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31 Ways to Supercharge Your Manifesting Ability

By Bob Crawford

31 Ways to SUPERCHARGE Your Manifesting Ability!

Disclaimer This eBook is intended for informational purposes only. The publisher and author do not imply any specific results to those using the information presented in this eBook, nor are they responsible for any results brought about by the usage of the information contained herein. In other words, you are responsible for your own results in life!

Copyright 2008-2009 by Bob Crawford and Peaceful Spirit Enterprises LLC

All Rights Reserved. v.1.1 Page 2

31 Ways to SUPERCHARGE Your Manifesting Ability!

Supercharge Your Manifesting Ability!................................................................. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Take Action! ............................................................................................ 6 Make Today the Day That Changes Your Life ................................................... 6 Create Opportunities ................................................................................. 7 Have a Plan ............................................................................................. 7 Focus on Your Desires Instead of Your Wishes ................................................ 8 Learn to Overcome Fear of Failure ............................................................... 9 Take Notes .............................................................................................. 9 Trade in Your Old Habits............................................................................10 Keep Yourself Motivated............................................................................10 You Need to Read! ................................................................................11 Reward Yourself ...................................................................................11 Associate and Collaborate with Others ......................................................12 Be Thankful .........................................................................................13 Dont Settle .........................................................................................14 Keep a Journal .....................................................................................14 Raise Your Standards ............................................................................15 Dont Neglect Things .............................................................................15 Dont Make Excuses ..............................................................................16 Want Versus Need ................................................................................17 Seek Input ...........................................................................................18 Take Care of YOU! ................................................................................18 Avoid Creating Stress ............................................................................19 Create Balance in Your Life .....................................................................20 Look for Solutions .................................................................................21 Patience .............................................................................................22 Apply What You Learn ............................................................................23 Learn How to Ask for Help ......................................................................24 Use the Power of Your Mind ....................................................................25 Appreciate Life.....................................................................................26 Finish Things .......................................................................................27 Believe in Yourself ................................................................................28

Resources ....................................................................................................30

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31 Ways to SUPERCHARGE Your Manifesting Ability!

Supercharge Your Manifesting Ability!

Are you ready to create opportunity and abundance in your life? Manifesting your dreams has never been easier! I created this collection of powerful tips and strategies to save you time and effort, and to help you avoid some of the struggles that arise when it comes to applying the law of attraction and actually manifesting your desires in your life. Read through them and see where your strengths and weaknesses are. Note the areas that you need to pay more attention to and then begin working on them. You will notice that some of the concepts and strategies overlap each other and that as you make improvements in one area you will automatically begin to see improvements in other areas of your life. Consistency is important. No matter what you are doing, try to be consistent at it. It will help build up your staying power and will multiply your results by an incredible amount. What follows are the 31 of the most powerful tips and techniques that exist anywhere on the planet. As you put each of them into practice you will begin to see amazing changes taking place in your life - But only if you are actually applying these powerful processes in your daily routine.

Remember: You can achieve anything you desire! Page 4

31 Ways to SUPERCHARGE Your Manifesting Ability!


The Inner Circle of Success Group

This is your opportunity to join with other success-minded people in an empowering and life-changing group setting. This exclusive, members-only group meets to learn, to share, to support, and to help each other grow. Get all the details by clicking here: Taking part in a mastermind-style group like the Inner Circle of Success is not only a powerful way to help you reach your goals faster and easier... it is highly recommended by many great self-improvement teachers such as Jack Canfield and John DiMartini. Go back further and you discover that Napoleon Hill himself, the author of Think and Grow Rich, recommends becoming a part of a group like this. You can decide to change your life today, right now, by tapping into the incredible energy and knowledge available to you in the Inner Circle of Success. Get the details. Make a decision. Be one of the few who understand the power of this group and choose to begin changing your life right now. Click here now!:

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31 Ways to SUPERCHARGE Your Manifesting Ability!

1. Take Action!
Take some action, no matter how small, each and every day, that will move you in the direction of your dreams and desires. There is no substitution for action. If you desire something, you have to reach out and claim it. You have to make the first move. Action is what sets achievers apart from dreamers. Action is what creates the momentum that carries you toward your dreams. Even small actions can have great rewards, and are often the most productive. So get out there and take action right now! Right this minute! If you apply only one of the tips in this book, make it this one. Action truly is the foundation from which you will build your dreams.

2. Make Today the Day That Changes Your Life

Live today as if it is your last day here on earth. I know that you dont like to think about it, but today might just be your last opportunity to reach out and claim your dreams. None of us knows for certain how much time we have left, and no one except you knows what you want to do with that time. It is your life, you get to decide what you want to do or become. Dont let another day go by without deciding that you are going to live! Make the most of today by doing something, anything, that moves you in the direction of your dreams.

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3. Create Opportunities
Dont wait for success to come looking for you. Success never comes looking for anyone. YOU have to find your own successes in life. You have to step up and DECIDE that your dreams are worth pursuing. Once you decide that your dreams are worth pursuing its time to get proactive and look for ways to move yourself closer to your dreams. Open your mind to the many ways that your success may manifest in your life! Share your dreams with others and expand your circle of awareness. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities that may arise during the course of your day. Expect opportunity to show itself and you will be surprised at how it manifests in your life!

4. Have a Plan
Create a plan for achieving your dreams. Even if your dreams seem a million miles away from where you are right now, you need to begin putting together a plan to achieve them. Plan the steps that you will need to take to get you to from where you are to where you want to go. Your plan may change as you progress and start seeing results and new opportunities, but to begin you need to have the outline of a plan to accomplish your goals or dream that includes: Actions you need to take, habits you need to develop, habits that you need to let go of, and skills that you need to learn. Page 7

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5. Focus on Your Desires Instead of Your Wishes

You have to be absolutely certain that you are trying to achieve something that you really desire, that you arent simply chasing a wish. Wishes are fine for fairy tales, but this is no fairy tale, this is your life! Sitting on the couch wishing for a better life wont work. Getting up off the couch and intending to create a better life for yourself WILL! If you dont have a powerful desire to accomplish or achieve a thing, then you probably wont stay focused on creating it and you wont apply the ideas and concepts that will ensure your success. On the other hand, if you have a burning desire to achieve your goal, if your desire is strong enough to get you up off the couch, then you will find yourself experiencing the success that you seek!

You cant depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of focus. Mark Twain

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6. Learn to Overcome Fear of Failure

Fear, especially fear of failure, is a common emotion that we all experience at one time or another during our life. Fear is both a blessing and a curse. Fear keeps you safe from physical dangers such as fire or sharp objects, but it can also paralyze you when you are faced with making a decision or taking an action. One of the best ways to overcome fear is by taking action. Action will cure your fear. Once you do the thing that you are afraid of trying, you will discover the courage to do the thing that you are afraid of trying! It may sound like a paradox, but taking action will cure your fear of failure. Dont wait for courage to show up in your life. Reach out and claim your desires today!

7. Take Notes
How many times have you had a great idea, a fantastic idea, a blockbuster of an idea, but you forgot the details of it because you didnt write it down? Maybe this gem of an idea came to you during a dream or while you were sitting at your desk working on something else. Maybe you were driving your car or you were playing with your kids. You intended to remember this wonderful idea, but when you finally managed to get a free moment you have difficulty remembering all the details. The solution? Keep a small notebook or journal handy at all times. When you get an idea - write it down! Immediately!! Page 9

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8. Trade in Your Old Habits

A habit is simply a thought or action that you do over and over again. Habits can be useful, if they are positive and move you in the direction of your dreams. If you have any habits that are interfering with your quality of life, or that are holding you back in some way, then you need to consider trading in those old habits for some better ones. Habits, regardless of their size or nature, can be extremely difficult to break. Rather than focusing your efforts on something that you dont want, focus instead on creating new habits to replace the ones that no longer suit your new goals and dreams. Decide on some new habits that are in alignment with the type of person you want to become.

9. Keep Yourself Motivated

It is extremely critical that you keep yourself motivated each and every day. Start each day by reviewing your goals and dreams. Better yet, write your dreams on a piece of paper and tape them on the bathroom mirror so that you see them first thing every morning. Find some inspiring and motivating books and tapes and use them to pick yourself up when you begin to feel doubt creeping into your life. Here are a few great motivators to get you started: Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, and Norman Vincent Peale. Of course, there are also many great websites available on the Internet too. is a great online resource for inspiration and motivation. Page 10

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10. You Need to Read!

Keep yourself up to date on news and development in your chosen field. Learn about current trends, successes, new ideas, or anything else related to your goals and dreams. For example, if your dream is to open a retail store then you need to get your hands on the trade magazines that are aimed at store owners. Read how other store owners deal with things like inventory, regulations, vendor problems, hiring and firing issues, shrinkage... the list goes on and on. No matter what field or niche your interests lie in, you can probably find a book or magazine that will help you understand it better. Read everything that you can get your hands on that has anything at all to do with your dream. Develop the habit of reading everyday!

11. Reward Yourself

Celebrate each of your successes by rewarding yourself with something nice. As a child you probably learned that if you did good, or behaved well, that you could expect a reward - whether that reward was a word of encouragement or a new toy. As an adult you might look to your employer to reward your good performance with promotions and pay raises. But you are ultimately responsible for your success in life and it is up to you to reward yourself for each and every milestone that you reach. Any success, no matter how small, should be rewarded by treating yourself or by indulging in a whim. Page 11

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12. Associate and Collaborate with Others

Use the power of networking to increase your chances of achieving your dreams quickly and effortlessly. The more people you meet and associate with the better your odds of running across someone who can help you in some way. You never know who may be able to offer a crucial piece of advice or introduce you to the right person! Find people who share your interests and discover where they hang out. Attend events and seminars in your field and actually talk to the people that you meet there. It isnt enough to simply go and stand around, you have to introduce yourself... hand out business cards... tell people what you are interested in. But above all, ask questions. Not only will you learn important information, but people tend to remember other people who express an interest in their work, so the experts that you meet will remember you as the person who asked all those great questions. Youll discover that many of the top experts in your field are actually really nice people who enjoy answering questions and helping others out.

None of us is as smart as all of us. Ken Blanchard Page 12

31 Ways to SUPERCHARGE Your Manifesting Ability!

13. Be Thankful
Be thankful for all the blessings in your life. More importantly, be thankful not only for your accomplishments but also for your failures. Create a gratitude journal and begin a list of all the things that you are thankful for. Add to it whenever you think of something new that you are grateful for. Then, whenever you are feeling a little down you can pull out your gratitude journal and remind yourself of all the things that matter in your life. This will usually snap you out of your bad mood! Developing an attitude of gratitude is an important way to move into alignment with your inner self and to develop a sense of humility. This, in turn, will help you keep striving for ways to improve and to achieve your dreams. Be thankful for each step of your journey and the opportunities for growth that are present along the way.

Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.
Alan Cohen

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14. Dont Settle

Dont ever settle for anything less than the total fulfillment of your dreams. Whatever your dream or goal is, once you make the decision to pursue that dream dont ever settle for anything less than what you desire. Dont give up! Dont quit! Dont settle! Settling for anything less than what you desire turns off the creative process and shuts the door of opportunity. Always expect and intend to achieve your dream... or something better! Remain open to receiving more than you ask for, but never accept anything less than your dream. Dont allow yourself to lose sight of your ultimate goal.

15. Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal is an excellent way to track your efforts. As you grow and begin to make changes in your life it will be helpful for you to have a place to record your successes and accomplishments. Start a journal and track your own journey by writing down what is working for you. Use your journal to plan the steps that you need to take or simply to record your ideas and thoughts about your desires. Make a section just for your successes. List all the things that you have accomplished so far in your life. Then, whenever you feel discouraged or frustrated you can open your journal and reflect on all that you have achieved. This is a great way to rejuvenate your drive and motivation.

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16. Raise Your Standards

You may think you are working your tail off trying to manifest a new life for yourself, and you probably are. Thats good! But if you want the fastest, most powerful results possible, then you need to try a little harder. Try raising the bar just a little bit. What would your dream look like if you increased it by ten percent? What would it look like if you doubled it? What would it feel like to accomplish your dream in half the time that you now expect to accomplish it? Always expect the best from yourself. Do not beat yourself up if you dont always hit 100%, but always try to increase your standards and strive for more. Learn to Step Up!!

17. Dont Neglect Things

Dont neglect things. Especially the small things that dont appear to have a major impact on the big picture. This is crucial, because those little things can quickly add up to a big mess if not taken care of in a timely and efficient manner. Often, it is the small details, the finer points of a plan or dream, that will ultimately make or break your success. Small things have a way of turning into big problems if not dealt with quickly. Learn to follow through and follow up, do what you need to do to finish those small tasks.

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18. Dont Make Excuses

Dont make excuses to cover up a poor decision or your fear of failure. More importantly, dont make excuses based upon any perceived limitations that you may have about yourself or your abilities. The library is full of books about men and women who overcame tremendous physical and mental limitations and who achieved extraordinary results in their lives. Yes, you may have difficulties and personal challenges that you will need to overcome. Yes, you may have to make adjustments and learn to adapt more than some other people. So what? If you want to accomplish something badly enough... you will find a way to make it happen. Making excuses to yourself may make you feel better in the short term, but ultimately it only delays the pain of not living up to your own expectations. Instead of excuses, try forgiving yourself for your error and promising yourself to do better. Then get out there and DO BETTER!

Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
George Washington Carver

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19. Want Versus Need

Make sure that your dreams and goals are based on your wants and not your needs. When you want something, you are activating your intention and your desire, therefore your thoughts and your actions will reflect those desires. However, when you need a certain thing in your life, that need will lead to pain, stress, and frustration... all signs that you are on the wrong path. When you need something it signifies that something is missing in your life, that you are experiencing lack. You need to change the focus of your attention away from lack and move it back toward the things that you want, you need to move your focus back towards abundance. Remember, you will attract to you the things that you focus on the most, so if you are focusing on lack and all the things that are missing from your life... thats right, all you will attract will be more lack, more things missing! Stay focused on your desires and INTEND to attract those positive new changes into your life.

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.

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20. Seek Input

Seek input and advice from people you trust. Whatever goal or dream you are pursuing, you should seek out successful people in your chosen field and ask them to provide honest feedback about your efforts and your successes. As you move through different stages in your journey you will experience many different challenges. It can be helpful to have someone who you can share your concerns and ideas with. They may be able to point out pitfalls or problem areas in your path that you can avoid. This will help keep you on the right track and keep you focused on achieving your desires.

21. Take Care of YOU!

Achieving success or creating the life of your dreams is pointless if you destroy yourself physically, emotionally, or spiritually while trying to get there. You need to maintain your energy and focus in order to be able to do the things you want to do. Make sure that you get plenty of rest. Follow good nutrition guidelines. Start and maintain a regular exercise program. Be proactive when it comes to your health. Take care of you, so that you can enjoy the new life you are creating for yourself.

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22. Avoid Creating Stress

Stress is a dream killer. Stress takes your focus away from accomplishing your dreams. Some people would have you believe that stress is a normal part of life. This is false! Stress is NOT a normal emotion! Stress is your bodys reaction to outside stimulus that doesnt match the belief patterns and expectations you have developed in yourself. As you develop and grow and learn to manifest your desires you will experience a major shift in the levels of stress in your life, but to lessen the effects of stress that you are experiencing right now you can try several approaches. When you start to feel overwhelmed, stop, change direction, and allow yourself to step back from the problem. Go for a walk, get a massage, meditate, play with your kids, do anything to change your focus for a few moments. Dont allow stress to drain your power and keep you from achieving your dreams!

If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn't ask me, I'd still have to say it. George Burns

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23. Create Balance in Your Life

You must always strive to create a sense of balance in your life. You need to provide time for family, friends, hobbies, exercise, and relaxation. Dont get so caught up in any one area of your life that you begin neglecting other parts. Yes, the balance may tip in one direction or another while you are focused upon manifesting a specific thing into your life, just be sure that the imbalance is only temporary. The more unbalanced your life is, and the longer it remains out of balance, the more stress you create for yourself. On the other hand, trying to live a balanced life will provide more opportunities for you achieve and accomplish your dreams by allowing you to maintain your focus and sense of purpose. Stay in balance!

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Robert Fulghum

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24. Look for Solutions

Rather than worrying about how things might turn out, or how they might go wrong, instead, look for solutions. Become a problem solver. Rather than letting stress overtake you and divert your energy, look for new ways to accomplish your goal or dream. Think outside the box. Brainstorm possible solutions by taking paper and pen and writing down a dozen possible solutions to your problem. Dont worry about how impractical they may seem, just write them down. Chances are that as you begin looking at different solutions to your problem you will find one that feels right, that feels like this is the way to go. Now take action on that solution, right this minute. Right now, step away from the computer and take one small action towards accomplishing that solution. You will be amazed at the results.

The best solutions are often simple, yet unexpected.

Julian Casablancas

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25. Patience
Be patient! Manifesting a life of success and abundance takes time for most people. When you are patient you will find that your success will come one dream at a time, one detail at a time. As you grow and learn how to manifest your desires, you will see your results beginning to snowball, you will see that as you align yourself and your thinking with your desires that you begin achieving those desires at a faster rate. While you may be able to create instant success or abundance, those types of creations tend to disappear as rapidly as they show up. It is your impatience that overrides your sense of alignment and creates feelings of lack and need. Remain patient and wait for opportunities that feel right rather than acting quickly just to satisfy your egos demands.

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
John Quincy Adams

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26. Apply What You Learn

Knowledge is worthless unless you apply it in your life. The world is full of people who buy books and tapes about how to manifest their dreams, about how to succeed in life, about how to live a happy, peaceful life. Unfortunately, very few of them are actually using any of the knowledge that they bought and paid for, usually because they discover that to achieve their dreams they are going to have to do a little work, that they are going to have to make some changes in their lives. Dont let that happen to you. Apply the principles that you learn that have the power to change your life. Stop and examine your results and always look for ways to improve. You can always do better!

Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.
Jim Rohn

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27. Learn How to Ask for Help

Dont try to do it all by yourself. Lighten your load by learning how to ask for the help that you need. People like being asked for advice, or to lend a hand, it makes them feel important. Look to your friends for temporary manpower when you need it. Sometimes, asking for help means paying for that help. If you are going into business you will reach a point where you have to consider hiring an employee or outsourcing some of your ever increasing paperwork or filing. Be willing to pay experts for things that you either dont have the time or inclination to learn. It will be better in the long run, for example, to pay a professional accountant to handle your taxes than to struggle with them on your own and possibly make a mistake. Concentrate on the things you want to get good at and get help with the rest.

Refusing to ask for help when you need it is refusing someone the chance to be helpful. Ric Ocasek

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28. Use the Power of Your Mind

Your mind is a very, very powerful tool. Take advantage of the untapped potential that exists within you by spending some time learning about your mind. Understand the connection between your thoughts and beliefs and the life you are living right now. Understand the connection between your thoughts and beliefs and the life that you want to create for yourself. Use techniques like daily affirmations and goal setting exercises to train your mind so that it responds to your wishes. Set aside time each day for meditation or reflection, to quiet your mind and allow your inner voice to be heard. Your inner voice is always there, always showing you the true path, but it is usually drowned out by the incessant chattering of your ego and its demands. Your mind is your greatest tool when it comes to manifesting your dreams. Use it wisely and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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29. Appreciate Life

Appreciate life, people, and everything around you. Learn as much as you can from every person you meet and every situation you encounter. Learn to appreciate your successes and celebrate them. Learn to appreciate your errors and strive to learn from them. The happiest people in life are those who find the joy in every situation, who are able to look on the bright side. Life is like a roller coaster, with many ups and downs, many twists and turns, and many surprises waiting around each corner. Learn to appreciate the entire ride, learn to appreciate all that your life is made of - the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly! Face your bad decisions or errors in judgment and appreciate the lessons they afford you. Then learn from those lessons and move on!

You do not pay the price of success, you enjoy the price of success.
Zig Ziglar

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30. Finish Things

Learn to finish what you begin. Unfinished or incomplete projects and tasks consume valuable energy, energy that you could otherwise use to manifest your desires and to actually create the things and experiences you want in your life. Leaving a task half-finished may free your physical self to do other things, but it doesnt free your mind. Once you begin a task that task is always there in your subconscious, always bubbling up to the surface where you push it back down again. Your mind keeps pushing it back up and you keep pushing it back down. Think about a project or unfinished task that you have right now. How often does that unfinished task pop into your mind? How many times during the day do you think about it and push it back down, saying to yourself that youll finish it at a later date? Each time it popped up meant that your subconscious mind was working... and it wasnt working on your goals and dreams, it was busy trying to remind you to finish this thing. Finishing your tasks will free your subconscious mind to work on things that are important to you.

Much of the stress that people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they've started.
David Allen

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31. Believe in Yourself

You are the only person responsible for making your dreams come true. Believe that you have the power to be anything, to have anything, or to do anything you desire. Believe that you have a purpose in life, and that by expressing your choices and manifesting your desires you are fulfilling that purpose. You are unique. No one else on this planet has the same dreams or abilities as you. No one else has the power to make your dreams come true. People may help you along the way and you may be guided and inspired by them, but ultimately, your life is in your own hands. Believe that you will always have the strength and the wisdom to overcome whatever challenges you may face.

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The Inner Circle of Success Group

This is your opportunity to join with other success-minded people in an empowering and life-changing group setting. This exclusive, members-only group meets to learn, to share, to support, and to help each other grow. Get all the details by clicking here: Taking part in a mastermind-style group like the Inner Circle of Success is not only a powerful way to help you reach your goals faster and easier... it is highly recommended by many great self-improvement teachers such as Jack Canfield and John DiMartini. Go back further and you discover that Napoleon Hill himself, the author of Think and Grow Rich, recommends becoming a part of a group like this. You can decide to change your life today, right now, by tapping into the incredible energy and knowledge available to you in the Inner Circle of Success. Get the details. Make a decision. Be one of the few who understand the power of this group and choose to begin changing your life right now. Click here now!:

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Resources Bob Crawford is a self development trainer, life coach, and speaker from Connecticut. Through personal coaching, life changing workshops and powerful, interactive seminars, Bob helps people gain the skills needed to achieve their dreams. Want to learn how to discover your true purpose in life? Click here to get your copy of a powerful call I recently gave called, Discover Your True Purpose. The Inner Circle of Success is my members-only group that meets to share, learn, and grow. Learn how you can become a part of this powerful, life-changing group. Inner Circle of Success Group

For more information about manifesting your desires be sure to visit Growing Your SELF! - The blog

For an up to date listing of all the events and seminars being presented by Bob Crawford visit the site below: Bob's Calendar

To learn about Reiki Healing energy please visit

For those of you interested in psychic readings you may find the following page interesting: Psychic Email Readings

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