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High level Primary 5 General Revision

Unit one 1) Give one word for the following definitions : 1. A long search for something thats difficult to find . ( . ) 2. The quality of being kind . ( .. ) 3. eing quiet ! not e"cited ! #orried or angry. ( .. ) $. eing com%letely good ! #ithout mistakes or #eaknesses . ( .. ) &. A %erson #ho catches fish either as a 'ob or as a s%ort . ( . ) (. A %art of the sea thats almost surrounded by land . ( ... ) ). *omething that you cant understand or e"%lain . ( .. ) +. A %erson #ho tells %eo%le #hat #ill ha%%en to them in the future . ( ... ) ,. Thinking that something had might ha%%en or has ha%%ened . ( ) 1-. .iking to kee% things secret from other %eo%le . ( ) 2) Complete the missing parts in the following dialogues : 1) Manager : .. Miss Mary : /ello ! *ir . Manager : . 0 Miss Mary : 1es ! 2m looking for a ne# 'ob . Manager: .. 0

Miss Mary : 2 #as #orking in a com%any . Manager: . Miss Mary ; 2 can s%eak 3nglish and 4rench . Manager : 5here do you li6e 0 Miss Mary : 2) Sally : 5here are you going to s%end your #eekend 0 Mona7 . Sally : /o# are you going to go there 0 Mona: . Sally: .0 Mona : 2m going to see the %yramids and the *%hin" . Sally : 5ho #ill you go #ith 0 Mona: .. 3) Tom: .ook at my ne# guitar . John: . 0 Tom: 2 bought it t#o #eeks ago . John: .. 0 Tom: 8f course ! 2 kno# ho# to %lay on it . John: 0 Tom: 2t cost &-- %ounds . John: .. .. 0 Tom: 8k. 2ll come #ith you . Unit one

Sample Test A- o!a"#lary $ Str#!t#re %) Underline the !orre!t word in "ra!&ets : 1. 9ack and Tom go ( fish : fishing : fishes ) e6ery *unday . 2. ;ont look so ( calm : #orried : rough ) . 36erything #ill be all right . 3. There is ( some : any : no ) reason for staying u% late . $. <ncle 9ack and Aunt =ary ( re6ersed : sur%rised : caught ) us #ith a 6isit &. .ook > ;aeng and .ek ( catch : are catching : caught ) some fish . (. 2ts ( a massi6e : an acti6e : an e"%ensi6e ) 6olcano that may eru%t anytime . ). The #hole city fell into dee% ( dark : darkly : darkness ) #hen the light #ent out . +. /o# often ( he does : does he : is he ) #rite to his friends 0 %%) Rewrite the following senten!es #sing the words "etween the "ra!&ets: 1. 5hile they #ere feeding their children ! their keys disa%%eared . ( 5hen ) 2. They ne6er #atch T? . ( at the moment ) 3. Tom has the least mark in the class . ( @o other ) $. The 'ourney to the *tates takes about 1+ hours . ( /o# 0 ) '- (ang#age )#n!tion %%%) S#pply the missing parts in the following dialog#e :

Mary : Are you going to buy a ne# %et 0 Karl : .. Mary : 2s it e"%ensi6e 0 Karl : ! that is #hy 2 sa6e my %ocket money daily . Mary : 2 #ish 2 could buy one too .

*- Reading *omprehension % ) Read the following passage and answer the +#estions "elow : A sailor once #ent ashore on the coast of *outh America . /e had #ith him a number of ca%s for sale . 8n his #ay to a to#n at some distance from the coast ! he had to %ass through a forest in #hich grou%s of monkeys #ere seen climbing among the trees . At noon ! the sailor had to take shelter from the burning rays of the sun . /e lay do#n to rest under the shade of a large trees ./e %ut one of his ca%s on his head and soon fell fast aslee% . 5hen he #oke u% ! he found ! to his sur%rise ! that the ca%s #ere all gone . <nusual cries coming from the branches abo6e him dre# his attention . .ooking u% ! he sa# the tree ali6e #ith grou%s of monkeys and on the head of each monkeys #as a red ca% > The monkeys stole his ca%s #hile he #as slee%ing . /e cried ! but the monkeys %aid no attention to the shouts . 4inding e6ery attem%t to get his ca%s useless ! he %ulled off the one he %ut on his head and thre# it on the ground ! crying out A /ere ! you little

thie6es ! if you #ill kee% the rest of my ca%s ! you may take this one too > A @o sooner had he done this than ! to his sur%rise ! the monkeys at once did the same . 3ach took off his ca% from its head and thre# it on the ground > The sailor took back all his ca%s and marched off in trium%h . Answer the following +#estions : 1. 5hat did the sailor see #hen he #ake u% 0

2. /o# did the sailor take back all his ca%s 0


Bhoose the correct ans#er from bet#een the brackets 7 3. The man #as .. #hen he #oke u% . aC sur%rised . bC ha%%y . cC slee%y . $. The sailor #anted to .. aC march in trium%h . bC sell he ca%s. cC thro# the ca%s . ,- *omposition ) -rite a paragraph on the following : A 5hat #ould you like to be #hen you gro# u% 0A You can use these guiding words : Dro# u% : 5ork : like : /el% : <seful : =oney

Unit 2

Sample Test A- o!a"#lary $ Str#!t#re %) Underline the !orre!t word in "ra!&ets : 1. The ne#s ( s%read : s%lashed : s%rayed ) all o6er the to#n #ithin t#o days . 2. The #ater in the oceans ( e6a%orate : condense : flo# ) forming clouds . 3. They couldnEt go out because of the ( in6itation : storm : collection ) . $. The sunflo#er mo6es to the ( collection : %rotection : direction ) of the sun &. *he like to s%lash in the ( %addles : %uddles : #ellies ) . (. 5eEre going to 2taly ne"t #eek ! itEs my birthday ( action : treat : sleet ) . ). The old man got angry #hen the naughty boys ( squirted : scrubbed : rinsed ) him #ith #ater . +. 5hile 2 ( #alk : #alked : #as #alking ) home ! 2 ( see : #as seeing : sa# ) a terrible accident . %%) Rewrite the following senten!es #sing the words "etween the "ra!&ets : 1. /e %honed =ary as he #as dri6ing his car . ( 5hile ) 2. They #ere reading the ne#s%a%er yesterday at fi6e . ( 5hen ..0 ) 3. @o other boy is as intelligent as 9ack . ( more ) $.They ne6er get u% late . ( al#ays ) '- (ang#age )#n!tion

2%%) S#pply the missing parts in the following dialog#e : =ary 7 . 0 Farl 7 1es ! 2 tra6elled to the <*A before . =ary 7 .0 Farl 7 y air . =ary 7 ..0 Farl 7 2 6isited the skyscra%ers and the *tatue of .iberty . *- Reading *omprehension % ) Read the following passage and answer the +#estions "elow : =any big cats li6e in Africa . 8ne of them is leo%ard . .eo%ards are famous for the black s%ots on their yello# coats . They s%end a lot of time in trees! #here they eat ! rest and %lay . They also hunt by 'um%ing from trees onto other animals . .eo%ards li6e alone for most of their li6es . ut #hen they are young ! they ha6e a s%ecial relationshi% #ith their mother . .eo%ard cubs ne6er meet their father . Their mother looks after them! by herself . 5hen cubs are born ! their mother finds a safe tree to hide them in . The cubes stay in the tree for about t#o months . *he %rotect them from dangerous animals like lions . ut sometimes she goes a#ay for a long time to hunt for food . 5hen she goes a#ay ! she kno#s her cubs #ill learn about life and gro# strong . The cubs %lay a lot #hen their mother is a#ay . As they %lay they learn ho# to 'um% and climb . After one or t#o days ! their mother returns and she al#ays bring food . ut the cubs canEt stay #ith their mother fore6er . 5 hen they are 'ust a year

old ! they are as big as she is . 5hen she hunts ! they go #ith her . 4or many mothers ! they #atch and learn . Then ! #hen they are about eighteen months old ! the cubs lea6e their mother . .eo%ards are good teachers ! and the cubs ha6e learned ho# to sur6i6e alone . Answer the following +#estions : 1. 5hat is the leo%ard famous for 0 .. 2. 5hen do cubs lea6e their mother 0 ... *hoose the !orre!t answer from "etween the "ra!&ets : 3. 5hen the cub is born .. . aC it is hidden in a tree . bC it hunts #ith its mother . cC it %lays #ith lions . $. at eighteen month ! the cub its mother . aC lea6es . bC %rotects. cC eats . ,- *omposition ) -rite a paragraph on the following : A /el%ing mum #ith the house#orkA 1ou can use these guiding #ords 7 /el% : effort : hard : com%lain : sister : #ash : clean : s#ee% : iron

Unit 3
Sample Test ./)

A 0 o!a"#lary and str#!t#re :

%- Underline the !orre!t word in "ra!&ets : 1C 2tEs G safe : safety : dangerous H to stand close to a cliff edge . 2C The children laughed G at : on : to H the clo#n . 3C 4iremen G #ear : 'eans : helmets : trainers H to %rotect their heads . $C /e G hugged : shook : thum%ed H his mother and kissed her goodnight. &C *he looks com%letely G different : difference : difficult H #ith short hair . (C 2tEs rude to G look : stare : %oint H at other %eo%le . )C *o far this #eek ! 2 G had : ha6e : ha6e had H t#o tests and a quiI . +C =ary hasnEt eaten her lunch G already : yet : recently H . %%- Re-write the following senten!es : 1C @icolaEs car is clean no# . G 'ust H 2C /e #ent to school . /e met his teacher . G #hile H 3C *he eats fish once a #eek . G /o# . 0H $C They studied hard yesterday . G not H '- (ang#age )#n!tions %%%- S#pply the missing parts in the following dialog#e : Adam 7 .. 0 en 7 1es !. 2 like to tra6el . Adam 7 en 7 2E6e 6isited 3ngland ! 4rance and 2taly . Adam 7 .3ngland 0 en 7 T#o years ago . Adam 7 /a6e you seen ig en 0 en 7 .. *- Reading *omprehension : Read the following passage and answer the +#estions "elow : 8ne #arm day ! in the month of *e%tember ! a #olf #as drinking the cool ! clear #ater from a little stream on a hillside ! #hen looking u% ! he sa# a small #oolly lamb 'ust beginning to drink a bit further do#n the hill .

A ThereEs something tasty for my su%%er !A he thought .A 2 need to find some e"cuse to catch it .A Then ! he called out to the lamb ! A Are you making the #ater from #hich 2Em drinking 6ery muddy 0A A @o ! sir ! no .A said the lamb . A 2f the #ater is muddy u% there ! 2 cannot be the cause of it ! for it runs do#n the hill from you to me . A A #ell! then ! said the #olf ! A 5hy did you call me bad names this time last year 0A A That cannot be ! A said the lamb .A 2Em only si" months old . 2 #as not born a year ago .A Then it must ha6e been your father #ho called me bad names ! A said the #olf . A ThatEs a good enough reason to eat you for su%%er .A A- Answer the following : 1C 5hat did the #olf see #hen he looked u% 0 .. 2C /ad the lamb made the #ater muddy 0 5hy 0 .. '- *hoose the !orre!t answer : 3C The #ater in the stream #as aC #arm bC cool cC dirty $C 5ho had called the #olf bad names 0 aC the lamb bC the lambEs father cC @obody . 2t #as only the #olfEs e"cuse . ,- Pi!torial *omposition : - write a paragraph of si1 senten!es des!ri"ing yo#r favo#rite sport G#iding words : *%ort : e6eryday : %lay : %ractice : %layers : school team .. .. . .. . .. .. .

Unit 4

Sample Test 2
A o!a"ular# and Stru!ture : %- Underline the !orre!t word in "ra!&ets : 1C 2 #anted a %icture about sharks ! so 2 looked it u% G in : on : at H the #eb . 2C 2tEs G im%ortant : elegant : kindness H not to be late for school. 3C Ban 2 contact you G at : by : #ith H tele%hone 0 $C 2 %icked u% a G sou6enir : tractor : leaflet H ad6ertising a ne# club . &C 5e had a G %icnic : #ater : skiing : brilliant H on the beach . (C The doctor is a#ay today . 5ould you like to s%eak to her Gassistance : assistant : instructor H 0 )C The boys #ill G are : ha6e : be H %unished ! if they make noise . +C *he G #ill %hone : has %honed : %hones H her brother tomorro# . %%- R-write the following senten!es the words in "ra!&ets : 1C *am dri6es fast . /eEll ha6e an accident . G 2f . Barefully H

2C ;id you see the ne#s on T. ? last night . G yet H

3C They tidied their room an hour ago . G tomorro# H

$C 2 studied 3nglish yesterday . G at &oEclock yesterday H '- (ang#age )#n!tions : %%%- S#pply the missing parts in the following dialog#e : Tilly 7 Fate 0 =ary 7 *he had an accident . *he #as running for a bus #hen Tilly 7 .. =ary 7 @o ! *heEs at home no# . 9illy 7 =ary 7 ..

9illy 7 5eEre going to 6isit her tomorro# ..0 *- Reading *omprehension : % - Read the following passage and answer the +#estions "elow : utter files are insects . They ha6e si" legs and t#o sets of #ings . Their #ings are co6ered in tiny scales and each one is coloured so they make a %attern on each #ing . 3ach kind of butterfly has a different %attern on its #ings The underside of the #ings is a different colour #hich hel%s to hide them #hen they are resting on %lants . The body of a butterfly is co6ered in a hard case . 4emale butterflies lay eggs on the lea6es of certain trees. 5hen the eggs hatch ! cater%illars emerge . The cater%illars then begin to eat . They gro# bigger and bigger and also gro# a ne# skin . 5hen they are big enough they make a hard case and inside they gro# into butterflies . 5hen they break out of the case they fly a#ay to feed . A- Answer the following : 1C 5here does the female butterfly lay her eggs 0

2C 4ind a #ord in the %assage #hich means A come out .A


'- *hoose the !orre!t answer : 3C A butterfly has legs . aC t#o bC si" cC eight $C The #ings of a butterfly are co6ered in tiny .. aC scales bC feathers cC %lants

,- Pi!torial *omposition : - -rite a paragraph of si1 senten!es a"o#t 3A trip to a

s!ien!e m#se#m 43

G#iding words : last #eek : tri% : science museum : a lot of children : interesting things : a guide : skeleton : a huge dinosaur : 1-!--- years old : in6entions : lo6ely time . . . . . .

Unit $

Sample Test %$)

A- o!a"#lary and str#!t#re 1-Underline the !orre!t word in "ra!&ets4 1CJeo%le (arenEtCmustnEt :should ) smoke. 2tEs dangerous. 2C=ona (#as eating :eat :ate ) three sand#iches yesterday. 3C/a6e you e6er (see :sa# :seen ) a rainbo#. $C*he sold her old ( furniture :ad6enture :mi"ture ) and bought ne# tables and chairs. &CBould you hel% me to carry this hea6y ( cases :suitcase : briefcases )0 (CThe baby is (s#inging :cra#ling :sorting ) a cross the room. )C/e didnEt ( muddle :stack :realiIe ) he #as #rong. +C2 told them about my (mi"ture :fracture :ad6enture ) in the mountain. Rewrite the following senten!es #sing the words in "ra!&ets 1C2tEs a good idea for you to go for a #alk in the country. (ought to) . 2C2f it rains tomorro#! 2 #ill take my umbrella. (not) 3CAli has been learning 3nglish for fi6e years. (since) $C*alma is doing her home#ork no#. (yesterday) '-(ang#age )#n!tions /-S#pply the missing parts in the following dialog#e Fhaled 7 5elcome to 3gy%t..0 Tourist 7 2 came from 3ngland . Fhaled 7 2s this your first 6isit0 Tourist 7 @o!.

Fhaled 7...0 Tourist 7 because the #eather here is fine. The 3gy%tian %eo%le are friendly and there are a lot of ancient monuments. Fhaled 70 Tourist 7 T#o #eeks! 2 intend to 6isit .u"or and As#an. Fhaled 7 .. Tourist 7 Thank you. 2-Read the following passage and answer the +#estions "elow: /enry ford #as the first %erson #ho build cars #hich #ere chea%! strong and fast. /e #as able to sell millions of models because he A=assCJroducedA them! this means he made a great many cars of e"actly the same ty%e . 4ordEs father ho%ed that his son #ould become a farmer! but the young man didnEt like the idea and he #ent to ;etroit #here he #orked as a mechanic. y the age of 2, ! in 1+,2 ! he had built his first car. /o#e6er! the first A=assCJroducedA car in the #orld! the famous model T! didnEt a%%ear until 1,-+! fi6e years after 4ord had started his great =otor Bom%any. This car %ro6ed to be so %o%ular that it remained unchanged for t#enty years. A-Answer the following +#estions: 1C5ho is /enry 4ord0 .. 2C5hat kind of #ork did /enry 4ord do in ;etroit0 . '-*hoose the !orre!t answer: 3C4ordEs father ho%ed that his son #ould become a) a mechanic b)a doctor c)a farmer $C/enry ford #as able to sell millions of models because he made

a) some cars b)great many cars c)a fe# cars

Pi!torial *omposition
- -rite a paragraph of si1 senten!es on 3 Reading 3 Use the following g#iding words to help yo# :school library : free time : useful : kno#ledge : different : kinds of books : friend : ne6er feel lonely .
. . . .

Unit &

Sample test 5
A 0 o!a"#lary and Str#!t#re : %- Under line the !orre!t word in "ra!&ets : 1C An em%ty bottle #ill G float : sink : fly H . 2C Tea is G ser6ing C ser6ed : ser6e H #ith cakes . 3C 2 didnEt kno# #here she li6ed but 2 could G sol6e : ro# : guess H . $C 5eEre got %lenty G out : on : of H sugar . ;onEt get any more . &C 2 knocked on the door ! but there #as no G re%lay : re%el : re%ly H . (C 2 usually G #atched : #atches : #atch H T?. 2n the e6ening . )C 5ho G came : is coming : come H to your birthday %arty last 4riday 0 +C =um #as cooking G as : #hile : #hen H 2 came home . %%- Rewrite the following senten!es : 1C ;onEt %lay #ith matches . you may burn yourself . G 2f H

2C =other %re%ares the dinner . G is H

3C 5e ha6e met her since 4riday . G #hen .. 0H

$C /e s%ells 3nglish badly . G bad H

'- (ang#age )#n!tion S#pply the missing parts in the following dialog#e : *amir 7 ;o you en'oy going to the cinema 0 Aly 7 @o .. *amir 7 0 Aly 7 2 %refer #atching a 6ideo film at home . *amir 7 5hen 0 Aly 7 2 like #atching it on holidays and 4ridays . *- Reading *omprehension Read the following passage and answer the +#estions "elow :

2t #as 9anuary 2--1 ! #hen a shi% #as #recked in the Atlantic 8cean . 8nly one of the sailors got sur6i6ed . /e #as carried on a %iece of #ood to a distant island . There he felt lonely and sad . /e cut %ieces of #ood to make a small hut . 5ith sim%le tols ! he managed to %re%are his meals . ;ay and night he %rayed . Dood for hel% ! but no shi%s %assed by that island . 4i6e months had %assed . .ater on that day ! he #ent through the undergro#th and the branches of trees to get some food . 8n coming back ! he sa# the hut on fire . *moke rose u% into the sky . The man felt frightened and %rayed more for hel% . A %ilot sa# smoke and soon the helico%ter landed to rescue that sailor . Though he lost ho%e ! he got quite sure of DodEs ans#er to his calls . A- Answer the following +#estions : 1C 5hat did the sailor make his hut of 0

2C /o# #as the sailor sa6ed in the end 0


'- *hoose the !orre!t answer : 3C The shi% #as #recked in the .. ocean . aC %acific bC Atlantic cC 2ndian $C The sailor li6ed in the island . aC ha%%ily bC gently cC sadly ,- Pi!torial *omposition - -rite a paragraph of si1 senten!es on !omp#ters #se the following g#iding words to help yo# : in6ention : memory : greatest acti6ities of man kind hel% : sa6ing time

%Units %'()(* 1- Rewrite 1C 2 had to tra6el to .ondon last #eek . G #hen .. H 2C /any studied his lessons yesterday . G usually H 3C The bird fle# too near to the sun . G not H $C 1ou #ant to go to the cinema and 2 agree #ith you . G so H &C Ale" likes 3nglish ! 2 like 3nglish too . G so H (C Tom doesnEt %lay tennis . *uIy doesnEt %lay tennis . G neither H )C @our can s%eak 4rench . 2 can s%eak 4rench too . G so H +C =y ad6ice to you is to study your lessons . G should H ,C 2 didnEt tra6el to china . /ala didnEt tra6el to Bhina either . G neither H 1-C 2 bought a ne# dress yesterday . 2 also bought a ne# bag . G and H 11C Ali doesnEt eat %iIIa . 8mar doesnEt eat %iIIa either . G @either H

12C @oura likes %laying tennis . *he doesnEt like %laying 6olleyball . G but H 13C The bird fle# 6ery high in the sky . G /o# .. H 1$C Ali has 'ust done his home#ork . G yet H

,ialog#e :
*u%%ly the missing %arts in the follo#ing dialogue 7 8mar 7 5hatEs your fa6ourite hobby 0 @our 7 8mar 7 . 0 @our 7 2 ha6e been %ractising tennis since2--3 . *omposition : =y last summer holiday .ast summer : tra6el : 3ngland : %lane : ig en : sou6enirs : en'oyed . K Comprehension : Read the passage 6 then answer the following +#estions : /ard #ork and success 5e all agree to the fact that hard #ork is the golden key to success . 5ork is the only #ay to achie6e our ho%es in life . Thus !#e must do our best to get #hat #e #ant . Those #ho #ork honestly ! al#ays achie6e great %rogress <ndoubtedly ! laIy %eo%le canEt achie6e success and fail in life . They

donEt #ork hard but they slee% and #ait for success to come to them . This kind of %eo%le are not %roducti6e in our society but they are in fact %arasites . 2n conclusion ! #e must #ork hard and encourage other %eo%le to e"ert great efforts to be successful in life . hard #ork is really an honour . Answer the following +#estions : 1C 5hat is the golden key to success 0

2C 5hat should #e do to achie6e our ho%es 0

'- *hoose the !orre!t answer : 3C The society ! #hose indi6iduals #ork hard ! al#ays achie6es . aC gold bC %rogress cC failure $C 5e should %eo%le to e"ert efforts to be successful in life . aC encourage bC discourage cC ignore Re-write : 1C =ona studied her lessons yesterday . G this e6ening H .. 2C /any is %laying tennis tomorro# . G not H .. 3C Lana is tra6eling to .ondon ne"t #eek . G #hen H .. $C Ahmed likes reading 3nglish stories . 2 like reading 3nglish stories ! too .G so H .. &C 2 can clean my room myself . G #e H ..

(C =y fatherEs car sto%%ed #orking on his #ay to #ork yesterday . G break do#n H )C 2 delayed going to the cinema till ne"t #eek . G %ut H +C 2 thre# a#ay my old teddy bear . G get H ,C Tom succeeded in achie6ing his goals . G off H .. 1-C /elen has studied 4rench since last year . G for H .. ,ialog#e : Tom 7 ..0 *am 7 2Em tra6eling to 4rance . Tom 7 /o# are you tra6eling there 0 *am 7 2Em tra6eling by %lane . Tom 7 .. 0 *am 7 2Em staying there for #eek . *omprehension : Thomas 3dison #as born in 1+$) in America . As a little boy ! he #anted to kno# e6erything . ?ery early in life ! he sho#ed that he #as full of curiosity . /e #orked for sometimes as a tele%hone o%erator . ut soon he became interested in in6enting things . /is first great in6ention #as a system of telegra%h . *oon after#ards ! he in6ented the %honogra%h ! the first form of E %honogra%h E means something that can E #rite H or record sound . 3dison also in6ented a heated #ire called a E filament E . The #ire is

heated by an electric current . This in6ention allo#ed %eo%le to use electricity to light their homes . Answer the following +#estions : 1C 5hat #as 3dison interested in 0 2C /o# did the lam% hel% %eo%le 0 *hoose : 3C A %honogra%h .. aC lights houses bC records sound cC sends telegrams $C 3dison s%ent most of his life as aC an in6entor bC a tele%hone o%erator cC an electrician *omposition : -rite a paragraph of 5 senten!es a"o#t 3 To#rism in 7gypt 3

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