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Adventures of the Trimble Tribe

December 2013 Contact:

107 E Morrison Wilmore, KY 40390 phone: 859-858-1293 Melissa email: David email: blog:

Overflowing with Thanksgiving

by Melissa


CornerStone International PO Box 192 Wilmore, KY 40390 or online by paypal: www.cornerstoneinternational.
org /staff-intercessory/ scroll down to

I wish you could sit with me on this quiet night. Our Christmas tree stands big and beautiful, shining brightly, a reminder of Jesus, the Light of the World who stepped into our darkness so that we could be adopted into God's forever family. The Grandma-made stockings are hung on the mantle, each one a reminder of the abundant blessings God has showered on our family! And best of all, our sweet new addition lays on the couch beside me kicking and smiling. We welcomed Trimble #7 into our home and lives on October 4. With the help of my dad, we named her Sarah Elizabeth Joy. And what joy she brings to us all! Her brothers adore her and Abby is thrilled to have a baby sister! We are all adjusting to having a new baby in the house again. (You can read about her birth on the blog.) And most of all on this beautiful evening, my heart overflows with thanks to God for His mercy and grace! As I study His Word, sit in the prayer room in His Presence and meditate on His wonders, I am more and more amazed at who Jesus is and all that He has done for us! The more I seek Him, the more I find Him. The more I find Him, the more I love Him. These are the oh-so-true words to a song we sometimes sing here. I'm praying that you, too, will join me in seeking Him more so you can love Him more! He is so, so good and worthy!

I Thirst

(you will see our name) push the donate button

Good Soil

by David

While reading Jesus parable of the sower recently, I was struck by the different soils that the word of God was sown upon. For the first time it occurred to me that the soil of our hearts is not static but dynamic- we are either moving closer to God or farther away. I believe that God desires each of us to be good soil that His word can take deep root in and bear fruit. But there are often rocks and weeds in our lives that act as barriers to our fruitfulness. There is work to be done. Just as the farmer must first till the soil to prepare it for the seed, we too, with Gods grace, must dig into our hearts and repent of our idols, sin and compromise that dramatically limit the harvest. I want my whole heart, not just parts of it, to be good soil that yearns for 100 fold replication of God's eternal Word in my life! And I want my words and actions to be used by God to help remove those rocks and thistles in the lives of others, moving them ever closer to Jesus.

On The Road (and in the air) Again

Both the girls are excited to participate in international mission trips in 2014. Rachel and David have already committed to a trip to Ecuador in the summer. You may get a letter from them about it soon! For Abbys big 13th birthday celebration, she asked for money for a mission trip. She has a great jump on finances, but God has yet to show us the right trip for her.

David and Rachel going on a daddy daughter date

Life As We Know It

by Melissa This is refreshing to me since Micah would rather be doing anything else than school. He loves to be outside, riding his bike or building a fort with a friend or brother. Keenan is really growing into a disciple of Jesus, which brings us much joy. There is a neat story on the blog about how God gave him the opportunity to start learning karate this fall. Nathanael has been a type 1 diabetic now for a year and is doing very well. He is an active, funny, talkative 3 year old. After some time off, Abby has started ballet again en pointe. She has also been learning guitar and taking voice lessons, with the hopes of becoming a worship leader. Rachel, too, has become very interested in music, teaching herself basics on the keyboard, and learning guitar chords from her sister. She will start lessons in the new year and hopes to join the youth worship team at church. She has also become quite the artist!

Abby with her look-a-like, Sarah

Micah And Nathanael having fun at the beach

Life at our house is always busy! I like to think of it as full and exciting. God has truly blessed us! We continue to build the House of Prayer here in our community and count it a privilege to do so! We will have to pull back a bit in the fall as David will actually get to start nursing school, while also working full-time. Last year, there was an un-solvable problem with his packet, so much to his disappointment, he was not able to start last fall. Homeschooling takes up a huge chunk of my time! This year we have 5 students, plus Nathanael and now Sarah! Rachel is now a 10th grader(!), Abby 8th grade, Keenan 4th, Micah 2nd, and Silas started Kindergarten. I spend week-ends preparing for the week, then spend the mornings and sometimes early afternoons teaching or floating from one student to the next to help with their lessons. Silas is a super student and really enjoys learning!

Set Free to Follow Jesus

Working with the ladies in the local jail, I do not always get to see how God works in their lives when they are released. Unfortunately, many of them are trapped by sin and woundedness and are unable to allow the love and forgiveness of Jesus to set them free. However, recently we were able to get a glimpse of the power of God in the life of one lady. She had been in and out of jail several times, and although she had accepted Jesus earlier in her life, she was not able to give Him full control. Our hearts ached for her as for many others as she continued to fall into the same entrapments. However, we not only go to the jail once a week for church, but we also gather as a House of Prayer community and pray diligently for these women each week. And we know that this faith-filled petition to our Father in Heaven is just as important as the going itself. So we continued to pray for this particular lady and her family. Then one day, we bump into her at a store where she recently had gotten a job. She began to excitedly tell how she had experienced the real love of Jesus and had given her life completely to Him and how she was clean and free and enjoying a peace and joy that she had longed for. The road has not been easy for her, but she is persevering and seeking to live her life and raise her kids in a way that is honoring to Jesus. It is beautiful to watch this new life grow, not without her stumbling, but with a joy and a determination, and trust in Jesus! We thank God for allowing us to walk with her and see the fruit of our labors! He is faithful!

Silas with his homemade Birthday hat

*Dont forget to check out

the blog for more pictures, thoughts and family happenings

Could you resist this face?

Could you resist this face?

David surprised me with a night in this castle for our 15 th anniversary. WOW!

Rachel and Nathanael at the Pumpkin patch

This year we celebrated several marriages. The girls participated in one of them. I am 8 months pregnant in this photo.

Keenan with his Awana book award. He memorized dozens of Scriptures to earn this award.

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