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Sample Digital Logic Exam Items in green have not been covered as of 11/7, and will not be included

on the midterm !f course the" will be fair game for the final
Section 1 #or the following problems, one or more of the statements ma" be correct $ircle all that are correct, don%t circle an" that are incorrect 1& '(& )hich of the following statements are true* a !utputs of combinational circuits do not depend on previous events b !utputs of se+uential circuits do not depend on previous events c Se+uential logic devices contain memor" or state storage information d Se+uential logic devices% outputs are dependent on current inputs onl" '(& )hich of these devices are se+uential* a Exclusive-!r gate b .ultiplexer c Decoder d /ipple counter '(& )h" do we ma1e it a general practice to debounce switches* a 2ecause it provides a faster cloc1 signal than without debouncing b 2ecause contacts on switches often produce electrical glitches when switching from one state to another, resulting in multiple spurious transitions c 2ecause a manual cloc1 switch which is not debounced can lead to unpredictable results d 2ecause the rubber insulator on switches ma" lea1 current '(& State machines3 a 4re composed of both se+uential circuits and combinational circuits b 4re composed of onl" se+uential circuits c 4re composed of onl" combinational circuits d 4re a wa" of controlling a se+uence of events based on the status of various inputs '(& /egarding bits, there are a ( in a nibble b , in a nibble c ( in a b"te d 16 in a b"te






'(& )hich of these 2oolean e+uations are correct* a A +1 = A b A 1=A c A 1 = A d AB = A + B '(& )hich of these combinational logic devices are considered to be 7universal8 gates* a .ultiplexers b 949Ds c :!/s d 9!/s '(& )hich of these statements are true* a 4 minterm e+uation is an unreduced sum-of-products 2oolean expression b 4 minterm e+uation re+uires the least number of logic gates when implemented c 4 maxterm e+uation is an unreduced sum-of-products 2oolean expression d 4 maxterm e+uation is an unreduced product-of-sums 2oolean expression '(& =ra" codes a are used to express negative 2oolean numbers b are used to order the cells in a >arnaugh map c change onl" in 1 bit in se+uential numbers d ma1e a halftone image when printed '(& Shift registers ma" be used to a convert a serial data stream to parallel b convert a parallel data stream to serial c multipl" a binar" number b" , d divide a binar" number b" ,





Section 2 In the space provided, answer the following +uestions @ut a box around "our answers 11& '(& )hat is 11?1?111, in decimal* 'show "our wor1&


'(& )hat is 11?1?111, in hexadecimal* 'show "our wor1&


'(& )hat is <11? in binar"* 'show "our wor1&


'(& =ive the negative ',%s complement& of this ;-bit signed +uantit"3 ??1?111? 'show "our wor1&

Section 3 In the space provided, answer the following +uestions 15& '(& In order to assure that a signal is stable at the input to a se+uential circuit, it is often necessar" to dela" a cloc1 signal slightl" )hat is a simple wa" to accomplish this dela" with digital logic components*


'1?& )rite a minimal 2oolean e+uation for this >arnough map

AB CD 00 01 11 10 00 1 0 0 X 01 1 11 X 1 0 10 0 0

1 0 1

1 1


'1?& )rite a minimal 2oolean e+uation for this 0-bit s"stem3 'hint3 ma1e the >arnough map&

1for B?,1,,,(,6A F ' A, B,C& = B ? otherwise


'1?& =ive a truth table for



'1?& =ive the transition table and the state output table for the following state machine
X clk


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