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Dean Peroff
Amsterdam & Peroff
35 Alvin Avenue
Toronto Ontario
Canada M4T 2A7

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

R.C.M.P. Complaint and Relevant Documents

Dear Dean,

This PDF documents represents the full breathe of documents in my possession and the
actions I have tried to undertake while incarcerated here.
It is as much as I could do in Canada and alone from a Bulgarian prison cell. More was
needed and should have been done, but my family is not litigious or otherwise inclined
to use the law. I have been pretty much alone in this.
The documents appear in the order as they are listed below. Each item in this index is
linked to the document and can be navigated using Adobe Acrobat version 5 or later.
Now let me try to put things into their proper context.
1. the chronology of seeming unrelated events has proven significant. The
accusatory “words” and “phrases” and “nature” of the alleged crimes inter alia
fraud, forgery, and money laundering as they appear in the July 7th 1995 RCMP
indictment of me also appear in other official documents and media reports.
Some of these directly accredit the Canadian government. I think this will
become apparent to anyone carefully reviewing these documents. Of great
significance is the wording of the Bulgarian requests to Interpol and the
international warrant itself and their similarity to the RCMP accusatory
2. The allegations of my being inter alia convicted of sexual assault in Canada
could come from nowhere else except a Canadian police source. There are also
many many documents I do not have.
3. The beatings and integrations I endured while in arrest had one and only one
theme, where was and how could I access the money I had stolen off to Canada.
No other questions were asked. As I said I cannot prove the beatings, but it is a
public fact mentioned in Bulgarian newspapers after I made the accusation
before the trial court. Of course no one would investigate those accusations and
my “word” was not enough.
4. I provide you with specific documents from the Canadian and US lawsuits that
you might find relevant in explaining the enmity of the Bulgarian government
and judiciary against me inter alai I am the only person to every have filed a
civil claim against the State and a sitting justice and prosecutor before a foreign
court prepared to award significant money damages.
5. Also, the Affidavit of the Bulgarian Embassy representative to Canada is
significant as an admission of the RCMP have assisted with my arrest by
Interpol and helped to facilitate my extradition from Germany. The
circumstances not dissimilar to the ARAR incident but occurring some 5 years
I believe the rest will be self explanatory.
One final observation before closing, that I am not as “bad” as these RCMP reports
makes me out. Frankly, reading them again makes me ready to “turn myself in” for
rehabilitation! My only reply is that so far, where it matters, I have been acquitted of
everything alleged by the RCMP. That of course does not undue the damage they
caused to my reputation, never mind my property and the state of mind of my family.
I make no apologies for having been something of a rogue during my life. And if you
choose to proceed further with helping us then I will also tell you of my recruitment by
a U.S. Government agency in the late 1970 and early ’80’s, the Saudi Royal family and
an agency of Israel. My wife and family only know the Saudi part of this, and while
this has no direct or indirect relevance to the events of the last 12 years it still may have
indirectly caused the RCMP to wonder who the hell I was. I will discuss this with you
only in person and ask you refrain from mentioning it to Tracy who has enough of an
emotional burden as it is. While this may not be important you should still know about
Finally, thank you again if for nothing more than looking into this. I sincerely believe
there is enough substance to this that if noting else two things could in the least occur,
among them is (1) the recovery of legal fees and costs associated with any litigation
commenced against the RCMP, I do not believe they have a legitimate defense, at least
not after my acquittal in Bulgaria on all the official charges made by them and of
course the defamations and wrongful arrest resulting from those. And, (2) reaching a
settlement with Bulgaria on all the civil actions with the result that I am repatriated to
Canada. Of course my interpretation of the facts and law is biased, no matter how much
I struggle towards the alternative and so maybe there is nothing here to interest you. I
will pray that I am not so far wrong,
Michael Kapoustin

1. February 23, 2001 affidavit of Bulgarian embassy plenipotentiary at Ottawa

Canada under British Columbia Supreme Court civil case number S0004040
Kapoustin et al versus Republic of Bulgaria et al
2. January 25, 2001 clerks entry of default against Republic of Bulgaria et al Judge
Emilia Mitkova, trial judge under the criminal case against me. Default issued
under United States Federal District Court of Indiana in LifeChoice versus
Bulgaria et al civil case number 3 00 C. V. 649RM – copy of original
3. March 16, 2001 Affidavit of plaintiffs’ Bulgarian attorney Mr. Anatol Lukov
before the British Columbia Supreme Court number S0004040 Kapoustin et al
versus Republic of Bulgaria et al – copy of original document.
4. February 23, 2001 defendant Bulgaria submit OUTLINE to Court under British
Columbia Supreme Court civil case number S0004040 Kapoustin et al versus
Republic of Bulgaria et al in a Defence motion for a hearing to determine
jurisdiction and to dismiss the claim. The Motion was not heard – copy of an
original document.
5. January 23, 2004 complaint has filed to the RCMP complaints division,
amended, as delivered to Shirley Heafey commissioner. The amendments
appear in the color red and are underlined – copy of original document.
6. July 07, 1995 Canadian RCMP indictment of the Applicant and incriminate him
for the commission of inter alia frauds and money laundering in Bulgaria,
Canada and elsewhere –English text. Note – there is no copy of the original
English language text as faxed from the Canadian embassy in Vienna Austria to
the Bulgarian ministry of interior police.
6a The Original Bulgarian text
7. September 05, 1995 Sofia city prosecutors office advice of having received the
aforesaid July 07, 1995 RCMP secret indictment and that it “contains data for
fraud by Michael kapoustin other person’s”. The Prosecutors Office requests
the ministry of interior police proceed to verify the Canadian data that seeks the
prosecution of the Applicant – English text
7a Copy of the Original Bulgarian Document
8. October 6 1995 report to the head of the economic police section of the ministry
of interior police Sofia precipitated by the July 07, 1995 Canadian RCMP
written indictment of the Applicant as well as from allegations made by the
Bulgarian tax authorities. Those allegations also being precipitated by the
Canadian authorities – English text
8a Copy of the Original Bulgarian text
9. November 30, 1995 first request to the Sofia Bulgaria offices of Interpol also
located as a section within the ministry of interior police, the same organization
in contact with and having been contacted by the Canadian RCMP – English
9a Copy of the Original Bulgarian Document
10. December 13, 1995 protocol of a meeting between the RCMP representative to
the Canadian embassy Vienna and members of the Bulgarian ministry of
interior police. The meeting discusses the arrest and prosecution of the
Applicant and mutual cooperation between Canada and Bulgaria. Specifically
the it identifies the areas of cooperation inter alia identifying the flow of money
to Canada from Caribbean bank accounts – English text
10a Copy of the Original Bulgarian Document
11. December 15, 1995 ORDER made by the prosecutors general for the
Republican of Bulgaria and directing Bulgarian Interpol offices to issue, in fact
demanding they issues, an international search for and arrest and ultimate
extradited of the Applicant to the Republic of Bulgaria. Anecdotal evidence
suggests that at first the representatives of Bulgarian Interpol refused the request
for an international arrest warrant for the Applicant. This apparently because
Interpol and the European Convention on Extradition requirements that such a
request must be issued by a sitting judge – English text
11a Copy of original Bulgarian document
12. February 7 1996 teletype from German Interpol requesting the arrest and
detention of the Applicant at the Request of the Republic of Bulgaria – English
12a The Bulgarian text
12b Copy of original German document
13. February 15, 1996 translation Bulgarian newspaper article in the “standard”
daily and citing the desire of the government of Canada to also extradite the
applicant – English text only
14. February 22nd 1996 translation of Bulgaria and newspaper article and again in
“standard” daily citing the willingness of the Government of Canada to “hand
over” the Applicant to Bulgarian authorities. This announcement is made to the
media by the Prosecutors General for the Republican of Bulgaria after
consultations with Canadian Government authorities – English text only
15. April 05, 1996 request to Interpol Sofia directed to Interpol for the Republic of
Georgia and specifically identifying the Canadian company of the Applicant
and the allegations as made in the July 07, 1995 indictment issued by the RCMP
– English text
15a Copy of original Bulgarian document
16. April 02, 1996 fax from the RCMP Canadian embassy to an unknown and
unidentified Bulgarian agency – copy a of the original Canadian document
17. August, 1996 Canadian verbal note to the German government expressing
concerns over the proposed extradition of the Applicant to Bulgaria -- copy of
the original Canadian document
18. August 01, 1996 publication “continent” daily newspaper detailing an interview
with the investigating police officer in the criminal case. During the interview
the chief police investigator clearly makes numerous references to the Canadian
sources and “police facts” in the indictment and other representations made by
Canada concerning the alleged criminal activities of the applicant in Canada and
elsewhere -- Copy of original Bulgarian newspaper article
18a The English text
19. August 08, 1996 translation Bulgarian newspaper article in the “standard” daily
and citing Government of Canada information that the applicant is the head of a
powerful religious sect based on the Jewish mystical philosophy as found in the
Kabala- English text only
20. August 23, 1996 translation Bulgarian newspaper article in the “standard” daily
and citing Canadian government sources who confirmed they do not want their
citizen, the Applicant, back and that the Applicant was involved in sexual
crimes. The article discusses the funds allegedly in Canada and asserted by the
RCMP to be the proceeds of crimes the Applicant has allegedly committed in
Bulgaria and elsewhere – English text only
21. August 1996 verbal note issued by the Government of Canada to the
Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and expressing concerns over
the atmosphere being generated in Bulgaria as a consequence of Canadian
police representations. It also confirms that there is no record in Canada of the
Applicant ever having committed the crimes attributed to him by these
Canadian sources and as is being distributed to the mass media by the Bulgarian
Prosecutors General and the chief police investigator under the case -- copy a of
the original Canadian document
22. August 21, 1996 letter issued by the department of foreign affairs and
international trade Canada to Robert Kap the Applicant’s father and discussing
the extradition and treatment of the Applicant -- copy a of the original Canadian
23. August 23, 1996 fax by the RCMP to the Bulgarian ministry of interior police
and allegedly presenting evidence of crimes committed by the Applicant in
Canada together with his co-conspirators as identified in the July 07, 1995
secret indictment issued by the RCMP. It recalled that this document requests
the arrest and prosecution of the applicant by Bulgarian authorities -- copy a of
the original Canadian document
24. August 23, 1996 fax by the RCMP to the Bulgarian ministry of interior police
and alleging there are Canada wide warrants of arrest against the applicant and
also requesting again information From Bulgarian police authorities on the
funds allegedly transferred to Canada from Bulgaria via the Caribbean bank
accounts of the Applicant -- copy a of the original Canadian document
25. October 25, 1996 verbal note by the Government of Canada requesting a
medical records of the recently extradited applicant -- copy a of the original
Canadian document
26. May 23, 1997 report and a verbal note as issued to Bulgaria by Canadian
Consular officers visiting the Applicant. Of significance here is the
confirmation that the arrest warrant and criminal investigation of the applicant,
according to Bulgarian authorities, dates back to July, 1995, the exact month
and date of the secret Canadian indictment. This confirms that it was this
Canadian indictment that finally precipitated the arrest and prosecution of the
applicant -- copy a of the original Canadian document
27. July 1997 letter issued by the RCMP to an unknown Bulgarian Agency. I
suspect that should be the “national investigative service” and not the “national
prosecutor’s investigation agency”, no such animal. This letter and the
Bulgarian language only “willing submission of evidence” that follows is proof
of the RCMP providing what is alleged to be “evidence gathered in Canada” to
Bulgarian authorities. This “collection” by the RCMP is done outside of the
normal channels for doing so as is the means of its submission to the Bulgarian
police investigator -- copy a of the original Canadian document.
27a Copy of the original Bulgarian document –no translation available,
however it’s apparent that document is signed by the RCMP
28. June 11, 1999 refusal of Canada foreign affairs to undertake any actions or steps
towards clarifying what involvement the RCMP had in my arrest, prosecution,
an extradition by Bulgarian authorities as based on the RCMP indictment or
information given against the Applicant -- copy a of the original Canadian
29. August 05, 1999 attempts by M. P. Bob Mills to secure information from
Canadian police and the RCMP and to determine from this the character of the
RCMP requests and alleged warrants against the Applicant and as might have
been provided to Bulgarian authorities to secure the Applicant’s arrest and
prosecution in Bulgaria. This request was refused -- copy a of the original
Canadian document
30. December 15, 1999 reply of the Bulgarian ministry of justice and legal
European integration advising the Bulgarian attorney for the Applicant that at
no time has there been any formal exchange or cooperation between Bulgarian
and Canadian authorities in a criminal investigation of the Applicant and that
there exists no treaty for such cooperation. Significant is the fact that according
to the Bulgarian ministry for justice no link wiry was ever made by Canadian
police – English text only
31. August 23, 2000 complaint by the Applicant after having first learned of the
RCMP delivering documents and signing statements in secret before Bulgarian
police investigators. All in the successful attempt to secretly secure the arres,
prosecution and conviction of the Applicant by a Bulgarian criminal court --
copy a of the original Canadian document
32. May 3, 2001 registered letter with return receipt addressed to the RCMP
international liaison and confirming delivery of a Canadian statement of claim
registered before the BC Supreme Court and naming him, RCMP police
Sergeant Derek Doornbos, as a co-defendant - copy a of the original document
33. May 3, 2001 registered letter with return receipt addressed to the Canadian
department for foreign affairs and requesting delivery of the Canadian statement
of claim registered before the BC Supreme Court and naming him, RCMP
police Sergeant Derek Doornbos, as a co-defendant. The request was refused--
copy a of the original document
34. May 19, 2001 request to Canada’s Attorney General for legal aid - copy a of the
original document
35. July 13, 2001 registered letter with return receipt addressed to the Canadian
embassy at Vienna Austria and requesting they deliver the Canadian statement
of claim registered before the BC Supreme Court and naming RCMP police
Sergeant and liaison to the Embassy Derek Doornbos as a co-defendant. No
reply was received -- copy a of the original document
36. July 17, 2001 reply of the Attorney General Canada to the applicants request for
legal aid and an explanation of what the Canada wide warrants against him
represent. The letter asserts that the warrants are for failure to appear before a
court and that the request to clarify the nature of the allegations and legal aid is
refused because the Attorney General for Canada interpreted such a request as
asking for assistance before Bulgarian authorities and courts and not Canadian.
Also, that any legal aid in Canada would only be available to Applicants on his
arrival there and appearance before court -- copy a of the original document
37. July 18, 2001 Applicant faxes another request for legal aid directly to the
ministry of the attorney general for the province of British Columbia -- copy a
of the original document
38. July to 2001 Applicant faxes and repeats the same request again to the Attorney
General for Canada -- copy a of the original document
39. September 12, 2001 reply to the Applicant’s request as to how to bring a civil
claim against the Attorney General for Canada and before what court -- copy a
of the original document
40. January 16, 2004 Applicant’s first complaint to the RCMP complaints
commissioner Ms. Shirley Heafey-- copy a of the original document
41. February 16, 2004 initial reply to the Applicant’s complaint to RCMP
complaints commissioner Ms. Shirley Heafey. The Commission refuses to
review the Applicant’s complaint-- copy a of the original document
42. March 26, 2004 Applicant’s resubmission of the Complaint to the RCMP
complaints commissioner Ms. Shirley Heafey, attention Glen Hansen -- copy a
of the original document
43. May 14, 2004 applicant again writes to RCMP complaints commissioner Ms.
Shirley Heafey, attention Glen Hansen -- copy a of the original document
44. May 14, 2004 Applicant again writes directly to RCMP complaints
commissioner Ms. Shirley Heafey -- copy a of the original document
45. September 03, 2004 Applicant finally receives confirmation that his complaint
has been accepted and forwarded by the Commissioner to the RCMP - copy a of
the original document
46. October 08, 2004 Applicant makes additional requests and asks for more
clarification from the Commission. No reply was received -- copy a of the
original document
47. December 02, 2004 the RCMP writes the Applicant and issues a statement as to
its conclusions subsequent to an investigation inter alia that those responsible
have now retired and so the RCMP can do nothing. Apparently the only option
is for the Applicant to pursue compensation directly from the RCMP -- copy a
of the original document
FORM 60 (RULE 51) Anatol-Vesel Lukanov No. 1
March 16th 2001

No. S004040









I, Anatol-Vesel Lukanov, a practicing attorney in the Republic of Bulgaria and advocate

for the Plaintiffs in the Republic of Bulgaria DO MAKE OATH AND SAY AS

1. That the following is based upon my personal knowledge of certain facts and
circumstances; where relevant I have made references to provisions of prevailing
national law and enactment together with any pertinent legislation and international
agreements and treaties to which the Defendant, Republic of Bulgaria (the
“Defendant”) is a contracting party; making referral only to common judicial practice
and relevant decisions of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Cassation Court and
the Supreme Administrative Court, Republic of Bulgaria (“Bulgaria”).

2. That, as a civil and criminal attorney licensed to practice law in Bulgaria, No 103/2001
of the Advocates Register I have made reference only to those national laws, decisions
and treaties I believe to be meaningful to this, my Affidavit, as submitted by me for
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consideration by this Honorable Court; doing so in support of claims made by the
Plaintiffs to this jurisdiction being the only one proper and right to ascertain if the
Plaintiffs, being citizens and residents of British Columbia, Canada, are or are not
entitled to the relief sought for the breeches of law and other acts of the Defendants as
alleged by Plaintiffs to be connected to them in the Province of British Columbia (the

3. That, upon my best information and belief, after having closely examined all the
materials available to me and relevant provisions of law, I do verily believe that the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court is proper since the particulars of the above entitled
case and the facts to which I attest to, in this my Affidavit, lead me to believe that this
Defendant is directly or vicariously responsible for the personal injury, property loss
and breeches of contract or other the torts alleged in the Plaintiffs claim as having
occurred in or otherwise somehow being connected to the Province.

4. As to all other facts they are on my best information and belief based upon, inter alia,
the investigations made by me, including a review of various court records and filings
in various jurisdictions; my examination of official state documents of Canada as
provided to me and those of agencies or instrumentalities, including political
subdivisions of this Defendant; the personal records of the Plaintiffs; the corporate and
court records of the Bulgarian registered company LifeChoice International AD and
others; various published reports and news articles; my personal interviews with the
Plaintiff Michael Kapoustin and such other persons as did provide information under
oath, the nature of which I believe relevant; upon the foregoing I have prepared within
the extremely short period of time consisting of 48 hours this, my affidavit, which does
not include all issues brought up by the Plaintiffs and the documents available
evidencing their claims.

5. The responsibility of the Defendant may be sought on the territory of Bulgaria

according to State's Responsibility for Injuries Caused to Citizens Act - State Gazette
No 60 dated August 5, 1988. It concerns responsibility for the activities of state
administration and of the investigative, prosecution and judicial authorities. But in
view of the nature of the case and of the circumstance that the Plaintiffs reside in
British Columbia and have judicial registrations there, it is only logical to submit their
claims for injured commercial interests under the local legislation.

6. According to the Code on Civil Procedure in effect on the territory of Bulgaria, the
State is to be represented by the Minister of Finance - Article 18 § 3, which does not
lead to arguments that the Supreme Court of British Columbia might not have
jurisdiction over claims for injured rights and interests, by a foreign State, of citizens
and legal entities in Canada as the Plaintiffs appear to be.

7. That I have read the 23rd February 2001 Affidavit of Ms. Maya Dobreva (“Dobreva”)
and can attest that there exists no document or other material fact known or discovered
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by me or known to the Plaintiffs as having been filed with this Honorable Court
proving or otherwise establishing the legal right or authority of Ms. Dobreva, as
Minister Plenipotentiary & Consul, Embassy Republic of Bulgaria, to retain an
attorney or enter an appearance or to otherwise act or to engage others to act or make
representation in any legal or other capacity in the Province for or on behalf of the
Defendant as to material facts or contracts or applicable national and international laws
which did bind this Defendant as a contracting party, making this Defendant subject to
the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court.

8. That I am unaware of any material fact or circumstance which would lead me to

believe that Ms. Dobreva or Mr. Dimitar Tonchev, Deputy Minister, Ministry of
Justice of the Defendant, as Respondent, to having any direct or specific personal
knowledge of those events, acts, material contracts or other transactions as concluded
by the Plaintiffs with this Defendant or certain of the Defendant’s political
subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities; each of the aforementioned being separate
commercial activities or transactions of this Defendant with the Plaintiffs and having
been effected among the parties, now litigants, between the period from August 1991
up to and including the end of December 1995; the breeches of contract and torts
claimed against this Defendant are alleged to have occurred from 31 December 1994
up to and including 30th November 1998; these are the periods as known to me to be
relied upon by the Plaintiffs in their claim which I, as their legal counsel in Bulgaria
am familiar with and have, in part, briefly enumerated below .

9. That I am further unaware of any material fact or circumstance which would lead me to
believe, Ms. Dobreva or Mr. Dimitar Tonchev, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice of
the Defendant, to having any direct or specific personal impressions or knowledge of
those breaches of contract, torts or other acts of the Defendant or certain of the
Defendant’s political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities that are alleged as
having caused damage or loss of property, physical injury and other material and non-
material harm claimed to have been suffered by the Plaintiffs in the Province; the
nature and cause of which the Plaintiffs rely upon as their grounds for the relief sought.

10. Setting aside the applicable legal questions of the right of Ms. Dobreva to participate or
give testimony in the above entitled proceedings on behalf of her employer, this
Defendant; or her and Mr. Tonchev’s questionable personal knowledge of relevant
material facts during the period from August 1991 up to December 1998, the following
can be said.

11. That representations made by Ms. Dobreva are unrelated to the subject matter of the
Plaintiffs law suit as set before this Honorable Court; neither are they pertinent to the
subject of this Honorable Court’s jurisdiction over the Defendants in civil or
commercial matters which are the substance of Plaintiffs claims. The issue before this
Honorable Court is one of commercial activities conducted by this Defendant in the
Province, as effected with residents of the Province, the Plaintiffs; this Honorable
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Court asked to consider if this Defendant's alleged breeches of conduct; transfers of
title upon property without any guarantees for repayment of the funds invested by the
Plaintiffs; materially untrue or false commercial representations or other tortious
conducts in the province or outside the province but having a direct or vicarious affect
upon residents or others in the Province; or alternatively relating to commercial
activities to be completed in or connected to property in the Province to which the
Plaintiffs have or claim to have lawful title or rights.

12. Upon my best information and from the materials available to me it is apparent the
Plaintiffs have not claimed anywhere in their allegations that the judicial proceeding in
Bulgaria cited by Ms Dobreva is the causus for the claims made by them or the relief
sought; Plaintiffs' claims against this Defendant arise from acts organized by it of the
kind as carried on by private persons, de jure gestionis, in connection with commercial
activities and certain material contracts and transactions as entered into by this
Defendant, through different State authorities, institutes and ministries, in the Province
with the Plaintiffs who allege that breaches of contract and other torts of the Defendant
resulted in the injuries and damages being claimed.

13. That Ms. Dobreva’s assertion of Plaintiffs reliance upon official acts arising out of
government activities, de jure imperii, does not represent the truth and is not reflected
in either the originating process as served upon this Defendant. or any subsequent
pleadings or argument set before this Honorable Court.

14. I am unable to determine upon what representations of the Plaintiffs or other material
facts Ms. Dobreva is able to conclude, under oath as if fact or alluding to it as such,
that the law suit commenced by Plaintiffs in the Province is on account of or as a result
of a penal judicial proceeding initiated on the 4th of December 1998 against one of the
Plaintiffs presently in Bulgaria.

15. My client Plaintiff Michael Kapoustin was arrested at the request of the Defendant on
February 7, 1996 in the Federal Republic of Germany. The penal proceedings against
him started on October 26, 1995.

16. I am unable to determine upon what material representations of the Plaintiffs in their
Statement of Claim or other material facts Ms. Dobreva is able to conclude that the
Plaintiffs have at any time claimed or otherwise alluded to challenge a sovereign right
to governmental activities and jurisdiction of any state to commence the referenced by
Ms. Dobreva penal judicial proceeding; or the right of its judiciary to effect, on behalf
of a sovereign state, any acts which conform to the principles of natural law,
international conventions and the national law of a sovereign state; as long as those
acts are lawful and conform to the laws of the jurisdiction in which they were

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17. Furthermore that it is apparent to me that the Plaintiffs law suit does not rely upon or
relate to any lawful conduct of this Defendant from 4th December 1998 to the present in
the court case in Bulgaria as referenced in the written declarations of Ms. Dobreva.

18. Up to date there is no effective conviction in force in Bulgaria for a crime of general
character against Plaintiff Michael Kapoustin.

19. Plaintiffs' claims are for activities of this Defendant from June 1991 up to and
including November 1998.

20. That upon my best information and belief and as is apparent to me from the material
facts set before me, the Plaintiffs are seeking to exercise the sovereign right and
jurisdiction of courts of the Province and Canada and seek only their lawful right to
have adjudicated for them, as lawful resource users and citizens of the Province, their
claims for relief; and to do so before a Canadian court with competent jurisdiction in
commercial matters and property or personal injury claims that are in someway
connected to the Province and its residents; Plaintiffs asking this Honorable Court to
assess upon the merit of their facts the claims made by them; this Honorable Court
applying those provisions of Canadian law, enactment or international law as
applicable in the instance case and giving it sovereign right and jurisdiction over the
subject matter of the Plaintiffs claims.

21. By incoming reference No M-94-000082 from February 17, 1994 my client Plaintiff
Michael Kapoustin has registered with the Ministry of Finance of Bulgaria foreign
investment made by him in the form of 7,500 shares with par value 100 BGL each
amounting to the total sum of 750,000 BGL (seven hundred and fifty thousand BGL).

22. It can be seen from a decision under companies registration case No 15249/93 of the
Sofia City Court, Corporations Department that the corporate registered capital of
LifeChoice International - AD ("LCIAD") amounts to 2,000,000,000 (two billion) old
BGL which represents the equivalent at the time of about $ 74,000,000 USD (seventy
four million USD). Up to date the corporation has not been declared bankrupt nor
insolvent, neither wound-up.

23. On April 28, 1994 a special trust account was open with the Canadian law firm
McCandless, Morrison and Verdicchio for the purposes of financing of all initial
expenses to be made in Canada and the USA connected with transferring the securities
of the Bulgarian investors in compliance with local legislation. We have available a
bank document for the amount of $ 65,000 USD (sixty five thousand USD).

24. I have examined 19,630 documents attached to Applications for Submitting of

Depositary Receipts and Withdrawal of Deposited Securities belonging to 6,217
Bulgarian investors. These documents were addressed to the above mentioned
Canadian law firm McCandless, Morrison and Verdicchio at 1603-1106 Alberni Street,
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Vancouver B.C., V6E 3Z3 and together with the envelopes with LifeChoice
International - AD ("LCIAD") stamp, as a sender, were seized by the National
Investigative Service from the offices of LCIAD in Sofia. Up to date neither
prosecution nor the court have released documents to the company, thus making it
impossible for them to complete realization of this project in the Province. All these
envelopes with documents are at the disposal of the Sofia City Court to date.

25. On June 30, 1993 LifeChoice Pharmaceuticals Joint Venture, Plovdiv, Bulgaria [a joint
venture with Electronic and Magnetic Products owned by the State of Bulgaria, fully
financed and principally owned by LifeChoice Pharmaceuticals Inc., Canada, a British
Columbia corporation] bought active substance Respivax from the National Center for
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Bulgaria ("NCIPD") for the amount of $ 20,000 USD
(twenty thousand USD). I have available bank documents from the transaction.

26. I have available a contract approved by Ministry of Health, Bulgaria to effect clinical
tests of Bulgarian citizens, HIV/AIDS patients. The total value of the medicines,
consumables supplied to the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Sofia, Bulgaria and
other amounts paid by LCIAD is $ 300,000 USD (three hundred thousand USD). No
results and reports from the research carried out, being property of LCIAD, have ever
been delivered to their legal representatives.

27. I have available a contract from September 29, 1994 for carrying out of scientific
experiments for the period of time from November 10, 1994 until December 10, 1995
under a program for scientific research about the effect of Factor - R upon 60 patients
subject to certain risks as a result of exercising of certain professions and of persons
who have undergone chemotherapy and surgical removal of metastases. To the
National Center for Radiobiology and Protection from Radiation were paid sums under
the said contract. I have available bank documents for the amount of $ 20,000 USD
(twenty thousand USD). Although the amount was paid, the results were not submitted
to LCIAD up to date.

28. I have available documentation for the import of AZT tablets. There is an approval
from the Ministry of Health, Bulgaria, permitting a shipment from Canada to be
delivered to the agencies of the Ministry of Health. The total value of the quantities
agreed upon amounts to about $ 130,000 USD (one hundred thirty thousand USD).

29. There is no illegal embezzlement of substantial sums of money from over 4,700
Bulgarian citizens, as Ms. Dobreva alleges in her affidavit. I have available decisions
of the Sofia Regional Court, Sofia City Court, Sofia Appeal Court, Supreme Cassation
Court and Supreme Administrative Court and all these decisions recognize the
relationships which existed between LCIAD and the separate Bulgarian investors as
contractual ones. There are perfect contracts, which the State in the face of the Ministry
of Finance has even taxed. The number pointed out by Ms. Dobreva is not supported

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by written documents, there is no list of these persons and I state that she is not in a
position to submit one.

30. The allegation that my client Plaintiff Michael Kapoustin absconded abroad is not true
either. According to a letter from the Direction of People's Police, Passports
Department, my client had permission to stay in Bulgaria up to September 29, 1995.
The penal proceedings against him were initiated, as cited before, on October 27, 1995
at the time when he was not in Bulgaria.

31. My client, Plaintiff Michael Kapoustin, was never subpoenaed at the official addresses
of his offices in Sofia, at addresses in Greece known such as Kavala, 14-V, "Plio" Str.
And Kavala, 16, "Yadras" Str. Neither at his address in Canada, Vancouver, Alberni
Str. 1166 and phone numbers 662-37-71 and 669-98-28. Although addresses and
telephone numbers in Austin, Texas and St. John, Antigua were known, my client was
never subpoenaed there either. There is a Treaty for Legal Assistance on Civil and
Penal Matters between Bulgaria and Greece promulgated in State Gazette No 49/1980.
There is no duly formed and served subpoena to my client in compliance with this

32. The allegation that Plaintiff Michael Kapoustin started a pyramid scheme in Bulgaria is
not true, because I have available bank documents and statements from bank accounts
certifying unequivocally that the sums invested by different Bulgarian citizens do not
cover the expenses of the company for consumables, electricity, water, rents, etc. for
the period of time June 1993 - April 1994 in the bank account of LCIAD for BGL, not
taking into consideration the funds in foreign currency, were 16,900,566.85 BGL
(sixteen million nine hundred thousand five hundred sixty six BGL 85 stotinki),
approximate equivalent of $ 422,514 USD (taking into consideration the considerable
deviations in the exchange rate during this period of time), before the initiation of
collecting investments from Bulgarian citizens through distribution of Redeemable
Depositary Receipts (RDR).

33. I have available a written statement dated October 29, 1997 from which it can be seen
that property of LCIAD, seized by the National Investigative Service, Bulgaria, was
missing. Between the missing assets enumerated were two jeeps, a briefcase containing
programs for a simulator that costs $ 60,000 USD (sixty thousand). There is no
evaluation for the jeeps missing.

34. According to seizure order No 7171 from March 20, 1996 property was seized,
consisting of installation for processing of waste oils belonging to LCIAD. It can be
seen from a letter with ref. No 6600328 of MDB - Tzarimir dated August 26, 1997 the
funds for security of the site were withheld and the assets were depleted.

35. I have available an Act for State Property No 001047 dated July 27, 1998 by which the
ground floor of a building consisting of 580 square meters together with offices of 57
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square meters and a separate premise of 35 square meters, second level at 3, "Krakra"
Str., Sofia from the Ministry of Health title was transferred to the State. The new owner
in the person of the new District Manager of Sofia did not guarantee the existing
contract for rent, which LCIAD had concluded for this site. In this site considerable
funds were invested for its improvement but they were never reimbursed to LCIAD.
By an Order No 011003 from April 15th, 1999 issued by the District Manager of Sofia
the Regional Union of the Social-Democratic Party was lodged in the same premises.

36. I have information at my disposal which was received unofficially in Bulgaria from
separate Interpol officers but this information submitted by persons like John Imof,
Derek A. Doornbos has no official character and in most of the instances represents fax
messages without any certifications or official legalization. The documentation
necessary for the extradition was not duly formed in compliance with the Interpol

37. On December 13, 1995 a meeting was held between Derek A. Doornbos, Anatoli
Kossev, an employee in Department International Relations of the Ministry of Home
Affairs who participated in thirteen interrogations of my client Plaintiff Michael
Kapoustin as a translator, Roumen Andreev, deputy chief of the National Investigative
Service, Miroslav Genov, Central Service for Fight against Organized Crime and
investigator Stefcho Georgiev. Mr. Doornbos submitted his business card to these
persons and a fax number for them to pose questions to the Canadian economic police
in Vancouver and the Canadian economic police, through the Central Service for Fight
against Organized Crime and the National Investigative Service to give responses. This
meeting was documented in a memo available to me. I have at my disposal the phone
number given by Mr. Doornbos - 531-38-3555 and an address in Vienna. At the said
meeting it was specified that it was of mutual interest to establish the criminal activities
of the Plaintiff Michael Kapoustin in his large scale financial frauds and the transfers
to Canadian and Caribbean banks of millions of USD from East and West Europe.
There is no evidence whatsoever supporting the allegations made. On the contrary,
evidence exists which fully rebuts them.

38. The assertion in paragraph 4 of Ms. Dobreva's affidavit that Plaintiff Michael
Kapoustin became the reason for delaying of the case in Bulgaria is not true. Changes
of defence counsels were due to the voluminous evidential material. Only the last
session under the case continued from January 15, 2001 until March 7, 2001. Although
originally the session was set down for the period of time from January 15, 2001 until
February 28, 2001 the defence attended in the court-room in order to complete the
process and did not seek new adjournment of the case. In fact three defense counsels
have really worked under the case. The circumstance that the fourth one fell ill and at
present is not in a position to exercise her profession as a lawyer yet cannot be charged
with the Plaintiff to his disadvantage. The evidence under the case was collected in
more than 90,000 pages which means that the new lawyer, when entering the case,
would need time to get familiar with the materials. Furthermore, when examining the
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case, it can be established that after the fourth attorney fell ill, the third one, who had
previously withdrawn since the court obstructed him to exercise his functions as
defence counsel and had advised about this the Ministry of Justice and the Sofia Bar,
continued his work. This shows that at no times the Plaintiff aimed at deliberately
delaying the proceedings but he only exercised his procedural rights for defence. The
fact that the court rejected more than 120 requests of the defence for collecting of
evidence, which prove the Plaintiff innocent, does not show delay of the process due to
his fault.

39. The complaint filed with the European Court of Human Rights refers to the Plaintiff's
rights for defence violated by investigator Stefcho Georgiev. Concerning this violation
there is an official opinion from the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office of Bulgaria
that investigator Stefcho Georgiev cannot be held criminally liable because the
statutory period has expired.

40. This Affidavit is not notarized since according to the Bulgarian Advocacy Law a
lawyer, within the scope of his/her job, may himself/herself certify transcripts of
documents submitted to him/her in connection with and for the proceedings under the
case and under this case they have the force of officially certified documents.
Therefore, in case notarization is necessary according to Canadian legislation I will do
this after the direction of the Honorable Court.

Anatol-Vesel Lukanov
Attorney at Law

For the veracity of translation:

Marianna Radoulova
Sworn translator

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Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP
Shirley Heafey
60 Queen Street, 3rd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Staff Sgt. Derek A. DOORNBOS
International Affairs Liaison
Formerly RCMP Liaison
Embassy of Canada
(Hereinafter “DOORNBOS”)
Michael Kapoustin
51 years of age
Canadian national
Sofia Central Prison
13th division
21 General Stoletov Street
Sofia 1309
(Hereinafter “KAPOUSTIN”)

Table of Authorities
European Conventions
European Convention on Extradition (“ECE”).......................................................................................................7, 8

(Provincial) Protection of Privacy Act [R.S.B.C. 1996].....................................................................................27, 31
Bulgarian Criminal Code......................................................................................................................................8, 20
Bulgarian Criminal Code of Procedure ..........................................................................................................8, 16, 30
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ........................................................................................................passim
Consolidated Federal and Provincial Privacy Act(s) [R.S.C. 1985, R.S.B.C. 1996] ..........................................27, 31
Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons .....................................................................................................8
Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act", chapter M-13.6 (R.S. 1985, c30 (4th supp.)) 1988, c.37 ..16, 28

USA v. Arllard (1991), 64 C.C.C. (3d) 159 at p. 522 .........................................................................................27, 31

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The Complainant, KAPOUSTIN, is a Canadian citizen and alleges the following upon personal
knowledge as to himself and to his acts and as to all others upon information and belief based
on, inter alia, the investigation made by him and through his attorneys, including inquires by
them to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Canada and Ministry of Justice, Republic of Bulgaria
and a review of filings of the Sofia City District Court, Sofia, Bulgaria under criminal case No
c.c.c.c 1403/98 as well as published and televised reports and news articles.

Derek A. Doornbos is employed by the RCMP, an a R.C.M.P. S. Sgt and Command Liaison
Officer to another agency and instrumentality of the Government of Canada, the Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade or “DFAIT”.

During the period complained of Doornbos was assigned as R.C.M.P. liaison to the Embassy of
Canada in Vienna, Austria.

Doornbos is the principal author of the malicious prosecutions of KAPOUSTIN and the
offensive correspondence detailed in the COMPLAINT as delivered to Bulgarian government
agencies, police and prosecution officials and appearing in the international media between
May 1995 and August 1998.

Doornbos is directly responsible for having caused the unlawful arrest and prosecution of
KAPOUSTIN in Bulgaria and the unlawful seizure of property belonging to the Bulgarian
company owned buy KAPOUSTIN and other citizens of Canada and any subsequent injuries
the result thereof.

Doornbos is responsible for accessing and collecting police information and data derived in
Canada and delivered to Bulgaria police and prosecution officials concerning KAPOUSTIN
and others. This includes but is not limited to what has been set out below under the SECTION

From the period of April 1995 to the present there is no evidence to suggest that the Ministry of
the Attorney General of Canada or the Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada has in any way been
aware of Doornbos’ conduct in Bulgaria, his intent or his purpose in seeking the arrest and
prosecution of KAPOUSTIN by Bulgarian prosecutors and the seizure of all property of the
company LIFECHOICE by Bulgarian police and prosecution officials.

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The subject and sole intent of the investigations conducted by Doornbos in Bulgaria and the
R.C.M.P. request for the Bulgarian Government to arrest and prosecute KAPOUSTIN, a citizen
of Canada, is the indictment and conviction of KAPOUSTIN by Bulgarian authorities on the
criminal charges of fraud and misappropriation raised in the R.C.M.P. written
“INFORMATION” and indictment of KAPOUSTIN. The sole purpose of which was to aid in
an unrelated R.C.M.P. criminal investigation being conducted in Canada.

DOORNBOS and the R.C.M.P. sought the arrest, prosecution and eventual conviction of a
Canadian citizen by foreign police and prosecutors. KAPOUSTIN was to be arrested and
prosecuted in Bulgarian as a means for the R.C.M.P. to collect facts and data on the proceeds of
crime important to another investigation conducted in Canada.

The intent of the R.C.M.P. to have KAPOUSTIN indicted outside of Canada on charges of
fraud and misappropriation is clearly set out in the July 7th 1995 R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION
sworn out and delivered by Doornbos to Bulgarian police and prosecution officials.

Doornbos and the R.C.M.P. had actively arranged KAPOUTSIN to be arrested and prosecuted
in Bulgaria as means to make it “relatively easy” to for the R.C.M.P. to “obtain in Canada” a
court order allowing the seize of important documents and cash in excess of “16,000,000
dollars” identified by the R.C.M.P. to be in banks of Canada and to be part of the proceeds of
criminal fraud committed by KAPOUSTIN in Bulgaria. This is according to the sworn
“INFORMATION” and the official R.C.M.P. indictment of KAPOUSTIN before Bulgarian
police and prosecution officials.

There no indication that the actions of Doornbos are in any way controlled, directed, ordered or
otherwise condoned by a court of Canada.

The conduct of Doornbos is in breach of the Canada’s laws and the Charter rights of
KAPOUSTIN and his family.

The swearing of the July 7th 1995 “INFORMATION” prepared and delivered by DOORNBOS
to Bulgarian authorities is done without the knowledge, consent or order of his immediate
superiors and therefore violates the principles and procedures of Canadian law under the
“Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters Act”, Chapter M – 13.6 (RS 1985, c. 30 (4th
supp.)) 1988, c. 37, assented to 28 July. This according to oral and written representations made
to KAPOUSTIN and his family by DFAIT.

The July 7th 1995 “INFORMATION” is an unlawful Canadian criminal indictment of


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The official act of Doornbos swearing out evidence against a citizen of Canada, KAPOUSTIN,
before a foreign criminal court and the correspondence of DOORNBOS both preceding and
subsequent to the “INFORMATION” and the arrest and prosecution of KAPOUSTIN are
jointly and severally a breach of Canadian law and Canada’s Charter and other rights of
KAPOUSTIN. The actions of DOORNBOS are therefore unlawful.

Despite repeated oral and written notices by KAPOUSTIN to responsible supervisory bodies of
the R.C.M.P., no action or effort was or has been undertaken to interpret in a manner consistent
with prevailing international and Canadian law the lawfulness or unlawful and damaging
consequences of DOORNBOS premeditated and calculated misconducts and misdeeds that are
in obvious in breach of the laws of Canada.

At all times DOORNBOS acted in his own interests, and not his constitutional responsibility to
KAPOUSTIN and his family, all citizens of Canada.

During the intervening years of May 1994 to August 1998 DOORNBOS exploited the
facilities, ways and means available to him and at his disposal as a government employee of
Canada. DOORNBOS used these facilities and his authority to intentionally and unlawfully
cause injury and harm to KAPOUSTIN and his family.

The R.C.M.P. and DOORNBOS ruthlessly pursued their own agenda without regard for the
laws of Canada or the natural rights of KAPOUSTIN and the members of his family as citizens
of Canada. These rights, protection and obligation of the Crown are enshrined in the principles
of the Charter.

According to the principles of international law, the R.C.M.P. violated the fundamental and
legal rights of KAPOUSTIN.

Much of the acts and transactions of DOORNBOS as complained of here to the Commission
are such as give rise to a prima facie case having a genus of an attempted extortion committed
against KAPOUTSIN and his family in Canada.

During the Complaint period there is no reasonable or lawful justification or excuse for
DOORNBOS to have the police and prosecution officials of a foreign state, Bulgaria, use
threats, accusations, menaces, drugs and violence to secure information from KAPOUSTIN
concerning a criminal investigation and the proceeds of crime in Canada.

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DOORNBOS falsely accused and indicted KAPOUSTIN for crimes he had not committed.
KAPOUSTIN, as a result, was unlawfully deprived of his liberty and summarily and repeatedly
beaten by Bulgarian Ministry of Interior police during the investigative periods of 1996 and

These “secret commissions” and “threats, accusations, menaces or violence” are committed by
DOORNBOS in a collective agreement with Bulgarian police and prosecution officials to share
“any reward advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration”.

DOORNBOS provided reports to Bulgarian police and prosecution officials that are knowingly
“false or erroneous or defective in material particulars and was intended to mislead” Bulgarian
authorities and the public. Such actions run foul of Canadian law. This conduct proliferates in
the written record of DOORNBOS in his correspondence with Bulgarian authorities.

The intent of DOORNBOS defamation and criminal indictment of KAPOUSTIN was self-
reward, advancement and the enrichment of others without regard to the harm and
consequences to KAPOUSTIN or his family who have suffered as a result.

The facts show that the malicious indictment of KAPOUSTIN and the offensive words first
spoken by DOORNBOS occurred on May 15th 1996 in Sofia, Bulgaria at a meeting between
Bulgarian police officials and DOORNBOS to discuss the arrest and prosecution of
KAPOUSTIN and seizure of his companies’ assets and property in Bulgaria and Canada.

The Doornbos slanders and indictment of KAPOUSTIN are directly connected to his
performance of official duties as a Crown Servant for the Ministry of the Attorney General of

The malicious indictment, the actionable and offensive words are each reduced to writing on
July 7th 1995 and publicly reproduced by Bulgarian authorities in the mass media on July 8th
1995 and again on August 1st 1996.

DOORNBOS and the Crown have indicted KAPOUSTIN before Bulgarian authorities and the
public as an international criminal, a convicted pedophile and pseudo-religious cult leader.

The Bulgarian and international media immediately repeated all or part of this malicious
R.C.M.P. indictment of KAPOUSTIN and its injuriously offensive words are directly attributed
to the “Canadian authorities”.

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CHAPTER I THE COMPLAINT ........................................................................................................ 1
SECTION A THE FACTS................................................................................................................... 7
Part One Arrest and Extradition of KAPOUSTIN ..................................................................... 7
Part Two Bulgarian Information as Provided to Interpol ........................................................... 8
Part Three R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” Released to Mass Media ............................................. 9
Part Four Government of Canada Denials ................................................................................ 15
Part Five R.C.M.P. Contacts and Exchanges in Bulgaria......................................................... 15
SECTION B Applicants Earlier Complaints...................................................................................... 28
1. April 1st 2000 Complaint as filed with Office of Canada's Prime Minister .......... 28
2. June 23rd 2000 Civil Action against DOORNBOS and other filed in British Columbia
Supreme Court....................................................................................................... 28
3. May 3rd 2001 Refusal of Embassy of Canada to serve complaint to R.C.M.P. and
DOORNBOS......................................................................................................... 28
4. May 3rd 2001 Complaint to R.C.M.P. against DOORNBOS and Cover Letter ... 28
5. May 3rd 2001 Complaint to General Director of DFAIT Mr. Gar Pardy.............. 28
6. May 19th 2001 Complaint to Attorney General of British Columbia ................... 28
7. May 19th 2001 Complaint to the Honourable Anne McLellan the Minister of Justice
Canada................................................................................................................... 28
8. May 21st 2001 Complaint and Request to the Attorney General of British Columbia for
Legal Aid............................................................................................................... 28
9. May 27th 2001 Letter to DOORNBOS ................................................................. 28
SECTION C Legal Grounds .............................................................................................................. 28
Part Six For Earlier Complaints.............................................................................................. 28
SECTION D NATURE OF THE COMPLAINT............................................................................... 32
Part Seven –The Allegations....................................................................................................... 32

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The representations made here are factually accurate and complete in as far as is possible from
the documents available to this Writer.
Part One Arrest and Extradition of KAPOUSTIN

1. On 7 February 1996, KAPOUSTIN was in transit at Frankfurt International Airport to his

family in Kavala, Republic of Greece.

2. KAPOUSTIN was placed under arrested by airport police during the passport verification

3. The arrest of KAPOUSTIN was at the request of German Interpol.

4. Kapoustin was remanded in police custody in accordance with Article 16§1 of the
European Convention on Extradition (“ECE”).

5. On 2 September1996, the 56th day of his hunger strike, KAPOUSTIN was non-
ambulatory. To be extradited it was necessary that KAPOUSTIN be physically carried
from his prison hospital bed by German police and transported to Frankfurt International
airport. On the same day KAPOUSTIN was extradited to the Republic of Bulgaria.

6. Bulgarian extradition documents alleged that KAPOUSTIN was to face trial in Bulgaria
on the accusations and charges embodied in the 28 November 1995 and 12 February 1996
Order(s) of Detention [warrants of arrest] issued by one police investigator S. Georgiev of
the Bulgarian National Investigative Service (“NIS”) and authorized by the supervising
prosecutor M. Stoyanov of the Sofia District Attorney’s (Prosecutor’s) Office (“SCPO”).
Extradition documents presented to German police, prosecution and judicial authorities
charge KAPOUSTIN with common fraud, documental fraud, tax evasion and
embezzlement of PUBLIC property. The Bulgarian documents were presented to comply
with Article 12§2(a) of the same European Convention on Extradition (“ECE”).

7. All charges in the Bulgarian extradition request are later dropped or KAPOUSTIN
acquitted. The facts or dispositive of an amended charge of embezzlement is altered from
misappropriation of funds belonging to the Bulgarian public to misappropriation of
private property belonging to the Bulgarian company owned by KAPOUTSIN,

8. A Bulgaria criminal court of appeal acquits KAPOUSTIN of any fraud and for
misappropriation of public funds.

9. KAPOUSTIN is the REINDICTED by the same Bulgarian criminal court of appeal and
sentenced to 17 years of hard time. The factual circumstances and allegations represented
in the Bulgarian extradition request and those found in the conviction are not the same.

10. KAPOUSTIN has served more than 8 years of his 17 year sentence. He is waiting more
than one year for the Government of Bulgarian, Ministry of Justice, to approve a

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Corrections Canada request for his transfer to a prison in Canada. The transfer request is
made according the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons. The Government
of Bulgaria has provided no official reason for not agreeing to the transfer of
KAPOUSTIN under the Convention.

11. KAPOUSTIN, according to Article 70 of the Bulgarian Criminal Code and is eligible for
parole in Bulgaria on July 7th 2004.

Part Two Bulgarian Information as Provided to Interpol

12. On 30 November 1995 Bulgarian NIS investigator Georgiev directed a request to

Bulgarian Interpol. The request is predicated on Article 133 of the Bulgarian Criminal
Code of Procedure. Interpol is asked to issue an international arrest warrant for
KAPOUSTIN with the objective to extradite him to Bulgarian.

13. Bulgarian authorities do not secure a bench warrant from a Bulgarian criminal court or
judge. The 28 November 1995 police warrant is approved by a deputy Sofia District
Attorney and raises a criminal charge alleging the embezzlement of public funds. The
criminal charge is qualified under Article 203 para (1) of the Bulgarian Criminal Code.

14. The data appearing in the international arrest warrant and provided to Interpol is relevant
to the Complaint before the commission and reads:
"We dispose of the following established and concrete data:
… [Sic];
Some data [unidentified] exists that MICHAEL KAPOUSTIN has developed his
“Pyramidal structures” in the territory of five countries – Canada, USA, Bulgaria,
Greece and Georgia;
… [Sic] …;
We dispose of data that MICHAEL KAPOUSTIN and his wife TRACY KAPOUSTIN
live at present in Greece in the town of Kavala in an apartment on 14-B,Plio St. he
has bought a villa on 16,Yadras St.
Being an executive director (Chief Executive Officer) of Life Choice Int. AD in Sofia
his last address in Sofia is Sofia, 96-A, Rakovska St., first floor. He has offices in
Sofia on 16,Knyaz Battenberg St., entrance V, fl. 6, apt. 27 as well as on 3,Krakra
St. – premises of the National Institute of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. Such an
office he has got in Plovdiv on 52, Ruski Blvd.
The investigation under inv. case 195/95 as per the schedule of the National
Investigation Service is being carried out in the absence of the accused MICHAEL
KAPOUSTIN at present by virtue of article 217a and under the conditions of article
268 par.3 and 4 of CCP [Criminal Code of Procedure] of Bulgarian Republic.
We received data from the Central Service for Fight against Organized
Delinquency, their ref. 3233/July 17th, 1995 [the R.C.M.P. INFORMATION
subject to this complaint] that the Canadian police in Vancouver are interested in
the international malfeasant activities of M. Kapoustin and his subsidiary
companies, some of them have been registered in the commercial register of
British Columbia province since 1991, and in the following persons [Canadian
KARIN UTE BERGSON, born on July 15th, 1942
DONALD MAXWELL, born on Oct. 23rd, 1950
RADKA K. MILANOVA, born on Jan.1st, 1954, living in Vancouver, Canada
ARTHUR L. MORRISON, born on Jan. 12th, 1935

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MARY SLOAN, born on may 5th, 1947
IVON SHEARING, born on April 12th 1928 – an associate of KAPOUSTIN and
MAXWELL in their questionable operations at the Vancouver stock exchange in
Canada. At present SHEARING is the manager of a pseudo-religious organization
called “CABALISTIC PHILOSOPHY”. It was found out that in 1994 only 16 million
USD had been transferred to several bank accounts of SHEARING. Most of the
transfers came from Western Europe. Other accounts of SHEARING with local
banks in Vancouver are being credited with amounts of about 100.000 USD per day.
Most probably large-scale “money laundering” operations are going on. The
Canadian source of this information supposes that it is most likely that a
considerable part of these amounts come namely from the funds accumulated in
Bulgaria by KAPOUSTIN through the large-scale financial frauds carried out by
his pyramidal structure “LIFE CHOICE”. The transfers are affected through
Caribbean banks.
Further to the aforesaid we ask for your assistance before Interpol for arranging of
bilateral meetings with the Canadian competent authorities aiming at conveying
information of mutual interest to both parties.
At the end we ask you for urgent and active search of the accused MICHAEL
KAPOUSTIN through the structures of Interpol throughout the world. There are
data that the latter has circumvented Bulgarian and Canadian Tax Legislation by
cash transfers of large amounts in USD and DM.
A conclusion should be drawn that through the ”pyramidal structure” of Life Choice
and by registering of “dead souls” as clients of the latter large amounts of “dirty
money have been laundered”.
([], and emphasis mine]
Part Three R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” Released to Mass Media

15. On 1 August 1996 particulars of the Applicant’s case and R.C.M.P. co-operation were
made public by supervising police investigator [sledovatel] and arresting officer, S.
Georgiev and Sofia District Attorney Prosecutor Nestor Nestorov. This occurred while
KAPOUSTIN was still remanded to a German prison hospital awaiting his extradition.

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16. The most significant of the hundreds of press and electronic media releases is the article
published by the Bulgarian national daily “Continent” [“Kontinent”]. The headline reads:
Insists the chief of the Economical Department of the National Investigation Service,
Mr. Stefcho Georgiev.”

17. Sofia District Attorney Nestorov confirms to journalists that the governments of Canada
and Bulgaria are mutually interest in criminally charging KAPOUSTIN. The English
translation of the press announcement reads:
“Mr. Nestorov said ‘that Canada and Bulgaria will struggle [as to] which country is
going to bring action against him [KAPOUSTIN]’”
([], and emphasis mine]

18. In the same interview, police investigator Georgiev confirms to journalists that his
investigative conclusions and the charges against KAPOUSTIN are due to data and facts
provided by authorities of the Government Canada.

19. Georgiev is quoted by journalists as having confirming that the R.C.M.P. provided him
police data on KAPOUSTIN. The English translation of the relevant parts of this
interview and the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” reads:
"[Sic]… [KAPOUTSTIN is] a well known fraud for Interpol according to the
Canadian Government”
“[Sic]… [KAPOUTSTIN] effected sexual offences against minors [infants, child
abuses] according information from the Canadian authorities”… ([] inserted by
“[Sic]… [and was] already deceiving others in Georgia”
"[Sic]… [KAPOUTSTIN has charges in Canada that] "are old and unclear"
"[Sic]… [KAPOUTSTIN] did not form LifeChoice [in Canada] and didn’t dare to
lie to people that insolently [in Canada]”
"[Sic]… Kapoustin should be responsible for over 18,000,000 USD, which he
managed to steal away from Bulgaria" [and that according to Canadian authorities
the is money stolen from Bulgaria citizens] “[KAPOUSTIN sent to Canada through]
the Caribbean islands”
([], and emphasis mine]

20. KAPOUSTIN and his family in Canada submitted a request that the Government of
Canada immediately clarify if the Bulgarian public statement of Canadian government
(R.C.M.P.) involvement was true. KAPOUSTIN and his family sought to immediately
learn what official of the Government of Canada was responsible for having uttered the
maliciously injurious lies that KAPOUSTIN was according to Canadian authorities
among other things a convicted child molester.

21. These slander and libels alleged to have come from Canadian (R.C.M.P.) sources
reappeared in, but are not limited to, the following Bulgarian media:

x May 17-23, 1995, Newspaper "Nosten Zhivot" (Night Life)

x June 7, 1995, Newspaper "Trud"
x June 19-25, 1995, Newspaper "Capital"

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x June 26, 1995, Newspaper "Trud"
x July 8, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x July 13, 1995, Newspaper "Continent"
x July 14, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x July 18, 1995, Newspaper "Pari" (Money)
x July 19, 1995, Newspaper "Cash" No 19
x July 20, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x July 24, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x July 24-30, 1995, Newspaper "Capital"
x July 31, 1995, Newspaper "Continent"
x August 1, 1995, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x October 15, 1995, Newspaper "Weekly Standard"
x December 5, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x December 8, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x December 18, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x December 23, 1995, Newspaper "Pari" (Money)
x Newspaper "Nedelen Novinar" ?
x July 8, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x July 13, 1995, Newspaper "Continent"
x July 14,1995, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x July 18, 1995, Newspaper "Pari" (Money)
x July 19, 1995, Newspaper "Cash" No 29
x July 20, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x July 24, 1995, Newspaper "Business Trud"
x July 24-30, 1995, Newspaper "Capital"
x July 31, 1995, Newspaper "Continent"
x August 1, 1995, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x August 8, 1996, Newspaper "Standard"
x September 5, 1995, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x October 15, 1995, Newspaper "Weekly Standard"
x December 5, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x December 18, 1995, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x December 23, 1995, Newspaper "Pari" (Money)
x February 14, 1996, Newspaper "Standard"
x February 15, 1996, Newspaper "Standard"
x February 22, 1996, Newspaper "Standard"

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x February 24, 1996, Newspaper "Standard"
x June 25-27, 1996, Newspaper "Cash" No 25
x July 22, 1996, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x July 31, 1996, Newspaper "Continent"
x August 1, 1996, Newspaper "Continent"
x August 8, 1996, Newspaper "Standard"
x August 21, 1996, Newspaper "Novinar"
x August 21, 1996, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x August 21, 1996, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x August 22, 1996, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x August 23, 1996, Newspaper "Standard"
x November 11, 1996, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x November 23, 1996, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x February 23-March 1, 1998, Newspaper "Banker"
x May 25-31, 1998, Newspaper "Banker"
x December 7-13, 1998, Newspaper "Banker"
x March 5, 1999, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x March 5, 1999, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x March 26, 1999, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x April 14, 1999, Newspaper "Duma" (Word)
x April 16, 1999, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x April 17, 1999, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x April 17, 1999, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x May 3-9, 1999, Newspaper "Banker"
x September 8, 1999, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x October 18-24, 1999, Newspaper "Banker"
x December 15, 1999, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x December 16, 1999, Newspaper "Cash"
x January 11, 2000, Newspaper "Monitor"
x January 11, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x January 11, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x January 12, 2000, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x January 12, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x January 12, 2000, Newspaper "Standard"
x January 12, 2000, Newspaper "Monitor"
x January 12, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)

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x January 15, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x January 15, 2000, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x January 18, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x January 18, 2000, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x January 18, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x January 18, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x January 18, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x January 25, 2000, "Democracia" (Democracy)
x February 29, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x March, 3, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x March 17, 2000, Newspaper "Cash", No. 11
x April 8, 2000, Newspaper "Monitor"
x April 11, 2000, Newspaper "Monitor"
x April 11, 2000, Newspaper "Standard"
x April 11, 2000, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x April 11, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x April 11, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x April 11, 2000, Newspaper "Standard"
x April 25, 2000, Newspaper "Monitor"
x April 25, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x June 6, 2000, Newspaper "Duma" (Word)
x June 6, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x July 4, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x July 4, 2000, Newspaper "Standard"
x July 4, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x July 6, 2000, Newspaper "Standard"
x July 7, 2000, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x July 7, 2000, Newspaper "Standard"
x July 7, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x Sept. 5, 2000, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x September 5, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x September 5, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x September 5, 2000, Newspaper "Standard"
x September 8, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x September 8, 2000, Newspaper "Monitor"
x September 8, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)

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x September 8, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x September 9, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x September 26, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x September 26, 2000, "Democracia" (Democracy)
x September 26, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x September 2000, Magazine "Society and Law", No. 3
x October 24, 2000, Newspaper "Standard"
x October 24, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x October 24, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x October 24, 2000, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x October 24, 2000, Newspaper "Monitor"
x November 22, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x November 22, 2000, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x November 24, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x December 6, 2000, Newspaper "Novinar"
x December 22, Newspaper "Cash", No. 51
x January 6-12, 2001, Newspaper "Banker", No. 1
x January 13-19, 2001, Newspaper "Capital"
x January 9, 2001, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x January 14, 2001, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x January 16, 2001, Newspaper "Novinar"
x January 16, 2001, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x January 16, 2001, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x January 18, 2001, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x January 18, 2001, Newspaper "Standard"
x January 20-26, 2001, Newspaper "Banker", No. 3
x February 3-9, 2001, Newspaper "Banker", No. 5
x February 17, 2001, Newspaper "Novinar"
x March 14, 2001, Newspaper "Monitor"
x March 14, 2001, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x March 14, 2001, Newspaper "Standard"
x March 14, 2001, Newspaper "Trud" (Labour)
x March 14, 2001, Newspaper "Novinar"
x March 14, 2001, Newspaper "Sega" (Now)
x March 16, 2001, Newspaper "24 Chasa" (24 Hours)
x March 16, 2001, Newspaper "Cash", No. 11

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x March 17-23, 2001, Newspaper "Capital"
x March 17-23, 2001, Newspaper "Banker", No. 11
Part Four Government of Canada Denials

22. On 9 August 1996, Canada’s Embassy to the FRG, Bonn, issued a statement to the
governments of Germany and Bulgaria. In part the “Note Verbal” to the German Foreign
Ministry reads:
“… [Sic] …
The Canadian Embassy would also like to draw to the attention of the Foreign
Ministry an article that was published in the Bulgarian newspaper Kontinent on 01
August 1996 which quotes the Chief of the Economic Crimes department of the
National Investigation Department, Mr. Stefcho Georgiev, as stating that Michael
Kapoustin ‘committed sexual assaults against minors, according to information
received from the Canadian authorities’. This statement is not substantiated.
The department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada has consulted
Canadian and International police authorities, and confirm there are no records
of this nature in Canada regarding Mr. Kapoustin.
Considering the above, the Canadian Embassy again expresses its concern with the
climate that is being created in Bulgaria by the authorities in anticipation of
extradition, and asks the German authorities to confirm that they are satisfied that
Mr. Kapoustin would receive fair and equitable treatment within the Bulgarian legal
process, were he to be extradited.
… [Sic] …”
([], and emphasis mine]
Part Five R.C.M.P. Contacts and Exchanges in Bulgaria

23. On May 15, 1995, in Sofia, Bulgaria, R.C.M.P. Staff Sgt. Doornbos met with Bulgarian
Ministry of Interior official Mr. Miroslav Genov. The need to pre-arrange such a meeting
suggests earlier contacts between the R.C.M.P. and the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior.

24. The Complainant has no document to prove or to suggest that the R.C.M.P. was requested
by the Bulgarian Government to send its representative to Sofia, Bulgaria. It is therefore
concluded that the R.C.M.P. initiated contact with officers of the Bulgarian Ministry of

25. Anecdotal evidence suggests the R.C.M.P. was first to initiated the contact with the
Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, and it is the R.C.M.P. and Doornbos who suggested to
Bulgarian police and prosecution officials that the activities of KAPOUTSIN and his
company in Bulgaria are part of a criminal organization operating internationally out of

26. There is no evidence to suggest that before May 15th 1995 Bulgarian police or prosecution
authorities had any reason to suspect KAPOUSTIN of criminal misconduct in Bulgaria.
This conclusion is supported by the fact that from September 1994 to April 1995 the
Office of the Solicitor General [Main Public Prosecutor] of the Republic of Bulgaria and
inspectors of the Bulgarian National Bank conducted joint and separate investigations of
KAPOUSTIN and his Bulgarian company LIFECHOICE. No illegal or irregular activity
was found. Additionally, the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance concluded that each

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Depositary Receipt transaction between LIFECHOICE and a Bulgarian citizen in
Bulgaria is subject to Value Added Tax. Usually, foreign governments do not impose
taxes on activities they consider to be criminal in character.

27. Official Bulgarian documents, Bulgarian press articles and press statements made by
some members of the Bulgarian parliament and appearing immediately after May 15th
1995 all act to jointly and severally confirm that the R.C.M.P. (Doornbos) acted FIRST to
provide to Bulgarian authorities the Canadian police allegations and “police facts”
announced in the cited August 1st 1996 interviews with Sofia District Attorney Nestorov
and Investigator Georgiev.

28. It unclear what exactly is the “AGREEMENT” reached on May 15th 1995 between the
R.C.M.P. and the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior.

29. According to the cited August 9th 1996 Verbal Note [see §22] issued to the Government
of Germany by Canada Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada is
unaware of any R.C.M.P. involvement or the May 15th 1995 “AGREEMENT”. This
suggests that there is a violation of Canadian law arising from this “Agreement from May
15, 1995” and that any preceding or subsequent acts by the R.C.M.P. and DOORNBOS
are therefore unlawful.

30. The Republic of Bulgaria is not a “signatory” to the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal
Matters Act", chapter M-13.6 (R.S. 1985, c30 (4th supp.)) 1988, c.37 or a party to any
other treaty with Canada for the exchange of police information or police assistance in a
criminal matter.

31. Mr. Miroslav Genov is identified by the R.C.M.P. and Doornbos as being responsible for
the May 15, 1995 “AGREEMENT” with the Government of Canada.

32. Mr. Genov is not an official of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria and
therefore does not have authority to enter into an agreement with Canada.

33. The Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, the Minister, who employs Mr. Genov, is not a legally
competent Bulgarian government authority under Article 464 para (2) of the Bulgarian
Criminal Code of Procedure.

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34. Neither Mr. Genov nor the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior have legal competence or
jurisdiction to submit international requests or to implement international requests for
legal assistance in criminal matters with the R.C.M.P. or any agency or department of the
Government of Canada.

35. From 1995 to December 2000 there is no “administrative arrangement” concerning

KAPOUSTIN between the governments of Canada and Bulgaria.

36. On June 13th, 1995 the R.C.M.P. faxes a request to the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior
requesting a criminal background check on 4 (four) Bulgarian citizens and business
associates of KAPOUSTIN. They are Dr. Ph.D. MD. NENKOV, Dr. Ph.D. MD.
PETRUNOV, Mr. NINOV B.S. and corporate attorney and 25% shareholder in

37. On 7 July 1995, in compliance with an agreement dated 15 May 1995, the R.C.M.P. has
command liaison officer, S. Sgt. Derek A. Doornbos, Embassy of Canada, Vienna,
Austria, provide in writing and swear to an “INFORMATION” before Mr. Levicharov of
the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior and the Director of [the] Central Service for [the] Fight
Against Organized Delinquency [Centralna slujba za borba s organiziranata prestapnost –

38. The “INFORMATION” presents what are alleged to be R.C.M.P. investigative

conclusions and a prosecutable criminal charge of misappropriation (fraud). The English
translations of alleged police data and conclusions in the parts relevant to the Complaint
before the Commissioner read:
“… [Sic]… The latter [Ivon Shearing] is a partner of MAXWELL and a former
accomplice of KAPOUSTIN to his questionable operations [unidentified] at the
Vancouver stock exchange [British Columbia, Canada]…[sic]…It was established
that last year [1994] 4 million and 12 million USD had been transferred to several
bank accounts [in Canada] of [Ivon] SHEARING …[sic]…It was established as
well that other accounts of SHEARING had been credited with amounts of about
100,000 USD per day”
“… [Sic]… It is considered [by the R.C.M.P.] as well that most probably a
considerable part of these amounts come from the funds [cash] accumulated in
Bulgaria by KAPOUSTIN through large-scale financial frauds carried out by his
pyramidal structure “LIFECHOICE” [LCIAD]
“Besides this it is established that the transfers go through banks in the Caribbean
([ ] and emphasis Mine)

39. The R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” is a request that Bulgaria prosecution indict and
officials prosecute KAPOUSTIN “Can a criminal prosecution of any character at all
[nakazatelno proizvodstvo ot kakavto I da bilo harakter] be started against Kapoustin or
Life Choice [LCIAD]?”

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40. The R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” sets out in clear and certain terms an agreement that if
Bulgarian police and prosecutors comply with the R.C.M.P. request to arrest and
prosecute KAPOUSTIN, the R.C.M.P. could then immediately obtain a warrant in
Canada to search and seize the property and cash of KAPOUSTIN and the other Canadian
citizens named in the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION”. The English translation of text
relevant to the complaint before the Commissioner reads:
“Now each piece of information or even only supposition [by Bulgaria] whatsoever
about eventual breach of Bulgarian Law by Kapoustin [Applicant] connected with
LifeChoice that your service [CSBOP] could submit [to Canada], is of special
importance for the investigation in Vancouver [Ivon Shearing]. In this instance our
service [RCMP] in Vancouver would be able to obtain search warrants of the
office premises and houses of the aforesaid subjects. In this situation we [the
R.C.M.P.] consider there is every possibility we can successfully conduct a large
scale joint investigation as a result of which the assets [16,000,000 USD] of
SHEARING & Co [Applicant] in Canada will be confiscated and it would be
comparatively easy [for the R.C.M.P.] to prove in front of the [Canadian] court
that these are proceeds from criminal activities [of KAPOUSTIN in Bulgaria].
… [Sic]
Can a criminal prosecution of any character at all [nakazatelno proizvodstvo ot
kakavto I da bilo harakter] be started against Kapoustin or Life Choice
([ ] and emphasis mine)

41. The R.C.M.P. “INFORMATTION” also requests Mr. Levicharov and the Bulgarian
Ministry of Interior NSBOP to obtain data and facts from KAPOUSTIN. Translated from
the Bulgarian it reads:
“Have you any additional data or operational information in what direction the
funds obtained by LifeChoice [LCIAD] are being transferred out of Bulgaria?”
([ ] and emphasis mine)

42. The above is significant in that the question asked by the R.C.M.P. [see §41] is repeated
to KAPOUSTIN during his repeated beatings by Bulgarian Ministry of Interior officers.
The beatings and interrogations on the question of the money located in banks of Canada
was a frequent routine that occurred from September 18th 1996 and ended on or about
August 1997.

43. This physical and mental torture involved KAPUSTIN being beaten about the shoulders,
back, buttocks and legs. The sound of the blows was muffled through blankets and
effected by hard, yet flexible, plastic or rubber clubs.

44. Each beating incident involved 4-6 masked individuals one of whom repeatedly
interrogated KAPOUSTIN in poor English concerning funds purported to be ensconced in
Canada with criminal associates identified to the Government of Bulgaria by agencies of
the Government of Canada.

45. Subsequent to these beatings KAPOUSTIN was kept in isolation for days, often weeks,
without any contact except the investigator supervising the case. A beating might last as
little as 5 minutes with the longest being approximately 10 minutes.

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46. During the 1996 and 1997 episodes of abuse KAPOUSTIN was repeatedly given, without
his knowledge, psychotropic drugs to disorient and deprive him of sleep. This induced
moods of extreme depression, helplessness and hallucinations.

47. Subsequent to these episodes KAPOUSTIN would again be interrogated upon the subject
matter of the funds in Canada and his returning those funds to the Republic of Bulgaria.

48. Each time KAPOUSTIN denied having any knowledge of the funds he encountered
assurances by his interrogators that the information was accurate and provided by
Canadian authorities who sought together with Bulgaria the return of these funds.

49. Bulgarian interrogators were certain KAPOUSTIN was lying and therefore extended their
beatings. Their investigation of KAPOUSTIN continued for more than 4 years before
committing KAPOUSTIN to trial. There was no judicial supervision prior to trial.

50. The Government of Bulgaria and Bulgarian citizens continue to this day to believe that
there are funds in Canada as represented to them by the DOORNBOS
“INFORMATION”. Bulgarian authorities and citizens persistently demand that
KAPOUSTIN forward to Bulgaria the money in Canada. There is documented evidence
that the Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr. Mario Dimitrov and the Bulgarian
Solicitor General Filchev are maintaining before Canada Foreign Affairs that
KAPOUSTIN does in deed have DOORNBOS “millions” as cited in the
“INFORMATION” and that KAPOUSTIN must pay this money to the State of Bulgaria
and Bulgarian citizens before any transfer to a prison of Canada or his release on parole.
This notwithstanding his acquittal on the allegation found in the DOORNBOS

51. The R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” was translated from English and presented to the
Ministry of Interior by a Mr. A. Kosev, “KMC” [phonetic], Ministry of Interior
[Ministerstvo na vatreshnite raboti].

52. On 17 July 1995, the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior Ref. ʋ 3233, the Minister agreeded
to accept the sworn R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” provided by DOORNBOS.
KAPOUSTIN and his company LIFECHOICE would be prosecuted solely on the data
and other “police facts and conclusions” made by the R.C.M.P. in the sworn
“INFORMATION”. At the order of “M”, as countersigned “MV”, the Bulgarian Ministry
of Interior, Central Service For [the] Fight Against Organized Crime [CSBOP] ordered
Bulgarian prosecutors to “Take legal Action” or “Open a prosecution case” against
KAPOUSTIN [Da se zavede delo].

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53. On 7 September 1995 Prosecutor Mindova of the Sofia District Attorney’s Office
provided the Sofia Department of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior Economic Police
Sector 02 material containing data for fraud [in Bulgaria] as provided from the
Canadian Embassy, Vienna, Austria through the offices of the Bulgarian Solicitor
General [Main Public Prosecutor].

54. It is apparent from this document that the arrest and prosecution of KAPOUSTIN in
Bulgarian is the direct result of the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION”. This is supported by the
fact that the 7 September 1995 letter of Deputy Sofia District Attorney Mindova instructs
police investigators to act on the charges and police facts in the R.C.M.P.
“INFORMATION”. The English translation of the letter reads:
“Herewith enclosed we send you a translation from English language of a
material sent [the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION] to MPPO [Solicitor General] of
RB [Republic of Bulgaria] by the Central Service for Fight against Organized
Delinquency – MHA [Bulgarian Ministry of Interior] according to information
from the Canadian Embassy in the Republic of Austria [Doornbos]concerning the
activities of company Life Choice Int. AD. This material contains data for fraud by
Michael Kapoustin and other persons. To be attached to the correspondence and
We send you a letter from the Finance Ministry – Sofia Tax Administration as well
to be attached to the correspondence.
Enclosure: as per text”
([ ] and emphasis mine)

55. On October 29th 1995, the National Investigative Service, Investigator Georgiev, began
the “OFFICIAL” criminal investigation of KAPOUSTIN and his company based on the
R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” of July 7th 1995. As a result, all the offices of KAPOUSTIN
where seized and closed, as was all the property and bank accounts of his Company

56. On 28 November 1995, police investigator (sledovatel) S. Georgiev brought a charge of

embezzlement qualified according to Article 203§1 of the Bulgarian Criminal Code. In
English the accusation against KAPOUSTIN reads:
" I Stefcho Georgiev, prosecution investigator upon the National Prosecution
Investigation Service, Sofia, today 27th day of November 1995, in the city of Sofia
and with referring to the evidences pertinent to the criminal case registered under
file number 195/1995 in the register of the National Prosecution Investigation
Service, have established that the person being investigated, named MIHAIL
KAPOUSTIN, born November 06, 1952, in Canada, address Sofia, 96-A Rakovska"
street., fl. 1 - central office, has committed criminal offences (offences to be specified
- where, when and how each of them has been perpetrated). In his official capacity
of executive director of the company LifeChoice International Share Holding
Company [LCIAD] and with the conditions of constantly perpetrated crime, for the
period of time April 1, 1993 till August 1, 1995, has embezzled the corporate money
as placed in his care and running under the said capacity of him, and has misused of
this money for his own or of another personal benefit, this embezzlement in the sum
of more than USD 5 million. Having an especially great value and representing an
especially aggravated case.
The committed offence is found under Article 203, § 1 ref. Article 26,§ 1 of the Penal
[Criminal] Code.

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and with considering the degree of the danger to society of the offences committed,
the personality of the perpetrator, the possibility of his non-attendance and other
facts: the great degree of the danger to society - damaged in the amount of more
than 5 million. USD were thousands of Bulgarian citizens - investors of the
LifeChoice International Share Holding Company [LCIAD], Sofia and in
compliance with the prescriptions of the p.5 of the Directions Letter of the District
Attorney of Sofia [Sofia City Prosecutor's Office - phonetic SGP - Sofiiska Gradska
Prokuratura] according to Articles 146 - 148, 152, 207, 209, 212,of the Penal
Procedure Code [Criminal Procedure Code (CPC)]
1. To bring a charge against MIHAIL KAPOUSTIN as accused for the criminal
offences stated herewith as per Article 203, § 1, ref. Article 201, ref. Article 26 § 1 of
the Criminal Code of Republic of Bulgaria.
2. … [Sic]

57. On 30 November 1995 NIS investigator Georgiev brought his request to Interpol [see
above §12]. The Commissioner is requested to closely examine the data and facts
presented to Interpol on November 30th 1995; repeated again in the international warrant
of February 7th 1996 [see above §3] and the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” of July 7th 1995
[see above §37].

58. NCB Interpol refused the November 30th 1995 request of NIS investigator Georgiev

59. On 15 December 1995, Bulgaria’s Deputy Solicitor General Prosecutor Doichev

presented a second request to the Head of NCB Interpol Sofia, a Mr. Hristov. This
“request” was actually an “ORDER” and directed Interpol Sofia to issue an International
Arrest Warrant for KAPOUSTIN. Interpol representatives were to give no consideration
to the merits or quality of facts or compliance with international law. Interpol NCB Sofia
was to abnegate its independence, if any, as part of an international organization. The
English translation of the “ORDER” reads:
"NCB "INTERPOL" - MHA to inform the bureaus of "INTERPOL" of the member
countries in order to trace (discover) MICHAEL KAPOUSTIN. After finding him the
latter to be detained (arrested) because of the crime committed by him in the
Republic of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian party to be notified about this in order to
send the necessary procedural documents to extradite MICHAEL KAPOUSTIN to
the Republic of Bulgaria.
"You are requested to notify the Main Public Prosecutor's Office after effecting the
actions in connection with my order.

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60. On 13 December 1995, in Sofia, the R.C.M.P. (Doornbos) held a tactical meeting with
Bulgaria police and prosecution officials to discuss KAPOUSTIN. This occurred
immediately after Bulgarian authorities issued national and international arrest warrants
and confirmed to the R.C.M.P. that the Bulgarian Government had agreed with the
R.C.M.P. request to arrest and prosecute KAPOUSTIN on the charges and facts found in

61. KAPOUSTIN would be prosecuted according to the R.C.M.P. request under Bulgarian
criminal law. It was agreed that Bulgarian police and prosecution officials would collect
from KAPOUSTIN and his company LIFECHOICE the information requested by

62. In attendance on December 13th 1995 at the offices of A. Alexandrov were, inter alio,
Anatolii Kosev - department of “International Relations”, Bulgarian Ministry of Interior;
Miroslav Genov, Central Service for [the] Fight Against Organized Delinquency; Roumen
Andreev, deputy chief, National Investigative Service and police investigator [sledovatel]
S. Georgiev and DOORNBOS.

63. A Memorandum of this tactical meeting was directed to Mr. Rashkov, Head of the
National Investigative Service. The English translations of parts relevant to the complaint
before the Commission read:
Mr. Rashkov,
… [Sic]…
… [Sic] …
… [Sic] …
During the conversations held in an operative order we specified that it is of mutual
interest for the Bulgarian and Canadian authorities to establish the entire criminal
activity of Michael Kapoustin in his large scale financial frauds and the incoming to
Canadian and Caribbean banks of millions of USD from East and West Europe.
Mr. Doornbos submitted a visiting card and the fax message on which we could ask
our questions to the Canadian Economic Police in Vancouver and they would send
a response on what they had done in an operative order through CSFAOD or NIS.
… [Sic] …
([ ] and emphasis mine)

64. On 1 April 1996, the R.C.M.P. faxed Bulgarian police and prosecution officials. This
correspondence occurred subsequent to the arrest of KAPOUSTIN in Germany. The fax
was sent by R.C.M.P. Command Liaison Attaché, S. Sgt. Doornbos from the Embassy of
Canada, Vienna Austria to Mr. Roumen Andreev, Deputy Director of the National
[Prosecution] Investigative Service. The fax reads:
“You will recall that we met in December [13th]1995 in the office of Mr. Stefan
Gueorgiev Deputy Chief of the Economic Division. I am aware that Kapoustin has
been arrested on your behalf in Germany some weeks ago. I am advised by the
police in Sofia that the case of Kapoustin now falls entirely within your jurisdiction.
Could you advise please if your further investigation had determined [the where,
how or end destination of the money which Kapoustin defrauded from [Bulgarian

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Were you able to identify offshore banking institutions, account numbers
I am asking this as it is a very real possibility, as suggested in December that some
of the funds may have been eventually transferred to Canada. If you have any
information in this regard please advise. If not we will close our file with respect to
Kapoustin and LifeChoice.”
([ ] and emphasis Applicant’s)

65. On 1 August 1996, the particulars of R.C.M.P. involvement in the arrest and prosecution
KAPOUSTIN became public in the mass media [see above §15].

66. The R.C.M.P. and Doornbos are the obvious source of “information from the Canadian
authorities” referenced in the August 1st 1996 interviews.

67. On or about 9 August 1996, the Government of Canada, Embassy to the FDRG, Bonn,
issued its “Note Verbal” [see above §22].

68. On 14 August 1996, R.C.M.P. Command Liaison, S. Sgt. D. A. Doornbos replied to a 31

July 1996 faxed inquiry from Bulgarian Ministry of Interior Officer Colonel D. Vangelov
the Director of “CSCOC [acronym unknown]”. The R.C.M.P. faxed reply concerned a
Bulgarian request for an investigation in Canada of the company “International
Pharmaceutical Suppliers [Inc.]”. The relevant parts of the R.C.M.P. fax reads:
“Further to your fax 389/31.07.96 I passed the information therein onto our
Proceeds of Crime Unit in Vancouver. … The firm … is not/not known in police
indices in Canada … [sic] … For any criminal traces of this company in Texas
inquiries would have to be made by your prosecutors’ office with USA authorities.
Aside from the Canada wide criminal warrants [unidentified] of arrest for
Kapoustin [Applicant] Vancouver POC [Proceeds of Crime] has confirmed that
several civil lawsuits have also been filed against Kapoustin [Applicant], LifeChoice
and Don Maxwell in the courts in British Columbia.
Could you please pass this information to Mr. Stefan Georgiev [Georgiev] of the
National Prosecution Investigative Bureau [agency unknown] and ask him to please
advise us when or if any information is found regarding Kapoustin [Applicant]
having transferred monies to Canada.”
([ ] and emphasis Applicant’s)

69. On 23 August 1996, R.C.M.P. Command Liaison S. Sgt. Doornbos provided Colonel D.
Vangelov, Director, Central Service for Combating Organized Crime (CSCOC) (CSBOP)
a 6 page investigative police report and conclusions prepared by R.C.M.P. S. Sgt. Vander
Graff (Acting) Officer in Charge, Proceeds of Crime Section, Vancouver, British
Columbia. Relevant parts of the faxed investigative report reads:
“Re: Michael Kapoustin [Applicant
As noted … [sic] … the purpose of receiving civil files to determine information
contained in them may be relevant to the criminal investigations in Canada and
Bulgaria with respect to Kapoustin, et al [others, underlined].
… [sic] …
… [sic]…
… [sic] …
Detective Desmarais has not approached Don Maxwell and requested an interview
as yet. Maxwell was obviously very involved in the LifeChoice [Canada] business as
well as other business ventures involving Kapoustin until their apparent ‘falling

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out’. Maxwell also is likely in possession of information with respect to the
Kabalarian funds transfer [Ivon Shearing] which, as you know, was the original
precipitator of the Vancouver PCS [Proceeds of Crime Section] investigation. At
present, there does not appear to be a substantial likelihood of charges [against
KAPOUSTIN] arising from the Kabalarian [Canadian] side of the investigation
however to properly complete the investigation Maxwell should be interviewed.
The Def. Desmarais is prepared to conduct the interview of Maxwell and direct
whatever questions the Bulgarian authorities may have to Maxwell, however
because of the volume of material in the civil court registry as well as the
complicated nature of the Bulgarian fraud investigation, some consideration
should be given to a Bulgarian investigator attending Vancouver …[sic]”
([ ] and emphasis Applicant’s)

70. In the 23 August 1996 fax RCMP Command Liaison, S. Sgt. Doornbos requests that Col.
D. Vangelov forward a message to police investigator S. Georgiev. That faxed message
“The attached message (page 2 thru 7) was received from the Vancouver RCMP
Proceeds of Crime Unit. There is some information therein that may be useful for
Mr. Stefan GUEORGIEV [Georgiev] of the National Prosecution Investigation
Bureau [no such agency, obviously the National Investigative Service] with respect
to Kapoustin and companies and accounts that he had in the Caribbean.
Could this be passed to Mr. GUEORGIEV [Georgiev] and ask that he in turn pass
any comments he may have on to me directly. I am still very much interested in any
indication he has that any of Kapoustin gains [transfers] from the fraud in
Bulgaria ended up in Canada.”
([ ] and emphasis Applicant’s)

71. On September 2nd 1996, KAPOUSTIN was extradited to Bulgaria [see above §5].
KAPOUSTIN was hospitalized in Bulgaria from September 2 to September 16th 1996.

72. On September 16th 1996, KAPOUSTIN was removed to a high security solitary
confinement remand facility operated by the Bulgarian National Investigative Services.

73. On September 18th 1996, the beatings and interrogation of KAPOUSTIN commenced.

74. Central to Bulgarian police employing physical (beatings) and psychological coercion
(isolation and sense deprivation) [See Experiances in Bulgarian Arrest] was their desire to
provide the R.C.M.P. with the data and facts repeatedly requested by Doornbos
concerning the bank accounts and transfers of funds made by KAPOUSTIN to Canada
and the Caribbean. This enquiry is repeated again and again by DOORNBOS and the
R.C.M.P. Vancouver Proceeds of Crime Unit communications to Bulgarian police and
prosecution officials [See above §§41, 52, 60, 64, 68, 69, and 70; See Index “transfers”]

75. The repeated and intense requests by DOORNBOS for the information concerning bank
transfers made by KAPOUSTIN from Bulgaria to Canada is what precipitated the
beatings and torture of KAPOUSTIN.

76. Bulgaria police and prosecution officials proved anxious to obtain the information from
KAPOUSTIN. This information was requested by the Government of Canada on what we

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know to be the following dates; May 15, July 7, September 7 and December 13 of 1995
and again on April 1, August 14 and August 23 of 1996 and lastly on July 2 1997.

77. On July 2nd 1997, R.C.M.P. Command Liaison, S. Sgt. DOORNBOS provided to Bulgaria
police and prosecution officials a copy of a British Columbia Civil Action where
KAPOUSTIN is representing several corporate plaintiffs. This document was provided in
response to a 25 June 1997 telephone call and 26 June 1997 fax from Bulgarian police
and prosecutors to DOORNBOS. In a fax message of the same date the DOORNBOS
ends his letter with a request to the Bulgarian authorities that reads:
“Subject: Michael KAPOUSTIN (Kapoustin) et al
… [Sic] …
I am still awaiting in writing, confirmation, information and a Rogatory Request
promised by Mr. Stefan GUEORGIEV [Georgiev] regarding funds that Kapoustin
transferred [transfer] to Canada, specifically to the law office of McCandless,
Morrison & Verdicchio.
Please advise this regard.”
([ ] and emphasis Applicant’s)

78. The beatings and isolation of KAPOUSTIN is common knowledge to Bulgarians familiar
with the interrogation techniques of the Bulgarian National Investigative Service and
Bulgarian Ministry of Interior Treatment of Detainees and Conditions in Bulgaria.

79. On November 1st 1996, the Embassy of Canada to Bucharest, Romania, received a formal
request to assist Bulgarian “investors” and the alleged “victims”. The request shows
concerned over the physical safety and health of KAPOUSTIN and asks the Government
of Canada to arrange a visit with KAPOUSTIN. Bulgarian police and prosecution
officials refuse KAPOUSTIN all visitors. The letter is signed by 16 Bulgarian citizens and
“We are writing you on the occasion of the detention of the Canadian citizen Mr.
Mihail Kapoustin.
We are investors in “LifeChoice International” – AD, Bulgaria, whose executive
director Mihail Kapoustin is. We are sincerely concern[ed] about his health
condition. We think that his detention causes serious damages to the activities of the
company and our interests.
We are asking for your help in obtaining a permission to visit Mr. Mihail Kapoustin,
as so far, regardless our repeating requests to the appropriate authorities, we have
no[t] received any answer.”
([ ] and emphasis Applicant’s)

80. On 15 May 1997 the Canadian Government presented Bulgarian Minister of Foreign
Affairs a diplomatic note protesting. inter alia, the legal maximum period [according to
the Bulgarian Criminal Code of Procedure] that KAPOUSTIN can remain in remand will
expire on 1 June 1997; concerns that detention of KAPOUSTIN will be further extended;
the investigation’s already considerable length of more than 2 years; that arrest
warrants date back to 17 July 1995; the investigation was conducted as well during
Applicant’s detention in the FRG plus nine (9) months since KAPOUSTIN was
extradited; that 26 months to investigate was adequate time to fix the final charges and
order trial or alternatively release KAPOUSTIN pending same; further investigation and

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detention amounts to punishment without trial; all others similarly charged to
KAPOUSTIN in other cases are released and therefore the KAPOUSTIN should be
released on bail [security] pending trial.

81. On 23 May 1997 Canada Foreign Affairs received a case note (Note sur le cas)
concerning the Applicant’s arrest/detention, the relevant parts read:
“Consul and HonCon visited subj 15 May. Subj appeared to be in good physical
condition but was mentally distressed as a result of his continued detention and lack
of news concerning setting of trial date. Legal counsel has advised him that trial
date (if there is to be one) may take another one or two years. It proved impossible
to obtain any corroborating info from investigator’s office.
Corruption abounds within the prosecutor’s office according to local news reports.
Investigator Georgiev has been removed from office with a replacement to be
named in coming weeks. Whether this will or will not delay proceedings remains to
be seen. Legal counsel advises they are having access problems as a result of a
more rigorous application of existing law; they will pursue matter of access with
prosecutor’s office. Subj. also complained that since consul’s last visit 18 March he
had been denied access to exercise facility on a regular basis. Temporary
investigator/replacement (deputy?) stated that the problem would be resolved.
HonCon has been asked to follow up on a regular basis during the period
June/September and will forward reports via cons/[illegible] Bucst.
Subj. has requested CANADA advise him as to what steps/process may be used to
hasten investigation and trial. According to him and his legal counsel Bulgaria has
already been taken to the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg for a case of
illegal detention. Court decision approx. 2 months was in favor of the plaintiff
against Bulgaria. Subj wishes to follow same route and legal counsel stated they
may file suit in July. Subj has also requested German authorities be advised that he
is not being tried for offences for which he was extradited and has asked for
Germany to assist with having case more speedily brought to trial. Subj has
requested that you keep Mr. Kap informed of all measures taken.
Diplo note which follows was presented to MFA 15 May. Ambassador Duguay will
pursue matter with MFA and Prosecutor during visit scheduled for 11 – 13 June.
… [sic] …”
([ ] and emphasis Applicant’s)

82. On July 2, 1997, DOORNBOS personally appears in Sofia, Bulgaria to give evidence
against KAPOUSTIN. DOORNBOS appears with court certified documents collected by
the R.C.M.P. in Canada and to be used in an effort to secure the conviction of
KAPOUSTIN by a Bulgarian criminal court. This occurs more than two years from the
initial R.C.M.P. contact and request that KAPOUSTIN be prosecuted by Bulgarian police
and prosecution authorities.

83. DOORNBOS swears to and personally delivers in Sofia, Bulgaria evidence against
KAPOUSTIN before Bulgarian “magistrate” [investigator] R. Kirov. This done without
the implementation or administration of the either Canada’s Solicitor General and
Minister of Justice or Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. The evidence DOORNBOS
has collected in Canada is done without supervision by a competent court of Canada.
According to DOORNBOS this document might help convict KAPOUTSIN.

84. The 7 July 1995 R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” and investigative conclusions prove a
formal request and charge provided by the Government of Canada to the Government of

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Bulgaria. This “INFORMATION” and the related correspondence qualify the
suppositions and unverified conclusions of DOORNBOS to the elevated status of “official
police facts” and “investigative conclusions” of the R.C.M.P.

85. On 25 July 2000, the family of the KAPOUSTIN brought civil action in British Columbia
Supreme Court civil Action No, S004040, and Vancouver Registry against RCMP
Command Liaison S. Sgt. DOORNBOS and others.

86. The claim, inter alia, alleges that Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms and
Consolidated Federal and Provincial Privacy Act(s) [R.S.C. 1985, R.S.B.C. 1996] have
been breached by DOORNBOS. No action against the Government of Canada appeared
possible on account that at the time KAPOUSTIN believed DOORNBOS had acted alone.

87. The lawsuit was brought immediately after KAPOUSTIN learned of the R.C.M.P.
“INFORMATION” and other exchanges between the R.C.M.P. and police and
prosecution officials of the Republic of Bulgaria. Paragraphs 41 and 42 of the
KAPOUSTIN Statement of Claim read:
§41 “The Plaintiffs have not asserted that the Claim falls within the purview
of Section 32 (1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”).
Had the Plaintiffs so elected they would allege breaches of s. 15 (1) which triggered
“a situation that is simply unacceptable” [ see USA v. Arllard (1991), 64 C.C.C.
(3d) 159 at p. 522] under s. 12 of the Charter, the acts in question and consequences
thereof offending the Canadian sense of what is fair, right and just under s. 11 (a)
and (d), s. 9, s. 8 and s. 7 of the Charter in relationship to the nature of the cause
and considerations of comity and security, and after having granted due latitude and
having maintained a perspective for the reasonable requirements of law enforcement
as demonstrately justifiable in a free and democratic society. The breaches of
Charter rights arise from the violations of law pleaded herein. This court, in such
instance, would have competent jurisdiction in this district over the subject matter of
this claim pursuant to s. 24 (1) of the Charter. Plaintiffs would then claim that the
officials, agencies and instrumentalities of the Government of Canada did violate the
law promulgated under the (Provincial) Protection of Privacy Act [R.S.B.C. 1996]
Chapter 165, Section 15 (h), S. 30 and S. 28 in conjunction with S. 22 (1); the
(Federal) Privacy Act [R.S.C. 1985] Section 8 (1) and further re-allege that the acts
and transactions of, inter alia, preparation of false, misleading and slanderous
materials; the sending abroad of same; causing the public distribution and
publication of information protected by law and the preparation and delivery
abroad of official reports and documents was adequate proof of common law torts of
privacy, defamation and slander as having occurred in this Court’s district.
§42 Plaintiffs would further allege that violations of law and the Charter
arise from acts affected by a foreign state, its agents, agencies and instrumentalities
against the person and property of citizens of Canada, in Canada and abroad, the
conduct of said agents, agencies and instrumentalities, directly and vicariously
causing, inter alia, threats, accusations, menaces and violence without reasonable
justification or excuse; cruel and unusual treatment and punishment; deprivation of
security of person and right to life; discrimination on account of national or ethnic
origin and religion; disclosures of information to the public harmful to the
individual and a violation of the right to privacy; threats to safety, mental and
physical health; disclosures of information to the public resulting in undue financial
loss and burden; disclosures of information to the public which were knowingly
inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable, thus damaging unfairly the reputation of the
person(s) referred to therein and having been compiled and identified as a part of a

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Canadian investigation into a possible violation of law in Canada; disclosures of
information to the public which inaccurately, unreliably and slanderously indicated
untrue sexual orientation, religious belief or association of the person(s) named
therein and Plaintiffs would claim vicarious liability on the part of the Government
of Canada for its participation in aiding and abetting the violations of law alleged
and for having subjected to cruel and unusual treatment the Plaintiffs. In one
instance the liberty and security of person is denied in an alleged violation of
fundamental and civil rights apparently with the direct participation of a peace
officer and diplomat of Canada.”
([ ] and emphasis Applicant’s)

SECTION B Applicants Earlier Complaints

1. April 1st 2000 Complaint as filed with Office of Canada's Prime Minister
2. June 23rd 2000 Civil Action against DOORNBOS and other filed in British Columbia
Supreme Court
3. May 3rd 2001 Refusal of Embassy of Canada to serve complaint to R.C.M.P. and
4. May 3rd 2001 Complaint to R.C.M.P. against DOORNBOS and Cover Letter
5. May 3rd 2001 Complaint to General Director of DFAIT Mr. Gar Pardy
6. May 19th 2001 Complaint to Attorney General of British Columbia
7. May 19th 2001 Complaint to the Honourable Anne McLellan the Minister of Justice
8. May 21st 2001 Complaint and Request to the Attorney General of British Columbia
for Legal Aid
9. May 27th 2001 Letter to DOORNBOS

SECTION C Legal Grounds

Part Six For Earlier Complaints

88. Complaints at the level of the federal government are proper since jurisdiction over the
interpretation of the subject matter of this Complaint is awarded to the Minister of Justice
and Attorney General of Canada (the “Minister") under Article I para (1) of the "Mutual
Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act", chapter M-13.6 (R.S. 1985, c30 (4th supp.))
1988, c.37 assented to 28 July (hereinafter the "Act") wherein under the Minister is
designated as the "competent authority" to effect provisions of the Act.

89. The Complaints asserted that provisions of the Act have been unlawfully effected by an
authority and Crown Servant not competent to do so.

90. The venue of the complaint, the Office of Minister, is proper under Article 7 para (1) of
the Act. The Minister embodies the legal competence to assess the lawfulness of actions
effected by agents or agencies of Canada under provisions provided for and the conditions
considered by the Act.

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91. The complaints asserted the Minister, as Attorney General, had proper jurisdiction and
venue to ascertain the penal or administrative liability, if any, of DOORNBOS and
possibly others alleged to be responsible for the acts set out above in the SECTION
“FACTS” and give rise to the complaint cause of allegations that Canadian law and the
Charter rights of KAPOUSTIN have been violated by an unlawful and unauthorized
implementation and administration of the Act and by the slander and deep humiliation of
KAPOUSTIN and his family through a malicious indictment, offensive words and
misdeeds of the a Crown Servant, DOORNBOS .

92. The complaints made are said to be violations of Canada’s basic law and are within the
purview of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

93. The Attorney General of Canada has venue in that the rights of the individual as provided
for and protected in the Charter cover those actions by a Crown Servant, including police
activity and investigation, as conducted or affected by them through the agencies of or
directly by them in a foreign state. The consequences of such activity by a Crown Servant
having a direct and far reaching impact upon a citizen of Canada’s rights identified under
the Charter. Such actions are subject to review by the Minister.

94. The Attorney General of Canada as the competent authority must assess if DOORNBOS
did commit prosecutable acts against the person of KAPOUSTIN and against justice by
successfully denying KAPOUSTIN his right to due process and law while DOORNBOS
was in pursuit of a Canadian criminal investigation outside of Canada.

95. It is alleged a violation of law arises from DOORNBOS engaging on his behalf the
agencies and instrumentalities of a foreign state, the Republic of Bulgaria, to successfully
circumvent the procedures and law embodied in the Act, the Charter and other laws of

96. The acts complained of herein as alleged are inter alia, violations of Article 17 para (1)
and Article 18 para (1) of the Act.

97. There exists no instance or document in evidence that the Minister either received or in
the alternative approved a lawful request, under Article 11 para (1) of the Act.

98. At no time did the Republic of Bulgaria utilize diplomatic channels to obtain in Canada
on its behalf the facts and data provided by DOORNBOS to Bulgaria’s police and
prosecution officials.

99. There is no instance or document in evidence to suggest that police and prosecution
officials of Bulgaria requested police facts or conclusions or reports from the R.C.M.P.
The R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” and DOORNBOS indicts KAPOUSTIN for what it
alleges are criminal offences under Bulgarian criminal law and over which the Republic
of Bulgaria has proper and sovereign jurisdiction. The R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” is an
indictment of KAPOUSTIN on a charge of fraud allegedly committed by KAPOUSTIN
on the territory of Bulgaria, and the proceeds of that fraud, according to the R.C.M.P.
“INFORMATION” are in Canada thank to transfer effected by KAPOUSTIN in his legal

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capacity as the lawful representative of a Bulgarian company owned and managed by

100. There exists no application or order from a judge in Canada of complement jurisdiction
and authorizing the gathering of evidence against KAPOUSTIN in or outside of Canada,
or for the preparation of police reports or evidence and their sending abroad to a foreign
police agency or court.

101. The documents referenced in the SECTION “FACTS” and attached to the Complaint
prove that DOORNBOS and possibly other officials of the R.C.M.P. violated Article 20
of the Act, and therefore Canadian law when unlawfully collecting, preparing and
delivering to agencies of a foreign state, the Republic of Bulgaria, evidence and data
concerning KAPOUSTIN and other Canadian citizens. This information and evidence to
be used against KAPOUSTIN in a Bulgarian criminal court.

102. DOORNBOS at all times knew of the Act, the Privacy Act, the Freedom of Information
Act, the Charter and his obligation under law to them. The actions of DOORNBOS show
that as a police official operating outside of Canada and diplomatic representative of the
Government of Canada DOORNBOS did not feel bound by Canada’s laws.

103. The complaint reveals that the Minister could not give affect or means to the provision
under Part I of the Act on account that the Republic of Bulgaria is not a party to the treaty
under which the Act is promulgated and is therefore not entitled, under Article 8 of the
Act, to mutual legal assistance in a criminal matter without the direct consent of the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada.

104. Article 6 para (1) of the Act requires an "administrative arrangement" be instituted with
any non treaty foreign state on a case by case basis by the Minister of Foreign Affairs,

105. Inquiries and court records reveal no administrative arrangement is affected by the
Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Canada and Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria upon the subject
matter of KAPOUSTIN.

106. DOORNBOS and others also violated the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. The alleged
violation arises from Article 464 para (2) of the Bulgaria’s Criminal Code of Procedure
and reads:
“464 (1)…
(2) The request for legal assistance shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Justice
and Legal Euro- Integration (Bulgaria), unless another procedure is provided by
international treaty to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.”

107. Government of Canada and the Ministry of Justice of Bulgaria have no record of such a
request for legal assistance in the matter of KAPOUSTIN having ever been made in
compliance with laws of the Republic of Bulgaria or for that matter the laws of Canada.

108. This Complaint to the Ministry of the Attorney General asserted that it falls within the
purview of Section 32 (1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the

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“Charter”). KAPOUSTIN alleged breaches of s. 15 (1) which triggered “a situation that
is simply unacceptable” [ see USA v. Arllard (1991), 64 C.C.C. (3d) 159 at p. 522] under
s. 12 of the Charter, the acts in question and consequences thereof offending the
Canadian sense of what is fair, right and just under s. 11 (a) and (d), s. 9, s. 8 and s. 7 of
the Charter in relationship to the nature of the cause and considerations of comity and
security, and after having granted due latitude and having maintained a perspective for the
reasonable requirements of law enforcement as demonstrate justifiable in a free and
democratic society.

109. The breaches of the Charter rights of KAPOUSTIN arise from the violations of the laws
of Canada some have been identified in this Complaint. In such an instance the Attorney
General would have competent jurisdiction over the subject matter of this claim pursuant
to s. 24 (1) of the Charter.

110. KAPOUSTIN claimed that the DOORNBOS and the R.C.M.P. violate the law
promulgated under the (Provincial) Protection of Privacy Act [R.S.B.C. 1996] Chapter
165, Section 15 (h), S. 30 and S. 28 in conjunction with S. 22 (1); the (Federal) Privacy
Act [R.S.C. 1985] Section 8 (1) and he further alleged that the acts and transactions of,
inter alia, preparation of false, misleading and slanderous materials; the sending abroad of
same; causing the public distribution and publication of information protected by law and
the preparation and delivery abroad of official reports and documents was adequate proof
of common law torts of privacy, defamation and slander as having occurred in Canada
even though having been transmitted abroad.

111. KAPOUSTIN complained of violations of law and the Charter arise from acts affected in
a foreign state by an agency of the Government of Canada against the person and property
of a citizen of Canada. The conduct of DOORNBOS directly and vicariously caused, inter
alia, threats, accusations, menaces and violence without reasonable justification or excuse;
cruel and unusual treatment and punishment; deprivation of security of person and right to
life; discrimination on account of national or ethnic origin and religion; disclosures of
information to the public harmful to the individual and a violation of the right to privacy;
threats to safety, mental and physical health; disclosures of information to the public
resulting in undue financial loss and burden; the disclosure of information to the public
which were knowingly inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable, thus damaging unfairly the
reputation of KAPOUSTIN who is the person(s) referred to therein and having been
compiled and identified as a part of a Canadian investigation into a possible violation of
law in Canada; disclosures of information to the public which inaccurately, unreliably and
slanderously indicated untrue sexual orientation, religious belief or association of
KAPOSUTIN as the person(s) named.

112. KAPOUSTIN claimed the vicarious liability on the part of the Government of Canada for
its participation in aiding and abetting the violations of law alleged and for having been
the direct cause for KAPOUSTIN to suffer cruel and unusual punishment in Bulgaria.

113. That the physical and psychological coercion and torture of KAPOUSTIN was for the
singular purpose of securing data and facts for an R.C.M.P. investigation in Canada. As a
result, the protections of Canada’s laws and the Charter for KAPOUSTIN to enjoy his

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fundamental rights as a citizen of Canada to liberty and security of person are denied to
him solely for the purpose of securing information for R.C.M.P.

114. The alleged breaches of the Charter rights of KAPOUSTIN are with the direct knowledge
and participation of a peace officer, and Crown Servant Derek DOORNBOS.

115. All these earlier complaints establish the accountability of DOORNBOS for the malicious
prosecution of KAPOUSTIN in Bulgaria on the charges of fraud and money laundering
represented in the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” and also the common law torts of
privacy, defamation and slander arising from DOORBOS having, inter alia, prepared
false, misleading and slanderous materials; the sending abroad of unverified and untrue
information; making false criminal accusations against KAPOUSTIN before officials of
justice in Bulgaria; the production of false evidence before a court of law; distributing and
causing the public distribution and publication of untrue criminal charges and slanderous
remarks embodied in the official correspondence of the Government of Canada and
official reports providing private information protected under law; impugning the
character, integrity and honour of the KAPOUSTIN with the intent to cause him and his
family to suffer cruel or unusual treatment and harassment; KAPOUSTIN to be physically
and psychologically tormented, punished; intimidated with intent to inflict upon
KAPOUSTIN and his family material harm, mental anguish, physical suffering and
emotional distress.


Part Seven –The Allegations

116. The Complaint before the Commission may be summarised as alleging the malicious
foreign prosecution of KAPOUSTIN, at the request of the R.C.M.P., on a charge of
misappropriation by fraud.

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117. That commencing on or about May 15, 1995 and including but not limited to the dates of
June 13, 1995; July 7, 1995; September 7, 1995; December 13, 1995; April 1, 1996;
August 14, 1996; August 23, 1996 and July 2, 1997, DOORNBOS, an employee of the
Government of Canada, did meet or have contact with Stefcho Georgiev and other
officials of the Republic of Bulgaria with sole purpose and intent of having KAPOUSTIN
prosecuted and convicted in Bulgaria on a charge of misappropriation by fraud and for
“laundering” the proceeds of crime.

118. That any exchanges and other transactions between police agencies of the Government of
Canada and prosecution agencies and courts of the the Republic of Bulgaria are to be
governed by the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act, chapter M-13.6 (R.S.
1985, c30 (4th supp.)) 1988, c.37

119. That from on or about May 15, 1995 DOORNBOS acted without the knowledge, consent
or participation of the respective parties of Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister
of Justice and Office of the Attorney General of Canada, DOORNDOS entered into an
unlawful agreement for the Republic of Bulgaria to arrest and prosecute KAPOUSTIN on
the charges, information and data provided by the Government of Canada, DOORNBOS.

120. That DOORNBOS, in breach of the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act,
chapter M-13.6 (R.S. 1985, c30 (4th supp.)) 1988, c.37 and other laws of Canada did
cause the preparation and public dissemination of official R.C.M.P. correspondences,
reports and alleged evidence collected against KAPOUSTIN on Canada that
DOORNBOS knew to be either false, misleading, unverified, suggestive and intentionally
slanderous. DOORNBOS having no legal capacity to make an “administrative
arrangement” between the R.C.M.P and the police and prosecutors of a foreign state, the
Republic of Bulgaria.

121. That the intended purpose for DOORNBOS to make an “administrative arrangement”
with Bulgarian authorities was to present misrepresentations and misstatements of fact
and to cause and in fact did cause the malicious prosecution, arrest, extradition and torture
of the KAPOUSTIN by agencies of the Bulgaria police and prosecution with whom
DOORNBOS and the Government of Canada had unlawfully interacted.

122. That the malicious prosecution and indictment by Bulgarian authorities of KAPOUSTIN
on charges of misappropriation of Bulgarian public funds by fraud and money
“laundering” is the result of a criminal indictment of KAPOUSTIN as prepared by
DOORNBOS on July 7th 1995. DOORNBOS, on behalf of the Government of Canada
and formally requesting the Republic of Bulgaria to bring “…a criminal prosecution of
any character at all [nakazatelno proizvodstvo ot kakavto I da bilo harakter] be started
against Kapoustin or Life Choice [LCIAD]?” [See §40 above].

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123. That the stated purpose of DOORNBOS and his sworn “INFORMATION” was to have
Bulgarian and police officials arrest and prosecute KAPOUSTIN in aid of a Canada wide
criminal investigation of one Ivon Shearing and the Kabalariansociety. A criminal
investigation and penal proceeding to which KAPOUSTIN was not a party, a witness nor
a subject of any possible future indictment of Shearing.

124. That the DOORNBOS “INFORMATION” made false and malicious representations
against KAPOUSTIN as if they are true and verified Canadian police facts, which they
are not.

125. That the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” provided by DOORNBOS as well as statements

attributed to him by Bulgarian police and prosecution officials are the substance and pith
of the content and foundation for all the slanders and libels of KAPOUSTIN in Canada,
Bulgaria and internationally.

126. That DOORNBOS and the R.C.M.P. knew their representation to Bulgarian police and
prosecution officials to be unverified conjecture at best and are at worst criminally false
and the charges levelled against KAPOUSTIN untrue.

127. That the sole intended purpose of the “INFORMATION” and the false criminal charges
and misrepresentations set out therein is to cause Bulgarian police and prosecution
officials to arrest, prosecute and question KAPOUSTIN according to Bulgarian criminal
law. The R.C.M.P. seeking to avoid the limitation imposed on it under Canada’s laws and
insodoing to aid an R.C.M.P. investigation in Canada by having Bulgarian police and
prosecution officials arrest and question KAPOUSTIN..

128. That on account of the Government of Canada assurances offered by DOORNBOS to

Bulgarian authorities, and due to the Bulgarian belief and the DOORNBOS promise of a
financial reward [see §40 above “…16,000,000 USD…confiscated and it would be
comparatively easy [for the R.C.M.P.] to prove in front of the [Canadian] court that
these are proceeds from criminal activities [of KAPOUSTIN in Bulgaria”]

129. That DOORNBOS knew that his assurances as an “OFFICIAL” of the Government of
Canada to Bulgaria police and prosecutors would prove sufficient for the Bulgarian
authorities to not subject the DOORNBOS representations to any proper legal test as was
incumbent upon them and before proceeding to indict KAPOUSTIN on the written
representations made by DOORNBOS. There was no on going criminal investigation of
KAPOUSTIN in Bulgaria prior to DOORNBOS making contact with Bulgarian
authorities in Sofia, Bulgaria on or before May15th 1995.

130. That the R.C.M.P. indictment of KAPOUSTIN on July 7th 1995 before a foreign state is a
violation of the due process rights and Charter protections afforded to citizens of Canada.

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131. That from the period of May 31, 1995 to the present the DOORBOS misrepresentations
and slanders appeared repeatedly in hundreds of national newspaper articles, television
and radio programs and official documents throughout the Republic of Bulgaria as well as
on a number of occasions in parts of Canada and Europe via electronic news services.

132. That DOORNBOS knowingly acted to cause Bulgarian agencies to embark upon an
official campaign to induce in the minds of the public enmity, hostility, antipathy,
rancour, malice, discrimination and bias against KAPOUSTIN with the intent to cause
loss of reputation and goodwill.

133. The aforesaid is best represented and evidenced by a published interview with Georgiev
in Continent newspaper, Sofia, Bulgaria, on August 1, 1996 [see §16 above].

134. That DOORNBOS knew the ultimate results of his misconduct. Yet DOORNBOS acted
intentionally to represent to police and prosecution officials of Bulgaria what
DOORNBOS knew to be a false criminal accusation and manufactured facts intended to
deceive Bulgarian authorities and the public into believing that, inter alia, KAPOUSTIN
had been convicted in Canada for the sexual rape of children; was an internationally
recognized swindler and fraud and swindler was known to be a close associate and
accomplice of one Ivon Shearing and a participant and financial supporter of Mr.
Shearing and his “pseudo – religious cult” the “Kabalarian Society” of Canada; that
KAPOUSTIN is a criminal and his company “LifeChoice” is a criminal enterprise and
large scale fraud having transferred 16 million United States dollars to Canada; that all or
a substantial part of the criminal proceeds in Canada comes from citizens of the Republic
of Bulgaria. DOORNBOS knew his “police facts” to be untrue and only designed to
evoke the arrest and prosecution of KAPOUSTIN by Bulgarian police and prosecutors.

135. That DOORNBOS is the “Official Canadian Source” providing Bulgarian police,
prosecution officials and the media with the slanders and libels appearing and continuing
to appear in the Bulgarian and international press,

136. That the DORRNBOS slanders, libels, misrepresentations, misstatements and other
misinformation as subsequently transmitted by DOORNBOS from Canada’s embassy at
Vienna, Austria and its public release to agencies of a foreign state, Bulgaria, was
undertaken by DOORNBOS with the intent to see such information made ultimately
public. The manufactured police conclusions and transmissions of police facts and private
data by DOORNBOS are in breach of the rights of KAPOUSTIN and his family under the
laws of Canada including but not limited to the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information

137. DOORNBUS knowingly acted to humiliate KAPOUSTIN by publicly accusing him of

acts of moral perversion with the real expectation that this would further facilitate the
arrest and prosecution of KAPOUSTIN.

138. That DOORNBOS did then wilfully make oral statements to the public and written
reports to Bulgarian officials causing the same to be repeatedly printed in the press and
announced on radio and television. Insodoing DOORNBOS was able to secure the arrest
and prosecution of KAPOUTSIN by Bulgarian police and prosecution officials.

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139. That DOORNBOS acted with malice and forethought when uttering what he knew to be
untrue, false and slanderous remarks concerning the personality, character and business
activities of the KAPOUSTIN in Bulgaria, Canada and elsewhere.

140. That DOORNBOS at all times knew that his false criminal accusations and defamatory
statements would cause KAPOUSTIN to be publicly humiliated, and his reputation and
standing in the community irrevocably and forever ruined.

141. The Complaint alleges there is a violation of Canadian law and the Charter rights of
KAPOUSTIN when DOORNBOS used the resources of the Federal Government of
Canada on behalf and for the Republic of Bulgaria to arrest; prosecute; and convict a
citizen of Canada.

142. That the conduct of DOORNBOS and subsequent events prove to be the product of a
criminal malfeasance against KAPOUSTIN designed by DOORNBOS to secure for
himself professional prestige and at the expense of the honour, integrity and property of

143. That DOORNBOS and the R.C.M.P. knew KAPOUSTIN would be held in remand
indefinitely, without benefit of habeas corpus or other judicial control of his remand and
that he would be confined to a solitary cell.

144. DOORNBOS and the R.C.M.P. knew that according to international reports on conditions
within Bulgaria’s criminal justice system and remand facilities KAPOUSTIN, a Canadian
citizen, would be likely subjected to psychological and physical coercion as part of the
interrogation procedure. The facts and data sought after by the R.C.M.P. would most
probably be obtained only through the torture of KAPOUTSIN.

145. That the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” provided by DOORNBOS is directly responsible

for precipitating both official and public acrimony in Bulgaria towards KAPOUSTIN. In
particular the slanderous and libellous assertions of Canadian “police fact” that are
directly attributed to the R.C.M.P. (“Canadian authorities”) in the August 1st 1996 public
statement of Bulgarian police and prosecutors lead directly to KAPOUSTIN being beaten
and tortured by Bulgarian Ministry of Interior police and his continued imprisonment by
Bulgarian prosecutors and judges without possibility of bail or transfer.

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146. That the physical and psychological coercion and torture and beatings of a Canadian
citizen, KAPOUSTIN by Bulgarian Ministry of Interior Police is directly the result of
DOORNBOS repeatedly requesting that Bulgarian Ministry of Interior police and
prosecution officials obtain information from KAPOUSTIN in answer to the questions
directed by DOORNBOS to Bulgarian police officials as follows:

a. July 7th 1995 “Now each piece of information or even only supposition [by
Bulgaria] whatsoever about eventual breach of Bulgarian Law by Kapoustin
[Applicant] connected with LifeChoice that your service [CSBOP] could submit
[to Canada], is of special importance for the investigation in Vancouver…” [See
§40 above];

b. July 7th 1995 “…additional data or operational information in what direction the
funds obtained by LifeChoice [LCIAD] are being transferred out of Bulgaria?
[see §41 above];

c. April 1st 1996 “Kapoustin now falls entirely within your jurisdiction. Could you
advise please if your further investigation had determined [the where, how or
end destination of the money which Kapoustin defrauded from [Bulgarian
investors] Were you able to identify offshore banking institutions, account
numbers…[see §64 above];

d. August 14th 1996 “…please advise us when or if any information is found

regarding Kapoustin [Applicant] having transferred monies to Canada.” [See
§68 above];

e. August 23rd 1996 “I am still very much interested in any indication he has that
any of Kapoustin gains [transfers] from the fraud in Bulgaria ended up in
Canada.” [See §70 above];

f. July 2nd 1997 “I am still awaiting in writing, confirmation, information and a

Rogatory Request promised by Mr. Stefan GUEORGIEV [Georgiev] regarding
funds that Kapoustin transferred [transfer] to Canada” [See §77 above]

147. As a result, there have been numerous breaches of the Charter rights of KAPOUSTIN and
numerous other violations of Canadian law by DOORNBOS.

148. This complaint seeks to establish and pursue remedies for a malicious prosecution of
KAPOUSTIN by the R.C.M.P. and to identity the injuries and damages suffered by
KAPOUSTIN from what are deliberate acts of physical and psychological torture and the
defamation of KAPOUSTIN by libel and slander and the blatantly false criminal
accusations made by DOORNBOS during the years of 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998.

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149. The complaint further alleges KAPOUSTIN and his family suffered physical pain, mental
anguish, deep humiliation, emotional distress and financial loss from the materially false,
misleading and deliberately libellous and slanderous statements and injurious lies that
DOORNBOS prepared and formed as part conclusions of police investigations provided
as a record of criminal activity in Canada and elsewhere.

150. The complaint further alleges KAPOUSTIN and his family suffered pecuniary and non-
pecuniary injuries from inter alia, the seizure and destruction of property, loss of income,
the extortion of cash, physical torture; permanent injury derived of emotional and
psychological trauma and public humiliation and loss of reputation.

151. This complaint further alleges that the injuries caused KAPOUSTIN and his family would
not have been otherwise possible if not for the means and instrumentalities available to
DOORNBOS as an official at Government of Canada. The facilities situated at the
Embassy of Canada, Vienna, Austria, and if not for the instrumentalities and secure
telecommunications, diplomatic mails and other facilities of the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police, Ottawa, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia.

On the basis of the foregoing the Complainant KAPOUSTIN and his family seek the
Commission secure a Parliamentary enquiry into Derek A. DOORNBOS and the R.C.M.P.

M. Kapoustin

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For official use only!
Central service for fight against
organized delinquency
Our ref. 3233/ July 17th, 1995
Take legal actions! FAX
MV (?)
_________ Date: July 7th, 1995
From: O/V NP Command
[Liaison Officer (RCMP?)]
Canadian Embassy
Vienna, Austria
To the attn. of Mr. Levicharov
Director of Central service for fight
against organized delinquency
Attn. Mr. A. Kosev
Department “KMC” (?)

I’d like to advise you that in compliance with our agreement from May 15th, 1995 in Sofia I
have submitted to our economic crime service [Proceeds of Crime] the information Mr.
Miroslav GENOV gave me. As a result of this the said service has started an operational
investigation of Kapoustin’s former companies and associates in VANCOUVER. It was
found out that there is a subsidiary company of Life Choice – Bulgaria, duly registered
according to Federal Law. The latter is named “Life Choice Pharmaceuticals Inc." and has
been registered in the Commercial register of BRITISH COLUMBIA province since 1991.

As a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer the following person has been entered in the
Federal Register:
Born on July 15th, 1942
Address: 304-2495 West 3rd Ave, Vancouver BC
Occupation: translator, (not registered to be reported on)

In the provincial register (of British Columbia – note of the translator) as managing directors
the following persons have been entered:

Born on Oct. 23rd, 1950
Born on Jan. 15th, 1954 in Bulgaria
Address: 2118 Nanton Ave., Vancouver BC
Occupation: scientist, (not registered to be reported on)

Born on Jan. 12th, 1935
Address: 10086 Hymer Dr. Chilliwack BC
Occupation: businessman, (not registered to be reported on)
Born on May 9th, 1947
Address: 4715 Lancelot CRT, Richmond BC
(not registered to be reported on)

In this connection the economic crime service [Proceeds of Crime] shows special interest to
IVON SHEARING too, born on April 12th, 1928. The latter is a partner of MAXWELL and a
former accomplice of KAPOUSTIN to his questionable operations at the Vancouver stock
exchange. At present SHEARING is the leader of a pseudo-religious organization called
“CABALISTIC PHILOSOPHY”. It was established that last year 4 million and 12 million
USD had been transferred to several bank accounts of SHEARING and Cabalistic
Philosophy. Most of the transfers came from Western Europe. It was established as well that
other accounts of SHEARING had been credited with amounts of about 100,000 USD per
day. In view of the conduct and business activities of Shearing and some of his employees it
is supposed that most probably large-scale money laundering operations are going on. It is
considered as well that most probably a considerable part of these amounts come from the
funds obtained in Bulgaria by KAPOUSTIN through large-scale financial frauds carried out
by his pyramidal structure “LIFECHOICE”. Besides this it is established that the transfers go
through banks in the Caribbean Islands. Here I’d like to draw your attention to my fax dated
June 13th, 1995 in which I have asked you to check four persons – Bulgarian citizens, for
whom Kapoustin has submitted documents for Canadian visas (NENKOV, POPOVA,
PETROUNOV and NINOV). It was stated in the written request submitted by Kapoustin to
the Canadian embassy in Belgrade that “LifeChoice” carries out banking activities in

Now each piece of information or even only supposition whatsoever about eventual breach of
Bulgarian Law by Kapoustin connected with LifeChoice that your service could submit, is of
special importance for the investigation in Vancouver. In this instance our service in
Vancouver would be able to obtain search warrants for the office premises and houses of the
aforesaid subjects. In this situation we consider there is every possibility we can successfully
conduct a large scale joint investigation as a result of which the assets of SHEARING & Co
in Canada will be confiscated and it would be comparatively easy to prove in front of the
court that these are proceeds of criminal activities.

One of the names you advised to be employees of North American Trade Organization was
Chavdar Georgiev MLADENOV, born on August 25th, 1995. We were surprised to learn
after respective verifications in the national system of Operative Department of the National
Police (abbreviations – not very sure of the proper name of this department – note of
translator) of Canada that a person named Chavdar G. MLADENOV staying in Canada and
acting as General Consul of Bulgaria in Toronto has been registered to be involved in illegal
currency deals and financial frauds in Bulgaria (we do not dispose with any other data).
Verifications are going on.

It’s been ascertained that SHEARING is abroad at present and we consider it’s possible for
him to arrange a meeting(s) with Kapoustin. Please advise urgently the following:
1. Have you listed operative information on BERGSON, MAXWELL, MILANOVA,
MORRISON, SLOAN (Nenkov, Popova, Petrounov and Ninov)?

2. Has any of the aforesaid persons especially MAXWELL or SHEARING stayed formerly
in Bulgaria?

Can you establish instances of direct contacts between Maxwell or Shearing and
Kapoustin in Bulgaria?

3. Is it established at the moment that LifeChoice or Kapoustin are committing any

violations whatsoever of Bulgarian laws?

Can a criminal prosecution of any character at all be started against Kapoustin or

LifeChoice ?

4. Have you any additional data or operational information in what direction the funds
obtained by Life Choice are being transferred out of Bulgaria?

5. Please reconfirm (advise again) the Canadian passports numbers which Kapoustin has
used to register North American Trade Organization (NATO) and LifeChoice in Bulgaria.

6. Is there data that the Bulgarian General Consul (Mladenov) has been involved in breach
of currency control regime? Is the present General Consul of Bulgaria in Toronto one and
the same person with the employee of NATO, as the said company was registered by

Best regards,

D. A. Doornbos
Liaison officer of Canada, Vienna

Three copies printed

#1 – A (M)
#2 – ID OOZB/124
#3 – KA
Made by B-v
Written by KG-2-759
July 14th, 1995

For the veracity of translation:

Marianna Radoulova

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February 15,1996 Standard Newspaper

CANADA and BULGARIA Are Fighting For Michael Kapoustin

The Swindler Arrested At Frankfurt Airport on February 7

Michael Kapoustin was arrested on February 7 at the Frankfurt airport, confirmed the
National Investigation Department yesterday.

Kapoustin was detained upon request of the Bulgarian Prosecutor's Office, as well
as on behalf of the Canadian government, according to Sofia's District Attorney
Nestor Nestorov. It is only a question of time who will be the first to send the
extradition documents. Canada also wants to get hold of Kapoustin because of
financial frauds and tax evasion. We will start checking whether he has given up
his Bulgarian passport, said Nestorov. Current information is that he has both a
Bulgarian and a Canadian passport.
February 22,1996 STANDARD NEWSPAPER Canada Willing To

Give Kapoustin Back

Most probably, Canada will gallantly hand over Michael Kapoustin to us and he will
return here. Bulgaria has already asked Germany for extradition, announced
Attorney General Ivan Tatarchev yesterday.

Michael Kapoustin was arrested in Germany on February 7, which was first

reported by ..Standard". The boss of ,,Life Choice" was detained in Frankfurt am
Main upon his return from Georgia. A lot of countries are eager to get hold of the
international swindler, who is of Bulgarian and Canadian origin. Bulgaria, though is
the first to request his extradition.

Until now, there is no information whether Canada has done the same. Although
we have not signed an agreement for legal co-operation with her, Canadian police
Forces have agreed to assist us.
Bulgaria's right to Kapoustin is the greatest, because of the great number of
Bulgarian cheated by him, and also because of great sums stolen from them.

The extradition request states that the Bulgarian legal authorities will hold
Kapoustin responsible for tax evasion. This crime is strictly penalized in most
countries. Because of it Al Capone and Steffi Graft's father were imprisoned.

Aside from that Kapoustin will also face charges on fraud and theft.
Kapoustin is an international swindler

Insists the chief of the Economical Department of the National Investigation Service, Mr.
Stefcho Georgiev.

x Mr. Georgiev, Kapoustin complained in the letter, which we published in

“Kontinent” newspaper on Tuesday, that you and the chief of the Sofia city
prosecution office, Mr. Nestor Nestorov refused to listen to him about the
possibility to refund the money of the investors. Why?
x Sofia City prosecution form(ed) the case against Michael Kapoustin at the end of
September, when he has already left the country with his motorcycle “Harley
Davidson”. When we accused the pharaoh of a deception of 12,000 investors in
Bulgaria he already had some more in Georgia. The case has been worked by
default. On the 7th of February he was caught at Frankfurt airport in accordance with
our request I hope he will be extradite(d) soon from Germany and then we shall
have time to ask him personally the questions about his activities in Bulgaria. We will
be together long enough to have a possibility to understand his position. The
defendant has a right of a defence.
x When Kapoustin has been arrested in Frankfurt, Mr. Nestorov said that
Canada and Bulgaria will struggle which country is going to bring an action
against him. But it looks like Canada does not want the pharaoh?
x His cases there are old and unclear. In Canada he didin’t form LifeChoice and didn’t
dare to lie to people that insolently. He relied on the gullibility of the Bulgarians and
he didn’t mislead himself.
x Are the accusations against Kapoustin more serious in comparison with the
other creators of pyramids?
x The Plovdiv born with Canadian citizenship occurs to be an international swindler.
He speculated with the unhappiness of the poor people in the country, promising big
preferential benefits. His clients were invalids and pensioners, from whom he
managed to suck their last savings. Kapoustin is (a) famous swindler for Interlpol.
Even in Canada he was playing the “games of happiness”. He did sexual assaults
against minors, according to the data of the Canadian authorities. The accusations
against him in Bulgaria are three: for misappropriation of 5,000,000 USD and
usurpation of 4,800,000 USD. with six false invoices he sent to the Caribbean
islands the money of the Bulgarian citizens, to buy the drug “Factor – R”, produced
in Bulgaria. He cheated for 12,000,000 USD over 12,000 Bulgarians, who can hardly
make both ends meet. These are extremely heavy crimes according to the Bulgarian
legislature. All together Kapoustin should be responsible for over 18,000,000 USD,
which he managed to steal away from Bulgaria. In his letter he is trying to hide
behind political partialities. Tell me which country is not going to collect its taxes from
the foreigners who are doing business in the country? Kapoustin was importing from
Canada cigarettes, beer, whisky, vodka for the purpose of trade, but he didn’t fill up
exact tax declarations. With which he injured the state budget, the Sofia city
community and the tax department with millions. Attached to the case there are
claims from Canadian companies, which suffered damages of 470,000 USD. Before
his arrest at the airport in Frankfurt he did some business activities in Georgia. So
far the case against him is up to 40 volumes.
x But anyway he did some activities in Bulgaria as well? In his letter he talks
about a waste oil refinery in Tsarimir village, near the city of Plovdiv, which
could give back up to 10,5 million USD to the investors?
x With his everyday total advertising program in all means of communications
Kapoustin became popular. His offices in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna and Silistra were
necessary to imitate trade activities. First high dividends he gave to “fish in troubled
water”. About the refinery he bought a second hand installation. It cannot bring the
dreams of 10,5 million USD. At “Krakra” he made some improvements, which are on
the account of the Ministry of Health and the National Center of Parasitic and
Infectious Diseases. The drug “Factor –R” sold out without a permission of the
Bulgarian authorities is simply the medicine “Respivax” plus vitamin C. he financed
the expedition of the Atlantic club with 50,000 USD. these are not his money, but of
the investors.
x How could you explain that he gypped off so many people? Among them were
some quite well off.
x Kapoustin is a good economist. He didn’t allow anybody to manage the money.
Nobody could without his signature draw even a penny or manage bank accounts.
To his Bulgarian partner Mila Popova he gave 250,000 leva (BGL) for the purpose of
a Bulgarian participation in the company.
x You are an investigator who watches the cases against the pharaohs. Is there
a possibility that Kapoustin should be extradite(d) to Bulgaria and we shall let
him out on bail and there will never be a process?
x My proposal to him since he is still in Germany, is to think how he is going to refund
at least part of the money of the deceived investors, because that’s the only thing
which could possibly mitigate the guilt.

“Continent Newspaper”
Sofia, Bulgaria
August 1st, 1996

Transcript of the original translation

August 8,1996 Standard Newspaper Michael Kapoustin On Hunger Strike Because Of

Michael Kapoustin is a member of a powerful sect and most probably has turned
into a zombie, says an anonymous Canadian source. This is about a Cabalistic
organization, which has spread throughout the world. The source goes on to say
that its leader is the Canadian Ivonne Sherling, who is of Swedish origin.

According to it, Kapoustin made money transfers to its bank accounts from his
Pyramids" around the world and in Bulgaria.

Now the Cabalists are trying to kill him, since he has fulfilled his mission.
Kapoustin did not fly to Bulgaria on Wednesday since he had been seriously
dehydrated. He has been on a hunger strike for more than a month in a Frankfurt
prison. The same source admitted that the „ Pharaoh" might not have carried
out his mission to the very end, and that's why he wanted to die. He will return to
Bulgaria only if the German doctors manage to keep him away from the sectarian
hypnosis. Michael Kapoustin, ,,Life Choice" boss was arrested on February 7 this
year, after our country sought assistance from Interpol
.‘ ‘

August 23, 1996, “Standard Newspaper

Kapousitn Back on IV Tubes, Military Hospital Reserves Bed for Him
Michael Kapustin is coming back to Bulgaria on Wednesday, said investigators
Already for thirty days, the international swindler is on a hunger strike. German
doctors still have not given their approval for a flight back to Bulgaria, since this
could be fatal for him.
In Bulgaria, the Investigation Department of the Head Prosecutor’s Office, is
extremely nervous. They keep faxing the police, the Foreign Ministry and the
Central Interpol Office in Sofia. Bulgarian doctors from the Military Hospital will
form part of the escort, consisting of two police officers. A bed is reserved for the
important patient in the clinic. Medical teams are prepared to put him on IV tubes
immediately after his plane lands in Sofia.
Kapoustin’s arrival may be delayed, but retribution will not, say prosecutors. They
are happy that they will have Kapoustin before any of the other involved countries -

Greece, Georgia, Canada. The maple-leaf country does not want her citizen
Michael who was born in Plovdiv, back.
Canada confesses that did not wreak havoc there, as he did in
Bulgaria. He was basically involved in sexual crimes. The Georgians
still have not realized how he swindled them. He even baited their
Health Ministry, according to Interpol Officers.
Life Choice” boss will answer to forgery and theft charges in Bulgaria. The exact
sum, stolen by his pyramids” from investor still cannot be determined, since the
legal accounting investigation is still going on. But in any case, it will surely
amount to over 15 millions US dollars, collected from 1992 to 1995.
,. .... ... . .

Bulgarian investigators and prosecutors are acquainted with hid accounts in

Bulgarian banks, as well as with his money transfers abroad. They hope that sooner
or later the sums will be returned, since they are a product of his crimes. Because of
the grand scale on which his crimes were carried out, Kapoustin is threatened by
thirty years in prison
Department of Justice Canada Michael Kapoustin
The Honourable Anne McLellan P.C., M.P. c/o Sofia Penitentiary
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 13th Section
284 Wellington Street 21, "Stoletov" St
Ottawa, Ontario 1309 Sofia
Canada K1A 0H8

May 19, 2001

Request For Legal Aid and Assistance

To The Attorney General.

This is an application requesting the Ministry of the Attorney General ("Ministry") take immediate steps
to act on possible violations by Ministry representatives of the Applicants Charter Rights. The Attorney
General is respectfully asked to take notice that the Applicant, a Canadian, has apparently been
incarcerated by the Republic of Bulgaria as a result of investigative conclusions and a written request of
the Ministry.

The Applicant remains incarcerated and the Ministry has failed to act on the charges apparently brought
by it in the Province of British Columbia and somehow related to the Applicant's arrest.

This Application to the Ministry of the Attorney General is pursuant to Ss. 32§1 Charter obligations of
the Government of Canada, its agencies, instrumentalities or departments in Canada or abroad. In
particular the manner of their conduct in criminal and judicial matters effecting the rights of citizens in
Canada or abroad as connected to Canada. This Application is further pursuant to conduct by a defendant
in a civil law suit, the defendant obstructing the Ss. 24§1 Charter rights of the Applicant to pursue a
legal remedy for alleged violations of his S.7-S.9, S.10, Ss. 11(a) and (b), S.12 ,and S.15 Charter rights
in or connected to Canada.

Furthermore this Application to the Ministry of the Attorney General is pursuant of State obligations to
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp.
(No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 999 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. p.171 (the
"Covenant"). In particular the requirements provided in Article 2§1 and §3, Article 3, Article 5, Article
16, Article 17, Article 19§2 and §3(a), Article 26 Article 26, particular emphasis placed on Article 41 of
the Covenant. It is complained that the Ministry of the Attorney General has failed to act on numerous
prior complaints on Covenant violations. Including violations by Canada in co-operation with the
Republic of Bulgaria of the Applicant's rights pursuant to, inter alia, Article 14§1 and §3 abstracts (a)(c)
and (d) of the Covenant.

The Applicant is placed under a legal disability as a result of a foreign State denying him access to legal
facilities and other resources that might enable submission of more substantive argument. Evidential
materials are with held by the foreign state and the Applicant is unable to appear before a court of British
Columbia so as to demand the production of evidence. The Applicant is as a result unable to provide
relevant provisions of provincial or federal law and applicable legal precedents that might further his
application and its chances of success.

Due to his circumstances, the Applicant is unable to formulate this Application according to the style or
form common in such instances. Moreover these are complex issues and the Applicant has no resources
or opportunity to access attorneys familiar with such subject matters.

The burden on the Applicant to adequately express himself on law, under his circumstances as a prisoner,
is an onerous one. A task made more difficult and frustrating due to the incarcerating State's written
declaration that the Applicant has no civil rights and of the ever-present administrative threats of
sanctions or punishment for pursuit of those rights.

The Applicant therefore appeals to the Attorney General to at least indulge him as a Canadian citizen and
resident who has with great difficulty undertaken to prepare and deliver this Application. It is deserving
of consideration and reply.

The facts available appear to suggest that the Ministry of the Attorney General has directly assisted a
foreign State to, inter alia, arrest; effect searches of residences and businesses; seize of documents and
records; confiscate assets; extradite from the Federal Republic of Germany; continue to incarcerate and
attempt to convict a Canadian citizen in domestic and foreign criminal proceedings on accusations and
charges submitted by the Attorney General together with evidence collected through his agency.

The Application's factual substance relies on media releases, documented official statements, and records
of the Republic of Bulgaria. These provide reasonable grounds to form a supposition that the Applicant
had been incarcerated and charged at the direct request of the Attorney General.

It is further documented that the Ministry of the Attorney General provided to that foreign State
unverified and untrue information and data collected by it in Canada. The information and data provided
was in the form of investigative conclusions as if it they were fact when knowing them to be untrue.
Included with the information and data provided were requests that the Applicant be prosecuted on that
information in order to further an investigation of the Attorney General in the Province of British

It is further documented that the unverified and damaging information and data provided by the Ministry
of the Attorney General has been made massively public. This appears to have taken place with the
apparent consent of the Ministry.

A result of this damaging and untrue public disclosure, the Applicant and his family have been caused to
suffer deep emotional anguish, shame and embarrassments. It is, if not directly then at least vicariously,
the cause of the Applicant's mother and son in British Columbia having suffered personal injury, physical
pain and the family severe financial loss.

It is indisputably a direct cause of the Applicant's unreasonable imprisonment and beatings.

Documents reveal that on February 7th 1996 the Applicant was arrested on the written request and
unverified statements provided in evidence by a representative of the Ministry of the Attorney General of
Canada to the Republic of Bulgaria.

It is further documented that the Applicant continues to remain incarcerated as a direct result of those
representations made by the Ministry of the Attorney General to authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria.

It is as well documented that a Defendant to a civil proceeding in the Province of British Columbia
unlawfully obstructs the Applicant in his rights as a litigant.

The Defendant apparently seeks to prevent the Applicant from revealing facts and documents that
support his legal action against that Defendant. Such interference is unlawful and requires legal action
that is within the purview of the Attorney General.

The Applicant complains, and it is apparent to any objective observer, that employees of the Republic of
Bulgaria are at present directly interfering with and otherwise attempting to obstruct the Applicant in the
exercise of his rights as a litigant. Certain employees and officials of Defendant the Republic of Bulgaria
are documented to be interfering and obstructing a proceeding before a court(s) of Canada.

Agents of the Republic of Bulgaria, in violation of Canadian law and provisions of international
covenants, are documented to have undertaken the uttering of threats and refusals to respect the civil
rights of the Applicant. The Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Ministry of Justice as
respondent for the Defendant in a Canadian civil proceeding, has apparently undertaken a political
decision to deny a Canadian citizen his civil rights.

Insodoing the Republic of Bulgaria seeks to extend its influence to the sovereign jurisdiction of the
courts of Canada. This is setout in a May 9th 2001 letter to the Applicant by the Ministry of Justice,
Republic of Bulgaria. The Deputy Minister D. Tonchev advising this Canadian citizen that he has no
civil rights since he is incarcerated and awaiting a final sentence.

This withdrawal of the Applicant's civil rights is inconsistent with the principles of law in a democratic
society. Civil rights are protected both constitutionally and by international laws, not withstanding that
an individual has been deprived of his or her liberty.

The Applicant is cognizant that the Attorney General is unable to act outside the jurisdiction of Canada.
However, the request embodied here requires the Attorney General to act within the jurisdiction of
Canada, not outside of it. And to do so specifically on three subjects of this Application.

First, to investigate the conduct of the office of the Attorney General, his officers, and those
others in or connected to the accusations as brought in Canada against the Applicant. The
failure to disclose to the Applicant the nature of the accusations and charges against him and to
bring the matter to a speedy to trial in a court of Canada.

Second, the Attorney General to concern herself with the actions of her officer and those others
directly connected with representation made to the Republic of Bulgaria concerning the
Applicant. Those responsible having provided untrue and false information to a foreign state,
allowed that untrue and slanderous information to be made public and requesting, on the
grounds of their information and conclusions as police authorities of Canada, that a Canadian
citizen be prosecuted abroad.

Third the Attorney General to engage herself in ascertaining the lawfulness of interfering with
or otherwise obstructing the Applicant's civil rights in a proceeding before courts of Canada.
The Applicant has brought a Charter complaint in a civil action conducted by him, as Plaintiff,
in the nature of a criminal proceeding. The Ministry of the Attorney General has failed or
alternatively refuses to intervene. By failing to do so the Ministry has permitted violation of the
Applicant's Charter rights.

The Attorney General and courts of Canada have original jurisdiction in personam over the subject
matter complained of. Any act of obstruction of a litigant's lawful rights in a judicial proceeding in
Canada, even if effected outside Canada by a foreign State, are acts de jure gestionis and subject to the
jurisdiction of Canada.

Failure by representatives of an agency of Canada to observe a Canadian citizen's Charter Rights in or

outside Canada is a violation of law.

It is sine qua non, that the Charter be observed and seen to have been observed in all proceedings
conducted by officers of the Government of Canada. The Ministry of the Attorney General is no less
accountable to the protection and fostering of the principles of natural law, international covenants and
the Charter than are other agencies of Canada.

Admittedly, this application requires the Office of the Attorney General to engage itself in complex
issues embodied in numerous provisions of international law, enactments of Canada and the Republic of
Bulgaria. A review is also called for of the applicable rules of criminal and civil procedure in the
Republic of Bulgaria.

While unorthodox in its nature, this Application is well within the ambit of the Attorney General's
legislated authority and the jurisdiction of the courts of Canada.

The factual and legal complexity of the instance case is not adequate cause to provide an excuse for the
demonstrated apathy of the Ministry of the Attorney General. The Applicant did not author the
documents in evidence or contrive the publication of their contents. These are the documented acts of
officers of the Attorney General. These slanders and defamation are born in the fertile imaginations and
ethnic and religious discriminations of men employed by the Ministry of the Attorney General.

There is incontrovertible evidence to this fact; this makes no other rational or reasonable explanation
possible except discrimination.

This makes it reasonable that the Attorney General take the appropriate actions as an intervener for the
Applicant. It is the Applicant and his family's Charter Rights as Canadian citizens that must be
contemplated by the Attorney General. Rights which the Applicant and his family as citizens and
residents are entitled to ask the Attorney General not only to observe but also to protect.

WHEREUPON the Applicant must rely on the principles and ethics of the Office of the Ministry of the
Attorney General to engage itself in identifying what provisions of law or enactments are applicable and
support the following:

Part I In The Crown v. Michael Kapoustin, Vancouver Jurisdiction

1. The Attorney General is required to observe the Applicant's S. 11(a) Charter

Right and to inform him at the address provided here in detail of the specific
offenses and charges that appear to be outstanding [see Enclosure No 2
through Enclosure No 7] and to have been brought by the Ministry against
the Applicant in the Province of British Columbia.

2. If the foregoing is true, the Attorney General is required to act immediately to

observe the Applicant's S. 11(b) Charter Right to a speedy trail. The Ministry
taking the necessary steps to proceed to trial in the Province of British
Columbia. Fixing a time and date according to the provisions and
requirements of law and duly advising the Applicant.

3. The Applicant demands his right to know, if any, the accusation and charges
presently against him. If any then, the Applicant demands his right to be
brought to trial on the accusations and charges.

4. As a practical matter, the Ministry of the Attorney General is relied on to

employ the provisions, mutatis mutandis, of ss.79 (1)(a) of the Extradition
Act [1999 c.18] (the "Act"). The Attorney General further relying on the
procedural powers of the Supreme Court of British Columbia to subpoena as
provided for by subrule 40(40) Rules of the Court. As a practical matter the
Ministry to recall that provisions of ss. 81(1) and S.82 of the Act are
consistent with the Defendant, Republic of Bulgaria national law for
temporary extradition [see Part V below] and international principle of

5. The Attorney General to observe the Applicant's demands for trial. Applicable
principles of international law consider it, sine qua non, a right of a litigant to
be heard and allowed to give evidence at any hearing or trial in which their
lawful interests are at risk. This procedural possibility, as a practical
consideration for imprisoned litigants, is provided for in provisions of the
Defendant foreign State's national Criminal Code of Procedure Articles
463(2), 464, 465 and 466 and the principle of reciprocity among democratic
States and free societies.

6. The Applicant agrees to his temporary custody to Canada to appear at trial in

the Province of British Columbia. And agrees, as a condition to return to the
Penitentiary in the Republic of Bulgaria.

7. If the Ministry of the Attorney General refuses the Applicant's request for trial
or alternatively if the Applicant is no longer suspected, accused or charged by
the Attorney General as he appears to have been in July of 1995. Then the
Attorney General to then so advise the Applicant and undertake to provide an
adequate explanation of the accusations and charges embodied in those
documents which are enclosed and the other documents alluded to therein.

8. The Attorney General is required to advise the Applicant on what grounds his
Ministry had requested on July 7th 1995 [see Enclosure No 2] that the
Republic of Bulgaria prosecute the Applicant. Clarifying exactly how the
Ministry had reached the investigative conclusions provided on that date and
later forwarded to the Republic of Bulgaria from the Province.

9. The Applicant advises the Ministry of the Attorney General that he exercises
his legal right as embodied in the Covenant Article 14 §3(d). The Attorney
General is expected to observe and honor the Applicant's right, doing all
things necessary and reasonable to secure that right. The Applicant desires to
appear in person before a court of the Province of British Columbia at any
hearing or trial to which he is a party or required to appear as witness and
demands his S. 15(1) Charter Right to equality at arms.

10. From the enclosures provided and prevailing facts it is apparent that Charter
violations appear to have occurred. The Applicant observes that these
violations arise from the investigative actions of the Ministry in the Crown v.
Ivon Shearing et al. and the inaction of the Attorney General of Canada in the
Crown v. Kapoustin. The Ministry of the Attorney General appears to have
given the Applicant, in both cases, the character of a suspect and an accused
to a criminal proceeding in Canada.

11. The Attorney General is therefore required to act for the Applicant as an
accused in custody that is unable to act independently without support of the
Ministry. The Attorney General to secure for the Applicant a remedy before a
court of competent jurisdiction according to the provisions of S. 24 of the

It is immaterial that the Applicant is in the custody of a foreign state. That

custody in a penal institution of Canada or abroad when at the direct or
vicariously request of the Ministry of Justice in Canada provides sufficient
causus to demand the Attorney General act in Canada. Incarceration abroad
not have the character or force of suspending the Applicant's Charter Rights
or of mitigating in any way the Attorney General's responsibility to observe
and protect Charter Rights in or when connected to Canada.

Part II Supreme Court of British Columbia Civil Case, Vancouver Docket S004040

1. The Attorney General is respectfully requested to act as an intervener in a

civil matter brought in the nature of a criminal proceeding [see State
Immunity Act R.S. 1985, c. S-18] for acts claimed as qualified by provisions
of S. 188, S. 3461(1), and S. 426(1)(a)(ii) and (1)(b) of the C.C.C..

2. The Attorney General is required to investigate what appear to be possible

violation(s) of criminal law by the Defendant(s) in a civil proceeding. It is
alleged that the Defendant(s) seek to and are succeeding in obstructing the
Applicant's rights under Charter provisions S. 15 and S. 24.

Employees of the Defendant in the above captioned civil proceeding are

threatening the Applicant who is a witness and a Plaintiff against the
Defendant foreign state and certain officials. Isolation and withdrawal of
international human and civil rights of the Applicant manifest the threats. This
was recorded on May 9th 2001 where a representative of the Defendant
advised the Applicant in writing that he had no civil rights. Other threats
abound and physical violence has been previously employed.

3. The facts available provide a prima facie case of the Defendant(s) employees
directly or vicariously engaging in criminally interfering with and consciously
obstructing a judicial proceeding of the Province of British Columbia in
which their employer, the Defendant Republic of Bulgaria is a Defendant.
These acts are of a questionable and suspect nature and have, as their
objective, a desire to secure a favorable outcome at any hearing or trial of the
controversies at issue before the provincial court.

4. In the alternative, the Attorney General must motivate to the Applicant and his
family why they are not entitled to the protection of law under the Charter
and other applicable international law as enacted by Canada.

Part III Relevant Facts

1. The Application concerns recently revealed documents that appear to

implicate that the Applicant was arrested and prosecuted in July of 1995 [see
Part VI below] at the request of and with the assistance the Ministry of the
Attorney General [see Enclosure No 14 "Dobreva Affidavit" §3]

2. It is apparent that the Applicant has been tried on March 13th 2001 as a result
of the investigative conclusions and materials provided in July of 1995 and
August of 1997 by investigating officers of the Attorney General [see
Enclosure No 11 "Doornbos Submission"].

3. It is apparent from the documents released that the Ministry of the Attorney
General and the Republic of Bulgaria where apparently influenced against the
Applicant due to his Jewish ancestry, the Kaballa, Kabbalistic traditions and a
"pseudo-religious" organization in Canada unconnected to the Applicant or
Judaism. These appear as factors in the Applicants arrest on February 7th
1996, his long period of incarceration and beatings, and the popular
politicizing of his case. This is best expressed in an August 1st 1996 press
release of the Republic of Bulgaria.

4. It appears the Applicant, a Canadian citizen and resident of the Province of

British Columbia, had been arrested, prosecuted and convicted to a 23 year
imprisonment as a result of investigative actions and materials of the Attorney

5. It also appears now the arrest and conviction of the Applicant was grounded
by the foreign State, Republic of Bulgaria, only on statements from Canada,
represented as if fact by an agent of the Ministry and the result of materials
originated in Canada and provided from an investigation of the Attorney

6. It appears that the investigative agents of the Ministry of the Attorney General
provided to agents of a foreign state personal options presented in the form of
police conclusions as if fact, though knowing them not to be such. The
investigative conclusions and materials of the Attorney General were as a
result made public [see Part VI below] on hundreds of occasions in the mass

7. It appears that as a direct result of the Ministry the Applicant has been
arrested on February 7th 1996 by the Republic of Bulgaria and finally
convicted on March 13th 2001.

8. At present the Applicant is incarcerated and restricted in his access to

international justice. However, the requirements as setout here and the
complaints here are related exclusively to acts in Canada. These acts impact
directly on the legal and Charter rights of the Applicant and his family in
Canada as lawful resource users of Canada.

9. It is apparent that the sentence imposed by the Republic of Bulgaria of 23

years imprisonment is for an embezzlement of funds from a company wholly
owned and controlled by the Applicant and his family from within Canada.

10. It is apparent the embezzlement conviction is motivated by the Republic of
Bulgaria on materials and conclusions provided and given in evidence are
derived from investigative actions by the Attorney General.

Part IV Enclosures

Enclosure No 1. A Notice to Admit facts and documents in civil proceeding S004040

Vancouver Docket.

Enclosure No 2. The July 7th 1995 correspondence of codefendant Doornbos to the

Defendant Bulgaria.

Enclosure No 3. The December 13th 1995 memorandum of Defendant Bulgaria's meeting in

scienter with codefendant Doornbos.

Enclosure No 4. The April 1st 1996 fax of codefendant Doornbos to the Defendant Bulgaria.

Enclosure No 5. The August 9th 1996 Note Verbale Government of Canada.

Enclosure No 6. The August 14th 1996 fax of codefendant Doornbos to the Defendant

Enclosure No 7. The August 23rd 1996 fax of codefendant Doornbos to the Defendant

Enclosure No 8. The September 12th 1996 extract news article Frankfurter Rundschau, page

Enclosure No 9. The May 23rd 1997 Case Note Government of Canada indicating the July of
1995 warrants for arrest of Plaintiff Kapoustin.

Enclosure No 10. The July 2nd 1997 correspondence of codefendant Doornbos to the
Defendant Bulgaria.

Enclosure No 11. The July 9th 1997 copy of receipt signed in Bulgarian language by
codefendant Doornbos delivering documents from the province and giving
evidence against the Plaintiff Kapoustin.

Enclosure No 12. The December 15th 1999 reply Ref. No. 99-H-111/96 of the Defendant
Bulgaria, Ministry of Justice, advising Plaintiffs attorney that the
Defendant Bulgaria never attempted to contact the Plaintiffs directly or for
that matter the Government of Canada.

Enclosure No 13. The January 3rd 2000 Affidavit of Attorney Anastasios S. Koimtzidis that
no subpoena was attempted to the Plaintiffs in Greece.

Enclosure No 14. The February 23rd 2001 Affidavit of Ms. Maya Dobreva.

Part V Extracts of applicable provision of Republic of Bulgaria law.

Any such request by the Ministry of the Attorney General must comply with the
procedural requirements of Bulgarian national law legislated in Chapter 22 Criminal

Code of Procedure. The law permits the conduct abroad and temporary transfer of
prisoners to attend trial as witnesses or litigants in proceedings outside of Bulgaria. The
relevant codes are Articles 461, 462, 463(2), 464, 465, and 466 of the Criminal Code of
Procedure. Those provisions of law read as follows:

Chapter 22

Section VI Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (new S.G.

64/1997) (relevant Articles)

Article 461 (new - S.G. 64/1997)

Legal assistance under criminal cases of another country is

rendered under the circumstances of an international treaty
concluded, to which Bulgaria is a party or according to the principle
of reciprocity.

The legal assistance constitutes of the following actions:

Handing in of summons and judicial papers;

Seizing and submitting of the objects with which the crime was
committed or of the property obtained through an offence;
interrogation of an accused person, defendant or a witness;
appointing of an expertise and accepting its conclusion; conducting
of inspection, search and seizure; search and identification of

Submitting of material evidence, information, and documents;

Submitting information concerning the conviction of a person.

Article 462 (new - S.G. 64/1997) Legal assistance may be refused

if executing of the request might threaten sovereignty, national
security, social order or other interests, protected by law.

Appearance of Witness and Expert before a Foreign Court.

Article 463
(1) …[Sic]
(2) Extradition of persons detained in custody to be
interrogated as witnesses or experts shall be allowed only
in exceptional cases by discretion of composition of the
respective district court, on the grounds of papers
submitted by the other country, provided the person gives
his consent for extradition, and the stay in the other
country shall not exceed the term of his detention in

Procedure for Submission of Request to Another Country
Article 464
(1) The request for legal assistance shall contain data about:
the body filing the request; the subject and motive of the
request; full name and citizenship to whom the request
refers; name and address of person to whom papers are
to be submitted; where necessary the indictment and brief
description of the relevant facts.
(2) The request for legal assistance shall be forwarded to the
Ministry of Justice and Legal Euro-Integration, unless
another procedure is provided by international treaty to
which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.

Execution of Request by Another Country

Article 465
Requests for legal assistance shall be executed
pursuant to the procedure provided by Bulgaria law. A
procedure may also be executed pursuant to
procedure provided by the law of the other country,
should that requested and if it is not contradictory to
the Bulgarian law. The other country shall be notified
of the time and place of the execution of the request,
should that be requested.

Costs for Execution of Request

Article 466
The costs for execution of the request shall be
distributed between the countries in compliance with
international treaties to which the Republic of Bulgaria
is a party, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.

Part VI Extracts of Enclosures.

1. That at Canada's Instance the Defendant Prosecuted the Plaintiff Kapoustin.

I. On May 15th 1995, the Defendant Bulgaria solicited information from

codefendant Derek Doornbos ("Doornbos") on the Plaintiffs activities and
bank accounts in Canada. Codefendant Doornbos identified to the
Defendant $16,000,000 USD in cash in the Province that he claimed to be
connected to the Plaintiff Kapoustin. Later Defendant discovered that these
are not connected to the Plaintiff Kapoustin.

1. That on July 7th 1995 [see Enclosure No 1 above as attached

hereto] co-defendant Doornbos advised the Defendant that Plaintiff
Kapoustin had cash of $16,000,000 USD [see §5-§13 below, and
III] in Canada.

2. That the information and data was provided to representatives of
the Defendant Bulgaria, Col. Levicharov, Director of [the] Central
Service for [the] Fight Against Organized Crime [Centralna slujba
za borba s organiziranata prestapnost – CSBOP].

3. That all information as forwarded by codefendant Doornbos was

given in the care of one Mr. Anatoli. Kosev, division “KMC”
[phonetic] of Defendant’s Ministry of Internal Affairs [Ministerstvo
na vatreshnite raboti]

4. That Mr. Anatoli Kosev was assigned by the Defendant as the

Plaintiff Kapoustin's official interpreter at interviews and judicial
hearing. Defendant has never disclosed to the Plaintiffs' attorneys
that Mr. Anatoli Kosev's is an employee of the Defendant and an
official of its police.

5. That the July 7th 1995 information of codefendant Doornbos was

not corroborated by another source.

6. That the Defendant was advised by an agency of the Government

of Canada that in 1994 the Plaintiff Kapoustin had moved “4 million
and 12 million USD had been transferred to several bank
accounts” in the Province.

7. The Defendant was further advised that the accounts in Canada as

connected to the Plaintiff Kapoustin were being credited daily “with
amounts of about 100,000 USD”

8. That the Defendant and codefendant Doornbos concluded that the

money transferred and credited to accounts in Canada are
“amounts coming from the funds accumulated in Bulgaria by

9. That codefendant Doornbos and the Defendant Bulgaria

concluded that Plaintiff Kapoustin was transferring funds to
Canada obtained “through large-scale financial frauds carried out
by his pyramidal structure “LIFECHOICE.”

10. That Defendant and codefendant Doornbos concluded that the

funds being deposited from Bulgaria to accounts in Canada by the
Plaintiff Kapoustin are “established as transfers going through
banks in the Caribbean Islands.”

11. The Defendant was asked by codefendant Doornbos to provide or

collect any additional information and data on the Plaintiffs in or
connected to Canada as might be found in Bulgaria. Codefendant
Doornbos directed the Defendant to formulate “even if only a
supposition whatsoever about any eventual breach of Bulgarian
Law” by the Plaintiff Kapoustin “as connected with LifeChoice that
your service could submit” to Canada “is of special importance.”

12. That the Defendant was directed by an agency of the Government
of Canada to make every effort to bring, against the Plaintiff
Kapoustin or the company LifeChoice “a criminal prosecution of
any character at all [nakazatelno proizvodstvo ot kakavto I da bilo
harakter]” and to provide “any additional data or operational
information in what direction the funds obtained by LifeChoice are
being transferred out of Bulgaria” and into Canada.

13. That an agency of the Government of Canada advised the

Defendant Bulgaria it could make arrangements in Canada, “in
Vancouver, to obtain search warrants of the office premises and
houses” of the Plaintiffs and could expropriate for the Defendant all
or part of the $16,000,000 USD in Canada together with other

II. That on May 9th 1997 the Defendant Bulgaria, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
did advise the Government of Canada that the warrants for the Plaintiff
Kapoustin's arrest date back to May of 1995 [see Enclosure No 9 as
attached hereto].

1. That on December 13th 1995, the Defendant Bulgaria and

codefendant Doornbos held a meeting at the offices of A.
Alexandrov in Sofia, Bulgaria. Representing the Defendant were,
Mr. Anatoli Kosev, Mr. Miroslav Genov, Central Service for [the]
Fight Against Organized Crime, Mr. Roumen Andreev, deputy
chief, National Investigative Service and co defendant [sledovatel]
S. Georgiev [see Enclosure No 3 above as attached hereto].

2. That Defendant Bulgaria made public a written memorandum

containing the phrase: “it is of mutual interest for the Bulgarian and
Canadian authorities to establish the entire criminal activity of
Michael Kapoustin in his large scale financial frauds and the
incoming to Canadian and Caribbean banks of millions of USD
from East and West Europe” as deposited to accounts in Canada.

3. That at the December 13th 1995 meeting as cited above, the

codefendant Doornbos advised the Defendant Bulgaria that the
Plaintiff Kapoustin had been charged and convicted in Canada as
child molester and Pedophile. This information having later been
made public by the Defendant Bulgaria].

4. That on April 1st 1996 the Defendant received a request from

codefendant Doornbos [see Enclosure No 4 as attached hereto] to
“advise, please if your further investigation had determined end
destination of the money which Kapoustin defrauded” and
transferred to Canada. And if the Defendant Bulgaria was “able to
identify offshore banking institutions, account numbers" of the
Plaintiffs. It contains the following additional phrase from
codefendant Doornbos:

“I am asking this as it is a very real possibility, as

suggested in December that some of the funds may
have been eventually transferred to Canada. If you have
any information in this regard please advise”

5. That on July 31st 1996 the Defendant Bulgaria solicited more
information concerning Plaintiffs property and activities in or
connected to Canada.

6. That on August 14th 1996, codefendant Doornbos again requested

the Defendant Bulgaria to “advise when or if any information is
found regarding Kapoustin having transferred monies” to Canada
[see Enclosure No 6 as attached hereto].

7. That on August 23rd 1996, codefendant Doornbos requested the

Defendant Bulgaria [see Enclosure No 7 as attached hereto]
again provide information “with respect to Kapoustin and
companies and accounts that he had in the Caribbean” and
connected to Canada. That the codefendant is “still very much
interested in any indication he has that any of Kapoustin gains
from the fraud in Bulgaria ended up in Canada.”

8. That on June 25th 1997 the Defendant solicited information and

data in Canada from codefendant Doornbos.

9. That on June 26th 1997 the Defendant was advised by

codefendant Doornbos that he was “still awaiting in writing,
confirmation, information and the Rogatory Request promised” by
the Defendant Bulgaria.

10. That the following request was made by codefendant Doornbos to

the Defendant Bulgaria to provide him with information “regarding
funds that Kapoustin transferred to Canada, specifically to the law
office of McCandless, Morrison & Verdicchio” by the Plaintiffs [see
Enclosure No 10 as attached hereto].

11. That on July 2nd 1997 codefendant Doornbos personally delivered

to the Defendant documents obtained by him in Canada [see
Enclosure No 10 as attached hereto].

III. On July 17th 1995 the Defendant Bulgaria, on the order of “M”, as
countersigned by “MV” , commenced to “Take legal Action” [Da se zavede
delo] [see §13 above] against the Plaintiff Kapoustin and the company
LifeChoice. The Defendant Bulgaria ordered on that date the arrest of the
Plaintiff [see §II above] and property of the Plaintiffs in Bulgaria.

Dated: May 27, 2001


Cc: Mr. Gar Pardy

Mr. Robert Kap
Ms. Tracy Coburn
Ms. Sofia Jordan

Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP
Shirley Heafey
60 Queen Street, 3rd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
Michael Kapoustin
Sofia Central Penitentiary
10th Foreign Prisoners Group
21 General Stoletov St.
Sofia 1309

Friday, January 16, 2004

Dear Ms. Heafey,

I am writing you from a Bulgarian prison. This has been my home away from Canada for more
than 8 years. This realty is largely due to what I believe are the unlawful actions of the R.C.M.P.

You do not know my story, this only because over these many years the numerous complaints of
my family and me have been largely ignored by agencies of the Government of Canada.
However, now you need to know my story. Maybe you can make a difference.

As Canadians, the Arar family is fortunate to have secured the safe return to Canada of a
Canadian victim of RCMP exuberance.

However, in 1996 while the young Mr. Arar was still enjoying his freedom in Canada I was
already regularly beaten in an isolated and windowless, unventilated Bulgaria cell that would be
my home for the next 2 years and two months.

Thankfully, Mr. Arar appears to have succeeded where I have failed. The public attention given
his case and his persistence will, I am sure, lead to his collecting the needed evidence to prove
true the following hypothesises.

That in order to obtain information in a purely Canadian criminal investigation, the

R.C.M.P. as Canada’s federal police, is routinely engaging R.C.M.P. liaisons at Canada’s
embassies to swear out and issue an “INFORMATION” to foreign prosecutors and police
requesting the arrest and prosecution of citizens of Canada.

That such an “INFORMATION”, no uncertain terms, states and swears to a criminal

charge and makes an indictment against a citizen of Canada for a criminal act he or she is

2004.01.16_Intro Letter Commission for Public Complaints Page 1 of 5

alleged, by an Officer of the Crown (R.C.M.P.), to have been committed on the territory
the requested foreign State and elsewhere. That the Crown submits to a foreign state what
it alleges to the facts of a crime and qualifies that crime and thereby secures the arrest and
prosecution of a citizen of Canada by that foreign state.

That an Officer of the Crown (R.C.M.P.) provides the “INFORMATION” and identifies
to officials of the foreign State what the Crown liaison alleges in no uncertain terms to be
police facts and conclusions of the R.C.M.P.

That the “factual” representations and “criminal charge” contained in the Crown
(R.C.M.P.) “INFORMATION” are presented to officials of the foreign State as sufficient
grounds for the Crown to request that the foreign State arrest, prosecute and question
under its criminal law the identified citizen of Canada. At the request of the Crown,
questions are to be presented the detainee and additional facts and data to be collected by
foreign police and prosecutors and then transmitted to the R.C.M.P.

That the swearing out of the Crown (R.C.M.P.) “INFORMATION” is done before
authorities of a foreign State and against a citizen of Canada, this in the sanguine hope
that foreign police or prosecution officials can obtain the data and facts required by the

That the swearing out of the Crown (R.C.M.P.) “INFORMATION” by an official of the
R.C.M.P. before a foreign State and against a citizen of Canada is a means and method
that requires the R.C.M.P. to make misleading or blatantly false statements, and
insodoing cause the malicious prosecution of a citizen of Canada by authorities of a
foreign state.

That the R.C.M.P. is unconcerned with and in fact relies on the laws of a foreign State
and the possibilities of physical and psychological coercion and beatings by foreign
police as an acceptable means to obtain the information required by the R.C.M.P. Foreign
police and prosecutors agreeing to act as proxy for the R.C.M.P. in questioning a citizen
of Canada and for securing data and facts by whatever means, notwithstanding the
abusive and intrusive nature of the techniques employed.

That the R.C.M.P. should be help responsible and accountable for injuries or damages
suffered by a citizen of Canada as a consequence of any Crown (R.C.M.P.)
“INFORMATION” presented to a foreign State requesting the arrest and prosecution of a
citizen of Canada under the laws of the foreign State and charges him or her with a crime,
that later provides to be untrue and the allegations of Canadian police “fact” as contained
prove false.

That the R.C.M.P. should be help responsible and accountable for injuries or damages
suffered by a citizen of Canada as a consequence of any Crown (R.C.M.P.)
“INFORMATION” or correspondences presented to a foreign State that later results in

2004.01.16_Intro Letter Commission for Public Complaints Page 2 of 5

the use of physical and psychological coercion, beatings or other forms of cruelty against
a citizen of Canada during the course of an interrogation by foreign police where the
interrogators employing such techniques when presenting and demanding answers to
those questions offered by the Crown.

That representative of the Crown (R.C.M.P.) and the Crown should be held responsible
and accountable to the laws and people of Canada for every wilful or negligent breach of
Canadian law notwithstanding that the breach of law occurred outside the territorial
boundaries of Canada and that is the direct or indirect consequence of the Crown
swearing out an “INFORMATION” for the arrest and prosecution of a citizen of Canada
by a foreign State.

That it is significant as a fact that representative of the Crown can engage foreign police
investigators to obtain information from citizens of Canada by means that are unlawful
and therefore denied to them by Canada’s constitution, its bill of rights and laws.

Are these hypothesises supported by any hard evidence?

I cannot speak for Mr. Arar, but the copies of official documents I have attached to my
Complaint and the very public facts leading to my arrest and prosecution in Bulgaria are hard
evidence of an R.C.M.P. prepared to precipitate a malicious prosecution and to be complicit in
acts of brutality.

In my case the beatings in Bulgaria police custody were as routine as was their question to me,
inter alia, “Tell us where the money is in Canada?”; “Who is Ivon Shearing? And “Who are the

However, I could not answer no matter how often or hard they beat me. These were questions I
simply did not know the answers to. And, no matter how many times the R.C.M.P. called Sofia
Bulgaria or sent faxes to Bulgarian police and prosecutors requesting they collect the answers
from me, I could not answer. I was beaten each time the R.C.M.P. sent a fax to a Bulgarian
police investigator asking again for an answer.

It was mid 2000 when I finally learned the R.C.M.P. was directly responsible for my arrest and

The Crown (R.C.M.P.) “INFORMATION” provides Bulgarian Ministry of Interior police and
prosecutors the only legal grounds for a police investigation, my arrest and prosecution.
Bulgarian authorities could and would not have acted without that the Crown “INFORMATION”
of July 7th 1995 requesting my prosecution.

As a result, I was forced to endure two years of beatings, public humiliation and degrading
treatment and other cruelties only because Bulgarian officials were provided an excuse, the
“INFORMATION” from “Canadian Authorities”. From there, Bulgarian police and prosecutors

2004.01.16_Intro Letter Commission for Public Complaints Page 3 of 5

undertook every cruel and brutal step open to them in an attempt to prove as true the data and
facts provide in the Crown “INFORMATION” submitted by the R.C.M.P. liaison to the
Embassy of Canada, Vienna, Austria.

In my investigation I learned that during June, May and July of 1995 in Sofia, Bulgaria the
R.C.M.P. initiated numerous contacts and meetings with Bulgarian police and prosecution

Official documents establish that during the course of these contacts in Sofia, Bulgaria, the
Crown representative (R.C.M.P.) repeatedly falsely and maliciously accused me of being among
other things a convicted felon, a repeat offender, a convicted paedophile, a fraud and a principle
in what the Crown represented to Bulgaria prosecutors as an international criminal organization
operating from Canada. An Officer of the Crown sworn in an INFORMATION that I was party
to and responsible for laundering into Canadian banks accounts the proceeds of crimes
committed by me in Bulgaria and more than four other countries.

The R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION” requested Bulgarian police and prosecution official charge me
with fraud and question me to obtain data or facts to assist a large scale (unrelated) Canada wide
criminal investigation.

Can you image my surprise and shock to learn my arrest was solely due to untrue and misleading
representations sworn to in the R.C.M.P. “INFORMATION”?

What is more surprising and shocking is that no Canadian government agency or diplomatic
service official would assist me in investigating my complaints against the RCMP. I was either
turned down or ignored. This is particularly true for the Solicitor General of Canada. Simply, no
one from Canada’s government would believe me. It did not matter that I had the documents to
prove my complaints.

At this point I will end my soliloquy. The facts and attached copies of documents will speak for

I am convinced Mr. Arar and I are victims of a systematic abuse of official powers by R.C.M.P.
officers whose personal malice, malfeasance or misfeasance towards naturalized citizens of
Canada cannot be controlled outside of Canada.

These feelings of malice towards naturalized citizens of Canada is being allowed by our elected
officials to freely and uncontrollably manifest and express itself outside of Canada and so long as
the cruelty and brutality is effected outside the confines of Canada and by some agency other
than the R.C.M.P. No matter that such cruelty and brutality towards a citizen of Canada is part of
assisting an R.C.M.P. investigation.

2004.01.16_Intro Letter Commission for Public Complaints Page 4 of 5

Possibly the cases of Arar and Kapoustin will be enough to garner the political will necessary.
Then Canada’s legislators need to act by passing laws that make the representatives of the Crown
(R.C.M.P.) accountable for their acts outside of Canada.

No longer can Canada’s legislators allow the R.C.M.P. to breach with impunity Canada’s legal
and moral principles, particularly is fundamental law and the natural rights of its citizens, only
because it occurs outside of Canada and through the proxy of a foreign state ready to abuse the
rights of citizens of Canada. No longer should the Government of Canada or Officers of Crown
answer to my family or Mr. Arar with “it is unfortunate that it occurred outside of Canada” and
“it is beyond the reach of Canada’s law” and the “Charter does not extend beyond the territorial
limits of Canada”.

Every servant of the Crown must be held legally liable and accountable for his or her unlawful or
even criminal conduct in and out of Canada. Particularly, when such unlawful conduct is n the
course of his or her duty as a Crown servant and affects the fundamental rights of citizens of
Canada who are traveling abroad.

However, my 8 year experience causes me to expect nothing to come of this. Not because I am
wrong but because my family and I have learned one thing; government officials and agencies
in all countries are adept at and determined to defend each others actions at whatever the
cost to an ordinary citizen.

The many times my complaints have been ignored is adequate proof that there is no official will
and little real interest on the part of Canada’s agencies to defend the rights of individual citizens
against the illegal actions of the R.C.M.P. outside of Canada.

Your response to my family and I, will prove or disprove the lack of interest of the Government
of Canada or the Commission in helping someone like me to hold accountable in Canada a
Crown servant (R.C.M.P.) breaching Canada’s law and their Oath outside of Canada.

Enclosed, or attached if by electron mail, is my Complaint. It is organized into 5 sections or

parts. A CD and hard copy will follow IF YOU DIRECT FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANADA to
collect this from me here at the Sofia Central Penitentiary, otherwise they will refuse my mail
and I have no money for posting it to you.


M. Kapoustin

2004.01.16_Intro Letter Commission for Public Complaints Page 5 of 5

Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP
Mr. Glenn Hansen
Director, Enquiries and Complaints
7337 137 Street
Suite 102
Surrey, British Columbia
V3W 1A4
Michael Kapoustin
Sofia Central Penitentiary
10th Foreign Prisoners Group
21 General Stoletov St.
Sofia 1309

March 26th 2004,

Dear Mr. Hansen,

I am writing you further to your letter of February 16th 2004 and require the following
clarifications and amendments. After which I ask you reconsider the question of dealing with
my complaint and who should dealing with it.

First, please clarify to me the question of your jurisdiction.

Why is the Surrey branch of the Commission been assigned a complaint that has a federal
question? According to facts the Complaint alleges a malicious prosecution and unlawful
arrest together with other malfeasances committed in secret and in scienter with Canada’s
then Attorney General against a citizen of Canada. The members responsible are assigned to
the international liaison and federal executive services branches of the RCMP and act only
out of Ottawa.

My confusion may be obvious from the following.

On copies of documents I have obtained from the Government of Bulgaria there appears
repeatedly as the source of RCMP faxes the following words; “SECURITY
SERVICES HQ-RCMP” and with an Ottawa Canada fax No. of “613 993 0260”. The
British Columbia RCMP element does not appear at all significant since the members against
which I am complaining operated exclusively from RCMP International Affairs HQ at 1200
Vanier Parkway in Ottawa. They appear to be the sole source of the complained of unlawful

2004.05.14 2nd Responce to Hansen_Heafey Letter 2004.02.16

Also, RCMP International Affairs HQ Ottawa and the offices of then Attorney General Anne
McClellan PC, MP appears to be the exclusive origin of the secret indictment and arrest
warrant issued by Canada against me in 1995 as well as all the other untrue and misleadingly
offensive and false statements of RCMP members as made to Bulgarian authorities and

Second, in your letter you write “...must involve conduct of an individual who is a member of
the RCMP at the time the complaint is made.” Be advised that complaints were made as
early as August 1996 by my family in Canada and me from arrest in Frankfurt, Germany.
However, all the complained of unlawful actions of the RCMP were conducted against
me in secret and it was therefore impossible to learn the names of those individuals
responsible for the malfeasances and the RCMP indictment of me. It not until sometime in
late 1999, when quite by accident that I obtained the name of RCMP Member Doornbos and
later still before I collected copies of some the communications.

Furthermore, on July 25th 2000 I filed a civil complaint in British Columbia Supreme Court
against RCMP Officer Doornbos. He is identified as member of the RCMP and was served
by registered mail on two separate occasions. First, at the place of his deployment the
Embassy of Canada to Austria in Vienna and again through RCMP HQ International Affairs
Office in Ottawa, the place of his employment, both services registered with the court. Mr.
Doornbos did not bother filing an appearance or defence. Not unusual when considering the
victim is incarcerated and isolated in a foreign prison.

From the facts the actual time of my original complaint must be 1996, and against a member
or members then unknown to the Complainants. The ignorance of the Complainants is only
the result of their being subject to an investigation conducted in complete secrecy by the
RCMP. Even so, the filing and service of a civil action upon a member of the RCMP for acts
committed during the course of his duties is de facto the filing of a complaint against a
member of the RCMP. It is the RCMP and the member, here Doornbos, who refused to
respond to the complaint.

In addition to the cited complaints there are those filed by me against the RCMP and
Doornbos on May 19th 2001 with the Department of Justice, Minister of Justice and Attorney
General Anne and on May 3rd, 2001 with the RCMP International Affairs Office in Ottawa.
Again, neither the Department of Justice nor the RCMP would respond to my complaints.

Therefore, the question before you cannot be “when the complaint made”. The facts clearly
demonstrate not one but several efforts to precipitate an investigation, and this in 1996 and in
2000 while Doornbos was still a member. The question of the Commission should instead be
the following.

Did the RCMP and the Attorney General of Canada intentionally act to avoid an investigation
by ignoring the complaints and lawsuit brought by the victim and his family in Canada?

2004.05.14 2nd Responce to Hansen_Heafey Letter 2004.02.16

There is an obvious mens rea to delay or prevent entirely an investigation of the RCMP,
possibly by retiring Doornbos from the RCMP in 2001, and from the evidence it is apparent
that more than one complaint was brought but none ever acted on by the RCMP or
Government of Canada. At least not while Doornbos was still a member of the RCMP.

These are questions that only an official investigation or enquiry can answer.

Third, and further in the alternative, if you and the Commissioner refuse to accept that the
abovementioned complaints had the character of a filed “complaint” before the retirement of
Doornbos as required by Parliament and given by you as grounds for refusing jurisdiction,
then I also amend my complaint and resubmit it mutatis mutandis to read as follows:

SERVICES OTTAWA from January 1995 to
December 2001, and others to be named’ AND
to September 2001 and others to be named, AND
STAFF SGT. VANDER GRAAF, Acting Officer in
Charge Proceeds of Crime, Detachment and Division
unknown; DETECTIVE B. DESMARAIS, Proceeds
of Crime, Detachment and Division unknown, STAFF
SGT. DEREK A. DOORNBOS (retired) and others to
be named;
(Hereinafter “JOHN DOE et al.”)
Reference: RCMP International Liaison and Executives
Services, Federal Service File No. 95V-EC-003 and
OIC Proceeds of Crime Branch File No. 95E-3653

I sincerely will find it hard to believe that everyone has retired.

My preliminary statement of facts as set out in the original complaint remains the same with
necessary changes made. I will submit a full complaint with exhibits once having receiving a
reply from the Commission that a file will be opened.

Let me conclude with the following. We are a simple Canadian family without exceptional
resources. Only one reason can be attributed to any fault of us having filed to the wrong
authority or made poorly framed complaints, we are ordinary lay persons who relied on our
government to help us and not to have to educate ourselves first. Then to only discover that
our rights to legal remedies are lost to the passing of time and the retirement of those who
have caused us so much harm and injury.

I believe the Commission and the Commissioner have a duty to us as Canadian citizens to
help us investigate our complaints.

2004.05.14 2nd Responce to Hansen_Heafey Letter 2004.02.16

Yes, the civil lawsuit against Doornbos and others remains an active but expensive and
difficult option to pursue as a venue with jurisdiction to discover the truth. Particularly from
within a Bulgarian prison, even though it is now true that there is enough new documental
evidence collected to name the Crown as a party.

But, if as a Canadian family we have lost our right to an investigation by the Commission,
then our fault is only that we acted as ordinary citizens of Canada who wrote everywhere
within our government and expected a lot more help than we got. And, if you continue to
insist the Commission has no jurisdiction, then we lost our legal rights as Canadians only
because those rights were intentionally cause to lapse because the wrongs and injuries were
committed in secret by agencies and servants of the Crown. Then, secrecy will have won over
decency, honest and public disclosure, admittedly a strange complaint from a convicted felon.
But then this is one convict who still insists he is innocent and the victim of some elaborate
and stupid conspiracy contrived by the Canadian RCMP to “get their man” through me and
by enriching some very corrupt Bulgarian police officials.

For now I am pretty much on my own in this view. But with time that will change, with or
without the help of the Commissioner. But the conduct of the Commissioner will no doubt be
an issue, particularly now that I have learned that retirement of an RCMP member equates to
immunity from accountability for the commission of secret acts and their discovery after the
fact of retirement. We can take this to mean that if you hide something long enough, then
eventually you can get away with it. That does not sound very fair, particularly for those men
and women who serve, and have the protection of the Crown.


M. Kapoustin

2004.05.14 2nd Responce to Hansen_Heafey Letter 2004.02.16

Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP
Mr. Glenn Hansen
Director, Enquiries and Complaints
7337 137 Street
Suite 102
Surrey, British Columbia
V3W 1A4
Michael Kapoustin
Sofia Central Penitentiary
10th Foreign Prisoners Group
21 General Stoletov St.
Sofia 1309

Friday, May 14, 2004,

Dear Mr. Hansen,

I am writing again because I never received the courtesy of a reply to my letter of March 26th
2004. Please be kind enough to advise me of the results, if any from the Members’ names I
gave you and the RCMP security file number I provided.

Is it the Commissioners intention to ignore these facts even when considering the recent
disclosures of Canadian citizens Mr. Arar and Mr. Alain Oliver together with the
Parliamentary and Globe and Mail disclosures of corrupt officials in Bulgaria?

Mr. Hanson, I am in a difficult position and need the Commissioners help. For your own
information I provide the cover of a draft report to parliament that will be published with
copies of all the secret Canadian RCMP correspondences to Bulgaria and Crown I can find.
Through out these there is the constant reference to Crown offer of millions of dollars as a
cash reward in exchange for my arrest and prosecution in Bulgaria. This “reward” is to be
paid by the Crown to Bulgaria if its police and prosecutors can prove that the 16 million USD
of alleged to be proceeds of crime found in Canada are deposited there by or through me.

Is not the promise by a Crown servant of money to a foreign official a crime in Canada?
Particularly when the promise is made to get that official or agency to do what they might not
otherwise do.

It is outside my competence to make such a determination. I can only ask the questions and
hope for you to give me the courtesy of a reply.

M. Kapoustin

2004.05.14 2nd Responce to Hansen_Heafey Letter 2004.02.16

Before the
Honourable Members of Parliament







2004.05.14 2nd Responce to Hansen_Heafey Letter 2004.02.16

Ms. Shirley Heafey
Commission for Public Complaints Against the R.C.M.P.
P.O. Box 3423,
Station D
Ottawa, Ontario

Head Office
Office Address:
60 Queen Street, 3rd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
Ottawa ON, K1P 6L4

Ms. Heafey,

Friday, May 14, 2004

I never received a reply from Mr. Glenn Hanson or you. As a result, I am resending this
letter and a copy of my letter to Mr. Hanson. Mr. Hanson did not provide an e-mail, so
the attached letter was mailed.

Can you please ask your college to not close the file yet? I will be amending my
complaint to include other RCMP officers apparently involved with former RCMP
officer Doornbos. These names having come to my attention from recent documents I
have uncovered here in Bulgaria. I doubt that they are all retired.

Furthermore I will also identify in the amended complaint "and Crown Servants
(persons) unknown" who participated in the issuing of an unlawful written indictment
against me and leading to my unlawful arrest, extradition and malicious prosecution by
a foreign government on charges of fraud. During this time I was interrogated and
tortured for the sole purpose of obtaining information for the RCMP in Canada.

Also, I continue to remain in Bulgarian custody ONLY because of the untrue

assertions made by the RCMP of my having deposited between 1994 and 1996 in
Canadian banks "16,000,000 USD the result of his (my) criminal activities in
Bulgaria". The Bulgarian government still believing that these funds are in Canada, at
my disposal and therefore refusing to transfer me, deport me or otherwise release me
from custody until I return this money to Bulgaria.

Unlike Mr. Arar, I have copies of most of the RCMP documents that make these false
accusations and request my arrest, all courtesy of the Government of Bulgaria. So,
please do not rush at closing my file. This is not over.

Michael Kapoustin
Commission for Public Complaints Against the R.C.M.P.
Attention: Mr. Andrée Leduc
Enquiries and Complaints Analyst
7337 137th Street
Suite 102
Surrey, British Columbia V3W 1A4

Tel. No. 604-501-4095

Toll Free 800-665-6878

Friday, October 08, 2004

Dear Mr. Leduc,

I received last week your letter date September 3rd, 2004 and wish to thank you for your

Furthermore to my complaint, could you please advise me where I can send copies of
official “secret” RCMP documents that provide material evidence to my complaints?

Also, under the Access to Information Act, [R.S. 1985, c. A-1] what agency in Canada
should I write to secure a copy of the original English language text of the 1995
“RCMP secret indictment or information” requesting that Bulgarian authorities arrest
and prosecute?

I have asked my sister, Ms. S. Jordan to forward this letter to you and I further request
you provide your reply to her and she can then forward it to me by e-mail.

Again I thank you for your assistance,

Yours truly,

Michael Kapoustin

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