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Purusha Suktam

|| Aum || Thaccham-yo ra-vrunimahe gaa-tum yagnaya. Gaa-tum Yagna-pathaye Daivee swasthi rasthu na: Swasthir aanushe!hya "r#hwam $igaathu !esha%am Sham-no asthu #wi-pa#he Sham chatush-pa#e Aum &tat' that which &cham-yo ra' gives us peace from all sorrows &avrnee-mahe' We seek | &Gaatum' growth &yagnaaya' for the rite of (fire) ceremonies | &gaatum' growth for &yagnyapataye' Lord of the rite | &#aivee-svastir' The grace of the Gods &astu' be &na:' on us. &Svastir' Well being &maanushe-!hya:' to all mankind. &"r#hvam' upwards &%igaatu' grow well &!hesha%am' may plants (medicinal herbs). &Sham-no' good to us &astu' may come happen from (#vipa#e) two!feet (creatures) (sham) and good from (chatushpa#e) four feet (creatures). "um# $ou give us peace from all sorrows# blessings from (fire) ceremonies# blessings from the ceremonial Lord# # may there be grace of all gods on us# grace on all man!kind# plants grow well# may good be on two! feet beings# good to four!feet beings.

|| Aum || Sahsra sheershaa purusha( | Sahasra-aksha sahar-paath | Sa !hoomim viswatho vruthwa | Athyathish-tha# #asha-angu)am | *-* The %urusha has thousand heads# thousand eyes# thousand feet# &e is spread all over the universe# That (purusha) is beyond the count with ten fingers.

Purusha ey-ve#amm sarvam | Ya# !hootam ya# !havyam | "tha amrut-thathwa-sya eeshana:| Ya# annena athi-rohathi | *-+ %urusha (is) (ey-ve#am) this which is already known (sarvam) all

(ya#-!hootam)That past# (ya-cha !hawyam) that future. (uta)'oreover# (amrut-tatwa)of immortal!principle# (sa) he alone (ishaan:) is the master. (Ya#) That which (annena) as food (ati-rohati) shows itself (that too is %urusha)

,thaa vaanasya mahimaa | Atho %yaaya-amns-cha purusha: | Pa#hosya viswa !hoothanee | Tripaa#-asya-amrutham #ivi | *-(eyta-vaan) "ll that is here seen (asya) is his (mahima) greatness. (atho) Then# (%yaya.mns-cha) and beyond all this great (purusha:) is that %urusha. (Paa#o-ashya) (ne part of &im is (vishwa !hutaani) all creation in )niverse. (tri-paa#-ashya) The three part is (amrutam) immortal (#ivi) in heaven.

Tri-paa#-ur#hwa u#aith-purusha: | Pa#o-asyehaa-!havaath-puna: | Thatho vishvang-vyakraamath | Sashana-anasane a!hi | *-. (Tripaa#) Three parts (ur#hva) above (u#ait) rises (purusha:) of the %urusha. (Paa#o) (ne part alone (asya) of his (iha) is here (a!hvaat) manifesting (puna:) again and again. (Thatho) *rom that part (vishvak) all worldly (vyakraamat) e+istence (sasana-anasana) beings that eat and eat not (a!hi) e+ist.

Tasmaat-viraa#-%aayatha | /iraa%o a#hi purusha: | Sa %atho athya-richyatha | Pascha# !hoomi matho pura: | *-0 (Tasmaat) *rom that great (%urusha) (viraa#) this massive ()niverse) (a%aayata) come forth. (/iraa%o a#hi) This massive resides in (purusha,) %urusha. (Sa) &e (the 'assive) (%aato) was born (-ig!-ang) (ati aricyata) and grew very large# e+tending (paschaat) Later# forming (!humim) earth (atho) and then (pura,) inhabited (clusters of suns and planets)

Yat purushena havishaa | Devaa yagna-matan-vata | /asantho asyaa-see#a-a%yam | Greeshma i#hma: sara##havi: | *-1 ("fter the creation). (Yat) Then (purushena) the %urusha only (havishaa) as sacred offering# (Deva) the gods (ya%na) rite (ceremony) (mat-anvata) performed in their mind (meditated)# (vasanto) the /pring# (ashya-aseet) became their (a%yam) ghee. (greeshma) the /ummer (i#hmah) fire log# (shara#) "utumn (havi,) offering.

Sapthaasyaasan pari#haya: | Tri:-saptha sami#ha krutha | Devaa ya#-yagnam tanvaana: | A!ha#hnan Purusham pashum | *-2 (Sapta) /even (asya-asan) were for this position (pari#haya:) the fences for %aridhi yaga (0) (tri:sapta) thrice!seven# twenty one (sami#ha:) all thing to be burnt (kruta:) made ready (1) (Deva) The gods (ya# ya%nam) for this sacrifice (tanvaanaa,) became performers# (A!a#hnan) bound!less (purusham) the %urusha (pashum) as the animal (for sacrifice). 0. (2 fenses of a ya3nam are 4 aistika-avaa-havan (purosada-rice flour, ajya-ghee, caru-4 types of grains/lentils)# 5 4 6uttara!vedika!astraya7 (north direction 8 the altar 8 and tools used to perform ya3nam)# 5 0 "ditya (/un) make up the 6paridhi pratinidhi rupa7) !! 9aish!tik!asya!avaahavan!eya!asya traya, paridaya, uttara!vedika!astraya, "dityas!ca saptama, paridhi pratinidhi roopa,:: Three fences are in the uttaravedi part# three in the "vaahaniya# and "ditya is the seventh. !! ;n a saumika yaga3 the havis is /omarasa# in a pasuka yaga# the havis is an animal# and in an aistika yaga the havis is purodasa (rice flour)# a3ya (ghee) and caru (a porridge of < kinds of grains and or lentils) (/ource, http, vedic!rites!rituals) 2. (21 are the krutaah. ruta !eans to do/perfor!. "he krutaas are the cere!onies perfor!ed.# -- Paka-ya%na are 2 in number, 4uta3 Prahuta3 Ahuta3 Su)agava3 5a)iharana3 Pratyavarohana and Ashtakahoma. They are meant for worldly gain and prosperity. =ooked offerings such as boiled grains mi+ed with butter are offered into the aupasan-agni or the grhya-agni. -- The Seven 4avir-ya%na are Agnya#heya3 Agnihotra3 Darasa-purnamasa3 6aturmasya3 Agrayana3 7iru#ha-pasu!an#ha and Sautramani. The havis is uncooked offerings like barley# rice# milk or clarified butter offered into the srautagnis namely the garhapatya3 #akshina and ahavaniya. !! The seven Soma-yaga are Agnistoma3 Atyagnistoma3 "kthya3 So#asi3 /a%apeya3 Atiratra and Aptoryama. &ere the main offering is the /oma>asa (an e+tract of the soma plant).

Tam yagnam !arhishhi proukshan | Purusham $aatham-grata: | Tena #eva aya%antha | Saa#hya rusha-yas-cha ye | *-8 (Tam) That (animal) (yagnam) of sacrifice (!arhishi) bed of straw (proukshan) sprinkled with holy water# (?ot to forget that). (Purusham) the %urusha (%aatam) was born (agrataah) before all (Te-na) "ll these (#eva) the gods (aya-%a-anta) came born later (Saa#hya) worshippers# divine beings (rusha-yas) the seers# etc. (cha ye) and all else

Tasma#-yagnat sarva-hutha: | Sam-!rutam prusha#a-a%yam | Pashumm-sthaamms-chakre vayavyaan | Aaranyaan graamyascha ye | *-9 (Tasmaat) *rom that (ya%naat) after sacrifice (sarvahuta:) after all!offered (sam-!hrutam) were produced (prusha#-a%yam) yogurt containing ghee (female!male energies) (Pashumn) The beasts (staamns) and of water (ca-kre) were created# (vayavyaan) birds of the air# (Aranyaan) beings of the woods# (gramyaan) beings of the villages (cha ye) and all.

Tasma# yagnath sarva hutha | :ucha saamanee %agnire | 6han#aamn-si %agnire tasmaat | Ya%us tasmaa# %aayatha | *-*; (tasmaat ya3naat sarvahuta,) "s a result of that rite (h:ucha:) the >g !veda mantras and (saamaa-ni) /aama veda mantras (%agnyire) were received. (chan#aamm-asi' did the metres too (%agnyire) come forth (tasmaat) from that# (ya%us) the ya3ur veda mantras (tasmaat) from that were (a%ayata) born.

Tasma# aswaa a%aayantha | Ye ke cho!haya tha tha | Gavooha %an%ire tasmath | Tasma# gnatha a%avaya | *-** (Tasmaa#) *rom that (yagna) (aswaa:) horses (a%aayanta) were born# (ya ey-ke) and beings with only one (ch-o!hayaa#ata:) and two rows of teeth. (gaavo ha) cattle (%agnyire) were made (tasmaat) from that. (tasmaat) *rom that (%aata) were born (a%a) goats (avaya:) sheep.

Ya# purusham vya#ha#hu: | <ati#haa vyaka)payan | ukham kimsya kou !ahuu | <aavuuruu pa#aa-uchyathe | *-*+ (Ya#) The (purusham) %urusha (vya#a#hu,) that they divided# (kati#haa) into what forms# how# (vyaka)payan) did they shape him@ (mukham) 'outh (kim-ashya) what about (kau) what are (!ahuu) arms# (kaav-uru) what about thighs (pa#aa) the feet (uchyate) are called@

5rahmanasya ukham-aseet | 5ahu ra%anya: krutha: | =oru ta#-ashya ya#-vaisya: | Pa#!hyaamm shu#ro a%ayata | *-*(5rahmano) the -rahmins spiritual wisdom (asya) his (mukham) mouth (Aseet) became# (!ahoo) his arms (ra%anya,) Aings rulers administration!power (krta,) were made (ooru) the thighs (ta#-asya) they were made into (ya#-vaishya,) these merchants business!persons (pa#!hyaamm) and from his feet (shoo#ro) the productive sustaining force (a%ayata) was born.

6han#rma manaso $aata: | 6haksho: suryo A%ayatha | ukhaa# >n#ras-cha Agnis-cha | Pranaa# /ayur-a%ayatha | *-*. (6han#rma) the moon (manaso) from his mind (%aata,) came to be known. (caksho) from eyes (sooryo:) the suns (symbol of consciousness) (a%aayata) were born. (mukhaa#) from mouth (in#ras-ca) ;ndra (loud noise power of activity) and (agnis-ca) fire (will) and (pranaa#) from breath (vaayur) the wind (vital energy) (a%aayata) was born.

7aa!hyaa asee#-anthareeksham | seershno #hou samavartata | Pa#!yam 5hoomir #isha: shrothrath | Tathaa )okaamm akampayan | *-*0 (naa!hyaa) from navel (asee#) did appear (antarisham) space. (sheershno,) from head (#hyoua,) the sky (sam-avartat) well established. (pa#!hyaam) from feet (!hoomir) the earth# and (#isha,) the directions (shrotraat) from his ears (tathaa) it was all ()okaamm) the worlds (aka)payan) by mere intent (kalpayan B will intent)

/e#a-aham-etam purusham mahaantham | A#itya varnam thamas-asthu pare | Sarvaani roopani vichithya #heera: | 7amaani kruthwa-a!hiva#an ya#asthe | *-*1 (/e#a:) Anow (aham) ; (etam) this (purusham) %urusha (maha-antam) great and endless (A#itya-varnam) /un!like# (tamas) darkness (astu) will be (paare) away (sarvaani) all (roopaani) forms (vichitya) materialiCed by (#heera:) The -ravest of all (naamaani) all names (krutwa) made (a!hi-va#an) maintains all of these (ya#) That (aste) who ;/

Dhaatha purastha#-yam-u#ha%ahara | shakra: pravi#waan pra#hisas-cha tasra: | Tam-evam vi#waan amrutham iha !havathi | 7a-anya panthaa ayanaaya vi#h-yate | *-*2 (Dhaata) The Giver (puras-tat) That %urusha (yam) whom (u#aa%ahaara) see as the /upreme -eing (shakra,) /piritualists (pra-vi#waan) know well (pra-#ishas-ca-tasra:) in all directions and everywhere (tam) &im (evam) this way (vi#vaan) who knows (amrta) immortal (iha) in this birth (!havati) becomes (na) not (anya,) other (panthaa) paths (ayanaaya) to moksha# liberation (vi#hyate) ; know of

Yagnena yagnam-aya %antha #evaa: | Taani #harmaani pra#ham-anyasan | Te-ha naakam mahimaana: sachanthe | yatra poorve saa#hyaa: santi #evaa: | *-*8 (yagnyena) -y sacrificing (yagnyam) the sacrifice (aya-%anta) all populated (#evaa,) that gods did (taani) "mong all (#harmaani) Dharma (prathama) &e was first (anya-asan) none else e+isted (te ha na-aakam) (nly with &is support (mahimaana:) glory is achieved by (sacante) the great ones (yatra) there (poorve) already e+ist (saa#hyaa:) worshippers# (santi) saints# (#evaa:) and the Gods.

A#h!hya: sam!hoota: pruthvyai rasaaccha | /iswakarmana: samavartataa#hi | Tasya twashhtaa vi#ha#h rupam-ethi | tat purusshasya viswa-maa%aanam agre | +-* (A#!hyaa:) *rom the waters (sam!hoota:) all elements (prthivyai) earth!like (rasaa-cca) plasma and (vishva-karmana:) the Divine architect (sam-avartata) all made possible (a#hi) foundation (tasya) his your (tvashtaa) divine smith (vi#ha#) designed (roopam) form (eti) is this (tat purusha-asya) that %urusha is this (vishvam) world (aa%aanam) was unknown (agre) before *rom the waters and the plasma of all elements# earth!like formation started The Divine architect made all foundation possible This form (of )niverse) everywhere is his# Divine /mith7s# designed That %urusha is this world# &e who was unknown before.

/e#aham-etham purusham mahantham | Aa#ithya-varna thamasa: parastaat | Tamevam vi#wan-amrutha iha !havathi | na-anya panthaa vi#hyateya ayanaaya | +-+ (/e#a) know (aham) ; (etam) that (purusham) %urusha (mahaantam) glorious (aa#itya-varnam) /un!brilliant (tamasa:) darkness (parastaat) all widespread (tam) &im (evam) like this (vi#vaan) who knows (amrta:) immortal (iha) now (!havati) becomes (na anya:) no other (pantha:) paths (vi#hate-ya) ; know (anaaya) to liberate

Pra%apathis charathi gar!he antha | Aa%ayamano !ahu#ha vi%aayathe | Tasya #heeraa pari-%ananthi yonim | areechinaam pa#amicchanthi ve#hasa | +-(pra%aapatis) ;n pra3aapati# Lord of his sub3ects (charati) roam (gar!he) the womb (anta:) inside (a%aaya-maano) )nborn# (!ahu#haa) in many ways (vi%aayate) appears (tasya) he is (#heeraa,) ever the same (pari-%aananti) what is known (yonim) source of birth (mareechi-naam) sages like mareechi# (pa#am) position (iccanti) desire (ve#a-sa,) all knower ;n the womb of that %ra3aa!pati# the beings live. )nborn# yet appears in many ways Anow That changeless Lord to be source of birth (of everything). /ages like 'arichi desire to have the position of That all knower

Yo #eve!hya aatha-pathi | Yo #evaanaam purohita: | Poorvo yo #eve!hyo %aata: | 7amo ruchaaya 5raahmaye | +-. (Yo) $ou only (#eve!hya) in the gods (aatpati) shine as divinity (yo) $ou only (#evaa-naam) of gods# etc. (purohita:) is priest leader (poorvo) before was (yo) you only (#eve!hyo) of the gods (%aata:) born (namo) we salute (ruchaaya) brilliant in himself# (!raahm-aye) the supreme all

:ucham !raahmam %anayanta: | Devaa agre ta#-a!ruvan | Yas-tva-ivam !raahmano vi#hyaat | Tasya #evaa asan vashe | +-0 (rucham !raahmam) essence of the knowledge of -rahman (%anayanta) send forth the (#eva) The Gods# who (agre) in the -eginning (tat) about that -rahman (a!ruvan) said this, E(yastu) whoever (evam) thus (!raahmano) of -raahman (vi#hyaat) knows (tasya) in his (#evaa) the gods (asan) will be (vashe) in control.E

4rees-cha te ?akshmis-cha patnyou | Aho-raatre paarshwe | 7akshatraani roopam | Aswinou vyaattam | +-1 (hreesh-ca) &ree (modesty) and (te) $our ()akshmish-ca) Laskhmi (wealth) and (patnyau) wives (aho-raatre) day and the night (paarshwe) your sides (nakshatraani) the stars (roopam) your form (ashvinau) the "shvins (vyaattam) your mouth

>shtam manishaana | Amum manishana | Sarvam manishana | +-2 (ishtam) the knowledge that we desire (manishaana) grant us (amum) happiness in this world (manishaana) grant us (sarvam) everything (manishaana) grant us

|| Aum || Thaccham-yo ra-vrunimahe gaa-tum yagnaya. Gaa-tum Yagna-pathaye Daivee swasthi rasthu na: Swasthir aanushe!hya "r#hwam $igaathu !esha%am Sham-no asthu #wi-pa#he Sham chatush-pa#e =m Shanthi3 shanthi3 Shanthi. "um# $ou give us peace from all sorrows# blessings from (fire) ceremonies# blessings from the ceremonial Lord# # may there be grace of all gods on us# grace on all man!kind# plants grow well# may good be to two!feet beings# good to four!feet beings

"um. %eace. %eace. %eace.

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