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INQUISITOR v1.10.14 Arthandas Hard Difficulty Paladin Guide 30-III-2013

_________ _ _______ ___ _______ \__ __/( ( /|( ___ )|\ /|\__ __/( ____ \\__ __/ _ )( ____ ) ) ( | \ ( || ( ) || ) ( | ) ( | ( \/ ) ( ) || ( )| | | | \ | || | | || | | | | | | (_____ | | | || (____)| | | | (\ \) || | | || | | | | | (_____ ) | | | || __) | | | | \ || | /\| || | | | | | ) | | | | || (\ ( ___) (___| ) \ || (_\ \ || (___) |___) (___/\____) |___) (___ _) || ) \ \__ \_______/|/ )_)(____\/_)(_______)\_______/\_______)\_______/ ___)|/ \__/ ||~~~~~~|| | | TIPS | | (o)~~~~~~(o)

/| / | / | | | | / | / /_____|_____/ _________ _______ _________ ) | ( ____ | | | ( __ | | | | ( | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | / |/ | | | | | (__ | (____

+ Be nice to people and they will offer their services for a lower price (comple ting their quests will lower it even more). Be arrogant, deny or fail their quests and not only will their wares be more expensive but you'll also have to use bribes or persuasion to get any ans wers. + If you deny an optional quest (marked by "-") the first time it was proposed, you won't have another chance of acquiring it. + F4 toggles item names on/off and Pause Break serves as an active pause. You ne ed to toggle item names every time after launching the game as it is set to off upon quitting. + Repair items before selling to get a much better price. + Item rarity: green (uncommon magical item), blue (rare magical item), yellow ( unique relict), white (quest item - don't lose it!). + Traders randomly generate their inventory when you want to check their wares. Speak to them again and their assortment will be different. + If you let your companions use potions whenever they want, in times of danger they can sometimes drink 2-3 potions at a time! It's best to manage it manually. If their health is low, quickly double tap the D button which will make them drink only one potion type at a t ime. Alternatively you can just open the inventory and drag potions on their portraits. + The game doesn't have a vsync option. If the screen scrolling isn't smooth, fo rce it in your graphic card's graphic panel or use D3DOverrider program. + If you have less than 10% of your stamina, your attack value is halved. You wi ll also lose half

of your speed (which also means decrease of defence) if it reaches zero. + By dismissing the magical box genie you can get a magical item, gold, 1 attrib ute point or 1 skill point. Since you can max your attributes by simply leveling up and raising ski lls to high levels takes a lot of skill points, it's best to use all magical boxes to become more skillful. Just dismiss the genie and reload the dialog autosave if he didn't give the skill p oint. If you have a lot of gold, you can buy magical boxes at various shopkeepers and they'll be r estocked. In-game loading screens tips: + Press Alt key to show all accessible areas on the Map of the World. + You can command your party with these orders: Charge (A), Attack the target (Z ), Help me (X), Stay here (G), Hold your weapons (F). ---------+ Lockpicking and trap removing bring experience to the thief! + Many enemies are resistant against some kind of damage. Paladin can find it ou t with his Enemy Estimation skill. + Small items, traps and hidden passages can be revealed with the Perception ski ll! + The Alchemy skill of a higher mastery level allows you to combine potions! + You can cross lava pools and other dangerous places using the Levitation spell ! + You can bring back dead party members using the Raise Dead spell! ---------+ Blindness brings a temporary disappearance of the mouse cursor! + Disorientation makes the mouse cursor shake temporarily! + If paralyzed, use potion that removes paralyses or the largest shield you've g ot! + The higher the Magic Resistance, the lower the chance of being hit by a spell! + You can protect yourself against all negative effects by magical items with ap propriate magic abilities. ---------+ Commander paladin gains access to the Hillbrandt's Tower of the Brotherhood of the Righteous! + Master paladin gains access to the Glatzburg's Tower of the Brotherhood of the Righteous! + Seneschal paladin gains access to the Alvaron's Tower of the Brotherhood of th e Righteous! + Baron can recruit one subordinated soldier to his party! + Duke can recruit two subordinated soldiers to his party! + Grand Duke can recruit three subordinated soldiers to his party! + Inquisitorial prosecutor can arrest suspects without the approval of an inquis itorial prosecutor with the territorial jurisdiction. + Curial inquisitor can ask for the help of one inquisitorial investigator! + Inquisitorial judge can try a case on his own! + In each Act you may get promoted after accomplishing a special quest for your hierarchies. ---------+ You need exact pieces of evidence to bring an accusation against a suspect! + To arrest a suspect you need the approval of an inquisitorial prosecutor with the territorial jurisdiction - if it is not you!

+ When arresting suspects, you have to tell them that they are under arrest. Onl y when they resist, you can use force to arrest them! + You need a convincing evidence to judge the accused person! + Torturing innocent people leads to the decrease of alignment! + You can't leave the torture chamber during the interrogation. You have to send the interrogated person back to the cell first. ---------+ Place your favourite spells, seals and potions into quickslots on the right si de of screen for easier access. + A quickslot with spell or seal is activated by the appropriate short key or by double-clicking the LMB on it. + Potions in quickslots are replaced by the same potions after drinking - it is not necessary to replace them manually. + Throwing weapons and arrows are automatically recharged by the same weapon - i t is not necessary to replace them manually. ---------+ Locked chests and doors can be opened by weapons or spells. + Some doors and gates can be opened only by a lever or by a combination of leve rs! ---------+ He who is interested in gambling can ask around in pubs and inns! + In any shop you can sell all kinds of goods. You can have your stuff repaired and unknown items identified there as well. + Magical boxes contain magical genies - just open the box and make a wish... + Herbwomen can transform the Devil's Root into magical elixirs that permanently add points to your abilities. + All important information collected during the game is automatically written d own in the notebook. + You must gather your party before venturing forth. + Assaulting innocent people is a crime that is not going to go unnoticed by the guards! ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | LIST OF RELICS | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) Holy Spear - inside Hillbrand's tower of the Brotherhood of the Righteous King David's Axe - hidden stash in the Dragon Rock's abandoned cave Michael's Shield - Robert van Gallagan's chest in Hillbrandt Boots of Saint Baudolino - from Herminus in Hillbrandt if you'll listen to and c ompliment his story (can be rerolled) Saint Ambrosius's Skin - chest in the hidden chamber of Hillbrand cemetery tomb Commander Ring - become the commander of the Brotherhood of the Righteous (can b e rerolled) ||~~~~~~~~~|| | | WEAPONS | |

(o)~~~~~~~~~(o) Weapon statistics are based on normal (not better or perfect), non magical weapo n types. Weapons are ordered by damage. It's worth to notice that the slower the weapon, the longer i t takes to break it as you swing it less frequently. If you want a good and cheap weapon, try finding one with +100% damage to all en emies. Weapons with this property deal really good damage and cost less than 1000 gold. .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | 1H | 2H | .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SKILL | WEAPON | DAMAGE | HIT | SPEED | WEAPON | DAMAG E | HIT | SPEED | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | APPRENTICE | Knife | 2-4 | 10 | 0.2 | Combat Staff | 5-1 0 | 17 | 0.3 | | | Stiletto | 2-6 | 14 | 0.2 | Spear | 10-2 2 | 18 | 0.4 | | | Dagger | 3-7 | 16 | 0.3 | Trident | 14-2 5 | 14 | 0.4 | | | Falchion | 4-9 | 20 | 0.3 | | | | | | | Short Saber | 5-12 | 22 | 0.3 | | | | | | | Saber | 7-14 | 26 | 0.3 | | | | | | | Axe | 9-17 | 13 | 0.3 | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DISCIPLE | Short Sword | 6-12 | 15 | 0.3 | Lance | 15-2 7 | 19 | 0.4 | | | Double Blade | 8-16 | 25 | 0.3 | Pike | 17-2 9 | 18 | 0.5 | | | Backsword | 8-17 | 18 | 0.4 | | | | | | | Long Sword | 10-19 | 25 | 0.4 | | | | | | | Great Axe | 11-20 | 16 | 0.4 | | | | | | | Great Club | 15-20 | 15 | 0.4 | | | | | | | Mace | 19-22 | 18 | 0.4 | | | | | | | Battle Axe | 17-24 | 19 | 0.4 | | | | | | | Flail | 20-25 | 16 | 0.5 | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | JOURNEYMAN | Bastard Sword | 14-22 | 30 | 0.4 | Halberd | 21-3 1 | 20 | 0.6 |

| | War Hammer | 23-27 | 22 | 0.6 | Two Handed Axe | 23-3 0 | 21 | 0.5 | | | | | | | Double-bladed Axe | 25-3 2 | 23 | 0.6 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MASTER | | | | | Partisan | 24-3 3 | 18 | 0.7 | | | | | | | Two Handed Sword | 26-3 4 | 24 | 0.5 | | | | | | | Battle Axe | 28-3 5 | 24 | 0.7 | | | | | | | Two Handed Flail | 31-3 8 | 14 | 0.8 | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' .------------------------------------------------------. | SKILL | WEAPON | DAMAGE | HIT | SPEED | |------------------------------------------------------| | APPRENTICE | Throwing Daggers | 1-10 | 15 | 0.2 | | | Throwing Axes | 2-13 | 10 | 0.3 | | | Short Bow | 2-15 | 20 | 0.4 | |------------------------------------------------------| | DISCIPLE | Long Bow | 3-21 | 20 | 0.4 | |------------------------------------------------------| | JOURNEYMAN | War Bow | 4-27 | 23 | 0.5 | |------------------------------------------------------| | MASTER | Composite Bow | 4-30 | 27 | 0.6 | '------------------------------------------------------' ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | CHARACTER BUILD | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) Sooner or later you're going to max your attributes so don't worry about them. F or now, just focus on strength, constitution and dexterity. Alternatively, right from the beginning put everything in strength to quickly max it and be able to use all those Devil's Root strength el ixirs. Don't raise your skills above the master level as it will cost tons of skill poi nts. Instead, leave them at 16 and aim to get +4 to non magical skills from the equipment. Magic schools Melee Combat Armor Use Perception Shield Use Sturdiness Holy Protection Divine Strike Defense Ranged Combat Identification Enemy Estimation Smithing Eventually you'll want them at 10 but it's not your priority 16 16 16 16 (or 0 if you want to go full two-handers) 16 16 You can put any leftovers here You can put any leftovers here Don't bother Don't bother (just use Sixth Sense) Don't bother Don't bother (just use the shopkeepers)

As for the magic, you'll want to especially rise divine and miracles magic to ge

t raise dead and levitation. It would be optimal if you could rise both of those skills to studen t rank by the 15th level. Since you're not raising the smithing skill. It's good to always carry a backup weapon. Level progress: - You will leave Hillbrandt at level 4. - Completing place of execution will get you to level 6. - Try to earn level 7, disciple of melee combat and a good blue disciple weapon before visiting the cemetery. - Clearing the surface of the graveyard should get you level 9. It's a good mile stone as you should be a disciple of armor use and sturdiness by now. Buy some better armor before descending to the tomb (you should have relic boots and there is a relic chest piece inside the tomb, so buy gloves, helmet or accessory). - You should be level 11 after clearing the tomb and retrieving the Monstrance. - One more level for clearing the Tree of Death. - Completing the road to the Dragon Rock should get you to level 14. You should have 11 melee weapon by now so buy a good blue journeyman weapon. ____ | | \==/ | | | | __ ________________________/~~~~\ _ _ / \ \ [ ]#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\[ ] | --- ACT --- I ----------| [ ]\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#[ ] | ________________________/ [_]#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\[_] | \~~~~/ \__/ | | | | ||~~~~~~~~~~~~|| /==\ | | HILLBRANDT | | |____| (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) In some cases you can get the same journal entry from multiple sources so depend ing on order which you talk to people, the ones who give you entries can vary from those described in the guide. Overall number of journal entries will stay the same though. QUESTS: + Investigate the murder of merchant Kurth Ollmier (starting quest) + Arrest Edmond d'Arvias (judge Vallarian, 500xp) + Apprehend Hillbrandt's heretics (Edmond d'Arvias) - Kill the giant bats around the town (gate guard, 150xp) - Kill orcish leader Rashgar (duke Weinberg) - Find Robert's wife Linda (Robert van Gallagan) - Bring Theil a longevity potion (Theil Brechthold, 100xp, 159gp) - Find bishop Quentinus (brother Dominicus) - Find Paul (Victor Hammerhand, 500xp, saber, 397gp) - Find Ellisia's missing herbarium (Ellisia Wrtenrodt) - Lend Joseph 1000gp (Joseph Truthorn, -1000gp, 100xp, this quest doesn't show i

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your journal) Find and punish murderer Olfghard (Stefan Reichmann) Find deserter Jullian (sheriff Contemburry) Find master Edmond's paladin sword (Edmond d'Arvias) Find Monstrance of St. Orthenius (Edmond d'Arvias, 500xp, 4 attribute and skil points, commander ring, key to Hillbrand's tower, commander title)

LOOT (woods, going clockwise): - 3 potions by some chopped trees - skeleton (8 items, gold) - body (8 items) - 3 potions by some chopped trees - body (8 items) - hidden stash in a tree stump surrounded by boulders - gold pile by another set of boulders - random item above some chopped wood - mysterious campfire (8 items) - Devil's Root (NE of the campfire, you need good perception or potion of percep tion to spot it) - hidden stash in a trapped set of stones LOOT (town): - town fountain (50gp) - barrel by the house near SE gate - barrel on the inn's attic - trapped chest on the inn's attic (breaking it will sound the alarm and you'll be accused of stealing) - Robert's trapped chest (contains Michael's shield, breaking it will sound the alarm and you'll be accused of stealing) - duke Weinberg's trapped chest (breaking it will sound the alarm and you'll be accused of stealing) - Brotherhood of the Righteous tower chest (contains the holy spear, you need to become the commander to get it) If you're accused of stealing, you can either fight the guard or lose all your g old and equipment. You can deal with this kind of chests by leaving all your possessions somewhere else. This way the guard will take only your gold (so it's best to bust open all the local chests o ne after another and collect your items only when you're done). GUIDE: + You start your adventure with the quest of investigating Kurth Ollmier's death . The town guards will let you in if you prove your good intentions by clearing the surrounding area of giant bats. You can skip this quest by invoking your authority but you'll miss the additio nal experience. You'll want to clear the woods anyway as it will net you two experience levels and some equipment so let the guards have it their way. + Slowly make your way around the palisade. Everything will be fine as long as y ou fight one bat at a time and rest when necessary. You will be fully healed at each level up so i t's entirely

possible to vanquish all bats without using a single potion. Talk to the guard s when you're done and enter the city. + If you're low on health then go to one of the wandering monks and they'll cast a healing spell on you. This is true for any priests, not only those in Hillbrandt. + To the right of the blacksmith's workshop is a closed commoner's house. If you come near its door, you'll be ambushed by an assassin. You can easily kill him if you have any com panions, otherwise run to the guards and let them do their job. He drops a magical dagger and lea ther armor. + Sooner or later a soldier named Darmont will run up to you. Hear him out and y ou'll get a note. + Suzan Brauchner is one of the local traders. Ask her about latest happenings, monster killing rewards, Hillbrandt's ruler and local legends to get four notes. Confront her after speaking with Friedrich and you'll be able to get 250gp. + The doomsayer Thomas Reitdorf will tell you that the person who let the orcs i nside the city was master Edmond d'Arvias himself and this testimony will count as a proof agains t him. + Bishop Vallarian will give you your first task as his subordinate - to investi gate and arrest master Edmond d'Arvias. You'll also gain 2000gp and two notes. + Brother Dominicus not only has a wide assortment of scrolls, books and potions but for a small fee he can also completely restore your status. He'll ask you to find missing bish op Quentinus, accept to get a new quest. Ask him about heresy of Edmond d'Arvias and local legends for two new notes. It's good to buy the Directorium Inquisitorum book and a Sixth Sense scroll so you can easily identify all your magical items. ***+ Jeremiah will tell you more about your job here. Asking him about uncommon happenings will get you a note. Speak to him when you collect three proofs against master Edmond and y ou'll get a note. Talk to him again when you have proof against Lotti to get a note. + Beggar Flitz has some interesting information. You can give him 10gp when you first speak to him. If you do, he will sell you his knowledge a little cheaper, which will actuall y save you some gold in the long run if you want to pay for all his answers. You can get five notes in total if you ask him about brother Quentinus, goods exchange, unusual happenings, legends and O lfghard. Speak to him after talking with master d'Arvias and ask if he saw anything suspicious t he night merchant Ollmier was killed to get another note. + After the death of her husband, baroness Elisabeth has to live with her brothe r and she's not to happy that it has to be in Hillbrandt. Ask her about Linda after speaking with Robert to get a

note. + Robert van Gallagan will beg you to find his wife, accept his request for anot her quest. Ask him about Hillbrandt's heretics to gain a note. ***+ Brother Romius gets really upset when asked about his health so don't do th at. Instead talk with him about local monsters to add a note. After killing Herbertius, he'll walk t o you and show his true nature. You'll get a proof of his guilt and he'll attack you! + You can get more information about monsters if you ask soldier Volter. As a pa trolling guard, he saw them all. You'll transform his knowledge into two new notes. + Blacksmith Victor Hammerhand has another quest for you if you're willing to ac cept it. ***+ Ellisia will give you a quest to find her herbarium. Ask her about the cris is and the Dead Man's Stone and you'll also gain two notes. Tell her about missing Paul and you'll r eceive an efficient potion of healing. Talk to her after finding a Devil's Root and you'll get a n ote. If you pay her 1000gp she'll use your Devil's Root to brew a random elixir that will permanen tly increase one of your attributes by one (so save your game before brewing, it's probably best t o aim for strength elixirs). Use those mixtures after reaching the corresponding attribute cap (t he moment when you can't spend attribute points to increase the attribute) as they can break it. The limits are: Strength (90), Dexterity (60), Intelligence (50), Constitution (60) and Speed (50). Ask her about Friedrich's curse to get a note. Speak to her after seeing Herbertius regenera te and before killing him to get another note. Tell her about the dead girl in Dragon Rock t o get another one. *-*+ Theil Brechthold can give you another optional quest. To complete it, speak with Ellisia and take away the potion. If you do it, she won't speak or trade with you unless you br ing back her herbarium. Alternatively you can speak with her without taking the potion but the quest will be cancelled when you'll return to Theil. ***+ Conversation with Lotti Frankmller can bring you two new notes. Just ask her about unusual happenings and local legends. Confront her after telling Jeremiah of her heres y and she'll summon two fire bats and attack you (which will also give you the second proof). Focu s on the bats as she won't be attacking you directly. + Duke Weinberg can give you a quest to defeat one of the orc leaders if you ask him about it. + You can have something to drink at the local inn but unless it's a free water it will cost you 1gp (drinking doesn't have any gameplay effects and after three drinks Joseph will deny you more). Ask

Joseph about the heretics to get a note and about gambling to be able to play some dice (which is a great way to get some free gold). When you're done talking, Joseph will ask you for a 1000gp. Give it to him if you rather have experience than gold. + Speaking with Millward will get you another proof of Edmond d'Arvias' guilt. C onfront him after Flitz tells you he saw him with baroness Linda and you'll get a proof against her. If you threaten to put him in jail for lying, you can take the 1000gp which Linda paid for his silence. ***+ Tell Stefan Reichmann that you heard his daughter was courted by Jullian an d then ask him who murdered her to get two notes. Say you can punish her murderer to get a new qu est. ***+ Speak to Herminus and ask him about the crusades. If you hear the whole sto ry and compliment it, he'll give you the boots of Saint Baudolino relict. You can use the dialog aut osave to reroll its statistics. You'll also get three notes if you'll ask him about unusual happen ings, legends and death of Kurth Ollmier. + Sam Riemann will give you yet another proof against Edmond d'Arvias. Ask if he suspects any other heretics and you'll get a note. + Sheriff Contemburry will ask you to find deserter Jullian. Accept to get a new quest. Ask him about the reward for killing orcs and unusual happenings and you'll write two notes. If you visit the torture chambers you will find your first companion. + If you go to the previously visited campfire in the woods, you will find maste r d'Arvias. He will give you another main quest and a note. You could arrest him now and end one o f the quests but you won't be able to speak with him if you put him in jail (and tortures would only waste your time) so have a little faith in your brotherhood's master and leave him be for now. He'll ask you to retrieve his lost sword, accept for yet another mission. If you tell him yo u want to become a commander of the Brotherhood of the Righteous, you will get another note and a mission of finding the holy Monstrance of St. Orthenius. + If you already spoke to Edmond d'Arvias, go to the chapter of the Brotherhood of the Righteous and you'll meet Hugo Montesque who can join your party. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | HILLBRANDT PLACE OF EXECUTION | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) QUESTS: - Bring executioner Friedrich a curative potion (Friedrich Raubsticht, 150xp, 11 92gp) - Dispel Friedrich's bewitchment (Friedrich Raubsticht, 150xp, 1455gp) - Cleanse the Death Stone (150xp, this quest doesn't show in your journal)

LOOT (going clockwise from the NE corner): - skeleton (5 items) - two items in the woods - spider nest (7 items) - spider nest (6 items) - hidden stash in a trapped stone - mass graves (Devil's Root and 5 other items) - spider nest (7 items) GUIDE: ***+ Ask Friedrich about his health and he'll ask for your help, accept to get a new quest. Speak to him about heretics to get a note. To get the cure, speak to Ellisia and pay he r 500gp. After bringing the cure, you'll discover that Friedrich's disease has dark magic roo ts and he'll once again ask for your help. Speak to him after talking with Quarim and he'll tell you about Hans Falkner which will add you a note and a proof against Lotti. Deal with her, de stroy the magic figurine and return for the reward. + The friar can restore your status but he sure isn't cheap. He also acts as a s hopkeeper. + Cripple Quarim is Friedrich's assistant. Ask him about the Monstrance and Frie drich's curse (after bringing him Ellisia's potion) to get two notes. + If you have a flask of holy water, you can use it on the Death Stone. Doing so will release three hostile spirits so be prepared. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | HILLBRANDT CEMETERY | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) LOOT (graveyard, going clockwise from the eastern wing): - random weapon (southern wing) - hidden stash in a tree stump (southern wing) - two potions (southern wing) - arrows (western wing) - throwing axes (western wing) - Devil's Root (NW woods) - hidden stash in a trapped stone above the fountain - item to the right of the trapped stone stash - a potion (NE corner) LOOT (tomb): - five chests (the one in the hidden chamber is trapped and contains saint Ambro sius's skin, opening it will spawn three spirits) - three floor tile stashes (the one in Herbertius' room is trapped and contains his heart) _____ _ | | |S| G - gate |_ _| _|_| _ H - Herbertius ___ | | |*B |____________|*| L - gate lever (pushing it will spawn two archer skeletons)

| * |__| | |______ _________| e of the trap, there | H __G | | | |___| | | | | the secret room but _________| |__________| | lopment, the button | __ ______ ______ | | | | | | | |L| | |__| | | | |_| |______| | | |E|

S - secret room (click the wall but bewar are two ghouls and a spirit) B - wall button (it was supposed to open the idea was scrapped during the deve remained, though it does nothing) E - entrance * - floor tile stashes

GUIDE: + You can freely heal at the holy fountain but it has only three charges. + Take the blade by the open grave to get a note. + After getting to the tomb, clear it, leaving Herbertius for the last. When you finally meet him, don't let him trick you and don't offer him your blood. You will only take dam age and he will attack you anyway. When the battle starts, ignore him and focus his minions in that order: melee skeleton -> archer skeleton -> zombie. If you need to, don't hesitate to just run out of the tomb to reorganize, he won't pursue you and he won't summon more minions (or even r eplace those you destroyed). When he's finally alone, you have two options depending if you wan t a journal note or not. If you want it, then attack him until he regenerates and then escape the tomb and go back to Ellisia. If you don't care about the note, then just open the hidden stash and destroy his heart. He won't heal anymore so just cut him down and take the Monstrance. Spe ak with Romius and then with master Edmond. Congratulations on becoming the commander of the Brot herhood of the Righteous! You'll receive a relic commander ring, you can reload the dialog au tosave to reroll its properties. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | TREE OF DEATH | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) LOOT: - spider nest in the SW corner (3 items and a Devil's Root) - trapped stash between some stones in the SE corner - throwing axes above the stash - skeleton above the spider nest (3 items, gold) - throwing daggers by the stone trolls - Devil's Root by the stone trolls - spider nest to the north (3 items) - hidden stash in a tree stump by the spider nest - four piles of gold and a Devil's Root around the Tree of Death GUIDE: + Take the sheep Betty. You will find her owner at the Dragon Rock. + Speaking with the ghosts of the Tree of Death will spawn 10 undead barbarians (2 archers, 7 melee warriors and the caped leader) so be ready. Using the Azriah seal will make th

is battle a lot easier. + The stone trolls will leave a troll bile upon death. Be sure to keep one as it will come in handy in act III. You can destroy the rest. + There's a hidden stone stash by the Tree of Death and another one by the north ern spider nest. You can't do anything with them. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | ROAD TO THE DRAGON ROCK | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) QUESTS: - Rescue Scott de Ormand (Rieven d'Ardrieaux, 150xp, two handed axe, seal, mirac lous elixir of strength) LOOT (woods): - spider nest NW of the chapel (3 items) - trapped stone stash to the left of above spider nest - spider nest north of the chapel (8 items) - spider nest NE of the chapel (3 items) - 4 items, 2 gold piles and 3 barrels (only the bottom one isn't trapped) at the ogre camping place - Devil's Root SE of Rieven's cave - hidden stash in a tree stump by the southernmost spider nest - 5 items by the entrance to the troll cave LOOT (troll cave): - 2 items and a barrel just at the beginning - pile of gold before the acid pool - barrel up north after passing the first acid pool - 6 items and 2 barrels in the last room GUIDE: + You can freely heal at the chapel but it has only four charges. + Below the ogres camping site you'll meet fellow paladin - Rieven d'Ardrieaux. He'll ask you to rescue his companion. Accept for a new quest and enter the nearby troll cave. Soon after entering, your way will be blocked by the acid pool. You can't use the levitation spell so just pass it very quickly and heal immediately after. After killing all trolls, speak with Scott and then go back to Rieven (don't use the troll obelisk, it will only damage your entire party!). ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | DRAGON ROCK | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) QUESTS: - Find sheep Betty (Ruphert, 500xp) - Bring Fathor a nice sheep (Fathor) LOOT: - skeleton by the chapel (6 items, gold) - spider nest east of the chapel (5 items, gold) - two barrels around the pasture in NE corner (the rightmost is trapped) - Devil's Root above the NE pasture

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throwing daggers in the house with Paul hidden stash in a tree stump to the left of above house three items in the second house by the NE pasture eight items and three gold piles by the ogre cave entrance trapped stash in a tree stump south of the ogre cave (opening it will spawn tw ogres) random gem NW of the sign by which you begin the area skeleton west of above sign (5 items) pile of gold NE of above skeleton Devil's Root by the NW pasture two barrels by the NW pasture (the right one is trapped) two items in Ruphert's house SW spider nest (5 items) throwing axes in the SW area pile of gold in the SE corner

LOOT (abandoned cave): - two items and a barrel in Ghurr's room - two barrels, seven items and two piles of gold in the last room - trapped stash in the upper right corner of the above room - trapped stash in the bottom stone of the above room (contains the king David's axe, opening it will spawn three spirits) GUIDE: + Check the ritual circle to write a note. Take the dead girl's body. + You can freely heal at the chapel but it has only three charges. + In one of the houses by the NE pasture you'll find the missing Paul Hammerhand . Give him a healing potion and speak with him. You will get two notes and he'll join you. Bring hi m back to Victor to end the quest. + In the NW pasture you'll meet Ruphert. Bring him Betty and you'll complete a q uest. He'll also give you a magnificent broken dagger and tell some disturbing things which wil l add you a note and a proof. + After entering the abandoned cave, your way will be blocked by a lava pit. Use levitation or just very quickly run past it and heal immediately after. You'll meet ogre Ghurr wh om you will have to kill. In the last room you'll meet another one. If you beg for your life, he'l l give you a quest. Otherwise you'll have to kill him too (or you can take the quest and kill him anyway). ||~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | ASHERBALT | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~(o) QUESTS: - Prove Olfghard's innocence (Olfghard, 500xp) LOOT: - SW spider nest (5 items) - trapped stash in a tree stump by the above spider nest - western spider nest (3 items) - trapped stash in a tree stump by the above spider nest - pile of gold in the NW corner - 2 barrels on the western side of Asherbalt

2 barrels on the eastern side of Asherbalt (right one is trapped) skeleton in Asherbalt (6 items) skeleton in Asherbalt (4 items, two piles of gold) skeleton in Asherbalt (4 items, gold) skeleton in Asherbalt (4 items) skeleton in Asherbalt (2 items) three piles of gold north of Asherbalt three piles of gold east of Asherbalt NE spider nest (3 items) stone stash by the above spider nest SE spider nest (Devil's Root and two items)

GUIDE: + Bash open the door of the northern house and you'll find Olfghard. You can kil l him and bring Stefan his head but there's a better solution. Instead, tell you prove his inn ocence and you'll get a quest. Ask him about heretics to get a note. Speak with him after visiti ng the Asherbalt cemetery and clearing his name to end the quest and get another companion. You can find him by the fountain in Hillbrand, he can join your party instead of Hugo. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | MINING VILLAGE CEMETERY | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) QUESTS (you can get only one of them): - Escort Natalia back to Hillbrandt (Natalia Reichmann, 150xp, 1590gp) - Get Jullian the ransom from Stefan Reichmann (Jullian, 150xp, 1000 or 2000 gol d) LOOT: - four piles of gold by the stairs to the miners tomb - hidden stone stash in the NW corner - potion to the west - potion to the east - Devil's Root under a tree by the above potion - random item in the NE part of the cemetery - trapped stone stash above the chapel - throwing axes by the chapel LOOT (miners tomb): - five chests (the lower one in the room after the lava pit and the one in the s ecret room are trapped, opening the secret chest will spawn two spirits, it contains the Liar 's Mirror) - three floor tile stashes - five items and a gold pile in Trauchmann's room ___ _________|*L3| ____ | L1 G1___ | | S | G - gates |_* _| |___| | __| L - levers (lever 3 is trapped) _| |_ | | ___ E - entrance ______| |__________|_|__|* | T - Trauchmann | ______ _G2_______ _BP_ | C - cross (touch it to gain 250xp) _| |_ _| |_ | | |___| P - lava pit E | | | | | B - wall button (useless, see button in H illbrandt's tomb) |_____| |_ _| __| | S - secret room (click the wall but bewar

e of the trap, there _|G3_ |CT | |L2 | |____| |_____|

are two spirits and two skeletons) * - floor tile stash

GUIDE: + Enter the chapel to find deserter Jullian. The conversation will bring you a n ote. After that, you have three options: 1: Become Jullian's accomplice and go back to Stefan Reichmann for 2000gp of ransom. After bringing it back you'll end the ransom quest and have two more options: gi ve him half of the ransom or kill him. Either way, you won't get the quest to escort Natalia but do so anyway. It's understandable that neither Stefan or Natalia will speak to you again . 2: Fool him with marriage. You'll get bonus 150xp. Talk to Natalia to get the escort quest. Go back to Stefan to complete it. 3: Just kill him and escort Natalia just like in option 2. All three options will prove Olfghard's innocence and cancel the quest to kill him. Just speak with Weinberg to clear his name. Talk to sheriff Contemburry to finish another quest. + In the miners tomb you'll meet undead baron Trauchmann. No matter what you say , the fight is unevitable. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~|| | | IRON MINES | | (o)~~~~~~~~~~~~(o) QUESTS: - Find Joachym (Graubner, 150xp, mine gate key which unlocks the Orghp's room) LOOT (outdoors): - two items, two barrels and a pile of gold in the NW corner - seven items and a trapped barrel by the entrance to the mine - trapped stone stash by the NE spider nest - stone stash by the wall NW of orcish camp - five items, three barrels and a trapped chest in the orc camp (the chest conta ins a Devil's Root and the Liber Lucifer Ordinis Novi arcane book) LOOT (first mine floor): - barrel right by the stairs - barrel on the path north of the entrance - a barrel, two items and two chests in the last room of the path north from the entrance - one item and a barrel in the orc camp by the locked gate - barrel and a trapped chest in Hurgh's room - one item by the cart - two items, a gold pile, a barrel and a chest by the NE stairs down - stone stash at the end of the western path in SE corner - one item, a barrel and a trapped chest on the eastern path in SE corner LOOT (floor 1a): - one item at the end of eastern branch of the northern path - one item, a gold pile, two barrels and a chest in the secret room

- two items, a secret stash and a trapped chest in Horathius' room - one item, a barrel and a chest behind the western gate (the chest contains the rusty mine key which unlocks the gate to Horathius' room) - one item and a barrel at the end of western branch of the eastern path - chest in the easternmost room LOOT (second mine floor): - two barrels by the stairs - barrel and a chest on the east path - two barrels and a chest on the north path - barrel and a trapped chest in Joachym's room - four barrels on the other side of the bridge - three items and three gold piles at the end of the eastern path from the bridg e - barrel by the closed gate - three items, a barrel and a trapped chest in Orghp's room GUIDE: + In the orc camp you'll encounter two orc shamans. One of them is Rwhan. No mat ter what you say to him, you will have to kill him, which is good as he possesses Ellisia's herbar ium. Bring it back to end her quest. The portal in the camp is the exit portal from the mines. Yo u can't use it from the outside. + Use the cart on the first mine floor to clear the blocking rubble. Behind the northern gate (which can be unlocked using the key obtained from Horathius or just bashed open), yo u'll meet orc Hurgh. You can pay him 50gp and pose as a friend. This is worth additional 100xp. Oth erwise you'll have to kill him (you can also do so after fooling him). There are two set of stair s leading to different areas of the mine - one in the Hurgh's room (second floor) and one i n the NE corner (floor 1a). + There's a secret room by the acid pit on floor 1a. Just press the corner of th e wall. Behind the northern gate (which you can open using the rusty mine key or just use force) you'll meet Horathius. No matter what you say, the conversation will end in a battle. On h is corpse you'll find the mine gate key which opens the Hurgh's room. + There's a secret tunnel in the eastern wall of the room with two barrels in th e northern path (beware of the door trap). Inside the tunnel you'll meet Graubner. You can acc use him of conspiring with the orcs and kill him or accept his quest to find Joachym. He can be found in a secret room behind the rocks in SE corner and you'll have to kill him. He can permanently drain your strength, so use the dialog autosave if he manages to do that. To pass th e broken bridge you'll have to use the levitation spell or go through Graubner's secret tunnel . Behind the locked gate (bash it open or use Graubner's key) you'll meet another orc guard - Orgh p. You can talk your way out of the fight but doing so doesn't get you any bonus experience this ti me.

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