing ho'd of her) his fingers gri++ing +#inf&''y into the de'i%#te f'esh of her &++er #rms) he gritted /e#'o&s'y) !:o& /&st %o&'dn!t (#it) %o&'d yo&8 7here did he t#$e yo&8! !He08! "#s$i# st#rted to +rotest) %onf&sed by both his (ords #nd his #%tions !7h#t on e#rth08! 4&t Andre#s (#sn!t 'istening !7#s it o&t in the o+en) (here #nyone %o&'d h#ve seen yo&8 5s that (h#t yo& 'i$e) "#s$i#0deme#ning yo&rse'f so %om+'ete'y th#t08 4&t of %o&rse yo& do 5 #'re#dy $no( th#t) don!t 58 :o& want to be tre#ted b#d'y) to be &sed #nd then dis%#rded 'i$e #0 7e'') then) if th#t!s the (#y yo& 'i$e it then 'et!s see if I %#n %ome &+ to yo&r e*+e%t#tions) sh#'' (e8 5f 5 %#n give yo& (h#t yo& so obvio&s'y (#nt ! He (#s # m#n no 'onger in %ontro' of (h#t he (#s doing) (#nting +#ssion#te'y to st#m+ his +ossession on her1body #nd so&'1to m#$e her his #nd (i+e from her memory #'' tho&ghts of #ny other m#n. 7h#t on e#rth h#d h#++ened to t&rn Andre#s from the %oo') remote m#n she (#s f#mi'i#r (ith into the r#( e*+'osion of m#'e f&ry #nd +#ssion she (#s f#%ing no(8 "#s$i# (ondered in bem&sement 5t (#s +#ssion she %o&'d sense most strong'y) she re%ognised di<<i'y 5t em#n#ted from him 'i$e # he#t h#<e) dr#(ing her into its d#nger #nd e*%itement) me'ting) b&rning #(#y her o(n +rote%tive %#&tion 7#sn!t this se%ret'y (h#t # +#rt of her h#d wanted to h#++en8 For him to 'oo$ #t her #s he (#s doing no() (ith the fier%e) e'ement#' need of # m#n no 'onger #b'e to fight off his o(n desire "omeho() seeing Andre#s so %'ose to 'osing %ontro' #''o(ed her to give f&'' reign to her o(n fee'ings #nd 'ongings

!:o&!re mine)! Andre#s (#s te''ing her r#('y #s he +&''ed her h#rd #g#inst his body !9ine) "#s$i#0 And (h#t is mine 5 me#n to h#ve f&'' me#s&re of)! he #dded thi%$'y "#s$i# %o&'d fee' her s$in st#rting to 2&iver res+onsive'y (here he (#s to&%hing it He s'id his h#nds oh) so de'iber#te'y &+ her b#re #rm #nd over her sho&'der) his fingerti+s %#ressing the n#+e of her ne%$ 4'issf&''y she #r%hed her s+ine) offering herse'f &+ to his to&%h) fee'ing the 2&iver-r#ising goose-b&m+s on her s$in moving dee+er) gro(ing stronger) #s they be%#me # +&'se th#t e%hoed #nd then drove her he#rtbe#t !?iss me) Andre#s0! H#d she #%t&#''y s#id th#t8 Dem#nded it in th#t &nf#mi'i#r h&s$y 'itt'e voi%e th#t so&nded so se*y #nd m#de Andre#s!s eyes g'itter even more hot'y8 !Oh) 5 %#n +romise yo& th#t 5!m going to do f#r more th#n /&st $iss yo&)! Andre#s #ss&red her #s his h#nds very de'iber#te'y removed the to(e' from her body T#r) f#r more)! he re+e#ted sens&#''y) before #dding) !4&t if # $iss is (h#t yo& (#nt0! His h#nds (ere s+re#d #g#inst her %o''#rbone #nd her thro#t) his th&mbs m#ss#ging her fr#gi'e bones) his 'i+s br&shing /&st the merest t#nt#'ising bre#th of he#t #g#inst the +&'se th#t r#%ed so fr#nti%#''y bene#th her s$in !7here e*#%t'y is it yo& (#nt me to $iss yo&) "#s$i#8! he (#s #s$ing her !Here08 Here08 Here 8! As his mo&th moved t#nt#'ising'y over her thro#t #nd then her /#() %overing every in%h of her f#%e b&t her 'i+s) "#s$i# he#rd herse'f st#rt to mo#n soft'y (ith 'onging &nti') &n#b'e to end&re #ny more of his de'i%io&s torment) she +&t her h#nd #g#inst his f#%e #nd t&rned his mo&th to hers) e*h#'ing in # soft s(oon of re'ief #s she fin#''y t#sted the h#rd (#rmth she h#d been #%hing for !Andre#s0 Andre#s0! "he %o&'d he#r herse'f (his+ering his n#me #s she s'id her fingers into his h#ir #nd %'#s+ed his he#d) +robing the h#rd o&t'ine of his 'i+s (ith sm#'') fr#nti% thr&sts of her tong&e-ti+ Over her sho&'der Andre#s %#&ght sight of their ent(ined ref'e%tions in the mirror "#s$i#!s n#$ed b#%$ vie( (#s #s +erfe%t'y s%&'+ted #s th#t of #ny %'#ssi%#' st#t&e) b&t her body (#s %om+osed of 'iving) bre#thing f'esh) #nd /&st the fee' of her s(eet'y firm bre#sts +ressing #g#inst him) never mind (h#t the dedi%#ted #ss#&'t of her honey tong&e (#s doing to him) tot#''y ob'iter#ted everything b&t the (#y he fe't #bo&t her Ag#inst the de'i%#te +#''or of her Ce'ti% s$in his h#nds 'oo$ed sho%$ing'y m#'e #nd d#r$ #s he %#ressed her) he'd her) mo&'ded her so %'ose to his body th#t he %o&'d t#ste her sm#'' g#s+ of sens&#' +'e#s&re #s she fe't his #ro&s#' His %'othes (ere # hindr#n%e he no 'onger (#nted) b&t he %o&'dn!t m#$e the time to remove them &nti' he h#d +&nished th#t se*i'y tormenting tong&e of hers for the (#y it (#s destroying his se'f-%ontro'

He fe't the dee+) r#%$ing sh&dder of +'e#s&re th#t r#n right thro&gh her body #s he o+ened his mo&th on hers) t#$ing into his dom#in f&'' %ontro' of their '#ss #nd of her "#s$i# g#s+ed #nd tremb'ed) yie'ding the s(eet intim#%y of her mo&th #nd the softf'eshed n#$edness of her body to Andre#s!s domin#n%e 7h#t (#s h#++ening bet(een them (#s s&re'y the +inn#%'e of her (ho'e 'ife) the re#son she h#d been born Here) in Andre#s!s #rms) 'ove #nd desire (ere %oming together for her in the most +erfe%t (#y +ossib'e "#s$i# h#d forgotten (h#t she h#d been going to te'' him) (hy it (#s so im+er#tive for her to 'e#ve TT<( (#s (h#t she h#d (#nted to h#++en from the very first se%ond she h#d set eyes on him Un#b'e to bring himse'f to bre#$ the into*i%#ting sens&#'ity of their sh#red $iss) Andre#s +i%$ed "#s$i# &+ #nd %#rried her over to the bed 7h#tever she h#d been before no 'onger m#ttered From no( on she (o&'d be his The he#vy n#t&r#' 'inen %&rt#ins "#s$i# h#d %'osed over the '#rge (indo(s before t#$ing her sho(er diff&sed the strong s&n'ight o&tside) b#thing the room in # soft'y m&ted g'o( th#t t&rned her f#ir s$in #'most ethere#''y tr#ns'&%ent As he '#id her on the bed Andre#s g#ve in to the tem+t#tion to %#ress the t#&t 2&ivering +e#$ of one bre#st (ith his 'i+s) s#vo&ring it in # s'o() %#ref&' e*+'or#tion (hi%h m#de "#s$i#!s (ho'e body sh#$e (ith sh#r+'y intense #ro&s#' !No) 5 don!t (#nt to r&sh this)! Andre#s denied to her) his voi%e thi%$) #'most %r#%$ing over the (ords #s he ref&sed the fr#nti% +'e#s of her (rithing body !5 (#nt to t#$e my time #nd s#vo&r everything.! he em+h#sised #s his h#nd %#ressed the bre#st he h#d /&st been s&%$'ing) his th&mb ti+ et%hing &nbe#r#b'y eroti% %ir%'es #ro&nd the sensitive'y re%e+tive n&b of f'esh !5 (#nt yo& so m&%h)! "#s$i# (his+ered #%hing'y !5 (#nt yo&0! "he sto++ed) her eyes %'o&ding (ith # mi*t&re of #n*iety #nd &n%ert#inty #s she he#rd her o(n voi%e #nd brief'y re%ognised her o(n d#nger 5t (#s too '#te Andre#s h#d he#rd her P#&sing in the #%t of removing his %'othes) he 'e#ned over her) br#%ing himse'f so th#t the m&s%'es in his #rms %orded t#&t'y) %#+t&ring her #(ed g#<e (hi'st he #s$ed her r#('y) !7here do yo& (#nt me) "#s$i#8 Te'' me0 "ho( me0! 4&t he #'re#dy $ne( the #ns(er to his 2&estion be%#&se he h#d #'re#dy 'ifted his h#nd from the bed #nd br&shed his $n&%$'es in the gent'est of to&%hes the f&'' 'ength of the %entre of her body) 'etting it %ome to rest +#'m-do(n #g#inst the soft s(e''ing of her most intim#te he#rt !:o& h#ven!t #ns(ered my 2&estion) "#s$i#)! he reminded her soft'y) #s his fingerti+s dre( de'i%#te %ir%'es of +'e#s&re #g#inst her) so /#(-%'en%hing desir#b'e th#t "#s$i#

tho&ght she might #%t&#''y f#int from the he#t #nd intensity of the 'onging they (ere #ro&sing !Te'' me0te'' me (h#t yo& (#nt)! Andre#s (#s insisting) s+#%ing e#%h (ord bet(een $isses so r#vishing'y tender th#t "#s$i# fe't #s tho&gh she (#s me'ting 5n the %o%oon of her o(n +riv#te (or'd he h#d be%ome for "#s$i# the 'odestone th#t dre( her) the fo%&s of everything she (#s e*+erien%ing) of everything she (#s #nd ever (#nted to be) the %entre of her (or'd !5 (#nt yo&)! she res+onded feverish'y to him !5 (#nt yo&) Andre#s 50! "he sh&ddered) &n#b'e to s#y #ny more be%#&se Andre#s (#s $issing her) se#'ing her mo&th (ith # $iss th#t (#s # hot) +#ssion#te br#nd of +ossession As he (r#++ed his #rms #ro&nd her "#s$i# %'&ng to him shy'y) stro$ing the side of his f#%e !-oo$ #t me)! he dem#nded Hesit#ting'y she did so) the me'ting) soft) '#ng&oro&s 'onging of her g#<e entr#++ed by the hot) fier%e g'itter of his Very s'o('y #nd tender'y he beg#n to %#ress her "#s$i# fe't #s tho&gh her (ho'e body (#s going to disso've (ith her 'onging for him) her need of him "he re#%hed o&t to to&%h his b#re sho&'der) his #rm) #nd m#de # he'+'ess 'itt'e so&nd of t#&t fem#'e need #g#inst his thro#t #s she +ressed her 'i+s to it 4ene#th his h#nds her body softened #nd res+onded m#gi%#''y) (e'%oming'y) #s tho&gh 9s to&%h (#s # s+e%i#' $ey 4&t he (#s the $ey to (h#t she (#s fee'ing) "#s$i# #%$no('edged h#<i'y) 'ost f#thoms1o%e#ns1dee+ in her 'ove for him !There isn!t going to be m&%h time05 (#nt yo& too m&%h)! he to'd her #'most b'&nt'y) softening the (ords (ith #nother hot'y +#ssion#te $iss th#t m#de her hi+s 'ift #%hing'y #g#inst him (hi'st her (ho'e body (rithed in 'onging for him !Ne*t time (e %#n t#$e things more s'o('y)! Andre#s g#s+ed h#rsh'y #g#inst her bre#st) his voi%e #nd #%tions reve#'ing his in%re#sing need Ne*t time0 "#s$i# fe't #s tho&gh she might die from h#++iness !Ne*t time! me#nt th#t he sh#red her fee'ings) th#t he fe't the s#me (#y #s she did 5t seemed to "#s$i# #'most #s tho&gh the #ir bet(een them throbbed (ith the intensity of their sh#red +#ssion) (ith the (#y their bodies syn%hronised together (ith # +erfe%tion s&re'y on'y given to tr&e 'overs

E#%h sigh) e#%h g#s+) e#%h he#rtbe#t served on'y to bind her %'oser to him) emotion#''y #s (e'' #s +hysi%#''y) &nti' she (#s %#+tive to him #nd her desire) her 'ove) (#s '#id #s b#re to him #s her 2&ivering body 7hen he fin#''y (his+ered to her) !No() "#s$i#0 Oh) 3od) no(.! she $ne( her body h#d given him its most e#ger #ssent before her 'i+s %o&'d even begin to fr#me the (ords she (#nted to s#y A&tom#ti%#''y she (#s #'re#dy (r#++ing the s'im 'ength of her 'egs #ro&nd his (#ist) r#ising &+ to meet him) to fee' him "he he#rd him %ry o&t #s he entered her) # so&nd of both torment #nd tri&m+h) #nd then he (#s fi''ing her (ith his o(n &ni2&e intim#te) he#vy (#rmth) #nd her body) +#&sing on'y to tense brief'y in s(eet'y virgin#' sho%$) (e'%omed e#%h ever dee+ening thr&st of him (ithin her Andre#s fe't her body!s &ne*+e%ted resist#n%e) his br#in #nd his emotions even registered their sho%$ #t (h#t it me#nt) b&t his body ref&sed to re#%t to th#t $no('edge 5t 'oved the hot sn&g fit of her #ro&nd him) ho'ding #nd %#ressing him) &rging him to forget (h#t he h#d /&st e*+erien%ed #nd to s#tisfy the #ge-o'd dem#nd her fem#'eness (#s m#$ing on his m#'eness Dee+er) h#rder) stronger) &nti' yo& re#%h the dee+est he#rt of me) e#%h de'i%#te'y soft %ontr#%tion of her f'esh #ro&nd his &rged him Dee+er) stronger) s&rer) &nti' yo& #re there :es) there0there0 Andre#s fe't #s tho&gh his he#rt #nd '&ngs might b&rst #s he drove them both to the +'#%e (here they %o&'d fin#''y f'y free "#s$i# %ried o&t in soft'y s(eet #(e #nd re'ish #s she e*+erien%ed for herse'f (h#t tr&e %om+'etion (#s0(h#t it tr&'y me#nt to be # (om#n) %om+'ete'y f&'fi''ed) e'ev#ted to # +'#%e) # st#te0#n emotion so +ier%ing'y intense th#t it fi''ed her eyes (ith hot) h#++y e*h#&sted te#rs "omeone (#s tremb'ing0 7#s it her0or (#s it both of them8 "he h#d he#rd Andre#s gro#n in those fin#' &nbe'iev#b'e se%onds before he h#d (r#++ed his #rms se%&re'y #ro&nd her #nd then sent them both h&rt'ing into infinity) %#''ing o&t her n#me in # (#y th#t h#d m#de her ting'e (ith r#( emotion As he fo&ght to reg#in %ontro' of his bre#thing) #nd himse'f) Andre#s 'oo$ed do(n #t "#s$i# "he (#s %rying) h&ge si'ent te#rs Of +#in8 4e%#&se of him0be%#&se he h#d08 Even no( his tho&ghts s$idded #(#y from the re#'ity) the tr&th th#t his br#in (#s trying to im+ose on him "he %o&'dn!t h#ve been # virgin0 5t (#s im+ossib'e 4&t his se'f-#nger #nd g&i't to'd him th#t it (#sn!t) #nd she h#d been Unforgiv#b'y) he h#d h&rt her #nd m#de her %ry) se'fish'y t#$ing his +'e#s&re from her #t the +ri%e of her inno%en%e) so &n#b'e to %ontro' (h#t he fe't for her th#t he h#d not been #b'e to sto+ (hen he $ne( th#t he sho&'d h#ve done

"i%$ened by his o(n beh#vio&r) he +&''ed #(#y from her !Andre#s0! "#s$i# re#%hed o&t to(#rds him &n%ert#in'y 7hy (#s he (ithdr#(ing from her8 7hy (#sn!t he ho'ding her) %#ressing her0loving #nd re#ss&ring her8 !7h#t is it0(h#t is (rong8! she begged him !Do yo& re#''y need to #s$8! Andre#s res+onded terse'y !7hy didn!t yo& te'' me#stop me08! The #nger in his voi%e (#s driving #(#y the s(eet mist of her /oy #nd re+'#%ing it (ith #n*iety #nd des+#ir 5t (#s obvio&s to her no( th#t (h#t h#d been so (onderf&') so +erfe%t) so uni)ue for her h#d been no(here ne#r the s#me $ind of e*+erien%e for Andre#s Andre#s (#s f&rio&s (ith himse'f for not someho( h#ving h#d the insight to $no( "he h#d been # virgin) #nd he) d#mn him) h#d +r#%ti%#''y for%ed himse'f on her0 He (#s disg&sted (ith himse'f) his +ride s%or%hed not /&st by his #%tions b&t his %om+'ete misre#ding of her !:o& should h#ve sto++ed me)! he re+e#ted #s he got off the bed #nd (ent into the b#throom) ret&rning (ith # to(e' (r#++ed #ro&nd his n#$ed body #nd his robe) (hi%h he h#nded to "#s$i#) !#nd sitting do(n on the bed) t&rning #(#y from her #s she tried to +&t it on 7h#t (o&'d he s#y if she (ere to te'' him th#t the '#st thing she h#d (#nted (#s for him to sto+8 "#s$i# (ondered (ret%hed'y Her h#nds (ere sh#$ing so m&%h she %o&'d h#rd'y +&'' the robe on!) never mind f#sten it) #nd (hen Andre#s t&rned to 'oo$ #t her he g#ve #n im+#tient) irrit#ted sigh #nd +&shed her h#nds o&t of the (#y) +&''ing it on +ro+er'y for her !:o& #ren!t s#fe to be 'et o&t #'one :o& re#'ise th#t) don!t yo&8! he e*+'oded s#v#ge'y !Even if 5 h#dn!t) Aristot'e1! !Aristot'e.! "#s$i# +i%$ed his n#me &+ (ith 'o#thing in her voi%e #nd in her eyes "he sh&ddered) #nd to'd him fier%e'y) !No1never0 He!s 'o#thsome #nd0! !4&t yo& (ent for # (#'$ (ith him.! !No) 5 didn!t)! "#s$i# +rotested !Athen# s#id yo&!d gone for # (#'$)! Andre#s insisted) b&t "#s$i# (o&'dn!t 'et him finish !:es) 5 did0on my o(n There (ere things 5 (#nted0! "he sto++ed) 'o(ering her he#d #nd 'oo$ing #(#y from him Then she to'd him in # te#r-fi''ed voi%e) !5 (#nt to go home) Andre#s 5 %#n!t0!

He $ne( (h#t she (#s s#ying; of %o&rse he did) Andre#s #%$no('edged1#nd (hy. Of course she (#nted to get #(#y from him #fter (h#t he h#d done0the (#y he h#d0 !:o& sho&'d h#ve to'd me ! He sto++ed her sh#r+'y !5f 5!d $no(n th#t yo& (ere # virgin ! He might be %on%erned #bo&t t#$ing her virginity b&t he obvio&s'y h#d no %om+&n%tion #t #'' #bo&t bre#$ing her he#rt) "#s$i# de%ided #ngri'y For her the 'oss of her emotion#' virginity (#s something th#t h&rt f#r more1#nd (o&'d %ontin&e to h&rt Ho( %o&'d she h#ve been st&+id eno&gh to thin$ he fe't the s#me (#y #bo&t her #s she did #bo&t him8 "he m&st h#ve been cra*y#had been %r#<y) she re%ognised grim'y Cr#<y (ith 'ove for him. !5 tho&ght0! she he#rd him s#ying) b&t no( it (#s her t&rn not to #''o( him to finish !5 $no( (h#t yo& tho&ght)! she %&t in (ith sh#r+ #s+erity !:o&!ve #'re#dy m#de it very +'#in what yo& tho&ght of me) Andre#s :o& tho&ght 5 (#s some %he#+) si''y (om#n thro(ing herse'f #t yo& be%#&se of yo&r money And (hen 5 tried to e*+'#in yo& (o&'dn!t 'et me :o& wanted to be'ieve the (orst of me 5 s&++ose th#t 3ree$ m#'e +ride of yo&rs (o&'dn!t #''o( yo& to #%$no('edge th#t yo& might /&st +ossib'y be (rong0! Andre#s 'oo$ed #t her His /e#'o&sy h#d 'ed to this0h#d 'ed to his &nforgiv#b'y #++#''ing tre#tment of her He #%hed to be #b'e to t#$e her in his #rms) to $iss #(#y the tr#%es of te#rs sti'' on her f#%e) to ho'd her #nd (his+er to her ho( m&%h he 'oved her) ho( m&%h he (#nted to +rote%t her #nd %#re for her0ho( m&%h he (ished he %o&'d (i+e #(#y the (rong he h#d done her) the +#in he h#d %#&sed her0 He #%hed too) if he (#s honest) to 'ie her do(n on the bed beside him) to remove the robe she (#s (e#ring #nd to $iss every si'$y in%h of her #dor#b'e body) to te'' her ho( he fe't #bo&t her) to sho( her too 4&t of %o&rse he %o&'d do no s&%h thing0not no(0 To $ee+ his mind off (h#t he (#s fee'ing0off the (#y he (#nted her) he to'd her gr&ff'y !E*+'#in to me no( ! For # moment "#s$i# (#s tem+ted to ref&se) b&t (h#t (#s the +oint8 "he would te'' him) #nd then she (o&'d te'' him th#t she intended to 'e#ve1b&t she %ert#in'y (o&'dn!t te'' him (hy J&st for #n irr#tion#' si''y fem#'e he#rtbe#t of time she #%hed for him to re#%h for her) to sto+ h&rting her (ith (ords she did not (#nt to he#r #nd to %#ress #nd $iss her &nti' her +oor de'&ded he#rt be'ieved on%e #g#in th#t he 'oved her #s she did him 4&t th#n$f&''y she h#d eno&gh instin%t for se'f-+reserv#tion 'eft to sto+ herse'f from te''ing him so 5nste#d she beg#n to e*+'#in #bo&t 9eg#n #nd 9#r$ #nd -orr#ine !"he m#de yo& do what!'Andre#s dem#nded #ngri'y

"he (#s hesit#nt'y e*+'#ining #bo&t -orr#ine) #nd her insisten%e th#t "#s$i# m#$e herse'f 'oo$ more se*y) (hen) #fter # brief r#+ on the door) Pi# b&rst in #nd to'd them) !3r#ndf#ther h#s #rrived He (#nts to see both of yo& ! !5!d better get dressed)! "#s$i# m&mb'ed se'f%ons%io&s'y Pi# seemed ob'ivio&s to her emb#rr#ssment) #dding &rgent'y) !Oh) #nd Andre#s) there!s something 5 (#nt to- t#'$ to yo& #bo&t0before yo& see 3r#ndf#ther ! !5f yo&!re going to #s$ for #n #dv#n%e on yo&r #''o(#n%e)! "#s$i# he#rd Andre#s s#ying h#rdi'y to Pi# #s he (#'$ed (ith her to the door) #''o(ing "#s$i# to m#$e her o(n es%#+e to the b#throom) !yo& h#ven!t +i%$ed # very good time ! CHAPTER TEN "A"?5A g'#red re+roving'y #t the ref'e%tion g'o(ing b#%$ #t her from the bedroom mirror Her o(n ref'e%tion The ref'e%tion of # (om#n (hose body h#d en/oyed in f&'' me#s&re every n&#n%e of sens&#' s#tisf#%tion #nd (#s +ro&d to +ro%'#im th#t f#%t to the (or'd Th#t (#s not ho( she (#nted to 'oo$ (hen she %onfronted Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther1the m#n (ho (#s &'tim#te'y res+onsib'e for her being here0the m#n (ho did not thin$ she (#s good eno&gh for his gr#ndson0the m#n (ho +referred to see him m#rry Athen# Neither did she (#nt Andreas to see her 'i$e this 7hy oh e#rth %o&'dn!t her idioti% body see beyond the de'i%io&s f&'fi''ment it (#s %&rrent'y b#s$ing in #nd inste#d thin$ #he#d to the 'one'iness #nd +#in her emotions #'re#dy $ne( (ere 'ying in store8 Andre#s h#d ret&rned to their room very brief'y #fter Pi#!s interr&+tion) sho(ering #nd dressing 2&i%$'y #nd then informing her th#t) #'tho&gh his gr#ndf#ther (#s insisting th#t he (#nted to meet her #s soon #s +ossib'e) there (ere %ert#in m#tters he needed to dis%&ss (ith him in +riv#te first !5t (on!t t#$e very 'ong)! he h#d to'd her grim'y) before striding o&t of the room (itho&t giving her # %h#n%e to te'' him th#t right no() for her o(n s#nity #nd s#fety) she (#nted to get #s f#r #(#y from him #s f#st #s she %o&'d "oon) no() he (o&'d be %oming b#%$ for her) to t#$e her #nd introd&%e her form#''y to his gr#ndf#ther "#s$i# +&''ed #n #ngry f#%e #t her sti'' g'o(ing ref'e%tion "he 'oo$ed) she #dmitted #ngri'y) the +erfe%t +i%t&re of # (om#n in 'ove Even her eyes h#d # ne( s+#r$'e) # %ert#in g'int th#t s#id she (#s h&gging to herse'f # (onderf&') s+e%i#' se%ret

"he h#d tried over #nd over #g#in to te'' her 'ove-%r#<ed body /&st (h#t the re#' sit&#tion (#s) b&t it sim+'y ref&sed to 'isten And so no(0 "he g#ve # nervo&s st#rt #s she he#rd the bedroom door o+ening0 Andre#s too$ # dee+ bre#th before re#%hing o&t for the bedroom door h#nd'e #nd gr#s+ing it firm'y Pi# h#d been so in%ensed) so +rote%tive #nd #ngry oh "#s$i#!s beh#'f) th#t it h#d t#$en her sever#' min&tes to be%ome %#'m eno&gh to s+i'' o&t in # (#y th#t m#de sense the %onvers#tion she h#d overhe#rd bet(een Athen# #nd "#s$i# !Athen# #%t&#''y tried to bribe "#s$i# to 'e#ve yo& "he +romised her # mi''ion +o&nds if she did Of %o&rse "#s$i# ref&sed) b&t 5 don!t see (hy Athen# sho&'d be #''o(ed to get #(#y (ith s&%h ins&'ting #nd0#nd offensive beh#vio&r 3r#ndf#ther sho&'d be to'd (h#t she!s re#''y 'i$e1#nd if yo& #ren!t +re+#red to te'' him0! she h#d thre#tened d#r$'y !Andre#s8! she h#d dem#nded (hen he m#de no res+onse) obvio&s'y +&<<'ed #t his '#%$ of re#%tion) b&t Andre#s h#d sti'' been trying to %ome to terms (ith the !ins&'ting! #nd !offensive! beh#vio&r he h#d #'re#dy inf'i%ted on "#s$i# No() to 'e#rn (h#t Athen# h#d done #nd ho( nob'y "#s$i# h#d beh#ved m#de him fee'0 Ho( could he h#ve been so (rong #bo&t her) so /&dgement#' #nd0#nd bi#sed8 A tiny inner voi%e to'd him th#t he #'re#dy $ne( the #ns(er Right from the first se%ond he h#d set eyes on her there h#d been something1+ sh#r+ (#rning thri'' of sens#tion #nd) even more d#ngero&s'y) of emotion1(hi%h he h#d inst#nt'y tried to s&++ress His infern#' +ride h#d resented the f#%t th#t he %o&'d f#'' in 'ove (ith # (om#n (ho (#s so obvio&s) #nd be%#&se he h#d 'istened to his +ride) #nd not his he#rt) he h#d (it'ess'y destroyed something th#t %o&'d h#ve been the most (onderf&') the most precious +#rt of his 'ife Un'ess0 Un'ess "#s$i# %o&'d be +ers&#ded to give him # se%ond %h#n%e0 4&t) (hether or not she (o&'d #''o( him the %h#n%e to +rove his 'ove for her) there (#s something - th#t had to be done) # re+#r#tion th#t had to be m#de He (#s 3ree$ eno&gh to thin$ th#t "#s$i# sho&'d be#r his n#me (e'' before there (#s #ny %h#n%e of the (or'd $no(ing th#t she might be#r his %hi'd "he h#d given him her inno%en%e #nd in e*%h#nge he (o&'d give her his +rote%tion) (hether or not she (#nted it He h#d to'd his gr#ndf#ther e*#%t'y (h#t he +'#nned to do) #dding tr&thf&''y th#t "#s$i# (#s f#r more im+ort#nt to him th#n (e#'th #nd +osition #nd even the 'ove #nd res+e%t of his gr#ndf#ther himse'f He h#d even been tem+ted to ref&se to #''o( his gr#ndf#ther to meet her) r#ther th#n s&b/e%t "#s$i# to #ny +ossib'e h&rt or &+set) b&t there (#s no (#y he (#nted his gr#ndf#ther to thin$ th#t he (#s hiding! "#s$i# from him be%#&se he fe#red she (o&'d not be good eno&gh for him Not good eno&gh. "he (#s too good) too (onderf&'0too +re%io&s0

His fin#' #%t before he#ding b#%$ to the bedroom h#d been to te'' Athen# to 'e#ve the is'#nd immedi#te'y !Don!t bother to try #nd +ers&#de my gr#ndf#ther to #''o( yo& to st#y He (on!t)! he h#d (#rned her tr&thf&''y No( he hesit#ted before going into the bedroom He %o&'d see "#s$i# st#nding (#iting for him) #nd his he#rt ro%$ed on # h&ge s&rge of 'onging #nd 'ove for her "he 'oo$ed #s r#di#nt #s # bride) her eyes s+#r$'ing) her mo&th %&rved in # smi'e th#t (#s # %ross bet(een +&re /oy #nd # %ert#in se%ret) ne('y dis%overed (om#n'iness "he 'oo$ed0 "he 'oo$ed 'i$e # (om#n (ho h#d /&st 'eft the #rms #nd the bed of the m#n she 'oved 4&t the moment she s#( him her e*+ression %h#nged; her eyes be%#me sh#do(ed) her body tense #nd (#ry He'+'ess'y Andre#s %'osed his eyes) s(#m+ed by # (#ve of 'ove #nd g&i't He 'onged more th#n #nything right no( to %'ose the door on the rest of the (or'd) to t#$e her in his #rms #nd ho'd her there for ever (hi'st he begged for her forgiveness #nd for the o++ort&nity to s+end the rest of his 'ife sho(ing her ho( m&%h he 'oved her 4&t he h#d his res+onsibi'ities) #nd +rim#ri'y) right no() he h#d to f&'fi' the +romise he h#d /&st m#de to his gr#ndf#ther th#t he (o&'d introd&%e "#s$i# to him For his gr#ndf#ther!s s#$e he tr&sted th#t the o'der m#n (o&'d remember the +romise he h#d m#de th#t he (o&'d tre#t "#s$i# gent'y As Andre#s %rossed the room #nd too$ ho'd of her h#nd "#s$i# shr#n$ b#%$ from him) terrified of betr#ying her fee'ings) $no(ing th#t she (#s tremb'ing from he#d to foot sim+'y be%#&se of the (#rmth of his h#nd %'#s+ing hers "he $ne( th#t he (#s bo&nd to m#$e some irrit#ted) im+#tient %omment #bo&t the ro'e she (#s s&++osed to be +'#ying) b&t inste#d he sim+'y re'e#sed her h#nd #nd to'd her in # 'o( voi%e) !5!m sorry to h#ve +&t yo& thro&gh this my0"#s$i#0! !5t!s (h#t yo& bro&ght me here for)! "#s$i# reminded him br&t#''y) not d#ring to 'oo$ #t him "&re'y she m&st be im#gining th#t r#( note of remorse in his voi%e As they 'eft the room the +retty 'itt'e m#id (ho 'oo$ed #fter it %#me in) #nd Andre#s +#&sed to s#y something to her in 3ree$ before fo''o(ing "#s$i# into the %orridor 5t (#s on'y n#t&r#' in the %ir%&mst#n%es) "#s$i# $ne() th#t Andre#s sho&'d t#$e ho'd of her h#nd #g#in #nd %'ose the dist#n%e bet(een them) so th#t (hen they (#'$ed into the %oo') sim+'y f&rnished room th#t g#ve o&t onto the m#in +#tio #re# they did so (ith every

o&t(#rd #++e#r#n%e of # %o&+'e dee+'y in 'ove 4&t (h#t (#s s&re'y 'ess n#t&r#') #nd #'most %ert#in'y &n(ise) (#s the sense of (#rmth #nd se%&rity th#t she got from being so %'ose to him To try #nd distr#%t herse'f from the effe%t Andre#s!s +ro*imity (#s h#ving on her) "#s$i# 'oo$ed to (here his sister #nd mother (ere st#nding t#'$ing to #n e'der'y (hite-h#ired m#n "#s$i# $ne( m&st be Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther As they (#'$ed to(#rds him he st#rted to t&rn ro&nd) #nd "#s$i# %o&'d he#r Andre#s s#ying form#''y) !3r#ndf#ther) 5!d 'i$e to introd&%e "#s$i# to yo& ! 4&t "#s$i# h#d sto++ed 'istening) her #ttention fo%&sed inste#d on the f#mi'i#r fe#t&res of the m#n no( f#%ing her He (#s the s#me m#n she h#d seen in the street in Athens) the m#n (ho h#d seemed so &n(e'' #nd (hom she h#d been so %on%erned #bo&t He didn!t 'oo$ i'' no( tho&gh He (#s smi'ing bro#d'y #t them both) %oming for(#rd to %'#s+ "#s$i#!s free h#nd in both of his in # gri+ he#rt-ro%$ing'y simi'#r to th#t of his gr#ndson !There is no need to introd&%e her to me) !Re#s ! He '#&ghed !:o&r be#&tif&' fi#n%ee #nd 5 h#ve #'re#dy met! "#s$i# %o&'d see ho( m&%h he (#s en/oying the sho%$ing effe%t of his #nno&n%ement on his f#mi'y He (#s obvio&s'y # m#n (ho 'i$ed to fee' he (#s in %ontro' of things0 +eo+'e0(ho 'i$ed to %h#''enge #nd s&r+rise them 4&t (here th#t tr#it in Andre#s h#d #ngered her) in his gr#ndf#ther she fo&nd it #'most ende#ring !:o& #nd "#s$i# h#ve #'re#dy met8! Andre#s (#s re+e#ting) fro(ning he#vi'y #s he 'oo$ed from his gr#ndf#ther to "#s$i# !:es 5n Athens)! his gr#ndf#ther %onfirmed before "#s$i# %o&'d s#y #nything !"he (#s very $ind to #n o'd m#n) #nd very %on%erned for him too 9y driver to'd me th#t yo& h#d e*+ressed yo&r %on%ern for my he#'th to him)! he to'd "#s$i# in # bro#d'y smi'ing #side !And 5 h#ve to %onfess 5 did find th#t (#'$ in the he#t +'&s the (#it 5 h#d for yo& to ret&rn from the A%ro+o'is # trif'e0&n%omfort#b'e 4&t not) 5 s&s+e%t) #s &n%omfort#b'e #s Andre#s (#s) #rriving #t my offi%e to dis%over th#t 5 h#d %#n%e''ed o&r meeting)! he #dded (ith # %h&%$'e !:o& didn!t re#''y thin$ 5!d #''o( my on'y gr#ndson to m#rry # (om#n 5 $ne( nothing #bo&t) did yo&8! he #s$ed Andre#s (ith # 'itt'e s(#gger th#t m#de her hide # sm#'' smi'e He (#s so very 3ree$) so very m#%ho "he $ne( she sho&'d be #nnoyed) b&t he (#s so +'e#sed (ith himse'f th#t she didn!t h#ve the he#rt to be %ross Andre#s) tho&gh) #s it soon be%#me obvio&s) (#s not so e#si'y #++e#sed !:o& de%ided to %he%$ &+ on "#s$i#18! he th&ndered) giving his gr#ndf#ther # h#rd 'oo$

!:o& h#ve definite'y m#de # good %hoi%e) Andre#s)! his gr#ndf#ther interr&+ted him !"he is %h#rming0#nd $ind Not m#ny yo&ng (omen (o&'d h#ve t#$en the time to 'oo$ #fter #n o'd m#n (ho (#s # str#nger to them 5 h#d to meet her for myse'f) Andre#s 5 $no( yo&) #nd1! !7h#t yo& h#ve done is #n ins&'t to her)! Andre#s %&t him off %o'd'y) (hi'st "#s$i# st#red #t him in #stonishment Andre#s defending #nd +rote%ting her. 7h#t (#s this8 And then) #br&+t'y) she remembered th#t he (#s sim+'y #%ting o&t # ro'e0the ro'e of # 'oving +rote%tive fi#n%ee !And 'et me te'' yo& this) 3r#ndf#ther)! Andre#s (#s %ontin&ing !7hether yo& #++rove of "#s$i# or not m#$es no differen%e to me 5 love her) #nd 5 #'(#ys (i'') #nd there #re no thre#ts) no bribes) no b'#ndishments yo& %#n offer th#t %o&'d in #ny (#y %h#nge th#t ! There (#s # brief +#&se before the o'der m#n nodded his he#d !3ood)! he #nno&n%ed !5!m g'#d to he#r it A (om#n 'i$e "#s$i# deserves to be the fo%&s of her h&sb#nd!s he#rt #nd 'ife "he reminds me very m&%h of my E'is#beth)! he #dded) his eyes s&dden'y misty !"he h#d th#t s#me $indness) th#t s#me %on%ern for others ! "&dden'y he st#rted to fro(n #s he %#&ght sight of "#s$i#!s ring !7h#t is that she is (e#ring8! he dem#nded !5t is not fit for # Demetrios bride 5!m s&r+rised #t yo&) Andre#s0# +#'try +'#in so'it#ire "he sh#'' h#ve my E'is#beth!s ring) #nd1! !No ! The h#rshness in Andre#s!s voi%e m#de "#s$i# tense 7#s he going to te'' his gr#ndf#ther th#t it (#s #'' # 'ie8 7#s the tho&ght of "#s$i# (e#ring something #s s#%red to their f#mi'y #s his de#d gr#ndmother!s ring too m&%h for him to end&re8 !No)! he %ontin&ed !5f "#s$i# (#nts # different ring then she sh#'' %hoose one herse'f For no( 5 (#nt her to (e#r the one 5 %hose for her A di#mond #s +&re #nd shining'y be#&tif&' #s she is herse'f ! "#s$i# %o&'d see Andre#s!s mother!s #nd sister!s /#(s dro++ing) #s (#s her o(n #t s&%h #n &ne*+e%ted'y tender #nd #'most +oeti% de%'#r#tion Ridi%&'o&s'y te#rs b'&rred her eyes #s she 'oo$ed do(n #t the so'it#ire 5t was be#&tif&' "he tho&ght so every time she +&t it on 4&t for her to tre#s&re s&%h # ring it (o&'d h#ve to be given (ith 'ove 5t (#s the %ommitment it (#s given (ith th#t m#de it of s&%h v#'&e to # (om#n in 'ove) not its fin#n%i#' (orth 4&t Andre#s!s gr#ndf#ther (#s br&shing #side s&%h irre'ev#n%ies) #nd dem#nding /ovi#''y) !Very (e'') b&t (h#t 5 (#nt to $no( no( is (hen yo& +'#n to get m#rried 5 %#n!t 'ive for ever) Andre#s) #nd if 5 #m to see yo&r sons0! !3r#ndf#ther0! Andre#s beg#n (#rning'y

-#ter) #fter # %e'ebr#tory '&n%h #nd r#ther more vint#ge %h#m+#gne th#n h#d +erh#+s been (ise) "#s$i# m#de her (#y (ith so'emn %on%entr#tion b#%$ to her room Andre#s (#s (ith her) #s befitted # 'oving #nd +rote%tive fi#n%e O&tside the room Andre#s to&%hed her 'ight'y on her #rm) so th#t she (#s for%ed to sto+ '#nd 'oo$ #t him 5!m sorry #bo&t (h#t h#++ened in Athens)! he to'd her) his br&s2&eness giving (#y to #nger #s he #dded) !9y gr#ndf#ther h#d no right to s&b/e%t yo& to1! !5n his shoes yo& (o&'d h#ve done e*#%t'y the s#me thing)! "#s$i# interr&+ted him 2&iet'y) immedi#te'y 'e#+ing to his gr#ndf#ther!s defen%e !5t!s # +erfe%t'y n#t&r#' re#%tion 5 %#n remember sti'' the (#y my gr#ndmother re#%ted the first time 5 (ent o&t on # d#te ! "he '#&ghed) #nd then sto++ed #s she s#( th#t Andre#s (#s sh#$ing his he#d !Of %o&rse she (o&'d be +rote%tive of yo&)! he #greed f'#t'y !4&t didn!t my gr#ndf#ther re#'ise the d#nger yo& %o&'d h#ve been in8 7h#t if he h#d mistimed his 6#%%ident#'6 meeting (ith yo&8 :o& (ere #'one in #n &nf#mi'i#r %ity He h#d %o&nterm#nded my instr&%tions to yo&r driver by te''ing him to $ee+ o&t of sight &nti' he s#( him ret&rn to his o(n %#r !5t (#s bro#d d#y'ight) Andre#s)! "#s$i# +ointed o&t %#'m'y 4&t she %o&'d see th#t Andre#s (#sn!t going to be #++e#sed !7e'') #t 'e#st yo&r gr#ndf#ther (on!t be trying to %onvin%e yo& th#t yo& sho&'d m#rry Athen# #nymore)! she offered +'#%#ting'y #s they (#'$ed into the bedroom "he %#me to #n #br&+t h#'t #s she s#( the ne( %#ses Andre#s h#d bo&ght her for their tri+ in the midd'e of the bedroom f'oor !7h#t08! she beg#n &nste#di'y b&t Andre#s didn!t 'et her finish !5 to'd 9#ri# to +#%$ for both of &s 7e!re boo$ed onto the first f'ight in the morning for He#thro( ! !7e!re 'e#ving8! Even #s she s+o$e "#s$i# $ne( th#t sho(ing her sho%$ (#s # give#(#y +ie%e of fo''y Of %o&rse they (ere 'e#ving After #'') there (#s no need for Andre#s to $ee+ her here #ny more His gr#ndf#ther h#d m#de it very +'#in d&ring '&n%h th#t Athen# (o&'d no 'onger be (e'%ome bene#th his roof !7e don!t h#ve #ny o+tion)! Andre#s re+'ied f'#t'y !:o& he#rd my gr#ndf#ther No( th#t he!s been given # %'e#n bi'' of he#'th he!s it%hing to find something to o%%&+y him Org#nising o&r (edding #nd t&rning it into something bet(een # '#vish e*tr#v#g#n<# (orthy of # g'ossy m#g#<ine #nd # %h#n%e to g#ther #s m#ny of his b&siness %ronies &nder one roof #s he %#n isn!t going to be #n o++ort&nity he!'' (#nt to miss o&t on And my mother #nd sister (i'' be /&st #s b#d ! He st#rted to s%o(' !Designer o&tfits) # (edding dress th#t %o&'d t#$e months to m#$e) +'#ns to e*tend the vi''# so th#t it %#n

#%%ommod#te the %hi'dren my mother #nd my gr#ndf#ther #re so determined (e!re going to h#ve0! 3reedi'y "#s$i# dr#n$ in every (ord The ment#' im#ge he (#s %re#ting for her) the b'issf&' +i%t&res he (#s +#inting (ere be%oming more #''&ring (ith every (ord he s#id 9isti'y she #''o(ed herse'f to dre#m #bo&t (h#t she $ne( to be im+ossib'e1#nd then Andre#s!s ne*t (ords sent her into sho%$ed freef#'' !7e need to get m#rried immedi#te'y 7e /&st don!t h#ve the time for th#t $ind of de'#y Not #fter0 5f yo& #re #'re#dy %#rrying my %hi'd then0! !7h#t #re yo& s#ying8! "#s$i# +rotested) (hite-f#%ed !:o& %#n!t be serio&s 7e can't get m#rried /&st be%#&se0! !J&st be%#&se (h#t8! Andre#s %h#''enged her bitter'y !4e%#&se yo& (ere # virgin) #n inno%ent (ho h#d never $no(n # m#n before8 505 #m 3ree$) "#s$i#) #nd there is no (#y 5 (o&'d ever #b#ndon #ny %hi'd 5 h#d f#thered Under the %ir%&mst#n%es there is nothing e'se (e can do ! !:o&!re on'y h#'f-3ree$)! "#s$i# he#rd herse'f reminding him di<<i'y) before #dding) !And #ny(#y 5 m#y not even be +regn#nt 5n f#%t 5!m s&re 5!m riot ! Andre#s g#ve her # dry) #'most (ithering 'oo$ !And yo&!re #n e*+ert on s&%h things) of %o&rse :o&) # (om#n (ho h#sn!t even0! !They s#y yo& don!t #'(#ys0not the first time0! "#s$i# to'd him '#me'y) b&t she %o&'d see from his f#%e th#t he h#d #s 'itt'e f#ith in th#t +#rti%&'#r o'd (ives! t#'e #s she did herse'f !5 don!t (#nt this) Andre#s)! she insisted) trying #nother t#%$ Her voi%e #nd her body h#d both beg&n to sh#$e (ith sho%$ #t (h#t Andre#s intended !Even if 5 #m to0to h#ve # %hi'd0these d#ys th#t doesn!t me#n0 5 %o&'d bring it &+ by myse'f0! !7h#t on8! he %h#''enged her !Not the one mi''ion +o&nds yo& t&rned do(n from Athen#) obvio&s'y ! "#s$i#!s eyes 'oo$ed be(i'dered #t the (#y he!d s'i++ed the thr&st &+ &nder her g&#rd !A %hi'd needs more th#n money 9&%h) m&%h more) she defended herse'f 2&i%$'y Ho( did he $no( #bo&t Athen#!s offer to her8 Athen# herse'f (o&'dn!t h#ve to'd him !A %hi'd needs 'ove)! she %ontin&ed

!Do yo& thin$ 5 don!t $no( th#t8! Andre#s shot b#%$ !After #'') s&re'y 5 #m f#r better +'#%ed to $no( it th#n yo&) "#s$i# 5 h#d the 'ove of both my +#rents #s # %hi'd) #nd 5 %#n +romise yo& 5 (o&'d never #''o( # %hi'd of mine to gro( &+ (itho&t my 'ove ! He sto++ed #br&+t'y #s he he#rd the 2&i%$ indr#(n g#s+ of +#in she h#d given) his eyes d#r$ening (ith remorse !"#s$i#) my be'oved he#rt) 5 #m so sorry 5 didn!t me#n to h&rt yo&) /&st to m#$e yo& &nderst#nd th#t 5 %o&'d no more (#'$ #(#y from o&r %hi'd th#n 5 %#n from yo& ! "#s$i# st#red #t him) &n#b'e to s+e#$) to move) to bre#the #s she 'istened to the r#( ferven%y of his de%'#r#tion He (#s #%ting He h#d to be He didn't 'ove her "he knew th#t And someho( he#ring him s#y to her the (ords she so m&%h #%hed to he#r (hi'st $no(ing they (ere 'ies fi''ed her (ith more #ng&ish th#n she %o&'d be#r T&gging fr#nti%#''y #t the ring he h#d given her) she st#rted to +&'' it off) her eyes d#r$ (ith #nger) s+#r$'ing (ith te#rs of +ride #nd +#in (hi'st Andre#s (#t%hed her #s he h#d been (#t%hing her #'' thro&gh '&n%h) #nd then #fter(#rds (hen the (ine she h#d dr&n$ h#d re'#*ed her !5 fe't so #ngry (hen Athen# offered "#s$i# th#t money)! Pi# h#d to'd him +#ssion#te'y !And so +ro&d of her "he 'oves yo& so m&%h 5 &sed to thin$ th#t no one %o&'d ever be good eno&gh for yo&) my (onderf&' brother) b&t no( 5 $no( 5 (#s (rong "he 'oves yo& every bit #s m&%h #s yo& deserve to be 'oved) #s 5 one d#y (#nt to 'ove the m#n 5 m#rry0! !"he is +erfe%t for yo&) d#r'ing)! his mother h#d (his+ered to him !"he is # be#&tif&' yo&ng (om#n (ith #n even more be#&tif&' he#rt)! his gr#ndf#ther h#d s#id emotion#''y There h#d been one &ng&#rded moment #fter '&n%h) (hen his gr#ndf#ther h#d been te#sing her #bo&t something #nd she h#d t&rned to him) #s tho&gh see$ing his +rote%tion The 'oo$ in her eyes h#d m#de him #%he to sn#t%h her &+ #nd %#rry her #(#y some(here he %o&'d h#ve her #'' to !himse'f #nd %re#te th#t 'oo$ over #nd over #g#in Fin#''y she m#n#ged to +&'' the ring off) ho'ding it o&t to him she to'd him) he#d he'd high) !There is no (#y 5 (o&'d ever m#rry # m#n (ho does not 'ove me ! Andre#s %'osed his eyes) re+'#yed the (ords to m#$e s&re he h#dn!t mishe#rd them) #nd then o+ened his eyes #g#in #nd (#'$ed +&r+osef&''y to(#rds her He (#s #bo&t to t#$e the biggest g#mb'e he h#d ever t#$en in his entire 'ife 5f he 'ost he (o&'d 'ose everything 5f he (on0 He too$ # dee+ bre#th #nd #s$ed "#s$i# soft'y !"ho&'dn!t th#t be yo& (o&'dn!t ever m#rry # m#n yo& did not 'ove8!

"#s$i# fro<e) her f#%e going (hite #nd then # soft) dee+ening sh#de of +in$ !50th#t (#s (h#t 5 me#nt)! she beg#n) #nd then sto++ed #s +#ni% over(he'med her !5 %#n!t m#rry yo&) Andre#s)! she +rotested #s he %'osed the dist#n%e bet(een them) m#sterf&''y s(ee+ing her &+ into his #rms !And 5 (on!t 'et yo& go) "#s$i#)! he to'd her in # 'o() throbbing voi%e !4e%#&se of (h#t h#++ened0be%#&se there might be # b#by8! she g&essed) b&t the (ords h#d to be m&mb'ed be%#&se Andre#s (#s ho'ding her so tight'y) his 'i+s br&shing irresistib'y tender $isses #g#inst her thro#t #nd then her /#() moving %'oser #nd %'oser to her mo&th !4e%#&se of th#t)! he #greed) (his+ering the (ords #g#inst her 'i+s !And this0#nd yo&0! !9e8! "#s$i# st#rted to s2&e#$) b&t Andre#s (o&'dn!t 'et her C&++ing her f#%e inste#d) he 'oo$ed do(n into her eyes) his o(n gr#ve (ith +#in) he#vy (ith remorse) hot (ith 'ove #nd desire) #s he begged her) !P'e#se give me # %h#n%e to sho( yo& ho( things %o&'d be bet(een &s) "#s$i# To sho( yo& ho( good it %o&'d be) ho( good it will be0! !7h#t #re yo& trying to s#y8! "#s$i# dem#nded di<<i'y "ti'' %&++ing her f#%e) Andre#s to'd her) !5!m trying to s#y (ith (ords (h#t my emotions) my he#rt) my so&' #nd my body h#ve #'re#dy to'd yo&) my be'oved he#rt) my #dored) +re%io&s 'ove "&re'y yo& m&st h#ve g&essed) fe't ho( it (#s for me (hen (e m#de 'ove8! -ifting her he#d so th#t she %o&'d 'oo$ into his eyes) se#r%h them to see if she #%t&#''y d#red be'ieve (h#t she (#s he#ring) "#s$i# fe't her he#rt st#rting to th&d in # he#dy mi*t&re of /oy #nd e*%itement No m#n %o&'d +ossib'y f#$e the (#y Andre#s (#s 'oo$ing #t her) #nd if th#t (#sn!t eno&gh his body (#s giving her # very distin%t #nd intim#te mess#ge of its o(n Un#b'e to he'+ herse'f "#s$i# st#rted to b'&sh # 'itt'e #s she fe't her o(n body res+ond to Andre#s!s #ro&s#' !505 tho&ght th#t m&st /&st be se*)! she to'd him br#ve'y !7h#t h#ve 5 s#id8! she dem#nded in be(i'derment (hen Andre#s st#rted to '#&gh !9y de#rest 'ove)! he to'd her) sti'' '#&ghing) !if 5 h#dn!t #'re#dy h#d in%ontrovertib'e +roof of yo&r inno%en%e) th#t rem#r$ (o&'d h#ve f&rnished me (ith it any (om#n (ho h#d e*+erien%ed 6/&st se*6 (o&'d h#ve $no(n immedi#te'y th#t1! He sto++ed #nd smi'ed do(n #t her) tender'y $issing her before te''ing her gr&ff'y

!No 7hy sho&'d 5 bother to e*+'#in8 After #'') there!s never going to be #ny (#y th#t yo& (i'' $no( (h#t it is to h#ve 6/&st se*6 :o& #nd 5) "#s$i#) (i'' be m#$ing 'ove) sh#ring 'ove) giving one #nother 'ove for #'' o&r 'ives ! !Oh) Andre#s)! "#s$i# (his+ered de'irio&s'y #s he +&''ed her firm'y into his #rms !No) Andre#s) (e %#n!t)! she +rotested five min&tes '#ter #s he %#rried her to(#rds the bed #nd st#rted to &ndress her !A'' my %'e#n %'othes #re +#%$ed05 (on!t h#ve #nything to (e#r0#nd0! !3ood)! Andre#s informed her (itho&t the remotest hint of remorse !5 %#n!t thin$ of #nything 5 (#nt more right no( th#n to h#ve yo& n#$ed in my bed (ith no me#ns of es%#+e ! !9mm0 Th#t!s f&nny)! "#s$i# to'd him im+ish'y !5 (#s thin$ing e*#%t'y the s#me thing myse'f.! EP5-O3UE !7E--) yo&r gr#ndf#ther m#y not h#ve got his o(n (#y over o&r (edding) b&t he %ert#in'y (#sn!t going to #''o( &s to h#ve # 2&iet f#mi'y %hristening.! "#s$i# '#&ghed (ith Andre#s #s they both s&rveyed the h&ge %ro(d of +eo+'e fi''ing the re%ent'y %om+'eted #nd ref&rbished !s+e%i#' o%%#sions! s&ite #t the gro&+!s f'#gshi+ 4ritish hote' !9mm0 Are yo& s&re th#t Robert (i'' be o$#y (ith him8! Andre#s #s$ed #n*io&s'y #s he fo%&sed (ith f#ther'y %on%ern on the other side of the room) (here his gr#ndf#ther (#s +ro&d'y sho(ing off his three-month-o'd gre#t-gr#ndson to his friends #nd b&siness %ronies !7e'') #s yo&r gr#ndf#ther $ee+s on reminding &s) he!s he'd f#r more b#bies th#n yo& or 5 in his time)! "#s$i# s#id) '#&ghing !9#ybe) b&t none of them h#s been our son)! Andre#s ret&rned +rom+t'y) #dding) !5 thin$ 5!d better go #nd retrieve him) "#s He 'oo$s #s tho&gh he might be st#rting to get fretf&') #nd he never finished th#t '#st feed0! T#'$ #bo&t doting f#thers)! Pi# m&rm&red to "#s$i# #s they both (#t%hed Andre#s h&rrying +ro+riet#ri'y to(#rds his son !5 #'(#ys $ne( th#t Andre#s (o&'d be # good f#ther) mind yo&0! "#s$i# smi'ed #t her #s she (#t%hed her h&sb#nd e*+ert'y ho'ding their son1born nine months #nd one d#y e*#%t'y #fter there 2&iet (edding) t#%tf&''y #rriving three (ee$s #fter his +redi%ted birth d#te 4&t of %o&rse on'y she #nd Andre#s $ne( that0/&st #s on'y they $ne( #s yet th#t by the time he re#%hed his first birthd#y he (o&'d h#ve # brother or # sister

!5sn!t th#t # bit too soon8! Andre#s h#d +rotested (hen she h#d first to'd him her s&s+i%ions) #nd "#s$i# h#d b'&shed #nd then '#&ghed) remembering) #s she (#s s&re Andre#s (#s #s (e'') th#t she h#d been the one to initi#te their first 'ovem#$ing #fter Robert!s birth Andre#s (#s the most (onderf&' f#ther) #nd #n even more (onderf&' h&sb#nd #nd 'over "#s$i# g#ve # sm#'' sigh) # 'oo$ d#r$ening her eyes th#t Andre#s immedi#te'y re%ognised 5f his mother (#s s&r+rised to be s&dden'y h#nded her gr#ndson (hi'st Andre#s insisted th#t there (#s something he needed to dis%&ss (ith his (ife in +riv#te) she g#ve no sign of it) going inste#d to /oin "#s$i#!s gr#ndmother) (ith (hom she h#d #'re#dy formed # %'ose bond !Andre#s. No) (e can't)! "#s$i# +rotested #s Andre#s 'ed her to the most '&*&rio&s of the hote'!s ref&rbished bedrooms #nd 'o%$ed the door !7hy not8! he te#sed her !7e o(n the hote' #nd (e #re m#rried1#nd right no( 5 (#nt yo& so m&%h ! !9mm0 Andre#s0! "#s$i# sighed #s his 'i+s fo&nd the e*2&isite'y tender %ord in her thro#t th#t #'(#ys #nd &nf#i'ing'y res+onded to the s(eet torment of his 'i+s !9mm Andre#s0(h#t8! he mo&thed #g#inst her s$in 4&t "#s$i# didn!t m#$e #ny verb#' res+onse) inste#d +&''ing his he#d do(n to(#rds her o(n) her mo&th o+ening s(eet'y bene#th his !5 $ne( the first moment 5 set eyes on yo& th#t yo& (ere # (#nton (om#n ! Andre#s '#&ghed tender'y !My (#nton (om#n0!

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