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Chili Fertigation Investment Opportunity

INTRODUCTION FERTIGATION in terms of language, is a combination of 2 words in English that Fertilization and Irrigation Fertigation in terms of technological means to incor!orate methods fertilization in irrigation s"stems #o water will be gi$en directl" to the steel !lant through the irrigation s"stem Fertigasi Technolog" has long e%isted, but in &ala"sia, it is still a new use Fertigation is a technolog" !ioneer said to the #tate of Israel In &ala"sia, it was first introduced in the late '(s or earl" 2) st centur" Fertigation is also a branch of h"dro!onics technolog" in terms of media used In Fertigation, media is other than soil used such as coco!eat *coconut coir dust+, hus, and other fuel that is free from soil borne diseases Generall", Fertigation is a $iable technolog" and

has a high !otential in the future Fertigation goal is to !roduce a high har$est and sa$e o!erating costs in the long run -oint .enture /ro0ects 1hili Fertigasi /ro0ect -oint .enture /lant in 1hili Fertigasi held to !ro$ide o!!ortunities to entre!reneurs who are interested in without ha$ing to thin, about the !roblem site !re!aration, labor and mar,eting It uses the conce!t of o!en fertigation technolog" /rogram Ob0ecti$es Among the factors barriers to !ros!ecti$e entre!reneurs who ha$e identified the location of the site is suitable, and ca!able wor,force and the most critical mar,eting Ins"aAllah with the assistance and collaboration with 2estwa" Agro, !roblems and obstacles can be o$ercome /ros!ecti$e entre!reneurs *!artici!ants+ need onl" !ro$ide sufficient ca!ital The cost of ca!ital to finance the !urchase and installation of fertigation s"stems, site rent, utilit" bills and other costs associated

Through the -oint .enture Agreement was signed, 2estwa" Agro will bu" bac, !rice based on farm !roduction during the s!ecified com!an" 2ased on this conce!t, !artici!ants had no !roblem to launch the !ro0ect with the assurance that the mar,et managed com!an"

/ro0ect #ite 3ocation 3ocation of the !ro0ect site is located in the area around the end of #ungai 3a"ar 4u0ung, about )( minutes from #ungai /etani town is $er" strategic because it is located in the area between /enang and Alor #etar The com!an" has been renting or lease at $er" reasonable rates Regions such sites were then di$ided into se$eral niche 3ot 5 acres of land each and will be leased to the !artici!ant based on 2 ((( !olibeg !ac,age !ro$ided 2estwa" Agro will !ro$ide basic facilities and installation of the s"stem while em!lo"ees ta,e care of farm tas,s, and scheduled meracun har$est results also !ro$ided The cost of ca!ital obtained from !artici!ants This !rogram is a form of coo!eration between the

/artici!ants and 2estwa" Agro where !artici!ants agreed to in0ect ca!ital to launch a !ro0ect for e$er" lot that is selected and a!!ointed as 2estwa" Agro &anagement 1om!anies include duties as a consultant, manager and mar,eting agent for the bonds with lots /artici!ants contract for 6 months with the e%tension o!tion !eriod /artici!ants also can monitor the !rogress of !ro0ects each directl" or indirectl" ta,es the eas" location in the area $isited #ungai /etani Through this !rogram, !artici!ants 7 Entre!reneur is com!osed of indi$iduals, a combination of indi$idual or class of 2umi!utera com!anies gi$en !riorit" For indi$iduals to underta,e a combination of ) 5 acres 3ot niche, the" are encouraged to set u! a !artnershi! business entit" and Agro 2estwa" will deal with indi$iduals a!!ointed for their business further 8etailed brea,down is as follows9 The cost for each lot wor,ing on niche 5 acres *2,((( trees+ ) General E:ui!ment ;,<=' (( 2 /um! #"stem ),(>' (( = &aterial In!ut Agriculture *Recurrent 1osts+ ;,;); ((

? Other E:ui!ment =?; (( ; #"stem sta,e 2,<)2 (( > O!erating 1osts *Recurrent 1osts+ <,=2( (( < The cost of site !re!aration and installation ?,6(( (( total ca!ital for ) 7 2 hollow *2,((( trees+ */+ 2<,;(( (( O!tion )9 ) 3ot R&2<, ;(( !artici!ants will lease lot area of 5 niche and a need to !roduce ca!ital for financing the cost of the !ro0ect for the selected lot Installation s"stems and infrastructure will be started after !a"ment is recei$ed O!tion 29 5 of R&)=, <;( from the entire 3ot or ) !ercent b" ca!ital /artici!ants was one of the !artici!ants selected for the site /artici!ants must 0oin with other !artici!ants to fulfill the total R&2<, ;(( to start the !ro0ect Each member encouraged ber!a"ung under a !artnershi! com!an" established and a!!oint a re!resentati$e to deal with the 2estwa" Agro for documentation and distribution of !rofits As an e%am!le, 3ot No ) R&2<, ;(( acres ) 7 2 hollow *2((( trees+

/artici!ant )9 &rs A *) 7 2 section @ R&)=, <;(+ ;(A /artici!ant 29 &r 2 *) 7 ? section @ R&>, 6<;+ 2;A /artici!ant =9 &r 1 *) 7 ? section @ R&>, 6<;+ 2;A

/rofit sharing is based on the !ercentage of ca!ital contribution Forward /urchase /rogram Re$enue 2estwa" Agro will then bu" bac, the results released on Farm 8uring the grade based on the set #ales re$enue for each lot will be !aid in full /a"ment will onl" be made against the month in which re$enue collection lot of !artici!ants do /reB&onth )9 Installing and nurser" s"stem &onth )9 &o$e to nurser" !olibeg &onth 29 1are &onth =9 1are &onth ?9 1are C har$est Results &onth ;9 1are C har$est C Re$enue Gain /a"ment &onth ? *&usim)+ &onth >9 1are C har$est C Re$enue Gain /a"ment &onth ; *&usim)+

&onth <9 1are C har$est C Re$enue Gain /a"ment &onth > *&usim)+ &onth 69 &o$e to the !ol"bag nurser" *if "ou go to seasonB2+ C /rofit /a"ment &onth < *#eason )+

De belie$e this method is the best bid because the selling !rice is not set as done b" other !rograms 2oth !arties will 0ointl" share the ris, and benefits of current sales !rice fluctuations

/otential Return #e!o,o, chili can !roduce between 2 to ? ,g based on the seasonal $arieties chili and tree care Ta,ing into account $arious factors related to treatment !lants, it is estimated that chilli !lants can be culti$ated to !roduce at least 2 ;,g se!o,o, Ta,ing into account the a$erage Farm 8uring R&?7,g, the !otential gross sales re$enue for 2((( is estimated at !lant R&2(, ((( for the seasonal !eriod of 6 months Therefore, !lanting will be done b" = seasons for 2 "ears /reB&onth ), &onth to ?9 no !a"ment benefits

&onth &onth &onth &onth

;9 >9 <9 69

R&;, R&;, R&;, R&;,

((( ((( ((( (((

(( (( (( ((

*/rofit */rofit */rofit */rofit

&onth &onth &onth &onth

?+ ;+ >+ <+

Initial ca!ital *R&2<, ;(( ((+ will be deducted the cost of o!erations *R&<, =2( ((+ and other agricultural in!uts *R&;, ;); ((+ and balance *R&)?, >>; ((+ will be returned after first season finished or e:ui!ment will be gi$en to all !artici!ants after first season finish If !artici!ants want to use the o!tion to e%tend the season further, !artici!ants onl" need to !ro$ide o!erating costs and material in!ut agriculture alone *R&<, =2( (( C R&;, ;); (( @ R&)2, 6=; ((+ to continue to en0o" benefits such as the first season This o!tion is limited to onl" = seasons For seasonB?, !artici!ants must !ro$ide full cost *R&2<, ;(( ((+ Are reminded, the calculation is based on the a$erage farm !rice R&?7,g and will change if there is an increase or decrease the current mar,et !rice If the mar,et !rice increased, the e%cess is full" owned b" !artici!ants

At this stage, the margin for 2estwa" Agro farm re$enue was from sales to the bu"er O!!ortunities 3I&ITE8 This !rogram is limited to 3ot )= onl" for areas in #ungai /etani because s!ace is limited To start this stage, gi$en the focus of the !ro0ect in #ungai /etani 1ontact /erson Therefore, if "ou are interested or want more information, !lease email or call ()=B;6?);)? in mohdromizandinE"ahoo com m" *dinbrabus+ After the !artici!ants satisfied with the e%!lanation, the agreement will be !re!ared and signed /artici!ants then must ma,e !a"ments b" chec, or transfer to "our com!an" and site !re!aration wor, will commence 3ot Em!owerment is based on the initial amount recei$ed full !a"ment first After the installation com!leted and the seedlings transferred, !artici!ants should attend to the !ro0ect site to ta,e !hotos at the site res!ecti$el"

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