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Chapter 1 Understanding Veritas Volume Manager

About Veritas Volume Manager

VxVM and the operating system

How data is stored

How VxVM handles storage management

Physical objects

Virtual objects

Volume layouts in VxVM

Implementation of non-layered volumes

Implementation of layered volumes

Layout methods

Concatenation and spanning

Striping (RAID-0)

Mirroring (RAID-1)

Striping plus mirroring (mirrored-stripe or RAID-0+1)

Mirroring plus striping (striped-mirror, RAID-1+0 or RAID-10)

RAID-5 (striping with parity)

Layered volumes

Online relayout

How online relayout works

Limitations of online relayout

Transformation characteristics

Transformations and volume length

Volume resynchronization

Dirty flags

Resynchronization process

Dirty region logging

Dirty region logs

Log subdisks and plexes

Sequential DRL

SmartSync recovery accelerator

Volume snapshots

Comparison of snapshot features


FastResync enhancements

Non-persistent FastResync

Persistent FastResync

DCO volume versioning

FastResync limitations


Volume sets

Chapter 2 Administering disks

About disk management

Disk devices

Disk device naming in VxVM

Private and public disk regions

Discovering and configuring newly added disk devices

Partial device discovery

Discovering disks and dynamically adding disk arrays

Third-party driver coexistence

How to administer the Device Discovery Layer

Disks under VxVM control

Discovering the association between enclosure-based disk names and OS-based disk

Disk installation and formatting

Displaying or changing default disk layout attributes

Adding a disk to VxVM

Disk reinitialization

Using vxdiskadd to put a disk under VxVM control

Dynamic LUN expansion

Extended Copy Service

Enabling a disk for Extended Copy Service operation

Removing disks

Removing a disk with subdisks

Removing a disk with no subdisks

Removing a disk from VxVM control

Removing and replacing disks

Replacing a failed or removed disk

Enabling a disk

Taking a disk offline

Renaming a disk

Reserving disks

Displaying disk information

Displaying disk information with vxdiskadm

Chapter 3 Administering Dynamic Multipathing

How DMP works

How DMP monitors I/O on paths

Load balancing

Using DMP with LVM boot disks

Disabling MPIO

DMP in a clustered environment

Disabling multipathing and making devices invisible to VxVM

Enabling multipathing and making devices visible to VxVM

Enabling and disabling I/O for controllers and storage processors

Displaying DMP database information

Displaying the paths to a disk

Administering DMP using vxdmpadm

Retrieving information about a DMP node

Displaying the members of a LUN group

Displaying paths controlled by a DMP node, controller or array port

Displaying information about controllers

Displaying information about enclosures

Displaying information about array ports

Displaying information about TPD-controlled devices

Gathering and displaying I/O statistics

Setting the attributes of the paths to an enclosure

Displaying the I/O policy

Specifying the I/O policy

Disabling I/O for paths, controllers or array ports

Enabling I/O for paths, controllers or array ports

Upgrading disk controller firmware

Renaming an enclosure

Configuring the response to I/O failures

Configuring the I/O throttling mechanism

Displaying recovery option values

Configuring DMP path restoration policies

Stopping the DMP path restoration thread

Displaying the status of the DMP path restoration thread

Displaying information about the DMP error-handling thread

Configuring array policy modules

Chapter 4 Creating and administering disk groups

About disk groups

Specification of disk groups to commands

System-wide reserved disk groups

Rules for determining the default disk group

Displaying disk group information

Displaying free space in a disk group

Creating a disk group

Adding a disk to a disk group

Removing a disk from a disk group

Deporting a disk group

Importing a disk group

Handling disks with duplicated identifiers

Writing a new UDID to a disk

Importing a disk group containing cloned disks

Sample cases of operations on cloned disks

Renaming a disk group

Moving disks between disk groups

Moving disk groups between systems

Handling errors when importing disks

Reserving minor numbers for disk groups

Compatibility of disk groups between platforms

Handling conflicting configuration copies

Example of a serial split brain condition in a cluster

Correcting conflicting configuration information

Reorganizing the contents of disk groups

Limitations of disk group split and join

Listing objects potentially affected by a move

Moving objects between disk groups

Splitting disk groups

Joining disk groups

Disabling a disk group

Destroying a disk group

Recovering a destroyed disk group

Upgrading a disk group

Managing the configuration daemon in VxVM

Backing up and restoring disk group configuration data

Using vxnotify to monitor configuration changes

Chapter 5 Creating and administering subdisks

About subdisks

Creating subdisks

Displaying subdisk information

Moving subdisks

Splitting subdisks

Joining subdisks

Associating subdisks with plexes

Associating log subdisks

Dissociating subdisks from plexes

Removing subdisks

Changing subdisk attributes

Chapter 6 Creating and administering plexes

About plexes

Creating plexes

Creating a striped plex

Displaying plex information

Plex states

Plex condition flags

Plex kernel states

Attaching and associating plexes

Taking plexes offline

Detaching plexes

Reattaching plexes

Moving plexes

Copying plexes

Dissociating and removing plexes

Changing plex attributes

Chapter 7 Creating volumes

About volume creation

Types of volume layouts

Supported volume logs and maps

Creating a volume

Advanced approach

Assisted approach

Using vxassist

Setting default values for vxassist

Discovering the maximum size of a volume

Disk group alignment constraints on volumes

Creating a volume on any disk

Creating a volume on specific disks

Specifying ordered allocation of storage to volumes

Creating a mirrored volume

Creating a mirrored-concatenated volume

Creating a concatenated-mirror volume

Creating a volume with a version 0 DCO volume

Creating a volume with a version 20 DCO volume

Creating a volume with dirty region logging enabled

Creating a striped volume

Creating a mirrored-stripe volume

Creating a striped-mirror volume

Mirroring across targets, controllers or enclosures

Creating a RAID-5 volume

Creating tagged volumes

Creating a volume using vxmake

Creating a volume using a vxmake description file

Initializing and starting a volume

Initializing and starting a volume created using vxmake

Accessing a volume

Chapter 8 Administering volumes

About volume administration

Displaying volume information

Volume states

Volume kernel states

Monitoring and controlling tasks

Specifying task tags

Managing tasks with vxtask

Stopping a volume

Putting a volume in maintenance mode

Starting a volume

Adding a mirror to a volume

Mirroring all volumes

Mirroring volumes on a VM disk

Removing a mirror

Adding logs and maps to volumes

Preparing a volume for DRL and instant snapshots

Specifying storage for version 20 DCO plexes

Using a DCO and DCO volume with a RAID-5 volume

Determining the DCO version number

Determining if DRL is enabled on a volume

Determining if DRL logging is active on a volume

Disabling and re-enabling DRL

Removing support for DRL and instant snapshots from a volume

Upgrading existing volumes to use version 20 DCOs

Adding traditional DRL logging to a mirrored volume

Removing a traditional DRL log

Adding a RAID-5 log

Adding a RAID-5 log using vxplex

Removing a RAID-5 log

Resizing a volume

Resizing volumes using vxresize

Resizing volumes using vxassist

Resizing volumes using vxvol

Setting tags on volumes

Changing the read policy for mirrored volumes

Removing a volume

Moving volumes from a VM disk

Enabling FastResync on a volume

Checking whether FastResync is enabled on a volume

Disabling FastResync

Performing online relayout

Permitted relayout transformations

Specifying a non-default layout

Specifying a plex for relayout

Tagging a relayout operation

Viewing the status of a relayout

Controlling the progress of a relayout

Converting between layered and non-layered volumes

Chapter 9 Administering volume snapshots

About volume snapshots

Traditional third-mirror break-off snapshots

Full-sized instant snapshots

Space-optimized instant snapshots

Emulation of third-mirror break-off snapshots

Linked break-off snapshot volumes

Cascaded snapshots

Creating a snapshot of a snapshot

Creating multiple snapshots

Restoring the original volume from a snapshot

Creating instant snapshots

Preparing to create instant and break-off snapshots

Creating and managing space-optimized instant snapshots

Creating and managing full-sized instant snapshots

Creating and managing third-mirror break-off snapshots

Creating and managing linked break-off snapshot volumes

Creating multiple instant snapshots

Creating instant snapshots of volume sets

Adding snapshot mirrors to a volume

Removing a snapshot mirror

Removing a linked break-off snapshot volume

Adding a snapshot to a cascaded snapshot hierarchy

Refreshing an instant snapshot

Reattaching an instant snapshot

Reattaching a linked break-off snapshot volume

Restoring a volume from an instant snapshot

Dissociating an instant snapshot

Removing an instant snapshot

Splitting an instant snapshot hierarchy

Displaying instant snapshot information

Controlling instant snapshot synchronization

Listing the snapshots created on a cache

Tuning the autogrow attributes of a cache

Growing and shrinking a cache

Removing a cache

Creating traditional third-mirror break-off snapshots

Converting a plex into a snapshot plex

Creating multiple snapshots

Reattaching a snapshot volume

Adding plexes to a snapshot volume

Dissociating a snapshot volume

Displaying snapshot information

Adding a version 0 DCO and DCO volume

Specifying storage for version 0 DCO plexes

Removing a version 0 DCO and DCO volume

Reattaching a version 0 DCO and DCO volume

Chapter 10 Creating and administering volume sets

About volume sets

Creating a volume set

Adding a volume to a volume set

Listing details of volume sets

Stopping and starting volume sets

Removing a volume from a volume set

Raw device node access to component volumes

Enabling raw device access when creating a volume set

Displaying the raw device access settings for a volume set

Controlling raw device access for an existing volume set

Chapter 11 Configuring off-host processing

About off-host processing solutions

Implemention of off-host processing solutions

Implementing off-host online backup

Implementing decision support

Chapter 12 Administering hot-relocation

About hot-relocation

How hot-relocation works

Partial disk failure mail messages

Complete disk failure mail messages

How space is chosen for relocation

Configuring a system for hot-relocation

Displaying spare disk information

Marking a disk as a hot-relocation spare

Removing a disk from use as a hot-relocation spare

Excluding a disk from hot-relocation use

Making a disk available for hot-relocation use

Configuring hot-relocation to use only spare disks

Moving relocated subdisks

Moving relocated subdisks using vxdiskadm

Moving relocated subdisks using vxassist

Moving relocated subdisks using vxunreloc

Restarting vxunreloc after errors

Modifying the behavior of hot-relocation

Chapter 13 Administering cluster functionality

About the cluster functionality of VxVM

Overview of cluster volume management

Private and shared disk groups

Activation modes of shared disk groups

Connectivity policy of shared disk groups

Effect of disk connectivity on cluster reconfiguration

Limitations of shared disk groups

Cluster initialization and configuration

Cluster reconfiguration

Volume reconfiguration

Node shutdown

Node abort

Cluster shutdown

Dirty region logging in cluster environments

How DRL works in a cluster environment

Multiple host failover configurations

Import lock


Corruption of disk group configuration

Administering VxVM in cluster environments

Requesting node status and discovering the master node

Determining if a disk is shareable

Listing shared disk groups

Creating a shared disk group

Forcibly adding a disk to a disk group

Importing disk groups as shared

Converting a disk group from shared to private

Moving objects between shared disk groups

Splitting shared disk groups

Joining shared disk groups

Changing the activation mode on a shared disk group

Setting the disk detach policy on a shared disk group

Setting the disk group failure policy on a shared disk group

Creating volumes with exclusive open access by a node

Setting exclusive open access to a volume by a node

Displaying the cluster protocol version

Displaying the supported cluster protocol version range

Upgrading the cluster protocol version

Recovering volumes in shared disk groups

Obtaining cluster performance statistics

Chapter 14 Administering sites and remote mirrors

About sites and remote mirrors

Configuring sites for hosts and disks

Configuring site-based allocation on a disk group

Configuring site consistency on a disk group

Configuring site consistency on a volume

Setting the siteread policy on a volume

Site-based allocation of storage to volumes

Examples of storage allocation by specifying sites

Making an existing disk group site consistent

Fire drill — testing the configuration

Simulating site failure

Recovery from simulated site failure

Failure scenarios and recovery procedures

Recovering from a loss of site connectivity

Recovering from host failure

Recovering from storage failure

Recovering from site failure

Chapter 15 Using Storage Expert

About Storage Expert

How Storage Expert works

Before using Storage Expert

Running Storage Expert

Discovering what a rule does

Displaying rule attributes and their default values

Running a rule

Identifying configuration problems using Storage Expert

Recovery time

Disk groups

Disk striping

Disk sparing and relocation management

Hardware failures

System name

Rule definitions and attributes

Chapter 16 Performance monitoring and tuning

Performance guidelines

Data assignment



Combining mirroring and striping

Volume read policies

Performance monitoring

Setting performance priorities

Obtaining performance data

Using performance data

Tuning VxVM

General tuning guidelines

Tuning guidelines for large systems

Changing the values of tunables

Tunable parameters

Appendix A Using Veritas Volume Manager commands

About Veritas Volume Manager commands

Online manual pages

Section 1M — administrative commands

Section 4 — file formats

Section 7 — device driver interfaces

Appendix B Configuring Veritas Volume Manager

Setup tasks after installation

Unsupported disk arrays

Foreign devices

Initialization of disks and creation of disk groups

Guidelines for configuring storage

Mirroring guidelines

Dirty region logging guidelines

Striping guidelines

RAID-5 guidelines

Hot-relocation guidelines

Accessing volume devices

VxVM's view of multipathed devices

Cluster support

Configuring shared disk groups

Converting existing VxVM disk groups to shared disk groups

Reconfiguration tasks

Default disk group name

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