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POLITICS’ _ AMONG " NATIONS | Pees Site | Power and Peace ' | Hans J. Morgenthau McGraw-Hill ADI of The MG Cape POLITICS AMONG NATIONS ‘The Struggle for Power and Peace Copyright © 1058, 1978, 1073, 1967, 190, 1954, 148 by © The McGrail Compas, Allrgts reserved. Copyright © 1885 by Kennoih W. Thompson, Susanna Morgenthau, find Matthew Morgentaus Al ighe reserved: Printed In he Uaited Sats of ‘America Bop ee poriltied under the United Sates Copyight Act of 1970, 0 pat of tls publestton may be reproduced or dstbuted la any frm or by any ‘means, oc stored ine date base of reteleval system, without the por writen permin of the pals, 90 pocmoe 1s0N o-07-04s000-2 This book was set in Caledonte by ComCor, tne ‘The editors were Peter Laballa end Jahn Mori the production supervisor was Hlcard A. Ausbur, IH Donnelley te Sone Company wat pater and bind. Library of Congres Caaloglngin-Publction Data ans Jobin, (dao). 12 mali the strugle for power and pose / Ht a rovlsed by Kenneth W. Thorson Briel ed. . Inladesbiblographlel reference and Index ISBN Oor-0002 Tinereatloaltlaiont, 1. Thompson, Kenneth W., (dat) 1. Tile PRISOLMG 1999 amdet 92-3308 ‘This books printed on acetvee paper. Iigpdtvovaie-com About the Authors Hans J. Morgenthau was born in Germany ln 1904, Edueated atthe Universi ios of Berlin, Frankfort, and Munich, he taught ana practiced law in Frankfort, ‘where he was acting President of the Labor Law Court, A year before Hitler came to power, Professor Morgenthass want to tench at the Universlly of Goneva; he imight In Madrid before going to the United Slates in 1837. He {ught at Brooklyn College and the University of Kansss City before his ap polatment in 1949 to the University of Chiengo, ie was also University rofes: sor of Polita! Science at The New School for Social Rescerch, Albert A. Michelson Distinguished Service Professor of Polleal Selence and Modern {lstory at the University of Chieego, end Leonerd Davis Distinguished Profes- s0r of Political Seience at City Calloge ofthe City University of New York. He \was also Visiting Professor at Columbie, Harvard, Northvestera, Yale, and the University of California. Professor Morgenthau serve as a constant to the Dopartments of State and Defense and was Dicector af the Center forthe Study of American Foreign Policy at the Univesity of Chicago, « member of the Institute for Advanced Study al Princeton, Associate of the Washington Genter for Foreign Policy Research, and a Senior Research Fellow of the Counell on Foreign Relations. Among his many publications are In Defence ofthe National Interest (1951). The Purpose of American Polltie (1960), Politi tn the Twen- Heth Century (1962), A New Foreign Policy for the United States (1988), and Sclence: Servant or Master? (1972). Professor Morgenthau died in New York ‘Gay on July 19,1980, . Kenneth W. Thompson was borg in Des Moines, lowa, in 1921, He was educated atthe University of Chiago, Augustana College, and St. Olaf College and taught at Northwestern University and the Universly of Chicago. He ferved as an infantry ollicer and military intllience/counter intelligence of- ficer in World War I. From 1655 to 1973, he hell positions inthe Rockefeller Foundation begining as assistant dicector ofthe soa sciences an concualing 8 vice president from 1961-1973, 1Te dieeeted a twelve danor agencies reviow About the Authors ‘of higher education endl dovelopment in Afres, Asia, and Latin Amerie from 1979-1970. in 1975, he was appointed Commonwealth Profesor of Covers nt and Foreign Affairs at the University of Virgvis. tn 1979, he became Director ofthe White Burkett Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia and White Burkett Miller Professor of Government and Foreign Alfars. He las held major lectureships sc asthe Riversile Memoria, Lily, Stokes, Rockwell, Cal, and Stuber Lectures, He was named Virginia Laureate Jn 1981 and reesived the Viginin Phi Bets Kappe Prize and the Collage Stores Piz for his Churehill book in 1084. Among his many publieations are Poltcn! Realism end the Crisis of World Folites (1960), American Diplomacy and Emergent Patterns (1962), The Moral Iswe tn Statecraft (1960), Foelgn Assi ance (1972), Understanding World Potties (A978), Ether, Functionelison and Power (1979), Morality and Foreign Policy (1080), Masters of International Thought (1980), The Presklent and the Public Philosophy (1081), Cold War ‘Theortes (1981), and Winston 8. Charehl's World View (1083), Ons of his most, recent efforts was to edit and bring to publication posthumously Hans J. Mor ‘genthau's Essays on Lincoln’ Faith and Poller (1983), Contents Preface to the Brief Edition Pre face to the Sith Edition PART ONE 1 Theory and Practice of International Politics AA Realist Theory of International Politis, SIX PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL REALISM ‘The Scionce of Internationsl Polites UNDERSTANDING INTENNATIONAL POLITICS Difrent Approaches Linitatons to Understanding UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM OF INTERNATIONAL. PEACE PART TWO 3 4 International Politics as a Struggle for Power Political Power WHAT Is POLITICAL PowEn® ‘As Means othe Nato Ends Tis Netore: Four Distinctions ‘THE DEPNECIATION OF POLITICAL FowER ‘TWO ROOTS OF THE DEPRECIATION OF POLITICAL, POWER Ninetacath-Centry Philosophy ‘The Amerinn Experience THE SCIENGE OF PEACE: CONTEMPORARY UToPiaNisat ‘The Struggle for Power: Poliy of the Status u 1 1 0 Pr a 2 2 8 38 x 2 a 50

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