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CITY of Stillwater News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 23, 20 !

Photo: Childrens author Wendy Orr will be skyping with Stillwater children on Jan. 13 at the Stillwater Public ibrarys new authors progra! "Photo by #oger $ould%. .php Contact: Sherry Fletcher, Director of Marketing and ublic !elations hone: "#$.%"&.'()& *+,ail: .eb: Contact: Stacy De/ano, Stillwater ublic /ibrary hone: "#$+(%&+()(( 01&" *+Mail: .eb: S"#$i%& wit' a(t'ors across t'e &lo)e at Stillwater *()lic Li)rar# +STILL,ATER, O-LA. . Dec. 23 , 20 !/ 22 3hrough the power of the internet, local children will ha4e the opportunity to ,eet authors across the globe. 56ere and 3here with78 is a ,onthly progra, for students in grades (+$ held the second Monday of each ,onth fro, (:(#+":(# p.,. starting 9an. 1(. 5:eing able to ,eet and interact with authors is an in4aluable e0perience for children,8 said *li;abeth Murray, children<s library. 5=n the past we would ne4er ha4e been able to bring such a wide 4ariety of authors to Stillwater, but with Skype we can.8 *ach session will begin with a recap of the author<s works and biography. 3he group will then connect with the author 4ia Skype to ha4e a 1$ ,inute discussion. Following the chat, the children will engage in a pro>ect, ga,e or acti4ity relating to one of the author<s works. 5.e encourage, but do not re?uire, each child to read one of the author<s books,8 said Murray. 5.e are fortunate that the Friends of the /ibrary will be pro4iding ten copies of one book by each author. rior to the Skype sessions, children ,ay borrow a copy of the book to read and return it at the progra,.8 @uthors scheduled for the Skype sessions include: 9an. 1( 2 .endy Arr, fro, !ed 6ill @ustralia, author of 5Bi,<s =sland.8

Feb. 1# 2 Cathleen Duey, fro, Fallbrook, C@, D6oof rints: Catie and the Mustang.D March 1# 2 /aurel Snyder, fro, @tlanta, E@, author of 5@ny .hich .all.8 @pril 1", *ric :erlin, fro, Milford, C3, author of 53he u;;ling .orld of .inston :reen.8

Arr, the first author in the series, is also probably the ,ost well+known ha4ing written o4er twenty no4els, including 5Bi,<s =sland8 which was ,ade into a ,otion picture starring @bigail :reslin and 9odie Foster. 5= lo4e creating stories because = think itFs the best way of e0ploring the world, li4ing other li4es, and finding out the truth about how = think and feel,8 said Arr. 5= lo4e reading for the sa,e reason.8 Arr<s books ha4e been published in &$ countries and ha4e won awards including the C:C G@ustralianH :ook of the Iear, @,erican /ibrary @ssociation :ook for older readers and the =sraeli March of :ooks. Murray hopes that these 4irtual face to face ,eetings with published authors will encourage children to try their own hand at writing. 5.endy began writing when she was >ust si0 years old,8 said Murray. 5:y the ti,e she was nine, she has written what she considers the first draft of her award winning no4el Bi,<s =sland. 3he children attending this series are at >ust the right age to start their own >ourney into writing. .e hope this will be a >u,ping off point for ,any of the,.8 56ere and 3here with7.8 is free and open to students in grades (+$. !egistration is re?uired. Sign up is a4ailable by contacting the library 6elp Desk at G"#$H (%&+()(( or e,ailing For ,ore infor,ation, 4isit the libraryFs website at, 3he Stillwater ublic /ibrary is located at 11#% S. Duck St. /ibrary hours are Monday+ 3hursday, J a.,. to J p.,.K Friday and Saturday, J a.,. to ) p.,.K and Sunday 1 p.,. to $ p.,. /ibrary classes are sponsored by Friends of the /ibrary and CASL. END

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