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Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engaging on Contract basis for the posts of Lecturers in Civil Engineering in Government Polytechnics in Zone V and Zone VI of Osmania niversity !egion of the state" #l" $o" & Particulars of post %ualifications

Lecturer in Civil Engineering &st Class 'achelor(s )egree in Civil 'ranch Engineering branch and **+ for #C , #candidates" $umber of vacancies are /0 in Zone V and Zone VI of Osmania niversity !egion" !emuneration Payable1 Consolidated amount of !s" &2344456 per mensum"

." /"

7" Applications in the format 8hich is available in the 8ebsite of the )epartment shall be sent to the !egional 9oint )irector of -echnical Education3 VII :loor3 Gagan Vihar3 $ampally3 ;yderabad < *44 44& so as to reach them on or before "#00 P!M $% 02!0 !2012" Applications received in any form other than the format prescribed or beyond the above time and date 8ill summarily be re=ected 8ithout any correspondence thereof" *" 9urisdiction of the !egional 9oint )irector of -echnical Education3 O" " !egion is )istricts of >arangal3 ?hammam3 ?arimnagar3 Adilabad3 @ahabubnagar3 $iAamabad3 @edaB3 $algonda3 !angareddy and ;yderabad" C" -he Contractual appointments are purely on temporary basis and are terminated as and 8hen the selected candidates are made available by APP#C for appointment against the vacancies in 8hich they are engaged on Contract basis" :or further details the candidates shall visit the )epartment >ebsite 888"dteap"ac"in under notifications" #)56 "V"#"$"@ !-;D3 !EGIO$AL 9OI$- )I!EC-O!E:ACF3 O" "!EGIO$3 ;D)E!A'A)

APPLICATION FOR ENGAGEMENT OF LECTURERS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING BRANCH ON CONTRACT BASIS IN OSMANIA UNIVERSITY REGION GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNICS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2011#12 &" $ame of the Candidate Ein 'locB LettersF aF #eG ." :ather(s 5 ;usband(s $ame /" )ate of 'irth Eas per ##C recordsF 7" %ualifications both Academic and -echnical A" :or the post of Lecturers "A :irst Class in '"E 5 '"-ech E**+ for #C , #-F $ame of the )egree @aGimum @arBs @arBs #ecured +age of @arBs secured 1 Dear of Passing 'ranch 1 1 @ale5:emale 1 1 1


EbF ;igher %ualifications E@"-ech 5 Ph)F $ame of the )egree @aGimum @arBs @arBs #ecured +age of @arBs secured Dear of Passing 'ranch

CIVIL O$LD $ote1 6 -he candidates should possess the provisional certificate at the time of applying and candidates pursuing higher studies shall not be considered to be possessing higher Hualifications3 If they do not possess the provisional or degree certificate as on the date of applying3 their candidature 8ill not be considered" C" Community #C5#-5'C6A5'5C5)5E EticB the appropriate communityF 1

0" $ame of the Educational Institutions 8here studied :rom Class IV to I $ame of the #chool Dear of #tudy Place of study Village5-o8n5City )istrict to 8hich it belongs

J" aF Address for Correspondence 8ith Pin $umber E>rite in 'locB LettersF

bF @obile $umber 1 cF Land line 8ith #-) Code 1 dF Email I) EIn clear 8ords not =oined togetherF candidates shall be informed of the date of intervie8 5 Counseling only by 8ay of #@#5e6mail" ;ence furnishing of mobile no , e6mail id is @andatory" 2" Any Other Information 1

-he information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my Bno8ledge and if the information furnished above is found incorrect3 I shall be held for the conseHuences thereof1 Place1 )ate1 #ignature of the Candidate


1!N$ O&'('%)*+ / ,-&$. /$0'-+ )&- &-12'&-3 4$ 5- +-%4 )*$%( 6'47 47A00*'/)4'$%! T7- A00*'/)4'$% +7)** 5- 8-&'9'-3 6'47 47- O&'('%)*+ )4 47- 4':$9 I%4-&8'-6!
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

! RULE OF RESERVATION1 -he rule of #pecial !epresentation i"e"3 reservations for #"Cs5#"-s5'"Cs and >omen applies for these posts" In the event of $on6availability of Hualified candidates belonging to #"C5#"-5'"C and >omen for consideration against the vacancies reserved for them3 the said vacancies shall be filled up on open competition basis from the merit list based on their merit" "! TENURE1 -he contract appointments shall be made for a tenure not eGceeding E42F months ordinarily from &Cth 9une of the year to the end of the Academic Dear or necessity ceases or the last day of April5@ay3 .4&. theory eGamination or as and 8hen the APP#C allotted candidates reports for duty3 8hichever is earlier" nder no circumstances shall be individual be given any further eGtension beyond a maGimum period of / years" 6! TERMS OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT1 All persons appointed on contract basis shall eGecute an agreement on a $on69udicial stamp paper of !s"&&456 E!upees one hundred and ten onlyF 8ith t8o 8itnesses and furnish the same to the reporting authority concernedEprincipal of the institutionF at the time of reporting for duty3 agreeing to the terms and conditions of the contract" SD/# "V"#"$"@ !-;D3 !EGIO$AL 9OI$- )I!EC-O!E:ACF

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