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NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 MWO NO. MK027270 MK030244 MK018292 MK027107 MK014993 MJ027155 MK000120 MK000931 MK003909 MK006344 MK012560 MK015780 MK016382 MK018540 MK019075 MK021856 MK023640 MK023921 MK023953 MK024131 MK024268 MK024491 MK024497 MK024513 MK026267 MK026281 MK026772 MK026856 MK026985 MK027061 MK027110 MK027290 MK027303 MK027307 MK027382 MK028256 MK029775 MK029781 MK029816 MK029871 MK029899 MK029946 EQUIPMENT # 35-E-1A 99-PM-1 31-PIPE-0 32-PIPE-0 31-PIPE-0 33-PIPE-U1 31-C-3 32-T-5A 32-PIPE-0 31-PIPE-0 32-VALVE-0 36-PIPE-0 32-HV-206 31-VALVE-0 31-E-34B 31-PIPE-0 35-E-2C 36-VALVE-0 31-PIPE-0 36-V-2D 31-E-37 32-VALVE-0 31-VALVE-0 35-KM-1A 36-V-7C 32-T-1A 36-VALVE-0 35-PIPE-0 31-C-6 31-F-10 31-PIPE-0 36-PSV-11C 31-E-66A 31-VALVE-0 31-F-5 31-PIPE-0 36-D-10 31-E-31B 32-PIPE-0 31-E-56 31-E-26 31-VALVE-0 DESCRIPTION Check and repair intercooler 35E-1A Sodium Hypochlorite Electrical Control Cerobong level glass 31LG-6C Engsel pintu Travelling screen 1-5 semua Utility water line pipe rack 4"plant-31banyak yang keropos Replace Discharge PWL 6 F Pump 33-G-3A" 31-C-3. INTERNAL INSP. OF CWP# 10 :Cleaning & Check inside CWP# 1 ~ 5 Please repair Trash rack. PG-03 PIPE 1/2" to governor plugged Vaccum brk CWL line 72 cross over" Rplc 4 line Utility water corroded." Repair amri valve cooling water pump. 31PG-08 3 way v/vl/o gov filter stuckcls Up & down stream flanges of sight glass Steam trap survey @ Util 1 Pls check & repair inter cooler ex B/v 1 Water make up to 36D-10" 31C-7/8/9 piping @ lower side of PV bott 6 line demin "D" ke Neut.Pit bocor." 31-E-37 Internal inspec condenser PG-05 3 ea batterfly b/v 8 feed chloropac" C/W leak at body valve 1.5 o/l 31KT-3" 35KM-1A internal inspec inter cooler Polisher 36V-7C Check inside as PE req. Gland pack HWS#1 bocor besar Hand wheel 1 condesate water to 36D-10" air intake filter isopacC" kotor" Pemasangan expanded metal di 31C-6 In situ Metalografi Boiler 10 C/W line to 31E-65 was leak Body Disch PSV of 36G-11C leak 31PG-8 : FLEXIBLE JOINT CWL 2 ea B/V drain to sewer hard to operate Leak indication on Boiler 5 Steam trap replacement_PG-8 MPS B/v 1for m/up 36D-10 hand whell" G/Seal Cooler out board pump 31E-31B HWS#8 : 6Flex. joint outlet b/wash line" LUBE OIL COOLER 31KT-17 WAS TUBE LEAK 31KT-04 line c/w 1.5coupling outlet" Gear box inlet valve 31PG-05 was broken CONTR PRY SDI SDI DEN SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI DEN SDI SDI SDI DEN SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI DEN DEN SDI SDI SDI SDI DEN SDI SDI SDI SDI DEN DEN SDI 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 4 3 3 3 3 6 3 4 3 3 4 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 STS 50% 50% 65% 75% 85% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% KETERANGAN Recondition intercooler to Balikpapan Fabrication Replace duct Replace Hinge of Trafeling Screen Box & install lock Setting pipe line Welding Joint Replace Discharge PWL 6 F Pump 33-G-3A" INTERNAL INSP. OF Cleaning & Check inside CWP# 1 ~ 5 Please repair Trash rack. Setup pipe line Vaccum brk CWL line 72 cross over" Rplc 4 line Utility water corroded." Repair amri valve cooling water pump. 31PG-08 3 way v/vl/o gov filter stuckcls Replacement Steam trap survey @ Util 1 Pls check & repair inter cooler ex Repl. pipe Replacement 6 line demin "D" ke Neut.Pit bocor." Internal inspec condenser PG-05 Repl. 6" Butt. Vlv. Repr. leaking at body valve 1.5 o/l 31KT-3" Internal inpect. Internal inpect. Repl. gland pack Repr. hand wheel. air intake filter isopac C "kotor" Install expanded metal. Internal inspect by Inspection Reparation Reparation Cleaning Cooler & Replace pipe line Repl./fabr. 2" pipe line. Repair leaking wall tube. Repl. passing B/V per list. Repr. hand whell" Repr. 31E-31B Replacement Reparation Reparation Reparation

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

MK029954 MK030032 MK030044 MK030140 MK030141 MK030143 MK030203 MK030382 MK030394 MK032336

31-E-48 36-PIPE-0 31-PIPE-0 36-PIPE-0 35-V-1A-2 31-F-5 36-V-2D 36-V-2D 33-GE-5A 36-V-2D

C/W line outlet cooler broken 31G-55 36 D-12 Conct/Disct acid Period Novb 11 Pipa C/W di 31KT-14 patah New Regent Skid Acid line was leaks 35V-1A-2 & 35V-1D-1 Elect Heater Problem Install cover man way fire box. acid leak at mixing tee Line injeksi aci skid baru bocor Fire Water pumps 33GE-5 ABCD Acid leak at mixing tee/elbow


3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Reparation Conct/Disct acid Period Nov 11 Repl./repr. Pipe Repair/replacement Reparation Install cover man way fire box. acid leak at mixing tee Line injeksi aci skid baru bocor Fire Water pumps 33GE-5 ABCD Acid leak at mixing tee/elbow


AMOUNT 52 47 5 3 5 34 6 4


NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 MWO NO. MK024115 MK027302 MK027301 MK024457 MK024556 MK027382 MK026814 MK027059 MK027060 MK006344 MK028256 MK027069 MK024498 MK026918 MK027307 MK028249 MK028531 MK027105 MK000121 MK026049 MK026901 MK027109 MK000116 MK000117 MK000118 MK027079 MK027328 MK027155 MK024513 MK028251 MK026788 MK023826 MK026369 MK024370 MK026830 MK027295 MK027193 MK026789 MK026851 MK026927 MK029743 MK018290 EQUIPMENT # 31-E-22 31-E-27 31-E-53 31-E-7 31-F-4 31-F-5 31-F-6 31-F-8 31-F-9 31-PIPE-0 31-PIPE-0 31-PSV-40-2 31-VALVE-0 31-VALVE-0 31-VALVE-0 31-VALVE-0 31-VALVE-0 32-CWL-0 32-CWL-1A 32-MISC-0 32-PIPE-0 32-PIPE-0 32-T-1A 32-T-1B 32-T-1C 32-VALVE-0 33-MECH-U1 33-PIPE-U1 35-KM-1A 35-PIPE-0 35-VALVE-0 35-Y-1A 35-Y-1A 35-Y-1B 36-PIPE-0 36-PIPE-0 36-V-2B 36-V-2D 36-V-2D 36-V-2D 36-V-2D 36-V-4B DESCRIPTION l/o cooler 31E-22 (31GT-4) suspected Check tube cooler 31E-27 suspected leaks Check tube cooler 31E-53 suspected leaks INTERNAL INSPECT CONDENSER PG-04 (T) moved burner#1to internal inspect . Leak indication on Boiler 5 31F-06 Internal inpect wall tube as per In situ Metalografi Boiler 8 In situ Metalografi Boiler 9 PG-03 PIPE 1/2" to governor plugged Steam trap replacement_PG-8 MPS 31PSV-40-2 fuel gas to boiler#2 popping leak bonnet v/v1.5 line to 31LG-6-9B" 31G-04 Three way valve stuckL/O system 2 ea B/V drain to sewer hard to operate 31PG-08 b/v 1" drain Cassing turbine 10" B/V gearbox of inlet turbine 31PG-5 install temporary net outside basin INSP/RPR INTRL C/W LN TR-A Pembersihan ubur-ubur di CWI Vacuum breaker di line 72" Train-B tidak Trav.screen CWP-1~5 nozle plugging 32-T-1A . CHECK INSIDE HWS 32-T-1B . CHECK INSIDE HWS 32-T-1C . CHECK INSIDE HWS 48 Boving valve CWP#3 was passing" Repair Butterfly Valve HV-1303 at CWI-AD 33G-3A~D Replace Discharge FWL 6 FPump" 35KM-1A internal inspec inter cooler C/W Out let line LO Cooler 35K-1D leak Filter air intake was dirty 35K-1B inst air filter 35Y-1ABCD kotor Insrument air filter 35Y-1/2 ABCD kotor 35K-1B Filter Air nteke dirty Connect/disconnect acid transfer line Acid leaks at Demin-D Acid line ABC demin regen skid is leak. Disch 36-G-9C is leak. Line injeksi acid new regent skid bocor. Line injeksi acid regent skid baru bocor Acid leak at 2" mix.T and 4" d/s mix.T Lateral 36V-4B bocor,trap banyak resin CONTR PRY SDI DEN DEN SDI DEN DEN DEN DEN DEN SDI SDI DEN DEN SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI 3 3 3 6 3 4 6 6 6 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 STS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 85% 100% 100% 100% 50% 85% 100% 100% 100% 90% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% KETERANGAN Repl. L/O cooler. Remove/reinstall L/O Cooler. Remove/reinstall L/O Cooler. Internal inspect by Inspection Remove/reinstall Spud/gun burner. Close man way Fire Box & remove scaffold. Inspect internal wall tube by Inspection. Internal inspect by Inspection Internal inspect by Inspection Setup pipe line Repl. passing B/V per list. Remove/repl. PSV-40-2 Repr. Leaking B/V. Remove/repl. three way valve 1" Repl./fabr. 2" pipe line. Repl. passing 3ea 3/4" & 1ea 1" B/V. Repr. Gear box 10" B/V inlet HPS to 31-PG-5 Install temp net. Inspect/repr, internal CWL Tr-A Cleaning/carry out jelly fish at Basin Remove/repl. vacuum breaker & 6" B/V. Unplug nozles of water spray Internal inspect by Inspection Internal inspect by Inspection Internal inspect by Inspection Repl. 48" Boving valve. Repl. 24" Butt Vlv. Repl. 6" discharge pipe line Wait reinstall Cntrl Valve by Instrument Repl. 1" union. Cleaning filter. Cleaning filter. Cleaning filter. Cleaning filter. Loading acid. Repr. Leaking pipe line Repr. Leaking pipe line Repr. Leaking pipe line Repr. Leaking pipe line Repr. Leaking pipe line Repr. Leaking pipe line Cleaning inside vesel & lateral.

43 MK029060 44 MK026267

36-V-4D 36-V-7C

36V-4D : Acid line new skid regen was Polisher 36V-7C Check inside as PE req.


3 3

100% Repr. Leaking pipe line 55% In Progress


AMOUNT 44 38 6 0 2 31 3 8

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